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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (561/777)
            Yaa ayyuha 'l-ladheena aamanu 't-taqu 'l-Llaha wabtaghoo `ilayhi 'l-waseelata wa jaahidoo fee sabeelihi 'l- allakum tuflihoon. O you who believe! Do your duty to Allah! Seek the means of approach to Him and strive with might and main in His cause so you may prosper. (5:35) You are munkir, you are not accepting waseelah (means of approach to Allah). He who is refusing waseelah is going to lose his belief about the Holy Qur'an. Concerning about wabtaghu 'ilayhi waseelah. Who is that 'ilayhi? Who is dameer? Who is that? Dameer is a closed meaning. Ask for reaching to your ma`arif, targets, or anything that you are asking to reach and you can't reach. As a person asking to fly but by can't fly himself must use a plane: that is a waseelah to take you from the Earth to skies. That is a waseelah. You are asking to reach the skies, but you can't do it by yourself. This is an example to make our minds more clear for understanding something. What is the target that is your pleasure to reach? "Yes, I like to be in the skies. That is my wish or my hobby. I like to reach my hobby to be happy!" A hobby makes people happy. Shakespeare is not knowing such things. (Mawlana laughs) A hobby is the secret demand through the souls of people. It is a very good description. Only heavenly ones can grant you everything. (Allah [swt] is saying,) "You can find everything through My Holy Book that I sent to you as My Last Message, with My Last Messenger. You can find this."       Ma farratna fi 'l-kitaab min shay. Nothing have We ommitted from the book. (6:38) "I am that one who knows everything. You can ask me and I can answer," says a person sitting on a chair. "O our master, I have a simple question," says a simple person, standing up. (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:33:13

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"What is that?" "The hairs, I am wondering if we are adding them, going to come odd or even?" English is a very strange language! From one side I am learning, from the second side I am forgetting! I am not knowing if I am too old. I am looking in the mirror, and saying, "No not yet, too much old one," and amusing. Sometimes I'm losing and sometimes remembering. "Your hairs, odd or even?" "I don't know. I am not adding them to say odd or even. I don't know," says the Salafi `alim. "But you said that you know everything, now you are saying you don't know!" "Ask another question." "O our teacher," says another person standing up," I am wondering about an ant; an ant's body has two parts, a head side and a back side. I am wondering for a long time what side are the intestines of ant, head side or back side?" "Sit down! What is this question?" "I am wondering, and you are saying you know everything!" "Two sides. Finish! What is that? Sit down." Now people are saying they know everything, but they know nothing! Allah Almighty is (swt) saying, "Everything you can find in My holy book," ma farratna fi 'l-kitaabi min shay. Everything that you are wondering to know about so that your heart is getting satisfaction. Look! "I am not seeing." A blind one can't see. If you say there is a sun and a moon, they say, "I don't believe there is a sun or moon," because he is not looking and seeing. So, I am asking Salafi `ulamas, what does wabtaghoo mean? Allah Almighty is saying, "Ask!" Ibtighaa is a word that means a person is asking or he likes to reach that point, but he can't and he needs some means to make him to reach his wish. What is your ibtaghaa? What is the most interesting thing, that if you knew about it would make you happy, if you knew about it. You must really ask through your heart about something that you are in need of? "I like to fly." Wabtaghoo ilayhi 'l-waseelah. Man cannot reach anything by himself. You must use some means, zhaahiran wa baatinan, that you can see or can't see. When Allah Almighty is showing what is your most high or most beloved pleasure to reach, 'ilayhi, what is that? Who is dameer? What is that secret? Say! Who is that One? Can anything else be asked (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:33:13

