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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (756/777)
orte, und es gibt keine bessere Lehre. Die Lehre unseres Propheten (saws). Möge Allah (swt) (10 von 12)04.07.2013 23:41:25

10392 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WithoutReins

ihm mehr Preis und mehr Ehre gewähren. Bestimme für uns einen König, unser Herr! Ya Rabbi... Meine Erklärung wird, glaube ich, von jedem Verstand verstanden, und die Gelehrten mögen sie richtig einschätzen. Die Ignoranten würdigen sie nicht und deshalb fallen sie von einem Tal in ein härteres. Huuu, mein Herr... Wir erbitten Deine Verzeihung. Diese Ansprache ist kurz, aber genug nicht nur für eine Welt, sondern für 70 Welten. Es ist genug, es ist genug. Möge Allah (swt) euch dafür belohnen, daß ihr hierher gekommen seid und die Barakah von S. Abdul Jalil, Professor. Lehrer für Menschen ist ein Attribut des Propheten (saws), des Lehrers des Guten für die Menschen. Es gibt hier Papier. Sie bringen mir Papier, 50 Noten, was ist 50 in Papiergeld. Sie haben keinen Verstand, Professor. Ein Mann, herrschte 40 Jahre über alle Muslimländer allein. Sultan Abdul Hamid, möge das Paradies sein Aufenthalt sein, 40 Jahre lang pflegte die muslimische Welt seine Hand zu küssen und ihm zu gehorchen, weil er der Khalifa des Propheten (saws) war. Er allein ohne eine dieser erfundenen Verfassungen. Seine Verfassung war die Mächtige Shariah. Und Gold wurde unter den Bürgern verteilt, nicht Papier wie eine Zeitschrift, die gedruckt wird und ausgegeben. 50 Euro, 50 Pfund Sterling. Seht und nehmt Weisheit an. Die Araber haben es nicht verstanden. Sie entehrten ihn. Die Türken entehrten ihn auch und Allah (awj) entehrte sie hier und im Jenseits. Dies ist der Fluch, der über die muslimische Welt gekommen ist, weil sie die rechtmäßige Stellung des gerechten Sultan Abdul Hamid, möge das Paradies sein Aufenthalt sein, entehrten. Sie pflegten seine Hand zu küssen und ihn zu fürchten. Möge Allah (swt) uns vergeben. Wir sind Unwissende. Wir sind Unwissende. Sie lehrten uns nichts. Das ist genug. Lehrt euere Jungen, wie die muslimische Welt war. Die Russen fürchteten nur das Osmanische Reich. Sie fürchteten niemand anders, nur das Osmanische Reich. Wenn der Sultan seinen Fuß auf den Boden stellte, standen die Menschen auf. Der Sultan, dessen Königreich von den Himmeln, nicht von der Erde gewährt wurde, trug die Botschaft des Propheten (saws), und er war sein Khalifa. Möge Allah (swt) seinen Aufenthalt Jannatu r- Ridwan sein lassen, neben dem Propheten (saws). Ya Rabbi 'bestimme für uns einen König, damit wir auf Deinem Weg kämpfen.' Er kommt, insha'Allah. Fatiha. Jederman hatte in seiner (11 von 12)04.07.2013 23:41:25

10393 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WithoutReins

Tasche Goldmünzen während des Osmanischen Reiches, Hamidi oder Majidi Silber. Ein Majidi war genug für eine Familie für einen ganzen Monat. Barakah und Ehre! Allah (swt) gewährte ihnen Ruhm und Ehre. Denkt, o Muslime. Möge Allah (swt) mir und euch vergeben. Bi Hurmati l-Habib, Bi Hurmati l-Fatiha. Astaizzu Billah 'O ihr Gesellschaft der Djinn und Menschen, wenn ihr die Macht habt, aus den Bezirken der Himmel und Erde hinauszudringen, dann geht doch. Aber ihr werdet niemals dazu in der Lage sein, außer mit einem Sultan.' (55:33) Das ist die Wahrheit. Es gibt keinen Sultan. Es gibt keinen Ausweg aus diesem Elend. Niemals! Was ist diese Verfassung? Euere Verfassung ist für die Toilette. Kennt ihr die Toilette? Euere Verfassung ist dort, lest sie dort. Nicht auf dem Feld. Ich mag ihn. Ich mag ihn. Diese Worte wurden um seinetwillen aufbewahrt für den, der sie versteht. Vergebt mir, o Shaykh Abdul Jalil. Ich bin schwach, ich weine. Sie fragen mich 'Warum weinst du?' Ich weine. Wenn ihr sehen könntet, was ich sehe, würdet ihr auch weinen. Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Wa Lillahi l-Hamd. Alf alf Salat, alf alf Salam 'ala Rasuli l-Haqq! Sayyidi l-Awwalin wa l-Akhirin, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). Fatiha. Lefke, 29.10.2012

WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryKingdom, CategorySultanat, CategoryShaitan, CategoryPride (12 von 12)04.07.2013 23:41:25

10394 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WithoutSayingBismillahirRahmanirRahim

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WithoutSayingBismillahirRahmanirRahim


Without saying: 'Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim' no action is good, and Shaitan is interfering 7o x in it to spoil it

Without saying: 'Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim' no action is good, and Shaitan is interfering 7o x in it to spoil it. To forget the Besmela means to forget Allah, and without Allah there is no foundation and no support for anything. Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim has been granted to the Prophet's Ummah of the Last Days, and it is the biggest mercy. When Allah created the Tablet and the Pen and ordered the Pen to write B.r.r., it needed 7oo years for this magnificient writing. Who can say B.r.r. with ta'ziem gets the reward of 7oo years. Now all ways are closed except the way of B.r.r., no matter what is to do. If you use B.r.r. all doors open, if not, they are closed and of no use. When they took away the Besmela everything went down. So now they are asking: What is going to become of us? Their way is toward Hell, for them it is finished in Dunya and in Akhirat. Write B.r.r. everywhere- on your house, over the door, that people may go in with the blessings of the Besmela, write it in the car- write and don't be (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:41:26

10395 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WithoutSayingBismillahirRahmanirRahim

afraid, with B.r.r. nothing bad can happen. They are asking you to have a strong faith. Allah was saying that the Holy Quran is the reason for some nations to rise and for others to fall down to ,Asfala safilien'. Yesterday the Quran was our crown and the reason for the Ottomans to reign for 7oo years. Now they are gone and down, disrespected, because they are not respecting Allah's Word. It means they don't respect Him, and therefore Allah has made them dishonoured. Our grandfathers were honoured, and the grandchildren became dishonoured. Sultan Mahmoud (jannat makan) passed by a place where two blind men were sitting making Dhikr: One was saying and repeating: ,Ya Ma'bud, ya Ma'bud...' , the other one: ,Ya Mahmoud, ya Mahmoud...'. The Sultan was pleased with the one who called his name, and so he ordered him to be rewarded. He sent a chicken stuffed with gold. As that man was not hungry and he didn't discover the gold inside, he asked the other one: 'If you like to take this chicken, I am selling it to you for two pieces of money.' The other one agreed. When he discovered the gold inside, he quickly excused himself, went home, ate the chicken and hid the gold. Then he returned and with full power continued his Dhikr: ,Ya Ma'bud, ya Ma'bud.' The other one also continued his Dhikr. When the Sultan passed again by the place to see what happened to the man he rewarded, he was surprised to find the other man making his Dhikr with full power, and his favourite being the same like before. So the Sultan asked his soldiers if they had not given the gold to him. As they said they did, he ordered them to give more gold to him. The same happened. As the Sultan's favourite was not so exited about the chicken, he offered it again to his neighbour who took it home quickly and hid the gold. Coming back his Dhikr was more powerful than ever. The Sultan was very surprised. As he didn't understand what was happening, he oredered his favourite to be brought into the palace, so he could reward him there. They brought him and told him to take the shavvel and take as much gold as (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:41:26

