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Suhbah 2015: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (28/30)
ti Allahi" (39:53)

Don't lose hope in Allah. Only the kafir and faithless people lose hope in Allah. Who have faith submit to Allah. Whatever turns out at last, Allah is with them. They will find Allah in akhira, if not here. They believe in Allah and their end will be good. But those who are faithless should think about it. They suffer because they are mindless. They claim they are the ones who know everything the best. "No one knows better than us". They study and learn, and finally realize that their knowledge is meaningless. But they have already studied. The world appears lower to them than their selves and they think they are more civilized and on a higher level. As though there is nothing like being civilized. A civilized person is the one who believes in Allah. People who don't believe in Allah are lower than animals. An animal knows its Creator, but they don't know. They think they evolved from worms, cats and different animals. Allah Azza wa Jalla created mankind in the highest rank. He says:

"Walaqad karramna bani adama" (17:70)

No need to create from something else. Allah is Able. Allah is capable of everything. His power cannot be comprehended. His power is a huge ocean. It looks like a small word, but He is Qadir and Muqtadir. He can do everything, nothing is difficult for him. Allah Azza wa Jalla created the whole universe. This huge world within the universe is not even as dust. Would He create you from a bug in this case? If Allah says "Be", it happens. Believe in Allah, fear Allah, you will be fine. Allah is with you. This is the greatest favour. Being with Allah is the greatest favour. You can be with whomever you want, there is no guarantee. As long as you are with Allah, you will be fine. In these days people they are very afraid, very anxious, but who are with Allah, Allah said don't be sad, don't be hopeless. Who are with Allah He is all time winner. But if he is not believe, this is his problem. Allah give us this big favour to be with Him and to be supported by Him. If you have everything and you don't have support it is nothing in this world. Because whole people now, before it was only this area, they suffering from everyday new bad thing. But now whole world they are afraid and they are anxious what will happen tomorrow, "How we can...? Everyday coming more worse". Even by terror, or by economic, or by sickness. Everything, it's coming worse and worse and it will be not be better. So who is with Allah it is no problem for him. And Allah ordering believer: Don't be hopeless. Hopeless people, unbeliever people. Believer people never be hopeless. What will happen, it is in the end good for believer. Nothing bad. The biggest favour, to be believer and to be with Allah. Who are with Allah, he is no fear, no fear for him. And he will be at the end, happy. Here or hereafter. It is important and we mustn't be hopeless. We are believe in Allah, Allah, He is doing everything. He is Able, qudrat, Muqtadir, meaning Able, but is not small word. It is the big. He can, meaning, He can do everything. Nothing hard for Him, nothing difficult for Him. Everything, only to be say, "Be" and it will be, just like this for Allah Azza wa Jalla. So you think for this. And who is studying university,

studying, they'll become professor, they become doctors, they must think for this word, for to, from Allah Azza wa Jalla, how he is Great. Wa min Allahi tawfiq, Al-Fatiha.

206.BE CLEVER Thursday, November 26, 2015.

As-salamu aleykum wa rahmatullah Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina wa l-akhirin. Meded ya RasulAllah, meded ya Sadati Ashabi Rasulillah, meded ya Mashayikhina, destur. Meded ya Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Haqqani. Destur. Tariqatuna as-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.

Khayruhu wa sharruhu min Allahi Ta'ala. This is one of the articles of our faith, that good and bad both come from Allah. May Allah grant us good works, insha'Allah. For we thank Allah for having shown us His way, and for having made it easy for us to walk in His way. This is not granted to everyone. It is a question of what one is allotted. If Allah does not will a thing - if Allah wishes, He wills goodness for man; if He wishes, He wills badness for him. Therefore, we constantly ask goodness of Allah. May we have goodness, may all our works be good ones. May they conform to what pleases Allah. May Allah bring us together with good people. Let it be a good person, his rank or social status is not important, whatever his colour, race, or language, it is of no import because Allah has created mankind. But among all people there are good ones and bad ones, that is why we pray to Allah to always bring us together with good people, insha'Allah. Let us not stay with bad people. May they stay far from our assemblies because Allah did not intend goodness for them. He has not willed it. He says to our Holy Prophet: You cannot bring guidance to the ones you love. Our great Holy Prophet. Allah guides whom He wills. Therefore, we must not think that a person should be with us because he has high rank and station, or is well educated, or has done suchand-such, or possesses beauty or ugliness. We say: May we be together with good people. May there be continuously good things, all kind of goodness, may we have good offspring, may our children and descendants be good ones. May our kith and kin be good, may our country be good, insha'Allah.

