Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (516/777)
Never! No! Allah Allah Subhana Allah! We hope from our Lord that it may be a beginning for a new Age that never occured before, starting from this blessed night, to arrange the matters of the nation & the angels may arrange & the righteous servants may also arrange. Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba Ya Rabbi! Let us understand the words of the Prophet (saws). Who understands from The Magnificent Quran, he understands. But this verse is very clear "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun" (11:78) A sound minded man, could that be Abdul Nassir? Or others? Were they rightly guided men? If he was a sound minded man this would not be the end of Egypt after its Kings, to fall down to such level. I am sorry, I am sorry to say... I am sorry to say this about all the Muslim nations. They must ask "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun" (11:78) Who is a rightly guided man? Bashar? Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Saddam? Abdul Nassir? The rest of them? Never! Turks, all of them are wrong! Because they did not ask for a rightly guided man. Now in the Muslim nations there is not a rightly guided man to ask him to straighten the nation! O servants of Allah! O scholars! Astaghfirullah! Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba... Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba astaghfirullah. Pity for our scholars! Pity for the people who can understand! Why are they not reciting the Holy Verse "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun" (11:78)? This is The Holy Quran! Make them ask for a sound minded man so they may be saved & rescued! If they do not ask for him they will perish & be taken away from existence. I ask pardon from my Lord. This is a blessed night, the Laylatul Bara'a We ask from our Lord that it may be a new beginning to the nation of the Beloved (saws). Bi Hurmatil Habib Allah (saws). Fatiha. Let the people ask for the sound minded one from their Lord. O Lord, send to us a man with a sound mind. I am a weak servant, I don't know anything. What was inspired to my heart I spoke it. May Allah (swt) forgive me & forgive you. (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:31:07
7141 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RajulunRashid
Fatiha. Lefke, 03.07.2012
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryEgypt, CategoryShaban, CategoryPharao, CategoryMuslimNation (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:31:07
7142 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RajulunRashidDt
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : RajulunRashidDt
Rajulun Rashid
(Engl.: RajulunRashid) Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Für die Nation des Propheten (saws) wird dies eine gesegnete Nacht sein, Laylatu l-Bara'a. Insha'Allah wird es ein Schlüssel, um alle Türen für die Muslime zu öffnen. Mit Beginn des 15. des Gepriesenen Shaban hoffen wir auf neue Tajalli, Manifestationen, zum Wohle der muslimischen Diener. Das Zeitalter der Tyrannen ist vorbei seit heute Abend, mit Allahs (swt) Erlaubnis und auf Seinen Befehl hin und mit der Unterstützung Rasulullahs (saws). Wir haben das Ende erreicht für die Muslime, die die Tyrannei getragen haben, weil sie nicht den Fußstapfen des Propheten (saws) gefolgt sind. Sie kehrten den Gesetzen der Himmel den Rücken und folgten den egoistischen Gelüsten der Nicht-Muslime, bis das geschah in der Ummah, was geschah. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Rabbi Wa Rabbuna Allah (swt). Ihr Leute, ihr müßt den Befehlen Allahs (swt) folgen, daß sie euch auf den rechten Weg führen. Allah (swt) Jalla Wa 'Alaa machte im Heiligen Quran alles deutlich. Ein Wort oder zwei Worte oder ein Vers oder ein halber Vers machen den Leuten den ausgewogenen Weg deutlich. Damit die Leute in dieser Welt nicht der Zerstörung verfallen und im Jenseits bestraft werden. Ihr ägyptischen Gelehrten! Auch ihr muslimischen Gelehrten! Subhanallah! Allah (swt) weckt (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:31:08
7143 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RajulunRashidDt
Seine Diener auf. Der Heilige Quran ist kein Geschichtenbuch. Hasha! Was geschah den Ägyptern jetzt und in vergangenen Zeiten! Alle Arten von Dingen! Und die Leute gingen den Weg, der nicht der Wahre Weg war, sondern sie folgten ihren Gelüsten. Die Leute folgten ihren Gelüsten und sie gingen ihren eigenen Weg, der sich vom Glorreichen Quran unterscheidet. Und deshalb verbreitete sich die ganze Verderbtheit unter den Ägyptern im vergangenen Jahrhundert. Subhanallah! Allah Allah, Allah Allah! Alle Arten von Verderbtheit geschah, weil sie ihren Gelüsten folgten. Subhanallah! Zur Zeit von Pharao glaubte der Pharao, daß er die Leute erschaffen hatte, und sie nahmen einen Weg, der nicht der Weg von Haqq, der Wahrheit, war. Zu der Zeit war im Palast, im Palast des Pharao ein Mann, ein aufrichtig Gläubiger, ein rechtgeleiteter Mann, der sagte zu ihnen, zum Pharao und denen, die ihm folgten von den Leuten, er sagte zu ihnen die Heiligen Verse: "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun?" (11:78) Stimmt's? Der Vers lautet: 'Gibt es unter euch keinen Mann mit Verstand?' Was ist los mit euch? Gibt es nicht einen Mann unter euch mit Verstand? Nicht einen mit Verstand? So daß ihr die vielen Wege Shaytans einschlagen mußtet. Und untereinander strittet ihr und verfielt in eine Situation, aus der ihr nicht herauskommen könnt, aus dieser Zwangslage, wenn ihr nicht einem Mann mit Verstand folgt. "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun?" (11:78) Ihr Ägypter! Haltet Ausschau nach einem Mann mit Verstand. Sagt nicht: Dieser hat die Wahlen gewonnen oder jener.. Das hat keinen Geschmack! Nein! Wir wollen, daß wir darauf hingewiesen werden und unser Herr (jwa) uns befiehlt mit den Worten, die jener Mann zu Pharao und seinen Anhängern sprach. Die ihren Weg einschlugen, das ist nicht der Weg der Rechtschaffenheit. Und er sagte zu ihnen: "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun?" (11:78) Niemand mehr da? Dies ist der Heilige Quran, ihr Ägypter! Warum sucht ihr nicht nach einem Mann mit Verstand? Glaubt ihr, daß ihr mit Wahlen einen Mann mit Verstand bekommt? Hasha! Unmöglich! Ein Mann mit Verstand muß bezeichnet werden, der Mann mit Verstand. Wie jener Gläubige, der im Palast des Pharao die Leute ansprach wegen dessen, was sie taten, wegen dessen, was sie taten, und sagte: Was ist das? "Was sind das für Handlungen, die ihr ausübt, die eueren Gelüsten folgen? Die Gelüste entsprechen nicht Rechtleitung und Tugendhaftigkeit. Gelüste bringen keine Tugendhaftigkeit. Tugendhaftigkeit findet man bei einem rechtgeleiteten Mann. Sucht nach ihm! Sucht nach ihm! "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun?" (11:78) Was macht ihr? Ist keiner mehr übrig unter euch (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:31:08
7144 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RajulunRashidDt
