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Suhbah 2015: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (5/30)
ere are moths and they are attracted to the light. But they (Sheikhs) are giving that love, that nur from themselves. As long as they are alive, they are burning with light. Until the trust is taken from them, they are serving people, they are giving love. They don't care about what they are suffering themselves. They don't care because that love for Allah prevents them from feeling whatever pain or suffering they have. Nothing affects him, no fear, no fatigue, no worries, no bad thoughts are left. They continue their service in that manner. They benefit those around them, they give light. They melt and melt until finally they reach their station. They leave this world as nur. They give nur to the people. Their nur is never-ending. It's Allah's Nur. The nur of our Prophet is manifested as a small amount in awliya and sheikhs. That is what people need to learn.

Why are we here? There are all these thousands of sheikhs who came and left, and all the prophets - all of them are examples, a nice example in front of you. Follow them. They lived a good life. Their names, and actions, and characters are a nice example, a nice lesson left for mankind. That is what Allah ordered, what Allah wants for mankind. There are good characteristics and bad characteristics in mankind. And the worst characteristic, one of the worst is being ungrateful: to not believe in Allah despite all the favors & grants. To rebel against Him is

being ungrateful. And there is punishment for the person who does that. Because nothing affects Allah (awj), even if the whole world is ungrateful, it doesn't matter. That person will suffer the punishment in dunya. He will suffer by himself before going to akhira. That is why Allah showed the right path. We were ordered to do what He says and follow the way He showed us. That is the meaning of our life. Today we are saying for human being: many people, they are... Allah created all creatures - human beings and other creatures. All creatures, they are happy. They are not... You cannot find any creature complaining. You cannot find any bird, any animal, saying "I am tired. Why I am here? Why I am like this?" Even these poor creatures, they are suffering from hunger or other things, they are not complaining like people. Just maybe they're shouting if they want to eat or to drink, or just like this. But people... And they are happy with their life and they know and they are making tasbih also - these creatures. All creatures, they are glorifying Allah and they are happy. Even they are suffering, they are suffering, maybe they can feel pain or anything, they are not complaining, just shouting from this suffering, not complaining.

But human being, Allah give them the best things, and He praised them, make them higher degree from another all creatures and still they are complaining. And the worst thing, they are not knowing for what they are, "what we are doing in this world?" - they ask. "Why we are here? Why we're created?" Not saying "created". Many people even they don't believe in creation. But Allah Azza wa Jalla, He sent all prophets, 124,000 prophets. He sent them to tell people why they are created, what they must do, what this they have this good situation but people, they are not listening even.

Because there is many prophets, Allah sent them to people and they don't write any followers. And who follow nation? Normally, they for Prophet. Who say followers, not saying 'follower' for Prophet, they're saying 'nation'. Some of them, they don't have even one, no nation. Some of them, they have one follower, he is their ummah, their nation, only one nation for one prophet, maybe two, maybe five. Like this it was. Whole it is Prophet meaning the highest station in between human being. And now people, if any crazy one coming and saying "I'm prophet", you can find 1,000 now behind them. But people that time not listening, they are only looking for enjoy themselves and after they are not feeling satisfied. Still trying, trying. And they are going without any benefit. But Allah, He is merciful. He's still sending for every corner of the world Prophet. In Qur'an, He said "We've sent for every nation a Prophet." No place in the world, you can't say it was no prophet there.

So these people, they are not happy. Just complaining and not listening for advice. Until Prophet (saw), also many people like this. After Prophet (saw) - no prophet. So Allah sent, give some people Awliyaullah and ulama to be light for ummah, for these people. And Prophet (saw), he said "My ulama, my scholars, Awliyaullah, beloved saints, they are like the prophets of Bani Israel." Same level. So it is good luck for these people, for ummati Muhammad, Allah's still happy with them to send them these people. These people, they are like power station. They are giving light. They are giving power, spiritual power, and giving light for the hearts of people.

From where coming this light and power? From these people they are taking from love of Allah and Prophet (saw). They are like candles coming for people to give light. And they are burning themselves but they are happy to burn in love. This is what is the secret of them. And people get benefit from them, not only dry light, no. They're giving power with light, with nur. And they are standing up, not falling. Any tired, any pain, any hunger - they are not feeling anything from this. Even they don't have anything to eat or they are tired, they are not feeling at all this. Only feeling love of Allah, and they're burning with this love like candle. And candle, it was good thing because before they were making by honey comb, or beeswax, or sometimes with olive oil. And when they are finished, they are... until they are finished completely, they're standing up. Maybe 100 years this light still on. When they are changing world, this finished, another one coming. So alhamdulillah, this is meaning of life for human being, not to fight for dunya or to ask "Why I'm here?". By this Allah sent prophets and Allah sent after them these saints and Awliyaullah to show you and to be happy here and hereafter, this happiness. And who not following this, he is not happy. Not here and not hereafter. Never he'll be happy. Allah make us to follow and to make another people also to follow this way inshaAllah. Allah give us light, whole our life inshaAllah and who are following this road, way, inshaAllah with all family, all ancestors also.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.