Goodness is Allah's greatest favour. Insha'Allah we will always encounter good people. Those coming to this dergah, and those coming to this way, insha'Allah may they always be good people. The bad ones who come here, may Allah grant them guidance, insha'Allah. May Allah protect us from bad people. There is from our belief: Khayruhu wa sharruhu min Allah. This meaning, the good and bad from Allah. Allah He is deciding what He do. He is not asking you, O European... Saying this for European specially because they are very clever and they have good thinking and they are discussing with Allah "How You do this?" Be "akilli ol", the Turkish words, "Be clever, don't be stupid". Allah creates. Creator. He will not ask you and He is not in need for you. You cannot ask anything, you cannot say like you are speaking to your politic leader, "Why you do this?" Politic leader is rubbish like you. So be clever, think more. You are thinking you are clever? You are not clever at all. Who not knowing the Creator is stupid. So, we are saying everything from Allah. If He like somebody he show him good way. Alhamdulillah, we are thanking thousand times, million times, because He put us in this good way; to know Him. Who are not knowing Allah, he is miserable, here and hereafter and he will be very regret when he find real life after this life. So we are asking every good thing for us, 'khayr' meaning good. We are asking good people, we are not looking for their ranks, for their colour, for their language. All, Allah created them. Only we are asking for good people to be together, to meet us with them and to bring them here. Or they are by their heart following us, insha’Allah. And we are not looking who is rich, who is more educated with shaitan education, or how he has more comfort, more money or what they have. We are not interest for this at all. Because these people, if some weak ego people, when they saw these people they try to come near them maybe they can take something from them. You cannot take anything from these people. These people, they are coming more worse and worse when their ego growing bigger and bigger. So you cannot find any good thing from them. Don't come near them. Be aware from them,

because if you come only you take bad thing from them. Nothing good for you. We are asking Allah every good thing for us from His good gift, good favour, to make our friend, our neighbour, our country to be more and more good and following Allah's order and our generation, insha’Allah, whole going by Allah's order to not let them for this who are in wrong way. This what we can ask for us, we cannot ask 'why You do this, why You do that?' So be adab, good behave. Even between people who are good behaved, there are people, they like him. How you can say this for your Creator? So be clever. Wa min Allahi tawfiq, Al-Fatiha.

207.ALLAH ORDERS GOODNESS Friday, November 27, 2015.

Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi l-awwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi Rasulillah, madad ya Mashayikhina, destur, madad ya Sheikh Abdullah Faizi d-Daghistani, Sheikh Muhammad Nazim alHaqqani, madad. Tariqatuna as-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.

Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim "Inna Allaha ya'muru bi-l ‘adli wa-l ihsani wa ita'i dhi l-qurba wa yanha ‘an il-fahsha'i wa l-munkari wa lbaghyi ya‘izhukum la‘allakum tadhakkarun" (16:90) Allah, glorified and exalted be He, we read this verse every jum‘a. Here we do not recite the Turkish translation, but in all mosques they give the Turkish meaning of it. Allah commands goodness. He commands all forms of goodness. Closeness to one's relatives, to be together with relations, for relatives to love one another, and to be just. Whatever goodness there is, Allah Almighty commands it. This is what Allah, glorified and exalted be He, has ordered. What He has forbidden is evil. When we say evil, we mean all manner of evil. What is evil? Things that are sinful are all evil. Alcohol, gambling, fornication. Every evil and ugly thing, Allah forbids these things. He prohibits such actions. Who finds acceptable what Allah has forbidden? Shaytan. Shaytan and those who follow him, the followers of Shaytan, incline towards those things, find them lovely and engage in such activities. People who follow the path of our Holy Prophet do not do such things, they do not like it. On the contrary, they do as they have been commanded. Here if anyone has done a bad thing, in order to defend himself he will say: So-and-so allowed me to do it. He said there is permission. They say that person will taste a hundred times more punishment for the disgrace you

