Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (503/777)
s nicht sagt, dessen Taten werden nie und nimmer Erfolg haben. Wenn sie Bismillah vergessen haben, bedeutet das, daß sie Allah vergessen haben. Die, die Allah vergessen, deren Dunya und Akhira sind furchtbar. Aman ya Rabbi. Möge Allah der Allmächtige uns nicht einer von ihnen sein lassen. "Nasu l-Laha Fa'ansahum" (59:19). Der heilige Vers: "Nasu l-Lahu Fa'ansahum". Sie vergaßen Allah und Allah läßt sie vergessen sein. Keine Göttliche Hilfe und keine Gnade kommen auf sie herab. Dieser Regen, der in der Form von Zorn fällt, diese Fluten, Schnee, Tornados, Vulkane, das Brausen der Ozeane, all dies sind Zeichen des Zorns, keine Zeichen von Gnade. Das bedeutet, die Himmel sind in einem Zustand des Zorns gegenüber der Erde. Die Himmel sind rasend. Deshalb, "Yakunu l-Mataru Ghaydhan wa l- Waladu Ghaydhan". Am Ende der Zeit sind die Kinder sehr hart, ungehobelt und gnadenlos, die Erwachsenen auch. Und die Himmel sind, wie es heißt, "ghaydhan", ist es nicht so? Es bedeutet heftig, rasend. Es kommt auf ihre Köpfe nicht auf nette Weise, sondern eher wie 'Nehmt das!' Nehmt es! Allah der Allmächtige, der ihr Rizq, ihre Versorgung, gewährt, gewährt denen, die Ihn kennen, einen leichten Weg. Weil jene Allah nicht kennen, mühen sie sich hier, dort - in der ganzen Welt, und können sich nicht finden, ihr Magen ist nie voll. Weder ihr Magen noch sie selbst sind zufrieden, weil sie Allah den Rücken gekehrt haben. Aman ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Ich sage: Möge Allah uns (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:30:32
6973 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PunishmentOfTheGrave
nicht einer der ihren sein lassen. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Aman ya Rabbi. Da ist auch noch das, was danach kommt, darüber hinaus gibt es noch das Grab. Wohin wollen sie laufen vor der Bedrängnis des Grabes? Es gibt auch die Bedrängnis des Grabes. Wir suchen Zuflucht bei Allah. Wir begraben den Leichnam und gehen, aber das Grab ruft: Komm zu mir! Komm zu mir jetzt... Die Bedrängnis des Grabes... Aman ya Rabbi. Aman ya Rabbi. Das Grab ist entweder ein Loch des Höllenfeuers oder ein Garten des Paradieses. 99 Prozent der Gräber der Menschen sind jetzt Löcher des Höllenfeuers. Ihr verschließt jemandes Grab und laßt ihn dort. Es sagt: Du kommst jetzt. Aman ya Rabbi. Mögest Du uns vergeben, o Herr. Möge Er (swt) uns den Meister senden, der uns zurechtweist. Wir warten. Ich warte auf ihn. Mögen wir rechtgeleitet werden und unsere Gräber als Gärten von den Paradiesgärten vorfinden. Alle Gräber sind voller Schlangen und Tausendfüßler. Möge Allah uns vergeben. Vergib uns, o Herr. Zu guten Tagen. Mögest Du uns nicht vom Glauben und der Religion trennen, o Herr. Mögest Du uns nicht vom Weg Deines Geliebten trennen. Mögest Du uns nicht der Liebe Deines Geliebten berauben. Mögest Du uns mit der Liebe Deiner Propheten und Heiligen leben lassen. Mögen wir wiederbeleben, Deine Fahne tragen, o Herr. Mögest Du uns vergeben und uns nicht in Händen unseres schmutzigen Egos lassen. Fatiha. Ich fürchte den Tod nicht, aber sorge mich darum, was wir im Grab erleiden werden. Was werden wir in unserem Grab finden? HR: Möge Allah dir ein langes Leben geben. M: Meine Furcht ist das. Das ist, was ich fürchte. Welche Art von Leiden durchlebt man auf so engem Raum? Innerhalb des Grabes. Dem Grab wird befohlen: Drücke dich zusammen. Seine Knochen kreuzen sich so im Grab. Es läßt keinen äußeren Laut zu. Du kannst nichts sehen, wenn du guckst. Wenn du versuchst zu hören, kannst du nichts hören. Du kannst seinen Zustand nicht sehen. Aman ya Rabbi. Tawba ya Rabbi. Alle glauben, es sei ein Spiel. Sie glauben, der Islam sei eine einfache Sache. Oder in diese Welt zu kommen, glauben sie, sei zum Spielen. Wir kamen in die Dunya aus einem Grund. Wer immer uns herbrachte, hatte einen Grund. Wir kamen hierher für etwas, nicht geschaffen ohne Grund. Wenn wir einen Baum pflanzen, einen Olivenbaum, wofür ist er? Wegen der Oliven. Wir wurden auch geschaffen und von uns sind es die guten Taten, die wir tun. Es ist, (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:30:32
6974 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PunishmentOfTheGrave
um Allah den Allmächtigen zu respektieren und zu lieben, Seine Befehle einzuhalten. Es ist, um Ehre zu finden. Ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Fatiha. Möge Allah uns nicht von Seinem guten Weg trennen. Allah der Allmächtige sagt: "Fahal Min Muddakirin" (54:15). Er sagt: Gibt es irgendjemanden, der daran denkt? Sie veranlassen uns zu sprechen, die Sultane veranlassen uns zu sprechen. Gibt es irgendjemanden, der daran denkt? "Muddakirin". Was bedeutet Muddakir? "Hal Min Muddakir". Gibt es irgendjemanden, der daran denkt, der das versteht? Schande auf uns. Schande auf uns. Schande auf uns, daß wir unserem Herrn nicht dienen konnten. Schande auf uns. Schande auf uns... Lefke, 26.12.2012
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryDeath (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:30:32
6975 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PureHearts
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : PureHearts
Pure Hearts
He, Who created and honoured mankind, wants them to be friendly, help each other, support each other, love each other, keep justice and the rights of each other. Even an ant has rights. The smallest creatures has rights. If Allah the Almighty does not give His Permission, nothing can harm you or hurt you. But if you leave His Divine Service and start hurting others, He will let them hurt you. Even the smallest bacteria may kill you. It can enter your body and develop into an army of bacteria. But if you go on the right path and give the rights to the Creator, He will keep you and protect you. Everything will help you, and never harm you. We are now in the 20th century. It is coming to an end and we are entering into the 2nd millennium. What are we doing? We, these 6 or 7 billion people on earth? Are we living for the service of the Lord or for satanic trips and traps: harming each other and trying to kill masses of people? People are trying to kill millions in one go, destroying everything which mankind has built since thousands of years. Is that the civilisation you are so proud of? People have become slaves of technology. They are not on their knees in front of their Lord, but in front of technology, handmade technology! The second millennium is coming closer, and something else too: if we do not change our attributes, a curse will come. No power on earth can stop it. Everyday we see such terrible weapons on television which have been made by us, mankind, (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:30:33
6976 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PureHearts