28.PLANT A WIND, HARVEST A HURRICANE Sunday, January 25, 2015 As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi l-awwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, madad ya Masha'ikhina, dastur.

Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim Wamakaroo wamakara Allahu w'Allahu khayru almakireen And the disbelievers planned, but Allah planned. And Allah is the best of planners (3:54)

This ayat karima is a sign for us Muslims on the right way to be under the protection of Allah. People who are not on the right way of our Prophet, or people who say "We are Muslim", but make an imitation of Islam according to their minds, are doing what even the enemies of Islam wouldn’t do. But Allah Azza wa Jalla looks with the eyes of kindness and love at people who are pure Muslims, who love our Prophet, follow his way and respect his Sahaba. They don't think bad anyway. Al-mu’min yo’laf, a believer is gentle and perfect. Those Muslims are ahl alsunnah wa l-jama'a.

We see now that the world is boiling. They want to and they are doing evil all over the place by making traps, by thinking bad. They are laying traps from up and down, from everywhere. They are doing bad things and want to do bad. They are saying "Let us erase these people from this world. Let's remove them". Why? Because these are friends of Allah. And they are friends of shaitan. They don't want them, they want to show Muslims bad from all sides. It has come to such a point that they are making any trap, that even a simple-minded man can say "it's not something a Muslim would do. It is their trap. It is their game".

Shaitan and his group started fitna after our Prophet, anyway. Of course, they did it slowly. They couldn't handle it at the beginning but also, they didn't give it up. They are always in a fight; in a fight against Allah and the friends of Allah. They never stopped. We have a saying: Water sleeps but the enemy never rests. What 'water sleeps' means is that it has a possibility of stopping in a valley. But an enemy has no

possibility of giving up. They bear such grudge, such animosity that should even one Muslim remain on earth, they would not relax.

However, Allah Azza wa Jalla has given good tidings. No matter how many traps they lay, Allah is above them. He is the best, beneficent trap maker. As we said, ahl al-sunnah wa l-jama'a has no badness. They believe everyone and they look at everyone with love, even if the biggest enemy comes. They are deceiving people with nice words. You are deceiving these people and do you get anything from it, if Allah doesn't want it? This is the biggest foolishness, the biggest mindlessness. You can try as much as you want, you can plan as much as you want, deceive, but unless Allah wants it, all you do turns to nothing in a moment.

Shukr to Allah, our ahl al-sunnah wa l-jama'a are relaxed people. They have trust in Allah. They say they can get along with everyone, so, trouble falls on our heads. But ultimately, Allah turns back the trouble on those who cause it. There is hadith sharif, if someone curses someone, and he who is cursed doesn't deserve it, that curse will come back to the one who curses. The same is happening to these people. They are trying and trying. Allah is giving them that trouble, He is giving the problems, all to them. Of course, we see now these things being done all over the world. Very bad things are being done. Very bad things are happening in order to find a reason to oppress especially, Muslims, to kill them, to remove them. Of course, these things are happening since the beginning. But now the end of times has come. It happens more. Allah, Azza wa Jalla won't tolerate some things no matter who it is. They say there is no sin beyond unbelief. Because unbelief, not believing in Allah and making shirk is the worst; there is no sin beyond it, whatever they do.

Despite this, Muslims are saying to get along with these people. And when they attack more and more, we can't do anything. Allah is hitting them afterwards. Because they want them to do something so that they can blame all dirtiness on them. They say "We don't think anything but goodness". We don't know what they are thinking, but certainly they are thinking about big badness. It's not easy. They dare to insult the most Beloved servant of Allah, our Prophet, who is worth sacrificing the lives of Muslims.

So these people know that something will be done. And they certainly have thought about something against it. We don't know what they think but Allah will punish them. What they do will be punishment for

them, not for Muslims, with permission of Allah. We don't accept that and leave it to Allah. Because what they want is for us to do something and use it as a reason to attack the Muslim world, to try to destroy even more Muslims. However, their traps will be kept for themselves. Allah is the best trap maker. They are the most evil. Allah is the best.

