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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (604/777)
en Ego, vor dem Übel Shaytans schützen. Wenn ihr Barakah wollt, sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Wenn ihr Gutes wollt, sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Wenn ihr ein angenehmes Leben wollt, sagt Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim. Wenn ihr Frieden in euerem Heim wollt, sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Was können wir sagen? O Allah, vergib uns. Mögest Du uns von Deinen heiligen Dienern senden, die uns das lehren. Sende einen Sultan, o Herr. Sende einen Sultan, o Herr. Möge diese (13 von 14)04.07.2013 23:35:07

8356 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Stones

Müdigkeit von uns aufgehoben werden. Sagen wir Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim. Bismillahi Lladhi la Yadurru ma`a Ismihi Shay'un fi l-Ardi wa la fi s-Sama'i wa Huwa s-Sami`u l-`Alim. Himmlische Gaben steigen auf die herab, die Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim sagen. Sein Tag geht gut, er findet Frieden in seinem Heim und er findet Behaglichkeit draußen. Fatiha. Lefke, 23.02.2013

WebSaltanatOrg (14 von 14)04.07.2013 23:35:07

8357 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: StoppedAndQuestioned

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : StoppedAndQuestioned


Who Will Be Stopped and Questioned

Dastoor. Astaghfirullah (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Laa ilaaha illa-Llah, Laa ilaaha illa-Llah, Laa ilaaha illa- Llah Muhammadur Rasoolullah (s), ilaahee zidhu `izzan wa sharafan nooran wa surooran, wa ridwaanan wa sultaana. As-salaatu wa 's-salaam `alayka wa `alaa aalika wa sahabatika yaa khayra khalqillahi ajma`een wa Sayyidi 'l-anbiya'i wa 'l-mursaleen, wa `alayna wa 'l-muslimeen. ameen. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Huuu. A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) ismi shareef t`azheeman. Ismullah jala wa `alaa.We are standing up! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) O our Attenders! From Mankind and from jinns and all creatures that are also preparing themselves for hearing and listening to what has been said, that is important. Give your salute also to that one who is controlling this dunya, this planet. Give to him salutes, as he has been honored by the Lord of Heavens, because he is such a person who prepared his spiritual being to reach a heavenly honor. To whom heavenly honor is reaching, we must try to give our honors. That is important, Shaykh Hisham Effendi: who has been given heavenly honors, the Lord of Heavens is asking every thing to give honor to he whom Allah Almighty has honored! (Mawlana Shaykh stands) All of them! Even atoms. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Who has been honored by the Lord of Heavens, that is `azheemun amr, `azheemu 'sh- shaan and such a big blessing! If Allah Almighty is honoring one servant, he must be honored by every thing, (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:35:08

8358 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: StoppedAndQuestioned

and that honoring is coming to all who honored that one! But we are heedless, heedless, heedless! Who has been honored by heavenly honor, must be honored. That is a high level adab, Shaykh Hisham Effendi. SubhaanAllahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem. Absolute Glory for the Lord of Creation, the Creator. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allahu Akbar wa lillahi 'l-hamd (Mawlana Shaykh sits) O our Attenders! Particularly Salaaf us-Saalih must know, when they are making a weak servant speak, the Lord of Heavens is not leaving that weak servant to say what he said yesterday; there is not a photocopy. That is important. SubhaanAllahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem! You must try to reach an understanding from endless blessings, day by day, more and more, so that heavenly grants are coming on us. They are making a weak servant address not a just handful of people, but from east to west and from north to south, so that they may hear and listen and obey! We are speaking to Salaaf us-Saalih until they are changing their names and until they say, "We are only servants of the Lord of Heavens, and also we are weak servants asking to know about our Creator, the Lord of Heavens, Who created us." Change that title; that it is an imitated one as you are bringing that title, and it has no value. Who granted to you to say, "We are Salaaf us-Saalih, we are Salafiyyin.” Who gave that title to you? You are going to be like Ahlu 'l-Fars (Persians), saying that for their learned people, they are ayatullah, some of them hujjatullah, and so on. And I am asking you, who granted to you such a heavy, honored title? From whom? Is it coming to you from heavens or is it given to you by people? The same thing I am asking Salafi people. Who is giving you that title? You are saying, "We are Salafiyyeen." With what authority are you saying for yourself? Who is giving authority to no-mind people to say, “We are Wahabi.” Who is giving this to you? Is that title coming from heavens, or from your egos, or from people? Say! Everything that is not coming from heavens is sahda, false, not real. Sometimes with jewelry, they are making on tin a yellow color, saying it is a gold ring, but it is not; only they are coloring it, but people think that it is a gold ring. But after a while the color is going away and it appears that it is tin.       Qul hattoo burhaanakum, Say! "Bring your proof!" (Surat Al-Naml, 27:64) Bring forth your argument that you are Salafi, that you are at a level above other levels. You are looking that your level is the highest level and you feel other levels are doonakum, imitated, and that real being is only for (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:35:08

