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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (659/777)
r seinem Vater nieder. Okay, wenn sich der Prophet Isa niederwarf, warum werft ihr, seine Nation, euch nicht nieder? Der eine, der Papst ist, warum warf er sich nicht nieder an dem Tag, an dem er gewählt wurde? Und sagte: Allah, Der mich erwählte und mich erwählt sein ließ, ich preise Ihn, werfe mich vor Ihm nieder, o katholische Gemeinde. O Jesuiten, werfen wir uns nieder, sagen wir 'Allahu Akbar'. Nun, da du es nicht sagtest, werden sie nächstes Jahr wieder einen neuen suchen. Tawba ya Rabbi, wir bereuen. Oh Shah Mardan. Subhanallah, Sultanallah. Al Azamatu Lillah, wa l-Izzatu Lillah. Allahu Akbar. Oh Muslimgemeinschaft, wacht auf! Ihr geht herum und behauptet, Gelehrte zu sein, Herrscher zu sein, Könige zu sein. Warum fragt ihr die christliche Welt nicht, ob der Prophet Isa sich niederwarf oder nicht? Oder sagte er den Jüngern, sich vor ihm niederzuwerfen? Tawba ya Rabbi. Tawba ya Rabbi. Tawba Astaghfirullah. Wir bereuen und bitten um Vergebung. Seht auf Den, Der mich sprechen läßt, nicht auf den, der spricht. Bringen wir unsere Köpfe in Ordnung. Lassen wir Shaytan, kehren wir auf den Weg des wahren Propheten zurück. Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah. Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah. (18 von 19)04.07.2013 23:37:08

9075 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ToTheNewPope

Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Sende uns einen Meister, unser Herr. Bize Sahib Gonder. Der prächtige Herr, selbst wenn ein Sandkorn auf die Erde kommt, wird sie in Unordnung sein. Und wir suchen nach einem Mann, der sich nicht niederwirft. Keiner unserer Verantwortlichen wirft sich nieder. Allah (swt) wird sie zu Abfall machen. Alle, die sich nicht vor Allah niederwerfen, werden zu Abfall. Sie werden alle enden. Keiner wird bleiben. Nur die, die sich vor Allah (swt) niederwerfen, von der Nation des geliebten Propheten (saws). Shah Mardans Dhu l-Fiqqar, wenn es zuschlägt von West nach Ost, wenn es zuschlägt vom Osten, wird es all die im Westen wegfegen, und sie werden nicht wissen, wohin sie gingen. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Shukr ya Rabbi, Shukr ya Rabbi, Shukr Alhamdulillah. O Allah vergib uns. Fatiha. Sei es ein Geschenk für den neuen Papst. Möge Allah es annehmen. Shaykh Mehmet Effendi hat Macht. Er kann nehmen. Für ihn schrie und brüllte ich. Möge er ein Löwe sein. Sayyidina Ali Karrar, stimmt's? SM: Haydaru l-Karrar. SE: Haydaru l-Karrar. Lefke, 15.03.2013

WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryChristianity, CategoryIsa (19 von 19)04.07.2013 23:37:08

9076 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ToThePeopleOfEgypt

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ToThePeopleOfEgypt


To The People Of Egypt

O Muslims! We are Muslims. We do not accept anything except a King. Finished! This is the correct path for the people of Egypt. This is what will free them from every difficulty. Because the King spends on his nation and he takes care of the poor people of his nation. Because the King's pockets are full while the others' (leaders') pockets are empty, or have holes in them. As much as they take into their pockets, it goes in and it goes out, & they are never satisfied. Kings are satisfied. The others are hungry & never satisfied. They are shaytans, they are the worst of people! Neither their eyes nor their stomachs are ever satisfied. May Allah (swt) protect us. May Allah (swt) protect the Ummah and free them, from the grip of those people who are the assistants of shaytan. Shaytan is riding them & leads them as he likes so people may be donkeys to his leaders. These leaders give nothing to people not even what is enough for them. They take from the people & give them nothing, while Kings they used to give & take nothing. And it used to be said that the treasures of Egypt are equivalent to the treasures of 7 countries. Rich! It used to give to others. May Allah (swt) grant to who gives. May Allah (swt) not grant to who does not give. shaytan is riding on them, he tells them "take from people do not leave them with anything so they do not resist you. Place them under your feet, so they may not raise their heads against you." Kings are the good people. They are noble, while these other ones are the lowest of people. May Allah (swt) curse them. May Allah (swt) punish them. May Allah send us a just King, a generous one so he may keep the Ummah. His eyes are satisfied. These other ones, their eyes - if they die their eyes remain open, hungering for dunya. (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:37:08