Their time has come. The end of times has started. It has started insha Allah. Time of Mahdi alaihi salam has started. He's come closer now insha Allah. Whatever they do will come back on their heads. We will never do anything for them because they want us to do something. And we are waiting now for Allah to hit them. They have nothing after all. They will be even worse, they will be much worse. Do they think they have become better civilized by drawing two pictures, by making two theatre plays? "We made two sculptures". This is their culture. What is your culture? Allah Azza wa Jalla created the Universe. You don't have the value of even an insect. Allah Azza wa Jalla is saying, if the world was worth an insect, He wouldn't give even a drop of water to you; if the whole world was worth a mosquito, not to mention these dirty countries.

That's why, don't see yourselves as giants in a mirror. You're not even as insects. Insects are giant next to you. There is Allah. Shukr to Allah, we thank Allah for not being created like this. May Allah protect us. Because after they insulted our Prophet, they can't ask for guidance. Allah will punish them. We only say this because they are people who cannot be guided anymore. They can shout as much as they want, they can tear things apart, Allah is with us. And you are the enemies of Allah. Be fearful. Don't fear us, fear Allah. Allah is The Frightener.

Today we are speaking about ayah: wamakaroo wamakara Allahu w'Allahu khayru almakireen (3:54).

Allah, Azza wa Jalla, He is protecting Muslims because since Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, shaitan and his followers beginning to make fitna against the right way, who are following Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. And these people, they are real Muslims. The real Muslims, who are following Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, loving Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, because it is the first order. You must love, you must repect, you must follow Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam and, you must believe he is still alive. Who said he is dead and he goes, his belief is not complete.

Ahl al-sunnah wa l-jama'a believe like this. And to love also ahlu l-bayt and love Companions of Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. Especially the best century, Prophet (sws) said, "My century and after me 4 khalifa". Sayyidina Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman, Ali (ra). This is belief of ahl alsunnah wa l-jama'a. And these people, they have Subhanallah, pure hearts. They are like a child, their hearts. They are not harming anybody. Even when they are fighting, they are fighting for Allah, for Prophet, and for keeping order of Prophet, to not harm child, to not harm ladies, to not harm old people, to not burn trees, to not burn people. Many things. It is the top of good manners, they have.

These people, since Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, they have been attacked by shaitan and his followers. And they are peaceful people. Other people, all the time are attacking them, but because they are with Allah, Allah helps them all the time. Since Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam until last Ottoman Empire, all like this. After Ottoman emperors come these worse people, the tyrants. And this also, they bring from enemy of Islam. They make this situation to destroy Islam. Especially these people's kind of Islam.

They are trying hard to not leave even one person from these people. They are trying hard, but Allah azza wa jalla said: wamakaroo wamakara Allahu w'Allahu khayru almakireen. They make traps, they make bad actions, they make deception and they are trying hard. You see people since centuries, they are trying and they are continuing. Establishing some institution and for centuries they are still continuing but they are not succeeding. Why? Because Allah He knows them, and He is the best one Who makes traps. "They make traps, their worst," Allah said, "I am the Best". Allah make them all the time down.

Now they are making very big action and who has even very small mind, he knows that this is a show playing. They are trying to make Muslim people to attack them and after, they will attack Muslim people and they think they will finish them because we don't know what they are thinking. Because all that we know, we are knowing the good things. We cannot think like these people. Years, hundred years, still in same thinking, just to make hatred, continuously. We cannot think like this. Because Muslims, they are not negative, they are positive.

When other people, they are thinking, and they are trying hundred years, but we don't know what they are thinking. But we seeing now, they are trying to finish the Muslims. This is what we are thinking and we are sure they are doing some very bad things. Because when they

are attacking the most precious person in this world, this universe, our Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, they are knowing they are playing with a very dangerous thing. They are attacking. We don't know why this is, but when we are thinking, you know it is a playing (joke), to make very bad thing. It is not culture. They are happy with their culture. What is your culture? Culture must be for people to be happy, to do good things. You are writing, playing (joking) you're making picture, drawing something, and you are saying this is our high culture, civilization. What is your civilization? You are not, comparing to this universe, one fly even, you are not.

All this universe, and who are you to be against Allah and to be proud. Allah azza wa jalla said: If this world is worth a mosquito wing, He will never give you one drop of water. Even all this world is not worth mosquito wing, and you are proud!? What is this? You must be crazy. You lost your mind. The worst thing Allah and Prophet hate is proudness. And they are now being proud. This is not culture, not civilization, it is corruption, and it is dirty only. And they are trying to make Muslim people, these people, to be something wrong for them and to have some reason to finish all Muslims.

