Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (577/777)
Allah Almighty, we must ask (for) protection from Shaytan’s tricks and traps, and don’t say, “I may depend (on) myself without asking anything from the Lord of Heavens.” Who is claiming, that is false, because no one can be able to save himself or herself if the Lord of Heavens is not protecting him; you can’t do anything! You must say, a `udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem. But heedless people, ignorant people, proud ones may say “I’m not asking any protection from Lord of Heavens, I can do (it) myself, with my hands. I am depending (on) myself, not saying, a `udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem. That is from Shaytan! You must be humble, O Mankind. Shaytan (is the) most dangerous creature against Mankind. Therefore, Allah Almighty is ordering (us) through His servants, (to) be aware of Shaytan. We are saying, a `udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem. In the association, they are saying, Bismillah ar- Rahman ar-Raheem, we are running to You (Allah) from that dirty creature, (who is) urging ourselves to be disobedient.” Shaytan’s way is disobediency, and Heavenly Way is calling us to obediency. And people (are) never thinking, only that there is a positive power and negative power at the same time. And we are saying, “Bismillah ar- Rahman ar-Raheem.” Its power is showing that, “O my Lord! We are weak ones and running to You, from (the) biggest and most dangerous creature attacking ourselves and calling us to disobediency!” May Allah forgive us, and forgive me, and forgive you! O Mankind, beware from worst creature that’s against you. Madad, ya Sultan al-Awliya! And always we must ask (for) a spiritual support. Spiritual support is most important through our lives, and therefore, we have been ordered to ask (for) a spiritual support. If you already have a spiritual support and you are asking to use it, even coming zero kilometers, this is useless if you are not going to the petrol station. (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:48
7978 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanIsBiggestDangerToMankind
You may say, ”Everything is OK, they are taking from the factory zero kilometers! Why am I going to the petrol station?” People may say, “Take your car and go!” And he may receive (…) but every time (he is) turning some key in it, (the car is) never answering. Why? No petrol! No! Mankind is so foolish and never thinking! Mankind, now all of them are drunk, never thinking! Heavenly support, something unseen; they are not believing in the Unseen, you know. Why Prophet was coming? Prophet (s) was coming to give that secret power to our physical being and the center of the physical being is your heart! Your heart! When you are coming in it, you are looking, (and) that it is not something that you are looking and touching, no! There is another heart that making you to live, to think, to move, to do, to run, to take, to live, to do your activities—a power center! That heart is a fist of meat, flesh, it is doing nothing, it is only (for) circulation; it is important only to change our blood and to take (…) (in the) smallest sense, (the heart is) bringing something (and) taking something— that’s it. But what about (all) that you are knowing, that you are feeling, that you are thinking, what you are imagining —from where that comes? You think it comes from that flesh? No, but people are thinking now that everything just belongs to our heart, (that the) heart (is) giving life, no! It is only a means that is used to make your physical being to stand up, but beyond that there are many things astonishing and surprising you! How am I speaking? You don’t give any description. How you are knowing something? You can’t be able to bring a description. How are we thinking? How we are running? How we are imagining? Such things are not belonging to our physical being—beyond our physical being, there is another being! Allahu akbar! But people say we are knowing everything, but they are only knowing to invent some machines. This is their pride. They are doing this, (and) it is not important. Say to me, how we are imagining which power is forcing you to do something? Which kind of powers making you to think on it? Which powers bringing most (…) to be suitable? Can you say that multiplication calculator, how it is working? You can say to me? Never! And that is, subhanAllah, the glory for Allah, absolute glory for Allah. Keeping or hiding, hiding secret for such things, and only giving to appear, but no one can enter and may understand what it is. (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:48
7979 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanIsBiggestDangerToMankind
We are sitting here and this instrument is taping our assembly, our meeting, and taking to America or Africa or UK or US—how this is? How this is going to be able going on, but you are not understanding. But now it is so simple, being (communication) through people. First I was looking (at a) phone. First of all, I saw it in Malaysia, one telephone, and our brother Raja Ashman showing me and saying, “This is a new phone, and you may speak to everywhere.” I was astonished at how it can be? Yes, you are making and saying, “Here! Which one you are in need, look, he is now speaking to (that one).” I was so astonished, because up to that time I was always using phones on a land line, but that day I was so astonished, (thinking) how can we? Now the whole world is full of such instruments that everyone can use, except me, I’m not carrying (cell phone). I don’t bother sending, and I am not using. (Mawlana Shaykh laughs, very delighted) Power, is not something interesting me to reach people without wires. No, no. My interest is with Heavenly aspects. And Heavenly aspects that just represented through some ones, and looking to find such a people, that their hearts may be in contact with Heavenly aspects. If you are thinking this (is what) scientists or doctors or learned people are saying, it is impossible! It’s impossible. Look what you are paying for phones. You are saying it’s impossible to reach to East and to West, but I’m saying I’m interested to reach Heavenly aspects. I mean to say that Man is most difficult for understanding, or to be understood. O people! O our brothers and sisters, beware of Shaytan! Shaytan is making you to accept everything that’s showing to you what Shaytan (has?) such strange powers. And Shaytan (is) asking from you to be obedient to his orders, not to be obedient to anyone else. Saying, “I am teaching you so many things! But you must work for me, not anyone else!” How it can be? you are asking. He says, “I am your teacher, teaching you such secret powers; therefore, I am asking you to be my obedient servant, not to be for anyone else obedient servant!” This is the worst thing, negative powers, surrounding Mankind now and making them to be disobedient ones for their Lord. Therefore, you must always say, a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem. (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:48
