Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (705/777)
Sheikh Nazim: WeAreLivingNotInRealExistence
the honor of the most honoured one in His divinely Presence, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha. Lefke, 01.06.2004, transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel
BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryTechnology, CategoryPolicy, CategoryWar, CategoryEconomy (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:06
9691 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreNotAskingABadPlace
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WeAreNotAskingABadPlace
We are not asking a bad place because it is cheap. No, must be something that may be good for us
We are not asking a bad place because it is cheap. No, must be something that may be good for us. First: not to be so cold. Second: not to be a dry place, no rain. Third: not to be difficult for finding water through wells. Fourth: not too much wind. Fifth: no military zone. And sixth: not to be closer to cities or difficult people. Such conditions we are looking… …Anyone who asking to come, welcome, and we shall try to ask from government also a special permission for immigrating here, and we are not going to need anything, we are not going to be a burden on government, but we are enough or ourselves, insha Allah, we are not on need for them, only our aim is to be here through Armageddon, great wars, not to be with people in Europe, that should be difficult and misunderstanding between Muslims and Non-Muslims. And I am trying to find a suitable place, to be closer to Damascus also, and in a good situation for climate, not to be too cold like our place now, or not too hot like here, Damascus. Must be an average height, after 20 km, that it is normal. Anytime you may find micros going coming, and we may buy a micro also for our people, that anyone asking to come to Damascus daytime looking for their importance and then going back, it is okay. That is my inspiration for that purpose. And, as I said before, I don't like concrete buildings there. It must be simple places. Maybe we may be here up to Mehdi a.s., and after Mehdi a.s. up to time of Jesus Christ, coming and wars finishing, and people may move through East and West, anywhere, easily. (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:39:07
9692 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreNotAskingABadPlace
Only through this short time that people must be in need to be in a safe place, and safe place through big events, when last days approaching, Prophet, peace be upon him, just informing that most safe place in Damascus, here. Therefore we prepare to be here all of us, and so many millions people must run also here that time. 'Tuba li man kana lahu marbata shatin fi sham fi akhira zaman'…it was informed by holy Prophet, he was saying: 'It is a big reward or a favour from Allah Almighty to His servants that they should have a small place that one sheep may be there, to be for him when last days coming'. That is Prophet's miraculous words, miraculous news, for coming days. And it is the time that you may find easily place, and after a while may be thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands… millions people must run to Damascus. According to S.Muhyiudin ibn Arabi, Allah bless him, this Wuta, all around Damascus, should be people like this: if you throw your hat up, not coming on earth, coming on people, so crowdy should be here. And was asking S. Abu Bakr, Allah bless him: 'Ya Rasululah if such crowding going to be in Damascus, how should be for their eating and drinking?' And he was saying sws: 'When Mehdi coming, and he is saying: 'Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar', one piece of food should be enough for those people. Up to 40 days they should never feel hunger and their feeling going to be as a person just ate one lamb.' In such a way should be. Therefore- anyone who likes to come, welcome. And I don't think that here government going to prevent people, because just the situation is going to be changed quickly. Today is something, tomorrow is something else. Today maybe people looking towards East, tomorrow they may look to West, or people may look today to West, tomorrow they may look to East. In such a way through 24 hours quickly a changing is coming… wa min Allah at-taufiq. Fatiha. I am hating everything that belongs to modern life...In concrete people are going to be concrete also...In Arabic houses from mud no need for a stove… …In old times people found their Rizq in their own village or their own country. Nowadays people travel from one city to the other, from one country to another. In old times they brought water from a well. Nowadays is comes with machines and all the precious ingredients that the body needs, get lost. Damaskus - 23.04.2002 (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:39:07
9693 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreNotExtremists
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WeAreNotExtremists
We are not extremists or fanatic people
We are not extremists or fanatic people, but our way is the way of the middle, not to deviate to the right or the left. Go straight. Who is going to one side, is not perfect... There is head and feet- not everybody is going to be head. But without feet the head also cannot walk. Allah has created eveything in perfection, you have to see it. But man wants to do as he likes on earth, like Pharao and Nimrod, and they don't want to respect Allah. In the 18./19th century they fell into the sea of Fasad and dirtiness. It started in France with the revolution, spread in Europe and from there it came to us. Dirty waters were flowing out and therefore the world is now as it is. The canalisation has broken in so many places, that it cannot be repaired anymore, and no one can save himself from these dirty waters...And democracy is a deception, cheating. To see oneself better than others is Haram, Batil. No nation is better than the other. All have been created by Allah. In front of him the one who respects and loves Him most is the acceptable (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:39:08
9694 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreNotExtremists
one...It is not enough to call oneself Muslim- have you become a real Muslim? Have you submitted to Allah and sacrificed your nafs like Abraham was ready to slaughter his son, whom he loved more than anything?! This month has started strongly. And everything that is happening you find in the Holy Quran- every letter is like an ocean of meanings. For what the story about Abraham and Ismail? We are from the generation(zurriyet) of Adam, the nation(millet) of Ibrahim and the ummah of Muhammad sws. But they are so proud to say that they come from apes. They may be the sons of apes-we are the sons of Adam a.s. and from the nation of Ibrahim, and it is honour for us! Abraham was Khalilullah, the friend of Allah, and he was ready to sacrifice what was most dear to him, his son Ismail, and also Isamil was ready to sacrifice himself and he was fully submitted: Canim feda olsun, may my soul be your ransom, he said. Allah doesn't want us to be slaves to our ego, but to serve Him. You can do that? For what people are living? They live to satisfy their ego- important people as well as common people. So many ordinary stones- where are the jewels? Imam Rabbani, a Naqshibandi-Sheikh-ul-'Azam, said: Great is the one who saved himself from the slavery of his ego. For what we are fasting? It is worshipping, servanthood, the best means to save people from the slavery of their ego. All the prophets used to fast and tought their nation to fast. Allah's reward for fasting is endless, because it turns you from a servant to your ego into a servant of Allah. So don't say: I am great. Allah alone is Great, and He gives greatness to the one who escapes from his ego. But we open and close our eyes only to serve our ego. People of the 21st century are servants to their ego, and Shaitan is their first teacher... Everyone wants to study. Nobody wants to learn a craft, no one wants to be a shepherd or gardener. No one respects the other anymore, everybody wants to be a big one and important one. But there is a head and there are feet. In Russia they tried and said all are equal and all should govern. They killed (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:39:08
9695 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreNotExtremists
the Zar and put themselves in the palace. And Stalin killed 8o Million people and cleaned Middle Asia from Muslims... Not everybody is going to govern, because who should they govern? Trees? Donkeys? Dogs? They don't need a government. But egomania, the illusion of being important and great, is slavery to the ego, and most probably there is no real great man at all anymore. In old times they worked with the light of faith. But people nowadays are in darkness and don't see, where they are going or stepping. Nobody sees anymore. Mind and willpower have come down to zero, and Shaitan has made people dishonoured in the service to their ego. A human being is servant of Allah, our Lord. Who is there that lives for Allah? The Saudis? The Turks? The Egyptians, Syrians, Pakistanis? This month has started with 'Azamet, take care! The door of worship is fasting, and it means war against the ego, that always wants to do, as it likes. Say: "No, I don't want to be your servant anymore, I am turning to Allah, I am no more listening to you!" Who says that, will be saved, and the others will have to go... Every morning I am eating Sahur and I am asking for support for the fasting. If Allah gives support, with one bite I may fast 4o days... O Allah, let us be under the Tajalli of Lutf (mercy, divine grants, favours), not of Azab (divine anger). Lefke - 17.10.2001 (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:39:08
9696 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreNothing
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WeAreNothing
We are nothing! All Glory be for Allah! Abdul Qadir Gilani…(Maulana is singing in praise of that big Saint) Destur, ya Sayyidi, Meded, Meded ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah…Audhu bi- llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi- llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Azim… We are nothing! All Glory be for Allah! He is Powerful and no limit for His Power. (He is) never giving anything or never taking anything. If (He was) giving anything, that means He may be in pieces. Therefore He is not ‘something’ (so) that His Existence is going to be with pieces, no, He is One! If you are giving to 1 something, it is going to be changed, not to be 1. He is 1, Number 1, from numbers (He is the) 1. If you are giving something to 1, (it is) changing), (it is) never going to be 1. (And) if you are taking (something) from 1, also (it is) changing and 1 (is) going to disappear. Therefore 1 (is) never accepting to give or to take. Allah Almighty, His Existence, His Personality can’t be like any other thing- (it is) impossible! And Allah Almighty, from pre-eternal up to eternal, He is (the) Creator, creating. Don’t think that when He is creating something (He is) giving to His creatures (something) from His Essence, no! If (He was) giving (to them something from His Essence), He was going to be like us; we can take (and) we can give. (The) most difficult thing is to think on His Oneness, (the) Oneness of Allah’s Existence. To think on it is most difficult. A man- as much as a man (is) thinking (and) thinking about (a) female being, he can’t reach to understand (the) real being of (a) female. And also a female (is) never understanding (the) real being of (a) male. Man and woman- (for) a man it is impossible to understand the situation or position of a woman, and also (for) a woman it is impossible to understand a real being of man. If you are asking that- a female (to (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:09
9697 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreNothing
understand) 1oo% the situation of being a man- that woman must be (a) man, or it is impossible. And a man, if he (is) asking to understand 1oo% (the) situation of a woman, that one must be a woman. And (it is the same for) everything. That is (a) palm-tree. (It is) never understanding (an) apricot (-tree). If (it is) understanding that must be an apricot (itself). Or: that is a plum tree, that is an apricot tree. (And) a banana tree can’t be (an) avocado (tree). Yes. If anyone (is) asking to be like X., he must be X., to understand who is X…Everything that He created, creation, creatures, it is impossible (for them) to understand how is (their) Creator. For understanding (the) Creator, (someone or something) must be (that) Creator. And it is impossible, because this universe can’t carry two Creators; (it) can (only) carry one Creator. What is creation and what are creatures? You may think on it, but you can’t be able to think on the Creator. He is (the) Creator (and He is) creating, and His creation (is) never ending. This is an apricot tree- that is another apricot tree, but they are not 1oo% similar (or) same, no. This is one (tree), that is another (tree). Creation and Creator- leave them. Leave the Creator- (but) you may think on creation. Not creation, but the creation of creatures that are in existence. He is (the) Creator, (and He) may fill this universe. (And) like this universe hundreds or billions or trillions times- He may create (a space) and this space (is) never going to be full (or) occupied, so that there is no more room. This space- when our Lord, the Creator (is) asking to bring in existence (and) to create such a universe (that is) quatrillion and quatrillion times (the size of our universe), this space (is) never going to be full; never (it is) getting (to be) ‘full-house’. And, if He likes, He is able to put all of (that space that is) like this universe billion and billion times in (the) distance of (an) atom! Don’t use your balance for Allah, oh heedless people! Don’t show me icons! People (are) painting and say: “This is God.” Astaghfirullah! Yes! In the distance of (an) atom He may create (a space that is) like this universe millions, billions, trillions etc times and He may order (it) to be in (the) distance of (an) atom. Allah, Allah! (There) must be a crack through the heads of mankind to think on it! Don’t think! ‘Tafakkaru fi ala-i- llah, wa la tafakkaru fi dhatillah’- You can think on creatures, but not on the Creator! Don’t try to think on Him, no! How you can put (in) your mind (the thought) that (a space that is like) such (a universe as our) universe million and billion times may be in (an) atom’s distance? It is easy for (the) Lord of Heavens to say: “Be in that distance!” Finished- and they are ready in (that) atomic area, in that distance! And it is not (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:09
