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Suhbah 2016: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (12/25)
e died. They killed each other all around the world. They deserve hell in the hereafter. It still goes on until today: Saying "We'll join with Europe." Thanks to Allāh, today a big event took place. Europe's non-believers are dysfunctional now. The biggest government of them said: "You are useless, your system is the shayṭān's system." Allāh inspired these people. They

said "we don't want" and they left. We still have an idea of the past we say "Europe, Europe" nothing else. Europe is finished. "Wa man kāna fī hādhihi a‘má fahuwa fī l- ākhirati a‘má wa-aḍallu sabīla"(17:72)

You have to be blind not to see that Europe is finished. If you are blind, you can say "Europe isn't finished". It is finished. Because they stood against Allāh, Allāh didn't give them barakah. They stole from the whole world. Nowhere left, still they have nothing. There is economic crisis, people are about to die of hunger. The government is paying them all for the moment, Allāh knows how long they can continue to give. You have to trust Allāh. Allāh gave you the best. If you trust people, people die, you have nothing left. You should trust Allāh, Allāh is the Everlasting, Continuous, doesn't change, He (jj) won't destroy. You don't have no guarantee except Him (jj). Allāh says "Be with Me, and don't fear."

Today there are glad tidings for Friday. Allāh says to people; "Wa yaḍribu Llāhu l- amthāla lin-nās." (24:35) He (jj) shows many things to people so that they find the right way; so that they open their eyes and are not blind. But like we said if your heart is blind, not your eyes, say as much as you like he continues insists. People should stay away from these bad sciences. The Prophet (saw) said "Seek knowledge even in China" but we need good, beneficial knowledge. Ask for that, not harm. You can take from Europe, from USA, China, Africa, take it anywhere you like, but beware of the knowledge that will make you go astray, take you to hell as a soldier of shayṭān. "Learn from good knowledge."

Allāh, in shā’ Allāh, this is the end of kufr. Because they were ruling the world with arrogance, with grandness. Allāh hit them from the biggest place. Now they are puzzled. As if they are hammered in their heads. Because they don't have belief, they worship the world. When such a thing came, they become miserable. Who knows how many pills they took to get their minds right. They drink a lot of alcohol anyway. They do anything to relax but they can't. Unless they go on Allāh's way, they can't relax.

Al-ḥamdu liLlāh, today we have a Jum‘ah day, Friday a holiday. Very holiday for Muslim. Allāh give us this day. And.. showing us the good, good way, good style of live, happy life. Allāh shows us the believer. But people they are not seeing this. In our country here, since more than 200 years, maybe 250 years, it was before ending of Ottoman Empire. It was a huge Empire, and it was ruling according to order of Allāh (awj) and Prophet (saws). So people, shayṭān and his followers were not happy. When happened? This French Revolution they said "you must come, your Empire is very old you must renew it." And they cheat people to go to Europe to learn to how to renew their Empire. Of course, Empire it was a strong Empire but when day by day everything becomes old and there is new knowledge, there is new technologies - They need to renew

it to be still strong. And that people they send young people to Europe to get new knowledge to make this Empire more stronger.

But it was like Europe they want to finish this, they are not happy because this is following order of Allāh not order of shayṭān. So they're like sheep going to wolf. How can treat them? Of course they will eat them and finish them. And they bring this people, they give them knowledge but knowledge not important knowledge, only knowledge how to be found of Europe.

Everything they leave - their custom, their traditions only what they were happy to see European how they behave. And they were teaching them in Universities and school but, as we said, teaching bad things. They're teaching Philosophy, they are teaching how to be non-believer, how to be not happy with their country, their people. Only trying to imitate European and they give them their culture, their like [for] theatre, opera and other things. We are not in need of this in our country.

But we need to renew our army, to renew our factories, to make new factories, to make new schools. But these people they didn't give them anything from this. Only what it is rubbish, they teach these people. And from this rubbish thing, the Empire divided into 40 countries. And they were fighting all together maybe, more than 20 million people they also died. And many people for ākhirah also they'll be non-believer, they will go to hell also. This is what they were teaching us. Our culture depending on Islām, sharī‘ah and Ṭarīqah. Everything was people knowing how to behave. You cannot make what you like if you are harming other people. Everything it was so nice. Everything in their center everything people happy, but when this coming, culture from Europe, whole people they are not happy, they're angry, they want everything for themselves.

And it was like this since more 200 years, until now it was like this but people are little bit awaking. They want to be in Europe Union. What is in Europe Union? Nothing. And, alḥamdu liLlāh, today it was a big thing happened. Great Britain they said "I don't want this rubbish Union, I am going out. Take this put what you would like to do where you can put in stable. You can put everywhere." It is finished! But our people they are not looking and not happy, they are blind. Not blind in eyes, but in heart blind. Allāh give us the most beautiful place in the world. The most richest place in the world. But people cheated by shayṭān and their followers, and this European who they are trying to be like angels, they was finishing everything from the world. They were going everywhere killing 10 millions of people. And they just cover it - in Africa and Asia and other places. And Allāh not giving them barakah.

