Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (450/777)
Dunya zu schicken, es reicht, ich weiß schon, wer du bist. Und wenn du hundertmal zurückkämest, du wärst immer noch derselbe.“ Möge Allah uns vergeben! Versucht, eure Bemühungen zum Wohlgefallen eures Herrn Allah des Allmächtigen sein zu lassen! Dann gehört Alles euch. Wenn ihr den Freuden eures Egos hinterherlauft, ist alles umsonst. Möge Allah uns vergeben! Dieser Monat ist heilig! Jede Bemühung wird ‚Küken’ bringen, doch die Leute laufen weg. Sie sagen: „Wir können nicht fasten, wir können nicht beten, wir müssen arbeiten, wir müssen dies und jenes tun, wir müssen unseren Egos folgen. O.k., es ist in Ordnung, was ihr getan habt, werdet ihr wiederfinden! “ Möge Allah uns vergeben um der Ehre des Meistgeehrten in der göttlichen Gegenwart, Sayyidina Muhammad willen Al-Fatiha Lefke - 03.11.2003 (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:27:00
6240 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NiederlageAlsErmahnung
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : NiederlageAlsErmahnung
Niederlage als Ermahnung
Hört nun, wenn ihr zuhören könnt, könnt ihr es tun. Unser Großsheikh betete einmal: „Gib uns, o unser Herr, von Deiner Macht Tapferkeit und klares Denken, damit wir unsere himmlischen Stationen erreichen. Laß uns rechte Eingebungen zukommen, hilf uns auf unserem Weg zu Deiner Göttlichen Gegenwart.“ Unser Großsheikh sagte zu mir: „O Nazim Efendi, die Sahaba wurden manchmal im Krieg besiegt, und sie fragten den Propheten: ‚Wie kann das sein? Wir kämpften unter Göttlichem Befehl!‘ Sie waren überrascht. Der Prophet sprach zu ihnen, indem er Abu Bakr anredete, wie es seine Art war, ohne Rücksicht darauf, wer die Frage gestellt hatte. Dies weist darauf hin, daß Abu Bakr as-Siddiq der erste in hoher Position unter den Sahaba war und daß er die größte Fähigkeit besaß, die Worte des Propheten zu verstehen. Dies ist auch ein Hinweis für die Leute darauf, die Nachrichten von Abu Bakr anzunehmen, dem ersten Nachfolger. Er sagte: ‚Ya Abu Bakr, wenn wir immer siegreich wären, könnte es Illusionen in uns hervorrufen.‘ Wenn wir denken, daß Sieg durch unsere Kraft und unsere gut gemachten Pläne kommt, dann kommt vielleicht eine höchst gefährliche Sache auf uns zu: daß wir vergessen, daß die Kraft eine Gunst von Allah an uns ist. Er sagt im Qur’an: ‚Wenn Ich mit dir bin, kann niemand dir schaden; und wenn Ich nicht mit dir bin, dann kann dir niemand helfen.‘ Jede Nation, die sich auf des Herrn Macht und Hilfe verläßt, wird gewinnen. Die Anzahl der Waffen und Truppen ist nicht wichtig, wichtig aber ist, wenn Armeen aufeinandertreffen, welche Seite Allah der Allmächtige unterstützt. Fürchtet euch nicht, wenn ihr wenige an Zahl seid; ihr müßt euch mit eurem (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:27:01
6241 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NiederlageAlsErmahnung
Herrn bewegen, um Seinetwillen, dann wird Er mit euch sein.“ - (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:27:01
6242 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoBlessingsForWivesWhoGoToWork
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : NoBlessingsForWivesWhoGoToWork
No blessings for wives who go to work
We cannot expect to find ladies to marry in the West who are keeping the Shariah completely. But if we can find someone who is respecting the Shariah and not working outside, but looking after her home, her husband and her children, it is enough. A Muslim should never let his wife work. Even if she would bring home 10000 pieces of gold every month, there would still not be any blessing on it. It is against the Shariah to send your wife to work for people. She must keep her honour. If she gets out without the protection of her husband or of a maher she is putting her honour under the feet of people. Believers have honour and we must keep it. Even if we are only able to afford dry bread it is better than if your wife makes it possible for you to eat chicken and mutton, curry and halwa every day. I'm especially advising the brothers from Pakistan not to let their ladies go to work. Perhaps they need to before they get married, that doesn't matter. But when they get married every responsibility lies on the shoulders of the husband. It is not right to let your wife work for other men. Look after her. If it is difficult to do straight away, let her come slowly, slowly back to her home. If Muslims would keep that rule one of the biggest problems in every country: unemployment, would be solved. People think that just because they live in America, haram becomes halal! Dunya is like three days, but after that comes Akhirat. Be patient with your dry bread and salt, but don't go against Allah's Command. (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:27:02
6243 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoBlessingsForWivesWhoGoToWork
You did not come to this country for the sake of Allah. You think that there is another Allah in America. The provision intended for you will not change, but you will be loaded with much more work. You will be like a donkey thinking for 24 hours a day about your work. You eat the same food in Pakistan: chicken, curry and rice. I thought that you might be eating lamb, kebabs, köfte and halva here. But every time I come to a Pakistani house it is the same curry, chicken and rice. Nothing has changed. The only difference is that you have been loaded much more with the burdens of life and you have to work much more. All you are trying to do is to save more money, money, money... Oh people, try to correct your ways! Look once again if you are living the way Allah wants you to. One way goes to Heaven the other to hell. Look on which way you are running. This life is not a joke, take it seriously. The real honour is if you are working for Him, not for this world. 01.01.1997
