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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (751/777)

damit auf die Erde zu kommen und forschen zu können. Wir sind nur aus diesem einen Grund auf die Erde geschickt worden: um zu verstehen. Ihr müßt versuchen, etwas zu verstehen! Und in euren Gräbern und am Tage der Auferstehung, am tag des Jüngsten Gerichts werdet ihr befragt werden, was ihr verstanden habt. Wenn ihr nichts verstanden habt, werdet ihr in bestimmte ‚Forschungszentren' geschickt, um verstehen zu lernen. „Schickt sie ins Feuer, in die Höllen, damit sie etwas verstehen! Sie haben ihr irdisches Leben nicht genutzt um etwas zu verstehen, schickt sie jetzt in einen andere Art von ‚Zentren', damit sie verstehen!“ Denkt nicht, daß sie in den Höllen nur im Feuer brennen, nein, sie werden dort auch etwas verstehen lernen, denn dafür sind die Höllen erschaffen worden. Möge Allah mir vergeben und euch segnen! Versucht, zu verstehen! Hier ist die Gelegenheit für die Menschheit etwas zu verstehen. „La burika lî fî yaumin lam asâd fîhi ´ilman“ hat der Prophet – Allah segne ihn und schenke ihm Frieden – gesagt, und er meinte damit: „Ich bin nicht glücklich und gesegnet an einem Tag, an dem ich nicht mehr Verständnis über das Reich meines Herrn erlangt habe.“ Deshalb müssen wir uns bemühen, so viel wir nur können, jeden Tag mehr zu verstehen und Er weiß, was Er uns letztendlich an Verständnis gewährt. Die Seelen lernen! O Rabbî , o Allah, Du bist Allah, und Du besitzt endlose, grenzenlose Herrschaft in Deinem göttlichen Königreich, unbegrenzte Herrschaft, Allahu akbar! Vergib' uns und gib' uns mehr Gelegenheit um mehr zu verstehen! Sende uns schnell al-Mahdî und Jesus Christus– auf ihnen sei Friede! Um der Ehre des Meistgeehrten in der göttlichen Gegenwart willen, Sayyidinâ Muhammad, al-Fâtiha Al-Munkirûn fî hâdha l-ard zalzilûhum, zalzilûhum, Ya rabbî zalzil aqdâmahum hattâ la yathbutu qiyâm li-anna idhâ qâmû yahijûma ´alâ l-muslimîna wa l- islâm Bi-hurmmati hadha schahra l-mubârak ya rabbî, zalzil aqdâmahum! zalzil aqdâmahum! Die Übeltäter auf dieser Erde, laß' sie erbeben, laß' sie erbeben! O mein Herr, laß' ihre Beine (wörtl.: Fersen) erbeben, bis sie nicht mehr aufstehen können, denn wenn sie stehen, greifen sie die Muslime an und den Islam. Bei der Unverletzlichkeit dieses gesegneten Monats (Ramadhân), o mein Herr, laß' ihre Beine erbeben, (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:41:13

10326 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WirSindHierUmZuVerstehen

laß' ihre Beine erbeben! Lefke, 11.11.2003, transcribed and translated by Abd al-Hafidh Wentzel


l Nâsiyatuhum bi-yadillah' , ‚Ihre Stirnlocken sind in der Hand Allahs'

l Nâsiyatunâ bi-yadillah' , ‚Unsere Stirnlocken sind in der Hand Allahs'

l Maulânâ benutzt hier und im Verlauf dieser Suhbat immer wieder das englische Wort ‚Dominion', das sowohl ein beherrschtes

Gebiet als auch die absolute Herrschaft darüber bezeichnet und das hier je nach Zusammenhang mit ‚Herrschaft', ‚Reich' oder

‚Bereich absoluter Herrschaft' übersetzt wird.

l Dunya , das Diesseits, Âkhirat , das Jenseits

l "lam yalid wa lam yûlad“, „ Er zeugt nicht und wurde nicht gezeugt“ , Qur'ân 112:3

l Alim al-Lahût , die Welt dessen, was unmöglich gesehen werden kann

l „ ... ´asâ an yab´athuka rabbuka maqâman mahmûda “ „ ... es mag sein, daß dein Herr dich zu einer höchstgepriesenen

