Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (727/777)
Muhammad - sallaLlahu ´alayhi wa-sallam, Fatiha. Lefke, 05.02.2006 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel
BookKhairiyahSiegel (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:40:13
10004 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhatYouAreLearningAboutThisWorld
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WhatYouAreLearningAboutThisWorld
Oh People What are You Learning about This World and Its Secret Powers Destur ya rijaal Allah Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar la illaha ill-Llah w'allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa lillahi 'l-hamd. O our Lord! You are our Creator. Destur. Alfu 's-salaat alfu 's-salam, all glory, all majesty, all honours on Your most beloved and honoured and majestic deputy Sayiddina Muhammad (s). So many Shaytans, so many devils, countless devils they are against Your Holy command. Against and they are so jealous, jealous for Your most beloved deputy Sayiddina Muhammad (s). Give more ya Rabb, o our Lord give him much more love, much more respect, much more mightiness, much more glory, much more majesty and grant to him whole dominions. We are not in need for anything. O our Lord! Forgive us. Forgive us. We knowing nothing and give one of your servants the master of this world to teach us. We don’t know anything. May grant from You to ourselves for understanding. Let us to be our souls so pure and to be in Your Divinely Presence bowing always from pre-eternal up to Eternal and we are saying A`udhu billahi mina 'sh- Shaytaani 'r-rajeem Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Madad ya rijaal Allah. Give your Holy support. O our Master’s Holy servants, give from your glory to weak ones, give from your Holy power good understanding. Grant us O the Lord of Heavens. Madad ya Sultan al Awliya. O our great master, our Prophet’s representative, look ourselves we knowing nothing support us, support our souls to be pure and against Shaytanic tricks and traps. Hu Allah, Allah Hu A`udhu billahi mina 'sh-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:40:14
10005 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhatYouAreLearningAboutThisWorld
Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem La hawla wa la quwatta illah billahi 'l-`aliyyu 'l-`adheem Take biggest veil, curtain, we are saying take away biggest curtain and try to be with your representing one who you are trying to represent him and you are nothing. You can’t be a representative of most Holy one, or Holiest one for our Lord on this planet who is in charge with his endlessly and mighty, mighty being to help weak servants. O people! Salute to you. As-salaam `alaykum, O listeners! Come and listen! It is not from this weak one. I was thinking that to prepare something for approaching to you or to speak to you and to give you something from my side, my side then it is so weak. If we are trying to do that, we are doing something as an ant asking to give from itself to whole ants something. How it can be? I have so many books but it is, it is never going to be useful to you, useful to you. If I am reading and giving to you, no! They are saying don’t worry and don’t be tiring one for preparing something for addressing people. It is not for you. Who making you to sit on this point and to address people they knowing what it is necessary or what people they are needy and give them. Then I was so restful, so restful because a very heavy burden just taken from my shoulders. You must not be, you must not worry when you are sitting here and asking to speak. Don’t worry because we are not putting that heavy burden on you. You are so weak, you can’t be able to address people. Leave that, leave that worrying. No! You can only putting that like switch, putting on electrical center, and running to you. If you are thinking by yourself you can give some lights to people, it is so weak, weak, weak! But put switch through centre of electricity may run, man may run to your heart and from your heart to your tongue and before your tongue running through your understanding centre that it is under the control of master of this world. Be rest. Don’t worry. Yes sir. Thanks to Allah, shukr. Endless Glory and Majesty for our Lord Almighty Allah. O people! His Majestic Oceans, countless Oceans, o people, your Lord’s Glory Oceans countless. My words, it is not enough to explain to you, I can’t do nothing. If I am saying the Lord’s Majestic Oceans, our Lord’s countless Glory Oceans, our Lord’s countless Dominions, our Lord’s unexpected Mighty Oceans no one can reach through that Oceans that if you are saying an ant come and take something from this world what it is going to take from this world. An ant what can carry? (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:40:14
10006 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhatYouAreLearningAboutThisWorld
You, O people, whom you are so proud because you are very, very, very, very small perhaps at the end of being nothing you are same and asking to speak people and to make them to understand something. Your authority that you may going coming in it, it is less than an atomic distance but people so proud because they are saying we are graduated from most famous academical centre. Highest level of knowledge, yes I know, you only going from one side and coming from another side as written in some places “in and out.” You are entering from one side and quickly turning back on zero point. Zero point you are getting in and zero point you are coming out. Going zero, coming zero! Because if you can reach something over zero, you may reach a big amounts but it is impossible, impossible. You must be every time empty to take something and using that emptiness and coming out empty. That is a very wonderful description for whole creation. They are getting zero, on zero point and coming out zero. They can’t take anything from Majestic Oceans or Divinely knowledges. O people! Where are you? You are wasting your times, wasting your understandings, wasting your physical being and taking nothing but you may use another one that giving your personality to you. One personality that it works by battery, second one works with Divinely Power. Therefore, o people! What you are learning about this world and its secrets, secrets power if you are thinking on one atom, and asking to find its end can’t be! That is one atom and from six direction of