Suhbah 2016: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (16/25)
od you must continue not be bored from this because no time to get bored, if it is short time. We must continue, Allāh helps us, in shā’a Llāh. Allāh gives us good life, to be obedient for Him. Life is in His hand, and we don't know when our life end but, in shā’a Llāh, until end of our life, to be in right way, in shā’a Llāh, way of Prophet (saws) and Mashāyikh, in shā’a Llāh.
Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fātiḥah.
137.ACCEPT THE TRUTH Sunday, July 24, 2016.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
A‘ūdhu biLlāhi mina sh-shayṭāni r-rajīm. Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm. "Wa quli l- ḥaqqu min rabbikum faman shā’a falyu’min waman shā’a falyakfur innā a‘tadnā liẓ- ẓālimīna nāran aḥāṭa bihim surādiquhā." (18:29)
Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla ordered the people by telling the Prophet (saw) "to say the truth". Everybody is obliged to say whatever the truth is. If you like, you believe and accept. If not, you don't and be an unbeliever. You can manage in this world this way or that way but in the hereafter the unbelievers will be punished. "Accept the truth." Crush your ego. Don't go out of truth. Accept whatever the truth is. This is the order of Allāh. He (jj) orders the Prophet (saw) to say this to mankind. The Prophet (saw) does not only address his own tribe, not only those Arabs - it is for all people until the Day of Judgement. Everyone has to accept this.
"Accept the truth, whatever the truth is" he says. If you say "We won't accept it", whoever wants can accept. Whoever doesn't accept they will be accountable for it. What is that account? It is fire, hell. Also in the world, because Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla burns people in the world with unseen fire, hell. Ignorant people tell this in some places - "Don't believe. Heaven and hell are here." It is here and also hereafter. You see the one here, in shā’a Llāh, we'll see the one there, altogether. Some will see heaven, some hell. People, who say like that, there will be hell here for them, before the hereafter. They will live without peace, unhappy, hopeless, in the unseen fire. Because without hope, without a goal, it is hell, nothing else.
But Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla showed everyone the beautiful way. "Wa-Llāhu yad‘ū ilá dāri ssalām." (10:25) Allāh is calling to the beautiful way. He (jj) calls to peace, to heaven. That's why He (jj) says, "faman shā’a falyu’min"(18:29) you may believe if you like. If you don't like, you won't believe. There is hell here and hereafter for unbelievers. May Allāh protect us. May Allāh make us from the ones accepting the truth. That's why Mawlānā said it, it is for a reason, Ḥaqqānī. Ḥaqqānī means someone, who is with truth, who accepts the truth. In shā’a Llāh, we are from them, we accepted our Lord.
Allāh (awj) said in Holy Quran, these verses: "wa quli l-ḥaqqu min rabbikum faman shā’a falyu’min waman shā’a falyakfur innā a‘tadnā liẓ-ẓālimīna nāran aḥāṭa bihim surādiquhā wa in yastaghīthū yughāthū bimā’in kal-muhli yashwī l-wujūha bi’sa sh- sharābu wa sā’at murtafaqan"(18:29) This is order for Prophet (saws) to say for people to accept the truth - Ḥaqq meaning truth, right thing.
What is the right thing? Order of Allāh, to accept His holy messenger. Prophet (saws) he is Ḥaqq, he is right, and Allāh (awj) Ḥaqq. To accept Allāh and accept Prophet (saws). This is order for Prophet, "say O Muhammad (saws) - for people to say this." Who is ‘people’? In Prophet's time Makkah maybe 10.000 people only, not only for this, for whole human beings until Qiyāmah. No limit, no time for this. For whole people say this, order this. If not accept he said also continue, who likes to accept, he will be good. Or also they not accept, they are free. Also, no matter, only you must say this.
You cannot make everybody to believe and to accept truth, right. But who accepts and to be with right thing, he will be happy. But who will not accept, he will be punished for fire, He said, Allāh (awj). From everywhere coming fire. If they want to have water, they look for water it comes like boiling water, dirty water. No good for them. And this when? In some people they are making philosophy here in this world. They thought themselves clever. They said "Paradise here. Fire is also here in this life." Here also, this we have Paradise and hell. Fire, and we believe the next life it is real, it will be. But who accepts this in this life also they will be in fire but without flaming - fire, in themselves - to be not happy and to be stressed in darkness, not happy, this fire envious. All this fire without flaming, this is burning more than real fire. In this life it will be like this and next life, real fire it will be for them. Why? Because they are not accepting. They're... Allāh showed them - "if you accept the truth, in this life also you are in Paradise and next life also Paradise." And it is order for people to say the Truth. Mawlānā ... Ḥaqq meaning truth. Mawlānā he said for himself Ḥaqqānī - he who accepts truth. And we believe in this. Don't be with liar people who are cheating people. All the time be with right and don't be afraid. Allāh makes us with them, in shā’a Llāh, to be in Paradise here and hereafter, in shā’a Llāh.
Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fātiḥah.
138.LET THEM REPENT Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
The World, as they say, is a place where anything is possible. Human beings think it will continue like this in the same way forever. It does not work that way. Allah gave everybody an opportunity and He gave everybody intelligence. This World is the World of trials. Are you going to obey Allah’s orders? Or are you going to go after the things you like without considering whether they are good or bad. We left and came back 50 days later. Many incidents have occurred. Many incidents happened.1 You might say, “I wish it never happened,” but it does not work with wishes. You should say, “Thank Allah.” It happened but Allah protected Islam, this Nation2, and these poor people here. “Man la yarham la yurham.” Whoever does not show mercy is not shown mercy. Allah does not grant them His mercy. Everything is wide clear, so people who are still on that way need to repent. They need to repent and ask Allah for forgiveness since they committed a huge mistake and committed a sin. Even so we are thanking Allah since He protected us from their evils. Shaykh Mawlana would say the manifestation has changed in this century. Its good is for us and its evil is on them. It was not so in the last century, during Sultan Abdul Hamid’s time, as everything was against Islam. So they tyrannized people for a hundred years. Now, thank Allah it has changed. Following this, even if the whole World comes against us, nobody can stand against the orders of Allah and they will be defeated. Therefore, to avoid defeat and be on the way of Allah there is need for repentance and praying for forgiveness. People who have made a mistake should turn around so they find comfort, by Allah’s will, both in this World and in the hereafter. May Allah never destroy this country. May it be the protector of Islam. It is so forever, Inshallah until the Day of Judgment, by the will of Allah. From now on, it is the good tiding of our Shaykh Mawlana, may its good be for us and its evil be for them Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
1.Attempted military coup of July 15th 2.Ummat
139. ALLAH LOVES CLEANLINESS Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Allah Azza wa Jalla is beautiful and He loves all that is beautiful. What is meant by beauty is doing good works. Therefore what is ordered for us, whatever orders there may be, are all to live the most beautiful life and so our hereafter becomes beautiful.
Inshallah one of these is cleanliness. Wherever anybody goes, they need to leave that place clean. It cannot be kept up if one cleans and another throws [trash]. It would be comfortable if everybody did their own cleaning at a place, and the environment would be kept clean as well. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says, “Cleanliness is from iman1.” Cleanliness is the most important thing. It is the most important thing in Islam. It does not exist in other religions.
Taharat means cleanliness, it means purity. The slightest dirt is unacceptable. Our Holy Prophet’s hadith: “When a person performs ghusl (performs ghusl of janabat3) it is not accepted if even a spot as small as a pin whole is left dry.” What does this mean? It shows how much care should be shown to cleanliness. That is to say no spot is left dry when bathing so he shows us to teach us. It is shown as an example so we are careful.
Unbelievers4 are not clean. Infidels are impure. It says in the Koran too: “Do not think they are clean as they are dirty.” Therefore, pay attention to cleanliness and do not dirty around. Because cleanliness is an order of Allah, you would also gain rewards when you do so.
May Allah make us amongst His clean servants. May both our inside and our outside be clean. Some people are also dirty in the inside. May Allah not give us that dirtiness. When that is the case, its harm is on the person before it is on others.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
1. Faith 2. Full body ablution 3. Impurity 4. Kafir
140. LET THEM LEAVE THAT WAY Thursday, July 28, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says, “The person who says a word was from me, it is the word of the Prophet (SAW), when it is a lie has guaranteed his place, prepared his place, in hell.” Why did our Holy Prophet (SAW) say so? Because people might do anything for the honor of our Holy Prophet (SAW). Our Holy Prophet (SAW) said so to raise awareness in people, since people with bad intentions might use them.
Our Holy Prophet has explained and shown everything for us. In the last Farewell Sermon he also first said to people: “A Muslim’s blood is forbidden for Muslims; their posessions are forbidden; their honor is forbidden; you cannot approach any of them.” Just like you show respect to your own posessions, honor, and whatever you have, you need to show respect in the same manner to everything all Muslims have.
A person who does not do this is one who has nothing to do with Muslimism. Allah will ask these things to this person on the Day of Judgment. The person needs to have believed in the hereafter. It cannot go unaccounted. Why are we saying this? There is a great sown discord1 around. They are showing and telling people the fitna as if it were the words of our Holy Prophet (SAW).2
First of all, it is not such an easy matter for our Holy Prophet (SAW) to get up and order people. The man who is to reach that station firstly needs to have a lineage which reaches our Holy Prophet (SAW). Even if his lineage reaches, those people do not give such orders. They say the same as the way shown by our Holy Prophet (SAW). They do not say an extra word. They do not deceive either and continue in the same manner.