8359 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: StoppedAndQuestioned

you. If you are not bringing that proof, you must change your name.      faman shadhdha shudhdha fi 'n-naar "Who went astray will taste fire.” (al-Haakim in his Mustadrak) Why are you making yourself an imitated group and then saying, “We are a group of believers, followers of Salaaf us-Saalih.” Who granted you that honor? Say! Or,     man ghashana fa laysa minna, “Who misleads (cheats) us is not from us.” (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Qaala Rasoolullah, a very important hadeeth ash-shareef. It is threatening (warning) people, not to leave the big mass (majority) of Islam, getting out from it. And saying,"Those people are foolish ones and we are the right ones." (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Wahabi, how are you giving that name to yourself? Who is giving to you that authority to make a separation from the big mass of Muslim people, the majority? Who is giving that to you? Do you think that the big majority is on the wrong way and only you, a handful of people, are on the right way? Why are you claiming this? That hadeeth ash-shareef that is related from the Seal of Prophets (s) up until today is a very important and threatening (warning) hadith. Man ghashana fa laysa minna. You are cheating; you are cheating yourself or you are intending to cheat others! There are so many proofs they are on the wrong way, and they will be punished here or in their tombs, or on the Day of Resurrection. They will be punished; they will be asked, and Allah azza wajal is never taking them in His Divine Presence to ask, but He is saying to angels: (Mawlana Shaykh stands)    Waqifoohum innahum mas'ooloon. But stop them, for they are to be questioned. (As-Saffat, 37:24) Is that not ayatul kareema? Who is “hum”? Those who are cheating people and leaving the big mass (majority) in Islam. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) waqifoohum, “Stop them.” Stop them and ask them, Innahum mas'ooloon. Allah (swt) is not saying, “I am asking.” He is saying, “I am sending to them angels, who are asking them on My behalf. I am asking them to make a judgment and send them to a level suitable for their egoistic situation.” O Salaaf us-Saalih People! Try to be independent and try not to follow your egos, but to make your egos follow you. Prophets were sent for what? To make people leave their egos and egoistic desires and to carry them to what the Lord of Heavens, their Creator, is asking them to be and to follow. innahum mas'ooloon, (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:35:08