mit gesundem Verstand? Wir fragen. Ich bin ein schwacher Diener, und ich frage die Ägypter. "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun?" Das ist großartig! Allah (awj) erzählt keine Geschichten. Was! Ein Mann, um die Nation Pharaos zu retten. Er war überrascht von ihrem schlechten Benehmen, das kein Verstand anerkennen kann. Und es war unmöglich für einen gesunden Mann, anzuerkennen, was sie taten, und er sagte zu ihnen: "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun?" Warum sagte Allah (swt) diese Worte? Der Heilige Quran errettet die Kinder Adams (as) vor dem Übel der Teufel. Ihr Menschen! Haltet Ausschau nach einem geistig gesunden Mann. Der Heilige Quran ist kein Geschichtenbuch. Das ist genug für die ganze Menschheit! Sie sollten fragen 'Ist unter euch nicht ein Mann mit Verstand?' Wo ist er? In England? Damaskus, Rußland, Amerika? Hijaz, Iran, Indien, China? Haltet Ausschau nach einem Mann mit Verstand! Und sagt, dieser Mensch ist rechtgeleitet. Er wird uns den rechten Weg weisen. Also werden wir auf dem Sirata l-Mustaqima, dem geraden Weg, sein, mit dem Allah (jwa) zufrieden ist. Der gerade Weg. Jedesmal, wenn der Prophet (saws) die Reihen für das Gebet aufstellte, sagte er: Istaqimu! Steht gerade! Diesen Befehl müssen wir kennen und ihm folgen und an ihm festhalten. Istaqimu - Steht gerade. Er schaute nach rechts und nach links. Die höchste Ehre ist es, gerade zu stehen. Sucht nach einem Mann, der gerade steht. Er ist ein Mann mit gesundem Verstand. Wo sind die Gelehrten Ägyptens? Was verstehen sie vom Heiligen Quran? Wir fragen die "Muslimbruderschaft": Woher habt ihr diesen Namen? Muslimbruderschaft. Wir fragen die anderen Salafi-Gruppen, woher sie diese Namen haben, mit dem sie die Nation des Geliebten (saws) in Gruppen spalteten. Und alle Gruppen gehen in die Irre außer einer: Ahlu s-Sunnah wa l-Jamaat. Diese paar Worte wollte ich sagen, da sie in mein Herz gegeben wurden vor ein paar Tagen. Ihr Leute, 'gibt es nicht einen Mann unter euch mit Verstand?' Warum erwähnte Allah (swt) dies im Glorreichen Quran? Ist es eine Geschichte? Um die Diener zu lehren, nach einem rechtgeleiteten Mann mit einem gesunden Verstand zu suchen. Und seine Handlungen sind geradeaus, und sein Herz ist rein. Und seine Füße folgen den Fußstapfen des Propheten (saws). Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Wir bitten unseren Herrn, daß dies der Beginn sei für die Leute, aufmerksam zu sein. Die Ägypter und alle anderen, damit sie die Lehren des Glorreichen Quran verstehen können. "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun?" Diese Frage stellt sich bis zum Tag des Gerichts. Wer ist (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:31:08
7145 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RajulunRashidDt
dieser Mann mit Verstand? Kann er gewählt werden? Niemals! Nein! Allah Allah Subhanallah! Wir hoffen von Allah, daß es der Beginn eines neuen Zeitalters ist, das noch nie da gewesen ist, beginnend mit dieser gesegneten Nacht, um die Angelegenheiten der Nation zu regeln, und Engel mögen Vorkehrungen treffen und die rechtgleiteten Diener auch. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Laß uns die Worte des Propheten (saws) verstehen. Wer den Glorreichen Quran versteht, versteht. Aber dieser Vers ist sehr deutlich: "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun?" Ein Mann mit gesundem Verstand, könnte das Abdul Nassir sein? Oder die anderen? Waren sie rechtgeleitete Männer? Wäre er ein Mann mit Verstand gewesen, wäre das Ende Ägyptens nicht so gewesen nach den Königen, auf so ein Niveau zu sinken. Ich muß leider sagen, ich muß das leider über alle Muslimländer sagen. Sie müssen fragen: "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun?" Wer ist ein rechtgeleiteter Mann? Bashar? Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Saddam? Abdul Nassir? Die übrigen? Niemals! Die Türken, sie alle haben unrecht, weil sie nicht nach einem rechtgeleiteten Mann suchen. Jetzt ist in der Nation der Muslime kein rechtgeleiteter Mann, den man bitten könnte, die Nation auszurichten. Ihr Diener Allahs! Ihr Gelehrten! Astaghfirullah! Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba... Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Schade für die Gelehrten! Schade für die Leute, die verstehen können. Warum rezitieren sie nicht die Heiligen Verse: "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun?" Das ist der Heilige Quran! Bringt sie dazu, um einen Mann mit Verstand zu bitten, damit sie gerettet werden! Wenn sie nicht darum bitten, werden sie vernichtet und aus der Existenz entfernt. Ich bitte meinen Herrn um Vergebung. Dies ist eine gesegnete Nacht, Laylatu l-Bara'a. Wir bitten unseren Herrn, daß sie ein neuer Anfang für die Nation des Geliebten (saws) wird. Bi Hurmati l-Habib Allah (saws). Fatiha. Die Leute sollen ihren Herrn um den Mann mit Verstand bitten. O Herr, sende uns einen Mann mit Verstand. Ich bin ein schwacher Diener. Ich weiß nichts. Was in mein Herz gegeben wurde, habe ich gesagt. Möge Allah (swt) mir und euch vergeben. Fatiha. Lefke, 03.07.2012
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryEgypt, CategoryShaban Transcript des Videos: (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:31:08
7146 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RajulunRashidDt
03_ar_RajulunRashid.mp4 (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:31:08
7147 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RamadanBenefits
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : RamadanBenefits
Benefits For Those Who Fast Ramadan
Dastoor yaa Sayyidee. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar, laa ilaaha ill- Allahu Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa lillahi 'l-hamd. Subhaan sen yaa Rabb, Sultaan sen yaa Rabb. Irham da`fana, irham zuldana bi jahi sayyidi 'l-awaleen wa 'l-akhireen, bi jaahi habeebika al-Mustafa zidhu yaa Rabbee `izzan wa sharafa nooran wa masroora wa ridwaanan wa sultaana fee mithliha hadha shahr as- shareef Ramadan Mubarak. Yaa Rabb. And we are saying, `Aoodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem,! Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem,! Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem! Bismillahir 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem! Bismillahi r'-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem! Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem! wa bihi nasta`een. As-saalatu wa salaam `ala sayyidi 'l-awaleen wa 'l-akhireen wa `ala sayyida 'l-anbiya wa 'l-mursaleen wa man tabi`ahum bi ihsaanin ila yawmi 'd-deen wa `ala rijaalallah ashaabu tawbati min ahli 'l-ardeen (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Yaa Rabbee, yaa Rabbee. O our Attenders! As-salaamu `alaykum. Today is going to be fifth of shahr mubarak, Ramadan Kareem. We are asking for more blessings. First of all, we are asking for forgiveness. O Seal of Prophets, Sayyidi 'l- Awaleen wa 'l-Akhireen! We are asking your intercession in the Divine Presence that we should be forgiven, as we need forgiveness. (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:31:09
7148 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RamadanBenefits