9077 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ToThePeopleOfEgypt

May Allah (swt) punish them. We the people of Egypt do not accept anything except a Sultanate - the religion of Islam & a Sultan. Our way is Islam and a King, a Sultan is appointed us. Egypt was the richest country in the Middle East, and now they became beggars while before they were masters. All of them were satisfied, now they became beggars! Allah Allah! O people of Egypt, listen... listen & understand. If you understand you will benefit. Support the King! Kick out these dishonoured people, shaytan is riding on them. May Allah (swt) protect us from the evil of these people who are the donkeys of shaytan. Naudhu Billah from their evil. May their evil be on them! May Allah (swt) protect us and free us from the hands of these oppressors. Ya Rabbi for the sake of your honourable Prophet (saws), Fatiha. And therefore we want a King & our religion is the religion of Islam. The religion of Islam is our way. We do not accept any kind of constitution. No! Constitution is shaytan! Who speaks about a constitution is shaytan and Allah's (swt) curse & wrath is on them in this world & in the Hereafter. May Allah (swt) protect us from the evil of our egos. Fatiha. An die Menschen Ägyptens

Muslime! Wir sind Muslime. Wir erkennen nichts anderes an als einen König. Schluß! Das ist der richtige Weg für die Menschen in Ägypten. Das ist das, was sie von allen Schwierigkeiten befreien wird, weil der König für seine Nation aufkommt und sich um die Armen seiner Nation kümmert, weil des Königs Taschen voll sind, während die Taschen anderer Führer leer sind oder Löcher haben. So viel sie auch in ihre Taschen einfüllen, es geht hinein und wieder heraus. Und sie sind nie zufrieden. Könige sind zufrieden. Die anderen sind hungrig und nie zufrieden. Sie sind Shaytane, sie sind die schlimmsten Leute. Weder ihre Augen, noch ihr Mägen sind jemals zufrieden. Möge Allah (swt) uns schützen. Möge Allah (swt) die Ummah schützen und sie aus dem Griff dieser Leute befreien, die die Helfer Shaytans sind. Shaytan reitet auf ihnen und führt (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:37:08

9078 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ToThePeopleOfEgypt

sie, wie er will, so daß die Leute Esel für ihre Führer sind. Diese Führer geben den Menschen nichts, nicht einmal das nötigste. Sie nehmen den Menschen und geben ihnen nichts, während Könige für gewöhnlich gaben und nichts nahmen. Und es hieß, daß die Schätze Ägyptens den Schätzen von sieben Ländern gleichkamen. Reich! Es pflegte, anderen zu geben. Möge Allah (swt) denjenigen gewähren, die geben. Möge Allah (swt) denjenigen nichts gewähren, die nichts geben. Shaytan reitet auf ihnen. Er sagt ihnen: 'Nehmt von den Leuten, laßt ihnen nichts, damit sie euch nicht widerstehen. Platziert sie unter eueren Füßen, damit sie ihre Köpfe nicht heben können gegen euch.' Die Könige sind gute Menschen. Sie sind edel, während diese anderen die niedrigsten Leute sind. Möge Allah (swt) sie verfluchen. Möge Allah (swt) sie strafen. Möge Allah (swt) uns einen gerechten König schicken, einen großzügigen, damit er die Ummah erhalte. Seine Augen sind zufrieden. Diese anderen, ihre Augen, wenn sie sterben, bleiben ihre Augen offen und hungern nach der Dunya. Möge Allah (swt) sie strafen. Wir, die Menschen Ägyptens, erkennen nur ein Sultanat an, die Religion des Islam und ein Sultanat. Unser Weg ist Islam und ein König, ein Sultan ist über uns gesetzt. Ägypten war das reichste Land im Mittleren Osten, und jetzt wurden sie Bettler, während sie vorher die Meister waren. Sie waren alle zufrieden, jetzt wurden sie Bettler. Allah Allah! Ihr Menschen Ägyptens, hört, hört und versteht. Wenn ihr versteht, ist es zu euerem Nutzen. Unterstützt den König! Werft diese unehrenhaften Leute hinaus, Shaytan reitet auf ihnen. Möge Allah (swt) uns vor dem Bösen dieser Leute schützen, die die Esel Shaytans sind. Naudhu Billah vor ihrem Bösen. Möge ihr Böses auf sie zurückfallen. Möge Allah (swt) uns schützen und uns aus den Händen dieser Unterdrücker befreien. Ya Rabbi, um Deines ehrenwerten Propheten (saws) willen, Fatiha. Und deshalb wollen wir einen König, und unsere Religion ist der Islam. Die Religion des Islam ist unser Weg. Wir erkennen keine Art von Verfassung an. Verfassung ist von Shaytan. Wer über eine Verfassung spricht, ist Shaytan. Und Allahs (swt) Fluch und Zorn sei auf ihnen in dieser Welt und im Jenseits. Möge Allah (swt) uns vor dem Bösen unseres Egos schützen. Fatiha. Lefke, 17.09.2012 (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:37:08

