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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (647/777)
einer Masjid, in einer Moschee? Findet einen Kreis, sitzt, hört über die Größe des Islam, seine Reinheit, Sauberkeit, Macht, Majestät. Warum habt ihr nicht zugehört? Ihr gingt hinaus auf die Straßen, in die Felder, machtet Feuer. Mädchen, Frauen, ihr tanztet dort. Ist das halal? Wo sind unsere Hodjas? Wo sind unsere Gelehrten? Sie sollten den Mund aufmachen. Die Münder sind versiegelt. Ihre Muftis, ihre Imame, die beanspruchen, Gelehrte zu sein, sagen nicht, das ist haram? Wie können sie nicht? Amtsträger gingen dorthin und tanzten, sprangen über das Feuer. Wieviele fielen hinein. Sie wurden mit großer Anstrengung gerettet. Feuer ist kein Spiel. O, Gnade, unser Herr. Entferne uns nicht vom Licht des Glaubens. Halte uns nicht fern vom Weg Deines Geliebten (saws), des Sohnes seines Onkels. Der Adab Shah Mardans muß unser Adab sein, Tapferkeit, Mut sind seine Ehre. Seine Ehre. Respekt für die Menschen, die Nation Muhammads, Dienst ist ihr Zeichen. Tut es, euer Gesicht wird leuchten. (11 von 14)04.07.2013 23:36:44

8926 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThisIsNotReligion

Sonst wird euer Gesicht wie Kohle sein. Feuer springt auf Kohle und verbrennt sie. Sagen wir, o Freunde, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Möge Er uns reinigen. Sagen wir Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Bismillahi Lladhi la Yadurru ma`a Shay'in mina l-Ardi wa la mina s-Sama'i, wa Huwa s-Sami`u l-`Alim. Sagt die Basmala Sharifa und blast. Keine Probleme, kein Leid mehr. Sagt: Shah Mardan, wir opfern uns für deinen Weg, zähle uns zu deinen Soldaten. Sagten sie: Schicke uns nicht fort!? Sie sagten es nicht. Millionen von Leuten füllten die Arenen. Sie machten Dabka. Sie tanzten. Regierunsbeamte, manche von ihnen fielen ins Feuer. Manche können nicht springen, da sie, masha'Allah, Bäuche haben.. Bäuche wie Bullen. Sagt nicht so viel. Ich sage nichts. Shah Mardan beschreibt sie. Sie füttern ihren Magen, denken nicht an ihren Verstand. Sie handeln nicht weise. Ihr Lebensplan, ihre Lebensart ist: Wir sind Sozialisten. Sozialistische Regierung, ha? Schämen sich zu sagen 'Islamischer Staat'. Ihr werdet euch schämen. Allah beschämt euch. Ihr werdet keinen Erfolg haben. Es ist ausgestrichen. Euere Verfassung wird nicht halten. Ihr habt Allah (jj) vergessen, habt die Basmala nicht gesagt. Seht, was passiert. Alles, was ihr gebaut habt, wird euch auf den Kopf fallen. Das ist Shah Mardan. Es nicht meins. Ich spreche seine Nachrichten. Sagt! "Sayfun Maslul, Shah Mardan hatte Dhu l-Fiqqar in der Hand. Zeigten sie es, Shah Mardans Schwert? Sie zeigten gar nichts. Dieses Schwert wird die meisten von ihnen schneiden. Lebt auf dem Weg Allahs (jj), ihr werdet auf Seinem Weg gehen. Wer immer Seinem Weg folgt, findet sein Grab als Paradiesgarten. Wer immer nicht folgt, findet ein Loch der Hölle. Wer immer ins Feuer springt, findet ein Feuerloch. Wacht auf, Leute. Lieber Shah Mardan, wir sagen dir, möge die ganze Welt zuhören. Sie hören zu oder nicht. Er gibt mir weder Lohn, noch Rente. Wir sind Freunde Shah Mardans. Wir sind Freunde. Wir wollen in seinem Schatten sein, des Löwen Allahs. Wir wollen nicht den Schatten von Götzen. Wir wollen nicht das Knistern des Feuers. Wir wollen unter dem Banner des Propheten (saws) bleiben. Gab es eine Menschenmenge wie die für unseren Meister (saws)? Nein. Nein, aber etwas kommt auf sie, noch in diesem Jahr. Wir finden Schutz bei Allah. Kehrt um, bewahrt Shah Mardans Weg. Sie behalten euch im Auge in diesem Leben und dem künftigen. Das heutige Sohbah. Unser Weg gründet auf Sohbah. Shah Naqshband befahl 12 tausend Mal: "Tariqatuna s-Sohbah wa l-Khayru fi l-Jam`iya." Unser Weg gründet auf Sohbah. Wir sprechen von Shah Mardans Sohbah. Wir sitzen nicht und tratschen. Wer immer um der Liebe willen sich versammelt, wer immer seinen Tag mit Liebe beginnt, erreicht den Abend mit (12 von 14)04.07.2013 23:36:44