No, we don't have to do something with you. But we are not accepting this, what you are doing. And now you are fighting Allah. Allah will curse you and He will not let this to be what you want. Allah is with us. Wamakaroo wamakara Allahu w'Allahu khayru almakireen. They are thinking they are clever. They are proud, looking wt other people as not good people. They were all the time making bad things for us because we are peaceful people, we don't do anything, to think bad things for people, Allah all the time with us. Now also, He is with us. It is I think, time of end of the world. It must be like this to make Mahdi alayhi salam, come. And it is a real beginning. Insha Allah, it will not be so long for him to come. Because we don't know. Allah know the time but it is beginning of the coming of Sayyidina Mahdi alayhi salam.We don't know, maybe a month, maybe year, maybe years. But it is beginning. And they will not be happy in akhira. Even in dunya, also, they are not happy. Civilization is to make you happy. Not to make you find, look for happiness in drugs. Even everything they try to be happy, they try drugs, and they try very bad things to be happy.

This is craziness, not to do good things to be happy, but make bad things. They plant winds. Who plants winds, he will collect hurricane. This is why when you do bad things you cannot find good things for yourself. It is very easy. You can think for this, but they are doing the

wrong thing. We cannot say for them, Allah make them to come to right way, because they are not accepting. But Alhamdulillah, we are thanking Allah to not make us like them.

Alhamdulillah. Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha

29.KING ABDULLAH Monday, January 26, 2015

Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi l-awwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi Rasulillah, madad ya Meshayikhana, madad ya Sheikh Abdullah Faizi d-Daghistani, madad ya Sheikh Muhammed Nazim al-Haqqani, dastur. Tariqatuna as-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.

Our Prophet said - everyday there is an angel - "lidoo lil-mawt, wabnoo lil-kharab", "Be born to die." That means - whoever is born, death is waiting for him. Build buildings, build houses, but in the end they will also be ruined. This is the way of dunya. Since the time of Adam alayhi salam, it has been like this, not changing. It is continuing in this same way. People are forgetting. By Allah's wisdom. People don't think they will die. Millions, billions of people have come and gone. And man knows he will die, but this is not kept in mind.

Why begin talking about this topic? Because everyone, whoever they are, no matter how rich they are, no matter how powerful they are, they will all go to the same place. Last Friday, King Abdullah, the King of Saudi Arabia passed away. Masha Allah, he was a good person as Allah granted him to die on the best day. Because whoever dies on Friday, or Friday night, they will be granted special favors. It is said that they will not be questioned in the grave. They will go to Paradise. That is why this person, may Allah have mercy on him, must have been a good person. He must have been under the gaze of our Prophet. The mercy of our Prophet must have been upon him, as he died like this. He respected and honoured our Prophet. As you know, this family, they didn't do good things for our Prophet. But if Allah wants, everything can change. Finally, thanks to Allah, this person came, and he respected and honoured our Prophet. Thanks to him, the bad treatment of Hajjis, as used to happen before, improved. Because of him, it was much better. Everyone was happy. Insha Allah, the new person who comes will continue the same way. It will be good for him.

Like we said, life is temporary. And King Abdullah had brothers. They are succeeding each other. As the angel said: be born for death. When one dies, the other becomes king after him. Becomes king means, you have reached the edge of the grave, because the one who dies, has died.

There is nothing after that. That is an important advice. Something important to think about. You become king, but instead of being happy, you should be sad that you reached the end of your life, you have come close to death. If they think like that, they will do many more good things, but if they think that they are king and can do anything, they will lose everything.

May Allah make this a lesson for everyone to learn. Even the richest person in this world, even the strongest person, when the life span that Allah granted to them comes to an end, they will be put in a small hole and closed up, as is the ritual of burial. That is also an important lesson for mankind. This is an important lesson for everyone, the rich, the poor, the strong, the weak, men, women. It is an important lesson for all. Man can learn big lessons from this. Let's always do good, beneficial things. Let's stay away from all bad things.

This man will be commemorated for good things, not like other people. He will not be remembered as an oppressor, or someone who caused troubles, or someone who led people to the wrong path. This person spread his hands before our Prophet's holy grave and made dua. Therefore the guards there were not able to mistreat the visitors. They couldn't say, “turn here, turn there”. Because the king had done that, they couldn't open their mouths. There is another important lesson here. Those people don't fear Allah, they are afraid of people. But whenever Allah wants, He can allow people to do good things. And this man did many good things, may Allah have mercy on him.

May Allah make those coming after him to continue on the same way, so that they will not let Muslims be mistreated there. May there be love among Muslims brothers. Not to say, “you are mushrik, you are Wahabi, you are this and that”. This is important. Islam is about brotherhood and love. Muslims, ahli sunnah wal jama'a, treat everyone who says, "la ilaha illa Allah" as a Muslim. They don't say to anyone “you are mushrik, you are this or that”. But the others do say that. And that causes enmity amongst their selves. We need for people like this to stop enmity amongst people. If you are not doing it, then don't, but don't interfere with others. There are 4 mazhabs. Each one can say something different about a topic. Whichever one you are following, you are on the right way. There is no rule that you should be Hanafi, or you should be Shafi'i. That's why, if you don't like the other one, don't interfere. He is also Muslim.

