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Suhbah 2014: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (8/11)
rong things. You are only afraid from Allah, you are not afraid from any army or anybody or any people because you know, you are clean. But if you are afraid from people and not afraid from Allah it is problem. Because when you are clean you are doing everything good you are better than angels. Because angels they only can do good, they cannot do bad things. But you, you have a choice to be a devil or you to be angel, or to be saint or to

be better. Everything Allah put in your self. If you are doing good, you will be higher than angels. But if you are not afraid from Allah and you are afraid from people and you are doing wrong thing, you are lower than animal.

So, it is a lesson for everybody, it is what you do, you're punished. You don't ask yourself, "why this happened for me?" There is of course something wrong with you. Don't... S. Yusuf "Wa ma 'ubarri'u nafsi 'inna n-nafsa a'ammaratun bis-su'i"(12:53) "I am not saying I am clean, my ego it is ordering to do bad things." (12:53) So everybody can be doing wrong things, but Allah (awj) " Kull ibn Adam khatta', wa ana l ghaffar" (Hadith). Allah says "All human beings they can do wrong but I am Who forgives them." Allah forgives us for what we do, with knowing or without knowing.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al Fatiha.

54.Contentment Thursday, October 9, 2014.

As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi l-awwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, madad ya Mashaykhina, madad ya Mawlana Sheikh Abdullah Faiz Daghestani, madad ya Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, dastur. Tariqatuna s-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.

What is the biggest wealth? The biggest wealth is contentment. For a person it is enough to have spiritual wealth instead of material wealth. If a man owns this world, if this world belongs to a man, and he is not content with it, he'll still be poor, still in a miserable condition as if he doesn't have anything. He will think about how much more he can take. If you give him, he'll never be full. He won't be full, a greedy person. A man without contentment is a greedy man. He can be as rich as he wants. If he has no contentment, he will live with sorrow until the end of his life. Allah gives everything to him, but when a man is not content, he's a poor man.

Not only in money, contentment should be in everything. Whatever Allah gives you, you should be content with it, you should be pleased. You should show contentment with what Allah gives. You should be thankful so that Allah increases it. Allah deemed you worthy of this favour, so you should thank Him. If you say "No, it's little, it's useless, it's ugly", then you come against Allah. You will be away from Allah's love. Moreover, Allah will be upset. If you give someone a present, and the recipient says "What's this? What kind of present is it?" and throws it back at you, will you be happy or angry with the person? You'll be angry and won't give anything to him again. Allah will give, but He won't give the most important thing. He won't give contentment. If there's no contentment, as we said, if one owns the whole world, if the world belongs to him, he won't have any taste. He won't be in comfort. He'll ask if there's more. It is a very important point. You should be thankful for what Allah gives, you should be pleased. How long will you live anyway? It will be enough for you. Allah knows you better than you do. He will give whatever you need. He will. Don't look at what others have at all. This is a bad characteristic. Don't say "I want what this person has, I don't want what that person has." It's a big shame to look at what others have. It's not nice. Old people used to teach, if their children looked at others' things, they'd say "Don't look, my son. It belongs to someone else. Look at what you've got. It's enough for you." But now it's not like that. As we said, every country had a different structure in

old times. Now the whole world is the same. All of them want the same thing, all of them think the same way. If one does something, others want to do it too.

Whereas there is a normal school, a state school; they say "No, it doesn't suit us" and they want to put them in different schools. You can't afford it. You can only take care of your household. No need to cut from it for the other. They put them in private classes. All of them will study. And what they learn is 20-25 different subjects. Nothing else. Even if everyone studies there, there're still many jobs to be done by people. But no, they still persist whether they are able to study or not. What is this? There is no contentment, no content. Allah gives a certain capacity and intelligence to a child. He can learn that much. If he can't study, he can do arts. But no, they're not content with that either. "I want my son to become an engineer." "I want mine to become a doctor." He couldn't pass this year, I will put him in a private class next year. He must earn more points to enroll next year". It becomes worse the next year.

While they say after, later, they waste money and have no result. Allah told you from the beginning, be content. "I gave this mind to this child". Look accordingly. Don't look at others. Don't deal with other things. Don't do whatever you like. Be content. A person on the level of contentment is relaxed. Rebellious ones, who don't want, they can persist as much as they like. May Allah keep this far from people. It becomes a bad illness. Some people came the other day, two ladies from Antalya. They said "Our mother had cancer. We sold all our possessions for her treatment." She died. Why did you sell? Government is paying which it should anyhow. They said "The government has said she can't be treated. We want treatment". When they say "can't be." Allah creates a reason for people to pass away from this world. No need for you to put your provision into it. This is something else. But this is a more complicated matter. Because doctors ask for too much money. And when there's money, they use it until it's finished by buying this and that. A man doesn't know. He pays out of necessity. But if he's on the level of contentment, no need for all these. Contentment is comfort. If you see that it's fate, be content with it. That is the important thing.

Today we speak about to be satisfied. Kana', satisfied, content. It is the best thing Allah gave, this favour for people. But few people they accept this. When somebody has this attribute, even he has nothing, he has this attribute, he is happy. Happy because, "this what I have it is enough for me. Alhamdulillah Allah gave me this, I am very happy." It is a big blessing from Allah. But if you don't have this, especially in these days, if you are very rich billionaire even, you will be not happy because you will say "this is not enough for me, I want more, I want more..." If they give you the whole world also, if you don't have this attribute it is also not enough. He is suffering, suffering until the end of his life. He is not satisfied with anything. "I want this, I want that, I want everything." If they give you, "No it is not enough! I must more, more and more."

But it is not from good attribute - shaytan, from ego, from bad behaviour. The good behaviour is to accept what Allah (awj) gives you and to thank for what He gives. If you are not thanking, Allah is not happy with you. Somebody gives you a present, or you give somebody a present, and he looks and says "What is this? This is rubbish! Take this from me." You will be happy with him? No, never. You will say "You take this and not giving anything anymore." Allah (awj) also, when you do this, if you're not giving even what He is giving you. He takes the most important part of this, the satisfaction from this. So, you will be suffering until you are dying. As Prophet (saws) said "If man - for human being, it is attribute for everybody but, it is Islam and Tariqa make it to come down. - Human being if you give him one value of gold he wants another one. And it is his eyes, you cannot fill his eyes from gold. From what do you fill his eyes? Only from dust." (Hadith) When he dies and put him in dust, now it's ok. He is full and satisfied he cannot do anything. But when he is in life, if he has this bad manner and nobody teach him to be satisfied, he will never be happy.