8360 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: StoppedAndQuestioned

"They will be asked," and everyone is going to be asked, particularly Muslim Arabs will be asked, “What was your understanding?” Waqifoohum innahum mas'ooloon. About which thing are they going to be questioned? Angels will ask them if they followed heavenly ones or if they followed their egoistic way. kharabu d-dunya bi ittiba` an-nafsul-`ammaara, an-nafsul-`ammaara bi 's-soow biyadi 'sh-Shaytan. People are not making any distinction about that verse. What does it mean? Waqifoohum (stop them); “hum,” what does it mean? Ask all those who are claiming, “We are such a people that with our understanding, there is no need for people to teach us or give us a new understanding. We understand everything.” Come here, and ask them, “Who were you following in your life period on dunya?” Say! Ask them, “Who did you hear and obey and follow?” If they bring their proofs that they followed their prophets, they will be taken from those aakhireen, other people. If not giving proof, y'Allah, Allah (swt) says, “Don't bring them to My Divine Presence.” And Allah Almighty's Divine Presence is not going to be occupied with questioning servants. No, no, no, no, no. One angel is enough to ask everything, in one moment also! Allah Almighty jalla jalaaluhu, (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allahu Akbar al-Akbar `Azheemu 'sh-Shaan! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Laa yushghilu shaanun `an shaan, “No affair occupies Him from another affair.” Allah (swt) appoints angels to stop and question them. And the angels' report is going to whom? The whole report for all the ummah is going to the Seal of Prophets (s)! Allah Almighty is not in need to look at what they are saying. Astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah! Angels are asking, then they report to the Seal of Prophets (s), who already knows what his nation did! He is standing in the Divine Presence, saying, “O my Lord! That is my weak ummah. I am asking forgiveness for them.” That is shafa`atu 'l-`uzhmaa, the biggest intercession. He is making sajda and asking, “O my Lord! Forgive them and give them to me.” Therefore, O all nations, you must be on the last (highest) point of ihtiraam, respect to Allah Almighty's most beloved one, most glorified one, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) And Allah (swt) is saying, “You look at them. Which ones you like to take to Paradise, take. Which ones you are asking to send to Fire, send.” And the Fire is not created without a wisdom. He is sending them there and then taking them to another place to clean them. There will be two groups of people on the Day of Resurrection: some of them are taken to eight Paradises and some of them are just questioned to give a good answer. Some of them, instead of doing their best did their worst. These are to be sent to the Fire, and then when they are cleaned they will be sent to another Paradise assigned to them. They are not going to be sent to (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:35:08

8361 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: StoppedAndQuestioned

the Paradise for clean ones. Those that cleaned their real being, there is a special Paradise for them. Then the others that are going to be cleaned will be sent to another Paradise that is coming into existence by the holy command of Allah Almighty. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) He is saying, "'Kun fayakoon," and it is coming into existence so they can be sent there! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Allah, Allah. Allah Almighty knows All Things! We must try to be servants; we must try to learn something that is pure from our egoistic thoughts or egoistic ideas. No, they will be taken away. There is no way without questioning. After they are questioned, they are going to be cleaned and then they are going to a paradise that is prepared for their existence. The second ones, who are not cleaning themselves here, will be dealt with by such methods of cleaning and they will become in such a way that no effect will be on them from their egos or from shaytans. Cleaning and then general forgiveness comes on them. "For the honor of My most honored one, I am making you `ateeq.” They will be under the title `Ateeq ur-Rahmaan, “Those saved by The Merciful.” `Ateeq ur-Rahmaan is going (Mawlana gestures to get going), but the honor granted first is not going to be for them; that is from Allah Almighty's endless forgiveness, endless generosity and endless ridaa, satisfaction. Allah Almighty loves them and is granting to them! The second ones who are not reaching that love during their lives on this planet will be punished, and that will be a cleaning for them. And they will be granted from endless Mercy Oceans only one spot, and there will be on it oceans and universes. By the holy command of Allah Almighty, they will be there. They will ask from those in the first group that entered the paradise that was prepared for them from Allah Almighty's endless generosity, that was granted to them to be there. And the second ones will be granted by Allah Almighty's `adlun ilaahiy, Absolute Judgment, that was granted to them. They are asking them, “Give us,” and the people are saying, “It is not for you.” The angels are saying, “You can't reach what they reached. They reached that in their worldly lives, but you are reaching from another way. This is for you, forever. You are not tasting what they are tasting, but it is for enough for you.” Allahu Akbar wa lillahi 'l-hamd! O Salaaf us-Saalih people and akhareen, others! You may look at Holy Qur'an and understand endless oceans of knowledge and desires, and endless respects to the Lord of Heavens, the Lord Almighty, the Creator. Try to be from those people and keep yourselves clean, here and until you reach the Divine Presence, on the Day of Resurrection. May Allah forgive us. Ameen. (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:35:08

8362 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: StoppedAndQuestioned

Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhaan Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultaan Allah (Mawlana Shaykh sings) Dome dome, dome dome, dome dome, dome dome 4x Heavenly music is different than earthly music. Allah grants us to hear heavenly music, to be happy, taking everything from the hearts of people, every darkness and every suffering and misery. May Allah give them endless enjoyment and every happiness and every pleasure and pleasement. Allah, Allah. Fatihah. (44 minutes) (Mawlana Shaykh prays two raka'at Salaat ash-Shukr.) Lefke, 03.07.2010

WebSufiLive, CategoryMusic, CategoryWahabism (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:35:08

