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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (511/777)
Lefke, 29.04.2004, transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel

BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryAngel, CategoryCreation, CategoryAdam, CategoryShaitan, (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:55

7074 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: QuranCameFromHeavensToHeartOfProphet

CategoryMuhammad (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:55

7075 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: QuranContainsAllKnowledge

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : QuranContainsAllKnowledge


Holy Qur'an Contains All Knowledge of Past and Future Events

Dastoor yaa Rabbee, madad! (Mawlana Shaykh stands) La ilaaha illa-Llah, La ilaaha illa-Llah, La ilaaha illa- Llah Muhammadun Rasoolullah, alayhi 's-salaatu wa 's-salaam. Madad yaa Saahib al-Imdaad, madad yaa RijaalAllah, fee mithliha haadha ash-shahru shareef, shahru Shaban al-Mu`azzam zidhu yaa Rabbee. Ta`zeeman wa takreeman, zid habeebika fee haadha ash-shahru mubarak. Shaban al-Mua’zzam belongs to the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s). (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Thumma 's-salaamu ‘alayk yaa Saahib al-Imdaad, yaa Qutb al-Mutasarrif, yaa Saahib az-Zamaan. Amiddanaa yaa rijaali 'l-imdaad. Abidoona bi madadi malakoot fee mithla haadha shahru shareef Shaban al-Mua’zzam. And we are saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. We are running from the worst creature that is trying to make Mankind disobedient to their Lord, their Creator. And we are saying, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem.(Mawlana Shaykh stands) May the heavenly sword be on the neck of Shaytan and its followers! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) O our Attenders! As-salaamu `alaykum. It would be a great pleasure for Mankind to be attenders for such a heavenly declaration that all heavenly ones have been sent to make people in pleasure, by countless good tidings from Heavens. I am sorry that people are never interested in their ruhaaniyya, spiritual pleasure. Now in our days, people are followers of the worst one in Creation, running like rivers after the worst creature, (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:56

7076 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: QuranContainsAllKnowledge

Shaytan. Allah! We will be happy if all of us become followers of pleasures, giving good tidings to all nations, but everyone is occupied by that worst one. O our Attenders! Try to attend daily, even for one quarter-hour or half-an-hour, to take good tidings from heavenly ones; you should be happy and in pleasure. Try to be attenders for holy declarations coming through Heavens, reaching to you. O people! We are here today, but we don't know if tomorrow we are going to be on earth or under earth. What if there is no hope for you, or that you are not given a grant to live for 90 years or more, or perhaps you should be ma'zur, handicapped. But no one knows if their being is going to be for tomorrow. Why are you running after the material world? Why are you running to be in pleasure with material aspects? Why is Mankind not thinking about it? This is an important question. We do not know if we will be living on this planet tomorrow. Perhaps you will say, "Up to tomorrow, I shall enjoy myself," but no one can give you a guarantee for your life from material aspects. Don't be cheated by insurance companies saying, “We are guarantors for your life, for everything that may come.” What is that foolishness? But people are drunk, beginning from kings, down to every level of Mankind. They are not acknowledging they have been given that heavenly grant! O our Salaaf as-Salih `ulamas! When I am saying, “Once upon a time, in the time of Bani Isra`eel, the time of Jesus Christ (a)...” Now new-fashion doctors, new-fashion Salafi `ulamas, and no-mind Wahhabi wolves, if a person may speak of a story from the past, they say, "Don't speak of it! That is Isra`eeliyaat (stories of prophets related by Jewish scholars).” What is Isra`eeliyaat? Do you know anything about Isra`eeliyaat? O those drunk ones! Don't you ever recite Holy Qur'an? You never understand that from the beginning up to the end, Holy Qur'an gives ahkbaarul qawm halmin madoo (news of the past nations). Don't you know that Holy Qur'an gives stories about past nations, particularly about Bani Isra`eel? Anyone who denies something that belongs to Bani Isra`eel, it is as if they are shooting on the holy verses of Holy Qur'an. But new-fashion doctors of Shari'ah, new fashion Salaaf us-Salih ‘ulama, and new-fashion, no-mind Wahhabi wolves and their founders and headmasters, are always objecting. If anyone is asking to say something from the time of Bani Isra`eel, they say, “Don’t! Leave that Banu Isra`eel.” How can it be? They are saying, “Qur'an al-Kareem is only for high-level people to understand. We are not accepting the stories of Children of Isra`eel.” Astaghfirullah. Why? Whoever is saying that is going to be kaafir (unbeliever)! Why are you not saying, Salaafu s-Salih `ulamas? Every time you address people, why are you not bringing a (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:56