Rangstufe erhebt“, Qur'ân, 17:79

l Allahu akbar! Haqîqatan! Allah ist am größten! In Wirklichkeit!

l Haybat , Macht und Würde ausstrahlend

l „La burika lî fî yaumin lam asâd fîhi ´ilman“ , „Für mich ist ein Tag nicht gesegnet, an dem ich nicht an Wissen zugenommen

habe“ (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:41:13

10327 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WirSindSolcheIdiotischenLeute

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WirSindSolcheIdiotischenLeute


Wir sind solche idiotischen, dummen und blöden Leute

Destur ya sayyidi, Madad ya Sultan ul Awwliya. Madad ya Rijal Allah. Audhu billahi mina shaitani-r-rajim. Bismillahi-r- Rahmani-r-Rahim.La hawla wa la quwata billahi l-azeem. Wir sind solche idiotischen, dummen und blöden Leute. Es ist eine menschliche Versammlung. Keine amtliche, denn amtliche Versammlungen nimmt jede Aufrichtigkeitn. Man kann von den Beamten keine Aufrichtigkeit bekommen, denn sie arbeiten für Shaitan. Wir benötigen aber Aufrichtigkeit, mehr als alles andere. Die Geologen untersuchen jede menge Material und geben dem Material ihren Wert, je nachdem ob sie wertvolle Edelmetalle enthalten. In der gleichen Weise, schaut der Allmächtige auf die Arbeit seiner Diener. Er sieht wieviel Aufrichtigkeit in ihnen steckt, denn nur der Wert ist in der göttlichen Gegenwart gefragt. In der göttlichen Gegenwart wirst du entsprechend dieser Skala bewertet. Ikhlas. Aufrichtigkeit. Sie bedeutet so etwas wie, für Allah sein. Ein Sahaba fragte den Propheten, was die Aufrichtigkeit bedeutet. Der Prophet daraufhin den Erzengel Gabriel, danach fragte er Mikail und Asrail. Keiner konnte ihm es erklären. Dann fragte er den Allmächtigen, der ihm dann zutrug das es der verborgenste Schatz ist und diesen Schatz überließ er auch nur für einige seltene Diener. Sowie wir es verstehen, ist dies nicht jedem gewährt. Er gibt es nur einigen von uns. Allah hat dem König Salomon a.s. den Ring der Kraft gegeben, nicht seinem Vater sondern König Salomon a. (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:41:14

10328 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WirSindSolcheIdiotischenLeute

s.. Es wäre gut es jedem zu geben, wenn die Qualität die gleiche wäre. Jetzt gibt es selten welche, vielleicht nur einen. Man muß die Fähigkeit des Ringes erkennen, aber dies ist auch nicht jedem gewährt. Die Kraft kann nur hinter einem Schleier benutzt werden. Ich habe gefragt durch welche Kraft sich die Planeten bewegen, welche Kraft steckt dahinter. Es sind die göttlichen Ozeane der Kraft, und diese Kraft ist nur Einem gewährt. Nicht jede kann mit solchen Kräften etwas anfangen, wenn man z.B. einem Kind einem Bonbon und einem Rubin hinwirft , wird er dir den Rubin zurückwerfen. Dies kann man mit allen vergleichen. Es ist ein verborgener Schatz. Am Tag der Auferstehung wird jeder ein Haufen von Gottesdienst, daraus werden dann die Rubine ausgesiebt. Wie die Berge die in Gemikonagi mal gestanden haben, sie wurden ausgesiebt und die wertvollen Edelmetalle ausgesondert. Aufrichtigkeit ist wichtig und das amtliche kann keine Aufrichtigkeit tragen. Sie tagen nichts, deswegen versuchen wir diesen versteckten Schatz zu erreichen, zumindest für unseren Gottesdienst. Wenn keine Tat die wir vollziehen, nicht ein bißchen Aufrichtigkeit besitzt, kann man sie gleich wegschmeißen. Wir sitzen hier und versuchen eine station zu erreichen, wo nur wertvolle Edelsteine zu finden sind. Versucht auch diese Orte zu erreichen, oder ihr könnt aus der göttlichen Gegenwart geschmissen werden. Vielleicht wird das Feuer ihre Edelsteine aus ihren Mühen holen. Man kann Aufrichtigkeit nicht auswählen, sondern ist nur einigen Leuten gewährt. Die Prophten haben die Schlüssel zu uns gebracht und wir können aussuchen ob wir sie benutzen, oder nicht. Damals sind die Sahabas losgezogen, konnten nur Arabisch und trotzdem haben sie die Menschen angezogen, deswegen mußten sie auch das Schwert benutzen, denn um so größer die Karawane wurde, um so mehr Skorpione und Schlangen kamen angekrochen. Nur um sich zu Schützen haben sie ihr Schwert gezogen. Die Schlangen wollten verhindern, das die Ströme der Liebe die Leute erreicht.. Möge Allah uns gewähren mit den Leuten zu sein, die das Erbe des Siegel des Propheten besitzen. Für die Ehre der geehrtesten in göttlicher Gegenwart, Rasulullah s.s.w. Fatiha. - 30.08.2003 (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:41:14

