Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (703/777)
eine Ehre für den Menschen. Der Mensch ist der Vertreter Allahs des Allmächtigen auf Erden. Was immer es auf Erden gibt an Pflanzen oder Tieren, alles steht in seinem Dienst. Allah der Allmächtige hat nichts umsonst geschaffen. Er (swt) läßt nicht einmal einen Grashalm umsonst wachsen. Selbst das Gras, das auf der Wiese wächst, hat einen Nutzen, einen Dienst für die Menschheit. Ihr habt so einen Herrn, doch ihr akzeptiert Ihn nicht, ihr sagt nicht Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim? Das ist das Saifullah, das Schwert Allahs, das Er (swt) unserem Propheten (saws) (11 von 15)04.07.2013 23:39:02
9665 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreHungry
gewährte . Wenn er damit zuschlägt, kann es von Ost nach West reichen. Unser Prophet ist der Meister der Schöpfung. Ihr seid die Nation des Meisters der Schöpfung. Kann er euch je hungern lassen? Sie wandern, laufen auf den Straßen und sagen, 'Wir sind hungrig!' Sie werden auf den Straßen enden, verhungert. Die Nachrichten: 'Bittet von Meinem Ihsan (Güte)'. Warum sucht ihr eine andere Tür? Wer sich nicht an Allah den Allmächtigen wendet, Der der Herr der Himmel und Erden ist, stirbt Hungers. Er verliert seine Ehre und sein toter Körper wird ein Kadaver. Was dem Menschen Ehre gibt, ist, den Namen Allahs des Allmächtigen zu sagen. Haben sie ihn gesagt? 'Wir sind hungrig!' Ihr könnt nie satt werden im Leben. Könnt ihr je satt werden? Sie sagen: Wir sind hungrig. Wer Dienst tut für Allah, Der der Eigner von Himmel und Erden ist, kann so ein Mensch je hungrig bleiben? Auch der einfachste Diener, der im Palast eines Sultans dient, wird nicht hungrig bleiben. Er ißt wenigstens das, was im Topf übrig ist. Er ißt, was von des Sultans Tisch übrig ist, und wird satt. Wer euch ernährt, ist Allah, nicht diese Regierungen. Wer seid ihr, und wer ist euere Regierung? "Falhukmu Lillahi l-`Aliyi l-Kabir" (40:12). Die Herrschaft, die Absolute Herrschaft gehört Allah dem Allmächtigen. Wenn Er (swt) sagt, 'Gebt ihm', wird ihm gegeben. Wenn Er sagt, 'Gebt ihm nicht', wird ihm nicht gegeben. Es wird niemand hungrig gelassen, nachdem er das Bismillah gesagt hat. Aber sie haben das Bismillah vergessen und schreien auf den Straßen: Wir sind hungrig! Wen ruft ihr an? Wen ruft ihr an? 'Wen können wir anrufen? Wir rufen, damit dieser Mensch die Macht übernimmt und uns zu Essen gibt. Dieses Tier übernimmt die Macht und gibt uns zu Essen.' Ist das die Ehre der Menschheit? Was kann ein Mensch einem anderen geben? Nichts. Ist Er nicht euer Herr, Der alles geben kann? Warum sagt ihr nicht Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim? Unser Herr mögest Du von den Schätzen des Bismillah zu uns herabsenden und uns ernähren. Mögest Du uns Ehre geben auf dem Weg Deiner Dienerschaft, o Herr. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim öffnet die Türen solcher Schätze.. Wer immer mit dem Bismillah gräbt, findet Gold. Sie wissen es nicht, sie lehren das nicht. Schande auf ihre Gebildeten. Sie können nicht "Allah" lehren! Wir sprechen von Allahs Herrlichkeit auf die einfachste Weise. Die Absolute Macht und Herrlichkeit gehört Allah dem Allmächtigen. Absolute Gaben gehören Allah dem Allmächtigen. Wenn es etwas Höheres gibt, sagt es! Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Unser Herr laß uns nicht eines anderen bedürftig sein, o Herr. Mögest Du unsere Versorgung auf leichte Weise gewähren. (12 von 15)04.07.2013 23:39:02
9666 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreHungry
Bedecke uns. Wirf uns nicht in Erniedrigung und laß uns nicht auf den Straßen laufen wie Tiere. 'Ihr lauft, ich veranlasse nicht, daß ihr lauft. Ihr habt Mich vergessen, und dann lauft ihr auf den Straßen', sagt Er (swt). Wir sind hungrig, wir sind hungrig! Ihr werdet nie satt in euerem Leben. Sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, und ein Teller Suppe reicht für eine Familie. Sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, und ein Laib Brot reicht für einen Palast. Wie schön, wie schön ist das Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Laß uns nicht vergessen, o Herr. 'Wir haben Kranke in der Familie'. Der Kranke ist sich auch seiner Lage gewahr. Aber warum sagt der Kranke nicht Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim? Bismillahi Lladhi la Yadurru ma`a Ismihi Shay'un fi l-Ardi wa la fi s-Sama'i wa Huwa s-Sami`u l-`Alim." Ihr arabischen Muslime, könnt ihr nicht Arabisch? Wir sind Ajam, wir sind Nicht-Araber, aber ihr, wie könnt ihr nicht wissen? Kann jemand hungrig bleiben, nachdem er Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim gesagt hat? Gibt es jemanden, der verhungert, nachdem er Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim gesagt hat? Sagt vor Allah, das gibt es nicht! Ihr lauft auf den Straßen wie Pferde. Ihr sagt: Wir sind hungrig! Sie können niemals satt werden in ihrem ganzen Leben. Möge Allah unser Herz sättigen mit Seiner Liebe, so daß unser Magen die ganze Zeit satt ist und unser Herz rein. Unser Gesicht ist erleuchtet, Allah läßt uns nicht auf die Stufe der Tiere fallen. Wer auf den Straßen läuft, verläßt die Stufe des Menschen und fällt auf die Stufe der Tiere. Unser Herr, Mögest Du uns Deine Diener senden, die uns das lehren. Sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, öffnet die Tür und geht aus dem Haus. Auch wenn ihr keine Arbeit findet, findet ihr zumindest fünf Guineen, fünf Pfund vor euerer Tür. Ihr könnt doch für das Nötigste sorgen. Allah läßt Seine Diener nicht hungrig. "Wa ma min Dabbatin fi l-Ardi illa `ala Llahi Rizqahu." Der große Mensch! Allah, Der selbst die Versorgung einer kleinen Ameise gibt, kann Er den großen, geehrten Menschen hungrig lassen? Was für eine Sache ist das: Muslime vergessen das Bismillah, sie gehen und bitten Europa um Hilfe. Sie erbitten Waffen von den USA, erbitten Soldaten von Rußland.. Laßt all das! Kehrt zu Allah zurück! Sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Unser Herr, mögest Du uns zu jenen gehören lassen, die Deinen Ismu l-Jalil erinnern. Laß uns nicht zu den Beraubten gehören lassen. Wer ist beraubt? Wer Allah vergißt. Wer Allah vergißt, ist beraubt. Wer nicht vergißt, ist nie beraubt. Der Schlüssel zu den Schätzen auf der Erde und in den Himmeln ist Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- (13 von 15)04.07.2013 23:39:02
9667 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreHungry
Rahim. Damit öffnen sich alle Schätze für euch. Warum lauft ihr noch auf den Straßen wie Wölfe, wie Schakale, wie Tiere? Wenn ihr hungrig seid, geht in die Moschee. Bittet eueren Herrn: O Herr, ya Muhawwilal Hawli wa l-Ahwal Hawwil Halana ila Ahsani Hal. Gib uns einen besseren Zustand, Herr, und wir machen Deine Dienerschaft besser. Vergib uns unsere Sünden. Wir suchen Zuflucht bei Dir vor dem Ego, vor den Begierden, vor Shaytan, vor der Dunya, die uns fehlleiten. Mögest Du uns schützen, o Herr. Schütze unsere Religion, unseren Glauben, unsere Ehre, unsere Züchtigkeit. Kann jemand, der Frauen auf den Straßen kreischen läßt, noch Ehre haben? Wo sind die Gelehrten, das zu sagen? Wenn ihr das nicht sagt, werdet ihr am Gerichtstag leiden. Wenn ihr es nicht sagt, seid ihr passender für Shaytan. So viele Schätze sind im Bismillah. Es ist ein gezogenes Schwert. Wenn es zuschlägt, kann es von Ost nach West reichen und die Köpfe aller Ungläubigen abschneiden. Es ist solche Macht bei unserem Propheten (saws). Ich sage das wenigste davon. Wenn ich das höchste davon sage, wenn ein Wali Allahs die Erde anstößt, kann er sie so werfen, wie sie tun, wenn sie Fußball spielen. Wirklich? Wenn du willst, kann ich dich dorthin werfen lassen, und du kommst nie zurück. Unser Herr, unser Suhban, unser Sultan. Kann jemand hungrig bleiben an der Tür unseres Sultans? Kann er in einer machtlosen Lage oder im Elend bleiben? Unser Herr, Irham Dha'fana, Irham Dhullana. Nahnu Abduka Fuqara, Dhuafa ya Rabbi. Wa'fu anna Waghfur lana Warhamna. Wa tub `alayna Wahdina Wasqina. Waslih Sha'nana wa Sha'nu l-Muslimin. Fansurna `ala l-Qawmi l-Kafirin. Wansur Sultanana, Sultana l- Muslimin. Ein Sultan wird gebraucht für den Islam. Es kann keinen Sultan in jedem Land geben. Ein Sultan wird gebraucht. Mögest Du uns einen Sultan senden, o Herr. Wa l-Hamdulillahi Rabbi l- `Alamin. Wa l-Aqibatu li l-Muttaqin. Wa l-`Aqibatu li l-Muttaqin Wala `Udwan illa `ala l- Zalimin. Unser Herr, mögest Du uns nicht zu denen machen, die wild werden und fehlgehen. Überlaß uns nicht unserem schmutzigen Ego. Wa la Takilna ila Anfusina Tarfata `Aynin. Das Ego des Menschen erniedrigt und blamiert ihn. Herr, Tawba ya Rabbi. Wir schämen uns, aber was können wir tun? Was können wir tun? Unsere Gelehrten können den Mund nicht öffnen. Unsere Führer beachten die Gelehrten nicht, respektieren den Propheten nicht, machen keine Sajda vor ihrem Herrn. Wie soll ihre Lage oder unsere Lage sein? Aman ya Rabbi, Aman ya Rabbi. Schließe uns nicht von Deiner Dienerschaft aus. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. (14 von 15)04.07.2013 23:39:02
9668 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreHungry
Laß uns Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim sagen, und jede Tür öffnet sich für uns. Erleichterung kommt zu unserem Körper, unsere Krankheit verschwindet. Unsere Probleme, Schmerz und Elend wird weggenommen. Wir singen wie Vögel und sagen: O Herr, wir lieben Dich, wir lieben Deinen Propheten. Mögen wir Dich lieben, ya Rabbi, mögen wir Dich lieben, ya Rabbana. O Liebende Allahs! Sagt das! Weckt die Menschen auf! Mögen wir geweckt werden. O Herr, sende uns den Sultan, der uns aufweckt. Mögest Du uns die Heiligen senden, die uns Deine schönen Wege lehren. Wir sind uns selbst überlassen und verbringen unser Leben in Sklaverei. Vergib uns, o Allah. Vergib uns, o Allah. Vergib uns, o Allah, zu Ehren Deines Geliebten. Wa bi Hurmati Sirri Surati l-Fatiha, ma`a l-Basmala. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Alhamdulillahi Rabbi l-`Alamin. Ar-Rahmani r-Rahim. Maliki Yawmi d-Din. Iyaka Na`budu wa Iyaka Nasta`in. Ahdina s-Sirata l-Mustaqim. Sirata Lladhina An`amta `Alayhim Ghayri l-Maghdubi `Alayhim wa la d-Dallin. Amin. Überlaß uns nicht unserem schmutzigen Ego, o Herr. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Okay, genug mit so viel. Lefke, 26.02.2013
WebSaltanatOrg (15 von 15)04.07.2013 23:39:02
9669 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreInNeedFromMaterialAndSpiritual
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WeAreInNeedFromMaterialAndSpiritual
We are in need something from material and something from spiritual
As-salamu alaikum… Audhubilahi minesh shaitana rajim…Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim Astaghfirullah min kulli thanbin masi', min kulli ma yukallifu-l Islam…Tariqatuna as-sohba wa khairu fi jamiat… We are in need something from material and something from spiritual. We are in need for our material being or physical being something from material to stand up, and our spiritual being also needs something from spirituality. Really our material being is standing up in existence through our souls. If not souls, our physical being is nothing, can't continue alive. If our souls leave our physical being, our personality just finished- no way for our physical being to continue alive in existence. That is reality, but people's thinking opposite. They are saying 'our lives continue and our lives depends… as much as we feeding our physical being, our physical being going to be in existence', and that is wrong, very wrong idea. But it looks like. Who deny spirituality and power of our souls think that we are only going to be in life by eating and drinking and taking care for our physical being. It is not true, but looks like that. Therefore they are taking no care for spirituality or for souls, they are saying: 'No, we are only a physical being, a creature like other creatures, our lives depend on eating and drinking and taking care for our material being, it is okay'. Who taking this view or idea and never taking any care for their soul and spiritual being, we are looking that they are growing and developing their physical being to one limit. When they reach to that limit, after it beginning to come down. Up to that limit everyone feeling that they are powerful, that they are perfect, that they may do everything; that is their limits, and after (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:39:03
9670 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreInNeedFromMaterialAndSpiritual
that point or age, beginning to come down, Day by day they are going to feel that something getting less from their physical being, and they are surprising and saying: What about? I am looking myself as before or more than before, I am looking I am taking care for my physical being, controlling and making check-ups on it, and taking so care, in spite of that we are looking that our black hairs coming to be whiter and our skin becoming…so many lines beginning, and we are looking our eyes is not like before seeing, our hearing coming down, our teeth going to be destroyed step by step, and our manpower coming less, less, less and we are saying we are finishing. And we are saying- they are saying- what about? Just I am giving everything more than before now, we are using so many medicines, herbal medicines, artificial medicines, atomic medicines, atomic weapons…and even atomic bombs never affecting on…finishing. What is that? Proof coming to them, that: O people, your thoughts, your ideas are wrong ideas, you must understand that it is not material feeding, making you to stand up, no, something else. But yet they are insisting to say We must find a now herbal, new powerful pills, now check-up, and renewing our hearts…they may renew hearts also, renewing liver, renewing everything except that one…not renewing…no renewment for that…finished, passed away… very important form heart from head from they are thinking on it, and they say we must find something to make ourselves young ones again…finished, because you were believing in materialism, you are saying: 'No God', and this is a punishment to cut your power that coming from Heavens, that power to cut down. You may eat drink everything, but your power just passed away; make it in coffin and bury it, finished. 'We are doing copyright, photocopy of man', they are saying, we make this photocopy, we are doing same that person.' You may reach to that point, but you can't make an old person…you can't make his photocopy as before, finished. But they try to find this secret power that makes a person to be alive. No way! No way. Because they are atheist people, materialist people, denying the Creator, Lord of Heavens, they should be punished. Therefore after 25 years now going to finish. So many people coming and complaining, saying: 'What about?' I am saying: 'You believe in God?' 'Eh'… Most Western people finished now, after 25 they are dead people. Mill without water not turning. There is mill- water just stopped. Punishment from Heavens to these people, for atheist people, for unbelievers, for wrong ones, for bad ones, for rebellious ones…it is a punishment from the Lord of Heavens: 'Yes, you are doing as you like, but you are not going to live as you like, finished, I am cutting your way'. I am speaking for those people whom they are never accepting that there is a soul, there is a spiritual power through our souls, making our physical being to stand up. When you deny it, that power slowly coming down, coming down, coming down…to zero point. For a believer everything from foods and drinks, if they say: (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:39:03