to kill each other. We are cursed because of that. Allah will not punish His disobedient people in the way He did in the past. Some were punished by a flood, some by earthquakes, some by winds, some by fire... Different kinds of punishment befell the people, and they were taken away. This nation will not be punished from above, but from within themselves. People are in different groups, in different camps, becoming enemies of each other and killing each other. That is the punishment this time. There is a traditional rule: the one who kills will go to hell and so will the one who is killed. The one who is killed was intending to kill, but the other one was quicker. People with bad intentions must be punished. Pure hearts never carry bad intentions. Pure hearts never carry jealousy. Pure hearts never carry enmity. Pure hearts never carry hatred. Pure hearts never intend to harm others. Pure hearts cannot be against other people. Pure hearted people live only for their Lord. Bad people do not live for their Lord. They live for the sake of this world. All of us have different forms, races and colours. As I was praying I had a vision of a meadow. Do you think that a meadow consisting only of green grass would be better than one with different kinds of flowers in it? No doubt the flowered one! Have you seen different kinds of flowers living side by side? Have you ever seen the yellow flower fighting the red flower? There are so many different flowers living friendly side by side in the meadow. But you, mankind, are unable to see the reality of different races and sexes and nations. Why can't you see the harmony, peace and enjoyment? Why aren't you trying to make a peaceful world? 01.01.1997
BookPureHearts, CategoryHealth, CategoryPeace (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:30:33
6977 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PurifyPathsOfQuran
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : PurifyPathsOfQuran
The Meaning of the Hadith: "Purify the Paths of the Holy Quran"
(Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar la ilaaha illa-Llah, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahi’l-hamd! Alfu salaat alfu salaam alayka ya Sayyidil awwaleen wal akhireen. ameen, ishfa lana ya Sayyidil awwalieen wal akhireen, madad. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) As-Salaamu `alaykum, O Mankind from east to west, from north to south! Ask for salamah, safety, each one, another each one, make it so frequently, always say As-Salaamu `alaykum. That is one of the biggest favors of our Lord, Allah Almighty. Forgive us yaa Rabbana, yaa Rabbana, bless us, grant us from endless Mercy Oceans. Forgive us and bless ourselves and protect our physical beings not to fall into dangerous positions through this life and the next one. And we are saying a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajeem. That means beware of Shaytan because Shaytan is putting everywhere a trap and if you are not following the ways of heavens, you can be caught by anyone of the traps, they may catch you. O People! This is a humble meeting, and it is a mercy from the Lord of Heavens to give us something from holy knowledge. Now knowledge is of so many kinds, countless books, countless knowledge they are writing, (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:34
6978 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PurifyPathsOfQuran
but all of them belong to this life. Never getting any interest through such lessons or books, no any interest for people. They are leading whole nations, for what? Towards some aspects, temporary. They are trying to give such things, yes, just it has been put from east to west, from north to south, through continents, through oceans, so many sources of knowledge but all of them are only for this temporary life. And Shaytan is always bring to people and saying, "Look what I am bringing to you. Come and take it." If anyone is saying, "What do you want for this selling?" Shaytan is saying, "No, it is free. I am not asking for anything. Only that you must look and you must carry and you must buy from materials." And people, SubhaanAllahi ‘l-`Aliyyi ‘l-`Azheem, endless glory for our Lord, Allah Almighty. (Mawlana stands and sits.) Subhaan sensin. They are making, my masters to stand up when we are saying our Lord’s holy name. For what? They are saying that to make Wahhabi and Salafi `ulamas to be happy that, "Ohhh, Shaykh is standing up when he is saying Allah!" (Mawlana stands.) Allahu akbar! Saying, "O Shaykh, now coming a bit clever one and they are understanding what we are saying, and Shaykh asking to save himself from shirk; without "sheen" it is "sirk" (Turkish for "circus")! If you are on shirk, you are going to be on circus? (Laughter) They are looking to me. I am looking, yes, one of this saying to me, now Shaykh is speaking true. We must listen to him, but what he said about shirk? I don’t know what he means when he is saying, "shirk". And from shirk people carrying beasts and dirty animals. That means he is not respecting our understandings and our beliefs. Yes. Another thing that you are saying for Ahlu ‘s-Sunnah wa’l Jama`ah, "shirk". When you are putting us into shirk, we are putting you into circus. Ok Shaykh Hisham? Sleeping? Wahhabi, Salafi `ulamas, all of them going to be in circus! Therefore, we stand up when we are saying Allah! (Mawlana stands.) I am an old one, if I can carry, I was standing up for our whole meeting, but I am such an old one, I can’t stand up. And it is more than waajib, it is fard, everytime that you are asking to say Allah, you must clean your tongues because the Seal of Prophets (s) was saying Taahiru turuqu 'l-Qur’an, yes? Are you `Arabiyy or Turkish? And with which ones that Prophet (s) saying this hadith? What does it mean? Taahiru turuqu 'l-Qur’an - that means make the ways of Holy Qur’an that you are reciting, clean as much as possible, make your mouth clean because you are saying holy name and holy words, holy verses, holy surahs means Holy Qur’an you must clean. How are we cleaning? Yes you know that when we are eating pulau, rice (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:34
6979 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PurifyPathsOfQuran
with meat, we are so shattered? Ones to eat big trays of kafta or to eat and you are saying we are cleaning, but sometimes you are only making such a thing (napkin) with your mouth. Prophet (s) is not saying clean your mouth when you are eating, lahmu shahm, oh my shaykh you are so... Who is this one (uses eyeglasses) “Oh Shaykh Hisham Effendi. He is learning also to eat lahmu shahm (meat with fat) but my teeth are dentures and sometimes I can’t eat. Why not knowing? All of you educated. I don’t know French or English. I can’t, therefore, I am taking this and only swallowing and people thinking masha’Allah, Shaykh so quickly eating, going to finish our tray, don’t worry, never-ending! And don’t think that when Prophet (s) saying you may clean your mouth, it means with water or soap. Salafi people are saying, "We tried that detergent, it is so better for cleaning." And some of them use napkin and finished. Don’t think that when Prophet (s) was saying Tahir ul-turkal Qur’an, he was asking to clean your mouth with soap or detergent! (laughter) Prophet (s) means to clean your mouth with dhikr or holy names of your Lord Almighty! Don’t use cigarettes, it is haraam! Why not saying? Making smoking mouth of that person like WC for Shaytan and this argeela, or also hookah (water