10329 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WisdomAsTheEssenceOfKnowledge

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WisdomAsTheEssenceOfKnowledge


Wisdom is the Essence of Knowledge

In our days it is unusual to find young people interested in mysticism. Nevertheless it is necessary for everyone to think about their spiritual life. We know that we are not only a physical being. A person can fall into water and drown. Then people will try to rescue him by turning him upside down to let the water run out. Still that person will not live, even though every part of the body is still sound. So why won't it live? What is the secret of life? We are not only a physical being weighing 10, 12, 15 or 20 stones. There is something alive in our body which makes it able for us to stand up, walk, catch, speak, hear, feel or do. Traditional knowledge informs us that we have something else which is part of the unseen worlds within ourselves. You cannot say that man can see everything. No! Our vision is limited. Beyond our vision there are unseen worlds which we cannot reach, see or hear. That unseen world gives every creature power to move. When the limit has been reached, the power will cease to be transmitted and the person will die. There are so many tape-recorders standing here. They all function with batteries. We cannot see that power, but we notice that it sometimes is finished. The Creator created everything. No-one can claim to have created the earth, sun, moon, oceans, trees or the universes. But even if you did not see the creation, you cannot claim that it was created by itself. That would be foolish, (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:41:15

10330 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WisdomAsTheEssenceOfKnowledge

only an idiot could do such a thing. Sometimes I see planes flying, but I cannot see the pilot. The moon is on its orbit, so is the sun and the moon. Are they doing that by themselves? Just like a plane has to be directed, so do the planets. Thoughts like these have been lost in this century, because atheism has poisoned the minds of the young people. It denies the Creator. Materialistic people claim that everything has been created through itself. Science says, that the world is a piece of the sun which has been thrown away. For millions of years it was supposed to have been a globe of fire. It then cooled down and became materialised. They say, that the moon came into existence in the same way. So why doesn't the earth and the moon have exactly the same elements? When we look on this earth, we see countless kinds of plants and creatures. But no-one who reached to the moon even found a leaf or an ant there! Why? We also know, that if you don't plant, no plant will grow. So who was the first one to plant? Who was the first farmer making barley, potatoes, tomatoes, figs, nuts, pears and apples to grow? Who was it? Sometimes you see pine-trees growing on the edge of high mountains, even if you would go there by helicopter, you wouldn't be able to reach it. Who planted those trees there? Scientists do not comment this. They never ever want to mention a Creator. This is the main reason for the restlessness and the struggles going on. It causes misery and every sort of suffering in our days. But even the people of the church keep quiet, because they are living in a secular society. God is not allowed to enter the universities. What foolishness! Scientists are causing this. What do they know? If I ask them to sit down and tell me what they know, so that I can write it down, they wouldn't be able to fill even one notebook. But they think they know everything and that they have reached every secret in nature. They think, that just because they own millions of books, they have so much knowledge. If a professor were to write a book from morning to evening, he would have to look in this book and in that. That is not considered to be knowledge. Real knowledge is a grant from the Lord of Heavens. It is impossible for a person to have every knowledge which has been granted since beginning of time until today. Billions of information, impossible to remember. Even if you spend your whole life in university, what can you learn? 50 books, 60 books? I was once a student and did my A levels and O levels, but I have forgotten all that. (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:41:15

