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Suhbah 2016: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (24/25)
matter how long it might be, and makes an effort to be useful to oneself and useful to the Nation. May Allah make us amongst them Inshallah.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.

1.Halal 2.Salih 3.Sabah 4.Ishraq 5.Duha 6.Duties

228.THE LIGHT OF THE UNIVERSE Friday, December 9, 2016.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Of course our ṣuḥbah is for the love of our Prophet (saw). It is always farḍ on us to praise him (saw), to honor him (saw). Some scholars say wājib, some say farḍ but it is farḍ on Muslims to respect, to praise, to send ṣalātu salām to him (saw). Because when Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla orders us to send ṣalātu salām to him (saw) then it is farḍ. Our Prophet (saw) also says: "You have to love me more than anything, more than your ego, more than yourself, more than your family, more than your wealth - so that you'll be a true believer." If you don't love like this, your belief is weak, you have a very weak belief. Our Prophet (saw) is the beloved of Allāh (jj). It is farḍ on us to love, who Allāh (jj) loves. Allāh (jj) loves, orders us to love, respect, follow and obey him (saw). "Die for him (saw)" He (jj) says. Is there a bigger order than this?

Who does Shayṭān hate most? Our Prophet (saw). Because one time it was brought into his (saw) presence, its hands and feet were tied. Shayṭān is a liar but it was impossible to lie there. It said "I will tell you everything". "Why did you come?" he (saw) asked. "They tied and brought me here. I'll answer your questions." He (saw) asked many questions. "Who do you hate most in this universe?" "You" it said to our Prophet (saw). That's why, shayṭān doesn't love our Prophet (saw). It gives anxiety to people so that they don't like him (saw). Unbelievers don't love him (saw) anyway. Idiot Muslims, an unbeliever says something to him then Muslims kill each other. An unbeliever, Allāh's enemy says something, Muslims kill each other because an unbeliever said like this.

After he becomes an unbeliever he doesn't have responsibility. He is already in disbelief. It is normal. But it raises fitnah among Muslims. Our master (saw), they don't say "our master". "Prophet came, gave the message, completed his mission, now he's gone, dead" they say. "You can't praise him, you can't respect him, you can't send ṣalātu salām to him" they say. They even go further and say: "Whoever does it, he is a mushrik". Can this be other than shayṭān's words? Because Allāh (jj) says: "Love the Prophet" (saw). The Prophet (saw) says in a ḥadīth; "You have to love me more than anything else." Shayṭān says "No, it isn't like that." These weak minded people, who listen to shayṭān, first they listen to their ego and then shayṭān confuses them. Because the ego says: "He is a human

like me". Then slowly they start saying: "He (saw) is dead, there is no need to respect him, to praise him.

People from his country, people, who speak his (saw) language, they explain to us that what we learned from our ancestors is wrong. So it is wrong to praise him (saw). All our ancestors were wrong they were on the wrong path. That's why we mind our own business. Everybody is the same. Everybody will be accountable for what they did. So we'll kill people, who are wrong". This is their idea. Can it be Islām's idea? Can't be. This is the idea of shayṭān. Even at war, our Prophet (saw) was angry with a companion because he killed someone. "How did you know if he told the truth or not? Did you open his chest?" He said: "I was hitting the sword, he took shahādah so I wouldn't kill him". Prophet (saw) was even angry with that. They kill people because they love and respect the Prophet (saw). They kill people. This is a big mistake. They are mindless people.

Even our people, the grandchildren of the Ottomans, even they are deceived by their scholars, who are actually ignorant ones, and they think it is bid‘ah or sin to praise the Prophet (saw). Shame on them! They even said in a Jum‘ah khuṭbah that Mawlīd Sharīf is bid‘ah. Whoever says this should first check himself if he is doing bid‘ah himself or not. When he is standing on the minbar he is already on bid‘ah from head to toe. They aren't ashamed to say such words. They don't accept our ancestors. They ignore what they did. Allāh (jj) will hold them to account for everything. How many people they deceived? For each mistake they'll be held accountable for their sins.

Mā shā’a Llāh, people came all the way for the Mawlīd, for praising the Prophet (saw). You filled up this place. May Allāh (jj) bless you. May Allāh (jj) finish these people, who don't love the Prophet (saw). We don't say "May He (jj) decrease them" we say "May He (jj) finish them." How to finish? May they come to the right way in shā’a Llāh. Whoever doesn't praise the Prophet (saw), may they be extinct. Because wherever they go, trouble comes on them. Even the places they go, are on fire. They harm people. We see an example in front of us, live. The country is on fire. From above and below, fire surrounded it. It didn't happen without a reason. Because first they went astray, then when they started doing bad things, Allāh (jj) immediately punished them. Like we said, in shā’a Llāh, Allāh (jj) finishes them, finishes the people, who don't praise the Prophet (saw).