8927 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThisIsNotReligion

Liebe. Wer immer den Abend mit Liebe verbringt, erreicht den Morgen mit Freude. Leute, hört auf Shah Mardan. Mögen euere Tage günstig sein, euere Akhirah auch. Das Tor der Reue ist offen, nicht verschlossen. Wir bereuten. Wenn sie sagen: Wir kannten unseren Herrn nicht!' Allah nimmt ihr Tawba an. Sie haben Janabul Allah (jj) vergessen. Sie beten Feuer an, sagten nicht 'Allahu Akbar' oder senden nicht Salatu Salam an Rasul. Sie erwähnten nicht Shah Mardan. Sie machen nur Dabka Volkstanz. Sie sprangen über Feuer. Feuer frißt sie. Hütet euch, hütet euch. Feuer ist nicht nur das, was ihr macht. Es gibt verschiedene Feuer. Feuer in einem Flugzeug, Feuer in einem Boot, ein Zug fängt Feuer, ein Lastwagen, Autos, die Wälder, Häuser fangen Feuer, Fabriken, Leute darin verbrennen, viele Feuer. Hu Anfusakum - O Leute, rettet euch. Anfusakum mina n-Nar. Es gibt ein Feuer, von dem niemand weiß, woher es kommt. Du weißt nicht, woher es kommt, plötzlich erscheint es. Diese Leute, die Feuer anbrennen, werden selbst verbrennen. Al Jaza'u min jins al `Amal. Was herumgeht, kommt zurück. Ihr habt jemanden getötet, ihr werdet getötet, verbrannt, ihr werdet verbrannt, zerstört.. Fürchtet Allah (jj). Erzieht die Menschen, haltet sie nicht in Gefängnissen. Dient den Menschen, macht sie nicht zu Sklaven. Laßt die Dörfler in Ruhe. Niemand arbeitet in den Dörfern. Die Städter sind verwirrt. Sie wissen nicht, was tun. Es sind die Tage der Aufruhr. Unsere Zeit ist die Zeit der Aufruhr. In Zeiten wie diesen ist es am besten, Abgeschiedenheit zu suchen. Aufruhr Zeiten, wer wird gerettet? Derjenige, der zu Hause bleibt ist derjenige, der keine Schwierigkeiten bekommt. Dies ist Zeit der letzten Zeit. Die Zeichen erscheinen. Wir sind die Ummah der letzten Tage. Wir sind am Ende der letzten Tage. All diese Menschen sündigen. Möge Allah (jj) sie von uns fernhalten. Deshalb rufe ich Shah Mardan an. Ich rufe ihn, weil er das Schwert hat. Er fürchtet sich nicht vor ihren Gewehren und Bomben. Wenn er ruft "Ya Allah" fallen alle Köpfe. Sie bleiben bewegungslos da. Islam ist Allmächtig. Niemand kann sich dagegen stellen. Wir haben keine Angst. Wir versuchen, einer von denen zu sein, die Shah Mardan liebt. O Shah Mardan. Setze unseren Namen zu denen, die dich lieben. Laß uns gerettet sein in dieser Welt und auch in der nächsten. O unser Herr, um Rasulullahs (saws) willen, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Halte uns im sicheren Kreis. Laß uns nicht bei Shaytans Anhängern sein. Hütet euch, damit ihr gerettet werdet. Ihr lauft nicht vor ihm davon, sondern folgt ihm, die ganze Welt. Schämt euch. (13 von 14)04.07.2013 23:36:44