committed. The Friends of Allah do what Allah has commanded them to do. Allah's beloved servants do not permit any evil. People want to walk the path of Allah, Shaytan drags people onto the path of lust and desire. To support himself, he claims, “This holy man gave permission”. And to top it off they tell lies. At no time do those on the path of Allah ever command evil. But the nafs of people who are ill, who comply with their nafs, commit every evil deed. The greatest of all evils is lying. A lie is never in any way a good thing. Once a man becomes used to telling lies, everything becomes a lie. It is an attribute Allah despises and our Holy Prophet hated. One on this path, who has turned to Allah’s path, should discipline his nafs. He should not pursue the desires of his nafs. “What, we should observe this throughout our lives?” Allah has given you what is halal, permitted things. If you do what is halal, you will not commit sin, you will receive rewards. But if you do the opposite, you will have to pay for it. As for the evil you cause other people to do, you will have to carry it also for that number of people. If you corrupt one person, then the load of one person, if you lead two people astray, they will carry their own sin, and you will be burdened with it as well. As we recited earlier in the khutba, however much good you do for yourself, you will find it in the afterlife, and you will find much more than that, says Allah Almighty in this verse. In a hadith of the Prophet he says, Hell is hidden, concealed, but by what? By the desires they are following. He keeps going after his desires and cannot see Hell, because it is covered in lust. When he acts out his desires, he falls into Hell. Paradise is concealed by difficulties. Because it is hard, people do not want to do it. Eh, if you do it, you will overcome the difficulties and go to Paradise. Otherwise, if you follow your lust, you will go to Hell. Why are we saying this? Because nowadays the whole world worries only about its desires. The armies of the Jews, or maybe all Shaytan's armies, the friends of Shaytan, Shaytan's disciples, have made all the world, all nations prisoners of their desires, Muslims and non-Muslims; the Muslims look for a fatwa that allows them to do these things, that gives them leave to trespass. If they can find no fatwa, they say, the Sheikh gave us permission to act like this. They even mix the Sheikh up

in these matters. The Sheikh will never say "follow your nafs", he will say, "crush your nafs, let your nafs perish". You followed your desires in order to become - what? You become despicable, disgraced, your end will be ruin. You must take hold of your nafs. In the afterlife Allah will give you your reward, much more than you ever hoped for. The person Allah loves best is the young one who controls his desires. A young person on the way of Allah. The person Allah hates the most is an old one who is running after his lust. Allah's curse is upon him. Allah curses that person right away. He never looks at him, He sends him straight to Hell. One needs to learn this already in one's youth, because once your nafs has taken hold of you, it will mount on you until the day you die, and you cannot save yourself from it. This is a big test for everybody, and everyone must pass this test. It is not only in you, it is in everybody. These are now the last days, the End of Time, and Shaytan unleashes what devilry he has. The world is now in his hands. Until al-Mahdi, on whom be peace, appears. Now the world is in his hands, Shaytan now has world dominion. That is all there is to it. We say this, everybody knows it, nobody can deny it. Shaytan is everywhere. People become fearful saying, what shall we do? What will become of us? What happened to the world? Do not be afraid of this. If you are going to fear anything, fear your nafs. Stay in your place. Sheikh Efendi always said, when things have reached this point, everyone should keep two months' worth of supplies in his house, food for 40 days, and stay put in his home. When you are with Allah you need not fear anything else. As we said, what you need to fear is falling into the hands of your nafs, being ruined by your nafs. That is the greater evil. Otherwise, this is the state of the world. Allah's word comes true. No need to fear anything happening in the world. Allah Azza wa Jalla, or every Friday we read this ayah, Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim:

"InnAllaha ya'muru bil`adli wa l-ihsani wa ita'i dhi l-qurba wayanha`ani'lfahsha-i wa l-munkari walbaghi ya`izhukum la`allakum tadhakkarun" (16:90). This is order of Allah, Allah ordering to be justice, to be generous, to be good with your relative, to give for poor people. He’s ordering every good thing. This is order of Allah. This is order of Islam. Whole world now, it is captured by Shaytan and they showing Islam as monster. And what is... What's forbid in Islam? He is forbidding to do bad thing. Every bad thing - Islam and Allah, He is forbidding. And it is like this for every body who was with Prophet (sas) he's following Prophet and following Islam, following shariah. Every good thing, it is order of Islam but now whole world captured by Shaytan and his army. Everywhere. No place in this world not captured with his, this Shaytan and his army. And they are ordering every bad thing, every bad acting, every thing against Allah's order, they are ordering. But people all, they are following, especially they're making whole world, they are running after their desire, their animal desire. Whole world captured by this. They are nothing else as thinking under downstairs. This is what their whole world is, Muslim, non-Muslim. Everybody, they are thinking for this. And this is Allah forbidding. "What we will do? Our ego, they like this, we must follow". No, this is what you must'nt follow. Allah’s order, you must if you want, Allah gives halal. Not to do every bad thing and after they said, "Sheikh, he allowed us to do this". This even, they are doing this. From here I am saying to everybody Sheikh not order anything against shariah. Not anything allowed to do, what your ego like. This is lie, who are saying this or doing, they will be punished. For everybody, they are making them to go out of the way, they will be punished also, one more for themselves. Islam forbidding specially, lying, and they are lying for Allah, for Prophet, for Sheikh they are lying on his tongue, and he didn't order. He's just following shariah, he's following order of Allah. Who are saying Sheikh allowed, they are liar and Allah curse them. The most important thing to be honest and Allah loves honest people and the

