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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (456/777)
may ask: 'For what did Allah give us the ego?' The ego's characteristic is like animal's characteristic: animals help you, they give service to you, but it is not from you. Only you may use them for your purposes, to help you, and you may ride camels or horses or load something on them. And same with the ego- it may carry you from yourself to the divine Presence. When Abu Yazid reached the divine Presence, he knocked the door and asked Allah Almighty: 'O my Lord, how can I reach to you? I like to come to You, o my Sultan, how can I do that?' And the divine answer came: 'Leave your ego and come.' Because no one is coming to the king and asking to reach to him and insisting that he must go in front of him riding on his horse. Everyone must come down and walk to the king. Allah said: 'Leave your horse outside and come. I don't like that one, the nafs, to come to me.' Therefore it is very important that our horses should behave and be under our control to take us to the divine Presence. Don't think that if you have a jet-plane you can reach East and West by yourself; no, you need a captain in it, who may fly it or teach you how you can fly yourself. People are therefore of two kinds, and some of them come and say: 'We can't make it to use our ego to reach Allah Almighty's divine Presence, but you know- we follow you.' The inheritors of the prophets may use that means, a plane, and they may reach. (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:27:20

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But there is no need for all the passengers to know how to use the plane. We are in need to teach our egos through our life and to know how we can be able to use it up to the divine Presence. When someone reaches there, Allah will order that person: 'Come to Me, but leave your ego outside.' He is not accepting egos to be in His divine Presence. It is a very important point that we must know how we can be able to control our ego. All obediency and servanthood, worshipping and prayers are only to prepare us how we can be inthe divine Presence. You must have someone for teaching you how you can be able to take yourself to the divine Presence and to make down your ego. The ego is never asking to bow to anyone, and you must make it to bow to its Creator, to Allah. The Prophet was saying in his prayer: 'O our Lord, don't leave us in our ego's hands even for the blink of an eye', because, if we are left to it, quickly we will fall down. Not to be in the hands of your ego you need your connection with Allah Almighty to be continuous, and nothing can be done for that purpose except through the remembrance of the holy Name of Allah- making Dhikr. You can only do this. We are asking to make one step to say 'Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim' for standing, 'Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim' for sitting, for eating, drinking, speaking- for anything and everytime you may say: 'Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim', and your connection will be continuous, never cut, always. Grandsheikh said: 'Now in our days it is enough for everyone to keep the connection if he says: 'Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim' for everything he is asking to de or to be in. If he is forgetting, he will be forgotten. There is a fuse, if it is broken, everyting is in darkness, no connection to the power at home. When a person is forgetting his Lord's existence, it means that his connection is cut, and he is in another place and Allah in His glory, and he must quickly make the connection again. When he says: (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:27:20

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'Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim' he is quickly making that connection and it is okay. When the fuse is blown, the Besmela makes it as before. No one can touch you. If you need to do something, according to your intention, the power will come to you. The only condition is that you must do and intend to reach to Allah. If not, that connection is never going to be made, and the fuse is broken, and you are automatically going to be with Shaitan. You fall in darkness, can't see, and can't do what you are asking to do. You can't see right, left, up, down, in front or behind- you are imprisoned through the darkness, in a dark world. Therefore be very careful to use from now on 'Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim' for everything. If your fuse is broken, quickly renew it or change it for a new one. This is an important association to be known by everyone, not only by Muslims, Arabs or Turks, no. Even people in the non-Muslim world must use it, because everyone is living in the same situation, or under the same circumstances. People are living in the same atmosphere. In winter we are all under the circumstances of winter; when the summer is coming, we get hot and say: Ohhh. This is never changing. Therefore man must try to do that, to use His holy Name, or His three holy Names, in the Besmela. If not, you can't reach to do anything with its perfection. Anyone who is not in connection with Allah Almighty is ever bringing anything to its perfection. Therefore everyone living on earth now must try to remember that he is always in the divine Presence. As a mirror showing people their forms, you are going to appear in mirror what you do. For everyone there is a special mirror- looking in it and coming in existence, and you should be free to choose for good or bad. If reaching that choice, you are happy and lucky. If you are not able to choose, that means, you never reach a perfection. (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:27:20