pipe), makes your mouth also dirty! It is haraam, don’t use it! At least making the ways of Holy Qur’an to be in a bad smelling. That is a holy command, you must be clean and you must clean your mouth with which thing? "We are using, “O shaykh, your Arabic is very strange." Yes my Arabic is heavenly! What cleans the way of Holy Qur’an, you must know. Say to me! Making the ways of Holy Qur’an dhikrullah! Wa ladhikru al-lahi akbar! How you are saying when people making dhikr, "You are doing bida`, you are making shirk, you are on wrong way?" From which giving authority of such a fatwa? Salafi `ulamas, sometimes you must use a little bit your mind for understanding. I am not from Arabian people. I am sorry for this, that my descendants coming from another tribe of Adam’s descendants , but you must be so happy that Allah Almighty honored you to be from the nation of the Prophet’s tribe, Sayyidina Muhammad (s). (Mawlana stands and sits) Keep yourselves. For what means the way of Holy Qur’an? If you are not cleaning according to a real hadith coming to ourselves, that when a person asking to recite Holy Qur’an, coming an angel here, (mouth) to take it to heavens. But sometimes they are getting disturbed from bad smelling of that person and they are escaping! (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:34
6980 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PurifyPathsOfQuran
And when angels escaping, coming quickly Shaytanic ones then cursing coming on them! When cursing coming on a person, he is going to be maheen (despicable), lowest level that going to be equal to the level of beasts, level of animals; is it a hadith or not? What saying Salafi `ulamas for this hadith or it is something invented? What are you saying? Salafi `ulamas, you are looking every time through Haram Makkah al- Mukarramah or Haram Madinatu 'l-Munawwarah that coming people from government armies, people dressing just dressing of western kafir peoples dressings. Why are you not saying that is haraam? You don’t know this hadith? Or is it an imitated hadith? Why are you putting caps, how? How can you enter Haramayn Shareefayn your soldiers or your big rank people, putting on their heads zayi 'l-kuffaar `alam al-kuffaar that 1400 years `ulamas saying who dressing in the dressing of kuffar and mushriks going to be from them; why you are not saying? Look in Hijaaz, they are never putting on their heads, sign of kufr. Whom they are keeping Shari`atullah, but some `ulamas from Arabs also, they are asking the dressing of western soldiers, western armies. I was happy with Sultan Qaboos (bin Said al-Said of Oman), that he was dressing in turban and zayi 'l-Islam, but finally I am looking and seeing that he is putting on his head a cap that belongs to the armies of non-Muslims and I was so sorry to see such a good amir or sultan at the end, they are showing his zayi 'l-kuffaar, dressing, as a dress of western army general. Shari`atullah never accepting. Khalifatu ‘l-muslimeen, it is not for him; may hear, may listen, I am saying only true ones, I am not taking any care if they are (not preferring this), still we must say. Therefore, I am shouting to Salafi `ulamas, why you are not saying? Why you are not making fw`az or your armies in holy land, Hijaaz. And why `ulamas of holy lands are not saying to their kings, "O our maliks, why you are using that, it is zayi 'l-kuffaar. It is not an honor for you to put a cap of western army’s captains." Allah Almighty or Prophet (s) or any real Muslims are going to be happy with you. You are breaking the hearts of Muslims by putting caps of kafirs, haashaa! Why you are not saying? You are only coming and saying when we are making a circle of dhikr and saying bida`, bida`, bida`. From where bringing that bida`? And you are saying it is not permitted. How it can be? All of you should be punished. You must be punished before you are going from this life, you are going to be punished!! I am only a weak servant, but our grandshaykh and awliyas are sending to my heart and I am (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:34
6981 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PurifyPathsOfQuran
speaking on it, nothing else. If you are hearing, you should be happy. Not hearing, you should be regretting, yes. But just we are living in a time that people are in ikhtilaaf, differences, some of them are saying, "We have power to keep everything under our control," and weak ones saying, "If you are making this, we can’t come to you in opposite way to say you are wrong, (or to say) you must not do this or that.” You must follow Shari`atullah or Shari`atur-Rasool (s)! (Mawlana stands.) Stand up for the honor of Rasool (s) in spite of Salafi ``ulamas! Yes, that is important. O People! We must learn, we must learn, we must try to learn. We must try to be real Muslims, real followers of prophets. If prophets passed away, we must follow their inheritors’ ways, whom they are keeping Shari`atullah, holy ways just mentioned through Holy Qur’an and through holy ahadith of the Seal of Prophets (s) Don’t play. Don’t think these words are as a joking, no it is a reality. And you should be punished if you are not repenting and saying, tawbah, yaa Rabbee! Everything that ala’mal kufr, everything that unbelievers are doing, it is forbidden for us to do. You can’t do, Muslims can’t do as western people or unbelievers ways, or non Muslims ways to follow them in any way. Keep your honor! We have been honored to be Muslims. Why you are not saying O Wahhabi peoples and you are quarrelling with Muslims and saying who making dhikr are going to be mushriks. May Allah forgive us. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Kareem Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, SubhaanAllah, SubhaanAllah, SubhaanAllah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Kareem Allah O People! Come to the ways of awliyas to be in safety here and Hereafter. O People! Come and listen, come and accept truth, or you are going to be repenting last moment and it is going to be useless. Yaa Rasoolullah! Help us and give your intercession for your weak ummah, weak servants of the Lord of Heavens, for the honor of the most honored one, to be with him and to follow the ways of awliyas, ameen! Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:34
6982 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PurifyPathsOfQuran
Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah Dome, dome, dome, dome 8x Fatihah! Ameen. As-Salaamu `alaykum our listeners. I am a weak one, I know nothing but what they are sending me. They are making me to address mu’mins and Muslims, and they should be under the flag of Rasoolullah. Fatihah. [45 minutes] Thank you for your coming and listening and hearing and accepting. Try to follow Shari`atullah. Yes, sir. Shukr, Shaykh Hisham! Lefke, 09.01.2010
WebSufiLive, CategoryHealth, CategoryHaram, CategoryAngel, CategoryQuran (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:34
6983 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PurifyYourselves
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : PurifyYourselves
Purify Yourselves and Allah Will Give You Good Rulers!
