Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (694/777)
ucht bei Allah. Shaytan bekleidete, nicht uns, aber die Leute mit einem schmutzigen, von ihm besiegelten Kleid. Und er nimmt das Licht von ihren Gesichtern. Die Menschen sind ohne Licht. Ein Mensch ohne das Bismillah, wird ein Mensch ohne Gutes. Er hat nichts Gutes für sich selbst oder für andere. Laßt uns Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim sagen. Vergeßt das nicht, Leute! Jama'at! Vertraut nicht auf ihre Waffen, Kanonen. Wenn Allah euch schützt, seid ihr geschützt, sonst kann euch niemand retten. O Allah, Dein Name ist der höchste. Wer Deinem Befehl folgt, ist Dein Diener. (12 von 14)04.07.2013 23:38:44
9548 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WaterWheelDonkey
Masha'Allah! Laß uns zu denen gehören, die Deinem Befehl folgen, o Herr. Sagt nicht: Ich habe zu arbeiten. Sagt nicht: Ich habe keine Zeit. Er (swt) kann euch ans Bett gefesselt sein lassen, und ihr versteht. Sonst leidet ihr im Grab. Wohin gehst du? Ich gehe zum Friedhof, um zu lesen. Was liest du auf dem Friedhof. Ich lese Quran für die Toten. Aber deine Toten haben nicht gelesen, als sie noch lebten. Was nützt es, wenn du jetzt für sie liest? Unser Herr, Tawba ya Rabbi. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Die Macht, um die Tyrannen zu überwältigen, ist im Bismillah. Wenn dieser Mensch 40x das Bismillah rezitiert, selbst wenn die Welt Feuer finge, würde dieser Mensch herauskommen ohne zu brennen. Lehrt das! Reißt euch zusammen! Erkennt euere Menschlichkeit! Würdigt euere Dienerschaft! Erkennt eueren Herrn und euere Dunya und Akhirah werden erfolgreich. Wir haben keine Arbeit. Wir haben kein Geld. Was ist mit der Regierung? Sie zahlt nicht. Wenn ihr darauf wartet, daß die Regierung zahlt, wartet ihr vergebens. Möge Allah uns bezahlen. Die Dunya ist voller Jobs. Allah wird uns bezahlen. Geht hinaus und wartet bei der Arbeitsvermittlung. Sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. O Herr, öffne die Tür für uns. Sprich! "Ya Mufattahu l-Abwab." Unser Herr, Der alle Türen öffnet, "Iftah lana Khayru l-Bab" - Öffne die Tür des Guten für uns. Für manche Leute öffnet sich eine Tür zur Höllle und für manche eine Tür zum Paradies. Unser Herr, öffne für uns die Tür zum Paradies! Sagt das jeden Tag! Sagt das 7x täglich, jeden Tag: O unser Herr, öffne die Tür des Paradieses für uns. O unser Herr, die Türen der Hölle, mögen sie für uns verschlossen sein. Sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, und die Tore der Hölle schließen für euch und die Tore des Paradieses öffnen sich. Wir sollten uns besinnen. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Shukur ya Rabbi, Shukur ya Rabbi, Shukur Alhamdulillah. Laßt uns sagen Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Al Fatiha. Fatiha. Das ist, was uns vom Himmlischen Tisch gewährte wurde, und es kann die ganze Welt retten. Fatiha. Lefke, 22.01.2013
WebSaltanatOrg, CategorySohbat, CategoryDhikr, CategoryAdab, CategoryDeath, CategoryPrayer (13 von 14)04.07.2013 23:38:44
9549 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WaterWheelDonkey (14 von 14)04.07.2013 23:38:44
9550 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfGoodness
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WayOfGoodness
We Left the Way of Goodness and Still Expect Salvation
O our Lord! We couldn't obey Your commands and we couldn't follow Your habeeb respectfully, but Your mercy encompasses everything! Our people, jama`at, left everything, following the ways of unbelievers! We are surrounded by disasters all around. Why? Because we don't obey/know our Lord anymore! We don't know/obey His Prophet! If people don't follow the Prophet, don't pray and don't fast then how are we going to ask from Allah? They don't follow, and have no shame! They think nothing will happen to them. They say they are on the top of a mountain and the calamities won't hit them, but the mountain will turn over if it has to. A nation can't survive without a religion. When Islam came it destroyed all idols. Prophet (s) said, "In the last times my ummah will go back to idols," and we're all mixed with them. We are not hungry, we have everything we need, we have houses, cars, etc. Your ladies go outside with clothes that are not suitable, the kind of clothes that can be worn only when going to bed. What kind of men are you? It's not external/ unbelievers that open up all kinds of sinful places in our land, it's our people. Allah destroyed many nations and warned believers to leave them before the calamities hit them, and I feel like leaving this place! Yaa Rabbee, send us from Your holy servants to get us back on track. May Allah (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:38:45
9551 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfGoodness
forgive us and send us His holy servants to guide us. The world has never seen this much disrespect to Islam! Do istighfaar and come back. It's now time for `Eid prayers. Let's ask forgiveness and ask Allah to send us a saahib. We are all bewildered, we don't know what we're doing! Yaa Rabbee, send us those servants of Yours! Fatihah. Lefke, 09.09.2010 `Eid Khutbah (translated from Turkish)
WebSufiLive, CategoryPunishment (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:38:45
9552 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfHonor
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WayOfHonor
The Way To Honor and Out of Humiliation
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmanni ‘r-Raheem. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Anta Rabbuna, Anta Hasbuna, Anta Khaliquna Anta Raziquna, Anta 'Adina, yaa Rabbana, yaa Rabbana! Ultuf bina, ultuf bina feemaa nazal. Anta al-Qadir al- Muqtadir! You are our Lord! You are enough for us! You grant us our provision! You created us! You are our Lord; bestow Your mercy on us! You are All-Mighty, All-Powerful. Subhaan Sen, Sultaan Sen! O our Lord! Glory to You, all Mightiness to You and we are your servants! Grant us to be on the Right Path. Improve our situations and keep us away from the deception of this dunya and the punishment of Akhirah, for the sake of Your Chosen Prophet of Mercy (s)! SubhaanAllahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Today is the tenth day of glorious Sha`ban. Its glory has been given by Allah Almighty. To glorify what He has glorified is our duty, to increase our imaan. O Servants of the Lord! To glorify heavenly orders is proof of true faith. Therefore, the whole Islamic world must do so for the sake of the order of Heavens as our first obligation. Those who surrendered and became Muslim, who said, “We have submitted to You, O Allah Almighty, the Lord of Heavens,” must also say, "We have submitted to Islam.” First you must accept to be Muslim and later you become mu'min (believer): first comes Islam (submission) and then comes imaan (faith). SubhaanAllah! (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:38:46
