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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (494/777)
e alone makes you depressive; it destroys the personality, and you are in a helpless situation. Loneliness is the beginning of difficulties and suffering, physically and spiritually. If you are alone, you are unable to think clearly and realize the needs of other people. And if you are speaking to people, and you are not with your Sheikh, then you are like a blind man throwing stones, unable to reach your target. Therefore you must ask: “Oh my Sheikh, I am asking to be with you. You are with me, but I am not with you. I will try to be with you.” If these two currents meet, the power will run. The more you are able to concentrate on his being with you, the more power reaches you from his side. If you are wholly with him, then he is in you, and you are your own Sheikh. That is the meaning of being with your Sheikh... His power will surround you as much as you are with him, and then you should reach to unlimited power, because the Sheikh is connected to the Prophet, and the Prophet is in the Divine Presence. Be with your Sheikh, and you will lose neither power, knowledge, wisdom, patience, nor your life, because everything is with him. You are never alone, not even in deserts or on seas, even if you were the only human (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:30:06

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being on earth. You will be most powerful among people; and even if the whole of mankind was coming against you, you wouldn’t fear, because you are connected to the real power station. If anyone was to touch you, he would fall down. The fact that this power exists makes our life easy and safe. There is no need to fear if we concentrate on our Sheikh. But if we forget him, hopelessness and depression, suffering and fear may come to us. Therefore take him with you, wherever you are going. Then he will lead and guide you in everything. Then you will understand what it means to be with the Prophet, to be with Allah. You will experience Fana ... you will vanish, and He will appear in you. Those are the people about whom the Prophet said: “When you look to them, you look to Allah.” If you are with your Sheikh, Shaitan will never conquer your heart. He can’t enter because your Sheikh is there with you. May Allah make it easy for us to be with one of His servants who is in the Divine Presence... Fatiha. 01.04.1999

BookOnthebridgetoEternity, CategoryHealth, CategoryFana, CategoryGuidance, CategoryMeditation (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:30:06

6850 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PowerOfTheSheikhSurroundsWholeWorld

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : PowerOfTheSheikhSurroundsWholeWorld



Allah Almighty is ordering His servants to follow the steps of His friends, and to be with them. Therefore we should be like neighbours to blessed people with our physical body. Then we may be closer through our hearts. If a pipe does not connect to a tap there will be no water from the tap. Spring water may reach to you through pipes. You must have pipes so that the tap can give water. Likewise all the Prophets, and Seyyidina Mohammed (sal) are carrying heavenly streams and mercy to our hearts. Therefore we must always keep connection to their Holy and pure hearts, in order to recieve wisdom from heavens. You may up reach to them and drink from their grand mercy streams. Without the saints ( Awliya ), it is not possible to reach to this. You simply cannot reach to it. Allah Almighty made the Awliya to be His mercy springs. The one who reaches to them is going to be alive and to be a real living person. Those who is reach to Awliya, will reach to ever lasting life. How can we reach to Allah? This is so difficult. But to reach to His representative, is to be with Allah. (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:30:07