There are 200 thousand people, who are besieged for the sake of the Prophet (saw). May Allāh (jj) help them. In shā’a Llāh they'll be saved for the sake of the Prophet (saw). In shā’a Llāh they'll be cleaned and saved both internally and from that trouble. Because Aleppo is Ahlu s-Sunnah wa l-Jamā‘ah's place - where the scholars are. But these shayṭāns went there too and destroyed it. May Allāh (jj) help them. May Allāh (jj) give hidāyah to people, who don't respect the Prophet (saw).

Al-ḥamdu liLlāh we are now in month of Mawlīd, the month of Rabī‘u l-Awwal. It is... Even the name, it is nice. The rabī‘ meaning, 'spring' meaning. Even middle of winter, but it is still spring for soul, for our spiritual. It is best giving goodness for mū’min and mū’minah. And it is month of when light coming for humanity. Because they were waiting this light to come. And it was coming through Ādam ‘alayhi s-salām one by one, from father to father, until coming to Prophet (saw). And when light coming from each one, there was special looking. And light in this father of Prophet's ancestor, his ancestor. Until when it come to him, al ḥamdu liLlāh all world, all universe lightened. And for this, we are celebrating, celebrating birth of Prophet (saw).

Because love of Prophet (saw), it is most important thing for mū’min believers. It is order from Allāh to love Prophet (saw). It is obligatory. Many ‘ālim, scholars, awliyā’u Llāh, they are saying this. It is obligatory farḍ, wājib to love Prophet (saw). If you are not loving Prophet (saw), you're, you are like shayṭān. Who not like Prophet (saw)? The first one, he is shayṭān. Because once they bring shayṭān for teaching people for ummah. They tied him and throw him in front of the door of Prophet (saw). And when open the door, they said there is very ugly thing here. Prophet (saw) asked "Who are you?" he said: "I am shayṭān". "Why you come here?" he said: "Allāh sent me to answer your questions and to say truth". Shayṭān normally, all time he is liar, not speak true. But that he said "This only this time I'm obligatory. Because if I didn't speak truth, I will be punished very much".

So Prophet asked him many things. One of them he asked "Who are your first enemy and the most one you hate?" He said "You", he said. This is the most enemy for Prophet (saw) - shayṭān. And shayṭān, he's teaching this for human being. Now in this world there's 7 billion people or 8 billion, I don't know. Say, for most of them; because they are kāfir, the most they hate Prophet (saw). This is true. And when sometimes they're saying something it making to make it crazy, idiot Muslim to fight. They are saying, writing something against Prophet (saw) and Muslim beginning to kill each other. This kāfir, he is saying something for Prophet (saw), they are not killing kāfir, they are killing each other.

And it is for kāfir, for non-believer, it is normal. We cannot kill them for this because they are already doing the worst - laysa ba‘da l-kufri dhanb - no sin after kufr. They can do everything because they are kāfir. No, you cannot say "You didn't do sunnah, you didn't do wājib, you shouldn't do this. You have..." No, everything for them, it is normal because they are kāfir. But this shayṭān what he teach people? And this, all these kāfir people not enough for him. Non-believers, they are... He's making fitnah between Muslim also.

Prophet (saw) he said "You must love me more than family, from mother, father, from your children, even from yourself." Because people selfish, they are maybe, they like

themselves more than their family, their everything. But for them it is important themselves. For this, Prophet (saw) said: "Even from yourself, from your money, from your treasure, what you have, you must love me to be real believer". If you're not doing this, you are not believer. Only Muslim, ok. But Muslim, there is many types of Muslim. There is very low and there is very high. Each more than you love Prophet and respect him, you're going getting higher and higher. And now these people, they are making fitnah and they're saying between Muslim "You mustn't respect Prophet because he is ordinary, he is only messenger and he finish his duty and he died", he said. They are not believe he's alive, as he said many ḥadīth.

And teaching people this. And many people, they are cheated by them. Because they said these people who are teaching this, they are coming from same place where Prophet (saw). And they are speaking same language so they are right. We are whole this more than thousand years, our ancestors, our fathers, our all ancestors, they were wrong. These people, they are right. We were respecting Prophet (saw). And everything was given for his love. Allāh give us honor. Allāh give us country. Allāh make us to conquer this whole countries and make them in right way and teach them the good things. All this, it was wrong because these people they said: "what you do, all your ancestors they were mushrik. They are in hell now." This is what they are saying.

And Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla saying respect Prophet (saw), make ṣalātu s-salām, honor him, praise him, ask du‘ā’ from by his blessing. Everything Allāh order to follow Prophet (saw). and these people they are saying "No". Which one we must believe? We must believe shayṭān or we must believe Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla and Prophet (saw)? And it is pity. Many crazy people, they are following this. But Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla showing people and people also not understanding. What happened in everywhere where these people passing through? Coming miserable, coming fire, coming death, coming poorness. They are like poison. Where they're going, they are not leaving anything, any barakah, any love, anything. And we are seeing this by eyes and hearing and touching this.