8928 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThisIsNotReligion

Ein neuer Papst ist gewählt worden. O Leute, er sagte nichts. Kein guter Rat. 'Shaytan ist der Feind, folgt ihm nicht.' Ein neuer Papst ist gewählt worden, höre ich. Hört die Nachrichten. 'Wenn der Papst ausgeht, läuten Glocken', Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong. Außer Glocken hörte ich nichts. Warum ist er Papst? Damit die Glocken läuten? Es gibt viele andere, um die Glocken läuten zu lassen. Was rätst du der Menschheit? Niemand sagt etwas? O die, die mir zuhören, fürchtet Allah (jj), gehorcht Allah (jj). Befolgt den Adab. Seid Diener. Folgt nicht Shaytan. Er sagte das nicht. Sie sagen, er bewegte die Hand. Er erhob das Kreuz in der Hand. Das ist keine Religion. Das macht niemanden zu Menschen. Die Religion ist die Religion Allahs (jj). Sie hat Regeln, was man nicht tun darf. Hat er das gesagt? Nein. Diese Welt ist im Chaos. Shaytan hat sein Zelt aufgestellt in dieser Welt und verursacht überall Chaos. Jetzt sind die Shi'a auch zornig. Shah Mardan ist auch zornig mit dem Oberhaupt der Christen. Er gab keinen guten Rat. Er erhob nur die Hand. Das rettet die Menschen nicht. Gib guten Rat, um die Menschen zu retten. Unser Herr, vergib uns. Vergib uns, Allah (jj). Überlaß uns nicht unserem schlechten Nafs. Zu viele Shaytane, laß uns ihnen nicht folgen. Laß uns dem rechten Weg folgen. Sagen wir die Basmala. Erinnern wir unseren Herrn, so daß unser Tag gut ist. Gute Nachrichten für hier und das Jenseits. Amin. Wa Salamun `ala l-Mursalin, Khususan `ala Sayyidi l-Mursalin, Salam an Shah Mardan. Die wenigen Worte von heute sind ein Geschenk an die Ikhwanu d-Din Brüder in der Religion. Für die zuhören soll es Liebe sein und die, die festhalten, masha'Allah. Lefke, 23.03.2013

WebSaltanatOrg (14 von 14)04.07.2013 23:36:44

8929 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThisLifeIsTemporary

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ThisLifeIsTemporary


This Life is Temporary! Destoor Ya Sayiddi, Meded! (Mawlana Stands) Anta Allah! Ya rabbana. Oh our Lord. Help us! Glory be to You and to You be praise and You have no partner and Muhammad is Your messenger. Ya Rijaal Allah! Destoor Ya Sayiddi Ya Sultanu ’l-Awliya. And we are saying As-salaamu `alaykum to our listeners. I am knowing nothing and I am a weak servant and this is a humble association. And to make our aim to make our Lord's order to be up never going to be done down just granting an honour. O people!! Beware Shaytaan and its followers and we are saying, a`udhu billahi min as Shaytaani 'r-Rajeem, bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. We must learn and try to be good ones. That is our aim and target and that is what the Lord of heavens asking from His servants he is asking that His servants - to be good ones, good ones. O people!! Try on it. Try to be good servants. May Allah forgive us through this holy month. Through every occasion, we must try and learn something. Oh master of this world! Look after the weak servants of your Lord and send us of your holy breathing that if reaching to a dead body, making it to stand up to be alive. Yes! Masterhood: that is their sign that they are breathing may bring a dead one into life. Can be? Yes it can be, one thousand times “yes!” O people!! Look and ask, “Where is such a master whom his breath gives you a real life?” (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:36:45

