Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (719/777)
n, dann solche, die Silber-, Kupfer-, Eisen-, Blechwert haben. Gold fault nicht, rostet nicht hat man schon einmal gehört, daß Gold rostet? Auch nach Millionen von Jahren bleibt Gold als Gold erhalten Gold vergeht nicht. So ist es auch mit den Menschen, die Goldwert haben: Auch sie faulen nicht. Dies sind die Propheten und Heiligen, selbst wenn sie zehntausend Jahre in der Erde liegen, verwesen sie nicht, wie das Gold. Solche, (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:39:47
9895 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WertDesGoldes
die den Wert von Blech haben, fangen nach ein paar Jahren an zu rosten und werden, wie auch Blech selbst, wieder zu Erde. Der Mensch liebt aber das Silber und das Gold, weil er weiß, daß sie nicht an Wert verlieren, daß sie unerreicht sind. Das Fallen und Steigen der Aktien an der Börse ist nur ein Spiel, das zählt nicht, weil sie mit Papieren spielen. Wenn das Gold steigt, fallen die Aktien, aber Gold behält immer seinen Wert. Wenn du also dein Leben in dieser Welt darauf verwendest, Papiergeld anzuhäufen, bedeutet das, daß dein Verstand schwach ist, denn Papiergeld kann an einem Tag, über Nacht seinen Wert verlieren. Plötzlich heißt es eines Morgens: Das bisher gültige Geld ist heute nicht mehr gültig. Du kannst dann nichts mehr dafür kaufen und nichts davon verkaufen; wie anders, wenn du Gold hast. Darum gleicht alles, was du für diese Welt erwirbst, dem Papiergeld, das du anhäufst. Und was du für das Jenseits vorbereitest, gleicht dem Gold und dem Silber. Wenn man dich mit Gold und Silber zusammen ins Grab legt, werden diese noch am Jüngsten Tag bei dir sein, sie verwesen nicht; legt man dir aber Papiergeld hinein, so ist dies am nächsten Tag schon verfault. Wichtig daran ist, zu verstehen, daß ein verstandesbegabter Mensch nicht Dingen hinterherläuft, die vergehen und verrotten, sondern Dinge sucht, die unvergänglich und ewig sind und die Bestand haben. Des Gläubigen Handeln ist fest begründet, er sagt: "Ich suche nach Gold, ich suche Diamanten, Rubine, das ist meine Sache vielleicht finde ich einen Rubin, damit bin ich fürs ganze Leben versorgt; vielleicht finde ich einen Brillianten, so ein Schatz reicht mir bis zum Ende der Welt.„ Die Welt steuert gerade auf den Nullpunkt zu, man zählt rückwärts auf Null zu, auf die letzte Station zu. Das Jenseits kommt uns von Tag zu Tag näher, die letzte Station der diesseitigen Welt ist der Beginn der Jenseitigen. Sobald du den ersten Schritt ins Jenseits tust, wirst du gefragt werden: "Was hast du von hier an Gold und Silber mitgebracht? Was hast du an Taten vollbracht, die dir hier im Jenseits nutzen?„ Dies ist die Propaganda, die wir der Propaganda des Teufels entgegensetzen, Shaitan will euch betrügen, wir aber wollen die Wahrheit sagen. Doch die Menschen von schwachem Verstand lassen sich von Shaitan irreführen und hören nicht auf die Wahrheit. Bemüht euch stärker um das Jenseits, denn die Entfernung bis dahin ist geringer geworden. Soweit wir wissen, wird das einundzwanzigste Jahrhundert nicht vollendet werden, das zweiundzwanzigste Jahrhundert wird es nicht geben. Ein jeder suche für sich das zu holen, was festen Bestand hat, er verschwende sich nicht im Streben nach dieser Welt, die zugrunde gehen wird. Denn die Welt strebt dem Nullpunkt zu, und das Jenseits wird beginnen. Es geht auf die Ewigkeit zu. Man spricht von Wegkreuzungen: (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:39:47
9896 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WertDesGoldes
Die Wege laufen an einem Punkt zusammen, dem Nullpunkt, dann weiten sie sich und laufen wieder auseinander. Wir sind hier, nahe dem Nullpunkt, der Kreuzung. Wenn wir den Nullpunkt überwunden haben, weitet es sich wieder, bis in alle Ewigkeit. Jetzt schließt sich alles um uns, wir laufen wie von draußen nach drinnen hinein. Langsam zieht sich die Weite des Da-draußen immer mehr zusammen, Stück für Stück wird es langsam immer enger, bis wir am Nullpunkt angekommen sind. Doch wenn wir diesen überschritten haben, beginnt es sich wieder auszuweiten, in alle Ewigkeit, nie wieder wird es dann einen Nullpunkt geben. In mathematischen Worten ausgedrückt: Man stelle sich ein X vor, die Linien laufen zusammen, kreuzen sich am Nullpunkt und laufen dann ins Unendliche auseinander. Darum sprechen wir von der Ewigkeit, der Unendlichkeit. Darin gibt es kein Ende, keinen Nullpunkt. Hier erreichen wir nach dreißig,vierzig, hundert Jahren den Nullpunkt, wenn wir den jedoch überschritten haben und auf der anderen Seite weitergehen, dann geht es ewig, unendlich weiter, nichts hält mehr auf, nichts hält zurück. So lehrt uns Allah der Erhabene, das Leben in dieser Welt geht zu Ende, und wenn ihr diesen letzten Punkt in dieser Welt hinter euch gelassen habt, dann geht es hinein ins ewige Leben, in die Unendlichkeit. So ist die Bedeutung von "kullu nafsin dhaiqatu l-maut„, "jede Seele wird den Tod kosten„, daß jede Existenz auf Null gebracht werden wird danach beginnt das jenseitige Leben. Da gibt es kein Gedränge, keine Enge, kein Hindernis: Es geht weiter und weiter bis in alle Ewigkeit, Endlosigkeit. Ebedi, sermedi "Sermedi„ ist eine Steigerung von "Ebedi„, beides heißt "Ewigkeit„. Wir schreiten ewig weiter, darum fürchtet euch nicht vor dem Tod. Denn du gehst auf einen Nullpunkt zu, den du überquerst, wonach sich vor dir alle Ewigkeit auftut und weitet. Aber an diesem Punkt müssen wir natürlich vorbei, darum heißt es, "Jede Seele wird den Tod kosten„, d. h. an den Nullpunkt gelangen. Dort ist nichts: Null, keine Anhäufung, das ist die Bedeutung von Null. Danach erst kommt die Öffnung, die Weitung. Allâh, Allâh... Auf jener Seite werdet ihr das ewige Königreich erleben, das unendliche Reich Allahs.Wir sind in nur einem kleinen Punkt von ihm enthalten. Dort werden wir die Herrlichkeit eines einzigen Punktes in Seinem Ewigen Reich erkennen, und wir werden Ihn in seiner unermeßlichen Weite nicht erfassen, nicht messen können. Die Majestät Allahs, das Entstehen Seiner Größe keiner kann es begreifen, unmöglich verstehen. Er wird dir die unfaßbare Größe zeigen, die einem winzigen Korn Seines Reiches innewohnt, und dich in diese Unendlichkeit eintauchen lassen. Allah, Allah ... Allâhu Akbar. Lefke, 14.10.1998 (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:39:47
9897 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WertDesGoldes
CategoryEconomy (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:39:47
9898 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeStandForOurProphets
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WeStandForOurProphets
We Stand for Our Prophet (s)!
