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Suhbah 2015: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (3/30)
said this even at the time of death. When our Holy Prophet heard this he said, “My pharaoh is worse than the pharoah of my brother Musa. Pharaoh said, ‘Amantu,’ he has said, ‘I believe,’ when dying.” There, our Holy Prophet was in the midst of this kind of a group. Allah Azza wa Jalla does the best of everything. The curse of the oppressed will take effect. Only be with Allah. Everything you do is for nothing, they are of no use, if you are not with Allah. You will have harmed both yourself and others. The oppressed dies in this world and leaves, but you will suffer in the hereafter too. It is very important to respect the sahabis (companions) and awliya. Both their dead and alive. There are many Hadiths about this subject. You need to respect a dead Muslim as much as the alive one. When a grave is dug, one is placed on the side and covered out of adab (manners). To take into one’s head and do those evil and obscene things to graves is not from Islam but from Shaytan. Here, we need to differentiate being a real Muslim. And that is the Ahl-e Sunnat wal Jamaat thank Allah. Our Holy Prophet said, “There will be 73 parties. Except for one, 72 go to Hellfire. And that one party is the majority.” Thank Allah the majority is with the good ones. Try and be with them. There are those you call “great scholars” these days. Even they are going astray. Allah Azza wa Jalla says to our Holy Prophet, “Envy is ten parts. I gave nine to the scholars. They are also trying to get the tenth.” We need to find a real scholar. Envious scholars are only scholars of interest. The scholar who shows the right way is the true scholar. The scholar who sacrifices his hereafter for benefit is a bad scholar. Again there is a-e Sharif that: “Such people will emerge in the Akhir Zaman (End Times) that they will dress beautifully, honey will flow from their mouths when they talk, but because they will be talking out of interest, their place is Hellfire.” Good scholars exist Allah (God) willing. As we say, it is Akhir Zaman. We are living the best times for the trade of the hereafter. Most people wanted to become the Nation of the End Times. Thank Allah, He created us in these times. We need to be thankful in every situation. Complaint is no good. The person who gets used to complaining complains all the time. What if he complains? Allah created you in these times, and He will not take you to the time of our Holy Prophet. He created you in these times, and you will live in these times and endure. So be content. Know the value of these times. Trust in Allah and there is no need for anything else. This is the easy

way. Do not rebel, do not complain, do not cry and make a racket. It will pass easily once there is consent. What is it anyway? Temporary. “Kullu aatin qareeb” meaning everything coming is near. Three or four months ago from today, we were talking about going somewhere and we went there. We were going to go to the other place, and we went there and came back too. What is coming is near. Whether a year later, ten years later, forty or fifty years later, they are all near. Let us thank Allah for granting us these ways. Thanks be [to Allah]. Hamds be [to Allah] (praise the Lord). We could have also been like other people, both tormenting ourselves and others. Thank Allah He did not let us do those. May Allah not make us torment anybody. May He not make us reach for the property, chastity, honor, life and blood of others Inshallah. May Allah keep us away from all evils. May we always live in kindness, safety and security Inshallah.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.

11.THE MIRACLES OF MAWLID Friday, January 2, 2015.

As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi rRahmani r -Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi l-awwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi Rasulillah, madad ya Mesha'ikhina, Madad Ya Sheikh Abdullah Daghistani, Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, Dastur. Tariqatuna s-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.

Today, praise to Allah, 2 holy days have occured together. It is Friday, Friday is a holy celebration day for Muslims, and it's the birth day of the Prophet, the greatest celebration day. This is our Eid. Those who know its value, they will benefit. They will recieve spiritual fa'iz, Baraka/blessings, and nur/light. Because our Prophet is not in need of us. Even though, he constantly prayed - "Ummati, ummati, O my nation. O Allah, don't let my nation stray from the right way, don't throw them in hell fire." It was like that from the moment he was born - that was a miracle. There is no limit or bounds to the miracles of our Prophet. Since he is a Prophet, he should perform miracles. Prophets have miracles. A miracle is different from karamat/supernatural wonders. Awliya perform karamat but Prophets always have miracles. Many miracles happened on the birth day of our Prophet. A part of Kisra's(Persian king) palace was destroyed. The fire that they worshiped for 1,000 years was extinguished. That fire had never been turned off before. There were many miracles like that on the day our Prophet was born.

People in the past knew different types of knowledge than the people of today. Don't think that people in the past were living without knowing anything. They were smarter than you and me. They knew. That's why they were following and keeping track. They understood from the stars and the sun. There were astronomers who studied what events will happen, occur. By Allah's wisdom, they were given that 'ilm/knowledge. Since our Prophet was the greatest and the most valuable, the Jews were looking/waiting (for him). Before our Prophet was born, it was known that a Prophet will come, that Muhammad will come. No one used the name, Ahmad. But several people used the name Muhammad. A Prophet called Muhammad will come. At that

time, many people used the name Muhammad, so that the Prophet would be from them.