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other than Allah, for reaching? Ilaahi anta maqsoodee, my God, You are my goal! No full-minded person is asking his Lord except for the muntahah, the last point beyond which is nothing! Beyond that nothing has any value! Man's most high desire is to reach his Lord, his Creator, Who is bringing him from nothing into something! O Salafi `ulamas, are you coming by yourselves to dunya and coming for what? Do you know? Say to people! Wabtagha ilayhi. Who is dunya? Wa maa siwaa. Do you think that Allah Almighty ordering to you to run after this Creation or asking from you to reach to your Creator? It is nothing. Ma siwa Allah. Everything except your Lord, they are like shadows. Shadow may be on earth. When the sun is shining you may see your shadow on earth, under your feet. There is another shadow for you that you may see yourself not like a shadow on earth. You may look to a mirror and through there you can see another being just looks like you but it is not you. So that you are saying, "I am asking to reach to that one's real being." You understand? I am not asking to look through this mirror. I may see a beautiful lady on it, it is not enough for me when I am looking and asking to reach her. How you are going to reach? O People! You must understand the Holy Qur'an! They are not understanding anything! W 'abtaghaw ilayhi, when you are looking in a mirror, ayna miratu 'l-haqiqah. Mirrors are of two kinds. One is showing through it not a real being. You are not asking that one, because when you are spreading your hands, you can't touch it. You are asking a mirror that when you are looking in it, you may reach to that one inside! And this is a mirror you are looking and seeing, yes. What do you think Salafi `ulama, any mirror for the Creator? No mirror? Must be mirror because without mirror you can't look to Him. And you are asking to reach to Him. That is matlabul `alaa, the highest desire for Man, to reach what he is asking to reach. Because when he is reaching that One through the mirror. You are looking at yourself that you just disappeared and vanished, and there is that One only! Holy Qur'an, some people may understand something from the past times from `ulamas, from awliyaas. Sometimes they are looking, sometimes they are reaching, sometimes someones they are being. When entering, finished, no more your personality, your personality just disappeared, you vanished. That is (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:33:13

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matlabu 'l-`ala, highest desire that there is no end for it, no ending for that manzhar, vision! We were saying that how? What is the meaning of w 'abtaghaw ilayhi al-waseela? If you are asking to reach yourself, first of all you must have one mirror. That mirror is a waseelah, that means for you to look to you. Then so many realities, so many stages, so many stations, so many levels going up to reach and what you are asking to reach? Getting to a point where you are going to vanish, to lose yourself and looking what you are asking just vanished also! What are we saying now? They are making me to speak on some point that was important. We were saying about Shaytan. Allah (swt) takes that away from His servants. Yes, Shaytan is the biggest enemy and we are in need to save ourselves from Shaytan's tricks and traps. How it can be? One ayatu 'l-kareemah, holy verse that is coming to my heart to speak on it was, wattabi` sabeela man anaaba ilayy. Khitaab addressing one, and at the same time addressing for everyone! The summary of our speech that is coming to me is fa ata`ba sababa.... Nabi Musa, Sayyidina Dhul Kifl. He was wondering, how we can do when he was walking, running to his target? He was stepping:   fa atba` sababa, and so he chose the right means (18:85). SubhaanAllah is such an ocean. You can find for everything that Man is learning, that is the key. Through that key you can open everything, wa sakhara lakum maa fi 's-samawaati wa maa fi 'l-ard. If not stepping, you can't reach. Step on which point? Fa atba` sababa. Therefore, this world, whole things just tied or linked to a reason. Without a reason, can't be anything and Nabi, Prophet Sayyidina Dhul Kifl was running to an aim. He was asking to reach to that point and stepping on steps of reasons. Therefore, this world is `alam ul-inkaan, possibility, everything can be if you are using sabab, reasons. Without reason, you can't reach any target here and Hereafter. 'Alam ul inkam, this world, or everything impossibility, but after this life, it is not possibility. Mumkin, and second is `alamu 'l-inkaan, mumkinaat, and `alamu 'l-inkaan. Possible and impossible. Now dunya, everything on it linked for reasons. When Mahdi (a) coming, people using possibility. That is sunnatullah, everything on this sunnatullah means everything just linked for reasons. When Mahdi (a) coming, everything linked on qudratullah. Qudratullah, reason, know any reason for sunnatullah, no sunnatullah just on reasons. But Qudratullah no need for sabab and when Mahdi (a) is coming. (Mawlana (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:33:13