Until now finish this Union, nothing. Don't be thinking it is, it can be more better than this, everyday going to worse and worse. Muslims they must not be worried because Allāh is with us. Allāh He put the best system for human beings. Muslim or non-Muslim,

it is the best system, not changing since 1400 years. This system is finished, it was maybe 50 or less than 50 years. European Union, now the biggest one - finished. Other what they do, we don't know but it is not important. But we like to say here for people: don't be cheated by shayṭān. Don't be cheated by his followers, his philosophy, his culture. It is all rubbish! Only teaching egoism; only "I must be happy, other if they die, if they do anything it is not important for me." This is what they are teaching. What Islām teaching, you must love to your neighbour. You have to treat other people also like yourself. What you want for yourself you must you want it for other people also. This is the difference between good and not good thing. Good thing, Allāh! Bad thing shayṭān and his followers. Allāh keeps us safe from these bad people.

Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fātiḥah.

109.ALLĀH LOVES JUSTICE Sunday, June , 2016.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla showed us the best things that we have to do. What people need most is justice. Justice means giving everyone their right. Allāh also loves justice. He orders to justice. "Inna Llāha ya’muru bil-‘adli wal-iḥsān." (16:90) You have to be just. You have to give their right to the rightful ones. Taking rights by force is oppression. Justice is to give each person his rights. This is the definition of justice.

Islām ordered, explained justice in the best way. Keep Allāh's order. There was the Islamic law. When there is that law, there is no oppression. When there is no oppression shayṭān doesn't like it. That's why they removed Islamic law. They brought the law of Europe. Law of Europe is the law of Rome. The Roman law is 2-3 thousand years old. How can we follow those people? Shayṭān made it up. Bribery, corruption, and oppression everything is in this law. After they brought it, everything was ruined.

In Islamic law, the judge was going ahead. If there was a case, it was resolved quickly. Everyone took their rights and left. Delayed law is useless, it is oppression. For example you file a claim, you wait for 5, 10, 20 years. Either you live long enough or not. You die and go. What is the use of taking your right after that? No use. Whatever shayṭān brings it is an oppression and badness for us. He never wants goodness. No matter how hard he tries to deceive, don't believe. It is only oppression. We are seeing all the courts in the Islamic world. We heard it in Egypt. We went there, it is the same - I mean to say the big Islamic countries. One of the biggest Islamic countries, Egypt, is now divided, they don't have a leader now. Pakistan. They gave the name "Pak" because it means clean but now there is no trace of justice. There are no laws.

All of them are the same. These are all laws, taken from Europe, the cases continue in court. The simplest case takes 5, 10 years. When are they going to have justice? When are they going to take their rights? This has nothing to do with Islām. Islām is a religion that orders to give the right to its owner immediately. It is a religion of justice. The others they don't care. This case that we talk about - during the Ottoman time the cases were finalized immediately. Europeans were amazed how fast the cases were finalized. They were amazed. Then they looked, they were jealous. They adapted their laws to our

people. "They are worse than us now, ok. Now we are happy" they said. Jealous people are like this. If he has a bad habit, the jealous person wants you to have the double.

It should be double. “If I fail, they should fail two times.” They don't want you to be good, to find goodness. May Allāh send us the Ṣaḥib (Mahdi (as)) so that the justice comes back like before. Justice will be done, and everybody will be happy. The most important thing in the life of human beings is justice. And it is a gift from Allāh, He loves justice and orders people to be just. Justice. To be just. And it was like this since Prophet (saws).

Our Islamic court very quickly looking if any wrong thing happened, coming to court. This court it has special very educated men. In Islām the judge must be really educated. In Islām, many people they become Sulṭān, they become ministers, they were not knowing, reading or writing. This is ok, they can be this, they are allowed for this. But to be just judge, no. You must be, even for village, you must know to read and to write and have knowledge. Why? Because justice is very important. When justice is finished, everything is finished. So for this Islām very sensitive for just judge. Justice.

And it was like this until the end of time of Ottoman. But shayṭān and his followers they were very jealous. In Europe they were wondering, how these people quickly finish one case very quickly? No dusty documents for old waiting to look for this case, court case, no. In Islam - not at all, nothing like this. Because late justice it is not justice - injustice. Because people maybe in one year, two year, 7 years sometimes 20 years, maybe this judge he can make good thing and at the end he give good decision, but this man he die or disappear, and what is the benefit for this?