Dastoor yaa Sayyidee, madad yaa RijaalAllah. Laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billahi ‘l-`Aliyyi ‘l-`Azheem. (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar la ilaaha illa-Llah, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, wa lillahi ‘l-hamd! Alfu salaat, alfu salaam ala Sayyidi ‘l-awwaleen wa ’l-aakhireen, habeeba Rabbi 'l-`alameen wa man taba`hu mina 'l-mumimeen wa 'l-muwahhideen ila yawmi 'd-deen. Marhaban, marhaban. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajeem. Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmaani ‘r-Raheem. Madad yaa RijaalAllah, madad yaa Sultan al-Awliya. We are asking heavenly support for this humble meeting. We must ask always a support. Really, when heavenly support just left a person, falling down, just battery finished. Now we are asking some special support. There is one common support that is supporting the master of this world, qutb. He is responsible for every living one in this world, on this planet. One kind of support is an ordinary support that everyone is granted, even ants, even bacterias, even virus; they must have a support, because impossible for anything to be in this world without any support. They must be supported, then they come in life. (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:39:48
9899 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeStandForOurProphets
Everything is understanding and knowing Who created them, Who granted them to come into existence, and virus is something that is in existence; it can’t be by itself (existing), that is impossible. Qaim bi-dhaatihi, Who is in Existence Only by Himself is Allah Almighty (swt). (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Subhaan sen yaa Rabb, Sultaan sen yaa Rabb. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) He is not in need of any support. If He needs support His supporters must be more powerful than Him; therefore, that stopping there. Everything reaching to that point and no more, no way for them for understanding. Everything is in limits for knowing their Creator. Everything is His Creation, from pre-Eternal up to Eternal creating, and who is created is knowing Who created them. Only heedless Mankind that they are not thinking on it, therefore their levels now going down, deeper, coming down, coming down. Even a virus is knowing Who bringing them into existence. And a man not knowing. How it can be? Their levels going to be under the level of a virus. And they are knowing about their Creator and giving their most high respects according to their levels, they are granting or asking to grant to their Creator highest glorifying, tasbeeh. Asta`eenu billah: wa in min shayin illa yusabihoo bihamdih. There is not a thing but celebrates His praise; And yet ye understand not how they declare His glory! (17:44) Shayin means “everything”, even most smallest one must know and must give his most high glorifying to that One who bringing them in existence. But shame or blame on Mankind that they are living on this planet, on Earth, on this world, and they are not coming to grant their most high glorifying to Who is bringing them in existence! Blame, blame, endless blame on those people! We are asking, O our Lord, don’t make ourselves to be such heedless beings! This world created for Man and they are not thinking on it, Who created them on this planet and granting to them countless enjoyment with everything? They may reach and they may taste from everything such an enjoyment, such a pleasure, such a happiness. Everything in nature, they are saying “nature,” everything on this planet and through its nature, everything has just been ordered, “O whole Creation on this planet! You have been ordered to grant to that one who was created and he is symbolizing the Creator! Who he is representing, the Creator of this universe, He is granting to you such an honor that He created everything around yourself, on yourself, under yourself! He is granting to you, and His grants is glory for you and you (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:39:48
9900 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeStandForOurProphets
are dirty ones, not thinking on it to say, ‘You created us and our countless, our endless, our highest glorifying to You.’” (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) O our Lord, Allahu akbar al-akbar! Yaa Allah, yaa Allah! (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) It is biggest blame for Mankind they are preventing even to speak His Holy Name, “Allah Almighty”. They are preventing not to be said, not to be used through their languages, not to be used through their teachings, not to be reminded through universities, colleges and academies. That is biggest blame on Mankind whom they are living through 21st century; whole blame on them! O our Lord, don’t make us from those people! We are leaving them and we are so unhappy from them! We never like them, O our Lord! Who they are not giving their highest glorifying to You, we are not accepting! Even a virus is giving through its capacity, tasbeeh, glorification for its Creator. Everything that created must have a creator; a creature without a creator can’t be. If I am saying this, just here no one making this (no one else is saying). (Mawlana points to camera) people saying, “You are foolish, you must be taken to mental house.” And everything in science that their knowledge is reaching, everything they have a kind of life, everything in existence are living they are living ones. Can’t be a dead one, but they are living ones. Dead ones going to be like Earth, rocks, sands, but other things you can’t say “dead ones.” Even sands and rocks and gigantic mountains and endless Oceans they are knowing that they are creatures, just had been created by the Creator. They are knowing and saying “subhaanAllah, subhaanAllah, subhaanAllah.” O Mankind! Who are living through 21st century, we are saying what are you doing? Dhaalika mablaghahum min al-`ilm. That is as far as knowledge will reach them. (53:30) O Salafi `ulamas, why are you not opening your mouths, why are you not tableegh, informing people in such a way to understand whom they are and Who bringing them from nothing to be something?! From death valleys, bringing you to life, full waadis (fertile valleys). Why you are not saying? You knowing only to say as- salaat wa 's-salaam bud`a, “Salawaat is bida`.” Huh!? You know only this, to stand in front of muwaajahatu 'sh-shareefah and to address to Rasoolullahi, Sayyidina Muhammad. (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) As-salaat wa 's-salaam `alayk yaa Sayyidi ‘l-awwaleen wa’l-aakhireen (s). (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:39:48
9901 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeStandForOurProphets
(Mawlana Shaykh sits.) You are knowing only to say bida`, bida`, haraam. Allah Almighty giving highest respect to that one and you say, when we are saying, As-salaat wa-salaam `alayka, yaa Sayyidi ‘l-awwaleen wa’l-aakhireen. (They say) haadha buda`, where is your (proof)? haatoo burhanakum, bring forth your proof. (2:111) Al-halaalu bayyin wa 'l-haraamu bayyin, "The Permitted is clear and forbidden is clear.” Where is your proof? Say! Or a day is coming that your mouths are coming together and you can’t speak until you say, As-salaat wa-salaam yaa Sayyidi ‘l-awwaleen wa’l-aakhireen yaa Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! Allah Almighty saying for the Seal of Prophets (s), “You are only mundhir, warner.” Yeah, nothing you may warn people, but don’t bring something from tilqaa anfusakaum, haadha halaal wa haadha haraam, haram Allah. Allah preventing that, (so) don’t say if you don’t have more than proof, burhaan, if you don’t have evidence don’t say that is haraam. Why haraam? If haraam, giving trouble to that person or to others, what is haraam. That is main reason that Allah Almighty prevented making it haraam, because it is harming people. Therefore, Allah Almighty saying, “Everything that harms you, just I prevented it.” What harming coming if you are saying as-salaat wa-salaam yaa Sayyidee, yaa Rasulallah. What harm coming? And Allah Almighty bidh-dhaat, by Himself, He is saying I am giving my respect to Muhammad (s). Mawlana stands... Allah, Allah, Inna Allaha wa mala`ikatahu yusaloona `ala an-nabi. Allah yusalli `ala an-nabi. (...) (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Allah Almighty giving His high respect to say, “Muhammad ....” (Mawlana stands, then sits.) .... and you are saying it is bida` (innovation), it is kufr (unbelief), it is haraam (forbidden)? Haatoo burhanukum, Bring your proofs, and if not, I don’t think you may reach the end of this month or next month! Allah Almighty is getting His divinely anger on those who are not believing in His representative, Sayyidina Muhammad (s) ..... (Mawlana stands.) ... A thousand times I may stand up for the honor of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) ..... (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) .... Just reported through history of mulook, kings, that Sultan Ahmad that built the Blue Mosque in Istanbul, and he was sultan bahrayn wa 'l-barrayn, hakkan sultan, saying whole barriyah, continents and oceans, Allah (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:39:48
9902 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeStandForOurProphets
granted to them such an honor, such a greatness, that whole non-Muslim world they were trembling from haybat as-salaateen, that greatness dressed them. Now Turkey taking them away from their country, from their lands, no value now. But Ottomans, up to end at the beginning of 20th century, whole world was trembling from their greatness. Now they left it, they sent away and what happened, you know and they know also. That one Sultan Ahmad, Allah grants him Jannat al-Firdaws, was sitting on `Arsh al-Mamlakaat, his throne, and anyone anytime saying the name of the Seal of the Prophets (s), he was standing up for honor of Sayyidina Muhammad (s).... (Mawlana stands, then sits.) ..... Anyone said holy name of Sayyidina Rasoolullah (s), he was standing up and sitting, even hundred times, he was standing hundred times and sitting. What they are doing now, Salafi `ulama? At the time of salateen (kings) no `ulama. If it was haraam or bud`a why they are not saying? Their `ulamas just filled hundreds of libraries for their knowledge that they are taking from Holy Qur’an and holy hadith of Rasoolullah (s), why they are not saying, “You are wrong, don’t stand up.” Yaa Salafi `ulamas. If Jalalatul-malik comes you are sitting or standing up? Standing up. Even jalaalat al-malik (His Majesty the King) `AbdAllah, ayyadahullah, bi iqaam sha`air al-islam hunaa wa hunaak (May Allah support him, for his raising up the signs of Islam, here and there) we are happy with him. If jalaalat al-malik yatla` wa yarja`, even if going out and coming back, even ten times or twenty times, you are going to sit here? Never. What about if Sultan Ahmad only stand up for his (s) holy name? For his holy name may be standing up. If making sajdah it is wrong? Above your knowledge, it is haraam sajda li ghayrillah. Do you think that in existence anyone’s existence? Do you think that anywhere there is not the Creator? Who teaching you such a things? Don’t say "This is halaal and this is haraam." That is halaal bayyin, it is so clear. O People! O muda`ee, claimers that you now everything and others not knowing, you are on wrong way. Fourteen centuries whole Islamic world giving their most high respect, most respected creature that the Lord of Heavens created. Why you are not giving respect? Hadith you are reading, but not understanding. (Is it) not from Sunnah, Ta`dheem dhi 'l-shaybah ("the one possessed of grey hair", the esteem of the elder)? (If it is for) dhi 'l-shaybah, is it ok. Rajul kabeer fi 's-sin (an elderly man), to stand up, it is your good adab. And say another hadith "kabbir, kabbir" or "kabbir, kubbar!" You know the hadith? They must know "kabbir!" As much as you are giving a greatness to someone, you (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:39:48
9903 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeStandForOurProphets
should be granted a greatness also. And O Salafi `ulamas, what is your opinion if we are going to say, Man just representing the Lord of Heavens? It is wrong? If it is wrong, we are saying that you never understanding anything! If everyone representing their Creator, what about the Seal of Prophets (s)? By himself he was representing himself? Can’t be! Can’t be! How a person representing himself? Must represent someone else. And who representing Allah Almighty? That one that you are saying, don’t say as-salaatu wa 's-salaamu `alayk. What is that jahaalat, ignorance from you? Makes something and speak to people on the level that they are understanding. They are not such a person to reach up a little bit from the level of `amata 'n-naas. What you are saying only for `amata 'n-naas, for common people, but you are claiming that you are representing highest level of people. Please fahimhum, make them to understand. Therefore, may Allah forgive us. That is important, coming to speak to you. I don’t know, but they are preparing and my tongue speaking to you. I am not sitting whole day and writing, no. Waaridaat. You know the meaning of waaridaat, heavenly inspirations, heavenly transmission, irtibaat, heavenly connection. I don’t know if you are believing in heavenly connection. If you are saying “no” that means you are going to deny wahiy, revelation. Because wahiy from heavens coming. If it is true for one, maybe for others, but not same, because everyone they have special level, according to their levels, that revelation coming from heavens, coming to that one. Therefore the Seal of Prophets (s) always in connection with heavenly ones or he is in connection with the Creator of whole Creation. May Allah forgives us. O People! Try to understand some meanings through Holy Qur’an and holy hadith. This you are in need because we are in need to be enlightened, and enlightedness coming from heavens. If you are not accepting, you are cutting the way for heavenly lights to come to you and you are always going to be through darkness of this material world, and you are going to enjoy yourselves through some material aspects. It is all of them useless for heavens! Try to reach something that makes you to be more closer from Divinely Presence. May Allah forgives us. O People! We are tiring, but we are asking. Perhaps such a talks or teachings may be sometimes for people who do not understand something, but we must try. A small one can’t understand what is the first “alif”, and second “ba” and third “ceh” (alphabet), but he may learn; his teacher may teach him. And so many may learn through someones that they are knowing that secret power, or whom they have that secret power to reach to people’s good understanding. If you are blocking your hearts, even Prophet (s) can’t (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:39:48