Even now Allāh make it to these people to finish from ourselves. How? Allāh give them hidāyah to not be anyone left from these, to come back to the right way and to right thinking. For this, Prophet (saw) saying "Tafakkur sā‘ah khayrun min ‘ibādah saby'in sanah." To sit and thinking what we are doing right or wrong, it is better than 70 years worshipping. Worshipping and they are killing people. How it can be? You must sit and listen for yourself what we are doing right or wrong. If you are wrong, you must come back to right way. And now all these, they destroyed all this country. And they are not winning anything. Everywhere they are going, they are losing. And they were in Aleppo. It is the biggest Ahlu s-Sunnah wa lJamā‘ah city. Many ‘ālim, many Awliyā’u Llāh in this city. And they come there and destroy it and they run away. Now there is only 200,000

people. They are in danger. But we are, in shā’a Llāh, we make du‘ā’ for them. In shā’a Llāh, they Awliyā’u Llāh help them to be safe, to be safe from this fire and to be safe from these shayṭān people, in shā’a Llāh, to make again light coming for everybody there, in shā’a Llāh.

Allāh help them and Allāh save them, in shā’a Llāh, for sake of Prophet (saw), for this month. Because this month is barakah month, give gift from Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla for all of us, in shā’a Llāh. We ask also for rain because this year, it's very dry in this area. It is not normal - abnormal. And it is something, there is reason for this. For this, we are making tawbah astaghfiru Llāh. And we are asking for sake of Prophet (saw) to give us everything, every good thing for us.

And al-ḥamdu liLlāh you are coming from long way for sake of Prophet (saw). Allāh reward you and your family where you are, in shā’a Llāh. How these people, shayṭān people going around and making fire everywhere to destroy everywhere. In shā’a Llāh, who love Prophet (saw) where going, Allāh give them barakah for all of them, in shā’a Llāh. And to give hidāyah to around people and to be safe until, in shā’a Llāh, Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām coming.

Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fātiḥah.

229.LOOK FOR BARAKAH Saturday, December 10, 2016.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Mawlid days. In shā’a Llāh, tomorrow night we will celebrate Mawlid. There is poem. Every language they have poem. A special Turkish one, it said if you want to get happiness and get favour from Allāh, come and listen for this poem of how Prophet (saw) his birthday, how he come to this world. Because his coming, he bringing the light, bringing the most beautiful thing for human being. And when you are listening, Allāh give you from His blessing and mercy and barakah and every good thing.

Barakah what meaning? Meaning good thing. It is secret only for Muslim believer. Very small thing, it is enough for many people for many years - barakah this is. And barakah coming only with pure doing. If you are stealing and you look for barakah, you cannot find barakah in this. If you are gambling and looking for barakah, you cannot find. Even if you have billions, no barakah, not good this. Barakah with pure. And this is only for... You can find this in Muslim.

Because we see now the most of this world, they are not believers. And they are since generations, centuries, they have occupied whole world and they take everything. And now they are saying crisis, crisis, crisis. And all this world, they were stealing, oppression for people, killing people only for their [own] benefit. This is... They cannot find barakah. But you see people, only one handful of rice, it is enough for them for one day. And this, what we are trying to say to people - look for barakah. And barakah in Islām and especially who love Prophet (saw), Allāh give him barakah and happiness.

Who are not respecting Prophet, the non-believers, they don't respect from beginning. But who they are saying "We are Muslim" and not respecting and loving him, give him the real respect, they also, they don't have barakah. They don't have happiness. They don't have any good thing, any good manner also. They don't have good manner. They are outside of humanity. They are like wild animals. Who are following Prophet (saw), as this poem saying, if you like to be get politeness, and happiness and all good things, you come to Prophet (saw) and respect him. In shā’a Llāh, you are all coming here for respecting of Prophet (saw), Allāh give you barakah and give you all your ancestors,

your citizens from where you are coming, give them barakah, hidāyah (guidance) also, in shā’a Llāh.

Today we speak about Mawlid again, Mawlid is coming tomorrow night, in shā’a Llāh we're going to celebrate it. It isn't a normal day. We have to respect it. Like we said, it is the birthday of Allah̄ 's most beloved. He (jj) ordered us to love him (saw) more than anything. It's our Prophet's (saw) birthday. The blessing and honor of that day is great. But unfortunately people don't respect him (saw) properly. This newly emerging people, who think they are scholars, they make people respect less. We are saying this constantly. Mawlānā also didn't like that "honored birthday week" that they celebrate in April. Now they say "FETO" (Fetullah Gulen movement) but it seems there is some hidden agenda in this. They celebrate this birthday week, they confuse people about which is the date. Whom does it serve? It serves these so called scholars. People, who think our Prophet (saw) is an ordinary person. It serves them. Finally they spit it out. They said "mawlid is bid‘ah" on our Prophet's (saw) minbar. They said in all mosques. It means supporters of FETO are still present.

FETO went, Wahhābī came. We need to be careful about them. They are shayṭān's men. They are also dangerous. Our ancestors left us a beautiful legacy. We have to keep it. We don't need Wahhābī's rootless, like mushroom knowledge. This FETO, is he Jewish or American or from the west - let him finish. We don't need them. They are all enemies of the Prophet (saw). The west is an enemy, against our Prophet (saw) all the time. If they can they will destroy his (saw) tomb. Wahha isays the same thing. Nothing different.

