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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (556/777)
scheinen nicht. Diese Jamat spricht aber sie haben das Geheimnis nicht; das Geheimnis der Tariqat, sie haben es nicht. Wenn der Weg leicht zu gehen ist, wenn die Zeit kommt, wie jetzt, bergauf zu gehen - wie nennt ihr es? - den Schalthebel, sie brauchen den Schalthebel. Ich saß immer neben dem Fahrer für vielleicht 60 Jahre. Ich wusste nie, wann sie den Gang hochschalteten in den ersten, zweiten oder dritten. Diese Jamats sind so, sie haben keinen Fahrer, jeder versucht es selbst. Wozu? Mit welchem Sheikh habt ihr euer Training fortgesetzt? Welcher von ihnen hat Erlaubnis? Wer gibt euch spirituelles Training? Aber sie sind wie "Wer eine Gruppe nachahmt wird zu einem von ihnen"(Hadith). "Die Leute werden mit denen, die sie lieben, wiederauferweckt." (Hadith). Sie lieben, aber sie lieben ihre Tariqa mehr als die Tariqatul Aliyya. Sie bleiben dort. Lasst sie genießen was sie gelernt haben und Ende. Aber es gibt keine Maschine die sich bewegt... Es gibt keine Maschine, die sie bewegt. Von Ost und West ist es offensichtlich, dass unsere Goldene Kette der Naqshbandi mit Maulana Sultanu-l Auliya, Sheikh Abdullah Ad- Daghestani, endete. Die Sache braucht Ernsthaftigkeit und wer sich Mühe gibt, gewinnt. Alles was ihre Egos mögen, geben sie ihnen, dann behaupten sie sie wären in dieser Tariqat. Nein! Ihr seid wie jemand, der auf (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:01

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ein Picknick geht. Lasst sie, lasst einen von ihnen behaupten dass er ein spiritueller Trainer ist. Er möchte sich mit ihnen hinsetzen, wir haben nichts dagegen. Er mag geben, aber sie, diese Jamats, sie können ihm nichts geben. Wenn sie irgendeinen Nutzen von ihm haben haben sie viel Glück, andernfalls wenn er mit ihnen teilnimmt und sie nichts gewinnen, verschwenden sie Zeit. Sheikh, es gibt keine Sheikhs mehr. Die Heiligen sind verschwunden. All die Sheikhs, die wahren Sheikhs sind die Heiligen Allahs (swt). Und sie brauchen sich nicht zu zeigen, und die Leute zu rufen, zu ihnen zu kommen, nein. Brüder zu besuchen und zusammen zu sein ist erlaubt, nicht nötig, das zu stoppen. Wenn er sie besuchen will, besuch sie. Aber wenn sie ihm etwas geben wollen, hat er Gold, während sie Kupfer oder Zinn haben. Zinn! Während er Gold hat, Diamanten hat. Das ist ein empfindlicher Punkt. Die Heiligen sind verschwunden. Unser Sheikh pflegte zu sagen "In Damaskus sind 40 von ihnen." Sheikh Efendi, als er auf seinem Weg zur 'Umawi Moschee war, ging er durch den Suq Al Hamidiya, sie kamen und Sheikh Efendi von der anderen Richtung, sie änderten ihre Richtung. Sie ängstigten ihn, aber Sheikh Efendi war nie betroffen. Er war gefüllt mit dem Wahren Wissen. Er war nicht bedürftig. Die Heiligen Allahs (swt) sind so. Sie mögen es nicht, dass ihre spirituellen Zustände enthüllt werden, niemals. Es gibt keine Erlaubnis. 40 von ihnen gehen täglich zur 'Umawi Moschee, manche von ihnen sitzen dort eine halbe Stunde, manche für eine Stunde, manche für 20 Minuten bei Sayyidina Yahya (as). Auf unseren Propheten (saws) Salats und Salams. Wenn sie sagen, er verschwand, er ist verschwunden, fragt nicht nach ihm. Fragt nicht nach ihm. Denn ihr habt nicht das Gleichgewicht um ihn zu kennen, nein. Haltet euer Benehmen ein gegenüber jedem, so dass niemand euch etwas anlasten kann. Sie sind die Kinder des Propheten (saws). Er hat ein spirituelles Charisma, er zieht an, deshalb wollen sie mit ihm sein. Darin liegt kein Übel. Er gibt ihnen, aber sie geben ihn gar nichts. Möge Allah (swt) und standhaft auf dem Weg des Haqq sein lassen. Denn wir wollen nicht diese Welt. Sie ist am Ende. Diese Welt ist ein Kadaver, diejenigen die danach verlangen sind Hunde. Nein, wir haben tausende von Anhängern! Du bist ein Diener und ich bin ein Diener. Es ist mehr als das. Wenn es ein Training in gutem Benehmen gibt, nehmt von allen, es macht uns nichts, aber wenn es nichts gibt, dann verschwendet keine Zeit. MashaAllah! Er nimmt deshalb, sie mögen es mit ihm zusammen teilzunehmen. Wir haben nichts dagegen. Lauft nicht vor ihnen davon wenn sie euch fragen oder lieben, mit ihnen teilzunehmen. Gebt ihnen etwas das sie glücklich machen wird, wir haben nichts dagegen. Wir verbieten keine Person, und wir sind die ärmsten aller Leute, der schwächste. Ich denke nun, werden die Wolken von einer Maschine nach links und rechts gezogen oder von einer Batterie? Das ist es was mein Denken beschäftigt. Ich habe viel Zeit... S.B. Der Sheikh hat keine Arbeit. (Witz) M. Währenddessen ist (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:01