it, there is so many atoms that each one it has an identity, special. Each atom is special. If you are asking to know specialty of one atom, perhaps you can’t reach an end. What about its Creator or its Lord or its Manifesting One because every atom it has a special manifestation. Yes? Here we are six, seven people, each one they have a special being. As this, for every atom the Creator just granted to them a specialty that can’t be, that specialty, to a second atom as same in first one. We are speaking on such a things, we have been ordered, we have been ordered to speak now because people they are so proud with their knowledge. If whole books bringing it can’t be a enough explanation for an atom. It has secrets beyond secrets, each atom, horizon after horizons atom! Must represent each atom its Lord’s creation secrets! Allahu Akbar! And we are trying now to speak on such a things, yes. A man may run from one to another knowledge, from one book to another book, from one source of knowledge to another source (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:40:14
10007 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhatYouAreLearningAboutThisWorld
of knowledge, for what? For what the Lord of Heavens He created, He bringing countless atoms with countless worlds, for what? And man may take from each one. And He Almighty He created so many flowers and roses! And created also bee, bees. Only that bee with its specialty may come on every kind of that plants that giving flowers and roses and taking from it something and bringing to its own, miskaan their own hive, bringing and making something. What’s that bee bringing, a bee is not getting unhappy because millions of flowers covering everywhere to say, O I am tired, no! He is going to be much more happy, running from one to another one and the Lord of Heavens just created just created only He is saying “Be!” and coming in existence, for what? For His deputies. His deputies to take from each one a honey, a little spot honey, honey spot collecting, bringing to its hive and feeding them and eating, enjoying. And the Lord of Heavens created so many countless creation, for what? For His deputies to look, to know, to taste and to be enjoyful. Allah, Allah. To make a honey, to be a big show for His deputies, to be happy and happy and happy up to Eternity! Because our Lord He is Kareem, Generosity of our Lord, countless and no any measure on it! That was the Lord making for everything man to come on everything and taking that honey points and to fill its, to make itself enjoyful making from wax homes and then filling them with honey and it was so happy. And making such a biggest or, leave to say biggest, that majestic dominions for Lord’s deputies. It is not easy to be our Lord’s deputies oooo. O people! You have been granted so Mighty Oceans of Power and tasting and doing and understanding because the Lord of Heavens asking you to be majestic ones!!! Majestic ones!!! The Lord of Heavens He is giving that honour to man. Allahu Akbar! Countless understanding and countless dominions. To reach countless dominions and to know the Lord’s Beauty and His Mighty and His Majesty and His Absolute Glory, Absolute Majesty, Absolute Mightiness, Absolute Dominions, Absolute Oceans of creation. O people! O people! Come and listen! Come and try to understanding, leave fighting to each other and come and hear. Listen and try to understanding. I am nothing! I am nothing but the Lord of Heavens asking through His selected ones to address people, His servants, His servants, o people! Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:40:14
10008 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhatYouAreLearningAboutThisWorld
O people! That is from ma`rifatullah, Heavenly Knowledge Oceans. It is only a very small spot. Try to reach that and to suck the most tasteful, tasteful rivers, tasteful oceans, oceans, rivers from wine and countless milk oceans, countless honey oceans, countless water oceans that giving life to everything. O people! Come and understand. Leave nonsense things that you are wasting your most valuable, most valuable understanding to be for you to enter in it and to enjoy with your Lord’s endless honey oceans, endless water oceans, endless wine oceans, endless milk oceans. O people! Come and think on it because today living and wasting your life and tomorrow going to be dust underground if you are not understanding anything through this life. May Allah bless you, o people. Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum Holy people, Holy people calling you. O everyone! to come and to know and to taste about your Lord’s Endless Oceans. To be enjoyful forever, to be enjoyful forever, to be in lights forever, to be in light forever, to be tasteful and enjoyful forever, to eat… Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:40:14
10009 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhatYouAreLearningAboutThisWorld
Heavenly music of angels calling you to come and to sing, and to know, and to taste more and more. Huuu Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Fatiha. Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum Come and listen, come and be happy and be obedient to Me always hungry for your souls to reach that Ocean of Allah. Huuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuu That One Who can do everything as He likes. Huuu Huuu Huuu. That is our life’s music. Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum (We are) asking to carry your bodies to the level of angels. Be like a bee and give from your hive honey to the people, your brothers, to your relatives, to your same level people. Grant them from your Heavenly honey to be more stronger today more than yesterday, to be much more happy and joyful and be much more handsome and elegant and beautiful in Divinely Oceans of the Lord of Heavens. You never going to hear such (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:40:14
10010 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhatYouAreLearningAboutThisWorld
a music, Heavenly music, that taking you from everything except taking you to the Lord’s Divinely Presence. Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Huuuu. Ok Abdus Salam? It is not from me, Heavens! Lefke, 29.08.2009
WebSufiLive (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:40:14
10011 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhatYouAreLivingFor
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WhatYouAreLivingFor