9553 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfHonor
Qaalati 'l-A`araabu aamannaa qul lam tu'minoo wa laakin qooloo aslaamnaa wa lammaa yadkhuli 'l-imaanu fee quloobikum wa in tutee`oollaaha wa rasoolahu laa yalitkum min `aamaalikum shayan inn ’Llaaha Ghafoorun Raheem. The Arabs declare, "We believe." Say (to them), "You do not. Rather say, 'We submit,' because belief has not yet found its way into your hearts. If you obey Allah and His Messenger, He will not reduce a thing from your deeds. Allah is the Oft-Forgiving and the Most Merciful." (49:14) Whoever says, “Aslaamna, We have surrendered to Islam,” gives his word to his Lord that he will be an obedient servant to the divine order, and he follows and submits to the sunnah of His Beloved (s), as Allah Almighty said: Ma `atakaum ar-rasool fakhudhoo wa nahakum `anhu fantahoo. Leave what Prophet (s) forbade and take what he ordered. (al-Hashr, 59:7) Now people in the mosques and churches are ignorant. On the minbar they move their lips, saying they are believers, that they believe what was brought in the Holy Qur'an, and they claim ,“We do not accept anything else!” but this is the deepest level of blind ignorance. The Lord ordered, "Leave what Prophet (s) forbade and take what he ordered. Allahu Akbar! Therefore, whoever rejects even one letter of the Holy Qur'an is kafir! The word “amanna” meaning, “We believed,” indicates we believe in whatever is necessary to be of good faith: everything that is required to be a Muslim and later to be a mu'min. For everyone it is the same: we have left all the forbidden actions in obedience to the order of the Last Prophet (s), the one who was given the Magnificent Qur'an with Allah Almighty’s Words. We are asking support from rijaalAllah. Laa ilaaha illa- Llah! O People! Listen and understand; take wisdom. If you understand you will benefit. Nowadays, people are wild. An example is: Ka-annahum humurun mustanfiratun farrat min qaswaratin. As if they were frightened asses, fleeing from a lion. (74:50-51) (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:38:46
9554 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfHonor
The knowledge of the people of old times was from the Heavenly Realm, Malakoot. This verse describes people nowadays, as it once described the liars, hypocrites, and unbelievers in the time of Holy Prophet (s). They uran away, then a holy verse described them, "As if they were frightened donkeys,” the lowest, most foolish of animals, the jackass: This is a simple description: the donkeys are running away in a state of shock from the lion. The Arabic language is extremely eloquent and articulate. Arabs at the time of the Prophet reached the peak of eloquence and articulation in their speech. Therefore, the Qur'an used the word 'humurun' as the plural for donkey, because the t`azheem ('un' at the end of the word) is used to indicate greatness, and did not use the word 'himir', which also means donkeys. There are two types of greatness: Absolute Honor, and emphasizing Absolute Belittlement. Greatness is for the Heavenly realms, but when the 'un' is used with the word hamir (humurun), it indicates the lowest, most foolish animal level, the asses that have nothing except the ability to transport burdens, which is their sole mission. 'Qaswarah' is one of the names for 'lion,’ which has one hundred names in Arabic, indicating the level of honor attributed to the one who carries them. How many names are there for Prophet (s)? Say! We know 313 or more names for the Prophet (s) that are mentioned in the books, but this is only according to our capacity to understand. A divine favor was granted to us to know him and the attributes given to the Beloved, Muhammad al-Mustafa (s)! This is for the level of the servants, the majority of the people; however: fawqa kulli dhi `ilmin `aleem. Above every knower is a (higher) knower. (Yusuf, 12:76) There are so many various levels of understanding that you cannot reach their horizon! SubhaanAllah! Wa lillaahi al-asmaau al-husnaa. The Most Beautiful Names belong to Allah. (al-`Araaf, 7:180) How many Divine Names are there? Ninety-nine are given to us at our level, but for Allah there are so many (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:38:46
9555 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfHonor
names that they cannot be counted, from pre-Eternal to post-Eternity, each endlessly appearing in a new manifestation that represents the Divine Name in Heavens! Allahu Akbar! In spite of the fact that people say they are Muslim, Allah has honored them by granting them Islam. He (swt) honored us! The honor of all Muslims comes in part from having any of the names of the Prophet (s). SubhaanAllah! And we are talking about news of manifestations from Heavens. We are living in a time where dunya is all that is important to most people and they are not interested in akhirah, which indicates that people now have reached the lowest level and extreme humiliation. They have no honor left to understand matters from Heavens! Allah (swt) sent selected servants to spread His Divine Message, to give His (swt) servants honor according to their capacity. The honor of a nation is according to their connection to their Prophet (s). It's so incredible! And people now look strange, they have taken on astonishing forms, and they don't have a sound understanding. They have lost their logic and, therefore, they have no sense of justice or balance! Allah (swt) says: Wa wada` al-meezan allaa tatghaw fi 'l-meezaan. Wa aqeemu 'l-waznu bi 'l-qisti wa laa tukhsiru ’l-meezan. And He has set up the Balance, that you may not transgress (due) balance, but observe the measure with equity and do not fall short of it. (ar-Rahmaan, 55:7-9) For whom is the balance, for Him (swt)? Haasha! He (swt) set the balance for His believing servants according to their capacity to understand and their efforts to expand [their understanding], and not higher than that because it is not possible for it to be above their capacity. Wa nada`u al-mawaazeena ’l-qista li-yawmi ’l-qiyaamat. And We shall set up Scales of Justice for the Day of Judgment. (al-Anbiya, 21:47) This is the plural form of “balance (scales)” on which they will be placed on the Day of Judgment. Allahu (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:38:46
9556 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfHonor
Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar! In Arabic, they say when a person enters a test he is either granted honor or humiliation. Now all of us have entered the test and whoever is saved is honored and whoever fails is humiliated, too bad for him! People today don’t think about this news brought by the Prophet (s); now they are lazy. It has become impossible for even one of them to advance because they stopped and fell; whoever falls is a humiliated person. People in the whole Islamic world all came to the lowest level of humiliation; in the test they have reached the absolute level of degradation, to the lowest level. I regret that my ego is also counted with them; I don't claim to be free from this! All of us we are on the same path, fashioned in the same model on the same way. The arrogant one is proud of himself, his knowledge, his understanding, his actions, his attributes and his movements. He does not lower himself to anyone. He says, "I am me! I am me!" I am sorry to say these words. I am not claiming innocence myself, because also my ego is fashioned on the same model. This is an important matter. Except for a few who put their egos under their feet, the nation of the Beloved (s) are mocked by Shaytan. Instead of following the Prophet of the End Times (s), they are rushing after shaytans. Now they have no honor or understanding and they have lost the sweetness in their lives, here and in the Hereafter! Laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem. Yaa Allah. Allahuma, Ant Allah! Send us those who can correct our situations, O Allah! Allah likes the good ones, the pious righteous ones, the ones who correct what Shaytan destroyed: they accepted by Allah. Unfortunately, all the ummah claims to do good, but they are liars who say they are correcting, when actually they are only corrupting!: Wa idhaa qeela lahum laa tufsidoo fi ’l-ardi qaaloo innamaa nahnu muslihoona alaa innahum humu ’l- mufsidoona wa laakin laa yash`uroon. And when it is said to them, “Don’t make mischief throughout the Earth,” they say, “We only want to make peace!” Certainly they are the ones who make mischief, but they realize not. (al-Baqara, 2:11,12) O People! Therefore, repent to your Lord and ask from His favors to send us someone to correct our situations, our work, our children and our countries; otherwise, we are now at the level of the people of (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:38:46
9557 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfHonor
Hellfire, much nearer to Hell and further away from the Light! Laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem! Amaan yaa Rabbi, tubna wa raja'ana ilayk.Yaa Allah! Do not leave us to our egos, not even for a blink of an eye. We are repenting to You and asking for Your forgiveness. Send us who may correct our situation. O our Lord! Yaa Kareem, Anta al-Kareem bi jaahi habeebika al-Mustafa, bi jaahi qulli nabiy wa waliyy (s)! Bi hurmati 'l-Fatihah. Lefke, 11.07.2011 (Translated from Arabic)
WebSufiLive, CategoryJumaSohbat, CategoryShaban, Category99Names (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:38:46
9558 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfTheLions
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WayOfTheLions
The Way Of The Lions
Dastur ya Shah-i Mardan O lion of the arenas, Shah-i Mardan dastur! O lovers of Shah-i Mardan. O lovers of Shah-i Mardan. Let us say: Bismillahir rahmanir rahim. How lovely, how very lovely. The power that propels us from pre-eternity to post-eternity is Bismillahir rahmanir rahim. How lovely! O Lord, grant us health, of body and spirit! O Lord, dress upon us good states and let our condition be a good one. May our aspect be pleasing, so that whoever sees us will say: Masha'Allah, what a pure face has he, what a loveable person! This happens. For one wanting this, it can happen. But no one wants it. If He wishes, He grants beauty also to his outer appearance as He grants beauty to his spiritual being. Madad ya Sahib al-Maydan, make Shah-i Mardan a support for us! Make him to assist us. If your support comes to us, your sword, o Shah-i Mardan, will cleave the world in two like a watermelon. Know this! Know the fighters of Allah! We cannot express the power of the Prince of Creation. We can in no way express it. The Prince of Creation, for My Own Self I have created him. Whoever wishes to see My Essential Being, he will see it in you. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Wa liLlahil Hamd. How beautiful, how lovely this is! We woke up well, our Lord has graced us with this. The kindness and intercession of our Holy Prophet (sas) came to our aid. We rose for the morning prayer and bowed to our Lord. Thanks be to Allah, for granting us His favour. He gave us leave to bow to Him in prostration. They wake you with the Muslim call to prayer. Arise! Get up! He has not created you to lie in bed, Allah, the Creator. The Lord of the Worlds made you not for lying in bed. Get up! Bow down before your Lord! Stand before His Divine Court! O, and what a Court that is! Allahu Akbar ul-Akbar. O Lord, send to us Your special servants to lead us along Your way. I have sent them, Shah-i Mardan is one of them. Who attends the associations of (1 von 13)04.07.2013 23:38:47
9559 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfTheLions
Shah-i Mardan will find the way. Looking up from the earth to the sky, he may say: 100 light years, or 1000 light years in the reckoning of men, of these so-called men, or a distance of 100.000 light years, he says. The stars have a measure of their own. These million years for this light of a million years to reach us, he says. For the light from a distance of a billion years to reach us takes time. A billion years' distance He brings to us in the blink of an eye. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Al Azamatu Lillah. Allah Allah. Allahu Akbar Wa liLlahil Hamd. What are we? We are the Nation of the Messenger of Greatness who is endowed with the secret of the Universe. If he says Be! then it will come to be. If he says Be! it comes to be, from the Power of our Prophet. This we can say. Allahu Akbar ul-Akbar. O Shah-i Mardan! O lion of the arenas! You are the Secret of the Beloved . The secret in you is one part of what the Beloved of Allah has bestowed upon you, that ocean is the Messenger of Greatness. The Messenger of Greatness was given a tiny morsel of the dominion of Allah - Jalla Jalaluhu - More than that he could not bear. Say: Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar! La ilaha ill'Allah Hu, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar WaliLlahil Hamd. O lovers of Shah-i Mardan! How awe-inspiring you are! Awe, even with great awe you cannot look Shah Mardan in the face, it is not possible. If only one bit of his power were to reach to us, all of creation would be burnt up. Shah-i Mardan, Lion of the arenas, Ali ibn Abu Talib, the cousin of our Holy Prophet (sas). Allahu Akbar. The possessor of Dhul Fiqqar. The sword in his hand is Dhul Fiqqar. With one stroke he could cleave the world in two like a melon. Let us say Bismillahir rahmanir rahim. For the servants of Allah Almighty it is the greatest favour to mention the Divine Name, to speak Bismillahir rahmanir rahim. Therefore the Prophet (sas) was ordered "Iqra bismi Rabbika" (96:1) "Begin with the Basmala, begin in the Name of your Lord". The Basmala that he was given, was given to no one else. He says Bismillahir rahmanir rahim, but the Basmala of all creation is submerged within that ocean. That highly-honoured Basmala gives us eminence. The highly-honoured Basmala exalts mankind. Man finds his perfection through Bismillahir rahmanir rahim. The Universe is maintained through Bismillahir rahmanir rahim. O Shah-i Mardan, be pleased to come to your lovers, to your loving friends! A lion keeps company with other lions. Nobody wishes to the keep the company of cats. That lion possesses (2 von 13)04.07.2013 23:38:47