6329 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NotLetUsForgetHisHolyName

Many people can't choose by themselves. Therefore we are in need of someones- prophets and saints, their inheritors- who may choose for us what we are in need of really for our perfection. Everyone has a perfect position in their creation. You have a perfection that belongs only to you- no one else can be in that perfection. X has another perfection through his creation that no other person can reach, Y has again another perfection- like goats on mountains, each one is independent. When you are reaching to a person who may know your real and final position in the divine Presence and your perfection, who is looking to the Preserved Tablet, he may lead and guide you. That is the reason that mankind needs guides. The first man was a guide also. Prophets are all guides. O Allah, You are the real Sultan, the eternal Sultan. Try to be His right servants, true servants- for that purpose we have been created. May Allah bless you and our gathering and give us a good understanding. We need guides- without guides, no guidance. Lefke - 30.12.2001

CategoryEgo, CategoryGuidance (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:27:20

6330 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NotOnlyAHopeButAReality

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : NotOnlyAHopeButAReality


Not only a hope, but a reality

We have been ordered to say something about these miraculous times and events that are approaching soon, to make your unhappiness change to happiness, and to make you more patient... As much as you can hear and believe, you can reach happiness quickly. It is not only a hope, it is going to be a reality for you to be able to see Jesus Christ and Mehdi a.s.... A person may be sentenced to 4o years of prison and be told that after these 4o years he will be set free with someone’s help, and be king of the country. Will his sufferings affect him? 4o years of prison is suffering, but he knows that his suffering will end and that a kingdom will come to him. Joseph, S.Yusuf a.s., was a Prophet, and he was imprisoned, but it didn’t affect him because he was told through his dream that he would be the King of Egypt. Suffering is only for those who have no hope of a second life, of an eternal life... We know that the whole world is full of suffering, but that hope, our faith, our beliefs, can take all of that away from us. But those who don’t believe will always come under heavy burdens ... So we are trying to give to everyone hope for an eternal life, so that they can carry everything with enjoyment, and not be killed with all their suffering. That is important. You cannot know now, you cannot see it now. (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:27:21

6331 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NotOnlyAHopeButAReality

Therefore you must believe, because you cannot know until you are in it. Belief is something, but knowledge

is something else... May Allah grant us strong belief... Fatiha. 01.04.1999

BookOnthebridgetoEternity, CategoryPatience (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:27:21

6332 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoWayButSubmission

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : NoWayButSubmission


There Is No Other Way but Submission

In the words of Allah Almighty:                  Falammaa alqaw qaala Musa maa jitum bihi ’s-sihru inna Allaaha sayubtiluhu inna Allaaha laa yuslihu `amala ’l-mufsideen. When they had their throw, Moses said, "What you have brought is sorcery! Allah will surely make it of no effect, for Allah prospers not the work of those who make mischief. (Yunus, 10:81) That is it! Finished! He is finished. Indeed, Allah Almighty speaks the truth. If not today, then tomorrow, if not tomorrow, then the day after. It is the mission of the qutb: we do not want help from America. From today onwards, help will come from Qutb al-Mutasarrif! The people of Egypt are also blamed and responsible, as our Lord Exalted and Most High says:     wa ta`awanoo `ala al-birri wa al-taqwa. Help one another in righteousness and piety. (Al Ma`ida, 5:2) If they had attacked Libya they would have been responsible. They are fortunate because we would have (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:27:21

