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Suhbah 2016: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (14/25)
t is, "we don't know what to do." Because for them it is same, no difference. No benefit, no aim for them. But for believer, there is aim al-ḥamdu liLlāh. Today we live we are thanking our Lord Allāh He give us our food, our drink, our health, our wealth and He, al-ḥamdu liLlāh today we will worship Him to get more near from Him. Next day also al-ḥamdu liLlāh, we are still in life and in good health, we must, we are happy. Next month same. Other year, also same.

All life we are happy for what Allāh give us, and He give us long life to be obey for Him and to worship Him. There is reason, there is aim, there is good result for believer. But for other in this dunyā also they are not happy and other dunyā it will be worse.

So al-ḥamdu liLlāh we are thanking Allāh for what He give us. And ask more blessings, more baraka, more happiness for you, all of us, in shā'a Llāh.

Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fātiḥah.

124.THE WAY OF HAPPINESS Tuesday, July 12, 2016.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

It is not easy to be a murīd in ṭarīqah. Who joins ṭarīqah needs quite a lot of time until he becomes a murīd. Mubtadi’ (beginner), musta‘idd (ready), murīd (follower) - ṭarīqah's work goes like this. But after joining the ṭarīqah, you have to follow that way and follow the instructions and guidance given in it. When you follow it, your rank increases and your spirituality becomes stronger. And you reach peace in dunyā. Even if it looks problematic from the outside, as long as someone's inside is at peace, outside is not important. Important is the peaceful inside of the person. Ṭarīqah is trying to teach this. Mashāyikh are trying to teach this. Who listens benefits. Who doesn't listen, suffers from troubles.

One thing is contentment, being pleased with everything. Whatever comes, comes from Allāh. Someone may love you, [this makes] a man feels happy. And when spoken badly about, he gets angry. Whereas, you shouldn't get angry as much as you get happy. Both are from Allāh. When you accept it, you accept what Allāh says. Everything is from Allāh. That is a proof for the strength of faith. Then that badness doesn't touch you and doesn't affect you. Even if it's for you, as long as you don't care about it, it won't affect you. As goodness is from Allāh, whatever else, which has come is the will of Allāh too. We have to be patient about it.

Modern people don't know what patience is, they don't like it. Because in old times, if something was to be done, it took a long time and people were patient. Now they press a button and until they reach from one place to another, their work is done. These material things are not important. But spiritual things need patience, much more patience. All need patience. The other one needs patience too. If you want everything at once, it will be gone as quickly as it comes. You should say shukr for what comes good from Allāh and praise Allāh for difficulties saying there are worse things than this and Allāh knows best, and be patient. At least, you'll be at peace. Even if it troubles you from outside, as long as you are at peace from inside, that's nothing.

May Allāh give an understanding heart to all of us. When we understand, it is easy. When a man understands the secret of it, he is at peace.

Our ṭarīqah, Naqshbandi ṭarīqah or other ṭarīqah also they are trying to show people the way of happiness. Murīd when he begins to follow, to be murīd. Murīd meaning, also before Murīd also there is many thing to become to murīd. It is not easy. We say murīd, follower, but not easy to follow.

When you like to follow you must accept everything. And when you are accepting everything comes from Allāh you will be at rest. Because there's many people they get good thing they are very happy. If somebody makes them, praises them, or make them - gives them something or is generous with them or honouring them, they are very happy. But if saying anything they are very sad, very angry, very unhappy.

Ṭarīqah teaching to accept as you are happy with people. When they are not happy with you also you must accept this and be same. Do not be unhappy. For this also, from Allāh coming, we accepting this also. When you say this, you'll be satisfied. Even you get hurt from outside but the important thing to be inner happiness and inner peace. When it is your inner happy and in peace nothing affect you from outside. Everything coming on you from bad thing - from bad word, bad action - it is only coming outside and it is melting like snow, not coming inside. But if not accepting everything it will come in your heart, in your body, in your... you will be hurt from inside and this makes you not happy and your spirituality weak. You must try to accept everything.

There's wisdom from this you must say. Because really everything coming from Allāh, when you accept and be patient you will see it is good for you. But people in this time they lose patience. They are not happy with patience at all. Because old times to get something you need months or years to have something. A new one, anything you want, you cannot take it quickly. For this people, they were patient people - old people - old time people. But these days people everything coming for them quickly. And they want everything quickly and they forget patience. When you forget patience it is big loss for them. Because being patient helps you to understand and to accept. Because they don't have patience most of them becoming stressed, becoming, going to doctors, taking pills, taking this and that, trying things worse than pills they are doing. This is from to be not patient.