10396 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WithoutSayingBismillahirRahmanirRahim

he could. As he was blind, he held the shavvel the wrong way and no gold stayed in it- everything fell down and he was left with nothing... So finally the Sultan understood, that whoever is not calling Allah, will never be successful... So Allah is not giving to people now. They are fighting Him and He is not pleased with them.,Inna li-llahi wa inna ilayhi rajiun'- may Allah keep us far from those people... S.Mehdi a.s. will invite to his table. The chosen ones will use keramet, miraculous powers, and with the second step they will arrive... Some others will come just by opening and closing their eyes and they are there... Another group just thinks and wishes in their heart to be there, and it is enough to bring them. It depends on their rank... We have the power to save people, who say: ,Meded, ya Rasulullah' , or who call my name. Even they say that this is Shirk...Holy ones can change their appearance, not to be recognized, like Ubaidullah Ahrar, a big wali, who was dressed the attribute of Jalal, and used to appear in different forms to people. Once they tried to make a case for him, but they couldn't decide which one of his appearances was to be punished... Like this holy ones may dress and who calls them for help, may be saved. Lefke - 22.11.2001 (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:41:26

10397 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: With Pleasure Oh My Lord

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WithPleasureOhMyLord


With pleasure, oh my Lord!

If a man is going to do anything, worship, or any other action, it must be done voluntarily and gladly. If he is not pleased with that action, he must not do it, for there will be no good result for him from it. If there is no pleasure in it for you, there will be no pleasure in it for Allah Almighty. For worship, it is important to realize that we are speaking of the soul’s pleasure. When we are worshipping, our nafs is not pleased, but our souls are. We must look to the pleasure of our soul. Actions may be easy or difficult. What is the secret? For the one who finds an action easy, it is because it gives him pleasure, while for the one who finds it difficult, it is because he is forced to do it. Easy actions make people happier, while difficult actions make people unhappy. - 01.04.1999

BookOnthebridgetoEternity 23:41:27

10398 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WithSpanishMureeds

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WithSpanishMureeds


Meeting with Spanish Mureeds

Gracias, Gracias. Are you happy? Very well, Bon Venido! Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. O People! O my sons, grandsons, granddaughters, you are coming from long distances and you are asking for Allah Almighty’s pleasure. If a person is asking to make His Lord pleased with him, Allah Almighty is making him pleased all his life. If a person is asking to live in a good position here, he should reach good and pleasure here and Hereafter. Therefore, I am happy that you are coming from long distances, and I am nothing. I hope that you will go to visit the Seal of Prophets, for Rasoolullah (s) to be happy with you. Have you been for Hajj? Anyone? (Yes.) Shaykh Salahuddin? (In Ibiza, Shaykh.) He is a very good host, he is making such delicious food, to make me happy... (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:41:28

10399 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WithSpanishMureeds

(My wifes’s barakah and she is sending you a humble gift, Mawlana.) You are sending? Which one? (My wife is not here.) (I am new.) Your first time here? What is your name? (Maarookheen.) Are you married? (Yes, with children and grandchildren.) Three children? (Two.) Where is the father of the children? (One father is dead and the other is in England.) Then where is your husband? (I am divorced.) You should find one who is also divorced, for you. She is divorced, you should find an unmarried divorced one. (She is also new...) Coming for the first time? From Mexico? (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:41:28

10400 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WithSpanishMureeds

(Yes Mexico, but living in Spain.) Mexico, north of South America. (Yes.) You are a professor? (Yes, I am a teacher.) Teach me something! (Maybe!) (Laughs) I am a student. What was she teaching? (Balance of the electro-magnetic field.) That is very good. Balance, in the space of our world and up there. There must be a balance between space and our globe that is the attraction that is keeping our world in orbit. She must be very clever, yes very. (Thank you very much.) How many galaxies are there? (A lot of them.) A lot means millions, billions, trillions, quadrillions? (There is no number.) No number, infinity? (Yes.) No beginning, no ending. Eternity! Eternity, eternity. Oh! Everything is asking for eternity, eternity, eternity. (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:41:28