10331 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WisdomAsTheEssenceOfKnowledge

You are young. Don't claim that there is a limit for knowledge just because you don't know it. Always be humble. It is impossible for someone to know everything. Our knowledge does not reach far, even though there are oceans of knowledge. After knowledge comes wisdom. That is the essence of knowledge. It is something else. It is the power of knowledge. It makes you move in this world and in the next. Wisdom is the authority which has been granted from the Lord of Heavens to enable his servants to move from earth to heavens. If you have not been given such wisdom, you are like a bird without wings, or a plane without engine, or a plane with an engine but no petrol. What you are learning now is beyond knowledge. Knowledge is an ocean within itself. You must pass that ocean safely to reach to the oceans of wisdom. The oceans of wisdom will give you the authority to move. Within the countless creatures of this world, we, mankind, have been given the grant of a free will. There are countless animals and creatures, but no-one has been given will power and a mind with which to sit down and think. Did you ever see a cow thinking? They only think about eating and drinking. If someone wants to be like that, you may. You must try to reach the essence of knowledge: wisdom. In particular you should try to learn traditional knowledge. It is full of wisdom. But when you have learned that, it is not enough. The question is how you are going to use it. A pharmacist has thousands of medicines in his shop, but he cannot give them without prescriptions. Holy people have been given the license to pass from one world to the next, just like the prophets did on their night-journeys. You can only get into Heaven by special permission. Just like if you want to get into Buckingham Palace, you will only be permitted by a special pass. Holy people and prophets have a special license to pass between Heaven and earth in whichever way they want. If anyone is interested in their spiritual life, they can find a way, step by step to reach Heavens, just like Jesus* did. But if you prefer to stay on the ground like a lizard, you are also free to do that. May Allah bless you. Try to give your daily service to your Lord every day. That is important for your life and the biggest support for your future. - 01.01.1996 (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:41:15

10332 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WisdomAsTheEssenceOfKnowledge

BookSecretDesires (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:41:15

10333 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WisdomBehindSatan

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WisdomBehindSatan


The Wisdom Behind Satan - Nothing Created without Benefit

Our Grandsheikh was speaking about Alauddin AI Bukhari, the khalif of Shah Naqshbandi, the main pillar of the Naqshbandi Order. Our Grandsheikh said if Shah Naqshbandi had not existed, there would be no order. Grandsheikh was praising Alauddin, saying that he was a big man and he knew the secret wisdom of the existence of satan in the universe. Only a few people know. He was one of them in his time among the Ulema. All Awliya know, but as for ulema, only a few know. Grandsheikh asked: “What is the benefit to know the wisdom of satan's existence?” If a man is knowing this, he is able to conquer Satan. Whoever is not knowing this cannot conquer; he must be under his rule. This is an important point in every religion. Every Prophet and saint knew this, and this enabled them to fight and put Satan under their control. When knowing, this, you may be on Satan, ego, this world and vain desires, their commander; not them commanding over you. These four are enemies. If not controlled they are terrible. If you can control, they give endless benefit. As with electricity, if not contained in protected wires, it is dangerous, a killer. If controlling these four, they are most useful for you; you may ride on them to the heavens. Allah never created anything without benefit. Americans asked for the secret power of electricity, and Allah gave it to them. To anyone asking, Allah promises to give. If you know the way to use it, everything has benefit. There are so many creatures, visible and invisible. Satan is invisible, not seen by ordinary eyes, but seen by Prophets and saints. Before, he did appear before people, but after the time of the Prophet, Satan was (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:41:15