In the old times people they were happy more than these days, because every country they have a special culture, they have special things to do. But now in modern times everywhere in the world, nearly same. Where you go, you feel same problem. What the people they want, is the same thing. And I think from this media and internet everything coming same. They want their children to go to school and they want private school better, even they don't have enough money to do this. And the worse they want their children to be study in University. But for University they must be more clever. There is examination and some of them they don't have enough degree to be in University. So they insist "No, no my son he must be Doctor. He must be engineer, he must be something like this. And it is in University maybe only 20 or 30 kind of work, or all these millions of people they do this nobody else can make other work.

So Allah gave everybody. Who is very clever he cannot be a builder. He can be doctor or he can be another thing. But who is less, he can do less work and they will be happy. But from the teaching of the parents they make this boy... he is not happy from the beginning because he couldn't enter University, he is not happy. He blames his family. But even family they make him 3 years to go to University to try and they give him special lessons and it is very expensive but still not going so they're blamed from him and also from, they are blamed from Allah also - "Why you do this for your children? I did not create them to be Doctor, not created them to be engineer, not created them to be.." They have many work for them! So don't make your children to be not happy from the beginning. Teach them good manner, teach them.. The first thing you must teach them to be satisfied with everything. Even today some telephone (call) coming from Europe. I don't want to say from which country. One lady 10 years she is married and she wants to divorce. Why? "I don't like my husband." He likes you? "Yes." He making bad thing for you?

"No, no he is very good." Why? "I don't love him." This is one example, small example, but it is very bad example for people. Nothing at all, only "I don't love him anymore." O! It is playing? You are coming here for Allah but these people they teach them only to satisfy themselves. And their ego nothing can be enough for ego. So this it is very important to teach ourselves first and to know how to teach our children. It is not easy, and it is not...there is now they say, "modern" teaching. It is rubbish teaching. "A boy or children or baby, they must do what they like. Don't prevent them what to do" they said. No, you must prevent, you must be teach them what is good and what is bad and to know you cannot reach everything what you want. Even you want to reach, you reach by hard, not to make it easy. "O my child wants this," quickly you go and bring it. "My daughter she wants this, quickly". No don't do this.

Allah keeps safe from this days insha'Allah. These are very dangerous days but insha'Allah who's following Mawlana and the Way, the right way, they will never be lost insha'Allah.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al Fatiha.

55.Shirk Friday, October 10, 2014.

As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu 'ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi l-awwalina wal-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Mashaykhina, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, madad ya Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, dastur.

Allah Azza wa Jalla says in Quran Karim Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani rRahim. "Wala tarkanu ila lladhina dhalamu fatamassakumu n- naru"(11:113) Don't be with oppressors or hellfire and fire will touch you, both hellfire and the fire of this world. Both can happen. Allah Azza wa Jalla has put numerous interpretations and explanations in Quran. Each of its letters has thousands of secrets, thousands of knowledges. Who is the oppressor? The oppressor is the one who makes shirk, attributes partners to Allah. Who are they?

A Muslim says "Ashhadu an la ilaha illAllah wa shhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh" This is a Muslim. Who says this is a Muslim. He says there's no god other than Allah. What happens when he says this? He becomes a Muslim, not a mushrik/polytheist. A mushrik is the one who doesn't say it. What does he say? He says there are many gods. He becomes mushrik then. Who says that makes shirk. Now why are these people we're calling oppressors, mushriks, doing this? These people who attribute partners to Allah, we said who they are a while ago, oppressors are the people who make shirk. As we said now, these are the people outside of the Muslim states. They've been enemies to Islam since the beginning. Since the time of our Prophet they've been enemies. They made too much fitna. When our Prophet had passed away and Hz. Abu Bakr came forth, many people left the religion immediately. They left the religion. Many false prophets appeared as well. However, just a few true Muslims who saw the light of our Prophet and received his blessings, defeated everyone. They left no mushriks in the Arabian peninsula. During the time of Hz. Umar, nobody could raise even his head. Hz. Umar had his son flogged, he was so just and harsh. He was such a just man. Then Hz. Uthman ibn Affan, the son-in-law of our Prophet, husband of two of the daughters of our Prophet. During his time, because he was merciful and helped people... Sometimes mercy spoils people. There is a saying: From mercy, disease is born. Fitna started during his time. In the end, they made him a martyr too.

Such fitna kept appearing but they couldn't finish Islam. The last was the holy Ottoman Empire. These mushrik people did everything to them as well both from inside and

outside. Why did they oppress them so much? There was another state calling itself Islamic, and they didn't touch it. They fully supported it. Why did they come against the Ottomans? They hit us from behind because these were the true Muslims. They didn't want it. They didn't want true Muslims. Ottomans were the leaders of Islam for 700 years. Wherever fitna appeared, they cleaned it out. They knew where fitna would appear before it started, and banned it. They closed the doors of Ijtihad. For 700 years there was no ijtihad. What we see now appeared after the Ottomans, things called ijtihad. All of them are brought by mushriks - Wahabism, salafism etc. All of them are done by their fitna. And in the end you see that they have divided the Islamic world. They pretend to feel sorry, and make meetings in order to make peace. "We'll make a meeting in 2 years". Of course, they don't say "In-sha’Allah ". "We shall make, let's see how it goes". You wait for 2 years for a meeting, for peace. And here 1,000 people die in one day, 5,000 a day, 10,000 a day. Nobody cares. Europe raised hell for killing one sick dog. All of Europe stood up for this. And as we said, fitna is put to that place.

They are killing each other. No need to take any action now. And now the inheritor of the Ottomans is Turkey, shukr to Allah. Sheikh Effendi used to say that all their concern is to bother Turkey by bringing up an issue every day. There was not Islam, everything was banned in the old days - neither could you make dhikr, nor wear a turban in the street. They couldn't comprehend it even then and brought up something for Turkey every day. What happened now? They don't like it. All Muslims, and as the head, shukr to Allah, he gave inspiration, Ottomans haven't finished yet. They are still there. Fitna is quickly made. We will be saved with them In-sha’Allah . That's why, we are saying don't be with oppressors. If fire doesn't come to you in this world, it will come in akhira. Allah loves those who are thankful. If goodness is done to you, you should make shukr. Don't be ungrateful. Allah doesn't like ungrateful people. If you are ungrateful, He will take everything away. You won't find anything else and will regret. That's why, no need to rebel. These leaders say Allah. They are with people in 5 times prayers, on Juma and Eid. If you are together with mushriks, oppressors, fire will touch you too, you won't see goodness. You won't see goodness either in dunya, or akhira.