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er aktiv mashaAllah. Lasst ihn darüber nachdenken. S.B. Hat die Wolke eine Maschine oder nicht, oder hat sie einen Haken an dem sie gezogen wird? M: Das ist mein Job, wenn es ihnen gefällt "Willkommen!" Wenn nicht, lasst sie gehen. Geht und forscht, wie die Wolke sich bewegt, wird sie gezogen oder wie bewegt sie sich so? Ich schaue, dann kommt einer mit Mangel an Verstand und fragt über Dinge dich mich wütend machen. Yahu! Ich denke nun "Worüber denkst du nach oh Sheikh?" "Ich denke über Wolken nach." "Wolken?" Wolken... Wolken. Bringen sie sie mit einem Haken oder mit einer Maschine nach oben? S.B. Das ist es, worüber der Sheikh nachdenkt. M: Ich gab ihm Erlaubnis, lasst ihn diese Dinge fragen. Haltet euch mit solchen Dingen beschäftigt. Was können wir tun, das ist das höchste. Manche Leute, wenn sie von dieser Seite erscheinen beschimpfe ich sie. Das ist die Lehre für die Leute dieser Zeit, sie verstehen nichts außer mit Schimpfwörtern. Möge Allah mir vergeben. Die restlichen Heiligen lachen wenn ich so spreche. Sie freuen sich wenn ich so rede. Sie alle sitzen so da. "Was denkst du oh Sheikh?" "Ich denke, wieviel Tonnen das Gewicht dieser Wolke wohl ist." "Hast du nichts anderes zu tun?" "Nein, ich bin pensioniert. Ich bin pensioniert. Ich denke darüber nach, eine Wolke zu wiegen, sie auf eine Waage zu tun." "Oh Faqir, entschuldige." Möge Allah euch Seine Großzügigkeit schenken. Fatiha. Lefke, 17.02.2013

WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryNaqshbandi (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:33:01

