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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (473/777)
is asking us about the Seven Heavens and about the galaxies: There is the heaven of the world, that is our sky, also called space. Allah Almighty has ornamented this first heaven with stars, most of them being galaxies. Beyond that are the Seven Heavens. We are not inside. The three dimensions within we see and hear are necessary. If we had 4, we would not be able to see. Also if we had 5, 6 or 7, we wouldn't be able to. Everything which we are reaching with telescopes only belongs to the heaven of the world. It is like the roof of this world. We cannot see beyond that until we spiritually enter the heaven of 4 dimensions. If it is necessary, we can enter in such a way the 5th, 6th and 7th dimension. After that there are no more dimensions. Nothing! That is beyond our imagination, because it is the limit of our intellect. The Angel which is representing the intellect is Sayidina Gibril, Archangel Gabriel. When he stopped on the Night Journey, it meant that from that point on the intellect could not move anymore. It means that from then on it belongs to the eternity of the Lord Almighty, the Creator. You cannot move in it. Everything which we can reach is within the material world. The stations which you reach up there are without gravity. We say that these places are billions of lightyears away, but it is also a very short distance. There are much much bigger worlds that we cannot even reach with our imagination. With this Allah (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:29:05

6559 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: OurUniverseIsJustASpot

Almighty wants to show something of His Greatness. We are so small and we want to make ourselves so mighty. We are like atoms beside this huge space. But we are mighty creatures on earth. Beside this greatness our bodies are less than atoms. With our eyes we can look up 10 kilometers. You cannot see man on earth from that distance, but that small spot can look into deep distances of space. Our lights are big enough to reach there. That is the greatness of Allah Almighty. And Allah Almighty has chosen us to be His Deputies. Allah is Almighty and He has given some of His Might to the children of Adam. Even though we are just a spot within this enormous universe, we are more valuable than the whole universe. We have also been authorised to walk in it. We are allowed to travel through that huge space and we must try to keep that honour. Why is the creation of mankind so respected? Why has the Almighty Lord given from His Divine Love to us? And we don't even give love to each other! We bite and kick, like horses. Allah Almighty wants our attributes to be like His. That is the Hadith of the Prophet. The Holy Quran is explaining everything, but we are not looking with our hearts to take the pearls from it. We are satisfied when we find shells on the beaches. Why don't you ask for the pearls? Because it is difficult. They are under the sea. Shells are thrown onto the beach. People are not taking care of Islam. We are always introducing the shells to the nonmuslims and we tell them that they can find the pearl inside. If you are able to give them a pearl, they will not ask you if it is from Saudi, Malaysia or America. They will just see that it is a pearl. But usually they only get shells. For centuries believers and holy-ones were diving to find pearls. Nowadays people think that it is easy. They take from this book and that, not understanding that they must practise to dive. They must ask themselves how they should dive, because there are sharks in the sea. Every treasure is protected with something. There are guardians, security powers around the pearls. Not everyone can reach it. Treasures have dragons waiting. If you cannot kill the dragon, you cannot reach the treasure. Everyone has treasures, but the dragon of the ego is not leaving you. Kill it and you will reach to your treasure! How can the dragon be killed as long as I am happy with it? But at the same time, as long as you are keeping your dragon you will never reach your treasures. You will find the same which is written in the Holy Quran in your heart. Man is the most important creature since pre-eternity until eternity. No other creature is created or will be created to be more perfect or more respected in Divine Presence. Even angels are not on that level. But the (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:29:05

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biggest veil preventing us to reach that level, is our ego. Allah Almighty is closer to us than our jugular vein. Abu Jazid, who was one of the kingsize saints, asked, "Oh, my Lord, how can I reach to you?" "There is only one step and you can reach." "But how?" "Step on your ego! Leave your ego and come. Your ego is preventing you from me. When you take that away, you will be with me." Allah Almighty has no partner. He is the Real Existence. Whoever claims to be next to him has no value. No- one can be it. Our egos claim to be partners. That is why Allah is never happy with egos. These huge universes within the greatness of this space will also only be a spot in which it will not even be possible to find your galaxy. So how do you, under such circumstances, want to find your solarsystem, your world or even yourself? How dare you want to be a partner to Allah? Try to imagine trillions and trillions of spaces like this, and you will see that our space is even less than a spot within the endless Power Oceans of Allah Almighty. Nevertheless our egos claim lordship and never want to accept servanthood. But there can only be one Lord, never a second. It is impossible, but the ego isn't ashamed to keep on trying. How can you claim such things? The ego just doesn't want to be nothing, but everything is nothing within the greatness of Allah Almighty. All of it are only Power Oceans, endless Power Oceans: these huge universes, even Heavens, even the Seat of Allah and even His Throne. How many Thrones are there? No-one knows! Allah Almighty, the unknown Lord. No-one can be able to know His Essence. You are always just given a little bit. In a million or trillion years He may give knowledge, but it is only a little bit. There are endless Knowledge Oceans and endless Wisdom Oceans which belong only to Him. That which is seen, are endless oceans, but there are levels which only belong to His Essence and which are impossible to conceive, even for the Seal of Prophets. 'Hu' (one of the Holy Names of Allah, meaning 'He') will always be unknown. May Allah give us some understanding. London - 01.03.1994