Ṭarīqah, teaching this, to be patient, to accept and to look for wisdom of what happened. Because everything, Allāh He said "I put wisdom in everything I do." For believer it is good, for everything they have wisdom and they accept but for non-believer it is worse and worse. Allāh help us to understand, in shā’a Llāh,

Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fātiḥah

125.ALLĀH’S ORDER IS FOR EVERYBODY Wednesday, July 13, 2016.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

The thing ordered for us Muslims, whether ṣaḥābah, or tābi‘īn, whether scholar or shaykh, or ordinary Muslim - the order of Allāh is the same. It doesn't change. Whatever Allāh orders us, we are ordered to tell as much as we know. And looking for knowledge is farḍ for every Muslim. Certainly, not everyone can become ‘ālim, but bit by bit they can learn. These assemblies are assemblies of knowledge. If you make intention to get knowledge for Allāh every day, you become a student of knowledge.

There is thawāb (reward) in passing on what you know to others. It is a thing accepted by Allāh and our Prophet. There is thawāb in telling true things that you know are correct. If you think it's very good and want to share with others according to your own thinking, it is not right. Then you are not ‘ālim and you can't be shaykh. Then you are a man either trying to say things people like to hear, or trying to say things in order to satisfy and raise your ego. And when you do this, you can't grow. You will go down and confuse your way. There are many people who are loved by the many people around them. And if their ego is weak, these people who love them try to praise their ego. If a man is true one, he doesn't care. He doesn't care if others love or praise him. He says what Allāh says. And if his ego is weak, then people don't do goodness but rather they do harm to him. He will follow his ego. They all go off the way.

It has been like this since the beginning of Islām. Shayṭān spread fitnah everywhere after our Prophet. Even during the time of our Prophet there were false prophets. There was this fitnah, losing the right way. Some people even do harm to the ones they love. Therefore, our way is clear. Whoever loves Allāh, should obey Allāh's orders and try to keep to the right path. All your friends - if you are real friends, a friend tells the truth, even if it is painful. You must tell the truth and show the truth. Showing what his ego likes is not proper for him. This is the friend. This matter will be continued, in shā’a Llāh - this is enough for today.

Allāh (awj) His Order it is for everybody. For Prophet, of course he is the highest. After Prophet... because he is innocent, not doing any wrong thing - he can't Allāh, keeps him safe from this. After [him] - ṣaḥābah, tabi‘īn, scholars, mashāyikh, ‘ulamā’, Awliyā’u

Llāh, ordinary people - all these people, the order is the same. From Allāh (awj) - everybody they have same order. Of course Prophet (saws) he has [some] different orders, but other to do, they have same thing - same farḍ, sunnah, nāfilah, mustaḥabb. What is ḥalāl, what is ḥarām all showing for ummah of Prophet (saws). Nobody can say "this is not for me, this is for this people for that people". No, it is same.

And you, these people, everybody for his capacity he must learn. To learn is obligatory for each one in Islām, "from beginning from childhood until graveyard", Ḥadīth, it is obligatory, you must learn. What, how? Every day we're going to school? No, every day intention to learn something, in mosque for Allāh, Allāh make it for your intention you are learning His order. Of course everybody he has a capacity and his capacity he can teach other people also. What he learn if he teach other people, Allāh rewards him. And he is...Prophet (saws) is happy with him. What you learn correct, you must teach. But the obligatory is to learn, to teach it is good - there is big reward for this also. But what you will teach, it is important.

For ignorant people, for ordinary people maybe it is less important, but the most important for the ones who are claiming they're scholars, they are shaykh, they are beloved people for Allāh. And they are teaching people what is not told in Order of Allāh. Just they are doing this to be more popular, to have more followers, to be... to make people happy. What they are doing, what teaching is not right thing -[it is] from their ego, from people what they like from this. And it is like this since beginning of Islām. There is kind of this people, and these people, because they have around them some people they love them, they make them, they are happy with them, so they become thinking they are big thing, they are an important thing. When they do this, these who are loving these people they are harming them. Because they take them out of the right way, right way of Allāh and Prophet (saws) - they take them to another way, bad way, dangerous way. And this is from beginning of Islām.

Even time of Prophet (saws). I was saying after time of Prophet (saws), in time of Prophet (saws) they become, some people, they are claiming they are Prophets. Liar prophets, they call them. And they were fighting. They were claiming these people - same until Qiyāmah it will be like this. So, important thing for who claim they are loving this man - if his ego is weak, he quickly throw him from high to dangerous place. Going up, up then going down, he and his followers. And for this what Allāh order it is important. Don't follow your ego. Don't say this is my friend, this is my good friend he loves me and he is doing this and follow him, no! If they are real lover, they can accept the truth.

The truth sometimes, it is not easy. Easy to follow the thing that is not good. To follow good thing it is not easy - for this we are saying, be careful. We try to teach what we know it is correct. If somebody not happy with this, we cannot be following him, what he will be happy to do. Only we do and saying what we know it is correct and it is from

Order of Allāh. Because many people "we love you, you are like this, you are like that," after they are doing something wrong. It is, I tell from here, I am not, I cannot tolerate this thing. Only what we know is right we will say, in shā’a Llāh. In shā’a Llāh, we continue a little bit more from this after, in shā’a Llāh.

Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fātiḥah.

126.REAL ISLĀM IS ṬARĪQAH Thursday, July 14, 2016.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Allāh's wisdom, His first order to Muslims is to read. Shayṭān interferes with everything. There are books to read that raise people up - The Glorious Qur’ān, the aḥādīth of our Prophet (saw). These should be read first. These are good. As we said there are also things that shouldn't be read, that throw doubts in people. Like we said yesterday, after our Prophet (saw), liar prophets emerged. They misled people. The Arabs there first became Muslim, then after the Prophet (saw) passed they were deceived by them (the false prophets) and 90 per cent of them apostatized. Hz. Abū Bakr brought them back to the way with the sword. He showed them the true path.

But of course there were people among them, who couldn't accept. When they were defeated they went into different ways, they made fitnah. The biggest fitnah were made by the ones, who claimed they were scholars but in fact were enemies of Islām. Because the Prophet (saw) said anyone saying "lā ilāha illā Llāh Muḥammadun Rasūlu Llāh" is a Muslim. You can't call him a non-believer or mushrik. Such a group emerged calling everyone a mushrik, a nonbeliever. Thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands of scholars emerged in the Islamic world. A few of them made fitnah, ‘Ulamā’i s-sū’ they call them, meaning bad scholars. They gave them value. Like the people were deceived after the Prophet (saw), so the people of today also give value to bad scholars.

They mention their names everywhere, they praise them. Whoever is not respecting them, they call them non-believer, mushrik. Actually their own belief is terrible. Because bad scholars, ‘Ālimu s-sū’, will suffer twice, double in hell. Why? Because they make people go astray, both the people's sin and their own sin is written for them. They will be punished twice. When something bad happens shayṭān guides people there. If you want to do badness - there is nothing easier than doing badness. If you want to do goodness - thousands, hundred thousands of shayṭān people stand against you saying "you are mushrik, you are nonbeliever."

That's why there are books that should be read and ones that shouldn't be read. You shouldn't even look at these few bad scholars' books. Unfortunately people, who think they are well educated, first buy those books and put them in their library. "I have this

man's book, I have this man's tafsīr." In fact it is these scholars, who make all this chaos, who seduce people, who make people enemies of each other, who make the enemies happy, nobody else.

That's why Mawlānā used to say "Don't read books." because you can't know which one is good or bad. That's why he used to say: "Don't read". 90 per cent write from their egos, meaning that they write with shayṭān's inspiration. I don't think that they think they are doing goodness. These books are written directly under shayṭān's instructions. Because there is no respect for the Prophet (saw), for the saints - their belief in Allāh is faulty in the first place. Ḥāshā, they say such things to Allāh that are worse than what the Christians say. Then they call everyone else non-believers.

Like we said at the beginning of the ṣuḥbah we don't call people non-believers, who say "lā ilāha illā Llāh Muḥammadun Rasūlu Llāh". Their belief is so terrible. Beware. Don't read these bad scholars' books. They poison everywhere. If it is normal poison, you die and are saved. But this poison puts your eternal life in danger. May Allāh protect us. First order for Prophet (saws) He said to him "read!" To read it is good thing, but first to read, what to read? To read Qur’ān and Ḥadīth, the best thing to read. Because everything Allāh order, shayṭān quickly he is use this to his benefit. What is his benefit? His benefit is to make people to follow him, to go out of Order of Allāh and love of Prophet, only following his [shaytān's] order. So he was, from beginning of Islām, finding followers and he make "liar Prophets". When Prophet (saws) he changed his world [passed on], quickly these people they go out of Islām. 90 per cent of ‘Arabs they were Muslim, they went out of Islām. But Sayyidunā Abū Bakr he fight them and he won them to become again Muslim.

But he [shaytān] made other tricks, made scholars for him, following him, who thought they're following order of Allāh but really they are following order of shayṭān. From beginning like this, making fitnah every time. Every time they're making fitnah and they were not succeed but their book still coming until now. And they were 10.000, 100.000 scholars, good scholars, they following of Allāh and Prophet and Awliyā’u Llāh.They have very precious books but these people who like to do fitnah only following this scholar, bad scholar! Prophet (saws) was saying "there is good scholar Allāh will reward them - the highest station for them. And there are bad scholars Allāh He will curse them and put them, give them twice, double punishment." Why? Because they are making people to go out of right way. One for this and one for them to being bad also. Twice, double punishment for them.

And these people are maybe a handful people like this. But nowadays all famous this five or six scholars. They ignore the very precious scholar and every time, especially everywhere you see their book. They print because they have money, they print this book and distribute everywhere in the world. They write in Arabic, Turkish, Kurdish,

Albanian, Japan - every language they have from this book. Everywhere you can find to make this [they] need money, they have plenty of money. And this become fitnah for, all this fitnah in these days in Muslim world because of this bad scholar. This is in dunyā they make this fitnah. How for ākhirah? The worst they make for people.