10401 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WithSpanishMureeds

Everyone is asking to be in the eternal life. Allah! But Mankind are asking to live more and more and more on this planet. Yet it is impossible because our material is not suitable for eternity. Therefore, we are going to be changed. When changing a new being is coming to our souls and it is suitable for eternity. Still people are running on this planet, and are asking to be much more here, or to taste from something that our physical being is enjoying. They are not asking for spiritual pleasure. But our physical beings pleasure is going to be cut, and our spiritual beings pleasure is forever. But people, I am sorry to say, that people are cheated, they are cheated for this very short time’s pleasure although it is nothing. Therefore, the Lord of Heavens is sending selected ones, chosen ones, to teach people and to inform them that beyond our material life will be another life that belongs to the Heavens. But people are drunk, they are never thinking. In the Holy Qur’an, the Lord of Heavens has sent us more than a hundred times saying, “O People try to think on it, try to think about what I am sending to you!” But people are not taking care and are giving their care for nonsense. You are Espagnoles; we are from the Ottomans; they are from the Arabs; they are from Germans; they are from the French. All of us are from Adam and Eve (a)! But the Lord of Heavens is giving us uniqueness, because the Lord of Heavens never uses a photocopy machine. No, everyone is only one of a kind. Everyone’s personality is only one. He is not making a copy, no. This is the greatness of the Lord of Heavens. Creation is going on from pre-Eternal up to Eternal, going on without stopping. The Lord of Heavens is asking from ourselves, “O My servants, think about yourselves, think about where you were before, and think about where you will be after a while!” Are you understanding what I am saying? My English is limited. May Allah bless you and may Allah open to you understanding from spirituality. People are running after material aspects that have no value. If the whole globe was golden; if the walls of the globe were from diamonds, what is it going to give you? Nothing, nothing. O my daughters, granddaughters, grandsons please give some time from your life to think about something beyond our understanding, asking to know some more, beyond your physical being. Also we must try to know something about our spirituality and our spiritual being. May the Lord of Heavens dress you with heavenly honor dressings. May Allah forgive us. Sing now! (As-Salaatul Badriyya) (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:41:28

10402 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WithSpanishMureeds

Mashaa-Allah, BarakAllahu feekum. Inshaa-Allah we should be under the Holy Flag of the Seal of Prophets (s). Fatihah. Put your hands (Mureeds hold onto Mawlana Shaykh Nazim’s (q) cane) Allahu Allahu Allahu Haqq, Allahu Allahu Allahu Haqq, Allahu Allahu Allahu Haqq. HasbunAllahu wa n`ima 'l-wakeel wa laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem From pre-Eternal up to Eternal. Laa ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadun Rasoolullah. Allahumma thabitna `ala al-haqq Allahumma thabitna `ala al-Haqq Allahumma thabbithum `ala al-Haqq Bi jaahi anzaltahu alayhi Suratu ’l-Fatihah Shahaadah: Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illa-Llah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan `abduhu wa habeebuhu wa rasooluh The Lord of Heavens is praising him. He is a good one and a powerful one. Yahya, I hope that he should see Jesus Christ (a). His ancestors were clean ones. Yahya, if he is asking (a name) Ahmad, Yahya is also ok. Try to be with Allah, don’t forget that He is with you. You can’t move your eyes without Him. You can’t breathe without Him. You can’t speak without Him. You can’t live without Him. Laiqa is the name of Sayyiddina Ishaq’s (a) wife. I was visiting him, here was Ishaq (a) and here was Laiqa (a). (Mawlana Shaykh Nazim gestures that they are side by side). I like that name! Good, very good. It is a sweet name. Fatimah, after the Holy Prophet’s (s) holy daughter, Fatimah. Allah is opening a special entrance in Paradise and she is going first and taking with her everybody whose name is Fatimah. May Allah give you happiness here and Hereafter, to be with you inshaa-Allah under the holy flag of the Heavens, here and Hereafter. (Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. She is working as a clown, Muharish, to make children happy, she is asking blessings for her job.) Very good, she is just blessed! You are working for small ones and with the small ones there are special angels to protect them. What is your name? (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:41:28

