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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (632/777)
d of Heavens. He created you and say His Holy Name to be honored, and then saying Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Raheem. You can't find through East and West, even including through Islamic world, to say and to begin, Bismillah-ir- Rahman-ir-Rahim. How we are thinking a success or any honor or a peace or a happiness or a pleasure or an enjoyment or satisfaction may come to people? It is impossible, as long as they are not saying for Allah, Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim. They should be taken up to hells, here and Hereafter! We are looking for, every day, fa-dhakkir, whole prophets, and you are reminded of their missions. Allah Almighty is saying to Seal of Prophets, “You are reminding me for My creatures, that is Your mission”. Where is that mission, (I am asking) whole Islamic world or whole people? They are saying, “We are following Old Testament and New Testament and Psalms and command of Sayyidina Ibrahim (a).” And where are our people (Muslims) who are saying, “We follow Holy Commands from Heavens!” Why they are not looking after these Holy Commands? Why they are running away, not speaking the holiest name you can speak? Why you are not teaching it? And how you are asking peace on earth and you are looking, seeing, every country in Islamic world coming into two parts, destroying, killing, burning!!! That is holy command of Allah? O people! Is it written through your holy books and finally Holy Qur'an, “O believers, kill yourselves? Some of you (kill) others and destroy and burn everything!” Is that what is written? Or is it written, “Come and try to (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:36:09

8725 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TeachYourChildrenToReciteBesmala

believe and try to be a good servant, who is keeping the rights of their Creator and keeping His holy orders from Heavens, to be good servants for Allah and to be good ones on earth to each other.” It is written in such a way or not?!! Just today going to be new beginning; a holy month just passed away and we are making `Eid now. What is meaning of making `Eid? When you are getting to reach a perfection, then congratulations to you. Therefore, `Eid Mubarak! When you are making yourself in such a way, the Lord of Heavens getting to be happy with you. That is to be holy ones and to be honored ones. O Muslims, O learned people! Where are you? Where are your teachings? O Christians, O Jewish people! You are fighting for dunya world, but you are not teaching who created you and your children, and for what you are living. You are not teaching and when you are not following, holy orders of heavens cursing, coming and people trembling now, saying that galaxy, galaxy, galaxy, saying “O Shaykh! You heard something?” I am asking, “What is that?” “You are not reading newspaper?” “No, it is not necessary to read newspaper, I am reading Holy Qur`an, written in it is all that passed away and all that is going to come. For what to read newspaper? Only reading bad news.” No newspaper writing good news and I am telling to young people to bring to me newspaper (that) only writing good things in it, that making me happy, and they are saying to me, “O shaykh, we are not finding that kind of newspaper, only newspaper has bad news, killing, burning, destroying, murdering. Only that is in it.” For what you are reading such a newspaper? We are only reading for tassali, enjoyment of what happened. Whole news of what has passed away, you can find in Holy Qur'an. Any news that is coming, you can find in Qur`an Karim. Why taking such a care to run after bad news, injuring you always? And Mankind is not happy now, even they are saying we reached the top of civilization, but really they reached nothing! They reached only a sadness and darkness and hopelessness. Such news you are finding through newspapers, nothing else! And I am saying leave that and recite holy books, particularly last message coming from heavens, the Holy Qur'an, recite it and you should find… (audio cut) (off air) (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:36:09

8726 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TeachYourChildrenToReciteBesmala

Lefke, 21.09.2009

WebSufiLive, CategoryEducation, CategoryPrayer (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:36:09

8727 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TechniknahmdemMenschendieFreiheit

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : TechniknahmdemMenschendieFreiheit


Die Technik nahm dem Menschen die Freiheit

Manchmal beklagen sich welche darüber, daß nachts etwas Schwarzes kommt und sich auf ihnen niederläßt, gegen das sie sich nicht wehren können. Die ganze Welt befindet sich jetzt unter solch einem schwarzen Etwas. Dies kommt von der Technologie, mit ihrer fürchterlichen, schrecklichen Gestalt, über den Geist des Menschen. Denn die Menschen des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts benützen nicht mehr ihr Herz, nur noch ihren Verstand. Sie sehen sich nicht mehr als spirituelle Wesen und kümmern sich nicht mehr um Spiritualität und spirituelle Quellen, bei denen die Menschheit Tausende von Jahren hindurch vor allen Widrigkeiten und Schwierigkeiten Schutz fand. Aber die Menschen des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts sind davon abgekommen, ja sie leugnen sie sogar, und sie wurden dazu gezwungen. Und nun stehen ihnen große Ereignisse und Schwierigkeiten bevor, wie es sie bis zu unserer Zeit nicht gab. Und sie suchen Schutz bei ihren “Verstandesprodukten”, aber diese können sie nicht retten. Tief im Innern ihres Herzens baten sie darum, ob es jemanden gäbe, der diese große Kompresse von ihrem Kopf wegnähme, da er durch die Technologie unter großem Druck steht. Sie begannen darauf zu warten, daß jemand sie von der Technik befreie, weil die Technologie den Menschen die Freiheit nahm und sie zu ihrem Sklaven machte. Gegen die Technik kommt keiner an. - 01.05.1999 (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:36:10