If you have a complaint, don't go out and cause harm. This is an instruction from Sheikh Effendi. Don't cause harm. There's no harming in Islam. "La darara wa la dirar". It's a hadith. This was a nice saying of our holy Prophet. His every saying is nice but this one is very beautiful. Don't cause harm. If you get angry, why do you harm your own people, your brothers in religion, people who speak your own language and their possessions? Poor people are waiting for their children's provision for Allah's pleasure. And if you get angry at something and harm them, you'll have no goodness. You'll have no goodness from those oppressors either. If you have a problem, pray. Sit in a mosque, pray to Allah. Let Him change it. If it is so, it is accepted by Allah; praying in a mosque, calling on Allah in a mosque. Everything is in the hands of Allah. There's no difficulty in anything. You have a difficulty but Allah doesn't. He created everything. Nothing is difficult for Him. And don't say "Nothing will happen". Allah is capable of

everything. Don't think you did something and it's over. There's the One watching. And there's the One writing everything down. Now many are afraid of cameras, they cover their faces and eyes. But Allah doesn't need a camera. He saw you. You won't find goodness either in dunya or akhira. Why won't you find goodness in dunya? Even if you escape, you get cursed by the harmed one. And don't say "Why did it happen to me?" afterwards. Everyone knows his sin and fault. Everyone should be careful. It's the time of fitna. Don't be with oppressors. Be with beloved servants of Allah. The result of patience is good. Who stands up angry at everything, sits down with a loss. Control your anger always. Let anger be for Allah. If it's for your ego, it will destroy you. If it's for Allah, it will be good. So you have to know what to do. Be with true scholars who know this religion so that they teach you. They exist mashaAllah. They say: "Talabana wajadana". "Who searches for us, finds us". Whoever looks for true knowledge, true advice, he will certainly find it. May Allah protect from the evil of this time.

It is the end of times however. This fitna should happen because Mahdi, alaihi salam, won't appear in prosperous peace. He will appear in such times of fitna and people will embrace him. There are many people now who call themselves Mahdi and Isa. None of them really are. If Mahdi, alaihi salam, convinces people one by one that he is Mahdi or Isa, it will require 1,000 years so that everyone is aware and follow him. No, it's not like that. Sheikh Effendi says Mahdi, alaihi salam, doesn't have this technology as well. Now they use technology via internet, via television, via something else so that all know. He doesn't need it. Most won't know. No matter how much you try, 3-5% will maybe come or not. But when Mahdi, alaihi salam, appears, with the miracle of that time, that has never happened before, never seen; all Muslims will hear it when he makes takbir. It will reach them immediately. Otherwise it's impossible.

Mahdi alaihi salam will appear at once with Allah's permission. And that's close In- sha’Allah . Fitna has become too much indeed. There's no peaceful place in the world. Everywhere is boiling, everywhere is chaos, fitna, rebellion. Certainly Mahdi alaihi salam will come and fill this world with justice and goodness. How it's filled with fitna and badness now, it will be filled with goodness and justice. In-sha’Allah it's close. That's good news. There's no hopelessness in Islam. "La taqnatu min rahmati Llahi"(39:53) Don't be hopeless, be hopeful. Mahdi alaihi salam will come In-sha’Allah . Don't fear. He is ahl as-Sunnah wa l-Jamaa and with those who are on the right way. May Allah let us meet him soon In-sha’Allah. We are saying for Ayat: "Wa La Tarkanu 'Ila lladhina dhalamu fatamassakumu n-naru"(11:113) Do not be, or don't put your back ... If you stay with oppressors. Don't lean towards oppressors. If you do this, fire can touch you. Who is oppressor? Allah says what they are in Quran."Inna sh-shirka la dhulmun 'azimun"(31:13) To put partner with Allah (awj) is the biggest oppression.

When you become Muslim and you say, ash'hadu an la Ilaha illa Allah wa ash'hadu anna Muhammad 'abduhu wa rasuluh. What it means? We are witness to Allah, no God, only Allah. And Prophet Muhammad (saws) His Prophet, last Prophet. Who says this, he is Muslim and he is not oppressor. Oppressor is who says and their culture is, the oppressors who do not accept this, they say "there are many gods." From old time, they make statues, they make many things for they say, "this god of this and this god of that." This is to put partner for Allah. Allah does not accept partner. Only one God. And when you dothis you are safe. Allah forgives everything but does not forgive to put partner for Him. But now, there is a kind of people. These people, they were not before. From the time of Prophet (saws) beginning to make fitna, the oppressors.

When Prophet (saws) left this world and Hz Abu Bakr become khalifa, quickly most Arab sub-continent they were out of Islam. They said we don't want this. But, Prophet (saws) he was teaching his sahaba, his real believers. One, a very few companions was able to destroy all this people, the oppressors. Even they say for themselves, "we are prophets." After Prophet Muhammad (saws), no prophet! But these people they were saying "we are also prophets". What they call them until now and at that time also they call them, 'liars'! Liars prophet. And they were all taken off sub-continent in Hz Abu Bakr time. And fitna finished at that time.

After, Hz Omar coming. He is Omar he was very strong to not giving any chance for people to say anything for he, what he was doing? He was doing justice. He was only, the pure justice in his time. Even, they saidsheep and lions were together, going same place. In his time, in his khalifat time. And once one shepherd he saw wolf eating a sheep, he said "maybe Hz Omar he died." And it was real (true). He was shahid/martyred. So, it was no problem in his time, even for his family not giving any forgiveness. Even his son he was beating him because he was doing something wrong. He punished him. So after coming Sayyidina Uthman, Dhun Nurain (Owner of the 2 lights). He was Prophet's (saws) son-inlaw. He was very soft, very gentle. And from his softness, people want (him) to be sometimes strong for them to not follow their ego. But he was very soft and many problem happened. Fitna in his time too much it was. Even they make him also shahid, martyr. After him of course it was like this. Every time these oppressors who do not believe in one God, they were against Islam, to finish Islam, to destroy Islam. But they couldn't do this, in Ottoman time - 700 years they were ruling, and they were strong. All the time whole oppressors they were against them. All the time fighting, all the time fighting them until they finished them.

But in Ottoman time there was Khalifa and real ulama, awliya' they were rulling so there was no fitna. Not accepting any wrong thing coming. If you are from one group of Muslims so you are from this group but you cannot put a new thing for other people. And they closed door of ijtihad, to make.. to give new opinions for Islam. Because old times ulama they were doing everything and they were right. And they were afraid from Allah to do any wrong thing. These days ulama - only give them

money and you can do what you like. It was not like this in old times. Of course here there is also very few ulama who do not accept this, but they are quiet and nobody knows them. So, they make fitna. They finished the Ottomans.