most beloved one for Allah, young people who kept their desire, and following order of Allah. This is the most beloved people for Allah. And the most cursed one, old people who are running after their desire. They're not finished. They cannot finish from this, because they're from young-hood following their desire and so ego not leave them until they will die. And people, they, as we said, end of time, whole world captured by this, by Shaytan and his followers. Until Mahdi (as) coming still like this, so we must be not afraid from what will happen now in the world. There are many people they are asking, 'we sell house, we run away'. Why you will run away? Mawlana he was saying for whole people 'don't go out of your house, you put your two months', not for two years, 'two month’s food, you put in your house'. You can use it anyway. Not to make this - there is even in this, there is crook people, they trying to make people, to take benefit from people from this situation also. Don't believe for these people. And don't afraid from anything just like this, because Mawlana he is saying if anything happen you stay in your house and you will be safe. Don't afraid from this, be afraid from your ego. Ego it is more worse than whole war. Because in war, maybe if anything happen in Akhirah you are shaheed, or what Allah writes, Allah He will know better than you. But if you follow your ego you will lose in Akhirah also. So don't follow and who, they are lying in tongue of awliyaullah or mashsha'ikh, there will be very bad situatuon for them. Don't think Mawlana he is passed away and he will finish. No, he is acting, mashaAllah. And who doing this, they will be regret what they do. So don't follow your ego. Wa min Allahi tawfiq, Al-Fatiha.

208.AZIZ (HONOURABLE) AND ZALIL (DISHONOURABLE) Saturday, November 28, 2015.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. “Ala inna Awliyaullahi la khawfun „alayhim wala hum yahzanun.” (Sura Yunus:62) “The servants whom Allah loves neither have fear nor surrow,” says Allah Azza wa Jalla. Allah (JJ) does not upset. Now, people are afraid when something happens. People are worried what will happen and what will be left. What Allah says happens and nothing else. Be with Allah and do not fear. Allahu Akbar! There is none greater than Allah. Therefore, do not fear if anybody says they are great or if anybody becomes haughty. Fear Allah. You will worry about nobody if you fear Allah. They are all little. They are all nothing in the sight of Allah. Allah is the one to be feared. Do not be afraid of anything else. You win both in the world and in the hereafter and are honoured when you fear Allah. If you are to not fear Allah but are afraid of this one and that one, then you will be a dishonourable person. You become a dishonourable nation and nothing else. But when you fear Allah, you fear nobody. That is why what Allah says will happen. Nothing will change with you fearing. They say “Fear has no effect on fate”. Fear, a coward, is not a good thing, but the person who fears Allah is a good person. May Allah make us all like this. May we fear Allah, Inshallah.


209.FROM WHERE YOU NEVER EXPECTED Sunday, November 29, 2015.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Allah Azza wa Jalla created people so they may worship Him. He has no need of them and has no requests from them. Allah (JJ) is not in need of humankind. Allah (JJ) Himself created humankind. So do not fall behind in worship. “Allah neither wants food nor anything else from you,” says Allah Azza wa Jalla. The Sustainer (Razzaq) is Allah Himself. The provider of everybody’s livelihood (rizq) is Allah. Those who have doubt about their livelihood have weak faith. People with faith trust in Allah even in the worst times and Allah provides their sustenance. Allah Azza wa Jalla is Almighty (capable of everything) and does not need anybody. Be with Allah and Allah helps. These are End Times. Of course there are troubles in these times. These are times of trial. This is also in the hands of Allah. Allah is capable (muqtadir) of everything and opens doors from where you never expect. Just like the story of our Hadrat Ali Effendi (QW). Hadrat Ali (QW) is in a tight squeeze. He would suffer a lot from poverty. “If poverty were a man I would kill him,” said Hadrat Ali. One day, it is just the wisdom of Allah, our Hadrat Ali Effendi goes to the bazaar to buy something. Somebody is selling a camel there and was bargaining to give it to him. He said, “I have no money.” The seller said, “You take this and when you sell it you can pay me.” Hadrat Ali took the camel. He went a little further and came across another man. The man asked him, “Would you sell [the camel] for this much?” and he said, “Yes.” This trade was pretty profitable. Then he comes back to pay the other man and the seller says, “I am Jibril (Alayhis Salam).

