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99 Drops From Endless Mercy Oceans (16/25)
her source of power is beginning to act.Now, for a few months only, all nations are going to carry very heavy burdens. When that finishes, there will be a new opening for the whole world. No need at that time for electricity, cars, ships and factories. Your light, Nur-ul- Iman, the light of your faith, is going to surround you. Your body will be shining, so that even in the darkness of the night you may go.Therefore I am happy and thankful to Allah, that we have reached to this night, and we are asking humbly for our names to be written with Mahdi (alai).We are not happy with the situation in the world, in the East and West, because every system, all living systems on earth now, are against the Divine Rules and Laws. We are happy and proud enough that Allah Almighty makes us happy with Him, with His Awliya, with Sahib uz Zaman Seyyedina Mahdi (alai)- not to run after that shaitanic, dirty life. Shaitanic life is the dirtiest. Run away from the dirty life. If not, you may sink in those dirty waters, dirty situations, and you can’t save yourself. Ask for cleanliness and try to be clean, so that you should be clean in the last moment of your life.


54-AL-MATIN: The Firm "His strength is all-pervasive, His firmness perfect."

54-ASK FOR HONOUR AND RESPECT IN THE DIVINE PRESENCE Shukr, ya Rabbi, Shukr, ya Rabbi, Shukr, Alhamdulillah, Tauba, ya Rabbi, Tauba, ya Rabbi, Tauba, Astaghfirullah. We are thanking Allah Almighty, that we have reached the last Muharram of the 2nd millenium, and the last Ashura, the10th of Muharram, before the year 2000. Who knows if next year we are going to be with Mahdi (alai)? Allah knows. We are looking and waiting for the time when Mahdi (alai) comes. All the Prophets and their Ummahs respected this Holy Day by fasting. The Holy Prophet used to say: “If I reach next year, I am going to fast on this Day.” Jewish people were fasting on this day particularly, for one day only, and Rasulullah said: “We must not do as Jewish people are doing. We must keep another kind of celebration and worship to Allah Almighty. If they fast one day, we must fast for two or three days.” So you may fast either on the 9th and 10th, or on the 9th, 10th and 11th, but not only one day, because the Holy Prophet wasn’t happy to follow any other religion and their way of worshipping. Everything in Islam is original; it is not taken from this or from that. Nothing is taken from the Torah and Moses (alai), and nothing is taken from the Bible and Jesus (alai). It is not necessary to imitate anything or to follow other religions like Judaism or Christianity, because they are in limits. Their Prophets were sent to be Prophets for the Children of Israel only, not for others. But the Seal of Prophets Muhammad (sal) was sent for all nations, for all mankind. Islam is completely original, and unlimited. Seyyedina Muhammad’s rules, the Shariat, are new, original. Therefore he did not like to follow the people of the book, like Jews and Christians. And now Muslims are leaving the originality of Islam and following Christianity and Judaism, and it is a shame for those who change their way, the Islamic way. If you have a chance to be number one among people, or in the Divine Presence, don’t lose it to be number two. Islam is

number one. Don’t change it, don’t change its rules and follow Christian or Jewish customs. No. We have full honour and respect in the Divine Presence, and we have fully original rules. But now people are accepting to be number one million, not number one, two or three, and that is the characteristic of our ego. The ego is representing full laziness. Nobody can surpass our ego’s laziness. Therefore we are saying: “Doesn’t matter, it is okay for us, no need to be number one, and to be glorious. It is enough; we are happy to be the last number, so that no one is after us, no one is following us, and we are free to be the Sultans of the lazy ones.” That is the opinion of our ego, and to say that is bringing Muslims dishonour. There is no more honour for them. 20th century Muslims do not follow the rules of Islam, because if they did, they would be number one. But they are saying: “We are very humble people, to be the last ones instead of the first ones.” And Allah Almighty is making them to be dishonoured. Everywhere now the Non-Muslim world is not accepting Muslims on their level. They are saying: “Those people must be the last ones, and we are the first ones. We may use them, as we use animals, and they are very happy to be our animals.” Yes, I am saying this, and I am sorry, but Muslims are very happy to be the servants of Non- Muslims, to work for them. And their jobs are perhaps the dirtiest jobs. Imitation people in Islam now are very happy to follow western people, even though they may be the last ones and not the first ones. With this opinion there is no chance for the Muslim world to be number one on earth. Always the Christian world is number one, because Muslims run after the western civilization, asking to be westernized Muslims. Then their Islam is finished. You must leave Islam on this side, if you are asking to be westernized, and jump to that side to be with them. Therefore the European community is saying to Turks- who are very proud, like turkeys- asking to come into the European market and join those people: “No, you can’t be with us, because we are asking for people who should be with us, and from us. You are Muslims, we can’t trust you. We are number one and you are last. We don’t accept you to sit on the same stage with us.”