9904 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeStandForOurProphets
do. Because Jewish people were saying, quloobuna ghulf, “Our hearts are blocked.” What it means is an ocean and we are leaving that, but Jewish people were saying to Prophet (s), “Our hearts just blocked, as much as you are saying we are not listening and if listening no accepting or listening and can’t understanding; blocked.” So many people their hearts just locked. I am asking forgiveness from Allah Almighty (for) my heart not to be closed down, locked down. Istaghfirullah tubtu wa raja`tu ill-Allah. Anta Rabbee, Anta Hasbee, yaa Jaleel. Yaa Allah arzuqna `ilman nafi`an, anta `aliman bi jaahi man anzalta `alayhi Surat al-Fatihah. (45 minutes) Dome dome, dome dome, dome dome, dome dome 4x Fatihah. Lefke, 20.01.2010
WebSufiLive, CategoryTurkey, CategoryMuhammad, CategoryRevelation, CategoryHeart (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:39:48
9905 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WesternHeartsAttractedToOrient
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WesternHeartsAttractedToOrient
Western People Hearts Attracted to the Orient
Dastoor. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Rabbuna'Llah, Hasbuna'Llah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhaan Allah, Subhaan Allah, Subhaan Allah, Sultaan Allah. Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illa-Llah wahdahu laa shareeka lah wa nash-hadu anna Sayyidina wa sanadana wa mawlana Muhammadan`abduhu wa habeebuhu wa rasooluh (s). Allahumma thabitnaa `ala 'l-Haqq! Allahumma thabitnaa `ala 'l-Haqq! Rabbana laa tuzigh quloobana ba`da idh hadaytana wa-hab lanaa min ladunka rahmatan innaka `anta al-Wahhab. Zid habeebika `izzan wa sharafan nooran wa surooran, ridwaana wa sultaana. Yaa Rabb faktub shahadatana `indak. Yaa Rabbi 'l-`alameen. Thumma as-salamu `alaykum yaa `ibaadAllah as-saaliheen alladheena yatabi`oon an-nabiyyi 'l ummee Sayyidi 'l-Awwaleen wa ’l- `Akhireen. Ameen, ameen. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) We know nothing, O our Lord. We are asking to know, to learn and to give our highest glorifying to Your Heavenly Presence. And we are saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. We are running from (1 von 8)04.07.2013 23:39:49
9906 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WesternHeartsAttractedToOrient
Shaytan and from its trips and traps that it is putting everywhere to prevent us from our main important aim that we have been ordered to be obedient servants. And just we gave our oath on the Day of Promises that we will be His servants. And we gave our oath also that we are going to be the best ones at keeping our oath. O Salafi `ulamas! Listen to what they are making a weak servant to address people. As Sayyidina Sulayman (a) listened to the announcement of an ant, he was hearing, and listening. Say you are like gigantic ones, and who is speaking here is like an ant or under the level of a ant, but you must take care. You must take care and you must give special attention, because as the Lord of Heavens is saying: (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Antaqa'nallahu 'Lladhee antaqa kulla shay. They will say: "(Allah) hath given us speech,- (He) Who gives speech to everything. (41:21) (Mawlana Shaykh sits) That means, Hisham Effendi, they must give a value or special attention to what such a weak servant is saying. Yes, if you are giving attention, you are going to be granted from heavenly lights to your hearts. Those heavenly lights are showing to you about everything on this planet. You can look in a second if you have been granted heavenly lights. You can look throughout the east and west, you can look in oceans and continents, everywhere, and those heavenly lights are enough to show you instantly because heavenly lights are not the lights we are using on Earth, no! One ray is enough to show everything with their real beings, not only outlooking, no. That heavenly ray may show what they contain from heavenly realities, and that is a grant from the Lord of Heavens to His real servants. Yes. May Allah forgive us for our bad manners. May Allah forgive us! Bad manners are going to be veils putting us in a dark situation everywhere. We are trying to get out, but we can't find a way because our egos are insisting not to accept heavenly lightening, saying, “We are not in need of heavenly lights. We are reaching for everything's real being with our technology through which we are finding so many kinds of lights. We must keep those lights to reach realities!” It is fully foolishness from scientists, from doctors, and from academist people, fully foolishness! By yourself you can’t reach any aspect, no. If you are saying, “We don’t need to take a plane to go from England to US,” that is fully foolishness! We must use some special means for reaching (2 von 8)04.07.2013 23:39:49
9907 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WesternHeartsAttractedToOrient
from London to US. If you are refusing a waasitah, intercessor, that means you are in the darkness of this life and nothing is reaching you. There is a center, and coming this power. And if anyone is asking something beyond our lives, they must use something else because material means can't be able to take Man's mentality from Earth to unknown worlds or towards unknown territories. Yes. If you are not using such power, leave Heavens and heavenly beings, you can't reach the real position of a leaf on a tree. If you are putting it under a microscope, it is showing you a bacteria, but you may only look at it but you can't know the real position for it. And there is virus that you can't see under the most powerful microscope, but you are feeling. And feelings are never getting to show you a power.Therefore, we must believe beyond our senses some other senses that are supported by unseen territories. If there are unseen creatures that now technologia or scientists' knowledge is reaching, reaching, reaching and saying, "We are feeling." They are using feelings. Why are they using feelings? Because you can't reach to six senses, saying ,"It is beyond our sensing." That is the biggest balaa, cursing for scientists, academists, `ulamas, scholars, because they are not coming to ask that in existence, “How can we reach to that new, ordinary beings?” It is not an old Creation; a new Creation is coming. Why are they not taking care to say our feelings are showing us the existence of a virus? Ask that one, “We are giving a name to you, 'virus'. Are you accepting?" But all scientists are saying “virus” and they have such a terrible power showing, making all science and technology trembling from them.Who is giving that power? Why are you not asking? Why are you saying, “nature.” If you believe in nature, ask it, “What is that one?” But you are saying, “Our feelings are saying about that, but we can’t reach.” If you are believing, ask your master if believing in nature. We are not