8363 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: StopThem

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : StopThem


And Stop Them, For They Shall Be Questioned (37:24)

Assalamu Alaykum O Attendees, Alayna wa Alaykum as-Salam. May our day be a good one, may our end be a good one. May the salam of the Heavens be upon us. We are weak. Qawwi Dha'fi fi Ridak. Give us strength on the way to Your Satisfaction Ya Rabbi. Assalamu Alaykum O attendees. Ay Yaran Shah Mardan, the Lion who makes the world tremble. Mashallah la Quwata illa biLlah. He is such a lion, if he strikes this earth with his Dhul Fiqqar (sword), it will divide into 2, because Shah Mardan's power is not physical power. His power comes from the sky. His power comes from Heavens. Go ahead (speak) O Shah Mardan. Mashallah la Quwata illa biLlah. Ay Yaran Shah Mardan. The ones following Allah's Lion's way, the ones who love him, this assembly is their assembly. Mashallah. Shukr (thanks) to Allah that...He made us from the Yaran, beloved ones of Shah Mardan. Come, listen, those who love the way of Shah Mardan. Listen to him. Don't look at who is talking, but at the one making him speak. Our assemblies are not prepared beforehand. Our assembly is not one that was prepared from before to be read. This assembly is a spiritual one. Where does its spirituality come from? From Shah Mardan. He is an ocean of spirituality. If he gives one drop, a person can earn a high station. When we say that, it means in the presence of Allah (swt)...your value will increase. Go ahead, O Shah Mardan. Let's listen. O my Yaran, the ones who love us, let's say - Bismillahir RahmanirRahim - and get power. Our power is not from earth, it's from Heavens. If heedless ones could appreciate thispower, they wouldn't leave this assembly There are countless assemblies, in the name of Shah Mardan, Allah's (swt) Lion. What a holy/ blessed Lion. Mashallah la Quwata illa biLlah. May our day be a good one,may our end be a good one. Inshallah we won't be tired. O Shah (1 von 15)04.07.2013 23:35:09

8364 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: StopThem

Mardan, we don't get tired from listening to you. We find honor from listening to your honorable words. O Shah Mardan, we are asking for your blessings. We want to learn. Learning is not reading and writing. To learn is to have good manners, Adab. Whoever learns adab (good manners),that person will be dunya (earth) & akhira (hereafter). O our Lord, for the sake of Shah Mardan, allow us to be from those accepted servants. Allow us to be from...Your Beloved's (sws) nation. Shah Mardan is telling us to pray like this, Allah's Beloved One, Habibullah's beloved one. We want to be under his banner. There is on earth...and in akhira there is Liwa al-Hamd, it belongs to Allah's Beloved (sws). The guard at his door is Shah Mardan. O Sultan...look over us. We want to learn what we don't know. What we are searching for on earth, what is it? We are searching for honor. What are we wasting? It is honor. Shah Mardan is informing us what we are wasting. What the Muslims of today are wasting is Adab. Adab. When one wastes adab, one is useless. Mankind finds honor with adab. Prophet (sws),Allah's Beloved one said - "Addabani Rabbi" -(My Lord imbued me with Adab) My Lord taught me adab. O Arabs, Iranians, O Muslims in Turkey, India, China, do you hear the words of our Glorious Prophet (sws)? He didn't say - Allamani (He taught me). Adab...with adab...such an adab...adab that wasn't given to anyone else. My Lord taught me adab. O people, your honor is from your adab. The one without adab has no value, he is rubbish, he is a carcass, an animal, and even worse than that. A person's honor is with his adab. Today, Shah Mardan's Yaran, his beloved ones...there are beautiful sayings that he is telling them. What are they for? They are not for teaching about dunya -in the west there is this, in east there is that, in the north there is this, in the south there is that, in oceans... It's not for learning about this. Allah Allah. Why did he, Alayhi salatu wa salam, say it? Shah Mardan is informing us - Prophet (sws) said: Addabani Rabbi. The Adab that my Lord wanted He taught me. There is nothing beyond that. That is what Allah (swt) wants from His servants. He doesn't want gold, nor silver, nor dunya, nor universes. What Allah (swt) wants from us, is Adab. Adab for our Lord. How can a person be human? With adab. That is why the Prophet (sws) said - Addabani Rabbi. (2 von 15)04.07.2013 23:35:09