When heavenly forgiveness is coming, heaviness on our physical being is just taken away, and also when forgiveness is coming our spiritual being is getting in pleasure. People are asking for both of them, people are asking for a healthy body and also asking for inner pleasure in themselves.That is a real desire that a person may ask, to be healthy with their physical being and to be in pleasure in their minds, in their hearts, in their physical beings. For the honor of the holy month, we hope that who is asking for most aims, as much as we may give much more attention for heavenly pleasure, we may be granted in this holy month, and daily you can find in yourself an opening. O our Salafi `ulamas! Marhaban, marhaban, marhaban! O our Attenders! Don't be heedless ones; leave being heedless, enough! Don't be drunk with this dirty life! O Salafi `ulamas! Say, if it is not dirty. It is dirty! This holy month is carrying you from dirtiness. If you are not fasting, you are going to the WC (bathroom) perhaps ten times or more, but when you are fasting, you may visit a very important center of Mankind, without which they can't live. If kings are living in big, very magnificent palaces, there is still for everyone a line to use the WC. If living in most beautiful castle, and they are sitting, from the WC coming brrrng, "We are sitting here on the sultan's throne, I am sitting and it is not time to leave so many people, all important ones, those who have imitated uniforms, sitting here, it is not time, but that brrng, brrng, “Come to me, leave the throne and come to sit on a very, very dirty place! Come, because even if you are king, there is dirtiness in you. Throw it away to be restful." O our Attenders! They are making me to speak on the lowest standard for the understanding of no-mind people, because you are not taking any care to run to be like angels, but you are running to be like animal world's members! You may be kings, queens, presidents, first ladies, but all of you are trying to be on such ranks and when your stomach is calling, grr, grr, you must answer that call! One says, "I must be excused some minutes, I am just going and coming." Says the other, "What happened for our president?" He said that an important person is asking for a very special meeting. Therefore, we must postpone this (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:31:09
7149 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RamadanBenefits
meeting for five minutes." O our Attenders! You are on that level! It is written on so many factories, "Produced Here." What is our physical being’s production? Say, Salafi `ulamas! Why are you not saying what is produced by our physical being? This is a humble meeting, but the Lord of Heavens is asking to listen from east to west to real things! We are not covering, but we are opening that cover for Mankind to know about themselves, man `arifa nafsaha, “Who knows himself.” Our Salafi `ulamas! Why are you not saying where the production of Mankind is? It is in the WC. Write on it, "Produced by Salafi `ulamas." You are thinking that it is easy? For what are we saying this; that our physical being is producing daily for the WC? Shameful, very shameful! You, our attenders from every level, can anyone object on it, saying it is not true? You must know that our physical beings' production is in the WC. It is a blame for all of Mankind that is running after that production, never thinking anything about heavenly objects. Mankind is to blame! Therefore, this is coming to make it clear, clarifying for Mankind that they should understand. O Mankind on every level! You must try to visit the WC center less. It is a blame for Mankind not to try to go to the Divinely Presence, to visit mosques, churches, synagogues or temples. They are not thinking about that point or going to those places that belong to Allah (swt), but you are going to that very small, short place, the WC, perhaps ten times daily. "Where are you going?" "I am going to meet a very important one." "Where, O my darling?" "You know, I must visit the WC. Something is happening today because we just drank too much whiskey, or we took a little bit more spirits. Therefore, O my darling, it is making me visit this important center for Mankind." "O my darling! You are never going to church?" (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:31:09
7150 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RamadanBenefits
"If the WC center calls me, I can't go!" O Shaykh Hisham! Also you must remind people a little bit for understanding about what are their missions, from the highest level of this dirty life down to its lowest level, eating and drinking, then a very important meeting in the WC center! O our Salafi `ulamas! How are you? You must say such things because Man has two kinds of understandings: one kind belongs to heavenly subjects, and the second understanding is for their animal's positions, yes. You must make it clear. Don't blame, laa tastahee, "Don't be ashamed," if you are saying such things. It is Holy Ramadan. Holy, trying to make people holy. Why has it been said "Holy Ramadan?" Because making people to approach holy levels of Heavens! When you make eating and drinking the lowest level, your spirituality gets up, higher, higher, higher. If someone may reach on that level, he may hear glorifying of angels for the Lord of Heavens! Such things are not written in your books, but the Lord of Heavens is asking to make it clear for understanding, and you must understand! Eat as it is necessary, and don't drink more than you are in need. Therefore, Holy Ramadan is granting to servants a "holiness." People are going to be in the Ramadan more holy ones. Try to be that! In daytime you are so light, so in pleasure, that your physical being is going to be in rest. And your understanding, your mentality is coming to be much more mukammal, perfect. We are saying a holy word of the Seal of Prophets (s). O our Attenders! Particularly our Salafi `ulamas! The hadith, Prophet's holy words, what is he saying? People now are 99% sick ones. Everyone has such a different illness or sickness, that countless hospitals are not enough for curing them. Doctors are not enough to reach people and give them health. Health is a heavenly grant given from heavenly ones! Don't ask healthiness from Earth! That is the biggest mistake for Mankind, and why they are unhealthy ones, because they are asking to be healthy through material aspects. They are thinking that if they are going to America or London they will find health. And their houses, their appearance are not so beautiful, no, so simple. People, particularly Arabian people, are running and you will find entrances of Harley Street with countless doctors. They are asking health from that place. It is a pity for Muslims to run and ask for health from unbelievers or non-Muslim places; it is the biggest shame! O our Salafiyoon! Why are you not saying? Wahaabiyoon are of no mind, so leave them. It is suitable for them to be in mental houses. But are you saying you are "Salafi `ulamas," so why are you not reminding (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:31:09
7151 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RamadanBenefits