9698 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreNothing
crowded! Everyone freely may take their place and (they are) so happy; they are saying: “ Ohhh, (it is) such a big distance!” Think on creation, for whole creatures and (that) He is (their) Creator. You may look (to) creatures and through His creatures you may understand something… Therefore we were saying: He is not giving even (an) atomic (part of His) Existence or (He is) never taking (anything). When He is creating, He is not taking anything (from) this creation. And also He is not giving anything. Only (it is) His Order: “Be!” and (it is) going to be, to appear and to take its room in that area and to say: “I am here, oh my Lord!” Glory be for my Lord!” Everything (is) glorifying Allah! So countless universes and creatures- all of them (are) shouting and saying: “Glory be for our Lord!” They are shouting! It is only an Order (from Allah Almighty that is bringing them in existence). (An) Order is not a material thing. (An) Order- your mind is never going to understand how is that Order; how that Order (is) bringing millions, billions, trillions (of) spaces (and) universes. Your imagination (is) never reaching (to understand), impossible! And everything that you are thinking for (an) understanding of our Lord’s Order and Command- to say: “Be!”- that is all imagination, and reality is beyond that! Therefore you can’t understand ‘Alem-u-Amr, His Dominion of Power or His Dominions of His Power Oceans. It is impossible to be understood! Always you can’t move more than in (an) atomic distance. You can’t be able. You are understanding- our souls may understand! And which things that our masters (are) speaking- don’t think (that) their addressing is towards your physical being! (The) physical being (is) understanding nothing! But they are aiming at our spirituality and our souls are swimming through that unknown Power Oceans’ Dominions. And that is our limit, and beyond that limit you can’t reach (to an understanding); even your imagination can’t reach (to anything) after that limit. Every time you are moving towards (the) real Power Oceans’ Dominions, you should find yourself moving with that atom, as a vessel (that is) moving through an ocean- (it) is cutting distances, but always it is through that ocean. Because you are in a boat, a ship that is always moving through that countless Power Oceans’ Dominions. As much as you are moving, you can’t reach beyond that ship, always you are in it. (You) can’t be leaving that ship and coming in Power Oceans’ Dominions. And this is (an) addressing to (the) 21st century people that they are thinking that they reached the top limits of understanding (the knowledge) from this world and (that) they are (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:09
9699 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreNothing
asking to reach beyond this planet. They are never getting satisfied now to be on this planet only. They have some desires, deeply- (they are) asking to move beyond this planet (to look) what is there, but (they) can’t reach. Through themselves (they) may reach from distance to distance with this planet only. If (they are) asking to move beyond this planet, (they are) going to be finished; their existence (is) going to be on the point of zero, no more (there should be) their existence in this universe. They are asking to move and to understand, but they may use only this planet and this planet, (to) where it is going, they may look, but they can’t look. They can’t look, because materiality (is) never making mankind to move from this planet, beyond this galaxy. You must try to reach to another distance and you are on this planet. If this planet is moving beyond (the) solar system (and the) solar system (is) asking to move beyond our galaxy, and when (you are) leaving this galaxy, (you are) looking billions of (other) galaxies- how (you) can reach to (the) end of (all the) galaxies? That means: (it is) impossible to reach beyond of our imagination. All of it (is) remaining in (the) limits of our imagination and Reality is (always the) same. As one Wali (was) saying: “Allah- Huwa ‘al ‘an kama kan”- The Lord of Heavens is (now), as He was, (and) He is from pre-eternal up to eternal (the same) and you can’t find a way to reach to that ‘manzar’, that view, to reach beyond this creation and to look. You can’t cut that distance and reach (the) end of creation and look who is Allah! It is impossible, but this desire, deep desire (is) teaching man to ask (to reach something) beyond their levels and to move through countless distances, through countless levels, through countless horizons to find the last horizon and to reach to Reality. And it is impossible! Therefore mankind now (is) falling in troubles, because (people are) not thinking (on) such big subjects. If (they were) coming (and) turning to themselves (they) should find everything through themselves. But (they are) running to find everything out of their existence and it is impossible! Your existence, beyond your existence, your existence is not a real existence. You must turn back (to Him) Who is giving to you that existence with His Command and (Who is) making me, making you to appear through an atmosphere that you can’t reach to the ends of that atmosphere, because they are also swimming through countless Power Oceans of divine Dominions. May Allah forgive us and make us to think on such high thoughts and to leave useless things, not to waste our valuable lives- that we have been granted as a chance from Allah Almighty- to think on it and to move through that area that no one (is) going to understand, but only their understanding continuously continues (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:09
9700 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreNothing
through their distances, and then they should be happy for that movement through their creation from level to level. You should reach through your creation from one horizon to another, (and) from that horizon to another, and your pleasure, your light (is) going to be more and more and more (and) you should be with you Lord’s divinely Presence as it is appointed for you through that atomic distance. And (the) Dominions of the Lord of Heavens- Alhamdulillah we are saying- (they are) unlimited. If (they) were in limits, man was going to be always in sadness, because (they would think that) one day that (is) going to finish. But (there is) real pleasure for mankind, who is (the) deputy (of Allah) and created (to be) patron on earth on behalf of their Lord, (who is) giving us endless pleasure. If that Dominions (were) going to be in limits, man (was) going to disappear or to finish under (the) darkness of sadness (and he was) never going to taste anything. But (the) Lord of Heavens has countless Dominions of Power Oceans as well as countless Dominions from His divinely Attributes. May Allah give us something for (an) understanding, to be in pleasure her and Hereafter. For the honour of His most honoured one in His divinely Presence, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha. Lefke, 27.04.2004, transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel
BookKhairiyahSiegel (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:09
9701 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreNotInACoffeeshop
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WeAreNotInACoffeeshop
This is not a lecture, we are not in a coffee shop or conference; we are not students asking degrees (but every day you take a degree here), we are not lazy cafeteria people
This is not a lecture, we are not in a coffee shop or conference; we are not students asking degrees (but every day you take a degree here), we are not lazy cafeteria people. We are middle way people. You may sit for a little while; Allah granted to you to come and make Sajdah, to respect His holy order: ‘Come and make Sajdah’. Who is deaf, is going to be killed now. Who is not listening to make Sajdah has reached to his end now. The only safe people are those who keep the holy command of Allah Who calls: ‘Come and make Sajdah to your Lord.’ Who is doing this, must do it not only once a week, no, but five times daily. If not, he is going to be in danger to be assaulted, and to be killed. Only Sajdah is going to protect people not to be killed. There is no other way now for Muslim communities. For Non-Muslims charity is going to protect them, as Sajdah protects Muslims. Therefore billions must be taken away. Only those people, who make Sajdah for Allah, should be protected and sheltered, and among Non-Muslims charitable people. Charity is going to be for them a blessing from Allah Almighty, as the Sajdah is for the Muslims. (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:09
9702 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreNotInACoffeeshop
Now in only two moon months from the New Year of the western countries, the Islamic calendar should join their calendar, and it this going to come that people should be taken away and the whole world should be cleaned. May Allah bless you and forgive me… Ask forgiveness from Allah. People give importance only for their ego’s satisfaction, egoistic enjoyment, and physical body’s pleasures. They run after that. Their main target is to reach more pleasures for their physical beings through their egoistic willing and wishes, demands and desires. Now it is important for Muslims also to make their egoistic desires less, to make a limit, not to be everything for our egoistic desires, no. But now the Muslim world and the non-Muslim world 100% run after that point. It is their target to reach to or to fulfil their egoistic desires. No one is thinking on this. They ask to take people away from nature and to establish a new life-style, and everyone is asking for that new life-style, individually and commonly. They ask to save themselves from nature, but they cannot get up, and therefore they build their buildings on pillars, not to reach to nature, but to be far away. They don’t like to go in a worldwide direction to build their buildings and cities, but they ask to go up, higher and higher. Therefore they build towers, skyscrapers, because they like to escape from earth and go up, not to be with nature. And nature is our physical being’s mother. When you go away from it, everything is coming against you. As long as you are friendly with nature, nature keeps you like a mother keeps her child. Nature keeps people, who are friendly with it. Therefore one hundred years ago, in villages and in the countryside especially, people were much more healthy, they lived healthily. Now people escape from nature, and as long as they do, nature is going to be unhappy with them and send on them something that is worst for them. In old times nature did its best for mankind; now it is angry, asking to harm people. Therefore they say that bacteria, microbes, run everywhere and take their revenge from these foolish people. Before people used to drink water from wells, (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:09
9703 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreNotInACoffeeshop
from running waters. Now they must refine the water so many times and take this and that out from it, so that only the name of water is going to remain, but the qualities, which are so useful for our physical being, are taken away. Then there is no more defence for our body against bacteria and microbes, and therefore so many kinds of illnesses come that have never been seen or heard of. Animals live with nature. In the jungle there are never going to be these illnesses; only the animals that we keep, time by time are getting ill. It is not from themselves, but from the curse, which comes on their owners, that mad-cow-illness is coming on them. Otherwise that illness would never come to cows. It is not really that the cows are mad, but it is a cursing coming on them because of their owners and people, that eat meat and use every bad method for slaughtering animals. That cursing is coming on the cows, otherwise those animals would not be ill, because they live friendly with nature. You may see sometimes donkeys rubbing themselves on earth. That is a disinfectant. Every flying or running animal is so friendly with nature, disinfecting themselves with earth. Subhanallah! Allah has put most perfect ways for the life of man on earth, to be everything in its perfection, but man is running away from nature, because they run away from their Lord. And cursing is running after them and comes on their heads. ‘Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim!’ This is important: Animals teach people not to escape from nature. If a dog puts its tongue on a plate, you must clean it 7 x with water and then once with earth, because dogs always carry bacteria that harm people, and that are not going away except with earth. Even with soap they are not going away, only with earth, which cleans and kills the bacteria. It is such a strong disinfectant, it is best! People go to sandy beaches, but sand harms them. It doesn’t carry disinfectant like the earth. People lie on the sand and it harms them and also the