That's why his birthday is 12th Rabī‘u l-Awwal. It is the night that ties 11th and 12th days. It is a holy night. Like Sulaiman Chalabi said; "It is like the laylatu l-qadr. O people! Whoever wants blessings from Allāh (jj) come to Mawlid-i pāk-i Rasūla Lla . Whoever wants blessings, should listen to Mawlid. They'll find peace, blessing, they'll succeed in everything. Because they praise the Prophet (saw) they'll have barakah.

We said in English also. Barakah is only in Isla . The West, the Jews, the Christians, the Budhists, the atheists, don't have barakah. The western world exploited the whole world till the end. Still there are crises. Why? Because there's no barakah. Stealing, murdering, can you benefit? No. Everything comes with the love of our Prophet (saw). If you are a Muslim but don't respect him (saw) you still won't get barakah. That's why we tell you these Wahhābī lay hidden. FETO went, instead they came. Both have no respect for the Prophet (saw), they don't have conscience. Fear those, who don't fear Allāh (jj).

May Allāh give them understanding, in shā’a Llāh. Our ancestors' way is a beautiful way, the way of the Prophet (saw), compassion, barakah. May Allāh (jj) make it continue, in shā’a Llāh. Finish those ill minded people. Finish how? May they come to hidāyah (guidance) in shā’a Llāh.

Wa min Alla i t-tawfiq.̄


230.MAWLID SHARIF Sunday, December 11, 2016.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Our ṭarīqah is based on ṣuḥbah - there is goodness in association. Our ṭarīqah is based on these two principles. Someṣuḥbah and advice with good people. Shukr to Alla (jj) tonight is Mawlid-i Sharīf. It is the month of Mawlid. It is a holy night. Prayers are accepted on this blessed night. Our Prophet (saw) honored this world on this night. Our Prophet (saw) reached to a place, where nobody could. Alla 's beloved servant, he is in the highest station. After him (saw) come other prophets and companions, level by level. If you ask who is at the highest level in this universe - nobody is higher than he. Alla (jj) wrote his (saw) name. When "Lā ilāha illā Llāh" is written, "Muḥammadun Rasūlu Llāh" is also written, from pre-eternal up to eternal.

So, how happy are those who are aware of this and reach that degree. Because our Prophet (saw) is like this. Allāh (jj) gave him (saw) the last, the best religion. He said "I completed your religion". "Al-yawma akmaltu lakum di akum wa-atmamtu ʿalaykum ni‘matī waraḍītu lakumu l-islāma dīnan" (5:3) It means there was religion since Ādam ‘alayhi s-sala and slowly slowly it was completed with our Prophet (saw). The

heavenly books sent by Alla

(jj) - Qur’a

-i ‘Aẓīmu sh-sha’n is the last one. Nothing

comes after it because there is no prophet after him (saw). There are lunatics, who claim prophecy but they are liars. Whoever claims prophecy he is a liar.

So, our Prophet (saw) brought us the best religion, this religion and good manners. "innamā bu‘ithtu li’utammima makārimu l-akhlāq". Only our Prophet (saw) can set an example of manners for people. Now there are many heedless people asking: "Should we educate people like this or like that?" If they look at our Prophet (saw), even the unbelievers if they look objectively, he (saw) has the best of manners, his attitude, his behavior, his dealing with people, even with nature, with animals, he (saw) showed everything to people in its finest details. Now there are many people, who write books: "Do like this, do like that". You see they don't do even one percent of it. They give advice, but they don't practice what they preach. Our Prophet (saw) both said these beautiful things and also set an example for people with his (saw) actions. Other people follow their ego, they follow shayṭān. They don't do. On Mawlid-i Sharīf we have to know our

Prophet's (saw) value. How lucky we are because we are from his (saw) nation. We have to thank Allāh (jj). "He did like this, I shall do like that too". Most people do it. When they see badness they also try to do the same. But you won't

benefit from it. In the end you can't benefit from badness. Do good, even if people don't like it, it is important that Alla (awj) likes it. Allāh (jj) sees you, is with you all the time. There is nowhere to escape. You have to internalise it, so you'll be careful with your actions and be a good person. May Allāh (jj) protect us for the sake of him (saw). May He (jj) make us to keep his (saw) way, in shā’a Llāh.

Today al-ḥamdu liLlāh we reach birth, tonight it is birth of Prophet (saw). Mawlid shari we call it. Everybody they are knowing this. Some people, they are more respecting it. Some of them, they are they are not knowing. Some of them they're thinking another thing - "It is not good to celebrate birth of Prophet (saw)." Prophet (saw), why we must celebrate? Because he is the most highest one in this world. He is Beloved for Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla. He praise him. He is more precious from everything in divine presence of Alla Jalla Jalalā hu. And He give him every good thing. Because if somebody love somebody, he looking to give what that the most precious thing for him. And Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla He give him the most perfect religion, the last book, heavenly book Qur’ān ‘Aẓīmu sh-sha’n. Because since A am ‘alayhi s-salām religion coming from prophet to prophet. It is changing. Every time changing until coming for Prophet (saw) the most perfect. And Prophet (saw) he said "Al-yawma akmaltu lakum dīnakum wa waraḍitu lakumu l-islām dīnan" (5:3). "Today in this Khuṭbatu l-Wadā‘ I complete your religion and accept for you Isla , the complete religion, the best religion, best present from Alla to His Prophet (saw)."