Here there are still people fooled by this. Let them wake up. Dajjals will emerge in the End Times. What kind of a man is the Dajjal? All bad people, bad women, and bad illegitimate children will all go with the Dajjal.
He will come to the Muslim with a paradise and hell-like thing next to him. He will say, “If you accept me, I will let you in paradise.” If they accept him they immediately enter
the hell to his left. If they do not, they will enter paradise. What appears as hell is paradise.
Therefore, let people wake up and save their world and hereafter. The lawful is clear, what is forbidden is clear, the good is clear, and the bad is clear. Allah gave humans brains to use. It is their fault after all the things that have happened. Let people wake up and repent because a great dissension2 has been cast. It is End Times now. It is times with plenty of fitna. People should be careful.
First of all, let them not follow people who do not have a lineage. Let them go about carefully, search, and research. Let them do the way their heart shows. But a great fitna has occurred, something great has happened, and to still go on that way is obstinacy. Who is the one who is stubborn? It is Shaytan. Shaytan’s biggest character is obstinacy, stubbornness. He said he would not do and he is not doing. He said he would not make sajda3 and he is not doing.
Therefore, be careful. There is no sin in leaving that way, that evil way. On the contrary, it has rewards and it has Allah’s content. If you repent and ask for forgiveness Allah would write rewards for you instead. He would forgive you for what you did, for the things you did unknowingly. But if it is done henceforth, then everybody woud serve their own sentence. We say may Allah give them mind and intellect. We are not saying anything else. May Allah not misguide us from the right way Inshallah. Al-Fatiha.
1.Fitna of July 15th, 2016 military coup attempt in Turkey 2.Claims by FETO of receiving instructions from our Holy Prophet (SAW) in dreams 3.Fitna 4.Prostrate
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Allah willing, tariqa is the way of our Holy Prophet (SAW). Tariqa does not order anything but good. The orders ordered by Islam are the orders of tariqa. Tariqa cannot say anything different.
It also pays more attention to little sins rather than big sins. Little sins become a habit when committed regularly, then a person starts committing big sins. Shaitan is continuously obsessed trying for people to commit evil. He is ready every minute without being lazy, without being tired, trying to make people knowingly or unknowingly commit sins. Let us be careful things that look good are not in fact bad.
May Allah withhold us from bad people, because Shaitan is the shaykh of the one without a shaykh. The shaykh surely tells his murid what to do, how to proceed, and is helpful. It says, “Yadullahi ma’al jama’ah.” The community1, tariqa, means a good gathering since it encourages people towards good causes and rewards. They will have gone astray when it is otherwise. Those people are not people to be followed.
We do not tell anybody to go off the path. “La ta’ata limakhlooq fi ma’siyat alKhaliq.” There is no such rule as to obey anything that contradicts what Allah Azza wa Jalla, the Creator, has ordered by anyone whom Allah has created. If he orders you with evil you need to leave him. It could also be a test to see if you are going in the right direction or the wrong direction.
If you follow what is right, you would pass the test. It does not work if on the contrary you say, “I am a follower of this man. He said so.” You are a Muslim and you know what Allah says. If that man tries for years to make people go on the wrong way, nobody is obliged to follow him. If he has made you reach guidance, there is no need for you to be misguided. If it was done for the sake of Allah, it was done for the sake of Allah. On the contrary, if it was done for his ego then it is bad. Allah willing we are trying to make people reach Allah. Once reached, we do not have a right over that person. It is enough for us once he reaches the path towards Allah.
Allah Azza wa Jalla tells us, “Guiding one person to goodness is better than the whole world.” It is inappropriate to guide a person to the right way and milk them like a cow. That is not the order. Take them to the way of Allah and Allah will reward you. A lot of times, just because they guided a person to the right way, people want to ride on the person’s back for the rest of their life. Such a thing is unaccaptable. It is not the order of Allah (JJ), it is not the order of Hazrat Prophet (SAW), and it is never the order of tariqa.
Tariqa teaches good manners. Those without tariqa follow their ego. A lot of times, because people do not head to guidance for Allah’s sake but for their own ego’s sake, they get misguided and go astray after finding guidance. May Allah protect us.
Therefore, here we say whoever has seen such a thing, they are under no obligation. You are not obliged at all to go to hell, to jump off the cliff, with that person. Allah did not order as such. Allah (JJ) says, “Come to Me.”
“Wallahu yad’oo ila daris salam.” (Sura Yunus:25) [Verily Allah calls to the abode of peace.] Allah (JJ) calls to paradise. He does not call to hell. May Allah make us all people of paradise Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
142.MAGNIFICENCE OF STARS IN THE SKY Saturday, July 30, 2016
We are looking at the sky from here Mashallah. People see the magnificence of Allah (JJ) when they look at the sky. We used to sleep outside sometimes when we were young, and you would look at the sky and see thousands of stars. People can never guess stars are large things when young. People understand Allah’s greatness better with knowledge when they are grown up.
ع ´با ¸د ¸ه ا ˚لع˚ ´ل ´ماء
م ˚ن
شى ا َّّلل´
¸إنَّ ´ما ´ي ˚خ
He has said, “Innama yakhsallahu min ‘ibadihil ulama.” (Sura Fatir:28) Only alims1 are fearful of Allah.
Now you look and you see stars in the sky. The star we are looking at and seeing is not there. It has gone away from there a hundred thousand years ago, it is done for. Its light is only able to reach us now. Our world is not tiny - it is not even as big as a dust particle in this universe. This galaxy, the Milky Way, also called Kehkeshan, contains billions of stars. There are billions of suns, moons, and planets only in this Miky Way.
How big do you think this greatness and this grandness is? All the things we call billions only look as big as one star in this universe. Not a billion planets, apparently there are more than three billion galaxies. Meaning one per each man. (Shaykh Efendi makes a joke here and laughs with everybody). And people get arrogant with themselves here and keep repeating, “We are like this, and we are like that.”
As Shaykh Mawlana (QS) also said, this shows the magnificence of Allah. Allahu Akbar. Allah created these with such grandness. There are such creatures bigger than all of this next to Allah (JJ). There is an angel, he is even bigger than this. So people’s minds cannot take it. Boundaries do not exist anymore then.
Some donkeys ask about Allah, “What is He like?” It is enough to look at what Allah did, created, and made. How can your mind reach and think about Allah’s essence. It cannot even reach this universe, so how can it reach Allah Azza wa Jalla who created them? Grandeur enters inside people when they look at the sky. People feel like they are going to fall when they look at a mountain or a star. Who knows what the wisdom behind it is, maybe they feel very lonely? People experience very different feelings.
All this, the whole universe, is not even a dust particle next to Allah. But with this much grandness Allah (JJ) says: “I only fit in the heart of my Mu’min2 servant. I do not fit anywhere else.” Allah Azza wa Jalla is there if a Mu’min has iman3 in their heart.
Otherwise, there is no use in saying with arrogance, “I am a doctor, I am this, and I am that.”
As we said, our life is temporary, and it does not count as much as the blinking of an eye. Let us not spend this short life for worldly enjoyment. The real life is the life of the hereafter. All of us will be in paradise Inshallah. May Allah grant us paradise so Inshallah we are with Shaykh Mawlana (QS) and with our Holy Prophet (SAW) in those beautiful days all together Inshallah. That is the eternal life. We used to think, “How can the stars be reached?” when we were young. Can it be reached with rockets? How can it be reached, what should be done? It has gone from there and has extinguished long ago then. Very wierd things. People cannot see these things when in the city. They do not raise their heads and look up at the sky. People look down, they look downwards, and they look around. They do not raise their heads and look at the things Allah has created, they do not look at the grandness. What they look at are itsy bitsy and unnecessary things. The necessary things are glorifying Allah and obeying Allah. May Allah grant us all iman and Islam Inshallah.
-Mashallah, a beam of light like a cloud up there. There, that is the Milky Way.
-Which one?
-Like a cloud, up there.
-My sultan, is the meaning mentioned in the hadith in the same direction as the companions being like stars?
Because they show the way. The stars also show our way. People would look in the past. There are those who know it now too, but people do not look anymore, and even if they look they do not see. They neither see a star in this, nor do they find direction. In the past, when they took a look they knew where north, where south, where west, and where east, where all were.
1.Scholars/Awliya 2.Believer 3.Faith
143. WE ARE OBLIGED TO SAY THE TRUTH HERE Saturday, July 30, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
This path of Allah is a beautiful path. Allah Azza wa Jalla says: “If people would not diverge from the path, if they were on the right path, if they do not diverge from the right path, I will give them fine waters and a fine life.” Diverting from this path is so easy though. Shaitan can misguide people when they are on the right path, on a beautiful path.
We need to take our Holy Prophet (SAW) and what he did as an example so it is always beneficial for us in our life. Do not say, “Our Holy Prophet (SAW) lived 1,400 years ago and it does not fit our present-day life.” There are many things that would be of benefit if done in the same manner.