9560 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfTheLions
majesty. Once a lion saw a cat. He looked at him and said: "You look like me, but why are you so tiny?" He said: "I fell into the hands of men, therefore I am so small." The cats complained to the lion. Why are you so small? Because of what man did to me. The cat falls into the hands of the sons of Adam, but the lion is not like the cat. The lion is a lion. Among men are those who have the qualities of the lion and those who have the qualities of the cat. There are also those who have qualities of a mouse. Man tashabbaha bi qawmin fa-huwa minhum... Whatever a man resembles, he will belong to that kind. Shah-i Mardan is the Shah, the Sultan of the arenas. Let us engage in action, let us follow him. Manliness, courage is his basic characteristic. Shah-i Mardan Sayyidna Ali is the lion of Allah. Let man liken himself to something. There is the lion, there is the cat, and there is the mouse. Man must look: if he wishes, he will have the quality of the lion; if he wishes, he is given the qualities of the cat; or if he wishes he can stay like the mouse, like the rat. While you could be a lion, why do you chose to be a rat? Set out on your way. Undergo the training of Shah-i Mardan. Undertake it, so that you might be robed with the dignity that you deserve. By the side of Shah-i Mardan no foolish person may walk. For when Shah-i Mardan strikes a blow with his sword Dhul Fiqqar he cleaves the world as if it were a watermelon. Such a powerful hand has he, Shah-i Mardan And the others, what do they hold in their hand? A tiny little penknife. They struggle with a penknife, but nothing can be done with that. Enter into the way of Shah-i Mardan that you may be given power. So that when you strike a blow, you may cleave the world apart! If you strike one strike, Shah-i Mardan strikes a thousand. When he calls out: "Bismillahi Ya Allah! I strike for the sake of the King of Prophets, Allah's Beloved" he will split the universe in two. This you must know! How lovely! O Lord, give us endurance, and strength, for we are weak. This we want to hear. While the way of lionhood is open, is he of sound mind who becomes a fox, a jackal, a wolf, a hyena or a bear? The way of Shah-i Mardan is Bismillahir rahmanir rahim. O lovers of Shah-i Mardan! This is our association. Speak, it does not end, it does not run out. Therefore our way is the Naqshbandi way. The other tariqas are the same. They are all based on the saying of Shah Naqshband: "Tariqatuna as-sohba" - Our way is the way of association. Let us train in it. Let us embark on the lion road, so that we might not remain mice. Let us be as (3 von 13)04.07.2013 23:38:47
9561 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfTheLions
lions. What are tariqas there for? To robe man in his dignity What a lovely word. Man is the most awesome creature in all creation. The tariqas are there for to dress his dignity with dignity. At first he is a simple man, and he is made into a lion. A weak servant is made into a Sultan. What is the way to become a Sultan? Which road do you set out on? On the road of association, on the way of counsel. You follow the road of tariqa, it leads you to a sultanate. They don't waste a glance on the trash of this world. O Shah-i Mardan, marhaba, welcome! Bestow on us a glance, May our weakness be taken from us so that we might be useful for service. I have created My servant so that he might serve Me! Wa Ma Khalaqtu l-Jinna Wa l-Insa Illa Liya`budun (51:56) I have created all creation so that it might serve Me; so that mankind and Jinn might be My servants. The least of My servants will be given the power of seven kings by his Lord, seven sultanates. No one knows the limit of the kingdoms granted by Allah. O my Lord, we are weak. Li-kulli shay'in Ajala. An appointed hour for everything. Everyone has been appointed a time to appear in this world. There is an appointed time for all. Now the appointed time for the world itself is slowly drawing to an end. Allah Almighty says: Iqtarabatu s-sa'at (54:1) The Last Day has drawn near. When it is fulfilled they will be gathered: The good to a good place, the corrupt to a corrupt place. The people living in this world. Marhaba, o Shah-i Mardan. Marhaba, o lovers of Shah-i Mardan. How lovely! May Light descend upon us. May joy come to our hearts, may power come to our faith. May our love grow stronger. Do you want this? Say Bismillahir rahmanir rahim. The son of man, Allahu Akbar, is highly honoured. But Shaytan, may that which he deserves come upon him, may Allah give him what he deserves, we say. He tries to bring down to zero the honour of mankind. Shaytan is jealous to the highest degree of all jealousy. And with this anger within him he infects ignorant people; he passes it to them like a graft. Jealousy, and one person makes another jealous. The mother of all badness comes from jealousy. Adam's (as) expulsion from paradise came from shaytan's jealousy, he was jealous of Adam (as) He struggled until he got him thrown out of Paradise. The station of Adam (as) is Paradise, not this world. Out of jealousy he devised such a plot, that in the end Allah, the Absolute Lord of Paradise, said: "Go Adam, with Hawwa, the earth is your home." The earth is dark. Driven from Paradise, shaytan established himself on earth. Here they come, (4 von 13)04.07.2013 23:38:47
9562 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfTheLions
now I will avenge myself on them! With what did he confuse people, bring them low? With jealousy, he plunged them into darkness. What drives all people today, the starting point is jealousy. The Russians are jealous of the Americans. Persians are jealous of Turks, Indians of Chinese. China is jealous of Japan. Whites are jealous of blacks and blacks of whites. There is no worse quality than jealousy that kills humanity and brings disaster upon them. All of man's suffering is a result of the scourge of jealousy. It poisons the lives of men. Now Shaytan is dancing, "I have disgraced the son of man. I have completely destroyed his peace and