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stands.) Alfu salaat, alfu salam ala khalifatullah Sayyidina Mahdi (a). (Mawlana sits.) Qudratullah, without reasons, "Kun fa yakoon!" That is the highest rank that a person may reach but can't reach that point, also if he is not using waseelah. Who asking to reach qudratullah, that he may say for anything, "Be!" and coming. That you must not use sabab, that's something else. Waseelah is something else. May Allah forgive us and give us good understanding. That is an important explanation, perhaps some awliyaas just said about it, but now some high level awliyaas know that secret. And from that secret a little bit of drops they are sending now for preparing people for the coming of Mahdi (a) and his personality. That he is going to use, "Kun fa yakoon, Be! and it will be." Therefore, when he is coming, and saying Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar (Mawlana stands) technology and science finished. (Mawlana sits.) May Allah forgives us. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah `Azeez Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah Kareem Allah

Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah SubhaanAllah Dome dome dome dome 8x Bi hurmati 'l-Fatihah. (50 minutes) Too much! SubhaanAllah. Shukr Allah, shukr, shukr. (Mawlana Shaykh Nazim speaks with Hajjah Nazihah on the phone.) Lefke, 31.01.2010

WebSufiLive, CategoryQuran (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:33:13

7772 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SeekTheNur

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SeekTheNur


Seek The Nur

As-Salamu Alaikum O servants of Allah. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. May He (swt) dress us from the power of the Bismillah. There are holy ones Allah Almighty appointed for this, AlHamdulillah. You can be a King, you can be a Sultan but still you are a servant. As-Salamu Alaikum. May the Heavenly safety of Allah descend upon us. Dastur Ya Rijal Allah, O holy servants of Allah. You are loaded with blessings. O you whom Allah loves, you are loaded with Nur. O who is the Master of whom Allah loves? Sultan of the Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (sas) is. He (sas) came loaded with Nur from the Malakut. Allah Allah. What an honour. This is a sohbat. What is the order to us? When two believers meet they should have a sohbat even if it is for a time of milking two sheep. Sohbat saves people from being wild and untamed. It saves them from being ridiculed by shaytan. For this it is ordered: greet with Salam,"As- Salamu Alaikum". "Wa Alaikum as-Salam". May Allah's Salam descend upon us. May Nur from the Great Prophet (sas) fall on us. May the blessings of those who are on his way descend upon us. Who keeps the way have kept the way of Paradise. Who left that way are on the way of hell fire! Dastur Ya Rijal Allah! Don't do anything without dastur (permission). Ask for dastur. Dastur is the grant of those who possess spiritual power, it is Allah Almighty's grant to them through our Prophet (sas). When we say dastur, there is Nur that we will receive from him. Nur... "Faltamisu Nuraan" (57:13) This is the Holy Quran. Did we say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim? We did. The Bismillah is the Mercy Oceans which have no boundaries nor end. It is what has Al- Ism Al-'Adham (Allah's Greatest Name) in it. They ask about the Ism al-'Adham: Where should we look for the Ism Al-'Adham? Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. The Ism Al-'Adham is in this. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. How beautiful, what an honour. He (swt) informed mankind (1 von 17)04.07.2013 23:33:14