When Holy Prophet (SAW) opened Mecca for Islam1, he raided suddenly and without giving news so blood would not spill, since there could be people who might become Muslim later. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) followed this procedure and he obtained good success from it. Mecca was opened to Islam in a nice way without spilling blood. Once it was opened he provided safety to people such that it was granted to anybody who wanted it, be it Muslim or non-Muslim infidel yet. Even they were given safety. Afterwards, the order came, “None but Muslims can enter Mecca! There is a four month grace period. Those who want can become Muslim within these four months. If not, they cannot live here anymore. There is no more permission here.” In the meantime, most polytheists2 who saw the beautiful nature of our Holy Prophet (SAW) became Muslim. He won most of those people and they were of service later.
Therefore, that situation of ours here says, “Ad-Din an-Nasiha.” Meaning “Religion is advice.” Take lesson from the life and shown path of our Holy Prophet (SAW). Let there be no mistreatment to those who do not deserve it. For those who deserve it, sharia3 shows the way and says how the practice should be. The law says the same thing. However, regarding the matter of informants, the Koran says, “Wala tajassasu.” (Sura Hujurat:12) Most people are open sinners4.
¸إ ˚ن ´جا ´ء ˚ك ˚م ف´ا ¸س ˚ق ¸بن´ ´بإ„ ´فت´ ´بيَّن˚وا
“In ja’akum fasiqun binaba’in fatabayanu.” (Sura Hujurat:6) (O you who have believed, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate). They have a huge weapon in their hands. Bad people, the unscrupulous, have taken possession of a huge weapon. Whoever has a grudge, whoever has spite for someone they immediately inform, “This man is with these bad people.” This way these people are unjustly wronged.
Allah (JJ) does not want this and Hazrat Prophet (SAW) does not like this. Allah sees everything, and Allah says, “Fatabayanu.” So make absolutely sure this person is harmful. On the contrary, it does not work based on the word of fasiqs, it does not work based on the word of the unscrupulous.
We are obliged to say the truth here. We do not receive a salary from anybody, and we do not “give the okay” to anybody, except for Allah. We are not to request from anybody either. They should thank us for what we are saying. Dirty people don themselves in numerous guises and nothing happens to them. People who have nobody and honest people do not know what to say sit in sorrow, but the Truth (Haqq) does not consent to this. This is a bad thing, and what is being done is not being thankful to the great blessings5 given by Allah. It is oppression.
By the grace of Allah, with Allah’s help, Allah has helped us. Allah helped us and we were saved from a great calamity. The whole country was saved from trouble. Allah showed us how He saved us from a great trouble after being saved. Everybody was thankful to Allah. Azans and salawats were called. It is not right to do things Allah does not command. We need to continue this beautiful way. These people’s cases need to be reviewed one by one. The dirty ones are obvious already, and they have all been taken.
Other people will be informed on from now on. Informants, those who inform, are those who inform something bad. Never oppress anybody with something you are not sure about. These kinds of things have also happened in the past and they are on the wrong way. If they are good, even if you wrong them, they are not going to do anything to you and they will only beg Allah. So they do not harm anybody Allah willing.
The bad become worse this time. They are called Batinis. There, the Batinis are these heretic factions, they are hidden factions. Everything is obvious in Islam. We offer namaz and we fast: everything is palpable and there is nothing secretive or hidden. We are doing what Allah commands. It is neither shameful nor sinful. But the other factions are esoteric. They hide better, and you would not realize they were hiding. Then they take away good people or they torture them.
Now what we are saying here is more important that these mass rallies, it is more important than other things, it is the most important thing now. We were thinking about it from the beginning and now we hear how many people are being wronged. If there are so many from people we know, think about how many more there are from other people. There are people who cannot reach us, who suffer wrong unjustly, and who cannot ask for their rights.
As we said, they should not get angry at this advice but be thankful for it. Because this is for the benefit of the country. It is not easy raising a person, a good person. We see there are herds of people but they are useless. What use are people who go and run after Shaitan?
You will find the good person and say, “This man is very good. Don’t ever touch him. Keep him. Treat him with respect and honor.” And they should be thankful saying, “You let us know about this person. We did not know and thought this person was a bad one. We treated him undeservingly. You saved us from its consequences.”
Otherwise, it is not right to inform them out thinking of dismissing them from employment. Well of course, there are false witnesses and what not, but it does not work with what these people say! Neither Allah (JJ) nor Hazrat Prophet (SAW) would consent to playing with a person’s honor and pride with the word of one man.
We need to be very careful of this so the blessings Allah gives does not turn, and so Allah does not take away these blessings from our hands. Governing continues with justice, not with injustice. May Allah grant us all a mind and understanding. May Allah make us amongst those who accept advice.
1.Fetih 2.Mushrik 3.Divine law 4.Fasiq 5.Ni’ma
144. THE CLERICS OF DAJJAL Sunday, July 31, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Inshallah it will be a gathering of good. We do not visit these near by places (Ankara) much. We supposedly say we will come more often but it is kismet. Other responsibilities come up and we are not able to come. Last we came three or four years ago. The visit prior to the one three years ago was about a year before that. A fine spirituality has occurred in seven years. There is a nice spirituality. Shaykh Mawlana’s (QS) himma1, baraka2, and maqam3 is here. He is Inshallah always reaching us.
A little while ago on the way here, someone called when we were at Hazrat Samarqandi. He asked a question, but because he spoke English we understood half of it. Whether it was he who told it or whether it was the Hazrat that made him ask that question we could not completely understand. Later we learned that he was probably a sayyid. “I love our Holy Prophet (SAW) because I am his relative,” he says, “How am I supposed to love the murshid4? He is not a relative.” He asked such a weird question.
We replied, “You love the murshid because he makes you love Allah (JJ). You love him from that love.” It did not do anything. Perhaps this person is of Pakistani or Indian origin. Those there understand this matter much differently and use it with the expectation of various favors. We continued, “If he is teaching you to love Allah (JJ) and to love Hazrat Prophet (SAW), if he is training you with this goal, you love the murshid in that regard. If the murshid guides for you to love him, he is not a murshid.”
A murshid is the person who teaches people to get rid of their selfish qualities, their individuality, for the sake of Allah (JJ) and the Prophet (SAW). Not for the world, not to make people love the world, and not to make them love him. This is how the true murshid is. The murshid also has to be on a tariqa. Otherwise they cannot be called a murshid. You can call them a hodja.
There are a couple of types of hojdas. There are sincere hodjas: they strive to urge people to the mosque, the congregation, and the right way, and are happy for the increase in the numbers of the congregation. For some it does not matter if the numbers increase as they
want the rich to increase in number. Others put their ego in front and try to satisfy their ego.
As we said, the murshid is one thing and the hodja is another. However, when speaking of a murshid, they must definitly belong to a tariqa, they must receive enlightenment5 from our Holy Prophet (SAW). People who follow their ego, even normal people, are in the wrong. Because the ego does not take you to a good place. It is even harder for a hodja. He misguides people if he follows his ego. Especially if he gets a little more famous and is a person who knows how to use people well, things go completely bad.
These types of people have always existed. This is their custom. They have been created in this manner and they do not change. They do not change but people need to see the mistakes. They say, “You are under assumption. These people would not do evil!” There are still people who say this. What more is left that can be done? Everytime we say, “This is the last, let us close this matter already.” Yet we see that people are still on this way, on the wrong way, and they are running after this.
Mahdi Alayhis Salam will emerge in the End Times. The Dajjal will also appear. The real dajjal is Masih Dajjal (the Anti-Christ). Jews are waiting for him. They see him as the saviour. Just as we see Mahdi (AS) as the saviour, they are waiting for him. There is such a person. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) had spoken about his appearance.
He has been in existence since the time of our Holy Prophet (SAW). Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says to the companions6, “There is an island in the Indian Ocean. You will come across such a person with tied hands and legs. Say to him the Prophet has appeared and he will be saddened. Never do anything [to interfere]. When the time comes he will escape and emerge.” They are waiting for him, but before the real Dajjal, forty little dajjals will emerge. What is meant by a little dajjal? A person who harms Islam and harms Muslims.
Many have appeared till now. So if we count them, at least 30-35 have emerged. A person who is against Muslims and Islam, shows enmity towards Islam with the nonMuslims, and harms Muslims is of the class of dajjals. Those who follow the dajjal go to hell. Therefore, we say if there are still persons with a doubt inside, let them repent and ask for forgiveness from Allah. Because Allah Azza wa Jalla’s order is:
خصي ًما
و ´ل ت´ ˚ك ˚ن ¸ل ˚ل ´خائ¸ ¸ني ´ن
“Wala takun lilkha’inina khasima.” (Sura Nisa:105) “Do not befriend and show kinship towards traitors. Do not stay with them,” says Allah Azza wa Jalla.
These people are directly traitors, but as we said the door of repentance has not shut. Those who believe them should turn from that way and repent. This is an important
matter. This is an advice. They have left the path of Hazrat Prophet (SAW), none of his orders are being followed, his sunna is being ignored, amity is established with infidels, and their religion is being accepted. Whereas the final religion is the religion of Islam. The person who is a hodja should know this better than us.
م ˚نه
ي˚ ˚ق ´ب ´ل ل´ ˚ن
دي ًنا
˚ ¸ْل ˚س ´َل ¸م غ ˚ي ´ر ا
و ´م ˚ن ´ي ˚بت´غ¸
“Waman yabtaghi ghayral islami dinan falan yuqbala minh.” (Sura Aali Imran:85) This ia a verse. “Whoever searches for a religion other than Islam, that religion is not accepted.” Religion is Islam.