9671 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreInNeedFromMaterialAndSpiritual
'Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim.', giving enough power for them. If not saying 'Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim.', taking from them, not giving to them. O people…don't think that people now reached 21st century and what they are inventing from new systems, new instruments, giving power to them. No, everything that they are inventing, taking something from their personality, taking a power from their physical being, and coming to be so weak ones. And weakest people from beginning up today: are the people that live on earth now in our period, so weak! It wasn't before in such a way. Now everyone feeling themselves weak, and asking to find a way to make themselves strong, not strong, but stronger. But no way, till they say: 'O our Lord, support us with Your Mercy, support us with Your blessings!' If not are saying this, no way for them, nothing can support them, they are going to finish slowly, slowly, slowly, and this huge number of people going to pass away. Therefore- this is an association; association with Sheikh; Sheikh that authorized to give from heavenly powers, or heavenly support to attenders, and attenders, as much as they may give much more care, they may take much more. Like a petrol station, may come a bicycle, asking petrol, giving one litre, it is enough for that one, coming 40 wheels big truck, this one litre is not enough, taking ten gallons…100 gallons not enough for that. Therefore people who attend such an association, as much as giving their attention, as much as they are opening their hearts, that heavenly power, spiritual power, may come and may act in that person, and that person can do through that power. Therefore this is a humble station, but it is a real station, and very rare to find it. You can find, but it is difficult, they are hiding themselves. You may find hiding stations, or hidden station, you can find, but it is difficult to find them, and so many people from East and West coming here, they are understanding, they are finding and coming here. People are asking: 'For what coming from East, from West to this place? What is here?' I am saying: 'You are not understanding, because donkey can't understand, what is for man. If your level donkey level, you are not understanding. Get up a little bit, then you can understand, and you are not going to asking me why people are coming. If you are reaching to their station, you are not going to ask me: Why they are coming from America.' This is a young fellow, X., 30 hours by plane coming. For what coming? To drink my soup, that only I am putting tomato and potato in a big pot, putting 2 or 3 pounds wheat, and that is all, and putting in it salt…for this coming? No, they are coming for something else. It is not easy to come and fly 30 hours from San Francisco, from California, up to Cyprus. What is in Cyprus? Why not going to Russia? Why not going to India, to Egypt, to London? They may walk… This is an unknown place, but they are knowing and coming. If nothing, they are not coming. If their souls not finding a satisfaction, they are not (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:39:03
9672 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreInNeedFromMaterialAndSpiritual
coming. That fellow coming from Denmark, that one from England, that from Austria, that France, that Germany…from East, from West people coming. If you are putting a sign that you are saying: This is a Tandoori, curry center, people running to it. If they are looking around and if it is only written Tandoori center, Tandoori Kebab, and inside nothing, you may cheat one or two people, then no one coming in. You may cheat them with big advertising, but when they are coming in it and not satisfying, not finding what they are asking, no one coming second time. But a small shop that not writing anything that you may show, what you are selling, they may come to you. And 21st century people are in need spirituality. They have material, countless, but they are not in peace. What they have form richness, billions, trillions of Euros, or Pounds, or Dollars, not giving to people peace, and people run after peace. They are not finding. Therefore I am advising to whole nations, to whole mankind, that they must come back to their real positions, to ask from their real personality and positions, and to find a way to themselves through spirituality. If not finding, they are never going to reach a peace or satisfaction, and they are going to kill each other, and to destroy everyone's cities and countries, and making shaitan to be happy… Shaitan going to be happy when everything destroyed and everyone killed. May Allah forgive me and bless you, for the honour of most honoured Rasul salallahu alayhi wasallim, Fatiha. Lefke - 05.06.2002 (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:39:03
9673 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreInNeedOfDivinelyHelp
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WeAreInNeedOfDivinelyHelp
We are in need of divinely help. Now we are reaching a time that man must think about what is happening, or what is going to happen and what happened
We are in need of divinely help. Now we are reaching a time that man must think about what is happening, or what is going to happen and what happened. We must stop even for one minute or moment, and we must think. There is a song in Turkish, saying: Ey yolcu biraz dinle beni, kervan geciyor, sen kalma geri.O traveller, listen to me, the caravan is passing, so don't stay behind. This is a song said by heavenly feelings. There are some songs that belong to our material world, and there are others, which belong to our spiritual world. Now you may see that 1oo%, or, if not, 99% of the songs of people belong to their material world, and they enjoy materially. In which kind of music youngsters and the new generation is interested? In pop-music- because pope also happy- that is addressing their material bodies or beings 1oo%, and nothing else. The second kind of music or songs belongs to our spirituality, to our spiritual body, and perhaps you may find 1 % of people interested in spirituality and spiritual music and songs. Maybe you find less, half % or quarter %. (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:03