May Allah Almighty make our way to be on His Way and lead our lives towards the Divine Presence. Since the day of our birth we are approaching the second entrance step by step with every new day. We are entering through one entrance and leaving from another. Once we have entered the first entrance, we begin to walk towards the exit. Every moment and with every breath we are coming closer. And no-one knows when he has reached his exit, when he has reached the way out. In spite of this, we are still proud and we do not want to be humble servants. Even though we are such weak ones and we don't have any power of our own to keep life as long as we want to. We are completely under the Divine Will. Still mankind insists on not accepting the Supreme Power of Allah Almighty and they do everything as they like. We are still opposing to be humble servants of Allah Almighty. We are still running after useless targets, very useless targets. When we say useless, what we mean is, that these targets will be nothing when our lives are finished. But we want to reach things which are going to be completely worthless at the end of our lives. But Shaitan is the biggest advertiser alive. He cheats people with his terrible advertisement. Oh, people you will find advertisements everywhere for targets of no sense, no meaning. It means it will end up being worth nothing. Man runs and gets tired, and at the end, what does he gain from it? Finally nothing! That is the history of most of our lives. Most people are running after something that they will never reach. (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:40:15
10012 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhatYouAreLivingFor
There must be something else in our lives. There must be some real target of this life. But most heedless people don't even have the time to ask for that real target. The foolish advertisement of Shaitan makes people like drunk-ones. Drunk people never have the time to look for something carefully. In common, people are careless and never take care to find the real target. Then it is finished... One more year has passed, and it is as if it was yesterday. A full year means goodness and badness, happiness and sorrow. We have a saying in Arabic, that no situation which is surrounding us, individually and commonly, is ever going to be permanent. It is temporary. So many things have happened in this one year, but they have passed away. It is now a new year, a new Ramadan, but this will also pass. So many things appear daily. Every day we have new conditions, bad conditions, pleasant or sad ones. But none of these are going to continue forever, none are going to be permanent. They will change. During this life everyone is being tested. The whole life is a collection of tests. Thousands and thousands, yes, even millions of tests come to us from the Lord Almighty Allah. He says, "I am going to test you with every occasion of goodness and badness. I am going to test you, oh, mankind. Beware, you are being tested! Your whole life is a test. You must face that test. That is important. And to be successful in your test, that is important. Even the way you look will be tested. Even while you are thinking, you will be tested. Every action is a test for you to see if you decide to go the good way, or the bad way. You must be aware of this and you must be careful not to break your nose." Every thing comes and goes. Everyone comes and goes through this life. Look and see how you are living this life. Are you bringing goodness to this life, or are you living this life and bringing badness? At the end of the term students are given reports and on them it is written whether a student has been successful, or not. It is important for everyone to think about this, to know whether they are living this life successfully, or not. It is not important to be Kings or Sultans, or to be rich ones, or ministers, or such and such people. It is not important to dress in clothes of silk, or golden dresses, or to wear golden crowns, or to fill your arms with golden bracelets,or to wear diamonds and to live in palaces or to ride a Rolls-Royce or to fly in golden aeroplanes. To swim in golden swimming-pools. It is not important! It is more important which certificate you will get when you leave this life. Have you passed with success, or will it be written on it, "Failed!"? What is the benefit of a crown then? In our days, mankind needs more than anything to think. They have lost the ability to think, even though they need it more than anything else. Because when you start to think, you will try to do your best, not your worst. (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:40:15
10013 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhatYouAreLivingFor
When you think, you will reach peace. Try to think, even if it is just for a few minutes, about the targets of this life. That is important. At least you should try to find out why you are living. If you know what you are living for, then you must also start to think of what you are doing to reach that real target of life. Think about it! No peace will be found in this world if the people do not find the real target of life. Especially the statesmen, they must find it. Because they are the shepherds, the leaders of the people. They must think much more than anyone. Because they are responsible for common people, and until they start to think, peace will never come back to earth. London - 05.03.1992
BookPowerOceansofLove (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:40:15
10014 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhenAngelsSpeak
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WhenAngelsSpeak
When Angels Speak
(Addressing a group of Russians) …in WWII, the Germans surrounded them and captured them, then took them to Stalingrad. I was 20 years old when WWII began. There were so many German marshalls. (Thank Allah, He is sending us to you.) Thanks to Allah, that He is sending such good people to such a one who is not good. I am asking forgiveness. We have a saying, man ghashana …. The Holy Prophet (s) said, “One who cheats us is not from my nation.” There are so many kinds of cheating. I fear cheating people, because they think that I am a good one and they are coming from long distances. I am ashamed before my Lord not to cheat people. (We are asking forgiveness, that you ask forgiveness for us!) I am asking forgiveness. All of us, we are not angels. Sometimes we do good sometimes we make no good things. Therefore, I am asking forgiveness of Allah Almighty. laa ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadan Rasoolullah! Your servants are coming here to me. (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:40:16
