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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (669/777)
illas and chimpanzees Darwin was thinking, that Shaitan, today they are using also; they are trying to keep the way of (that) Shaitan person, that Shaitan person to say: “O people, just we are looking and seeing big giants there. We are finding so many jewels, diamonds there and we are preparing a line from Mars to earth to bring so many tons of diamonds!“ When it is going to (be) too much something, (it is) going to be cheaper. Valuable (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:37:33

9214 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TryToReachLevelOfHeavenlyBeings

(is) which that it is rare. If you are finding something (in) big amounts, that means: no value. It should be like our mountains. Our mountains (are) from rocks, from earth. They may say: “We found mountains of diamonds.” When (something is) coming (to be in) so big amounts, (it is) going to be cheap. So cheap. I mean to say that they are using their energy and their ability or capacity or their knowledge, using it for nonsense. Beginning first (with) that you are on it living... (Take the children out!.. .) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah... (They are) not using their capacity or ability to understand. To understand, to know more about this world, but they are trying to waste their energies, their abilities, their capacities for nothing. That is the beginning of troubles through East and West. If they are making research centers for understanding for this world, they should be happy, but Shaitan (is) never leaving them to think on it, never! And they are going to fall into endless troubles and (there is) no rest for them night or day. Subhanallahi-l ‘Aliyi-l ‘Adhim. Just I heard another foolishness from those people, whom they are trying to make a research through space and they are saying that: “Light may run from one to another one (and it needs) billions of years for reaching.” They are saying this, but they are making such advertisement that they are trying to understand about space. What is that foolishness? What is that foolishness! How you are reaching to understand and you are saying that (in) billions of years the light can’t reach from one star to another star? And you are saying: “We are trying through our satellites.” So foolishness, so foolishness. If I am asking: “What about Everest, Himalayan mountain? You reached and you looked and (you are) seeing about that mountains everything? How you are claiming that: “We are trying to reach something about universe”? What is that foolishness? Once there was an ‘Alim, (a) learned person or philosopher, that he was saying: “I am (a) so big authority through science and knowledge. O people, you can ask me anything (and) I may give a reply to you.” One person is standing up and saying: “O that one who (is) claiming that you are knowing everything. Can you tell me if your hairs, their number, is odd or even?” This (is) coming like this or like that? That philosopher (was) saying: “I am not counting, therefore I can’t say, if it is odd or even. Ask me another question.” One person is standing up and saying: “O that one that you are claiming that you are knowing everything and we can ask you. So many years I am (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:37:33

9215 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TryToReachLevelOfHeavenlyBeings

thinking on something.” “What is that?” “O my Sir. (An) ant, it has two parts, head side and back side. I was thinking that (if its) intestine (is) that side, back side, or head side?” He said: ” I never tried, because (an ants body is) coming like this (narrow in the middle).I don’t know (if) its intestines (are) here or here...” This is something that (is) making some foolish people to fall down and to be ashamed. “Look (to the) ant” I am asking those people, whom they are running to know something of secrets of space: “Leave that and give answer for ants intestines.” La haula wa la quwwata ... So foolish people! 21st century people, they are so foolish, no mind people, never thinking and their levels (are) under (the) level of (the) animals world. May Allah forgive us! O people, think (about) your beginning, (the) beginning of your creation and think what is going to be (the) end of your creation. Think on it! Leave others. How you came to this life? Say to me first (how was the) beginning of your being in existence. Say to me how (it) happened? And now you are saying: “No Creator, no Lord” – Astaghfirullah! Who was making this to ... Man’s water and woman’s water coming together? What is that? Semen and eggs...For that you are coming in such a way. Why (you are) not thinking on it (and) trying to know something through universe? That Shaitan (is) making 21st century people to think on nothing, ‘malayani’, nonsense. Think about your Creator that created you and give your high respect (to) Who created you from one cell and now you are getting to be a man and (you are) saying: “No Creator, no Lord.” What is that! But Shaitan (is) making them... deceiving them. And whole troubles and problems it is (a) sign of cursing. Everywhere cursing (is) coming like rains, coming on earth through East and West. Daily coming that cursing signs, but people (are) not thinking, because people they are drunk also. May Allah forgive us. You are welcome. What we are saying, must be listened, heard (by) everyone and (to be) thinking on it. If no, (if) they are not thinking on it, (in) their last moment they should be regretting, sorry. Now on earth there is perhaps 7 billion people. You can’t find awakening people that (are) thinking on such point. Everyone, everyone’s thoughts they are thinking on ‘economical crises’, nothing else and they are saying: “Just there is a famous person - his name (is) Bubamo - Bubamo may save ourselves!” And Bubamo... what is his name? Obama... even he can’t save himself, (but) people(are) saying: “He may save (the) whole word.” One (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:37:33

