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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (671/777)
O people, use your mind! If you are not using your mind, coming a punishment! That Allah Almighty should punish them, whom they are insisting to be on (the) wrong way, on (the) cursed way, (the) cursed direction! True direction, who is (on it)? Ehhh… true direction: Sheikh Abdul Hafiz - Sheikh Abdul Aziz-ehh-Scheikh Abdul Hafiz, representing Germans, Sheikh Hassan Dyck [Mawlana pronounces 'Dyck' "deek', laughs, then continues in Turkish: doesn't 'deek' mean rooster? I never heard of a rooster becoming sheikh, but rooster Hassan, Hassan rooster, he became Sheikh] … Then we are looking in Italy: Nizamuddin. Nizamuddin also, when his wife (is) getting angry, cutting half of his beard… when she is happy, he [lets it grow]… So many… People never using their minds! And when Allah Almighty (is) asking to punish people, first (He is) taking their minds; (then they have) no aql, no mentality, (and) then they are doing something that never mind (is) accepting that and (then) cursing (is) coming on them. Sham [Damascus]… eh, Sham, I was there since 60 years, everything (was) so good, they were also dressing - women - galabiyya and men all (had a) beard and also they were dressing galabiya and they were putting turbans or like this tarbusch… so beautiful, so handsome people! And they were covering their faces. Now I'm going… “What happened?” “O Sheikh, from where you are coming?” I am saying: “From Marikh, (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:37:37

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from Mars coming. First one coming from Mars coming, I am that one. 60 years ago I was here, then I disappeared. I was in Saturn and now I am coming“... “Ahhh…what you are asking?” “I was here, but now I am not recognizing Damascus and people in such a way!” “Ya Hu, I am born here and people they were like this! I never knowing that Dimashq people going to be before in such a way, no! Even - that time is another time, now… O Sheikh, you are really coming from Saturn?” “No doubt!” “What is your object[ion], why you are objecting?“ “Because I was so happy in that time; ladies they were covering and people they were using their traditional clothes - (but) now…” “O Sheikh, we are living (in the) 21st century! What you are saying? We must do as Europeans (are) going to be, because Europeans (are) coming and saying: ‘You are qaumun muta-akhkhir… backward people. Dede (is) coming here, dressing turban and shalwar… ‘” Servet, that is Turkish one - Turkish they are most active people to be like Europeans! Alhamdulillah, Europeans - even they are 100 years trying to be like European people - but now Europeans (are) saying that: “You (are) never going to be like Europeans, no, we are not accepting (you)!” “Ya Hu, we tried to change everything, we changed everything and you are not accepting us as Europeans?” “No, go away!” Al-hamdulillah! Daghestan people, Ghumuq people (it) doesn’t matter, because they were under the tyrants that they tried to take away Islam from Muslims… But, Al-hamdulillah, they can’t do! Because Islam (is the) building of Allah! (It) can’t be destroyed, no! If anyone (is) asking to destroy, to make to fall one stone, he must put his head instead of that stone! That is (the) Heavenly Command for people on earth! They passed away, tyrants in Russia! Even the time of czars, Caesars, he was not doing anything for Muslims; if they were building mosque, prayings and doing their obediency to their Lord; he was giving them freedom. But that Shaitan, big Shaitan, that (was) coming and killing Caesars and bringing that communism, they tried to destroy everything. They destroyed so many things, but they can’t be able to take everything. Islam yet (is) standing up, because Islam it is a building from Heavens! That person that (was) bringing communism to Russia - what is his name? Lenin… What remained from that Shaitans empire? Only his dirty body in that big square, nothing else! Yet churches (are) standing up, that Christians they were building (them) according to their beliefs, to their religions. They are standing up; even their domes, even golden, but that Shaitan can’t be able to take them, a fearing (was) coming (to him)! (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:37:37