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, laa ilaaha illa-Llah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillahi 'l-hamd! Alfu salaat, alfu salaam. (Du`a) A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajim. Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem. O People! Be the servants of Allah, We came to you, to say “be servants of Allah.” We want to relate to people the guidance of Prophet Muhammad, the Seal of Prophets (s). O Servants of Allah! Worship and obey your Lord. We are living in the days of various fitna. We are at the end of time and this is the last of the nations.. There is no prophet after the Seal of Prophets (s). He is the First and the Last. He said, “I was given `Uloom 'l-Awwaleen wa ’l-Akhireen, Knowledge of the Beginnings and the Ends.” He knows everything from the beginning of Creation until the end of Creation. Since fifteen centuries he is the Prophet, upon him the highest praise and blessings. He has been given the knowledge of the past nations as well as the coming nations. O Allah! Increase his honor and esteem, light, and happiness. He came as Rahmatali 'l-`Alameen, “Mercy to all Mankind”. He is not the reason for their suffering. His mission is to relieve his nation from suffering, and to save humanity and all Creation! It is the duty of every human being and particularly every Muslim to learn and take action according to the teachings and guidance of our Prophet (s), and the orders of Allah (swt), our (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:30:35
6984 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PurifyYourselves
Creator. Prophet (s) has informed us about the coming times, since his time until the end of time. Allah (swt) has given him a shining proof. Those who follow him will be safe and those who go against him will suffer in the Last Days. They will fall off the Straight Path into Hellfire. We are presenting this to every human being who is thinking about Prophet (s)! What was his character? What was his message? Allah (swt) has sent Prophet (s) as a messenger to His Creation. Those who do not know this are the followers of devils, and those who follow will win and be saved. Those who do not follow will fall into problems in this life and more problems in the Next Life. Now the people of Egypt have fallen into problems between them and their leaders. Their leader is a devil, because they have followed the steps of the devil who has taken them down into endless and countless fatalities. The people of Egypt have now spread like wasps or drones, taking to the streets to change the government. Inna Allaha laa yughayyiru ma bi qawmin hatta yughayyiroo maa bi anfusihim. Verily, God does not change men's condition unless they change their inner selves. (Ar-Ra`ad, 13:11) They are going out into the streets, calling left and right. That is not the teaching of the Seal of Prophets (s), and you have gone against the teaching of Prophet (s). You want your leader to be correct, but did you check your state and that of people? Did you find them on the Right Path? If they were on the Right Path, then your leader would be on the Right Path. If you do not change yourselves, even if you change your leaders seventy times, still, you will get worse ones. Listen to this! But most of you are listening to the devil and not to al-Haqq, Allah (swt)! This is the result. Follow the Truth and Allah will improve your rulers. You are taking to the streets like animals. That is not Islam. If you change your ruler, Mubarak, you will get another one worse and a third one even worse and so on. Astaghfirullah, wa yaa fawzan li ’l-mustaghfirreen. (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:30:35
6985 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PurifyYourselves
Listen to Allah and you will be saved in this life and the Next. If you do not listen to Allah, His wrath will not be lifted from your heads. Who has put that ruler on you? Religion is adab, and adab brings people close to Allah. Sayyidina Adam (a) said: Qaala rabbana zhalamna anfusana wa in lam taghfir lana wa tarhamna lanakoonanna min al-khasireen. The two of them [Adam and Eve] said, ‘O our Sustainer! We have sinned against ourselves, and unless You grant us forgiveness and bestow Your mercy upon us, we shall most certainly be lost!’ (Al-A`raf, 7:23) O our Lord! You know our state. Improve and correct us. Get us out of this, the ego’s and Shaytan’s trap. Fatihah. Lefke, 31.01.2011
WebSufiLive, CategoryPurification, CategoryEgypt (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:30:35
6986 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PurityofHeartToForgiveAndForget
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : PurityofHeartToForgiveAndForget
Purity of Heart: To Forgive and Forget and to be Immune to Vainglory
Once the Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, was sitting with his companions, when, sighting from afar a man approaching, he said: "Oh my companions, if you want to behold one of the inhabitants of Paradise, look at that man who is now approaching". The man presently arrived and took his place among the congregation. The next day, and yet the next day after that, the Prophet delivered his companions the good tidings of that man's eternal felicity (without saying anything, however, to the man himself). So often I have heard people lay claim to possessing pure hearts. Especially people who reject religion and mystical practices out of hand love to make such claims. We don't lay any such claims, but we believe that our Way is the way of purification, and that our efforts should set us in the
s nicht sagt, dessen Taten werden nie und nimmer Erfolg haben. Wenn sie Bismillah vergessen haben, bedeutet das, daß sie Allah vergessen haben. Die, die Allah vergessen, deren Dunya und Akhira sind furchtbar. Aman ya Rabbi. Möge Allah der Allmächtige uns nicht einer von ihnen sein lassen. "Nasu l-Laha Fa'ansahum" (59:19). Der heilige Vers: "Nasu l-Lahu Fa'ansahum". Sie vergaßen Allah und Allah läßt sie vergessen sein. Keine Göttliche Hilfe und keine Gnade kommen auf sie herab. Dieser Regen, der in der Form von Zorn fällt, diese Fluten, Schnee, Tornados, Vulkane, das Brausen der Ozeane, all dies sind Zeichen des Zorns, keine Zeichen von Gnade. Das bedeutet, die Himmel sind in einem Zustand des Zorns gegenüber der Erde. Die Himmel sind rasend. Deshalb, "Yakunu l-Mataru Ghaydhan wa l- Waladu Ghaydhan". Am Ende der Zeit sind die Kinder sehr hart, ungehobelt und gnadenlos, die Erwachsenen auch. Und die Himmel sind, wie es heißt, "ghaydhan", ist es nicht so? Es bedeutet heftig, rasend. Es kommt auf ihre Köpfe nicht auf nette Weise, sondern eher wie 'Nehmt das!' Nehmt es! Allah der Allmächtige, der ihr Rizq, ihre Versorgung, gewährt, gewährt denen, die Ihn kennen, einen leichten Weg. Weil jene Allah nicht kennen, mühen sie sich hier, dort - in der ganzen Welt, und können sich nicht finden, ihr Magen ist nie voll. Weder ihr Magen noch sie selbst sind zufrieden, weil sie Allah den Rücken gekehrt haben. Aman ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Ich sage: Möge Allah uns (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:30:32