7077 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: QuranContainsAllKnowledge

historic story from the time of Children of Isra`eel? You are so proud ones, saying, “We are not a class of story-telling people, we are all `ulamas.” And what you are saying no one is understanding. If I am saying one story, people are understanding and they may take the right way. But you are mixed with shaytanic ideas, not to accept anything from the time of Bani Isra`eel. Why? You must say! You cannot make Holy Qur'an into two parts, that in one part you can address people, teaching, and from the second part say, “No, that is no good.” Holy Qur'an is full with stories of past nations! Say, O Salafi `ulamas! How many prophets have been sent? Say! “Twenty-eight prophets, beginning from Adam (a), and ending with the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)." (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) Yes, it is okay. But do you think that no other prophets have been sent? Say to me! I am examining you, your knowledge and your limits. The names of twenty-eight prophets have been mentioned, but as Allah Almighty (swt) says: (Mawlana Shaykh stands)          minhum man qasasna `alayk wa minhum man lam naqsus `alayk, Of them are those whom We told their stories to you, and among them are those whom We did not relate their stories to you. (40:78) What do you think? Minhum man qasasna `alaykum. Why are you not saying to people qassasnahum, their life stories? Another question to Salafi ‘ulamas, what about the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)? (Mawlana Shaykh stands) What do you think, that the Seal of Prophets (s) was knowing or not knowing? (Mawlana Shaykh sits) And heavenly addressing is coming directly to the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidi 'r-Rasool kiraam. Yes, minhum man qasasna `alayk is an ocean. Allah Almighty is saying, minhum man qasasna `alayk, “No one knows their numbers, but We sent prophets and messengers, some of them with their nations. We said about Musa (a), qasasna. We mentioned and We are teaching you about those stories for how many prophets and how many nations, how many ummahs passed away." Do you know? You are reciting Qur'an only like this (motions running finger under words while reading), like small boys. No!    wa li yatadhakkar ulu'l al-baab, And that men of understanding may reflect. (38:29) Allah (swt) is saying, “We are sending the Holy Qur'an for reflecting on it.” What is your opinion on those (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:56

7078 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: QuranContainsAllKnowledge