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And Islam - they did their worst for Muslims! Millions of people they killed. More than 90 million Muslims that communism tyrants killed to take away Islam and to make their wrong way standing up. But they can’t do! They killed, but they can’t take, they can’t be able to take away Islam buildings. Islam now in Russia (is) much more powerful to be from Turkey! Much more freedom for them in Russian territory, more than (for the) Muslims that (are) living in Turkey. But Allah (is) not sleeping; Allah knows who is attacking on Islam! (He knows those) whom they are prefering to follow His good direction, blessed direction, and He knows (those) whom they are asking to make people to follow (the) cursed way. Everyone that (is) on (the) cursed way, they should be taken away. Islam should be forever! O people, therefore - this is not a prepared speech to you, no, but this coming to me. I am speaking on that way, because people are not taking any care which way, which direction, they are on it. O people, there is only two directions: (the) direction to be blessed, (and the) direction (that is) cursed. Mostly people (are) on (the) cursed direction. (It) doesn’t matter - (they) should be taken away! Allah Almighty (was) sending Noah alayhi salam; 950 years (he was) calling them (to Allah), they are refusing. He built (the) Heavenly Religion by his Lord’s Command, but people (were) never coming to his direction, (the) direction of Paradise, (the) direction of Eternity. They were insisting. Then Allah Almighty (was saying): “O My servant, O Noah, don’t worry, I am going to punish them! I am sending on them (a) flood, I am drowning them. Don’t worry!” And through 40 days (there was) no one (of them) on earth… (He was) just taking them away. Only 70, 75, or 80 people they were accepting Nabi Nuh - alayhi salam - and landing in (the) ship. They have been saved and whole these nations (in the world are) coming from him… Allah Almighty, He can do everything! When He is getting angry with His servants, (He is) punishing, punishing, punishing them. Allah Almighty (is) saying: “…falama asafuna intaqamna minhum - ayy - aghdabuna… When they are making to be Heavens angry with them, We are sending our punishment and taking them away!” Now people (they are) going to take some of them some others… some others… (The holy) Prophet was (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:37:37

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saying - peace be upon him: “When (the) last Days (are) approaching, people, nations, they are not fighting to other nations, but nations (are) fighting through themselves.” (In the) same nation, (people are) going to fight to each other! I was surprising. Now I am hearing (that) in Palestine, Palestinians in their countries, they are fighting to each other. They are not fighting Israelis, they are not fighting Urduni [Jordanians], they are not fighting Iraqian, they are not fighting to Saudian, but (they are) fighting to each other! That (one is) saying: “Fatah“, that (one is) saying: “Hamas“. Where you are finding this division? Asma - they are giving such names that it is not mentioned through Holy Quran. They are inventing! They are not saying: “We are Muslims“, and they are not saying that: “Damm al-Muslim haram ‘ala-l Muslim“; to kill Muslim another Muslim biggest sin and its punishment (is) to be thrown to Hells, never ending! They are Arabs! We may say, if we are fighting, (that) we are not understanding (the) Holy Quran, but their language (is the) language of (the) Holy Quran. Why they are doing this? And so many westernised Arabs, countries also, they are looking and they are not saying (to) anyone: “Stop, what you are doing?” No! (But they are) saying: “Let them kill each other, finished!“ May Allah forgive us! O people, (there is) no any other third direction! Blessed direction, cursed direction. And you are free! Allah (is) giving (the) free will to you to choose through your mind: blessed way and cursed way! May Allah forgive us. May Allah send us… therefore I am asking: “O Allah, send us (the) Sultan to collect (Your) servants under Your Holy Prophets Holy Flag. If not, we are finished!” May Allah forgive us and bless you! For the honour of the most honoured one in His Divinely Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam, Fatiha. Lefke 17.12.2006 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel

BookKhairiyahSiegel (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:37:37

9242 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TwoKindsOfWater

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : TwoKindsOfWater


Two kinds of water: Pure, blessed water from Heavens and dirty water from Shaytan's sewage As-salamu alaikum! Huuu, Huuu... Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim La haula wa la quwatta ill bi-llahi l-Aliyyi l- Azim O our Lord! We are asking Your Heavenly Support to Your weak servants! We are weak servants and we are running to You, O our Lord, from Shaytan and shaytanic people, whom they surround to Shaytan, surrender to Shaytan. Shaytan (is) asking to make you from his group. May Allah forgive us and protect Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi l-Aliyyi l- Azim. We are weak ones, therefore you must ask Allah Almighty s Power to reach to you. Which way (is) using Allah Almighty to send His Divinely Support? Under roads or streets there are two channels: one channel (is) carrying dirty water, and (a) second (channel is) carrying clean water Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya! We are not ignorant people, not to understand what is clean, what is (1 von 8)04.07.2013 23:37:38