BookPowerOceansofLight, CategoryParadise, CategoryAstronomy, CategoryGabriel, CategoryMankind, CategoryEgo (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:29:05

6561 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: OurUniverseIsJustASpot (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:29:05

6562 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: OutOfBalance

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : OutOfBalance


Out Of Balance

Allahu Rabbi, our Mawla is Subhan. A'udhu Billahi Min ash-shaitani r-Rajeem. Let's say - Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, start with that so our bodies will find strength. So our spirituality will increase. As-salamu Alaykum Ay Yaran (beloved friends of) Shah Mardan. Welcome to Shah Mardan's holy/ blessed assembly. Men and women should listen. Marhaba O Shah Mardan, Marhaba. May we feel expansive. May our assembly be a good assembly, a blessed assembly. May it be a pure/ clean assembly. Welcome, begin Ay Yaran Shah Mardan. MashaAllah, Kan wa ma lam yasha' lam yakun. Allahu Allah, Allahu Rabbi Allahu Allah, Allahu Rabbi Jalla wa 'Ala. Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. A weak servant. Qawwi dha'fana fi ridak- Strengthen us towards Your pleasure. Our assembly... Yaran Shah Mardan. What a beautiful saying. We are becoming refreshed and joyful. Why? Because we are remembering our Lord Jalla wa 'Ala, the Owner of the dominions of heavens and earth, the Greatness/ Magnificence of the Lord of Glory, His Mightiness and His Honor. He has dressed these on the Sultan of Prophets and He has dressed these on his (sws) ummah/ nation as well. Let us wear these dresses. Let's make shukr (thanks & praise) to our Mawla. But what value does our shukr have? Our shukr - "Wa Qalilun Min 'Ibadiya sh-Shakuru" – And few of the slaves are grateful(34:13) The Lord of Might and Glory has created us. " Hal Min Khaliqin Ghayru Llahi" (35:3) - Is there any Creator other than Allah? Hasha there is no one! Wa huwa l- Khallaqu l-'Adhim - And He is the Great Creator. Allah Almighty is One. He is the Creator. We must glorify, praise, and exalt Him so that we can find strength & power; so that our names will be written within the Divine Sultanate. O our Lord, forgive us. We are Yaran Shah Mardan. Shah Mardan is a lion in Your presence and in the presence of Your Habib. May our names be heard in his assembly. May we be from (1 von 16)04.07.2013 23:29:06