8728 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TechniknahmdemMenschendieFreiheit

BookUnterwegszurGöttlichenGegenwart (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:36:10

8729 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Technologiemachtunsschwach

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : Technologiemachtunsschwach


Technologie macht uns schwach

Die Technologie macht uns schwach. Lernt, ohne sie auszukommen! Unter der Vorgabe, das Leben der Menschheit zu erleichtern, nutzten die Menschen Technologie. Sie erfanden so viele Dinge. Und durch sie ließen sie der Menschheit in ihrem Leben alles leichter werden. Aber, wenn sie das tun, wenn sie diese Instrumente benutzen, diese Erfindungen, dann bringen sie die menschliche Kraft, die Allâh der Allmächtige uns für unsere physischen Leben gewährt hat, herab, verringern die physischen Kräfte auf Null. Um neue Dinge oder das zu tun, was wir vorher mit unserem physischen Körper taten, arbeiten wir jetzt mit diesen Maschinen. Aber, subhân allâh, Allâh der Allmächtige bringt dieser Zeit ein Ende – alles muß zu einem Ende kommen. Das ist es auch, was wir von Wissenschaftlern und Gelehrten und Computer-Technikern hören, sie sagen, daß das Leben dieser Menschheit, die von Technologie abhängt, am letzten Tag des Jahres 1999 zu Ende geht. Sie wird herabsinken und zum Ende kommen. Mein Rat an die, die mir folgen, ist, zu versuchen, den Einfluß so vieler Dinge zu verringern und ihre eigenen physischen Kräfte zu üben, ihre eigenen physischen Kräfte in Aktion zu bringen und nicht unter dem Befehl von Maschinen zu sein: „Tu dies, tu dies nicht!“ Schritt für Schritt, müssen wir alles versuchen, unsere Freiheit von der Technologie zu retten und uns zu uns selbst zu bringen. Deshalb ist wichtig, was wir sagen: Wir müssen jetzt versuchen, nicht diese Maschinen oder Instrumente für alles zu benutzen. (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:36:11

8730 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Technologiemachtunsschwach

Macht es so, versucht, es weniger werden zu lassen, und weniger, und weniger. Denn wenn die Technologie plötzlich ausfällt, werden Milliarden von Menschen sterben – nicht Millionen, Milliarden von Menschen! Wenn diese Grenze erreicht worden ist und nichts mehr funktioniert, werden die, die sich nicht auf eine neues Zeitalter vorbereitet haben, plötzlich sterben, oder sie werden verrückt werden, Milliarden von Menschen mögen sterben, und Millionen von Menschen werden verrückt sein. Wie sagt ihr: Depression? Eine tiefe Niedergeschlagenheit, eine sehr schwere Niedergeschlagenheit wird die Leute befallen, so daß es unmöglich sein wird, sie zu behandeln; sie sind am Ende, denn die Medizin, die sie in Anspruch nehmen, wird nutzlos sein. Sie wird nutzlos sein. Die Fabriken werden stillstehen, alles wird aufhören, finishing. Deswegen mußt du Schritt für Schritt versuchen, zu deiner wirklichen Position zurückzufinden, und deine Menschenkraft benutzen. Lernt, wie ihr Dinge selber machen könnt, ohne Maschinen, ohne Technologie. Du mußt versuchen zu lernen, ohne Technolgie zu leben. Verstanden? Versucht es jetzt! Schlaft nicht! Baut keine hohen Häuser, sondern nur solche mit zwei Etagen, benutzt keinen Zement, benutzt Lehm, keinen Beton oder Eisen, sondern Holzbalken, verwendet Steine und Lehm. Und ihr müßt versuchen, Brunnen und Quellen zu benutzen, da es kein fließendes Wasser mehr geben wird, keine laufende Elektrizität mehr, keine fahrenden Autos mehr, keine funktionierenden „Hallo?“... – Telefone, Ende – al-hamdu lillâh –, ich bin sehr glücklich damit, niemand kann mich mehr anrufen! Doktoren mögen die Leute nicht mehr aufschneiden, keine Operationen mehr, keine Kaiserschnitte mehr usw. Derart wird die Zwischenzeit sein – für einen Zeitabschnitt; alles wird enden, und in dieser Weise wird die Zeit sein, bis wir Mahdî, der Friede sei auf ihm, erreichen. Wenn Mahdî kommt, auf dem der Friede sei, wird eine andere Art von Kraft kommen, die Allâh der Allmächtige von Seinen wundersamen Mächten geben wird, die er zuvor allein Seinen Propheten gewährt hatte und den Freunden und Heiligen. In dieser Zeit aber wird er sie gewöhnlichen Menschen gewähren. Doch in der dazwischenliegenden Zeit werden Leute sterben, verrückt werden, sich gegenseitig umbringen – so viele Dinge werden geschehen, daß von sieben nur einer übrigbleiben wird, sechs von ihnen werden gehen. Möge Allâh die Gläubigen segnen. Gläubige mögen gerettet werden, und die anderen werden hinfortgetragen werden. Haben wir sonst noch etwas zu sagen? Fâtiha. (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:36:11