8930 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThisLifeIsTemporary

O people! It is a big occasion that we have been granted, we have been sent on this planet and the reason to ask a heavenly breathing that if you are breathing heavenly to reach real life. Temporary, (this is) a temporary life. You came here (for a) temporary life, now we have been real aim for the creation a place extending to eternity and we have asked to reach the level of permanent lifestyle. Therefore, the Lord of Heavens just sent us special ones; selected ones; elected ones; glorified ones, to carry people (from) here to the level of permanent life. And people that living on this planet always fearing from dying and no way to reach to a level of permanent life (without) passing through our temporary life. You must pass through this bridge of temporary life to reach the level of real state of permanent life. When you are reaching lifestyle, it is eternal but you must pass or leave something here to be lighter; light, lighter, to reach the level of permanent life station or heavenly level. Now, we are not on heavenly level. This life is most dirtiest life. Now we are in this life through dirtiness, dirty level of life of mankind, but people like it and they are trying to take much more dirtiness from this world and dirtiness is cutting our ways of reaching from permanent life stations that is heavenly level. Therefore, that is most important point which mentioned through holy books (and) very few people, they are understanding the way for reaching permanent life level that it is (the) heavenly level. If anyone reaching heavenly level no dirtiness there; no darkness there; no troubles there. Nothing may give man a sadness; nothing making man to be hopeless (in) that heavenly level. It is `ajeeb - amazing and astonishing level - and people they like to be always on this level of asfala saafileen (the lowest of the low). You can find Holy Quran to give mankind everything on a planet that it is or it was the centre of troubles and miseries. Yet people like it. They are not thinking beyond this life a permanent life or heavenly life. They are always getting in sadness because daily they are feeling melting (their) beings, physical beings, coming down, coming down to be on dust point; zero point. SubhanAllah - Glory to Allah! He was saying to His servants, “I am putting you in My Paradise. No trouble there; nothing hurting you there. You should find everything there. But you did a wrong thing and that point through your creation, as long it is with you, you can’t reach back to Paradise. Therefore, that point making you to fall in sufferings and miseries daily running on you; miseries and troubles and sufferings. Because (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:36:45

8931 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThisLifeIsTemporary

cursings coming from heavens on people on earth and they are not accepting or not understanding that there is a level that it is (a) heavenly level. Nothing can (make) suffering (for) you (there); nothing making you unhappy there. But the level you fall down (is) full of troubles and sufferings. No taste for you (but) misery and troubles. The Lord of heavens send to you from high heavenly levels to take you, to save you from troubles , and dirtiness and cursing from earth to take you up the level of heavens. (There, there is) no miseries, no fear and no troubles. No anything making you to fall in miseries and sufferings. It should be forever it is permanent life level heavenly level and permanent means eternal. Eternal for your souls! You can’t be able to taste anything really and anything physically giving to you some enjoyment. No! Never giving to you. It is finishing and you are going to be dust and it is eternal life and you are going to be in trouble and sufferings (and) everything around yourself going to give you some suffering. From everything you are taking - even from far away. You may say, “Oooooooooh! Such a beauty of this planet,” (but) never giving to you a real enjoyment. At least you may say, “I am approaching to my life's end that it is temporary life enjoyment. Just going to finish day- by-day. He is feeling inside that one or for everyone coming and entering through a darkness like when sun shining, men going to be so happy and sun walking and after `Asr before sunset, it is going to be a source of trouble or miseries. He thinks that one day is getting to be like that sun. It is beginning with lights and lightening (then) it is beginning to become less, approaching to its last point every day. (The) sun is giving mankind a very good lesson or advice. O people!, you are warning and running to disappear. Your last day coming to you and last day with its last time that you are going to disappear from existence. That is giving people biggest sorrow, biggest sorrow, to look and see (that) “like that sun I am rising, and now I am setting.” That is temporary life. Therefore, the Lord of Heavens sending his elected ones, His messengers, (saying) “Oh My servants! Don’t worry. I am sending to you My Message. Don’t worry if this level of life of temporary life cheating but I am preparing for you heavenly permanent level of life.” Allahu Akbar! Holy Quran al-Kareem and Holy Prophet's Words to teach people (that) “Your life is a temporary life, but this must be finished. But I am calling you to permanent life level which is forever, (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:36:45

8932 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThisLifeIsTemporary

eternal.” But people (are) following Shaytaan and Shaytaan giving much more hopeless and they are cutting their hopes from another level of life. O people! Believe in holy books and (they are) making such a weak servant to speak to you (on) some realities. You must understand this life is a temporary life and don’t be hopeless. And this way is taking you, if (you are) preparing yourself (it is) taking you to heavenly advices and following masters of this world and reaching to heavenly levels. Don’t worry! You are reaching the level of heavenly levels that it is the level of permanent life and first of all the Lord of heavens (giving) as you like. If you are believing and ready, preparing... If you are preparing for heavenly levels, real life (is) there. This life is not real life. You must understand and follow the prophets, particularly the Seal of Messengers. Try to reach to that level. The Seal of Prophets (s) just reached to that level (where there are) no more troubles; no more miseries. You should find eternity for you. May Allah forgives us O people! It is a huge oceans that we are entering. Try to entering in it. O people! Listen and believe and understand or you are given your punishment to yourself (thinking “I believe) temporary level of life. I don’t know beyond that life.” May Allah forgives us! Oh our Lord! All thanks to You that you don’t leave us to hands of devils and You save us through this holy month. Fatiha. Lefke, 01.09.2009