And by his honor of Prophet (saw) we're honored by Qur’a , this ummah, ummati Muḥammad, last nation. Because no prophet after Prophet (saw). And who said "I am prophet", he is liar. No any prophet after Prophet (saw). And this is what we must be happy and celebrate birth of our Prophet (saw), who is the most highest and most mercy for his nation. He is saying "I am shāfi‘ and mushaffa‘ ". Many names he has. But this also good tiding for us. He said "I will be in Judgment Day help you. If anybody accept me to help him, I will help him". And Alla , of course not saying anything for what Prophet (saw) helping him. If he said "I want these people", they will be saved. But who not accept this and say "No, I'm doing, I'm praying, I'm fasting and doing. No need for Prophet" as they said now, they will be loser.

Prophet (saw) he is most perfect also in everything - in his shape, in his acting, in his teaching, for everything. Even from very small thing, for everything really he is complete for religion and for life. How to act, respect for people, respect for nature, respect for animal, teaching how to respect each other, to love each other. And he was doing this, not only speaking. Nowadays, we see many books how to be good people. They are

writing how to become rich, they are writing how to act, they are writing... But what they are writing, who write this, not doing even 1 from 1,000. If he say thousand things, even he not doing anything from this. Just... So you cannot be... You cannot follow him. But Prophet (saw) he was showing and doing what he said. And nobody can say anything wrong about him.

But of course, the liar fooling of world. And they are lying, saying bad things about Prophet (saw). But Prophet (saw) he is not affected from these people because Allāh love him. So if whole universe not love him, it is not matter. But al-ḥamdu liLlāh we love him and we respect him and we like our people to respect and to remember him. Today, in shā’a Llāh, who are in Muslim world must remember. Because many of them they ignore this. In shā’a Llāh by his love, we'll be saved from every badness here and hereafter. in shā’a Llāh.

Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fātiḥah.

231.WITH LOVE YOU WIN Monday, December 12, 2016.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

On the Day of Judgement the earth will be flat. Allah̄ ‘Azza wa Jalla makes the sun closer. There is a wisdom so there is no shade on the Day of Judgement. Mountain, hill, wall there's nothing, it is flat. There's no shade. There is only shade under Alla 's Throne. Who are there? Prophets, saints and believers, who love each other for the sake of Allah̄ (jj). Only these can be in that shade. The others' brains will boil under the sun. Some sweat up to their ankles, some up to their stomachs, some up to their noses. People are in sweat. Not one, two years - a hundred, five hundred, a thousand years they may stay there thousands of years. Shukur to Allāh (jj) we love each other for Allāh (jj), not for anything else.

Today we are gathered here by the barakah of Mawlānā. He spent all his life for people to love each other for the sake of Allāh (jj). He lived for this purpose. This purpose is the way, that the Prophet (saw) showed; the way of love, loving Alla (jj), loving the Prophet (saw), loving people, who are on the way of ḥaqq; asking for hidayah for the ones, who aren't on the way of ḥaqq.

Today it is the Prophet's (saw) birthday. He (saw) is Ḥabibu Lla , which means Allāh's Beloved. By his (saw) love we are here loving each other. With Alla 's (jj) grant, in shā’a Lla , we'll be peaceful like this on the Day of Judgement, in shā’a Llāh. With our Prophet (saw), with prophets, saints, especially with our mashayikh it will pass easier on that difficult day. "Yassirū wa lā tu‘assirū." "Make it easy," this is easy. Be peaceful in the world with love. Whoever loves is more peaceful. Whoever has hatred, anger, hostility, he isn't peaceful in this world or in the hereafter. That's why our way is the way of love.

"Al-mar’u ma‘a man aḥabb". Everything's principal is love. What does this mean? It means that you are with the ones you love. It is the saying of our Prophet (saw). Companions said; "You'll be in such a high station that we won't be able to see you." One of the companions cried. Our Prophet (saw) said: "You'll be with the one you love". You can be with the Prophet (saw). People follow shayṭān and do evil. Our Prophet (saw) forbid evil, he ordered to do good and to love. He (saw) wanted people to love

everything for Alla (jj). When something is out of Allāh's orders you can condemn it. If you can't do anything you can ask hidāyah from Allāh (jj). In shā’a Llāh our way is continues. For the sake of this day, more people come to this beautiful way, people here also find hidāyah.

Killing people is evil. We see it it is the way that shayṭan̄ shows. People, who die, if they are on ḥaqq, there's no fear for them. They are martyrs. They reach the station of martyrdom. They are rewarded on the Day of Judgement. They intercede for their loved ones, relatives. Love is important here - the intercession of a martyr saves 100 people from the fire. They can save people, who deserve hell, from fire. Alla (jj) gave them this. So everything has a wisdom. Allāh (jj), didn't do anything without a reason. Everything is counted. Everything has a reward. The more difficult, painful, the more the reward. There are some martyrs, who will say on the Day of Judgement, "I wish I was martyred 70 times."

