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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (587/777)
chwierigkeiten, und wenn wir unser Bäuche füllen und unser Geld sparen und alles zu essen und trinken haben, was wir mögen, bringen wir eine Gesamtlösung für unsere Probleme.“ Aber sie haben so unrecht. Denn die Europäer, westlichen Länder, fallen gerade jetzt in endlose Probleme und Schwierigkeiten, selbst wenn sie alles an Materiellem haben. Sie sind achtlos gegenüber den himmlischen Positionen der Menschheit. Sie sagen nicht, daß die Menschheit durch ihren phyischen Körper der Erde angehört, durch ihre Seelen aber zu den Himmeln. So daß wir unserem physischen Wesen durch Materielles Lösung bringen mögen, aber dem spirituellen Wesen Lösung bringen von den Himmeln. Aber dummerweise leugnen sie und verwerfen göttliche Kräfte, himmlische Positionen. Sie nehmen das niemals an. Sie sind materialistische Leute, sie sind Shaitan, Shaitans Nachfolger. Sie akzeptieren niemals himmlische Befehle, himmlische Gesetze. Sie sagen: „Wir müssen unsere Gesetze machen. Wir müssen Lösungen durch unsere verstandesmäßigen Verbindungen bringen.“ Solange sie dies sagen, fallen sie hinab. O Leute, die Versammlung mit dem Sheikh gibt euch eine Erfrischung, gibt euch Kraft durch euer spirituelles Sein. Und führt dazu, daß ihr nicht hinabfallt, wenn ihr euch Problemen oder Schwierigkeiten gegenüberseht. Schwierigkeiten und Probleme umgeben jeden hier während seines Lebens. Ihr könnt nicht eine Person finden bis hinauf zu den Königen und Sultanen, angefangen von den Leuten der niedrigsten Stufe bis zur (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:34:14

8118 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SiesagenderMenschseinureinTier

Stufe der Sultane, die nicht von Schwierigkeiten umgeben ist: Kleine und Große, Reiche und Arme, Kraftvolle und Kraftlose, Landbewohner und Stadtbewohner. Starke Leute, schwache Leute, ungebildete Leute, studierte und gebildete Leute. Jeder, Männer und Frauen, Alte oder Junge, jeder ist während seines Lebens von irgendwelchen Problemen umgeben. Es gibt niemanden auf Erden, der keine Probleme hätte. Deshalb müßt ihr den Problemen so gegenübertreten, indem ihr eine seelische Lösung findet, in materiellen Ansichten jedoch könnt ihr keine Lösungen für spirituelle Probleme finden. Durch materialistische Ideen können die spirituellen Probleme nicht gelöst werden. Das ist falsch! Das ist wie bei unserem Freund A. Schau, unser Freund ist sehr krank. Er kann nichts dazu sagen. Er ist ein Mensch, kein Tier, bringt ihn her. Macht nichts, du bist auch Doktor. Und er verabreicht etwas, und es wird schlimmer. Schlimmer, und er stirbt, und du sagst: „Was ist geschehen? Ich gab ihm etwas, und es half nicht, da gab ich ihm mehr, und er starb...“ Wenn die Menschheit Lösungen für spirituelle Probleme durch den Materialismus haben will, durch materialistische Gesetze, wird es ihnen wie mit A. gehen. Sie geben der Menschheit ein Rezept, und können damit töten. Die Leute des 20. Jahrhunderts sind tote Leute, oder sie töten Leute. Denn sie töten Leute in ihrem spirituellen Wesen. Die Leute können die Autorisierten nicht mehr verstehen oder oder ihnen in Sachen Spiritualität übrthsupt folgen. Niemals. Und die Leute des 20. Jahrhunderts sind in den Augen der Heiligen tote Leute, oder sie sagen, getötet durch Materialismus. Möge Allah uns vergeben. Und möge er uns verstehen machen. Was wir sagten, ist Wirklichkeit. Du mußt das bewahren. Du mußt verstehen! Möge Er für jede Art von Problemen der Menschheit eine Öffnung bringen. Doktor, hast du verstanden? Die Religionen sind für unsere Seelen, und wenn ihr die Religionen verlaßt, wenn ihr den Glauben verlaßt, wird es sich auch gegen unser physisches Sein richten und es töten. Allah allah, allah allah, allah allah, aziz allah, allah allah, allah allah, allah allah, karim allah, allah allah, allah allah, allah allah, subhan allah, allah allah, allah allah, allah allah, sultan allah, fatiha - 12.09.1999 (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:34:14

