Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (581/777)
und deine Frau. SM: Ja. M: Dieser ist hilflos. Dieser herrscht nicht, er wird beherrscht. Ihr gebt das große Land von Sham in die Hände eines Alawi. Wie kann das sein? Und niemand kümmert sich darum, keiner fragt. Alle sind beschäftigt mit Handel, Einkaufen, Spaß haben, Herumgehen.. 'Wenn Sham verdorben ist, dann ist die ganze Welt verdorben.' Ich bin voller Gefühle, aber wer bin ich? Ich bin nicht einmal ebenbürtig. Es gibt Große darüber. Es gibt Große darüber, aber es gibt noch keinen Befehl. Noch keinen Befehl, noch keinen Befehl. Es gibt 40 Budalas, Nujaba, Nuqaba, Awtad und Akhiyars. Es gibt eine Gruppe von Djinn, die die Umgebung von Sham beschützt. Einer von ihnen kann alles auf den Kopf stellen. Aber er sagt: Rühr sie nicht an. Laß sie. Sie haben Sham mit Beton gefüllt. Sie stellten überall Statuen auf und alle hielten den Mund. Ist Sham der Ort, um Statuen aufzustellen? Und auch um die Leute zu täuschen, stellten sie eine Statue genau unter dem Hamidiya Markt auf. Sie stellten die Statue von Ayyubi auf. Er verfluchte sie. Niemand weiß diese Dinge, niemand weiß, was das Geheimnis ist. 'Schwierigkeiten treten nicht auf, wenn der Diener nicht außer sich gerät. Sie wurden wild. Sie waren alle so verhüllt. Es konnte niemand ihr Gesicht vor den Leuten von Sham enthüllen. Und diese ließen ihre Töchter Soldatenuniformen tragen und von bärenhaften Männern kommandieren. Ihr schickt eure Tochter auf die Militärschule, damit sie Soldat wird? Allah der Allmächtige sagt: "Wa Qarna Fi Buyutikunna" - Bleibt in eueren Häusern. Jetzt werden alle diszipliniert. Sham, einer der Heiligen würde sie nicht einmal in einen Holzschuppen gehen lassen. Er sagte: 'Laßt sie'. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Sie ließen keine Gelehrten, keine Madrasen, keine Stiftungen, kein Mufti Maqam... Sie gingen überall hinein und verdarben sie alle. Um die Menschen einzuschüchtern, ließen sie Shaykh Muhammad Shami erschießen. Er war ein reiner Mann. Er hatte nichts, es war nur, um die Gelehrten einzuschüchtern. Sie ließen Kuftaros Sohn erschießen in Sham, um sie einzuschüchtern, um ihre Herzen damit zu beschäftigen. Shami Hz, der verstorbene Shami Hz, wer immer ihn erschoß, aus welchem Grund erschoß er ihn? Wie erschossen sie Kuftaros Sohn in Shamu sh-Sharif? Um die Ulama das Fürchten zu lehren, um sie zum Rückzug zu bewegen. Möge Allah sie überwältigen. Mögen sie (8 von 10)04.07.2013 23:33:57
8033 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShamInTheMirror
Sham nicht noch einmal betreten. Fatiha. Ich lebte in Zypern, bis ich 20 war und ging nie zu einer Polizeiwache. Wir gingen hinaus, aber mußten nie auf eine Polizeiwache. Selbst das UK ist anders. Sie haben mich nie gerufen oder so. Die Türkei 100 mal, Sham 1000 mal, rechnet ihr das aus. Ich ging nach Beirut, du warst bei mir. Es war Chaos hier, wir gingen nach Beirut. Subhana Allah. An der Grenze, ich glaube, es war die Sham- oder Aleppo-Grenze, welches Flugzeug auch immer, diese Verräter erlaubten deiner Mutter, dir und Naziha, sie erlaubten euch einzureisen, aber mir erlaubten sie es nicht. Ich gebe ihnen nie meinen Segen. Und sie folgten uns immer, jeden Tag. Sie machten uns bekannt als Briten. Das Paßamt schrieb mich auf als Briten, so dachten sie, ich wäre Brite, ständige Nachforschungen. Ich konnte nicht in Sham einreisen, also kehrte ich nach Beirut zurück. Es gab wieder einen Aufstand in Beirut zu der Zeit. Also ging ich nach Amman von dort. Ich ging nach Amman allein. Ich wohnte bei Shaykh Ahmad Effendi. Dann kamt ihr dorthin, Naziha und du. Möge Allah euch Sicherheit geben. Wir könnten immer weiter reden. Sie beleidigten den Islam. Sie beleidigten die Einwanderer. Die Leute von Sham zeigten keine Liebe für den Islam und Muslime. Die Banditen hier und in der Türkei begannen wieder zu der Zeit. Alhamdulillah, wir durchlebten das alles und kamen wieder her. Insha'Allah werde ich mit dem Sultan sein, der Sham siegreich betritt. Wir alle werden das, insha'Allah. Man kann ein Buch darüber schreiben. SM: Ja, viele Bücher. Masha'Allah. M: Ja, sie sind Feinde des Islam, Feinde der Muslime. Der Oberkommandierende saß dort wie ein Tier und fragte mich: Warum bist du hierher gekommen? Ich bin gekommen, um hier zu leben. Wofür bist du hierher gekommen? Ich mache Dienst hier. Er sagte: Okay, du kannst gehen. Er gab Visa für einen Monat, 15 Tage, du gehst immer wieder hin und her.. Schließlich gaben sie uns von diesen Papieren, die Einjahresvisa erlauben. Aber immer noch viele Nachforschungen. Sie folgten mir immer und dachten, ich sei ein britischer Spion. Sie warfen alle hinaus. Mögen sie ihre Strafe finden, wo immer sie gehen. O Herr, mögest Du uns vergeben. Vergib uns. Fatiha. Lefke, 02.01.2013
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryDamascus, CategoryBiography, CategoryUK, CategoryHoliness, (9 von 10)04.07.2013 23:33:57
8034 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShamInTheMirror
CategoryDjinn, CategoryScholar, CategoryLibanon, CategoryCyprus, CategoryJordan, CategoryGovernment (10 von 10)04.07.2013 23:33:57
8035 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShareYourWealth
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ShareYourWealth
We Are Ordered to Share Our Wealth with the Needy
(Mawlana Shaykh stands) Laa ilaaha illa-Llah. Laa ilaaha illa-Llah. Laa ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadun Rasoolullah `alayhi salaatullah wa salaamu, Khazaliqa as-salaamu alaykum yaa anbiya Allah, yaa `ibaadAllah as-saliheen, yaa rijalAllah amidoona bi madadikum. A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem, laa hawla wa la quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Thumma salaamu `alayk yaa Sahib az-Zamaan. As-salaamu `alayk yaa Qutb az-Zamaan, as-salaamu alaykum yaa as-haab an-nawbah fee mashaariq wal `ard wa maghaaribihaa. (Mawlana Shaykh sings in Turkish) Thumma as-salaamu `alaykum, our attenders! Mashaa-Allah, jama`tum, today too many, too much money you reached. You are happy today because you reached so many millions or billions of pounds, euros, or dollars also. Happy? What did you do for charity in this passing week? Say, "We did this, we did that." In the past all sultans made charities in their names, to make their names live up to the end of the world, for it to be said, "Allah is blessing them that they built that huge mosque for poor people, imaraat khanna, where poor people come to eat, drink, and rest." And they built so many schools with their own money as charity for the nation of the Seal of Prophets, peace be upon him, to learn and to do their best for their Lord, Almighty Allah. (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:33:58
8036 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShareYourWealth
Yes, there is a level of people whom prophets call, "Come to your servanthood! Try to do your best service for your Lord." They are the first level of people prophets called. Prophets called another group, saying, "You are also giving your charity for people, to lift their heaviness from them. That is a grant of the Lord of Heavens for the honor of His most honored servant." Yaa Rabbee, tawbah yaa Rabbee. A group of people have also been called to make charities for weak people, to make them happy. O Salafi `ulamas! Marhaban! Kayfa shaafikum al-yawm? Are you happy? Happy! Allah Allah, SubhaanAllah. What do you think for hadeeth ash-shareef of the Seal of Prophets (s): (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Al-jazau min jins al-`amal, kama tadeerutun. Punishment/reward is from the aspect of work. I know some ahadeeth also. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) That is very important and I am addressing to Salafi `ulamas who claim they are `ulamas, learned ones ordered to teach people. That is their mission; they must teach people, and say to them, al-jazau min jins al-`amal. There is jazaa'an hasanan, for good-doing ones, if they are doing good, they are rewarded with good. Anyone who is making his charity, making good services, Allah Almighty is not in need of our services but He is always asking, "O My servants, look after My weak servants. Yes, I may give to them, I may make some ones rich and some other ones are needy. Those who I granted power to do goodness and to make charities, I am leaving them and saying, 'O My rich servants! Look after weak ones, make your charity for them. O People! Deal with them with justice, `adl; keep justice. O My mighty servants and My rich servants! Look for and help My weak ones." O Salafi `ulamas! Allah Almighty likes weak ones to be protected. He is Qadir, Muqtadir! He is able to do everything and His order is between kaf and noon. But you must think on it, You must give your naseeha, good advising to your kings, maliks, umaras, rich ones. O People! Come and do something good. For the sake of your Lord, look after weak ones and grant them from your charities, to make them happy and make Allah Almighty thankful. For what? Allah Almighty granted you something and you are giving to others. We are so far away from the real meaning of being "good servants" for the Lord of Heavens! He granted you treasures to help others, not to keep storing them in safes, for what? (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:33:58
8037 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShareYourWealth
Allah Almighty is saying, "O My servants, don't save golden or silver, or jewels, but give, because I am happy when you are giving and I am angry when you are not giving." This is a new opening for all nations, particularly the Muslim community. The Muslim community, whose whole ijtihad, efforts, are to make much more money, jewels and treasures! And Allah Almighty is able to make rain on some parts of continents, and wealthy Muslims seeing the news every night that millions need even a handful of rice, and they don't care, they are not taking care of them! They say, "O! We sent 20 million. Our malik just sent 50 million." It is nothing, because some of you have 50 billion, and some of you have trillions, some have quadrillions! For what?!! Why are our Salafi `ulamas not warning them, "O our mulook! O our kings and rich ones! Make your charities before you are buried under this world!" Why are they not saying, and Allah Almighty is ordering them, wa dhakkir "And remind them!" O `ulamas! You are only claiming you are Salafi `ulamas. Say, which king among your kings is sending charity throughout east and west? Which one sent from his name one billion dollars? Let them send it, and then say, “Our king sent that amount.” If they are sending, they must make it clear for everyone to see, to be happy and pray for them, here and Hereafter! That is the most important point! But our `ulamas are only saying, "Blah, blah, blah (empty words)." Leave that and make charity! That is a holy command from Allah Almighty, not from me! I am nothing, but, alladhee antaqa kulla shay just antaqanee, "Who made everything speak is making me to speak!" Don't say, "That old one is saying this," no! What He is putting in my heart, I am addressing to all people! Give your charities more and more, because a time is coming about which is mentioned in Shari`atullah, fee akhbaree `akhir az-zamaan, "news of Signs of the Last Days" of dunya. There is coming a day now, when people will accumulate so much gold, but people will not take from them, because Allah Almighty is sending to believers from His blessings. There just came for Jesus Christ one tray of food; is there only one tray in Heavens? But when the Last Day is approaching, Sayyidina Mahdi (a) must come, and then Allah Almighty will send trays like in time of Sayyidina `Isa (a), daily, because some people will say, astaghfirullah, "Is Allah Almighty so poor that He sends only one tray? What about other people through centuries?" He is asking to show His people that He is able to send trays anytime His servant opens his hands and says, "O my Lord! Send us from Your secret trays because I am busy worshiping You! I am busy serving You! Urzukna, give our (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:33:58
8038 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShareYourWealth
rizq, provisions," and Allah Almighty is sending in the time of Mahdi (a) and `Isa (a), daily coming to everyone's homes trays that it is impossible to bring to everyone! (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allah Almighty is jalaaluhu ghaniyun mutlaq fa`alun limaa yureed, "the Absolute Wealthiest, He is doing as He likes." (Mawlana Shaykh sits) That day is coming, and when it arrives, what will be the value of your gold you saved? Nothing, nothing! O our Salafi `ulamas! Wa dhakkir, "and remind them," ummat al-Habeeb, the nation of the Seal of Prophets! They must try to increase their charities much more now, much more, much more, because soon no one is going to accept charity, saying, "We have and we don't need it." That time is approaching now! I don't know if it will happen in one year, two years, or three years when that heavenly ikraam, generosity, will appear from the Lord of Heavens. Give now and take heavenly grants now! If you are not giving, your wealth will be useless, for you and others! O People! Allah Almighty is asking for good servanthood and from it, one part is for His majestic glory: to pray, pray, pray! And the second part is not for Him: give charity to the poor. Now the time is over. We hope that those days are approaching quickly and people will find in front of them such a position, such beings that they will be astonished. Give now! If you are not giving, you will weep on the Day of Resurrection, saying, "Why didn't I give more charity?" May Allah forgive us. O People! It is good advice and a heavenly teaching, for me, for you, and for all believers. If someone does not believe, don't occupy yourself with them; look after yourself and ask for forgiveness and your Lord's blessing. May Allah bless us for the honor of the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) Fatihah. (35 minutes) (1011 viewers) Alhamdulillah, it is your barakah (CC2, who returned today). Alhamdulillah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah. Lefke, 18.09.2010 (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:33:58