Once I remember one make writing something for Mawlānā, he was writing, very bad journalist and our people in Istanbul they said "you must make judging this." Suing. They said "no need." But he said, "no not, he was saying very bad thing for Mawlānā." Ok we give one lawyer, liar. He said "ok this is very easy, we can take it quickly." But these people - sometimes Allāh's justice comes before court justice. And when he was writing this, writing for Mawlānā bad things, Mawlānā was so upset and of course after one month suddenly he died, this man. But because he is in newspaper, the case continued. After three years it was saying "yes, you are right and this they were saying wrong thing." But nobody remember this thing even. Only what he said, "we win this case", but after three years. But if it was quickly at that time the people they see this was wrong. But, al-ḥamdu liLlāh Allāh, He give His judgment and it is finished.

It is like this, what happen for us now in whole Islamic country. They change all to Europe. And Europe now, coming from Rome. It is before 2000 years or more. And how it can fit our time I don't know. They are not looking for the best, because they are jealous.

Jealous people when they see something bad for themselves and seeing good for other people, they want this good thing to remove and to come worse than them, they said. So what happened now? It is in our Muslim countries it is 100 times worse than Europe by law.

Europe also there is also, 1 year 2 year they can finish, but here never. The best thing maybe 5 years. 5 years this is a very short time - there are cases maybe 100 years. This is, and I give example for the biggest countries, Turkey, Egypt, Algeria, especially Pakistan, who are they separate from India to be there Islamic. Pak meaning - the clean, and nothing clean at all. Every brother [from] Pakistani people the most complaining from this.

This is all from leaving Allāh's order and following shaytan's order. The first order for Muslims, is to be just, justice. "Inna Llāha ya’muru bil-‘adli wal-iḥsān" (16:90) to must be justice. And who eating money to make justice, buying justice for people, they are in very bad situation here and hereafter. Allāh, we are for this every time looking to send us Mahdī (as) to be give full of world be justice with Iḥsān, in shā’ Allāh.

Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fātiḥa.

110.ZAKĀTU L-FIṬR Monday, June 27, 2016.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

The end of Ramaḍān is coming. We have to remind people that the ṣadaqah for fasting, called Ṣadaqatu l-Fiṭr everybody must give it until ‘Īd, until ‘Īd prayer. Young, old, sick they all must give this. Rich or poor but of course the ṣadaqah of a poor person is less. They can give as much as they can. Here the religious affairs declared it as 20 TL. Less or more in other places. You must give that amount. It isn't a big amount but it is big in Allāh's presence. If you keep Allāh's order, You will reach to His Grace, you'll reach His (jj) love.

They used to call it Zakātu l-Fiṭr in old times. Before this zakāt - it was ordered before zakāt was a farḍ. Our Prophet (saw) told the Muslims to give it during Ramaḍān, before Ramaḍān ends. Until ‘Īd, before ‘Īd prayer it is counted as Zakātu l-Fiṭr. If you give it after the prayer it is counted as normal ṣadaqah. Even if you give a thousand times more, its blessing isn't like the other one. You need to be careful about some things. You need to place importance on it. Honoring Allāh's order is much more valuable than that ṣadaqah. You have to keep the order immediately saying " As you wish". It isn't good to postpone it saying "We'll give it later." Don't ever say "I'll do it later" about any of Allāh's orders. Keep your prayers, fast on time. If you have money for ḥajj - nowadays you can't go whenever you wish. But if you have a chance, do all Allāh's orders without delaying them. When you keep them, it gives you benefit both in this world and the hereafter. Its real benefit is in the hereafter. But the benefit of the hereafter also brings blessings in this world. Your faith gets stronger. Your light increases. May Allāh make us reach many Ramaḍāns, in shā’ Allāh.

Today we are... It is last week of Ramaḍān. So we are like to remind people for one order of Allāh in Ramaḍān. Everybody they must give ṣadaqat al-fiṭr, zakāt al-fiṭr. What meaning? To each people, poor people, they can pay less. Rich people, they can pay as much as they can, they like. This was before ordering zakāt. This was only, they were giving for Muslim people, to pay like 1 kg, 2 kg of dates or raisons or wheat. But for common people, it is nearly around maybe $7-$6. But for people, poor people, maybe $0.5 it is enough for them even. But it is for everybody - for baby, for children, for young,

for old, for woman, for lady, for crazy people, even if they don't have any... Also their family, they must give for them. This is order of Allāh. And its time until praying ʻĪd praying after Ramaḍān when finish. Until ʻĪd praying you can pay this. And acceptable like zakāt al-fiṭr. Prophet (saw) said before praying ʻĪd it is like this but after it is normal ṣadaqah.

And when give - 10 times, 1000 times more, you cannot reach the benefit for zakāt al-fiṭr. So for everything Allāh give us something, we must be very sensitive to do what He orders. Don't make it like we can do later and it is not important. Everything it is important and important for us especially, not for Allāh. Allāh everything make important for our benefit.