So it was known, but when our Prophet came, they were stubborn. Most didn't become Muslim. But after, whether by force or voluntarily, they couldn't deny it any more, and when everyone else became Muslim, they also became Muslim. They didn't accept it because it was new/different. Satan made them to not accept. People nowadays are the same.

2 days ago, there was a great commotion to make preparations everywhere for the new year. They made parties here and there and did this and that. "Let's have fun." Why? "Because of the new year." The new year didn't give you anything. Who gave you all these favors? Allah gave you these favors. And Allah's Beloved servant is our Prophet, Hz. Muhammad (SallAllahu alaihi wa sallam). That is why the ayah we read in the khutbah - Laqad kana lakum fi rasuli Llaha uswatun hasanatun (33:21)"Our Prophet is the best example" for people to follow. The kamil/perfect man, the greatest of all mankind. There is nothing in the universe more exalted/sublime than he, our Prophet. You are his nation - Be proud. You can't be proud of anything else. We can't be proud of our race, or leaders. There's only one thing to be proud of. This is a big grant to be from the Nation of our Prophet is the greatest grant for us. Shukr to Allah. We must be thankful. Every day there should be 2 raka'at shukr prayer in our tariqa for being in this religion, for being on this way. We are praying 2 rak'at shukr for the saints and the guides and the Sheikhs who are reaching him (sas). There should be shukr prayer every day. You can pray whenever you can, either morning or evening, Allah ('Azza wa Jalla) is showing us the way to what we should do. He (sas) is a good leader, a good teacher.

He is a good shepherd. We are proud to be from his herd. Because a good sheperd doesn't leave his herd to go down a bad path. We are following him.

We are declaring that we are from his nation, and we are happy and proud. Those who deny being from his nation, it is their choice. If you don't acknowledge him, then Allah doesn't acknowledge you. Allah protects our Prophet. Allah doesn't let anyone say anything bad about the one He loves. Those who do say (bad things) will suffer in the hereafter. Both in the hereafter, and in dunya. No baraka in dunya or akhira. Baraka is with our Prophet. If you have any trouble, if you face any problems, mention the name of our Prophet, recite salawat. That

will give you comfort. It is a shifa'/cure for everything. It is strength. Don't take it for granted. That is why Sulayman Chalabi is saying that this night is like Laylatu l-Qadr. And it is really like that. So we have reached a great, important night. May Allah wake up the believers. 2 nights ago, they celebrated a made-up celebration. I don't know if it was just me, but we didn't even notice that the new year came. Allah knows best, but because of our Prophet's Mawlid, Allah made this new year to pass by unnoticed, because it happened very close (to mawlid). Shukr to Allah, we hope it will be more insignificant every passing year. May Allah guide these people to the right way, so they see haqqiyah/truth. This is real, the other one is false. But they celebrate it every year. If you are 30 years old, that means you have been celebrating for at least 20, 25 years. If you are 50, then you have been celebrating for 40 years. You are getting older. If you reach 90 years old, then there is nothing left to celebrate. But our Prophet's mawlid - the more you live, the more you celebrate, the more fa'iz and baraka you will receive.

Committing sins is a feature of mankind. Allah says - if these people do not sin, I will create new ones so they will sin and I can forgive them. Let them seek forgiveness so I forgive them. 2 days ago many wrong things were done. Allah has opened the gate of forgiveness so that their wrongdoings do not affect you. That gate is still open. Those people may seek forgiveness and repent. They may plead to Allah that they won't do something like this again. And they will be saved. But if they insist on doing the same thing again, then it is up to them. It will not harm Allah ('Azza wa Jalla). Because Allah created everyone Himself. Do as much as you like, go crazy, but it doesn't matter.

But as we said, Allah ('Azza wa Jalla) has shown us the right way. Follow the Prophet. Do what he (sas) did. His (sas) manners, his habits/temperament, and the things he did, that is the best. "uswatun hasana" - that means the best is with our Prophet. The greatest miracle of our Prophet, after the miracle of the Qur'an, was that he was illiterate. That means our Prophet could not read or write. But our Prophet made such a system that - He taught people from the finest details to the most difficult matters in only 23 years. He taught Muslims - actually he taught all of mankind so that they learn and will become Muslim. Forget about 23 years, but for 1,400 years, scholars are still finding new knowledge from the teachings of our Prophet from those 23 years and it is still not finished. If he (sas) could read and write, they might say - he(sas) read & learned this from somewhere else and that is how he is teachings us. Even if he could read, it would normally be

impossible to do it in 23 years. Everything from A to Z, everything from alif to ya, our Prophet taught us. There is nothing that he didn't show mankind. That is why this is a great miracle. He was an orphan and he was illiterate. When Allah gives, He gives like this (endlessly). Since he is a true Prophet, there are millions of proofs, millions of signs, and most important of all - Allah is witnessing. Allah is his (sas) witness. It is said, wa kafa biLlahi shahidan.(48:28) (Allah suffices as a witness) By Allah's mercy, may He grant us to be worthy of the Prophet's (sas) shafa'a/intercession. We are in need of his (sas) intercession on Judgment Day.