10334 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WisdomBehindSatan

prevented from appearing. Sayyidina Ali was one of the most respectful people to all persons. He would never walk in front of an old man. Once in the time of the Prophet, he opened his door to go to the mosque for the fajr prayer, just then he saw an old person walking slowly ahead of him. For his respect Ali walked slowly behind him until reaching the mosque. But seeing the man not entering the mosque and turning away, and seeing the Prophet inside rising from the first rakat's prostration All understood that the old man was Satan, coming to make him late for prayer. Quickly he grabbed him by the neck and put him under a big stone. After the prayer the Prophet said: “0 Ali, what happened?” He replied: “0 my Prophet, you know what happened. The enemy of Allah tricked me today into losing one rakat”. Coming out with the Prophet and companions in order to look at Satan squirming under the rock, Ali was very angry. That one rakat behind the Prophet was more valuable to him than the whole world. He said: “My intention is to leave him here up until the last day, but I am ready for your command 0 my Prophet”. “0 All, don't be a robber. If keeping him you will cut the ways of my nation to their stations in the Divine Presence, to their fighting degrees. Don't be worried about him; he is only a servant to my nation. So many will reach to a high degree because of fighting him”. He means that we are more powerful than that satan, and he is indicating to us the secret wisdom that Satan is the main reason for improvement in spiritual life. You can accept him and also benefit from him. Ride on him and go; you may reach any station in the Divine Presence. Our Grandsheikh said that if you know that in every happening is a secret wisdom, and you are looking after that, then you may find in yourself peace and satisfaction. If people knew that there is wisdom in every happening, then there would be no troubles between them on earth. Allah never gives permission for anything to appear without wisdom. Our Grandsheikh told of Saiyed Jamaluddin Ghumuqi, he was once sitting; a mureed in front of him and a plate of apples between them. He took one apple and tossed it up in the air, and before it came down tossed up another, catching them both and putting them back. The mureed said: “0 my lord, I know you are not playing, and that there is no action of yours without wisdom. What is the wisdom of this, 0 my lord”. He said: “0 my son, just now Divine anger was coming with the Angel of Death to two persons known to us. Throwing the apples made the Divine anger go away and mercy came in its place. Now they are coming to inform us”. Then came a knock on the door, announcing that two people had just died, would he please attend the funeral prayer. Know, that in every action is the will of the Creator. You (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:41:15

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must keep this good manner and then this good manner will keep you. For one looking for the wisdom in a happening, Allah keeps him, no harm comes to that person. Every time ask for the wisdom in every happening around you. When man takes from this wisdom, he may find in himself peace, no disturbance. - 01.10.1979

BookMercyOceansBookTwo (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:41:15

10336 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WisdomIsAShiningSun

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WisdomIsAShiningSun


Wisdom is Like a Shining Sun

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar la ilaha illAllah Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa li'Llahi'l hamd! All praisings and endless glory for You, O our Lord, our Creator. We are Your weak creatures. Leave us to reach to Your servanthood and bring Your endless blessings to let us to be on the level of servanthood. O our Lord, forgive us! We are giving our most high respects and salutes to Your most Beloved, most Glorified, most Honored representative Sayyidina Muhammad (s). You are giving his name O our Lord, more and more and more from pre-Eternal up to Eternal. We are so happy and we are so endlessly happy and glorified to be from Your most Beloved one's nation. Give us, O our Lord, more and more glory from Your endless Glory Oceans through Your Heavens to be Heavenly glorified servants. Alfu 's-salaat alfu 's-salaam to you, our most respected and beloved Prophet (s). We are proud to be from your nation and we are saying A`udhu billahi min ash-Shaytani' r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem, biggest honour that our Creator, the Lord of the Divinely Existence, that our Lord just created us to be for our most Beloved one's nation. And we hope to be under his (s) holy flag here and Hereafter. Ask, o people, to be from those ones whom they shall be sheltered under the most high flag through Creation! That most praised flag through Heavens! (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:41:16