10015 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhenAngelsSpeak
Do you think that if I speak English to Allah, do you think He knows English? Allah, the Lord of Heavens, knows English… if I know English, how can He not? Anyone asking and glorifying his Lord in English, Russian, German, French, or in any language, is He not understanding? He Who created, how would He not know their language? Welcome to you. May Allah forgive us and grant you Paradise and eternal life. A person may live on this Earth a hundred, a thousand, a million, a billion or a trillion years, they will finish! Everything that has a beginning is going to finish. Allah is pre-Eternal up to Eternal, never-ending! He created time and the Earth. If there was no Earth we could not stand, as everything needs something to stand on. Zamaan wa maqaam, He created time and place. Everything needs a place, even atoms. We are not seeing them, but they must have a place and a time also. He created time and place. For Him there is no time, no place; He is Allah Almighty, from pre-Eternal up to Eternal! He is granting His servants eternal life. And Man must run after eternity, eternity, eternity. I like from the English language the word, “eternity,” which is “samadhi” in Arabic, but we do not have a word in Turkish for “eternity”. O Mankind! Run for eternity! So, so beautiful, so hopeful, so beloved a word I never heard in your language! Eternity eternity eternity. All religions are calling people to eternity, if they are not calling they are not real religions. 124,000 prophets coming from Heavens, they are calling people, “O People ask from your Lord eternal life, ask from Him eternity.” Eternity, eternity, eternity, Allah. But Mankind is so ignorant, they are running for some short times in this life. And it is not more than seventy or eighty or ninety or a hundred years, but they are running after this life, they are not running after eternity. Russians, Germans, Tartars, Hungarians, French, English, Turks, Americans, all running for a very short time and they are fighting and killing each other for what? Wrong way, wrong way. Once my grandson brought me an instrument that taught European language, for example English. That machine would tell you if you were saying right or true, and sometimes saying, wrong. Now Mankind are doing wrong things. A heavenly message, an answer is coming to people, telling them what they are doing. When a person does a wrong thing, the angels say, “Wrong, wrong.” Sometimes a person does something true, angels saying, “Correct, it is true, true, true.” Then doing something that is not acceptable, saying, (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:40:16
10016 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhenAngelsSpeak
“Wrong, wrong, wrong.” Angels now saying to people on this planet, everyday angels are saying to all people, “Wrong, wrong, wrong.” All states are doing wrong. To all people, the angels are saying, “Wrong, wrong, wrong.” They are fighting each other and they are killing each other, giving trouble to each other for what? For a very short time. They are never asking something for eternity, therefore they say, “Wrong, wrong, wrong.” Ask eternity from your most glorious One, from your Lord. Ask eternal life. Run, O People after eternity. Don’t run for a short life and its pleasures. My age going up, up, up, I remember when I was five years old, it has past away, now I don’t know how much time there is for me to stay with you. May Allah forgive us for the honor of His most honored one, for the honor of Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad. Fatihah. (stands and sits) Put your hands (baya`) shoulder to shoulder. Allah thabitna `ala al-haqq. (Mawlana! We love you very much, all of Russia, Moldavia and Ukraine; we love you very much and we wish you a long life.) Good health, long life will stop, that is why we have been ordered to ask for Eternity. Eternal life, pure life, clean life, wholly-enlightened life, never-ending life, never-ending pleasure, never-ending pleasement, never- ending satisfaction, never-ending love, never-ending Beauty Oceans! Pray for me. I am accepting all of you. I am happy with you. I apologize that I am now old and weak, I am not like before to look after you as it is necessary. Therefore, I apologize that you are coming from long distances and you are carrying hardship. (It is big happiness for us to come!) Alhamdulillah, sending all of you to a weak servant, Allah is blessing you, your descendants, and your ancestors. Fatihah. (Mawlana, here are some presents, sheepskin slippers and jacket.) If I come to Ukraine wearing this, you will not recognise me! (laughter) I will come at night. “Ibrahim” is an honoured name; Allah gave that name to his servant and prophet, Ibrahim. (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:40:16
10017 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhenAngelsSpeak
(These brothers are asking for names.) “Ishaq” is a prophet’s name, a strong name. This one also powerful one, Isma`eel. Sayyidina Dauod use to make his hand like this and things would go like that! Moldavian (Romanian) origin is from Turks. (Mawlana Shaykh recites a wedding blessing and instructs the newlyweds.) Keep her good, keep him good and don’t pour water on his head when you are angry! (Mawlana Shaykh blesses water.) I don’t like plastic things; when you are going to your homes put in a glass bottle. I have been in Moldavia, so beautiful a country with forest and good-blessing smells. Yes, I was there about one week and I met so many people. Allah, Allah. Allah, Allah. But in some forests was written, “Caution: Bears!” Thank you, my daughter (who translated for the group). Pray for me, pray for me. Lefke, 15.05.2011
WebSufiLive, CategoryAngel, CategoryRussia, CategoryEternity (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:40:16
10018 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhenAPersonGettingOlder
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WhenAPersonGettingOlder
When a person getting older, getting inside narrow
When a person getting older, getting inside narrow. Young people's ways is to say :'I don't care'. Now whole new generation just trained or