We are thinking to suppress this dissension7 while it is small, so these people do not go astray and are saved before they ruin themselves, their families, and whoever is around them. The Wahhabi fitna had emerged during the time of Khalid al-Baghdadi. Hazrat Khalid al-Baghdadi has letters, the Maktubat. Khalid al-Baghdadi was also good friends with the pasha (governor) there.
He would also write in all his letters for this fitna to be suppressed and leave no traces behind. Of course, he used to see what was to come through karamat8, but still he was emphasizing to the pasha to “rooth them out!” and making duas. There, when the rooting was not finished the whole world sufferred from these Salafi and Wahhabi movements. Whatever fitna is out there is from them.
Therefore, we are saying this fitna that appeared here is very clear and how evil it is has been seen. People should use their heads. There is no reason for the person that guided you to take you to the gates of hell. They are not indebted either. Indebtedness is to Allah. “If you have done me good, alright it is enough. Do not take me to the gates of hell!”
People are not obligated. “La ta’ata limakhluq fi ma’siyat al-Khaliq.” (Hadith Sharif) No servant has an obligation to another servant in disobeying Allah Azza wa Jalla. Not to obey Allah for the sake of obeying a person cannot even be a subject of discussion. What is seen now is those who follow that person are somehow misguiding people through embarrasing them, pressuring them, and using all means [of blackmail].
We are saying people who are not subjected to this issue should not be fooled because it is a burden9. If we do not mention this, we would be taking on the burden for not telling and we would be questioned for it, “Why did you not tell? Did you not tell because you were afraid? Did you not tell because you shied away? Why did you not explain this issue to people?” Because on the other side, they are using all means day and night. They are neither embarrassed, nor bored, nor tired.
We need to give advice and we need to tell. Those who accept will accept, and for those who do not, the burden would be gone from us. As we said, there is no obligation to get off the path Allah has ordered. Do not drink alcohol, uncover your head (for women), or gamble for a mere two pennies salary. No good comes from evil, from sin. If you say you are doing it for Allah, in the end you become a drunkard, a gambler, and what not. This is it. Nothing else.
There is no logic as, “I am committing these sins for Allah.” In other words, these things were not done for Allah. If they were [truely] done for Allah, people would not have ended in this situation. This is straight out fraud, treachery, and most importantly dajjalism.
When the real Dajjal appears, he will roam around the whole world. Mahdi Alayhis Salam will have appeared as well. At that time, they will not be able to enter four cities: Mecca, Medina, Qudus – of course parts of Jerusalem – and Sham Sharif (Damascus). When the Dajjal goes around, all these bad women, these men who are not men, bastards, and however many wicked people there are will stroll around with him as his soldiers. Next to him paradise will be shown as hell. Hell is in fact paradise and paradise is hell. Those who want to be with him and enter paradise will have entered hell then.
It is the same with this. People who are not on the right path and are with him, drink alcohol, do all evils, and say they want Allah’s consent are there exactly as Dajjal says. So beware. Whoever says these sorts of things to you and orders you to sin, do not obey him. There is no permission to obey even if he says, “I am doing it as a test.” Because these times are already times everybody is used to evil, and there is no use for him to do a test.
May Allah keep us safe from these kinds of people. Inshallah with the dua of these holy ones, dervishes, and people here who say Allah, this fitna turns back on its originators because its originators are the whole world of unbelief. They have declared war over us. They have declared war with all their strength. “We are going to finish this,” they are saying. Let them try. Let it be the whole world. It is no use once you are with Allah. Let Allah be with us. He is sufficient.
May Allah be our helper. In the meantime, nobody’s rights should be violated Inshallah. This is also a very important thing because these things do happen. Of course, you cannot find fault in them either. They have gone against the Ulul Amr10 and traitors have emerged from everywhere. If you curse the Ulul Amr you will have cursed yourself, becuase currently they are are protecting Islam and these oppressed people. Our dua is: may Allah open their vision more so they do not violate the rights of anybody.
As we said, we cannot curse them either. They are trying to do their job, but they have to be a little more careful. However, when the person you would never suspect turns out to be a traitor, still persevering this much is a great deal. They have been hit from every side, and the most private secrets have been handed to the giaour, to the hands of the infidels. What can the man (Erdogan) do? We are still thankful to Allah he is able to manage this much. It is with the prayers of the poor oppressed and the help of Allah. As we said, Allah willing nothing will happen as long as Allah helps. Nothing will happen even if the whole world comes against us. Our prayers are that nobody gets unfair treatment and nobody gets oppressed. May this assembly of ours be continuous Inshallah and may these kinds of assemblies increase in number. May Allah not allow for these places to be shut down Inshallah. Because Shaitan does not like these assemblies, and his followers do not like it either.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
1.Spiritual support 2.Blessings 3.Station/tomb 4.Guide 5.Fuyudat 6.Sahaba 7.Fitna 8.Miracles of saints 9.Wabal 10.Leaders holding power
145.KNOW YOUR OWN WORTH Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Allah Azza wa Jalla created humans in the best form and exalted them. People should know their own worth. Allah does not recognize the worth of people who do not know their own worth either. Amongst His creation Allah says, “Wa laqad karramna bani Adam.” (Sura Isra:70). He says, “I raised the sons of Adam – meaning humans – to the highest station.” Then as a lesson for people, they are in their worst situation at the end of their lives. Except for those who believe and obey Allah (JJ). No matter how much one says, “I am educated, I am this and that,” even if they have reached the highest position, again it is no use when Allah does not will it. As an example for people, their status amongst people is gone, people do not respect them when they run into them, and they do not pay attention to them. Even if they show respect to them for a short period, it is of no benefit to themselves. What is of benefit is being on the way of Allah and doing what Allah says. When they do what Allah says, they are good people in the sight of Allah. Otherwise there is no benefti what so ever. Our life gains value as we obey Allah’s orders. Allah Azza wa Jalla created the universe. We are nothing. It would be due place if we said less than nothing. Allah gave us value and he gave us an order, “Do this and I will exalt you,” He says. We need to be thankful for this day and night. We need to know its value. Even the grand universe is nothing compared to Allah’s greatness. He paid attention to us and He gave us an order. “I know you. I am in your heart,” says Allah Azza wa Jalla. We need to to know the value.
It is a great blessing, but people are unaware of it. Most people do not know at all, they do not know of anything, and they leave this world wihout knowing anything. They think they accomplished something. It is all empty if they do not obey Allah. Let us know its value Inshallah. May Allah make us amongst those who know its value. This is very important because if you place a jewel in front of a person who does not know value, what use is it if they do not know its worth? Just as it came it goes. May Allah grant us all to know the value Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
146.DO NOT GET USED TO COMPLAINING Thursday, August 4, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Authu Billahi Minash-shaitanir Rajim. Bimillahir Rahmanir Rahim. َ„ “Wa kullu shay’in ‘indahu bimiqdaar.” (Sura Ra’d:8) Allah Azza wa Jalla says: “Eveything has a due measure.” Everything has a time with Allah Azza wa Jalla.
This universe was made with calculation, with an amount, and with a measure. These are summer days. People think every year is different. Old people would know better which days would be hot and which days would be cool or cold. There are certain days Allah Azza wa Jalla created for this world and they also have an advantage. Heat has benefits and cold has benefits. People should not complain because these come from Allah. We need to be thankful for these blessings provided by Allah.
Of course heat also has benefits. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says, “Protect yourselves from the cold.” About the heat he says, “Do not go about under the sun for long.” People of today go and take off their clothes, stay under the sun from morning till evening, and think they have accomplished something. This does not provide benefits, it harms, but normal heat is not a problem.
Our Shaykh Baba’s (Mawlana) (QS) grandmother had some beautiful sayings. She would say, “Have you heard of anybody getting sick from catching heat?” People get sick by catching cold, they do not get sick by catching heat. “Do not be afraid of heat,” she would say, but as we said just because we should not fear the heat does not mean we should think nothing happens in the heat and spend too much time under the sun. So we need to be protected from the sun.
In fact, during our Holy Prophet’s (SAW) time, Zuhr prayer would be delayed a little so a shadow would form and people could go back and forth to the mosque under the shadow. Mecca and Medina are holy places. You cannot find a shadow like this there during noon time. The sun is so directly on top that you need a half hour or an hour for a shadow to form and people to pass by the side. It is a sunna of our Holy Prophet (SAW) to delay Zuhr prayer a little in summer time. Of course then there is shadow and people can go back and forth in the shadow.
We should not fear this heat and should not complain about it. We need to thank Allah for what He has given and not get used to complaining. Once a person gets used to complaining, they would keep talking, “This was like that and that was like this,” from morning to evening. Let us get used to being more thankful Inshallah. May Allah make us amongst those who are thankful.
147.THE MOST VIRTUOUS OF DAYS Friday, August 5, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Today is Friday, it is a holy day. Allah Azza wa Jalla gifted this day to Muslims, to the Nation of Muhammad1. He says the most honorable of days is Friday, and Allah Azza wa Jalla reserved the day for our Holy Prophet (SAW).