6333 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoWayButSubmission

taken revenge on them. They (Egyptians) need cooperation and they are scared of weapons. They have double the weapons of Libya, so why didn’t they use them to save the Muslims from that tyrant and oppressor? May Allah kill him! This will all end; no oppressor will last until the end of this year, until Rajab, the holy month of Allah. O our Lord! We leave it to You, we leave it to You, we leave it to You! In one moment millions, not thousands, were destroyed in Japan and still they are not settled. Asta`eedhu billah. Qooloo aslamnaa, “Say, ‘We submit!’” There is no other way except to submit. If they do not submit and leave democracy for Shari`atullah, they will all continue to die. A`oodhu billahi min ghadab al-Jabbar. I seek refuge in Allah from the anger of The Compeller. We are not joking; it entered, the movement has started. He will not leave them be; he will remove all of them. Na`oodhu billah. Na`oodhu billah. (Du`a.) Fatihah. Lefke, 14.03.2011

WebSufiLive, CategoryNature, CategoryJapan, CategoryLibya (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:27:21

6334 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoWayForMankindToSaveItself

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : NoWayForMankindToSaveItself


No way for mankind to save itself

Meded. (Help Us.) No way for mankind to save itself here and hereafter without asking heavenly support, and heavenly support is coming from heavenly ones. And we are saying first: 'Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim', O our Lord, we are running to You from our most dangerous enemy Shaitan. Save us from Shaitan and his tricks, save us not to fall in his traps. Countless tricks for Shaitan, and he is putting countless traps for mankind everywhere, so that you must be open-eyed for saving yourself. If not, you may fall in his traps, and it is difficult to save yourself. You will need someone to save you from that trap. Most people are in traps- just caught, and someone must come to open that trap and to save them. Commonly people have been caught by Shaitan's traps; only Anbiya, the prophets, and Awliya, their inheritors, the Saints, and are free. Once Shaitan came to the most Beloved Servant of Allah Almighty Sayidina Muhammad sws, when he was in a meeting with the Sahabas, his companions. Rasulullah asked him: 'Are you not knowing that it is forbidden for you to (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:27:22

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come to me, to where I am?' Allah Almighty is preventing Shaitan, he can't come to Prophets and also not to Awliya. Then Rasulullah asked Shaitan about S.Omar r.a.: 'How are you with Omar?' , and Shaitan said: 'When I am seeing that he is turning to come on me on the same way or street, I am turning back on another direction, not to come face to face with him.' S.Omar was not a prophet, but a Sahaba, and all of the Sahabas had sainthood. To look to a prophet gives high honour to a servant. We have been honoured to be from the nation of Rasulullah and we were not with him, when he had been sent as a prophet. We believe according to the news that reached our ears, and we accept him as a prophet, without seeing him. But the Sahaba met him, they heard what he said and they saw him, therefore their rank is so high. To see and to meet someone and to accept him is one thing; to believe without seeing, only by hearing about that one is something else. To look and to believe is much more powerful. Therefore all the Sahaba are Awliya, and their ranks are so high. Even if a person just came in front of the Prophet and said to him: 'O Muhammad sws, I am witnessing that Allah Almighty is One and that you are His Prophet', this is more than saying it now times after the Prophet. Seeing him and saying: 'Ya Muhammad, I am believing what you bring to us about Your Lord's Existence and His Oneness and I am saying 'La ilaha ill-Allah', following you and believing in what you say. And I also believe that you have been sent by the Lord as a prophet. Without seeing the Lord of Heavens I believe in Him, and I am seeing you and I believe in you and that everything that you inform us of is true. I accept the Existence of Allah and His Oneness and Eternity.' Who was looking to the Prophet and saying this to him, Rasulullah is going to be witness for him in the Divine Presence, and he will say: 'O Allah, this servant declared Your Unity and Oneness in front of me and he said 'La ilaha (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:27:22