The Holy Prophet indicated that you must not follow the Non-Muslim world- Christians or Jews, People of the Book- or you will lose your honour and respect in the Divine Presence. You will be dishonoured among nations and also in the Divine Presence. But people now run after western countries, leaving the Shariat and asking for their governments to be westernized: Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Hindustan, Ceylon, Afghanistan, Iran, Saudia, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Sudan, Lybia, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. They do not like to be number one Muslims, always asking to be the last ones, preferring the Non-Muslim world. They are thinking that if they are not westernized, western governments and nations are not going to accept them. Yes, it is true, but Allah may accept you but Muslim nations throw away that honour and say: “We prefer our honour to be through western countries, not in the Divine Presence.” The Prophet said: “Don’t do like the People of the Book, do the opposite. Everything you must change. If they fast one day, you must fast two or three days.” But we are changing everything in Islam, imitating western countries. But before the end of the year, it must change as if a big storm is coming, taking away everything. May Allah forgive us and bless you. We are asking for a real one to be the Sultan of Shariat on earth for Muslims, and for us to be with him.


55-AL-WALI: The Protecting Friend "He helps His good servants, eliminates their difficulties and give them guidance, peace and success in their affairs here and hereafter. Allah's friends neither need nor expect anything from anyone except Him."

55-HEAVENLY RELIGIONS HAVE SPIRITUALITY Every calendar is based on a holy event. The Christian calendar is for the remembrance of Jesus Christ’s birthday, and the Islamic calendar is based on the Hijra, the Holy Immigration, of the Prophet Muhammad (sal) from Mekka-i-Mukarrama to Medina-i-Munawwara. That means that everything is founded on heavenly events or commands. The date of the birth of Jesus Christ is not really clear; people say this or that. But it doesn’t matter. What is important is that that calendar is based on his birthday, and that he was a Heavenly Being, or a Messenger from the Heavens, sent to the Children of Israel. But his prophecy was in limits, not for all nations. You may ask: “What about other nations?” Yes, at the same time, Allah Almighty sent local Prophets to them from among themselves, to show them their way to the Heavens. And, no doubt, there was not such a big population on earth at that time. The world was empty. All the Prophets were calling their nations to their Lord, not to Dunya. There is no need for people to have Prophets to teach them earthly purposes. No. Everyone knows very well the ways of this life, what it needs. But all Prophets came to save people from the hands of their egos and to call them to Allah Almighty’s Divine Service, because people were running to shaitanic service, as they are now. No longer do people take any interest in the Heavenly, Divine Service; they are only running after this life’s purposes, for the service of this life. Musa (alai) had been sent to call the Children of Israel to Allah. They were the most important nation that Allah Almighty had chosen. But when they were with Musa (alai), they became rebellious against him and didn’t like to follow him. They left his Heavenly Teachings, becoming disobedient and fighting him. And Musa (alai) just got tired of them. Allah Almighty had ordered them, through Musa, to accept His Holy Commands, but they refused and insisted not to accept until Allah Almighty forced them, lifting up the Mount of Sinai and putting it over their