Muhammad - sallaLlahu ´alayhi wa-sallam, Fatiha. Lefke, 05.02.2006 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel
BookKhairiyahSiegel (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:40:13
10004 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhatYouAreLearningAboutThisWorld
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WhatYouAreLearningAboutThisWorld
Oh People What are You Learning about This World and Its Secret Powers Destur ya rijaal Allah Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar la illaha ill-Llah w'allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa lillahi 'l-hamd. O our Lord! You are our Creator. Destur. Alfu 's-salaat alfu 's-salam, all glory, all majesty, all honours on Your most beloved and honoured and majestic deputy Sayiddina Muhammad (s). So many Shaytans, so many devils, countless devils they are against Your Holy command. Against and they are so jealous, jealous for Your most beloved deputy Sayiddina Muhammad (s). Give more ya Rabb, o our Lord give him much more love, much more respect, much more mightiness, much more glory, much more majesty and grant to him whole dominions. We are not in need for anything. O our Lord! Forgive us. Forgive us. We knowing nothing and give one of your servants the master of this world to teach us. We don’t know anything. May grant from You to ourselves for understanding. Let us to be our souls so pure and to be in Your Divinely Presence bowing always from pre-eternal up to Eternal and we are saying A`udhu billahi mina 'sh- Shaytaani 'r-rajeem Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Madad ya rijaal Allah. Give your Holy support. O our Master’s Holy servants, give from your glory to weak ones, give from your Holy power good understanding. Grant us O the Lord of Heavens. Madad ya Sultan al Awliya. O our great master, our Prophet’s representative, look ourselves we knowing nothing support us, support our souls to be pure and against Shaytanic tricks and traps. Hu Allah, Allah Hu A`udhu billahi mina 'sh-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:40:14
10005 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhatYouAreLearningAboutThisWorld
Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem La hawla wa la quwatta illah billahi 'l-`aliyyu 'l-`adheem Take biggest veil, curtain, we are saying take away biggest curtain and try to be with your representing one who you are trying to represent him and you are nothing. You can’t be a representative of most Holy one, or Holiest one for our Lord on this planet who is in charge with his endlessly and mighty, mighty being to help weak servants. O people! Salute to you. As-salaam `alaykum, O listeners! Come and listen! It is not from this weak one. I was thinking that to prepare something for approaching to you or to speak to you and to give you something from my side, my side then it is so weak. If we are trying to do that, we are doing something as an ant asking to give from itself to whole ants something. How it can be? I have so many books but it is, it is never going to be useful to you, useful to you. If I am reading and giving to you, no! They are saying don’t worry and don’t be tiring one for preparing something for addressing people. It is not for you. Who making you to sit on this point and to address people they knowing what it is necessary or what people they are needy and give them. Then I was so restful, so restful because a very heavy burden just taken from my shoulders. You must not be, you must not worry when you are sitting here and asking to speak. Don’t worry because we are not putting that heavy burden on you. You are so weak, you can’t be able to address people. Leave that, leave that worrying. No! You can only putting that like switch, putting on electrical center, and running to you. If you are thinking by yourself you can give some lights to people, it is so weak, weak, weak! But put switch through centre of electricity may run, man may run to your heart and from your heart to your tongue and before your tongue running through your understanding centre that it is under the control of master of this world. Be rest. Don’t worry. Yes sir. Thanks to Allah, shukr. Endless Glory and Majesty for our Lord Almighty Allah. O people! His Majestic Oceans, countless Oceans, o people, your Lord’s Glory Oceans countless. My words, it is not enough to explain to you, I can’t do nothing. If I am saying the Lord’s Majestic Oceans, our Lord’s countless Glory Oceans, our Lord’s countless Dominions, our Lord’s unexpected Mighty Oceans no one can reach through that Oceans that if you are saying an ant come and take something from this world what it is going to take from this world. An ant what can carry? (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:40:14
10006 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhatYouAreLearningAboutThisWorld
You, O people, whom you are so proud because you are very, very, very, very small perhaps at the end of being nothing you are same and asking to speak people and to make them to understand something. Your authority that you may going coming in it, it is less than an atomic distance but people so proud because they are saying we are graduated from most famous academical centre. Highest level of knowledge, yes I know, you only going from one side and coming from another side as written in some places “in and out.” You are entering from one side and quickly turning back on zero point. Zero point you are getting in and zero point you are coming out. Going zero, coming zero! Because if you can reach something over zero, you may reach a big amounts but it is impossible, impossible. You must be every time empty to take something and using that emptiness and coming out empty. That is a very wonderful description for whole creation. They are getting zero, on zero point and coming out zero. They can’t take anything from Majestic Oceans or Divinely knowledges. O people! Where are you? You are wasting your times, wasting your understandings, wasting your physical being and taking nothing but you may use another one that giving your personality to you. One personality that it works by battery, second one works with Divinely Power. Therefore, o people! What you are learning about this world and its secrets, secrets power if you are thinking on one atom, and asking to find its end can’t be! That is one atom and from six direction of it, there is so many atoms that each