8731 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Technologiemachtunsschwach

Lefke - 01.05.1999

BookArmageddon (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:36:11

8732 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TechnologyAndPredictions

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : TechnologyAndPredictions


About Technology and Predictions

(Translated from Turkish) (Cypriot journalist, Dogan Harman interviews Mawlana Shaykh Nazim) (starting from min. 5 of video) Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Mr. Dogan? Is technology for or against people? Journalist: It could be both for and against. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Has it done any good for Mankind? Say! Journalist: For example, you speak and use TV for Rabbani, Lordly purposes... Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: All nations are in the age of technology... Journalist: As I understand, technology is keeping people apart. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: I will give you a more correct and broad meaning of it: technology has kept people apart from nature. However, tabiat, nature is the mother of Mankind. Tabiat--which they now call it by its made-up name, doga--is the mother of Man. Not only of humans, but she is the mother of every created being that lives on it. And when you neglect her, poison her, insult her, she won't give back to you in return. Nature will then be an enemy to humans and become the mother of all kind of germs and viruses--she’ll attack (1 von 10)04.07.2013 23:36:12

8733 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TechnologyAndPredictions

people. In old times, there weren’t as many sicknesses as there are now. Why? People used to live within nature; loving her as their mother. People are now getting tired of walking in nature; they don’t want her anymore. They’re in cars, etc--many issues. (Mawlana Shaykh speaks to the reporter) Now you stop here (on this topic), don’t go further. What’s our current situation? Our situation is the condition we are in. And yet, we only told one part of it. We mentioned one out of one-thousand issues, but there remains 999. Now this is a hasbihal, friendly association. We are giving a suhbah, association in the way of understanding each other. We are not against anyone, however, we don’t accept any “new thing” that rasps, degrades and comes against our humanity. In every innovation, there is something that rasps our personality. For that reason, through intibak, adaptation, it is as if we have moved from our old situation into a new house. I’m used to this house. Now if we move to a concrete building, we wouldn’t feel at ease or find the same comfort. But the one who was born between concrete, hasn’t seen any other. He doesn’t know “the old,” and therefore has no desire for it. What’s shown to him is, “Look this way, don’t look back!” The person who doesn’t look back can not find his human nature. Since the beginning of Humankind's existence on Earth, Man have been collecting valuables. At all times, he collected new assets and struggled to mature his human nature. They say, “Technology Reform.” It came and forced us to deny our entire history--whatever we had in the past! And this doesn’t pertain to us only; it involves all Mankind. Journalist: Whatever keeps Man apart from Allah, nature and humanity, it is as old as Shaytan, even if they call it “new.” Is that right? Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: It’s already the work of Shaytan, the work of the old expert. Journalist: Because when you say “old”, people will say, “Shaykh Nazim Effendi is against innovation.” But it is not like that. The essence of it is different. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: If innovation had brought any benefit to humanity, we would’ve been with it. But ever since the world was created, there’s an established civilization, humanity and the understanding of human nature. Unfortunately, they’ve erased all of these and are bringing people a new identity, which is not appropriate. Now there are people who’ve become mechanized. What am I to do with a mechanized one? They’ve turned people into robots--nothing else! And when it is like this, people no longer have any peace. (2 von 10)04.07.2013 23:36:12