WebSufiLive (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:36:45

8933 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThisWorldIsLikeAnAtom

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ThisWorldIsLikeAnAtom


This world may be as an atom through this well-seen universe (Sheikh Adnan is arriving and staying one week) Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Azim…Meded, ya Sultanu-l Anbiya, Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah…Ad-dinu nasihat…By the Name of Allah Almighty, All Merciful, most Beneficent and most Magnificent…Yesterday is something, today is something else… You can’t find anything through a second or less of a second, in a time that may be second or third, or 4th or 5th or 6th or 7th or 8th, or 9th or 1oth- you can’t find an end. If you are going to divide, unit of time, no one can say that time is something that (is) never ending or (that has) no beginning- Ezel, Abad- but the Creator just granted to His servants everything prepared through this world, according to our capacity. Because this world that mankind landed on it and then their generation spread on it, it only may be as an atom through this well-seen universe, no more. Beside of the Greatness of the universe, our planet may be less than an atom. And on it we are living, millions or billons of people. And our physical being’s space on this planet, our position through this planet, it is going to be also like an atom. This planet so big for our bigness or for our position. And then- man, whom they have been landed on this planet, they have been granted some special and secret (attribute) from our Creator. Even we are so small physically, but that secret attribute that we have been granted, (is) making ourselves as (if) we are collecting all of this planet and we are saying it is so small world. Now people are saying: “It is such a small, little globe” and people now are asking to look another planets to reach to there. It is going to be so small for ourselves…What do you means to say this? It is something important!…Meded!… (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:36:46

8934 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThisWorldIsLikeAnAtom

And the Lord of Heavens, the Creator of this universe, through countless galaxies, we have been granted to be on this globe and we have been landed, we have been coming in existence on this planet. The Lord of Heavens, the Creator is saying: “Wa wa’da al mizan.” He put a balance. Nothing is going to be without balance for this planet! That must be well known. Everything is in balance and that balance (is) for what? To show mankind that everything around themselves is just put in a special way and that (all creatures) they have a balance. You may look and see a tree with branches, leaves, flowers, fruits, and we are saying that: “It is a natural system that this tree is growing like this or like that, growing from right hand, or growing from left hand, or growing up or growing down, towards earth…” We are thinking that without balance that tree is growing and (that) its branches and leaves are coming without any balance. But (it) can’t be! Every tree that is growing must be under a balance, (a) divinely Rule, (arranging) up to where (it is) going to rise up, up to where it must be growing through branches, with which branch (it is) beginning, from where (it is) beginning, from which direction (it is) going to grow and then that branch also is going to bring so many smaller branches and at the end of that branches (there are) leaves- with which point they are going to appear. Then: in which measure and balance (these) leaves are going to be arranged, and when its flowers are going to appear, when that tree is going to flower. And then- its fruits, how (they) should be? Everything must be in a balance! This, only for this nature that we are living in, you must use your mind to think on it! And by thinking on creatures, you may find a way to the Lord of Creation, to the Lord of Heavens. But it is important that on this small planet, that you are living through this nature, everything is just arranged according to your understanding level! Then you are asking: “This planet- to whom it belongs? A Rule can’t be without (having) a Ruler.” You are not putting (those) rules through nature, but you are finding hundreds and thousands of Rules (Laws) through nature. Who is that one that (is) putting that Rules on this planet? Then you are asking a way for understanding. You are asking for (the) Creator, you are asking (for) the Manifestor- who is that One? You are asking. That understanding that you may be granted, don’t think that you can be able to be granted a full understanding. No! You can’t carry this! That understanding for that Manifestor and Designer and Creator is only going to be according to your (private) secret Grant that you have been granted from the Creator- according to that spot, that you can’t see. It is not a material thing, can’t (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:36:46