10403 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WithSpanishMureeds

(Fatimah.) You are Fatimah also. Mashaa-Allah, very good. My grand-mummy is Fatimah. No questioning, enter to

Paradise. Pray for me, pray for me. Fatihah. Lefke, 20.03.2011

WebSufiLive, CategoryHumor, CategorySpain, CategoryRelationship (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:41:28

10404 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WomenAgeOfFitna

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WomenAgeOfFitna


Women In The Age of Fitna

(Mawlana watched the news about the two Riyadh fuel track explosions) Prophet (saws) ordered in his last khutba "Inna Allaha Ya'muru Bil-Adli Wa Al-Ihsani Wa Ita'i Dhi Al-Qurba Wa Yanha Ani Al-Fahsha'i Wa Al-Munkari Wa Al-Baghyi Ya`izukum La`allakum Tadhakkaruna" (16:90) In every Khutba they used to recite this verse but they have left this order and the world has been destroyed or corrupted. Every khutba they recited this verse "Verily Allah orders you to justice and kindness and giving to the near ones and forbids filth, evil & rebelliousness. He advises so you may take heed." (16:90) Every khutba they recited this. Happened or not happened there is an explosion here an explosion there. You are Arabs, Muslim nation, Allah (swt) says, and His Prophet (saws) also, mankind is indebted by goodness. Don't you know Arabic, or is this Turkish? Give, give "to the near ones and forbid filth, evil " (16:90). They filled the world with filth, especially the women. They filled the world with filth. "Inna Allaha Ya'muru Bil-Adli Wa Al-Ihsani Wa Ita'i Dhi Al Qurba... Ya`izukum La`allakum Tadhakkaruna" (16:90). ...Wa Yanha Ani Al-Fahsha'i Wa Al-Munkari." "filth, evil" is from women. They are not in control of their dealings with women. Men became slaves to women. They want women to rule. The kings, "the slave owns the Master" how can anything can be corrected? This is a great matter, the principle of corruption and especially... and all filth and evil comes from this. Allah (swt) says "And stay in your houses" (33:33) All the corruption spread from East to West nothing will correct it until a King comes & orders that women "stay in your houses" (33:33) Otherwise there is no way for correction because the reason for corruption, the state of corruption is, (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:41:29

10405 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WomenAgeOfFitna

women. Keep it "and stay in your houses" (33:33) Women are ruling men, are ruling Kings & Princes. How can then the situation be corrected? "Wa Yanha Ani Al-Fahsha'i Wa Al-Munkari." (16:90) This is a deep ocean. Finished! Kings are in the hands of women. The whole world is ruled by the orders of women. Allah (swt) says "and stay in your houses." (33:33). Finished! No corruption and no reason for corruption. It is not possible anymore, finished! Women took over leadership, they rule over the Kings also. A King on his sword is like this, people shake when they see them. These..... kings are the playthings of women. But now they are only there to please women. And women are the traps of shaytan. If shaytan wants to do something, he uses women for it. Finished! How has this happened? Finished! Nothing except the coming of Mahdi (as). Who follows the orders of Allah (swt). "Verily, Allah orders you to justice & kindness and to give to the near ones." (16:90) There is no cure for their illness but to obey. Finished! Finished! We want S. Mahdi (as), finished! Finished! Women are ruling now. Women are weaker in reason. "Men have responsibility over women" (4:34) What men have responsibility for women now? Finished! We want Al Mahdi (as) Finished! Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba astaghfirullah Allahu Akbar Al Akbar! Allahu Akbar Al Akbar! Allahu Akbar Al Akbar! Fatiha. Frauen im Zeitalter der Fitnas

Der Prophet (saws) befahl in seiner letzten Khutba: "Inna Allaha Ya'muru Bi l-Adli wa l-Ihsani wa Ita'i Dhi l-Qurba wa Yanha Ani l-Fahsha'i wa l-Munkari wa l-Baghyi Ya`izukum La `allakum Tadhakkaruna" (16:90). In jeder Khutba rezitierten sie diese Verse, aber sie haben diesem Befehl jetzt den Rücken gekehrt, und die Welt wurde zerstört oder verdorben. In jeder Khutba rezitieren sie diesen Vers: 'Allah gebietet Gerechtigkeit, gütig zu sein und den Verwandten zu geben. Er verbietet das Schändliche, das Verwerfliche und die Gewalttätigkeit. Er ermahnt euch, auf daß ihr bedenken möget.' (16:90) In jeder Khutba rezitieren sie das. Geschehen oder nicht geschehen. (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:41:29