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his Yaran, beloved friends. "Al-mar'u ma'a man ahabba" - a person is with the one he loves. Those who befriend lions become lions. Whoever befriends a rat, a mouse, will be like a rat. A rat is nothing, no value. Al-Hamdu liLlah wa Shukru liLlah. La had wa la 'ad. - without limit or count. Shukr for our Lord. Welcome Ay Yaran Shah Mardan. He has Yaran, beloved friends everywhere from east to west. He has beloved ones. Shukr/ thanks to our Mawla that we have reached this day. Today is the last day of Rajab Shahrullah. Tonight is the night of the holy/blessed month of Sha'ban Mu'azzam that will bring honor to all the worlds. Sha'ban Mu'azzam is associated with our Master (sws). He said - Sha'banu Shahri. Sha'ban is my month. SubhanAllah, SultanAllah. Weakness does not continue forever. I don't want weakness to stay. Hasha/ never. The Yaran of Shah Mardan don't get sick. They aren't weak or poor. They are not without honor. They are not without love. Yaran Shah Mardan, his beloved friends, are full of love according to our condition. It's like a little piece of straw that an ant can carry, and it is happy with that. We are yaran Shah Mardan. He is a lion. His dinner table is the Sultan's table. Let's say - O Shah Mardan, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Allahu akbaru l-akbar, Allahu akbaru l-akbar. Allahu Rabbi, ma li siwa'uhu. Allahu Allah, Allahu Rabbi Allahu Allah, ma li siwahu. Ya Rabbi, Ya Rabbi Shukr. Shah Mardan is granting us, he is planting us with strength. He's dressing us with a dress of honor. He's teaching us Adab (good manners). Why? Rabbuna Rabbu l-mala'ikati wa r-ruh jalla jalaluhu jallat 'azamatuhu. We are being invited. He is inviting us to the dinner table of the Sultan. Shah Mardan is calling us. Ay Yaran Shah Mardan, listen "Isma'u wa 'u" listen and keep what you hear. Don't sleep! We didn't come to dunya (this world) to sleep. Ay Janu Janan. When you love, you cannot sleep because of that love. Ay Janu Janan (beloved one) Ay Rabbu l-'Izzat'i wa l-'azamati wa l-jabarut You dressed Your Habib from Your dress of Magnificence. Your dress of Honor was dressed on Your Habib. Search for that. Give your love there, and take love from there. What is our business in dunya? To give and take love. What did you take and what did you give? Well, I went to the market there is this and that...Hashakum. This is the level of animals. Where did you go? To the market. What did you buy? We bought food. What else? We bought clothes. This shopping is worthless shopping. Let's be refreshed after saying our Lord's Name - RabbunAllah HasbunAllah. Let's feel relieved. O Shah Mardan, if you touch this earth with your holy foot, it will fly from one side to the other like (2 von 16)04.07.2013 23:29:06

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a ball. Spiritual power, search for spiritual power. Search for spirituality. Search for spirituality in other areas also. Well, we wandered the market. What did you buy? I couldn't find what I wanted. What did you want? I wanted pearls and diamonds. Well, where did you go - the Bandabulya (covered bazaar)? I went to the vegetable market. What? You went to the grocery market to look for diamond, gold, and jewels? Well, you have a limited mind E senin aklinda shuphe var. You want diamond, pearls, and jewels do you go to the covered bazaar or the vegetable market? Tuh (spit) on you. How can you search for pearls and diamonds at the vegetable bazaar? Well, you came to this dunya and it is a bazaar. They sent us here for shopping. You must know what to give and take, but people don't know. Go ahead O Shah Mardan, your Yaran love and adore you. O Shah Mardan, Look/ watch over us. This is the situation of people today. They are searching for pearls and diamonds in the vegetable bazaar. Come, I will take you. Where does he take them? To the stable of donkeys. You will find what you want here. You want straw, there is straw. You want barley, there is barley. Well, this straw doesn't look very nice. How can you tell? Now they are talking to the donkey. Why, they ask? When I eat straw, my voice does not come out nice. When I eat barley, I can shout (bray) and declare my donkey-ness. That is how I understand if I am eating straw or barley. Were you created by your Creator to bray like a donkey (hasha minal huzur)? All the people of today (hashakum) want to bray like donkeys. You look weak and pale. It says - My food is just a little, that's why my voice isn't loud. Give him more barley! When they eat the barley, when they shout, even the lion gets startled. The lion heard a sound coming from the mountain. Lion said - there is a sound, let me go see what it is. He looked and saw a donkey with its ears up and braying so loud even the rocks were trembling. The lion came and said - what kind of creature is this? They told him - it ate too much barley. It ate so much straw and barley it cannot control itself so it is braying and shouting. Go ahead O Shah Mardan, go ahead. When people eat too much barley, they start shouting. When they have only a little, they don't make any noise. But if they find straw and barley, they shout so loud: I am this and I am that. King of Russia is saying - I am the one. He is shouting. How many legs do you have? 2 legs. Then what makes you so special/superior? A tail... but you don't have a tail either. At least the donkey has a tail. Russia says like this, and America says no. (3 von 16)04.07.2013 23:29:06