6336 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoWayForMankindToSaveItself

ill-Allah', and also he declared that I am that one who brings to mankind the last message about the Existence and Oneness of the Lord of Heavens'. Without seeing the Prophet is another point. The biggest Awliya are the Sahaba, and the top level is for them. Other people's level is under that level. Shaitan fears to come to Awliya, and it is forbidden for him to run after prophets also. He can't. And he fears the followers of prophets, the Saints, he fears they may destroy his long-time efforts against Islam, for what he was tiring himself. We said Shaitan is everywhere and he is coming to everyone except the Awliya. He can't come closer to them, because they have been dressed heavenly lights, and those lights burn Shaitan, making him to escape. Therefore we must try to reach to Awliya for divine support. If not finding that one, you will always stay on earth or underground, finished. Why is the Islamic world coming down now? Because the Muslims are misguided by some representatives of Shaitan. Shaitan prepared representatives for himself, and those people are trying to show the right path of Islam as a wrong path. They claim that they make a new way, open a new way for Islam. We are not accepting that. Islam is in its perfection, its perfect perfection. Nothing can be changed for Islam. They claim that they live in the 21st century and that Islam is not suitable for the new generation or for the 21st century. But they are liars. All nations, humanity is in need of Islam, because perfection for mankind may only be with Islam, not with any other idea or way. And there are so many schools of thought and ideas, which people think on, making so many ways- all of them are false. So many philosophers or square-head people try to make a way for mankind- but it is impossible. They claim that they make a new way, but maybe they are just by themselves or maybe a group of people may follow them; but they can't reach to make their idea a world-wide idea (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:27:22

6337 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoWayForMankindToSaveItself

which people may be interested in and which they may follow. Only Islam is in its perfection, and it may carry billions of people after it. Beyond Islam you can't find anything to make people's hearts in contentment, no. You may say something, and someone is saying: 'I may say what he is saying, or I may say something else.' Similar or not- but you are going to be the first one to leave your own way. The philosophers in all the schools of philosophy themselves changed through their life so many times their way. They may say something in the morning and in the evening they may say the opposite, saying: 'It was not true.' Nighttime they may say something, and when the sun is shining, they may say something else again: 'O, what I said night time, it is useless.' In summer thinking something and putting some ideas, when winter comes, saying: 'What I said in summer is all useless.' Everything that is man-made you can't trust on it, mind productions are nothing. But people insist by satanic advice and they say: 'We must do this or that to correct the life of mankind', or they are claiming that they may change the mentality of people from one way to another way. And it is so difficult to change people's mentality and minds, because when you say this, someone else is saying: 'No, why should I follow that one? I may think something also. That is his mentality and his mind production, but I have a mind and mentality also, so I may do as he did. That one can't be; maybe no support for his ideas and he is going to vanish and finish. I have the power for this country in my hands. Therefore I may say and order, encourage people or force them to do as I am doing or as I am saying.' That is the only chance for those who do something without heavenly support through their mentalities and mind productions, the only chance for those who keep power in their hands. Therefore there are so many -isms, like Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, Kemalism, Liberalism, Feminism, Hayvanism, so many, because they have power. Through their power they force people to follow (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:27:22

6338 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoWayForMankindToSaveItself

them. Even people hate those ideas, but they do by force, because they are slaves. And that is a punishment from the Lord of Heavens for people, because they refused to be servants of the Lord Almighty Allah, so Allah makes them slaves for those devils. That is a punishment from the Lord of Heavens, who is putting on them some tyrants. Why tyrants are coming? Like the German tyrant Hitler, the Italian tyrant Mussolini, the Russian tyrants Trotzki, Stalin and Lenin? And other tyrants in Turkey, in Iraq, in Egypt, in Hijaz, in Yemen- everywhere Allah Almighty is sending on people tyrants. It is a punishment from Him, because people refused to be servants of the Lord, asking freedom, freedom, freedom. And that means freedom from religious commands or heavenly commands. They are asking to save themselves from all heavenly commands. One hundred years ago in Turkey people brought down Sultan Abdul Hamid and they were saying: 'Freedom, hurriyet', because the Sultan was keeping the holy law of Allah, the Shariat, and people were asking to save themselves from being servants of Allah. The Shariat, the heavenly law, is asking people to be servants for the Lord. When people refused it and took it away to save themselves, Allah Almighty sent on them tyrants as a punishment. It is not a blessing. They were asking freedom and Allah gave it to them, but making on them a tyrant, who is also free to deal with people with every worst dealing. No justice, no mercy, no any good thing comes from tyrants to people, they are dealing with people in a worst way. They are all oppressors, sadists, dishonoured and dishonest people. Allah is sending them on people. Now whole Dunya in our days is living in fear, and most people, 99% of the people, is living without any hope- they lost their hope. When a person looses hope, it means, he is like dead, his book is closed. Who is hopeless (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:27:22