8935 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThisWorldIsLikeAnAtom

be. You must not balance that understanding with ordinary balance, no. And even it is beyond of your mind and beyond of (the) mind (is) coming mentality. Your mind is going to be in connection with the material of this planet. You may balance this nature according to your mind’s understanding; that means (on the) mind’s level. Beyond that, over your mind, there is mentality. Mind may belong to our physical being, but mentality is going to control our physical being; its level belongs to our heavenly being, (our) spiritual being. That is (the) first step, that through your mentality you may find a way for understanding our heavenly Position. And when you are reaching that level, through that level, according to your spiritual understanding level, you are reaching an understanding for the Lord of this planet. You can’t reach (to the) universe, no, on this planet. (The) biggest mistake of mankind now- (and) sometimes believers also fall in that mistake- is that they are asking to make the Creator through their mentality, through their spiritual level, to bring that One to their (own) horizon of knowledge and understanding. Therefore they are speaking something that is never going to be accepted in Reality. Because your existence is not a real Existence. (The) universe has never a real existence. If real Existence was given to the universe, the universe must be fixed- never moving, never changing, never disappearing. And now when they are looking (to space) they are saying (that there are) ‘Black Holes’. That Black Holes- gigantic galaxies are coming nearby and disappear! If that gigantic galaxies have a real Being, how they are going to disappear? No, (it) can’t be! (But) they are only an appearance from existence of creation. He is (the) Creator (and) creating, and we are looking and saying: “Oh, we are in existence.” And (that idea is) bringing people to be mistaken about their Lord. Don’t use your mentality up, over your understanding level. Finished! You have been granted a level for understanding. “Allah”, they are saying, “is beyond our understanding.” You may reach endless horizons for understanding, but you should find never-ending horizons. Any limits you are reaching, His real Existence is beyond that, and you are always going to be on the position of non- being. That means we have never a real Existence here or Hereafter. No! His holy Name ‘Samad’- no one (is) understanding. (His holy Name) ‘Samad’,- (they are) giving its meaning now, we are saying now- that He is in real Existence. All, everything (of creation) has no space and no any (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:36:46

8936 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ThisWorldIsLikeAnAtom

position to be in existence, (it is) only as an appearance, coming and going. Nothing from creatures is going to have a real Existence- ha sha- that is Shirk! ‘Samad’- you can’t find any place empty- according to our understanding-, that it is not going to be His Existence there. (There is) no room for anything through His Existence. ‘Samad’- no room, no space, no place. You may say (there are) billons, trillions like this universes, gigantic universes- but (there is) no room for them in real Existence. They are not, they are never granted a real Existence. “Lam yalid”! He is never giving from His real Existence to anything, to anyone. Can’t be! “Lam yalid”! He is never giving from His (real Existence) ‘wilada’, that means to give birth. A mother (is) giving birth (and) bringing a baby, giving an existence to that baby- but Allah Almighty (is) never giving from His real Existence to creatures, no! If we can find a space even less than an atom to put for someone existence in it, that means: He is not controlling everything by Himself, Can’t be! “Allah- Huwa al an kama kan!“ Allah- Hu Allah! He is Allah, that now also He is only One! As in pre-eternal how He is, (He is) going to be in eternal- never coming with Him anyone, no! He is ever giving a real Existence to anyone, can’t be! Therefore, your mentality you must use and we have been ordered to use our mentalities according to our understanding level, not more in front, no! I am looking here to trees that before three months ago they were only woods. Now they are decorated everything with so many things and we are thinking that they have a real existence. After six months you can find all of this just disappeared. Where they are now? Finished. No existence for them. If they have a real existence, that can’t disappear. Biggest mistake to think about the Lord of Heavens and to claim that we are also in existence. No. Mankind that now everyone is claming: “I am that one” and never accepting to be no one, but saying: “I am someone”-, after a while they are going to disappear. Finished. It is written in old Books and so many events as a tale- tales may be even fairy tales, doesn’t matter- I heard and I read (that) through India- that India is most holyfied continent on earth with so many surprising events, surprising botanics, surprising animals world- so rich continent you can’t find as in India, and its history is full with such surprising, astonishing tales. And so many people lived in it. And our heedless Indian people (are) running away from such a rich continent and (they are) running to learn something in England, in Europe, coming even to Cyprus to learn something and (they are learning) (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:36:46

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this or that- all of them (are) heedless! They are not looking what Allah Almighty granted to them. They are running away from India to find work to live- they are so foolish, mindless people, leaving India and coming to Europe! What is in Europe? Wines, adultery, thieves, foolishness, violence- to where they are coming? But