10337 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WisdomIsAShiningSun

O People! As-salamu `alaykum wa rahmatallahi wa barakatuh! It is only a short association daily we have been granted through our Holy Master, who is looking after this nation through the last period of life on it. Because after a short while, this world going to reach the Day of Resurrection to be Judgment Day. And after it is going to reach what it is appointed by its Creator to be. May be said to it:, "Get in through My Endless Power Oceans" and disappearing. And whom they were living on it, they are going to be either to Paradise or either they are going to Hells. And the book of this world, it is going to be closed down, taken away. O People! Give a time daily, a time for your Lord, for your Creator, to hear about Himself Almighty. That gives to you more honor! As much as you are going to give a time to be with your Creator, you are taking much more honor and praisings. Please, O People! O People living on this planet! Try to give a time for your Creator. It is normal. If anyone that he has a normal understanding, it is easy to understand what had been said now through one weak servant's tongue. I am knowing nothing, but whom they have been granted Holiness, they have been granted also some Heavenly attributes because they are understanding for what they have been created. If a person not knowing for which purpose he has been created and he is in existence, not knowing that their level under the level of animals. Animals, even an ant, knowing for what it is created. Nothing can be in existence and not knowing for what they are created, and they are in existence. What about Mankind? Mankind that they are on top, most highest level through Creation! How they are not knowing? Or why they are not asking, for what we have been in existence? And how we are being in existence? How is our beings beginning in existence? That, a little bit understanding, given one, must know it or must ask it! We have been granted an understanding, yes! If an ant, it has an understanding according to its position, or according for its creation, rabbana ma khalaqta hadha baatila. The Lord of Heavens saying through Holy books, through the understanding of Holy ones. He is teaching them and they are teaching people and saying, "Subhanak! You are that One, that it is impossible to be known." Only maybe, you maybe granted from your Creator something, and that something must give to you an understanding, and you are getting to understand, "For what I am in existence?" Nothing created without understanding. That is a tree; so many kinds of trees and so many kinds of roses, so many kinds of flowers. Everyone knowing for what they are in existence. Must know. If not knowing, a palm tree never giving dates. If a pine (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:41:16

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tree not understanding for what it is created it is going to be like a palm tree. If a wolf not knowing for which purpose created, going to be cats. And cats, if not knowing for which purpose they are in existence, going to be a mouse. Everything must know for what or for which purpose they have been in existence. That is wisdom! And wisdom is not such a grant that you may reach it through material things, no! Wisdom is something else. Through that wisdom, you may say it is like a shining sun. If no sun, the world is in a darkness. Sun coming and making it clear. And wisdom has been granted from our Creator, it is like the sun. That means it is a noor, light, lightening, lightening! When lightening opening the curtain on darkness, on happenings, on Creation. You are not understanding anything, you are going to be a blind one; a blind person like (any) other person but only blind! No lights to look, to see, to understand. But you, you have been granted a noor, lights, that making you to look and to understand. Therefore, wisdoms is a so high and precious gift from our Lord to His deputies. Deputies, they have been granted, and if they are looking through that Holy grant, understanding and seeing why Creation is Creation. Creatures understanding why they are in creation. Yes. Therefore, most important purpose for mankind that they are on top level through Creation. They have been granted a praised level that they are going to be through lights. They are like lightening, looking, seeing and understanding and running after it. Therefore, man, they are on top level of creation and they have been granted such a noor, lights that just is a grant from the level of Heavens. Upon that Heavenly levels there is levels of Divinely Lights. No one knowing it, only Allah Almighty and only one reaching that Divine Wisdoms and Real Beings, only that one, only one. No a second one. No second one. Therefore, (Sultan stands up) Sayyidina Muhammad (s), he is only one. You must believe. If you are not believing and giving such a respect to him, no iman, no Islam, no value, no lights for them. (Sultan sits) Therefore, it is important to look once again. Heavenly warning to whole religions to look once again to see who is Muhammad (s), who is that one. If they are looking at skies and saying, "This is gigantic galaxy, we are looking and seeing but not understanding for what that galaxy is in existence. What is the reason"? Without (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:41:16

10339 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WisdomIsAShiningSun

reason or without a wisdom, how that galaxy is there? We are saying millions of years distance, of light speed. For what? Why you are not asking? For whom prepared Heavens? For angels? No. Angels, they are on their ways of creation. Heavens for whom? Our people they are not even asking about this planet. For whom created? Why not asking? They are saying, "We are PhD." Hah! PhD, ...alaykum, (Arabic word, swearing.) If you are PhD, why you are not knowing for Whom this space is created and Who created? Must be for some reason, for some wisdom of Creation. Creator never creating without wisdom. He is not in need for His creatures. Hasha! Never! No. He may say, "Be", coming such a space; billions and billions and trillions and trillions and quatrillion and pentrillion galaxies. He is Creator! He is not in need for that. But He is Lord of Heavens, created Mankind and giving to them an understanding so that they must ask.