7980 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanIsBiggestDangerToMankind
And your Lord, He created everything, even Shaytan. If you are going to be obedient, your Creator may run to you such a power that you may be able to understand what is right and what is wrong, what is for you, and what is against our Lord. And (the) main point of Shaytan is to make Man obedient servants for himself and disobedient ones for the Heavenly Creator always! Therefore, I am surprised that Mankind (is) never taking any care for that unknown being, and we are knowing Shaytan! They are saying, (…) so many names, never done, never. I know, but never they’re not recognizing its identity. No one asking identity of Shaytan! Everyone knows that there is a worst pole or there is someone always making Mankind to be disobedient. What is that one? No one trying to ask! Therefore, they are so friendly with Shaytan and (the) Shaytanic purpose. Everything now (throughout the) whole world just making their hands like this (Mawlana Shaykh throws hands up over his head) and saying (to Shaytan), “We surrender to you, as you like, we are under your command, we are obedient to you, you are our lord,” and (this is) preventing people not to say (to Allah), “You are our Heavens and You are our Creator, and we are under Your Mercy and You are Heaven for us!” And as long as people (are) making Shaytan their biggest Obedience Center, crisis, never-ending crisis (will occur), going from East to West, from North to South; but no one from our clever ones (is) thinking, “What is the reason?” because they are fearing from that negative power, that we are saying, that is Shaytan. No one can be (having) enough courage with me to say, “Oh People, beware of Shaytan!” But they are writing here or there, even through churches, they are not writing anything in their place, “Oh People, beware of Shaytan!” And I don’t think there is (s…) on the door of hopes, and all is written, “Beware of Shaytan.” And I (am) never seeing through their holy books at the beginning to say, “O People, beware of Shaytan!” For Shaytan is changing his face everywhere, taking another appearance. I want people… (Mawlana Shaykh reflects) they are mixing. No clean source now on Earth to give a real description for evil, and main source of evil, what it is. Therefore, now whole world is asking they are asking to destroy each other. It is not an honor for Man to kill Man, or it is not an honor for Mankind to destroy buildings or through truth, no one (is) thinking on it. That is the risk: making so many new things, Shaytan, so that (he will) not to be (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:48
7981 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanIsBiggestDangerToMankind
known (by making so many worldly distractions). But a real Servant of the Lord may understand (by) only looking. And they are saying, that is Shaytanic thinking, asking to destroy humanity. Now 99 percent, everything (is) against humanity, to destroy humanity, and how you can do, one or two or three people, how can they save humanity? And we are in need only, there is someone from Allah Almighty’s Servants, but as a punishment, because they are not using their goodwill and their understanding, Allah Almighty will take each one’s share of Heavenly punishment through their lives! O People, think on it! You are not thinking, and so many things come on your head, and you are not reflecting! O People, we are weak servants and I am not claiming that I am able to change (Mawlana Shaykh smiles). I’m not claiming that I may be able to threaten whole nations. But sometimes now, I am thinking one man, why (isn’t it) enough for the threatening? You are hearing now everywhere that they are saying, “Pig’s Flu!” And they say there is a virus threatening whole Mankind. What is, are you saying, “We are powerful?” And the Lord of Heavens is making you to (be) threaten(ed) from one Pig Flu?!! (Mawlana Shaykh laughs, imitating now) “I am coming through on sheeps… there is 6 here, 7 there… .” If they are going to be sick, making you to fear? This is a new level, saying, “We have complete control, everywhere on Earth.” Who is that one? So many centuries never have been heard that there is Pigs Flu. Maybe people have flu. What happened to flu coming to pigs also, and you are fearing? What is that? Where is your power that you are always (taking) from this technology, technology, technology? And gather your commandos to make attack on this and that. Where is all their power, coming though the virus, coming by plane, or one thing. (Mawlana Shaykh laughs) (Speaking very sternly) O Mankind! You are not fearing the Lord of Heavens, and (that is) making you to run from a virus that you cannot see! And Pigs Flu (laughing with Shaykh Hisham Efendi) Then don’t eat pigs! (speaking playfully now) I am warning whole Mankind who is eating pigs, why are you only running from Pigs Flu. (laughing) (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:48
7982 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanIsBiggestDangerToMankind
Alhamdulillah! As salamu alaykum. (55minutes recorded) (Mawlana Shaykh continues) Dom, dom, dom, dom (humming) O my listeners, I am entertaining you! You think from the time I was young, I was always like this? (Mawlana Shaykh is bursting with delight!) When I was ten years old, a music teacher came, with an instrument, oud, like a guitar, and (Mawlana is strumming air guitar and singing in Turkish for several minutes!!!!) Dom, dom, dom, dom. Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah. I am singing for the whole world, and I am nothing! Ha! (Mawlana is very delighted!) People may say, “Shaykh is so old one.” Yes, sometime, because everything my mind is working like that, but every time I am going to think, “What about these flu people?” but sometimes I am not thinking. And I am saying a note here: if my Lord is protecting me (I am) OK. If He is not protecting, no one can protect me. (Mawlana Shaykh hums a song of praise to Allah) Ya Hayy! People can say, “Shaykh is old,” but I know it is 100% OK (Mawlana Shaykh points to his blessed head). Thank you for listening. Tomorrow I may inshaAllah to make singing for dancing whole world people! (Mawlana Shaykh laughs, very delighted!) Lefke, 27.06.2009
WebSufilive, CategoryTechnology, CategoryBiography, CategoryShaitan, CategoryHealth (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:48
7983 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanKeepsPeopleBusyWithTheories
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ShaitanKeepsPeopleBusyWithTheories
Shaitan Keeps People Busy with One Problem After Another