So there is Allāh (jj), Allāh is Almighty. If you are with Allah̄ (jj) you'll win in the end with Allāh's permission. Whoever fights with Allāh (jj) can't win in this world, gets worse in the hereafter. May Allāh (jj) give hidayah to all, in shā’a Llāh.

Today al-ḥamdu liLlāh we are saying it is Mawlid day. And it is a very blessed day. Because Qiyāmah day, Judgment Day, what we said - Judgment Day this earth, it will be flat - no mountain, no hill, nothing. Only it will be very flat. And no shadow. No shadow at all. And Alla will make sun more stronger. More stronger so when people - they are billions of people, all they will be coming again. "Wa l-ba‘thu ba‘da l-mawt" meaning - we have this in our belief - all people, billions of people, they will coming from earth, from dust to become again human being. Who they are burning themselves, they thought it's finished. This is the worst. The atheist people, they are doing. And they, who are claiming Christian, they are also doing this. And it is idea from shayṭān because they said after this cannot be people coming from earth, so they can be again from human being. But when they burn, they thought they will escape. No, every people, who were giving soul, he will come back in Judgment Day.

And these narrow-mind people who say, and the people they are very happy with this reincarnation. Allāh have only few souls and He will give from one to one? No. No, it is billions. Allāh He is Able. These narrow mind people they don't imagine. So billions of people, they will come back in Judgment Day. And they are waiting there. Very hot and very difficult, thirsty, hungry and only there is one shadow - throne of Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla. It is making shadow for Prophets and for ṣaḥābah, for Awliyā’u Llāh, for believers and especially believers, who are loving each other for Allāh, sake of Allāh. This is what Mawlānā, he was teaching us whole his life and give. He plant this love in heart of murīd and believers. And this coming from Prophet (saw).

Because Prophet also, he's teaching love and good thing to do for people. And only this he was teaching. And Mawlānā al-ḥamdu liLla he was whole life teaching this. And he is after him also, all these people coming together for love, love of Allāh, for love of Prophet (saw) especially. Because he's Ḥabību Llāh. He is Lover of Alla , Beloved for Alla , Prophet (saw). And we are loving him. And together we love each other also for sake of Allāh. And it is the big grant from Alla to have this. Because difficult with shayṭa , with people all time. Shayṭān he like to make people against each other. But Mawlan̄ ā teaching not follow your ego, not follow shayṭān, only love for Allāh. And Allāh He will reward you. And it is the right way, right way for everything.

Love it is important. It is most important. Because Prophet (saw), once one ṣaḥābah he was crying. He asked him "Why you're crying?" He said "O Rasulu Lla , you are... When after this in ākhirah we'll be, you will be in very high station. And we cannot see you. We cannot be with you." After Prophet (saw) he said "No, the person he is with who he love him." So love it is very important. If you love somebody, in ākhirah you will be with him. This will save you. Not like these people, they are hating every human being. Even they hate each other. And they said only they will be saved from jahannam. No, with hate you cannot save. Only with love you win. And you'll be with Prophet, with mashāyikh, with everybody in shā’a Llah̄ . Allāh accept this your ziyārah (visit). You come for love of Allah. Allāh reward you here and hereafter also, in shā’a Llāh.

Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fātiḥah.

232.ṬARĪQAH IS TO FACE DIFFICULTY Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

"Aṭ-ṭarīqatu taḥammulu l-aḍdad". Ṭarīqah is to tolerate what is difficult and adverse to you. Everything cannot be as you like. If there is something you don't like, you have to bear it. You should not rebel against Alla and not object to what is contrary to you even if it is difficult, for the pleasure of Allāh. You should tolerate it. When you tolerate, the one who is inṭarīqah finds comfort both in dunyā and makes it better for ākhirah.

Most people are at least anxious when something adverse happens to them. They get stressed if they can't do anything. And if they are strong, they fight. They either beat or get beaten. If they are stronger, they can do even worse. As a result, they don't have a good result. But when you tolerate and control your ego, saying "it comes from Allah̄ and it is a matter of dunya as we are living in this world, such things can happen" - thinking so and being patient with difficulties is from the adab of our ṭarīqah. It teaches so.

Ṭari ah is teaching goodness. It is showing beauty to people. Who learns what is beautiful, has a beautiful result. But if you act like other common people, you will never benefit. Because as long as Allāh doesn't help people, they can never have anything. But when they trust in Allāh and tolerate such things, Allāh helps them. If they think about it, it's a matter of this world - giving it so much importance is not a smart thing. Allah̄ ‘Azza wa Jalla is saying "La‘ibun wa lahwun" (47:36) for dunyā. It's playing and entertaining. Sometimes children play pretend games. If you look carefully, our life is the same. Therefore, giving so much importance to such useless things makes our ākhirah weak.