What He orders we must be quickly make this order. It is like debt. We must pay debt, loan. Some people, many of people, they don't like to pay loan. They make it after... maybe postpone. But some people, they don't like at all to have any loan. Quickly if they manage, quickly give this money and finish. And he is happy and he's rest and he is in peace inside. Nobody asking from him. And for loan of Allāh, it is more important. He is happy with us if we quickly do His order. For praying we can quickly finish prayer in time. For fasting also, we fast in time. If we have enough money, to go to ḥajj, it is open. Nowadays it is difficult. They don't allow. Even if you have money, you cannot go as much you like. If you have this opportunity, you must quickly also. Everything - don't wait, "We can do later. We can make it later". Quickly make it and be get this benefit. It's most benefit what we do for worshipping. In this dunyā also we have this benefit.

Allāh give us belief, good belief in our inside and to give light also. But most important for ākhirah. The most benefit for ākhirah. But this benefit going to ākhirah also coming to us in this dunyā also, make us happy, make us peace with... innerly peace. But if not doing, every time you are waiting and you are not restful. In shā’ Allāh we must give this also. It is not so much. And Allāh, sometimes you see [it as] some very few [small] things but it is huge in Divine Presence of Allāh. "taḥsabūnahu hayyinān wa huwa ‘inda Llāhi ‘aẓīm" (24:15) So, in shā’ Allāh, Allāh accept our worship, and make us to do it all time, in shā’ Allāh.

Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fātiḥah.

111.THE REAL WAY Tuesday, June 28, 2016.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

O mankind, O people! Allāh created us to search for reality in this world. He (jj) tells us to go after reality. Search and find reality. Follow reality. Don't run after imaginations. Allāh showed us the way - that is the real way. Imagination is a wrong way, it is the way of shayṭān. He made all kinds of ways to deceive mankind. Our way is clear. The Nation of Muḥammad's way is clear. Shayṭān even divided them into sects. The ones, who are out of the right way, all run after imaginary things. Allāh showed everything. "Al-ḥalālu bayyinun wa l-ḥarāmu bayyin."He said, Ḥalāl is clear, ḥarām is clear. The Glorious Qur'ān descended. There are the ḥadīth of our Prophet (saw).

Although he showed it clearly and openly the ones out of Islām are totally in imagination. Shayṭān made 73 sects of the ones inside Islām. That's why we have to follow the right way, shayṭān can't deceive you. Don't be cheated by ornamented things. In the old times, a man found a bead, there weren't many knick knacks in those days. He cleaned it. The bead spoke to him and said "I'm not a valuable thing. Don't try so hard. I'm only for decorating mules. Don't think when you keep me close to your heart, it is useful for you. Look for jewels. Jewels are real." That is Islām. It is the way of the Prophet (saw). It is our ṭarīqah, with Allāh's permission. Ṭarīqahs are on the right way, in shā’ Allāh.

Allāh 'Azza wa Jalla shows us the real, reality, ḥaqīqah. And He is calling "Come to this way, the reality way" because other ways are imagination. And people, they like to go, not after reality, but after imagination. But the end, who are going behind reality, they will win. They will win the biggest thing - real life. But who are looking for his, what he likes, and shayṭān showing him many things he like, saying "This is real way. I must go this". But real way, it is clearly shown by Allāh. He sent His holy book Qur'ān and His Prophet (saw). And everything written and shown. Even like this people, Muslim people even, they are 73 parts or more. Only one going to reality, others little bit going this side. Some of them too much going, even they are denying the Prophet and the sunnah or Qur'ān. They are saying you can do better than this. But it is only... not real thing. Real thing what Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla showing us. And many people, if somebody cheat them in dunyā, this world daily what they are doing, they become very angry. But shayṭān,

he's cheating you in the most important thing, your life, eternal life he's cheating you. He destroys you to make you loser, the real loser. Because this life, we'll be, you die. But there is eternal life. You are loser here, maybe you are poor or you are sick or ill or anything, but in next life if you do good thing and you'll be in real way, right path, you will be winner.

But in this dunyā you are strong, you are rich, you are everything, but you're cheated by shayṭān, real eternal life, it will be bad for you. So you must be awakened. Don't be cheated by shayṭān and don't be in the world of imagination. Allāh show us the right path. In shā’ Allāh we all not to be cheated by shayṭān, in shā’ Allāh.

Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fātiḥah.

112.TIME OF FITNAH Wednesday, June 29, 2016.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Allāh created human beings as the most honored creatures. The most honorable creature is human being. How can he be the highest one? If he obeys Allāh's order in the way that Allāh has shown then the human being is the highest ranked creation. But if he doesn't obey Allāh's orders then the human being is the worst of creation, worse than the wildest animal. This goes back to the time of Ādam ‘alayhi s-salām, it is the same since then. That's why Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla sent the prophets and the saints are a guidance for them. They are sent as a mercy among the people.

