Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (650/777)
Die Schlüssel zu dem Wissen, das uns solche Dinge lehrt, sind Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Hört, wer das Bismillah sagt, und laßt die, die es nicht tun. Sie sind die Sippe Shaytans, mögen sie verschwinden. Laßt uns Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim sagen. Heute ist es auch so. Religion ist guter Rat. Es gibt keine Politik in der Religion. Religion hat keine politischen Verbindungen. Nein, es gibt keine Politik in der Religion. Religion ist Religion. Es ist die Ordnung Allahs. Ihr solltet sie bewahren und euere Arbeit hat Erfolg. Wenn ihr es nicht sagt, findet ihr nichts Gutes in Dunya oder Akhirah. Aman ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Tawba Astaghfirullah. Laßt uns Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim sagen. Heute eröffnen wir auch mit dem Bismillah. Möget ihr Gutes finden. Wer hört, findet Gutes. Mögen sie Gutes haben. Wer nicht hört, mag erleiden, was auf ihn kommt. Aman ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Zu Ehren Deines Geliebten vergib uns und sende uns Deine Diener, die uns den rechten Weg zeigen und lehren. Fatiha. Möge Allah uns auch gute Tage zeigen. Möge uns gewährt sein, Mahdi (as) zu treffen. Wir wollen Macht. Und sie wird kommen, insha'Allah. Es gibt keine Chance für die Unterdrücker. Von heute ab sperre ich sie ein. Ich bin nichts, aber ich habe sie eingesperrt. Sie lassen mich das sagen. Ich werde die Unterdrücker einsperren. Sie werden sehen, ob es geschieht oder nicht. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Gründet auf Schutz, sendet Salams. Fatiha. (13 von 14)04.07.2013 23:36:50
8963 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThreeDayLife
Lefke, 19.02.2013
WebSaltanatOrg (14 von 14)04.07.2013 23:36:50
8964 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThreeEnvironmentalPollutants
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ThreeEnvironmentalPollutants
Environmental Pollutants from Modern Technology
…Lime, they immediately mix it with sand, they pour it in the lime and put water and it starts boiling. The lime gets hot until it becomes like milk, we used to call it, “lime cream.” Then the sand is put in around it. It does not get dry, it stays like that. If it was cement it would be like iron by morning, but this mix does not get dry, it remains as it is. This is the old method used in old buildings. These wretched ones now are all traitors and ignorant men. May Allah finish them! Wherever the cement mix is dried, its smoke finished the forests and trees. It poisons and pollutes everywhere, also the air. They say, “Let it pollute! They will get sick, they will come to hospitals and we may sell them medicine.” Laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billah, laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billah! I know all of it, I know, thanks to Allah Almighty. In the past, how did they build the castles and city walls, with what materials, cement? There are city walls that are thousands of years old, even your long benches. But these traitors, all these ministers are taking commission from construction men. Cement is dangerous: it does not get warm in winter nor cool in summer. Therefore, another trick of theirs with these buildings is to throw people outside, out of their homes. The important point here is that no one (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:36:50
8965 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThreeEnvironmentalPollutants
wants to stay in their homes, saying, “We may breathe a little, get some fresh air.” It is impossible to sit at home. And the homes are so small, like a small box. If you put your head inside, your bottom is left outside. If you put your bottom inside, your head is left outside. It is like that. (Hajjah Roqiya: Air conditioning?) Air conditioning, that is another new thing! Air conditioning causes people to get sick; immediately running to the pharmacy. (Mud brick?) Mud bricks are made in molds, when you put them together they become one piece, all of them one mud brick. This house with wooden beams is 150-years-old, mashaa-Allah. The house can breathe. In houses now the upper part is concrete, the bottom is concrete, right and left, everywhere is concrete. The people have become like concrete in the middle of it. What is made from iron or similar material harms the body. Therefore, look at this clay pot (which breathes), and also the spoons may be made of wood. Astaghfirullah. What ruined the people is concrete, nylon, and hormones! All three of them have a great profit margin. (Manufacturers) are a handful of low-life people everywhere that also pour into the mouth of the government. Finished. Yaa Rabbee, shukr. (What about polyester?) All of them are like that. May these low-life people be drowned in this land’s oil! They are constantly drilling oil, so this world has come to this situation; they brought it to a dead end. Nylon, hormones, concrete, these three things. The Pyramids also have three legs, it is coming from back then. In ancient Egypt, the three- legged ones standing on three legs, because it can’t stand on two legs or one leg, it stands on three legs. Lefke, 20.10.2011 (Translated from Turkish, Discussion with Hajjah Roqiya)
WebSufiLive, CategoryNature, CategoryArchitecture (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:36:50
8966 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThreeLevelsOfCertainty
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ThreeLevelsOfCertainty
There are three levels of certainty Ya Hu, ya Hu, ya Daim! Destur ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah…aiduna bi madadikum…Ya Awliya-ullah! Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Azim… It is an association that is making our spirituality to hope for a good future here and Hereafter. We need hope and hope is (the) common level of believers. They are hoping and over that level (of hope there is) another level, (it is) going to be through certainty. (There are three levels of certainty:) (First) people are through (the certainty of) their knowledge (‘Ilmu Yaqin), and over it (there is the) certainty of their looking (Ain ul Yaqin) and another level is going to be Haqq ul Yaqin, (the Truth or Reality of certainty)- when they are reaching to that level, never remaining with them any doubt. But (the) first level is the level of common believers, that their belief is only as (the belief of) a student of 5, 6 or 7 years, (who is) beginning to learn the letters of the Holy Quran: What his teacher is saying to him, he is repeating, saying: “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Alif.” That small one is saying: “ Alif.” Then: “This is ba, ta, tha”- that small one is following his teacher. Without bringing a proof through himself that this sign is Alif, he must say that it is Alif. When he is learning letters and beginning to join one letter with another, then a word (is) appearing. Then he is understanding that this letter really is Alif, because when you are putting in front of it some other letter, appearing a word and it has a meaning. So that first of all our belief is going to be as Prophet was teaching to them. (The) Prophet (was) coming and saying: “Oh people, you just say: La ilaha ill- Allah, Muhammadur Rasulullah sws.” Say! Follow your teacher! Follow your teacher, and you should reach what you are asking! And we (are) now, we may say, we are on the level of hope. (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:36:51