After the Ottomans they brought these people, the new oppressors. Who they are? They said for you, for me, for us, for all Muslims, "you are mushrik". "Why am I mushrik? Prophet (saws) he said "ash'hadu an la Ilaha illa Allah, wa ash'hadu anna Muhammad Rasulullah, he is Muslim." Who they are saying the truth, you or Prophet (saws)? You are liars! So it must be liar or not liar. So Prophet cannot be liar! You are liars! Who says for us mushrik or this, they are liars and they are following oppressors. They are oppressors and they are following oppressors. This is the summary of all the speech. Who is liar? You are liars. You can say anything else? No, so don't be with oppressors. The oppressor who teaches you to say this to make fitna, to make you doubt for the Prophet (saws), for everything. It is fitna time, this is the time of all corruption. And now you see in all these Middle East countries, they make fitna and they are happy. Who? The oppressors. They are crying but they are crying like crocodiles. They say "we must make peace here," Yes, when? "After 2 years we can make conference for peace." "Until that time 10.000 people they will die." No never mind. In Europe before 2 days, there was 1 dog he has something they want to kill him. All Europe was crying they make problem for him. Of course we don't want for dog also, but just giving example we cannot do anything for them. And they don't believe in Allah or anything. They thought if they kill the dog, they will be safe from illness. You are fighting Allah, Allah if you can without seeing anything they can send for you illness. You thought you are strong to prevent this? Allah, does not forget anything. So don't be with these people.

And when.. now in Turkey also there is problem. We say don't be following bad people. You must know what you are doing. Because Prophet (saws) said "don't harm anybody, don't harm anything." If you do this you will not be happy, because Allah everything writing in His.. with angels, He.. every thing, everything what you do, recording to show you. Now there is camera everywhere, but the people bad people they cover themselves and they thought they will not be caught. This also if you harm people and you put everything on you (cover yourself) Allah harming you in this world before Akhira, before the Last Day. And you will be punished in Akhira also. Why? Because you harmed people, poor people who just tried to earn some money to feed their families and others come and break your shop, you break their things. So, they were making "Allah Oh!" for this Allah will make you regret it, what you do. So when you are in this position, don't say why this happened to me. You know everybody who is punished Allah knows what they do and they must know not to do this. What you do if anything happened that you don't like? You must go to mosque and make dua there. And it is end of times. Everywhere in the world problems, everywhere fighting, economic crisis, people are not happy. All, everything very bad looking.

What will happen? What will happen insha'Allah, Mahdi (as) will come. Because Mahdi (as) will not come when it is good, everything is all right. No! He must come when everybody, they only want him. "O come and save us!" That time he will come. Insha'Allah it is very near. It looks like this. And it will be happy and sweet days. Justice days. Because justice it is the best for people to have, to live with justice. Without justice it is not good. And don't believe for any country in this world they say they have justice. Don't believe this. It is you cannot find 5% from justice, only. Everywhere you cannot then say, Denmark, don't say Congo, don't say Siam. No! No country they have justice. Allah help us to be with Sayyidina Al Mahdi (as) soon In-sha’Allah.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al Fatiha.

56.Satisfaction Saturday, October 11, 2014.

As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi l-awwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, madad ya Mashaykhina, madad ya Sheikh Abdullah Faiz Daghestani, madad ya Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, dastur. Tariqatuna s-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.

Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. "Ala bi dhikri Llahi tatma'innu lqulub"(13:28) This ayat ul-karima is showing what to do in order to reach the highest level of people. What is the highest level? The satisfaction of your heart. What is satisfaction? Satisfaction is to find peace. Satisfaction is the highest level of peace. Satisfaction means nothing can bother this person. He is with Allah, continuously remembering Allah. You can remember Allah by tongue, but many people while making dhikr think of other things. While making dhikr, they think about how to earn money. Earning money is not important. If what one earns is halal, the rest is not important. But sometimes, various cunning thoughts come. It means he is not remembering Allah, he is remembering what his ego wants. The people who have reached the level of satisfaction are very few. They are the saints of Allah, beloved servants of Allah. They are not disturbed by anything. "Rijalun la tulheehim tijaratun wala bay'un 'an dhikri Llahi wa iqami s-salati " (24:37) They are described in Qur'an Kareem. They are such people that nothing prevents them from thinking about Allah, not trading, nor other things. Nothing prevents them from dhikr of Allah. Their biggest effort is to be with Allah, to remember Allah. Of course, as we said, there are various servants on such level. Some have nothing of this dunya. Some are given everything by Allah. But both are on the same level. They don't say "I earned all these possessions for myself". They earn in order to give for Allah's pleasure. After the battle of Hunayn, our Prophet's many spoils were brought, and Abu Sufyan came and asked him to give him 1,000 camels. Our Prophet gave him. He asked him to give 1,000 to his son. Prophet gave him as well. A satisfied man gives so freely, he gives for Allah's pleasure. He doesn't have anything in his heart but Allah. But their trade is the trade of the hereafter. The real trade is this. When they are satisfied, people around them become satisfied too. It is contagious. Therefore, they motivate people to gather around murshids, they advise it. Follow a murshid/guide so that you have your share of this nice state too. Be with a person who deals in the trade of akhira.

There are many murshids, but most of murshids are not for akhira. They think how to get more benefit of this world by saying words of Allah. Such a man brings discomfort

to people around him, just like the other one brings peace. People won't know but that man cannot give peace because he doesn't work for Allah. That man is not a beloved servant of Allah. Those people are neither good for themselves, nor for others because they don't go on the way described by Allah. They make opposite fatwa for whatever Allah says. They go by a different path. They can't advance so. And those who follow them will travel until some point. Then Allah will give according to their hearts. If they deserve him, they will stay with him. But if their hearts are pure and they followed for Allah, Allah will take them to higher levels and show the right way.

That's why, what's important is that you don't find satisfaction in money and possessions. You can find only it on the way of Allah because Allah created us. Allah has shown the way that hearts can be satisfied, how to find peace. It's only with dhikr of Allah, with pure worship to Allah. It's not in drinking and gambling. You can do whatever disgrace there is in this world, you won't find even an atom of peace. Even if you take the strongest drug, you won't find it. Allah has shown the way. And shaitan is showing a different way. Come through the way of Allah, you will earn both dunya and akhira. You will live a good life, you will live a quality life. You will be served. Otherwise, people will look badly at you. Your life will be disgraceful, and your akhira will be bad. You'll become a worthless person. No one will look in your face. When passing you, they will run away saying you're stupid etc. The more you try to satisfy your ego in this world, the more disgraceful you become, the more people start to hate you. Therefore, don't waste your money and time. Come to the right way, come to the way of Allah. Remember Allah, don't forget Allah.