8119 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SignForLordsOneness

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SignForLordsOneness


In Everything There Is a Sign Indicating the Lord's Oneness

Dastoor yaa Sayiddee, madad yaa Sultan al-Awliya. (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhaan Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultaan Allah. Your blessings, O our Lord, give Your most glorious, most praised, and most majestic blessings for Your most beloved one who was just created for every creation; the real reason for heavenly and majestic demands of the Lord of Heavens, the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s). And we are asking for all holy ones that are belonging to heavenly stations in this life, may Allah grant them much more honor and power. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) O people, our attenders, as-salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. Mashaa-Allah. First, coming from heavenly levels, praisings and honor on those people who know they are servants and they are humble ones and they know for what they have been created and they are taking much more care for their real missions. The mission of Mankind is only to be servants for their Creator, the Lord of Heavens. Allahu Akbar! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:34:15

8120 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SignForLordsOneness

As-salaamu `alaykum, our attenders! O our attenders! Don't leave to be among yourselves spying people, because Shaytan is sending its spies for spying, "To look at what that one is speaking and what kind of wrong things he may say, and we may take that wrong one and make a show in the east and west." And I am saying that One who is making this servant to be here is putting heavenly protection on that one, so that your eyes are not able to see, your ears are not able to hear, or your tongues are not able to speak against heavenly declarations. May Allah Almighty grant us His divinely protection. We are saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. O our Lord! Make us far away from Shaytan and its followers. As long as they are not asking to hear Truth, they are deaf ones. As long as they are not asking to see what is the true position, they are not looking, because they are blind ones. And their tongues can't speak, because they are unable to understand and to prevent real declarations for reaching to Mankind. Therefore, we are saying a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. That is our protection, surrounding us. When we are saying a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem, they can't hear, they can't speak, and they can't understand. And their positions are under the levels of animals. They have eyes but they can't see. They have ears but they can't hear. They have tongues but they are not able to stand up and to be witnesses for Truth. And we are coming and Allah Almighty (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) is asking from His servants to be true ones and be true witnesses for Truth, Eternal Truth! (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Yes, we have only been created for seeing Truth, for hearing Truth, for witnessing Truth, and for understanding heavenly Truth. We have been offered what is a heavenly offer for Mankind. And we are saying bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) O our Lord, You are our Lord. Make us to understand, and to hear, and to be witnesses for real Truth. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Even animals, O people, all of them are witnessing Truth on their levels. And every atom is also witnessing. Fa fee kulli shayin aayatun tadoolu annahu waahidun, that is a heavenly declaration... fa fee kulli shayin lahu ayah tadullu annahu waahidun. Saheeh? True? If you are accepting your Prophet (s) and his inheritors, they are not leaving you on mistakes, no. They are correcting you. Therefore, sometimes some inspirations are coming, and when we are saying it in another way. They are making it more clear for us because we are surrendering to them and they are responsible when they are putting such a weak servant for addressing nations. They have responsibility for that weak servant not to make mistakes, and they are correcting until they are understanding. Doesn't matter, you may put milk in a big pot, or in a small pot, or in a glass, or in a (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:34:15