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for tomorrow, he is finished. And after hopelessness fear is surrounding them from outside and rushing on their heart, so that they are going to be in the worst condition, and their life is going to be the life of Hell. If a person looses hope, it means he died and every cursing is on him. To be hopeless is forbidden in Islam, and we say: 'Alhamdulillah- today is better than yesterday, tomorrow is better than today.' This hope may only be given through the Awliya, through their heavenly powers, and they may give to those, who believe in them and who come together around them. Like in the time of the Prophet; when the Sahabas were alone, they were fearing and hopeless, but when they were with the Prophet, they were full of hope, power and contentment. And every time you may find his inheritors in the world now. All people are in need only the declaration of such a person, and him to reach to people with his spiritual power, to take away from them the darkness of their hopeless thinking about what is coming on them tomorrow. Who is reaching to the Rijalullah, to the Prophet and his inheritors, the Saints, who are all friends of Allah Almighty, may say: 'Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim' and sleep. No troubles with them, no. They may say: 'O my Lord, my soul is in Your Hands. By Your command it may be taken when I am sleeping. If You are asking to take my soul, keep it through the lights of Paradise. If You are asking to send my soul back to my body, keep me with You, not to be with Shaitan and his followers.' This is a strange association, that may go in different directions, but as a summary it is signing what people are in need of and it is telling also about people's spiritual difficulties, how they should be saved and how must be the saviour of mankind. May Allah forgive us and give you what you are in need of from Him and His Prophet. May Allah bless you. (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:27:22

6340 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoWayForMankindToSaveItself

Lefke - 03.01.2002

CategorySahaba, CategoryOppression (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:27:22

6341 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NowBeOnAllahsSide

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : NowBeOnAllahsSide


Now be on Allah’s Side - use the heavenly Balance!

As-salamu alaikum!… Good people…good people! Audhu bi-llahi mina Shaitan rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah, ai-una bi aunullah, ai-una, arithuna! Ya Rabbi o our Lord, protect Your weak servants from (Your) bad servant Shaitan. Shaitan is (also a) servant, but (a) bad servant. All of us (we are) His Almighty’s servants, but one group (they are) good servants, another group (they are) bad servants. (There) can’t be a third party, no! Hizb-Allah, hizbu Shaitan; one group belongs to Allah, running to reach His Almighty’s Pleasure, asking their Lord’s Pleasure, trying to make Allah Almighty pleased with them, (and the) second group they are following (the) shaitanic way and their teacher is Shaitan. (He is a) cursed one; Shaitan (is) never taking any care for his Lord Almighty Allah and His Pleasure. He is saying: “I am not listening to You, I am not respecting”-Astaghfirullah!- “Your Order, I am not taking any care (1 von 8)04.07.2013 23:27:23

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for Your servanthood“- Astaghfirullah!- ”I am free. I am going to do everything and I am running after Your servants, to take them on my way, not to believe. I shall try after Your servants, I shall do everything that it is possible to do; I am not leaving any chance not using to make Your servants not to believe in You and not to take respect for Your Orders. That is my mission now!” And now (the) whole world, 99 % and more, (they are) following (the) shaitanic way, shaitanic ways! They are saying: “No God”, and he is saying to them: “Everyone is God; you are creating yourself. You must be ordering or not, preventing!” That is a new Methab. O people, how? Therefore I am asking humbly from Allah Almighty: “O our Lord, don’t leave our dirty egos to follow Shaitan and its followers!” That is the meaning (of): “Allahumma la takilni ila nafsi tarfatain- O our Lord, don’t leave ourselves through the hands of our dirty ego!” And don’t say: “I am a good one“