Sheikh Nazim: WeAreLivingNotInRealExistence
the honor of the most honoured one in His divinely Presence, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha. Lefke, 01.06.2004, transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel
BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryTechnology, CategoryPolicy, CategoryWar, CategoryEconomy (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:06
9691 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreNotAskingABadPlace
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WeAreNotAskingABadPlace
We are not asking a bad place because it is cheap. No, must be something that may be good for us
We are not asking a bad place because it is cheap. No, must be something that may be good for us. First: not to be so cold. Second: not to be a dry place, no rain. Third: not to be difficult for finding water through wells. Fourth: not too much wind. Fifth: no military zone. And sixth: not to be closer to cities or difficult people. Such conditions we are looking… …Anyone who asking to come, welcome, and we shall try to ask from government also a special permission for immigrating here, and we are not going to need anything, we are not going to be a burden on government, but we are enough or ourselves, insha Allah, we are not on need for them, only our aim is to be here through Armageddon, great wars, not to be with people in Europe, that should be difficult and misunderstanding between Muslims and Non-Muslims. And I am trying to find a suitable place, to be closer to Damascus also, and in a good situation for climate, not to be too cold like our place now, or not too hot like here, Damascus. Must be an average height, after 20 km, that it is normal. Anytime you may find micros going coming, and we may buy a micro also for our people, that anyone asking to come to Damascus daytime looking for their importance and then going back, it is okay. That is my inspiration for that purpose. And, as I said before, I don't like concrete buildings there. It must be simple places. Maybe we may be here up to Mehdi a.s., and after Mehdi a.s. up to time of Jesus Christ, coming and wars finishing, and people may move through East and West, anywhere, easily. (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:39:07
9692 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreNotAskingABadPlace
Only through this short time that people must be in need to be in a safe place, and safe place through big events, when last days approaching, Prophet, peace be upon him, just informing that most safe place in Damascus, here. Therefore we prepare to be here all of us, and so many millions people must run also here that time. 'Tuba li man kana lahu marbata shatin fi sham fi akhira zaman'…it was informed by holy Prophet, he was saying: 'It is a big reward or a favour from Allah Almighty to His servants that they should have a small place that one sheep may be there, to be for him when last days coming'. That is Prophet's miraculous words, miraculous news, for coming days. And it is the time that you may find easily place, and after a while may be thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands… millions people must run to Damascus. According to S.Muhyiudin ibn Arabi, Allah bless him, this Wuta, all around Damascus, should be people like this: if you throw your hat up, not coming on earth, coming on people, so crowdy should be here. And was asking S. Abu Bakr, Allah bless him: 'Ya Rasululah if such crowding going to be in Damascus, how should be for their eating and drinking?' And he was saying sws: 'When Mehdi coming, and he is saying: 'Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar', one piece of food should be enough for those people. Up to 40 days they should never feel hunger and their feeling going to be as a person just ate one lamb.' In such a way should be. Therefore- anyone who likes to come, welcome. And I don't think that here government going to prevent people, because just the situation is going to be changed quickly. Today is something, tomorrow is something else. Today maybe people looking towards East, tomorrow they may look to West, or people may look today to West, tomorrow they may look to East. In such a way through 24 hours quickly a changing is coming… wa min Allah at-taufiq. Fatiha. I am hating everything that belongs to modern life...In concrete people are going to be concrete also...In Arabic houses from mud no need for a stove… …In old times people found their Rizq in their own village or their own country. Nowadays people travel from one city to the other, from one country to another. In old times they brought water from a well. Nowadays is comes with machines and all the precious ingredients that the body needs, get lost. Damaskus - 23.04.2002 (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:39:07
9693 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreNotExtremists
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WeAreNotExtremists
We are not extremists or fanatic people
We are not extremists or fanatic people, but our way is the way of the middle, not to deviate to the right or the left. Go straight. Who is going to one side, is not perfect... There is head and feet- not everybody is going to be head. But without feet the head also cannot walk. Allah has created eveything in perfection, you have to see it. But man wants to do as he likes on earth, like Pharao and Nimrod, and they don't want to respect Allah. In the 18./19th century they fell into the sea of Fasad and dirtiness. It started in France with the revolution, spread in Europe and from there it came to us. Dirty waters were flowing out and therefore the world is now as it is. The canalisation has broken in so many places, that it cannot be repaired anymore, and no one can save himself from these dirty waters...And democracy is a deception, cheating. To see oneself better than others is Haram, Batil. No nation is better than the other. All have been created by Allah. In front of him the one who respects and loves Him most is the acceptable (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:39:08
9694 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreNotExtremists
one...It is not enough to call oneself Muslim- have you become a real Muslim? Have you submitted to Allah and sacrificed your nafs like Abraham was ready to slaughter his son, whom he loved more than anything?! This month has started strongly. And everything that is happening you find in the Holy Quran- every letter is like an ocean of meanings. For what the story about Abraham and Ismail? We are from the generation(zurriyet) of Adam, the nation(millet) of Ibrahim and the ummah of Muhammad sws. But they are so proud to say that they come from apes. They may be the sons of apes-we are the sons of Adam a.s. and from the nation of Ibrahim, and it is honour for us! Abraham was Khalilullah, the friend of Allah, and he was ready to sacrifice what was most dear to him, his son Ismail, and also Isamil was ready to sacrifice himself and he was fully submitted: Canim feda olsun, may my soul be your ransom, he said. Allah doesn't want us to be slaves to our ego, but to serve Him. You can do that? For what people are living? They live to satisfy their ego- important people as well as common people. So many ordinary stones- where are the jewels? Imam Rabbani, a Naqshibandi-Sheikh-ul-'Azam, said: Great is the one who saved himself from the slavery of his ego. For what we are fasting? It is worshipping, servanthood, the best means to save people from the slavery of their ego. All the prophets used to fast and tought their nation to fast. Allah's reward for fasting is endless, because it turns you from a servant to your ego into a servant of Allah. So don't say: I am great. Allah alone is Great, and He gives greatness to the one who escapes from his ego. But we open and close our eyes only to serve our ego. People of the 21st century are servants to their ego, and Shaitan is their first teacher... Everyone wants to study. Nobody wants to learn a craft, no one wants to be a shepherd or gardener. No one respects the other anymore, everybody wants to be a big one and important one. But there is a head and there are feet. In Russia they tried and said all are equal and all should govern. They killed (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:39:08
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the Zar and put themselves in the palace. And Stalin killed 8o Million people and cleaned Middle Asia from Muslims... Not everybody is going to govern, because who should they govern? Trees? Donkeys? Dogs? They don't need a government. But egomania, the illusion of being important and great, is slavery to the ego, and most probably there is no real great man at all anymore. In old times they worked with the light of faith. But people nowadays are in darkness and don't see, where they are going or stepping. Nobody sees anymore. Mind and willpower have come down to zero, and Shaitan has made people dishonoured in the service to their ego. A human being is servant of Allah, our Lord. Who is there that lives for Allah? The Saudis? The Turks? The Egyptians, Syrians, Pakistanis? This month has started with 'Azamet, take care! The door of worship is fasting, and it means war against the ego, that always wants to do, as it likes. Say: "No, I don't want to be your servant anymore, I am turning to Allah, I am no more listening to you!" Who says that, will be saved, and the others will have to go... Every morning I am eating Sahur and I am asking for support for the fasting. If Allah gives support, with one bite I may fast 4o days... O Allah, let us be under the Tajalli of Lutf (mercy, divine grants, favours), not of Azab (divine anger). Lefke - 17.10.2001 (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:39:08
9696 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreNothing
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WeAreNothing
We are nothing! All Glory be for Allah! Abdul Qadir Gilani…(Maulana is singing in praise of that big Saint) Destur, ya Sayyidi, Meded, Meded ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah…Audhu bi- llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi- llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Azim… We are nothing! All Glory be for Allah! He is Powerful and no limit for His Power. (He is) never giving anything or never taking anything. If (He was) giving anything, that means He may be in pieces. Therefore He is not ‘something’ (so) that His Existence is going to be with pieces, no, He is One! If you are giving to 1 something, it is going to be changed, not to be 1. He is 1, Number 1, from numbers (He is the) 1. If you are giving something to 1, (it is) changing), (it is) never going to be 1. (And) if you are taking (something) from 1, also (it is) changing and 1 (is) going to disappear. Therefore 1 (is) never accepting to give or to take. Allah Almighty, His Existence, His Personality can’t be like any other thing- (it is) impossible! And Allah Almighty, from pre-eternal up to eternal, He is (the) Creator, creating. Don’t think that when He is creating something (He is) giving to His creatures (something) from His Essence, no! If (He was) giving (to them something from His Essence), He was going to be like us; we can take (and) we can give. (The) most difficult thing is to think on His Oneness, (the) Oneness of Allah’s Existence. To think on it is most difficult. A man- as much as a man (is) thinking (and) thinking about (a) female being, he can’t reach to understand (the) real being of (a) female. And also a female (is) never understanding (the) real being of (a) male. Man and woman- (for) a man it is impossible to understand the situation or position of a woman, and also (for) a woman it is impossible to understand a real being of man. If you are asking that- a female (to (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:09
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understand) 1oo% the situation of being a man- that woman must be (a) man, or it is impossible. And a man, if he (is) asking to understand 1oo% (the) situation of a woman, that one must be a woman. And (it is the same for) everything. That is (a) palm-tree. (It is) never understanding (an) apricot (-tree). If (it is) understanding that must be an apricot (itself). Or: that is a plum tree, that is an apricot tree. (And) a banana tree can’t be (an) avocado (tree). Yes. If anyone (is) asking to be like X., he must be X., to understand who is X…Everything that He created, creation, creatures, it is impossible (for them) to understand how is (their) Creator. For understanding (the) Creator, (someone or something) must be (that) Creator. And it is impossible, because this universe can’t carry two Creators; (it) can (only) carry one Creator. What is creation and what are creatures? You may think on it, but you can’t be able to think on the Creator. He is (the) Creator (and He is) creating, and His creation (is) never ending. This is an apricot tree- that is another apricot tree, but they are not 1oo% similar (or) same, no. This is one (tree), that is another (tree). Creation and Creator- leave them. Leave the Creator- (but) you may think on creation. Not creation, but the creation of creatures that are in existence. He is (the) Creator, (and He) may fill this universe. (And) like this universe hundreds or billions or trillions times- He may create (a space) and this space (is) never going to be full (or) occupied, so that there is no more room. This space- when our Lord, the Creator (is) asking to bring in existence (and) to create such a universe (that is) quatrillion and quatrillion times (the size of our universe), this space (is) never going to be full; never (it is) getting (to be) ‘full-house’. And, if He likes, He is able to put all of (that space that is) like this universe billion and billion times in (the) distance of (an) atom! Don’t use your balance for Allah, oh heedless people! Don’t show me icons! People (are) painting and say: “This is God.” Astaghfirullah! Yes! In the distance of (an) atom He may create (a space that is) like this universe millions, billions, trillions etc times and He may order (it) to be in (the) distance of (an) atom. Allah, Allah! (There) must be a crack through the heads of mankind to think on it! Don’t think! ‘Tafakkaru fi ala-i- llah, wa la tafakkaru fi dhatillah’- You can think on creatures, but not on the Creator! Don’t try to think on Him, no! How you can put (in) your mind (the thought) that (a space that is like) such (a universe as our) universe million and billion times may be in (an) atom’s distance? It is easy for (the) Lord of Heavens to say: “Be in that distance!” Finished- and they are ready in (that) atomic area, in that distance! And it is not (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:09