8121 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SignForLordsOneness

cup, doesn't matter. Out-looking (appearance) is not important. What is important is what is really in it, that is important. It is important to make people to understand, to make like this, or make like that. We are attenders and we are like students in primary school, small ones that the teacher is correcting, and therefore, sometimes we may say something, maybe its out-looking is different but what is contained in it is the same. You may drink water in your hand, you may drink water from a golden cup, you may drink water from an ordinary pot, or you may drink from a silver cup, the out-looking is not important, but what is inside is important. Therefore, we are correcting, it doesn't matter. I know nothing, but they know and they are observing what we are saying and correcting it until people understand. But if people are attending such a meeting or association, coming and sitting, but renting their understanding somewhere else, to someone... what are they going to understand? Nothing. Therefore, be in your position every time that you have been asked to be in. There are so many instruments here and if those people are not taking care about them, they are not not working. But if they are taking care, the different models are not important, no. It is important to understand. Therefore, our guides are looking at our positions. If you are coming here wholly, giving in such a way, and as they said, some of them are renting their understanding, because the center of understanding is not in here, (Mawlana points to his head) it is in the heart. That means their hearts are going and coming, making business east and west, then what will it mean if they are sitting here? What can they take? Nothing. If like this (holding a bell upside down) nothing can fill in it, but if coming like this (right side up) then taking. Make it more wide! Man's physical capacity, his physical being is unimportant. Our physical being is so small, but our capacity for understanding reaches from east to west, from north to south, from Earth to Heavens! Therefore, we have been honored by the Lord of Heavens, Allah Almighty (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) with such a qualification that no other creature has been granted. That is one meaning of Allah's saying:          wa idh qaala rabbuka li'l-malaa'ikati innee jaailun fil `ardi khalifah, Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: "I will create a vicegerent on earth." (2:30) (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) a khalifah, to be deputy. That is the last point a creature may reach. Beyond that no (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:34:15

8122 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SignForLordsOneness

one is able to understand what Man is understanding. Not any other creation is reaching our ability, and our capacity has never been granted to any other creature. Al-`Azhamatu lillah! Allahu Akbar wa lillaahi `l-hamd. Therefore, O people, try to learn. We must try to learn. But yet we are closed, there is no opening. If an opening comes, countless oceans in countless territories will open, all of them are signaling endless majesty, most high majesty, most high praising, most high mightiness that belongs to the Lord of Mankind, the Lord of all Creation. Our capacity is so big even if we are such small ones. Our capacity is covering the whole universe. If such a universe may be many, millions or trillions, or quadrillions, bigger, bigger, bigger than this universe, and we have such a power to reach to them, to cover them. Allahu Akbar! That is granted to us. Allahu Akbar! Subhaan Allah, Sultaan Allah, Kareem Allah. (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) Man is created knowing nothing. When we were born we were knowing nothing. Knowing, but it was not opened. We have been granted such a power for understanding, but if we look at our physical beings, we say it is impossible. Who is the Lord of Heavens? He is that One making the impossible, possible! Allahu Akbar! We have been granted such a power and not only power, we have also been granted authority on power, and we can use that power also. O People! Hear and try to be under this heavenly appearance, coming here. Try to be with your spirituality. If you are using your physical capacity, you can't reach it. But Allah Almighty is sending His holy ones and the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s) (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) to make a way or to make ways for Mankind to reach an opening. Who is coming and asking, prophets may open to them. The levels of the prophets, that which they are granting to people are according to the level of the people who are asking. And such realities you can't learn by reading books, no, no. You can reach to those oceans through heavenly ones. The prophets appear as Mankind but their real beings are from Heavens. Try to understand! O People! They are coming with the keys for everyone's treasures, because everyone who has been granted such a grant from heavenly treasures must have the holy key; not an ordinary key, but a holy key, and the keys are in many different levels. Don't think that one key is opening everything, no. There are countless keys for everything from Divinely Presence Oceans, that will open for deputies, to show them something from the heavenly greatness of the Lord of Heavens. And beyond that, it will stop and there is only one for reaching the Divinely Presence and his position is just 100% different. He is only One. The Oneness of the Lord of all (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:34:15