Audhu billahi min ash-shaitani r-rajim. "Ala bidhikri Llahi tatma'innu l-qulub"(13:28) Allah mentioned this in Qur'an. What meaning this? How it is your heart, it will be satisfied? Satisfying, but it is the higheststation of satisfying. Content. Itminan - contentment. Many people, they don't know how to do it. But Allah Azza wa Jalla, He is our Creator. Who created He knows what is good for you, what is not good for you. Allah made water good for you to drink and made food good for you to eat. Can you drink petrol? It is not good for you. It is good for machine, for another thing. So Allah, He, the Creator make you, to give you what you want to do to survive in life and in next life also. To be content, you must be all day remembering Allah. This is ayat's, "Ala bidhikri Llahi tatma'innu l-qulub"(13:28), meaning. If you want to be happy, you must do this, you must all time not forget Allah. And when you do this, nothing affects you. Not saying if you are poor, if you are rich, if you are ill, if you are anything, it is not necessary. Because you'll get the top of satisfaction. Many people, they try to do this satisfaction by artificial ways. And they are mixing between their soul and their ego. Ego wants alcohol, wants gambling, wants drugs. They want every bad lowest thing. The ego likes this. And people, they thought ego and soul same thing. No. When you do this for ego, it is not coming better, coming worse. Need more and more and more. But when you're not doing this and just doing what Allah ordered, you become higher and higher. And when you do bad thing for your ego to be higher, coming

lower. And you become worst one. Nobody likes you. People even they are running away from you. Only what, they who are like you, lowest people, they can be with you. But real people, they are discussing. And they are not like to be near you.

But others who remember Allah, and they have real satisfaction, people, they like them. Why? Because Allah likes them, loves them. Allah give this for few people, of course. But these people, they are like island, like Western people, they are coming to them. And they become like them also. They have this satisfaction, this happy feeling, and they will be winner in dunya and akhira. Because you cannot buy this by money, if your rank, high rank or you are artist or another thing. It is not important to be with these. Only to be with Allah and to be satisfied, this is important thing. Even you are very poor of even you are very rich, it is not important. Because rich people also, these who with Allah, they are not with money, only with Allah. They use this money, they can spend quickly. Because Prophet (saw) when after War of Hunayn, Ghazwa/battle of Hunayn, they were taking many thousands of camels and sheep and others. So Abu Sufyan coming, asking Prophet (saw) "Give me 1,000 camels". He said "Take" without saying anything. 1,000 camels, it is that time like 1,000 cars this time. Not easy to have 1 camel even that time. And he said "I want for my son also." "Take." "For another son". He gave him 5,000 camels once in 5 minutes. So it is not important. The important thing for tijara, for trading for akhira this, not for dunya.

And you must find these people to be together. Because this satisfaction coming from them to you also. You'll be happy, you will not be worried for anything. And you'll be winner in dunya and in akhira, the last world. But many people, they are not looking for this. Only what they are doing, they are trading, trading the religion or tariqa to get benefit for themselves. When they do this, it is really a miserable thing. Their life, whole life - miserable. And people around them all time not finding any good feeling, just want to fight to make not good with other people - "How I can take from this man this money?" Only what they think is this. And it is not good, not giving any baraka for around them. And if they have million of followers, it's also, they are not happy. Because they are mixing between ego and soul. And this is ego, not from soul. They are not clever ones. The clever one who know how to be happy if only 5 people with him, and he is really with Allah, he is happy. Even nobody with him, also happy. But if he has 5 million people following him and he is not with Allah, and only looking "How many people are coming to me? How many people going to that man?" he'll never be satisfied. This is Mawlana what whole life tried to teach people. But very few people, they know this. Sometimes coming to be, they accept. After quickly, ego coming on them, not accepting. So alhamdulillah, you must be happy and accept what Allah give you. Don't look for people. If coming 1 people, if coming 10,000 people, it's ok. We are not doing this for ourselves. Don't come for us to pray for us. No, just for Allah. And to be in right way and with 1 people it is better (than) to be with whole world without Allah, against Allah. Alhamdulillah. Don't forget this. This is nasiha/advice for me before you. Because many people coming and saying something but it looks like

advice, looks advice but it's from shaitan. They say "This man doing this, you must do this. They are doing this, you must do that." No, we are not doing what people want to do. What Allah give inspiration and what Mawlana, he taught us, we try to follow this. Of course, we have many mistakes. But In-sha’Allah with good intention, Allah forgive us. So no need to be worried. "How these people, they will go they will come?" No, at all. No worry at all. Don't be worried also. Because, as we said, these people who following any murshid, any sheikh, if they have good intention, they will come to some place. After this place, they will be; Allah send them to where they deserve. Others who following these people who are following their ego, because they are like them, also they deserve to be with them. It's no matter. For this, meaning satisfaction. Don't worry at all. Allah make us with these people who they have satisfaction, the highest, the highest matlub, request, for us in this dunya and for akhira also.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.

57.The Rich and The Poor Thursday, October 23, 2014.

Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, madad ya Mashaikh. Tariqatuna s-sohba wa l-khairu fi jamiyah.

Alhamdulillah for everything. Shukrulillah, alhamdulillah. You must thank for Allah for everything He gives. When you thank Him, make shukrulillah, Allah give more. Allah, He created us human beings, not animals. This is big n'imat/favour. You must thank for this. And He shows us right way. Alhamdulillah, it is also biggest, bigger than to be human being n'imat. And He let us to live in good place. He give everything. But people, when they are not thanking Allah, Allah not give them baraka. Well baraka, what it means? It means to be happy. You know, many rich people, they are not happy at all. But very poor people, they eat one dry bread and they are happy. For they are happy with Allah. When servants of Allah happy with Him, He is happy with them. And this life, short life. After this, life forever. And who obey Allah and do what He ordered, he will be happy forever in paradise. Who not accepting and he is objecting - "Why you make me like this? Why I am poor, these people rich?" then he will be not happy in this world or in real world, the world forever. If he is patient and accept this, it is, even he lives 100 years, it is short. He will be happy, he accept. When you accept something, you will be happy. But when you are not accepting, you cannot do anything. You see people, they are not learning from other people's experience. Only when it comes for them, they know. They want to do this... No need to do this. You look and see people who're not accepting, their whole life's miserable and what - they couldn't do anything. But we must accept and be happy.