8039 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShareYourWealth
WebSufiLive, CategoryCharity, CategoryWealth (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:33:58
8040 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShavvalWillBeStrongAndHeavy
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ShavvalWillBeStrongAndHeavy
This Shavval will be strong and heavy
The Tajalli now: '...wa kutiadabiu kaumi ladhina dhalamu...' This Shavval will be strong, heavy. Dhulm has reached to a limit, it will stop. It has already begun- the world will be cleaned from dhulm. No one from dhalim people will remain, their hands, feet and heads will be cut, because people have suffered too much from dhulm. And that is Allah's divine Justice; He says: 'I will send someone who will stop dhulm.' The world will be filled with justice, mercy and beauty. Who carries cruelty in his heart, his days are counted. He has made himself an aim, no matter where he is hiding. I didn't intend to speak much, but because of the intensity of dhulm there is like a fire burning in our heart- we want it to stop. My hope, and even more, my belief is that Allah will bring it to an end. Also who agrees with the cruel actions of others makes himself guilty. It is like this with Bin Laden. They did terrible things, the buildings were full with people, To burn them there is no justification from Shariat or Tariqat. Who carries mercy and compassion in his heart, can never accpet something (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:33:59
8041 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShavvalWillBeStrongAndHeavy
like this. Bin Laden has agreed with these actions. How he can do that! Now he is looking for a place to hide himself. But Allah's Justice comes after people who are dhalim, not America or Germany, and His sword of Justice may take away all wrongdoers... ...That power is open now...The caliph will take his permission from the Sheikh-ul-Islam, and then move accordingly... The light has gone from Bin Ladens face- he agreed with those actions, and no one can accept something like that. If he was right, Allah would help him- so it means he is not right. Now strictness is coming- dhalim people will be hit by Allah's soldiers. 'Unibersin shadid'- At any time there used to be one mighty nation- nowadays it is Americ, and everyone is fearing. The storm is coming... When the Children of Israel claimed to be the chosen people, Allah defeated them. When a nation becomes too proud, when they claim no one can defeat them, Allah makes them down by the hands of another nation. In our time America is bringing justice. It is a country where people from all nations live. And everyone get weapons from them... Many things will come on the heedless Muslims... Democracy = pocracy- it means wild and harmful animals may live among people, as well as kafirs. But it is said that one should not let harmful animals and insects live in one's house! Nero had a garden in his palace where he used to keep wild animals, running around freely. He used to keep them hungry, not feeding them, so the poor slaves that had to pass from one side to the other became their victims. He was watching from up how they were being eaten by the animals... He was mad! What we are saying is from the holy Quran. We are speaking the truth. S.Mehdi a.s. will come and destroy the dhalims. One out of seven will remain... We will not be in need of passports anymore to travel. We will fly (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:33:59
8042 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShavvalWillBeStrongAndHeavy
without airplanes, by our spiritual powers, everyone according to his own power will get up and watch from there. Those people are paradise people... Don't be a cruel one and you will reach to these days. O Allah, accept us- we don't agree with this cruelty, dhulm. Make us from Your sincere servants. Lefke, 24.11.2001
CategoryShawwal, CategoryOppression, CategoryTerrorism, CategoryAnimal (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:33:59
8043 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaykhsOfSham
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ShaykhsOfSham
Stories from Shaykhs of Sham ash-Shareef
To benefit all believers, Sayyidina Muhammad (s) said, “Eat and drink...” (Mawlana Shaykh Nazim says to his guest) As much as you eat and drink, the Prophet (s) is happy! It is a training in adab for the ummah, as the Prophet (s) often said, “I sit like the servant sits and I eat like the servants eats." This is a lesson in `uboodiyyah, servanthood, to all human beings, so they will not be proud, arrogant or oppressors! SubhaanAllah. Our sayyid (guest) knows such things and for our gathering to be blessed (I am saying this), for the barakah (of your visit)! The Prophet (s) said, adabanee rabbee, “My Lord granted me good manners,” he did not say, “My Lord taught me.” Therefore, to learn good manners is better than to learn knowledge. There are no more good-mannered people, from East to West. Between the believers, the Muslims, we became those about whom the Prophet (s) said, “There will come a time where nothing will be left of Islam except its name and of religion except for its symbol." SubhaanAllah, there are no good manners left, the basis of our religion, as Prophet (s) describes it, "I sit as the servant sits," this is the teaching from Al-Haqq (swt) to him. What can we do? His Lord granted him good manners. Allah (swt) did not order him (to have good manners); Prophet (s) did not say, amaranee rabbee, "My Lord ordered me," rather, he said, adabanee rabbee, "My Lord granted me good manners." With amr, “order,” comes force, but to be granted good manners is something else. (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:34:00
8044 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaykhsOfSham
Allah (swt) likes servanthood from His servants. Allahu Akbar! The whole nation of the Beloved (s) has lost good manners, from their kings, their leaders and their scholars. Nobody is asking from the shaykhs because all their scholars have lost good manners. It is the attribute of the scholars (...) as mentioned in the Qur’an: Innamaa yakhshallaha min `ibaadihi ‘l-`ulama. It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear Allah. (35:28) Where are these scholars? They don't know their right hand from their left, and all they aspire to is to fill their stomachs! There was one from the scholars of Damascus who was “saahib ahwaal” (in spiritual states) and he was an imam in the mosque in a place called Marja which the devilish people destroyed. The imam was a very nice person with a light spirit, from the awqaf (Ministry of Religious Affairs). His name was `Abdul-Wahhab as- Salahi. He had spiritual states, he had glory, and his voice, mashaa-Allah! May Allah raise his power and station. Sometimes when a person dies, after forty days they bake some bread to distribute. Sometimes that imam is looking for me to tell me there is a meeting of the awqaf. I am looking then to see to what he is pointing, like saying, “Salaam `alaykum. There is a gathering more important than this one and I want to go there!" Nobody else in the gathering knew this signal. May Allah bless his soul. He was very nice and had good manners. SubhaanAllahi ‘l-`Aliyyi ‘l-`Azheem. Now there is nothing left except “khushubun musannadah,” dry wood, there are no more (like him), as Allah (swt) in the Holy Qur’an: Wa idha ra’aytahum tu`jibuka ajsaamuhum wa in yaqooloo tasma` li-qawlihim ka-annahum khushubun musannadah. When you see them their bodies please you, but when they speak and you listen to their sayings, they are like propped-up timber. (al-Munafiqoon, 63:4) May Allah (swt) forgive us and send us scholars from Shaam ash-Shareef, the land filled with shaykhs! Shaykh `Abdul-Wahhab as-Salahi had such glory and his voice was so loud. SubhaanAllah! Sometimes I came down to the market from Jabal Qasiyun to buy what was needed for my house, and when it was time to pray Zhuhr I went to his mosque. SubhaanAllah, not once did he lead the prayer, whether it was Zhuhr or (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:34:00
8045 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaykhsOfSham
`Asr, but he appointed me to be imam. I always said, "No, you!" but he insisted, saying, "No, it must be you." After the prayer, he used to take me by my hand to a room that was connected to the mosque so the visitors may come inside. At that time people were busy; they did not come and therefore he used to make a meal called “Chun-chun,” tomatoes, onions and eggs fried together. He himself fried them and he used two loaves of bread, and he brought it and always called me saying, "Shaykh Nazim, come!" He ate with me and whatever was needed financially he gave me because I was not employed; I had no real work so he used to give me something. May Allah bless his soul! Several times he used to come. One day he came, and due to our situation we did not buy anything in the market. They used to weigh pieces of fabric then. Once I paid 20 Siryan for fabric and, may Allah bless the soul of the mother of my children (Hajjah Anne rahmatullah `alayhi), who was an excellent tailor. She made me a jubbah from that fabric. Shaykh `Abdul-Wahhab asked me, “Who made this jubbah for you, Shaykh Nazim?" I told him, "Your servant, the mother of my children." Astonishing, he liked it! He also bought a piece of fabric that was pre-cut and several tailors told him it was not enough fabric to make a jubbah. Then he called, "O Umm Muhammad!" to the mother of my children. She answered, "Yes, Sayyidee." "Allah bless you! Please look at this piece of fabric I bought. All the tailors told me it is not enough to make a jubbah, but you fit for it.” She replied, "As you like.” She measured him and tailored a jubba that was perfect for him. After that, he used to say, “The most famous tailor is Umm Muhammad!” the mother of my son, Muhammad (Shaykh Mehmet). May Allah bless her soul. What can we do O Shaykh? May Allah bless you. May Allah forgive us and correct our situation. Do you know Shaykh Yahya as-Sabbagh from Shaam? You were not in his time. After `Isha prayer he left the mosque and upon reaching his home, he looked behind him and saw a long line of dogs had followed his steps. Then he called his wife and said, “Bring whatever food you can find in the house as my group is behind me,” and he (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:34:00
8046 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaykhsOfSham
fed the long line of dogs! He was also a person with spiritual states and although he was illiterate, he used to give explanation of the words of Shaykh Muhiyudeen Ibn `Arabi (q). When you enter the mosque of Muhiydeen Ibn `Arabi, the maqaam is on the left side. I often went there with my master, Shaykh `AbdAllah al-Fa’iz ad-Daghestani (q), for Jumu`ah prayers and I carried his shoes. After prayers, Shaykh Yahya as-Sabbagh sat on the left side near the maqaam of Sayyidina Muhiydeen Ibn `Arabi and did not go down. However, whenever Shaykh `AbdAllah (q) passed in front of him, he immediately stood up to greet him, and I never saw him reply to the greetings of Shaykh `AbdAllah (q) while sitting. He called those beside him, "Come quickly and help me stand up!" Also, Shaykh `Abd Allah al- Fa’iz ad-Daghestani (q) always greeted him while standing, never while sitting. Once there was an invitation in one of our brother's house for someone who passed away, to which Shaykh `Abdul-Wahhab as-Salahi (q) took me. I entered and saw Shaykh Yahya as-Sabbagh (q) sitting there in his usual place. Once he asked me, "O young man! Who is your shaykh?" I replied, "My master is Shaykh `AbdAllah al-Fa’iz ad-Daghestani." He said, “Hold fast to him for he is the only one who meets with the Prophet (s) yaqzhatan, in a waking state, not in his dreams! Hold fast to him!" May Allah raise his station and grant us benefit through him. When you mention the name of righteous ones, mercy descends on the meeting. Is it not true? Allah Allah! My Lord, forgive us and grant us repentance and remove every burden from our bodies. These are your servants and they have come all the way here to give us honor. You coming here has dressed us with honor, for which we can never give your proper due. They told me that a shaykh is coming from Bahrain. I said, “He is coming because he has been ordered to come.” Welcome to him! You have honored us, mashaa-Allah! He is like my son. Look over there! (Mawlana Shaykh Nazim kisses his hand.) (laughter) Guest: From now on I will always kiss this [my own] hand! Imam ar-Rufa`i used to say, "When I was far, I used to send my soul to kiss [the hand of the Prophet] in the World of Souls. For forty years, I’ve been (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:34:00
8047 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaykhsOfSham
carrying the musk of the Prophet’s scent on my hand. Whoever likes to kiss the Prophet (s) may kiss my hand." So now whoever wants to kiss Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q) may kiss my hand, because his scent will forever remain