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If you are shouting like that, then you are eating straw. Look at my voice, look at my strength. I will bray (shout) and you will see O Russian donkey. When America shouts, the whole world starts boiling. How can that be? Forgive them but they ate too much barley. Insan (mankind) is Hazrat Insan, not animals, not donkeys. They are the most honorable creation. Aren't they teaching this in schools - that mankind is the most honorable creation? Welcome, speak O Shah Mardan. Who is the most honorable creation on earth? It is mankind. First write this in the books. Very well, what are they eating? Their voice is very loud. Eee! When donkeys eat too much straw, they start shouting more. Why are you shouting? What right do you have to shout? O Shah Mardan, welcome, tell us. Shah Mardan is saying - those who have very loud voices, are the ones that ate too much barley. They have a lot of barley, and they found the field wide open & empty, so they are shouting - I am me. Why do you say - I am me? You are human and I am human. Because the color of those in Africa is black, you cannot exclude them. "Sibghata Llahi" Allah has given everyone a special type of beauty. This is also a famous saying of Shah Mardan. What is he saying? See the creation as beautiful because of the One Who Created them. Who created them? See them as beautiful. The One Who created them wanted them to be like this. Don't insult! Don't look down on anyone! You shouldn't even look down on animals. Because they have a Creator. But the wild ones of the 21st century have made out mankind to be beastly. Insan is Hazreti Insan. Welcome, O Shah Mardan, your sayings are worth 400 Dirhams, words of Truth. What is the measure/ balance in Islam? It is the unchanging laws of Islam "Ati kulli dhi haqqin haqqa" - "Give the right of every creature" it says. You can't even step on an ant. That ant will claim his right from you, saying "this one crushed me". You don't have the right. Who created it, created it as an ant. Do not interfere! "Ati kulli dhi haqqin haqqa". Everything, everyone has a right. Give them their due right. Don't bully! Don't claim to be great. Who created you as well as all the realms is Allah Almighty. He (swt) Who is the Owner of 'Azamah (Greatness) created like this. Beware! Be careful! "Ati kulli dhi haqqin haqqa". What is all this crowd for, doctor? The people have no balance left in their hands. They can't give their due rights to anybody. They think that "I am the only one who has a right. I am the only one who is right. Everything is mine. Who is other than me can go to anywhere he likes". We will change this mentality, if these people want to be saved. Allah Jalla (4 von 16)04.07.2013 23:29:06

6566 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: OutOfBalance

wa 'Ala did not give permission. Go ahead O Shah Mardan. "You may burn the honourable man I created with fire, crush and kill with cannons, weapons"? Did Allah give such a permission? "Wa La Taqtulu 'Anfusakum"(4:29), Allah's Order: Don't kill each other. This is the declaration in the Holy Quran. This is the order in the Bible, in Torah and Zabur as well: Don't kill each other. If they were to be killed, I created them and I could have killed and finished them. But I created you, that you have an honour. What is the honour of Man? How can you find honour? When you give the due right of every creature, you are honoured. When you don't give their right, you are dishonoured. The highly populated nations of this time make so many instruments from iron or other things and say, "I can burn, destroy". So you have turned into this? You also are a single individual only. Meaning, you don't have the right to kill the servants of Who created you because of that iron pile in your hand. They say democracy. What do you know of democracy? Demos is shaytan, in the Greek language and cracy means government. So when they say democracy it means the sultanate of crazy ones, the sultanate of shaytans. Where are you O scholars? Why don't you investigate what is democracy so you can tell the people? There is Sultan in Islam, there is Sultanate. There is no sultanate of crazy ones. Now the new fashion in every nation is democracy. Demos is a Greek word for crazy, totally insane, shaytan, demon. It means the people who are ruled by the demons. They make the people run after it. Listen O the head of the Turks! Listen O the head of the Arabs! Listen O people! When you say democracy its meaning is "the sultanate of the demons". Look at your books! Allah sent you His honorable Shari'at. The Shari'at that came down from the Heavens is the most honorable one but you kick it out with your four legs and want to do one for yourselves. But you make a mess out of it! And then Allah says "I will discipline you. I will punish but I don't have to take the stick in My Hand. I don't have to send an angel either. I will make this group of straw-eaters, this freeloading group, plague the other and they will fight each other. They make us say this: Although there is the Divine Law of Allah that descended from the Heavens, what does Mr. Erdogan say? "We will make new laws" Who gave you permission to make new laws? And some other foolish ones come out and say "No! We will make the laws". Go and make those new laws you want to make in the WC! They astonish me even in this old age of mine! The (5 von 16)04.07.2013 23:29:06