9216 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TryToReachLevelOfHeavenlyBeings

person may save whole world that you may say: “No value” (for) that person. No value. That one may save, may save (the) whole world though 24 hours. No need (even), because they are supported through heavenly Powers. But people, because they did their worst for their Lord, and the Lord of Heavens, our Creator (is) asking to punish them. Therefore (there is) no any arrangement, no one can do, no. I can do! I am (the) weakest one, I may... 24 hours, it is too much for me (even). But they are not asking such a person through East and West. They are saying: “Bubamo...Bubamo save ourselves!” U S... you ass? You donkey?... Tauba, Astaghfirullah al ‘Adhim! If (the) world (is) asking to save themselves, I am a person (of) no value, behind (the) one, (on the) left side. I am that one. But they may use that zero on left side, if (they are) putting (it) on (the) right side...! Ya Rabb! Anta-l Rabb! Rabbu-l ‘Alamin. He brought and sent us such a heavenly Orders and Commands that through 24 hours can be arranged everything on earth and people (will be) changing themselves from to be beasts to be human nature. May Allah forgive us. O people, pray for me and I am praying for you and I am asking humbly from (the) Seal of Prophets (in) His divinely Presence that he is in (the) divinely Presence always - to look after ourselves, to save mankind, to reach to (the) rank of being (of) human nature. Human nature they are equal (to) that Angels, but mankind, they are on the level of animals. Try to get out from that level and to reach the level of heavenly beings, you should be happy here and Hereafter. O our Lord, for the honour of Your most beloved, most honoured, most glorified servant S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha. Lefke, 27.3.2009 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel

BookKhairiyahSiegel (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:37:33

9217 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Tunnelto Pass

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : TunneltoPass


The tunnel to pass

What does the happiness or sadness of a human being depend on? It depends on whether he is obedient to Allah’s Commands or not, respecting Him, or denying Him and following Shaitan... All Prophets have taught this and it is repeated at every Juma, Friday prayer, everywhere in the world to remind people: "Oh people, be obedient to Allah, respect Him, fear Him, because He can see you everywhere. Wherever you are, you are under His Eyes, Nazar. Protect your heart, don’t let evil enter in it. Among the creatures you have been given the highest rank, and Allah has chosen you for His Service, and that you may govern the world as His Deputies, according to His Laws. But you are throwing away this honour, and you want to make your own laws... what kind of Pharaohs have you become?” And the world is getting darker day by day... Now we are in Muharram, who knows what the coming year will bring to us... For 1419 years the unbelievers have been trying to finish Islam, but 142o has come, and we will meet the Christian year 2ooo during it. We don’t know what will happen in 1421, or if there will be more years to come. Only after 2ooo their counting will stop, and then we will count according to the Hijri calendar, the Islamic calendar. Maybe by next year half of humanity will not be alive any more... Allah is saying that He is giving the chance to rebellious man to remember Him, but people are misusing His generosity and make every bad thing even worse. The Holy Prophet had been asking from Allah Almighty that his Nation, his Ummah, might not be punished like previous nations by something coming from the (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:37:34