A perfect person is the one who doesn't care about it. You should tolerate difficulties and ignore them. Ṭarīqah is teaching this, in sha’̄ a Llāh. It is difficult. With increasing spiritual power, slowly slowly, it will become easier. Our ṭarīqah - "Aṭ-ṭarīqatu taḥammulu l-aḍdād" - to face the difficulty. Ṭarīqah, if you find difficulty, you must be accept, not to complain and not to do like what people, they are not knowing

about ṭarīqah, not knowing about anything. You are in ṭarīqah. Teaching in ṭariq̄ ah to be patient and to face the difficulty. This difficulty, every time you face and you not run away or do wrong thing, every time you make your level higher and higher. Normal people, when they face difficulty, they are becoming very angry or very anxious, very stressed. Some, these normal people. Some of them, they are little bit more stronger, maybe they are arguing, after[wards] fighting. After fighting maybe they are doing something they'll be regret for whole life. But for ṭariq̄ ah people, from beginning they're teaching them to be accept and to be make strong will to not look for small thing.

It is not easy. But step by step, they are getting more power and Allāh help people. Because our life in Qur’ān also saying: "La‘ibun wa lahwun" (57:20) like playing and pleasure. When people they are happy with pleasure, they are happy. But when something coming for them difficulty, they become take that serious and they are very sad, very angry. But, who are with Allāh and following right way, they are accept as it is the playing. This whole life like playing. So they are not making take it serious this life. Real life serious for next life. And they are prepared for that. And what coming difficulty in this life, they are not taking very serious, not becoming anxious, not becoming angry, not becoming worried. This is teaching. As much coming difficulty and accept and become more strong spiritually.

Allāh make it is for us easy. Because not easy but when you think, you will be accept the truth and to accept what Allāh give for you and what He will reward you for this. Don't think when something happen and you didn't do anything for this, you will be ashamed. No. You may be ashamed here but for akhirah Allāh will reward you for everything, in sha’̄ a Llāh. Alla keep us in strong to make our not following ego and going to wrong way, to bad way. Allāh make us with Awliyā’u Llāh in shā’a Llāh.

Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fātiḥah.

233.AN INTERVIEW WITH SHAYKH MEHMET Wednesday, December 14, 2016.

SM: As-Salāmu ‘alaykum wa raḥmatu Llāhi wa barakātuhu. Q: As-salāmu ‘alaykum.

SM: Wa ‘alaykum s-salām. Q: Shaykh Mehmet, a lot of people want to know a little bit about your background and your upbringing. So could you tell us a little bit about where you were born and where did you study? There is a lot of information about Shaykh Nāẓim. And you know where he was born and what he did in his younger years and his childhood and his education. But there is very little information about you, about your background. Where were you born? Where did you study? What did you study? Did you work?

SM: Yes. Because Mawlānā, he... They know his story. And he got married in Damascus. Mother also, she is not... both not from Syria. But they were meeting there for holy land, Damascus. So we were born in Damascus. My all sisters and my brother, four of us, we are born in Damascus. We studied in Damascus. And I studied in madrasah, Islām madrasah in Damascus. It is the most... At that time I was a small boy, just I thought it is a normal madrasah. But Mawlānā, my father, he was specially looking all around Damascus. And he put me in this madrasah. Fatḥu l-Islāmī, Shaykh Ṣāliḥ al-Farfūr. And it is the most strong by knowledge between Islamic world. So I studied there.

Q: So since you were very young, till how old were you? SM: Until 17 years we were in Damascus. After 17 years it was this before the big war happened between Arab and Israel. And before 10 days Grandshaykh Mawlānā Shaykh ‘Abdu Llāh he passed away. So Grandshaykh Mawlānā become and he said too difficult to stay in Damascus. We stayed in Lebanon. We worked in Lebanon. We had wholesale, something like this until 25 years. And after he came and he said we must come to Cyprus. So I was with him in Cyprus until now and all around.

Q: So till you were 17, in Syria you studied in madrasah. Then you shifted to Lebanon and you started working. SM: Yes.

Q: And you had your own business? With your father? SM: No, no. My father not worked at all. We're only my and my brother. First, we work two years with my brother-in-law. They had big shop. And after we were alone with one partner. And it was al-ḥamdu liLlāh barakah and succeed. But Mawlānā he said "You must leave this, come to Cyprus".

Q: So then when you were 25, you came to Cyprus? SM: Yes.

Q: Right. And then what did you start doing in Cyprus? You started working here also? SM: We tried to work something here. But only in garden first. After some years my first wife she passed away. We married and we moved to Istanbul and I worked in Istanbul.

Q: So how old were you when you got married the first time? SM: 22.

Q: 22 and mā shā’a Llāh you had one child? SM: No.

Q: Two? SM: Four children.

Q: Four children from your first wife? SM: No, she... All... From first wife, she was kidney... in failure.

Q: She was not well? SM: So she... Baby not complete. One and after two miscarriage.

Q: Ok. So you had no children from your first wife? SM: No.

Q: Ok. Right. So then after she passed away, then you married again? How old were you? SM: 30 years.