heads like an umbrella, saying: “Are you accepting or not?” And they fell down, making Sajda (prostration), looking to see if that gigantic mountain would fall on them or not. Therefore Jewish people, when they make Sajda, always look up, never forgetting that event. It is important. What about after Seyyedina Musa? He was such a big, powerful Prophet, always speaking with Allah Almighty, addressing Him. He did his best for his people, but they did their worst to him. When he passed away, the Children of Israel were very happy that no one was going to put that Mount of Sinai over their heads again. They ran around freely, leaving and forgetting the teachings of Seyyedina Musa, refusing every aspect of spirituality that was in Judaism. Spirituality is the main pillar of every religion. Without it, there is no meaning for a religion. If there is no spirituality, it is only going to be a kind of school of thought, like a school of philosophy. They are thinking and making arrangements, and call people to accept that, but there is no spirituality in that, never. That is the only difference the fact that Heavenly Religions have spirituality. But man-made religions, mind-productions, never ask for it, there is no room for spirituality in their beliefs. They say: “We are accepting only what we can see, hear and touch. Beyond that, what we can’t see, hear or touch, we don’t accept.” That is the principle of materialism. And they destroyed the real pillar of Judaism, its spirituality, throwing it away, and put up a material pillar for their belief. Then Allah Almighty sent Jesus Christ, whose creation was extraordinary, miraculous. Miracles all belong to spirituality, because the material power that we have cannot do what spiritual power can do. Allah Almighty sent Jesus in a miraculous way through his mother, and no man had ever touched her. That story about the carpenter, Joseph, has no reality, never, astaghfirullah. She was pure, clean, alayha as-salaam. It was fully a miracle, a miraculous event for a baby to be born without a father. People were running around saying: “How can it be?” Why are you asking: “How?” It is your order or Allah’s order? Your power or His? Your miracle or His? Why are you asking: “How?” And they were saying: “How, how, how can it be?” Just like dogs. Dogs can’t understand. How many times did they say: “How, how?” They were very angry, and Jesus was coming from their nation, Bani Israel.

One thousand years passed since the time of Moses, but they never understood the meaning of the miracles that Seyyedina Musa had shown to them. It never enters their mind. Hundreds of miracles, and they are still saying: “How, how, how it can be?” Oh Children of Israel, how was a way made to pass through the Red Sea? Who made that way for your ancestors? When you were in the desert, who was sending to you your daily provision? Is it not a miracle? How was Seyyedina Musa saved from among the children and thereafter destroyed the Sultanate of Pharaoh? Is it not a miracle? And still they are asking: “How, how, how could Mariam bring a baby?” Why are you not asking: “How did Seyyedina Musa put down his stick, and it turned into a dragon?” Was it an ordinary thing? Was it not a miracle? But they had never learned. Materialistic people are like that. On the order of Allah Almighty, Seyyadina Musa took 70 representatives from the Children of Israel to a meeting with Him. They were made to hear what Seyyadina Musa was speaking about with Allah. And what did they say finally? They said: “Oh Musa, show us who was speaking to you.” They did not believe. That is the principle of materialism. It began with the Children of Israel. From that time until today they have been denying spirituality and anything holy in religions. And as in Judaism, there is a group of materialistic people in Islam- the Wahabis. They are the same, just like them. They never accept any miracles and spirituality in our belief. If you speak about it, they are saying:”You are Mushriks”. Terrible. After Seyyadina Musa, Allah Almighty sent Jesus Christ in a miraculous way to the Children of Israel, so that they would accept the power of the Lord. At least they should have learned from all those miracles that if Allah Almighty is asking to do something, He is only going to say: “Be” and that thing must be. That is the power of Allah Almighty. Miracles are nothing. He may say to all the universes: “Come in appearance”, and all of them will come. He may say: “Go away from existence”, and all of them will just disappear and vanish. Allah Almighty!

But they were discussing and accusing sometimes Zakkariya (alai), sometimes Mariam (alai) and sometimes her son, and sometimes Yahya (alai), John the Baptist. And Allah Almighty was only asking to call the Children of Israel from materialism to spirituality. Materialism is against spirituality, and every religion must have spirituality; without it no religion can stand or continue. It is only spirituality, real spirituality that makes Islam to reach upto today. If not for this, it would have finished. May Allah forgive us and bless you.

56-AL-HAMID: The Most Praiseworthy "All existence praises Him with their tongues, by their actions or simply by their very existence, respecting Him and thanking Him. He is the source of all gifts and all perfection."