8734 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TechnologyAndPredictions

Where we are is like a small dot on the map. You’re a journalist or a researcher--a muhakkik or a mudekkik person. This is our inheritance from the past. When we say “muhakkik” and “mudekkik”, these are two gems, in which humans have given their due rights. But now in this day and age, we have kicked these two words out! Do we have the right for a made-up language? Journalist: We made it up; we kicked the others out and now we’re using these. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Is it okay to take out the real orange and bring a plastic one? Journalist: Does it mean that language shouldn’t progress at all? Should it always stay the same? Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Is there such a thing in English? Please tell me. The British dictionary, Redhouse... Journalist: Now let me give you an example, because I’d like to understand what you think too. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Tell me one made-up English word (if you can). Is Redhouse being used today or not? Journalist: It’s being used. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: In it, which of the words did the British change? Journalist: Some words from other languages… Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: You pumpkin-head! (Mawlana Shaykh lifts his cane up) Leave other languages alone! Its original language is English. Take French as an example. Did the French invent a new word? Journalist: They never do. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Germans? Journalist: If I don’t discuss how will people understand? Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: (He lifts his cane up again) There’s nothing left for people to understand. Now you speak. Journalist: The word “ robot” came into the English language from the Slovaks. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: In Shakespeare’s English, which of the words did the British change? Journalist: True. And the Russians haven’t changed Pushkin’s language... (3 von 10)04.07.2013 23:36:12

8735 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TechnologyAndPredictions

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Russians? Journalist: The Russians didn’t change their Pushkin literature. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: As I said, no one would change. I am speaking to you as a human being. If you are a donkey, what can I tell you? Journalist: I might be a donkey, but… Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: What is the Turkish word for “eshek”? Journalist: Isn’t it “eshek”? (Mawlana laughs.) Eh, if I weren’t a donkey, then why would you say these things to me? Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Let me tell you something. What is the difference between a donkey and a horse? Journalist: (Journalist at a loss) Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: I want an answer. Let’s have the prime minister, the head person in Turkey, and the one here give us an answer. Journalist: You tell us; give us a short cut... Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Say! You claim you’re a philosopher. (Mawlana Shaykh lifts his cane up and motions as if to hit him.) Say it: what is the difference between a donkey and a horse? Journalist: Only the Sufis would know the answer to this. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Right now I’m giving a general talk of Sufism. Now look: what does a donkey ask for? Journalist: Straw. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: What does a horse ask for? Journalist: I don’t know? Barley? Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Huh? What does a horse want?! Journalist: I’m not sure what horses eat... Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: It wants a Sultan! (4 von 10)04.07.2013 23:36:12

8736 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TechnologyAndPredictions

Journalist: To mount? Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Of course. Did you understand or not? The donkey wants straw; the horse wants a Sultan. Are there any sultans left? Are there any more horses? All of us have become donkeys. Everyone struggles to earn a living. Just as a donkey runs after straw, people run after their daily bread. The Sultan, which the horse wants, is no more to be found. The horses are crying! Why? Pay attention! Which animal from the animals’ world is the most honorable one? Journalist: The lion. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Do you see? (Mawlana Shaykh gently hits him with his cane) Sometimes your mind works, sometimes you don’t know anything. Journalist: I’m starting to get clever. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: (Mawlana laughs) Of course, after getting hit with a cane, you’re coming out of “donkeyness” and becoming a horse! Journalist: Pretty soon I’ll start asking for a Sultan too. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: (Mawlana Shaykh laughs aloud) Tawbah astaghfirullah! Where again did this bald headed come from? “Don’t say bald headed! (Don’t you see that) he put a hat on his head?” Journalist: We wore the fes but we still got beaten. (Laughter) Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Anyway, this will be enough. It’s time for `asr now. Journalist: We didn’t speak of anything yet. We were going to talk about the happenings in Egypt. What’s going on in Egypt, in Morocco, in Tunisia? Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: According to our creed, our belief, the Prophet’s (s) word comes first. The Prophet (s) said:     Kamaa takoonu yuwalla `alaykum: As you are so will your leaders be. (al-Daylami) Your governors resemble you. When they take you down and have someone else sit on the chair, that one will be dressed with the same attribute as the one before. Since people don’t want to leave their donkey attributes, (5 von 10)04.07.2013 23:36:12

