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Suhbah 2019: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (16/25)
ou can do every bad thing and you are relaxed, you are happy. You think like this but it is not like this. But it is easy for this people who are not ashamed to do things. They are not shy, they can do everything. And but people now, as everything they mixed up.

People, because many people coming asking du‘ā’, praying: "My daughter she is very shy." Shy it is good for ladies more than man. They are, it is like their beauty to be shy. But nowadays, if she is shy, she is coming make du‘ā’ to... You are... As Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, in end of time they will order bad thing, to do bad thing and they prevent to do good thing. This one example from this. All people like this. Because they in school saying: "This boy he is shying, not looking, not going with children. This girl also she is very shy. She cannot be with, mixing with people." It's okay, not bad.

So the most important thing for to prevent bad thing – shy. If you are shy you can not doing bad thing. "How I can go front of this people if they know I done this? So I mustn't do this." And even for, because īmān also, you shy to do bad thing and Allāh see you. Prophet sallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam he will see you. So it is very good shelter from badness. It is not bad, it is good against badness, this shyness.

Allāh make this time to be shyness it is something to shy from this. Really funny time. They are doing, before they was doing what in secret. Now they are doing in front, openly and they ask people to be happy with them, to accept them. "We cannot accept." "No, no. You must." "You are doing bad thing." "No. It is not bad. It is our pleasure. I like to do this." It is not good. Allāh give shyness for us to not... prevent us from doing bad thing, Insha Allah. Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

112.HĀJJAH AMINAH SULTĀN Thursday, 6 June 2019

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.

Shukr to Allāh, today is the third day of Id. May our Id be a means to goodness. Insha Allah may it be blessed in the presence of Allāh. Today is the third of Shawwāl, the third day of ‘Īdu l-Fiṭr. It is a blessed day. All days Allāh has favoured us with, are blessed. And today is one of those days. And the departure of Ḥājjah Anne from here to Hereafter happened on Id. She passed away to Allāh on the feast day.

People nowadays think they will live only for dunyā when they come to this world. However, everything they do should be for Allāh's pleasure. If they can do by themselves, they should do so. If they cannot, they should help others. And the people they help should be those closest to them. If they are married, of course it will be their spouse. And Ḥājjah Anne devoted all her life to Mawlānā. She served him for the pleasure of Allāh. She would say, "Serve and guide people, and don't worry about the rest. I am pleased with everything." Ḥājjah Anne lived like this all her life. She was a means for Mawlānā to rise to those stations. She was raised so according to the words and with the prayers of our Grandshaykh, Ḥaḍrat Shaykh ‘Abdu Llāh ad-Dāghistānī. She served him, she served her shaykh and she served the shaykh of her shaykh. Then of course, Mawlānā became her Shaykh. After Shaykh ‘Abdu Llāh ad-Dāghistānī, she served him as well. She took care of the brothers, murīds and children very well. May Allāh be pleased with her for this. Allah and our Prophet are witness for this.

She taught and showed all goodness and beauty. She didn't take anyone's right. She never took anyone's right for her ego or for her family. She taught justice. She taught goodness. She taught īmān. She taught love of Allāh and our Prophet, love of Awliyā’. She taught love of the great Ṣaḥābah of our Prophet. Shukr to Allāh, she was useful not only to her children, but also to everyone around. She was an example to them. There are many ladies following her steps, many ladies who love her. They keep telling the advice she gave to others.

Now as we said, the biggest trouble of this time is to say "I" – "I will do it." People of this time think about getting benefit for themselves and seeking comfort, looking for ways to get it.

When they think like this, they can't reach their goal because their personal interest comes first before the pleasure of Allāh. So even if it works, it is useless. They want more and more. Whereas if they ask for the pleasure of Allāh, Allāh will give them satisfaction. Their deeds will be useful for them and their families, for people, and for the world. Shukr to Allāh.

Therefore, Ḥājjah Anne is among those who set an example to people. May her station be even higher. In shā’a Llāh may we all meet her in Paradise, Insha Allah. It has been fifteen years since she left this world. It is not a short time but it passes in a moment. If we live for fifteen or thirty more years, we will still meet her again Allāh willing. There was a janāzah when we were young. We we were very sad. Then she told us we would meet again in Ākhirah, and we were relaxed. This [separation] is not forever. After some time, by the will of Allāh, Insha Allah, we will be together in a better place than where we started. We will meet in better places, in Paradise, Insha Allah. May Allāh take all of us, Insha Allah. May He not keep anyone away.