8123 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SignForLordsOneness

Creation is never accepting two; it is One to one. May Allah forgive us and grant us something for understanding. And they are making such a speech that perhaps it is difficult to find in books, and every holy book has mentioned this, but to come to it is mushkil, a problem. They are coming up to the entrance and using different keys but not opening it. There are special keys for every heavenly treasure granted to the deputies and they may use it with an angel, not alone. They may use that key with an angel or two or three or seven or 70, and according to their powers comes the power for opening. We know nothing! We know nothing! Heavenly knowledge is never-ending and because the Last Day is approaching, they are granting it now to taste something about Ilaahiyaat, Divinity, and under it are heavenly levels to make them prepared for what they can never imagine. They are thinking that this Creation is such an accident. May Allah forgive us and give us such an understanding that we may reach to the levels of Heavens, that from there we may move, continue, continue, continue. The servant asks,    Hal min mazeed? "Is there any more?" (50:30) And angels respond, "Yes, go and taste, go and understand, and go and enjoy!" May Allah forgive us for the honor of the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) We are asking for forgiveness and power to our souls for understanding. Fatihah. If you are not coming here, for what are you making me to speak? (39 minutes.) (Mawlana Shaykh prays two raka`ats Salaat ash-Shukr.) Lefke, 13.06.2010

WebSufiLive, CategoryKhalifa (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:34:15

8124 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Signofspiritualhealth

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : Signofspiritualhealth


The sign of spiritual health

People with good characters are healthy in their spiritual lives. From the amount of a person’s complains you may know how much bad characteristics there are that are left with him. When you finish all your complaining, you may know that you are healthy. No more bad character. This is important, because a person with a good character, if he has no complaint, has patience; and that means he has real faith. When you can escape the pull of your bad characteristics, there are no troubles for you either, wether in this life or in the life hereafter. You must remember that this is going according to your Lord’s Will. This is the key, the medicine for that illness. You must say: “Why I am complaining, when Allah Almighty has ordered this to be?” When you remember this, you will be satisfied with His Will and agree with it. 01.04.1999

BookOnTheBridgeToEternity, CategoryAdab 23:34:16

8125 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SignsofaMurshid

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SignsofaMurshid


Signs of a Murshid

The sign of a Murshid is that you are able to trust him. Your heart gives the signal and the heart is never mistaken. If a person is sitting with a true Murshid, he feels peace, rest and satisfaction, very happy. This is the sign. He forgets all of his troubles in his presence and feels just like a fish in the ocean. Why do people go to the sea-side? Because when they enter the water, they find rest and enjoyment. The soul is also asking for an ocean. In our lives we need one person who is like an ocean, so that our hearts can enjoy and be satisfied with that person. We have such bad characteristics. We need someone to give us good attributes; and they do not come through reading books but through one's friends. By looking at a person's friends, you may know his character. A bad character is contagious, like a sickness. Therefore, Allah Almighty sent Prophets as medicine. Prophets are not Angels; they are of mankind, and know everything about human nature. Whoever sits with them absorbs good characteristics. 01.04.1999

BookOnthebridgetoEternity, CategoryGuidance, (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:34:17

8126 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SignsofaMurshid (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:34:17

8127 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SignsOfDivineAnger

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SignsOfDivineAnger


The Signs of Divine Anger

We may glorify Allah Almighty. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. La ilaha illa Allahu wa Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar wa lillah al Hamd. Then we may send salat & salam to His Glorious Prophet (sas). Alfu alfu salat alfu alfu salam alayka wa ala Ahlika wa Sahabatika, O You The best of Allah's Creation, O Master of the Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad (sas). It has been obligatory for us to say a few words for our people who understand Turkish. Because our days have become astonishing days and astonishing events have taken place. And people started quarreling amongst each other. They become such that they seek to destroy one another. Wars & battles make people kill each other. Other than this, what people call 'natural disasters', earthquakes, tornadoes, fires, floods make everywhere upside down. The seas are boiling, boiling. These conditions that we are in, especially the wars, are showing the hatred people have for each other. A man doesn't accept another man. But we are all creatures that Allah Almighty created. And the order to us is to respect & love one another. For us to respect & love each other means we respect & love Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty asks this: "O My servants, I created you. It is not like you descended from Heavens to earth in a basket/zambil. It is Me Who created you. (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:34:18

