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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (545/777)
u are fighting for what? Russian, Americans, Arabs, Israel, Iran, Pakistan, Hindistan, China, Turks - for what (you are) fighting? For whom you are fighting? To save humanity? What is that? No, they are saying: Democracy! Therefore, now terrible days (are) coming! Therefore, (there is) going to reach to whole people, whom they are only slaves or labourers for Sadanas, coming now (a big hurricane)... People (are) saying: Ohhh, (there is) coming again a hurricane to America! That is nothing! Look now, what is coming (from) hurricane, how it is going to be! From 5 one (is) remaining. If (the) whole (of) mankind (is) 5 billions - 4 billions that hurricane, that Armageddon (is) coming (and) taking them (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:32:28

7545 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SafeHumanity

away! Only those, whom they are hearing and listening (to the) Holy Commands of Allah Almighty: Khudhu hizrakum! Take your defence, keep yourself, keep yourself! There is a word...danger...there is some red writings: Danger area! Don't approach! Danger! What is another word?...Precaution...People uhhh, (they are) running on it! Who (is) running on it, (is) falling down! They are fearing from (that) hurricane, but they are not taking any precaution for Armageddon. Armageddon! For (that) hurricane people (are) trembling, but no one (is) thinking on that Armageddon s hurricane that should take (away) not millions, (but) billions! That is going to be! Only whom they are running to Allah... Allah only (is) sheltering! Who (is) running and asking (for a) Heavenly Shelter, they should be in safety! Or... the nation of Ad, Qaumu Hud, how is the Ayatu Karima?... ...jabbaran anid... Qaumu Hud...what heybet ! Allah Almighty (was) ordering (the) Angel of Hurricanes to open a very small hole from that terrible hurricanes. (Then) ordered Allah Almighty to Sayyidina Hud to make a circle and to sit there and (also those,) whom they (were) believing in him, to be there. Yes, they were sitting. Therefore I was saying: (Only the) Heavenly Shelter may shelter you! Ad, they were (tall) like (the) Statue of Liberty, like this... people, jabbar ; they were saying: We are not fearing from anyone! (The hurricane was) taking them (up), putting from mouth (?), coming down, taking up and throwing down - finishing! Only whom they (were) sitting with Sayyidina Hud - (there was) coming this terrible hurricane - (for them it was) like (a breeze) from Paradise! Now, O people, no one can save themselves with any means! (The) only shelter (is for) who is running to Allah! (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:32:28

7546 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SafeHumanity

Therefore it is a declaration to whole nations from here, from a humble place, for (all people)... Whole Prophets, they were sitting in a small place and speaking (to) some slaves, some weak people, but their declaration just (was) reaching to East and West. Here is a humble place; not I am thinking, but my yaqin , (my) certainty is, to reach to everyone one, (to) everywhere that declaration. If not, they are going to be taken away! Laylati-l Bara at (was) put on (the seal)- finished! May Allah forgive us! This is (a) holy month, Ramadan; I don t think that through this holy month (there is) going to be something - for the honour of the Seal of Prophets and for his nation, but after Ramadan, I can t be able to give any guarantee to anyone! Who is against Sadanas, should be sheltered, whom they are running after those people, they should be under (the) Heavenly Revenge, (they are) going to be taken away. May Allah forgive us! Just now (it is) coming from our Masters, Grandmasters, to address to you in the presence of a big Saint, Sheikh Adnan Effendi Hazretleri; he should be a witness (for) what we are saying here. Allah Huwa Ahkamu Hakimin; whom they are running away, (they are) never coming back; (those,) whom they are keeping their positions, their servanthood, whom they are trying to keep the level of servanthood, should be saved and sheltered. May Allah forgive me, forgive you! O people, write big writings: O people, save humanity! O mankind, O mankind, try with your whole ability to save humanity! Who is running to save humanity, they should be under Heavenly Shelter, others should be taken away, finished! Fatiha... (Put a) writing in Arabic, in Turkish, in English! Say: O people, save humanity! Don't follow Sadanas! Write (this) and put (it) (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:32:28