people about this? And Allah Almighty is saying wa dhakkir, remind them! To whom? "Remind My servants." (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) What is "to remind"? Say, about fasting in this month, a very famous hadeeth ash-shareef! Why are you not reminding them? The Seal of Prophets (Mawlana Shaykh stands) is saying, soomoo tasahoo, “Fast and be healthy.” Is anything wrong? Say! Why are you not saying to mulook, ummarra, shaykhs and rich ones? Why are they running to non-Muslim territories to ask for healthiness? What is that foolishness? That is your imaan? (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Enough. Soomoo tasahoo, if you are asking healthiness, "Fast," soomoo, and be healthy! O our Attenders! Where are you? Working to fill the WC center? If you work and don't come to listen to follow holy commands of Heavens, still you must follow, or you will be between hospitals and WC centers. May Allah forgive us. I think it is enough. I am shouting to my ego and asking with tablets and medicines comes "healthiness?" And so many people coming and saying, "O Shaykh! Don't fast, you are taking medicine. Don’t fast!" Is medicine giving me health or is it a heavenly grant for following the Seal of Prophet's brilliant way? It is the safe way and taking from me sickness, and giving to me healthiness. "Oh Shaykh, it is Ramadan, stop it!" So many Shaytan’s agents coming to me and saying, "O Shaykh, you are not healthy, your health is not suitable.” They say doctors say, “Eat." For what? For visiting the WC too much? Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah. Shari`ah is saying pencils that are writing against myself (90 years), but I have reached a level that they are not writing. And therefore, I am fasting. Alhamdulillah, going to be better than if I am not fasting, yes! Fasting and anything wrong? No. And you are thinking I am down, no. Sadaqa Rasoolullah, his declaration is from heavens, it is 100% true. I am feeling much more active in my physical being. Mashaa-Allah. May Allah forgive us. O our Attenders! If you are not fasting, tomorrow the doctor may say to you, "You can't eat anything except boiled rice,” or, “You must not drink too much,” or, “You must not eat meat and delicious food." Keep this heavenly order and be in pleasure here and Hereafter! Fasting is giving pleasure to our physical being because it is a heavenly grant coming on us and our physical being becomes happy from that! May Allah forgive us. Yaa Rabbee, yaa Rabbee. Grant us someone to guide people for their happiness here and Hereafter! Yaa (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:31:09
7152 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RamadanBenefits
Rabb, send us a sultan. We are fed up with democracy and their governments. Send us a sultan who is in the shadow of heavenly ones, so we may follow them and be happy. If not, we are never going to be happy here or in pleasure in the Next Life. Tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah, astaghfirullah. Fatihah (45 minutes) Mashaa-Allah. (Mawlana Shaykh speaks to Shaykh Hisham Effendi on the phone.) Lefke, 14.08.2010
WebSufiLive, CategoryRamadan, CategoryFasting, CategoryBiography, CategoryOhMyDarling (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:31:09
7153 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RamadanIsMonthOfCleanliness
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : RamadanIsMonthOfCleanliness
Ramadan Is the Month of Cleanliness
(Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah, Kareem Allah, Subhaan Allah, Sultaan Allah. Subhaan Allah, Sultaan Allah, Subhaan Allah, Sultaan Allah. Yaa Rabbee zid habeebika `izzan wa sharafan nooran wa surooran, wa ridwaana wa sultaanan fee haadha 'sh-shahri 'sh-shareef. Shahru Ramadan al-mubarak. Ij`ala yaa Rabbee mubarakan lana li-`ibaadika ad-du`afa yaa Rabbee. ummanaa bi-fadlik wa rhamatik wa anwaarik yaa rabbee. Bi jaahi nabiyyika'l-Mustafa bi jaahi saa'ir al-anbiyaa wal-awliyaa. Naqoolu a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. (Mawlana Shaykh sits). As-salaamu `alaykum our Attenders! As-salaamu `alaykum yaa Rijaalallah alladheena hum yuraaghiboon `ibaadullah fee hayati 'd-dunya wa 'l-`izzu wa 'sh-sharaf yawm al-qiyamah fee yawm al-ard. Ohhhh. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) O our Attenders! This is the holiest month, Shahru r-Ramadan Mubarak! Marhaban yaa Shahru r-Rahmah! Marhaban yaa shahr al-ikraam! Marhaban yaa shahr al-in`am! Marhaban, Marhaban li-ummati Muhammad (s) wa sharafa wa karam. Allahuma ija`lna tahta liwaa'ihi dunya wa fee yawm al-qiyamah! Allah, Allah. It is a humble majlis, association. We are not claiming that we know and we are teaching people, no. We are (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:31:10
7154 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RamadanIsMonthOfCleanliness
trying to be humble servants, to be accepted in the Divinely Presence of our Lord, (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allah Almighty, to be a weak, humble servant; that is what we are running after. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) O People! Don't think we are sitting here to make a show, claiming that we are VIP people, no. We are trying to be, as the Seal of Prophets is saying about a simple ummah, simple wahid. Ash`ath aghbar, “dusty and disheveled,” that if we are looking at the out-looking (appearance) of that person, it is giving nothing to you. Appearance, that ash`ath, his clothes will be very simple. They are not dirty, but old. Say "old," musta`mal, “used, worn.” One clothes that it is very, very simple, only covering his body. And that person is never asking to be a VIP, using so brilliant clothes. He never asks to be known, also. His intention or his main target or aim is only to be a weak servant in the Divinely Presence. And he is ashamed to claim to be in the Divinely Presence. No, he never sees himself as ahlan li-hadha, deserving. Nothing through this life is interesting him, not clothes, cars, ladies, houses, work or business. He is never interested in any aspect of dunya. Therefore, he is never taking any care for his dressing. Aghbara, ash`ath. He is always ashamed to come among people. Ashamed from what? Ashamed of his dirty ego! As a person, he has only one donkey to go everywhere and doing its dirty, making its owner to be ashamed. Therefore, that person is so mahjoom, ashamed to come among people, saying, "I must get out. All these people are clean, but I am not a clean one." But the meaning of cleanliness to that person is something else than what common people understand. O Salafi `ulamas! Marhaban! We are trying to be simple ones, because everything above simplicity is a show or something that our egos are asking for, waseela, a chance to show their cleanliness. That is the meaning for common people. But this one who is asking to escape from people due to his dirtiness, he thinks that his ride is so dirty. Everywhere it goes, it is making a dirtiness and ashaming. Therefore, he is ashamed to come among common people. He is mahju, so ashamed! That one is a most acceptable one in the Divinely