8128 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SignsOfDivineAnger

Believe properly. Say the Truth. Because shaytan is always pulling you from the truth to untrue ways, untrue beliefs". Why? Because shaytan is an enemy to man. He doesn't want people to find goodness. Whosoever follows shaytan, he will regret in the end. He will be destroyed, ruined. He has no dunya nor any akhirah left. O Muslims, O people who understand Turkish, man's honour is with his belief. He who believes, has honour. He who doesn't believe, has no honour. You may not like this. As you like, there is something to come on you. This holy month that we are in now, is Ramadan Sharif. It is the holy month in which Muslims are ordered to fast. I am saying this to our people who understand Turkish. When this holy month comes, Allah Almighty says, "Fast, for Me. Pray, for Me. Do goodness/khayr, for yourselves". How many kinds of life are there? I am asking to who sits in coffee shops. How many kinds of life are there? "O Shaykh Effendi, how can we know how many kinds of life there are?" You know everything but don't know this? You studied all these years. You forgot all you studied. You have a claim: "We know everything". How many types of life, say! This is the question for all, to the one who is on top of you to the last one. I am a man who is zero. I am asking, how many types of life are there? "They didn't teach us that we can learn!" Who didn't teach, they were not taught either. Life; first is honourable life, second is shameful life. Is there a third one? I am asking all who understand Turkish. Is there a third life? Can't be. Either honoured life, or shameful life. The honoured life is for people who live with their honour, for people who know their honour. Shameful life is for those who forgot their humanity, who don't know what they are doing & who have turned into beasts. Allah Almighty says with His Majesty, "Wa La Taqtulu Anfusakum" (4:29). "Do not kill each other. I am the Giver of life. It is the biggest sin, to kill a person. And especially, to kill the innocent ones." This is a matter that provokes Allah Almighty's Anger. Especially the killing of the innocent people, sinless people. This is the biggest sin. "I will punish them." He says. "I won't leave them". They are dishonoured people, that they kill people for no reason. They invented cannons, planes. It wasn't enough what they fired in the earth. In the sky they are throwing something called missiles, which is a device from hell. It doesn't leave any house, any man behind, doesn't leave children, doesn't leave old ones, doesn't leave any food. It doesn't (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:34:18

8129 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SignsOfDivineAnger

leave anything from humanity. What kind of a civilization is this, that the people of this time say "we are civilized people"? Take this civilization of yours, it is of no use! Why is this wildness coming? These are the shaytanic philosophies of those who don't know their religion, their God, their Lord, their Prophet: "Kill, you have the right" No! Allah Almighty is prohibiting, preventing this. "Whosoever does good deeds, I will give his reward. If he does goodness, if he lives like a human, knows his Creator, knows his Prophet, I will give his reward. If not, I will give punishment. When My punishment comes, no one can stand against it". It is heard everyday, the wars in dunya. It is different. There are the signs of Heavenly Anger. Allah Who rules over the Heavens is angry with the people in earth. It is Heavenly Anger, they don't listen to it. They are running after shaytan. Therefore He is giving earthquake from Heavens as a sign of His Anger. It wasn't heard before that there is an earthquake in the oceans. Earthquakes happen in the sea. Waves come from the sea, they take & wipe out the cities. You, why you can't stand against this with your technology, o little man! You have no power, even as an ant. Why do you not think? He can make a volcano explode & it makes everywhere upside down. Stop it if you can. Who lights the fire under the earth? Who explodes the mountains? It is seen everyday, they are signs of the Heavenly Anger. The signs of Allah's Anger are seen everyday. Because they are not keeping His orders. With tornadoes, floods, eathquakes, fires... Where is it from? It is the sign of the Anger, the Wrath, the Severity of Heavens towards the ones on earth. You sit in coffee shops in the day of the holy month of Ramadan? Why don't you stand & go to the mosque? "I don't go". You don't go but there is something to come on you. What are you doing in coffeeshop? Allah created you to be coffee shop keepers? No mind people. They go out at night & wander around here there, in dirty places. Why don't you go to mosque? He doesn't think of it. If you don't think of it, He will make you think of it. This is a small island, let's say Cyprus. And also on a world scale, whole world is in fire. And it is not man made. The forests are burning. Where is that from? Is it from a match? Think, o man! Man thinks, animals don't think. What have you been created? Why do you sit in the coffee shops? Why don't you get up (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:34:18