one it has an identity, special. Each atom is special. If you are asking to know specialty of one atom, perhaps you can’t reach an end. What about its Creator or its Lord or its Manifesting One because every atom it has a special manifestation. Yes? Here we are six, seven people, each one they have a special being. As this, for every atom the Creator just granted to them a specialty that can’t be, that specialty, to a second atom as same in first one. We are speaking on such a things, we have been ordered, we have been ordered to speak now because people they are so proud with their knowledge. If whole books bringing it can’t be a enough explanation for an atom. It has secrets beyond secrets, each atom, horizon after horizons atom! Must represent each atom its Lord’s creation secrets! Allahu Akbar! And we are trying now to speak on such a things, yes. A man may run from one to another knowledge, from one book to another book, from one source of knowledge to another source (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:40:14
10007 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhatYouAreLearningAboutThisWorld
of knowledge, for what? For what the Lord of Heavens He created, He bringing countless atoms with countless worlds, for what? And man may take from each one. And He Almighty He created so many flowers and roses! And created also bee, bees. Only that bee with its specialty may come on every kind of that plants that giving flowers and roses and taking from it something and bringing to its own, miskaan their own hive, bringing and making something. What’s that bee bringing, a bee is not getting unhappy because millions of flowers covering everywhere to say, O I am tired, no! He is going to be much more happy, running from one to another one and the Lord of Heavens just created just created only He is saying “Be!” and coming in existence, for what? For His deputies. His deputies to take from each one a honey, a little spot honey, honey spot collecting, bringing to its hive and feeding them and eating, enjoying. And the Lord of Heavens created so many countless creation, for what? For His deputies to look, to know, to taste and to be enjoyful. Allah, Allah. To make a honey, to be a big show for His deputies, to be happy and happy and happy up to Eternity! Because our Lord He is Kareem, Generosity of our Lord, countless and no any measure on it! That was the Lord making for everything man to come on everything and taking that honey points and to fill its, to make itself enjoyful making from wax homes and then filling them with honey and it was so happy. And making such a biggest or, leave to say biggest, that majestic dominions for Lord’s deputies. It is not easy to be our Lord’s deputies oooo. O people! You have been granted so Mighty Oceans of Power and tasting and doing and understanding because the Lord of Heavens asking you to be majestic ones!!! Majestic ones!!! The Lord of Heavens He is giving that honour to man. Allahu Akbar! Countless understanding and countless dominions. To reach countless dominions and to know the Lord’s Beauty and His Mighty and His Majesty and His Absolute Glory, Absolute Majesty, Absolute Mightiness, Absolute Dominions, Absolute Oceans of creation. O people! O people! Come and listen! Come and try to understanding, leave fighting to each other and come and hear. Listen and try to understanding. I am nothing! I am nothing but the Lord of Heavens asking through His selected ones to address people, His servants, His servants, o people! Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:40:14
10008 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhatYouAreLearningAboutThisWorld
O people! That is from ma`rifatullah, Heavenly Knowledge Oceans. It is only a very small spot. Try to reach that and to suck the most tasteful, tasteful rivers, tasteful oceans, oceans, rivers from wine and countless milk oceans, countless honey oceans, countless water oceans that giving life to everything. O people! Come and understand. Leave nonsense things that you are wasting your most valuable, most valuable understanding to be for you to enter in it and to enjoy with your Lord’s endless honey oceans, endless water oceans, endless wine oceans, endless milk oceans. O people! Come and think on it because today living and wasting your life and tomorrow going to be dust underground if you are not understanding anything through this life. May Allah bless you, o people. Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum Holy people, Holy people calling you. O everyone! to come and to know and to taste about your Lord’s Endless Oceans. To be enjoyful forever, to be enjoyful forever, to be in lights forever, to be in light forever, to be tasteful and enjoyful forever, to eat… Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:40:14
10009 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhatYouAreLearningAboutThisWorld
Heavenly music of angels calling you to come and to sing, and to know, and to taste more and more. Huuu Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Fatiha. Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum Come and listen, come and be happy and be obedient to Me always hungry for your souls to reach that Ocean of Allah. Huuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuu That One Who can do everything as He likes. Huuu Huuu Huuu. That is our life’s music. Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum (We are) asking to carry your bodies to the level of angels. Be like a bee and give from your hive honey to the people, your brothers, to your relatives, to your same level people. Grant them from your Heavenly honey to be more stronger today more than yesterday, to be much more happy and joyful and be much more handsome and elegant and beautiful in Divinely Oceans of the Lord of Heavens. You never going to hear such (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:40:14
10010 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhatYouAreLearningAboutThisWorld
a music, Heavenly music, that taking you from everything except taking you to the Lord’s Divinely Presence. Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Huuuu. Ok Abdus Salam? It is not from me, Heavens! Lefke, 29.08.2009
WebSufiLive (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:40:14
10011 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhatYouAreLivingFor
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WhatYouAreLivingFor