Never! No! Allah Allah Subhana Allah! We hope from our Lord that it may be a beginning for a new Age that never occured before, starting from this blessed night, to arrange the matters of the nation & the angels may arrange & the righteous servants may also arrange. Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba Ya Rabbi! Let us understand the words of the Prophet (saws). Who understands from The Magnificent Quran, he understands. But this verse is very clear "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun" (11:78) A sound minded man, could that be Abdul Nassir? Or others? Were they rightly guided men? If he was a sound minded man this would not be the end of Egypt after its Kings, to fall down to such level. I am sorry, I am sorry to say... I am sorry to say this about all the Muslim nations. They must ask "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun" (11:78) Who is a rightly guided man? Bashar? Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Saddam? Abdul Nassir? The rest of them? Never! Turks, all of them are wrong! Because they did not ask for a rightly guided man. Now in the Muslim nations there is not a rightly guided man to ask him to straighten the nation! O servants of Allah! O scholars! Astaghfirullah! Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba... Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba astaghfirullah. Pity for our scholars! Pity for the people who can understand! Why are they not reciting the Holy Verse "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun" (11:78)? This is The Holy Quran! Make them ask for a sound minded man so they may be saved & rescued! If they do not ask for him they will perish & be taken away from existence. I ask pardon from my Lord. This is a blessed night, the Laylatul Bara'a We ask from our Lord that it may be a new beginning to the nation of the Beloved (saws). Bi Hurmatil Habib Allah (saws). Fatiha. Let the people ask for the sound minded one from their Lord. O Lord, send to us a man with a sound mind. I am a weak servant, I don't know anything. What was inspired to my heart I spoke it. May Allah (swt) forgive me & forgive you. (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:31:07
7141 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RajulunRashid
Fatiha. Lefke, 03.07.2012
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryEgypt, CategoryShaban, CategoryPharao, CategoryMuslimNation (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:31:07
7142 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RajulunRashidDt
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : RajulunRashidDt
Rajulun Rashid
(Engl.: RajulunRashid) Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Für die Nation des Propheten (saws) wird dies eine gesegnete Nacht sein, Laylatu l-Bara'a. Insha'Allah wird es ein Schlüssel, um alle Türen für die Muslime zu öffnen. Mit Beginn des 15. des Gepriesenen Shaban hoffen wir auf neue Tajalli, Manifestationen, zum Wohle der muslimischen Diener. Das Zeitalter der Tyrannen ist vorbei seit heute Abend, mit Allahs (swt) Erlaubnis und auf Seinen Befehl hin und mit der Unterstützung Rasulullahs (saws). Wir haben das Ende erreicht für die Muslime, die die Tyrannei getragen haben, weil sie nicht den Fußstapfen des Propheten (saws) gefolgt sind. Sie kehrten den Gesetzen der Himmel den Rücken und folgten den egoistischen Gelüsten der Nicht-Muslime, bis das geschah in der Ummah, was geschah. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Rabbi Wa Rabbuna Allah (swt). Ihr Leute, ihr müßt den Befehlen Allahs (swt) folgen, daß sie euch auf den rechten Weg führen. Allah (swt) Jalla Wa 'Alaa machte im Heiligen Quran alles deutlich. Ein Wort oder zwei Worte oder ein Vers oder ein halber Vers machen den Leuten den ausgewogenen Weg deutlich. Damit die Leute in dieser Welt nicht der Zerstörung verfallen und im Jenseits bestraft werden. Ihr ägyptischen Gelehrten! Auch ihr muslimischen Gelehrten! Subhanallah! Allah (swt) weckt (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:31:08
7143 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RajulunRashidDt
Seine Diener auf. Der Heilige Quran ist kein Geschichtenbuch. Hasha! Was geschah den Ägyptern jetzt und in vergangenen Zeiten! Alle Arten von Dingen! Und die Leute gingen den Weg, der nicht der Wahre Weg war, sondern sie folgten ihren Gelüsten. Die Leute folgten ihren Gelüsten und sie gingen ihren eigenen Weg, der sich vom Glorreichen Quran unterscheidet. Und deshalb verbreitete sich die ganze Verderbtheit unter den Ägyptern im vergangenen Jahrhundert. Subhanallah! Allah Allah, Allah Allah! Alle Arten von Verderbtheit geschah, weil sie ihren Gelüsten folgten. Subhanallah! Zur Zeit von Pharao glaubte der Pharao, daß er die Leute erschaffen hatte, und sie nahmen einen Weg, der nicht der Weg von Haqq, der Wahrheit, war. Zu der Zeit war im Palast, im Palast des Pharao ein Mann, ein aufrichtig Gläubiger, ein rechtgeleiteter Mann, der sagte zu ihnen, zum Pharao und denen, die ihm folgten von den Leuten, er sagte zu ihnen die Heiligen Verse: "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun?" (11:78) Stimmt's? Der Vers lautet: 'Gibt es unter euch keinen Mann mit Verstand?' Was ist los mit euch? Gibt es nicht einen Mann unter euch mit Verstand? Nicht einen mit Verstand? So daß ihr die vielen Wege Shaytans einschlagen mußtet. Und untereinander strittet ihr und verfielt in eine Situation, aus der ihr nicht herauskommen könnt, aus dieser Zwangslage, wenn ihr nicht einem Mann mit Verstand folgt. "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun?" (11:78) Ihr Ägypter! Haltet Ausschau nach einem Mann mit Verstand. Sagt nicht: Dieser hat die Wahlen gewonnen oder jener.. Das hat keinen Geschmack! Nein! Wir wollen, daß wir darauf hingewiesen werden und unser Herr (jwa) uns befiehlt mit den Worten, die jener Mann zu Pharao und seinen Anhängern sprach. Die ihren Weg einschlugen, das ist nicht der Weg der Rechtschaffenheit. Und er sagte zu ihnen: "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun?" (11:78) Niemand mehr da? Dies ist der Heilige Quran, ihr Ägypter! Warum sucht ihr nicht nach einem Mann mit Verstand? Glaubt ihr, daß ihr mit Wahlen einen Mann mit Verstand bekommt? Hasha! Unmöglich! Ein Mann mit Verstand muß bezeichnet werden, der Mann mit Verstand. Wie jener Gläubige, der im Palast des Pharao die Leute ansprach wegen dessen, was sie taten, wegen dessen, was sie taten, und sagte: Was ist das? "Was sind das für Handlungen, die ihr ausübt, die eueren Gelüsten folgen? Die Gelüste entsprechen nicht Rechtleitung und Tugendhaftigkeit. Gelüste bringen keine Tugendhaftigkeit. Tugendhaftigkeit findet man bei einem rechtgeleiteten Mann. Sucht nach ihm! Sucht nach ihm! "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun?" (11:78) Was macht ihr? Ist keiner mehr übrig unter euch (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:31:08
7144 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RajulunRashidDt