Every prophet had a differ
od you must continue not be bored from this because no time to get bored, if it is short time. We must continue, Allāh helps us, in shā’a Llāh. Allāh gives us good life, to be obedient for Him. Life is in His hand, and we don't know when our life end but, in shā’a Llāh, until end of our life, to be in right way, in shā’a Llāh, way of Prophet (saws) and Mashāyikh, in shā’a Llāh.
Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fātiḥah.
137.ACCEPT THE TRUTH Sunday, July 24, 2016.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
A‘ūdhu biLlāhi mina sh-shayṭāni r-rajīm. Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm. "Wa quli l- ḥaqqu min rabbikum faman shā’a falyu’min waman shā’a falyakfur innā a‘tadnā liẓ- ẓālimīna nāran aḥāṭa bihim surādiquhā." (18:29)
Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla ordered the people by telling the Prophet (saw) "to say the truth". Everybody is obliged to say whatever the truth is. If you like, you believe and accept. If not, you don't and be an unbeliever. You can manage in this world this way or that way but in the hereafter the unbelievers will be punished. "Accept the truth." Crush your ego. Don't go out of truth. Accept whatever the truth is. This is the order of Allāh. He (jj) orders the Prophet (saw) to say this to mankind. The Prophet (saw) does not only address his own tribe, not only those Arabs - it is for all people until the Day of Judgement. Everyone has to accept this.
"Accept the truth, whatever the truth is" he says. If you say "We won't accept it", whoever wants can accept. Whoever doesn't accept they will be accountable for it. What is that account? It is fire, hell. Also in the world, because Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla burns people in the world with unseen fire, hell. Ignorant people tell this in some places - "Don't believe. Heaven and hell are here." It is here and also hereafter. You see the one here, in shā’a Llāh, we'll see the one there, altogether. Some will see heaven, some hell. People, who say like that, there will be hell here for them, before the hereafter. They will live without peace, unhappy, hopeless, in the unseen fire. Because without hope, without a goal, it is hell, nothing else.
But Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla showed everyone the beautiful way. "Wa-Llāhu yad‘ū ilá dāri ssalām." (10:25) Allāh is calling to the beautiful way. He (jj) calls to peace, to heaven. That's why He (jj) says, "faman shā’a falyu’min"(18:29) you may believe if you like. If you don't like, you won't believe. There is hell here and hereafter for unbelievers. May Allāh protect us. May Allāh make us from the ones accepting the truth. That's why Mawlānā said it, it is for a reason, Ḥaqqānī. Ḥaqqānī means someone, who is with truth, who accepts the truth. In shā’a Llāh, we are from them, we accepted our Lord.
Allāh (awj) said in Holy Quran, these verses: "wa quli l-ḥaqqu min rabbikum faman shā’a falyu’min waman shā’a falyakfur innā a‘tadnā liẓ-ẓālimīna nāran aḥāṭa bihim surādiquhā wa in yastaghīthū yughāthū bimā’in kal-muhli yashwī l-wujūha bi’sa sh- sharābu wa sā’at murtafaqan"(18:29) This is order for Prophet (saws) to say for people to accept the truth - Ḥaqq meaning truth, right thing.
What is the right thing? Order of Allāh, to accept His holy messenger. Prophet (saws) he is Ḥaqq, he is right, and Allāh (awj) Ḥaqq. To accept Allāh and accept Prophet (saws). This is order for Prophet, "say O Muhammad (saws) - for people to say this." Who is ‘people’? In Prophet's time Makkah maybe 10.000 people only, not only for this, for whole human beings until Qiyāmah. No limit, no time for this. For whole people say this, order this. If not accept he said also continue, who likes to accept, he will be good. Or also they not accept, they are free. Also, no matter, only you must say this.
You cannot make everybody to believe and to accept truth, right. But who accepts and to be with right thing, he will be happy. But who will not accept, he will be punished for fire, He said, Allāh (awj). From everywhere coming fire. If they want to have water, they look for water it comes like boiling water, dirty water. No good for them. And this when? In some people they are making philosophy here in this world. They thought themselves clever. They said "Paradise here. Fire is also here in this life." Here also, this we have Paradise and hell. Fire, and we believe the next life it is real, it will be. But who accepts this in this life also they will be in fire but without flaming - fire, in themselves - to be not happy and to be stressed in darkness, not happy, this fire envious. All this fire without flaming, this is burning more than real fire. In this life it will be like this and next life, real fire it will be for them. Why? Because they are not accepting. They're... Allāh showed them - "if you accept the truth, in this life also you are in Paradise and next life also Paradise." And it is order for people to say the Truth. Mawlānā ... Ḥaqq meaning truth. Mawlānā he said for himself Ḥaqqānī - he who accepts truth. And we believe in this. Don't be with liar people who are cheating people. All the time be with right and don't be afraid. Allāh makes us with them, in shā’a Llāh, to be in Paradise here and hereafter, in shā’a Llāh.
Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fātiḥah.
138.LET THEM REPENT Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
The World, as they say, is a place where anything is possible. Human beings think it will continue like this in the same way forever. It does not work that way. Allah gave everybody an opportunity and He gave everybody intelligence. This World is the World of trials. Are you going to obey Allah’s orders? Or are you going to go after the things you like without considering whether they are good or bad. We left and came back 50 days later. Many incidents have occurred. Many incidents happened.1 You might say, “I wish it never happened,” but it does not work with wishes. You should say, “Thank Allah.” It happened but Allah protected Islam, this Nation2, and these poor people here. “Man la yarham la yurham.” Whoever does not show mercy is not shown mercy. Allah does not grant them His mercy. Everything is wide clear, so people who are still on that way need to repent. They need to repent and ask Allah for forgiveness since they committed a huge mistake and committed a sin. Even so we are thanking Allah since He protected us from their evils. Shaykh Mawlana would say the manifestation has changed in this century. Its good is for us and its evil is on them. It was not so in the last century, during Sultan Abdul Hamid’s time, as everything was against Islam. So they tyrannized people for a hundred years. Now, thank Allah it has changed. Following this, even if the whole World comes against us, nobody can stand against the orders of Allah and they will be defeated. Therefore, to avoid defeat and be on the way of Allah there is need for repentance and praying for forgiveness. People who have made a mistake should turn around so they find comfort, by Allah’s will, both in this World and in the hereafter. May Allah never destroy this country. May it be the protector of Islam. It is so forever, Inshallah until the Day of Judgment, by the will of Allah. From now on, it is the good tiding of our Shaykh Mawlana, may its good be for us and its evil be for them Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
1.Attempted military coup of July 15th 2.Ummat
139. ALLAH LOVES CLEANLINESS Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Allah Azza wa Jalla is beautiful and He loves all that is beautiful. What is meant by beauty is doing good works. Therefore what is ordered for us, whatever orders there may be, are all to live the most beautiful life and so our hereafter becomes beautiful.
Inshallah one of these is cleanliness. Wherever anybody goes, they need to leave that place clean. It cannot be kept up if one cleans and another throws [trash]. It would be comfortable if everybody did their own cleaning at a place, and the environment would be kept clean as well. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says, “Cleanliness is from iman1.” Cleanliness is the most important thing. It is the most important thing in Islam. It does not exist in other religions.
Taharat means cleanliness, it means purity. The slightest dirt is unacceptable. Our Holy Prophet’s hadith: “When a person performs ghusl (performs ghusl of janabat3) it is not accepted if even a spot as small as a pin whole is left dry.” What does this mean? It shows how much care should be shown to cleanliness. That is to say no spot is left dry when bathing so he shows us to teach us. It is shown as an example so we are careful.
Unbelievers4 are not clean. Infidels are impure. It says in the Koran too: “Do not think they are clean as they are dirty.” Therefore, pay attention to cleanliness and do not dirty around. Because cleanliness is an order of Allah, you would also gain rewards when you do so.
May Allah make us amongst His clean servants. May both our inside and our outside be clean. Some people are also dirty in the inside. May Allah not give us that dirtiness. When that is the case, its harm is on the person before it is on others.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
1. Faith 2. Full body ablution 3. Impurity 4. Kafir
140. LET THEM LEAVE THAT WAY Thursday, July 28, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says, “The person who says a word was from me, it is the word of the Prophet (SAW), when it is a lie has guaranteed his place, prepared his place, in hell.” Why did our Holy Prophet (SAW) say so? Because people might do anything for the honor of our Holy Prophet (SAW). Our Holy Prophet (SAW) said so to raise awareness in people, since people with bad intentions might use them.
Our Holy Prophet has explained and shown everything for us. In the last Farewell Sermon he also first said to people: “A Muslim’s blood is forbidden for Muslims; their posessions are forbidden; their honor is forbidden; you cannot approach any of them.” Just like you show respect to your own posessions, honor, and whatever you have, you need to show respect in the same manner to everything all Muslims have.
A person who does not do this is one who has nothing to do with Muslimism. Allah will ask these things to this person on the Day of Judgment. The person needs to have believed in the hereafter. It cannot go unaccounted. Why are we saying this? There is a great sown discord1 around. They are showing and telling people the fitna as if it were the words of our Holy Prophet (SAW).2
First of all, it is not such an easy matter for our Holy Prophet (SAW) to get up and order people. The man who is to reach that station firstly needs to have a lineage which reaches our Holy Prophet (SAW). Even if his lineage reaches, those people do not give such orders. They say the same as the way shown by our Holy Prophet (SAW). They do not say an extra word. They do not deceive either and continue in the same manner.