9079 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ToThePeopleOfEgypt

WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryEgypt, CategoryKingdom (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:37:08

9080 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ToThePeopleOfHijaz

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ToThePeopleOfHijaz


To The People Of Hijaz

About a few months ago, we gave an addressing from the words of Haqq: O the one who is ruling Saudi Arabia, and the one who claims to be Jalalatu Malik, the one who tells people to call him, His Highness King, We told you to recite Gulbanki Muhammadi every morning. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. At morning (Fajr) prayer, with glorification. In front of your palace, recite Gulbanki Muhammadi. And we had an association about this before. No one listened. Now they are trembling. Their palaces will collapse. They should be afraid. Every morning, Gulbanki Muhammadi, Salat and Salam to our Prophet (sws), Thanks and praise to Allah (swt). Glorify and be saved. If you don't, floods will take away all of Saudi Arabia. There is no joking about those above (in heavens). Allahu Allah Allahu Rabbi Allahu Allah Allahu Hasbi. Hasbun Allah Wa Ni'mal Wakil. Read this everyday, O Muslims in Saudi Arabia! Hasbun Allah Wa Ni'mal Wakil, Hasbun Allah Wa Ni'mal Wakil. Ni'mal Maula wa Ni'man Nasir, Ghufranaka Rabbana wa Ilaykal Masir. Read this and don't be afraid. Or else the water will take you away. It doesn't recognize kings or princes. Tawba Ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Subhan'sen Ya Rabbi, we are your weak servants. O Shah Mardan, send us those who will keep/ follow your warning. Fatiha. An die Menschen des Hijaz

Ungefähr vor ein paar Monaten gaben wir eine Ansprache von den Worten von Haqq, o der, der (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:37:09

9081 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ToThePeopleOfHijaz

herrscht in Saudi Arabien und der behauptet, Jalalatu Malik zu sein, der, der den Leuten sagt, sie sollten ihn Seine Hoheit König nennen. Wir sagten euch, jeden Morgen Gulbanki Muhammadi zu rezitieren. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Beim Morgengebet, mit dem Lobpreis vor deinem Palast rezitiere Gulbanki Muhammadi. Und wir hatten eine Versammlung darüber schon früher. Niemand hörte zu. Jetzt zittern sie. Ihr Paläste werden zusammenfallen. Sie sollten sich fürchten. Jeden Morgen Gulbanki Muhammadi, Salat und Salam auf unseren Propheten (saws), Dank und Preis Allahs (swt). Lobpreise und sei gerettet. Sonst werden Fluten ganz Saudi Arabien hinwegnehmen. Es läßt sich mit denen da oben in den Himmeln nicht scherzen. Allahu Allah, Allahu Rabbi, Allahu Allah, Allahu Hasbi. Hasbun Allah wa Ni`ma l-Wakil. Lest das jeden Tag, o Muslime in Saudi Arabien! Hasbun Allah wa Ni`ma l-Wakil, Hasbun Allah wa Ni`ma l-Wakil. Ni`ma l-Mawla wa Ni`ma n-Nasir, Ghufranaka Rabbana wa ilayka l- Masir. Lest das und fürchtet euch nicht. Sonst wird das Wasser euch hinwegnehmen. Es erkennt Könige und Prinzen nicht. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Subhansin ya Rabbi, wir sind deine schwachen Diener, o Shah Mardan. Sende uns jene, die deinen Warnungen Folge leisten. Fatiha. Lefke, 04.05.2013