prophets whom their news had been sent to the Seal of Prophets (s)? Some shaytanic people are saying, “We are not accepting except Holy Qur'an and hadeeth.” A`oodhu billah, a`oodhu billah! They are going to be fully graduated by Shaytan! Now there are so many shaytanic agencies for destroying the beliefs of Ahlu’l- Sunnah wa’l-Jama`ah. Yes, say, as you are ‘ulamas! Allah Almighty is saying to the Seal of Prophets (s), His most beloved one, Khaatam an-Nabiyyeen, Minhum man qasasna `alayk. This khitaab is not for you. It is for Allah Almighty's most beloved one in His Divine Presence and His eternal deputy, from pre-Eternal up to Eternal, Sayyid ar-Rasool, Sayyidina Muhammad (s). (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allah Almighty is not speaking to anyone. No! Even Jibril (a) can't take directly from Allah Almighty; there must be a mediator. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) SubhaanAllah, SubhaanAllah. You are never happy to be said about ummatu 's- saalifah, past nations. Allah Almighty only granted to Sayyid ar-Rasool Kiraam (s), from prophets, to know their numbers. And He said to His most beloved one that Creation is created for his honor. "O My beloved one, glorified one in My Divinely Presence, I am giving you knowledge about the past time of anbiyas (prophets)." Wa minhum man lam naqsus `alayk, "From them are those whose stories we didn’t relate to you.” O Salafi ‘ulamas! What is that? Why is Allah Almighty saying, wa minhum man lam naqsus `alayk? What is the maqsaadun aslee, main purpose? Why is Allah Almighty saying to the Seal of Prophets (s), wa minhum man lam naqsus `alayk? What is your opinion? You are not thinking about it. You cannot open these treasures because you are very proud ones, and for proud ones a heavenly opening never comes. Min hum man qasasna `alayk, “O My Beloved one, We granted you the news of past-time prophets and their knowledge, their happenings, their lives. You may say, minhum man qasasna `alayk." Why? Because Allah Almighty khassas, specialized those prophets to be only for Him, and all of those prophets whose names have not been mentioned belong to the Seal of Prophets (s) only, because his prophecy or messengerhood has no limits. “Some of them,” the Lord of Heavens is saying to him, “are only for this planet and for these people. They are just a handful of people. There is no need to mention others. We are keeping that for you also because you are in charge of this whole Creation. You may also give what it is not for your ummah on this planet; but your ummah belongs to you. And for your honor We created countless and countless! Therefore, wa minhum man lam naqsus `alayk, 'Among them are those whom We did not relate their stories to you,' because there is no need for them on this planet. But the universe I created is for your honor, and no one knows their numbers, (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:56

7079 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: QuranContainsAllKnowledge

their situations, their lives, except Me. That is for this ummah on this planet. But there are countless other Creations through My dominions and you are also teaching them.” People think that it is such a simple thing to be a prophet, or to be in charge of prophecy on this planet. And they think that it is so easy to live on it for a thousand years and then finishing. Therefore, now the time is over because the Day of Resurrection is just on our doors. And some realities also must be granted to the Seal of Prophets (s) and will be sent to all people now from east to west, from north to south, that they have never heard or thought about, to open their abilities and capacity to understand something for their Lord when Judgment Day is coming. O People! My Arabic language is so bad, but if you are hearing, you may understand something. Our point, maqsad, is to give every greatness, every glory, every majesty to our Lord, to make you understand something. I was looking yesterday on an encyclopedia written about the galaxy of Andromeda. 200 years ago or more, people were seeing that Andromeda galaxy has a very small light and they were thinking it belongs to our galaxy at a far distance, and that it is one star. But after a while, Allah Almighty gave someone an authority on a telescope invented 150 years ago, to make them understand about His Creation. The astronomer looked at that star through the Milky Way, so small, thinking it belongs to the Milky Way. Sometimes it may close, sometimes it may open, because it was terrible for that light to reach directly to our eyes. They thought it was near our galaxy. That astronomer discovered that it was not belonging to our galaxy, but it was so far away, as they were saying, 12 million light years away. And it is so gigantic! They never expected it, but that opening came to teach people Who created them. And daily they are doing something with their knowledge about our galaxy and getting around it in such a way that you can't imagine. Now, here we are, saying something about our Lord's endless, endless Creation, not the Milky Way only, but endless realities to teach people that our Lord has endless Power Oceans. You must understand that it is a preparation before the Day of Judgment comes. This is a small opening. Therefore, our attenders, professors or astronomers, or Salaaf us-Salih, or mashaykh Azhar ash-Shareef, don't be angry with me. But you must try to take something from the adhaamati Rabbil `Alameen, Allah (swt)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands) He is Sultan! He is Creator! The Last Day is approaching and therefore, we are here to say something. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) May Allah forgive us. (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:56