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dirty! Everyone may understand quickly. And His Divinely Support (is) running to people to those, whom they are following Prophets. And Prophets (are) bringing clean water from (the) spring. And (the) second channel is (carrying) dirty (water) that (is) coming from homes and (that is) running through streets down. Clean waters (are) entering homes, dirty waters (are) running away from houses. Even (a) house is unhappy to keep dirty water in it, but it likes to keep clean water in it - but dirty waters, (it is) never asking, (it is) asking to put (them) in channels, to run away Therefore, real life, as Allah Almighty (is) saying, Allah Almighty created everything from pure water. Pure water, everything (is) coming from pure water: wa ja alna min al-ma i kulla shay in hayy ! Allah Almighty (is) saying: We did everything in existence from clean water. Therefore keep clean water lines that (are) running into you as (they are) running through your home. That is important. Clean waters (are) from Heavens, dirty channels (are) from Shaytan. Allah Almighty (is) teaching His servants to: ... wa-drib lahum mathalan Give them examples, O My beloved servant, make for them, to understand what clean water (is) doing, through bringing (an) example. For example: wa-drib lahum mathalan make for them (an) example, because (an) example (is) making you to understand everything quickly. Yes, therefore, you must try to understand: If clean water makes ourselves to be happy, to be healthy - He is giving us examples: This is water, that is water. Clean water and dirty water channels, running from East to West, from North to South. Look, all holy Books (are) saying this: wa-drib lahum mathalan O my Prophet, give them (2 von 8)04.07.2013 23:37:38

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examples, to understand what We mean to say! Yes, therefore, it is an example: O people, if you are using dirty water, even plants or grass or trees (are) never growing up, because dirty water (is) full with poison; (it is) poisoned water. And (the) poisoned water spring that (is) running on earth, running after mankind, that is Shaytan s channel! Shaytan s channel (is) always dirty and poisoned, don t use it! Allah (is) saying, (the) Almighty: Use clean water! Even therefore I am never happy that people drinks from bottled water, no! It is also a kind of dirtiness, that Shaytan (is) making it, not to give any benefit to our physical being. They are saying: We are purifying water. It is against the reality, because they are not purifying. The Lord of Heavens just prepared water for mankind and other living creatures. They may use it, but I don t think that any creature (is) drinking from dirty water - (they are) running away (from it), only mankind they are not thinking on it, to say: This (is) so dirty smelling! Why (Allah is) giving this for us? Why (is He) giving (us the) eyes, why (he is) giving (us the) tongue? Your eyes (are) looking and seeing a dirty colour- leave it! You may taste and you are going to taste something, it is so dirty, making your stomach to get out - leave it! >From this point even water, bottled water, it is a shaytanic way to harm people, to harm their health, to harm everything from mankind! What about if bottled water is prohibited to be drunk? Heavenly warning: Don t use bottled water! Don t look, what they are making, so many advertisement on it, don t believe! You must know that if something (is) getting too much advertised, that means, Shaytan (is) (3 von 8)04.07.2013 23:37:38

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asking to cheat people and to harm people! Up today we are not seeing a water it is written on it and to put on bottles to be said: This is famous water, this is such and such no, but Shaytan, for harming people, (is) making this bottled water also. What about drinks? O Sheikh, (it is) so tasteful to drink Coca-Cola No, Sir, Pepsi Cola is much better I think I don t think! Pepsi-Cola may be faster for harming (your) body, but Coca-Cola (is) making everything in such a way that man (is) loosing himself and never tasting after that anything What about wines that Allah Almighty making it haram, forbidden, forbidden, forbidden ! Doesn t matter, o Sheikh, if we are drinking beer What is that? It is not from grapes, it is only from barley Hmmm, why not you are eating barley? We can t eat, because only donkeys may eat (that); they have big teeth and they are very happy, but if we are trying to eat, we can t eat. Therefore we are boiling it, making so many things, making this beeeeer and saying: You must drink beeeeer every day, to loose or to forget everything, every day I am saying only this: For what? Because we can t eat barley through our teeth therefore we are asking to do something from beer, to make, to keep our teeth (4 von 8)04.07.2013 23:37:38