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about it. The Bismillah is loaded with Nur. It is Nur oceans, Shaykh Mehmet Effendi. O attending ones. O people, believers who are attending and who are listening. These sohbats were spoken, or maybe they were not spoken, maybe they haven't reached us but the awliya of Allah who will say the Haqq word have never been absent. Who can't submit to the Haqq (Truth) can't be waliullah (a friend of Allah). Who submits to the Truth is the servant Allah accepts. Who doesn't submit to the Truth is shaytan's dog. He is shaytan's donkey. We are seeking because Allah Almighty says... Since we said the Bismillah, then it opens. Even if we spoke till the Judgement Day, it doesn't finish. How can it? "Ma `Indakum Yanfadu Wa Ma `Inda Allahi Baq" (16:96). Is it not so? "What is with you will finish,and what is with Allah will be everlasting". Open your eyes, O you who are two-legged ones but run after what the four-legged ones do and try to be like them! Open your eyes. Look to what is with Allah. "Wa Ma `Inda Allahi Baq". What is with Allah is eternal. Al-Baqa' (Immortality) is the Attribute of Allah. Therefore ask from Who is the Al-Baqi. Al-Baqi Hu Allah. Ask from Allah Dhul Jalal. What does Allah Almighty say? He (swt) said to the Holy Pen "Write Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim". He (swt) said "Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim". I want to stand up each time I say it but may Allah Almighty forgive me because of my weakness. Always stand up when you remember the Holy Name of Allah Almighty. The old Sultans would stand up on their thrones when the Holy Name of Allah Almighty was mentioned: "Aman Ya Rabbi, Who dresses on me this sultanate, I glorify You!" Is there anyone who thinks of this? Which King now says this? "O Lord!" Such Sultans who would stand up on their thrones when the Holy Name of Allah Almighty was remembered, came and passed. They would stand up. The ones now sit without moving at all. What are you? What are you that you sit when the Holy Name of Allah Almighty is remembered? Why don't you stand up when you say the Bismillah? "Well, I am a Ruler, I am a King, I am..." No! You are a servant. You are a servant. You are a servant. Whose servant are you? You are a servant of the Lord Almighty. Then you should stand up in high respect for Your Lord. When a sultan sits on his throne, if a person comes and enters in his presence, does that person just greet him and finds a place to sit or does he remain standing in full respect until the Sultan (2 von 17)04.07.2013 23:33:14

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says sit, until he gives him the sign to sit. Adab, adab, what elevates a person is adab O son. Awliyas said like this about adab. I think it was Yunus Emre, he said like this, may Allah sanctify his secret. "I sought and asked in the assembly of the wise ones. Knowledge comes last; only adab only adab". A person comes near to the great ones with adab, not with knowledge. They say for such a man "he is a learned man but didn't learn adab. He is a brutish one". Don't be brutish. Be Effendi (well mannered). Know about good manners. What does the good manners of a person consist of? It is not with his wealth or nor the throne or chair he sits on. The value and honor of Man is with his adab. Be a person with good manners! Say! Say that knowledge comes last. He came with adab. For this the Prophet (sas)... I may stand up. O Glorious Prophet! We should stand up for you even if it is for 100 00 times! O Kings! When the name of that Glorious Prophet is mentioned, stand up on your throne! Don't be proud! Maybe angels take your soul on the throne as you sit and you fall over, you collapse. People rush "What happened?" His soul is gone and his body remains. Think O Kings! Don't be arrogant! There is the Wrath of Heavens coming on this earth. Because, they call it the 21st century. How many thousand years passed only Allah (jwa) and the Sultan of the Prophets (sas) whom He informed know. The awliyas whom he (sas) taught know. The awliyas who keep his adab know. Say! Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim and Allah Almighty calls you, "My servant who has adab". Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, say it openly! And also above the throne you sit, put a sign of Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. This was his title. Balqis, the Queen Balqis... Which country's Queen was she? S.M. Sheba. M. The Queen of Sheba. She was magnificent. There was no other person who had the magnificent sultanate she had. To put her in her place, Prophet Sulaiman...was it him? He sent his holy letter to her. What was his title, O Kings, O scholars O those who think of themselves highly and become arrogant! Be careful! What did he say in his holy letter? "'Innahu Min Sulaymana Wa 'Innahu Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim" (27:30) Is the Verse not like this? A severe punishment is coming. Allah Almighty will discipline. The people of the 21st century became mannerless, the learned ones as well as the uneducated ones. He (swt) will discipline them. They should be disciplined. I don't want, I have the authority, no King should sit on his (3 von 17)04.07.2013 23:33:14