7701 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SecretOfSainthood

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SecretOfSainthood



Knowledge is one thing and to live is something else. Allah Almighty sent His Prophets to teach people how they must live, how they must live as His servants; the real purpose was not just to give them only books for reciting. When Umm ul-Mu’minin, Sayyidatina ‘Aisha (The Mother of the Believers, the Prophet’s wife, ‘Aisha, the daughter of Abu Bakr Siddiq) may Allah bless her, was asked about the Prophet’s attributes, she replied, “Khuluquhu-l-Qur’an”, (“His character (or conduct) was the Qur’an”) his attributes were just like the Qur’an. You can’t find the attributes of the Prophet, beloved Muhammad, (sal), deviating from the Holy Qur’an; whatever the Holy Qur’an indicates, you can find his attributes agreeing with it. Therefore, Allah Almighty orders His servants, believers, to take His beloved Muhammad (sal), as their example. Thus, you must use the Prophet’s attributes as examples for yourself, and you must know that he is the most perfect example for the Sons of Adam. You can look at the Prophet Muhammad (sal), from every direction and you will find him perfect from every direction. If we can be correct from only one direction (not from every direction) –even that is too remote for us, it may be sufficient for us. If we can (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:33:01

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follow our Prophet, beloved Muhammad, (sal), in even one sunnah, it will be safety and pleasure and happiness and success for us forever. Therefore, insofar as we are trying to learn, that is good, but we must also try to act as much as we are able, and if we can do even one percent out of one hundred, it is a good thing for us. What was our Prophet’s main attribute? His main attribute, according to all the books of our knowledge, was that he was in perfect agreement with his Lord Almighty for everything, agreeing with his Lord on behalf of himself and everyone else. He was the perfect one in m’arifat, knowledge of his Lord; in knowledge of Allah, no one can reach the point that our Prophet, beloved Muhammad (sal), reached. He was an ocean of Divine Knowledge, and if we could take all the Divine Knowledge that all creatures have been given, including the knowledge of other prophets, of awliya, of angels, it is only a little drop in that ocean. They have only a little drop, and that little drop, compared to other creatures, is itself oceans. Perfect knowledge among all creatures is for beloved Muhammad (sal), and therefore he was the first among all creatures to be in agreement with his Lord’s actions and with his Lord’s will in all matters. That is the most important characteristic a servant may have; to be in agreement with his Lord in everything. To the extent that we can approach that point, we will achieve perfect servanthood. But it is difficult. It is not an easy way; it is steep. Whoever is asking for his positions must be tried. Whoever wants easy things, easy is cheap; easy products are cheap products. But difficult products are expensive, precious. Thus, that is our Prophet’s main attribute: to be in agreement with his Lord for every action, seeing it as perfect. And once you step on that path, everything is going to be easy for you; therefore our level is always going to be above that of rebellious people. And people are of two groups, one group seeing, the other group blind people. Those to whom Allah Almighty gives from His Divine Lights can look and see Lawh-hul- Mahfudh, the Preserved Tablet (the heavenly record of Allah’s decrees for all eternity). Those who can see that, are always going to be in agreement with every action of their (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:33:01

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Lord Almighty; no objection. But those who do not see are always fighting with their Lord. Therefore ‘Abdul Qadir Jilani, our master, may Allah bless him, a “king-sized” wali, said, “The one who makes objections against the divine orders being carried out, who makes objections to the divine will, falls into shirk,” association of partners with Allah. He is going to be like a partner to Allah Almighty because he says, “This is not right. I object to that point, I veto it.” ‘Abdul Qadir Sayyidi means that when someone says, “What is this? This is wrong,” he is going to be like a partner in Allah’s sovereignty, going against Him. Who is he? Why was Satan cast aside? That is the reason: objection to Allah’s will, so that everyone who goes against and objects to our Lord’s will is the same; at that moment he is the same as Iblis, as Satan. Therefore we must say, “Astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah may Allah forgive us. We repent and turn back to you, O Lord. How can I do this?” And ‘Abdul-Qadir Sayyidi said, “Maut ut-tauhid, maut ud-din, maut ul-iman” (“The death of tauhid (belief in the Oneness of Allah Almighty and His will is the sole primary cause of all that is or happens) is the death of the religion, the death of faith”) If someone opposes the judgment of the decrees of Allah – if, when Allah Almighty’s will is working, he tries to keep it back – that is dangerous for a believer because it will bring about the death of faith, the death of upholding the unity of Allah Almighty. We are Ahlat-Tauhid, People of Allah’s Unity. When you say “No” or “Why?” you become divided, without unity, because will and orders come only from the One. Therefore, among the six pillars of faith in Islam, the sixth is so important. (The six fundamental beliefs in Islam are: belief in One God Almighty, in His angels, in His divinely-revealed scriptures, in His messengers or prophets, in the Day of Judgment and Heaven and Hell, and finally, in His decree or will as the ultimate casual force. Nothing can take place without His will and decree, nor can anything hold back what He has willed and decreed.) It shows unity and servanthood: we are servants and we are going to be in agreement with our Lord’s will. But, as we said, at our level, the common level, we are quarreling, we are fighting, and we are not real Muslims. A real Muslim is (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:33:01