And people of little bit educated in Islāmic world or other Arabic, or Turkish, or Pakistani, they quickly they said "Oh we have this scholar book in our library, we have his tafsīr, we have his explanation for Qur’ān" and they are very proud as they find something.

These people are really ignorant people. Because these people [bad scholars] are making everybody saying "you are not Muslim." And Prophet (saws) said: "who is saying lā ilāha illā Llāh Muḥammad Rasūlu Llāh is Muslim." And this first, and second one their belief it is really terrible especially for Lord Allāh (awj).

Their belief like Christians believe. They make [for Him] hand, head, like human being, they are saying for Allāh (awj). This is very wrong. "Lā tudrikuhu l-abṣāru wa huwa yudriku labṣāra"(6:103) Nobody can know about Lord Allāh. And when they do this, somebody saying this he is a kāfir, but we cannot say kāfir because he said lā ilāha illā Llāh Muḥammad Rasūlu Llāh, but if they saying looking for kāfir, they must look for themselves. Not for who they [say] - you are mushrik. We are not mushrik. But you are especially crazy, idiot no-mind people, how you can imagine this? It is, you cannot even think about this. It is very big thing, you cannot. Mawlānā Shaykh... you can't, there is no border to say this. It is very bad thing their belief. After this whole this, no-mind people they are following them and they are saying, "we are doctor we are professor, we are scholar and we have this his book" and... It's all out of Islām.

The real Islām it is ṭarīqah. Especially Naqshbandī ṭarīqah. How Sayyidinā Abū Bakr fight these Arabs from first to bring them to Islām, in shā’a Llāh, ṭarīqah also will bring them to Islām also, real Islām, with Sayyidinā al-Mahdī(as), in shā’a Llāh.

Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fātiḥah.

127.BE STRAIGHT Friday, July 15, 2016.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Our Prophet (saw) says; "man ghashshanā fa-laysa minnā wa l-ghashshu wa l-khudā‘a fī nnār" - "Whoever cheats us is not from us" says the Prophet (saw). "Whoever cheats or makes tricks they are in hell." So if you cheat a Muslim you'll go to hell. Of course there are other things but this is a big thing. It looks to be a small ḥadīth but actually it's something all Muslims should be careful about. They aren't careful. Cheating is not just to sell rotten tomatoes from underneath, putting the good ones on top. That's nothing. You can do soup with the rotten ones, you can cook something, you can use them. If not, you throw it for the animals to eat. It isn't a big deal.

Real cheating is in religion. The Prophet (saw) said in a ḥadīth: "If you say something is in religion when it isn't, you'll prepare your place in hell". Like we said a few days ago, they claim they love but they don't do good. They harm people. Religion is clear. The true path that the Prophet (saw) brought is clear. Thanks to Allāh our way is clear. The way that the Prophet (saw) showed is the way that our ṭarīqah shows. Such people come out and try to show things that the Mashāyikh didn't say or do as if it is from religion or from ṭarīqah. They are ignorant people. Even if they seem as if they are scholars, pious, if they follow their egos and say things that aren't in religion, they are ignorant. They try to cheat people, they'll be punished. That's why the things, that our egos like, if it isn't the right path, we should stay away from them whoever it comes from.

They say aḥbāb (friends). Aḥbāb is different. Religion, the true path is different. Don't leave the right path that is shown to you. "Fa-istaqim kamā umirta" (11:112) it is an order from Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla to the Prophet (saw). "This order made my hair white" our Prophet (saw) said. It isn't easy. It isn't easy to stay on the right path. They try to mislead you away from the good side, and to the bad side, try to take you out of the way. Keeping that path is difficult but it is Allāh's order. No need to listen to anyone. Sometimes ignorant people also say: "say it like this, do it like that". We aren't going to change the religion or change our way because of their words. Problems appear but thanks to Allāh this way, since the time of our Prophet (saw) all those years - they said "we give you this, do this, that". He (saw) said "I won't change a bit". In shā’a Llāh, everybody should be the same.

In order to bring one more man to religion, if you try to leave the way a little bit you will go straight off the cliff. He should follow you. Don't follow him. If Allāh decrees it, it happens. It can be a test for you, once you go astray you can't come back. Your religion is clear. What we are ordered is clear. Praying, fasting, zakāh, ḥajj - these are things ordered to us. First of all of course the Shaḥādah. You have to do these things, these are ordered to you.

What are the things that are not ordered? It is a vision or karāmah. Karāmah isn't an order to you. It isn't an order for anyone, to do karāmah. You can see certain things real or not, Allāh knows, it can be. Crazy people come up with these. Most of the time people, who say such things are crazy people. Real inspired people, rarely tell their secrets. Mawlānā told us that the saints are hidden. They don't show karāmah or anything. The biggest of what we said, the karāmah. "I met with the Prophet (saw). I meet Mawlānā, the Prophet all the time..." there are people, who talk like this all the time. It isn't an order for us. If he tells himself, Allāh knows. No need to give importance to this. If he orders the truth, ok. If you say "I saw", if an order comes to go astray, that is from shayṭān. This is something that people say a lot. That's why we wanted to say it here.