mit gesundem Verstand? Wir fragen. Ich bin ein schwacher Diener, und ich frage die Ägypter. "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun?" Das ist großartig! Allah (awj) erzählt keine Geschichten. Was! Ein Mann, um die Nation Pharaos zu retten. Er war überrascht von ihrem schlechten Benehmen, das kein Verstand anerkennen kann. Und es war unmöglich für einen gesunden Mann, anzuerkennen, was sie taten, und er sagte zu ihnen: "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun?" Warum sagte Allah (swt) diese Worte? Der Heilige Quran errettet die Kinder Adams (as) vor dem Übel der Teufel. Ihr Menschen! Haltet Ausschau nach einem geistig gesunden Mann. Der Heilige Quran ist kein Geschichtenbuch. Das ist genug für die ganze Menschheit! Sie sollten fragen 'Ist unter euch nicht ein Mann mit Verstand?' Wo ist er? In England? Damaskus, Rußland, Amerika? Hijaz, Iran, Indien, China? Haltet Ausschau nach einem Mann mit Verstand! Und sagt, dieser Mensch ist rechtgeleitet. Er wird uns den rechten Weg weisen. Also werden wir auf dem Sirata l-Mustaqima, dem geraden Weg, sein, mit dem Allah (jwa) zufrieden ist. Der gerade Weg. Jedesmal, wenn der Prophet (saws) die Reihen für das Gebet aufstellte, sagte er: Istaqimu! Steht gerade! Diesen Befehl müssen wir kennen und ihm folgen und an ihm festhalten. Istaqimu - Steht gerade. Er schaute nach rechts und nach links. Die höchste Ehre ist es, gerade zu stehen. Sucht nach einem Mann, der gerade steht. Er ist ein Mann mit gesundem Verstand. Wo sind die Gelehrten Ägyptens? Was verstehen sie vom Heiligen Quran? Wir fragen die "Muslimbruderschaft": Woher habt ihr diesen Namen? Muslimbruderschaft. Wir fragen die anderen Salafi-Gruppen, woher sie diese Namen haben, mit dem sie die Nation des Geliebten (saws) in Gruppen spalteten. Und alle Gruppen gehen in die Irre außer einer: Ahlu s-Sunnah wa l-Jamaat. Diese paar Worte wollte ich sagen, da sie in mein Herz gegeben wurden vor ein paar Tagen. Ihr Leute, 'gibt es nicht einen Mann unter euch mit Verstand?' Warum erwähnte Allah (swt) dies im Glorreichen Quran? Ist es eine Geschichte? Um die Diener zu lehren, nach einem rechtgeleiteten Mann mit einem gesunden Verstand zu suchen. Und seine Handlungen sind geradeaus, und sein Herz ist rein. Und seine Füße folgen den Fußstapfen des Propheten (saws). Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Wir bitten unseren Herrn, daß dies der Beginn sei für die Leute, aufmerksam zu sein. Die Ägypter und alle anderen, damit sie die Lehren des Glorreichen Quran verstehen können. "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun?" Diese Frage stellt sich bis zum Tag des Gerichts. Wer ist (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:31:08
7145 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RajulunRashidDt
dieser Mann mit Verstand? Kann er gewählt werden? Niemals! Nein! Allah Allah Subhanallah! Wir hoffen von Allah, daß es der Beginn eines neuen Zeitalters ist, das noch nie da gewesen ist, beginnend mit dieser gesegneten Nacht, um die Angelegenheiten der Nation zu regeln, und Engel mögen Vorkehrungen treffen und die rechtgleiteten Diener auch. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Laß uns die Worte des Propheten (saws) verstehen. Wer den Glorreichen Quran versteht, versteht. Aber dieser Vers ist sehr deutlich: "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun?" Ein Mann mit gesundem Verstand, könnte das Abdul Nassir sein? Oder die anderen? Waren sie rechtgeleitete Männer? Wäre er ein Mann mit Verstand gewesen, wäre das Ende Ägyptens nicht so gewesen nach den Königen, auf so ein Niveau zu sinken. Ich muß leider sagen, ich muß das leider über alle Muslimländer sagen. Sie müssen fragen: "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun?" Wer ist ein rechtgeleiteter Mann? Bashar? Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Saddam? Abdul Nassir? Die übrigen? Niemals! Die Türken, sie alle haben unrecht, weil sie nicht nach einem rechtgeleiteten Mann suchen. Jetzt ist in der Nation der Muslime kein rechtgeleiteter Mann, den man bitten könnte, die Nation auszurichten. Ihr Diener Allahs! Ihr Gelehrten! Astaghfirullah! Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba... Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Schade für die Gelehrten! Schade für die Leute, die verstehen können. Warum rezitieren sie nicht die Heiligen Verse: "Alaysa Minkum Rajulun Rashidun?" Das ist der Heilige Quran! Bringt sie dazu, um einen Mann mit Verstand zu bitten, damit sie gerettet werden! Wenn sie nicht darum bitten, werden sie vernichtet und aus der Existenz entfernt. Ich bitte meinen Herrn um Vergebung. Dies ist eine gesegnete Nacht, Laylatu l-Bara'a. Wir bitten unseren Herrn, daß sie ein neuer Anfang für die Nation des Geliebten (saws) wird. Bi Hurmati l-Habib Allah (saws). Fatiha. Die Leute sollen ihren Herrn um den Mann mit Verstand bitten. O Herr, sende uns einen Mann mit Verstand. Ich bin ein schwacher Diener. Ich weiß nichts. Was in mein Herz gegeben wurde, habe ich gesagt. Möge Allah (swt) mir und euch vergeben. Fatiha. Lefke, 03.07.2012
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryEgypt, CategoryShaban Transcript des Videos: (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:31:08
7146 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RajulunRashidDt
03_ar_RajulunRashid.mp4 (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:31:08
7147 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RamadanBenefits
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : RamadanBenefits
Benefits For Those Who Fast Ramadan
Dastoor yaa Sayyidee. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar, laa ilaaha ill- Allahu Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa lillahi 'l-hamd. Subhaan sen yaa Rabb, Sultaan sen yaa Rabb. Irham da`fana, irham zuldana bi jahi sayyidi 'l-awaleen wa 'l-akhireen, bi jaahi habeebika al-Mustafa zidhu yaa Rabbee `izzan wa sharafa nooran wa masroora wa ridwaanan wa sultaana fee mithliha hadha shahr as- shareef Ramadan Mubarak. Yaa Rabb. And we are saying, `Aoodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem,! Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem,! Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem! Bismillahir 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem! Bismillahi r'-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem! Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem! wa bihi nasta`een. As-saalatu wa salaam `ala sayyidi 'l-awaleen wa 'l-akhireen wa `ala sayyida 'l-anbiya wa 'l-mursaleen wa man tabi`ahum bi ihsaanin ila yawmi 'd-deen wa `ala rijaalallah ashaabu tawbati min ahli 'l-ardeen (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Yaa Rabbee, yaa Rabbee. O our Attenders! As-salaamu `alaykum. Today is going to be fifth of shahr mubarak, Ramadan Kareem. We are asking for more blessings. First of all, we are asking for forgiveness. O Seal of Prophets, Sayyidi 'l- Awaleen wa 'l-Akhireen! We are asking your intercession in the Divine Presence that we should be forgiven, as we need forgiveness. (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:31:09
7148 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RamadanBenefits