56-ISLAM CANNOT BE CHANGED Shaitan is on full alert to take Islam away, but yet Islam is growing. Is it possible that man can take away the Himalayan Mountains? Or do you think that man can stop the moon from moving, or the sun from rising or setting? Never. And yet that might be possible perhaps. But to remove Islam, that is impossible. Since 15 centuries ago people have been trying to take away even a little bit, yet Islam is standing up. Allahu Akbar! These Serbs think that they can finish the Muslims, never imagining that lions will be coming after them. They are the servants of Shaitan. But the Lions of Ar Rahman, the Lions of Allah Almighty, will be coming! And everything that is happening is for the benefit of Islam. In 24 hours 24.000 Tajallis, spiritual appearances from the Divine Presence are coming to earth, until a change is coming. Everything may be changed, but Islam is never going to be changed. Shaitan tried his luck to change the book of Musa (alai), the Old Testament, the Torah, changing so many things. But he wasn’t able to change it fully. Jewish Rabbis were hiding so many things, but couldn’t remove them from the Torah. And Allah Almighty made everything clear through His last Prophet Muhammad (sal). Some Rabbis came to dispute with him. And Rasulullah (sal) had never read their books. They thought that he was an ordinary person, illiterate, and they were playing, making tricks, saying this and that. But the Archangel Gibrail (alai) came to the Prophet and told him: “Oh Muhammad, they are trying to cheat you, they are hiding the reality. Call them to bring the Torah to you.” And the Torah is not in the Arabic language, it is in Hebrew. So the Prophet (sal) said to them: “Bring your Torah here to me. Open it on that page and look. What is written there? Read it to me, recite.” And it was there, what they were hiding; they were not speaking


the truth. And they were ashamed. What Rasulullah had said became clear, and the blame came to them. Shaitan played on their books. So many things they were hiding or changing. And if man puts his hand on a Holy Book to change it, that book immediately loses its sacredness, holiness- finished. Holy Books are all virgin. When Man puts his hand on them, the virginity of those books just vanishes. Man put his hand on the Old Testament and on the New Testament, taking something away, putting in something else or hiding something, and therefore the Old and New Testaments are no longer virgin books. They are not the original ones now. Their originality is just gone, and therefore they can’t bring people to their churches, cathedrals, basilicas, monasteries- they are all empty now. People only come there to look around, and worshipping places now are like museums, with gold and silver statues, shiny paintings. Never is anyone coming for prayer; they are only lighting candles and putting them there, and finishing. No more Christianity. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar- Christianity died, finished. Jewish people never accept anyone except themselves to be Jewish. Therefore they are always closing their communities. No one can be from their nation, unless he is born from them. They are never accepting anyone else. The Children of Israel are closed. And they put their hand on the Old Testament, the Torah, which contained so many books, many more pages than any other holy book, and they lost them, finished. Shaitan played with them. And Shaitan came to Islam also, trying to change the Holy Quran. But it can’t be. The Lord Allah Almighty said: “I am sending it, and I am looking after it, finished. No one can put his hand on it to change even one letter. I am the Guardian and Protector, I am the Supreme Keeper of that Book. It is one and the same Book from East to West, from North to South.” Allah Almighty is always victorious. Whoever is going to be with Him is also victorious. Whoever is with Shaitan is always defeated, going down, down, down, and finishing. We are now in the new year 1420, and during it we are going to reach the year 2000, the 3rd millenium of the Christian calendar. It is a bridge. Perhaps next year all Christian calendars will join and pass over that bridge to the real calendar, the Islamic calendar, so that all calendars will disappear, and only one will remain.

Allah knows what is going to happen. No one can expect or imagine, no one from common people may even dream, what is going to happen during this year. They are only saying something from imagination, no more, about big events which are going to make everything upside down. Only those who are with the Lord Allah Almighty will stand up; others will fall down. And Shaitan is going to be like a donkey. Every Batil, falsehood, that he has brought, the opposite of Haqq and every fault that he did upto today, and that he has urged and encouraged people to do, teaching them through technology, will be loaded on him to be taken away. Finished. Time is over, we are counting down now: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. All Batil will be loaded on Shaitan to be taken away to Hell, Jehennem, when Jesus Christ comes. May Allah grant us real faith to believe in such things. Islam is not just a set of rules for this life, measures for this material life; Islam has spirituality. What we are speaking about, the spiritulity of Islam, is something that the Wahabis, Salafis and other materialistic people in Islam are denying. They are denying Tassawuf, Sufi ways, and any spirituality in any religion, and particularly in Islam. They are only interested in material measures, in the material life and its arrangements, taking only that, and leaving the spirituality of Islam. If you speak about spirituality, they accuse you: “You are a S