People get confused. Either they run away or make others run away. People who say they show karāmah, we tell to keep quiet. We don't have such a thing. By us even if you see it, don't tell as if it is the order of the Prophet (saw), that everyone will have karāmah. Some people force everyone. It can't be. "Yassirū wa lā tu‘assirū" says the Prophet (saw). Show easiness. Allāh created the human being. He (jj) showed him a way. That is a way of tests, means the way of faith. What is faith? To believe in the unseen. So it is to believe in the unseen. The Prophet (saw) told us "believe in us", we believed. If you say: we'll believe if we see a karāmah. Mushrikūn used to say the same. They saw but didn't believe after that. So you fall into that category. You have to believe. Who believes in the unseen is acceptable in Allāh's presence. If you put a condition, you aren't acceptable. That's why we say this, it isn't ordered. No need to ask for that.

Tell the truth, tell what you know. Say I don't know when you don't know. If you say "I know" and say something wrong you'll commit a sin. If you say "I don't know" you won't have any sins. May Allāh give everyone real belief, in shā’a Llāh. Keep us on the true path. Don't let us follow our ego.

Prophet (saws) he said, "man ghashshanā fa-laysa minnā wa l-ghashshu wa l-khudā‘a fī nnār." Who cheat us he is not from us, cheat, cheating people and make khidā‘ - to say lie for people - are going to hell. To cheat people it is common thing for all people But it is... there is many thing, some of them, the most people they are saying, if you sell something, tomato, cucumber, don't put bad one under and keep good one upstairs, so people they cannot see. When they go to house they see they've been cheated. That is

very, light this to cheat people with vegetable it is ok. Maybe soft one down you can make it soup or you can give it for animal, it is not so important. The most important thing to cheat people in religion.

Because religion it is the main thing for our life purpose. You cannot survive with this. With other thing, all everything you can be cheated by, you can survive but for this dunya maybe it is, many people they are a little bit their luck every time they have been cheated. For dunyā it is normal they are used to it, but for real life many people they are cheating people to get benefit. For dunyā they cheat people and they make them to go to wrong way.

Our way it is clear. It is coming from Prophet (saws) and he show us and it is light and clear. And order of Prophet (saws) it is very clear. What we (are) ordered to do - first to accept and say lā ilāha illā Llāh Muḥammadun Rasūlu Llāh (saws). Second order to pray, to fast, to give Zakāh, and to go Ḥajj. These are five orders, three for everybody two for who they have enough money to do it. This is order of Islām. Nothing more clear than this. What we are, [what] people must do all very clear and it's open. And there is something we are not ordered to do. There is people they can do this, special people they have gift from Allāh, Allāh give them to do this. Who are these people? They are Awliyā’u Llāh, the beloved people for Allāh. These people, they have, they can make miracles, karāmah, but most of them they are not doing this. For common people it is not ordered - you must do karāmah, you must speak to Prophet (saws) every time, [no].

Many people now they are saying, they are clearly speaking to Prophet any time they like. And they may to speak to mashāyikh any time they like. This is not ordered. It is not order and it is who saying something not true Prophet (saws) saying to be prepared his place in hell. Who saying this, most of them they have mental problem. Because many times what they imagined make them to do wrong thing. Even sometime they imagine they say to them "O you are now very pure, you are the best, no need for you to do praying. No fasting you are very high." It is like this. Shayṭān can be, give imagination for everything. Even, they said imagined the speaking with Allāh Almighty, there is something like this. So it is very danger to keep, to leave yourself to go with this wave. It is not good. Don't say it to anybody, we say here for everybody. Because, Prophet (saws) was ordered to not listen to anybody. And to not accept [other than] only what Allāh is saying. Many times they were offering for him everything to leave, to go little bit out from order of Allāh. And he was not accepting anything at all. So here, we say for people also, we are not accepting anything from this what they are saying and it is, if anybody imagine or true I don't know, don't say this to anybody. Because making people fitna, people they are going to, some of them run away, some of them fighting with others for nothing! It is not sixth obligatory for Islām, to say everybody must be saying nonseen things or to make karāmah, miracle. It is not order

for us. Order for us is to believe, in - what Imān? Imān meaning to believe in non-seen things. What Prophet (saws) told us we are believing, for this we say - believer. Because mushrik, non-believers, they were saying to Prophet "show us, and we will believe." And many times he showed them hundreds of miracles, they are also not accept. So to make condition to accept, if we see we believe, it is not good. To believe without seeing it is the highest degree, rank. So don't make this.