There are 2 groups. One group, as we said, they're celebrating (new year) - they don't know about Prophet or religion - but some do know. The second group is a new group. By Allah's wisdom there are not many of them in our country. But those who are studying in religious schools, I think they are getting proud. More than they are learning knowledge, they are becoming proud. They are not accepting the intercession of our Prophet. They say - we will be accountable for our own selves. They are the type of people who say - there is Allah, so we don't need the shafa'ah of the Prophet.

These are the salafi and wahhabi people. Even if their name isn't 'wahhabi/salafi', anyone who thinks like this is considered to be from them. Because this way of thinking belongs to them. Because all Muslims, up until the Ottomans, all accepted shafa'ah/ intercession. They never lost their respect, reverence for the Prophet. But these new people, may Allah grant them good understanding. What can we say. They claim they are not wahhabi or salafi - No, you are both salafi and wahhabi. And another important thing, I will say it here again - There is someone called Sayyid Qutb. He is not a scholar, he is a psychologist. He wrote a Qur'an tafsir, called Fi Dhilali l-Qur'an,(In the Shade of Quran) and all our Islamic Studies teachers consider him with high regard. The content of that book is against the Sunnah and Shari'ah. It is very common but real scholars know what it really is. And people of tariqah know. But those who are not following tariqah guides, like those studying Islamic Studies, do not know. 90 percent of them use this book. They revere him. And he is the chief salafi. Be careful about that.

You can read the books of Imam Ghazali or Imam Rabbani. Do not give value to the new books that were written after the Ottoman period, because very rarely will you find a good, true person. Most of them are coming as enemies to Islam. They appear to be Muslim, appear to be

haqq, but they are satans. Don't follow them. Like we said, they are known - they don't have respect or esteem for our Prophet. Allah won't give them a good reputation. Anyone who follows them is overcome by disasters. They are causing trouble everywhere, they are ruining Islam. And that is what enemies of Islam want. May Allah protect us all and give us correct understanding. And especially those studying Islamic Studies - may Allah not leave them to their egos, because they are in contact with a large population of people. If they ruin the beliefs of people, they will be held accountable. When those people enter the presence of the Prophet - actually they cannot enter his presence. Prophet won't accept them in his presence. Go with your deeds to the scale, and let's see if you will be saved or not.

For the sake of this holy day, may Allah give them a correct way of understanding. They should think well, because our Prophet said - 1 hour of thought is better than 100 years worship. They should consider well and then go to address people. Alhamdulillah, today we reached to feast together, Juma day and the birth of Prophet (sas), Sayyidina Muhammad (sas). Allah sent him (sas) as a mercy for all of us, for all of the universe. And the whole universe, Allah created for him (sas), for his sake. And we are thankful for Allah, to be in his Nation, of Prophet (sas). It is big honor and it is big favor for us. In our tariqah, we must pray every day, 2 rak'at shukr for all these favors that Allah gives us and especially to be in His most Beloved Prophet's, Sayyidina Muhammad's (sas) Nation. Alhamdulillah, hundred times, thousand times, million times, we are following him, and we love him (sas). Because he said - "If you love Allah, follow me, and Allah will love you."(3:31) Allah loves who follows Prophet (sas), who follows his orders, and (who) accepts Prophet (sas). Prophet (sas), he is most precious for Allah. We are nothing. Only Prophet (sas), he is everything. And his birth, it was a miracle also. Prophet (sas) and all Prophets have miracles. But Prophet Muhammad (sas), he has more and more, thousand, more than thousand, or more than thousands. Especially, even when he was born, many things happened.

Especially in Iran, this fire they were worshiping - all the Iranian people they were worshiping fire, and it is holy fire for them. For thousand years not turning off. But when Prophet (sas) born, it was turned off. And some of his palaces breaking. There were many things it was (happening) that night. And especially when he was born, he was speaking - "Ummati, O my nation. (To) Allah, he prayed for (his) nation. He was in sajdah, and making, praying for his ummah, to save them. He's the most merciful for ummah. But many people, new type of

Muslims, they are not accepting shafa'ah(his intercession) They said - no need (for) this. And especially, these people, they are wahhabi and salafi, they say for themselves. They call themselves salafi, but salaf salih - they are saying, "we are imitating salaf salih." What meaning salaf salih? After sahaba, those who are following Islam. And they said - these people, they were doing like us. No, they weren't doing this. They were accepting shafa'a and accepting Prophet (sas). But there was another kind of people, they are also, they were worshiping more than sahaba, praying, fasting more than sahaba, but they are out of Islam, Prophet (sas) said. Because they were fighting Muslims, making fitna, like these days. Exactly, this is what they're following, not salaf salih. Salaf salih were respecting and accepting and there were many of awliya'ullah in that time.