He also prays 5 times a day, he fasts, he gives zakat, does everything. Then why are you calling him kafir or mushrik? Our Prophet said, whoever calls a Muslim "kafir", he himself has done kufr. We are not saying this, our Prophet is. May Allah put an end to this fitna, it is a big fitna, spread everywhere like fire. Especially in non-Arab countries. There is a saying: someone who acts like a king, more than the actual king. People in those countries are like that. Even in Saudi Arabia there aren't as many extreme Wahabis or Salafis as there are in those countries. This is an important lesson. This man did a great service. This is big proof against those people who don't respect or honour our Prophet. The scholars there could have stood up and said that this is wrong. But they didn't. That means it's not wrong, not shameful, not against Islam. It is something in Islam. If it wasn't right, then all the Wahabi scholars there would stand up and say the king did wrong. Since they didn't, it means the way of ahli sunnah wal jama'a is correct. The others, who don't glorify our Prophet, are on the wrong way. May Allah give them correct thinking to come to the right way and do service for their people, for their country. There is a need for this. To help all Muslims to come to the right way will be a big grant for them.

Today we are speaking about hadith of Prophet (sws). He said there was one angel every day, calling: Be born to die, build to destroy. For this, every day calling. What is the meaning? Meaning, everybody coming to this world, he will die. From beginning, when born, he says, “ok, you come to die here”. Be born to die. And build to destroy. It will be at the end, finish, kharab. We are saying this for occasion of King Abdullah, rahmatullah alayhi, the King of Saudi Arabia. He was very good man, very good king and Allah making him to pass away Friday night. Friday night, it is a very holy night. Who pass away in this night, on this day, be very easy for him to be in grave. Allah, the generosity of Allah, it will be on him. Alhamdulillah, he is coming from the dynasty of Saudi. This dynasty, they were making, of course, not good things because they are taking all the Shareef and killing, and taking from Hijaz, from Hashemi, they throw them out. But Allah, He is able to do everything. Allah make this man to make very good things for Islam also, because he was loving Prophet (sws), respecting Prophet (sws). In his time, it was very smooth, very gentle for Hajjis, for visitors of Prophet (sws). It was not like before. Before they were pushing people, “don't make this, this is shirk, this is not good, this is haram”. But alhamdulillah, he was coming and standing in front of Prophet (sws) and making dua facing Prophet (sws). And nobody, after this could say anything to the Hajjis. So even this one, it is enough for him. But he

make many things also for love of Prophet (sws). And he was happy with end of his life. And it is very big example for people, because people know they will die, but when you say to people, they say, "yes I will die", but in their inside, they are not believing they will die.

Even though billions of people passing away from beginning of Adam (as) until now and still people, everybody, he not thinking he will die. But everybody is going. Nobody, kings, small, big, children, women, everybody is passing away. Nobody left in this world. And especially for the kings. When king after king coming to throne to be king, when one king dies, now there are many brothers, other one coming. So in this situation what he may be? He may be happy "Iv'e become king". If he is really thinking, if he is clever, he musn't be happy. Because this is like tube. You are becoming king, so you come (close) to your grave. You are now just (so) many steps to your grave. Because after being king, only thing, you can die. No, nothing after this.

So you musn't be happy, you must be sad. Or, no need to be sad, but know that now it's your time to go. Not to be king, but your time to go. So you must be doing something to be acceptable in presence of Allah and Prophet (sws). You must do something to be happy after this life. I don't know if kings are happy in this life also, but I don't think anybody is in life. Everybody, Allah give them something to worry about, they're not happy. Even this poor king he was suffering too much from illness and other things. So it is favour from Allah. He give them ability and power to do, anything they want they can do for their benefit. And this king, he was doing this, and people, they were better. Even he liked to make all Muslims to be happy together.

Islam is brotherhood. Every Muslim is brother for another Muslim. We are happy. But these people, the people making fitna, they're saying for other Muslims who are praying 5 times, and fasting, giving zakat, giving sadaqa, going to hajj and doing everything, they say for them, “you are mushrik, you are kafir”. How will these people be happy to be with these people? They will not be happy. But now when this king doing things that ahli sunnah wal jama'a are doing and they are accepting, we are happy with them. Even the ulama of Saudi, they are not objecting for these things. So it is for them also ok, not bad what the king doing.

The bad things are happening in foreign countries that don't speak Arabic. This fitna there is bigger than Saudi Arabia. Because this is like someone acting like a king, more than an actual king. Saudi, they are

not saying anymore, "you are mushrik" because you are respecting Prophet (sws). Respecting Prophet is order from Allah and we are doing this. And they are accepting what their king did, not saying anything. It's ok, we are all happy together.