7547 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SafeHumanity

everywhere! People, they are running through streets, saying: We don t like war! No, it is not enough! (If) you don t like war, you must say: We are trying to save humanity from Sadanas and his followers! Fatiha!... This is important! (Sheikh Adnan is leaving) Lefke, 02.09.2008 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel

BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategorySexuality (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:32:28

7548 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SafetyofShamDamascus

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SafetyofShamDamascus


The Safety of Sham (Damascus): You know now about Damascus

(Addressing Spanish group of murids on their departure) You know now about Damascus. As long as you are going to be in Spain and there are no difficulties for Islam or through wars some difficult conditions, you must think about emmigration, because it is our Prophet's advice that if anything happening when last days approaching going to be difficult conditions for all people, especially for Muslims who live with Non-Muslims, because it is going to be a Big War among two parts of the world and all the world is going to be in two groups. That time everyone is going to think about themselves: 'Where we may go?' When going to be difficult conditions for staying in your home or homeland and you ask 'Where we can go for safety and freedom for our beliefs and our worshipping', if you face such difficult conditions and people ask to save only their souls, not thinking about their land, home, business, going to be people to ask only for their souls. That so many times happened through wars in our days also: people leave everything and carry as much as possible and escape. Then (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:32:29

7549 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SafetyofShamDamascus

you ask to where you can escape, where we can stop or land, may ask. And Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah Almighty, praising for Him, just He is ordering His most honoured Prophet Sayiddina Muhammad salallahu alayhi wassalim to advise his nation that if such difficult conditions come they may be in some place that there is going to be more safety for you and less fear and more satisfaction, more freedom to bring your obedience to Allah Almighty. That is Damascus. His advice is Damascus X just prepared a collection of holy Hadith from Hadith books, as I said to him that I had seen one book saying about the honour of Damascus, Sham. He prepared it and perhaps he printed it also? To give everywhere so that Muslims may know about the honour of Damascus, the holy land. Now you may go back to your homes, but always you must be ready for hearing what is going to happen. Perhaps going to be easy for people to land, to move, to come to Damascus. Even our island is so near, close to Syria, but perhaps may be no vessels to move through sea in safety. Normally no planes may fly, people from island to move to Turkey or Syrian beaches. You may find a way and come here. X. and Y. are the first Muqaddim, group of people who come to Damascus and asking them to be here to be residents of the holy land of Damascus, as the Prophet sws was praising this holy land. And it should be for Mehdi aleyhi salam for all the Ummah (Nation of Islam) through every difficult position or condition that may be going to happen when last Days approaching. This you must keep. And German people that so many Turkish brothers also from New Ottomans asking to come and move from Deutschland to any place that should be good for them and their children, because very bad conditions now through Europe. And especially in Germany, France, England and other western countries it is (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:32:29

7550 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SafetyofShamDamascus

so difficult for youngsters; very bad conditions destroy the new generation physically as well as spiritually. Therefore so many people ask also before wars happening and difficult conditions, asking to come here and to be resident here, as well as may be up to the time of Mehdi a.s. These two groups of people, and in England also, some Turkish people asking to immigrate to Damascus, some more from Germany, brothers and sisters asking to come here to save their belief and honour and good positions. And through Italian brothers and sisters asking, from France, from Spain- so many brothers and sisters ask to move anywhere. They don't know where they can go and always ask me: 'Where we may go?' And I say: 'I said to them before that when I am going to look what is situation in Syria and Damascus, you must be patient. When I find a suitable condition for your immigration, I should call you.' Now I am here 15 days in Syria and I am looking around to find a suitable land that we may establish a new city there with gardens and earth to make houses. Never putting in it iron or cement! I prevent anyone who is asking to bring cement in that place, to send them away. And I am intending to build a small village there from earth, mud. X. knows. He may do the plans- old style homes that may be through one month a person may enter his home. And should be in the middle of a land at least 2000 m2 a garden, and in the middle that simple building and around a wall from earth also, not to be seen inside. And you can keep also some animals, hens or goats- goats of Damascus are famous- one may give every day 2 kg milk. Then going to be easy for a simple person to live here. And according to my opinion going to be about 5ooo Euro land and home. One type may be for 5 people, and then if asking bigger land, more than 2ooo m2, he may have and bigger building according to children. Always going to be kept two sides in home: one for ladies only, another side for men only. I (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:32:29