und deine Frau. SM: Ja. M: Dieser ist hilflos. Dieser herrscht nicht, er wird beherrscht. Ihr gebt das große Land von Sham in die Hände eines Alawi. Wie kann das sein? Und niemand kümmert sich darum, keiner fragt. Alle sind beschäftigt mit Handel, Einkaufen, Spaß haben, Herumgehen.. 'Wenn Sham verdorben ist, dann ist die ganze Welt verdorben.' Ich bin voller Gefühle, aber wer bin ich? Ich bin nicht einmal ebenbürtig. Es gibt Große darüber. Es gibt Große darüber, aber es gibt noch keinen Befehl. Noch keinen Befehl, noch keinen Befehl. Es gibt 40 Budalas, Nujaba, Nuqaba, Awtad und Akhiyars. Es gibt eine Gruppe von Djinn, die die Umgebung von Sham beschützt. Einer von ihnen kann alles auf den Kopf stellen. Aber er sagt: Rühr sie nicht an. Laß sie. Sie haben Sham mit Beton gefüllt. Sie stellten überall Statuen auf und alle hielten den Mund. Ist Sham der Ort, um Statuen aufzustellen? Und auch um die Leute zu täuschen, stellten sie eine Statue genau unter dem Hamidiya Markt auf. Sie stellten die Statue von Ayyubi auf. Er verfluchte sie. Niemand weiß diese Dinge, niemand weiß, was das Geheimnis ist. 'Schwierigkeiten treten nicht auf, wenn der Diener nicht außer sich gerät. Sie wurden wild. Sie waren alle so verhüllt. Es konnte niemand ihr Gesicht vor den Leuten von Sham enthüllen. Und diese ließen ihre Töchter Soldatenuniformen tragen und von bärenhaften Männern kommandieren. Ihr schickt eure Tochter auf die Militärschule, damit sie Soldat wird? Allah der Allmächtige sagt: "Wa Qarna Fi Buyutikunna" - Bleibt in eueren Häusern. Jetzt werden alle diszipliniert. Sham, einer der Heiligen würde sie nicht einmal in einen Holzschuppen gehen lassen. Er sagte: 'Laßt sie'. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Sie ließen keine Gelehrten, keine Madrasen, keine Stiftungen, kein Mufti Maqam... Sie gingen überall hinein und verdarben sie alle. Um die Menschen einzuschüchtern, ließen sie Shaykh Muhammad Shami erschießen. Er war ein reiner Mann. Er hatte nichts, es war nur, um die Gelehrten einzuschüchtern. Sie ließen Kuftaros Sohn erschießen in Sham, um sie einzuschüchtern, um ihre Herzen damit zu beschäftigen. Shami Hz, der verstorbene Shami Hz, wer immer ihn erschoß, aus welchem Grund erschoß er ihn? Wie erschossen sie Kuftaros Sohn in Shamu sh-Sharif? Um die Ulama das Fürchten zu lehren, um sie zum Rückzug zu bewegen. Möge Allah sie überwältigen. Mögen sie (8 von 10)04.07.2013 23:33:57
8033 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShamInTheMirror
Sham nicht noch einmal betreten. Fatiha. Ich lebte in Zypern, bis ich 20 war und ging nie zu einer Polizeiwache. Wir gingen hinaus, aber mußten nie auf eine Polizeiwache. Selbst das UK ist anders. Sie haben mich nie gerufen oder so. Die Türkei 100 mal, Sham 1000 mal, rechnet ihr das aus. Ich ging nach Beirut, du warst bei mir. Es war Chaos hier, wir gingen nach Beirut. Subhana Allah. An der Grenze, ich glaube, es war die Sham- oder Aleppo-Grenze, welches Flugzeug auch immer, diese Verräter erlaubten deiner Mutter, dir und Naziha, sie erlaubten euch einzureisen, aber mir erlaubten sie es nicht. Ich gebe ihnen nie meinen Segen. Und sie folgten uns immer, jeden Tag. Sie machten uns bekannt als Briten. Das Paßamt schrieb mich auf als Briten, so dachten sie, ich wäre Brite, ständige Nachforschungen. Ich konnte nicht in Sham einreisen, also kehrte ich nach Beirut zurück. Es gab wieder einen Aufstand in Beirut zu der Zeit. Also ging ich nach Amman von dort. Ich ging nach Amman allein. Ich wohnte bei Shaykh Ahmad Effendi. Dann kamt ihr dorthin, Naziha und du. Möge Allah euch Sicherheit geben. Wir könnten immer weiter reden. Sie beleidigten den Islam. Sie beleidigten die Einwanderer. Die Leute von Sham zeigten keine Liebe für den Islam und Muslime. Die Banditen hier und in der Türkei begannen wieder zu der Zeit. Alhamdulillah, wir durchlebten das alles und kamen wieder her. Insha'Allah werde ich mit dem Sultan sein, der Sham siegreich betritt. Wir alle werden das, insha'Allah. Man kann ein Buch darüber schreiben. SM: Ja, viele Bücher. Masha'Allah. M: Ja, sie sind Feinde des Islam, Feinde der Muslime. Der Oberkommandierende saß dort wie ein Tier und fragte mich: Warum bist du hierher gekommen? Ich bin gekommen, um hier zu leben. Wofür bist du hierher gekommen? Ich mache Dienst hier. Er sagte: Okay, du kannst gehen. Er gab Visa für einen Monat, 15 Tage, du gehst immer wieder hin und her.. Schließlich gaben sie uns von diesen Papieren, die Einjahresvisa erlauben. Aber immer noch viele Nachforschungen. Sie folgten mir immer und dachten, ich sei ein britischer Spion. Sie warfen alle hinaus. Mögen sie ihre Strafe finden, wo immer sie gehen. O Herr, mögest Du uns vergeben. Vergib uns. Fatiha. Lefke, 02.01.2013
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryDamascus, CategoryBiography, CategoryUK, CategoryHoliness, (9 von 10)04.07.2013 23:33:57
8034 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShamInTheMirror
CategoryDjinn, CategoryScholar, CategoryLibanon, CategoryCyprus, CategoryJordan, CategoryGovernment (10 von 10)04.07.2013 23:33:57
8035 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShareYourWealth
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ShareYourWealth
We Are Ordered to Share Our Wealth with the Needy
(Mawlana Shaykh stands) Laa ilaaha illa-Llah. Laa ilaaha illa-Llah. Laa ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadun Rasoolullah `alayhi salaatullah wa salaamu, Khazaliqa as-salaamu alaykum yaa anbiya Allah, yaa `ibaadAllah as-saliheen, yaa rijalAllah amidoona bi madadikum. A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem, laa hawla wa la quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Thumma salaamu `alayk yaa Sahib az-Zamaan. As-salaamu `alayk yaa Qutb az-Zamaan, as-salaamu alaykum yaa as-haab an-nawbah fee mashaariq wal `ard wa maghaaribihaa. (Mawlana Shaykh sings in Turkish) Thumma as-salaamu `alaykum, our attenders! Mashaa-Allah, jama`tum, today too many, too much money you reached. You are happy today because you reached so many millions or billions of pounds, euros, or dollars also. Happy? What did you do for charity in this passing week? Say, "We did this, we did that." In the past all sultans made charities in their names, to make their names live up to the end of the world, for it to be said, "Allah is blessing them that they built that huge mosque for poor people, imaraat khanna, where poor people come to eat, drink, and rest." And they built so many schools with their own money as charity for the nation of the Seal of Prophets, peace be upon him, to learn and to do their best for their Lord, Almighty Allah. (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:33:58
8036 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShareYourWealth
Yes, there is a level of people whom prophets call, "Come to your servanthood! Try to do your best service for your Lord." They are the first level of people prophets called. Prophets called another group, saying, "You are also giving your charity for people, to lift their heaviness from them. That is a grant of the Lord of Heavens for the honor of His most honored servant." Yaa Rabbee, tawbah yaa Rabbee. A group of people have also been called to make charities for weak people, to make them happy. O Salafi `ulamas! Marhaban! Kayfa shaafikum al-yawm? Are you happy? Happy! Allah Allah, SubhaanAllah. What do you think for hadeeth ash-shareef of the Seal of Prophets (s): (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Al-jazau min jins al-`amal, kama tadeerutun. Punishment/reward is from the aspect of work. I know some ahadeeth also. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) That is very important and I am addressing to Salafi `ulamas who claim they are `ulamas, learned ones ordered to teach people. That is their mission; they must teach people, and say to them, al-jazau min jins al-`amal. There is jazaa'an hasanan, for good-doing ones, if they are doing good, they are rewarded with good. Anyone who is making his charity, making good services, Allah Almighty is not in need of our services but He is always asking, "O My servants, look after My weak servants. Yes, I may give to them, I may make some ones rich and some other ones are needy. Those who I granted power to do goodness and to make charities, I am leaving them and saying, 'O My rich servants! Look after weak ones, make your charity for them. O People! Deal with them with justice, `adl; keep justice. O My mighty servants and My rich servants! Look for and help My weak ones." O Salafi `ulamas! Allah Almighty likes weak ones to be protected. He is Qadir, Muqtadir! He is able to do everything and His order is between kaf and noon. But you must think on it, You must give your naseeha, good advising to your kings, maliks, umaras, rich ones. O People! Come and do something good. For the sake of your Lord, look after weak ones and grant them from your charities, to make them happy and make Allah Almighty thankful. For what? Allah Almighty granted you something and you are giving to others. We are so far away from the real meaning of being "good servants" for the Lord of Heavens! He granted you treasures to help others, not to keep storing them in safes, for what? (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:33:58
8037 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShareYourWealth
Allah Almighty is saying, "O My servants, don't save golden or silver, or jewels, but give, because I am happy when you are giving and I am angry when you are not giving." This is a new opening for all nations, particularly the Muslim community. The Muslim community, whose whole ijtihad, efforts, are to make much more money, jewels and treasures! And Allah Almighty is able to make rain on some parts of continents, and wealthy Muslims seeing the news every night that millions need even a handful of rice, and they don't care, they are not taking care of them! They say, "O! We sent 20 million. Our malik just sent 50 million." It is nothing, because some of you have 50 billion, and some of you have trillions, some have quadrillions! For what?!! Why are our Salafi `ulamas not warning them, "O our mulook! O our kings and rich ones! Make your charities before you are buried under this world!" Why are they not saying, and Allah Almighty is ordering them, wa dhakkir "And remind them!" O `ulamas! You are only claiming you are Salafi `ulamas. Say, which king among your kings is sending charity throughout east and west? Which one sent from his name one billion dollars? Let them send it, and then say, “Our king sent that amount.” If they are sending, they must make it clear for everyone to see, to be happy and pray for them, here and Hereafter! That is the most important point! But our `ulamas are only saying, "Blah, blah, blah (empty words)." Leave that and make charity! That is a holy command from Allah Almighty, not from me! I am nothing, but, alladhee antaqa kulla shay just antaqanee, "Who made everything speak is making me to speak!" Don't say, "That old one is saying this," no! What He is putting in my heart, I am addressing to all people! Give your charities more and more, because a time is coming about which is mentioned in Shari`atullah, fee akhbaree `akhir az-zamaan, "news of Signs of the Last Days" of dunya. There is coming a day now, when people will accumulate so much gold, but people will not take from them, because Allah Almighty is sending to believers from His blessings. There just came for Jesus Christ one tray of food; is there only one tray in Heavens? But when the Last Day is approaching, Sayyidina Mahdi (a) must come, and then Allah Almighty will send trays like in time of Sayyidina `Isa (a), daily, because some people will say, astaghfirullah, "Is Allah Almighty so poor that He sends only one tray? What about other people through centuries?" He is asking to show His people that He is able to send trays anytime His servant opens his hands and says, "O my Lord! Send us from Your secret trays because I am busy worshiping You! I am busy serving You! Urzukna, give our (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:33:58
8038 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShareYourWealth
rizq, provisions," and Allah Almighty is sending in the time of Mahdi (a) and `Isa (a), daily coming to everyone's homes trays that it is impossible to bring to everyone! (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allah Almighty is jalaaluhu ghaniyun mutlaq fa`alun limaa yureed, "the Absolute Wealthiest, He is doing as He likes." (Mawlana Shaykh sits) That day is coming, and when it arrives, what will be the value of your gold you saved? Nothing, nothing! O our Salafi `ulamas! Wa dhakkir, "and remind them," ummat al-Habeeb, the nation of the Seal of Prophets! They must try to increase their charities much more now, much more, much more, because soon no one is going to accept charity, saying, "We have and we don't need it." That time is approaching now! I don't know if it will happen in one year, two years, or three years when that heavenly ikraam, generosity, will appear from the Lord of Heavens. Give now and take heavenly grants now! If you are not giving, your wealth will be useless, for you and others! O People! Allah Almighty is asking for good servanthood and from it, one part is for His majestic glory: to pray, pray, pray! And the second part is not for Him: give charity to the poor. Now the time is over. We hope that those days are approaching quickly and people will find in front of them such a position, such beings that they will be astonished. Give now! If you are not giving, you will weep on the Day of Resurrection, saying, "Why didn't I give more charity?" May Allah forgive us. O People! It is good advice and a heavenly teaching, for me, for you, and for all believers. If someone does not believe, don't occupy yourself with them; look after yourself and ask for forgiveness and your Lord's blessing. May Allah bless us for the honor of the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) Fatihah. (35 minutes) (1011 viewers) Alhamdulillah, it is your barakah (CC2, who returned today). Alhamdulillah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah. Lefke, 18.09.2010 (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:33:58