It is good to be honored with Islām but if there isn't somebody to keep you and tie you to the right way then you might think you are doing good for Islām when in fact you are doing the biggest harm for Muslims - no harm can be done to Islām. Like we said these are all shayṭān's doings. Even shayṭān says in the end when going into hell - "I fear Allāh." He actually put mankind in hell. He says "You don't fear Allāh". Beware of people, who don't fear Allāh. The beginning of wisdom is fear of Allāh, taqwá Allāh. Fearing Allāh means being a Muslim.

You have to stay next to a shaykh. Your murshid will train you. You have to be tied to the person, who will show you the right way. Rābiṭah means connection [to be tied]. You should connect. No need to attack here and there like a wild animal. When you are connected, you are accountable. When you are free, you try to make what you like. Even at school you can't study alone. You have to be in a class or with friends - a teacher will teach you, that way you learn. You'll learn the right way. But after going out, most people can't continue studying. Your life is also like this. All your life you need to connect to a shaykh so you feel you are always under his control, so that your ego won't run here and there.

A person's most valuable thing is his life. Instead of sacrificing it in Allāh's way, they sacrifice it in dirty ways. They sacrifice it for the way of hell. Why is that? Because of ignorance. Then they criticize, say bad things about the ṭuruq [sufi ways] and shuyūkh. This is normal of course. It will go on like this until the Day of Judgment. Whoever is good is always criticized. He is harmed continuously. People are afraid of wild people,

can't tell them anything. But we are appointed to show the right way, to invite people to the good way, to let them have a good life in this world, not to go out of the level of humanity and not sacrifice themselves for dirty ways. Because everything has a principle.

You won't go to heaven because you killed yourself. If you killed yourself it means you'll die the same way every day until the Day of Judgment. That's why beware - don't sacrifice your life and faith for nothing. Shayṭān attacks with all his power, mostly using Muslims. Among non-muslims also. Shayṭān is trying to finish Islām but Allāh will complete His nūr (light). Allāh's nūr won't end. What they do, will come on them as a punishment in ākhirah. No salvation. Salvation is only in Allāh's way, in our Prophet's way. In the way of the ones, who love the Prophet (saw). People, who don't love the Prophet (saw) are never on the right way. There are so many so-called knowledgeable people. We see them here and there. They write two words, a book, some nonsense, go on TV, they preach. Finally they get into trouble. Someone, who sells his ākhirah for fame or fortune can never have money or the love of people. He lives in misery without guidance and light. He dies in misery. He is deprived of intercession on the Day of Judgment because he doesn't accept or want intercession. It will be the worse for them.

May Allāh give them what they deserve because they are like shayṭān. May Allāh give guidance and good understanding to the people, who listen to them.

Allāh 'Azza wa Jalla created human being the best, the most highest station between [among] creation. How? When they are following Allāh's, 'Azza wa Jalla, order, they are highest. But when they are going out from order of Allāh, going following shayṭān, they are the worst, the worst animal, worse than any animal, worst creature. Even shayṭān, you can say he's better than them. Because he cheat them and when coming to hell, he said "I am afraid from Allāh". And these people, they are not afraid from Allāh. They are so proud and they are so bad. The most dangerous creature - human being when going out from the order of Allāh and right path.

And order of Allāh, it is coming through Prophets, the messengers since Ādam ‘alayhi s-salām until Prophet Muḥammad (saw). They are showing us the right way. When you do something you thought you're doing good for Islām, for Allāh and it is not order of Allāh, not order of Prophet, you do the worst. You do worse many times. There's example also since Prophet (saw) till now what these people, they are doing. And they were cursed. But all scholars, all Muslims, all people, they were cursed. And then they thought they are doing good. And they become, give their the most precious thing they have, human being - his soul. He give it for he thought he's doing good thing. But he's not coming what he thought. He just give his soul for dirtiness, for way of shayṭān without knowing.

But everything is clear. Allāh order clear. Don't kill innocent, don't do what Allāh not ordering. And you do this for claiming you are making this for Islām. No, it is for shayṭān and you will be loser. You lose everything, especially eternal life. Now it is time of fitnah. It is approaching time of Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām. So what it is happened, it is normal, not... Without happening this, Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām will not come. Mawlānā Shaykh was saying when Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām coming, he will fight these people and he will finish them. And it is fitnah not finishing until Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām coming. And it looks like - Allāhu a‘lam, Allāh knows better - it is the worst day for human being and especially for Islām because whole world attacking Islām.

And their helper attacking Islām from inside Islām, with knowing or without knowing. We don't know. But it is... There is arrow, revenge arrow, Mawlānā was saying, for these people. They will be take it, will be each one who make bad for oppressing for Islām, they will be take this arrow. And he will be sorry and will be loser. Many people attacking, especially these days, ṭarīqah and Prophet (saw), saying no need for ṭarīqah, no need to respect Prophet (saw). And this is like fashion. Everywhere you see these people. Because only this ṭarīqah and love of Prophet make raḥmah, mercy for this ummah. And this is our duty. We are telling people about this. Many people "What need for ṭarīqah?" they say. It is very important. Very important, the most important thing. Because if other people, it will be fire, it will come on us, if no love of Prophet, not making order of Prophet (saw) and Allāh.