And especially, I said for, in Turkey or in our country, there's not much from this kind of people. But there is a kind, they're cheating, beginning to cheat who are studying Islamic Studies. And they are looking for a new thing. And maybe 90 percent of these people, they like this man who is called, Sayyid Qutb. Sayyid Qutb, he is the most Wahhabi one. He writes tafsir, Fi Dhilali l-Qur'an, it is against Shari'a even. It is not acceptable for tariqa or for shari'a. But these people, they are following, they are happy to read this. But it is not good. The good thing, you can read Imam Ghazali, or you can read Imam Rabbani. If you are intelligent, or you like to read something, or you're studying Islamic Studies, you can read this. But not for who is making your belief to make it wrong and teaching people wrong.

Most imams, they are from this school, and when you speak to them, you feel something wrong. And they like to do something good, but they are doing wrong. This is fitna of satan. So we are happy, we must be happy for Mawlid of Prophet (sas). We must celebrate everywhere. Even in all this (entire) month, we must celebrate, we must be happy. To be happy with this, it is worship. Because Allah ('Azza wa Jalla), He ordered us to praise Prophet (sas) every time. He not saying this time also (in particular) but when you praise in these occasions, you'll be more happy. More... Allah gives more power in your iman/faith. To follow and to love Prophet (sas), this is real iman. And in the ayah that we read in the khutbah - "laqad kana lakum fi rasuli Llahi uswatun hasana" (33:21) Allah give Prophet every good thing (quality), who must people to follow him. You must follow him, exactly what he's doing. What he teach you, it is right. Also, biggest miracle from Prophet (sas) - to be not writing (and reading). Not reading or writing. No schools at that time- illiterate. And for 23 years he built the system that

it is the most complete, the top, and the most perfect system in the world, since Adam (as) until now. So, until now, scholars and 'alims, they are still, they couldn't finish this knowledge from Prophet (sas). Still doing, still looking. How in 23 years he (sas) make everything. (An) illiterate person. It must be a miracle. There's thousands of miracles, but even (especially) for this miracle, all world must become Muslim and accept Islam. And it is impossible to do this - for one man, only by himself, in the desert. Even he was in desert, because if he was in city, in big cities, they might say that someone helped him. But there was nothing. All around there were enemies for him.

So, it is the biggest miracle. And we are happy to accept him. And we like everyone to accept him. The real celebration is tonight, not what people were celebrating before 2 days. It is nothing, before 2 days - One year coming, one year going, you got anything? You feel more better, you feel more stronger when one year coming and going? No, just, nothing to be happy, but people are following ego and ego taking them wrong. Allah created us and showing us who to follow. "laqad kana lakum fi rasuli Llahi 'uswatun hasana" (33:21) Allah orders - you must follow Prophet (sas), everything he do is good. And good for you, here and hereafter. Even in dunya also, you be with the baraka of the Prophet (sas). Everything you can get from his baraka. All barakah Allah gave him (sas).

(May) Allah make these people, who are not respecting or knowing Prophet, to know him, to respect him, to accept him. We are not jealous - only to make for us - we are happy when people becoming more and more, we are happy more and more. This is teaching of Prophet (sas) - to not have envy, to be happy with new people coming to Islam. Every person, bringing to Islam, to right way, Allah give you also, reward you for him. Alhamdulillah, this is endless generosity from Allah.

Wa min Allah it-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.

12.RESPECT FOR THE PROPHET Saturday, January 3, 2015

As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi rRahmani r -Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina ya Sh Muhammad Muhammadin Sayyidi l-awwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, Madad ya Masha'ikhina, madad ya Mawlana Sh Abdullah Faiz Dagestani, Madad Nazim al-Haqqani, dastur.

Our Tariqa is with association and Goodness is in the gathering. Our tariqa complies with the Sharia known to Ahl as-Sunnah wa l-Jamaa. Because of this, all actions that are done comply with Sunnah, Qur'an and Sharia. There's no part of it, which opposes Sharia. Our Tariqa is the core of Sharia. Most Tariqas are like this. All of them comply with Sharia but people sometimes misunderstand. If there's wrong understanding in other Tariqas, it's not like this in the Naqshbandi Tariqa. It is of benefit to people.Some people ask what's the benefit of tariqa? Sometimes they ask with bad intentions too. Sometimes they ask to learn the truth. What is tariqa for? Tariqa is to preserve Sharia and religion. Where there is no tariqa, they are doing wrong to religion. How is this wrong being done? They don't respect, there is no adab. And if there's no adab, it's useless. The first thing tariqa teaches is adab. What we mean by adab is first of all adab towards our Prophet, respect and reverence. Allah Azza wa Jalla in many places of Quran Karim reveres our Prophet. He gives the command to revere him. "Revere him, respect him, make salawat to him." He is the Beloved servant of Allah, that's why He teaches this. And people who don't accept tariqa say completely the opposite. A man goes up on the minbar and says "If you revere the Prophet, you become kafir, you make kufr." He supposedly understands Qur'an. And people whose native language is not Arabic say "His mother tongue is Arabic, so he understands Qur'an and is saying this. We should do it then". Who are they? Common people, people who don't know tariqa. They believe everyone. But no, everything has its adab and way. If a man says so once, he becomes kafir himself. If he says "Don't revere our Prophet, respecting him is kufr", then he makes kufr himself.