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O People! Try to learn something. May our Lord forgive us. O our Lord! For the honor of Your most beloved, most honored, most glorified one’s honor, forgive us and give us a new understanding of religions. They are saying "interfaith", but they are not speaking such things; they are speaking something that even ants are not understanding! Even small ants are never interested in interfaith speeches or their bayaan, declarations. Therefore, you must not be angry with me. You must say, "There must be something special for this age that only the Creator knows and who He is asking to know about such things." Come and say, (Mawlana Shaykh stands) "La ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadun Rasoolullah ahyina mu'mineen, amitna mu'mina wahshur mu'mineen, yaa Rabb!" (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Wa bayyid wujoohuna yaa Rabb, yaa Rabb. Bi-jaahi man anzalta `alayhi Surat al-Fatihah. "Revive us as believers and make us die as believers and resurrect us as believers, for the sake of the one on whom you revealed Surat al-Fatihah." Lefke 12.07.2010

WebSufiLive, CategoryQuran, CategoryDeath, CategoryProphet, CategoryScience (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:56

7081 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: QutbAlMutasarrif

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : QutbAlMutasarrif


What Is the Qutb al-Mutasarrif?

Dastoor yaa Sayyidee, Sultaan al-Anbiya. (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Kareem Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhaan Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultaan Allah. Laa ilaaha illa-Llah Sayyidina Muhammadun Rasoolullah (s). Zidhu yaa Rabbee `izzan wa sharafan nooran wa surooran, sultaanan wa ridwaana. Raghman `ala anf shayateen, shayateen min al-ins wa 'l-jinn fayakoon tahta aqdaamina. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Say, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem! Say, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem! (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Al-`azhaamatulillah wal `izzattu lillah wal-jabarootu lillah, subhaanAllah. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) And we are giving our salutes to all holy ones from Heavens and from Earth in east and west, from north to south. There must be holy ones, and they are victorious. Shaytan and its followers, students and successors are under my feet!! They feel that they can do something, or Shaytan is making them to believe that all the power is in his hands or under his tasarruf, control. What is Allah (swt) saying? (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:57

7082 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: QutbAlMutasarrif

    wa anna ‘l-quwatta lillahi jamee`an, And that Power is for Allah, altogether. (2:165) (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) What is Shaytan? What is Shaytan? But making itself so gigantic one and trying to make people to think that that is controlling everything on Earth. But even an ant, it can't be under Shaytan's control.    Afillahi shakkun? Is there a doubt in Allah? (14:10) Astaghfirullah. Allah, swt. This is a humble association, but through east and west only authorized one in our days for controlling whole world and controlling whole Mankind and not only controlling, but protecting. Protecting. One protector is more than enough for whole world. And we are saying salute to him, as-salaamu `alayka yaa Qutbu ‘l-Mutasarrif who controlling everything on Earth and under earth. On continents and also oceans just under control of that grand wali, Qutbu ‘l-Mutasarrif. But no need to use for Shaytan and its followers such a power. Yes. Allah Almighty giving control on that one Qutbu ‘l-Mutasarrif for warning whole nations, and the smallest creature, like virus that can't be seen under mighty microscope also. With that may threaten, terrifying, to make people to fear. Ordering one, one so small one, threatening whole world people with a small creature that you can't be able to see even under mighty microscope. And people trembling from that unseen creature; they are knowing that it is in existence but they can't see, can't touch, they can't take it away.     anna ‘l-quwwata lillahi jamee`an, that to Allah belongs all power, (2:165) Muqaabil. Muqaabil, accepted in front of that. Allah, swt, saying (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Fa inna ‘l- quwwata lillahi jamee`an, "Truly the power is for God, all of it.” Yes. Powerful.    Wa khuliqa ‘l-insaana da`eefa, We have created man weak. (2:48) Insaan just created weak and that meaning of weakness, no one knowing except our Creator. (Mawlana (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:57