In our ṭarīqah especially we don't like karāmah. Mashāyikh they don't like karāmah. But alḥamdu liLlāh, Allāh also grant some with du‘ā’, to Allāh accept du‘ā’ - this is the biggest karāmah, al-ḥamdu liLlāh. But to be saying "I am seeing this, I am seeing that," it is not from our ṭarīqah teaching, or teaching of Islām. Even old time Awliyā’u Llāh they were hiding themselves.

Nowadays it is more hiding. Mawlānā Shaykh he said "everywhere they have Awliyā’u Llāh but they are hidden. They don't like to appear in this time." So, we are saying this for everybody, friend [is] who is saying right true thing for people to not cheat them. If cheat them he is not friend. So we are saying this for people to not be cheated by anybody. Be careful to not go out off way of Islām and way of ṭarīqah.

Allāh keep us from our bad ego. Ego it is the worst thing. Encouraging people, "O you are something, look! These people they say for you, you are big man, holy man." So he can say what they like to say. Say to them because they're friend you must say this for them. If you not say you'd be how these people they will be disappointed. You are their friend, you are their beloved one so you must be good for them. No we are good for truth, for order of Allāh. Prophet (saws) said "Sūrah Hūd, made me, my to be white in my hair." Because there is one Āyah "Fa-istaqim kamā umirta" (11:112) "Be right. Don't go any, even very few thing to right or to left, only straight. Be straight." So we must be following Prophet (saws) because from time of Prophet until now 100.000 of people they go out from way, why? Because they thought they are something, they thought they're holy man, and they went to hell. Take these people also with them to hell. So we cannot be to accept anything not right. And we are not taking responsibility for people to take them to not good. Who like, they can follow. Who not like, we are not accepting to accept what they like. Even nobody left, we only following the right thing, in shā’a Llāh.

Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fātiḥah.

128.VICTORY IS FROM ALLĀH (8:10) Saturday, July 16, 2016.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

A‘ūdhu biLlāhi mina sh-shayṭāni r-rajīm. Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm. "Wa mā n- naṣru illā min ‘indi Llāh" (8:10). We have to thank Allāh because the verse we read says that the victory is from Allāh. "Wa mā n-naṣru illā min ‘indi Llāh." (8:10) Shukur to Allāh He (jj) deemed people worthy of this victory because everything is from Allāh. Allāh wanted it this way. Everything He (jj) does is beautiful. But shukur to Allāh, it wasn't a test for people.

With the prayers of poor people, Allāh ended in one night what would otherwise have lasted one year. Like Mawlānā said: "At the end of time an incident of one year may happen in one day - taqārubu z-zamān" he said. Allāh can fit it in time, He can fit one year into one day. That's why it is obligatory for all of us to thank Allāh. We have to thank Allāh that He (jj) ordained this without giving people more trouble. Before, usually they were destroying everything and people weren't able to say anything. When Allāh wills, it means there is a sign in this because the situation in Islamic world is terrible. Only the Ottoman's place remained as the head. They want to remove it in every possible way. They want Islām without a head, a body without a head. What is the use of that? Nothing.

They want Muslims to fight against each other, without requiring anyone else to do anything. Without their having to move their hands or feet, they say "Let Muslims kill each other". What they say doesn't happen. Allāh makes what He wants, when He wants. This is a big lesson. There are lessons, the most important one here is that people remembered Allāh. Each type and class remembered Allāh. They asked help from Allāh, with prayers. Allāh accepted their prayers and helped this nation. Because not only the Ottomans, nobody slept around the world - not only here, everywhere. Because Muslims are looking, they want a head. This isn't a game.

If you follow your ego and be with non-believers and with shayṭān it is not appropriate for a Muslim. You'll be disgraced in the world, and will be accountable in the hereafter. If you shed a Muslim's blood, you can't pass without giving account. We say that we give thousands of thanks to Allāh. Today, this evening is filled with joy. This is the end

of times. Certainly a head will come for Islām. The hearts are in Allāh's hands. Allāh changes the hearts whenever He (jj) wants. Like we saw last night, people were with one heart supporting Islām. The news that Mawlānā gave is coming true, one after another. In shā’Llāh, Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām is near because when he (as) appears, all these fitān (troubles) will disappear.

This is one group, they are a minority. There are people, who are a hundred, thousand times worse than this group, among the Muslim countries. There are still a lot. It isn't difficult for Allāh to remove them. Their turn will also come. They shouldn't think they won't be held accountable, because they are more oppressive. They are oppressors, they shed more Muslim blood. They say to Muslims "You aren't a Muslim, you are a mushrik". They assume themselves to be Muslims. What they do has no place in Islām or in humanity. Leave aside Islām, it has no place in humanity. With Allāh's permission, their accounting isn't difficult for Allāh, it is easy for Allāh. Victory is from Allāh. When Allāh wills victory even if the whole world is against it, they can't do anything. They will be all defeated. May Allāh's victory be always with us, in shā’a Llāh.