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crowded! Everyone freely may take their place and (they are) so happy; they are saying: “ Ohhh, (it is) such a big distance!” Think on creation, for whole creatures and (that) He is (their) Creator. You may look (to) creatures and through His creatures you may understand something… Therefore we were saying: He is not giving even (an) atomic (part of His) Existence or (He is) never taking (anything). When He is creating, He is not taking anything (from) this creation. And also He is not giving anything. Only (it is) His Order: “Be!” and (it is) going to be, to appear and to take its room in that area and to say: “I am here, oh my Lord!” Glory be for my Lord!” Everything (is) glorifying Allah! So countless universes and creatures- all of them (are) shouting and saying: “Glory be for our Lord!” They are shouting! It is only an Order (from Allah Almighty that is bringing them in existence). (An) Order is not a material thing. (An) Order- your mind is never going to understand how is that Order; how that Order (is) bringing millions, billions, trillions (of) spaces (and) universes. Your imagination (is) never reaching (to understand), impossible! And everything that you are thinking for (an) understanding of our Lord’s Order and Command- to say: “Be!”- that is all imagination, and reality is beyond that! Therefore you can’t understand ‘Alem-u-Amr, His Dominion of Power or His Dominions of His Power Oceans. It is impossible to be understood! Always you can’t move more than in (an) atomic distance. You can’t be able. You are understanding- our souls may understand! And which things that our masters (are) speaking- don’t think (that) their addressing is towards your physical being! (The) physical being (is) understanding nothing! But they are aiming at our spirituality and our souls are swimming through that unknown Power Oceans’ Dominions. And that is our limit, and beyond that limit you can’t reach (to an understanding); even your imagination can’t reach (to anything) after that limit. Every time you are moving towards (the) real Power Oceans’ Dominions, you should find yourself moving with that atom, as a vessel (that is) moving through an ocean- (it) is cutting distances, but always it is through that ocean. Because you are in a boat, a ship that is always moving through that countless Power Oceans’ Dominions. As much as you are moving, you can’t reach beyond that ship, always you are in it. (You) can’t be leaving that ship and coming in Power Oceans’ Dominions. And this is (an) addressing to (the) 21st century people that they are thinking that they reached the top limits of understanding (the knowledge) from this world and (that) they are (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:09
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asking to reach beyond this planet. They are never getting satisfied now to be on this planet only. They have some desires, deeply- (they are) asking to move beyond this planet (to look) what is there, but (they) can’t reach. Through themselves (they) may reach from distance to distance with this planet only. If (they are) asking to move beyond this planet, (they are) going to be finished; their existence (is) going to be on the point of zero, no more (there should be) their existence in this universe. They are asking to move and to understand, but they may use only this planet and this planet, (to) where it is going, they may look, but they can’t look. They can’t look, because materiality (is) never making mankind to move from this planet, beyond this galaxy. You must try to reach to another distance and you are on this planet. If this planet is moving beyond (the) solar system (and the) solar system (is) asking to move beyond our galaxy, and when (you are) leaving this galaxy, (you are) looking billions of (other) galaxies- how (you) can reach to (the) end of (all the) galaxies? That means: (it is) impossible to reach beyond of our imagination. All of it (is) remaining in (the) limits of our imagination and Reality is (always the) same. As one Wali (was) saying: “Allah- Huwa ‘al ‘an kama kan”- The Lord of Heavens is (now), as He was, (and) He is from pre-eternal up to eternal (the same) and you can’t find a way to reach to that ‘manzar’, that view, to reach beyond this creation and to look. You can’t cut that distance and reach (the) end of creation and look who is Allah! It is impossible, but this desire, deep desire (is) teaching man to ask (to reach something) beyond their levels and to move through countless distances, through countless levels, through countless horizons to find the last horizon and to reach to Reality. And it is impossible! Therefore mankind now (is) falling in troubles, because (people are) not thinking (on) such big subjects. If (they were) coming (and) turning to themselves (they) should find everything through themselves. But (they are) running to find everything out of their existence and it is impossible! Your existence, beyond your existence, your existence is not a real existence. You must turn back (to Him) Who is giving to you that existence with His Command and (Who is) making me, making you to appear through an atmosphere that you can’t reach to the ends of that atmosphere, because they are also swimming through countless Power Oceans of divine Dominions. May Allah forgive us and make us to think on such high thoughts and to leave useless things, not to waste our valuable lives- that we have been granted as a chance from Allah Almighty- to think on it and to move through that area that no one (is) going to understand, but only their understanding continuously continues (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:09