8967 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThreeLevelsOfCertainty
We are hoping to reach for example to Paradise. That is our hope, and over this hope (is) coming our belief that is are just depending on certainty, on 3 levels. We hope to be from Paradise people, and we are here, (in Dunya). According to our belief for Prophet and what they are bringing, we know about Paradises and Hells, and on that level now we are hoping to be from Paradise people. Then this hope changing to belief and belief also (is) getting more strong, on 3 levels through certainty. 3 kinds of certainty. Firstly we are hoping to be from Paradise people, and the last level is that when we are entering Paradises we are saying: “Yes, it is not (only a) hope, but it is certainty that we are in Paradise.” Now we are trying to call people to (even) the lowest level; but it is (the) limit of animals’ level. Animals are not hoping anything for them in future, no. Therefore the level of hope is going to be over the level of animals. Until a person is reaching the level of hope, his membership is going to be with (the) animals world. He is one member of animals world, nothing else, because they are on (the) same activities, on same desires, on same pleasure; they are concerning only (for) their physical being and they are not saying (that there is) anything beyond their material being. So that they are fully members of the animals world. When people (are) reaching (up to think) about their situation, conditions or (their) manifestation level through their mind and (they are) beginning to ask a continuous life, it means (that) they are awakening. They are awakening and asking to reach to another level. They are those people who (are) fed up from being a member of (the) animals’ world. That is (the) beginning of awakening. When (the) awakening (is) beginning, that hope (is) carrying them up from (the) limits of (the) animals world; their belief (is) getting up and (they are) looking and seeing: “Ohhh- this is another world than the world that we were in; this is more wider and more enjoyful and more hopeful for our lives!” Coming awaking…And these people on that level may touch with someones (like Prophets)- that Prophets just have been sent to people on that level, and on that level people are coming nearer to Prophets, but others are not, because yet they are with animals membership, they are running (with them), (and) therefore they may kick who (is) calling them to another level, they may bite and kick, because their membership is for animals world. Those people have an identity card, (for) their identity (it is) written: “These ones are members of (the) animals world, don’t touch them!” Therefore Allah Almighty was saying (to His Prophet): “Say: Lakum dinukum, wali ad-din. Don’t touch these people, because they have (a) membership for (the) animals world, may bite you, may kick you, may harm you., may hurt you. Leave them on their level. But (those) who reached (the) level of hope, when (they are) (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:36:51
8968 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThreeLevelsOfCertainty
astonishing and looking: “Ohhh- this is a level (that is) just 1oo different from the level of (the) animals world, that we were in it, but now we reached (another level), we may think something beyond our membership of (the) animals world.” And they were amazed, they were beginning to look (up), not like sheep, sheep (are) looking like this, like that, where is grass, never looking up- but those people, who belong to mankind, when they are reaching to the level of hope and (they are) looking another world, they are amazing and saying: “Ohhh- this is another world! But we (are) never going to reach the wisdom of being that level over level of (the) animals world.” Then the Lord of Heavens is sending those people who (are) hoping and asking (for something) beyond their lives, beyond their beings, hoping (and saying): “Perhaps we may find something in this direction or in that direction”, and (it is said that) if anyone is asking something and he is serious for (his) asking, the Lord of Heavens must send that person to that direction that he may find something, making their hope to be a belief. They have been sent to that direction and there they should find someone speaking something that they never heard about! “Oh people,” (he is) saying, ”come! Welcome to you, to your new world! You are new ones here, come and look what we have or what (is) just prepared for us. Come and look, come and give a look!” Those people that they were believers in idols, idol worshippers, they are looking and saying: “Those people (are) calling us to some other world that is (an) unknown world, but we (do) hope to reach to unknown worlds beyond our world”, and these people who (are) authorized through Heavens, they are Prophets; they have hooks, making like this… carrying them (and) making their hopes beliefs. People are coming and listening. First (they are) coming and sitting around Prophets (and listening to) what (they are) saying and their hopes (are) growing. Growing, but that hope (is) never giving a satisfaction. (Prophets) make (their) hope a belief that that belief (is) giving to them a strong desire to reach to their targets through that beliefs and (therefore) they may follow Prophets; what Prophets (are) saying, they are following them and according to their deep desires and deep wishings they are giving much more effort, much more time to reach what they have been shown through heavenly people that show to them (something) about (the) eternal life through Paradises or Hells. They are giving much more effort and make much more activities, and according to their efforts and activities (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:36:51
8969 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThreeLevelsOfCertainty
certainty (is) growing through their hearts, that (the) first level of certainty is for their knowledge, Ilm ul Yaqin. When they are reaching the horizon or the limits of (that) certainty of knowledge, (it is) appearing to them another level, that they should be in that level looking and seeing and what they are knowing; there are going to appear some signs from another world, from another level. Beginning to appear, and if they are giving much more efforts and they are working on it, trying to fulfil their obedience through their first level, (it is) coming another opening (and) they have been granted ‘Ain ul Yaqin’, to look, to appear an ocean. That ocean is so far and they are asking: “Ohhh- if we can reach to that ocean!” And as much as you are giving much more effort for reaching to that level, Allah Almighty through His beloved one (is) giving much more power and making a way for them to reach to that oceans of Beauty, oceans of Knowledge, oceans of Power, oceans of Wisdom, oceans of Paradises, oceans of Desires- endless oceans with endless aspects. (They are) asking to reach, reaching, (and) when we are stepping in Paradise, then we are reaching ‘Haqq ul Yaqin’, (the) most highest (level of) certainty that we were hoping to reach and we were believing and following Prophets (for reaching that) and that ocean, when we are entering (it), we are saying: “Ohhh- we reached to our hopes!” And that is the last point of certainty, to be with Haqq; (there are) no more desires remaining, because they reached the ocean of Beauty that it was their main target to reach (it). When (they are) entering in it, finished. They reached to their last target and their enjoyment and pleasure and satisfaction and peace and to be honored and praised in (the) divinely Presence. (It) just happened, (so that) they are asking nothing (more), only (they are) saying: “Oh our Lord, be pleased with us” and the Lord is saying: “I am pleased with you, oh My servants.” That is the end of their desires; they are entering through never-ending oceans. They should be there. They are finishing, they are becoming one point through that ocean under the Dominions of the Lord of Heavens… May Allah give us a good understanding and send us someone, someones, to make us to understand, because now such speeches are going to be (so strange) for people, as the language of Jinns. We are asking an opening and that is the way of salvation of mankind, that is the way of peace for mankind, that is the way for their honours and glory. We are asking forgiveness from Allah Almighty and blessings, for the honour of (the) most honoured one in (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:36:51
8970 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThreeLevelsOfCertainty
His divinely Presence, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha. Lefke, 10.06.2004, transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel
BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryCertainty (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:36:51
8971 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThroneOfSham
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ThroneOfSham
To Whom is The Throne of Sham
(Dt.: ThronVonSham) Madad Ya Rijal Allah. Madad Ya 'ibad Allah al salihin. Madad Ya Budala' Al Sham Budala, nujaba, nuqaba, & akhiyar and the Saints of Egypt... akhiyar from East to West. This is an address for the whole world. But it is an address especially for the Nation of Muhammad (saws). And it is especially for the Shaykhs of the distinguished Tariqats. And it is especially for the Muslim scholars that are existing in our time now, in the world from East to West. I am a weak servant and I am hoping that the Lord forgives me and I am hoping for the Prophet's (saws) intercession on Judgement Day. I do not need anything anymore from this world. Like our honourable Masters have taught us, this world is a carcass - the dogs want it. A carcass! But Allah (swt) honoured His servants with something that if they do not use it for His (swt) sake, they will become a carcass. We must be careful in order not to be like those people who are asking for this world. To ask for this world is the most evil thing on the face of the earth. Those who ask for this world are the most evil of people because all the Prophets (as) came to encourage the servants of Allah (swt) to seek the pleasure of Allah (jwa) and to seek Eternal life. Eternal- Sarmadi! Ignorant are the ones who ask for this temporary, worldly life that has no value. This is what the Prophets (as) asked for, and especially the request of Sayyidina Rasulullah, Prophet of (1 von 8)04.07.2013 23:36:52
8972 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThroneOfSham
the end of times, Beloved of The Most Merciful-Al Rahman - Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). Salam alaykum, Shaykh Hisham Effendi, scholar in this period of time and among the respected Shaykhs existing on the face of the earth. I became inspired to address to the whole world. We are living in a time in which all the people, people... are asking for this world. Just like in another time, when someone was asked to ascend the pulpit of a Mosque in Sham, although he was not authorized for this position, and began a khutba by saying "O people, you are filthy ones your Imam is Abbas!" They attacked him, hit him & kicked him out. But it turned out that this man conveyed the situation of the world to the people. Anjas, means something worse than just filthy, and the world is filthiness. Who asks for this world, this carcass - this is what the Prophet (saws) says - who asks for it are dogs. Naudhu Billah. In our time now, the least possible of things is to be free from asking for this world. But people are working.. all the people want to collect from this world. But this world is for this world. If you do not do goodness for the favours that Allah(swt) bestowed on you, that is filthiness. The value of this world is for the sake of Allah (swt) and on Judgment Day He Will ask "O My servant, what have you brought?" "I have brought the treasures of the world." "I did not ask from the measurement of the world, I am asking you from the measurement of good deeds you did in the world with the treasures of the world." "What did you bring as good deeds?" And people now are busy with collecting from this world and they do not spend. It is the attribute of the Jews. They collect for themselves & put away for themselves and they do not bring it out to show the signs of Allah (swt), to stand up for Shariat Allah & for good deeds. This is an opportunity for them but they do not make use of it. This is the preface of this address as they say- our grand Shaykhs say, our honourable Masters. Our Way is in association & goodness is in the gathering. This was an introduction, now we come to the point, a very sensitive point, around the necks of the scholars living in this period of time. They have forgotten to act with it. What is it? O scholars! Or doctors! You have forgotten the Hereafter, you have forgotten your Lord. You have taken shaytan as your supporter. You have taken the filthiness of this world. This is their earned share of shamefulness. Astaghfirullah. The servant's earnings in this world. This world is a carcass. And now, O servants of the Lord, I am addressing you O scholars of Islam from East to West. Since... since I have been inspired & ordered to announce to you, whether you accept or you do not accept, it does not concern me. O servants of the Lord, in what period of time are we living? In which era? We are living in the time of tyrants. Tyrants who do not act, they do not act (2 von 8)04.07.2013 23:36:52
8973 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThroneOfSham
with the powerful Shariat of Allah (swt) but act instead upon the desires of their egos & they oppress people. They kill them & they dishonour them and they go beyond their limits. And they violate the rights of the servants of the Lord. They collect the treasures of this world & they do not give to people. Tyrants! Tyrant people. This address is for the tyrants of nowadays. "Inna Fi´ha Qawman Jabbarina" (5:22) Allah (awj) shows everything. We are living now in the time of the tyrants. It is known that tyrants do not act with the powerful Shariat, but they act according to the desires of their egos & rule with their anger, as if their anger descended from Heavens onto the face of the earth & people are following them. Leaving the safe way they follow them. These tyrants first appeared during the Ottoman empire. Secondly, when the Ottoman empire was declining. And there were maybe about 50 countries in the world remaining to the Ottoman kings. We are now living, but our Prophet (saws) gave us good tidings, that this period of time also has a limit. Limit - it must come to a limit & finish. And maybe the 20th Century was fully the century of the tyrants. And up to this part of the 21st Century... 21st Century... What do we need now, O scholars? Because these tyrants, first of all they attacked the Maqam or... the center of the Islamic Khilafa - where the Khalifas used to be. They attacked every place that represented Islam. Now we come to an important point, pay attention O scholars! The Caliphate is on the Shariat of Allah (swt). The Caliphate keeps the Shariat of Allah (swt). Without the Khalifa, there cannot be any country that maintains the powerful Shariat of Allah (swt). And you know this O scholars, you claim to be scholars. In which time? In the time of tyrants. What have you done? They say "we have not done anything". "For what reason?" "Because they took all the power from our hands, and left us on our own. We have nothing. They rule & we are under their ruling. They became rulers & we became under their ruling. We used to rule & they were ruled by us. Today they are rulers & we are ruled. It is like this." The message of the Prophet (saws) reached at that time, a handful of people in Anatolia in Turkey. They gathered and said "we are going to abolish the Sultanate & with it we will abolish the Caliph." This is not for them. This is not for them! May Allah's (swt) curse be on them. This is not for them. And same for all the states who left the orders & did like that. In the new state in Turkey, a handful of people abolished the Sultanate and with it they abolished the Khilafa? O scholars, with what right did these tyrant people abolish the Khilafa? Did they have this power & this (3 von 8)04.07.2013 23:36:52
8974 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThroneOfSham
authority? Why don't you look at this? You write books & books and you claim to be doctors. You have no value! This time in which we are, is the worst time. Muslims are killing each other. They have dishonoured Islam, in every way. And also the Muslims they turned them from being Muslims to being the most humiliated. The tyrants became the highest level of people and the Muslims the most humiliated. Not even one word from the Muslims was said against those tyrants. O scholars, between East & West, I am a weak servant, but by order of Al Haqq (swt) - as He (swt) says "Wa Dhakkir, Fa'inna Adh-Dhikra’ Tanfa`u Al-Mu'uminina" (51:55) Is it not like this? Sadaqa Allahu Al Azim. "And Remind.." Why are you not reminding about the matter of Khilafa? Why did you accept to abolish totally the station of Khilafa? A handful of people, how did you accept this O scholars of India? Scholars of Arabic countries, scholars of Egypt, Libya, West Africa and all Arab countries, why did you accept? With what right you did not protect that station, that Throne? There is no higher station than the station of Khilafa in this world! The honour of all the Kings is for the reason that they carry the Islamic Khilafa. No one raised his hand to protect the banner of Islam. Where are you scholars! And the people... a handful of people killing the Muslims from East to West, and you said nothing. Who keeps quiet about the truth is a silent shaytan. And now, I am calling you O scholars! You witnessed a man, who is a descendent of the Prophet (saws), who raised the banner of the Prophet (saws), removed. The Khalifa of Allah (swt) - the station of Khilafa & Sultan was for him. We have reached such a period of time. And now we have searched for who has the right to the station of Khilafa in our days. The first condition is that he is a Khalifa from the descendents of the Prophet (saws). We looked from the East to the West of the world and we have not found except from the children of the Prophet (saws). They are a handful people in the Kingdom of Amman- Jordan. They have been imprisoned there, and all the rich Arabs with all their power & treasures they never supported the children/descendents of the Prophet (saws) with anything. They have everything but have never supported him. They shall see! And now our duty... our duty is to look for a living Khalifa. We find him fit for this matter in the Kingdom that is in Amman-Jordan. Jordan, there are a handful of people from the household of the Prophet (saws) who are ruling and they have cut them out and left them in the middle of the desert so they cannot move. This is a shameful act of the Arabs, shame on them, the Wrath of Allah (swt) is upon them! And you scholars (4 von 8)04.07.2013 23:36:52
8975 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThroneOfSham
I am addressing you, it is our duty to take.. and to look for who has the right to carry the banner of Khilafa, only a descendent of the Prophet (saws). Look from East to West and you will only find them in the land, the desert land of Amman. The Ahl Al Bayt, they are left there and they cut them out so they cannot move. Shame on the scholars! Who left them alone, oppressed, broken & deprived. And now it is a duty, O scholars, to ask you for a fatwa- legal opinion: Is it a duty & a right to look for a Khalifa or not? The first thing for the whole Islamic world, I am asking them. If he says "it is not necessary." Who says this is not from the Muslim people and should be exiled & considered from among the tyrants. And now what is left is a handful of people from the household of the Prophet (saws) coming from the last of the Sharifs-Honoured ones. Sharifs of Mecca, Sharif Hussain, may Allah bless his soul. They tricked him till he stood up against the Muslim Khilafa of the Ottoman Empire. And they promised him lies. They told him "we shall make you, O Sharif Hussain, a King for all the Arabs, but this was deception & lies. And when those tyrants who are following the Jews take their orders and all their teachings from the Jews. They deceived Sharif Hussain & exiled him and chained him. At that time I was young, 10 years old. I saw him here in Nicosia, in a simple house. They exiled him, may Allah (swt) bless his soul. With my father we used to go and kiss his hand, because my father at that time was working for the Islamic Waqf here in Cyprus. And we were offering every service & respect for Sharif Hussain. And when he passed away they came to take him to the Holy Land (Jerusalem). This is very well known to the people with knowledge, but they do not know anything about this topic. I would like to open for them a way that they may seek a Khalifa otherwise we will b