6973 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PunishmentOfTheGrave
nicht einer der ihren sein lassen. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Aman ya Rabbi. Da ist auch noch das, was danach kommt, darüber hinaus gibt es noch das Grab. Wohin wollen sie laufen vor der Bedrängnis des Grabes? Es gibt auch die Bedrängnis des Grabes. Wir suchen Zuflucht bei Allah. Wir begraben den Leichnam und gehen, aber das Grab ruft: Komm zu mir! Komm zu mir jetzt... Die Bedrängnis des Grabes... Aman ya Rabbi. Aman ya Rabbi. Das Grab ist entweder ein Loch des Höllenfeuers oder ein Garten des Paradieses. 99 Prozent der Gräber der Menschen sind jetzt Löcher des Höllenfeuers. Ihr verschließt jemandes Grab und laßt ihn dort. Es sagt: Du kommst jetzt. Aman ya Rabbi. Mögest Du uns vergeben, o Herr. Möge Er (swt) uns den Meister senden, der uns zurechtweist. Wir warten. Ich warte auf ihn. Mögen wir rechtgeleitet werden und unsere Gräber als Gärten von den Paradiesgärten vorfinden. Alle Gräber sind voller Schlangen und Tausendfüßler. Möge Allah uns vergeben. Vergib uns, o Herr. Zu guten Tagen. Mögest Du uns nicht vom Glauben und der Religion trennen, o Herr. Mögest Du uns nicht vom Weg Deines Geliebten trennen. Mögest Du uns nicht der Liebe Deines Geliebten berauben. Mögest Du uns mit der Liebe Deiner Propheten und Heiligen leben lassen. Mögen wir wiederbeleben, Deine Fahne tragen, o Herr. Mögest Du uns vergeben und uns nicht in Händen unseres schmutzigen Egos lassen. Fatiha. Ich fürchte den Tod nicht, aber sorge mich darum, was wir im Grab erleiden werden. Was werden wir in unserem Grab finden? HR: Möge Allah dir ein langes Leben geben. M: Meine Furcht ist das. Das ist, was ich fürchte. Welche Art von Leiden durchlebt man auf so engem Raum? Innerhalb des Grabes. Dem Grab wird befohlen: Drücke dich zusammen. Seine Knochen kreuzen sich so im Grab. Es läßt keinen äußeren Laut zu. Du kannst nichts sehen, wenn du guckst. Wenn du versuchst zu hören, kannst du nichts hören. Du kannst seinen Zustand nicht sehen. Aman ya Rabbi. Tawba ya Rabbi. Alle glauben, es sei ein Spiel. Sie glauben, der Islam sei eine einfache Sache. Oder in diese Welt zu kommen, glauben sie, sei zum Spielen. Wir kamen in die Dunya aus einem Grund. Wer immer uns herbrachte, hatte einen Grund. Wir kamen hierher für etwas, nicht geschaffen ohne Grund. Wenn wir einen Baum pflanzen, einen Olivenbaum, wofür ist er? Wegen der Oliven. Wir wurden auch geschaffen und von uns sind es die guten Taten, die wir tun. Es ist, (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:30:32
6974 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PunishmentOfTheGrave
um Allah den Allmächtigen zu respektieren und zu lieben, Seine Befehle einzuhalten. Es ist, um Ehre zu finden. Ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Fatiha. Möge Allah uns nicht von Seinem guten Weg trennen. Allah der Allmächtige sagt: "Fahal Min Muddakirin" (54:15). Er sagt: Gibt es irgendjemanden, der daran denkt? Sie veranlassen uns zu sprechen, die Sultane veranlassen uns zu sprechen. Gibt es irgendjemanden, der daran denkt? "Muddakirin". Was bedeutet Muddakir? "Hal Min Muddakir". Gibt es irgendjemanden, der daran denkt, der das versteht? Schande auf uns. Schande auf uns. Schande auf uns, daß wir unserem Herrn nicht dienen konnten. Schande auf uns. Schande auf uns... Lefke, 26.12.2012
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryDeath (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:30:32
6975 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PureHearts
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : PureHearts
Pure Hearts
He, Who created and honoured mankind, wants them to be friendly, help each other, support each other, love each other, keep justice and the rights of each other. Even an ant has rights. The smallest creatures has rights. If Allah the Almighty does not give His Permission, nothing can harm you or hurt you. But if you leave His Divine Service and start hurting others, He will let them hurt you. Even the smallest bacteria may kill you. It can enter your body and develop into an army of bacteria. But if you go on the right path and give the rights to the Creator, He will keep you and protect you. Everything will help you, and never harm you. We are now in the 20th century. It is coming to an end and we are entering into the 2nd millennium. What are we doing? We, these 6 or 7 billion people on earth? Are we living for the service of the Lord or for satanic trips and traps: harming each other and trying to kill masses of people? People are trying to kill millions in one go, destroying everything which mankind has built since thousands of years. Is that the civilisation you are so proud of? People have become slaves of technology. They are not on their knees in front of their Lord, but in front of technology, handmade technology! The second millennium is coming closer, and something else too: if we do not change our attributes, a curse will come. No power on earth can stop it. Everyday we see such terrible weapons on television which have been made by us, mankind, (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:30:33
6976 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PureHearts
to kill each other. We are cursed because of that. Allah will not punish His disobedient people in the way He did in the past. Some were punished by a flood, some by earthquakes, some by winds, some by fire... Different kinds of punishment befell the people, and they were taken away. This nation will not be punished from above, but from within themselves. People are in different groups, in different camps, becoming enemies of each other and killing each other. That is the punishment this time. There is a traditional rule: the one who kills will go to hell and so will the one who is killed. The one who is killed was intending to kill, but the other one was quicker. People with bad intentions must be punished. Pure hearts never carry bad intentions. Pure hearts never carry jealousy. Pure hearts never carry enmity. Pure hearts never carry hatred. Pure hearts never intend to harm others. Pure hearts cannot be against other people. Pure hearted people live only for their Lord. Bad people do not live for their Lord. They live for the sake of this world. All of us have different forms, races and colours. As I was praying I had a vision of a meadow. Do you think that a meadow consisting only of green grass would be better than one with different kinds of flowers in it? No doubt the flowered one! Have you seen different kinds of flowers living side by side? Have you ever seen the yellow flower fighting the red flower? There are so many different flowers living friendly side by side in the meadow. But you, mankind, are unable to see the reality of different races and sexes and nations. Why can't you see the harmony, peace and enjoyment? Why aren't you trying to make a peaceful world? 01.01.1997