We are trying and we are asking Allāh for hidāyah (guidance) for people, not these people they are selling their souls for money, for fame and they are attacking ṭarīqah and Prophet (saw). We are not asking because they are worse than shayṭān. You cannot change them. No hope for them. But we ask hidāyah for people who are listening to them, to not accept what they are saying. Because if you accept, it will be... you'll be also aimed by revenge, arrows of revenge from Allāh 'Azza wa Jalla. In shā’ Allāh we hope Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām soon comes, in shā’ Allāh.

Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fātiḥah.

113.THE SECRET OF SUCCESS Thursday, June 30, 2016.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Mawlānā used to say; "If you'll do something, do it consistently". That's the secret of success. Ḥadīth is also like that. "Ajallu l-karāmāt dawāmu t-tawfīq". "khayru l-a‘māl adwamihā"- the best of deeds are consistent. Things done consistently - those are the best. If you do something - you try, then to another place... it didn't work here, it didn't work there also. Even if it works some people do too much then they get tired and give up. Don't overburden yourself.

People think they can reach high ranks all at once - "I can be awliyā’." You see 1 year, 2 years - even 2 years is difficult. They do it seriously. Then they give up all of a sudden. To prevent this you need to start small and add on. Start with the seed so it grows. If you plant a big tree, it won't survive most of the time. It needs more effort. You start with baby steps, slowly your ego gets used to it and lets you continue. When people start praying at a young age, first time, second time, when will it end? No end. It continues. Just as you accepted praying continuously by getting used to it at a young age, for other obligations also.

You should never ask "Why? when it will end?" to the shaykh that you are connected to. There are many people coming and going. Like we said the important thing is even if your shaykh has nothing, Allāh opens for you because of your sincerity and consistency. "When does He open?" You can't specify that. Allāh gives when He wants. If He wants, He gives, or He gives in ākhirah. Nothing is wasted. Carry on with that discipline and constancy. Ākhirah deeds are the same. Worldly deeds are the same. Don't say "I couldn't succeed, it doesn't work" after you start with big things. Wherever and however the door opens, enter from there. After you enter slowly you rise. No need to jump here and there. You are useless if you go from one place to the other. Stability is important.

May Allāh keeps us steady in the right way, in shā’ Allāh. Integrity is an important thing.

Mawlānā Shaykh he was saying, for everything you must be, make, following seriously without stopping, continuously - it is for everything, for spiritual and for material world.

But especially for spiritually, you must follow, continue. But the advice for these people to carry as much as they can carry, not more. Many people they are trying to do more than they can do, and it is maybe they can 6 months, 8 months, 1 year. After they are fed up. They cannot continue, because heavy. But when you are beginning from seed, slowly, slowly growing, growing, you don't feel the heaviness, you get used to it. Even this you must put limit for yourself to not leave, to continue all your life. Because our life for ākhirah for eternal life, but it is not easy.

From when you get born you don't have teeth, you don't have anything - you cannot eat, you cannot chew. Slowly, slowly everything you [get] used to it. And this is for our life also same, for spiritual life. You must do new thing and when you get some place you must look for yourself, if you can do more. Of course you can do, but if not, don't make to carry more than you can do and to [get] fed up. Don't [get] fed up. Most important thing to not [get] fed up from worshipping, from following the right path. And it is for everything for dunyā work also. Material work also, you must continue and you don't make big from beginning what you cannot carry. Also what Allāh open for you door you can enter. After slowly, slowly by patience, Allāh makes it more opening, more better thing, slowly slowly you can be higher. But the most important thing Mawlānā he was saying: the secret of success is to be stable in right, strong, stop and continue. Allāh makes us stable in right path in dunyā and in ākhirah, in shā’ Allāh.

Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fatiḥa.

114.LAYLATU L-QADR Friday, July 1, 2016.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Shukur to Allāh, today is Jum‘ah, tonight is, in shā’ Allāh Laylatu l-Qadr. Laylatu l-Qadr of course, it isn't always certain which night but most probably it is on the 27th night. It can be any day in the year. Most probably it is in Ramaḍān. It can be on another day of the year also but that is rare. Most of the time it is in the last 10 days of Ramaḍān, 23rd, 25th, 27th, mostly 27th. Mashāyikh, companions said that it is on the 27th. "Wait for it at that night" they say. Laylatu l-Qadr is a night given to the Nation of Muḥammad by Allāh. Allāh Almighty says in Holy Qur’ān: "Laylatu l-Qadr is a night better than a thousand months". A thousand months means the life of a human being; it is around 80- 85 years.