9218 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Tunnelto Pass

skies or from the earth. So Allah Almighty said: "I will punish some of you through others of you..." We shall see so much Bela, misfortune, this year... Oh people, you must understand the wisdom of your creation and existence. Life is short, death is waiting for us, Akhirat is in front of us, and we will have to give an answer to the Angels of the Grave... It is as if the whole world is in a tunnel which looks like an X : it is getting more and more narrow, and from a certain point on it is getting wider and wider up to the eternal... Only spiritually strong people will pass through this tunnel. Materialist people won’t be able to make it, the power of their batteries will be finished. Only the spiritual power of the soul can help you... Allah Almighty has ordered us to read the Holy Quran, to make Dhikr and Salawat, to strengthen our souls and to connect to the spiritual world. But we are not understanding, we are misunderstanding Islam... The orders and duties in Islam are only for connecting you with the spiritual world. You have to know what worship is for. Only because of your soul, which is coming from Malakut, may you be called human beings. According to your physical body you are animals... You must recognize your value. We should try to control our nafs, ego, but we are doing everything to please it, serving it... You must try to shine with the light of your soul. This light has been granted to you from the Heavens through the Holy Prophet sws. Search for this light! If not, so many things will happen this year... May Allah keep us on the path of truth. Keep yourselves and learn to control your ego, so that you may be able to rise to Malakut... Fatiha. - 01.04.1999

BookOnthebridgetoEternity (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:37:34

9219 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TurbanTragenUndSichBedecken

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : TurbanTragenUndSichBedecken



Turbane sind wichtig und besonders in der heutigen Zeit. Nicht-Muslime haben eine starke Abneigung gegen Turbane. Doch auch unter den Muslimen befinden sich immer mehr Leute, die das Turban-tragen ablehnen. Was macht den Teufel heute besonders wütend? Es ist, wenn jemand einen Turban trägt. Nichts macht Shaitan so wütend, wie das Turban-tragen. Deshalb betrachten Leute, die keinen Turban tragen, Leute, die einen Turban tragen, mit Haß. Und selbst in den islamischen Ländern wird jemand, der einen Turban trägt, so angesehen, als wäre er gegen die Muslime und gegen die ganze Menschheit. Sie denken, daß diese Menschen niemals zu unserer Gemeinschaft gehören. Sie denken oder haben Angst davor, daß diese Leute eine solche Kraft haben, daß sie die alten Zeiten wieder in die Gesellschaft zurückbringen. Und das ist der Grund, daß sie die Leute, die Turban tragen, nicht mit Wohlwollen betrachten. Sie überhäufen sie mit schwerwiegender Mißbilligung. Und dabei gibt es keinen Zweifel daran, daß keine Kopfbedeckung so eindrucksvoll, passend und schön ist wie der Turban. Wie sähe das aus, wenn ich z.B. mit Kahlkopf rumlaufen würde? Das Tragen des Turbans gibt einem Größe und Bedeutung. Ich habe die neuen islamischen Doktoren dazu befragt. Sie tragen Anzüge und Krawatten, scheiteln ihr Haar, rasieren sich und tragen nichts auf dem Kopf. Und ich frage sie: "Wer ist euer Prophet?" - "Muhammad, Friede sei mit ihm." Und ich frage: "Glaubt ihr, daß er die Himmelsfahrt gemacht hat? Die Nachtreise? Glaubt ihr, daß Allah, der Allmächtige, ihn zu sich eingeladen hat?" - "Ja, das glauben wir." sagen sie. "Meint ihr, daß er nackt auf diese (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:37:35

9220 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TurbanTragenUndSichBedecken