When heavenly forgiveness is coming, heaviness on our physical being is just taken away, and also when forgiveness is coming our spiritual being is getting in pleasure. People are asking for both of them, people are asking for a healthy body and also asking for inner pleasure in themselves.That is a real desire that a person may ask, to be healthy with their physical being and to be in pleasure in their minds, in their hearts, in their physical beings. For the honor of the holy month, we hope that who is asking for most aims, as much as we may give much more attention for heavenly pleasure, we may be granted in this holy month, and daily you can find in yourself an opening. O our Salafi `ulamas! Marhaban, marhaban, marhaban! O our Attenders! Don't be heedless ones; leave being heedless, enough! Don't be drunk with this dirty life! O Salafi `ulamas! Say, if it is not dirty. It is dirty! This holy month is carrying you from dirtiness. If you are not fasting, you are going to the WC (bathroom) perhaps ten times or more, but when you are fasting, you may visit a very important center of Mankind, without which they can't live. If kings are living in big, very magnificent palaces, there is still for everyone a line to use the WC. If living in most beautiful castle, and they are sitting, from the WC coming brrrng, "We are sitting here on the sultan's throne, I am sitting and it is not time to leave so many people, all important ones, those who have imitated uniforms, sitting here, it is not time, but that brrng, brrng, “Come to me, leave the throne and come to sit on a very, very dirty place! Come, because even if you are king, there is dirtiness in you. Throw it away to be restful." O our Attenders! They are making me to speak on the lowest standard for the understanding of no-mind people, because you are not taking any care to run to be like angels, but you are running to be like animal world's members! You may be kings, queens, presidents, first ladies, but all of you are trying to be on such ranks and when your stomach is calling, grr, grr, you must answer that call! One says, "I must be excused some minutes, I am just going and coming." Says the other, "What happened for our president?" He said that an important person is asking for a very special meeting. Therefore, we must postpone this (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:31:09
7149 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RamadanBenefits
meeting for five minutes." O our Attenders! You are on that level! It is written on so many factories, "Produced Here." What is our physical being’s production? Say, Salafi `ulamas! Why are you not saying what is produced by our physical being? This is a humble meeting, but the Lord of Heavens is asking to listen from east to west to real things! We are not covering, but we are opening that cover for Mankind to know about themselves, man `arifa nafsaha, “Who knows himself.” Our Salafi `ulamas! Why are you not saying where the production of Mankind is? It is in the WC. Write on it, "Produced by Salafi `ulamas." You are thinking that it is easy? For what are we saying this; that our physical being is producing daily for the WC? Shameful, very shameful! You, our attenders from every level, can anyone object on it, saying it is not true? You must know that our physical beings' production is in the WC. It is a blame for all of Mankind that is running after that production, never thinking anything about heavenly objects. Mankind is to blame! Therefore, this is coming to make it clear, clarifying for Mankind that they should understand. O Mankind on every level! You must try to visit the WC center less. It is a blame for Mankind not to try to go to the Divinely Presence, to visit mosques, churches, synagogues or temples. They are not thinking about that point or going to those places that belong to Allah (swt), but you are going to that very small, short place, the WC, perhaps ten times daily. "Where are you going?" "I am going to meet a very important one." "Where, O my darling?" "You know, I must visit the WC. Something is happening today because we just drank too much whiskey, or we took a little bit more spirits. Therefore, O my darling, it is making me visit this important center for Mankind." "O my darling! You are never going to church?" (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:31:09
7150 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RamadanBenefits
"If the WC center calls me, I can't go!" O Shaykh Hisham! Also you must remind people a little bit for understanding about what are their missions, from the highest level of this dirty life down to its lowest level, eating and drinking, then a very important meeting in the WC center! O our Salafi `ulamas! How are you? You must say such things because Man has two kinds of understandings: one kind belongs to heavenly subjects, and the second understanding is for their animal's positions, yes. You must make it clear. Don't blame, laa tastahee, "Don't be ashamed," if you are saying such things. It is Holy Ramadan. Holy, trying to make people holy. Why has it been said "Holy Ramadan?" Because making people to approach holy levels of Heavens! When you make eating and drinking the lowest level, your spirituality gets up, higher, higher, higher. If someone may reach on that level, he may hear glorifying of angels for the Lord of Heavens! Such things are not written in your books, but the Lord of Heavens is asking to make it clear for understanding, and you must understand! Eat as it is necessary, and don't drink more than you are in need. Therefore, Holy Ramadan is granting to servants a "holiness." People are going to be in the Ramadan more holy ones. Try to be that! In daytime you are so light, so in pleasure, that your physical being is going to be in rest. And your understanding, your mentality is coming to be much more mukammal, perfect. We are saying a holy word of the Seal of Prophets (s). O our Attenders! Particularly our Salafi `ulamas! The hadith, Prophet's holy words, what is he saying? People now are 99% sick ones. Everyone has such a different illness or sickness, that countless hospitals are not enough for curing them. Doctors are not enough to reach people and give them health. Health is a heavenly grant given from heavenly ones! Don't ask healthiness from Earth! That is the biggest mistake for Mankind, and why they are unhealthy ones, because they are asking to be healthy through material aspects. They are thinking that if they are going to America or London they will find health. And their houses, their appearance are not so beautiful, no, so simple. People, particularly Arabian people, are running and you will find entrances of Harley Street with countless doctors. They are asking health from that place. It is a pity for Muslims to run and ask for health from unbelievers or non-Muslim places; it is the biggest shame! O our Salafiyoon! Why are you not saying? Wahaabiyoon are of no mind, so leave them. It is suitable for them to be in mental houses. But are you saying you are "Salafi `ulamas," so why are you not reminding (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:31:09
7151 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RamadanBenefits