Q: 30 years old. And then mā shā’a Llāh you have four children. SM: Four children, yes.

Q: And then mostly at that time you were looking after the lands of Mawlānā, and gardens and doing a lot of work on the lands? SM: Yes.

Q: So growing up, did you know or did you feel that you would have to take over this responsibility? Or what was in your mind when you were growing up? SM: No. I was... Because there was... I'm never thinking about this. Another people

they must be in this position. But Mawlānā he... It's Allāh will, I think. Before I never think about this.

Q: What was it like growing up in such a spiritual environment and being under the influence of you know, Shaykh d-Dāghistāni and your father? What was it like? SM: It is really good because it was spiritual. And this around area we was living, it was very terrible area. No... Maybe people they thought Damascus it is for heart of Islām. But it was not like this that time. Because all thinking only for pleasure and for not praying, nothing. They can steal everything. But al-ḥamdu liLlāh, we with Mawlānā and his barakah, we were safe from this. Even neighbors, they are not coming for Grandshaykh. People come from long distance but the neighbors they weren't. So al-ḥamdu liLlāh it was nice days. Even that time we were happy to be every day after ‘aṣr we go to drink tea with him, make ṣuḥbah and it was very nice. Now we feel it more better. But at that time it was really...

Q: A struggle. It is in Syria also and in Lebanon also? There wasn't so much There was very modern and not so much towards Islām. And in Cyprus also? Was it the same environment in all these three places or different? SM: They are different, different. Each one they have special thing. But Lebanon, it was more modern. Damascus not - poorness.

Q: Shaykh Nāẓim said that towards the end, we will all have to shift back to Syria. Are you planning anything like this? Or are you waiting for for the sign? SM: For sign. Mawlānā he was saying sign. Even when he last visit for Damascus, he said Damascus, it come here.

Q: Damascus had shifted here? SM: Yes, he said like this.

Q: So no need now to go to Damascus anymore? SM: What Mawlānā Shaykh... We don't know after what will happen, what order will come. But until now here.

Q: Because the situation now in Syria and all these places is so terrible. Do you see the situation improving in these places or is it going to get worse before it gets better? SM: Of course. There is qaṣīdah. ishtadday azmatu tanfarijī saying you must be more harder to be open. I think it will be like this. It will be open after. It is really very bad.

Q: Everybody is talking about Trump? And this is something very new that has come. And how will this impact Syria and Muslim countries? Because obviously he's coming with a very different attitude, not to say that the ones before did any good. I mean the previous administration created all these wars in Syria and Yemen and all these places.

What do you see, is this person going to be worse or is it going to be the same? Or will there be a shift because of this? What is happening in America and with Trump and all? SM: There is saying, Turkish saying: the most terrible enemy who looks like friend.

Q: So they are hypocrites? They were pretending to be friends? SM: Better if he said "I am against", we can be aware. But these people, all time they're coming "We are loving Muslim". This man his father, grandfather Muslim and he done the worst. From beginning what we say - if Trump coming, it's Allāh will. We're not afraid from Trump. We're afraid from Allāh. So Trump or other, no matter. But al- ḥamdu liLlāh he come. And he destroy their dreams. Because you know every time these people they make plan for long period.

Q: And he's exposed that. SM: And especially they put this man. They said this is crazy. Nobody he will win. So putting in front of this lady. She easily she can win they said. But al-ḥamdu liLlāh Allāh He make it as He like. In shā’a Llāh it will be good. For everything Allāh done, it is good. No need for to be afraid from Trump.

Q: In shā’a Llāh. Shaykh Mehmet, what do you see for Pakistan? We're in very difficult situation right now. And there was this big people getting together against the government, against the corruption. And we had a lot of hope from the army that maybe they would intervene and you know, get rid of these corrupt people. But this did not happen. And now we have the elections coming in again. But most people are saying if nothing changes then the same people will come back in the next elections. What do you see in the future for Pakistan? Is there any hope? What can the Pakistani people do? Who should we support? Also ex-president Musharraf says that he will be perhaps also contesting elections. Is he the person that we should be supporting? SM: Pakistan is really amazing place. They have special idea. Our ideas cannot reach them. Because they separate from India to be like they said pak. Pak meaning very clean. Pakistan the cleanest place the whole Muslim, all people... Ok, they are Muslim but they are not afraid from Allāh, from ḥarām, from ḥalāl. Everything they can take. So this is problem. We must know to be corruption, it is bad thing. It will be asked in ākhirah. But this, they are not at all thinking about this. We see many people in this. They look like Muslim, they have beard but they are not afraid to eat ḥarām. This is where most - must people learn in Pakistan.

Q: Yes, we have huge influence of the Ṭālibān- and the Wahhābī- funded mosques. And they have brainwashed a lot of people towards this direction. And we had certain people like Musharraf and the army who were saying that "We will clean it out and fight these people and the corruption." But there was a lot of hope from General Raheel Sharif. But now he is retired and a new person has come in. And there was hope from

the Supreme Court. But apparently the Supreme Court is also not delivering. Pakistan people are very very frustrated a