Nachtreise gegangen ist?" - "Nein, asta'firullah." - "Meint ihr, daß er Hosen getragen hat und eine Krawatte? Was hat er in dieser Nacht getragen?" Und die Doktoren wundern sich über diese Fragen. So komische Fragen hat ihnen noch nie jemand gestellt. Ihr habt wohl niemals diese Seiten in den Hadithbüchern gelesen. Meint ihr, daß er den Kopf mit irgendetwas bedeckt hatte? Wir wissen, daß Allah den Erzengel Gabriel und den Erzengel Michael mit Kleidung aus dem Paradies zu dem Propheten (FSmi) gesandt hat. Und sie kleideten ihn mit einem Turban auf dem Kopf. Und der Prophet (FSmi) trug in dieser Nacht einen Turban. Einen prächtigen Turban, den herrlichsten Turban. Keiner kann einen solchen Turban tragen, außer ihm. Und Allah, der Allmächtige, fand Wohlgefallen an seinem geliebten Diener Muhammad (FSmi), als er in seine Gegenwart kam in Bekleidung eines Turbans. Wenn das nicht die hervorragendste Bekleidung für seine Diener wäre, hätte Allah, Muhammad (FSmi) nicht mit diesem Turban geschickt. "Und warum kleidet ihr euch nicht so?" fragte ich die Doktoren, aber sie antworteten nicht. Sie sagten nur: "Wir haben nicht die Kraft, uns mit dieser Kleidung zu bekleiden. Wir finden uns nicht würdig genug." Sie mögen das sagen, aber sie müssen versuchen, die Stufe zu erreichen, daß sie für diese Kleidung würdig sind. Dies gehört zur Vervollkommnung der Muslime. Ich sehe sehr viele Brüder unter den Muslimen, besonders die Gebildeten, die ihre Frauen dazu zwingen, sich soviel wie möglich zu bedecken. Sie sind nicht damit zufrieden, wenn eine der Frauen der Mode folgt. Sie verlangen für sie nach islamischer Kleidung. Ich stimme mit diesen Gefühlen überein. Ich mag, wenn Frauen in ihrer Muschel verborgen sind wie Perlen. In diesem Punkt habe ich nichts dagegen, denn dies ist eine Vervollkommnung für unsere Schwestern, für unsere Töchter und für unsere Frauen. Es gibt ihnen Würde. Es bringt ihnen Respekt in der göttlichen Gegenwart. Es ist richtig, aber was ist mit ihnen selber? Sie kleiden sich wie Europäer und ziehen auch noch Krawatten an und lassen ihren Kopf unbedeckt. Und unsere Schariat, unser göttliches Gesetz erlaubt es nicht, daß ein Muslim herumläuft, ohne seinen Kopf zu bedecken. Ich sage das für diejenigen, die ihre Frauen dazu zwingen, sich strengstens an die muslimischen Kleidervorschriften zu halten. Sie selbst kämmen ihre Haare so, daß sie attraktiv aussehen. Sie sollten wissen, wenn jemand ohne Kopfbedeckung vor einem islamischen Gericht erscheinen würde, würde er als Zeuge nicht anerkannt werden. In unseren Ländern gibt es jetzt viele solcher Leute, sie tragen einen Bart und kämmen sich die Haare schön. Wenn so einer jetzt zu einem Schariat-Gericht kommen würde, würde der Richter ihn zurückweisen. Ich sage dies, weil sie ihre Frauen dazu zwingen, sich an islamische Regeln zu halten. Niemals zeigen sie ihnen gegenüber Toleranz. Neuen (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:37:35

9221 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TurbanTragenUndSichBedecken