BookPureHearts, CategoryWoman, CategoryPakistan, CategoryWesternNation (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:27:02
6244 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NobodyRemainedWhoCanBeASheikhAnyMore
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : NobodyRemainedWhoCanBeASheikhAnyMore
Nobody remained who can be a Sheikh anymore
Nobody remained who can be a Sheikh anymore...There are no more Muslims, people have become useless... Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim - I am throwing a bomb toward Shaitan- Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim... What I am saying is not from myself, it is not my words. Who is speaking from himself is just a translator for his ego...For us they opened a huge line, and we are speaking from there. Adab is the most precious jewel that has been given to man. Without Adab you cannot approach the Divine Presence. Without Adab you are thrown away, useless. There is an Ayat in the Holy Quran which tells us to deal with each other with Adab and to give respect to those who are honoured people. But because they put the respected ones down, we have no more useful people. I am asking: Are there any more respected people, whose door is always open, who people like to visit, kiss their hand, respect them, and whose words are (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:27:03
6245 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NobodyRemainedWhoCanBeASheikhAnyMore
listened to? No. Not in Konya, not in Istanbul, and that is a city with over 10 Million inhabitants... A shame for people... And everyone is suffering. Why? What is their worry? Dunya. Otherwise there is nothing to worry about. And Allah wants to take you out, He wants to save you. Turn to His service, turn your face towards Him, then no worry remains. People say: We have no time to listen to Sheikh's cassettes, we are in the economic crises... And they need police, because there are no more people with turban who are full of heybet... Worry about Dunya made us useless. O Allah, don't make Dunya our biggest worry! And nowadays people's biggest worry is Dunya. Even for the Muslims, and it is not suitable for a believer. The face of a real believer is shining. His aim is Allah, and therefore Allah gives him Mu'in-angels, helper-angels on his side. But if one does not have Allah as an aim, all they time one has to count and worry, and still reach to nothing, and it makes one crazy, because always Shaitan is interfering to spoil it. Grandsheikh was telling the story of a man who was trading with carpets. He used to do all the prayers and closed his shop when it was time for prayer. And he used to sell about 100 carpets every day. Then somehow it came to him that he wanted to increase his business and he started to leave out this or that prayer, this or that Sunnah, to have more time for selling carpets. But at the end of the day he noticed that he just sold 80 carpets and not 1oo like before, even he had ,saved' two hours for business. So the next day he left more prayers, but at the end he counted and they only sold about 60 carpets. This is a teaching story, no matter if it happened or not, but it contains truth. Then finally he said to his people: O servants of Allah, look, there is a lesson for us in what happened. As long as we kept strongly and respected the order of Allah, He made our trading easy and we were earning so much. But from the moment that we started to neglect the prayer (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:27:03
6246 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NobodyRemainedWhoCanBeASheikhAnyMore
and din't follow His orders anymore, thinking that we would earn much more, our provision was cut down. O believers, don't think what you earn is from you, because of your effort. But it comes from the helper-angels that Allah sends to help the believers, and who make things easy and blessed. There was a Sheikh in Daghestan, Sheikh Surughi Hazletleri. He used to drop everything and go to the mosque as soon as the Adhan was being called. One time Shaitan came to visit him in disguise. Sheikh Surughi was building something, and just they called the Adhan. He dropped the brick that he just wanted to put in its place. ,O master', Shaitan said quickly, ,why don't you finish what you are doing? What is the hurry? I am advising you to finish this, it will be more easy for you.' ,Look, whoever you are', Sheikh Surughi replied, ,don't you go to the mosque? Then, if you want to help me and do something good for me, you continue and put the bricks.' But Shaitan had some excuses and so the Sheikh said: ,Since you didn't come to do a goodness to me, go to hell.' The more you keep Allah's orders and respect Him, the more help He will send to you. There are so many holy ones in Konya, but the people are only worrying about Dunya. They are died with the common colour, it is no more a ,green city' like it used to be... I am leaving everything to Allah. O Allah, send happiness to the hearts of believers and fear to the hearts of unbelievers, the enemies of Islam. Lefke - 09.12.2001
CategoryPrayer, CategoryWorries, CategoryGrandSheikh (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:27:03
6247 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NobodyRemainedWhoCanBeASheikhAnyMore (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:27:03
6248 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoCureForABiteOfShaitan
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : NoCureForABiteOfShaitan
No cure for a bite of Shaitan! Or: O man, keep your honour!