8039 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShareYourWealth
WebSufiLive, CategoryCharity, CategoryWealth (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:33:58
8040 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShavvalWillBeStrongAndHeavy
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ShavvalWillBeStrongAndHeavy
This Shavval will be strong and heavy
The Tajalli now: '...wa kutiadabiu kaumi ladhina dhalamu...' This Shavval will be strong, heavy. Dhulm has reached to a limit, it will stop. It has already begun- the world will be cleaned from dhulm. No one from dhalim people will remain, their hands, feet and heads will be cut, because people have suffered too much from dhulm. And that is Allah's divine Justice; He says: 'I will send someone who will stop dhulm.' The world will be filled with justice, mercy and beauty. Who carries cruelty in his heart, his days are counted. He has made himself an aim, no matter where he is hiding. I didn't intend to speak much, but because of the intensity of dhulm there is like a fire burning in our heart- we want it to stop. My hope, and even more, my belief is that Allah will bring it to an end. Also who agrees with the cruel actions of others makes himself guilty. It is like this with Bin Laden. They did terrible things, the buildings were full with people, To burn them there is no justification from Shariat or Tariqat. Who carries mercy and compassion in his heart, can never accpet something (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:33:59
8041 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShavvalWillBeStrongAndHeavy
like this. Bin Laden has agreed with these actions. How he can do that! Now he is looking for a place to hide himself. But Allah's Justice comes after people who are dhalim, not America or Germany, and His sword of Justice may take away all wrongdoers... ...That power is open now...The caliph will take his permission from the Sheikh-ul-Islam, and then move accordingly... The light has gone from Bin Ladens face- he agreed with those actions, and no one can accept something like that. If he was right, Allah would help him- so it means he is not right. Now strictness is coming- dhalim people will be hit by Allah's soldiers. 'Unibersin shadid'- At any time there used to be one mighty nation- nowadays it is Americ, and everyone is fearing. The storm is coming... When the Children of Israel claimed to be the chosen people, Allah defeated them. When a nation becomes too proud, when they claim no one can defeat them, Allah makes them down by the hands of another nation. In our time America is bringing justice. It is a country where people from all nations live. And everyone get weapons from them... Many things will come on the heedless Muslims... Democracy = pocracy- it means wild and harmful animals may live among people, as well as kafirs. But it is said that one should not let harmful animals and insects live in one's house! Nero had a garden in his palace where he used to keep wild animals, running around freely. He used to keep them hungry, not feeding them, so the poor slaves that had to pass from one side to the other became their victims. He was watching from up how they were being eaten by the animals... He was mad! What we are saying is from the holy Quran. We are speaking the truth. S.Mehdi a.s. will come and destroy the dhalims. One out of seven will remain... We will not be in need of passports anymore to travel. We will fly (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:33:59
8042 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShavvalWillBeStrongAndHeavy
without airplanes, by our spiritual powers, everyone according to his own power will get up and watch from there. Those people are paradise people... Don't be a cruel one and you will reach to these days. O Allah, accept us- we don't agree with this cruelty, dhulm. Make us from Your sincere servants. Lefke, 24.11.2001
CategoryShawwal, CategoryOppression, CategoryTerrorism, CategoryAnimal (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:33:59
8043 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaykhsOfSham
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ShaykhsOfSham
Stories from Shaykhs of Sham ash-Shareef
To benefit all believers, Sayyidina Muhammad (s) said, “Eat and drink...” (Mawlana Shaykh Nazim says to his guest) As much as you eat and drink, the Prophet (s) is happy! It is a training in adab for the ummah, as the Prophet (s) often said, “I sit like the servant sits and I eat like the servants eats." This is a lesson in `uboodiyyah, servanthood, to all human beings, so they will not be proud, arrogant or oppressors! SubhaanAllah. Our sayyid (guest) knows such things and for our gathering to be blessed (I am saying this), for the barakah (of your visit)! The Prophet (s) said, adabanee rabbee, “My Lord granted me good manners,” he did not say, “My Lord taught me.” Therefore, to learn good manners is better than to learn knowledge. There are no more good-mannered people, from East to West. Between the believers, the Muslims, we became those about whom the Prophet (s) said, “There will come a time where nothing will be left of Islam except its name and of religion except for its symbol." SubhaanAllah, there are no good manners left, the basis of our religion, as Prophet (s) describes it, "I sit as the servant sits," this is the teaching from Al-Haqq (swt) to him. What can we do? His Lord granted him good manners. Allah (swt) did not order him (to have good manners); Prophet (s) did not say, amaranee rabbee, "My Lord ordered me," rather, he said, adabanee rabbee, "My Lord granted me good manners." With amr, “order,” comes force, but to be granted good manners is something else. (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:34:00
8044 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaykhsOfSham
Allah (swt) likes servanthood from His servants. Allahu Akbar! The whole nation of the Beloved (s) has lost good manners, from their kings, their leaders and their scholars. Nobody is asking from the shaykhs because all their scholars have lost good manners. It is the attribute of the scholars (...) as mentioned in the Qur’an: Innamaa yakhshallaha min `ibaadihi ‘l-`ulama. It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear Allah. (35:28) Where are these scholars? They don't know their right hand from their left, and all they aspire to is to fill their stomachs! There was one from the scholars of Damascus who was “saahib ahwaal” (in spiritual states) and he was an imam in the mosque in a place called Marja which the devilish people destroyed. The imam was a very nice person with a light spirit, from the awqaf (Ministry of Religious Affairs). His name was `Abdul-Wahhab as- Salahi. He had spiritual states, he had glory, and his voice, mashaa-Allah! May Allah raise his power and station. Sometimes when a person dies, after forty days they bake some bread to distribute. Sometimes that imam is looking for me to tell me there is a meeting of the awqaf. I am looking then to see to what he is pointing, like saying, “Salaam `alaykum. There is a gathering more important than this one and I want to go there!" Nobody else in the gathering knew this signal. May Allah bless his soul. He was very nice and had good manners. SubhaanAllahi ‘l-`Aliyyi ‘l-`Azheem. Now there is nothing left except “khushubun musannadah,” dry wood, there are no more (like him), as Allah (swt) in the Holy Qur’an: Wa idha ra’aytahum tu`jibuka ajsaamuhum wa in yaqooloo tasma` li-qawlihim ka-annahum khushubun musannadah. When you see them their bodies please you, but when they speak and you listen to their sayings, they are like propped-up timber. (al-Munafiqoon, 63:4) May Allah (swt) forgive us and send us scholars from Shaam ash-Shareef, the land filled with shaykhs! Shaykh `Abdul-Wahhab as-Salahi had such glory and his voice was so loud. SubhaanAllah! Sometimes I came down to the market from Jabal Qasiyun to buy what was needed for my house, and when it was time to pray Zhuhr I went to his mosque. SubhaanAllah, not once did he lead the prayer, whether it was Zhuhr or (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:34:00
8045 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaykhsOfSham
`Asr, but he appointed me to be imam. I always said, "No, you!" but he insisted, saying, "No, it must be you." After the prayer, he used to take me by my hand to a room that was connected to the mosque so the visitors may come inside. At that time people were busy; they did not come and therefore he used to make a meal called “Chun-chun,” tomatoes, onions and eggs fried together. He himself fried them and he used two loaves of bread, and he brought it and always called me saying, "Shaykh Nazim, come!" He ate with me and whatever was needed financially he gave me because I was not employed; I had no real work so he used to give me something. May Allah bless his soul! Several times he used to come. One day he came, and due to our situation we did not buy anything in the market. They used to weigh pieces of fabric then. Once I paid 20 Siryan for fabric and, may Allah bless the soul of the mother of my children (Hajjah Anne rahmatullah `alayhi), who was an excellent tailor. She made me a jubbah from that fabric. Shaykh `Abdul-Wahhab asked me, “Who made this jubbah for you, Shaykh Nazim?" I told him, "Your servant, the mother of my children." Astonishing, he liked it! He also bought a piece of fabric that was pre-cut and several tailors told him it was not enough fabric to make a jubbah. Then he called, "O Umm Muhammad!" to the mother of my children. She answered, "Yes, Sayyidee." "Allah bless you! Please look at this piece of fabric I bought. All the tailors told me it is not enough to make a jubbah, but you fit for it.” She replied, "As you like.” She measured him and tailored a jubba that was perfect for him. After that, he used to say, “The most famous tailor is Umm Muhammad!” the mother of my son, Muhammad (Shaykh Mehmet). May Allah bless her soul. What can we do O Shaykh? May Allah bless you. May Allah forgive us and correct our situation. Do you know Shaykh Yahya as-Sabbagh from Shaam? You were not in his time. After `Isha prayer he left the mosque and upon reaching his home, he looked behind him and saw a long line of dogs had followed his steps. Then he called his wife and said, “Bring whatever food you can find in the house as my group is behind me,” and he (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:34:00
8046 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaykhsOfSham
fed the long line of dogs! He was also a person with spiritual states and although he was illiterate, he used to give explanation of the words of Shaykh Muhiyudeen Ibn `Arabi (q). When you enter the mosque of Muhiydeen Ibn `Arabi, the maqaam is on the left side. I often went there with my master, Shaykh `AbdAllah al-Fa’iz ad-Daghestani (q), for Jumu`ah prayers and I carried his shoes. After prayers, Shaykh Yahya as-Sabbagh sat on the left side near the maqaam of Sayyidina Muhiydeen Ibn `Arabi and did not go down. However, whenever Shaykh `AbdAllah (q) passed in front of him, he immediately stood up to greet him, and I never saw him reply to the greetings of Shaykh `AbdAllah (q) while sitting. He called those beside him, "Come quickly and help me stand up!" Also, Shaykh `Abd Allah al- Fa’iz ad-Daghestani (q) always greeted him while standing, never while sitting. Once there was an invitation in one of our brother's house for someone who passed away, to which Shaykh `Abdul-Wahhab as-Salahi (q) took me. I entered and saw Shaykh Yahya as-Sabbagh (q) sitting there in his usual place. Once he asked me, "O young man! Who is your shaykh?" I replied, "My master is Shaykh `AbdAllah al-Fa’iz ad-Daghestani." He said, “Hold fast to him for he is the only one who meets with the Prophet (s) yaqzhatan, in a waking state, not in his dreams! Hold fast to him!" May Allah raise his station and grant us benefit through him. When you mention the name of righteous ones, mercy descends on the meeting. Is it not true? Allah Allah! My Lord, forgive us and grant us repentance and remove every burden from our bodies. These are your servants and they have come all the way here to give us honor. You coming here has dressed us with honor, for which we can never give your proper due. They told me that a shaykh is coming from Bahrain. I said, “He is coming because he has been ordered to come.” Welcome to him! You have honored us, mashaa-Allah! He is like my son. Look over there! (Mawlana Shaykh Nazim kisses his hand.) (laughter) Guest: From now on I will always kiss this [my own] hand! Imam ar-Rufa`i used to say, "When I was far, I used to send my soul to kiss [the hand of the Prophet] in the World of Souls. For forty years, I’ve been (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:34:00
8047 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaykhsOfSham
carrying the musk of the Prophet’s scent on my hand. Whoever likes to kiss the Prophet (s) may kiss my hand." So now whoever wants to kiss Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q) may kiss my hand, because his scent will forever remain