10406 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WomenAgeOfFitna

Es gibt eine Explosion hier, eine Explosion da. Ihr seid Araber, Muslimnationen. Allah (swt) sagt und Sein Prophet (saws) auch, die Menschheit schuldet Güte. Könnt ihr kein Arabisch? Oder ist das Türkisch? 'Gebt den nächsten Verwandten und verbietet das Schändliche, das Verwerfliche' (16:90). Sie füllten die Welt mit Schändlichkeit', besonders die Frauen. Sie füllten die Welt mit Schändlichkeit. "Inna Allaha Ya'muru Bi l-Adli wa l-Ihsani wa Ita'i Dhi l-Qurba... Ya `izukum La`allakum Tadhakkaruna" (16:90). "...wa Yanha Ani l-Fahsha'i wa l-Munkari". Das 'Schändliche und das Verwerfliche" kommt von den Frauen. Frauen. Sie haben nicht die Kontrolle in ihrem Umgang mit Frauen. Die Männer wurden die Sklaven der Frauen. Sie wollen, daß die Frauen herrschen. Die Könige... 'Der Sklave besitzt den Meister'. Wie kann irgendetwas richtig sein? Das ist ein großes Thema, das Prinzip der Verderbtheit und besonders... und die ganze Schändlichkeit und das Verwerfliche kommt davon. Allah (jmk) sagt: 'Und bleibt in eueren Häusern' (33:33). Die ganze Verderbtheit breitete sich von Ost nach West aus. Nichts wird sie zurechtrücken, bis ein König kommt und befiehlt, daß die Frauen 'in ihren Häusern bleiben'. Sonst gibt es keinen Weg der Richtigstellung, weil der Grund für die Verderbtheit, den Zustand der Verderbtheit, die Frauen sind. Haltet euch daran 'und bleibt in eueren Häusern' (33:33). Frauen herrschen über Männer, über Könige und Prinzen. Wie kann die Lage denn so richtig gestellt werden? "Wa Yanha Ani l-Fahsha'i wa l-Munkari" (16:90). Das ist ein tiefer Ozean, Schluß! Die Könige sind in den Händen von Frauen. Die ganze Welt wird beherrscht von den Befehlen der Frauen. Allah (swt) sagt: 'Und bleibt in eueren Häusern' (33:33). Schluß! Keine Verderbtheit und kein Grund für Verderbtheit. Es ist nicht mehr möglich. Vorbei! Die Frauen haben die Führung übernommen. Sie beherrschen auch die Könige. Ein König auf seinem Schwert ist so, die Menschen erzittern, wenn sie ihn sehen. Diese Könige sind die Spielzeuge der Frauen. Sie leben nur zu dem Zweck, Frauen zu gefallen. Und Frauen sind die Fallen Shaytans. Wenn Shaytan etwas tun will, benutzt er Frauen dafür. Schluß! Wie ist es so weit gekommen? Schluß! Nichts als die Ankunft Mahdis (as), der den Befehlen Allahs (swt) folgt. 'Allah gebietet euch Gerechtigkeit und gütig zu sein und den Verwandten zu geben' (16:90). Es gibt keine Heilung für ihre Krankheit. Schluß! Schluß! Wir wollen S. Mahdi (as). Schluß! Schluß! Frauen herrschen (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:41:29

10407 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WomenAgeOfFitna

jetzt. Frauen haben weniger Vernunft. 'Männer haben Verantwortung für Frauen' (4:34). Welche Männer haben jetzt Verantwortung für Frauen? Schluß! Wir wollen Al Mahdi (as). Schluß! Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Allahu Akbaru l-Akbar! Allahu Akbaru l-Akbar! Allahu Akb