Muslimen gegenüber sind sie so streng und rigide, aber sich selbst vergessen sie. Deshalb sage ich, nehmt eure Hosen und tragt Schalwas, so wie der Prophet (FSmi) sie getragen hat. Tragt ein weites Hemd, bedeckt eure Köpfe und tragt Turban. Das ist das, was wir ihnen sagen müssen. Es ist einfach für sie, die Frauen herumzukommandieren und zu sagen, sie sollen altmodische Kleidung tragen. Sie selbst aber sind nicht bereit dazu. Wir raten den Frauen am Anfang, sich den Oberkörper und die Beine zu bedecken, so daß nur Füße und Hände herausschauen. Und bei neuen Muslimen lasse ich es auch zu, daß sie den Kopf unbedeckt haben. Denn ich weiß etwas, was sie nicht wissen. Wenn der Glaube wächst, dann wächst gleichzeitig das Schamgefühl. Deshalb sehe ich nach ihrem Glauben, denn ich sehe, daß damit gleichzeitig das Schamgefühl wächst. Wenn das Schamgefühl größer wird, dann werden sie sich von alleine bedecken. Ich sehe so viele Frauen, die, wenn sie den Islam angenommen haben, sich von selbst anfangen zu bedecken. Denn es ist eine Gabe von Allah, dem Allmächtigen, die er ihnen schnell gibt, ohne daß man es ihnen sagen müßte, und Allah der Allmächtige belohnt sie schnell. Und nun sind sie glücklich, und keine will ihr Kopftuch abnehmen. Ich habe niemals einer von meinen Töchtern gesagt, sie solle Kopftuch tragen. Seht Heidriah, habe ich ihr etwas gesagt? Nein, aber Allah, der Allmächtige, hat sie belohnt. Sie ist glücklich. Und wir wollen, daß die Leute aus ihrem Herzen heraus den Islam praktizieren. Aus Liebe und nicht durch Zwang. Aber diese Leute haben keinerlei Weisheit erhalten. Sie sind wie Kassetten. Sie können etwas abspulen, ohne etwas von der Weisheit zu verstehen. Das ist der Grund, weshalb sie verstehen, die Frauen mit dem Stock zu schlagen, wenn Allah der Allmächtige vom Schlagen der Frauen spricht. Einmal sagte Mansur al-Halladsch: "Ich bin Haqq." Aber entsprechend der Schariat ist das falsch. Denn Al- Haqq ist Allah. Deshalb wurde er zum Tode verurteilt. Und die Menge versammelte sich, und sie bewarfen ihn mit Steinen. Und einer seiner Freunde, Schibli, kam und warf statt einem Stein eine Rose nach ihm. Und er sagte: "Aah, diese Rose hat mich mehr getroffen als all die Steine." Deshalb genügt es, eine Rose auf eine Frau zu werfen, sie wird verstehen, was gemeint ist. Das ist das Schlagen. Ein Stock ist nicht notwendig, eine Rose reicht auch. Die Schariat ist ein riesiges Meer, und wir sind zu weit davon entfernt, um es zu verstehen. Diese Leute meinen etwas zu wissen, wenn sie aus diesem Buch etwas herausnehmen und aus ein paar anderen Büchern etwas herausschreiben und es dann zu einer Doktorarbeit zusammenstellen. Und das ist ein wichtiger Punkt, den jeder wissen sollte, bezüglich seiner Handlung, seiner Kleidung und dem Handeln anderen gegenüber. Es ist genug, glaube ich. Allah möge uns mehr Licht zum Verstehen geben. Wenn euer Herz nicht erleuchtet ist, dann könnt ihr nicht sehen, was nötig ist in der Schariat. Deshalb kommen die Leute mit starken Scheinwerfern in die Tiefe des Ozeans, um zu sehen, was dort ist, denn es ist dunkel. (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:37:35

9222 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TurbanTragenUndSichBedecken

Deshalb brauchen wir mehr Licht in unseren Herzen, um zu betrachten, was in der Schariat und in der

Tariqat ist. Bei Allah ist das Gelingen. - 09.07.1987

BookGenerelleAntwortaufalleFragen (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:37:35

9223 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TurnBackToTheProphet

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : TurnBackToTheProphet


Turn Back To The Prophet (sas)