Al-ḥamdu liLlāh, we are in this third day, third day of Id today, Idu l-Fiṭr, and it is blessed day, Alhamdulilah. Allāh make it bless for us here and Hereafter also. This ‘Īd – three days. Other one – four days. This, Alhamdulilah, it was nice and blessed after Ramaḍān and it is also memory of Ḥājjah Anne, Ḥājjah Āminah Sulṭān. She is ‘Īd also. She left with third day of Id. She went to Ākhirah with Id. Insha Allah, she is, she was happy because she done the best what people can done do in this world. And she is example for ladies who must be like ladies of Ṣaḥābah... But for ordinary ladies also she can, they can be like her.

She was whole life behind Mawlānā Shaykh and she... Mawlānā that time not looking for dunyā and she was saying for him, "You go where are you go, for give lecture, for give sohbet, to call people for Islām, for ṭarīqah. Don't worry about house, about you... Don't think about this. We are, we manage this. We are happy. Just you be focus on bless of Allāh, happy with you. This is the, your aim." And she was, Alhamdulilah to make Allāh, whole life like this. And she was also looking after children, after house, after murīd also, without complaining. Whole time from – very hard working but not, not, no laziness at all. And Allāh give barakah for her hand also. And with this Grandshaykh, Mawlānā Shaykh ‘Abdu Llāh ad-Dāghistānī (qs), saying "You are, you're to be come to your maqām with this, Ḥājjah Āminah blessed du‘ā’ – Allāh grant you this maqām, maqām of Shaykh, Mashāyikh, Sulṭān Awliyā’ also." She help serve for Mawlānā Grandshaykh and for her husband Mawlānā Shaykh and, for whole followers – she was for them also mother and example for all of them. Not complaining from husband or from another thing.

Because this days people... And Allāh He was happy with her and she complete with the best maqām for Ākhirah. But this days people, they are first not asking for Allāh who to

be happy with them. First thing, they are asking for themself. They must be happy for first. After, people they can be happy. And this, Allāh not happy with this. Because ego not satisfied, need more and more, more. So after this, no time, no place for Allāh, for Prophet for anything – only ego. When you do for Allāh, for everybody and you get everything. And she was giving advice for many people about their life – not to follow what their imagine good. They tell, she tell them truth. And whole time teaching children, her children, or other children also, to be honest, to be even for themself [honest]. If other people, they have right, they must give this right. Don't do any wrong thing. Because many people, they are for children, they can say, "Okay you are right." But when you not right, must say, "It is not not good, not right." Give good teaching for children – this is most important thing.

And, Alhamdulilah, Ḥājjah Āminah Sulṭān she was doing this for, not only for her children, for whole children also. Alhamdulilah now she is fifteen year, she is in Ākhirah and but, Alhamdulilah, we are, this is not separate forever, only some, some times. After, Insha Allah, we be together for place more nicer than here with whole forever, Insha Allah, in Jannah to be with her, Insha Allah. Because she waiting and she teaching us. Once I was in – was small and there was janāzah. So I was very unhappy this they died – how we cannot see? Said, "Don't worry. It is not forever. We will come again, after. After sometimes we will be together again. This is not forever." But not seeing, if you think like ever, it is difficult and it is also nonbeliever belief. Our belief, Insha Allah, we will be together.

We miss her but, Insha Allah, we are happy to see her again forever, Insha Allah. Allāh make us, all of us, to be in Jannah forever together, Insha Allah.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

113.LOYALTY IS VERY IMPORTANT Thursday, 6 June 2019

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.

One of the most important commands in Islām that is loved by our Prophet, is good manners. They say, "Ḥusnu l-khuluq." Good manners consist of many things. Many things are to be done. The most important is to be loyal. To be loyal means that if you promised something, you keep your word, you stand by who you are, you keep your promise in the way you gave it. It is a big feature, a great attribute. It is one of the best attributes of Mashāyikh and of our Prophet. When you connect to someone, to stay connected and not upset them, not to let them down by your actions, this is the meaning of loyalty.