...As-salamu alaikum! To be in safety, insha Allah, here and Hereafter, use as much as possible say: "As-salamu alaikum", (so that) Malaik, Angels, (are) saying also on you: "Salam, safety, here and Hereafter!" Destur, ya Sayyidi, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah! Audhu bi-llahi mina Shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. That is the sign of (a) Muslim: to run away from Shaitan, because Shaitan (is) running after mankind. Shaitan (is) running after the Children of Adam, therefore you must call Allah Almighty and ask protection or you may fall in Shaitans trap. And Shaitan (is) using hundreds of tricks to make you to fall into (his) trap! Don’t sleep! Wake up, o mankind! Don’t say: "I am powerful", no, you are weak, weak one! You must ask your Lords protection. Don’t forget to say: "Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim … Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim… O our Lord, I am running to You from Shaitans tricks!" What is his main target, Shaitans? His main target (is) to make whole mankind to be caught in his trap. Who (is) falling in Shaitans trap, must go with him to Hells. Shaitan (is) never happy (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:27:04
6249 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoCureForABiteOfShaitan
that (the) Children of Adam to be happy here or Hereafter, no, he is so angry! (He is) saying: "For your reason, reason, I fall, I have been thrown away from (the) divinely Presence. Therefore I am going to make my whole ability, capability, energy, everything, my target (is) to make you to fall in (the) same Hells, not to be happy through your life on earth, or after this life for eternal life. I (am) never happy that mankind to be happy eternally. No! I shall try and (I am) making (an) oath that I shall try (with) as much as possible effort to make (the) Children of Adam to be with me, in troubles here and in Hells there!" Therefore beware (of) Shaitan! But people they are writing: Beware (of the) dog! On every door there is a writing: Beware (of the) dog. Dog, not dog is such a terrible (creature) like Shaitan. (A) dog may bite you and you can cure that, but if Shaitan (is) biting you, that is difficult, very difficult, no cure! Therefore, the sign of (a) Muslim is to say: "Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim! O our Lord, please protect me!" Allah He is (the) Protector of countless universes and people that they are thinking (that) Allah Almighty (is) coming and protecting… No! But our Adab, good manners, (is) to call Him and then Allah Almighty (is) sending protectors for you. Really you can find (a) protector for you from mankind also from spiritual people, holy people, but (the) Adab, good manner, (is) to say: "O my Lord, please protect me from Shaitan (who is) running after me and maybe I may fall in its trap!" Therefore it is (the) sign of (a) Muslim to say: "Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim!" Then you have been protected. You have been protected. Then you must know that you are weak servants. And the Lord of Heavens giving to you such an honour and saying: "O My servants!" To be servants of (the) Lord (is a) so high honour, you can’t find a limit for that honour! That Allah Almighty (is saying): "F’abudni! O My servant, pray for Me and worship (Me), o My servant. F’abudni, worship Me and try to be My servant and My servanthood is such a big honour that you can’t imagine!" If a King (is) asking to you to come to be his guardian or servant and (he is) dressing you (the) royal clothes (that) belongs to (the) guardians and servants of (that) King or Queen, you should (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:27:04
6250 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoCureForABiteOfShaitan
be so proud!... You are not looking Buckingham palace guardians, how they are? (If) you (are) looking, (they are) like this, never changing the (clothes) … they are so proud with these big hats, clothes, that belongs to her Majesty King or her Majesty Queen. What do you think, if Allah Almighty (is) calling you: "O My servants, o My creatures, come, come! I am distinguishing you with some honour that I never granted it even to Angels!" You can understand, you can think on it? You must think on it! (It is) better million times than to have (a title): "I graduated... I graduated from Oxford University!" (He is dressing) like this and putting a hat on his head- heedless person- on his person (???) something, keeping (a diploma, showing himself)… "I am that one!" "Who are you?" "I am..." (He is) not saying (his) first name Thomas or William or George… (but) he is saying: "I am PHD Dr. William!" Making first his honours and his name at the end. So proud! What is that! They are thinking that is their high honour! Some of them (are) using the letters of... alphabetic letters, saying: "Oh! I have (an) honour that (the) 29 or 30 letters (of the Alphabet) it is not enough to show my honour!" Putting eye-glasses; that means VIP person! VIP person that is not honour, but people they like it! And your Lord (is) giving to you such an honour (that) even Angels had not been granted and you are not appreciating that honour? What is that foolishness? That is limits of foolishness, limits of to be ignorant. How we are running away from our Lords magnificent honour (that He) granted us without anything? It is a gift from Allah! People (are) running here, running there- no one (is) appreciating now the honour of servanthood of the Lord of Heavens! What is going to be for them here and Hereafter? Which thing (is) looking after those people? To where they are reaching? (They are) reaching to … Tauba, Astaghfirullah… reaching to sewages… People (are) running on sewage! (They are) not asking to be out, to be clean, to be honoured, but they are running (to) sewage channels. "Ya Hu", I am saying, "you may die" - not you, those Shaitan people, they may die in sewage channels! "Which one is good? (The channel of) New York… or WC-channels, Washington better? Or Moscow better? Or Ankara better? Or Peking better? Which (one)?" "O my friend, from where you reached to that... from where (you) graduated?" "O my brother, I am (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:27:04
6251 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoCureForABiteOfShaitan
graduated from the channels of London"… "I have graduated from Sorbonne sewage channels" or "I am graduated from Moscow sewage channels"… "Do you think that there is another channels over our channel?" "Yes, maybe, maybe in Pakistan… Maybe Pakistan, yes, if you are going (to) Pakistan and graduating, you are going to be fighters!" "What about in Turkey?" "Turkey is also very good, their level, for fighting and killing and destroying and making each other down… that is their honour also." "What about Germans?" "Germans, ehhh, they are so… sometimes they are using their minds and running to Berlin, sometimes not using, going to Bonn, sometimes they are saying Roms channels is better, because Adriatical channels may run and Mediterranean channels may run in it... and also Spanish channels…. You tried (it), o my brother?" "I am trying, but no time now, I am getting elder… If I may come (for the) second time- as ‘kuru kafali’ (is) saying that we are coming so many times- next time I am coming like a donkey to run, or like a rat... and trying to find, which channels is best!" "You are true? You think there is such a thing that a person is coming next time?" "Yes, Sir! It is our honour also, that once we are going to be (a) dog, once (we are) going to be (a) donkey, once (we are) going to be (a) cat, once (we are) going to be (a) camel, once (we are) going to be (a) jackal, once (we are) going to be…" "(Are we) never going to be mankind?" "No, no, finished! You are running (to) another channels, to reach another levels of life!" "Who said this?" "Kuru, kuru kafali, dry head"… ‘Kuru’ means dry in Turkish... their minds (are) just dry…"Yes, I hope (that) when I am finishing this time and changing for a second time, I am hoping to be a ‘kuru (kafali)’…" that you can’t look at his face! If you are looking at his face, you can’t eat (for) 7 days anything, so, so…! Chimpanzee is better, their face… No chimpanzee, gorilla! Gorilla belongs to Europeans. Indian ‘kurus’- they may have different kinds of apes- they may show themselves (as) any kind of them… Yes? Yes, Sir! That is our situation that they are saying: "We reached the top of civilization through (the) 21st century." I am saying: "Congratulation that you are... once again you are turning back to (be) animals! Because you are not getting to be honoured. You are refusing the honour of being from mankind and you are asking to come back to animals world! And congratulations for your understanding and your new level that I think it is lower the animals level also!" May Allah forgive us! (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:27:04
6252 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoCureForABiteOfShaitan
O people, whole world people, beware of Shaitan! What we are saying, all of it- (that the) aim of Shaitan (is) to make you, to take you away from heavenly servanthood and its honour to make you like animals world and (even) under their levels- no one can say (anything) or object (on) what I am saying! If (they are) saying (anything) anyone- come here! I am teaching you! I can teach, I may show (you the) right way! I am authorized one, I am authorized one, to make people to find their ways and to keep their honours, (and to teach those,) whom they lost their real targets and the meaning of their creating and (the understanding about) real honour, what it is. I am the lowest one who may teach whole mankind their honours and their conditions now... May Allah forgive us! For the honour of the most honoured one in (His) divine Presence S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha! Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Aziz Allah... Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Karim Alah… Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhan Allah… Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Sultan Allah…… Sultan Sensin, ya Rabb! Allahumma salli wa sallim ‘ala Nabiyina Muhammad ‘alayhi salam, salatan tadumu wa tughda ilay, mamarra layali wa tula dawam… Fatiha! Lefke, 15.3.2008 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel
BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryPride, CategoryEducation (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:27:04
6253 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoDivineLawsWithoutASultan
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : NoDivineLawsWithoutASultan
No Divine Laws without a Sultan
We need a Sultan. Without a Sultan we will not be able to defend ourselves in a Divine Way. There must be one Sultan for all Muslims. That is the Holy Command of Allah the Almighty. But people have lost it. 75 years ago the Turks threw away their Caliph, the Sultan. The ancestors of the Muslims of Hindistan helped to save the Maqqam-ul-Khilafa, the Sultan, but finally they were cheated. For 75 years now the Muslims have lost their Sultan. The Shariah cannot work without a Sultan, and a Sultan cannot work without the Shariah. One completes the other. You must always remind people of this. In 1999 it is the 700th anniversary of the beginning of the Ottoman Empire. We hope that Allah the Almighty will give them their power to be on the way of Islam as they were before. 01.01.1997
BookPureHearts, CategoryKhalifa, CategoryTurkey, CategoryLaw, CategoryKingdom 23:27:04
6254 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoDropIsUnhappy
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : NoDropIsUnhappy
No Drop Is Unhappy to Reach the Ocean
(Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah `Azeez Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah Kareem Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhaan Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah! (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Yaa RijaalAllah. Alfu salaat, alfu salaam `ala Sayyidi 'l-Awwaleen wa’l-Akhireen, Sayyidina Muhammad (s). (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) Thumma 's-salaamu `alaykum yaa Anbiyaaullah, As-salaamu `alayka yaa awliyaaullah! As-salaamu `alaykum, yaa Saahibu ‘l-Waqt. As-salaamu `alaykum, yaa Saahibu z`-Zamaan, yaa Saahibu ‘l-Imdaad, yaa Qutbu`l-Aqtaab, yaa Mutasarrifu `alaa wajhihi `l-ard wa tahtahoo wa fawqah. As- salaamu `alaykum, yaa `ibaadAllahi 's-Saliheen. As-salaamu `alaykum yaa Mu'mineen. As-salaamu `alaykum yaa hadireen. As-salaamu `alaykum yaa gha`ibeen. As-salaamu `alaykum yaa ahlu haadhihi `d- dunya, as-salaamu `alaykum man qubbar fee maqaabiri `l-Muslimeen. Allah yufarrij `anhum, karbahu, wa hammahum fi `d-dunya wa fi `l -akhirah. Dastoor, yaa RijaalAllah. (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:27:05
6255 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoDropIsUnhappy
O our Attenders! As-salaamu `alaykum and welcome! We are asking all believers to be in a good position, here and Hereafter. And we are saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r- Raheem. We are weak ones; therefore, Allah Almighty is granting us to say, bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. There are endless Power Oceans in bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem, and never-ending heavenly blessings come on people when they are saying, bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Allah, Allah. SubhaanAllah, Sultaan Allah. Madad. O People! We are weak ones, and we are not claiming we are powerful ones. Don't think that technology is giving to you power, no. Everything on Earth is in Weakness Oceans. Everything is trembling, and if no heavenly support is coming, even atoms can't be in existence; they are looking for heavenly support to be in existence. Only Mankind are heedless ones, because they are looking to only what is in front of their eyes and they are thinking that such instruments are giving them power, no! Allah, Allah. SubhaanAllah. O People! This world is running on its last station. For every beginning there must be an ending, and this dunya is running to its last point. When that last point arrives, dunya will disappear in the Power Oceans of Allah Almighty! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) O our Lord! Forgive us and give us a chance for understanding that yesterday we were coming in existence and tomorrow we are going to disappear. Our appearance is a show. Don't think that today was a copy from yesterday, no! And you must not think that tomorrow is coming to be just a copy for today, no! Everything is changing; running to its last station, and for everything there is a last station. This is a material world that will end in a heavenly station, and when reaching that station then appearances on this world are finished. O People! You must think on something. Allah (swt) granted to Mankind a heavenly condition for understanding, that our thinking is not from the material world, but it is from unseen worlds that we are saying "heavens." It is coming from there. If it is cut off, then just finished. And what you understand from this life is going with you and that is what belongs to heavens; it does not belong to this material, or physical world, no. This is just finishing, and everything is leaving and every living one must be taken away. One day it is going to be nothing! When we are going to be nothing, when heavenly power that is supporting our lives here is taken back, that means we are going to be dust. Only what is necessary for Mankind (remains), because the Lord of Heavens is never creating anything for nothing, or to be nothing! Everyone has been (2 von 5)04.07.2013
Dunya zu schicken, es reicht, ich weiß schon, wer du bist. Und wenn du hundertmal zurückkämest, du wärst immer noch derselbe.“ Möge Allah uns vergeben! Versucht, eure Bemühungen zum Wohlgefallen eures Herrn Allah des Allmächtigen sein zu lassen! Dann gehört Alles euch. Wenn ihr den Freuden eures Egos hinterherlauft, ist alles umsonst. Möge Allah uns vergeben! Dieser Monat ist heilig! Jede Bemühung wird ‚Küken’ bringen, doch die Leute laufen weg. Sie sagen: „Wir können nicht fasten, wir können nicht beten, wir müssen arbeiten, wir müssen dies und jenes tun, wir müssen unseren Egos folgen. O.k., es ist in Ordnung, was ihr getan habt, werdet ihr wiederfinden! “ Möge Allah uns vergeben um der Ehre des Meistgeehrten in der göttlichen Gegenwart, Sayyidina Muhammad willen Al-Fatiha Lefke - 03.11.2003 (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:27:00
6240 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NiederlageAlsErmahnung
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : NiederlageAlsErmahnung
Niederlage als Ermahnung
Hört nun, wenn ihr zuhören könnt, könnt ihr es tun. Unser Großsheikh betete einmal: „Gib uns, o unser Herr, von Deiner Macht Tapferkeit und klares Denken, damit wir unsere himmlischen Stationen erreichen. Laß uns rechte Eingebungen zukommen, hilf uns auf unserem Weg zu Deiner Göttlichen Gegenwart.“ Unser Großsheikh sagte zu mir: „O Nazim Efendi, die Sahaba wurden manchmal im Krieg besiegt, und sie fragten den Propheten: ‚Wie kann das sein? Wir kämpften unter Göttlichem Befehl!‘ Sie waren überrascht. Der Prophet sprach zu ihnen, indem er Abu Bakr anredete, wie es seine Art war, ohne Rücksicht darauf, wer die Frage gestellt hatte. Dies weist darauf hin, daß Abu Bakr as-Siddiq der erste in hoher Position unter den Sahaba war und daß er die größte Fähigkeit besaß, die Worte des Propheten zu verstehen. Dies ist auch ein Hinweis für die Leute darauf, die Nachrichten von Abu Bakr anzunehmen, dem ersten Nachfolger. Er sagte: ‚Ya Abu Bakr, wenn wir immer siegreich wären, könnte es Illusionen in uns hervorrufen.‘ Wenn wir denken, daß Sieg durch unsere Kraft und unsere gut gemachten Pläne kommt, dann kommt vielleicht eine höchst gefährliche Sache auf uns zu: daß wir vergessen, daß die Kraft eine Gunst von Allah an uns ist. Er sagt im Qur’an: ‚Wenn Ich mit dir bin, kann niemand dir schaden; und wenn Ich nicht mit dir bin, dann kann dir niemand helfen.‘ Jede Nation, die sich auf des Herrn Macht und Hilfe verläßt, wird gewinnen. Die Anzahl der Waffen und Truppen ist nicht wichtig, wichtig aber ist, wenn Armeen aufeinandertreffen, welche Seite Allah der Allmächtige unterstützt. Fürchtet euch nicht, wenn ihr wenige an Zahl seid; ihr müßt euch mit eurem (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:27:01
6241 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NiederlageAlsErmahnung
Herrn bewegen, um Seinetwillen, dann wird Er mit euch sein.“ - (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:27:01
6242 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoBlessingsForWivesWhoGoToWork
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : NoBlessingsForWivesWhoGoToWork
No blessings for wives who go to work
We cannot expect to find ladies to marry in the West who are keeping the Shariah completely. But if we can find someone who is respecting the Shariah and not working outside, but looking after her home, her husband and her children, it is enough. A Muslim should never let his wife work. Even if she would bring home 10000 pieces of gold every month, there would still not be any blessing on it. It is against the Shariah to send your wife to work for people. She must keep her honour. If she gets out without the protection of her husband or of a maher she is putting her honour under the feet of people. Believers have honour and we must keep it. Even if we are only able to afford dry bread it is better than if your wife makes it possible for you to eat chicken and mutton, curry and halwa every day. I'm especially advising the brothers from Pakistan not to let their ladies go to work. Perhaps they need to before they get married, that doesn't matter. But when they get married every responsibility lies on the shoulders of the husband. It is not right to let your wife work for other men. Look after her. If it is difficult to do straight away, let her come slowly, slowly back to her home. If Muslims would keep that rule one of the biggest problems in every country: unemployment, would be solved. People think that just because they live in America, haram becomes halal! Dunya is like three days, but after that comes Akhirat. Be patient with your dry bread and salt, but don't go against Allah's Command. (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:27:02