Dastur, ya madad. Assalamu 'alaikum all who are present. Oh yaran Shah Mardan. How beautiful it is to be the friend of Shah Mardan. To be a beloved friend is an honourable title. May we be slaves at their doors, we are slaves, they are Sultans. People like us, cannot enter their assemblies. However, they are offering some words of wisdom, by their humbleness. Oh Shah Mardan, for the sake of his uncle's son, pride of Earth and Heavens, pride of the universe, for His sake Shah Mardan is adressing to His ummah/nation. Ahlan wa sahlan. Marhaban, marhaban, ya marhaban Oh Shah Mardan. Your friends admire you, and love you; your followers wish to listen to you. Your words are more precious than gold and jewellry. This is our humble/modest assembly. Because we are his friends, we hope to receive his words, so we begin the day mentioning the name of that lion; Shah Mardan, may we open up, may we strengthen, may we be dressed with majesty. May we be dressed with faith. Through their assemblies may we be dressed with the robe of faith and honour. "Al mar'u ma'a man ahab" Someone who is with whom he loves. To Sultan, to our Sultan, Shah Mardan every day a robe of honour from heavens is being dressed, a new one for each day. Shah Mardan doesn't take that robe of honour until it is given for his beloved friends too. According to our limitations, that robe of honour is being dressed on us also. Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah. Let's say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Janab-l Rabbu l-'Alamin, may we mention His name of Jalil, to mention His magnificent name, is more precious than worlds full of treasures. To say "Allah" is more valuable than universes full of treasures. May despair, grief and fatigue leave us. (1 von 13)04.07.2013 23:37:36

9224 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TurnBackToTheProphet

May our love increase. May our being be refreshed. Our bodies get refreshment, with their words, which enliven us. Their words revive people, sick ones get better. Even a dead one revives with their word. If Shah Mardan only says to a dead one "up", he will get up, this is Shah Mardan. Masha'Allah SubhanAllah. His name is holy; he is making us to mention his name. He is also giving us advices. Ay yaran Shah Mardan. I wish the whole world became Shah Mardan's followers. May we kiss his stirrup, how beautiful would be the world if only we could all be in his way. Allah Allah, our Lord. Allah is granting us. This is a humble assembly. We wish to renew our faith. When our faith is renewed, our bodies are also renewed. Our love increases when we are refreshed. To whom? First of all to Rasul Kibriya (sws), Then to Allah Dhul-Jalal. In this way we are dressed with the robe of honour. Allahu Allah, Allahu Rabbi Allahu Allah, Allahu Hasbi. Masha'Allah Say: My Lord; Allah Jalla Jalaluhu. Our Lord reaches to us, thanks to our Lord, not only to us but also to the whole universe. Oh Shah Mardan with your beautiful words, may our manners get better, our faith strengthen, may your words make people to give up running after the carcass of the world. A carcass must not be what is asked for in this world. "Ad-dunya jeefah", the world is a carcass. "Tallaabuha kelabuha", what is the attribute of the one whose demand is worldly affairs; like the dogs running after a carcass? Hasha minal hudur. Oh people, this is not your honour. Your honour is to go in the way of Shah Mardan who is the lion of Allah Dhul Jalal; this is our honour. We get value from this. Ey Ya maasharal ins-i wal jinn! Oh communities of jinns and mankind! Humans and jinns,beware! Learn something from Shah Mardan! Let's listen and crown our assembly. What is the crown of an assembly? Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Say and don't fear! You get honour. Worldly affairs lose their value. Leave Dunya for the hereafter, don’t struggle for Paradise. For Jamalullah, for the Absolute Jamal of Allah; to stare and admire which is Aqsal-Meratib (highest of honorable ranks) and highest of ranks; that can be asked for, and matlab; which is the most valuable thing to be demanded; to be able to see/admire Jamal of Janab Haqq. There is nothing more precious beyond this. Allahu Allah Allahu Rabbi Allahu Allah Allahu Hasbi. Say Oh Pope, to whom Prophet Jesus invited you? To the world, to satan? Say it Oh Pope! Prophet Jesus invited people to whom? Did he invite people to worship him? Or did he invited people to Allahu Dhu l-Jalal who is The Creator of Earth and Heavens? Say it Oh children of Bani Israel! Did (2 von 13)04.07.2013 23:37:36