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If a person does not reach to the Awliya, it is difficult to reach to blessings. There are common blessings which reach everyone, to even unbelievers, if not they wouldn’t exist. But if you want to get much closer, you need another kind of blessing. The person who is heedless looses his expensive life and wastes his precious time. As for an authorized person, it is not important for him outwardly, but in reality, he is always with his Sheikh. He has a kind of telephone to his Sheikh, to see what news he may benefit from. This has nothing to do with our own will, but it is the will of the Sheikh, who is taking from the presence of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sal). The Sheikh is always with the presence of the Prophet Muhammad (sal) whose reality is always with Allah (without there being any direction or place for this). The servant who is asking to reach to the Divine Presence of Allah Almighty, of the Prophet Muhammad (sal) and of the Sheikh, must always keep his observation (Muraqaba - means attentive observation, or watchfulness ), on the Sheikh. You should always observe your sheikh, as he is always looking after you. He never leaves you. To observe means to know, that the sheikh is always with you, and that he is always watching you. The Murid is never alone. Say, “Ya Allah,” “Don’t leave me alone with my ego.” When the Murid is not with his Sheikh, he will be with his ego, and with shaitan, and the ego has millions of tricks to play on you. When the Murid keeps observation of the Sheikh (for one minute, a while, or as much as he can do), the sheikh will be with him, and in every situation, he will support him. The observation brings the support (Medad). If you are cutting off, then the Sheikh’s support cuts off. He supports the one who is walking on the way to Allah (as a car fills up its tank at a petrol station, before moving on). A real authorized person, has such a station to make you to reach to Allah Almighty. He is also taking from the presence of his Sheikh, who is taking from the presence of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sal), who receives from the presence of Allah Almighty. If you cut this connection off, you will be left alone, and be like a tape recorder with finished batteries. Instead if you have support through a (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:30:07

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cable, it will never cut off, or become less. Always it will continue and go on. For how long do you want to stay with your ego? To observe the Sheikh is one of the most important things, so that you can always be with the Sheikh, and so that you may be able reach to the presence of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sal). Then you will be able to observe the Prophet Muhammad (sal), and you may see that the eye of the Prophet Muhammad (sal) is looking at you, and that you come to know the meaning of the Quranic verse, which says that the Holy Prophet (sal) is among you. He is not absent. If there is no observation (Muraqaba), you will never see or feel anything. Muraqaba makes the servant to hear things from the Sheikh, and he will see and watch events and things also. Then you may see the Reality of the Sheikh, whose power is surrounding the whole world (if he is a true one!). There are no borders. No. Not if the responsibility has been given to him, officially, by the Holy Prophet (sal). His power is always present, in every place, on the land and in the Oceans. Wherever you go he is present. When you have a good connection, at first you will hear, (like a kind of Divine telephone to the Sheikh) and he will show you the way by what he tells you. After this, when the Murid becomes higher in his Maqam (station), he will begin to see also the Sheikh who is directing him with words. This is the highest level (from the Muraqaba of the Murid), until he climbs up to the observation of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sal), whom he will first hear, until he gets higher and then, he will see the Prophet Muhammad (sal). Of this state the greatest of the Holy ones used to say, “If we are not looking at the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sal) even for the blink of an eye, and if he is cut off from being directly in front of us, we would not count ourselves as being Muslims anymore.” This is because if a man is with his ego he is not a believer (no Iman). Until he is with Allah Almighty, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sal) and the other Prophets, he will be cut off, and there will be nothing else to serve accept his ego. He would have made himself to be a servant of his ego until they will say of him. “Did you see the one who made his (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:30:07

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own ego to be his God “ (Al Quran). This person will no longer separate between what is allowed or forbidden. He will say, “I am free, and that which I want to do, I will do.” Therefore, the observation of the Sheikh, by the Murid, is the most important thing, for his improvement on the way and if not, his diesel or petrol will finish, and he will stand on the way without moving. When he insists that he doesn’t want to think about his Sheikh, he will be left there. These are some sensitive points which Shaitan and his supporters have interfered with, to cheat the ones who are on the way. They say that it is making partners with Allah (shirk) when one observes the Sheikh. It cannot be and is not shirk or unbelief (kufar). It is only that these people have no understanding about how to obtain a ‘true state’. Muraqaba is for one on the way, and it is to be done always, until he reaches to the Divine Presence. Then he will be from one of those who have reached, and there will be nothing left in him of the worries of the world or of the hereafter. He will be in permanency. This is a very precise and heavy lecture, and no one else in this time from the authorized people may speak about this, except our Grandsheik’s representative. Tariqat is to have adab ( good manners), and is for guiding people to the highest level of adab. Becoming a true Murid, means being an accepted one, in the Prophet Muhammad’s (sal) presence, and in the Divine Presence. “O Allah, give Your most Beloved servant more Majesty and Honour.” Who does not making zikr has no lights, and the person who has no lights is blind. So the veils cannot be taken away.