After this, his prayers won't be valid. If you listen to it and pray afterwards, you should pray again. But if they say so and you pray without knowing, that's different. But when you hear in a khutba a

man offending our Prophet, praying behind him won't be valid. Your prayer will be immoral and false. You will have to repeat your prayer. In order not to listen to such people, there is tariqa. Tariqas reach to our Prophet. Masha'ikh came one after another, and our Prophet is the head. The head of tariqa is our Prophet. Everyone should know it. Tariqa is not without a head. All tariqas reach to our Prophet. The Naqshbandi tariqa comes straight from our Prophet through Hz. Abu Bakr. Other 40 tariqas reach our Prophet through the way of Hz. Ali. Who reaches him respects him. Beside respect, there is the blessing of our Prophet, which is most important. We have his blessing. He helps people who come to that way. Their faith becomes stronger, their service becomes better. They are the ones in servanthood. Otherwise, the enemies of Islam try hard to destroy Islam. They broke it into bits. But our Prophet said that there would be 73 groups. He said 72 groups will go to hell. Sahabas were frightened. They asked "How will we understand who is good and who is bad among all of these?" Our Prophet said "Be with the majority." The majority is on the right way, Shukr to Allah. There were never perverse groups among the majority. They are always in the minority. They were in small parts. And the main part, which remains big no matter how much they divide, kill and chop it up, is the biggest group - Ahl as-Sunnah wa l-Jamaa. And that is the way, which these tariqas follow. Now other ways don't have tariqa.Outside our Ahl as-Sunnah wa l-Jamaa there's nothing like tariqa. They name what they have "madhhabs". Those madhhabs are not right, only four madhhabs. Four madhhabs go by the way explained by our Prophet.

The rest go by their minds. They pretend not too see, or they obey their shaitans and egos, and deny everything else. They give fatwa according to their minds. And Ahl as-Sunnah wa lJamaa, people of tariqa, respect our Prophet, respect Ahl al-Bayt and respect all sahabas. These are the 3 important things. Respecting Ahl al-Bayt is also important. Who respects Ahl al-Bayt not only does not go out of madhhab, but also carries out the order of our Prophet. The same for those who respect and love sahabas. Our Prophet said "Don't swear at my sahabas. May those who swear at my sahabas be cursed by Allah." This came out of the holy mouth of our Prophet. It's not an easy thing. A curse from our Prophet's mouth is not good for those people. That's why, this way is the way to be careful.

Everyone should know the truth. And now we explained what tariqa is, what its benefit is. Some insane people have given tariqa a bad image by claiming they are sheikhs of tariqa, but they are fake sheikhs. And

the base of tariqa is this. All tariqas have kept Islam alive everywhere for the honor of our Prophet. There was communism in Russia for 70-80 years. Communism finished, Muslims came out from everywhere. All of them are people of tariqa. They still stood with tariqa. Slaves were taken to the south of Africa. People of tariqa built mosques and made jamaats there. They led people to become Muslim. Wherever tariqa reaches, it revives and gives beauty. And wherever the other people go, they make fitna and corruption. They are confusing people and misleading some of them from the right way. Because, as we said, they have the big trump card that they understand the language of Qur'an. But really they don't understand it at all.

Our hojja who can't speak Arabic explains it 1000 times better than they do. We witnessed this often. We went to Hajj with hojjas. Hojja says he knows Arabic but can't speak with anyone. And if he makes tafsir of Qur'an, he does it very well. As we said, he does it much better than the other man. The important thing is sincerity. Don't be deceived by those who try to deceive with language. They can't improve after this anyway. Wherever they go, they come across disappointment. Whatever they do, they ruin both people and themselves. We can see it everywhere. If they walked on the right path, Allah would help. But when you don't walk in the right direction and act as you want, Allah won't help. They ruin themselves and everyone around them.

That's why, the more you keep those people away, the better it is. No need even to talk to them, no need to approach them. Pay attention to this. Keep it as an advice. We are talking here and we don't expect any reward. Our reward is from Allah. Our payment is from Allah. Whoever comes to the right way, Allah writes the same reward for us as well. It's for Allah. We don't expect any financial reward but rather the spiritual gifts of Allah. May Allah not separate us from the right way. May our gatherings be lasting and increase. May guidance come to this country, to Turkey, to all the Islamic world, and to the neighboring countries. If they correct themselves, Allah will help them too. He will save them from this bad condition. They (the misguided) came out like mushrooms everywhere. It is shaitan's work, nothing else. May Allah protect us from their harm.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al Fatiha.