9225 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TurnBackToTheProphet

Jesus invite you to worship the world, or to the golden calf, or to Janab Rabbul Izzat who had sent him down? Say it Oh Bani Israel! You left him to worship the golden calf. Shame on you! You are still dreaming of that golden calf. That is why you always run after gold. You pile up gold. Those who worship gold have no value. Who makes people worship gold is satan. In its way one becomes satan himself. Oh our Lord Masha'Allah you are Subhan you are Sultan. Oh Shah Mardan please go on, the arena is yours. May you tell us, may we listen and learn. What are we created for? What does the Bible say? Are people created for worldly affairs or for servant hood of the owner and creator of Earth and Heavens? Who is Allah Dhul-Jalal? Created for what? May the Bible readers and Torah readers answer this? Did Torah say to worship the golden calf? Or did it call people to Rabbul Izzat, who is the owner of Earth and heavens; who sent down Jesus and Moses. Did it call people to Allahu Dhu l-Jalal? Answer it. Ey Arhuntlar! Oh Persians, who call themselves Shia, those who call themselves Alawi, did Shah Mardan call you to Dunya/world? Sayyedina Shah Mardan Ali Ibn Abi Talib alaihi s-salam. Did he call you to worship Dunya? Digging up deep holes on Earth in order to get fuel/oil, digging up to look for petrol? Did Allah create you for this purpose? Say Arhuntlar, scholars of Persia! Say to your leader Ahmad! His name is beautiful but not his deeds/ affairs. He says we have petrol, & others? Others, their minds are all full with petrol, fuel/oil. Say it for the sake of Allah, Oh Shia! Did Shah Mardan order you to dig up the Earth to find petrol? Say the truth! -"We have it (petrol)!" If it was something good/beneficial, the Prophet of late times and his uncle's son Shah Mardan, would have said; dig up the Earth, and from deep inside will come out a smelly, black, poisonous fluid, and to run after it. Did He say it? Oh those who are in Jesus' religion! Prophet Jesus alaihi s-salam. Please explain Shah Mardan, to Christians, those who are in Jesus’ religion, did Prophet Jesus say to dig up the Earth to find smelly oil like fluid, to find it in order to rule the World? Is that what Jesus said and taught? Oh those who don't fear from Allah, and follow satan, running after petrol you became satan's servants. Leave that oil! Look and see, those who were proud of their petrol, Princes and Kings of the Arabian Peninsula, in 24 hours, Janab Haqq sent rains to the desert, rains and snow too, floods were everywhere in the Arabian Peninsula. What are your precautions? What (3 von 13)04.07.2013 23:37:36

9226 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TurnBackToTheProphet

happened? You lost because you were running after petrol. You forget to go to the door of Allahu Dhu l-Jalal. You ran after petrol, piled up gold, you made tower blocks, and tower clocks going up to the skies. Did the Prophet of end times (sws) say this to you? Within three days, Arabia is messed up with floods. They faced storms they never thought of, rain and snow- snow never seen before in Arabia and Rabbu l-'Izzat sent snow there, fear from Him! They are trapped in the Arabian Peninsula. They can’t go out. Planes can't fly. Cars can't move in floods, no more camels are left; they are stranded in their palaces. Say it Oh Shah Mardan! You see and you know. Allah didn't create you to be petrol/oil tycoons. "I have this much petrol!” Janab Haqq does not set petrol as a measure of greatness. But you set it as a measure of greatness. Now you are sank/drowned. They are confused how to rule and play as kings, because they are not able to go out. Everywhere messed up, with the floods. Fear from Allah! Christian world is also running after petrol. Because they made cars, they used to ride horses but they drive their cars