8130 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SignsOfDivineAnger

to pray, to worship? To say "Aman ya Rabbi"? If Gemikonagi (Cyprus village) floods one day, who will save you? This is an address for the people here. This is the Wrath of Heavens. Come to your senses. "I can move a mountain from it's place & make it fall on you. Beware!" There are all kinds of signs that the Sultanate in Heavens can send to mankind; many signs He will show to discipline them. Today is full with them. O man, beware! The Heavens are wrathful, angry! Suddenly a stone may fall on your head when you are passing by & you fall there. Tornadoes are coming. Can you stop them? You can't. They say "this city was flooded". It was not flooded for all these years. What happened now? Because they became bad mannered. They became bad mannered, they don't know the holy Ramadan. "O Shaykh Effendi, we give iftar dinners". Who ordered you to give iftar dinners? You may look for poor ones & give to them. Not setting tables & giving iftar dinners. Who ordered you to do this? Go around & look, there are many people who don't even have a bit of food. Look for them. Give to them. "We are in Makkah or Madinah, in iftar dinner." Angels pour down these iftar dinners on your head! When people are killed, are hit under fire on that side, when they don't know where to take shelter, do you offer iftar dinner on this side? "That person gave iftar dinner" - Masha Allah! The ones you gave to, were they hungry? To show off, to display an iftar dinner? There is no such thing as iftar dinner in Islam. You eat in your home & give what is excess to the needy ones. They don't do this, especially our people who understand Turkish. They are directed towards the wrong path. "We give iftar dinner". Giving iftar dinners is not an order. There is order for you to give to needy ones who don't even have a bite to eat. Not setting tables & putting all kinds of food on it & say "we gave iftar dinner". No, no! Wrong way, this is the wrong way. In this side a group of people, a tribe that is not certain whether they are human or not, they are making the holy land & everything in it upside down. And you keep quiet. You only struggle to support or kill a certain party. This can't be. Pull yourselves together O Turks & Arabs! La Hawla Wa La Quwwata illa BillAhil Aliyyil Azeem. Subhana Allahil Aliyyil Azim. We are not freeing our ego from the blame but we are obliged to speak the Truth, therefore we are saying. (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:34:18

8131 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SignsOfDivineAnger

The land of Sham, the land of Aleppo, the ones who put the land of Prophets under fire, can they find goodness? They can't! If what is happening to them today, comes on the people here what will they do? To where will they flee? "Fa`tabiru Ya 'Uli Al-'Absari" (59:2) Take warning O people! Take admonition O you who can see! If you don't take warning, then Allah Almighty makes you such that others take warning from you. O Cypriots, O people of Turkey, O those who understand Turkish, Beware! This Holy Quran, Kalam al-Qadim are the words that show the ways to the people and inform them, give them the news whether they are dangerous or not. May you have control over yourselves. Who doesn't fast has no control over himself And who has no self control belongs to animals, is not of