7551 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SafetyofShamDamascus

never like after this time that last days are coming, I don't like to make women with men. We must keep Shariat order as much as possible. May begin from 5ooo Euro, means 4ooo $, and if you ask to make a bigger building, more rooms, more land, maybe 5ooo - Euro. You may have 6ooo m2 garden and home in it, you may come and work, keep for building. You may be there, no need electricity. I don't like. Simple, to live with nature. Even no need for medicine. If you are going to be friendly with nature, nature protects you. If you come like enemy to nature, nature fights you also. First fight: nature never likes cement. Nature hating, but it has no tongue to speak. A cement building is like a knife put through the cheat of a person. From earth to earth you must keep. If anyone wants to be with us in that conditions, if not- this world is so big, he may move East, West, North or South. And we shall put every m2 must be a mosque. And trough every block must be. People must pray there. For Juma (Friday prayers) we may build according to the bigness of the land. Maybe two mosques or four for Juma, 1, 2, 3 or 4, so that people through their areas when hearing 'Allahu akbar', we don't use loudspeaker, no, must be a minaret and a person must get up and call Adhan there. Till beginning and finishing around people may be ready, through 5 minutes must reach from one position to come there. Everyone must keep in garden fruit or vegetables or animals to be able to live without going to be needy except for such things that you may buy from city. Everything must be prepared through your homes and land. Even may be a way and should be small shops for small handcrafts that people commonly may be in need, not to go to city to look after. No. Simple life= happy life. Complex life brings difficulties. We must come back to simple life to live friendly with nature and Allah helps us. We are not happy to be crowded in (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:32:29

7552 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SafetyofShamDamascus

big cities. People just fed up to be through big cities, asking to run away. Only ignorant people ask to come to big cities. Big cities mean dirty life; difficult, unhappy, dishonoured, too busy, unrest life. Every badness there.We must escape. Yesterday you saw that place? Good place. Now I am calling first the New Ottomans, because they are ready to move. Then one after one you may move, or till we call you, to find a place for you. Now going to be okay until coming more difficulties for your life. School for Holy Quran, as Sheikh Adnan was saying: Institute of. for Holy Quran and its knowledge. What is necessary to be learned you may learn there. No need so many useless lessons and books to study and force yourself to learn and you are not learning or not using it in your life. May Allah bless you, because you ask to follow the steps and the advice of the Holy Prophet sws, and he was saying: 'When last days approaching, best time to climb through mountains and to keep sheep and goats ad to live lonely there.' And it is going to be that moving from your homeland for some times to be here in Damascus. That Big War is coming, and then coming Mehdi and through his time wars, then Antichrist and wars, until Sayidinna Isa (Jesus) coming and fighting Jews and their Kufr, Christians' Kufr, and to take them away, and then to establish the Sultanate of Heavens belonging to Allah Almighty. Up to that time you may be here. Then the whole world is open for Muslims. If you like to continue here, it is for you, but if you like to go here and there, it is free for 4o years. After 4o years coming end of Sayidinna Isa and Day of Resurrection and time is finished, over. May Allah bless you and keep you on His right path to be with Mehdi and to be saved from devils and Antichrist, to reach to Mehdi as well as to Sayidinna Isa, to be only for Allah, to live only for Allah, to do for (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:32:29

7553 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SafetyofShamDamascus

Allah, to die for Allah only. As people coming for pilgrimage- all coming to

one destination. (Al Fatihah) Damaskus - 14.04.2002

CategoryDamascus, CategoryEconomy, CategoryArchitecture, CategoryNature, CategoryMosque, CategoryCommunity, CategoryRelationship, CategoryFood, CategoryAnimal (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:32:29