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, la ilaha ill-Allah w’allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar wa lillahi ’l-hamd. Allahuma salli wa sallim wa baarik ala Habeebika Sayyidina Muhammad, Sayyid al-awwaleen wa’l-akhireen… Fatiha. Welcome my Lord’s servants, welcome! Ummat al Habeeb, the nation of Sayiddina Muhammad (peace be upon him). We are knowing nothing. If they are giving something to know, we may transporting from one to another. If they are not granting from Holy Knowledge to our hearts we can’t speak. We are really seeker of knowledge. To know something and it is really we have been sent here for to know and to learn something. We are not coming, if you are coming only for eating and drinking, our level going to be level of animals. We are not thinking what they are eating and drinking...for their generation they are thinking only sexual desires and that is the level of animals. No more honour on that level, if they are going to be on same levels they are animals no more. But we have been created in another creation, and we are human beings. And we are saying A`udhu billahi mina ’sh-shaytanir-rajeem, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. That is a rank that granted from Heavens to mankind to say A`udhu billahi mina ’sh-shaytanir-rajeem Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. If we are not saying Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem, no value you for ourselves. That is honour granted to (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:49
7984 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanKeepsPeopleBusyWithTheories
mankind, and you are saying Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem and running from evil and devils to our Creator, to shelter ourselves from Shaytan and its Shaytanic levels, not to be on Shaytan's level. We said Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem it is...SubhanAllah, something coming, closing the line, tawbah astagfirullah. Madad ya Sultan al-Awliya. We are in need to know our levels and to be improving. The stairs of getting closer from Heavenly present that we have been honoured by granting from Divinely Presence this is our honour. May Allah forgives us and blessings, we are in need to learn and to do something, according to our honours. O people! Keep a way...I am not saying that I am knowing something but as a TV speaking and that instrument addressing to ourselves, we are hearing and we are not saying that this TV machine knowing so many things, no! Knowing nothing, but when it is suitable for addressing people, it is using a power, a secret power and that secret power running when you are pressing that button, speaks and showing, but really it’s knowing nothing. And we must try to be at least on that way, not to be under the level of TV. At least you must be on the level of TV. Leave yourself in front of Holy Centers, Heavenly Centers to come and to enter through your heart without hindrance, and biggest hindrance that preventing people not to reach to Heavenly position it is dunya, dunya, problems of dunya endlessly. Man creating for themselves through themselves, and their teacher is Shaytan. Shaytan throwing so many things in front of mankind that people falling in a position that no time for them to look beyond their problems. Whole people running after so many problems and asking to find a solution. They are asking so many ways to find a solution, endlessly problems, one after one, one after one. Shaytan throwing in front of people, now doing whole world, Shaytan throwing in front of them everywhere, countless problems and it is all of them belonging to our stomachs. What I am going to eat and drink and dress and to live, that is no any other thing, and countlessly Shaytan throwing in front of them problems. One finishing, second throwing, finishing crisis, economical crisis. O that is like a big ocean ha ha, economical crisis, countless and endless. One finishing coming another one, and all of them for what? For to fill our stomachs, to eat much more delicious meals and to feed our donkeys. Anything else? Our importance only to think how (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:49
7985 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanKeepsPeopleBusyWithTheories
I can feed my donkey, to be my donkey, more pleased and to be in pleasure, how I can feed my donkey? And that is man's last goal? Yes. You may be on top level but you have possibility from every way for feeding your donkey, what happening? What happening? Nothing! But Shaytan putting in front of mankind one after one, one after one endlessly problems. Family problems, community problems, nations problems, human problems ho ho ho, whole governments losing their minds how they can arrange this. Impossible, impossible! Because Shaytan throwing endlessly problems. Making a small drop as an ocean in front of people. O what we shall do now, economical crisis what we can do, your economical crisis what doing for you? The Lord of Heavens sending to you rains from skies from up sending to you and you can plant everything. As we were small ones in elementary school yet for example, 80 years ago I am remembering coming music, a musician person for music lessons, and he was sitting and putting his one foot on chair, and he was beginning to say (Mawlana singing in Turkish): dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, uncle farmer, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm… Whole students we are after you also, some of them....(Mawlana imitating teacher and students singing) Allahu Akbar (Adhan for Salatu ’l-`Asr in Lefke, Cyprus). Cut it for Adhan. (The Transcript has been cut short due to some interference with Livestream) And their most important importance is what you are eating and drinking and up one step more people asking how we can enjoy ourselves by feeding our donkeys? And third they are running in a tunnel that they are not knowing or they are not tasting after that level, if they are eating most delicious food. First level a hungry person may eat dry bread and enjoy it. After that they may find an ordinary food and they are eating and they are happy enjoying themselves. After that level they are entering in a tunnel that waiters bringing to them most delicious food from every kind of food but on that level they never understanding what they are eating or what enjoyment coming to them. They are out of understanding, or they are out of their feelings, (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:49
7986 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanKeepsPeopleBusyWithTheories
what they are eating and if they are enjoying themselves or not. Finished, finished. Now people, majority running to find even dry bread to eat. Another level people they are asking to eat something or that level that finishing their hunger and they are saying we are full now, bring another level of meals and after that when they are using prohibited drinks they are going to be out of their consciousness. They are finishing. What they are eating or drinking not anything they are knowing about it. One of them falling in that way, one another falling on that way, one another falling on tables, one another falling on their backs and a dirty looking coming on them. Their crisis mostly people now on earth now on three stations, three levels. And the Lord of Heavens granting to them but they are saying “No! We must have thousands, hundred thousands, millions and millions of Dollars, Euros or Pounds or thousands of golden coins.” We are full now why running after this? And they are saying, “(it is a) very big crisis, what saying, in economical.” What is that? It is big blame for mankind to fall on that stage and getting angry or feeling themselves hungry and feeling themselves not enjoying with anything of life because of problems of economical crisis. That is Shaytan throwing in front of them one after one problems and finished. Or people so easy so as we learned… (Mawlana singing in Turkish) Dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dum… old farmer, you are planting wheat that we are making from it delicious breads and we are so happy. And we are (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:49
7987 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanKeepsPeopleBusyWithTheories
praising you saying cifti dayu, cifti dayu…(Mawlana singing) We were small ones and we were learning such a thing. And now? Crisis! Economical crisis! American banks bankrupt ah! “How you say bankrupt? Banks falling on their heads?” “No sir, no sir, they are saying that some zeros in front of one getting less. It was 10 zeros, now coming to be 9 zeros and 9 coming to be 8 zeros then coming 8 zeros 7 zeros then coming 1 zero and after a while we are going to be only one….one euro…one dollar…In Switzerland also, they are also bankrupt.” I am saying, “go on mountains and ask goats and sheep if they have any sorrowful thing for them and they are eating on mountains only dry grass or sometimes green grass and they are so happy!” Tuh on you that you are running after…dollars (?) O mankind! Go and learn happiness from sheep and goats. They are so happy on mountains eating thorns and they are so happy and on their necks there is rings also and running from side to another side. Teaching you: “O Man,” and saying to you “it is blame to you O mankind to think so wrong thinkings about yourself. Look ourselves, we are only eating only thorns and dry grasses and dry leaves falling from trees and we are so happy. Look, our bodies we are giving to you our milk, we are giving to you our meats and we are so happy. You! Everything created for you, everything you can find and you are crying and saying ‘ehhh economical crisis!’” You are not looking, everyday you must pass in front of a Church. Must be everyday one or two or more or less hearse bringing someone in coffins. Putting in front of you and saying that passed away and some people asking “what happened to them?” “Because, O my brother, he passed away because of economical crisis.” “How? What happened?” “Economical crisis!” “He was not eating something?” “Eating, but he was so sorrowful because his money coming from 10 zeros to 9 and from 9 coming to 8 and coming from 8, 7 that just poisoned his mind and his mind stopped and he falling down and looking people running after that person just passed away.” Doctors coming saying “what happened?” “Nothing happened” “He passed away because of hunger?” “No.” “Because of thirsty?” “No.” “But his stomach full. How then?” “Grieving.” (Mawlana says, all of you sleeping! Tawba astagfirullah) Grieving making him to die. Give that person a new book and write on it 10 zeros. You can write behind one, (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:49
7988 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanKeepsPeopleBusyWithTheories
so many zeros, you never taking any care and saying “I don’t care.” (e.g. 0000001) But when you are putting in front of one, you are taking so care, put more zeros that that person may be in rest (e.g. 100000000). Now he is very sorrowful lying in his coffin. That is Shaytan’s dramatical history of mankind through 21st century. And I am saying, O people! Try to be free ones, not to be slaves for nonsense, nonsense crisis. You must be thankful that you are finding bread and eating and you are filling your stomach. Be happy. What benefit coming to you if whole banks and its capitals for you? What going to give to you? Nothing! Use your mind, O people! Don’t follow Shaytan. This is an advice from all advices of Prophets (peace be upon them). Keep yourself and don’t be sorrowful for zeros. Be thankful and the Lord of Heavens grants to you. If He is giving to you don’t keep it through banks stores, give for the sake of your Creator to needy people. Needy people. If you are giving needy people the Lord of Heavens grants to you compassion through your hearts, satisfaction grants to you. O people! Think on it from today up to tomorrow and send me some messages if I am true or wrong. If you are saying wrong, I am saying Lord takes your soul after tomorrow to cemetery! Ha Ha Ha. (Mawlana singing) Fatiha. They must be thankful servants then Lord gives to them contentment. Should be very sleepy, (saying) “I am sleeping and I am saying Oooo shaykh be happy!” I am saying for what? Because newspaper in New York, famous street, Wall Street, now they said “whole treasures in Wall Street belongs to you.” “Who saying this?” “All people they are writing but nothing in my pocket because you can’t carry…..” We are making magic theatres also sometimes. Yes you may do also. Today all England banks on them just written on your name, O Sahib……. Thank you sir. Say thanks to Allah that granted to me whole banks, golden stores! (Mawlana singing) That is for jinns singing ehhhhhh, ehhhhhh, ehhhhhhh. Be clever, don’t say anything against Shaykh, Shaykh may send on you black jinns to take you on the Himalayas Mountains, may do, yes, beware from Shaykh. Fatiha. Lefke, 26.07.2009 (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:49
7989 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanKeepsPeopleBusyWithTheories
WebSufiLive, CategoryScience, CategoryBiography, CategoryEconomy (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:49
7990 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanSaysFollowMeBeHappy
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ShaitanSaysFollowMeBeHappy
Shaytan: Follow Me and Be Happy!
(Mawlana Shaykh stands.) As salamu `alayk. Madad yaa Sultan al-Awliya, dastoor. La ilaaha illa-Llah, la ilaaha illa-Llah, la ilaaha illa- Llah Sayyidina Nabi Muhammadun Rasoolullah (s). RijaalAllah. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.)