7083 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: QutbAlMutasarrif

Shaykh sits.) And everything under control; nothing going to be as it likes. No. Everything in existence must be controlled and under full control. One representative from heavenly holy ones on Earth controlling everything. Enough, more than enough to look from east to west, from north to south, on continents and under oceans. Everything must be under control of that one who representing Allah Almighty's endless Power Oceans. But Shaytan making itself (appear) so powerful and people fearing. They are trembling from something that they can't be able to make it away from themselves. Because we have been created weak. Whole Power Oceans, Mighty Ocean, Mightiness for Allah Almighty. Everything under His control and one wali controlling everything according Allah Almighty's iradah, Will. O Attenders! As-salaamu `alaykum. Some of them are attending only through windows, some of them are looking from up, and some of them from under my feet. They are trembling also, because this addressing is not easy. Such a one who has control, has the power to say, “Be!” and it comes in existence. Because Allah Almighty is never going to occupy His Mighty Oneness for such a thing that has no value. O Salafi `ulamas! Marhaban! What's the news? Good news! Say to me how you are walking, how you are running, how you are looking, how you are speaking, how you are hearing, how you are thinking, and how you are trying to learn and to know? Say! It is a grant from Heavens or you have that by yourself? Say! You are claiming that you are teaching people. Teach them about themselves. How is a seed opening in the Earth and getting up? With which One's power are trees going to give their flowers? Say! How is Mankind running from east to west, from north to south? Say! O Mankind!         Atahsabu annaka jirmun sagheer wa feeka intawa al-`alam al-kabeer, "You think you are a small particle, but within you is folded a larger world." Like Sayyidina `Ali (r), a great `alim! SubhaanAllah.Give lights to people. Take them from darkness, take them from doubts and give them certainty. People are like this and like that (uncertain). Give them! Take from them doubt and give them certainty to know Who is controlling Creation and with Whose command (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:57

7084 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: QutbAlMutasarrif

every creature is coming into existence!! Each human is an independent being through the universe! Mankind now is saying about the huge distances for the universe, that from here to there the speed of light needs one-billion years. But they are not understanding the real creation, Mankind. Who created Mankind and why making distances so that no one can calculate its years, its distances?       Man `arafa nafsah faqad `arafa Rabbah, “Who knows himself, knows his Lord.” Learn about yourself before asking about your Creator’s haqeeqat, Essence. Try to learn about yourself and leave that, because you can't move more than your limit to understand insaan, Mankind. He is the representative of the Creator of all Creation, when he is here (on this planet). Why are they not explaining to people about the honor, the importance, the limits, and the kamaal (perfection), Perfection Oceans that have been granted to Man? Say! So that when you are knowing about yourself, you are going to bow (Mawlana Shaykh bows in ruku`) to Allah Almighty, not five times, but you are going to bow your forehead for the Lord of Creation up to the end, up to the end, up to Eternity. Eternity is a word that no one can understand; the real being of Eternity. Eternity gives real refreshment to people's hearts, to be happy and joyful. Such happiness and such countless Pleasure Oceans are opening to them. Allah Almighty is not in need of those oceans, no. All Creation is for His servants that have the honor to be mansoob, related (to Him as) His Creation. It is enough to be in existence! Therefore, everything is enjoying and everything is in enjoyment because they are in existence. O Salafi `ulamas! Make people to wake up! It is not important to add numbers of raka`ats or faraa'id, obligations. It is so simple, small ones may know and learn this, but most important is the way that is carrying people to the Divinely Presence. And the ghayah is to reach Divinely Presence, and beyond that aim, you can't find any other aim, to reach the Heavenly Presence of the Lord of Heavens. SubhaanAllah. Azaliyyun-abadiyyun, from pre-Eternal up to Eternity, “Eternity for you, O My representatives in Creation." Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar! Every cruelty and every ignorance is making people to be blind and making people to run in darkness. O Salafi `Ulamas! What did prophets bring? Say! What did they bring? Do you think that they were bringing that tray, as the disciples of Jesus Christ (a) were asking? Is that all the limits of their minds is asking from (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:57