Here there are still people fooled by this. Let them wake up. Dajjals will emerge in the End Times. What kind of a man is the Dajjal? All bad people, bad women, and bad illegitimate children will all go with the Dajjal.
He will come to the Muslim with a paradise and hell-like thing next to him. He will say, “If you accept me, I will let you in paradise.” If they accept him they immediately enter
the hell to his left. If they do not, they will enter paradise. What appears as hell is paradise.
Therefore, let people wake up and save their world and hereafter. The lawful is clear, what is forbidden is clear, the good is clear, and the bad is clear. Allah gave humans brains to use. It is their fault after all the things that have happened. Let people wake up and repent because a great dissension2 has been cast. It is End Times now. It is times with plenty of fitna. People should be careful.
First of all, let them not follow people who do not have a lineage. Let them go about carefully, search, and research. Let them do the way their heart shows. But a great fitna has occurred, something great has happened, and to still go on that way is obstinacy. Who is the one who is stubborn? It is Shaytan. Shaytan’s biggest character is obstinacy, stubbornness. He said he would not do and he is not doing. He said he would not make sajda3 and he is not doing.
Therefore, be careful. There is no sin in leaving that way, that evil way. On the contrary, it has rewards and it has Allah’s content. If you repent and ask for forgiveness Allah would write rewards for you instead. He would forgive you for what you did, for the things you did unknowingly. But if it is done henceforth, then everybody woud serve their own sentence. We say may Allah give them mind and intellect. We are not saying anything else. May Allah not misguide us from the right way Inshallah. Al-Fatiha.
1.Fitna of July 15th, 2016 military coup attempt in Turkey 2.Claims by FETO of receiving instructions from our Holy Prophet (SAW) in dreams 3.Fitna 4.Prostrate
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Allah willing, tariqa is the way of our Holy Prophet (SAW). Tariqa does not order anything but good. The orders ordered by Islam are the orders of tariqa. Tariqa cannot say anything different.
It also pays more attention to little sins rather than big sins. Little sins become a habit when committed regularly, then a person starts committing big sins. Shaitan is continuously obsessed trying for people to commit evil. He is ready every minute without being lazy, without being tired, trying to make people knowingly or unknowingly commit sins. Let us be careful things that look good are not in fact bad.
May Allah withhold us from bad people, because Shaitan is the shaykh of the one without a shaykh. The shaykh surely tells his murid what to do, how to proceed, and is helpful. It says, “Yadullahi ma’al jama’ah.” The community1, tariqa, means a good gathering since it encourages people towards good causes and rewards. They will have gone astray when it is otherwise. Those people are not people to be followed.
We do not tell anybody to go off the path. “La ta’ata limakhlooq fi ma’siyat alKhaliq.” There is no such rule as to obey anything that contradicts what Allah Azza wa Jalla, the Creator, has ordered by anyone whom Allah has created. If he orders you with evil you need to leave him. It could also be a test to see if you are going in the right direction or the wrong direction.
If you follow what is right, you would pass the test. It does not work if on the contrary you say, “I am a follower of this man. He said so.” You are a Muslim and you know what Allah says. If that man tries for years to make people go on the wrong way, nobody is obliged to follow him. If he has made you reach guidance, there is no need for you to be misguided. If it was done for the sake of Allah, it was done for the sake of Allah. On the contrary, if it was done for his ego then it is bad. Allah willing we are trying to make people reach Allah. Once reached, we do not have a right over that person. It is enough for us once he reaches the path towards Allah.
Allah Azza wa Jalla tells us, “Guiding one person to goodness is better than the whole world.” It is inappropriate to guide a person to the right way and milk them like a cow. That is not the order. Take them to the way of Allah and Allah will reward you. A lot of times, just because they guided a person to the right way, people want to ride on the person’s back for the rest of their life. Such a thing is unaccaptable. It is not the order of Allah (JJ), it is not the order of Hazrat Prophet (SAW), and it is never the order of tariqa.
Tariqa teaches good manners. Those without tariqa follow their ego. A lot of times, because people do not head to guidance for Allah’s sake but for their own ego’s sake, they get misguided and go astray after finding guidance. May Allah protect us.
Therefore, here we say whoever has seen such a thing, they are under no obligation. You are not obliged at all to go to hell, to jump off the cliff, with that person. Allah did not order as such. Allah (JJ) says, “Come to Me.”
“Wallahu yad’oo ila daris salam.” (Sura Yunus:25) [Verily Allah calls to the abode of peace.] Allah (JJ) calls to paradise. He does not call to hell. May Allah make us all people of paradise Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
142.MAGNIFICENCE OF STARS IN THE SKY Saturday, July 30, 2016
We are looking at the sky from here Mashallah. People see the magnificence of Allah (JJ) when they look at the sky. We used to sleep outside sometimes when we were young, and you would look at the sky and see thousands of stars. People can never guess stars are large things when young. People understand Allah’s greatness better with knowledge when they are grown up.
ع ´با ¸د ¸ه ا ˚لع˚ ´ل ´ماء
م ˚ن
شى ا َّّلل´
¸إنَّ ´ما ´ي ˚خ
He has said, “Innama yakhsallahu min ‘ibadihil ulama.” (Sura Fatir:28) Only alims1 are fearful of Allah.
Now you look and you see stars in the sky. The star we are looking at and seeing is not there. It has gone away from there a hundred thousand years ago, it is done for. Its light is only able to reach us now. Our world is not tiny - it is not even as big as a dust particle in this universe. This galaxy, the Milky Way, also called Kehkeshan, contains billions of stars. There are billions of suns, moons, and planets only in this Miky Way.
How big do you think this greatness and this grandness is? All the things we call billions only look as big as one star in this universe. Not a billion planets, apparently there are more than three billion galaxies. Meaning one per each man. (Shaykh Efendi makes a joke here and laughs with everybody). And people get arrogant with themselves here and keep repeating, “We are like this, and we are like that.”
As Shaykh Mawlana (QS) also said, this shows the magnificence of Allah. Allahu Akbar. Allah created these with such grandness. There are such creatures bigger than all of this next to Allah (JJ). There is an angel, he is even bigger than this. So people’s minds cannot take it. Boundaries do not exist anymore then.
Some donkeys ask about Allah, “What is He like?” It is enough to look at what Allah did, created, and made. How can your mind reach and think about Allah’s essence. It cannot even reach this universe, so how can it reach Allah Azza wa Jalla who created them? Grandeur enters inside people when they look at the sky. People feel like they are going to fall when they look at a mountain or a star. Who knows what the wisdom behind it is, maybe they feel very lonely? People experience very different feelings.
All this, the whole universe, is not even a dust particle next to Allah. But with this much grandness Allah (JJ) says: “I only fit in the heart of my Mu’min2 servant. I do not fit anywhere else.” Allah Azza wa Jalla is there if a Mu’min has iman3 in their heart.
Otherwise, there is no use in saying with arrogance, “I am a doctor, I am this, and I am that.”
As we said, our life is temporary, and it does not count as much as the blinking of an eye. Let us not spend this short life for worldly enjoyment. The real life is the life of the hereafter. All of us will be in paradise Inshallah. May Allah grant us paradise so Inshallah we are with Shaykh Mawlana (QS) and with our Holy Prophet (SAW) in those beautiful days all together Inshallah. That is the eternal life. We used to think, “How can the stars be reached?” when we were young. Can it be reached with rockets? How can it be reached, what should be done? It has gone from there and has extinguished long ago then. Very wierd things. People cannot see these things when in the city. They do not raise their heads and look up at the sky. People look down, they look downwards, and they look around. They do not raise their heads and look at the things Allah has created, they do not look at the grandness. What they look at are itsy bitsy and unnecessary things. The necessary things are glorifying Allah and obeying Allah. May Allah grant us all iman and Islam Inshallah.
-Mashallah, a beam of light like a cloud up there. There, that is the Milky Way.
-Which one?
-Like a cloud, up there.
-My sultan, is the meaning mentioned in the hadith in the same direction as the companions being like stars?
Because they show the way. The stars also show our way. People would look in the past. There are those who know it now too, but people do not look anymore, and even if they look they do not see. They neither see a star in this, nor do they find direction. In the past, when they took a look they knew where north, where south, where west, and where east, where all were.
1.Scholars/Awliya 2.Believer 3.Faith
143. WE ARE OBLIGED TO SAY THE TRUTH HERE Saturday, July 30, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
This path of Allah is a beautiful path. Allah Azza wa Jalla says: “If people would not diverge from the path, if they were on the right path, if they do not diverge from the right path, I will give them fine waters and a fine life.” Diverting from this path is so easy though. Shaitan can misguide people when they are on the right path, on a beautiful path.
We need to take our Holy Prophet (SAW) and what he did as an example so it is always beneficial for us in our life. Do not say, “Our Holy Prophet (SAW) lived 1,400 years ago and it does not fit our present-day life.” There are many things that would be of benefit if done in the same manner.