n, dann solche, die Silber-, Kupfer-, Eisen-, Blechwert haben. Gold fault nicht, rostet nicht hat man schon einmal gehört, daß Gold rostet? Auch nach Millionen von Jahren bleibt Gold als Gold erhalten Gold vergeht nicht. So ist es auch mit den Menschen, die Goldwert haben: Auch sie faulen nicht. Dies sind die Propheten und Heiligen, selbst wenn sie zehntausend Jahre in der Erde liegen, verwesen sie nicht, wie das Gold. Solche, (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:39:47
9895 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WertDesGoldes
die den Wert von Blech haben, fangen nach ein paar Jahren an zu rosten und werden, wie auch Blech selbst, wieder zu Erde. Der Mensch liebt aber das Silber und das Gold, weil er weiß, daß sie nicht an Wert verlieren, daß sie unerreicht sind. Das Fallen und Steigen der Aktien an der Börse ist nur ein Spiel, das zählt nicht, weil sie mit Papieren spielen. Wenn das Gold steigt, fallen die Aktien, aber Gold behält immer seinen Wert. Wenn du also dein Leben in dieser Welt darauf verwendest, Papiergeld anzuhäufen, bedeutet das, daß dein Verstand schwach ist, denn Papiergeld kann an einem Tag, über Nacht seinen Wert verlieren. Plötzlich heißt es eines Morgens: Das bisher gültige Geld ist heute nicht mehr gültig. Du kannst dann nichts mehr dafür kaufen und nichts davon verkaufen; wie anders, wenn du Gold hast. Darum gleicht alles, was du für diese Welt erwirbst, dem Papiergeld, das du anhäufst. Und was du für das Jenseits vorbereitest, gleicht dem Gold und dem Silber. Wenn man dich mit Gold und Silber zusammen ins Grab legt, werden diese noch am Jüngsten Tag bei dir sein, sie verwesen nicht; legt man dir aber Papiergeld hinein, so ist dies am nächsten Tag schon verfault. Wichtig daran ist, zu verstehen, daß ein verstandesbegabter Mensch nicht Dingen hinterherläuft, die vergehen und verrotten, sondern Dinge sucht, die unvergänglich und ewig sind und die Bestand haben. Des Gläubigen Handeln ist fest begründet, er sagt: "Ich suche nach Gold, ich suche Diamanten, Rubine, das ist meine Sache vielleicht finde ich einen Rubin, damit bin ich fürs ganze Leben versorgt; vielleicht finde ich einen Brillianten, so ein Schatz reicht mir bis zum Ende der Welt.„ Die Welt steuert gerade auf den Nullpunkt zu, man zählt rückwärts auf Null zu, auf die letzte Station zu. Das Jenseits kommt uns von Tag zu Tag näher, die letzte Station der diesseitigen Welt ist der Beginn der Jenseitigen. Sobald du den ersten Schritt ins Jenseits tust, wirst du gefragt werden: "Was hast du von hier an Gold und Silber mitgebracht? Was hast du an Taten vollbracht, die dir hier im Jenseits nutzen?„ Dies ist die Propaganda, die wir der Propaganda des Teufels entgegensetzen, Shaitan will euch betrügen, wir aber wollen die Wahrheit sagen. Doch die Menschen von schwachem Verstand lassen sich von Shaitan irreführen und hören nicht auf die Wahrheit. Bemüht euch stärker um das Jenseits, denn die Entfernung bis dahin ist geringer geworden. Soweit wir wissen, wird das einundzwanzigste Jahrhundert nicht vollendet werden, das zweiundzwanzigste Jahrhundert wird es nicht geben. Ein jeder suche für sich das zu holen, was festen Bestand hat, er verschwende sich nicht im Streben nach dieser Welt, die zugrunde gehen wird. Denn die Welt strebt dem Nullpunkt zu, und das Jenseits wird beginnen. Es geht auf die Ewigkeit zu. Man spricht von Wegkreuzungen: (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:39:47
9896 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WertDesGoldes
Die Wege laufen an einem Punkt zusammen, dem Nullpunkt, dann weiten sie sich und laufen wieder auseinander. Wir sind hier, nahe dem Nullpunkt, der Kreuzung. Wenn wir den Nullpunkt überwunden haben, weitet es sich wieder, bis in alle Ewigkeit. Jetzt schließt sich alles um uns, wir laufen wie von draußen nach drinnen hinein. Langsam zieht sich die Weite des Da-draußen immer mehr zusammen, Stück für Stück wird es langsam immer enger, bis wir am Nullpunkt angekommen sind. Doch wenn wir diesen überschritten haben, beginnt es sich wieder auszuweiten, in alle Ewigkeit, nie wieder wird es dann einen Nullpunkt geben. In mathematischen Worten ausgedrückt: Man stelle sich ein X vor, die Linien laufen zusammen, kreuzen sich am Nullpunkt und laufen dann ins Unendliche auseinander. Darum sprechen wir von der Ewigkeit, der Unendlichkeit. Darin gibt es kein Ende, keinen Nullpunkt. Hier erreichen wir nach dreißig,vierzig, hundert Jahren den Nullpunkt, wenn wir den jedoch überschritten haben und auf der anderen Seite weitergehen, dann geht es ewig, unendlich weiter, nichts hält mehr auf, nichts hält zurück. So lehrt uns Allah der Erhabene, das Leben in dieser Welt geht zu Ende, und wenn ihr diesen letzten Punkt in dieser Welt hinter euch gelassen habt, dann geht es hinein ins ewige Leben, in die Unendlichkeit. So ist die Bedeutung von "kullu nafsin dhaiqatu l-maut„, "jede Seele wird den Tod kosten„, daß jede Existenz auf Null gebracht werden wird danach beginnt das jenseitige Leben. Da gibt es kein Gedränge, keine Enge, kein Hindernis: Es geht weiter und weiter bis in alle Ewigkeit, Endlosigkeit. Ebedi, sermedi "Sermedi„ ist eine Steigerung von "Ebedi„, beides heißt "Ewigkeit„. Wir schreiten ewig weiter, darum fürchtet euch nicht vor dem Tod. Denn du gehst auf einen Nullpunkt zu, den du überquerst, wonach sich vor dir alle Ewigkeit auftut und weitet. Aber an diesem Punkt müssen wir natürlich vorbei, darum heißt es, "Jede Seele wird den Tod kosten„, d. h. an den Nullpunkt gelangen. Dort ist nichts: Null, keine Anhäufung, das ist die Bedeutung von Null. Danach erst kommt die Öffnung, die Weitung. Allâh, Allâh... Auf jener Seite werdet ihr das ewige Königreich erleben, das unendliche Reich Allahs.Wir sind in nur einem kleinen Punkt von ihm enthalten. Dort werden wir die Herrlichkeit eines einzigen Punktes in Seinem Ewigen Reich erkennen, und wir werden Ihn in seiner unermeßlichen Weite nicht erfassen, nicht messen können. Die Majestät Allahs, das Entstehen Seiner Größe keiner kann es begreifen, unmöglich verstehen. Er wird dir die unfaßbare Größe zeigen, die einem winzigen Korn Seines Reiches innewohnt, und dich in diese Unendlichkeit eintauchen lassen. Allah, Allah ... Allâhu Akbar. Lefke, 14.10.1998 (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:39:47
9897 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WertDesGoldes
CategoryEconomy (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:39:47
9898 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeStandForOurProphets
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WeStandForOurProphets
We Stand for Our Prophet (s)!