Alhamdulillah we are dressing, we can eat, we are not ill, and we are on right way. We are happy. You're rich and you don't have eyes, or you don't have stomach, or you cannot breath, you put something to breathe. How it is? If you have millions, it is not benefit for you. Who has millions and he has nothing, he cannot do anything for his health. He accept to give, not only half his money, all his money he can give just to be healthy. So we must know this. Alhamdulillah there are poor people, they are... Because they don't have any burden on you, you feel here very light. Allah love poor people. It is really not no any burden on us. But when you'll be with rich people and they are doing

bad things, coming burden on you, when you are around them. And alhamdulillah Allah make our people to come this area to help these people. It is also big favour from Allah. Because Allah rewards for one 10 times, 100 times, 700 times. And they are coming only for Allah, not for any benefit. Like in Qur'an "Inna ma nut'imukum li wajhi Llahi la nuridu minkum jaza wa la shukura" (76:9) We are doing this for sake of Allah. We don't want any anything from you or even we don't want thanks from you. Only we're doing this for Allah. Some people, they're making for paying or to be proud. No, they're not like this. And Allah wa Jazahum Rabbun Allah reward them by paradise. Alhamdulillah. In-sha’Allah this place, it will be light for all this area, all countries also. Here happy people because this country, subhanAllah, it is the richest country in the world I think. But poor people too much. If they accept, Allah, He will open for them and give them baraka to be even here also happy and in akhira. Allah make these people who love to give charity more and more In-sha’Allah , and accept dua of poor people for all countries In- sha’Allah to be in, to come to right way. Right way, the nice way, so only good things there, not accepting any bad things, action or... Even the man doing for himself will not accept this for him also because he is also creature Allah created. We must show him the right way.

Allah give Mawlana Sheikh because he show us our these ways. He showing good ways. And Allah make his ranks higher and higher and make his baraka. And he is looking after us. Because he is from Awliyaullah, saint. If he bodily went to akhira for grave, but his spiritual is around us all time. He is happy with this doing. He is not happy with bad things. But with good things he's very happy.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.

58.The Natural Religion Thursday, October 23, 2014.

Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, madad ya Mashaikh madad ya Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, dastur.

Alhamdulillah we are with our brothers and sisters. To be brothers in Islam, it is more important than brother from same father and mother. If he is not in Islam, he is only in this dunya he will be brother. In akhira brother - Muslim who follow Prophet (saw).

Alhamdulillah in this country many people, they are coming to Islam. Because original Allah's din, religion, Muslim for everyone. When Allah makes new baby, give new baby for people, he is Muslim, fitrat-ul Islam, until he become man or to be age to be understanding. Prophet (saw) said "All children, they are Muslim until they are grown up, and their family, they make them Muslim or non-Muslim." For this, it is natural religion for people - Islam. And it is easy to accept for every people. But Prophet (saw) said "From family, parents, if they are against Islam, they teaching to be against Islam from beginning. After he will not be. But if family they don't know anything and they are not saying anything for people, they'll be after, most of them, if they hear about Islam and how it is nice. Because Allah created, Allah Azza wa Jalla, and He is putting something for people, how they are from beginning coming breathing and taking breast milk from mother. This, by nature they know this. Allah teach them. And Allah teach people to be Muslim. But many artificial things coming making people to go away from Islam. And you know, artificial thing, it is not good. Now many people, they are looking for to eat, to drink not artificial things. Even to wear they are looking for cotton, or to not artificial things.

Artificial things made to make problem, harming body. These who... religion they make by people, they are artificial. Now no more any right religion, only Islam - the right religion. And all these people, they were maybe some of them, many of them worshipping idols. After this Europeans coming, teach them Christianity. But this is not real Christianity. Christianity - only one God and Isa alaihi salam, he is Prophet. Not, cannot be as they say. And even for this, they take them from to not worship idols, bring them, they put them idol also in front of them "You must worship this". How you said you are not worshipping, worshipping idol? You are worshipping idol. And religion, it is one, since Adam alahi salam until Musa, Isa, Ibrahim alaihum salam, coming until Prophet (saw). We are not denying any of them. But when artificial, not real one coming, they are not accepting this. But Allah... This is His religion. And the most spread religion Islam. Shaitan and his followers not happy with this. Every time they bring a new thing to make people to hate Islam without knowing. They're showing people, they said this is no. Islam is mercy religion. The most merciful people must be Muslim.

They said "How they cut, killing people?" This is not order of Islam. When Islam ordering something, it must be... There is reason. If people making bad things, they must be punished. But not punishing, you cannot punish them. You must take him to court. And court give him his punishment. It is never acceptable for Islam to be everybody give punishment for people. If it is like this, it will be mess. Because every people, when somebody saying for these people "This man is very bad", they kill him and punish him, it will be problem. Without asking, without knowing, without searching, it will be problem. For Islam it is very sensitive. And they make, they are jealous from Islam, to not be spread around the world. Because Europeans also, they are clever people. They claim also they are clever, they have civilization, highest civilization... But when looking and seeing their religion, it is false religion, not real one.

They cannot say anything. The most of them searching for another religion. They went to India, they went to other place. They are not happy. They become to look for Islam. When this happened, it was very dangerous for them. They make many things, many people, many group, many state of Islam to make something, it is not related to Islam from near or from far. Bad people, they said it is Islam so these people do not come to Islam. What they do, they're just the atheists. Because their religion is false religion, not enough for them, not giving. But Islam has answer for everything, and they can be accepted. But to not come near to this limit, they make it to people, when theyhear name of Islam to run away 1000 km away from them. But Allah, who He is most Merciful and not looking for... Because He is the Creator. He can create white, He create black or yellow, red. He can create you as He like. But it is most important to be won His mercy, and His blessed to make you to come to right way, to Islam.

Alhamdulillah we are here. Here many thousand people, alhamdulillah coming to Islam. Who poor or rich, it is not important. He has everything, Allah Azza wa Jalla not looking for poor or... Who become Muslim, he is our brother. We accept him and we are happy with him. Not looking for his situation, for his finance and for his colour, for his profession and culture, education. It is not important. Important thing to be our brothers, to be Muslim In-sha’Allah . Allah open for this country to be all Muslim In- sha’Allah. Because they are looking. Allah give them the most rich country in the world but when Allah, He doesn't want, they are poor. Poor not important. Important In- sha’Alla, Allah give them hidayah/guidance. To be Muslim, it is the best present for them because after this life they will be in paradise, happy forever In-sha’Allah. In- sha’Allah in this dunya also happy.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.

59.The Blessed Times of Day Thursday, October 23, 2014.