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What about alcohol? (It is) harming (our) body or not? Which doctor or physician may say that to drink wines doesn t matter? Who may say, Doesn t matter! ? How you are saying, doesn t matter? It is good for sometimes. For what? Because sometimes man (is) in need to shout like a cock: kukurukuuu, but (he) can t say this, (but) when (he is) drinking, (he) may say (it)! That is one benefit, therefore they must drink! Every harmful drink (is from the) shaytanic source, from shaytanic sources, from dirty channels, sewage channels, but whole people (are) drinking. They are saying: (It) doesn t matter, Sheikh, a little bit we may enjoy ourselves! If you are asking to enjoy yourself, go to (the) stable of donkeys, make there you should be very happy (it is) enjoyful, their place also, because they are eating barley Barley eating, therefore they are very strong, because they are working daytime Haaa! Therefore we must drink this, to be much more powerful daytime for working! Man tashabbaha bi qaumin, fahuwa minhum which (one is) going to make himself as any creature, he is going to be from that creature Therefore who (is) very happy to drink beeeeer that animal also, they are so happy to eat it and you are going to be like animals Donkeys, they are very happy to drink or to eat, but you can t eat, you can drink... then you are going to be on (the) same level of donkeys (5 von 8)04.07.2013 23:37:38

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Dirty channel! Putting so many advertising also Walky, Johnny Walker look, how he is moving!... I am saying write under it: Like donkeys , they are coming so powerful look, 80 years person, how he is walking! Because they are using too much beeeeer. Beer for Germans, whiskey for English people, champagne for French people, and vodka for Russians... yes? Yes. Eh, our people also, they are going to be like Western people We are now Western Muslims! I am asking: Western Muslim? How it can be? Kufr ma a l-Iman? They are unbelievers, (and) you are running to be like unbelievers - how you are going to be believers? Doesn t matter! We are producing millions or thousand hectares and we are planting barley, therefore we must look a market for our barley, because it is too much for our donkeys and we are asking two legs creatures to eat and drink its water >From where (this is coming)? That advertisement (is) Shaytan s advertising: People (are) drunk and (it) doesn t matter Islam is (a) pure religion, pure, most pure, purest and most clean - come and drink! If not, you are going to be Now, what they are doing, you know?... When they are going to fight, they must drink from dirty channels of Shaytan, to forget and to see themselves so hero! Once a mouse (was) falling in a barrel of wine. It was drinking, drinking (and) asking to get out. (It was) getting out and it was calling: Where is those our enemies, cats? May come here! I am now not like cat, I am now like lion! Where they are? (6 von 8)04.07.2013 23:37:38

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Like this (drinks are) making people: Where is that angels, coming to take my soul? I am here, keeping my sword! If (they are) coming, I am cutting their heads! (He) may say (this), because he is drunk, like that mouse (that was) falling in (a) barrel of wine Making people to be in such a way, that drinks! Therefore it is also from Shaytan, from shaytanic dirty channels! (The) Heavenly Order to whole nations (is): Don t drink from dirty channels, but I am sending to you pure drinks from My Heavenly Oceans. O people, use what it is clean for you, don t use dirty channels! That is the summary of whole Heavenly Books: (They are) preventing people, not to be drunk, but to be awakening, to know from which channel they are drinking, he is drinking. Now all people (are) drinking from dirty channels Sometimes looking something (in the water) making like this pure water They are so clean, but when they are asking to drink a vodka or champagne, (they are) never looking, what is in it: One more, one more one more They are getting to be barrel of wine so dirty inside and their outside. Making their bodies so dirty and also making everything (that) belongs to their honor, making it to be dirty. Therefore, when Mehdi alayhi salam (is) coming, first of all (he is) making an order: No more! No anyone should drink! If Jesus (is) coming after him, he is also saying that: No more drink of wines! Never, because it is from shaytanic channel, (the) dirty channel! Don t use it, whom (they are) asking to be clean here and Hereafter! (7 von 8)04.07.2013 23:37:38