6243 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoBlessingsForWivesWhoGoToWork
You did not come to this country for the sake of Allah. You think that there is another Allah in America. The provision intended for you will not change, but you will be loaded with much more work. You will be like a donkey thinking for 24 hours a day about your work. You eat the same food in Pakistan: chicken, curry and rice. I thought that you might be eating lamb, kebabs, köfte and halva here. But every time I come to a Pakistani house it is the same curry, chicken and rice. Nothing has changed. The only difference is that you have been loaded much more with the burdens of life and you have to work much more. All you are trying to do is to save more money, money, money... Oh people, try to correct your ways! Look once again if you are living the way Allah wants you to. One way goes to Heaven the other to hell. Look on which way you are running. This life is not a joke, take it seriously. The real honour is if you are working for Him, not for this world. 01.01.1997
BookPureHearts, CategoryWoman, CategoryPakistan, CategoryWesternNation (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:27:02
6244 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NobodyRemainedWhoCanBeASheikhAnyMore
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : NobodyRemainedWhoCanBeASheikhAnyMore
Nobody remained who can be a Sheikh anymore
Nobody remained who can be a Sheikh anymore...There are no more Muslims, people have become useless... Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim - I am throwing a bomb toward Shaitan- Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim... What I am saying is not from myself, it is not my words. Who is speaking from himself is just a translator for his ego...For us they opened a huge line, and we are speaking from there. Adab is the most precious jewel that has been given to man. Without Adab you cannot approach the Divine Presence. Without Adab you are thrown away, useless. There is an Ayat in the Holy Quran which tells us to deal with each other with Adab and to give respect to those who are honoured people. But because they put the respected ones down, we have no more useful people. I am asking: Are there any more respected people, whose door is always open, who people like to visit, kiss their hand, respect them, and whose words are (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:27:03
6245 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NobodyRemainedWhoCanBeASheikhAnyMore
listened to? No. Not in Konya, not in Istanbul, and that is a city with over 10 Million inhabitants... A shame for people... And everyone is suffering. Why? What is their worry? Dunya. Otherwise there is nothing to worry about. And Allah wants to take you out, He wants to save you. Turn to His service, turn your face towards Him, then no worry remains. People say: We have no time to listen to Sheikh's cassettes, we are in the economic crises... And they need police, because there are no more people with turban who are full of heybet... Worry about Dunya made us useless. O Allah, don't make Dunya our biggest worry! And nowadays people's biggest worry is Dunya. Even for the Muslims, and it is not suitable for a believer. The face of a real believer is shining. His aim is Allah, and therefore Allah gives him Mu'in-angels, helper-angels on his side. But if one does not have Allah as an aim, all they time one has to count and worry, and still reach to nothing, and it makes one crazy, because always Shaitan is interfering to spoil it. Grandsheikh was telling the story of a man who was trading with carpets. He used to do all the prayers and closed his shop when it was time for prayer. And he used to sell about 100 carpets every day. Then somehow it came to him that he wanted to increase his business and he started to leave out this or that prayer, this or that Sunnah, to have more time for selling carpets. But at the end of the day he noticed that he just sold 80 carpets and not 1oo like before, even he had ,saved' two hours for business. So the next day he left more prayers, but at the end he counted and they only sold about 60 carpets. This is a teaching story, no matter if it happened or not, but it contains truth. Then finally he said to his people: O servants of Allah, look, there is a lesson for us in what happened. As long as we kept strongly and respected the order of Allah, He made our trading easy and we were earning so much. But from the moment that we started to neglect the prayer (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:27:03
6246 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NobodyRemainedWhoCanBeASheikhAnyMore
and din't follow His orders anymore, thinking that we would earn much more, our provision was cut down. O believers, don't think what you earn is from you, because of your effort. But it comes from the helper-angels that Allah sends to help the believers, and who make things easy and blessed. There was a Sheikh in Daghestan, Sheikh Surughi Hazletleri. He used to drop everything and go to the mosque as soon as the Adhan was being called. One time Shaitan came to visit him in disguise. Sheikh Surughi was building something, and just they called the Adhan. He dropped the brick that he just wanted to put in its place. ,O master', Shaitan said quickly, ,why don't you finish what you are doing? What is the hurry? I am advising you to finish this, it will be more easy for you.' ,Look, whoever you are', Sheikh Surughi replied, ,don't you go to the mosque? Then, if you want to help me and do something good for me, you continue and put the bricks.' But Shaitan had some excuses and so the Sheikh said: ,Since you didn't come to do a goodness to me, go to hell.' The more you keep Allah's orders and respect Him, the more help He will send to you. There are so many holy ones in Konya, but the people are only worrying about Dunya. They are died with the common colour, it is no more a ,green city' like it used to be... I am leaving everything to Allah. O Allah, send happiness to the hearts of believers and fear to the hearts of unbelievers, the enemies of Islam. Lefke - 09.12.2001
CategoryPrayer, CategoryWorries, CategoryGrandSheikh (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:27:03
6247 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NobodyRemainedWhoCanBeASheikhAnyMore (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:27:03
6248 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoCureForABiteOfShaitan
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : NoCureForABiteOfShaitan
No cure for a bite of Shaitan! Or: O man, keep your honour!