Or you can read Qur'an, or you can do what you want for after Fajr until sunrise. It is - Allah reward you more (than) to free seven slaves from Bani Ismail, this tribe of Prophet (saw). It is like big reward. Until Ishraq, sunrise. After you can pray. If you have work, you can go to work. If you don't have work, rest after this. Baraka this time, Fajr time. It is the most baraka Allah give. And it is good for who they have poorness to not sleep until sunrise. Many awliya never send sunrise on them sleeping. All they were awake. It is very blessed time. And another time - after Asr until Maghrib, also same. You must do dhikr and read Qur'an, or to be with good people. This is present from Prophet (saw). He teach us everything, every good thing for us. And it is in dunya before akhira also, you see benefit of this. Allah make us to be like this In-sha’Allah .

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.

60.Holy New Year Friday, October 24, 2014.

Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, madad ya Mashaikhina fi-tariqati Naqshbandiya. Madad, dastur. Tariqatuna s-sohba wa l-khairu fi l-jam'iyah.

In-sha’Allah tonight, I don't know if anybody remember for New Year, people they make big noise. Alhamdulillah, tonight our New Year. Holy New Year. This hijri; when Prophet (saw), he was coming for Madina from Mecca, beginning our new year. It is holy. Why it is holy? Because everything worshipping we do by this year's calendar. So it is very important. We must be celebrate this also In-sha’Allah . And after 10 days - Ashura. It is also very holy day. It is... many of prophets, they were survived from or they get higher degree, and awliya also coming, they take their ranks in this day. And it is also for Shahadat Sayyidina Hussain in Karbala. Also he became Sayyidi Shahadat/martyr And he's Sayyid Shabab alJannah, Prophet (saw). So we must be careful for these occasions. Occasion from Allah give us to make us to take more from His generosity. He is generous. Generous people, they like to give. Allah is the most generous. He just make occasions for people to take from His generosity. Ahl al-Sunna wa l-jamaa, they are accepting these days, but who not accepting, not many, very few people, they are not giving any important notice for these days. But we are doing and it is really holy day. Holy... Holiness given by Allah, not by people. These people, they are for New Year beginning from 2 months before. They say this Christmas coming there. Holy, not holy New Year coming. They try to do something, but when coming, after - nothing. Only big mess and big disappointment. Only this what they have. But alhamdulillah we are happy with our New Year, our religious order. Because every Ramadan, Eid, Eid al-Adha, Hajj; all coming with this calendar. Allah make this New Year good for us In-sha’Allah . Mawlana Sheikh, every time he said "Everything now good for us, bad for bad people". Allah give hidayah/guidance for people to be, to get blessed from this years and days, really holy days.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.

61.Rizq Friday, October 24, 2014.

Thank you for inviting us here. Alhamdulillah, our rizq, our food, was here. Everything Allah Azza wa Jalla, He write. Nobody can eat what our name's written on it. He make it to come from very far distance and to eat here.

Alhamdulillah, we must, we are believing in this - Allah Creator, He is able to do everything. He's not like us. Allah Azza wa Jalla, nobody's like Him. You cannot imagine, it is forbidden to imagine Allah. Only to look for His what actions or His attributes. To look for Himself, it is forbidden. Alhamdulillah, we are happy. No need to know more. But alhamdulillah, we are happy to be here, we eat our rizq, food. Allah make this good lady to serve us, to help us. And she is happy. We are happy. When you eat in place people happy with you, this becomes health for you, baraka for you, and for their household.

Mawlana, he was saying also from hadith, when guest will come to some place, what they need, Allah sends before 40 days for this house. And become baraka for them. Alhamdulillah this is good to use, and the good teaching from Prophet (saw). "Ikram ud-daif". Ikram, to give good things for guest - sunnah from Prophet (saw). Sunnah or more than sunnah also. Alhamdulillah, you do this, In-sha’Allah Allah give baraka for you.

And it is last day of year, our year, holy year - Hijri. Tomorrow first of new year. Tonight after maghrib becoming new year for Hijri, Islamic calendar. Alhamdulillah, In-sha’Allah be opening, good opening for you. Allah make this year health and wealth also, and to be in safety, and to make more people to come to right way In-sha’Allah . Allah save us and our children, all brothers, our countries, In-sha’Allah , from shaitan and his followers. Thank you for you.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.

62.Those Who Build A Mosque Saturday, October 25, 2014.

Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Ashabi Sadati RasulAllah, Madad ya Mashayikh. Tariqatuna s-sohba wa l-khairu fi jamiyah.

Ayat-ul karima. Audhu billahi minash-shaitani r-rajim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. "Innama ya'muru masajid-Allahi man amana biLlahi wal yaum-il-akhir" (9:18) Allah said "Who may build mosque they are who believe in Allah and Last day, Judgment Day". Alhamdulillah since we came with Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, our father, last time alhamdulillah, many mosques have been built. MashaAllah this is also new one, I think. MashaAllah. Allah make it full with mu'min and mu'minat In-sha’Allah .

Allah give for each brick who build mosque one palace in paradise. This was Prophet (saw) promise. Alhamdulillah, they are making this with generosity. And people In-sha’Allah must use it whole time, not only for praying - for teaching children, for making dhikr, khatm, sohba. It must be in action whole time In-sha’Allah . Because it is house of Allah. Everybody can come free. Nobody can prevent them to come. And it is like attraction to all around. Allah give barakah. Alhamdulillah.

Since 300 years, alhamdulillah, beginning Allah make something for Muslim to come to this. They don't want to come, but Allah send them. And then it was not easy for them to be in very bad situation. But who are with Allah, they are, nothing affect them. Even they bring these millions of Muslims, they come in this country, who it is very far from any Muslim country. And alhamdulillah, it happened and In-sha’Allah more and more will come. Because these Awliya here, they were suffering and they have made many dua praying to Allah "Save our generation after us to not be finished between this area". Alhamdulillah, Allah accept their dua and make all generation (descendants) Muslim. They are not losing their faith, their Islam. Even they bring hidayah/guidance for the native people also. Many thousand, maybe millions, they become Muslim. And it is new year also. In-sha’Allah it is fajr of new year. In-sha’Allah this year also coming more and more. And baraka for all Muslims, and Allah give them good iman and right way. Right way, Ahl as-Sunnah wa l-Jamaa way. Others, they are not right. They're not listening for Prophet (saw). Just they want to

do Islam as they like in their mind. They try to make Islam to come to them. No, Islam, it is straight way. Islam's not following anybody, we must follow Islam. Not to do what these people like. It is written in old book, all the ulama, scholars, they were afraid from Allah. 100,000 of ulama coming, all in right way. There're 2 kinds of ulama. One of them good and other bad ulama. But the majority good ulama. Many, few of bad ulama, they make people to go out of way. Why? Allah knows well. But it is also from who following their ego, their.. what ego like, they are going to that way. But who's controlling ego and following right way, coming to Ahl as-Sunnah wa l-Jamaa way. Allah keep us in the right way In-sha’Allah . Allah give baraka and save you from every badness In-sha’Allah . And your families and children In-sha’Allah , we reach Sayyidina Mahdi alaihi salam In-sha’Allah to see these nice days, good days for all human beings.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.