This is a treat for you from Allah.” This is a little example. Allah Azza wa Jalla opens great doors. Once trusting in Allah, “Wa yarzuquhu min haythu la yahtasib.” (Sura Talaq:3) “Sustenance is provided from where you never calculated, you never expected.”

Thank Allah our faith is in Allah, and our door of mainstay is solid. Let people with no faith think. Let them worry. A door opens, thank Allah, to people with faith. May Allah open doors of goodness for us all, and never make us in need of anybody.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

210.MARRIAGE Monday, November 30, 2015.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

People, people of today are used to comfort. They run after whatever their ego wants. That is why when there is a problem, they want to take the easiest way. But harder things follow what is easy. For example, this matter of marriage. You see that they get married and before even a year is up, they decide to get divorced these days. Divorce is the halal (allowed) that is most hated by Allah. It is easy for people, meaning it is easy for their ego. They regret it later, but it is too late. Of course, marriage is not easy: two people with different natures and different attitudes. Marriage requires patience so that they may slowly get used to each other. People of today nominally have no patience. They do not want difficulty but it gets harder afterwards. You need to be patient when Allah finds a suitabe person for you. When he gets a little upset you need to be quiet, and when you are upset he needs to bare it. This way, with patience, you will get along. Allah Azza wa Jalla praised patience: Innallaha ma’assabirin.” (Sura Baqara:153) “Allah is with those who are patient.” Impatient people regret it later and suffer remorse. And this is our advice to people today. Do not exaggerate everything, and be patient if it is big. Things get better with patience. They say “Good things come to those who wait”. Let families also give advice to their children. Families are also unreasonable sometimes. They do not try for their children to get along, but say they want to abandon immediately. What will happen if you quit? It will be a problem for you. May Allah cause people to think straight. Good things come to those who take advice. Regret is the end of those who do

211.THE TRUST Tuesday, December 1, 2015.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Allah says the thing he loves most in a Muslim is good character (husnul khuluq). Meaning for a person to be moral. This is Islam‟s maxim. There are many things, of course, and one of them is the trust. The name of our Holy Prophet (SAW) was Muhammad ul-Amin. Even before prophethood, everybody knew him to be faithful to the trust and not lying. When people were to go somewhere, they would leave their valuables as a trust with our Holy Prophet. Trust is a very important thing. We should not betray the trust. Trust is not an easy things, because Shaitan makes people come forth with their ego and betray the trust. Those who are weak with their ego cannot hold the trust. Trust is not an easy thing. Allah Azza wa Jalla says: “This secret that Allah was going to hand was offered all around, „Would you take hold of this?‟ „No, we will not,‟ they said. But humankind took it up. Humankind is pretty cruel and pretty ignorant.” Very few people can carry this trust. It is not only materialistically but also spiritually a trust. People who believe in Allah have accepted it. They will carry that trust until their last breath. Both material, as we said, and spiritual. Do not fall weak when people give you a trust. Those who fall weak to their ego will see its harms in the world before the hereafter anyway. They would say, “This is not a person worthy of the trust and he is a lier.” He would not become a resected person. What makes humans human is morals. Without morals, they have gone out of humanity. May Allah give all of us the strength to carry this trust Inshallah.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

212.TURNING HEARTS Wednesday, December 2, 2015.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

May Allah provide good associations. Our tariqa stands with discourse and with good associations. If Allah Azza wa Jalla has meant good for a person, they gather with good people. Allah (JJ) Himself knows the good person. People who come respecting Allah, Hadrat Prophet, and the Mashayikh (Shaykhs) are Inshallah good and their end will be good. That is why Allah Azza wa Jalla knows whom the good is with. It says in the Hadith Sharif, “Allah (JJ) turns hearts as He wishes.” Therefore, do not look at anybody as bad. When Allah wants He makes the bad good and the good bad. Everything is in the hands of Allah. This is a virtue and favor of Allah and a blessing of Allah. May Allah (JJ) make it easy for good people to serve Islam. Because these are End Times. People think of somethings as correct and in the end it turns out no-good. They interpret Islam according to their own heads and they misguide many peole from the right path. The path of Hadrat Prophet (SAW) is clear. The true way is one. In fact, learned people who say they know the Koran and Hadith misguide people from the path. May Allah not misguide from the right path. May Allah (JJ), Inshallah, not misguide this nation of ours from the right path. Our nation is the imam of Islam and the guiding light of Islam. Our Holy Prophet said after him, “If you become corrupt, Allah will send a good people.” And they gave their heads, lives, and blood in this way. They became a hami, meaning a protector, for Islam. Now, the whole Islamic world is watching them. Everybody has hope. We are with Allah and Allah does not leave alone. May Allah (JJ) protect good people Inshallah. May He give them support (madad), may His help reach from His sight, and may they be continuously serving Inshallah.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