BookPureHearts, CategoryHealth, CategoryPeace (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:30:33
6977 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PurifyPathsOfQuran
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : PurifyPathsOfQuran
The Meaning of the Hadith: "Purify the Paths of the Holy Quran"
(Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar la ilaaha illa-Llah, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahi’l-hamd! Alfu salaat alfu salaam alayka ya Sayyidil awwaleen wal akhireen. ameen, ishfa lana ya Sayyidil awwalieen wal akhireen, madad. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) As-Salaamu `alaykum, O Mankind from east to west, from north to south! Ask for salamah, safety, each one, another each one, make it so frequently, always say As-Salaamu `alaykum. That is one of the biggest favors of our Lord, Allah Almighty. Forgive us yaa Rabbana, yaa Rabbana, bless us, grant us from endless Mercy Oceans. Forgive us and bless ourselves and protect our physical beings not to fall into dangerous positions through this life and the next one. And we are saying a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajeem. That means beware of Shaytan because Shaytan is putting everywhere a trap and if you are not following the ways of heavens, you can be caught by anyone of the traps, they may catch you. O People! This is a humble meeting, and it is a mercy from the Lord of Heavens to give us something from holy knowledge. Now knowledge is of so many kinds, countless books, countless knowledge they are writing, (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:34
6978 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PurifyPathsOfQuran
but all of them belong to this life. Never getting any interest through such lessons or books, no any interest for people. They are leading whole nations, for what? Towards some aspects, temporary. They are trying to give such things, yes, just it has been put from east to west, from north to south, through continents, through oceans, so many sources of knowledge but all of them are only for this temporary life. And Shaytan is always bring to people and saying, "Look what I am bringing to you. Come and take it." If anyone is saying, "What do you want for this selling?" Shaytan is saying, "No, it is free. I am not asking for anything. Only that you must look and you must carry and you must buy from materials." And people, SubhaanAllahi ‘l-`Aliyyi ‘l-`Azheem, endless glory for our Lord, Allah Almighty. (Mawlana stands and sits.) Subhaan sensin. They are making, my masters to stand up when we are saying our Lord’s holy name. For what? They are saying that to make Wahhabi and Salafi `ulamas to be happy that, "Ohhh, Shaykh is standing up when he is saying Allah!" (Mawlana stands.) Allahu akbar! Saying, "O Shaykh, now coming a bit clever one and they are understanding what we are saying, and Shaykh asking to save himself from shirk; without "sheen" it is "sirk" (Turkish for "circus")! If you are on shirk, you are going to be on circus? (Laughter) They are looking to me. I am looking, yes, one of this saying to me, now Shaykh is speaking true. We must listen to him, but what he said about shirk? I don’t know what he means when he is saying, "shirk". And from shirk people carrying beasts and dirty animals. That means he is not respecting our understandings and our beliefs. Yes. Another thing that you are saying for Ahlu ‘s-Sunnah wa’l Jama`ah, "shirk". When you are putting us into shirk, we are putting you into circus. Ok Shaykh Hisham? Sleeping? Wahhabi, Salafi `ulamas, all of them going to be in circus! Therefore, we stand up when we are saying Allah! (Mawlana stands.) I am an old one, if I can carry, I was standing up for our whole meeting, but I am such an old one, I can’t stand up. And it is more than waajib, it is fard, everytime that you are asking to say Allah, you must clean your tongues because the Seal of Prophets (s) was saying Taahiru turuqu 'l-Qur’an, yes? Are you `Arabiyy or Turkish? And with which ones that Prophet (s) saying this hadith? What does it mean? Taahiru turuqu 'l-Qur’an - that means make the ways of Holy Qur’an that you are reciting, clean as much as possible, make your mouth clean because you are saying holy name and holy words, holy verses, holy surahs means Holy Qur’an you must clean. How are we cleaning? Yes you know that when we are eating pulau, rice (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:34
6979 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PurifyPathsOfQuran
with meat, we are so shattered? Ones to eat big trays of kafta or to eat and you are saying we are cleaning, but sometimes you are only making such a thing (napkin) with your mouth. Prophet (s) is not saying clean your mouth when you are eating, lahmu shahm, oh my shaykh you are so... Who is this one (uses eyeglasses) “Oh Shaykh Hisham Effendi. He is learning also to eat lahmu shahm (meat with fat) but my teeth are dentures and sometimes I can’t eat. Why not knowing? All of you educated. I don’t know French or English. I can’t, therefore, I am taking this and only swallowing and people thinking masha’Allah, Shaykh so quickly eating, going to finish our tray, don’t worry, never-ending! And don’t think that when Prophet (s) saying you may clean your mouth, it means with water or soap. Salafi people are saying, "We tried that detergent, it is so better for cleaning." And some of them use napkin and finished. Don’t think that when Prophet (s) was saying Tahir ul-turkal Qur’an, he was asking to clean your mouth with soap or detergent! (laughter) Prophet (s) means to clean your mouth with dhikr or holy names of your Lord Almighty! Don’t use cigarettes, it is haraam! Why not saying? Making smoking mouth of that person like WC for Shaytan and this argeela, or also hookah (water pipe), makes your mouth also dirty! It is haraam, don’t use it! At least making the ways of Holy Qur’an to be in a bad smelling. That is a holy command, you must be clean and you must clean your mouth with which thing? "We are using, “O shaykh, your Arabic is very strange." Yes my Arabic is heavenly! What cleans the way of Holy Qur’an, you must know. Say to me! Making the ways of Holy Qur’an dhikrullah! Wa ladhikru al-lahi akbar! How you are saying when people making dhikr, "You are doing bida`, you are making shirk, you are on wrong way?" From which giving authority of such a fatwa? Salafi `ulamas, sometimes you must use a little bit your mind for understanding. I am not from Arabian people. I am sorry for this, that my descendants coming from another tribe of Adam’s descendants , but you must be so happy that Allah Almighty honored you to be from the nation of the Prophet’s tribe, Sayyidina Muhammad (s). (Mawlana stands and sits) Keep yourselves. For what means the way of Holy Qur’an? If you are not cleaning according to a real hadith coming to ourselves, that when a person asking to recite Holy Qur’an, coming an angel here, (mouth) to take it to heavens. But sometimes they are getting disturbed from bad smelling of that person and they are escaping! (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:34