It's like the mazhabs. You have 4 mazhabs. Every mazhab, maybe they have different situation for people. So we're not saying "you're Shafi'i, don't be, you must be Hanafi". No, we are accepting you, we are not saying anything. So, you also same thing, you can manage. But now these ignorant people, even when you say salawat for Prophet (sws), we know many people, they say "you became mushrik". First I wasn't believing this. I said maybe they are just saying this, but no, it was really like this. But alhamdulillah, now another king also coming, insha Allah he will be in same way as Abdullah. Allah make him also happy in the end of his life. Insha Allah this fitna going out, especially for these people who are not speaking Arabic, the Salafi and Wahabi people, because they are ignorant and they are just doing what shaitan ordering them. Even their ulama are not saying, "do this". Allah make them come to hidaya because we need people to help Islam, to teach people Islam and to right way, not way of shaitan. Way of Prophet (sws), the right way. And Allah bless him and make us to be with him, insha Allah.

Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.

30.RESPECT ALL PROPHETS Wednesday, January 28, 2015.

Audhu billahi min ash shaytanir rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salatu was-salamu ala Rasulina Muhamadin Sayyidi l-awwalina wal-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadatı Ashabı Rasulillah, madad ya Mashayikhına, madad ya Shaykh Abdullah Faizi d-Daghıstani, madad ya Shaykh Muhammad Nazım el-Haqqani, dastur. Tariqatuna as-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.

Tariqat teaches the religion of Islam. This means it is the heart of it. Islam is a religion, which teaches all good things. You have to respect everyone. You have to treat each other with good manners. You have to pay the greatest respect to your parents. The rights of the mother and father are very important. They have a very high rank in the presence of Allah. If people respect and treat them with good manners, they will have a big reward. Being rebellious to your parents is considered one of the biggest sins. Disrespect, disobedient behaviour towards the parents, have bad results. It is just like the other big sins, such as stealing, killing. Mistreating the parents is a big sin. Islam teaches this. In Islam you are responsible for respecting your parents, the awliya, beloved servants of Allah, everyone with good manners. Respecting, praising, appreciating, loving all the Prophets is the order of Islam. You cannot say "this is good, this is bad" for any Prophet. The Prophets are innocent. It means they are protected from sins. They are innocent. So they do not commit sins. Allah does not let them commit sins. They have that speciality. How come? Of course, all the Prophets have miracles. When they become prophets, they reveal the miracles. There aren't any prophets, who did not show miracles. For this reason do not think that it is such a big thing that the prophets do not make mistakes. Should Allah protect, then it is possible. It happens in the highest stations. Both, Allah is protecting them, also, among the people they have the highest ranks. All Prophets should be respected. We do not show Isa or Musa, Shuayb, Uzayr, alaihimu s-salam, in a negative way. We cannot show this anyway, it is the order of Islam. However, the other corrupted religion, we will say corrupted, because all the religions order the same thing, it is the same religion coming since Adam alaihi s-salam. All of them say: respect your parents, respect people, do goodness. Respect the Prophets the most. Do not disrespect. Now they say, "We are not Muslims, we belong to another religion" and they disrespect. They do not have the concept of mother and father. Why is that? Because of their corrupted religion. First they swear and

curse our mother, our first mother, I mean Mother Eve, secondly, Adam alaihi salam. They say, "He also committed this sin. If he did not we would live in Paradise happily."

They also say shameless things about him. They have no respect for Him, also for Mother Eve. What is this? This is the biggest proof that you are wrong. There is no such thing in the original Bible. The same with the original Old Testament. There must not be any vicious words about the Prophets. But they changed both according to their own ideas. They say these words about the Prophets. This is a sign that this religion has been corrupted. It is not original. Now, the real religion is Islam. It orders all good things. It accepts all the Prophets, it accepts all good behaviour. There is no other religion which teaches that. For this reason, the religion sent by Allah, is Islam. There is no other. Shaitan also does not like it. That's why he continuously pushes people to attack the Prophets. He makes people attack their ancestors similarly. Finally, they mistreated our Prophet, salallahu alihi wa sallam. Respect holds the first place amongst the teachings of Islam. Respecting people, respecting everyone. It says in the Qur'an not even to make fun of each other. It may be, that person is better than you. Neither the women should make fun of others, nor the men. You do not know but those people might be better than you. They are better. For this reason what they did is a sign that, shukur Allah, goodness is in Islam. People, who follow Islam are good people. The others follow shaitan, they are with shaitan. They can claim they are good, they can talk and explain as much as they want, but they are all useless, of no value. The order, for people who follow the religion of Islam, is good behaviour. And first to respect people specially, your father and mother. They have big right on you. So, must be the biggest respect for them. And who not respect them he will be punished. Specially some people who are not respecting and making bad things for them, it is big sin. Big sin, like killing people or like thieving, drinking alcohol, all these big sins. And between them this, to treat bad your father and mother. You must be respectful for them. Respect for good people also. You must be respectful for Prophets. This is order of Allah to Muslims. We are respecting all Prophets since Adam alaihi salam, until Sayyidina Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam. We accept all of them. We are not refusing any one of them because they are innocent. They are not doing any wrong thing. Even they want to do something wrong, Allah not allow them. Why? Because they have miracles. This is miracle from one of miracles of Prophets, to be without sin. Only they are doing every good thing. Everything for them the best, in the highest situation and their reward also, the highest reward for them. Why? Because