Die Schlüssel zu dem Wissen, das uns solche Dinge lehrt, sind Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Hört, wer das Bismillah sagt, und laßt die, die es nicht tun. Sie sind die Sippe Shaytans, mögen sie verschwinden. Laßt uns Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim sagen. Heute ist es auch so. Religion ist guter Rat. Es gibt keine Politik in der Religion. Religion hat keine politischen Verbindungen. Nein, es gibt keine Politik in der Religion. Religion ist Religion. Es ist die Ordnung Allahs. Ihr solltet sie bewahren und euere Arbeit hat Erfolg. Wenn ihr es nicht sagt, findet ihr nichts Gutes in Dunya oder Akhirah. Aman ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Tawba Astaghfirullah. Laßt uns Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim sagen. Heute eröffnen wir auch mit dem Bismillah. Möget ihr Gutes finden. Wer hört, findet Gutes. Mögen sie Gutes haben. Wer nicht hört, mag erleiden, was auf ihn kommt. Aman ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Zu Ehren Deines Geliebten vergib uns und sende uns Deine Diener, die uns den rechten Weg zeigen und lehren. Fatiha. Möge Allah uns auch gute Tage zeigen. Möge uns gewährt sein, Mahdi (as) zu treffen. Wir wollen Macht. Und sie wird kommen, insha'Allah. Es gibt keine Chance für die Unterdrücker. Von heute ab sperre ich sie ein. Ich bin nichts, aber ich habe sie eingesperrt. Sie lassen mich das sagen. Ich werde die Unterdrücker einsperren. Sie werden sehen, ob es geschieht oder nicht. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Gründet auf Schutz, sendet Salams. Fatiha. (13 von 14)04.07.2013 23:36:50
8963 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThreeDayLife
Lefke, 19.02.2013
WebSaltanatOrg (14 von 14)04.07.2013 23:36:50
8964 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThreeEnvironmentalPollutants
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ThreeEnvironmentalPollutants
Environmental Pollutants from Modern Technology
…Lime, they immediately mix it with sand, they pour it in the lime and put water and it starts boiling. The lime gets hot until it becomes like milk, we used to call it, “lime cream.” Then the sand is put in around it. It does not get dry, it stays like that. If it was cement it would be like iron by morning, but this mix does not get dry, it remains as it is. This is the old method used in old buildings. These wretched ones now are all traitors and ignorant men. May Allah finish them! Wherever the cement mix is dried, its smoke finished the forests and trees. It poisons and pollutes everywhere, also the air. They say, “Let it pollute! They will get sick, they will come to hospitals and we may sell them medicine.” Laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billah, laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billah! I know all of it, I know, thanks to Allah Almighty. In the past, how did they build the castles and city walls, with what materials, cement? There are city walls that are thousands of years old, even your long benches. But these traitors, all these ministers are taking commission from construction men. Cement is dangerous: it does not get warm in winter nor cool in summer. Therefore, another trick of theirs with these buildings is to throw people outside, out of their homes. The important point here is that no one (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:36:50
8965 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThreeEnvironmentalPollutants
wants to stay in their homes, saying, “We may breathe a little, get some fresh air.” It is impossible to sit at home. And the homes are so small, like a small box. If you put your head inside, your bottom is left outside. If you put your bottom inside, your head is left outside. It is like that. (Hajjah Roqiya: Air conditioning?) Air conditioning, that is another new thing! Air conditioning causes people to get sick; immediately running to the pharmacy. (Mud brick?) Mud bricks are made in molds, when you put them together they become one piece, all of them one mud brick. This house with wooden beams is 150-years-old, mashaa-Allah. The house can breathe. In houses now the upper part is concrete, the bottom is concrete, right and left, everywhere is concrete. The people have become like concrete in the middle of it. What is made from iron or similar material harms the body. Therefore, look at this clay pot (which breathes), and also the spoons may be made of wood. Astaghfirullah. What ruined the people is concrete, nylon, and hormones! All three of them have a great profit margin. (Manufacturers) are a handful of low-life people everywhere that also pour into the mouth of the government. Finished. Yaa Rabbee, shukr. (What about polyester?) All of them are like that. May these low-life people be drowned in this land’s oil! They are constantly drilling oil, so this world has come to this situation; they brought it to a dead end. Nylon, hormones, concrete, these three things. The Pyramids also have three legs, it is coming from back then. In ancient Egypt, the three- legged ones standing on three legs, because it can’t stand on two legs or one leg, it stands on three legs. Lefke, 20.10.2011 (Translated from Turkish, Discussion with Hajjah Roqiya)
WebSufiLive, CategoryNature, CategoryArchitecture (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:36:50
8966 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThreeLevelsOfCertainty
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ThreeLevelsOfCertainty
There are three levels of certainty Ya Hu, ya Hu, ya Daim! Destur ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah…aiduna bi madadikum…Ya Awliya-ullah! Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Azim… It is an association that is making our spirituality to hope for a good future here and Hereafter. We need hope and hope is (the) common level of believers. They are hoping and over that level (of hope there is) another level, (it is) going to be through certainty. (There are three levels of certainty:) (First) people are through (the certainty of) their knowledge (‘Ilmu Yaqin), and over it (there is the) certainty of their looking (Ain ul Yaqin) and another level is going to be Haqq ul Yaqin, (the Truth or Reality of certainty)- when they are reaching to that level, never remaining with them any doubt. But (the) first level is the level of common believers, that their belief is only as (the belief of) a student of 5, 6 or 7 years, (who is) beginning to learn the letters of the Holy Quran: What his teacher is saying to him, he is repeating, saying: “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Alif.” That small one is saying: “ Alif.” Then: “This is ba, ta, tha”- that small one is following his teacher. Without bringing a proof through himself that this sign is Alif, he must say that it is Alif. When he is learning letters and beginning to join one letter with another, then a word (is) appearing. Then he is understanding that this letter really is Alif, because when you are putting in front of it some other letter, appearing a word and it has a meaning. So that first of all our belief is going to be as Prophet was teaching to them. (The) Prophet (was) coming and saying: “Oh people, you just say: La ilaha ill- Allah, Muhammadur Rasulullah sws.” Say! Follow your teacher! Follow your teacher, and you should reach what you are asking! And we (are) now, we may say, we are on the level of hope. (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:36:51