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through their distances, and then they should be happy for that movement through their creation from level to level. You should reach through your creation from one horizon to another, (and) from that horizon to another, and your pleasure, your light (is) going to be more and more and more (and) you should be with you Lord’s divinely Presence as it is appointed for you through that atomic distance. And (the) Dominions of the Lord of Heavens- Alhamdulillah we are saying- (they are) unlimited. If (they) were in limits, man was going to be always in sadness, because (they would think that) one day that (is) going to finish. But (there is) real pleasure for mankind, who is (the) deputy (of Allah) and created (to be) patron on earth on behalf of their Lord, (who is) giving us endless pleasure. If that Dominions (were) going to be in limits, man (was) going to disappear or to finish under (the) darkness of sadness (and he was) never going to taste anything. But (the) Lord of Heavens has countless Dominions of Power Oceans as well as countless Dominions from His divinely Attributes. May Allah give us something for (an) understanding, to be in pleasure her and Hereafter. For the honour of His most honoured one in His divinely Presence, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha. Lefke, 27.04.2004, transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel
BookKhairiyahSiegel (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:09
9701 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreNotInACoffeeshop
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WeAreNotInACoffeeshop
This is not a lecture, we are not in a coffee shop or conference; we are not students asking degrees (but every day you take a degree here), we are not lazy cafeteria people
This is not a lecture, we are not in a coffee shop or conference; we are not students asking degrees (but every day you take a degree here), we are not lazy cafeteria people. We are middle way people. You may sit for a little while; Allah granted to you to come and make Sajdah, to respect His holy order: ‘Come and make Sajdah’. Who is deaf, is going to be killed now. Who is not listening to make Sajdah has reached to his end now. The only safe people are those who keep the holy command of Allah Who calls: ‘Come and make Sajdah to your Lord.’ Who is doing this, must do it not only once a week, no, but five times daily. If not, he is going to be in danger to be assaulted, and to be killed. Only Sajdah is going to protect people not to be killed. There is no other way now for Muslim communities. For Non-Muslims charity is going to protect them, as Sajdah protects Muslims. Therefore billions must be taken away. Only those people, who make Sajdah for Allah, should be protected and sheltered, and among Non-Muslims charitable people. Charity is going to be for them a blessing from Allah Almighty, as the Sajdah is for the Muslims. (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:09
9702 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreNotInACoffeeshop
Now in only two moon months from the New Year of the western countries, the Islamic calendar should join their calendar, and it this going to come that people should be taken away and the whole world should be cleaned. May Allah bless you and forgive me… Ask forgiveness from Allah. People give importance only for their ego’s satisfaction, egoistic enjoyment, and physical body’s pleasures. They run after that. Their main target is to reach more pleasures for their physical beings through their egoistic willing and wishes, demands and desires. Now it is important for Muslims also to make their egoistic desires less, to make a limit, not to be everything for our egoistic desires, no. But now the Muslim world and the non-Muslim world 100% run after that point. It is their target to reach to or to fulfil their egoistic desires. No one is thinking on this. They ask to take people away from nature and to establish a new life-style, and everyone is asking for that new life-style, individually and commonly. They ask to save themselves from nature, but they cannot get up, and therefore they build their buildings on pillars, not to reach to nature, but to be far away. They don’t like to go in a worldwide direction to build their buildings and cities, but they ask to go up, higher and higher. Therefore they build towers, skyscrapers, because they like to escape from earth and go up, not to be with nature. And nature is our physical being’s mother. When you go away from it, everything is coming against you. As long as you are friendly with nature, nature keeps you like a mother keeps her child. Nature keeps people, who are friendly with it. Therefore one hundred years ago, in villages and in the countryside especially, people were much more healthy, they lived healthily. Now people escape from nature, and as long as they do, nature is going to be unhappy with them and send on them something that is worst for them. In old times nature did its best for mankind; now it is angry, asking to harm people. Therefore they say that bacteria, microbes, run everywhere and take their revenge from these foolish people. Before people used to drink water from wells, (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:09
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from running waters. Now they must refine the water so many times and take this and that out from it, so that only the name of water is going to remain, but the qualities, which are so useful for our physical being, are taken away. Then there is no more defence for our body against bacteria and microbes, and therefore so many kinds of illnesses come that have never been seen or heard of. Animals live with nature. In the jungle there are never going to be these illnesses; only the animals that we keep, time by time are getting ill. It is not from themselves, but from the curse, which comes on their owners, that mad-cow-illness is coming on them. Otherwise that illness would never come to cows. It is not really that the cows are mad, but it is a cursing coming on them because of their owners and people, that eat meat and use every bad method for slaughtering animals. That cursing is coming on the cows, otherwise those animals would not be ill, because they live friendly with nature. You may see sometimes donkeys rubbing themselves on earth. That is a disinfectant. Every flying or running animal is so friendly with nature, disinfecting themselves with earth. Subhanallah! Allah has put most perfect ways for the life of man on earth, to be everything in its perfection, but man is running away from nature, because they run away from their Lord. And cursing is running after them and comes on their heads. ‘Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim!’ This is important: Animals teach people not to escape from nature. If a dog puts its tongue on a plate, you must clean it 7 x with water and then once with earth, because dogs always carry bacteria that harm people, and that are not going away except with earth. Even with soap they are not going away, only with earth, which cleans and kills the bacteria. It is such a strong disinfectant, it is best! People go to sandy beaches, but sand harms them. It doesn’t carry disinfectant like the earth. People lie on the sand and it harms them and also the