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the one who surrenders to his Lord’s will; no more objections from him to his Lord. As his Lord says, he says. “As You like, O my Lord!” For this reason, it is the highest degree and the main attribute of our Prophet Muhammad (sal), to agree with his Lord in everything. His heart was always in agreement with Allah Almighty, and his body also did as his Lord willed. Everything which appeared from the Prophet appeared according to his Lord’s will. Therefore in Islam, we must practice first to be in a state of islam, to submit, not only to be obedient to orders. We are trying to be obedient to orders, but among orders the most important one is to agree with our Lord’s will. One day Satan came to the Prophet Muhammad (sal), and the Prophet asked him, “Which of my ummah will save himself from you?” Satan replied, “The one who is in agreement with his Lord. If his Lord leaves him in any situation and he says, “I agree with my Lord, no way for me with that member of the ummah.” If anyone agrees and is satisfied with his situation, Satan says, “No way for me on that person.” It means that, that person’s attribute is in line with his Lord’s attribute: if Allah says this, if our Lord’s will orders this, I also agree with it. It may be against our egos because our egos make objections, but our souls are never going to object to anything. Our souls are swimming in our Lord’s Mercy Oceans, and they see everything as a manifestation of our Lord’s Mercy Oceans, everything. They see the whole universe as swimming in Mercy Oceans. Thus, souls are perfect; they are pleased with their Lord. Only our egos are displeased, our egos make objections. Whoever is on friendly terms with his ego goes far away from his Lord Almighty; he is not going to make his Lord pleased with him. He is only trying to make his ego pleased, and you are never going to make it pleased with you. You can’t find any limit to make your ego pleased with you: it always has objections. But if you keep with your soul you are in comfort, you are in peace and in pleasure. Thus the Prophet, (sal), has informed us that there will be group of people among his (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:33:01

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ummah such that even if there is every fitnah, every trouble, among the ummah, those troubles will never reach them; they are always above troubles. Who are they? They are those people who are always in agreement with their Lord. They always see themselves as swimming in Mercy Oceans. If anyone looks at himself and sees himself in Mercy Oceans, for what is he going to make objections and fall into troubles and miseries and sufferings? Everyone is trying to keep orders, but the first order that makes us Muslim, is agreement with our Lord. We must be in agreement with Him. Our agreement already took place on the Day of Promises; we have already made it but now we are losing it. We gave our agreement that “You are our Lord and we are Your servants, and for everything we agree that it shall be as You like”. No one said, “I am going to act as I like” everyone gave his promise to his Lord that “I am going to be as You like, not as I like”. Happiness and peace is for those who are going to be in agreement with their Lord for everything, here and in the Hereafter. We are practicing, and Allah Almighty is trying His servants. Everything in our lives is going to be a trial from Allah Almighty; by every means He tries us. By every means Allah Almighty looks to see if we are in agreement or are canceling that agreement. If your keep His agreement, He keeps His agreement; if you keep your promise, He is going to keep what He promised you: He tests you, in the mosque, in your home, with your brothers, with your wife, with your children, with your relatives, with your business, with your animals. You are being tried in your cat, in your dog. Yes. You must always be awake; maybe Allah Almighty is trying you with something and asking you to be in agreement with Him. Anything may happen in this Life, to you or to others. You must say, “As my Lord likes, I agree with my Lord.” At night, when you get into your bed to sleep, you must ask forgiveness from your Lord Almighty, saying, “O my Lord, today I was such a guilty servant; I made so many objections to Your will. I ask for forgiveness. I am trying to be as You like, O my Lord. Keep me on my way, as You like.” And whoever keeps that adab, good manners, with (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:33:01

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his Lord is going to be among His awliya. That is the way of the awliya, because they are wearing the main attribute of beloved Muhammad (sal) . That is the secret of all wilayah, sainthood.