8967 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThreeLevelsOfCertainty
We are hoping to reach for example to Paradise. That is our hope, and over this hope (is) coming our belief that is are just depending on certainty, on 3 levels. We hope to be from Paradise people, and we are here, (in Dunya). According to our belief for Prophet and what they are bringing, we know about Paradises and Hells, and on that level now we are hoping to be from Paradise people. Then this hope changing to belief and belief also (is) getting more strong, on 3 levels through certainty. 3 kinds of certainty. Firstly we are hoping to be from Paradise people, and the last level is that when we are entering Paradises we are saying: “Yes, it is not (only a) hope, but it is certainty that we are in Paradise.” Now we are trying to call people to (even) the lowest level; but it is (the) limit of animals’ level. Animals are not hoping anything for them in future, no. Therefore the level of hope is going to be over the level of animals. Until a person is reaching the level of hope, his membership is going to be with (the) animals world. He is one member of animals world, nothing else, because they are on (the) same activities, on same desires, on same pleasure; they are concerning only (for) their physical being and they are not saying (that there is) anything beyond their material being. So that they are fully members of the animals world. When people (are) reaching (up to think) about their situation, conditions or (their) manifestation level through their mind and (they are) beginning to ask a continuous life, it means (that) they are awakening. They are awakening and asking to reach to another level. They are those people who (are) fed up from being a member of (the) animals’ world. That is (the) beginning of awakening. When (the) awakening (is) beginning, that hope (is) carrying them up from (the) limits of (the) animals world; their belief (is) getting up and (they are) looking and seeing: “Ohhh- this is another world than the world that we were in; this is more wider and more enjoyful and more hopeful for our lives!” Coming awaking…And these people on that level may touch with someones (like Prophets)- that Prophets just have been sent to people on that level, and on that level people are coming nearer to Prophets, but others are not, because yet they are with animals membership, they are running (with them), (and) therefore they may kick who (is) calling them to another level, they may bite and kick, because their membership is for animals world. Those people have an identity card, (for) their identity (it is) written: “These ones are members of (the) animals world, don’t touch them!” Therefore Allah Almighty was saying (to His Prophet): “Say: Lakum dinukum, wali ad-din. Don’t touch these people, because they have (a) membership for (the) animals world, may bite you, may kick you, may harm you., may hurt you. Leave them on their level. But (those) who reached (the) level of hope, when (they are) (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:36:51
8968 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThreeLevelsOfCertainty
astonishing and looking: “Ohhh- this is a level (that is) just 1oo different from the level of (the) animals world, that we were in it, but now we reached (another level), we may think something beyond our membership of (the) animals world.” And they were amazed, they were beginning to look (up), not like sheep, sheep (are) looking like this, like that, where is grass, never looking up- but those people, who belong to mankind, when they are reaching to the level of hope and (they are) looking another world, they are amazing and saying: “Ohhh- this is another world! But we (are) never going to reach the wisdom of being that level over level of (the) animals world.” Then the Lord of Heavens is sending those people who (are) hoping and asking (for something) beyond their lives, beyond their beings, hoping (and saying): “Perhaps we may find something in this direction or in that direction”, and (it is said that) if anyone is asking something and he is serious for (his) asking, the Lord of Heavens must send that person to that direction that he may find something, making their hope to be a belief. They have been sent to that direction and there they should find someone speaking something that they never heard about! “Oh people,” (he is) saying, ”come! Welcome to you, to your new world! You are new ones here, come and look what we have or what (is) just prepared for us. Come and look, come and give a look!” Those people that they were believers in idols, idol worshippers, they are looking and saying: “Those people (are) calling us to some other world that is (an) unknown world, but we (do) hope to reach to unknown worlds beyond our world”, and these people who (are) authorized through Heavens, they are Prophets; they have hooks, making like this… carrying them (and) making their hopes beliefs. People are coming and listening. First (they are) coming and sitting around Prophets (and listening to) what (they are) saying and their hopes (are) growing. Growing, but that hope (is) never giving a satisfaction. (Prophets) make (their) hope a belief that that belief (is) giving to them a strong desire to reach to their targets through that beliefs and (therefore) they may follow Prophets; what Prophets (are) saying, they are following them and according to their deep desires and deep wishings they are giving much more effort, much more time to reach what they have been shown through heavenly people that show to them (something) about (the) eternal life through Paradises or Hells. They are giving much more effort and make much more activities, and according to their efforts and activities (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:36:51