ucht bei Allah. Shaytan bekleidete, nicht uns, aber die Leute mit einem schmutzigen, von ihm besiegelten Kleid. Und er nimmt das Licht von ihren Gesichtern. Die Menschen sind ohne Licht. Ein Mensch ohne das Bismillah, wird ein Mensch ohne Gutes. Er hat nichts Gutes für sich selbst oder für andere. Laßt uns Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim sagen. Vergeßt das nicht, Leute! Jama'at! Vertraut nicht auf ihre Waffen, Kanonen. Wenn Allah euch schützt, seid ihr geschützt, sonst kann euch niemand retten. O Allah, Dein Name ist der höchste. Wer Deinem Befehl folgt, ist Dein Diener. (12 von 14)04.07.2013 23:38:44
9548 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WaterWheelDonkey
Masha'Allah! Laß uns zu denen gehören, die Deinem Befehl folgen, o Herr. Sagt nicht: Ich habe zu arbeiten. Sagt nicht: Ich habe keine Zeit. Er (swt) kann euch ans Bett gefesselt sein lassen, und ihr versteht. Sonst leidet ihr im Grab. Wohin gehst du? Ich gehe zum Friedhof, um zu lesen. Was liest du auf dem Friedhof. Ich lese Quran für die Toten. Aber deine Toten haben nicht gelesen, als sie noch lebten. Was nützt es, wenn du jetzt für sie liest? Unser Herr, Tawba ya Rabbi. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Die Macht, um die Tyrannen zu überwältigen, ist im Bismillah. Wenn dieser Mensch 40x das Bismillah rezitiert, selbst wenn die Welt Feuer finge, würde dieser Mensch herauskommen ohne zu brennen. Lehrt das! Reißt euch zusammen! Erkennt euere Menschlichkeit! Würdigt euere Dienerschaft! Erkennt eueren Herrn und euere Dunya und Akhirah werden erfolgreich. Wir haben keine Arbeit. Wir haben kein Geld. Was ist mit der Regierung? Sie zahlt nicht. Wenn ihr darauf wartet, daß die Regierung zahlt, wartet ihr vergebens. Möge Allah uns bezahlen. Die Dunya ist voller Jobs. Allah wird uns bezahlen. Geht hinaus und wartet bei der Arbeitsvermittlung. Sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. O Herr, öffne die Tür für uns. Sprich! "Ya Mufattahu l-Abwab." Unser Herr, Der alle Türen öffnet, "Iftah lana Khayru l-Bab" - Öffne die Tür des Guten für uns. Für manche Leute öffnet sich eine Tür zur Höllle und für manche eine Tür zum Paradies. Unser Herr, öffne für uns die Tür zum Paradies! Sagt das jeden Tag! Sagt das 7x täglich, jeden Tag: O unser Herr, öffne die Tür des Paradieses für uns. O unser Herr, die Türen der Hölle, mögen sie für uns verschlossen sein. Sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, und die Tore der Hölle schließen für euch und die Tore des Paradieses öffnen sich. Wir sollten uns besinnen. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Shukur ya Rabbi, Shukur ya Rabbi, Shukur Alhamdulillah. Laßt uns sagen Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Al Fatiha. Fatiha. Das ist, was uns vom Himmlischen Tisch gewährte wurde, und es kann die ganze Welt retten. Fatiha. Lefke, 22.01.2013
WebSaltanatOrg, CategorySohbat, CategoryDhikr, CategoryAdab, CategoryDeath, CategoryPrayer (13 von 14)04.07.2013 23:38:44
9549 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WaterWheelDonkey (14 von 14)04.07.2013 23:38:44
9550 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfGoodness
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WayOfGoodness
We Left the Way of Goodness and Still Expect Salvation
O our Lord! We couldn't obey Your commands and we couldn't follow Your habeeb respectfully, but Your mercy encompasses everything! Our people, jama`at, left everything, following the ways of unbelievers! We are surrounded by disasters all around. Why? Because we don't obey/know our Lord anymore! We don't know/obey His Prophet! If people don't follow the Prophet, don't pray and don't fast then how are we going to ask from Allah? They don't follow, and have no shame! They think nothing will happen to them. They say they are on the top of a mountain and the calamities won't hit them, but the mountain will turn over if it has to. A nation can't survive without a religion. When Islam came it destroyed all idols. Prophet (s) said, "In the last times my ummah will go back to idols," and we're all mixed with them. We are not hungry, we have everything we need, we have houses, cars, etc. Your ladies go outside with clothes that are not suitable, the kind of clothes that can be worn only when going to bed. What kind of men are you? It's not external/ unbelievers that open up all kinds of sinful places in our land, it's our people. Allah destroyed many nations and warned believers to leave them before the calamities hit them, and I feel like leaving this place! Yaa Rabbee, send us from Your holy servants to get us back on track. May Allah (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:38:45
9551 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfGoodness
forgive us and send us His holy servants to guide us. The world has never seen this much disrespect to Islam! Do istighfaar and come back. It's now time for `Eid prayers. Let's ask forgiveness and ask Allah to send us a saahib. We are all bewildered, we don't know what we're doing! Yaa Rabbee, send us those servants of Yours! Fatihah. Lefke, 09.09.2010 `Eid Khutbah (translated from Turkish)
WebSufiLive, CategoryPunishment (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:38:45
9552 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfHonor
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WayOfHonor
The Way To Honor and Out of Humiliation
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmanni ‘r-Raheem. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Anta Rabbuna, Anta Hasbuna, Anta Khaliquna Anta Raziquna, Anta 'Adina, yaa Rabbana, yaa Rabbana! Ultuf bina, ultuf bina feemaa nazal. Anta al-Qadir al- Muqtadir! You are our Lord! You are enough for us! You grant us our provision! You created us! You are our Lord; bestow Your mercy on us! You are All-Mighty, All-Powerful. Subhaan Sen, Sultaan Sen! O our Lord! Glory to You, all Mightiness to You and we are your servants! Grant us to be on the Right Path. Improve our situations and keep us away from the deception of this dunya and the punishment of Akhirah, for the sake of Your Chosen Prophet of Mercy (s)! SubhaanAllahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Today is the tenth day of glorious Sha`ban. Its glory has been given by Allah Almighty. To glorify what He has glorified is our duty, to increase our imaan. O Servants of the Lord! To glorify heavenly orders is proof of true faith. Therefore, the whole Islamic world must do so for the sake of the order of Heavens as our first obligation. Those who surrendered and became Muslim, who said, “We have submitted to You, O Allah Almighty, the Lord of Heavens,” must also say, "We have submitted to Islam.” First you must accept to be Muslim and later you become mu'min (believer): first comes Islam (submission) and then comes imaan (faith). SubhaanAllah! (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:38:46