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throne without the Bismillah! He should stand in front of his throne and say Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim. "'Innahu Min Sulaymana Wa 'Innahu Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim". Everyone in his presence should stand on their feet. He should establish such an adab and have no fear. He should not fear! It is not that we don't have power! There is an awliya who rules over the jinn. If he wants, he can hold him by his ears like this and throw him into the sea! Don't be proud! "I sell lamp oil". A person cannot be great by selling lamp oil. Even if he has loads of gold worth millions, billions, he may not be considered as Man. The value and honour of Man is with adab. And the beginning of adab is Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. If you don't teach it, you go to hell fire as well as those whom you teach. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Say "I am at Your Service, O our Lord" and stand up on your feet. Allah Almighty says "Faltamisu Nuraan" (57:13) The Holy Verse, the order. It says "Then seek a light (Nur)!" Astonishing. Astonishing. Where are our scholars? Where are our rulers? Where are the Kings? Where are those who think highly of themselves? Where is it what you seek? Allah Almighty told you "Seek Nur!". These people seek nar (fire)! The people of this time are seeking fire, they are not seeking light. Their goal is to burn the world. All these huge, great nations... What is their goal? Their goal is that they want to rule over the whole world and they want to burn the whole world. Really? Who gave you this authority? They will be the first to go with the first cannon fired! "Take shelter". "Where should we take shelter?" Allah Almighty said "Seek Nur". Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, that you can take every Nur from it. Allah Almighty said to the people; to the Kings and to the servants: "O people. La ilaha illa Allah hasni! Wa man dakhala hasni, amin min adhabi". O Kings, are you reciting this? It is forbidden! You can't say La ilaha illa Allah. If three or five people gather in Haram al-Sharif and say La ilaha illa Allah these harmful ones come and say "What are you doing? This is bid'ah". What is the business of who can't distinguish between bid'ah and fardh? May they be taken away! May those who don't revoke this order be taken away in 40 days! La ilaha illa Allah hasni, is My castle. Wa man dakhala hasni, amin min adhabi. Start marching. They can fire cannons if they like. Say: La ilaha illa Allah. La ilaha illa Allah. La ilaha illa Allah. Don't even take a rifle in your hand. Say "We are Muslims. May the cannons, planes, that unbelievers invented explode on their own heads! Our power is spiritual". Say, Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim. Then say, La ilaha illa Allah. La ilaha illa Allah. La ilaha illa Allah. (4 von 17)04.07.2013 23:33:14

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Muhammad Rasulullah (sas). You should change O Kings, O rulers! You should know your place! La ilaha illa Allah hasni, it is My castle, He (swt) says. Wa man dakhala hasni, amin min adhabi. They will be safe from My wrath. If I pull My wrath back what is the value of the cannons others fire, or the weapons they may use? Say O Muslims! La ilaha illa Allah. La ilaha illa Allah before you sit on your throne O Kings! If you want an honourable life, if you want acceptance on the part of Allah, if you want Nur... It is not up to your wish but an order, Allah's Order: "Faltamisu Nuraan" Allah says "Seek light!" The people of this time seek hellfire. Shame on our humanity. May Allah forgive us. We may say: "Faltamisu Nuraan". Allah's order, seek light. The people have become two kinds, Shaykh Mehmet Effendi, the people of light and the people of fire! The people of light are brilliant and shiny in dunya also. And in akhirah, they will be dressed with Nur in the Divine Presence. The people of fire is the condition of those who don't accept Allah Almighty, who don't show Him due respect. And they are in fire and fear in dunya. At the least they have the fear of "What will come on my head?" They threw a shoe at one man's head somewhere. But he thought of himself as a great man! Greatness belongs to Allah Almighty, not to the servant. Allah dresses greatness on His servant. Don't ever fear if He (swt) dresses you. Others fear from him, others are scared of him. Now there are seven kingdoms in the land of Arabia. If they sit on their thrones without standing on their feet they will be taken in 40 days. I don't know anything. In 40 days, leave aside sitting on throne, they will be buried. So they should be careful. This is a warning. Allah did not send you to search for petrol, or to search for uranium. Mankind is on the wrong way, especially those who claim to be Muslims! Especially those who claim to be Muslims! Allah Almighty informs us about what we should ask: "Faltamisu Nuraan". Seek it, search for it. This is what you should ask for in dunya. On the Day of Judgement people will be in two categories: one is the people of light and one is the people of fire. And the people of light go to paradise and people of fire to hell fire. Put yourself into one of these! Who doesn't learn this in 40 days... There are seven Kings who rule now in the Islamic continent, in this Arabic peninsula. If these ones don't pay attention to this, after 40 days they will be left as "takaoud". What is takaoud? It means the angel of death will hit their chest with his hand and they shout: "Reach! Something is happening to me". Nothing is happening. No need to shout. Nothing is happening. He came to (5 von 17)04.07.2013 23:33:14