Allah Almighty, we must ask (for) protection from Shaytan’s tricks and traps, and don’t say, “I may depend (on) myself without asking anything from the Lord of Heavens.” Who is claiming, that is false, because no one can be able to save himself or herself if the Lord of Heavens is not protecting him; you can’t do anything! You must say, a `udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem. But heedless people, ignorant people, proud ones may say “I’m not asking any protection from Lord of Heavens, I can do (it) myself, with my hands. I am depending (on) myself, not saying, a `udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem. That is from Shaytan! You must be humble, O Mankind. Shaytan (is the) most dangerous creature against Mankind. Therefore, Allah Almighty is ordering (us) through His servants, (to) be aware of Shaytan. We are saying, a `udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem. In the association, they are saying, Bismillah ar- Rahman ar-Raheem, we are running to You (Allah) from that dirty creature, (who is) urging ourselves to be disobedient.” Shaytan’s way is disobediency, and Heavenly Way is calling us to obediency. And people (are) never thinking, only that there is a positive power and negative power at the same time. And we are saying, “Bismillah ar- Rahman ar-Raheem.” Its power is showing that, “O my Lord! We are weak ones and running to You, from (the) biggest and most dangerous creature attacking ourselves and calling us to disobediency!” May Allah forgive us, and forgive me, and forgive you! O Mankind, beware from worst creature that’s against you. Madad, ya Sultan al-Awliya! And always we must ask (for) a spiritual support. Spiritual support is most important through our lives, and therefore, we have been ordered to ask (for) a spiritual support. If you already have a spiritual support and you are asking to use it, even coming zero kilometers, this is useless if you are not going to the petrol station. (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:48
7978 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanIsBiggestDangerToMankind
You may say, ”Everything is OK, they are taking from the factory zero kilometers! Why am I going to the petrol station?” People may say, “Take your car and go!” And he may receive (…) but every time (he is) turning some key in it, (the car is) never answering. Why? No petrol! No! Mankind is so foolish and never thinking! Mankind, now all of them are drunk, never thinking! Heavenly support, something unseen; they are not believing in the Unseen, you know. Why Prophet was coming? Prophet (s) was coming to give that secret power to our physical being and the center of the physical being is your heart! Your heart! When you are coming in it, you are looking, (and) that it is not something that you are looking and touching, no! There is another heart that making you to live, to think, to move, to do, to run, to take, to live, to do your activities—a power center! That heart is a fist of meat, flesh, it is doing nothing, it is only (for) circulation; it is important only to change our blood and to take (…) (in the) smallest sense, (the heart is) bringing something (and) taking something— that’s it. But what about (all) that you are knowing, that you are feeling, that you are thinking, what you are imagining —from where that comes? You think it comes from that flesh? No, but people are thinking now that everything just belongs to our heart, (that the) heart (is) giving life, no! It is only a means that is used to make your physical being to stand up, but beyond that there are many things astonishing and surprising you! How am I speaking? You don’t give any description. How you are knowing something? You can’t be able to bring a description. How are we thinking? How we are running? How we are imagining? Such things are not belonging to our physical being—beyond our physical being, there is another being! Allahu akbar! But people say we are knowing everything, but they are only knowing to invent some machines. This is their pride. They are doing this, (and) it is not important. Say to me, how we are imagining which power is forcing you to do something? Which kind of powers making you to think on it? Which powers bringing most (…) to be suitable? Can you say that multiplication calculator, how it is working? You can say to me? Never! And that is, subhanAllah, the glory for Allah, absolute glory for Allah. Keeping or hiding, hiding secret for such things, and only giving to appear, but no one can enter and may understand what it is. (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:48
7979 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanIsBiggestDangerToMankind
We are sitting here and this instrument is taping our assembly, our meeting, and taking to America or Africa or UK or US—how this is? How this is going to be able going on, but you are not understanding. But now it is so simple, being (communication) through people. First I was looking (at a) phone. First of all, I saw it in Malaysia, one telephone, and our brother Raja Ashman showing me and saying, “This is a new phone, and you may speak to everywhere.” I was astonished at how it can be? Yes, you are making and saying, “Here! Which one you are in need, look, he is now speaking to (that one).” I was so astonished, because up to that time I was always using phones on a land line, but that day I was so astonished, (thinking) how can we? Now the whole world is full of such instruments that everyone can use, except me, I’m not carrying (cell phone). I don’t bother sending, and I am not using. (Mawlana Shaykh laughs, very delighted) Power, is not something interesting me to reach people without wires. No, no. My interest is with Heavenly aspects. And Heavenly aspects that just represented through some ones, and looking to find such a people, that their hearts may be in contact with Heavenly aspects. If you are thinking this (is what) scientists or doctors or learned people are saying, it is impossible! It’s impossible. Look what you are paying for phones. You are saying it’s impossible to reach to East and to West, but I’m saying I’m interested to reach Heavenly aspects. I mean to say that Man is most difficult for understanding, or to be understood. O people! O our brothers and sisters, beware of Shaytan! Shaytan is making you to accept everything that’s showing to you what Shaytan (has?) such strange powers. And Shaytan (is) asking from you to be obedient to his orders, not to be obedient to anyone else. Saying, “I am teaching you so many things! But you must work for me, not anyone else!” How it can be? you are asking. He says, “I am your teacher, teaching you such secret powers; therefore, I am asking you to be my obedient servant, not to be for anyone else obedient servant!” This is the worst thing, negative powers, surrounding Mankind now and making them to be disobedient ones for their Lord. Therefore, you must always say, a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem. (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:48