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people can go and make their man-made laws in the WC! Allahu Dhu-l Jalal sent down the laws from the Heavens for His servants Allah is One and you are His servants. He (swt) orders you to justice, compassion and goodness. He (swt) prohibits you from badness. That is about it! Otherwise the earth will be filled with snakes, centipedes, scorpions and they will eat each other. They will eat each other. A holy one was traveling in the sea in one of the ships. When the ship reached a certain place, he saw there the fish eating each other. He got astonished: "How come these fish eat each other? Is the sea finished? Who created them created them in the sea. Do these fish plant and plow inside the sea? Do they get fat buying and eating things from the municipal market? These animals are inside the water. What happened to these animals that they are eating each other like this?" A wise one said... A wise, smart man; a man who kept the order of the Heavens said: "No, a man from this ship with the attributes of shaytan spit into the sea He made the sea dirty and the animals are eating each other". Here, the world now has become like this too. They filled the earth with filth. Allah's first order is "Be clean. Protect each other. Be servants to Allah and honour belongs to you. If not you will eat each other, just as the fish in that sea ate each other. It is dhulm (injustice) Dhulm (injustice) brings darkness (dhulumat). Islam declares everything. Dhulm attracts dhulm. It is dhulumat, darkness. And when the darkness falls, a person doesn't know what he is doing. Because of the dhulm, the children of Adam now are left in darkness. They didn't accept the Nur descended from the Heavens and are fighting each other now. "Let them fight", He said from above. "Leave them". They said "we will make laws. we will make justice". Let them do. They did and now they are eating each other, just like the fish in that sea ate each other. "What happened?" they asked. "A disobedient person spit in this sea. The living creatures in the sea got shocked and began to eat each other". O children of Adam, O believers! O believers and O those believe in the Prophet Jesus and who believe in the Prophet Moses, throw away these guns. If you don't He (swt) will make fire rain on you from the sky. He (swt) is Al Qahhar, He (swt) will crush you! Behave! Do not kill the honoured Man Allah created. The earth is wide, it is enough for all of you. "'Inna 'Ardi Wasi`atun Fa'iyaya Fa'buduni" (29:56) My earth is a wide, spacious earth. Make servanthood for (6 von 16)04.07.2013 23:29:06

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Me, live for Me, says Janab-u Rabbu-l Izzat. Shame on the people who don't live for their Lord! The order came for them: "Fight, eat each other!" and now they are eating each other. O our Lord, forgive us. O Shah Mardan, your beloved friend is the admirer of your speech. May a power be given to us. May we raise the flag of Heavens and march. You must run away from being an oppressor. If you don't run away the heads of the oppressors will be crushed. May Allah forgive us. Tonight is the first of Sha'ban al-Mu'azzam. Allah knows what it comes full of. We should beware. We should be careful about the Order of Allah. If not, just as grain is crushed between the millstones and turned into flour, they will do this to you. Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba AstaghfiruLlah. Welcome, O Shah Mardan. Your beloved friend admires your expression. Masha Allahu kan wa ma lam yasha'a lam yakun. Do like this, that Allah Almighty gave the Prophet Solomon the sultanate, 'ala Nabiyyina 'alaihi s-salatu wa ssalam, there is no sultanate like his. He (swt) may take that sultanate from you and give to the trashy people, may give to the gypsies, may give to the wolves, may give to the snakes: all of them to crush you. Seek the Prophet Solomon, whose order was obeyed by man and jinn. They would bring loads of gold as he asked and pour it before him. He would kick it with his feet, Prophet Solomon. "'Innahu Min Sulayman Wa 'Innahu Bismi Llahi r-Rahmani r-Rahimi"(27:30) Make the Bismillah your banner and march. No one can do anything to you. Go ahead, O Shah Mardan. Dress on us this majestic dress. May we dress in the honourable dress of Islam. Don't go out with your head uncovered, men & women. Know your limit! If not, they will bite you, eat you, cut you into pieces: "Wa 'Idha Al-Wuhushu Hushirat" (81:5). Signs of Qiyamah; wuhush, creatures with wild attribute will come. Wild ones,with such a wildness that never occurred before. He makes them a plague on you and you eat each other. How the fish on that sea appeared as they were eating each other, you will become like this. O Rabbu l-Izzat'i wa l- 'Azamat. You are Subhan, You are Sultan. For the honour of the servant You love, for the honour of Shah Mardan, look for the armies who will come with swords, spears in their hands; who will come on horses to serve Islam, to destroy unbelief. O Iranians, O Shi'a, O Alawi - Look to what will come from the Heavens. If not, He will send other kinds of armies that will finish you. Allahu Allah, Allahu Rabbi. Allahu Allah, Allahu Hasbi. Say Hasbuna Allahu wa ni'ma l-wakeel and don't fear. Welcome O Shah Mardan. Let us say Bismillahi r-Rahman, Bismillahi r- (7 von 16)04.07.2013 23:29:06