63.Dua Sunday, October 26, 2014.

Tariqatuna s-sohba wa l-khairu fi jamiyah.

Allah gave us Muslim, mu'min people many things, many favours. Endless favours He gave. And one of them - dua, praying, to pray. Dua, you know. "ud'uni astajib lakum" (40:60) - [Call on Me, I will answer] Dua very important weapon for Muslim people.

Acceptable dua, Allah give you what you want. But other, maybe sometimes you make dua, you cannot take what you want but still continue because Allah He promised, if not in this world, in akhira He'll give you for something you which all your dua in dunya not acceptable. Because Allah, He will reward in akhira. You cannot imagine how He... When we say, people they wish (that) all their dua not acceptable, to keep them in akhira, this reward. It is big.

But also we must, because it is order also, we must make dua: to pray for us, for children, for community, for Muslims. We must do dua. It is, alhamdulillah, very nice thing. Many times dua acceptable, especially for parents for their children. We must make dua every time for our children because they are our most loved things, and we want them to be with us in akhira also, in paradise, not to go to other place. Because in akhira they will call 1,000 ya man mujrimun (O sinners) "Come alone". Separate all bad people. Sometimes... Separate. How separate? Father from son, son from mother. This is separate. Endless separate. In-sha’Allah not to be like this. For this we must make dua every time for children, for children of Muslims to be in right way In-sha’Allah . Allah save them from bad people, bad things In-sha’Allah , and make them happy, to understand the real happiness.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.

64.Sahib Mubarak Monday, October 27, 2014.

Tariqatuna s-sohba wa l-khairu fi jamiyah.

"Himmat ur-rijal taqla ul-jibal". A willed, strong-willed man can take off mountain. This is said for human beings, and especially for Muslims to be all time working hard for Allah, for Islam. Don't say "I am weak, I cannot do anything". You can do In-sha’Allah . But first of all, you must be under good murshid, good teacher, to show you right way. After you go by his order, by his instructions, and Allah opens. Yesterday we visited Sahib Mubarak. He just came from India by himself. MashaAllah in 12 years he made 12 or more, not only mosques, also for many things for people, for orphans, for Muslims. How he came? By order of his Sheikh. And alhamdulillah because he is pure and real, continuing, In-sha’Allah it will continue until Yawm ul-Qiyama. He make things and he left things after behind him and he left his children and grandchildren, mashaAllah, all same way. And beside this, he left by his doing, big example, a big advice - example and advice to show people how really only one weak man, he can do this. For this first we said: strong will of man can take off mountains. Man weak but when he wants to do something, help comes from Allah. He helps him. He can do anything. Alhamdulillah for this. Alhamdulillah from last time we came until now, alhamdulillah, our brothers here, they are not sleeping, they are doing many good things. Even man for his family to look after them, to tell them right thing, it is also very good, if you cannot do any more. But not leave children or to other people to teach them. He must show them right way. And Allah help him. Don't say "I cannot do this thing." No, In-sha’Allah Allah helps. The all Awliyaullah, all real good mu'min, they are not lazy. They are doing the best. They are best example for us. Allah reward them and make them higher and higher, and to be In-sha’Allah benefit from their baraka from their himmah In-sha’Allah .

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.

65.The Promise Tuesday, October 28, 2014.

Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, madad ya Mashayikh, madad ya Mawlana Sheikh Abdullah Faiz Daghestani, madad ya Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, dastur. Tariqatuna s-sohba wa l-khairu fi l-jamaiyah.

Tariqa coming from Prophet (saw) and Mashayikh. Everyone, he take his time - after he gives for second one. Mawlana Sheikh, he mashaAllah more than 40 years, he was around between us. And he was a special one. We cannot reach him: even 1 part from 1,000 we cannot do. But what he did alhamdulillah, it was enough for many generations. Everybody was feeling he is around us In- sha’Allah . And he gave lesson like sohba. He had sohba but with his action, with what he did, also was teaching us what to do. So alhamdulillah, we must follow him as he taught us. He alhamdulillah, everything was teaching us. So we just follow what he is teaching. No need to make a new thing, to invent a new thing to attract people.

Alhamdulillah, everything what we need he did it. So some of people, they try to do new things. No, everything alhamdulillah when he was with us, he agreed for people doing it, it is ok. But now after him, we will not do anything new. It is not fashion - every year must change it. No. Just follow. He and his sohba, his teaching, enough for 100 years even.

But we are going around just to continue his order, his way, way of Prophet (saw). And people, they are happy. Who is happy we are happy also. Who is not happy, his responsibility for him. It is free. People, they are free to do what they are doing. But what happened when somebody give promise, word - man he must be behind this promise. Because when they take bayah, you must follow until akhira. But they take bayah, this bayah meaning for Sheikh to take you away from this world for akhira in iman/with faith. And they are... Real men, they are doing what they promise. Even you are not man - because men only (who) they're behind promise - even you're not doing what you promise, but because they promised, they will take you.

But you will be regretful. Because when you come in some place, you can come by first class, and you can come, not they take you, but maybe they take

you just cargo. Even not plane, they can take you in baggage or horse compartment. And you will be sorry. So many people, here also, they promise something, they forget or I don't know- they forget or what happen. We are not looking for benefit, dunya benefit. Only we are doing what Prophet (saw) and other prophets, they were doing; to go around people and to take them from wrong to right. And who are they happy and following, they'll be winners. But who was not following and they forget their promise, they'll be very regretful. qad 'udhara man 'andhar -( you can't blame the one who warned you) meaning no blame for who says truth. We are 14 years, we forget everybody here. Who were coming to Cyprus, we saw them. But many of them, they were here and promised, and they are not doing - they are free.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.

66.The Signs of Qiyama Tuesday, October 28, 2014.

Audhu billahi min ash-shaitani r-rajim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. As-salatu was-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammad Sayyidi l-Awwalina wal-Akhirin.

Thank you for your hospitality. Alhamdulillah we are feeling (as if we are) in our house that our brothers, our sisters, no foreigner with us. MashaAllah after 1