9553 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfHonor
Qaalati 'l-A`araabu aamannaa qul lam tu'minoo wa laakin qooloo aslaamnaa wa lammaa yadkhuli 'l-imaanu fee quloobikum wa in tutee`oollaaha wa rasoolahu laa yalitkum min `aamaalikum shayan inn ’Llaaha Ghafoorun Raheem. The Arabs declare, "We believe." Say (to them), "You do not. Rather say, 'We submit,' because belief has not yet found its way into your hearts. If you obey Allah and His Messenger, He will not reduce a thing from your deeds. Allah is the Oft-Forgiving and the Most Merciful." (49:14) Whoever says, “Aslaamna, We have surrendered to Islam,” gives his word to his Lord that he will be an obedient servant to the divine order, and he follows and submits to the sunnah of His Beloved (s), as Allah Almighty said: Ma `atakaum ar-rasool fakhudhoo wa nahakum `anhu fantahoo. Leave what Prophet (s) forbade and take what he ordered. (al-Hashr, 59:7) Now people in the mosques and churches are ignorant. On the minbar they move their lips, saying they are believers, that they believe what was brought in the Holy Qur'an, and they claim ,“We do not accept anything else!” but this is the deepest level of blind ignorance. The Lord ordered, "Leave what Prophet (s) forbade and take what he ordered. Allahu Akbar! Therefore, whoever rejects even one letter of the Holy Qur'an is kafir! The word “amanna” meaning, “We believed,” indicates we believe in whatever is necessary to be of good faith: everything that is required to be a Muslim and later to be a mu'min. For everyone it is the same: we have left all the forbidden actions in obedience to the order of the Last Prophet (s), the one who was given the Magnificent Qur'an with Allah Almighty’s Words. We are asking support from rijaalAllah. Laa ilaaha illa- Llah! O People! Listen and understand; take wisdom. If you understand you will benefit. Nowadays, people are wild. An example is: Ka-annahum humurun mustanfiratun farrat min qaswaratin. As if they were frightened asses, fleeing from a lion. (74:50-51) (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:38:46
9554 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfHonor
The knowledge of the people of old times was from the Heavenly Realm, Malakoot. This verse describes people nowadays, as it once described the liars, hypocrites, and unbelievers in the time of Holy Prophet (s). They uran away, then a holy verse described them, "As if they were frightened donkeys,” the lowest, most foolish of animals, the jackass: This is a simple description: the donkeys are running away in a state of shock from the lion. The Arabic language is extremely eloquent and articulate. Arabs at the time of the Prophet reached the peak of eloquence and articulation in their speech. Therefore, the Qur'an used the word 'humurun' as the plural for donkey, because the t`azheem ('un' at the end of the word) is used to indicate greatness, and did not use the word 'himir', which also means donkeys. There are two types of greatness: Absolute Honor, and emphasizing Absolute Belittlement. Greatness is for the Heavenly realms, but when the 'un' is used with the word hamir (humurun), it indicates the lowest, most foolish animal level, the asses that have nothing except the ability to transport burdens, which is their sole mission. 'Qaswarah' is one of the names for 'lion,’ which has one hundred names in Arabic, indicating the level of honor attributed to the one who carries them. How many names are there for Prophet (s)? Say! We know 313 or more names for the Prophet (s) that are mentioned in the books, but this is only according to our capacity to understand. A divine favor was granted to us to know him and the attributes given to the Beloved, Muhammad al-Mustafa (s)! This is for the level of the servants, the majority of the people; however: fawqa kulli dhi `ilmin `aleem. Above every knower is a (higher) knower. (Yusuf, 12:76) There are so many various levels of understanding that you cannot reach their horizon! SubhaanAllah! Wa lillaahi al-asmaau al-husnaa. The Most Beautiful Names belong to Allah. (al-`Araaf, 7:180) How many Divine Names are there? Ninety-nine are given to us at our level, but for Allah there are so many (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:38:46
9555 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfHonor
names that they cannot be counted, from pre-Eternal to post-Eternity, each endlessly appearing in a new manifestation that represents the Divine Name in Heavens! Allahu Akbar! In spite of the fact that people say they are Muslim, Allah has honored them by granting them Islam. He (swt) honored us! The honor of all Muslims comes in part from having any of the names of the Prophet (s). SubhaanAllah! And we are talking about news of manifestations from Heavens. We are living in a time where dunya is all that is important to most people and they are not interested in akhirah, which indicates that people now have reached the lowest level and extreme humiliation. They have no honor left to understand matters from Heavens! Allah (swt) sent selected servants to spread His Divine Message, to give His (swt) servants honor according to their capacity. The honor of a nation is according to their connection to their Prophet (s). It's so incredible! And people now look strange, they have taken on astonishing forms, and they don't have a sound understanding. They have lost their logic and, therefore, they have no sense of justice or balance! Allah (swt) says: Wa wada` al-meezan allaa tatghaw fi 'l-meezaan. Wa aqeemu 'l-waznu bi 'l-qisti wa laa tukhsiru ’l-meezan. And He has set up the Balance, that you may not transgress (due) balance, but observe the measure with equity and do not fall short of it. (ar-Rahmaan, 55:7-9) For whom is the balance, for Him (swt)? Haasha! He (swt) set the balance for His believing servants according to their capacity to understand and their efforts to expand [their understanding], and not higher than that because it is not possible for it to be above their capacity. Wa nada`u al-mawaazeena ’l-qista li-yawmi ’l-qiyaamat. And We shall set up Scales of Justice for the Day of Judgment. (al-Anbiya, 21:47) This is the plural form of “balance (scales)” on which they will be placed on the Day of Judgment. Allahu (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:38:46
9556 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfHonor
Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar! In Arabic, they say when a person enters a test he is either granted honor or humiliation. Now all of us have entered the test and whoever is saved is honored and whoever fails is humiliated, too bad for him! People today don’t think about this news brought by the Prophet (s); now they are lazy. It has become impossible for even one of them to advance because they stopped and fell; whoever falls is a humiliated person. People in the whole Islamic world all came to the lowest level of humiliation; in the test they have reached the absolute level of degradation, to the lowest level. I regret that my ego is also counted with them; I don't claim to be free from this! All of us we are on the same path, fashioned in the same model on the same way. The arrogant one is proud of himself, his knowledge, his understanding, his actions, his attributes and his movements. He does not lower himself to anyone. He says, "I am me! I am me!" I am sorry to say these words. I am not claiming innocence myself, because also my ego is fashioned on the same model. This is an important matter. Except for a few who put their egos under their feet, the nation of the Beloved (s) are mocked by Shaytan. Instead of following the Prophet of the End Times (s), they are rushing after shaytans. Now they have no honor or understanding and they have lost the sweetness in their lives, here and in the Hereafter! Laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem. Yaa Allah. Allahuma, Ant Allah! Send us those who can correct our situations, O Allah! Allah likes the good ones, the pious righteous ones, the ones who correct what Shaytan destroyed: they accepted by Allah. Unfortunately, all the ummah claims to do good, but they are liars who say they are correcting, when actually they are only corrupting!: Wa idhaa qeela lahum laa tufsidoo fi ’l-ardi qaaloo innamaa nahnu muslihoona alaa innahum humu ’l- mufsidoona wa laakin laa yash`uroon. And when it is said to them, “Don’t make mischief throughout the Earth,” they say, “We only want to make peace!” Certainly they are the ones who make mischief, but they realize not. (al-Baqara, 2:11,12) O People! Therefore, repent to your Lord and ask from His favors to send us someone to correct our situations, our work, our children and our countries; otherwise, we are now at the level of the people of (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:38:46
9557 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfHonor
Hellfire, much nearer to Hell and further away from the Light! Laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem! Amaan yaa Rabbi, tubna wa raja'ana ilayk.Yaa Allah! Do not leave us to our egos, not even for a blink of an eye. We are repenting to You and asking for Your forgiveness. Send us who may correct our situation. O our Lord! Yaa Kareem, Anta al-Kareem bi jaahi habeebika al-Mustafa, bi jaahi qulli nabiy wa waliyy (s)! Bi hurmati 'l-Fatihah. Lefke, 11.07.2011 (Translated from Arabic)
WebSufiLive, CategoryJumaSohbat, CategoryShaban, Category99Names (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:38:46
9558 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfTheLions
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WayOfTheLions
The Way Of The Lions
Dastur ya Shah-i Mardan O lion of the arenas, Shah-i Mardan dastur! O lovers of Shah-i Mardan. O lovers of Shah-i Mardan. Let us say: Bismillahir rahmanir rahim. How lovely, how very lovely. The power that propels us from pre-eternity to post-eternity is Bismillahir rahmanir rahim. How lovely! O Lord, grant us health, of body and spirit! O Lord, dress upon us good states and let our condition be a good one. May our aspect be pleasing, so that whoever sees us will say: Masha'Allah, what a pure face has he, what a loveable person! This happens. For one wanting this, it can happen. But no one wants it. If He wishes, He grants beauty also to his outer appearance as He grants beauty to his spiritual being. Madad ya Sahib al-Maydan, make Shah-i Mardan a support for us! Make him to assist us. If your support comes to us, your sword, o Shah-i Mardan, will cleave the world in two like a watermelon. Know this! Know the fighters of Allah! We cannot express the power of the Prince of Creation. We can in no way express it. The Prince of Creation, for My Own Self I have created him. Whoever wishes to see My Essential Being, he will see it in you. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Wa liLlahil Hamd. How beautiful, how lovely this is! We woke up well, our Lord has graced us with this. The kindness and intercession of our Holy Prophet (sas) came to our aid. We rose for the morning prayer and bowed to our Lord. Thanks be to Allah, for granting us His favour. He gave us leave to bow to Him in prostration. They wake you with the Muslim call to prayer. Arise! Get up! He has not created you to lie in bed, Allah, the Creator. The Lord of the Worlds made you not for lying in bed. Get up! Bow down before your Lord! Stand before His Divine Court! O, and what a Court that is! Allahu Akbar ul-Akbar. O Lord, send to us Your special servants to lead us along Your way. I have sent them, Shah-i Mardan is one of them. Who attends the associations of (1 von 13)04.07.2013 23:38:47
9559 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfTheLions
Shah-i Mardan will find the way. Looking up from the earth to the sky, he may say: 100 light years, or 1000 light years in the reckoning of men, of these so-called men, or a distance of 100.000 light years, he says. The stars have a measure of their own. These million years for this light of a million years to reach us, he says. For the light from a distance of a billion years to reach us takes time. A billion years' distance He brings to us in the blink of an eye. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Al Azamatu Lillah. Allah Allah. Allahu Akbar Wa liLlahil Hamd. What are we? We are the Nation of the Messenger of Greatness who is endowed with the secret of the Universe. If he says Be! then it will come to be. If he says Be! it comes to be, from the Power of our Prophet. This we can say. Allahu Akbar ul-Akbar. O Shah-i Mardan! O lion of the arenas! You are the Secret of the Beloved . The secret in you is one part of what the Beloved of Allah has bestowed upon you, that ocean is the Messenger of Greatness. The Messenger of Greatness was given a tiny morsel of the dominion of Allah - Jalla Jalaluhu - More than that he could not bear. Say: Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar! La ilaha ill'Allah Hu, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar WaliLlahil Hamd. O lovers of Shah-i Mardan! How awe-inspiring you are! Awe, even with great awe you cannot look Shah Mardan in the face, it is not possible. If only one bit of his power were to reach to us, all of creation would be burnt up. Shah-i Mardan, Lion of the arenas, Ali ibn Abu Talib, the cousin of our Holy Prophet (sas). Allahu Akbar. The possessor of Dhul Fiqqar. The sword in his hand is Dhul Fiqqar. With one stroke he could cleave the world in two like a melon. Let us say Bismillahir rahmanir rahim. For the servants of Allah Almighty it is the greatest favour to mention the Divine Name, to speak Bismillahir rahmanir rahim. Therefore the Prophet (sas) was ordered "Iqra bismi Rabbika" (96:1) "Begin with the Basmala, begin in the Name of your Lord". The Basmala that he was given, was given to no one else. He says Bismillahir rahmanir rahim, but the Basmala of all creation is submerged within that ocean. That highly-honoured Basmala gives us eminence. The highly-honoured Basmala exalts mankind. Man finds his perfection through Bismillahir rahmanir rahim. The Universe is maintained through Bismillahir rahmanir rahim. O Shah-i Mardan, be pleased to come to your lovers, to your loving friends! A lion keeps company with other lions. Nobody wishes to the keep the company of cats. That lion possesses (2 von 13)04.07.2013 23:38:47