8365 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: StopThem

My Lord taught me, He taught me adab. What is in the west? In the east? What can be found in the oceans, in the skies? What's in the mountains, rocks, forests? He didn't teach these. There's no value in these things. He, Allah(swt), taught the most valuable thing to His Habib. Go ahead O Shah Mardan. Your words are true. Yes. What is the most valuable treasure? Come, O Shah Mardan, tell us. The most valuable treasure... whoever owns it will be the richest person, Adab... Adab... Respect. Love & Respect for the Lord and... Adab brings a servant forward. Leaving adab banishes you from His Presence. Don't be from the banished ones. Go ahead O Shah Mardan. The field is yours. O Lion of Allah, Shah Mardan. The companions, in the presence of Prophet (sws), they were so still, as if a bird was sitting on their heads, they were sitting like that. They had the best adab. They listened to the Sultan. O if only we listened to that Sultan, we wouldn't fall into this punishment. Go ahead O Shah Mardan. This is what your Yaran want. Mankind has lost its honor. Why? They lost their adab, they didn't learn adab. There are schools everywhere. Universities... are higher than schools, they claim, but there are no jewels. They are giving straw to the people. What are they teaching? Straw. Valuable jewels are inside the pearl shell. The shell protects the pearl inside it. The people of today... they're not searching for the pearl, they're running after its shell. They won't be men, they won't be human, they won't be honorable. And maybe their place will be lower than that of 4-legged animals. Listen Ay Yaran Shah Mardan. Let's say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim -The most important part of Adab. If they forget Basmala, they lose their humanity. That person loses the honor of being human. Animals don't say Basmala. Did you ever see an animal say Basmala? Allah Dhul Jalal gave Basmala to mankind. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. This honor was given by Rabbul Izzah, the Absolute Owner of Creation, everything is under His orders. When He says "Be" it will be. Rabbul Izzah's most valuable jewel is Adab. Who are you? Who am I? "You are You, I am me" said satan. The ego, the ego carries the essence of satan. When ego was created, it was asked: "Who are you, Who am I?" The dirty ego of man said: "You are You, I am me. "The ego showed this kind of boldness towards Allah (swt). And that is why, without...until a sword from heavens came down on the ego, it didn't accept. The sword came down from heavens - Sayfullah. (3 von 15)04.07.2013 23:35:09

8366 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: StopThem

Before the sword of Shah Mardan came down people didn't understand humanity. They ran here and there, they didn't come to learn Adab. They came to collect the dirtiness/waste of dunya. Those are satan's instructions. satan says: collect this manure, waste, collect as much as you can. Well, you collected and did what? You piled it there and they dug a grave next to it and buried you there. What benefit did it have for you? Gold, jewels have no benefit for you. How did you come to the Presence of Allah (swt)? With Adab. "Addabani Rabbi." The best Adab is to know our Lord, to glorify our Lord. What is our job? Servanthood to our Lord. Why were we created? "illa li ya'budun" I created them for My service. Then I will pay/ reward them. I will pay those who keep My servanthood. I will pay them eternally. You can live on earth, 20,50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 years, there is nothing dunya will pay you. However, those living for... Allah Dhul Jalal, they will be paid. Don't sleep. Go ahead, O Shah Mardan. Ay Yaran Shah Mardan, clean servants. Today, we woke up with Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. What is our work? Our work is to serve the Sultan. Who is the Sultan? He is the Owner of heavens and earth, Allah Dhul Jalal. He is the Owner of heavens & earth. Who did you work for today? Did you work for the Owner of heavens & earth, the One who created you? Did you work for Him today? Go ahead, say O Shah Mardan. Tell those whom satan has tricked. Tell these people why they were created. To kill one another? The Adab... was taught by Allah (swt) to people. Is this found in adab -kill one another, burn and destroy the homes of one another? O Shiite group, did Allah (swt) order you -to burn and destroy the homes of His servants, to kill His children, His servants? Is this how you are Muslims? O Alawi, fake Alawi, fake Shia, say for Allah (swt) -Did Allah (swt) create you to kill people, to destroy their homes? It is said - A believer is the brother of a believer. Whoever says - La ilaha illallah is a believer. He's your brother. How can you kill your brother? Are there no people other than you? Did satan create Sunnis? Ar- Rahman created you, did satan create those who are not from you? "Hal min khaliqin ghayrullah"(35:3) Is there a Creator other than Allah? Allah (swt) said - 'I made oppression forbidden.' You are doing oppression. Is this your Adab? Allah (swt) is saying -I will question/ judge you. "Wa Qifuhum Innahum Masulun"(37:24) Isn't (4 von 15)04.07.2013 23:35:09