Dastoor yaa Sayyidee, madad yaa RijaalAllah. Laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billahi ‘l-`Aliyyi ‘l-`Azheem. (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar la ilaaha illa-Llah, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, wa lillahi ‘l-hamd! Alfu salaat, alfu salaam ala Sayyidi ‘l-awwaleen wa ’l-aakhireen, habeeba Rabbi 'l-`alameen wa man taba`hu mina 'l-mumimeen wa 'l-muwahhideen ila yawmi 'd-deen. Marhaban, marhaban. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajeem. Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmaani ‘r-Raheem. Madad yaa RijaalAllah, madad yaa Sultan al-Awliya. We are asking heavenly support for this humble meeting. We must ask always a support. Really, when heavenly support just left a person, falling down, just battery finished. Now we are asking some special support. There is one common support that is supporting the master of this world, qutb. He is responsible for every living one in this world, on this planet. One kind of support is an ordinary support that everyone is granted, even ants, even bacterias, even virus; they must have a support, because impossible for anything to be in this world without any support. They must be supported, then they come in life. (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:39:48
9899 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeStandForOurProphets
Everything is understanding and knowing Who created them, Who granted them to come into existence, and virus is something that is in existence; it can’t be by itself (existing), that is impossible. Qaim bi-dhaatihi, Who is in Existence Only by Himself is Allah Almighty (swt). (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Subhaan sen yaa Rabb, Sultaan sen yaa Rabb. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) He is not in need of any support. If He needs support His supporters must be more powerful than Him; therefore, that stopping there. Everything reaching to that point and no more, no way for them for understanding. Everything is in limits for knowing their Creator. Everything is His Creation, from pre-Eternal up to Eternal creating, and who is created is knowing Who created them. Only heedless Mankind that they are not thinking on it, therefore their levels now going down, deeper, coming down, coming down. Even a virus is knowing Who bringing them into existence. And a man not knowing. How it can be? Their levels going to be under the level of a virus. And they are knowing about their Creator and giving their most high respects according to their levels, they are granting or asking to grant to their Creator highest glorifying, tasbeeh. Asta`eenu billah: wa in min shayin illa yusabihoo bihamdih. There is not a thing but celebrates His praise; And yet ye understand not how they declare His glory! (17:44) Shayin means “everything”, even most smallest one must know and must give his most high glorifying to that One who bringing them in existence. But shame or blame on Mankind that they are living on this planet, on Earth, on this world, and they are not coming to grant their most high glorifying to Who is bringing them in existence! Blame, blame, endless blame on those people! We are asking, O our Lord, don’t make ourselves to be such heedless beings! This world created for Man and they are not thinking on it, Who created them on this planet and granting to them countless enjoyment with everything? They may reach and they may taste from everything such an enjoyment, such a pleasure, such a happiness. Everything in nature, they are saying “nature,” everything on this planet and through its nature, everything has just been ordered, “O whole Creation on this planet! You have been ordered to grant to that one who was created and he is symbolizing the Creator! Who he is representing, the Creator of this universe, He is granting to you such an honor that He created everything around yourself, on yourself, under yourself! He is granting to you, and His grants is glory for you and you (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:39:48
9900 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeStandForOurProphets
are dirty ones, not thinking on it to say, ‘You created us and our countless, our endless, our highest glorifying to You.’” (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) O our Lord, Allahu akbar al-akbar! Yaa Allah, yaa Allah! (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) It is biggest blame for Mankind they are preventing even to speak His Holy Name, “Allah Almighty”. They are preventing not to be said, not to be used through their languages, not to be used through their teachings, not to be reminded through universities, colleges and academies. That is biggest blame on Mankind whom they are living through 21st century; whole blame on them! O our Lord, don’t make us from those people! We are leaving them and we are so unhappy from them! We never like them, O our Lord! Who they are not giving their highest glorifying to You, we are not accepting! Even a virus is giving through its capacity, tasbeeh, glorification for its Creator. Everything that created must have a creator; a creature without a creator can’t be. If I am saying this, just here no one making this (no one else is saying). (Mawlana points to camera) people saying, “You are foolish, you must be taken to mental house.” And everything in science that their knowledge is reaching, everything they have a kind of life, everything in existence are living they are living ones. Can’t be a dead one, but they are living ones. Dead ones going to be like Earth, rocks, sands, but other things you can’t say “dead ones.” Even sands and rocks and gigantic mountains and endless Oceans they are knowing that they are creatures, just had been created by the Creator. They are knowing and saying “subhaanAllah, subhaanAllah, subhaanAllah.” O Mankind! Who are living through 21st century, we are saying what are you doing? Dhaalika mablaghahum min al-`ilm. That is as far as knowledge will reach them. (53:30) O Salafi `ulamas, why are you not opening your mouths, why are you not tableegh, informing people in such a way to understand whom they are and Who bringing them from nothing to be something?! From death valleys, bringing you to life, full waadis (fertile valleys). Why you are not saying? You knowing only to say as- salaat wa 's-salaam bud`a, “Salawaat is bida`.” Huh!? You know only this, to stand in front of muwaajahatu 'sh-shareefah and to address to Rasoolullahi, Sayyidina Muhammad. (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) As-salaat wa 's-salaam `alayk yaa Sayyidi ‘l-awwaleen wa’l-aakhireen (s). (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:39:48
9901 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeStandForOurProphets
(Mawlana Shaykh sits.) You are knowing only to say bida`, bida`, haraam. Allah Almighty giving highest respect to that one and you say, when we are saying, As-salaat wa-salaam `alayka, yaa Sayyidi ‘l-awwaleen wa’l-aakhireen. (They say) haadha buda`, where is your (proof)? haatoo burhanakum, bring forth your proof. (2:111) Al-halaalu bayyin wa 'l-haraamu bayyin, "The Permitted is clear and forbidden is clear.” Where is your proof? Say! Or a day is coming that your mouths are coming together and you can’t speak until you say, As-salaat wa-salaam yaa Sayyidi ‘l-awwaleen wa’l-aakhireen yaa Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! Allah Almighty saying for the Seal of Prophets (s), “You are only mundhir, warner.” Yeah, nothing you may warn people, but don’t bring something from tilqaa anfusakaum, haadha halaal wa haadha haraam, haram Allah. Allah preventing that, (so) don’t say if you don’t have more than proof, burhaan, if you don’t have evidence don’t say that is haraam. Why haraam? If haraam, giving trouble to that person or to others, what is haraam. That is main reason that Allah Almighty prevented making it haraam, because it is harming people. Therefore, Allah Almighty saying, “Everything that harms you, just I prevented it.” What harming coming if you are saying as-salaat wa-salaam yaa Sayyidee, yaa Rasulallah. What harm coming? And Allah Almighty bidh-dhaat, by Himself, He is saying I am giving my respect to Muhammad (s). Mawlana stands... Allah, Allah, Inna Allaha wa mala`ikatahu yusaloona `ala an-nabi. Allah yusalli `ala an-nabi. (...) (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Allah Almighty giving His high respect to say, “Muhammad ....” (Mawlana stands, then sits.) .... and you are saying it is bida` (innovation), it is kufr (unbelief), it is haraam (forbidden)? Haatoo burhanukum, Bring your proofs, and if not, I don’t think you may reach the end of this month or next month! Allah Almighty is getting His divinely anger on those who are not believing in His representative, Sayyidina Muhammad (s) ..... (Mawlana stands.) ... A thousand times I may stand up for the honor of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) ..... (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) .... Just reported through history of mulook, kings, that Sultan Ahmad that built the Blue Mosque in Istanbul, and he was sultan bahrayn wa 'l-barrayn, hakkan sultan, saying whole barriyah, continents and oceans, Allah (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:39:48
9902 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeStandForOurProphets
granted to them such an honor, such a greatness, that whole non-Muslim world they were trembling from haybat as-salaateen, that greatness dressed them. Now Turkey taking them away from their country, from their lands, no value now. But Ottomans, up to end at the beginning of 20th century, whole world was trembling from their greatness. Now they left it, they sent away and what happened, you know and they know also. That one Sultan Ahmad, Allah grants him Jannat al-Firdaws, was sitting on `Arsh al-Mamlakaat, his throne, and anyone anytime saying the name of the Seal of the Prophets (s), he was standing up for honor of Sayyidina Muhammad (s).... (Mawlana stands, then sits.) ..... Anyone said holy name of Sayyidina Rasoolullah (s), he was standing up and sitting, even hundred times, he was standing hundred times and sitting. What they are doing now, Salafi `ulama? At the time of salateen (kings) no `ulama. If it was haraam or bud`a why they are not saying? Their `ulamas just filled hundreds of libraries for their knowledge that they are taking from Holy Qur’an and holy hadith of Rasoolullah (s), why they are not saying, “You are wrong, don’t stand up.” Yaa Salafi `ulamas. If Jalalatul-malik comes you are sitting or standing up? Standing up. Even jalaalat al-malik (His Majesty the King) `AbdAllah, ayyadahullah, bi iqaam sha`air al-islam hunaa wa hunaak (May Allah support him, for his raising up the signs of Islam, here and there) we are happy with him. If jalaalat al-malik yatla` wa yarja`, even if going out and coming back, even ten times or twenty times, you are going to sit here? Never. What about if Sultan Ahmad only stand up for his (s) holy name? For his holy name may be standing up. If making sajdah it is wrong? Above your knowledge, it is haraam sajda li ghayrillah. Do you think that in existence anyone’s existence? Do you think that anywhere there is not the Creator? Who teaching you such a things? Don’t say "This is halaal and this is haraam." That is halaal bayyin, it is so clear. O People! O muda`ee, claimers that you now everything and others not knowing, you are on wrong way. Fourteen centuries whole Islamic world giving their most high respect, most respected creature that the Lord of Heavens created. Why you are not giving respect? Hadith you are reading, but not understanding. (Is it) not from Sunnah, Ta`dheem dhi 'l-shaybah ("the one possessed of grey hair", the esteem of the elder)? (If it is for) dhi 'l-shaybah, is it ok. Rajul kabeer fi 's-sin (an elderly man), to stand up, it is your good adab. And say another hadith "kabbir, kabbir" or "kabbir, kubbar!" You know the hadith? They must know "kabbir!" As much as you are giving a greatness to someone, you (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:39:48
9903 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeStandForOurProphets
should be granted a greatness also. And O Salafi `ulamas, what is your opinion if we are going to say, Man just representing the Lord of Heavens? It is wrong? If it is wrong, we are saying that you never understanding anything! If everyone representing their Creator, what about the Seal of Prophets (s)? By himself he was representing himself? Can’t be! Can’t be! How a person representing himself? Must represent someone else. And who representing Allah Almighty? That one that you are saying, don’t say as-salaatu wa 's-salaamu `alayk. What is that jahaalat, ignorance from you? Makes something and speak to people on the level that they are understanding. They are not such a person to reach up a little bit from the level of `amata 'n-naas. What you are saying only for `amata 'n-naas, for common people, but you are claiming that you are representing highest level of people. Please fahimhum, make them to understand. Therefore, may Allah forgive us. That is important, coming to speak to you. I don’t know, but they are preparing and my tongue speaking to you. I am not sitting whole day and writing, no. Waaridaat. You know the meaning of waaridaat, heavenly inspirations, heavenly transmission, irtibaat, heavenly connection. I don’t know if you are believing in heavenly connection. If you are saying “no” that means you are going to deny wahiy, revelation. Because wahiy from heavens coming. If it is true for one, maybe for others, but not same, because everyone they have special level, according to their levels, that revelation coming from heavens, coming to that one. Therefore the Seal of Prophets (s) always in connection with heavenly ones or he is in connection with the Creator of whole Creation. May Allah forgives us. O People! Try to understand some meanings through Holy Qur’an and holy hadith. This you are in need because we are in need to be enlightened, and enlightedness coming from heavens. If you are not accepting, you are cutting the way for heavenly lights to come to you and you are always going to be through darkness of this material world, and you are going to enjoy yourselves through some material aspects. It is all of them useless for heavens! Try to reach something that makes you to be more closer from Divinely Presence. May Allah forgives us. O People! We are tiring, but we are asking. Perhaps such a talks or teachings may be sometimes for people who do not understand something, but we must try. A small one can’t understand what is the first “alif”, and second “ba” and third “ceh” (alphabet), but he may learn; his teacher may teach him. And so many may learn through someones that they are knowing that secret power, or whom they have that secret power to reach to people’s good understanding. If you are blocking your hearts, even Prophet (s) can’t (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:39:48