But unfortunately this doesn’t happen. People promise to do something and to be your servant when they are in hard times. As soon as they get a little strength, they forget their promise and their loyalty. Unfortunately, it is human character. People who come to ṭarīqah should pay attention to this. Loyalty is important. Because in the end Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla can turn a person where he came from or even worse. There are many examples of this in Qur’ān. The biggest example is the richest person in the world, Qārūn. I think Qārūn was a brother-in-law of Mūsá ‘alayhi s-salām. He was a poor man with many children. And he would pray at night, he would pray because of poverty and hardship. He asked Mūsá ‘alayhi s-salām: "Teach me alchemy so that my children get some food and don't starve." And he was praying all night long. So he was given that knowledge. He started using it and such wealth came to him as the world has never seen. Just the keys to his treasures seven beasts couldn't carry them.`

Then Mūsá ‘alayhi s-salām came to him and asked him to pay zakāh. He refused and said, "I did it all and became rich because of my own knowledge." Even though he had asked Mūsá ‘alayhi s-salām to pray for him in order to get out of poverty and the wife and children find comfort. He said, "No, I learned it by myself. I won't give zakāh." "Are you the one who says so?" said Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla and drowned him under ground. He went under the ground with all his wealth and couldn't be saved. The people who were with him guarding his money – there were over a thousand soldiers to protect it – they went down with him. As we said, when there is no loyalty, Allāh can bring a person back to the beginning and make it worse. But as we said, unfortunately, it is widespread.

It is very important. Loyalty is among the best qualities. We should keep and pay attention to it. People are living at the end of times now. Also there is politics and elections and things like this. They have taught people not be loyal to anyone. Whoever brings you more benefit, go for him and leave the others. This is wrong. Of course, truly good people don't do this. And most of the time the people don't deserve loyalty. Therefore, all people have forgotten what is loyalty. It is very rare. May Allāh help us. May He not send bad people to us. May Allāh improve everyone, Insha Allah.

Also there is an Arabic saying, a proverb. "In akramta l-karīma malaktahu wa-in akramta l- la’īma tamarrada." If you help a loyal person, he will be your servant. If anything happens, out of loyalty he will say, "This man helped me so I owe him. I can't do anything against him." A person without loyalty will act even worse towards you once you treat him kindly. He becomes worse. Sometimes such people deserve evil not good. The more you help them, the worse they get. Don't help such people. Helping is good but some people don't deserve it. As in the case of Mūsá ‘alayhi s-salām, the man went to Hell. There is such a thing too. We should be careful. Such people need to be punished. They are shayāṭīn. You should always hit them on their heads. Otherwise, they won't understand. The more you help, the more they kick and bite you. May Allāh improve everyone.

In Islām the good behave very important, very important thing because Prophet sallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam the was the first good behave. And there is thing, many kind of thing for good behave: to be helpful for people, to be polite, to be anything. But the most important one – to be honest for who you oath, for you somebody you follow him. You must be very honest for him. Wafā’ in English? Loyalty. Loyalty it is very important because this is attribute of prophets and attribute for mashāyikh also.

Mawlānā Shaykh, forty years, he whole life, from beginning to, when he follow his Shaykh, he was loyalty for him. For other people also who are he love them. They was loyal also. This is very important thing. But these days people they are not, most of them they are not loyalty because when they come to somebody and say, "Oh, we are with you, we are love you, we are this, that. Can you make this?" And they was completely poor, nothing, but later when become little bit standing in their feet, becoming little bit they have money, you saw them doing very bad thing. They are completely different from one before. Of course this is bad character. In our world many people like this. We are not...

We are okay know this but sometimes when they are going so far this is also, Allāh will ask for them. They thought they are, can be nobody make anything for them. This for people from beginning but these days is more. In Qur’ān also many place they mention about this, especially one, the famous one with Qārūn, the most richest ever one in this world, history of mankind. He was the most richest one. His beginning, he was, I think,

brother-in-law for Sayyidunā Mūsá ‘alayhi s-salām. Very poor man, very poor man and he was looking after many children, he has many children. And he was worshipping day and night. Whole night was worshipping and say for Sayyidunā Mūsá ‘alayhi s-salām, "O Sayyidunā Mūsá, I am very poor and you see your nephew, my children, they are very poor. Can you make du‘ā’ for Allāh to teach me [alchemy] alchemy – alchemy who changing copper to gold.