7085 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: QutbAlMutasarrif

such a big prophet, whose creation was miraculous from beginning up to end? Are you asking, "O Jesus, do you think that Who sent you to us may send us a tray?" What is that? Where are the Companions and where are the disciples of Jesus Christ? Where are their levels? Were the Companions (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) asking from the Seal of Prophets (s) at any time, "Yaa Rasoolullah! Do you think your Lord may send us a tray from Heavens?" Where is that nation around Sayyidina `Isa (a)? And look at the Sahaaba, Companions of the Seal of Prophets (s)! Why are you not saying, O Salafi `ulamas, doctors of Shari`ah and shaykhs of al- Azhar ash-Shareef? Why are you not making that point clear? And you are only saying that Allah Almighty sent to the disciples a tray with eleven kinds of food on it. That was their material bodies' desires. They were not knowing what spiritual desires are. They are not reaching that. And you also, why are you not? All nations now are asking for a tray from Heavens for them. And we Muslims, ummat ul-Habeeb, are also asking. There is no other aim or desire for us except asking for trays for ourselves to enjoy our physical beings!! Why are you not making it clear to people? What were the disciples of Jesus Christ asking? And which Companions of the Seal of Prophet's asked, "Yaa Rasoolullah, pray for trays to come down for us!” If saying that, and the Seal of Prophets was asking, there would come trays up to the Day of Resurrection! But no one was asking for that, as their understanding was of the highest level. Instead, they were putting stones, and no one was asking, “Yaa Rasoolullah, pray to your Lord to send us trays of something to eat." That is the difference between the nation of Jesus Christ (a) and the nation of the Seal of Prophets (s). But people are mostly occupied with themselves. Wahabi people have no minds; they are not understanding. I am not addressing to them, but I am addressing to Salafi `ulamas. Why are they not making clear to people such subjects, to make people wake up to take as much as possible before the Day of Resurrection? When the trumpet is blown, then finished! Or when our souls are getting out (of our bodies) that chance and everything is finished!         inna min husnu Islama 'l-mar'u tarkahu maa laa y`aneeh, From the proper Islam of a person, to leave alone what is not his business. (Narrated by Ahmad.) Now mostly the ummah of the Seal of Prophets (s) is occupied with maa laa y`aneeh, something that is not (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:57

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important for here or Hereafter, maa laa y`aneeh, something that is not necessary or giving any benefit to people! That is important, but say something about how Shaytan is directing learned people that are heedless ones, and they are not asking someone to take away heedlessness from them. Rather, they are saying, “We know everything!” but they are not knowing anything. May Allah forgive us. People! Come and listen. We must listen and we must try to do our best for our Lord, Almighty Allah. O our Lord! Forgive us, and we ask for someone to come to wake us up from heedlessness before the Day of Judgment, the Day of Resurrection, to know and to be in the Divine Presence in pleasure and in lights. O our Lord, forgive us and send from Your endless Mercy Oceans for correcting our ways to Your Divine Presence. Fatihah. (42 minutes.) Thank you. (Sultan prays two raka'ats Salat ash-Shukr.) Fatihah. Lefke, 15.06.2010

WebSufiLive, CategoryHoliness, CategoryShaitan (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:57

7087 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: QutubOfCeylon

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : QutubOfCeylon


The Qutub Of Ceylon

Don't fear. Don't go to any doctor. Hakim, Doctor... Recite this Holy Name in fajr prayer. In the "Huwa Allahu Alladhi", there is "Al-`Azizu-l Hakim" (59:24). He (swt) is the Doctor and the All- Wise. As-Salamu Alaikum O sincere servants of Allah! Welcome to you. May our assembly be joyful. May our hearts be filled with Nur. May our bodies be charged with wellness. May we be charged with faith. This is what we want. May we be charged with faith. As-Salamu Alaikum, O servants of Allah. We are weak servants. Glorifying our Lord is obligatory upon obligatory. Glorifying our Glorified Prophet (sas) is Allah's Order. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa Lillahi-l Hamd. Salatu Salam on the Beloved also. O Glorious