9904 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeStandForOurProphets
do. Because Jewish people were saying, quloobuna ghulf, “Our hearts are blocked.” What it means is an ocean and we are leaving that, but Jewish people were saying to Prophet (s), “Our hearts just blocked, as much as you are saying we are not listening and if listening no accepting or listening and can’t understanding; blocked.” So many people their hearts just locked. I am asking forgiveness from Allah Almighty (for) my heart not to be closed down, locked down. Istaghfirullah tubtu wa raja`tu ill-Allah. Anta Rabbee, Anta Hasbee, yaa Jaleel. Yaa Allah arzuqna `ilman nafi`an, anta `aliman bi jaahi man anzalta `alayhi Surat al-Fatihah. (45 minutes) Dome dome, dome dome, dome dome, dome dome 4x Fatihah. Lefke, 20.01.2010
WebSufiLive, CategoryTurkey, CategoryMuhammad, CategoryRevelation, CategoryHeart (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:39:48
9905 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WesternHeartsAttractedToOrient
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WesternHeartsAttractedToOrient
Western People Hearts Attracted to the Orient
Dastoor. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Rabbuna'Llah, Hasbuna'Llah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhaan Allah, Subhaan Allah, Subhaan Allah, Sultaan Allah. Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illa-Llah wahdahu laa shareeka lah wa nash-hadu anna Sayyidina wa sanadana wa mawlana Muhammadan`abduhu wa habeebuhu wa rasooluh (s). Allahumma thabitnaa `ala 'l-Haqq! Allahumma thabitnaa `ala 'l-Haqq! Rabbana laa tuzigh quloobana ba`da idh hadaytana wa-hab lanaa min ladunka rahmatan innaka `anta al-Wahhab. Zid habeebika `izzan wa sharafan nooran wa surooran, ridwaana wa sultaana. Yaa Rabb faktub shahadatana `indak. Yaa Rabbi 'l-`alameen. Thumma as-salamu `alaykum yaa `ibaadAllah as-saaliheen alladheena yatabi`oon an-nabiyyi 'l ummee Sayyidi 'l-Awwaleen wa ’l- `Akhireen. Ameen, ameen. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) We know nothing, O our Lord. We are asking to know, to learn and to give our highest glorifying to Your Heavenly Presence. And we are saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. We are running from (1 von 8)04.07.2013 23:39:49
9906 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WesternHeartsAttractedToOrient
Shaytan and from its trips and traps that it is putting everywhere to prevent us from our main important aim that we have been ordered to be obedient servants. And just we gave our oath on the Day of Promises that we will be His servants. And we gave our oath also that we are going to be the best ones at keeping our oath. O Salafi `ulamas! Listen to what they are making a weak servant to address people. As Sayyidina Sulayman (a) listened to the announcement of an ant, he was hearing, and listening. Say you are like gigantic ones, and who is speaking here is like an ant or under the level of a ant, but you must take care. You must take care and you must give special attention, because as the Lord of Heavens is saying: (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Antaqa'nallahu 'Lladhee antaqa kulla shay. They will say: "(Allah) hath given us speech,- (He) Who gives speech to everything. (41:21) (Mawlana Shaykh sits) That means, Hisham Effendi, they must give a value or special attention to what such a weak servant is saying. Yes, if you are giving attention, you are going to be granted from heavenly lights to your hearts. Those heavenly lights are showing to you about everything on this planet. You can look in a second if you have been granted heavenly lights. You can look throughout the east and west, you can look in oceans and continents, everywhere, and those heavenly lights are enough to show you instantly because heavenly lights are not the lights we are using on Earth, no! One ray is enough to show everything with their real beings, not only outlooking, no. That heavenly ray may show what they contain from heavenly realities, and that is a grant from the Lord of Heavens to His real servants. Yes. May Allah forgive us for our bad manners. May Allah forgive us! Bad manners are going to be veils putting us in a dark situation everywhere. We are trying to get out, but we can't find a way because our egos are insisting not to accept heavenly lightening, saying, “We are not in need of heavenly lights. We are reaching for everything's real being with our technology through which we are finding so many kinds of lights. We must keep those lights to reach realities!” It is fully foolishness from scientists, from doctors, and from academist people, fully foolishness! By yourself you can’t reach any aspect, no. If you are saying, “We don’t need to take a plane to go from England to US,” that is fully foolishness! We must use some special means for reaching (2 von 8)04.07.2013 23:39:49
9907 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WesternHeartsAttractedToOrient
from London to US. If you are refusing a waasitah, intercessor, that means you are in the darkness of this life and nothing is reaching you. There is a center, and coming this power. And if anyone is asking something beyond our lives, they must use something else because material means can't be able to take Man's mentality from Earth to unknown worlds or towards unknown territories. Yes. If you are not using such power, leave Heavens and heavenly beings, you can't reach the real position of a leaf on a tree. If you are putting it under a microscope, it is showing you a bacteria, but you may only look at it but you can't know the real position for it. And there is virus that you can't see under the most powerful microscope, but you are feeling. And feelings are never getting to show you a power.Therefore, we must believe beyond our senses some other senses that are supported by unseen territories. If there are unseen creatures that now technologia or scientists' knowledge is reaching, reaching, reaching and saying, "We are feeling." They are using feelings. Why are they using feelings? Because you can't reach to six senses, saying ,"It is beyond our sensing." That is the biggest balaa, cursing for scientists, academists, `ulamas, scholars, because they are not coming to ask that in existence, “How can we reach to that new, ordinary beings?” It is not an old Creation; a new Creation is coming. Why are they not taking care to say our feelings are showing us the existence of a virus? Ask that one, “We are giving a name to you, 'virus'. Are you accepting?" But all scientists are saying “virus” and they have such a terrible power showing, making all science and technology trembling from them.Who is giving that power? Why are you not asking? Why are you saying, “nature.” If you believe in nature, ask it, “What is that one?” But you are saying, “Our feelings are saying about that, but we can’t reach.” If you are believing, ask your master if believing in nature. We are not