WebSaltanatOrg, CategorySaudiArabia, CategoryNature (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:37:09

9082 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TownPlanning

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : TownPlanning



Another important point for Islam is not to have gigantic cities - there should be small colonies over the whole land, so that it is easy to look after them one by one. As long as huge groups of people are crowding together then there will be so many troubles, endless troubles because of huge cities. Therefore, if Islam was in power people would not leave the countryside to run to cities, but there would be small colonies in the whole land. That makes fewer problems for the government to watch and control everything easily and to reach people easily. But in such huge cities no government can do anything. Therefore, Islam makes small colonies, towns or villages. Islam tries to make people owners of their homes - no rents. The best accommodation is to have a home for themselves without paying rent. That also takes away bad intention from the enemies of states. Islam also says not small accommodation, but spacious accommodation with gardens. There would be no need for parks - everyone's parks in their homes. No need to go out and occupy the city and prevent working people getting to their work and making so many traffic problems. -

BookLadyChadijasQuestions (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:37:10

9083 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TownPlanning (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:37:10

9084 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TraditionalKnowledge

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : TraditionalKnowledge


Traditional knowledge Destur ya Sayyidi, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah…Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Azim. Traditional knowledge- that it is real knowledge coming from Heavens, as revelations reaching to earth and reaching to hearts of people- if finding hearts open, entering, if it is closed, locked, can’t be. Therefore (the) Prophet, the Seal of Prophets, S.Muhammad sws- Allah Almighty (was) sending him with His Last Message, the last one of (the) Holy Books, Quran Karim, (the) Holy Quran. Whom their hearts (were) open, (whom) they were hearing and listening and obeying, they are believers. Who (is) believing in Allah Almighty and through His messengers, particularly the Seal of Prophets, their hearts (are) opened. At the time of S.Muhammad peace be upon him, through his land that he was living there, there were Jewish people as well as neighbourhood Christians, that (both of them are) Book- given people (that) they have been granted Holy Books through their Prophets. And they were claiming that they are believing in Allah Almighty and believing in His Messages as Holy Books coming from Heavens, and they were also claiming that Allah Almighty is sending some special beings from His servants as Prophets. They are believing, and they are not like idol worshippers, no. And they are knowing what happened in past times through historical periods that (are) mentioned through their holy Books: the beginning of creation and the beginning of the creation of Adam and Eve, Allah bless them, and they are believing. And through their beliefs they are knowing that Allah Almighty is sending prophets, one after one after S.Adam, peace be upon them and upon them. They have that knowledge. (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:37:11