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certainty (is) growing through their hearts, that (the) first level of certainty is for their knowledge, Ilm ul Yaqin. When they are reaching the horizon or the limits of (that) certainty of knowledge, (it is) appearing to them another level, that they should be in that level looking and seeing and what they are knowing; there are going to appear some signs from another world, from another level. Beginning to appear, and if they are giving much more efforts and they are working on it, trying to fulfil their obedience through their first level, (it is) coming another opening (and) they have been granted ‘Ain ul Yaqin’, to look, to appear an ocean. That ocean is so far and they are asking: “Ohhh- if we can reach to that ocean!” And as much as you are giving much more effort for reaching to that level, Allah Almighty through His beloved one (is) giving much more power and making a way for them to reach to that oceans of Beauty, oceans of Knowledge, oceans of Power, oceans of Wisdom, oceans of Paradises, oceans of Desires- endless oceans with endless aspects. (They are) asking to reach, reaching, (and) when we are stepping in Paradise, then we are reaching ‘Haqq ul Yaqin’, (the) most highest (level of) certainty that we were hoping to reach and we were believing and following Prophets (for reaching that) and that ocean, when we are entering (it), we are saying: “Ohhh- we reached to our hopes!” And that is the last point of certainty, to be with Haqq; (there are) no more desires remaining, because they reached the ocean of Beauty that it was their main target to reach (it). When (they are) entering in it, finished. They reached to their last target and their enjoyment and pleasure and satisfaction and peace and to be honored and praised in (the) divinely Presence. (It) just happened, (so that) they are asking nothing (more), only (they are) saying: “Oh our Lord, be pleased with us” and the Lord is saying: “I am pleased with you, oh My servants.” That is the end of their desires; they are entering through never-ending oceans. They should be there. They are finishing, they are becoming one point through that ocean under the Dominions of the Lord of Heavens… May Allah give us a good understanding and send us someone, someones, to make us to understand, because now such speeches are going to be (so strange) for people, as the language of Jinns. We are asking an opening and that is the way of salvation of mankind, that is the way of peace for mankind, that is the way for their honours and glory. We are asking forgiveness from Allah Almighty and blessings, for the honour of (the) most honoured one in (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:36:51
8970 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThreeLevelsOfCertainty
His divinely Presence, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha. Lefke, 10.06.2004, transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel
BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryCertainty (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:36:51
8971 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThroneOfSham
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ThroneOfSham
To Whom is The Throne of Sham
(Dt.: ThronVonSham) Madad Ya Rijal Allah. Madad Ya 'ibad Allah al salihin. Madad Ya Budala' Al Sham Budala, nujaba, nuqaba, & akhiyar and the Saints of Egypt... akhiyar from East to West. This is an address for the whole world. But it is an address especially for the Nation of Muhammad (saws). And it is especially for the Shaykhs of the distinguished Tariqats. And it is especially for the Muslim scholars that are existing in our time now, in the world from East to West. I am a weak servant and I am hoping that the Lord forgives me and I am hoping for the Prophet's (saws) intercession on Judgement Day. I do not need anything anymore from this world. Like our honourable Masters have taught us, this world is a carcass - the dogs want it. A carcass! But Allah (swt) honoured His servants with something that if they do not use it for His (swt) sake, they will become a carcass. We must be careful in order not to be like those people who are asking for this world. To ask for this world is the most evil thing on the face of the earth. Those who ask for this world are the most evil of people because all the Prophets (as) came to encourage the servants of Allah (swt) to seek the pleasure of Allah (jwa) and to seek Eternal life. Eternal- Sarmadi! Ignorant are the ones who ask for this temporary, worldly life that has no value. This is what the Prophets (as) asked for, and especially the request of Sayyidina Rasulullah, Prophet of (1 von 8)04.07.2013 23:36:52
8972 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThroneOfSham
the end of times, Beloved of The Most Merciful-Al Rahman - Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). Salam alaykum, Shaykh Hisham Effendi, scholar in this period of time and among the respected Shaykhs existing on the face of the earth. I became inspired to address to the whole world. We are living in a time in which all the people, people... are asking for this world. Just like in another time, when someone was asked to ascend the pulpit of a Mosque in Sham, although he was not authorized for this position, and began a khutba by saying "O people, you are filthy ones your Imam is Abbas!" They attacked him, hit him & kicked him out. But it turned out that this man conveyed the situation of the world to the people. Anjas, means something worse than just filthy, and the world is filthiness. Who asks for this world, this carcass - this is what the Prophet (saws) says - who asks for it are dogs. Naudhu Billah. In our time now, the least possible of things is to be free from asking for this world. But people are working.. all the people want to collect from this world. But this world is for this world. If you do not do goodness for the favours that Allah(swt) bestowed on you, that is filthiness. The value of this world is for the sake of Allah (swt) and on Judgment Day He Will ask "O My servant, what have you brought?" "I have brought the treasures of the world." "I did not ask from the measurement of the world, I am asking you from the measurement of good deeds you did in the world with the treasures of the world." "What did you bring as good deeds?" And people now are busy with collecting from this world and they do not spend. It is the attribute of the Jews. They collect for themselves & put away for themselves and they do not bring it out to show the signs of Allah (swt), to stand up for Shariat Allah & for good deeds. This is an opportunity for them but they do not make use of it. This is the preface of this address as they say- our grand Shaykhs say, our honourable Masters. Our Way is in association & goodness is in the gathering. This was an introduction, now we come to the point, a very sensitive point, around the necks of the scholars living in this period of time. They have forgotten to act with it. What is it? O scholars! Or doctors! You have forgotten the Hereafter, you have forgotten your Lord. You have taken shaytan as your supporter. You have taken the filthiness of this world. This is their earned share of shamefulness. Astaghfirullah. The servant's earnings in this world. This world is a carcass. And now, O servants of the Lord, I am addressing you O scholars of Islam from East to West. Since... since I have been inspired & ordered to announce to you, whether you accept or you do not accept, it does not concern me. O servants of the Lord, in what period of time are we living? In which era? We are living in the time of tyrants. Tyrants who do not act, they do not act (2 von 8)04.07.2013 23:36:52