So Sayyidunā Mūsá ‘alayhi s-salām he saw him he is 24 hour praying, very poor man, he is good, everything very good. He praying for him and Allāh give him. And he is doing,doing, doing, doing. Who this, his fortune it was unbelievable. Even his keys, it was seven camels only keys cannot carry this, the key of his treasures. After this Sayyidunā Mūsá ‘alayhi s-salām – he see not coming, not praying, and not. Saying maybe he is praying in his house. Asking for zakāh because there is zakāh even in time of Sayyidunā Mūsá ‘alayhi s-salām. "Where is this?" and he say, "O Qārūn give your zakāh." He said, "What zakāh?" "This your money." "Oh no. This I make this by myself, by my knowledge. I made this fortune for this treasure all from my knowledge I do this." This is what he was answering for Sayyidunā Mūsá ‘alayhi s-salām. And Sayyidunā Mūsá ‘alayhi s-salām, he was angry prophet. You cannot imagine, "What, how you you you, you are? Who are you? You was poor and you are dying from hunger. After you coming to us saying, "I do this by myself?" Going, making du‘ā’ for Allāh [to] curse him and he was, with his money, with his treasure, with his palace, with his guards – he was maybe more than thousand guards guarding this fortune for himself – all going down for under ground, finish. No any benefit for this.

So to be loyal, it is very important, very good. Because if you are not loyal, Allāh also curse you. You become worse than before. He was ten times worse than before because before, when he was poor man, he was believer and he was praying, but now he come not believer and come to Jahannam to Hell. So it must be loyal. But also there is saying – you must be, not be this people, not must be polite with this people. Don't help them because Arab saying also: "In akramta l-karīma malaktahu wa-in akramta l-la’īma tamarrada." Meaning is not ḥadīth, it is saying from Arab, saying if you give, you host, or you make good for good people, you own him. He is yours. He cannot come against you. But if you are give for who not good one, not loyal one, he become worse. He become worse. So it must be all time in miserable. If you know this people, don't help them. Even now we have many people they are want to go some place, they married. After when they in UK or Germany or other place, they make very bad thing for people and left them.

So be careful. Don't help this people because you not helping, you are making bad for them. Turkish saying, "Şeytan azapta gerek." Shayṭān must be to hell on [all] time. You must, you must leave him rest. All time must give him hard time. Only this people they understand for this. This is ṣuḥbah, sometimes it must be like this because they say

ṭarīqah, ṭarīqah also must giving,teaching adab. Not all time to be... if you leave some people, they won't with good behave. Some people you must force them, you must give him hard time. Not everybody you can do same thing for him.

Allāh help us. Allāh... Allāh help us to not be like this people. This people they are never become good people at all. All time until they die don't trust them.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

114.SO ALLĀH REMEMBERS YOU Saturday, 8 June 2019

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.

Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. "Al-mālu wa-l- banūna zīnatu l-ḥayāti d-dunyā, wa-l-bāqiyātu ṣ-ṣāliḥātu khayrun ‘inda rabbika thawāban wa-khayrun amala" (18:46), ṣadaqa Llāhu l-‘aẓīm. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla says, "Wealth and children are a decoration for dunyā. They are beautiful. It is beauty. It is beautiful for everyone in dunyā. However, goodness is in leaving them behind as good and virtuous. When Allāh gives in dunyā, we should make shukr to Allāh. We should always remember Allāh and thank Him for the favours He gives. And we should leave behind something for Ākhirah. Our Prophet is saying when a person passes away to Ākhirah... If he is praying in dunyā, its thawāb is written. If he is fasting, its thawāb is written. He is giving ṣadaqah and zakāh, going to ḥajj, he can do all while alive and it is written. But when he dies, he can't do any of these things.

Everything is cut off then except three things, says our Prophet – ṣadaqah jāriyah, a good child and knowledge left behind. If you leave useful knowledge, your book of deeds will remain open until Qiyāmah. It will be written as if you are still living. Therefore, our ancestors found charitable foundations. In order for that charity to last until Qiyāmah, they devoted portions of land and money to those foundations. They said, "We bequeath it until Qiyāmah. We gave it while we were alive and in order to have its reward continue to be written for us, we devote it until Qiyāmah."