WebSheikNazim2Com, CategoryMeditation, CategoryGuidance (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:30:07

6854 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PowerOfTheSpirit

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : PowerOfTheSpirit


The Power Of The Spirit

As-Salam Alaikum ayyuhal hadhirun; our attending jama'at, our people, Muslims, who seek the acceptance of Allah Almighty. We may receive spiritual power. Marhaban. May your day be good, be blessed, be honoured. May your work go well. We should greet each other with Salam. As-Salam alaikum O believing servants of Allah. Our way is through Sohbat. And the meaning of Sohbat is advice; to inform what is beneficial and to say what is not beneficial. First of all, whatever our Prophet, Sultanu-l Anbiya (sas) said we follow his way. Our Prophet (sas) said... May Allah's Salatu Salam be upon him. The Pride of the Creation; who all the creation takes pride in, who all the creation praises, our Master who is Allah's Beloved. Sayyidi l-Awwalin wa-l Akhirin; the Master of the past and present ones, Allah's Beloved, Hz. Muhammad Mustafa ra Salawat. These morning sohbats are a beginning to give people a power; a spiritual power. We may say first, upon the teaching of our Prophet: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. He (sas) says "Recite the Bismillah". And we are reciting it with the highest respect: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim. Heavens and earths stand with the power of Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. What are you? Man or animal? If you are man, you must learn. The Prophet (sas) says "If a day does not start with the Bismillah, fa huwa abtar, it is cut off". It is trash, or as an illustration it is like food that went bad. When you eat the food that went bad, it doesn't give you benefit but you get sick. Clean, where does cleanliness come from? It comes from spirituality. Man is honoured through his spirituality. Animals also have a life but they don't have the Ruh (spirit). Ruh is a grant of Allah Almighty to mankind. Man's Ruh is different, animal's life is different. Man's Ruh is filled with Qudrah, filled with power. Animals don't need this, animals are in service. They should serve. Who do they serve? They serve mankind. Animals don't have a service for themselves. Animals are created to serve Man. They are our servants. But Man is not in the service of (1 von 18)04.07.2013 23:30:09

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animals. Or we are not created for the service of dunya. Asta'idhu Billah "Wa Ma Khalaqtu l-Jinna Wa l-Insa Illa Liya`buduni" (51:56). O Man! Hear and keep this way! Almighty Bari Allahu Dhul Jalal says that He (swt) created you: "And I created not the jinn and humans except that they should worship Me". O hojas, O scholars, O who claim to be hojas and scholars! Listen! You continuously read the Holy Quran. Don't you ever read this Verse? Allah Almighty says "I, Azim-ush-Shan, created men and jinn, only so that they worship Me. Because My servanthood is honour for them. I am not in need of their servanthood but there is honour for them if they worship Me. I am Azim-ush-Shan, I am Allahu Dhul Jalal. I am the Rabbul 'Izza. I am the Owner and the Master of Heavens and earths". Only Allah Almighty has the right to say "I am", you can't say "I am". Say "I am a servant of Allah", don't go around saying "I am me", then you will look human in appearance but be an animal inside. In appearance, he looks like a man. What is his sirah (secret)? Meaning, what is his way? His way, the way of today's people is being animals, is the way of animals. Honour belongs to Man. Where does this honour come from? The Lord of Heavens, Who created us, and when we do His servanthood, when we show the highest respect for Him and for His Orders, then there is honour for us. We are not busy with eating grass and straw continuously like the four-legged level. This is not our occupation. "Wa Ma Min Dabbatin Fi l-'Ardi Illa `Ala Lalhi Rizquha" (11:6). There is provision for every living creation on earth. I grant the provision. What you call the smallest creature... What is it called which is smaller than microbe? Virus, even smaller than that. Since it is in existence it also has its share (from the provision). It will also receive its share. "Wa Ma Min Dabbati". What mankind sees as the smallest living creation is virus. Virus also has its food, its provision and its mission. There are the viruses for good and also the viruses that cause diseases. So Man's honour is with knowing and accepting his Lord. "I created you for My servanthood. I did not create you for dunya but for you to make My servanthood. If you don't listen, you get crushed. You don't have any goodness. It is impossible for a person who doesn't respect Me to ever find any goodness. "Wa Ma Khalaqtu l-Jinna Wa l-Insa Illa Liya`buduni. I created men and jinn for My servanthood, so that they glorify Me. I granted them life, I granted them My blessings". But we don't teach this. We don't teach. What level do we become when we don't teach? The level that (2 von 18)04.07.2013 23:30:09