7980 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanIsBiggestDangerToMankind
And your Lord, He created everything, even Shaytan. If you are going to be obedient, your Creator may run to you such a power that you may be able to understand what is right and what is wrong, what is for you, and what is against our Lord. And (the) main point of Shaytan is to make Man obedient servants for himself and disobedient ones for the Heavenly Creator always! Therefore, I am surprised that Mankind (is) never taking any care for that unknown being, and we are knowing Shaytan! They are saying, (…) so many names, never done, never. I know, but never they’re not recognizing its identity. No one asking identity of Shaytan! Everyone knows that there is a worst pole or there is someone always making Mankind to be disobedient. What is that one? No one trying to ask! Therefore, they are so friendly with Shaytan and (the) Shaytanic purpose. Everything now (throughout the) whole world just making their hands like this (Mawlana Shaykh throws hands up over his head) and saying (to Shaytan), “We surrender to you, as you like, we are under your command, we are obedient to you, you are our lord,” and (this is) preventing people not to say (to Allah), “You are our Heavens and You are our Creator, and we are under Your Mercy and You are Heaven for us!” And as long as people (are) making Shaytan their biggest Obedience Center, crisis, never-ending crisis (will occur), going from East to West, from North to South; but no one from our clever ones (is) thinking, “What is the reason?” because they are fearing from that negative power, that we are saying, that is Shaytan. No one can be (having) enough courage with me to say, “Oh People, beware of Shaytan!” But they are writing here or there, even through churches, they are not writing anything in their place, “Oh People, beware of Shaytan!” And I don’t think there is (s…) on the door of hopes, and all is written, “Beware of Shaytan.” And I (am) never seeing through their holy books at the beginning to say, “O People, beware of Shaytan!” For Shaytan is changing his face everywhere, taking another appearance. I want people… (Mawlana Shaykh reflects) they are mixing. No clean source now on Earth to give a real description for evil, and main source of evil, what it is. Therefore, now whole world is asking they are asking to destroy each other. It is not an honor for Man to kill Man, or it is not an honor for Mankind to destroy buildings or through truth, no one (is) thinking on it. That is the risk: making so many new things, Shaytan, so that (he will) not to be (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:48
7981 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanIsBiggestDangerToMankind
known (by making so many worldly distractions). But a real Servant of the Lord may understand (by) only looking. And they are saying, that is Shaytanic thinking, asking to destroy humanity. Now 99 percent, everything (is) against humanity, to destroy humanity, and how you can do, one or two or three people, how can they save humanity? And we are in need only, there is someone from Allah Almighty’s Servants, but as a punishment, because they are not using their goodwill and their understanding, Allah Almighty will take each one’s share of Heavenly punishment through their lives! O People, think on it! You are not thinking, and so many things come on your head, and you are not reflecting! O People, we are weak servants and I am not claiming that I am able to change (Mawlana Shaykh smiles). I’m not claiming that I may be able to threaten whole nations. But sometimes now, I am thinking one man, why (isn’t it) enough for the threatening? You are hearing now everywhere that they are saying, “Pig’s Flu!” And they say there is a virus threatening whole Mankind. What is, are you saying, “We are powerful?” And the Lord of Heavens is making you to (be) threaten(ed) from one Pig Flu?!! (Mawlana Shaykh laughs, imitating now) “I am coming through on sheeps… there is 6 here, 7 there… .” If they are going to be sick, making you to fear? This is a new level, saying, “We have complete control, everywhere on Earth.” Who is that one? So many centuries never have been heard that there is Pigs Flu. Maybe people have flu. What happened to flu coming to pigs also, and you are fearing? What is that? Where is your power that you are always (taking) from this technology, technology, technology? And gather your commandos to make attack on this and that. Where is all their power, coming though the virus, coming by plane, or one thing. (Mawlana Shaykh laughs) (Speaking very sternly) O Mankind! You are not fearing the Lord of Heavens, and (that is) making you to run from a virus that you cannot see! And Pigs Flu (laughing with Shaykh Hisham Efendi) Then don’t eat pigs! (speaking playfully now) I am warning whole Mankind who is eating pigs, why are you only running from Pigs Flu. (laughing) (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:48
7982 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanIsBiggestDangerToMankind
Alhamdulillah! As salamu alaykum. (55minutes recorded) (Mawlana Shaykh continues) Dom, dom, dom, dom (humming) O my listeners, I am entertaining you! You think from the time I was young, I was always like this? (Mawlana Shaykh is bursting with delight!) When I was ten years old, a music teacher came, with an instrument, oud, like a guitar, and (Mawlana is strumming air guitar and singing in Turkish for several minutes!!!!) Dom, dom, dom, dom. Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah. I am singing for the whole world, and I am nothing! Ha! (Mawlana is very delighted!) People may say, “Shaykh is so old one.” Yes, sometime, because everything my mind is working like that, but every time I am going to think, “What about these flu people?” but sometimes I am not thinking. And I am saying a note here: if my Lord is protecting me (I am) OK. If He is not protecting, no one can protect me. (Mawlana Shaykh hums a song of praise to Allah) Ya Hayy! People can say, “Shaykh is old,” but I know it is 100% OK (Mawlana Shaykh points to his blessed head). Thank you for listening. Tomorrow I may inshaAllah to make singing for dancing whole world people! (Mawlana Shaykh laughs, very delighted!) Lefke, 27.06.2009
WebSufilive, CategoryTechnology, CategoryBiography, CategoryShaitan, CategoryHealth (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:48
7983 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanKeepsPeopleBusyWithTheories
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ShaitanKeepsPeopleBusyWithTheories
Shaitan Keeps People Busy with One Problem After Another