Allah make them the highest and they're His messengers. And He wants people to respect them. When people they respect them, they're respecting Creator, Allah Azza wa Jalla. And our teaching from childhood until end of our life, like this. To respect all Prophets. Sayyidina Isa, and Sayyidina Musa, Sayyidina Ibrahim, Sayyidina Nuh, Shu'aib, Yusha, all we are accepting them and we are happy with them, not refusing anyone. This is Jewish, this is Christian, no, all same.

Same religion coming since Adam alaihi salam, no change. But, who changing it, not respecting Prophet. These, who are claiming they are Christian or they are claiming they're Jewish, because they're changing original teaching to be respectful for every Prophet alaihimu s-salam. You cannot say “they done this, done that, make this wrong”, no! No wrong in Prophets' life at all. And specially, I think Christians, I don't know Jewish, but, they are angry with our Mother Eve, Hawwa and father Adam alaihi salam. They are very angry for them. Every time, they are not respecting them and they're saying bad thing about them. This is showing they are in wrong way. And they were doing this whole life, whole time, since hundred years. But now they are fed up of this, they're attacking our Prophet, salallahu alaihi wa sallam. This also is not respectful. Making bad thing, they are in wrong way. The right way who teaching good behaviour and to respect every good people, especially for Prophets in Islam. And you must say also to respect your father, mother, brother, your relative, even your neighbour. You're responsible for your neighbour even. If he is hungry you must give him, until 40 neighbours, you must look for them. You be full and they're hungry, sleeping hungry you are responsible to give them something. This is teaching of Islam. Islam the best! And it is religion calling everybody to be in the last complete religion. Islam it is the last one, but it is complete. Finish. You cannot find anymore better than this. Other, every time they can say, "O this, we don't have enough people, so you can make theatre in church". So, after you can make singing. This is not original in Christian or Jewish. You have no need to make by yourself, you must follow order of Allah. All Prophets coming same line from Adam alaihi salam until Prophet, salallahu alaihi wa sallam. And it is open. Who likes to come he can come, he does not like, never mind. Allah He is not in need for them. But they are in need to be, to save themselves here and hereafter. Here also it is easy but there is life after this life. This is the most important. And most of these people they are not accepting this, but they will see and they'll be regretting. So insha'Allah, Allah, make who deserve to be in this religion to come here. Who not liking and he is making...he is free.

Alhamdulillah, we are happy we are in Islam, Islam meaning peace, and we are in peace. Internally and outside also, Alhamdulillah.

Wa min Allahi at-tawfiq, Al Fatiha.

31.THE CURE IS FROM ALLAH Thursday, January 29, 2015

Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi l-awwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi Rasulillah, madad ya Mashayikhana, dastur, madad Sheikh Abdullah Daghistani, Sheikh Muhammed Nazim al-Haqqani. Tariqatuna as-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.

Allah Azza wa Jalla has shown people every goodness. You cannot finish counting His Blessings. wa in ta'uddu ni'mata Allahi la tuhsuha And if you should count the favours of Allah, you could not enumerate them (16:18) A holy verse. The blessings He gave us are endless. He showed us what to do for every situation. If you do that, you will be at ease. You will not complain after that. But if you do something from your own head, then you won't be rid of complaints and problems. Allah Azza wa Jalla gave the problem, but He gave its cure also. Those who are patient will be rewarded. To complain is not a nice thing. Allah does not like complaining. He says, "My servant is complaining about Me". There is a solution for everything from Allah Azza wa Jalla. If someone is ill, or even if they are not ill, if he recites verses from the Qur'an, and says, "Shifa (cure) is from Allah", then they will be easily cured without need for anything else. But you must have good belief, true iman (faith). Your faith in Allah must be complete so that: wa idha maridtu fahuwa yashfeen (26:80) When I am ill, it is Allah Who cures me. At least you can recite 3 Ikhlas and 1 Fatiha and blow in water and drink. That will also be shifa. If he takes medicine and says, "this medicine will cure me", then there is doubt about his faith, ma'adh Allah, but if you take the medicine and say, "everything is from Allah, this medicine is only a means of cure, cure is not with the medicine, cure is from Allah", this medicine will be beneficial. If you think only that the medicine will cure you, there will be no benefit and your faith will be damaged. We see that there are many illnesses. The doctor gives a medicine, but it has no benefit. "Try another one". That one also gives no benefit. "Do this, do that" and finally they say, "we must do surgery, you will be better after surgery". Here also, in going for surgery, you must put your trust in Allah because if you have surgery, the second time has no benefit. May Allah help and give shifa. Even with simple illnesses, make that intention and ask for shifa from Allah. Recite Basmala, Fatiha or other verses of shifa from the Qur'an and take your