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doesn't learn is the level of animals. What is the beginning of learning? Say: Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim. This is its beginning. The first step of knowing the Lord is, you say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim and find honour. You don't say it? You will be humiliated. Every kind of microbe will fall on you: "For what does he live? Why does he not perform his humanity although he is human? Let us attack him" There are all kind of diseases now. For what, for what are there all kinds of diseases? To punish and discipline, "to discipline who doesn't accept Me". There are countless diseases now. What causes disease? They call it virus, O son. Virus is a creature that has the smallest existence possible. And each one of them has a different mission. These viruses have as many affects as the number of the kinds of diseases there are. There are the viruses that cause disease as well as the ones that cure. You should straighten yourself, say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Nothing can harm you. Bismillahi lladhi la yadurru ma`a Ismihi shay'un fi l-ardi wa la fi s-sama'i. Allahu Akbar! O people! O scholars! Where are your minds? That Allah Almighty said: I created you and I also created nature to serve you in every way possible. When We say nature, whatever there is on earth from the plants or from the animals, I created all of them to give you benefit.". Now they invent all kinds of medicine. It has no benefit. Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim and drink water, you will be like a lion! What is the key point? To believe! "Ya Ayyuha lladhina Amanu Aminu BiLlahi" (4:136). O you who say "I believe". Have faith in Allah, believe. Believe! Who don't believe never find any goodness! They will have no goodness in dunya or in akhirah. Believe in Allah. You didn't come down from the sky in a basket. Believe. He (swt) created you from a drop of water in the mother's womb and makes you come out to dunya as man. You come out but why do you not think? "Fahal Min Mudhdhakirin" (54:17). Is there anyone who thinks deeply? The Verse asks. How can he think? He lives a drinking life, he lives a drunk life. He gets up drunk and sleeps drunk. What good can you ask from such a man? Can he ever be saved from troubles? He can't.Then why don't you teach these? "It is forbidden to teach this". "Really? What else do you teach then?" "Now the schools are to teach what shaytan teaches". They call it school now, not maktab. Schools have no benefit or reality. They can't say "maktab, madrasa". They can't say because they removed them. Man learns, knows about his humanity in maktabs and madrasas. Is there any word in what these ones teach, that teaches them their humanity? There is not. Then how can you ever be Man? How can they (3 von 18)04.07.2013 23:30:09