It is a good tradition of Islām. But of course, many things have changed since then. There were many people who didn't respect Islām, didn't respect rights, didn't respect foundations. Most do not operate as a foundation are used for other purposes, or became forgotten and ruined. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla gives according to the intention. When you say you devote something until Qiyāmah, as our Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam says, its thawāb is written for you until Qiyāmah. When your intention is like that, it will be written like that. The page remains open for rewards in the presence of Allāh. That thawāb is always written. Not to compare but, in dunyā they put money in a bank and it keeps growing in the account. Same with this. It doesn't stop. Even if it is changed, somebody can ruin it, burn it, steal it, destroy or replace it but its thawāb doesn't stop, with Allāh's permission. Therefore, it is a good thing.

And if someone takes a property or foundation without right, it will become trouble for him. People who work in foundations, get paid for their work. Everything is done for them. But as we said, if something is taken illegally from there, it will give no benefit but great harm instead. It is such harm that he will regret it badly. May Allāh let us do charity work. May our charity last, Insha Allah.

Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla saying in sūrah: "Al-mālu wa-l-banūn zīnatu l-ḥayāti d-dunyā, wa- l- bāqiyātu ṣ-ṣāliḥātu khayrun ‘inda rabbika thawāban wa-khayrun amala" (18:46). Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla saying, money and children and fortune, it is good for happiness for this life. It is good for people and make people happy. He is rich and he has children and he has everything, he is happy for this life. It is like decorate, nice decora[tion] but the most important to send for this for Ākhirah also. "Al-bāqiyātu ṣ-saliḥāt" – meaning this it will be gone but which will be stay – what you send for Ākhirah. "Al-bāqiyātu ṣ-ṣāliḥātu khayrun ‘inda rabbika thawāban wa-khayrun amala" (18:46).

Allāh reward you for this and you will be happy. And it is for people... Normally, Prophet sallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying, when somebody die what you done finish. What you done in this life – you pray, you fast, you go to Ḥajj, you give zakāh, you make charity – it is for this life. When you are alive you can do all this but when you die they put you in grave, we cannot do anything. This finish. Prophet sallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam saying, until last breath you can do everything but when this finish, no more breath coming, going out – this you are like only piece of something. You, they must get rid of you.

But Prophet sallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying, there is three things people their good deed be continue with. First, ṣadaqah jāriyah, charity who you make for forever, for Qiyāmah. You make some water, you make well, you make give something for mosque, education for mosque, for everything – ya‘nī – what it is good for believer, for human being. It will be reward and it will be your writing in your notebook. This is still continuing. The account not closed. Until Qiyāmah it will be like this. Second one, good generation. Everything your son, your grandson, grand grandson, they are doing and they are making du‘ā’ for you, your, it will write on your book also. Third one, to give good knowledge for people, can be benefit for people. And this also make your notebook still going, writing reward from Allāh ‘Azza wa- Jalla. Of course this...

Sometimes people they not giving good attention for this. It is very important because for one Fātiḥah, this whole, when you go through, near cemetery, this people they are waiting. "Oh if they give us Fātiḥah or give us ṣalawāt or give us something." This is important for even, for non relative, you through cemetery also. So it is to make charity, to make – waqf what meaning – trust. Trust very important in Islām. Old time people they was making trust, giving small things, big thing, as much they can do. They said,

"This we put this – charity for until Qiyāmah for to benefit from this, Ummah, this Nation to benefit from what we done."

There is million of this. The people make but through centuries, through years, many bad people coming. They destroy, they kill, they take out of this, burn paper. What, where is trust, where is this, we don't know. Very few they left.

But Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, as Prophet sallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying, the important intention, your intention – "This for I give this for until Qiyāmah" – Allāh He will accept this since you give this. [He] not looking – destroyed, is still there or not still there. You will [be] reward as it is there until Qiyāmah. And this is also very important because many people they give everything and they are happy with what they done and Allāh He will not be disappoint them. They will give him, Insha Allah. And to... it is important for people who, many people everywhere when they hear about trust, lands or property or other, they are quickly like to take from this because they are thinking it will be, they can hide and they gave not much. But it is important to not take anything wrong from trust. You must give as much [as] it is worth. If you give – even many people they steal from trust also. And this is very bad because it is cursed to take anything from trust property or money or anything from trust without right. You stealing. You say you thought it is good for you. No. It is not at all. You be careful. And who work for trust, it is okay for them to take salary, to take what they have, they can take but not much. Try to take from people, to keep people what they are – not worse.