people about this? And Allah Almighty is saying wa dhakkir, remind them! To whom? "Remind My servants." (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) What is "to remind"? Say, about fasting in this month, a very famous hadeeth ash-shareef! Why are you not reminding them? The Seal of Prophets (Mawlana Shaykh stands) is saying, soomoo tasahoo, “Fast and be healthy.” Is anything wrong? Say! Why are you not saying to mulook, ummarra, shaykhs and rich ones? Why are they running to non-Muslim territories to ask for healthiness? What is that foolishness? That is your imaan? (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Enough. Soomoo tasahoo, if you are asking healthiness, "Fast," soomoo, and be healthy! O our Attenders! Where are you? Working to fill the WC center? If you work and don't come to listen to follow holy commands of Heavens, still you must follow, or you will be between hospitals and WC centers. May Allah forgive us. I think it is enough. I am shouting to my ego and asking with tablets and medicines comes "healthiness?" And so many people coming and saying, "O Shaykh! Don't fast, you are taking medicine. Don’t fast!" Is medicine giving me health or is it a heavenly grant for following the Seal of Prophet's brilliant way? It is the safe way and taking from me sickness, and giving to me healthiness. "Oh Shaykh, it is Ramadan, stop it!" So many Shaytan’s agents coming to me and saying, "O Shaykh, you are not healthy, your health is not suitable.” They say doctors say, “Eat." For what? For visiting the WC too much? Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah. Shari`ah is saying pencils that are writing against myself (90 years), but I have reached a level that they are not writing. And therefore, I am fasting. Alhamdulillah, going to be better than if I am not fasting, yes! Fasting and anything wrong? No. And you are thinking I am down, no. Sadaqa Rasoolullah, his declaration is from heavens, it is 100% true. I am feeling much more active in my physical being. Mashaa-Allah. May Allah forgive us. O our Attenders! If you are not fasting, tomorrow the doctor may say to you, "You can't eat anything except boiled rice,” or, “You must not drink too much,” or, “You must not eat meat and delicious food." Keep this heavenly order and be in pleasure here and Hereafter! Fasting is giving pleasure to our physical being because it is a heavenly grant coming on us and our physical being becomes happy from that! May Allah forgive us. Yaa Rabbee, yaa Rabbee. Grant us someone to guide people for their happiness here and Hereafter! Yaa (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:31:09
7152 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RamadanBenefits
Rabb, send us a sultan. We are fed up with democracy and their governments. Send us a sultan who is in the shadow of heavenly ones, so we may follow them and be happy. If not, we are never going to be happy here or in pleasure in the Next Life. Tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah, astaghfirullah. Fatihah (45 minutes) Mashaa-Allah. (Mawlana Shaykh speaks to Shaykh Hisham Effendi on the phone.) Lefke, 14.08.2010
WebSufiLive, CategoryRamadan, CategoryFasting, CategoryBiography, CategoryOhMyDarling (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:31:09
7153 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RamadanIsMonthOfCleanliness
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : RamadanIsMonthOfCleanliness
Ramadan Is the Month of Cleanliness
(Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah, Kareem Allah, Subhaan Allah, Sultaan Allah. Subhaan Allah, Sultaan Allah, Subhaan Allah, Sultaan Allah. Yaa Rabbee zid habeebika `izzan wa sharafan nooran wa surooran, wa ridwaana wa sultaanan fee haadha 'sh-shahri 'sh-shareef. Shahru Ramadan al-mubarak. Ij`ala yaa Rabbee mubarakan lana li-`ibaadika ad-du`afa yaa Rabbee. ummanaa bi-fadlik wa rhamatik wa anwaarik yaa rabbee. Bi jaahi nabiyyika'l-Mustafa bi jaahi saa'ir al-anbiyaa wal-awliyaa. Naqoolu a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. (Mawlana Shaykh sits). As-salaamu `alaykum our Attenders! As-salaamu `alaykum yaa Rijaalallah alladheena hum yuraaghiboon `ibaadullah fee hayati 'd-dunya wa 'l-`izzu wa 'sh-sharaf yawm al-qiyamah fee yawm al-ard. Ohhhh. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) O our Attenders! This is the holiest month, Shahru r-Ramadan Mubarak! Marhaban yaa Shahru r-Rahmah! Marhaban yaa shahr al-ikraam! Marhaban yaa shahr al-in`am! Marhaban, Marhaban li-ummati Muhammad (s) wa sharafa wa karam. Allahuma ija`lna tahta liwaa'ihi dunya wa fee yawm al-qiyamah! Allah, Allah. It is a humble majlis, association. We are not claiming that we know and we are teaching people, no. We are (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:31:10
7154 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RamadanIsMonthOfCleanliness
trying to be humble servants, to be accepted in the Divinely Presence of our Lord, (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allah Almighty, to be a weak, humble servant; that is what we are running after. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) O People! Don't think we are sitting here to make a show, claiming that we are VIP people, no. We are trying to be, as the Seal of Prophets is saying about a simple ummah, simple wahid. Ash`ath aghbar, “dusty and disheveled,” that if we are looking at the out-looking (appearance) of that person, it is giving nothing to you. Appearance, that ash`ath, his clothes will be very simple. They are not dirty, but old. Say "old," musta`mal, “used, worn.” One clothes that it is very, very simple, only covering his body. And that person is never asking to be a VIP, using so brilliant clothes. He never asks to be known, also. His intention or his main target or aim is only to be a weak servant in the Divinely Presence. And he is ashamed to claim to be in the Divinely Presence. No, he never sees himself as ahlan li-hadha, deserving. Nothing through this life is interesting him, not clothes, cars, ladies, houses, work or business. He is never interested in any aspect of dunya. Therefore, he is never taking any care for his dressing. Aghbara, ash`ath. He is always ashamed to come among people. Ashamed from what? Ashamed of his dirty ego! As a person, he has only one donkey to go everywhere and doing its dirty, making its owner to be ashamed. Therefore, that person is so mahjoom, ashamed to come among people, saying, "I must get out. All these people are clean, but I am not a clean one." But the meaning of cleanliness to that person is something else than what common people understand. O Salafi `ulamas! Marhaban! We are trying to be simple ones, because everything above simplicity is a show or something that our egos are asking for, waseela, a chance to show their cleanliness. That is the meaning for common people. But this one who is asking to escape from people due to his dirtiness, he thinks that his ride is so dirty. Everywhere it goes, it is making a dirtiness and ashaming. Therefore, he is ashamed to come among common people. He is mahju, so ashamed! That one is a most acceptable one in the Divinely