213.WHEN THE TIME COMES Thursday, December 3, 2015.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

“Kullu shay’in waqtuhu marhunun.” It says everything has its time. Nobody can change the thing that is supposed to happen when the time comes. You can try as much as you like when it is not time. It would be no use. Then again there are some things you need to put the effort, you continue putting the effort. Awaited things are within Allah’s knowledge. It occurs whenever Allah wishes. However, it is End Times now. Inshallah these good tidings will emerge. When is the time? Now that nobody but Allah knows. They would ask our Holy Prophet (SAW) about Doomsday and he would say it is within Allah’s knowledge. But there are signs. Whenever the signs are complete, that is when Doomsday breaks out. Most things our Holy Prophet (SAW) told about happened already. And now Inshallah the last signs remain. When they occur, Mahdi Alayhis Salam comes out and Isa (Jesus) Alayhis Salam descends. These will happen. Everything our Holy Prophet said has appeared. He is truthful. We are waiting for them. It is good for people to wait for the help of Allah, the grace (inayat) of Allah, and the victory of Allah. They become with Allah at all times. Otherwise hopelesness would occur and hopelesness is not good. Only people without faith (iman) fall into hoplesness. People with iman should never fall into hoplesness and let them always wait. When the time comes Inshallah they will also reach those beautiful days. May Allah make those days near Inshallah. Of course our Shaykh Mawlana gave glad tidings. Whatever was happening so many years ago, no matter how bad it looks they are all for the good of Islam, for the benefit of Islam. It is for the harm and disbenefit of those who are not Islam and the enemies of Islam. These are End Times and goodness does not remain in these times. Everybody, the whole world, is on edge. They stand the same way, but they have no hope and no iman. Inshallah we have iman. We are not cutting hope from Allah either.

“Inna wa’dallahi haqqun.” (Sura Fatir:5) Things He promised will happen. It is the truth. It will happen Inshallah. We pray that it happens as soon as possible Inshallah.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

214.THE PEAK OF CIVILIZATION Tuesday, December 8, 2015.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Allah Azza wa Jalla made the most perfect religion, the religion of Islam. Islam is the peak of religion and civilization. Wherever we go, we see Islam’s honor and glory. When they considered Islam, they were in the highest stations. When they leave Islam, people fall to the lowest stations. We go to all Muslim countries. It is obviuous that the Islam of old times was very powerful and very organized. Everything is made beautifully and thought of beautifully. They thought of the human first, because it is an obligation to serve people and to make those people comfortable. Just like our Holy Prophet says in his Hadith: “The one who is responsible for two people will answer for them on Judgment Day.” In this way, persons who were judges, emirs, and sultans would think about everything to the finest point. Now, they do not think at all. However, thank Allah people with intelligence can see how they went about with dignity and honor while being on the way of Allah, on the way of the Prophet, and on the way of Islam. People should know the value of the situation in the past when they see how the situation is at present. Allah wants the best. He says when you do work, it should be the best. When you do something, do the most perfect and give it its due. Give the rightful due for the payment you receive. When Islamic states ruled in the past, it was different, much more different. May Allah raise the honor of Islam again Inshallah. May Allah (JJ) give people and Muslims plain good sense. We are not saying anything else.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

215.EVERYTHING OF HIS IS HOLY Thursday, December 10, 2015.

Asalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Thank Allah the month of Safar, Safarul Khayr, also passed with goodness. Inshallah it has been good for Muslims. When Allah Azza wa Jalla sends troubles He gives it to those who deserve.

Troubles come to people who do not believe in Allah. Sometimes it also comes to certain people as a trial. Shaykh Mawlana used to say, “May its goodness be for us and its evils be for those who have no faith1.” Whatever is happening, even if it looks bad, will in the end Inshallah be beneficial for Islam. Inshallah in the end, Islam will be victorious. Because Allah Azza wa Jalla says He is with us. Allah (JJ) is never with kafirs2. He is with Muslims. Do not fear as long as you are on the way of Allah. “Inna ma’al ‘usri yusra.” (Sura Inshirah:6) There is difficulty at first and then there is ease by the will of Allah.