8737 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TechnologyAndPredictions

every new comer will ride them with a whip. These nations will reach the level of Manhood only if they rid themselves from “donkeyness”. The attribute of people is the attribute of donkeys. They run after their food, they have no other purpose. They want to have a good salary, live a good life, eat and drink, and do whatever… Journalist: So then, there is no morality nor belief left. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Would any (good morals) be left? I mean, in “donkeyness”. In the musteva, level of they call it “duzey”. Anything wrong with the (original) word, musteva? (Mawlana Shaykh asks cameraman to get a shot of the journalist) Journalist: You don’t like technology but these things can take you all the way up to the satellite. So you say there’s no benefit of technology? Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: I am saying that it rasps against our human nature. Did it take us away from being a donkey? Don’t stretch it. Journalist: If I perform the call to prayer, with such technology, I can make your voice heard throughout the world. Would that be bad? Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Who will hear? People on the level of donkeys will shout and scream. Journalist: Let them scream. When I put your news in the newspaper, it’ll get sold more easily. On TV, it’ll be watched more... Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Leave the newspaper now! Journalist: So computers have no benefit for humanity? Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: What benefit does it have? What is in it? Look, there is a limit for everything. What is the benefit of Internet, of computers? It has a benefit, but when does it become beneficial? If it can take people out of the level of donkeys and raise them up to the level of Sultan, the level of horses, then it’s nice. Did this computer take people out of their “donkeyness”? Or more than that, did it corrupt us? You may listen to whatever you want on the computer, but generally speaking, did it raise the majority of people up from the level of donkeys? Journalist: It’s mostly used for bad things. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Okay, now it’s correct! I am sorry to say that there is no device which is used for (6 von 10)04.07.2013 23:36:12

8738 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TechnologyAndPredictions

goodness. It is a trap from Shaytan who wants us to keep staying at the level of donkeys. He says: “Here! We’re giving you straw, so be occupied with it!”(...) Technology doesn’t take people to the highest level of humanity; (instead) it makes them atheists, people of no faith, immoral, crazy, and ill-mannered. Now, generations are being raised sitting in front of the computer 24/7. Journalist: They play games all day. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Too many games in it! Anyway, this will be enough. It’s `asr time. Journalist: Now what’s going to happen with the situation in Egypt? You didn’t give us any message yet? You gave a message in Arabic but we didn’t understand. What’s happening in Egypt? Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: As they are, so will their leaders be. If their people were high on good manners, discipline and obedience, then their leaders would represent them exactly. But since people are insisting to stay as donkeys, those who will come as leaders over them will carry the same attributes. They will be “insisters” too, saying, “Let this nation, our people, continue on their ‘donkeyness’ so we can ride on them!” Journalist : So as long as you don’t change, your leaders will not change? Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: It won’t change. What a philosopher you are! Journalist : In a khutbah, 15 to 20 years ago, you said, "As long as you don’t change, Allah will not change your leaders.” Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: (Mawlana Shaykh nods.)           Inna Allaha laa yughayyiru ma bi qawmin hatta yughayyiroo maa bi anfusihim. Verily, God does not change men's condition unless they change their inner selves. (Ar-Ra`ad, 13:11) Allah Almighty, unless people change themselves, will not take them out of their situation. For example, a fish inside an aquarium would say, “We want to get out of this place!” Now if you take that fish and put it in another pool, it would die. So what it wants is water, an environment. Wherever Man goes, he seeks to find that environment to live in. The donkey can live in its own environment, the horse can live in its own, finished! Journalist : We elect donkeys, then shout, “Who brought this donkey upon us?” (7 von 10)04.07.2013 23:36:12

8739 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: TechnologyAndPredictions

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: That’s how it is. What I am saying will highly enlighten people (for an understanding). Whether you like it or not. Say a better truth (if you can). If there’s anyone to debate with me, I don’t think that he could withstand me, other than you. Journalist : Am I really able to withstand you? I came here to get beaten up. [Laughter] Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: (Mawlana Shaykh lets out a loud laughter) Tawbah astaghfirullah, o fakir, poor one! What shall we do? Tawbah yaa Rabbee. Anyway, it’ll be enough for today. May Allah change our conditions. Nations are in need for change. Journalist : In November you said that Tunisia, Yemen, Egypt, Turkey and many other countries will collapse. Then two months later these events took place, and now in Egypt. What was that all about? Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: And in Chile. It is as we say it. Journalist : You listed all of them. Was this a keramet, miracle or what? Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: (Jokingly) instead of keramet we have kiremit, bricks. If we had anything, these people would have regard for us. Journalist : But you gave them the news.... Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: We are zero. That’s why no one calls and asks for us. What news did I give them? Journalist : You said these would happen within a year. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Well, there are some matters we know, which belong to spirituality. Now I can’t