May Allah Almighty make our way to be on His Way and lead our lives towards the Divine Presence. Since the day of our birth we are approaching the second entrance step by step with every new day. We are entering through one entrance and leaving from another. Once we have entered the first entrance, we begin to walk towards the exit. Every moment and with every breath we are coming closer. And no-one knows when he has reached his exit, when he has reached the way out. In spite of this, we are still proud and we do not want to be humble servants. Even though we are such weak ones and we don't have any power of our own to keep life as long as we want to. We are completely under the Divine Will. Still mankind insists on not accepting the Supreme Power of Allah Almighty and they do everything as they like. We are still opposing to be humble servants of Allah Almighty. We are still running after useless targets, very useless targets. When we say useless, what we mean is, that these targets will be nothing when our lives are finished. But we want to reach things which are going to be completely worthless at the end of our lives. But Shaitan is the biggest advertiser alive. He cheats people with his terrible advertisement. Oh, people you will find advertisements everywhere for targets of no sense, no meaning. It means it will end up being worth nothing. Man runs and gets tired, and at the end, what does he gain from it? Finally nothing! That is the history of most of our lives. Most people are running after something that they will never reach. (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:40:15
10012 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhatYouAreLivingFor
There must be something else in our lives. There must be some real target of this life. But most heedless people don't even have the time to ask for that real target. The foolish advertisement of Shaitan makes people like drunk-ones. Drunk people never have the time to look for something carefully. In common, people are careless and never take care to find the real target. Then it is finished... One more year has passed, and it is as if it was yesterday. A full year means goodness and badness, happiness and sorrow. We have a saying in Arabic, that no situation which is surrounding us, individually and commonly, is ever going to be permanent. It is temporary. So many things have happened in this one year, but they have passed away. It is now a new year, a new Ramadan, but this will also pass. So many things appear daily. Every day we have new conditions, bad conditions, pleasant or sad ones. But none of these are going to continue forever, none are going to be permanent. They will change. During this life everyone is being tested. The whole life is a collection of tests. Thousands and thousands, yes, even millions of tests come to us from the Lord Almighty Allah. He says, "I am going to test you with every occasion of goodness and badness. I am going to test you, oh, mankind. Beware, you are being tested! Your whole life is a test. You must face that test. That is important. And to be successful in your test, that is important. Even the way you look will be tested. Even while you are thinking, you will be tested. Every action is a test for you to see if you decide to go the good way, or the bad way. You must be aware of this and you must be careful not to break your nose." Every thing comes and goes. Everyone comes and goes through this life. Look and see how you are living this life. Are you bringing goodness to this life, or are you living this life and bringing badness? At the end of the term students are given reports and on them it is written whether a student has been successful, or not. It is important for everyone to think about this, to know whether they are living this life successfully, or not. It is not important to be Kings or Sultans, or to be rich ones, or ministers, or such and such people. It is not important to dress in clothes of silk, or golden dresses, or to wear golden crowns, or to fill your arms with golden bracelets,or to wear diamonds and to live in palaces or to ride a Rolls-Royce or to fly in golden aeroplanes. To swim in golden swimming-pools. It is not important! It is more important which certificate you will get when you leave this life. Have you passed with success, or will it be written on it, "Failed!"? What is the benefit of a crown then? In our days, mankind needs more than anything to think. They have lost the ability to think, even though they need it more than anything else. Because when you start to think, you will try to do your best, not your worst. (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:40:15
10013 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhatYouAreLivingFor
When you think, you will reach peace. Try to think, even if it is just for a few minutes, about the targets of this life. That is important. At least you should try to find out why you are living. If you know what you are living for, then you must also start to think of what you are doing to reach that real target of life. Think about it! No peace will be found in this world if the people do not find the real target of life. Especially the statesmen, they must find it. Because they are the shepherds, the leaders of the people. They must think much more than anyone. Because they are responsible for common people, and until they start to think, peace will never come back to earth. London - 05.03.1992
BookPowerOceansofLove (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:40:15
10014 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhenAngelsSpeak
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WhenAngelsSpeak
When Angels Speak
(Addressing a group of Russians) …in WWII, the Germans surrounded them and captured them, then took them to Stalingrad. I was 20 years old when WWII began. There were so many German marshalls. (Thank Allah, He is sending us to you.) Thanks to Allah, that He is sending such good people to such a one who is not good. I am asking forgiveness. We have a saying, man ghashana …. The Holy Prophet (s) said, “One who cheats us is not from my nation.” There are so many kinds of cheating. I fear cheating people, because they think that I am a good one and they are coming from long distances. I am ashamed before my Lord not to cheat people. (We are asking forgiveness, that you ask forgiveness for us!) I am asking forgiveness. All of us, we are not angels. Sometimes we do good sometimes we make no good things. Therefore, I am asking forgiveness of Allah Almighty. laa ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadan Rasoolullah! Your servants are coming here to me. (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:40:16