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with the powerful Shariat of Allah (swt) but act instead upon the desires of their egos & they oppress people. They kill them & they dishonour them and they go beyond their limits. And they violate the rights of the servants of the Lord. They collect the treasures of this world & they do not give to people. Tyrants! Tyrant people. This address is for the tyrants of nowadays. "Inna Fi´ha Qawman Jabbarina" (5:22) Allah (awj) shows everything. We are living now in the time of the tyrants. It is known that tyrants do not act with the powerful Shariat, but they act according to the desires of their egos & rule with their anger, as if their anger descended from Heavens onto the face of the earth & people are following them. Leaving the safe way they follow them. These tyrants first appeared during the Ottoman empire. Secondly, when the Ottoman empire was declining. And there were maybe about 50 countries in the world remaining to the Ottoman kings. We are now living, but our Prophet (saws) gave us good tidings, that this period of time also has a limit. Limit - it must come to a limit & finish. And maybe the 20th Century was fully the century of the tyrants. And up to this part of the 21st Century... 21st Century... What do we need now, O scholars? Because these tyrants, first of all they attacked the Maqam or... the center of the Islamic Khilafa - where the Khalifas used to be. They attacked every place that represented Islam. Now we come to an important point, pay attention O scholars! The Caliphate is on the Shariat of Allah (swt). The Caliphate keeps the Shariat of Allah (swt). Without the Khalifa, there cannot be any country that maintains the powerful Shariat of Allah (swt). And you know this O scholars, you claim to be scholars. In which time? In the time of tyrants. What have you done? They say "we have not done anything". "For what reason?" "Because they took all the power from our hands, and left us on our own. We have nothing. They rule & we are under their ruling. They became rulers & we became under their ruling. We used to rule & they were ruled by us. Today they are rulers & we are ruled. It is like this." The message of the Prophet (saws) reached at that time, a handful of people in Anatolia in Turkey. They gathered and said "we are going to abolish the Sultanate & with it we will abolish the Caliph." This is not for them. This is not for them! May Allah's (swt) curse be on them. This is not for them. And same for all the states who left the orders & did like that. In the new state in Turkey, a handful of people abolished the Sultanate and with it they abolished the Khilafa? O scholars, with what right did these tyrant people abolish the Khilafa? Did they have this power & this (3 von 8)04.07.2013 23:36:52
8974 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThroneOfSham
authority? Why don't you look at this? You write books & books and you claim to be doctors. You have no value! This time in which we are, is the worst time. Muslims are killing each other. They have dishonoured Islam, in every way. And also the Muslims they turned them from being Muslims to being the most humiliated. The tyrants became the highest level of people and the Muslims the most humiliated. Not even one word from the Muslims was said against those tyrants. O scholars, between East & West, I am a weak servant, but by order of Al Haqq (swt) - as He (swt) says "Wa Dhakkir, Fa'inna Adh-Dhikra’ Tanfa`u Al-Mu'uminina" (51:55) Is it not like this? Sadaqa Allahu Al Azim. "And Remind.." Why are you not reminding about the matter of Khilafa? Why did you accept to abolish totally the station of Khilafa? A handful of people, how did you accept this O scholars of India? Scholars of Arabic countries, scholars of Egypt, Libya, West Africa and all Arab countries, why did you accept? With what right you did not protect that station, that Throne? There is no higher station than the station of Khilafa in this world! The honour of all the Kings is for the reason that they carry the Islamic Khilafa. No one raised his hand to protect the banner of Islam. Where are you scholars! And the people... a handful of people killing the Muslims from East to West, and you said nothing. Who keeps quiet about the truth is a silent shaytan. And now, I am calling you O scholars! You witnessed a man, who is a descendent of the Prophet (saws), who raised the banner of the Prophet (saws), removed. The Khalifa of Allah (swt) - the station of Khilafa & Sultan was for him. We have reached such a period of time. And now we have searched for who has the right to the station of Khilafa in our days. The first condition is that he is a Khalifa from the descendents of the Prophet (saws). We looked from the East to the West of the world and we have not found except from the children of the Prophet (saws). They are a handful people in the Kingdom of Amman- Jordan. They have been imprisoned there, and all the rich Arabs with all their power & treasures they never supported the children/descendents of the Prophet (saws) with anything. They have everything but have never supported him. They shall see! And now our duty... our duty is to look for a living Khalifa. We find him fit for this matter in the Kingdom that is in Amman-Jordan. Jordan, there are a handful of people from the household of the Prophet (saws) who are ruling and they have cut them out and left them in the middle of the desert so they cannot move. This is a shameful act of the Arabs, shame on them, the Wrath of Allah (swt) is upon them! And you scholars (4 von 8)04.07.2013 23:36:52
8975 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThroneOfSham
I am addressing you, it is our duty to take.. and to look for who has the right to carry the banner of Khilafa, only a descendent of the Prophet (saws). Look from East to West and you will only find them in the land, the desert land of Amman. The Ahl Al Bayt, they are left there and they cut them out so they cannot move. Shame on the scholars! Who left them alone, oppressed, broken & deprived. And now it is a duty, O scholars, to ask you for a fatwa- legal opinion: Is it a duty & a right to look for a Khalifa or not? The first thing for the whole Islamic world, I am asking them. If he says "it is not necessary." Who says this is not from the Muslim people and should be exiled & considered from among the tyrants. And now what is left is a handful of people from the household of the Prophet (saws) coming from the last of the Sharifs-Honoured ones. Sharifs of Mecca, Sharif Hussain, may Allah bless his soul. They tricked him till he stood up against the Muslim Khilafa of the Ottoman Empire. And they promised him lies. They told him "we shall make you, O Sharif Hussain, a King for all the Arabs, but this was deception & lies. And when those tyrants who are following the Jews take their orders and all their teachings from the Jews. They deceived Sharif Hussain & exiled him and chained him. At that time I was young, 10 years old. I saw him here in Nicosia, in a simple house. They exiled him, may Allah (swt) bless his soul. With my father we used to go and kiss his hand, because my father at that time was working for the Islamic Waqf here in Cyprus. And we were offering every service & respect for Sharif Hussain. And when he passed away they came to take him to the Holy Land (Jerusalem). This is very well known to the people with knowledge, but they do not know anything about this topic. I would like to open for them a way that they may seek a Khalifa otherwise we will b