Whoever respects this night, worships, and petitions Allāh, gets its blessing. Of course to actually meet Laylatu l-Qadr - that manifestation isn't granted to everyone. Even for those people, who get up at night. Allāh (awj) shows to whomever He wants. He (jj) shows to whomever is destined to see. If you aren't destined you pass by and you won't even know. There are holy places, holy things in this world. People aren't even aware of Ramaḍān. How will they be aware of Laylatu l-Qadr? How will Allāh give them that grant? Allāh gives to whomever He wants. We pray to Allāh, in shā’ Allāh, so that He grants us Ramaḍān or Laylatu l-Qadr.

We repent, ask forgiveness a lot tonight. Allāhumma innā nas‘aluka l-‘afwa wa l-‘āfiyata wa lmu‘āfiyati dā’ima - Forgive us, give us good health - These are the most important things for human beings. If Allāh forgives us everything will be good. If we are healthy it can't get better than that. Because people want this, people want that. The Prophet (saw) summarized it: "Ask forgiveness from Allāh, ask for health and welfare for yourself, your family, everyone." In shā’ Allāh, we also ask for it. May Allāh forgive us because sin is a burden. When forgiven, that burden is lifted, we get released.

Tonight is a good occasion. In shā’ Allāh, we see many more beautiful years when Islām will be victorious because now all the shayāṭīn are attacking Islām, both jinn shayāṭīn and human shayāṭīn. They all have one target - it is to destroy Islām and the Muslims. They don't know whom they are fighting against. Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla is against them.

Islām is Allāh's religion. Allāh will be victorious, in shā’ Allāh. We pray tonight that next year, in shā’ Allāh, Islām's nūr appears, dawns on the world, in shā’ Allāh, with Mahdī (as). Because Mahdī (as) wipes out all these fitān (troubles) - there's no other way.

If you finish one side, they appear from the other side. That's why we trust in Allāh, we pray Allāh to be like this.

Al-ḥamdu liLlāh today we arrived at the end of Ramaḍān. It is Friday. Friday is most holy day for Muslims. And there is tonight also holy night, Laylatu l-Qadr. Laylatu l- Qadr meaning the night of miracle. It is... There is one time, if you catch it, everything Allāh accepts, He gives you. But Laylatu l-Qadr it is secret. It is in whole year you can find it. But mostly in Ramaḍān, very rare outside of Ramaḍān. But in Ramaḍān also, it is the end of Ramaḍān, after 20th. And Awliyā’u Llah, ṣaḥābah and holy people, they were saying it is mostly 27th of Ramaḍān - like tonight.

In this night Allāh sent His holy book, Qur’ān al-Karīm in this night, Laylatu l-Qadr. How He sent it? It is 23 years it was coming from Lawḥu l-Maḥfūẓ to sky of first sky. And from there was Jibrīl coming 23 years slowly slowly bringing to Prophet (saw). Everything needs patience, needs to get used to it. And Allāh 'Azza wa Jalla make this easy for people, slowly slowly give to Prophet (saw) and he spread Islām in this world. So it is the night of Holy Qur’ān coming to Prophet (saw). For this, it is very holy night. And because it is holy, Allāh make it secret to look for every night; to find, to try to find this night; to be awakened. If everybody knows this night, he will only [look] one night in a year, he will come and not sleep until morning. But Allāh make it secret so every night you must think it is holy Qadr night. And if you pray and sleep and wake up for Tahajjud, Allāh write this as you are awakened all night because you are waiting for this night.

And it is only for what Allāh want from good people to see it. Maybe you can find this night but you cannot catch this moment because Allāh make people, some people, they are blind. They're not feeling anything, not knowing anything. Even whole this one month Ramaḍān coming, people they're not realizing it is Ramaḍān, not doing any respect. So Allāh... It is good for them. No? Al-ḥamdu liLlāh, not good for them. Good for who are respecting, fasting, praying, praising this month. Others, they are poor people. They are like, sorry to say, but like animals. They are not knowing. Maybe some animals they're knowing better for this holy month because they are feeling the manifestation of this month. Some of animals, birds, they are feeling this. But who are following shayṭān, of course, they will not know. And we are...

Prophet (saw) said to us if you find this night, ask for: "Allāhumma innā nas‘aluka l- ‘afwa wa l-‘āfiyah". What we will ask? Very short summary of praying to make du‘ā’ - We ask for forgiveness and for health. Very short but it is very important to be forgiven

from Divine Presence of Allāh. It is the most best thing for us. When you don't have sin, you do not have any burden on you and nothing affect you. Other, to be healthy, it is also big favour from Allāh. Others, all coming after this. If you have two these, forgiveness and health, it is big favour from Allāh. This is Prophet's (saw) order. We must ask for this, in shā’ Allāh.

In shā’ Allāh, we reach many years of Laylatu l-Qadr. In shā’ Allāh, we will hope next year to be year of Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām, to make this whole earth clean from the dirtiness of shayṭān. Jinn shayṭān and Ins shayṭān - human being shayṭān.