9674 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreInNeedOfDivinelyHelp
Through all religions, from beginning up to end, music for our physical being's interest is forbidden, no doubt. Why? Because material songs take ourselves away from our spirituality and bring us into the darkness of materiality. Therefore they are forbidden, no way. Everything that takes man away from spirituality, carrying him to his material being, is forbidden. That is the main rule, and the real reason for something to be forbidden is that it takes man away from God.. And it is never going to be changed, from the first man and first prophet up to the last one, may peace be upon all of them. There is a saying from Rasulullah, the Seal of Prophets, sws: 'Ad-dunya ma'ulatun', Dunya is cursed. For what? Because Dunya occupies the servants of the Lord from His divine service and makes them slaves for it. That is the main point to be well known, and no objection on it now, before or after, through East and West, Christians, Jews and Muslims. The Seal of Prophets said that Dunya is cursed and also everything in it is cursed, because it takes the servants of the Lord of Heavens away from their main purpose of being in existence. The main purpose is that Allah created you, o man, for His divine service. But you are getting away from it and then cursing is coming on you. Therefore people through their acting and activities are either blessed or cursed- there is no other possibility. If you are going to do something, that activity or work is either going to be blessed and then blessings are coming on you, or it is going to be cursed and then cursing is coming on you. This balance is never changed. One hundred popes, one thousand bishops can't say anything. They must think what is the mission of Muhammad sws. What was his calling for? If they have something through their heads, they must think on this: That one, to where was he calling people to come? The Quran Karim is witness, it says in there: 'Wa Allahu jadau ila Dar-us-Salaam.' The Seal of Prophets was calling people to Paradise forever, never ending Paradise, to Allah. How you say Jesus is God? What is that foolishness? Now, they say, there is going to be a war of religions. No real religion may stand up (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:03
9675 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreInNeedOfDivinelyHelp
against Islam, the real Islam which the Prophet brought. He is saying what is his mission: 'I am calling you to Allah.' And the akbar burhan, the greatest evidence for Rasul, Seal of Prophets, S.Muhammad sws, is that he was saying: 'Dunya is cursed.' Dunya is never leaving people to be through their divine service in the divine Presence, to be servants of the Lord Allah Almighty, but asking them to be its servants, and not even servants, but slaves. Man should be his Lord's servant, because that servanthood is giving honour to people. Allah Almighty is not saying: 'My slaves', because slave is not a honoured title. And Dunya is making people its slaves, there is no servanthood for Dunya, but it is slavery. And slaves have no value among a community; they may be sold, they may be killed. No honour for them, not even 1 %, no. Slavery is the lowest level for mankind. Therefore the Prophet was saying: 'Dunya is cursed, because it makes the servants of the Lord Allah Almighty its slaves.' Therefore, those people, who are coming under the flag of the religion that is raising the flag of Heavens will be winners, should be victorious, and other flags should fall down. So it is important now to think on that point: What are we doing, what I am, who I am, or who am I? Everyone must ask himself those questions. And there are two flags raised: One flag is the heavenly flag, the flag that belongs to the Lord of Heavens, and the second flag is just a piece of cloth with a dirt shape on it and belongs to the satanic kingdom. And you have been offered to choose and be under one of these two flags. Look sometimes to yourself and ask: Am I under the holy flag of Heavens or under the flag of the satanic kingdom? You must ask and look, and according to your faith, according to the power of your belief, perhaps you may see really. If you don't see with the eyes of your head, but you may see with the eyes of your heart, that you are under the flag of Heavens, under the holy flag of Heavens. Keep your position; don't move, because you are under (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:03
9676 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreInNeedOfDivinelyHelp
heavenly shelter, so that if there is going to be a flood of fire on earth, you may sit in the fire, but it will never touch you, because the order will come to the fire not to burn you like S.Ibrahim a.s. He was thrown into the fire of Nimrod, and the holy command from Heavens came: 'Don't touch My beloved servant. Get away! Change yourself into a garden of red roses.' This is coming to those people also who are under the flag of Heavens. Now the fire is coming. Don't think everything is okay now, no! We are just on the first step and beyond that coming. People are going to come together and be on two ways: either under the flag of Heavens, or under the flag of the satanic kingdom. O people- I was beginning to speak on something else, but they brought me through this way, and it is important. It is very important to be known by all nations. Also, after this introduction, we must say what is the main mission for the creation of mankind on earth, to be well-known. First man and his lady landed on earth and they had a mission. Same time Shaitan landed on earth. Adam a.s. had been forgiven and blessed, but Shaitan, as he was not asking for forgiveness, he was cursed. He came on earth the same time as Adam and he came with his bad characteristic. He represents disobedience, he was the first disobedient one through creation and all creatures. He got courageous to address Allah and to say: 'If You don't forgive me and throw me from Paradise on earth, I swear on You that I am going not to leave Your servants to be Your servants. If You send Adam here to establish Your kingdom, I am coming also to make my kingdom on earth, and I should try until the last moment to keep my kingdom and not to be there Your kingdom.' Spit on Shaitan who was speaking like that in the divine Presence! Therefore all the angels kicked him down from Heavens. From that time up today Shaitan and his group, his slaves and devils, ask to establish their satanic kingdom on earth, and Allah Almighty was sending His prophets from Adam up to end to establish and keep His heavenly kingdom on (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:03
9677 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreInNeedOfDivinelyHelp
its feet, not to fall down. Now today Shaitan is in the most brave and hopeful time of his life, thinking that he can make the heavenly Sultanate not to be on earth anymore and to be his own Sultanate. Now coming wars of religions, that means, wars between the satanic Sultanate and the kingdom of Heavens, and we have been asked to give our support to the kingdom of Heavens. Allah Almighty should support those who are going to support the heavenly Sultanate. Even the servants of the heavenly kingdom of Allah Almighty have nothing, and the supporters of the satanic kingdom have every possibility from power and they depend on t