So Allāh help us to give something to remember us. Because many people they are like to do something to not be forgettable through people. It is to forgettable through people, it is okay – billion of people – not important. But important to not forget, to give something to remember, Allāh remember you with this what you give and it is the most important thing.

Allāh help us to for to be make charity to make every good thing for ourself and Islām, Insha Allah.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.


Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.

We should know as precious what Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla knows as precious and says is precious. Dealing with other things is worthless. The religion exalted by Allāh is the religion of Islām. The person exalted by Allāh is our Prophet Sayyidu l-awwalīna wa-l- ākhirīn, sallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. He is the master of the universes. The most precious among those who came before and after him, the most precious to Allāh is our Prophet and the religion of Islām. We should recognize them as being precious. People go after worthless things, leaving the jewels. They choose not even glass but plastic. If it was glass, it still resembles jewels, diamonds and crystals. But they prefer plastic which has no similarity. They are leaving the jewels. They say some jewels are worth millions. So they leave these precious jewels, pushing them away and saying they are not good. People say that the things that are beautiful are plastic, stones and glass. People run after useless things. Within these worldly useless things, they run after useless people and useless works.

We should know as precious things made precious by Allāh. If Allāh gave you honour, you should be happy, you should be proud. Allāh made us Muslim, shukr to Allāh. We are proud that He didn't make us like other people. We should be happy that we are not inclined to show respect to nothing, stones and dirt, useless things. As we said, they are worshipping gods they created themselves. They think they are clever. They don't have even a bit of mind, because those who are clever care for precious things.

When Allāh ‘Azza wa- Jalla favours you – sometimes your chance comes only once. Mostly it is like this. If you miss it, you will run after it all the time with regret. When Allāh gives you something, know its value. Make shukr to Allāh. Allāh won't take it back then. And if you don't value it, if not now then later your descendants will pay for it. Your descendants are important too. As we said in the ṣuḥbah yesterday, when a person has good descendants, he earns thawāb until Qiyāmah. His book of deeds doesn't close. And if you don't appreciate the value, your descendants will be finished and then you won't be among the people raised by Allāh.

May Allāh make all of us among the raised ones who appreciate value. May we know what is precious, Insha Allah.

Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla He is create everything and He make something valuable, precious. And what He make precious, we must be also know this and also make it precious to... If you have it, you keep it strongly. If you don't have it, you try to take it. And most precious thing Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, in His Divine Presence, [is] Prophet sallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, Sayyidunā Muḥammad sallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. He is the most Beloved one for Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, most precious one in whole universe. And precious thing also, religion – "Inna d-dīna 'inda Llāhi l-islām" (3:19). This precious one. Because other religions also okay but this is He make it complete. From Ādam ‘alayhi s-salām until Prophet sallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, everything in this religion now. So it is also important to accept and to be careful to know it is precious thing and to ask for this.

Because people these days they are not knowing what is precious, what is rubbish, no value. Jewel – Prophet sallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam and what Allāh make it precious – all this thing real jewel. Other people they are not looking for jewel, even not looking sometimes there is false jewel like glass or something. Even not glass – plastic. They are running after plastic and throwing jewels. "We don't know this. This not good, this is precious." This is what who no-mind people they are looking because they thought it is precious but it not worth anything. If somebody before they was cheating people who not knowing anything, giving this and they take good thing from them. But now, they are who are clever they claiming they are clever, they are leaving good things and taking bad things, rubbish things who must throw. So we have precious thing, you must be happy with this, not look for who it is no value. Because value maybe, in this world, you can have value for this it's imitate value. Until you die – it finish.

Like our, one of ancestors, he was in, before hundreds year ago, in Russia and he was grocery shop. And he was selling and people coming, buying many things, a lot of things, and giving money, giving money. He will take too much money. After this he know, they was communist revolution and this money, no value for this money. Until now they have this, our relative still they have this money with them – no value at all. So this is also like this, until you close your eyes. After this the real value it will be forever but false one it will be finish and it will be people regret to not searching for jewel, for valuable thing.

Allāh make us to appreciate what He give us from value and to thank for Him, Insha Allah.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

116.LIARS CANNOT BE MUSLIM Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.

Our Prophet is saying: "Whoeve