When Holy Prophet (SAW) opened Mecca for Islam1, he raided suddenly and without giving news so blood would not spill, since there could be people who might become Muslim later. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) followed this procedure and he obtained good success from it. Mecca was opened to Islam in a nice way without spilling blood. Once it was opened he provided safety to people such that it was granted to anybody who wanted it, be it Muslim or non-Muslim infidel yet. Even they were given safety. Afterwards, the order came, “None but Muslims can enter Mecca! There is a four month grace period. Those who want can become Muslim within these four months. If not, they cannot live here anymore. There is no more permission here.” In the meantime, most polytheists2 who saw the beautiful nature of our Holy Prophet (SAW) became Muslim. He won most of those people and they were of service later.
Therefore, that situation of ours here says, “Ad-Din an-Nasiha.” Meaning “Religion is advice.” Take lesson from the life and shown path of our Holy Prophet (SAW). Let there be no mistreatment to those who do not deserve it. For those who deserve it, sharia3 shows the way and says how the practice should be. The law says the same thing. However, regarding the matter of informants, the Koran says, “Wala tajassasu.” (Sura Hujurat:12) Most people are open sinners4.
¸إ ˚ن ´جا ´ء ˚ك ˚م ف´ا ¸س ˚ق ¸بن´ ´بإ„ ´فت´ ´بيَّن˚وا
“In ja’akum fasiqun binaba’in fatabayanu.” (Sura Hujurat:6) (O you who have believed, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate). They have a huge weapon in their hands. Bad people, the unscrupulous, have taken possession of a huge weapon. Whoever has a grudge, whoever has spite for someone they immediately inform, “This man is with these bad people.” This way these people are unjustly wronged.
Allah (JJ) does not want this and Hazrat Prophet (SAW) does not like this. Allah sees everything, and Allah says, “Fatabayanu.” So make absolutely sure this person is harmful. On the contrary, it does not work based on the word of fasiqs, it does not work based on the word of the unscrupulous.
We are obliged to say the truth here. We do not receive a salary from anybody, and we do not “give the okay” to anybody, except for Allah. We are not to request from anybody either. They should thank us for what we are saying. Dirty people don themselves in numerous guises and nothing happens to them. People who have nobody and honest people do not know what to say sit in sorrow, but the Truth (Haqq) does not consent to this. This is a bad thing, and what is being done is not being thankful to the great blessings5 given by Allah. It is oppression.
By the grace of Allah, with Allah’s help, Allah has helped us. Allah helped us and we were saved from a great calamity. The whole country was saved from trouble. Allah showed us how He saved us from a great trouble after being saved. Everybody was thankful to Allah. Azans and salawats were called. It is not right to do things Allah does not command. We need to continue this beautiful way. These people’s cases need to be reviewed one by one. The dirty ones are obvious already, and they have all been taken.
Other people will be informed on from now on. Informants, those who inform, are those who inform something bad. Never oppress anybody with something you are not sure about. These kinds of things have also happened in the past and they are on the wrong way. If they are good, even if you wrong them, they are not going to do anything to you and they will only beg Allah. So they do not harm anybody Allah willing.
The bad become worse this time. They are called Batinis. There, the Batinis are these heretic factions, they are hidden factions. Everything is obvious in Islam. We offer namaz and we fast: everything is palpable and there is nothing secretive or hidden. We are doing what Allah commands. It is neither shameful nor sinful. But the other factions are esoteric. They hide better, and you would not realize they were hiding. Then they take away good people or they torture them.
Now what we are saying here is more important that these mass rallies, it is more important than other things, it is the most important thing now. We were thinking about it from the beginning and now we hear how many people are being wronged. If there are so many from people we know, think about how many more there are from other people. There are people who cannot reach us, who suffer wrong unjustly, and who cannot ask for their rights.
As we said, they should not get angry at this advice but be thankful for it. Because this is for the benefit of the country. It is not easy raising a person, a good person. We see there are herds of people but they are useless. What use are people who go and run after Shaitan?
You will find the good person and say, “This man is very good. Don’t ever touch him. Keep him. Treat him with respect and honor.” And they should be thankful saying, “You let us know about this person. We did not know and thought this person was a bad one. We treated him undeservingly. You saved us from its consequences.”
Otherwise, it is not right to inform them out thinking of dismissing them from employment. Well of course, there are false witnesses and what not, but it does not work with what these people say! Neither Allah (JJ) nor Hazrat Prophet (SAW) would consent to playing with a person’s honor and pride with the word of one man.
We need to be very careful of this so the blessings Allah gives does not turn, and so Allah does not take away these blessings from our hands. Governing continues with justice, not with injustice. May Allah grant us all a mind and understanding. May Allah make us amongst those who accept advice.
1.Fetih 2.Mushrik 3.Divine law 4.Fasiq 5.Ni’ma
144. THE CLERICS OF DAJJAL Sunday, July 31, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Inshallah it will be a gathering of good. We do not visit these near by places (Ankara) much. We supposedly say we will come more often but it is kismet. Other responsibilities come up and we are not able to come. Last we came three or four years ago. The visit prior to the one three years ago was about a year before that. A fine spirituality has occurred in seven years. There is a nice spirituality. Shaykh Mawlana’s (QS) himma1, baraka2, and maqam3 is here. He is Inshallah always reaching us.
A little while ago on the way here, someone called when we were at Hazrat Samarqandi. He asked a question, but because he spoke English we understood half of it. Whether it was he who told it or whether it was the Hazrat that made him ask that question we could not completely understand. Later we learned that he was probably a sayyid. “I love our Holy Prophet (SAW) because I am his relative,” he says, “How am I supposed to love the murshid4? He is not a relative.” He asked such a weird question.
We replied, “You love the murshid because he makes you love Allah (JJ). You love him from that love.” It did not do anything. Perhaps this person is of Pakistani or Indian origin. Those there understand this matter much differently and use it with the expectation of various favors. We continued, “If he is teaching you to love Allah (JJ) and to love Hazrat Prophet (SAW), if he is training you with this goal, you love the murshid in that regard. If the murshid guides for you to love him, he is not a murshid.”
A murshid is the person who teaches people to get rid of their selfish qualities, their individuality, for the sake of Allah (JJ) and the Prophet (SAW). Not for the world, not to make people love the world, and not to make them love him. This is how the true murshid is. The murshid also has to be on a tariqa. Otherwise they cannot be called a murshid. You can call them a hodja.
There are a couple of types of hojdas. There are sincere hodjas: they strive to urge people to the mosque, the congregation, and the right way, and are happy for the increase in the numbers of the congregation. For some it does not matter if the numbers increase as they
want the rich to increase in number. Others put their ego in front and try to satisfy their ego.
As we said, the murshid is one thing and the hodja is another. However, when speaking of a murshid, they must definitly belong to a tariqa, they must receive enlightenment5 from our Holy Prophet (SAW). People who follow their ego, even normal people, are in the wrong. Because the ego does not take you to a good place. It is even harder for a hodja. He misguides people if he follows his ego. Especially if he gets a little more famous and is a person who knows how to use people well, things go completely bad.
These types of people have always existed. This is their custom. They have been created in this manner and they do not change. They do not change but people need to see the mistakes. They say, “You are under assumption. These people would not do evil!” There are still people who say this. What more is left that can be done? Everytime we say, “This is the last, let us close this matter already.” Yet we see that people are still on this way, on the wrong way, and they are running after this.
Mahdi Alayhis Salam will emerge in the End Times. The Dajjal will also appear. The real dajjal is Masih Dajjal (the Anti-Christ). Jews are waiting for him. They see him as the saviour. Just as we see Mahdi (AS) as the saviour, they are waiting for him. There is such a person. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) had spoken about his appearance.
He has been in existence since the time of our Holy Prophet (SAW). Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says to the companions6, “There is an island in the Indian Ocean. You will come across such a person with tied hands and legs. Say to him the Prophet has appeared and he will be saddened. Never do anything [to interfere]. When the time comes he will escape and emerge.” They are waiting for him, but before the real Dajjal, forty little dajjals will emerge. What is meant by a little dajjal? A person who harms Islam and harms Muslims.
Many have appeared till now. So if we count them, at least 30-35 have emerged. A person who is against Muslims and Islam, shows enmity towards Islam with the nonMuslims, and harms Muslims is of the class of dajjals. Those who follow the dajjal go to hell. Therefore, we say if there are still persons with a doubt inside, let them repent and ask for forgiveness from Allah. Because Allah Azza wa Jalla’s order is:
خصي ًما
و ´ل ت´ ˚ك ˚ن ¸ل ˚ل ´خائ¸ ¸ني ´ن
“Wala takun lilkha’inina khasima.” (Sura Nisa:105) “Do not befriend and show kinship towards traitors. Do not stay with them,” says Allah Azza wa Jalla.
These people are directly traitors, but as we said the door of repentance has not shut. Those who believe them should turn from that way and repent. This is an important
matter. This is an advice. They have left the path of Hazrat Prophet (SAW), none of his orders are being followed, his sunna is being ignored, amity is established with infidels, and their religion is being accepted. Whereas the final religion is the religion of Islam. The person who is a hodja should know this better than us.
م ˚نه
ي˚ ˚ق ´ب ´ل ل´ ˚ن
دي ًنا
˚ ¸ْل ˚س ´َل ¸م غ ˚ي ´ر ا
و ´م ˚ن ´ي ˚بت´غ¸
“Waman yabtaghi ghayral islami dinan falan yuqbala minh.” (Sura Aali Imran:85) This ia a verse. “Whoever searches for a religion other than Islam, that religion is not accepted.” Religion is Islam.