6980 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PurifyPathsOfQuran
And when angels escaping, coming quickly Shaytanic ones then cursing coming on them! When cursing coming on a person, he is going to be maheen (despicable), lowest level that going to be equal to the level of beasts, level of animals; is it a hadith or not? What saying Salafi `ulamas for this hadith or it is something invented? What are you saying? Salafi `ulamas, you are looking every time through Haram Makkah al- Mukarramah or Haram Madinatu 'l-Munawwarah that coming people from government armies, people dressing just dressing of western kafir peoples dressings. Why are you not saying that is haraam? You don’t know this hadith? Or is it an imitated hadith? Why are you putting caps, how? How can you enter Haramayn Shareefayn your soldiers or your big rank people, putting on their heads zayi 'l-kuffaar `alam al-kuffaar that 1400 years `ulamas saying who dressing in the dressing of kuffar and mushriks going to be from them; why you are not saying? Look in Hijaaz, they are never putting on their heads, sign of kufr. Whom they are keeping Shari`atullah, but some `ulamas from Arabs also, they are asking the dressing of western soldiers, western armies. I was happy with Sultan Qaboos (bin Said al-Said of Oman), that he was dressing in turban and zayi 'l-Islam, but finally I am looking and seeing that he is putting on his head a cap that belongs to the armies of non-Muslims and I was so sorry to see such a good amir or sultan at the end, they are showing his zayi 'l-kuffaar, dressing, as a dress of western army general. Shari`atullah never accepting. Khalifatu ‘l-muslimeen, it is not for him; may hear, may listen, I am saying only true ones, I am not taking any care if they are (not preferring this), still we must say. Therefore, I am shouting to Salafi `ulamas, why you are not saying? Why you are not making fw`az or your armies in holy land, Hijaaz. And why `ulamas of holy lands are not saying to their kings, "O our maliks, why you are using that, it is zayi 'l-kuffaar. It is not an honor for you to put a cap of western army’s captains." Allah Almighty or Prophet (s) or any real Muslims are going to be happy with you. You are breaking the hearts of Muslims by putting caps of kafirs, haashaa! Why you are not saying? You are only coming and saying when we are making a circle of dhikr and saying bida`, bida`, bida`. From where bringing that bida`? And you are saying it is not permitted. How it can be? All of you should be punished. You must be punished before you are going from this life, you are going to be punished!! I am only a weak servant, but our grandshaykh and awliyas are sending to my heart and I am (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:34
6981 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PurifyPathsOfQuran
speaking on it, nothing else. If you are hearing, you should be happy. Not hearing, you should be regretting, yes. But just we are living in a time that people are in ikhtilaaf, differences, some of them are saying, "We have power to keep everything under our control," and weak ones saying, "If you are making this, we can’t come to you in opposite way to say you are wrong, (or to say) you must not do this or that.” You must follow Shari`atullah or Shari`atur-Rasool (s)! (Mawlana stands.) Stand up for the honor of Rasool (s) in spite of Salafi ``ulamas! Yes, that is important. O People! We must learn, we must learn, we must try to learn. We must try to be real Muslims, real followers of prophets. If prophets passed away, we must follow their inheritors’ ways, whom they are keeping Shari`atullah, holy ways just mentioned through Holy Qur’an and through holy ahadith of the Seal of Prophets (s) Don’t play. Don’t think these words are as a joking, no it is a reality. And you should be punished if you are not repenting and saying, tawbah, yaa Rabbee! Everything that ala’mal kufr, everything that unbelievers are doing, it is forbidden for us to do. You can’t do, Muslims can’t do as western people or unbelievers ways, or non Muslims ways to follow them in any way. Keep your honor! We have been honored to be Muslims. Why you are not saying O Wahhabi peoples and you are quarrelling with Muslims and saying who making dhikr are going to be mushriks. May Allah forgive us. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Kareem Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, SubhaanAllah, SubhaanAllah, SubhaanAllah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Kareem Allah O People! Come to the ways of awliyas to be in safety here and Hereafter. O People! Come and listen, come and accept truth, or you are going to be repenting last moment and it is going to be useless. Yaa Rasoolullah! Help us and give your intercession for your weak ummah, weak servants of the Lord of Heavens, for the honor of the most honored one, to be with him and to follow the ways of awliyas, ameen! Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:34
6982 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PurifyPathsOfQuran
Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah Dome, dome, dome, dome 8x Fatihah! Ameen. As-Salaamu `alaykum our listeners. I am a weak one, I know nothing but what they are sending me. They are making me to address mu’mins and Muslims, and they should be under the flag of Rasoolullah. Fatihah. [45 minutes] Thank you for your coming and listening and hearing and accepting. Try to follow Shari`atullah. Yes, sir. Shukr, Shaykh Hisham! Lefke, 09.01.2010
WebSufiLive, CategoryHealth, CategoryHaram, CategoryAngel, CategoryQuran (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:30:34
6983 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PurifyYourselves
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : PurifyYourselves
Purify Yourselves and Allah Will Give You Good Rulers!