9085 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TraditionalKnowledge

But when the Seal of Prophets (was) coming with his holy Book, (the) Holy Quran, they were first coming to be against his prophecy and to be first deniers of his holy Book, (the) Holy Quran. It is biggest blame for book- keepers to do that! Up today they are carrying that blame. Yet they are not saying that the Seal of Prophets S. Muhammad just had been sent as (the) last Prophet up to end of the world. That is biggest blame on them and they should be punished! They are saying that mars is a star, but they are looking moon (and) saying: “No, we are not accepting this. We are accepting Mars.” 2ooo years ago or 4ooo years ago, for Moses and Jesus Christ and Abraham, peace be upon them, S.Noah, you are saying they are prophets, they are stars on the sky of prophecy. And (then the) moon, (the) full moon (is) coming and you are saying: “No”? What is that foolishness? Allah should ask them and before the last Day they should be asked! Before the Last Day. That is biggest blame, biggest sin for them not to say (that): “S.Muhammad is a Prophet, (that) just (he) had been sent with a holy Book, (the) last holy Book, (the) Holy Quran.” And they are without ashaming saying to the Seal of Prophets S.Muhammad: “Our hearts (are) locked and our ears (are) never hearing what you are saying and nothing (is) entering through our hearts what you are reciting. We are not accepting you!” Ya Hu- idol worshippers doesn’t matter, they haven’t even (a) holy Book. But you- Christians and Jewish people that you are reciting your holy Book Taurah and Evangelos, Gospels- how you are saying (to him): “You are not Prophet”? If the is not (a) Prophet, how his power (is) reaching through 15oo years, (how) his power (is) working on the hearts of people and now about 2 billions people 5x (daily) they are getting up on minarets and say: “Ashadu an la ilaha ill-Allah, wa ashadu ana S.Muhammadun ‘abduhu wa Rasuluhu”. How happening? If that person that he was an orphan from father and mother and through unknown deserts standing up and saying after 4o years: “O people, now I have been sent as a last Messenger for you with the last Message of Heavens: You must say: La ilaha ill-Allah, only one God that He is Allah and Muhammad, peace be upon Him, is His servant and His Prophet”- how, (with) which power he was standing up one, alone, and his tribe (was) so jealous, so ignorant people? When he was saying: “I am coming to destroy your idols and I am coming here to you to make you to believe in one God that He is Allah, our Creator” even nothing (was) in his hand, only may be a stick. (But) he was saying (this)! (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:37:11

9086 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TraditionalKnowledge

What they can do? What they did for him? They tried to do everything to make him away and to extinguish the lights that he brought from Heavens, but they (were) never able to do that! They did their worst for him and (the) believers and finally they were asking to take him away from life, to kill him, but he was saying: “I am under my Lord’s protection, you can’t do anything, but I am going. I am going and then coming.” And he left the most lovely land for him, Mecca Mukarrama, and he went. 13 years he was in Mecca, but finally they were doing their worst for him and he said: “I am going.” Leaving, and he left to Medina Munawwara. He reached there and he was emigrated from Mecca to Medina. They ran after, him. They (were) never leaving him, thinking that: “He is ordinary person. We can do everything.” They ran after him, fighting, fighting, fighting…When they reached the limits of their enmity, they finished, (and they had) no more power to come on him, then Allah Almighty (was) ordering: “Now you may go to conquer Mecca Mukarrama, o My beloved, My most beloved servant. Now prepare yourself to enter, to go back to (that) most lovely land for you, where there is My House, (the) House of (the) Lord, Baitullah!” After 8 years (the) Prophet (was) running and reaching and conquering Mecca Mukarrama, the land of (the) House of (the) Lord, and he (was) breaking every idol. And (then) Bilal (was) getting on (the) House of Lord, saying: “Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar! Ashadu an la ilaha ill-Allah, ashadu an la ilaha ill-Allah! Ashadu ana Muhammadun Rasulullah, ashadu ana Muhammadun Rasulullah ! Hayya ‘ala salah, hayya ‘ala salah! Hayya ‘ala falah, hayya ‘ala falah! Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar! La ilaha ill-Allah! As- salat wa salamu alaika, ya Rasulullah!- haqqan wa sidqa-, As-salat wa salamu alaika, ya Nabiyullah!- haqqan wa sidqa-, As-salat wa salamu alaika, ya Habibullah!- haqqan wa sidqa!” Allah promised to him! Then, what happened? They must look (at the) history of Islam, not to speak ignorantly, no! But they are fearing to look (at the) history of Islam, they are fearing to look (at) the life of the Seal of Prophets- it is so magnificent!- and they are saying: “He is not Prophet”! Oh! His name (is) written (on the Arch), that (it was) granted to Adam from heavenly Messages his name and (also) through whole Prophets. They were saying his name and asking from their nations to believe in him. If they were not believing in him, their Iman, their faith (had) no value. If a person (is) saying: “La ilaha ill-Allah”, but not saying: “Muhammadun Rasulullah” their faith is not perfect! (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:37:11