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ever find comfort in this dunya? Every country is in a chaos. For what? They scream. Why do you shout and scream? What is it that you shout at, call to? If you are Man, call to Who created you. Why don't you call to Allah? From where did you come out? You came out from your mother's womb. Why don't you think? Who created me in my mother's womb? I came out in a big noise and got out to dunya. He (swt) granted me all these blessings. Why don't you ask Who He (swt) is, O janabat ones?! Why don't you teach? "Well, we have schools". May you be destroyed with your schools! They don't teach the children, don't teach about their humanity. They don't inform them about their honour and humanity. Shame on them! It is a state where they are all drunk. And for this, dunya got out of control now. It is totally out of control. What you will teach is only one word! Our leaders now don't fear Allah and aren't ashamed before the Prophet (sas). It is only one word you need to say, is it that difficult for you to say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim? What are you? What have you become that you don't say the Ism Al-Jalil of Who created you? You don't say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, you don't teach it. Shame on you. What you eat and drink is haram for you! May it all be poison for you! Angels say like this. You don't say the Bismillah. Don't sleep! Open your eyes! They know and teach the way of every evil and dirtiness. Whatever there is that will occupy the people and prevent them from Allah's worship, they teach it, they make people do it. Other than that, they don't allow people to say "there is Allah (jj)". "Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim". "Why should we? It was in old times". It is the Name of Who created you. Say and Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim gives you honour, gives you power. If you kick the world, you can destroy it. You don't crush and are not crushed. You are a precious stone and not thrown away. Shame on our learned men as well as the unlearned ones who are left ignorant, that they are in coffee shops, in brothels, in bars, in every kind of dirtiness all day long. "What about the mosque?" "No, no mosque". "How come?" "I don't have time for it". You have no time in the 24 hours? You have no time to say a Bismillah? Shameless man. Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim and you do a goodness: It is the Great, Mighty Name of Allah. Remember Me and I grant you My every blessing. If not, just like how these meat grinders grind the meat that fall in it to pieces and turns it into ground meat, Allah will make dunya the same way for you also. He (swt) doesn't do it Himelf, He makes it done; makes you to do it to one (4 von 18)04.07.2013 23:30:09

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another: you kill, crush each other. You oppress one another, you insult one another. You enslave one another for your own pleasure, for your own rank. Shame on you! Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim and you do a goodness. O our Lord, may You not deprive us of remembering Your Ism Al-Jalil. Kullu amrin dhi baalin lam yabtada bi Bismillah fa huwa abtar. Whichever important matter that you don't start with the Bismillah it is abtar, it is cut off, it won't succeed. Where are your scholars; Egypt, the Arab World, the Islamic world, Turks, Arabs, Iranians? Did Allah create you to kill the people? Or to show people the way of Allah, to make them love it and be happy with it? Hz. Mahdi will come, alayhi Salam. Wa ala Rasulullahi Salatu was-Salam. The Mercy rains at night. There is the sun at day time. May the servants be at rest. My servants acknowledge Me. They built mosques and filled the mosques, they are making sajda to Me. May Allah Almighty praise you like this. If you want the praise of Allah, say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Some say "Allah doesn't look at us". Are you looking at Allah? Are you looking to Allah's Order? Do you say the Bismillah even once aday? "Once a day? I don't even say it once a month" he says. If you don't say, you will suffer. They will suck your life from your vessels. May Allah not make a person be stuck in the hospitals. It is like they suck up their lives with a syringe. There is no one left who thinks, who teaches. And our hojas lost their mission also: they don't open their mouths and speak. The beginning of everything... Here, they read mawlid also... If the beginning of everything is the Name of Allah, its end is never cut off. Whichever work starts with the Bismillah, it succeeds. If not, it doesn't. Our very first lesson is this. Everything helps you: when you say the Bismillah, everything helps you. If you forget it, then everything is left closed for you. The Bismillah is such a treasure that even if you had as many years as the number of Heavens and earths you still couldn't finish speaking of it's honour: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Bismillah. Nur comes to your face, health comes to your body. Your enemies disappear and what you eat becomes halal. You earn your livelihood easily. "What does he do?" "He is unemployed". They say "There are no jobs". If dunya has no jobs, then why don't you look to the work of Who created you? Do you enter the mosque even once for the work of Who created you? They say "What will we do in the mosque?" Huge mosques are all empty. And coffee shops, brothels, bars, all the dirty places are full with people. They have all kinds of disgrace on them and yet ask "What will we do in the mosque?" "Make worship in the (5 von 18)04.07.2013 23:30:09