medicine. Those who recite for Allah, not for money, there are some people who recite for the sake of Allah, they too are beneficial. You can ask them to recite for you. They are reciting some things and blowing and it is giving benefit, with Allah's permission. The biggest shifa is from that. Sheikh Efendi never showed karamat (miracles) openly, but shukr to Allah, all those he recited and prayed for, found shifa. It was for the sake of Allah. To ask for shifa from Allah for those people is much better than the strongest medicines. That was from Sheikh Efendi's karamaat. It is the karamah of awliya and holy ones that their breath is shifa. Because day and night their tongue, lips, mouths are making dhikrullah (praising Allah), shifa is with them. In the time of our Prophet, our Prophet would recite some verses for shifa, called ruqyah. They were recited for people to find shifa. This was since the time of our Prophet. It is sunnah, it is not outside Islam. But some narrow-minded people nowadays say it is bid'ah, it is not sunnah. They are confusing the people's minds. On the contrary, it existed in our Prophet's time. There is an order from our Prophet that you can do it, everyone should do it. May Allah give everyone benefit from these things. They should remember that shifa is in Qur'an, because shifa is from Allah. Even if you take medicine, by saying "shifa is from Allah", not from you, Allah gives the means, so with the intention of shifa, say Basmala and take the medicine. With Allah's permission it will benefit you. But if you say the medicine cured you, Allah forbid, your faith is ruined. Allah makes you feel better. Allah Azza wa Jalla, He shows us the best way. He is Creator and His favour, endless favour. In Qur'an He said: wa in ta'uddu ni'mata Allahi la tuhsuha (14:34) If you count favours of Allah, you cannot count it, it is endless. We are just speaking little bit. If all life we're speaking, very little we can speak about Allah's favours. Allah give us everything to be happy, to not be miserable. Happy here and hereafter. The first happiness, to know who are you? For what you are here? When you know this: you are for Allah, and you are here for Allah also, you'll be happy, not worried for anything else. And He is showing us when sometimes something happens, even you feel it's very bad, but it is also good for you, for your eternal life. He reward you for this endless favours. When He give you something, you are feeling bad or you are ill, or something happened for you and you be patient, you know this from Allah, it is a big favour from Allah. He rewards you. And He's showing us what to do when you are ill, or you are not good. He said to read ayat from Quran. Allah make Quran and His Names a cure, shifa for illness. There is very strong effect when somebody reads this ayat, even who is ill, he can read by himself 3 Ikhlas and Fatiha, and drink this water. But there's word, if

there is man, he knows to read, it's better. But if not, also family, they can read. Father for children, or mother. Even they, also they can read and they're protected from bad eyes, from illness, from accident through days. And especially, Mawlana, thousands of cases, he was reading and thousands of people they have benefit, and they cure, and they have health from his reading on them, blessing them. This is from Prophet, salallahu alaihi wa sallam. From time of Prophet also, he make also reading and telling people to read for their ill people, or for bad eyes. And it is not bid'ah, not new thing. And it is effective. Why effective? Because they are like Mawlana and Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam, and people who are more worshipping, all coming, Name of Allah, all time, day and night coming from their heart, from their mouth. They speak good things all time. This effecting to be shifa for people. It is miracle for Prophet salallahu alihi wa sallam. And karamah for Mawlana Sheikh. Thousand and thousand people was nearly dying, when Mawlana reading they become healthy and they live long years after his reading. In many case we saw this. Another thing if you are ill, you go to doctor and he give you medicine. Don't say "This medicine, I will not take this medicine, no need for this medicine." Maybe you need sometimes. But when you take this medicine, don't say "This medicine will cure me". If you say this, this means your belief also weak. No, say, "Allah make this wasita, means, and shifa, cureness from Him, but if Allah not give effect to this