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O people, think something! Give some time, even very short time, for thinking on such a points! That (is) saving your physical being and (is) giving from Heavenly Lights on your face and to your hearts. ?May Allah forgive us and protect us, not to fall into dirty channels! May Allah bless you and forgive me! For the honor of the most honoured one in His Divinely Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam, Fatiha 02.09.2007 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel

BookKhairiyahSiegel (8 von 8)04.07.2013 23:37:38

9250 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TwoPillarsofIslamRespectAndMercy

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : TwoPillarsofIslamRespectAndMercy


Two Pillars of Islam - Islam brought respect and mercy - We have lost both of them

"Islam brought respect and mercy. We have lost them both now. " We are living during a time in which everything has changed and appears in an opposite form. Everything has been changed from its original state to another, a non-original state, you may say. This holds true for Islam, as well. You can look at Islam and can see that in our time, our scholars or our statesmen are presenting Islam in a form which was not its original one. Everything now is going according to the desires of peoples' egos. Everyone says about Islam what he likes. Muslim statesmen and scholars are running out of Islam. They are saying what their egos want them to say, because everyone's ego wants Islam to be as he or she likes, so that in our time you can find thousands and thousands of descriptions of Islam. All of them are wrong because they are changing Islam from its original form and giving some unheard of descriptions of it according to their egos' desires (hawa nafs). They say whatever their egos suggest to them about Islam. They do this in the name of Islam according to their egos' desires. We reject all of them. There is the war between Iran and Iraq. That is proof of what we are saying now. This is not Islam, not from either side. We do not accept it. And everywhere you may find that people are not trying to follow the original Islam, but making Islam follow them. That is the most dangerous, terrible way that people are going on. (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:37:39

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We must follow the sunnah, the practice of the Prophet Muhammad (saws). To what was he calling people and for why was he fighting? He was only fighting with Haqq, Truth, Reality, against falsehood (batil). The claims of your ego are useless. Your ego is useless. Therefore, if peoples' hearts do not meet on one point, then it is useless, and that one point is one which Islam brought - monotheism, unity (tawhid). Everyone's thoughts must meet on that point of unity. In Islam, there it is not that one person thinks one thing and another person thinks something else with everyone going his or her own way. No. Everyone must meet on the point of monotheism, of unity. We accept our Lord, Almighty God. We claim that we are His servants. Therefore, we must live in servanthood to Him and nothing else. Abu Yazid Bistami, may God bless him, said that we find Islam built on two fundamental, simple things. One of them is respect, most high respect, towards our Lord. The second is to care for, to be compassionate towards His servants and towards His creatures in general. In everything that you do there must be respect for your Lord Almighty. That is the first thing that is to be considered in any action that a person may do. One must not do anything without giving respect to one's Lord, Almighty God. Therefore, Prophet Muhammad (saws) said that respect for your Lord is to begin everything by saying, "In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate, the Merciful, the Compassionate." That is the respect that you can give to your Lord at the beginning of every action. You must know that if He does not give permission or success to you, you can't be successful in any action. You can't even move your hands or your feet. Then, you must care for, you must be Compassionate, to every creature. The Prophet (saws) said, "Even if you need to kill, do that kindly (ihsan), also." When you kill a sheep, a cow, a camel, a chicken, kill it kindly, God so orders, but people have lost that now. Even if you kill some harmful insect or animal, you must use something that doesn't give it too much pain. You must kill it instantly, and, therefore, it is prohibited to burn people or animals or insects. God prohibits it because only He may burn. No one may use fire to burn people - but now people are intending to burn the whole world and everyone in it, all nations. Earlier, weapons were only cold steel, swords and spears, but afterwards every weapon used fire to burn people. Now big bombs are burning everything. Earlier very few people used fire for execution - it is forbidden (haram) in the Divine Law. If you are obliged to kill some harmful thing, don't burn it. Fire is only for cooking and for heat - that is (2 vo