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mosque". "No, we don't believe such a thing". Then they will grind you like the meat put in a grinding machine. Ya Rabbi, O our Lord, You granted us intelligence and understanding. You sent us Your servants to show us these ways also. O Lord, may we not forget. Whoever forgot his Lord is forgotten. "Nasu llaha Fanasiyahum" (9:67). Is it not so? "Nasu Llaha Fanasiyahum". Such a nation will come that they have forgotten Allah and Allah has also forgotten them. Does Allah forget? Allah doesn't forget. But He (swt) leaves them to themselves: lets them struggle, run and scream in the streets. There is not even one among them who say "O our Lord" and go to mosque. There is no one who goes to their churches. They scream in the streets. This is no humanity. Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Get up clean, and leave your home, you will find a job. Not just one, but Allah Almighty gives you ten jobs. Not ten, but 100 jobs. Does He (swt) leave His servant? "My servant didn't leave me. He said My Ism Al-Jalil. Let the doors open for him". They can't say the Bismillah. He gets out of his home dirty, janabat. They can never succeed. They will suffer. Therefore O our brothers in religion, O people! If you forget Allah Almighty, He (swt) leaves you on your own and you will be left desparate. Today all dunya is desparate. Why? They forgot their Allah. They can't say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. By the Name of Allah Almighty All- Merciful, Most Beneficient. I may tell you in English also. Say this! This is the Bismillah. By the Name of Allah Almighty All-Merciful. Most Beneficient, Most Merciful. You are Subhan O Lord! Make people get accustomed to this, at least its English. "No!" Then may you all vanish. Angels say like this. Angels say "May who doesn't say the Bismillah vanish. May they fight each other, may what they eat be as poison for them". Therefore neither their stomachs get full nor do their illnesses ever finish. Say "Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. O our Lord, we are Your weak servants. May You send us from Your holy servants one who will teach us this. This nation does not come to their senses unless they get the stick! Look, as if the sky is torn apart dunya is full with snow, hail, rain, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes...Dunya is full of these. The dunya is full with them and especially our people got stuck in it. Even the children became upside down in this: Accidents, afflictions, rain on people. Say "O Lord, save us! Send us Your servants who will save us. We forgot about our servanthood. May we do servanthood for You O Lord. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim, we seek refuge in Your Ism Al-Jalil". Let us say this and see, if our life will change or not? (6 von 18)04.07.2013 23:30:09

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If you don't change your life, then they will change you! "How will they change, O Shaykh Effendi?" "Haven't you heard that an ape appeared and said 'man comes from apes'? So what will happen when it is said that man will change? They said 'We were apes and became Man'. What will happen now? He (swt) will turn you to apes when you are Man". People turned into apes now. If they see their faces in the mirror, they will get scared. Most of them look like apes. They continuously put makeup on their faces. They pull out their eyebrows. Don't sleep! They say "We may look beautiful". No, it is finished. Since that priest told you"Man came from apes"... The man himself is an ape. Now who believes him, who follows him, who forgets Allah Almighty; Lord Almighty is turning them into apes. It is impossible to look at their faces. Look in the mirror and see your face! "Did I look like this?" It must be like this. Because since you came from apes, you will return to apes. You will leave dunya as an ape. Be Man! The rank of Man is with saying Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim and your face shines, enlightens, you gain strength. Whoever sees you may say "What a beautiful person, what a pure person, what a friendly person" for you. The Angels may also write you as a "clean servant". But mankind has no goodness left after he forgot the Bismillah. They fight each other and they will even more. I want to help but from Above they say, "Don't". Let them fight each other. "'Aw Yalbisakum Shiya`aan Wa Yudhiqa Ba`dakum Ba'sa Ba`din" (6:65). I may not send down torment from the sky or from under their feet but for them to fight each other: "this is this party, this is another party..." One is a pig and the other is a dog. Can they ever make peace? They brought the people into this. And who is the one that brings? Shaytan. Shaytan does not make