8367 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: StopThem

this from Holy Quran? Or is it a saying from the air? Wa Qifuhum. On Judgement Day, when groups of people are passing, the angels, by the order of Allah (swt), will say to the passing groups - Wa Qifuhum/ Stop them! Innahum Masulun...will they be asked or not? O scholars. O those claiming to be Shia o those who consider themselves Alawi, is this Quran or made-up sayings? Wa Qifuhum -Stop them. Don't let them pass because they will be questioned. You are not teaching this. Don't you read Quran O Shia? Wa Qifuhum. Will they stop the animals or people? Innahum Masulun. From the throne, from Allah's (swt) Almighty Voice, a call will come to the angels - Wa Qifuhum. Stop them. Because they will be questioned about what they did. Let them answer, the head of Shia, the head of Alawi. "Wa Idha Al-Maw'udatu Su'ilat, Bi ayyi Dhanbin Qutilat" (81: 8,9). They will be asked about all these innocent people killed -For what sin were you killed? These children, women, men, innocent people, you kill them but on Judgment Day you will be addressed, Wa Qifuhum. Stop them O Angels. Stop them, they will be questioned. They think it is easy to say - I am Shia, I am Alawi. Were Shia/Alawi given an order from heavens to burn/destroy their homes? Which arhund gave you the fatwa to kill the servants of Allah, to burn & destroy homes, houses, villages? Which one gave you this fatwa? Shame on shia scholars, and alawi scholars. Fear Allah (swt). The addressing is for you -Wa Qifuhum. Don't let them pass, don't give them way because they will be questioned about what they did. Judgment Day is the day everyone will be judged. Correct your selves. Stop killing immediately because the month of Allah is coming, Rajabul Murajjab. Shahrullah, Rajabis the month of Allah. Alimallah, If one drop of Divine Anger comes, no shia or alawi will be left on earth. Allah (swt) will afflict you with a nation that they will finish you off. A war is not needed. Nimrod...Allah (swt) finished off Nimrod's army with mosquitos. Only their armor was left. Inside the armor, only their skeleton was left. He will make you like that. And you are coming from Nimrod's country. There is Allah (swt). There is His Prophet (sws) and there is Shah Mardan. They will question/ judge you. And you claim to believe in Shah Mardan but he will judge you. Everyone is accountable for everything they do, whether it's good or bad. If you do good, you will find goodness. If you do evil, you will not get away with it. O Shia listen. O Bashar listen. (5 von 15)04.07.2013 23:35:09

8368 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: StopThem

Prophet (sws) said -I swear by Allah (swt) that armies will be sent down to punish oppressors. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. It is coming, Rajab Shahrullah. Let's see how Allah (swt) will treat shia and alawi. Shia are fake and alawi are fake. Aman Ya Rabbi, Tawba Ya Rabbi. Go ahead O Shah Mardan. You are Allah's Lion. You speak truth. If there is something wrong, let them say. O Shah Mardan. Don't send us away from beneath your banner, because most will be sent away. The punishment of murderers is eternal hell. wa man yaqtul mu'minan fa jaza'uhu fi nari abada. The punishment of someone who kills a believer unjustly is to stay in hellfire eternally. Get your heads straight. The coming month is Allah's month. There's no joke. The scale will come down to give rights to who deserves; unjust ones will find their punishment. Allahu Allah Allahu Rabbi Allahu Allah Allahu Hasbi Hasbun Allah wa ni'mal wakil. O blessed Shah Mardan, Tell these beautiful sayings to your Yaran, to your beloved ones. Those who listen go to paradise, those who don't listen go to hell. wa man qatalahu mu'minan fa jaza'uhu