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Rahmani r-Rahim. We may wear this armor. There will be no illnesses or troubles left, nor will there be any attack from the wuhush on you. There will not even be a lion that will not fear you. Even lions fear from the ones who are dressed with the "Honour of Man". Know this, know this about your condition O weak one. "Wa Khuliqa l-'Insanu Da'ifaan"(4:28) We are created weak. Fear. Fear... The weak crush the weak, can't be. An army from the Heavens will come down and execute the Shariat of Allah on earth. Who don't want this will be finished. They will be food for the wuhush. May Allah protect us. May Allah not leave us outside of His Holy Orders. Welcome O Shah Mardan, your word is the cure for every trouble. O beloved, Shah Mardan. May you accept us under your banner. Ask this O Iranians, O Alawi, O Turk, O Indian, O Chinese. We are all Allah's servants. No one has the right to kill another. If you don't listen, a nation who will strike all of you will come. Allahu Allah, Allahu Rabbi. Allahu Allah, Allahu Hasbi. Say this and march, don't fear. Fatiha. If everyone knew his rights and limits, dunya would be like paradise. But the wild man in this time recognizes no right or justice. They say "Everything is for us". "To me, to me", just like an axe (when cutting a branch) they say "all for me". There is the Heavenly justice, the justice of the Heavens. It will teach everyone their rights, and their limits as well. Fatiha. Aus dem Gleichgewicht

Allahu Rabbi, unser Mawla ist Subhan. A`udhu Billahi mina sh-shaytani r-rajim. Sagen wir: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Beginnt damit, so daß unser Körper Kraft findet, so daß unsere Geistigkeit zunimmt. As-Salamu `alaykum, ay Yaran, geliebte Freunde Shah Mardans. Willkommen zu Shah Mardans gesegneter Versammlung. Männer und Frauen sollten zuhören. Marhaba, o Shah Mardan, Marhaba. Mögen wir uns ausdehnen. Möge unsere Versammlung eine gute Versammlung sein, eine gesegnete Versammlung. Möge es eine saubere Versammlung sein. Willkommen, beginnt, ay Yaran Shah Mardans. Ma sha' Allah, Kan wa ma lam Yasha' lam Yakun. Allahu Allah, Allahu Rabbi, Allahu Allah, Allahu Rabbi, Jalla wa `Ala. Subhanahu wa Ta`ala. Ein schwacher Diener. Qawwi Dha'fana fi Ridak. Stärke uns zu Deinem Wohlwollen. Unsere (8 von 16)04.07.2013 23:29:06

6570 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: OutOfBalance

Versammlung.. Yaran Shah Mardans. Was für ein schöner Ausspruch. Wir werden erfrischt und freudig. Warum? Weil wir unseren Herrn Jalla wa `Ala erinnern, den Eigner der Herrschaftsbereiche von Himmel und Erde, die Herrlichkeit des Herrn der Glorie, Seine Mächtigkeit und Ehre. Er hat den Sultan der Propheten mit diesen bekleidet, und Er hat seine (saws) Ummah auch damit bekleidet. Tragen wir diese Kleider! Machen wir Shukr, Preis und Dank, unserem Mawla! Aber welchen Wert hat unser Shukr? Unser Shukr - "Wa Qalilun min `Ibadiya sh-Shakuru" - und wenige der Sklaven sind dankbar (34:13). Der Herr der Macht und Glorie hat uns erschaffen. "Hal min Khaliqin Ghayrullahi" (35:3) - Gibt es einen Schöpfer außer Allah? Hasha! Es gibt keinen! Wa Huwa l-Khallaqu l-`Adhim - Und Er ist der Große Schöpfer. Allah der Allmächtige ist Einer. Er ist der Schöpfer. Wir müssen Ihn rühmen, preisen und verherrlichen, so daß wir Kraft und Macht finden können, so daß unser Name innerhalb die Göttlichen Sultanate geschrieben wird. O unser Herr, vergib uns. Wir sind Yaran Shah Mardans. Shah Mardan ist ein Löwe in Deiner Gegenwart und in der Gegenwart Deines Habib. Mögen unsere Namen in seiner Versammlung gehört werden. Mögen wir zu seinen Yaran, seinen geliebten Freunden, gehören. "Al-Mar'u ma`a man Ahabba" - jemand ist mit dem, den er liebt. Jene, die sich mit Löwen anfreunden, werden Löwen. Wer auch immer eine Ratte, eine Maus, als Freund nimmt, wird wie eine Ratte sein. Eine Ratte ist nichts, kein Wert. Alhamdulillah wa Shukrulillah. La Had wa la `Ad - ohne Grenze oder Zahl. Shukr für unseren Herrn.