These oppressors, who make fitnah, they have nothing to do with Islām. They are fake Muslims. In shā’a Llāh, they will be pay. There has been so much oppression since the world was created. There was oppression in the 20th century. In 21st century it got worse. Instead of being more civilized, people become more oppressive, brutal, cruel. They left humanity. When oppression reaches the maximum, Allāh certainly sends somebody to defeat them. May Allāh not make us from the oppressors.

Like we said there are thousands of lessons. The most important thing is to be with the people on the right way, keep Allāh's orders and not use religion for your own ego. People, who follow them should question themselves. They should think, this isn't the way Allāh ordered. The Prophet (saw) prohibited shedding the blood of Muslims. "Are we doing wrong or right?" they should ask. Because it isn't important if it is only in the world, they will be disgraced here and even worse in the hereafter. It is dangerous. What we advise people, Muslims, is to keep the Prophet's (saw) way, the beautiful way of our Prophet (saw). Follow the way of the ones, who love him (saw). Whoever doesn't respect the Prophet (saw), who shows even the slightest act of disrespect - run away from them because they are dangerous. Love of the Prophet (saw) gives people mercy and beauty, protects from badness. May Allāh keep us all steady on that way, in shā’a Llāh.

Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fātiḥah.

129.IN YOUR EGO’S HAND Saturday, July 16, 2016.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Mawlānā used to say; "May Allāh not leave us in our bad ego's hand". If you fall into the hands of your ego all your deeds are terrible. Ego never orders goodness. You shouldn't obey the ego's orders, your ego should obey your orders because the ego has no goodness. It only likes contemptible things. Whoever follows his ego is always disgraced. This is valid for everything, both for the world and for the hereafter. It is Allāh's wisdom. Now it is the end of times, Mawlānā said that "An incident that used to occur in one year, happens in one day".

Allāh's wisdom, at night, close to midnight some people attempted a big event because of someone following his ego, someone, who thinks he is a scholar. But he can't control his ego. First of all without a reason it isn't permissible to rebel in Islām. According to Islamic law, a war is started against them, they are punished. Because they claim they are Muslims. But like we said "An incident that used to happen in one year, happens in one night". Mawlānā's karāmah, what he predicted is happening. An incident, that happens in one year, happens in one night. "In the end of times, things like this will happen quickly" Mawlānā used to say.

Shukur to Allāh this also passed. Because now the center of Islām is there. You are asking "Why is it like this?" In the whole world there is no other place to hold on to, that's why all shayṭāns want to finish there. But they can't do anything, when Allāh is helping. With Allāh's permission. When people follow their ego, they lose both this world and the hereafter. Don't follow your ego. Beware. Because when someone goes to hell, he will tell the angels there "this man made me go astray, put me into this trouble, double his punishment. This man put us into so much punishment." He would answer in hell; "Don't you have a mind? Why did you follow me?". That's why in this world you have to beware. You should walk the way that Allāh showed and ordered. A Muslim killing another Muslim without a reason, will be in hell forever.

Because they happen without a reason - only for the ego, nothing else, like we said they will be punished. They are disgraced in the world also. They are ruined in the world, they will suffer more in hereafter. May Allāh not put anyone in this situation. We don't

want Muslims to be punished. We want them to keep the good way, the beautiful way, in shā’a Llāh. This is a lesson for all Muslims: Don't follow your ego, don't leave the right way.

Mawlānā he was saying, every time praying to our Lord, "don't let us in the hand of our ego. Our bad ego." He said, "don't let us in bad ego's hand." Because ego not taking you to any good place. Only the lowest place. The bad place he can take you. We mustn't be play in our ego's hand. Not let our ego to control us. We must control our ego and when you control ego, you can take ego where you like, you can take it up also. But if you are in your ego's hand every time you are the lowest one. This is character of ego, but it is created by Allāh you can use it for to go higher and you are in your control. But if you are under control she will be taking you down.

And this is time of the end of time. Everything has end in this universe. And time of, period of nation of Ādam (as), somebody say it is 10.000 years somebody says it is 7.000 years or less. Allāh knows how it was, but Prophet (saws) he said, "I am the last Prophet and I am with Judgement Day like this, very near." And this is the end of end of time. Mawlānā he was saying every time, in this time it will be happening many things in this world. And even something happens, one night it is, before it needed one year to happen this, in one night happen what will happen in one year. And this is karāmah of Mawlānā - miracle.

Last night it was in Turkey, big thing happened, and in one night finished. Mawlānā I remember this miracle from Mawlānā he was saying. And it was for one man, he is claiming, he is scholar and he follow his ego. So he destroyed whole these people who are loving him, respecting him, He destroyed their lives here and hereafter. Because to fight against Muslims without any reason, it is big sin. You'll be in hell forever. And it is forbidden to fight Sulṭān. So these people they lost everything in this world and next world also, they will be punished. And when, Allāh saying in Qur’ān, these people when they go to hell they will see this who will take them to hell, they will say "O ... angel give this man double punishment for us because he make this for us." And he will say "why you follow me? You were.