9087 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TraditionalKnowledge

Running… that (was) coming, that Nur... Now also we are speaking on that knowledge that if hearts (are) opened, coming that lights, heavenly lights, and entering and giving to those whom they are opening their hearts and accepting. They are always fresh, they are always hopeful, they are always happy, they are always in peace here and Hereafter! May Allah forgive me and bless you… and I am calling whole nations to look one after one to study on the life of the Seal of Prophets before coming divinely Revenge to them; to look once again or divinely Revenge (is) coming and grinding them, finishing them. It is not only His punishment for: “Alam tara kayfa fa’ala Rabbuka bi ashabul fil”, those people that were coming from Yemen to destroy (the) House of (the) Lord. Allah Almighty (is) saying: “Look what happened to them, o my beloved one, and look whole mankind what I did for them, how I dealt with them, when they were coming to destroy My House in Mecca. I sent on them birds, each one carrying three small stones (big) as a lentil through their beak and two on their feet, throwing, each one never getting wrong, coming just on target. “Fa ja’alahum ka asfin makul”…making them as a field (that when) wheat or barley (is) reaching up to ears and harvesting and nothing remaining. Just I did them as those harvested lands, finishing (them).” Allah (is) looking now; but He is not sending that birds. He left those unbelievers to make through their hands flying big birds, big birds- airplanes, aircrafts with bombs, to make everything as that birds (were) making for that unbelievers. Their nations (are now) preparing for each other that huge power to make them as a land (that is) just harvested, finished. O people, keep (to the) right path, keep true ones, (and) no harm comes on you! If you are insisting on (the) wrong way, shaitanic way, you are going to be- just (as) that nation finished- finishing. May Allah forgive me and bless you. I am asking forgiveness for whole nations to come and to say: “La ilaha ill-Allah, Muhammadun Rasulullah sws!” For the honour of the most honoured one in divine Presence, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha. (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:37:11

9088 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TraditionalKnowledge

Lefke, 07.03.2004, transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel

BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryKnowledge (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:37:11

9089 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TrapsOfTheDevil

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : TrapsOfTheDevil


The Traps Of The Devil

As-salamu alaykum O believers from East to West of the world. Eid Mubarak! Good tidings! And more good tidings and best tidings "to those who believe & do good deeds." (28:80) Woe & woe to those who went astray from the way of Al Haqq. What came from Heavens is for the sake of guiding the children of Adam (as) so they may be believers, Muslims, & doers of good. We say Audhu Billahi min al shaytan al rajim, Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim. I am a weak servant. I like to speak to people about a matter raised by the Master of the beginning & end, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). He (saws) said "religion is advice". Religion is advice.... Subhana Allah Al Alyi' Al 'Azim. Allahu Akbar Al Akbar! Allahu Akbar Al Akbar! Allahu Akbar Al Akbar! Subhanahu wa ta'ala, The Lord of Heavens & Earths, The Lord of The Magnificent Throne, Allahu Akbar! Rabbu Al 'Arsh Al 'Azim. (The Lord of The Magnificent Throne) O believers, O people! Muslims of the world, fear Allah (swt) and follow Him. Then believe in His Prophet, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws) and follow him & honour him (saws). Follow his steps, you will be saved in this world and Allah (jwa) will forgive you on the Day of Resurrection, the Day of Accounts. O my Lord forgive us. Ya Rabbana! Welcome to you O listeners. Truly good tidings "to those who believe & do good deeds" (28:80) And woe to those who do not believe, & those who went astray from the way of Truth that was declared by the Master of beginning & end, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). These are two simple words declaring to people what is good for them in this world & the next. Follow the right way.. Follow the right way so you may find Allah`s (swt) Mercy in this world & in the Hereafter & forever. Allah (swt) may grant you an eternal everlasting life. Good tidings "to those who believe (1 von 9)04.07.2013 23:37:12

9090 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TrapsOfTheDevil

& do good deeds" (28:80) O believers! Leave corruption do not generate it. Put all your efforts into being doers of good. And woe to those who make corruption! They will be dishonoured in this world & tormented in the Hereafter. O scholars and good ones, support me, I am a weak servant. But you are capable of following the right way. O Muslims, O Kings... leaders of countries, presidents, their Kings, listen and take wisdom. If you do, it will benefit you. Allah (swt) sent... Sent from Heavens to His Beloved (saws) the Shariat (Law) as He (swt) sent to the previous honourable Prophets (as) as Shariat for them, for the sake of their nations. Those who followed the Shariat of the Prophets (as) were saved in this world & were rewarded in the Hereafter. O scholars! And Kings and people of knowledge, what do you