The month of Safar has passed. The month of our Holy Prophet (SAW) is coming. Rabi’ul Awwal is the month of the Mawlid. It is the month of the birth of our Holy Prophet (SAW) and we need to respect it. Whatever belongs to our Holy Prophet (SAW), we respect everything that has anything to do with him.

We need to respect his hair, his clothes, his Ahl-e Bayt3, and everything of his. Wherever he went and wherever he came from we will respect. We will love his sunna, and we will follow him. And now Inshallah the Mawlid, the day he was born, approaches. Thank Allah the whole month is respected, not just the day he was born. What is meant by Rabi’ is the name of the month. It means the beautiful spring, the month of spring, and springtime. Allah (JJ) made everything beautiful for our Holy Prophet (SAW).

If you want beauty, follow him and respect him. Whatever belongs to him, when he was born, when he passed by a place, and what he did

are all holy things, holy places, and holy days. To respect them is an acceptable worship in the sight of Allah. Inshallah we will be granted the intercession of our Holy Prophet (SAW).

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

1.Iman 2.Unbelievers 3.Family of the Prophet

216.THEY ARE TYRANTS Friday, 11 December 2015.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

People who interpret Allah’s verses according to their own ego, or say for things that do not exist that they are Allah’s orders are tyrants. Why tyrants? Becasue they are leading people to bad ways and making them do incorrect things. They say this is Islam, whereas it is not the order of Allah. They impose things that are not in Islam on people as Allah’s orders according to their own head. And this causes division in Islam and discords come out.

That is why Allah Azza wa Jalla calls them tyrants. You do not necessarily need to hold a person and oppress them. This is a greater oppression. It is done without display and they are dividing the enormous nation. How many parts has the nation been divided into?! It is divivded piecemeal and they are trying to divide it further. Because if Islam becomes one, nobody can stand against it. These tyrants, followers of Shaitan, are doing that job. Knowingly or unknowingly, ultimately punishment will reach them. May Allah protect us Inshallah and not separate us from the right way.

Those who can be of greatest help to people are shaykhs and murshids of tariqa. When not connected somewhere, when there is no connection all the way to Hadrat Prophet (SAW), people go astray. You see what they are doing looks good at first. Then you watch and wonder why this man is doing as such. You think something will surely come out from behind it. Then it comes out from behind. May Allah not leave anybody alone. May Allah (JJ) not leave without a shaykh, a murshid.


217.EGYPT Friday, 11 December 2015.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Tonight, with Allah’s permission, the month of Rabi’ul Awwal has started. May it be blessed1, may it be good. May our Holy Prophet’s (SAW) blessed himmat2, barakat3, and shafaat4 be upon us Inshallah. Those who go in the way of our Holy Prophet (SAW) are people who have attained happiness. Whether they are poor, whether they are ill, or even if they are deprived of all kinds of worldly posessions, again they are people of happiness. Allah Azza wa Jalla gave our Holy Prophet (SAW) all kinds of barakat, rahmat5, inayat6, and nazar7. Thank Allah, we went to Egypt, that is a holy place, three or four days ago. We see that Allah Azza wa Jalla gave those who follow our Holy Prophet (SAW), his nation, and Islam the most valuable and most beautiful places, thank Allah. People are unaware of this. People do not see the good, and have gone after things that are not good. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) said: “People enjoin the good and forbid the bad in these times. The exact opposite will happen when the End Times arrive. People will forbid the good and enjoin the bad in those times.” What he means by bad is not just committing haram. Enjoining the good is not just ordering worship. What he means by the good: all beautiful things are good. Allah (JJ) says to you: “Eat good things. Do not go to bad things.” What does this mean? He means not only the filthy things but things that do not benefit you. He teaches goodness and orders whatever is beautiful.

Shaykh Mawlana never liked concrete. Concrete is another ugliness. Concrete came with Communism. Islam orders all kinds of good. We are giving concrete as an example and not referring to it absolutely. Allah (JJ) gave all goodness and beauty to the Nation of Muhammad8. Allah (JJ) gave all kinds of beauty to those who are Islam, but unfortunately people do not appreciate it. You see that most people leave the eastern parts of Turkey because it is cold and come to Istanbul. This time they want to go to Europe that is fivefold worse,