eine Ehre für den Menschen. Der Mensch ist der Vertreter Allahs des Allmächtigen auf Erden. Was immer es auf Erden gibt an Pflanzen oder Tieren, alles steht in seinem Dienst. Allah der Allmächtige hat nichts umsonst geschaffen. Er (swt) läßt nicht einmal einen Grashalm umsonst wachsen. Selbst das Gras, das auf der Wiese wächst, hat einen Nutzen, einen Dienst für die Menschheit. Ihr habt so einen Herrn, doch ihr akzeptiert Ihn nicht, ihr sagt nicht Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim? Das ist das Saifullah, das Schwert Allahs, das Er (swt) unserem Propheten (saws) (11 von 15)04.07.2013 23:39:02
9665 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreHungry
gewährte . Wenn er damit zuschlägt, kann es von Ost nach West reichen. Unser Prophet ist der Meister der Schöpfung. Ihr seid die Nation des Meisters der Schöpfung. Kann er euch je hungern lassen? Sie wandern, laufen auf den Straßen und sagen, 'Wir sind hungrig!' Sie werden auf den Straßen enden, verhungert. Die Nachrichten: 'Bittet von Meinem Ihsan (Güte)'. Warum sucht ihr eine andere Tür? Wer sich nicht an Allah den Allmächtigen wendet, Der der Herr der Himmel und Erden ist, stirbt Hungers. Er verliert seine Ehre und sein toter Körper wird ein Kadaver. Was dem Menschen Ehre gibt, ist, den Namen Allahs des Allmächtigen zu sagen. Haben sie ihn gesagt? 'Wir sind hungrig!' Ihr könnt nie satt werden im Leben. Könnt ihr je satt werden? Sie sagen: Wir sind hungrig. Wer Dienst tut für Allah, Der der Eigner von Himmel und Erden ist, kann so ein Mensch je hungrig bleiben? Auch der einfachste Diener, der im Palast eines Sultans dient, wird nicht hungrig bleiben. Er ißt wenigstens das, was im Topf übrig ist. Er ißt, was von des Sultans Tisch übrig ist, und wird satt. Wer euch ernährt, ist Allah, nicht diese Regierungen. Wer seid ihr, und wer ist euere Regierung? "Falhukmu Lillahi l-`Aliyi l-Kabir" (40:12). Die Herrschaft, die Absolute Herrschaft gehört Allah dem Allmächtigen. Wenn Er (swt) sagt, 'Gebt ihm', wird ihm gegeben. Wenn Er sagt, 'Gebt ihm nicht', wird ihm nicht gegeben. Es wird niemand hungrig gelassen, nachdem er das Bismillah gesagt hat. Aber sie haben das Bismillah vergessen und schreien auf den Straßen: Wir sind hungrig! Wen ruft ihr an? Wen ruft ihr an? 'Wen können wir anrufen? Wir rufen, damit dieser Mensch die Macht übernimmt und uns zu Essen gibt. Dieses Tier übernimmt die Macht und gibt uns zu Essen.' Ist das die Ehre der Menschheit? Was kann ein Mensch einem anderen geben? Nichts. Ist Er nicht euer Herr, Der alles geben kann? Warum sagt ihr nicht Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim? Unser Herr mögest Du von den Schätzen des Bismillah zu uns herabsenden und uns ernähren. Mögest Du uns Ehre geben auf dem Weg Deiner Dienerschaft, o Herr. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim öffnet die Türen solcher Schätze.. Wer immer mit dem Bismillah gräbt, findet Gold. Sie wissen es nicht, sie lehren das nicht. Schande auf ihre Gebildeten. Sie können nicht "Allah" lehren! Wir sprechen von Allahs Herrlichkeit auf die einfachste Weise. Die Absolute Macht und Herrlichkeit gehört Allah dem Allmächtigen. Absolute Gaben gehören Allah dem Allmächtigen. Wenn es etwas Höheres gibt, sagt es! Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Unser Herr laß uns nicht eines anderen bedürftig sein, o Herr. Mögest Du unsere Versorgung auf leichte Weise gewähren. (12 von 15)04.07.2013 23:39:02
9666 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreHungry
Bedecke uns. Wirf uns nicht in Erniedrigung und laß uns nicht auf den Straßen laufen wie Tiere. 'Ihr lauft, ich veranlasse nicht, daß ihr lauft. Ihr habt Mich vergessen, und dann lauft ihr auf den Straßen', sagt Er (swt). Wir sind hungrig, wir sind hungrig! Ihr werdet nie satt in euerem Leben. Sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, und ein Teller Suppe reicht für eine Familie. Sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, und ein Laib Brot reicht für einen Palast. Wie schön, wie schön ist das Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Laß uns nicht vergessen, o Herr. 'Wir haben Kranke in der Familie'. Der Kranke ist sich auch seiner Lage gewahr. Aber warum sagt der Kranke nicht Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim? Bismillahi Lladhi la Yadurru ma`a Ismihi Shay'un fi l-Ardi wa la fi s-Sama'i wa Huwa s-Sami`u l-`Alim." Ihr arabischen Muslime, könnt ihr nicht Arabisch? Wir sind Ajam, wir sind Nicht-Araber, aber ihr, wie könnt ihr nicht wissen? Kann jemand hungrig bleiben, nachdem er Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim gesagt hat? Gibt es jemanden, der verhungert, nachdem er Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim gesagt hat? Sagt vor Allah, das gibt es nicht! Ihr lauft auf den Straßen wie Pferde. Ihr sagt: Wir sind hungrig! Sie können niemals satt werden in ihrem ganzen Leben. Möge Allah unser Herz sättigen mit Seiner Liebe, so daß unser Magen die ganze Zeit satt ist und unser Herz rein. Unser Gesicht ist erleuchtet, Allah läßt uns nicht auf die Stufe der Tiere fallen. Wer auf den Straßen läuft, verläßt die Stufe des Menschen und fällt auf die Stufe der Tiere. Unser Herr, Mögest Du uns Deine Diener senden, die uns das lehren. Sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, öffnet die Tür und geht aus dem Haus. Auch wenn ihr keine Arbeit findet, findet ihr zumindest fünf Guineen, fünf Pfund vor euerer Tür. Ihr könnt doch für das Nötigste sorgen. Allah läßt Seine Diener nicht hungrig. "Wa ma min Dabbatin fi l-Ardi illa `ala Llahi Rizqahu." Der große Mensch! Allah, Der selbst die Versorgung einer kleinen Ameise gibt, kann Er den großen, geehrten Menschen hungrig lassen? Was für eine Sache ist das: Muslime vergessen das Bismillah, sie gehen und bitten Europa um Hilfe. Sie erbitten Waffen von den USA, erbitten Soldaten von Rußland.. Laßt all das! Kehrt zu Allah zurück! Sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Unser Herr, mögest Du uns zu jenen gehören lassen, die Deinen Ismu l-Jalil erinnern. Laß uns nicht zu den Beraubten gehören lassen. Wer ist beraubt? Wer Allah vergißt. Wer Allah vergißt, ist beraubt. Wer nicht vergißt, ist nie beraubt. Der Schlüssel zu den Schätzen auf der Erde und in den Himmeln ist Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- (13 von 15)04.07.2013 23:39:02
9667 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreHungry
Rahim. Damit öffnen sich alle Schätze für euch. Warum lauft ihr noch auf den Straßen wie Wölfe, wie Schakale, wie Tiere? Wenn ihr hungrig seid, geht in die Moschee. Bittet eueren Herrn: O Herr, ya Muhawwilal Hawli wa l-Ahwal Hawwil Halana ila Ahsani Hal. Gib uns einen besseren Zustand, Herr, und wir machen Deine Dienerschaft besser. Vergib uns unsere Sünden. Wir suchen Zuflucht bei Dir vor dem Ego, vor den Begierden, vor Shaytan, vor der Dunya, die uns fehlleiten. Mögest Du uns schützen, o Herr. Schütze unsere Religion, unseren Glauben, unsere Ehre, unsere Züchtigkeit. Kann jemand, der Frauen auf den Straßen kreischen läßt, noch Ehre haben? Wo sind die Gelehrten, das zu sagen? Wenn ihr das nicht sagt, werdet ihr am Gerichtstag leiden. Wenn ihr es nicht sagt, seid ihr passender für Shaytan. So viele Schätze sind im Bismillah. Es ist ein gezogenes Schwert. Wenn es zuschlägt, kann es von Ost nach West reichen und die Köpfe aller Ungläubigen abschneiden. Es ist solche Macht bei unserem Propheten (saws). Ich sage das wenigste davon. Wenn ich das höchste davon sage, wenn ein Wali Allahs die Erde anstößt, kann er sie so werfen, wie sie tun, wenn sie Fußball spielen. Wirklich? Wenn du willst, kann ich dich dorthin werfen lassen, und du kommst nie zurück. Unser Herr, unser Suhban, unser Sultan. Kann jemand hungrig bleiben an der Tür unseres Sultans? Kann er in einer machtlosen Lage oder im Elend bleiben? Unser Herr, Irham Dha'fana, Irham Dhullana. Nahnu Abduka Fuqara, Dhuafa ya Rabbi. Wa'fu anna Waghfur lana Warhamna. Wa tub `alayna Wahdina Wasqina. Waslih Sha'nana wa Sha'nu l-Muslimin. Fansurna `ala l-Qawmi l-Kafirin. Wansur Sultanana, Sultana l- Muslimin. Ein Sultan wird gebraucht für den Islam. Es kann keinen Sultan in jedem Land geben. Ein Sultan wird gebraucht. Mögest Du uns einen Sultan senden, o Herr. Wa l-Hamdulillahi Rabbi l- `Alamin. Wa l-Aqibatu li l-Muttaqin. Wa l-`Aqibatu li l-Muttaqin Wala `Udwan illa `ala l- Zalimin. Unser Herr, mögest Du uns nicht zu denen machen, die wild werden und fehlgehen. Überlaß uns nicht unserem schmutzigen Ego. Wa la Takilna ila Anfusina Tarfata `Aynin. Das Ego des Menschen erniedrigt und blamiert ihn. Herr, Tawba ya Rabbi. Wir schämen uns, aber was können wir tun? Was können wir tun? Unsere Gelehrten können den Mund nicht öffnen. Unsere Führer beachten die Gelehrten nicht, respektieren den Propheten nicht, machen keine Sajda vor ihrem Herrn. Wie soll ihre Lage oder unsere Lage sein? Aman ya Rabbi, Aman ya Rabbi. Schließe uns nicht von Deiner Dienerschaft aus. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. (14 von 15)04.07.2013 23:39:02
9668 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreHungry
Laß uns Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim sagen, und jede Tür öffnet sich für uns. Erleichterung kommt zu unserem Körper, unsere Krankheit verschwindet. Unsere Probleme, Schmerz und Elend wird weggenommen. Wir singen wie Vögel und sagen: O Herr, wir lieben Dich, wir lieben Deinen Propheten. Mögen wir Dich lieben, ya Rabbi, mögen wir Dich lieben, ya Rabbana. O Liebende Allahs! Sagt das! Weckt die Menschen auf! Mögen wir geweckt werden. O Herr, sende uns den Sultan, der uns aufweckt. Mögest Du uns die Heiligen senden, die uns Deine schönen Wege lehren. Wir sind uns selbst überlassen und verbringen unser Leben in Sklaverei. Vergib uns, o Allah. Vergib uns, o Allah. Vergib uns, o Allah, zu Ehren Deines Geliebten. Wa bi Hurmati Sirri Surati l-Fatiha, ma`a l-Basmala. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Alhamdulillahi Rabbi l-`Alamin. Ar-Rahmani r-Rahim. Maliki Yawmi d-Din. Iyaka Na`budu wa Iyaka Nasta`in. Ahdina s-Sirata l-Mustaqim. Sirata Lladhina An`amta `Alayhim Ghayri l-Maghdubi `Alayhim wa la d-Dallin. Amin. Überlaß uns nicht unserem schmutzigen Ego, o Herr. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Okay, genug mit so viel. Lefke, 26.02.2013
WebSaltanatOrg (15 von 15)04.07.2013 23:39:02
9669 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreInNeedFromMaterialAndSpiritual
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WeAreInNeedFromMaterialAndSpiritual
We are in need something from material and something from spiritual
As-salamu alaikum… Audhubilahi minesh shaitana rajim…Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim Astaghfirullah min kulli thanbin masi', min kulli ma yukallifu-l Islam…Tariqatuna as-sohba wa khairu fi jamiat… We are in need something from material and something from spiritual. We are in need for our material being or physical being something from material to stand up, and our spiritual being also needs something from spirituality. Really our material being is standing up in existence through our souls. If not souls, our physical being is nothing, can't continue alive. If our souls leave our physical being, our personality just finished- no way for our physical being to continue alive in existence. That is reality, but people's thinking opposite. They are saying 'our lives continue and our lives depends… as much as we feeding our physical being, our physical being going to be in existence', and that is wrong, very wrong idea. But it looks like. Who deny spirituality and power of our souls think that we are only going to be in life by eating and drinking and taking care for our physical being. It is not true, but looks like that. Therefore they are taking no care for spirituality or for souls, they are saying: 'No, we are only a physical being, a creature like other creatures, our lives depend on eating and drinking and taking care for our material being, it is okay'. Who taking this view or idea and never taking any care for their soul and spiritual being, we are looking that they are growing and developing their physical being to one limit. When they reach to that limit, after it beginning to come down. Up to that limit everyone feeling that they are powerful, that they are perfect, that they may do everything; that is their limits, and after (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:39:03
9670 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreInNeedFromMaterialAndSpiritual
that point or age, beginning to come down, Day by day they are going to feel that something getting less from their physical being, and they are surprising and saying: What about? I am looking myself as before or more than before, I am looking I am taking care for my physical being, controlling and making check-ups on it, and taking so care, in spite of that we are looking that our black hairs coming to be whiter and our skin becoming…so many lines beginning, and we are looking our eyes is not like before seeing, our hearing coming down, our teeth going to be destroyed step by step, and our manpower coming less, less, less and we are saying we are finishing. And we are saying- they are saying- what about? Just I am giving everything more than before now, we are using so many medicines, herbal medicines, artificial medicines, atomic medicines, atomic weapons…and even atomic bombs never affecting on…finishing. What is that? Proof coming to them, that: O people, your thoughts, your ideas are wrong ideas, you must understand that it is not material feeding, making you to stand up, no, something else. But yet they are insisting to say We must find a now herbal, new powerful pills, now check-up, and renewing our hearts…they may renew hearts also, renewing liver, renewing everything except that one…not renewing…no renewment for that…finished, passed away… very important form heart from head from they are thinking on it, and they say we must find something to make ourselves young ones again…finished, because you were believing in materialism, you are saying: 'No God', and this is a punishment to cut your power that coming from Heavens, that power to cut down. You may eat drink everything, but your power just passed away; make it in coffin and bury it, finished. 'We are doing copyright, photocopy of man', they are saying, we make this photocopy, we are doing same that person.' You may reach to that point, but you can't make an old person…you can't make his photocopy as before, finished. But they try to find this secret power that makes a person to be alive. No way! No way. Because they are atheist people, materialist people, denying the Creator, Lord of Heavens, they should be punished. Therefore after 25 years now going to finish. So many people coming and complaining, saying: 'What about?' I am saying: 'You believe in God?' 'Eh'… Most Western people finished now, after 25 they are dead people. Mill without water not turning. There is mill- water just stopped. Punishment from Heavens to these people, for atheist people, for unbelievers, for wrong ones, for bad ones, for rebellious ones…it is a punishment from the Lord of Heavens: 'Yes, you are doing as you like, but you are not going to live as you like, finished, I am cutting your way'. I am speaking for those people whom they are never accepting that there is a soul, there is a spiritual power through our souls, making our physical being to stand up. When you deny it, that power slowly coming down, coming down, coming down…to zero point. For a believer everything from foods and drinks, if they say: (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:39:03