7554 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SafetyOnMountainTops

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SafetyOnMountainTops


Safety in the Last Day is on Mountain-Tops

(Translated from Turkish) The Prophet (s) said that in the Last Days, people will find safety on mountain-tops. Let them receive their provisions as they wander behind their flocks. Safety is on the mountains! You can no longer live in cities. How many times have I said this: move to the countryside; don’t leave the village for the city, because the city’s strike will be strong and many people will disappear; many of them will lose their lives, their children and their possessions. We are saying this, however people are still piling up in the cities. And when they crowd the cities, theft, shamelessness, aggression, atheism, unbelief, dirtiness, and everything clashing with humanity would arise in those countries. People would perish behind it; it would affect both the sinful and the sinless--everyone coming in front of it. That is why, how many times have I said: leave big cities behind before something happens to you! But to whom shall we say this? This means, there is something that will befall everyone--there is something. The Prophet (s) said that the one who doesn’t accept or listen to advice, his end will be in regret. He will feel (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:32:30

7555 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SafetyOnMountainTops

regret, but it will be too late. The Prophet (s) is advising us by saying, “Don’t leave the countryside; don’t flow from villages to the cities.” Places that are crowded have lots of incidents in them; every kind of immorality and even murder takes place. There is nothing you can gain by moving to the cities. Find a bit of food in your village and try to manage; breathe in the clean air and spend your time in worship. The dirt of villages cannot be likened to that of the cities. Cities have become really dirty; that is why the arrows of Divine Revenge fell upon them. That is why you are seeing masses of people standing up (in protest). Why have people gathered around in those countries? They came leaving their homelands: Cairo, Tunisia, Algeria, Sudan, Philistine, Iraq, Turkey. They’re all in a mess! Why? Because they’re not listening to the words of the Prophet (s), they’re not accepting the advice of Allah (swt), and they are following Shaytan by flowing to the cities. Now they will suffer, because there is an old saying: “The one who rejects advice will bite his finger (in regret) and all 10 fingers will ache.” Pay attention! Say this, but to whom? Something will befall you. Amaan yaa Rabbee. Don’t make us from those who have gone astray from the right path. If our foot is not on the Straight Path, (at least) let us crawl along it. And if we can’t even do that, then let us turn towards it. Tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah yaa Rabbee. Fatihah. Send us a savior who will save us, yaa Rabbee. You are the Owner of Power. Fatihah. When you load 1000 kg in a ship which can only take 100 kg, it would sink right away. Let’s say the capacity of a city is 40,000 or 50,000. If it exceeds that, the city would sink. Cities have no sense of limitation. Millions of people have piled up there; they don’t have minds or there aren’t any who can guide them. The leaders! Ne halleri varsa gorsunler! They will say, “Whether they stay in the countryside or come to Cairo, whether they turn Cairo upside down, all that matters is how we are living happily in our palace. If they don’t like it, then they shouldn’t come to Cairo. Did we invite them here? They left their places and came. Now let them suffer!” Amaan yaa Rabbee. Tawbah astaghfirullah! Fatihah. (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:32:30

7556 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SafetyOnMountainTops

Amaan yaa Rabbee. That will be enough. The Prophet (s) said, “In the Last Days, people will be like uncontrollable animals attacking left and right, wherever it may be.” Now the situation they are in does not befit Islam. Some of them deserve it and some of them didn’t--they will go. Lefke, 27.01.2011

WebSufiLive, CategoryArmageddon, CategoryCivilization, CategoryNature (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:32:30

7557 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SafetyPeaceAndEternityAreWithAllah

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SafetyPeaceAndEternityAreWithAllah


Safety, peace and eternity are with Allah! Or: S.Muhammad sws - Saviour of all nations!

As-salamu alaikum… wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh! We are happy that Allah Almighty created us and (He is) giving honour for these people that they are living now to be nation of S.Muhammad sws. That is an honour that all Prophets they were asking to be…to reach to that honour, but Allah granted to us. But it is pity that our people or whole world people that (are) living now, they (are) never speaking the name of S.Muhammad sws, that he is Saviour for all nations; from beginning, Adam, up to Yaumu-l Qiyama, Last Day, he is Saviour, here and Hereafter! People (are) coming the Day of Resurrection… Allah Almighty first (is) killing them, everyone (is) going to die, must die, but Allah Almighty (is) keeping them from Last Day and He is that one who (is) fully able to bring all passed away, dead people that they are now through their graveyards, to make them to stand up, giving their souls once again. Without souls we are only earth, dust, clay. Allah created (the) first (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:32:31