colder than here. They do not care about the cold and what not, and look forward to the gate opening so they can go there. Here you are, Muslims are in such a state of confusion. And this is caused by a lack of iman, a shortage of iman. They would say Nil Mubarak (Holy Nile) about Egypt. It was the richest country in the world during the Ottomans. The treasures of Egypt were famous. Misir Mubarak (Holy Egypt) was the place feeding the Ottomans. The British came and expelled the Ottomans from there. When the British came, they started fitna9 and corruption there and divided Islam. After them by a while these Communist Russians came, and made people miserable alltogether and in need of threepenny. There was nothing left they did not do for money. These people suffered tyranny since five thousand years. They only became a little better during the time of Islam. Of course, Shaitan does not let go, he immediately sent his soldiers there. He made that place corrupt too. It is a very holy place: lots of awliya and thousands of sahabs. The sayyid of companions and martys, Hadrat Husayn (Karramallahu Wajhahu) is there. That blessed one is the blessing of that place because they honor him. Of the grandchildren of our Holy Prophet (SAW) Sayyidina Hadrat Zaynab is also there. There are tens, hundreds, and thousands of sahaba. There are many from the great awliya too. Hadrat Ahmad Badawi, Hadrat Ibrahim ad- Dasuqi, Hadrat Imam Shazali... So there are countless many. There are so many maqams that there is a tomb at every step. The tombs are also very old because Egypt was opened [to Islam] all the way at the time of Khulafai Rashidin (Rightly Guided Caliphs). It

educated great ulama for the Islamic world and protected the religion. As we said, it is a nice place. May Allah give them, and everybody, the light of the heart. Let us be thankful to Allah (JJ) that he gave us beautiful places. What is more important than that is He gave us iman and honored us with Islam. Because other people are afraid of Islam, they are scared of Islam. They have been deceived. Of course, Allah gave everybody a mind and they can research, but Shaitan is not letting them. Shaykh Mawlana (QS) used to pray a prayer of thanks every day. We need to offer a prayer of thanks that Allah created us from our parents as Muslim. Because on the contrary, those who have some fortune and those whom Allah grants again become Muslim. But of course it is one in a thousand that time. Thanks be to Allah. May Allah (JJ) send the Islamic world a leader Inshallah. Because Allah is capable of everything. Inshallah we are waiting. All of the signs of the End Times have appeared, Inshllah Mahdi Alayhis Salam also appears. He will gather Islam Inshallah. Before he appears, may Allah (JJ) protect Islam and true Muslims too Inshallah.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

1.Mubarak 2.Support 3.Blessings 4.Intercession 5.Mercy 6.Grace 7.Gaze 8.Ummat Muhammad 9.Disorder

218. THE MONTH OF MAWLID Saturday, December 12, 2015.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Thank Allah we have also reached the month of Mawlid. It is the seventh day of Rabi’ul Awwal. Shaykh Mawlana used to tell us to make mawlid everyday during this month. Be happy every day. This month is the month of festivities because it is the month of the birth of our Holy Prophet (SAW). Our Holy Prophet (SAW) is the highest human amongst humans in the universe. He is in the highest station and is the most supreme creature. Amongst those whom Allah Azza wa Jalla created, He created his light first. He created people and the universe from his light. But as a lesson for people, his father passed away while he was in his mother’s womb. Later his mother passed away while he was four years old and he was left an orphan. It was the period of Ignorance then. Ignorant people are pitiless. They would even bury their own children alive in the ground because they were girls. They would not have mercy on orphan children. On the contrary they would scorn them. Our Holy Prophet’s (SAW) grandfather was the head of that place. They could not say anything to him. However, as a lesson for people from Allah, his grandfather also passed away following his mother. Our Master (SAW) was eight years old at the time. Now, it looked like he was completely defensless in the middle of these tyrant and ignorant people. Allah wanted it this way and it happened so as a lesson for people. Once Allah wants, a person could end an orphan or end poor. However, Allah willed it and the whole world was given to him. The whole universe was given to him, not just the world. We are the nation1 of such a prophet. It is not enough no matter how much we are thankful, how much we are happy, or how much we honor him for this. He says to honor him. He says Allah, angels, and everybody make salat and salam on him (SAW), so you make salat and salam on him too. This is an order. It is an order to honor him, to honor our Holy Prophet (SAW). May this month be blessed. May we gain the shafaat2 of our Master (SAW) Inshallah. May

we be amongst those most beloved to him. If you love him, he loves you back. That is how merciful he is. Our Master (SAW) came out from amongst tyrant people, ignorant people, but he became their opposite and became a guide to them. The places where he lived shed light on the whole world. He trained people. Those who were trained became like the stars. And those who were not trained found their punishment. Thanks be to Allah we have also reached this month. May everyday in this month pass with happiness In