Don’t follow, your fault, it is not my responsibility." He will say, but he will be in hell. Because it is not joke to kill innocent people or to fight only for your ego.

It is big lesson for everybody, for human beings, especially for Muslims also. And it is pity because these people, we are sorry for them. We are not happy to put believer, to see believers in hell. But they are following and they are knowing order of Allāh, order of Prophet (saws). Especially last speech he (sas) was saying "it is ḥarām for Muslim to kill Muslim, to do anything for his property for his family." But these people they are claiming they know everything and they are doing this, so we are feeling sorry for them.

Allāh … asking Allāh to not let anybody to his ego's hand. Ego's hand is doing this for people, big lesson for everybody. Allāh keep us safe from our ego and shayṭān and love of dunyā.

Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fātiḥah.

130.MAHDĪ (ع) AND THE ROLE OF WOMEN Sunday, July 17, 2016.

Q: As-salām ‘alaykum Shaykh Mehmet S: Wa ‘alaykum as-salām wa raḥamatu Llāhi wa barakātuhu.

Q: I’d like to ask you a few questions with your permission. S: Ja, in shā’a Llāh.

Q: Shaykh Mehmet, you have been chosen as the deputy of Imām Mahdī, what does that mean for you? S: We are chosen ... Mawlānā he appoint us to, for his place. So it is the place, when Mahdī (as) coming, he is also one of deputy of Mahdī (as). We are following order only. We are not saying I am this, I am that. Only when something happen, we can be, if we are not, another one. But, in shā’a Llāh, we hope it is near, Sayyidinā al-Mahdī. We are waiting long time ago, all people waiting, but it is now end of time, in shā’a Llāh. We hope to be his deputy, in shā’a Llāh.

Q: Imām Mahdī was supposed to reveal himself in 2011 at the Ḥajj but instead there was a spiritual meeting between you, Shaykh Nāẓim and the Mahdī. What did the Mahdī reveal to you at that time? S: This date it is heavenly and it is appeared for Awliyā’u Llāh. Time it is not important because sometimes they give a date, but this date when you see in Heaven date, maybe it is near, maybe it is far. From love of Allāh, you cannot realise. It is just order of Allāh and it is like this. So we waiting.

Q: There has been some opposition to your leadership within the ṭarīqah itself. Has it been resolved to your satisfaction now? S: Al-ḥamdu liLlāh we are only following order of Mawlānā and it is order for everybody. Somebody, if they are not happy you cannot force them. It is way of heart. You cannot force people to follow you. What only like to do, is to have good people with us. Maybe because after Mawlānā he select people, he choose people, who must be follow us, to not make it more hard. Because it is too hard to this situation, this position for us. If you have difficult people it will be more difficult. So he select them and he take them out. And al-ḥamdu liLlāh we are going now with very good people, in shā’a Llāh and good - asking Allāh to send people who will be good for ṭarīqah, for ummah, in shā’a Llāh.

Q: Imām Mahdī is supposed to be part of the Naqshbandī ṭarīqah, how do you feel about being a guide for the Mahdī? S: This is maybe a little bit misunderstood. Mawlānā was saying for Imām Mahdī, when

he comes, he is Mujtahid Muṭlaq. What meaning this? Ijtihād meaning to put rule for sharī‘ah. So Prophet (saws) he was first ruler. After him there were many madhhab, ṭarīqah. Also all, most of them, finish - only to four madhhab: Hanafī, Shāfi‘ī, Mālikī, Ḥanbalī. And ṭarīqah, there is 41 ṭarīqah. All this mujtahid meaning - everyone they have a different opinion. But when Mahdī (as) coming, Mawlānā was saying last time he.. it will be only one madhhab, one ṭarīqah. So no ṭarīqah in his time, only his, because he is real khalīfah and we, all people following him by ṭarīqah and by sharī‘ah also. So no Naqshbandī ṭarīqah at that time, only his, no any ṭarīqah.

Q: Why has the Mahdī needed to remain hidden for so long? S: For some wisdom from Allāh (awj). But it need this I think. If he appear, people, no time for...when he appears he will be for his time, but now he didn't because time not yet. Order not coming yet to appear. It must be cooked - this world. Still need I think. I don't know if it still needs, but it looks like it's very cooked, burned now. But, in shā’a Llāh we wait, in shā’a Llāh. Time Allāh He know the best, Allāh (awj) He knows.

Q: For such a huge spiritual being why would he only have 313 followers? S: 313, I didn't understand the question.

Q: They said that Imām Mahdī will have 313 followers, supporters. S: Commanders, this. Commanders. The others are down of them, many they have - all, in shā’a Llāh, will be his follower.

Q: But he will also face a lot of opposition, who are the forces that will be opposing the Mahdī? S: Of course the people who are following making this mess in this world, Islamic world especially, and other forces also who are against Islām also. All will be shayṭān's army, all will be facing him.

Q: I would