7558 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SafetyPeaceAndEternityAreWithAllah

man from clay and it was lying as a statue- no sense, no life; and Allah Almighty (was) blowing (in)to that clay from His divinely Soul and (it was) standing up. He gave and He may take it away, back. So that billions of people just lived on earth, lived and then they died, they passed away; coming and passing, coming and passing, till the number (of souls) that should come this life to be complete. When it is going to be complete, then Allah Almighty (is) ordering that Israfil to make trumpet and everything that (is) living on earth, on Heavens, they are going to fall down dead- (even) Angels (are) falling down- only (not) what Allah Almighty (is) asking not to fall. Shaitan also going to die and Azrail, (the) Death Angel, (is) running after him to take his soul also. He was running away. When (he is) running away, he is finding Azrail in front of him. Coming another direction, running, finding him there. East- finding, West- finding, North- finding, South- finding him and taking (his) soul and he is falling down. Then Allah Almighty (is) ordering to Death Angel: “You also, you must die! You must take your soul, through My Command- die!” And he was falling dead and he was saying: “If I was knowing the pain, when I am taking souls of people, (that it is) going to be so painful- I wasn’t (knowing, but), now I tasted! If I was knowing (before), I was never going to be able to take one soul!” O people, death (is) coming! Don’t think you are created forever to be on this planet, no! It is only a short period that you may be here, then you must leave- another one (is) coming… the number that Allah Almighty (is) knowing… all souls should come here, then finishing. This earth also (is) going to be like a sandy place- from East to West, no any sign of life on it. No mankind, no animals, no trees- nature (is) going to be (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:32:31

7559 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SafetyPeaceAndEternityAreWithAllah

a dry desert; from East you may look and see to West: a sandy place. Allah! Then Allah Almighty (is) asking: “O mankind, you were claiming that ‘This for me, that (is) for you… this (is) for you, that (is) for me’…, (that) lands (are) for you or cities for you, even seas, oceans. You were fighting to say that ‘This (is) for me, (that is) for you’, you were never going to be happy, if (some)one (is) passing from your limit (even) one foot! You were fighting and you were claiming that just earth belongs to you! Now I am asking: Liman al Mulk al Yaum? O mankind, that you are going, you were fighting for lands, for everything on earth, saying: ‘This (is) for me’- now what you are saying? To whom (belongs) now that world? For what you were fighting? Anyone may say that (this) world now ‘It is for me’?” No one can say anything; Allah Almighty (is) answering (Himself): “Li-llahi-l Wahidu-l Qahhar! That is for Me and I am (the) Owner, I am (the) Creator! …Say now!” No one (is) saying (anything)… That Day (is) coming! On doors! Just we reached the last point of this period; (it is) going to finish and foolish people, foolish mankind (is) fighting yet that ‘This (is) for me, that (is) for you’! English (are) asking (for that), Americans (are) asking, Russians (are) asking, Iranians also (are) asking… Hindus (are) asking, Chinese (are) asking. (The) Japanese (Are) saying: “What are you doing? I am here! Must be (the) whole world under my command, I must be (the) owner!” … (Here Sheikh is sneezing and saying: “Shahidu-l Haqq! What we are saying it is true!”)… No mind people; (they are) making troubles on earth, to reach much more land. It is only one handful, Cyprus also, they are fighting with Greeks, Turks. They are saying that: “No, Cyprus is for us!” Greeks (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:32:31

7560 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SafetyPeaceAndEternityAreWithAllah

(are) saying: “No, you are liars! We have much more land, therefore Cyprus (is) for us!” Palestinians also (are) so clever ones; they are also fighting through each other: Arabs, Muslims, and Palestinians- fighting to each other. For what? I am asking: For what? “To be (the) command to be for me! I must be leader, I must be President, I must be Nr.1 here!” Your name is Fetta, your name is Hummus… Hammas it was really Hummus, they are changing (it), not to be known that they are Hummus, saying: “Hammas. We are Hammas. Therefore, if we are going to be (the) owners, that time we are going to be Hummus; now we are not Hummus, we are Hammas…” Turks (are) fighting each other, Afghans (are) fighting each other, Arabs (are) fighting each other- for what? Looking every day, every hour, that so many people they are send