13.HADITH LESSONS Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Assalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Sayyidul Awwalin Walakhirin Madad Ya Rasulullah, Mada Ya Ashab-e Rasulullah Madad Ya Mashayikihina, Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Qala Rasulullah (SAW), Our Holy Prophet states in a Hadith Sharif

WILDNESS “People will not be ruined until they become wild by themselves.” Allah gave this life to everybody to go in the beautiful and right way. However, people go wild by complying with their egos and shaytan. When this happens, they harm both themselves and others. And that time they get ruined. No trouble would come to people if they did not go wild. RUNNING FROM DESTINY “Running from destiny never benefits a person.” Meaning when something happens, saying, “I wish I were there or there...” has no benefit. You cannot run. When something is meant to happen it will happen. That is Allah’s destiny. Running from destiny does not provide any benefit to a person. “Except dua against something that has occurred or has not occured yet is of benefit.” Meaning it has happened already and when something has happened, you

cannot run from it. But you can make dua (pray) for the future. It says Allah accepts dua and dua is of benefit. True words come out of our Holy Prophet’s mouth. The matter of destiny (qadar) is something in the knowledge of Allah. Our Holy Prophet is showing a way so it is of benefit. Dua is of benefit against destiny. “That is why, O Allah’s servants, do not stop dua.” Meaning do not get tired of dua, do not get bored, and make dua continuously so that Allah may protect you. Stay in continuous prayer so Allah may protect us, our children, and all Muslims. THE INCORRIGIBLE PEOPLE “The people who make a woman their head are incorrigible.” Ruling,

sultanate, presidency like matters are difficult tasks. These are not fit for ladies. Allah gave a different duty for women. If they are content with that duty, both they will be in comfort and others will be in comfort. If they deny and insist to become your chief, your commander, your sultan, or your president, it will neither benefit herself nor others. TIMES ARE GETTING BAD “Times will only get worse, and people will only get more miserly. And Doomsday shall not befall anybody but those who are bad and evil.” Meaning it will befall evil ones. Times are getting worse with every passing day. Our Holy Prophet’s time is the best time. From that point on, it has gotten worse and will continue untill the Day of Judgement erupts. Doomsday will also befall bad people.

THE HONEST LEADER “A nation will never be ruined even if it were deviant and deviating, as long as its leaders are honest and showing the way.” Yes. “A nation will never be ruined even if it were perverted and bad, as long as the nation is honest and showing the way.” Let us call this good luck for these people then. As you can see, a proper man has not come [to rule] since the Ottomans in the states that left the Ottomans. So many useless men became their head. One goes, a worse one comes. They say (a proverb) the new comer makes us miss the goer. Thank Allah over here, with the blessing (baraka) of our ancestors, better ones came instead of the outgoing. May Allah make it continue. This is also Allah’s favor and kindness. Wherever you look, the new comers are bad. Except for Jordan. Because the King of Jordan is of the lineage of our Holy Prophet, from the Hashimi line. He is straight from his line. The one who reigns in Jordan is the grandchild of our Holy Prophet. Thank Allah, it has been going good like this since the beginning, since King Abdullah. Before him his grandfather, let us not say betrayed the Ottomans, but were deceived. Then the poor ones paid the price. His grandfather passed away in Cyprus. So they have also repented. Excluding Jordan, they are missing the outgoing wherever you look. No matter how bad it might be, a worse one comes. KNOWLEDGE TIME “My Nation (Ummah) will be on my sunna as long as they do not wait

for the rise of the stars in their fast breaking.” Our Holy Prophet tells people very important things here. They are all important things. Every Hadith has thousands of meanings. When night arrives and the sun sets, some people who are more of a sufi do not break their fast until stars appear in order to be on the safe side and to make sure. They break their fast when they see the stars. There is a group who always does this. It does not happen so here. Our Holy Prophet tells us to brak fast (iftar) as soon as night arrives, and to offer prayers (namaz/sala) afterwards. So you are not doing good if you are waiting. It does not matter if you wait hungry and thirsty for half an hour more. You will have diverted from our Holy Prophet’s sunna. You will have sinned and not been on sunna. Our Master says all are on his sunna except for those who wait for the stars. This is a very light thing of what our Holy Prophet shows. There are other very important things. People are being cut down and killed while being accused of polytheism (shirk) and this and that. Think, you are out of sunna if you only delay the iftar. Then the others will have left the religion too. EXCHANGING GREETINGS “You will not be considered fully faithful until you love one another. Pay attention, I am informing you of the thing that will make you love one another.” Our Holy Prophet says to love one another, and shows you how to love one another. “Spread greetings (salam) amongst you.” When a person sees someone in front of oneself and immediately gives a greeting, the other person says, “Wa alaykum assalam,” and softens. The person is pleased of being greeted. Affection increases then. “I swear by Allah Whose omnipotence holds my ego, you cannot enter Paradise unless you are merciful to one another.” Meaning you need to be merciful to each other and not cause pain. “O Prophet of Allah, we are all merciful,” they said. The companions (sahabis) said they loved each other and they were merciful to one another. No, said our Holy Prophet. The sahaba would sometimes, by the wisdom of Allah, ask such questions to learn and be a lesson for the Ummah. And Our Holy Prophet said, “Being merciful is not by being merciful to certain people.” Meaning being merciuful to and loving a certain group of people is not being merciful. “True mercy is the general mercy. It is the general mercy,” he stated. He repeated it twice so we may be