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take back what is entrusted to you. Who doesn't take precautions about these instructions in 40 days, whether they are King or Sultan, he will hit all their chests saying "Return to me the trust! You couldn't protect the trust" Allah Almighty entrusted you so that you seek light but you sought fire. You didn't say "Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. O our Lord, we are Your servants". You should stand like this even if you are the Sultan of seven nations! In the old times Sultans, our Ottoman ancestors who raised the flags of Islam for 1000 years, when they went to the tomb of Abu Ayyub Sultan, they were magnificent ones but they would dismount their horse and kiss his doorstep. They had such a respect because they knew that there is Nur in the Sahaba. From whom do you seek the Nur? From the Sahabas. Some people who came out recently destroyed the maqams of those who have Nur. May their dunya collapse on their heads! The jinn will be inflicted on them. There is the power now. Who do these shameless things, who say "we are Muslims" and destroy the maqams of the Holy ones, they may not survive this Ramadan. They should either remove their hands or not even one of them will remain until Rajab, the month of Allah. This is also a warning. They should say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. They have the jealousy of shaytan! They are shaytan, those who insult the awliya of Allah. Allah Almighty says "Wa Kunu Ma`a -s-Sadiqina" (9:119). How do you read the Quran? What kind of Muslim are these? He (swt) says "Be with the true ones". And who are they? "Wa La Tahsabanna Alladhina Qutilu Fi Sabili llahi 'Amwataan Bal 'Ahya'un" Don't say "dead" for the people whom Allah loved. These shameless men go and destroy their maqams. Jinn will attack them. They will make them into pieces and throw them into the sea. O Kings! I have respect for you. I have full respect but our declaration is different. "Wa Dhakkir Fa'inna Adh-Dhikra Tanfa`u l-Mu'minina " Advice, because advice, reminding, profits them. They make us say this. Since they make us say, then we say it. I am saying it to save them. We don't want sultanate or anything. What we want is the Order of Subhan, the Order of Al-Bari Hz: "Faltamisu Nuraan". Seek Nur! Where are you O Muslims! You destroy the maqams of those who have Nur? May they, themselves be destroyed! And they are Muslim by name. They destroyed the maqams of those holy ones, they burned their books. May they get burned! They will be caught by jinn, all of them will go crazy! They won't even be able to be controlled with (6 von 17)04.07.2013 23:33:14

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chains. This is also a warning. Don't be deceived by him sitting quietly like this. There are so many of them, they sit quietly in front of the Ka'aba. If one of them points like this with his finger, he can throw the West to the East and the East to the West. They have power. They are the KhalifatuLlah, they are the deputies on earth. The Master of the Creation (sas) is the deputy of Allah Almighty. The others are those who received a secret from our Prophet (sas) and all the other Prophets (as). There are such holy ones. There are so many of them on earth. Then, if these people are not scared yet, when they sleep at night they should be careful in their beds. A black scorpion, or a red scorpion; that when it stings, they scream the place down from pain. This is also possible for the Kings, they should be careful. If they find such a thing in their beds, they should repent! "Faltamisu Nuraan". They should seek light. With what will you seek it? Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim so that you can seek, you can find. There is Wrath to come. The sultanate of shaytan will be destroyed regardless. Don't look to your weapons, cannons. Look to the word that is being spoken. Allah Almighty does not tell us to prepare weapons, cannons. "Faltamisu Nuraan". He (swt) says "Seek Nur". "Wa 'A`iddu Lahum Ma Astata`tum Min Quwatin" (8:60). Quwatin, power is not with weapons or cannons. What will scare the unbelievers is not weapons. They have the best of those. But the power for us will come from this Nur. Who represents the Nur is our Prophet (sas). We show the highest respect for His Order: "Faltamisu Nuraan" and "Wa 'A`iddu Lahum Ma Astata`tum Min Quwatin". You take the power from the Prophet, from the people of Allah. If the people of Allah want, even the simplest one who stands in Allah's service, can throw the East of the world to the West and the West of it to the East. You should believe it! You should believe it! Bacause your faith is not enough, because you forgot the Bismil