There are two kinds. The human being is worse than jinn. And it is full of them now. In shā’ Allāh, when Mahdī (as) he will come, he take all of them. He is coming to clean. In shā’ Allāh. We hope, in shā’ Allāh, next year to be with him.

Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fātiḥah.

115.THE HEART OF THE BELIEVER Saturday, July 2, 2016.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

The most important thing in the human body is the heart. Our Prophet (saw) said: "If that is good, the whole body becomes good if that is bad, the whole body becomes bad". It is like this both physically and spiritually. If you have a heart disease they treat you. They do physical treatment but actually they need to do the spiritual treatment. A Muslim's heart is clean. It is full of love of Allāh and fear of Allāh. It should be filled with goodness for people. It should be merciful. There should be mercy. When it is so then you are a true believer - you want goodness for everyone. You never want badness for anyone.

Once upon a time Sirrī Saqaṭī Hz. Ma‘rūf Karkhī Hz. he was in Baghdad. The river Tigris runs through Baghdad. The river Tigris is a big river. Because it was big they used to travel on it by boat, they went around. One day when they were sitting a boat passed them by. There were young people in it. They were singing and playing, making jokes, and also drinking alcohol. His friends said to him - "These are sinners. Curse on them." He said "O Allāh make these people happy hereafter, just like they are happy here". They asked him - "These people are sinners. We asked you to curse on them but you prayed for their ākhirah". He answered them - "People, who will be happy in ākhirah should have gained Allāh's pleasure, be granted Allāh's forgiveness." They heard later that those youngsters really repented and came to the right path.

The heart of a true Muslim, awliyā’, always wants goodness. They don't respond to bad people with bad manners, they respond with the manners of awliyā’. If they are mistreated, they still do good. Finally, with Allāh's permission they find goodness. A non-believer's heart is just the opposite. There is no mercy in that heart, no goodness, just misery. They don't want goodness for anyone. They only want goodness for themselves. They don't want goodness for anyone else. A believer's heart isn't like that, his heart is pure and good just as our Prophet (sas) described. This is a good heart - a heart that doesn't want badness for others.

A very important thing in life of human being, anybody - the heart. It is most important piece in our body. Prophet (saw) he was saying in his holy talk, ḥadīth - there is one piece

of meat in your body, if it is good, all your body good. If it is spoilt and not good, all your body finished, not good. And this is for spiritual and material also. Material - now many hospitals, many doctors, they are experts and good doctors. They can make surgery, make bypass, other many things they do now for heart. They survive people. But this is not so important like spiritual one.

In spiritual one must be for good believing, good Awliyā’u Llāh, or normal believers. It must be full of love for Allāh and Prophet (saw) and for people also to need, to want, ask for good things for people, giving light, giving mercy for people. This is right one. Even they saw bad thing, they like to make it changing to better.

There is once in Baghdad Ma‘rūf al-Karkhi, he is big awliyā’. He was, mother and father they were Christian and they give him to one teacher to teach him. And of course, teacher he was a Christian. He was saying three in one, one in three something like this. He said "No, only One. Only one God, no three Gods. Cannot be." He was small boy. And teacher was beating him. At the end he run away from teacher. And mother and father they were asking. They regret, they said "If he comes, we ask him which religion he will be and we follow him." After a while, he come. He said only one God. They accept, mother and father also become Muslim. And he was from childhood like holy one. Many karāmāt for him. Even to visit his grave was famous to accept du‘ā’ for him, for who are visiting his grave.

Once he was sitting with his companions near river called Dijla (Tigris) passing through Turkey, coming through Baghdad. And this is big river. People can go by boat, even by ship. So there were many people going, coming. Once they were sitting and there was boat full of youngsters. They were singing, laughing, drinking. And these people they saw - "O Shaykh, look, these people, they are doing ḥarām, wrong thing middle of the day, middle of people. Curse them, pray for them to be cursed." And he said "O Allāh, they are happy here. Make them happy in ākhirah also." Companions were very astonished. "What? O Shaykh, what are you saying? These people, we tell you to curse them. You are making du‘ā’ for them." He said if they are happy in ākhirah, it is real happiness. Bad people cannot be happy in ākhirah. So Allāh make them acceptable people. And really after a while, they hear all these youngsters from du‘ā’ of Ma‘rūf al- Karkhi, they become good people and left this bad life.

This is what Awliyā’u Llāh, they like for people. They like only good thing for people, they don't like any bad thing. They want to be everybody to be good. Even Mawlānā many times we hear this in his ṣuḥbah. He said "I am wishing to be all this island to be real Muslim." This for believers - clean heart, nice heart, soft heart - our aim, order. And who are not believer or not respecting Prophet (saw), their heart darkness and they don't want anything good for people. Only they want bad thing for people. And they are miserable, here miserable and in next life also miserable. To be good heart, it is nice and

it is good for you, for all human being. We try, in shā’ Allāh, to take this bad thing from o