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, laa ilaaha illa-Llah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillahi 'l-hamd! Alfu salaat, alfu salaam. (Du`a) A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajim. Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem. O People! Be the servants of Allah, We came to you, to say “be servants of Allah.” We want to relate to people the guidance of Prophet Muhammad, the Seal of Prophets (s). O Servants of Allah! Worship and obey your Lord. We are living in the days of various fitna. We are at the end of time and this is the last of the nations.. There is no prophet after the Seal of Prophets (s). He is the First and the Last. He said, “I was given `Uloom 'l-Awwaleen wa ’l-Akhireen, Knowledge of the Beginnings and the Ends.” He knows everything from the beginning of Creation until the end of Creation. Since fifteen centuries he is the Prophet, upon him the highest praise and blessings. He has been given the knowledge of the past nations as well as the coming nations. O Allah! Increase his honor and esteem, light, and happiness. He came as Rahmatali 'l-`Alameen, “Mercy to all Mankind”. He is not the reason for their suffering. His mission is to relieve his nation from suffering, and to save humanity and all Creation! It is the duty of every human being and particularly every Muslim to learn and take action according to the teachings and guidance of our Prophet (s), and the orders of Allah (swt), our (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:30:35
6984 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PurifyYourselves
Creator. Prophet (s) has informed us about the coming times, since his time until the end of time. Allah (swt) has given him a shining proof. Those who follow him will be safe and those who go against him will suffer in the Last Days. They will fall off the Straight Path into Hellfire. We are presenting this to every human being who is thinking about Prophet (s)! What was his character? What was his message? Allah (swt) has sent Prophet (s) as a messenger to His Creation. Those who do not know this are the followers of devils, and those who follow will win and be saved. Those who do not follow will fall into problems in this life and more problems in the Next Life. Now the people of Egypt have fallen into problems between them and their leaders. Their leader is a devil, because they have followed the steps of the devil who has taken them down into endless and countless fatalities. The people of Egypt have now spread like wasps or drones, taking to the streets to change the government. Inna Allaha laa yughayyiru ma bi qawmin hatta yughayyiroo maa bi anfusihim. Verily, God does not change men's condition unless they change their inner selves. (Ar-Ra`ad, 13:11) They are going out into the streets, calling left and right. That is not the teaching of the Seal of Prophets (s), and you have gone against the teaching of Prophet (s). You want your leader to be correct, but did you check your state and that of people? Did you find them on the Right Path? If they were on the Right Path, then your leader would be on the Right Path. If you do not change yourselves, even if you change your leaders seventy times, still, you will get worse ones. Listen to this! But most of you are listening to the devil and not to al-Haqq, Allah (swt)! This is the result. Follow the Truth and Allah will improve your rulers. You are taking to the streets like animals. That is not Islam. If you change your ruler, Mubarak, you will get another one worse and a third one even worse and so on. Astaghfirullah, wa yaa fawzan li ’l-mustaghfirreen. (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:30:35
6985 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PurifyYourselves
Listen to Allah and you will be saved in this life and the Next. If you do not listen to Allah, His wrath will not be lifted from your heads. Who has put that ruler on you? Religion is adab, and adab brings people close to Allah. Sayyidina Adam (a) said: Qaala rabbana zhalamna anfusana wa in lam taghfir lana wa tarhamna lanakoonanna min al-khasireen. The two of them [Adam and Eve] said, ‘O our Sustainer! We have sinned against ourselves, and unless You grant us forgiveness and bestow Your mercy upon us, we shall most certainly be lost!’ (Al-A`raf, 7:23) O our Lord! You know our state. Improve and correct us. Get us out of this, the ego’s and Shaytan’s trap. Fatihah. Lefke, 31.01.2011
WebSufiLive, CategoryPurification, CategoryEgypt (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:30:35
6986 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PurityofHeartToForgiveAndForget
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : PurityofHeartToForgiveAndForget
Purity of Heart: To Forgive and Forget and to be Immune to Vainglory
Once the Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, was sitting with his companions, when, sighting from afar a man approaching, he said: "Oh my companions, if you want to behold one of the inhabitants of Paradise, look at that man who is now approaching". The man presently arrived and took his place among the congregation. The next day, and yet the next day after that, the Prophet delivered his companions the good tidings of that man's eternal felicity (without saying anything, however, to the man himself). So often I have heard people lay claim to possessing pure hearts. Especially people who reject religion and mystical practices out of hand love to make such claims. We don't lay any such claims, but we believe that our Way is the way of purification, and that our efforts should set us in the