9671 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreInNeedFromMaterialAndSpiritual
'Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim.', giving enough power for them. If not saying 'Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim.', taking from them, not giving to them. O people…don't think that people now reached 21st century and what they are inventing from new systems, new instruments, giving power to them. No, everything that they are inventing, taking something from their personality, taking a power from their physical being, and coming to be so weak ones. And weakest people from beginning up today: are the people that live on earth now in our period, so weak! It wasn't before in such a way. Now everyone feeling themselves weak, and asking to find a way to make themselves strong, not strong, but stronger. But no way, till they say: 'O our Lord, support us with Your Mercy, support us with Your blessings!' If not are saying this, no way for them, nothing can support them, they are going to finish slowly, slowly, slowly, and this huge number of people going to pass away. Therefore- this is an association; association with Sheikh; Sheikh that authorized to give from heavenly powers, or heavenly support to attenders, and attenders, as much as they may give much more care, they may take much more. Like a petrol station, may come a bicycle, asking petrol, giving one litre, it is enough for that one, coming 40 wheels big truck, this one litre is not enough, taking ten gallons…100 gallons not enough for that. Therefore people who attend such an association, as much as giving their attention, as much as they are opening their hearts, that heavenly power, spiritual power, may come and may act in that person, and that person can do through that power. Therefore this is a humble station, but it is a real station, and very rare to find it. You can find, but it is difficult, they are hiding themselves. You may find hiding stations, or hidden station, you can find, but it is difficult to find them, and so many people from East and West coming here, they are understanding, they are finding and coming here. People are asking: 'For what coming from East, from West to this place? What is here?' I am saying: 'You are not understanding, because donkey can't understand, what is for man. If your level donkey level, you are not understanding. Get up a little bit, then you can understand, and you are not going to asking me why people are coming. If you are reaching to their station, you are not going to ask me: Why they are coming from America.' This is a young fellow, X., 30 hours by plane coming. For what coming? To drink my soup, that only I am putting tomato and potato in a big pot, putting 2 or 3 pounds wheat, and that is all, and putting in it salt…for this coming? No, they are coming for something else. It is not easy to come and fly 30 hours from San Francisco, from California, up to Cyprus. What is in Cyprus? Why not going to Russia? Why not going to India, to Egypt, to London? They may walk… This is an unknown place, but they are knowing and coming. If nothing, they are not coming. If their souls not finding a satisfaction, they are not (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:39:03
9672 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreInNeedFromMaterialAndSpiritual
coming. That fellow coming from Denmark, that one from England, that from Austria, that France, that Germany…from East, from West people coming. If you are putting a sign that you are saying: This is a Tandoori, curry center, people running to it. If they are looking around and if it is only written Tandoori center, Tandoori Kebab, and inside nothing, you may cheat one or two people, then no one coming in. You may cheat them with big advertising, but when they are coming in it and not satisfying, not finding what they are asking, no one coming second time. But a small shop that not writing anything that you may show, what you are selling, they may come to you. And 21st century people are in need spirituality. They have material, countless, but they are not in peace. What they have form richness, billions, trillions of Euros, or Pounds, or Dollars, not giving to people peace, and people run after peace. They are not finding. Therefore I am advising to whole nations, to whole mankind, that they must come back to their real positions, to ask from their real personality and positions, and to find a way to themselves through spirituality. If not finding, they are never going to reach a peace or satisfaction, and they are going to kill each other, and to destroy everyone's cities and countries, and making shaitan to be happy… Shaitan going to be happy when everything destroyed and everyone killed. May Allah forgive me and bless you, for the honour of most honoured Rasul salallahu alayhi wasallim, Fatiha. Lefke - 05.06.2002 (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:39:03
9673 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreInNeedOfDivinelyHelp
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WeAreInNeedOfDivinelyHelp
We are in need of divinely help. Now we are reaching a time that man must think about what is happening, or what is going to happen and what happened
We are in need of divinely help. Now we are reaching a time that man must think about what is happening, or what is going to happen and what happened. We must stop even for one minute or moment, and we must think. There is a song in Turkish, saying: Ey yolcu biraz dinle beni, kervan geciyor, sen kalma geri.O traveller, listen to me, the caravan is passing, so don't stay behind. This is a song said by heavenly feelings. There are some songs that belong to our material world, and there are others, which belong to our spiritual world. Now you may see that 1oo%, or, if not, 99% of the songs of people belong to their material world, and they enjoy materially. In which kind of music youngsters and the new generation is interested? In pop-music- because pope also happy- that is addressing their material bodies or beings 1oo%, and nothing else. The second kind of music or songs belongs to our spirituality, to our spiritual body, and perhaps you may find 1 % of people interested in spirituality and spiritual music and songs. Maybe you find less, half % or quarter %. (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:03
9674 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreInNeedOfDivinelyHelp
Through all religions, from beginning up to end, music for our physical being's interest is forbidden, no doubt. Why? Because material songs take ourselves away from our spirituality and bring us into the darkness of materiality. Therefore they are forbidden, no way. Everything that takes man away from spirituality, carrying him to his material being, is forbidden. That is the main rule, and the real reason for something to be forbidden is that it takes man away from God.. And it is never going to be changed, from the first man and first prophet up to the last one, may peace be upon all of them. There is a saying from Rasulullah, the Seal of Prophets, sws: 'Ad-dunya ma'ulatun', Dunya is cursed. For what? Because Dunya occupies the servants of the Lord from His divine service and makes them slaves for it. That is the main point to be well known, and no objection on it now, before or after, through East and West, Christians, Jews and Muslims. The Seal of Prophets said that Dunya is cursed and also everything in it is cursed, because it takes the servants of the Lord of Heavens away from their main purpose of being in existence. The main purpose is that Allah created you, o man, for His divine service. But you are getting away from it and then cursing is coming on you. Therefore people through their acting and activities are either blessed or cursed- there is no other possibility. If you are going to do something, that activity or work is either going to be blessed and then blessings are coming on you, or it is going to be cursed and then cursing is coming on you. This balance is never changed. One hundred popes, one thousand bishops can't say anything. They must think what is the mission of Muhammad sws. What was his calling for? If they have something through their heads, they must think on this: That one, to where was he calling people to come? The Quran Karim is witness, it says in there: 'Wa Allahu jadau ila Dar-us-Salaam.' The Seal of Prophets was calling people to Paradise forever, never ending Paradise, to Allah. How you say Jesus is God? What is that foolishness? Now, they say, there is going to be a war of religions. No real religion may stand up (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:03
9675 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreInNeedOfDivinelyHelp
against Islam, the real Islam which the Prophet brought. He is saying what is his mission: 'I am calling you to Allah.' And the akbar burhan, the greatest evidence for Rasul, Seal of Prophets, S.Muhammad sws, is that he was saying: 'Dunya is cursed.' Dunya is never leaving people to be through their divine service in the divine Presence, to be servants of the Lord Allah Almighty, but asking them to be its servants, and not even servants, but slaves. Man should be his Lord's servant, because that servanthood is giving honour to people. Allah Almighty is not saying: 'My slaves', because slave is not a honoured title. And Dunya is making people its slaves, there is no servanthood for Dunya, but it is slavery. And slaves have no value among a community; they may be sold, they may be killed. No honour for them, not even 1 %, no. Slavery is the lowest level for mankind. Therefore the Prophet was saying: 'Dunya is cursed, because it makes the servants of the Lord Allah Almighty its slaves.' Therefore, those people, who are coming under the flag of the religion that is raising the flag of Heavens will be winners, should be victorious, and other flags should fall down. So it is important now to think on that point: What are we doing, what I am, who I am, or who am I? Everyone must ask himself those questions. And there are two flags raised: One flag is the heavenly flag, the flag that belongs to the Lord of Heavens, and the second flag is just a piece of cloth with a dirt shape on it and belongs to the satanic kingdom. And you have been offered to choose and be under one of these two flags. Look sometimes to yourself and ask: Am I under the holy flag of Heavens or under the flag of the satanic kingdom? You must ask and look, and according to your faith, according to the power of your belief, perhaps you may see really. If you don't see with the eyes of your head, but you may see with the eyes of your heart, that you are under the flag of Heavens, under the holy flag of Heavens. Keep your position; don't move, because you are under (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:03
9676 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreInNeedOfDivinelyHelp
heavenly shelter, so that if there is going to be a flood of fire on earth, you may sit in the fire, but it will never touch you, because the order will come to the fire not to burn you like S.Ibrahim a.s. He was thrown into the fire of Nimrod, and the holy command from Heavens came: 'Don't touch My beloved servant. Get away! Change yourself into a garden of red roses.' This is coming to those people also who are under the flag of Heavens. Now the fire is coming. Don't think everything is okay now, no! We are just on the first step and beyond that coming. People are going to come together and be on two ways: either under the flag of Heavens, or under the flag of the satanic kingdom. O people- I was beginning to speak on something else, but they brought me through this way, and it is important. It is very important to be known by all nations. Also, after this introduction, we must say what is the main mission for the creation of mankind on earth, to be well-known. First man and his lady landed on earth and they had a mission. Same time Shaitan landed on earth. Adam a.s. had been forgiven and blessed, but Shaitan, as he was not asking for forgiveness, he was cursed. He came on earth the same time as Adam and he came with his bad characteristic. He represents disobedience, he was the first disobedient one through creation and all creatures. He got courageous to address Allah and to say: 'If You don't forgive me and throw me from Paradise on earth, I swear on You that I am going not to leave Your servants to be Your servants. If You send Adam here to establish Your kingdom, I am coming also to make my kingdom on earth, and I should try until the last moment to keep my kingdom and not to be there Your kingdom.' Spit on Shaitan who was speaking like that in the divine Presence! Therefore all the angels kicked him down from Heavens. From that time up today Shaitan and his group, his slaves and devils, ask to establish their satanic kingdom on earth, and Allah Almighty was sending His prophets from Adam up to end to establish and keep His heavenly kingdom on (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:39:03
9677 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WeAreInNeedOfDivinelyHelp
its feet, not to fall down. Now today Shaitan is in the most brave and hopeful time of his life, thinking that he can make the heavenly Sultanate not to be on earth anymore and to be his own Sultanate. Now coming wars of religions, that means, wars between the satanic Sultanate and the kingdom of Heavens, and we have been asked to give our support to the kingdom of Heavens. Allah Almighty should support those who are going to support the heavenly Sultanate. Even the servants of the heavenly kingdom of Allah Almighty have nothing, and the supporters of the satanic kingdom have every possibility from power and they depend on t