10015 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhenAngelsSpeak
Do you think that if I speak English to Allah, do you think He knows English? Allah, the Lord of Heavens, knows English… if I know English, how can He not? Anyone asking and glorifying his Lord in English, Russian, German, French, or in any language, is He not understanding? He Who created, how would He not know their language? Welcome to you. May Allah forgive us and grant you Paradise and eternal life. A person may live on this Earth a hundred, a thousand, a million, a billion or a trillion years, they will finish! Everything that has a beginning is going to finish. Allah is pre-Eternal up to Eternal, never-ending! He created time and the Earth. If there was no Earth we could not stand, as everything needs something to stand on. Zamaan wa maqaam, He created time and place. Everything needs a place, even atoms. We are not seeing them, but they must have a place and a time also. He created time and place. For Him there is no time, no place; He is Allah Almighty, from pre-Eternal up to Eternal! He is granting His servants eternal life. And Man must run after eternity, eternity, eternity. I like from the English language the word, “eternity,” which is “samadhi” in Arabic, but we do not have a word in Turkish for “eternity”. O Mankind! Run for eternity! So, so beautiful, so hopeful, so beloved a word I never heard in your language! Eternity eternity eternity. All religions are calling people to eternity, if they are not calling they are not real religions. 124,000 prophets coming from Heavens, they are calling people, “O People ask from your Lord eternal life, ask from Him eternity.” Eternity, eternity, eternity, Allah. But Mankind is so ignorant, they are running for some short times in this life. And it is not more than seventy or eighty or ninety or a hundred years, but they are running after this life, they are not running after eternity. Russians, Germans, Tartars, Hungarians, French, English, Turks, Americans, all running for a very short time and they are fighting and killing each other for what? Wrong way, wrong way. Once my grandson brought me an instrument that taught European language, for example English. That machine would tell you if you were saying right or true, and sometimes saying, wrong. Now Mankind are doing wrong things. A heavenly message, an answer is coming to people, telling them what they are doing. When a person does a wrong thing, the angels say, “Wrong, wrong.” Sometimes a person does something true, angels saying, “Correct, it is true, true, true.” Then doing something that is not acceptable, saying, (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:40:16
10016 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhenAngelsSpeak
“Wrong, wrong, wrong.” Angels now saying to people on this planet, everyday angels are saying to all people, “Wrong, wrong, wrong.” All states are doing wrong. To all people, the angels are saying, “Wrong, wrong, wrong.” They are fighting each other and they are killing each other, giving trouble to each other for what? For a very short time. They are never asking something for eternity, therefore they say, “Wrong, wrong, wrong.” Ask eternity from your most glorious One, from your Lord. Ask eternal life. Run, O People after eternity. Don’t run for a short life and its pleasures. My age going up, up, up, I remember when I was five years old, it has past away, now I don’t know how much time there is for me to stay with you. May Allah forgive us for the honor of His most honored one, for the honor of Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad. Fatihah. (stands and sits) Put your hands (baya`) shoulder to shoulder. Allah thabitna `ala al-haqq. (Mawlana! We love you very much, all of Russia, Moldavia and Ukraine; we love you very much and we wish you a long life.) Good health, long life will stop, that is why we have been ordered to ask for Eternity. Eternal life, pure life, clean life, wholly-enlightened life, never-ending life, never-ending pleasure, never-ending pleasement, never- ending satisfaction, never-ending love, never-ending Beauty Oceans! Pray for me. I am accepting all of you. I am happy with you. I apologize that I am now old and weak, I am not like before to look after you as it is necessary. Therefore, I apologize that you are coming from long distances and you are carrying hardship. (It is big happiness for us to come!) Alhamdulillah, sending all of you to a weak servant, Allah is blessing you, your descendants, and your ancestors. Fatihah. (Mawlana, here are some presents, sheepskin slippers and jacket.) If I come to Ukraine wearing this, you will not recognise me! (laughter) I will come at night. “Ibrahim” is an honoured name; Allah gave that name to his servant and prophet, Ibrahim. (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:40:16
10017 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhenAngelsSpeak
(These brothers are asking for names.) “Ishaq” is a prophet’s name, a strong name. This one also powerful one, Isma`eel. Sayyidina Dauod use to make his hand like this and things would go like that! Moldavian (Romanian) origin is from Turks. (Mawlana Shaykh recites a wedding blessing and instructs the newlyweds.) Keep her good, keep him good and don’t pour water on his head when you are angry! (Mawlana Shaykh blesses water.) I don’t like plastic things; when you are going to your homes put in a glass bottle. I have been in Moldavia, so beautiful a country with forest and good-blessing smells. Yes, I was there about one week and I met so many people. Allah, Allah. Allah, Allah. But in some forests was written, “Caution: Bears!” Thank you, my daughter (who translated for the group). Pray for me, pray for me. Lefke, 15.05.2011
WebSufiLive, CategoryAngel, CategoryRussia, CategoryEternity (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:40:16
10018 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhenAPersonGettingOlder
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WhenAPersonGettingOlder
When a person getting older, getting inside narrow
When a person getting older, getting inside narrow. Young people's ways is to say :'I don't care'. Now whole new generation just trained or