merciful to all people. Whomever you see, give the salam, smile, and act kindly. THE HARM OF ALCOHOLIC DRINKS “The servant stays within the wide field of religion as long as one does not drink alcohol.” Meaning alcoholic drinks are a bad thing. Religion is wideness, it is spacious, comfortable, and wide everywhere. So our Holy Prophet is trying to say there is no need to drink. There is no such things as drinking and finding happiness and relief. “When one drinks, Allah rips his veil.” Meaning the person looses the veil of shame, that veil is gone. “Shaytan becomes his friend, ear, eye, and foot in order to urge one to every evil and prohibit from every good (he almost becomes shaytan’s slave).” In short, he becomes a shaytan and wanders around. One commits every filth and every rudeness.

THE FORTY “Earth will not be free from forty men like Khalilur Rahman (merciful to servants).” Khalil ur-Rahman is Ibrahim Alayhis Salam. Ibrahim Alayhis Salam was a very merciful and very tenderhearted prophet. He was one of the Ulul Azm prophets. The mentioned ones in the Hadith are the Forty. There are some foolish people. They do not accept awliya (saints) and the Forty. Here is the Hadith if they ask, “Who are the Forty?” “Through them you are sent rain, and through them you are led to victory. As soon as one of them dies, Allah immediately assigns another one instead of him.” It certainly must be forty. Earth is not deficient of them. Shaykh Mawlana always used to say, “When one passes away, a new one is immediately assigned.” It will be like this until the Day of Judgement. None of this rain nor anything else would be if it were not for them. THE KHILAFA “The Khilafa will remain with the proginy of my unlce Abbas untill it is delivered to the Dajjal (Anti-Christ).” Meaning the Caliphate.

QURAYSH “This religion will remain powerful, upright, and victorious over its rival as long as the twelve who are all from Quraysh have authority.” What he refers to as Quraysh are those from the lineage of our Holy

Prophet. It is the wisdom of Allah, all caliphs (khalifas) and the Ottomans come from the lineage of our Holy Prophet, from the Quraysh. Allah created each human and each group for a goal. They have a specialty and duties. He created these [Quraysh] to be the head of the Umma (Nation) then so it may be a blessing (baraka). Wherever they are, there is baraka there. DAJJAL AND THE MALHAMA KUBRA “The swords of the Dajjal and the Malhama (fierce war) will not be combined on this Umma (Nation) [by Allah].” The Dajjal will not have appeared when the Malhama Kubra (The Great War) occurs. After the Malhama Kubra, Mahdi Aleyhis Salam appears and Dajjal arrives. First the Malhama Kubra occurs, then the Dajjal appears. They will not happen together. THE DAJJAL “Surely, people will run to the mountains from the Dajjal (Anti- Christ).” There are many dajjals (deceivers) but the true Dajjal has not appeared yet. There are little dajjals now. Many of them have appeared. IF ALLAH WILLS “If the semen that the child is to be formed from is spilled on a rock, Allah Jalla Jalalahu can create a child from it, and there is no doubt that Allah Jalla Jalalahu creates the life He means to create.” People who do not have a child try a lot saying they did this and that. When Allah does not want to, it does not happen. ADAM’S WEEPING “The weeping of Davud Aleyhis Salam and the whole people of Earth,” Davud Aleyhis Salam also weeped a lot so Allah would forgive him. All humans on earth weeped too. “Does not equal to Adam Alayhis Salam’s weeping.” Because Adam Aleyhis Salam came down from Paradise. He weeped more for disobeying Allah’s command than descending from Paradise, and he repented. Adam Aleyhis Salam’s weeping was more than all of them. MUMIN’S WORTH “If the whole people of Sky and Earth were to join to intentionally spill

the blood of a Believer (Mumin),” if all people joined together to kill a Believer, “Allah would certainly throw them all facedown in hell.” Meaning a Mumin is that precious. Those who do this today do not even value the life of a Believer as much as a fly. It is so precious for Allah Azza wa Jalla that if all the people gathered together to kill a Mumin, Allah would throw them all in hell. HOURIS “If a houri were to show one of her fingers, every owner of a soul would smell it.” Meaning Allah Azza wa Jalla created the houris so beautifully. People run after useless things in this world. This world is transient. That will be there eternally. LADIES OF PARADISE “If a woman from the ladies of paradise were to look on Earth, the whole of Earth would fill with the smell of musk, and the light of the sun and the moon would not remain .” It would really fade out.