9560 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfTheLions
majesty. Once a lion saw a cat. He looked at him and said: "You look like me, but why are you so tiny?" He said: "I fell into the hands of men, therefore I am so small." The cats complained to the lion. Why are you so small? Because of what man did to me. The cat falls into the hands of the sons of Adam, but the lion is not like the cat. The lion is a lion. Among men are those who have the qualities of the lion and those who have the qualities of the cat. There are also those who have qualities of a mouse. Man tashabbaha bi qawmin fa-huwa minhum... Whatever a man resembles, he will belong to that kind. Shah-i Mardan is the Shah, the Sultan of the arenas. Let us engage in action, let us follow him. Manliness, courage is his basic characteristic. Shah-i Mardan Sayyidna Ali is the lion of Allah. Let man liken himself to something. There is the lion, there is the cat, and there is the mouse. Man must look: if he wishes, he will have the quality of the lion; if he wishes, he is given the qualities of the cat; or if he wishes he can stay like the mouse, like the rat. While you could be a lion, why do you chose to be a rat? Set out on your way. Undergo the training of Shah-i Mardan. Undertake it, so that you might be robed with the dignity that you deserve. By the side of Shah-i Mardan no foolish person may walk. For when Shah-i Mardan strikes a blow with his sword Dhul Fiqqar he cleaves the world as if it were a watermelon. Such a powerful hand has he, Shah-i Mardan And the others, what do they hold in their hand? A tiny little penknife. They struggle with a penknife, but nothing can be done with that. Enter into the way of Shah-i Mardan that you may be given power. So that when you strike a blow, you may cleave the world apart! If you strike one strike, Shah-i Mardan strikes a thousand. When he calls out: "Bismillahi Ya Allah! I strike for the sake of the King of Prophets, Allah's Beloved" he will split the universe in two. This you must know! How lovely! O Lord, give us endurance, and strength, for we are weak. This we want to hear. While the way of lionhood is open, is he of sound mind who becomes a fox, a jackal, a wolf, a hyena or a bear? The way of Shah-i Mardan is Bismillahir rahmanir rahim. O lovers of Shah-i Mardan! This is our association. Speak, it does not end, it does not run out. Therefore our way is the Naqshbandi way. The other tariqas are the same. They are all based on the saying of Shah Naqshband: "Tariqatuna as-sohba" - Our way is the way of association. Let us train in it. Let us embark on the lion road, so that we might not remain mice. Let us be as (3 von 13)04.07.2013 23:38:47
9561 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WayOfTheLions
lions. What are tariqas there for? To robe man in his dignity What a lovely word. Man is the most awesome creature in all creation. The tariqas are there for to dress his dignity with dignity. At first he is a simple man, and he is made into a lion. A weak servant is made into a Sultan. What is the way to become a Sultan? Which road do you set out on? On the road of association, on the way of counsel. You follow the road of tariqa, it leads you to a sultanate. They don't waste a glance on the trash of this world. O Shah-i Mardan, marhaba, welcome! Bestow on us a glance, May our weakness be taken from us so that we might be useful for service. I have created My servant so that he might serve Me! Wa Ma Khalaqtu l-Jinna Wa l-Insa Illa Liya`budun (51:56) I have created all creation so that it might serve Me; so that mankind and Jinn might be My servants. The least of My servants will be given the power of seven kings by his Lord, seven sultanates. No one knows the limit of the kingdoms granted by Allah. O my Lord, we are weak. Li-kulli shay'in Ajala. An appointed hour for everything. Everyone has been appointed a time to appear in this world. There is an appointed time for all. Now the appointed time for the world itself is slowly drawing to an end. Allah Almighty says: Iqtarabatu s-sa'at (54:1) The Last Day has drawn near. When it is fulfilled they will be gathered: The good to a good place, the corrupt to a corrupt place. The people living in this world. Marhaba, o Shah-i Mardan. Marhaba, o lovers of Shah-i Mardan. How lovely! May Light descend upon us. May joy come to our hearts, may power come to our faith. May our love grow stronger. Do you want this? Say Bismillahir rahmanir rahim. The son of man, Allahu Akbar, is highly honoured. But Shaytan, may that which he deserves come upon him, may Allah give him what he deserves, we say. He tries to bring down to zero the honour of mankind. Shaytan is jealous to the highest degree of all jealousy. And with this anger within him he infects ignorant people; he passes it to them like a graft. Jealousy, and one person makes another jealous. The mother of all badness comes from jealousy. Adam's (as) expulsion from paradise came from shaytan's jealousy, he was jealous of Adam (as) He struggled until he got him thrown out of Paradise. The station of Adam (as) is Paradise, not this world. Out of jealousy he devised such a plot, that in the end Allah, the Absolute Lord of Paradise, said: "Go Adam, with Hawwa, the earth is your home." The earth is dark. Driven from Paradise, shaytan established himself on earth. Here they come, (4 von 13)04.07.2013 23:38:47
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now I will avenge myself on them! With what did he confuse people, bring them low? With jealousy, he plunged them into darkness. What drives all people today, the starting point is jealousy. The Russians are jealous of the Americans. Persians are jealous of Turks, Indians of Chinese. China is jealous of Japan. Whites are jealous of blacks and blacks of whites. There is no worse quality than jealousy that kills humanity and brings disaster upon them. All of man's suffering is a result of the scourge of jealousy. It poisons the lives of men. Now Shaytan is dancing, "I have disgraced the son of man. I have completely destroyed his peace and