We are thinking to suppress this dissension7 while it is small, so these people do not go astray and are saved before they ruin themselves, their families, and whoever is around them. The Wahhabi fitna had emerged during the time of Khalid al-Baghdadi. Hazrat Khalid al-Baghdadi has letters, the Maktubat. Khalid al-Baghdadi was also good friends with the pasha (governor) there.
He would also write in all his letters for this fitna to be suppressed and leave no traces behind. Of course, he used to see what was to come through karamat8, but still he was emphasizing to the pasha to “rooth them out!” and making duas. There, when the rooting was not finished the whole world sufferred from these Salafi and Wahhabi movements. Whatever fitna is out there is from them.
Therefore, we are saying this fitna that appeared here is very clear and how evil it is has been seen. People should use their heads. There is no reason for the person that guided you to take you to the gates of hell. They are not indebted either. Indebtedness is to Allah. “If you have done me good, alright it is enough. Do not take me to the gates of hell!”
People are not obligated. “La ta’ata limakhluq fi ma’siyat al-Khaliq.” (Hadith Sharif) No servant has an obligation to another servant in disobeying Allah Azza wa Jalla. Not to obey Allah for the sake of obeying a person cannot even be a subject of discussion. What is seen now is those who follow that person are somehow misguiding people through embarrasing them, pressuring them, and using all means [of blackmail].
We are saying people who are not subjected to this issue should not be fooled because it is a burden9. If we do not mention this, we would be taking on the burden for not telling and we would be questioned for it, “Why did you not tell? Did you not tell because you were afraid? Did you not tell because you shied away? Why did you not explain this issue to people?” Because on the other side, they are using all means day and night. They are neither embarrassed, nor bored, nor tired.
We need to give advice and we need to tell. Those who accept will accept, and for those who do not, the burden would be gone from us. As we said, there is no obligation to get off the path Allah has ordered. Do not drink alcohol, uncover your head (for women), or gamble for a mere two pennies salary. No good comes from evil, from sin. If you say you are doing it for Allah, in the end you become a drunkard, a gambler, and what not. This is it. Nothing else.
There is no logic as, “I am committing these sins for Allah.” In other words, these things were not done for Allah. If they were [truely] done for Allah, people would not have ended in this situation. This is straight out fraud, treachery, and most importantly dajjalism.
When the real Dajjal appears, he will roam around the whole world. Mahdi Alayhis Salam will have appeared as well. At that time, they will not be able to enter four cities: Mecca, Medina, Qudus – of course parts of Jerusalem – and Sham Sharif (Damascus). When the Dajjal goes around, all these bad women, these men who are not men, bastards, and however many wicked people there are will stroll around with him as his soldiers. Next to him paradise will be shown as hell. Hell is in fact paradise and paradise is hell. Those who want to be with him and enter paradise will have entered hell then.
It is the same with this. People who are not on the right path and are with him, drink alcohol, do all evils, and say they want Allah’s consent are there exactly as Dajjal says. So beware. Whoever says these sorts of things to you and orders you to sin, do not obey him. There is no permission to obey even if he says, “I am doing it as a test.” Because these times are already times everybody is used to evil, and there is no use for him to do a test.
May Allah keep us safe from these kinds of people. Inshallah with the dua of these holy ones, dervishes, and people here who say Allah, this fitna turns back on its originators because its originators are the whole world of unbelief. They have declared war over us. They have declared war with all their strength. “We are going to finish this,” they are saying. Let them try. Let it be the whole world. It is no use once you are with Allah. Let Allah be with us. He is sufficient.
May Allah be our helper. In the meantime, nobody’s rights should be violated Inshallah. This is also a very important thing because these things do happen. Of course, you cannot find fault in them either. They have gone against the Ulul Amr10 and traitors have emerged from everywhere. If you curse the Ulul Amr you will have cursed yourself, becuase currently they are are protecting Islam and these oppressed people. Our dua is: may Allah open their vision more so they do not violate the rights of anybody.
As we said, we cannot curse them either. They are trying to do their job, but they have to be a little more careful. However, when the person you would never suspect turns out to be a traitor, still persevering this much is a great deal. They have been hit from every side, and the most private secrets have been handed to the giaour, to the hands of the infidels. What can the man (Erdogan) do? We are still thankful to Allah he is able to manage this much. It is with the prayers of the poor oppressed and the help of Allah. As we said, Allah willing nothing will happen as long as Allah helps. Nothing will happen even if the whole world comes against us. Our prayers are that nobody gets unfair treatment and nobody gets oppressed. May this assembly of ours be continuous Inshallah and may these kinds of assemblies increase in number. May Allah not allow for these places to be shut down Inshallah. Because Shaitan does not like these assemblies, and his followers do not like it either.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
1.Spiritual support 2.Blessings 3.Station/tomb 4.Guide 5.Fuyudat 6.Sahaba 7.Fitna 8.Miracles of saints 9.Wabal 10.Leaders holding power
145.KNOW YOUR OWN WORTH Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Allah Azza wa Jalla created humans in the best form and exalted them. People should know their own worth. Allah does not recognize the worth of people who do not know their own worth either. Amongst His creation Allah says, “Wa laqad karramna bani Adam.” (Sura Isra:70). He says, “I raised the sons of Adam – meaning humans – to the highest station.” Then as a lesson for people, they are in their worst situation at the end of their lives. Except for those who believe and obey Allah (JJ). No matter how much one says, “I am educated, I am this and that,” even if they have reached the highest position, again it is no use when Allah does not will it. As an example for people, their status amongst people is gone, people do not respect them when they run into them, and they do not pay attention to them. Even if they show respect to them for a short period, it is of no benefit to themselves. What is of benefit is being on the way of Allah and doing what Allah says. When they do what Allah says, they are good people in the sight of Allah. Otherwise there is no benefti what so ever. Our life gains value as we obey Allah’s orders. Allah Azza wa Jalla created the universe. We are nothing. It would be due place if we said less than nothing. Allah gave us value and he gave us an order, “Do this and I will exalt you,” He says. We need to be thankful for this day and night. We need to know its value. Even the grand universe is nothing compared to Allah’s greatness. He paid attention to us and He gave us an order. “I know you. I am in your heart,” says Allah Azza wa Jalla. We need to to know the value.
It is a great blessing, but people are unaware of it. Most people do not know at all, they do not know of anything, and they leave this world wihout knowing anything. They think they accomplished something. It is all empty if they do not obey Allah. Let us know its value Inshallah. May Allah make us amongst those who know its value. This is very important because if you place a jewel in front of a person who does not know value, what use is it if they do not know its worth? Just as it came it goes. May Allah grant us all to know the value Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
146.DO NOT GET USED TO COMPLAINING Thursday, August 4, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Authu Billahi Minash-shaitanir Rajim. Bimillahir Rahmanir Rahim. َ„ “Wa kullu shay’in ‘indahu bimiqdaar.” (Sura Ra’d:8) Allah Azza wa Jalla says: “Eveything has a due measure.” Everything has a time with Allah Azza wa Jalla.
This universe was made with calculation, with an amount, and with a measure. These are summer days. People think every year is different. Old people would know better which days would be hot and which days would be cool or cold. There are certain days Allah Azza wa Jalla created for this world and they also have an advantage. Heat has benefits and cold has benefits. People should not complain because these come from Allah. We need to be thankful for these blessings provided by Allah.
Of course heat also has benefits. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says, “Protect yourselves from the cold.” About the heat he says, “Do not go about under the sun for long.” People of today go and take off their clothes, stay under the sun from morning till evening, and think they have accomplished something. This does not provide benefits, it harms, but normal heat is not a problem.
Our Shaykh Baba’s (Mawlana) (QS) grandmother had some beautiful sayings. She would say, “Have you heard of anybody getting sick from catching heat?” People get sick by catching cold, they do not get sick by catching heat. “Do not be afraid of heat,” she would say, but as we said just because we should not fear the heat does not mean we should think nothing happens in the heat and spend too much time under the sun. So we need to be protected from the sun.
In fact, during our Holy Prophet’s (SAW) time, Zuhr prayer would be delayed a little so a shadow would form and people could go back and forth to the mosque under the shadow. Mecca and Medina are holy places. You cannot find a shadow like this there during noon time. The sun is so directly on top that you need a half hour or an hour for a shadow to form and people to pass by the side. It is a sunna of our Holy Prophet (SAW) to delay Zuhr prayer a little in summer time. Of course then there is shadow and people can go back and forth in the shadow.
We should not fear this heat and should not complain about it. We need to thank Allah for what He has given and not get used to complaining. Once a person gets used to complaining, they would keep talking, “This was like that and that was like this,” from morning to evening. Let us get used to being more thankful Inshallah. May Allah make us amongst those who are thankful.
147.THE MOST VIRTUOUS OF DAYS Friday, August 5, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Today is Friday, it is a holy day. Allah Azza wa Jalla gifted this day to Muslims, to the Nation of Muhammad1. He says the most honorable of days is Friday, and Allah Azza wa Jalla reserved the day for our Holy Prophet (SAW).
Every prophet had a differ