BEAUTY Of THE PEOPLE OF PARADISE “If someone from paradise were to show Earth one’s nail, all that is in between the Sky and Earth would be lit.” He says a single nail of the people of paradise. “If a foot from paradise were shown, its bangles would extinguish the light of the Sun, just as the Sun extinguishes the light of the stars.” Just like how the stars cannot be seen when the Sun is out during the day. When that person’s single nail and banglet is shown, it is lit everywhere, nothing can be seen, and the light of the sun is extinguished. Allah Azza wa Jalla is great. This world is the world of trials. What we just spoke about is not difficult to do with the permission of Allah. You will not spill anybody’s blood, you will not harm anybody, and you will not do evil. Allah willing, it will be granted. You are with the one you love. We love our Holy Prophet, we love the Mashayikh (Shaykhs), and we love our Shaykh Mawlana. Inshallah we are together in the hereafter and in paradise. Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq Al-Fatiha

14.THE SECRET OF SUCCESS Thursday, January 8, 2015

Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Assalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Sayyidul Awwalin Walakhirin, Tarikatun as sohbat wal hayru fi jamiyya.

At the time Sheikh effendi was in cyprus, 25-30 years ago there was a student from Damascus, he was studying. He asked “That one earns like this, the other one earns like that. What should I do? What is the secret of success?” Sheikh effendi described this with one word: “Steadiness, persistence”

That means; if you have a job or do something, don’t leave it undone. Carry on, keep on. You will succeed for sure. For wordly occupations and occupations for the hereafter it is the same. It is better if you carry on your daily salat than praying once for one day and another day you don’t pray. Persistence is important. In everything there is Allah’s wisdom and that is the secret for this one.It is not; doing it for one time and the next time you don’t do it. Even if you do little, carry on your occupations, your assignments. At the end, you will benefit in this world and the hereafter. Because there is not anything else to do in this world.

Allah created you for the hereafter. Also there are some things for this world and this is up to Allah if he gives or if he doesn’t, he knows. There are provisions for everyone. Allah has written the provisions, so you don’t need to worry for it but as we said, you can’t sit lazily and do nothing. You necessarily should do something persistently. Even if it is not always the same occupation, carry on your effort so that Allah grants you another good occupation. As we said for the hereafter; do how much you can, even if it is little.

Don’t shoulder too much or something you can’t do. Allah did not give you too much responsibility. There are certain prayers, everyone can do it easily. Many people are saying that they can’t do it. Ten times more they run to here and there, loose weight, do sports but when it comes to prayer’s, they can’t do it.

This should come from the deep down of the people. Slowly slowly, little by little, bit by bit the people can do more. Even if they can’t do more, it is still accepted. Persistent doings are accepted. This is our

Prophet’s (s.w.s) order and advice. Advices of all Awlia (saints) and the advice of Sheikh effendi.

Wa min Allahi Tawfiq. Al Fatiha.

15.THE IMPORTANCE OF FRIDAY Friday, January 9, 2015

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Baraqatuhu Assalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadun Sayyidil avvalin wal ahirin.Madat ya Rasulallah. Madad Ya Mashayihina, Sheikh Abdullah Dagistani, Sheikh Nazım al Haqqani, dastur. Tarikatun as sohbat wal hayru fi jamiyya.

Today is Friday. Today is a blessed day. It is eid for the Muslims. And it is the most honored day in the presence of Allah. Allah (s.w.t) granted this holy day as a present to our Prophet (s.w.s). At this blessed day, there is an hour when prayers are accepted. If your prayer coincides with this hour, it will be accepted for sure. That for, the more prayers you do on Friday, the more you will benefit. On Friday, there is also the Friday’s Prayer. To miss it would be the loss of so much blessing. Not joining this without an excuse, makes you sinful. But at these times, sometimes there are excuses because working places might not allow people. If somebody has an excuse like that and he can’t go, then the burden is on the one who did not allow him to. Normally if somebody does not join the Friday’s prayer on Friday, he will have commited a big sin.

There are also other things of Sunnah. One of them is the whole body ablution for Friday. Of course for somebody who can do it. To have the intention and do the whole body ablution on Friday is sunnah and also a great good deed. They would have performed the sunnah of our holy Prophet and also be rewarded a lot for it. There is so much to do on Friday. It is nice to wear new clothes. If you buy new stuff or clothes. It is much blessings if you wait and wear them on Friday. Like that, you would have honored Friday and have followed the Sunnah. This is Allah’s grant for the Muslim’s, for the nation of Muhammad (s.w.s). That day, If you do everything for Allah, so much will Allah reward you. Also in heaven Allah will appear on Friday’s. Every Friday Allah (s.w.t) can be seen by the people of Heaven. When Allah appears, all other blessings in heaven become like nothing in front of the people’s eyes. The people will be in such a good condition that they will wait for the coming Friday. This means that there are days in heaven also. And that the most honored day is Friday will be understood when the manifestation of Allah appears. May Allah grant us the blessings of these days and allow us to be alltogether on these days. Whoever respects Friday on this world will be rewarded also in the hereafter.

Thanks to Allah that we have reached Friday. May we reach to many Friday’s inshallah.

Al Fatiha.

16.HUMBLENESS Saturday, January 10, 2015

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Baraqatuhu Assalatu wassalamu ala Rasulina Mohammadun Sayyidil avvalin wal akhirin. Madat ya Rasulallah. Madad Ya Mashayihina, Sheihk Abdullah Dagistani, Sheikh Nazım al Ha