WebSheikNazim2Com, CategoryMuhammad, CategoryQuran, CategoryKnowledge, CategoryFaith, CategoryUnity, CategoryIslam, CategoryHoliness (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:33:01

7707 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SecretPowerOceansOfTariqats

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SecretPowerOceansOfTariqats



Allah Almighty gives honour to mankind. It is the honour which the angels wanted to have. The honour which was given to Sayidina Adam and was given to every piece of creation, is a secret which only the Creator knows. It is impossible to find it with any kind of means. Even if man would invent an electronic microscope it would not be able to find that secret. The light of our eyes can never be enough to detect that little part. Just like the light of our eyes cannot see the stars or the sun or the moon in their greatness and in the way they are. This smallest of all pieces cannot be cut into two pieces. If you try to cut it, it will be destroyed. Who brought that piece into existence? Allah Almighty! The piece itself must also know who brought it into existence, it has a knowledge. It can recognise its Creator. It is not a dead piece. That is why we can say that everything which is in existence is alive. But everything has different kinds of minds. The highest level of mind of all creatures belong to mankind and after that to animals and then to trees and plants. Then it also belongs to that which we are saying has no life: to the rocks and earth. If earth had no life, how could it give life to plants? If the earth was not carrying the secret of life, then how could it give life to plants? The earth is feeding their life. Without earth there would be no life for plants. The earth waits for the command of its Creator. When its Creator sends water on it, when the Lord sends rain on it, then it will move and give life. That secret which Allah Almighty is sending, is the secret of life. It is sent through the rains and comes (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:33:02

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together with the secret of earth and this is given to the plants. Every smallest piece and part of everything must know its Creator and must glorify its Creator. That means that everything has been given knowledge. But what Allah has given to earth is something, and what plants have been given, has not been given to the earth. What animals have been given has not been given to plants. What mankind has been given has not been given to animals. Even what mankind has been given has not been given to the angels. That is why the honour of mankind is within that knowledge. Allah Almighty gave angels a lot of knowledge. But what He gave to Sayidina Adam was much more than the angels ever got. The horizon of the knowledge of Adam is over their horizon. They can never reach that. Allah Almighty honoured Sayidina Adam and appointed him and his children to be deputies. He made it possible for them to control everything. This is only possible through knowledge. Without that, this world cannot be controlled. Those who are controlling must have knowledge and through this knowledge they can control. If they don't have knowledge, they will have no authority. The knowledge which we need was first given to Adam. Allah Almighty taught Sayidina Adam the names of everything. When he gave a name to everything in creation, then he knew. To whoever that knowledge was handed on to, would have the secret power and be able to control everything in the universe. Allah Almighty has endless universes. When a candidate becomes a real deputy then Allah Almighty gives him a whole universe to be under his control. A whole universe... When Allah Almighty wants to create, He only needs to say, "Be!". When He wants to give the servant who is going to be His real deputy a universe, He will only say, "Be!" and that universe will be ready and in existence. That servant will then be the deputy of Allah Almighty there and control. To control means that he will be like the sun, if there is no sun, there will be no life on earth. If the spiritual power of those ones would not be reaching to the universe, that universe would have no life. Those people, who are the real deputies give life, like the sun. They are granted the gift to be the controllers when they are able to control their egos. Whoever is able to control himself will be a real deputy. He will be invited to the Holy Presence of the Prophet, who will dress him with the honour of being the real deputy. He will be dressed with the crown of being the real deputy and he will be granted to be like the sun giving Divine Light to everyone. Whoever is the deputy of this world will send his power to the sun to shine. If that is prevented, then no sun will shine, because the value and the importance in Divine Presence of that deputy is much more than the whole universe. (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:33:02