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, la ilaha ill-Allah w’allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar wa lillahi ’l-hamd. Allahuma salli wa sallim wa baarik ala Habeebika Sayyidina Muhammad, Sayyid al-awwaleen wa’l-akhireen… Fatiha. Welcome my Lord’s servants, welcome! Ummat al Habeeb, the nation of Sayiddina Muhammad (peace be upon him). We are knowing nothing. If they are giving something to know, we may transporting from one to another. If they are not granting from Holy Knowledge to our hearts we can’t speak. We are really seeker of knowledge. To know something and it is really we have been sent here for to know and to learn something. We are not coming, if you are coming only for eating and drinking, our level going to be level of animals. We are not thinking what they are eating and drinking...for their generation they are thinking only sexual desires and that is the level of animals. No more honour on that level, if they are going to be on same levels they are animals no more. But we have been created in another creation, and we are human beings. And we are saying A`udhu billahi mina ’sh-shaytanir-rajeem, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. That is a rank that granted from Heavens to mankind to say A`udhu billahi mina ’sh-shaytanir-rajeem Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. If we are not saying Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem, no value you for ourselves. That is honour granted to (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:49
7984 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanKeepsPeopleBusyWithTheories
mankind, and you are saying Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem and running from evil and devils to our Creator, to shelter ourselves from Shaytan and its Shaytanic levels, not to be on Shaytan's level. We said Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem it is...SubhanAllah, something coming, closing the line, tawbah astagfirullah. Madad ya Sultan al-Awliya. We are in need to know our levels and to be improving. The stairs of getting closer from Heavenly present that we have been honoured by granting from Divinely Presence this is our honour. May Allah forgives us and blessings, we are in need to learn and to do something, according to our honours. O people! Keep a way...I am not saying that I am knowing something but as a TV speaking and that instrument addressing to ourselves, we are hearing and we are not saying that this TV machine knowing so many things, no! Knowing nothing, but when it is suitable for addressing people, it is using a power, a secret power and that secret power running when you are pressing that button, speaks and showing, but really it’s knowing nothing. And we must try to be at least on that way, not to be under the level of TV. At least you must be on the level of TV. Leave yourself in front of Holy Centers, Heavenly Centers to come and to enter through your heart without hindrance, and biggest hindrance that preventing people not to reach to Heavenly position it is dunya, dunya, problems of dunya endlessly. Man creating for themselves through themselves, and their teacher is Shaytan. Shaytan throwing so many things in front of mankind that people falling in a position that no time for them to look beyond their problems. Whole people running after so many problems and asking to find a solution. They are asking so many ways to find a solution, endlessly problems, one after one, one after one. Shaytan throwing in front of people, now doing whole world, Shaytan throwing in front of them everywhere, countless problems and it is all of them belonging to our stomachs. What I am going to eat and drink and dress and to live, that is no any other thing, and countlessly Shaytan throwing in front of them problems. One finishing, second throwing, finishing crisis, economical crisis. O that is like a big ocean ha ha, economical crisis, countless and endless. One finishing coming another one, and all of them for what? For to fill our stomachs, to eat much more delicious meals and to feed our donkeys. Anything else? Our importance only to think how (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:49
7985 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanKeepsPeopleBusyWithTheories
I can feed my donkey, to be my donkey, more pleased and to be in pleasure, how I can feed my donkey? And that is man's last goal? Yes. You may be on top level but you have possibility from every way for feeding your donkey, what happening? What happening? Nothing! But Shaytan putting in front of mankind one after one, one after one endlessly problems. Family problems, community problems, nations problems, human problems ho ho ho, whole governments losing their minds how they can arrange this. Impossible, impossible! Because Shaytan throwing endlessly problems. Making a small drop as an ocean in front of people. O what we shall do now, economical crisis what we can do, your economical crisis what doing for you? The Lord of Heavens sending to you rains from skies from up sending to you and you can plant everything. As we were small ones in elementary school yet for example, 80 years ago I am remembering coming music, a musician person for music lessons, and he was sitting and putting his one foot on chair, and he was beginning to say (Mawlana singing in Turkish): dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, uncle farmer, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm… Whole students we are after you also, some of them....(Mawlana imitating teacher and students singing) Allahu Akbar (Adhan for Salatu ’l-`Asr in Lefke, Cyprus). Cut it for Adhan. (The Transcript has been cut short due to some interference with Livestream) And their most important importance is what you are eating and drinking and up one step more people asking how we can enjoy ourselves by feeding our donkeys? And third they are running in a tunnel that they are not knowing or they are not tasting after that level, if they are eating most delicious food. First level a hungry person may eat dry bread and enjoy it. After that they may find an ordinary food and they are eating and they are happy enjoying themselves. After that level they are entering in a tunnel that waiters bringing to them most delicious food from every kind of food but on that level they never understanding what they are eating or what enjoyment coming to them. They are out of understanding, or they are out of their feelings, (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:49
7986 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanKeepsPeopleBusyWithTheories
what they are eating and if they are enjoying themselves or not. Finished, finished. Now people, majority running to find even dry bread to eat. Another level people they are asking to eat something or that level that finishing their hunger and they are saying we are full now, bring another level of meals and after that when they are using prohibited drinks they are going to be out of their consciousness. They are finishing. What they are eating or drinking not anything they are knowing about it. One of them falling in that way, one another falling on that way, one another falling on tables, one another falling on their backs and a dirty looking coming on them. Their crisis mostly people now on earth now on three stations, three levels. And the Lord of Heavens granting to them but they are saying “No! We must have thousands, hundred thousands, millions and millions of Dollars, Euros or Pounds or thousands of golden coins.” We are full now why running after this? And they are saying, “(it is a) very big crisis, what saying, in economical.” What is that? It is big blame for mankind to fall on that stage and getting angry or feeling themselves hungry and feeling themselves not enjoying with anything of life because of problems of economical crisis. That is Shaytan throwing in front of them one after one problems and finished. Or people so easy so as we learned… (Mawlana singing in Turkish) Dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dum… old farmer, you are planting wheat that we are making from it delicious breads and we are so happy. And we are (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:49
7987 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanKeepsPeopleBusyWithTheories
praising you saying cifti dayu, cifti dayu…(Mawlana singing) We were small ones and we were learning such a thing. And now? Crisis! Economical crisis! American banks bankrupt ah! “How you say bankrupt? Banks falling on their heads?” “No sir, no sir, they are saying that some zeros in front of one getting less. It was 10 zeros, now coming to be 9 zeros and 9 coming to be 8 zeros then coming 8 zeros 7 zeros then coming 1 zero and after a while we are going to be only one….one euro…one dollar…In Switzerland also, they are also bankrupt.” I am saying, “go on mountains and ask goats and sheep if they have any sorrowful thing for them and they are eating on mountains only dry grass or sometimes green grass and they are so happy!” Tuh on you that you are running after…dollars (?) O mankind! Go and learn happiness from sheep and goats. They are so happy on mountains eating thorns and they are so happy and on their necks there is rings also and running from side to another side. Teaching you: “O Man,” and saying to you “it is blame to you O mankind to think so wrong thinkings about yourself. Look ourselves, we are only eating only thorns and dry grasses and dry leaves falling from trees and we are so happy. Look, our bodies we are giving to you our milk, we are giving to you our meats and we are so happy. You! Everything created for you, everything you can find and you are crying and saying ‘ehhh economical crisis!’” You are not looking, everyday you must pass in front of a Church. Must be everyday one or two or more or less hearse bringing someone in coffins. Putting in front of you and saying that passed away and some people asking “what happened to them?” “Because, O my brother, he passed away because of economical crisis.” “How? What happened?” “Economical crisis!” “He was not eating something?” “Eating, but he was so sorrowful because his money coming from 10 zeros to 9 and from 9 coming to 8 and coming from 8, 7 that just poisoned his mind and his mind stopped and he falling down and looking people running after that person just passed away.” Doctors coming saying “what happened?” “Nothing happened” “He passed away because of hunger?” “No.” “Because of thirsty?” “No.” “But his stomach full. How then?” “Grieving.” (Mawlana says, all of you sleeping! Tawba astagfirullah) Grieving making him to die. Give that person a new book and write on it 10 zeros. You can write behind one, (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:49
7988 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanKeepsPeopleBusyWithTheories
so many zeros, you never taking any care and saying “I don’t care.” (e.g. 0000001) But when you are putting in front of one, you are taking so care, put more zeros that that person may be in rest (e.g. 100000000). Now he is very sorrowful lying in his coffin. That is Shaytan’s dramatical history of mankind through 21st century. And I am saying, O people! Try to be free ones, not to be slaves for nonsense, nonsense crisis. You must be thankful that you are finding bread and eating and you are filling your stomach. Be happy. What benefit coming to you if whole banks and its capitals for you? What going to give to you? Nothing! Use your mind, O people! Don’t follow Shaytan. This is an advice from all advices of Prophets (peace be upon them). Keep yourself and don’t be sorrowful for zeros. Be thankful and the Lord of Heavens grants to you. If He is giving to you don’t keep it through banks stores, give for the sake of your Creator to needy people. Needy people. If you are giving needy people the Lord of Heavens grants to you compassion through your hearts, satisfaction grants to you. O people! Think on it from today up to tomorrow and send me some messages if I am true or wrong. If you are saying wrong, I am saying Lord takes your soul after tomorrow to cemetery! Ha Ha Ha. (Mawlana singing) Fatiha. They must be thankful servants then Lord gives to them contentment. Should be very sleepy, (saying) “I am sleeping and I am saying Oooo shaykh be happy!” I am saying for what? Because newspaper in New York, famous street, Wall Street, now they said “whole treasures in Wall Street belongs to you.” “Who saying this?” “All people they are writing but nothing in my pocket because you can’t carry…..” We are making magic theatres also sometimes. Yes you may do also. Today all England banks on them just written on your name, O Sahib……. Thank you sir. Say thanks to Allah that granted to me whole banks, golden stores! (Mawlana singing) That is for jinns singing ehhhhhh, ehhhhhh, ehhhhhhh. Be clever, don’t say anything against Shaykh, Shaykh may send on you black jinns to take you on the Himalayas Mountains, may do, yes, beware from Shaykh. Fatiha. Lefke, 26.07.2009 (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:49
7989 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanKeepsPeopleBusyWithTheories
WebSufiLive, CategoryScience, CategoryBiography, CategoryEconomy (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:49
7990 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ShaitanSaysFollowMeBeHappy
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ShaitanSaysFollowMeBeHappy
Shaytan: Follow Me and Be Happy!
(Mawlana Shaykh stands.) As salamu `alayk. Madad yaa Sultan al-Awliya, dastoor. La ilaaha illa-Llah, la ilaaha illa-Llah, la ilaaha illa- Llah Sayyidina Nabi Muhammadun Rasoolullah (s). RijaalAllah. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.)