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No-one can be able to control himself without coming and joining an authority for that purpose. If a person wants to be a doctor he must go to a doctor to learn. If someone wants to be an architect, he must join an architect. If he wants to be an advocate, then he must be with an advocate. Whoever wants to reach the real position of being the deputy must be trained in the hands of that authorised-one and then he should be able to control himself. Shah ul Naqshiband was giving that power a little bit in each of his associations and he was preparing his followers to reach their real stations of being deputies. That is the meaning of tariqats. Tariqats take people to their real positions of being deputies. But the ignorant-ones do not understand. They think that tariqats are here to collect dunya. If a real authority of a tariqat looks at this world, he will throw it away for exchange of that secret. Their way of looking is not like ours. The life within their eyes reaches to anyone and it must give from its secret power to that plant, or earth, or animal or human being. According to their needs, he will give them of his secret light. They do not look the way we do, therefore the Prophet was saying, "The looks of believers must be for wisdoms. They should look and take wisdoms from everything. Anything they see should feed them with wisdoms." At all times the whole world is under the control of the holy-ones. They can be in different places at the same time. They may have different eyes within the people and within nature. These people of authority within the tariqat have the real positions of being deputies. That is the real tariqat. It is the way leading everyone to their position of being deputies. We do not come here to eat and to drink and to enjoy ourselves physically. Animals do that. Every Prophet came to show their nation the oceans of power, the oceans of worlds. They came to show that and to bring them to that ocean of miraculous powers. They show people that above this nature there are extraordinary power oceans which are made clear in miracles. They are not only here to show this and to make people wonder about their miracles, they also want their followers to be interested in those powers which real deputies have been given. When anyone reaches his real position of being a deputy, he will be given miraculous powers. Don't think that the deputy who can control this universe only has physical powers. (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:33:02

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The physical powers are nothing! But when we are dressed with the Divine Power of being deputies, then we are marvellous and magnificent beings. The Prophet sws. gives such secret knowledge to the holy-ones and it is said that if a weak servant is crowned by being the deputy and the lights will appear, the lights of the stars and sun will be like candles. It will be as if it had disappeared. It is like when the sun shines a candle will be like nothing. Even if you put a million candles, it will disappear infront of the sun. That is the huge power which is inside ourselves, in our hearts. This has been granted to us, but we need an opening. You cannot be able to reach that opening if you don't go through the way of the tariqat. If you don't follow a private training of the Holy Quran, of the tariqat, you will never be able to reach it. There are so many worlds in the skies but there is no light on them. There are enlightened ones but millions or billions of them have no light. Common people are like that. They are not enlightened. They have not been given any light, they have not been opened. The people of tariqat are trying to get an opening, because Allah Almighty will ask, "Why are you coming without an opening? I sent you everything for your opening, why are you coming without it? What did you do all these years? Why didn't you open your treasures? Why didn't you reach your real being? Why are you coming like this?". May Allah give us a good understanding so that we can follow. If a person is understanding that there are treasures in that direction, then you may go. If you don't believe and even if all people call you in that direction you will not go. That is why we are asking for good understanding from Allah Almighty to know what He has given us, and to get the desire in our hearts. Associations like these are only to give that desire in our hearts. If that desire comes into existence it will be so easy, you will ask and you will go. May Allah forgive us. Amin. Sri Lanka - 26.10.1991

BookPowerOceansofLove, CategoryNature, CategoryGlory, CategoryKnowledge, CategorySufism, CategoryMankind (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:33:02

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7712 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SecretPoweroftheBesmela

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SecretPoweroftheBesmela


The secret power of the 'Besmela'

All power is from Allah Almighty, and we must always ask for His support, because we are in need, we are weak ones. Allah Almighty ordered His Beloved Prophet S.Muhammad sws. to inform his Ummah that anything that is not begun with His Holy Name : "Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim", will never be supported by Allah; it means it will never give fruit, and it must fail... If you say Allah’s Holy Name, you will take benefit from that action, and any harm, that may be in it will leave you. Whoever is feeling weak should say it, and power will come to his physical body and to his heart. The Besmela is the most important key for opening all treasures in the Heavens and on earth, and for