...As-salamu alaikum! To be in safety, insha Allah, here and Hereafter, use as much as possible say: "As-salamu alaikum", (so that) Malaik, Angels, (are) saying also on you: "Salam, safety, here and Hereafter!" Destur, ya Sayyidi, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah! Audhu bi-llahi mina Shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. That is the sign of (a) Muslim: to run away from Shaitan, because Shaitan (is) running after mankind. Shaitan (is) running after the Children of Adam, therefore you must call Allah Almighty and ask protection or you may fall in Shaitans trap. And Shaitan (is) using hundreds of tricks to make you to fall into (his) trap! Don’t sleep! Wake up, o mankind! Don’t say: "I am powerful", no, you are weak, weak one! You must ask your Lords protection. Don’t forget to say: "Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim … Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim… O our Lord, I am running to You from Shaitans tricks!" What is his main target, Shaitans? His main target (is) to make whole mankind to be caught in his trap. Who (is) falling in Shaitans trap, must go with him to Hells. Shaitan (is) never happy (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:27:04
6249 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoCureForABiteOfShaitan
that (the) Children of Adam to be happy here or Hereafter, no, he is so angry! (He is) saying: "For your reason, reason, I fall, I have been thrown away from (the) divinely Presence. Therefore I am going to make my whole ability, capability, energy, everything, my target (is) to make you to fall in (the) same Hells, not to be happy through your life on earth, or after this life for eternal life. I (am) never happy that mankind to be happy eternally. No! I shall try and (I am) making (an) oath that I shall try (with) as much as possible effort to make (the) Children of Adam to be with me, in troubles here and in Hells there!" Therefore beware (of) Shaitan! But people they are writing: Beware (of the) dog! On every door there is a writing: Beware (of the) dog. Dog, not dog is such a terrible (creature) like Shaitan. (A) dog may bite you and you can cure that, but if Shaitan (is) biting you, that is difficult, very difficult, no cure! Therefore, the sign of (a) Muslim is to say: "Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim! O our Lord, please protect me!" Allah He is (the) Protector of countless universes and people that they are thinking (that) Allah Almighty (is) coming and protecting… No! But our Adab, good manners, (is) to call Him and then Allah Almighty (is) sending protectors for you. Really you can find (a) protector for you from mankind also from spiritual people, holy people, but (the) Adab, good manner, (is) to say: "O my Lord, please protect me from Shaitan (who is) running after me and maybe I may fall in its trap!" Therefore it is (the) sign of (a) Muslim to say: "Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim!" Then you have been protected. You have been protected. Then you must know that you are weak servants. And the Lord of Heavens giving to you such an honour and saying: "O My servants!" To be servants of (the) Lord (is a) so high honour, you can’t find a limit for that honour! That Allah Almighty (is saying): "F’abudni! O My servant, pray for Me and worship (Me), o My servant. F’abudni, worship Me and try to be My servant and My servanthood is such a big honour that you can’t imagine!" If a King (is) asking to you to come to be his guardian or servant and (he is) dressing you (the) royal clothes (that) belongs to (the) guardians and servants of (that) King or Queen, you should (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:27:04
6250 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoCureForABiteOfShaitan
be so proud!... You are not looking Buckingham palace guardians, how they are? (If) you (are) looking, (they are) like this, never changing the (clothes) … they are so proud with these big hats, clothes, that belongs to her Majesty King or her Majesty Queen. What do you think, if Allah Almighty (is) calling you: "O My servants, o My creatures, come, come! I am distinguishing you with some honour that I never granted it even to Angels!" You can understand, you can think on it? You must think on it! (It is) better million times than to have (a title): "I graduated... I graduated from Oxford University!" (He is dressing) like this and putting a hat on his head- heedless person- on his person (???) something, keeping (a diploma, showing himself)… "I am that one!" "Who are you?" "I am..." (He is) not saying (his) first name Thomas or William or George… (but) he is saying: "I am PHD Dr. William!" Making first his honours and his name at the end. So proud! What is that! They are thinking that is their high honour! Some of them (are) using the letters of... alphabetic letters, saying: "Oh! I have (an) honour that (the) 29 or 30 letters (of the Alphabet) it is not enough to show my honour!" Putting eye-glasses; that means VIP person! VIP person that is not honour, but people they like it! And your Lord (is) giving to you such an honour (that) even Angels had not been granted and you are not appreciating that honour? What is that foolishness? That is limits of foolishness, limits of to be ignorant. How we are running away from our Lords magnificent honour (that He) granted us without anything? It is a gift from Allah! People (are) running here, running there- no one (is) appreciating now the honour of servanthood of the Lord of Heavens! What is going to be for them here and Hereafter? Which thing (is) looking after those people? To where they are reaching? (They are) reaching to … Tauba, Astaghfirullah… reaching to sewages… People (are) running on sewage! (They are) not asking to be out, to be clean, to be honoured, but they are running (to) sewage channels. "Ya Hu", I am saying, "you may die" - not you, those Shaitan people, they may die in sewage channels! "Which one is good? (The channel of) New York… or WC-channels, Washington better? Or Moscow better? Or Ankara better? Or Peking better? Which (one)?" "O my friend, from where you reached to that... from where (you) graduated?" "O my brother, I am (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:27:04
6251 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoCureForABiteOfShaitan
graduated from the channels of London"… "I have graduated from Sorbonne sewage channels" or "I am graduated from Moscow sewage channels"… "Do you think that there is another channels over our channel?" "Yes, maybe, maybe in Pakistan… Maybe Pakistan, yes, if you are going (to) Pakistan and graduating, you are going to be fighters!" "What about in Turkey?" "Turkey is also very good, their level, for fighting and killing and destroying and making each other down… that is their honour also." "What about Germans?" "Germans, ehhh, they are so… sometimes they are using their minds and running to Berlin, sometimes not using, going to Bonn, sometimes they are saying Roms channels is better, because Adriatical channels may run and Mediterranean channels may run in it... and also Spanish channels…. You tried (it), o my brother?" "I am trying, but no time now, I am getting elder… If I may come (for the) second time- as ‘kuru kafali’ (is) saying that we are coming so many times- next time I am coming like a donkey to run, or like a rat... and trying to find, which channels is best!" "You are true? You think there is such a thing that a person is coming next time?" "Yes, Sir! It is our honour also, that once we are going to be (a) dog, once (we are) going to be (a) donkey, once (we are) going to be (a) cat, once (we are) going to be (a) camel, once (we are) going to be (a) jackal, once (we are) going to be…" "(Are we) never going to be mankind?" "No, no, finished! You are running (to) another channels, to reach another levels of life!" "Who said this?" "Kuru, kuru kafali, dry head"… ‘Kuru’ means dry in Turkish... their minds (are) just dry…"Yes, I hope (that) when I am finishing this time and changing for a second time, I am hoping to be a ‘kuru (kafali)’…" that you can’t look at his face! If you are looking at his face, you can’t eat (for) 7 days anything, so, so…! Chimpanzee is better, their face… No chimpanzee, gorilla! Gorilla belongs to Europeans. Indian ‘kurus’- they may have different kinds of apes- they may show themselves (as) any kind of them… Yes? Yes, Sir! That is our situation that they are saying: "We reached the top of civilization through (the) 21st century." I am saying: "Congratulation that you are... once again you are turning back to (be) animals! Because you are not getting to be honoured. You are refusing the honour of being from mankind and you are asking to come back to animals world! And congratulations for your understanding and your new level that I think it is lower the animals level also!" May Allah forgive us! (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:27:04
6252 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoCureForABiteOfShaitan
O people, whole world people, beware of Shaitan! What we are saying, all of it- (that the) aim of Shaitan (is) to make you, to take you away from heavenly servanthood and its honour to make you like animals world and (even) under their levels- no one can say (anything) or object (on) what I am saying! If (they are) saying (anything) anyone- come here! I am teaching you! I can teach, I may show (you the) right way! I am authorized one, I am authorized one, to make people to find their ways and to keep their honours, (and to teach those,) whom they lost their real targets and the meaning of their creating and (the understanding about) real honour, what it is. I am the lowest one who may teach whole mankind their honours and their conditions now... May Allah forgive us! For the honour of the most honoured one in (His) divine Presence S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha! Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Aziz Allah... Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Karim Alah… Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhan Allah… Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Sultan Allah…… Sultan Sensin, ya Rabb! Allahumma salli wa sallim ‘ala Nabiyina Muhammad ‘alayhi salam, salatan tadumu wa tughda ilay, mamarra layali wa tula dawam… Fatiha! Lefke, 15.3.2008 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel
BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryPride, CategoryEducation (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:27:04
6253 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoDivineLawsWithoutASultan
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : NoDivineLawsWithoutASultan
No Divine Laws without a Sultan
We need a Sultan. Without a Sultan we will not be able to defend ourselves in a Divine Way. There must be one Sultan for all Muslims. That is the Holy Command of Allah the Almighty. But people have lost it. 75 years ago the Turks threw away their Caliph, the Sultan. The ancestors of the Muslims of Hindistan helped to save the Maqqam-ul-Khilafa, the Sultan, but finally they were cheated. For 75 years now the Muslims have lost their Sultan. The Shariah cannot work without a Sultan, and a Sultan cannot work without the Shariah. One completes the other. You must always remind people of this. In 1999 it is the 700th anniversary of the beginning of the Ottoman Empire. We hope that Allah the Almighty will give them their power to be on the way of Islam as they were before. 01.01.1997
BookPureHearts, CategoryKhalifa, CategoryTurkey, CategoryLaw, CategoryKingdom 23:27:04
6254 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoDropIsUnhappy
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : NoDropIsUnhappy
No Drop Is Unhappy to Reach the Ocean
(Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah `Azeez Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah Kareem Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhaan Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah! (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Yaa RijaalAllah. Alfu salaat, alfu salaam `ala Sayyidi 'l-Awwaleen wa’l-Akhireen, Sayyidina Muhammad (s). (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) Thumma 's-salaamu `alaykum yaa Anbiyaaullah, As-salaamu `alayka yaa awliyaaullah! As-salaamu `alaykum, yaa Saahibu ‘l-Waqt. As-salaamu `alaykum, yaa Saahibu z`-Zamaan, yaa Saahibu ‘l-Imdaad, yaa Qutbu`l-Aqtaab, yaa Mutasarrifu `alaa wajhihi `l-ard wa tahtahoo wa fawqah. As- salaamu `alaykum, yaa `ibaadAllahi 's-Saliheen. As-salaamu `alaykum yaa Mu'mineen. As-salaamu `alaykum yaa hadireen. As-salaamu `alaykum yaa gha`ibeen. As-salaamu `alaykum yaa ahlu haadhihi `d- dunya, as-salaamu `alaykum man qubbar fee maqaabiri `l-Muslimeen. Allah yufarrij `anhum, karbahu, wa hammahum fi `d-dunya wa fi `l -akhirah. Dastoor, yaa RijaalAllah. (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:27:05
6255 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: NoDropIsUnhappy
O our Attenders! As-salaamu `alaykum and welcome! We are asking all believers to be in a good position, here and Hereafter. And we are saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r- Raheem. We are weak ones; therefore, Allah Almighty is granting us to say, bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. There are endless Power Oceans in bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem, and never-ending heavenly blessings come on people when they are saying, bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Allah, Allah. SubhaanAllah, Sultaan Allah. Madad. O People! We are weak ones, and we are not claiming we are powerful ones. Don't think that technology is giving to you power, no. Everything on Earth is in Weakness Oceans. Everything is trembling, and if no heavenly support is coming, even atoms can't be in existence; they are looking for heavenly support to be in existence. Only Mankind are heedless ones, because they are looking to only what is in front of their eyes and they are thinking that such instruments are giving them power, no! Allah, Allah. SubhaanAllah. O People! This world is running on its last station. For every beginning there must be an ending, and this dunya is running to its last point. When that last point arrives, dunya will disappear in the Power Oceans of Allah Almighty! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) O our Lord! Forgive us and give us a chance for understanding that yesterday we were coming in existence and tomorrow we are going to disappear. Our appearance is a show. Don't think that today was a copy from yesterday, no! And you must not think that tomorrow is coming to be just a copy for today, no! Everything is changing; running to its last station, and for everything there is a last station. This is a material world that will end in a heavenly station, and when reaching that station then appearances on this world are finished. O People! You must think on something. Allah (swt) granted to Mankind a heavenly condition for understanding, that our thinking is not from the material world, but it is from unseen worlds that we are saying "heavens." It is coming from there. If it is cut off, then just finished. And what you understand from this life is going with you and that is what belongs to heavens; it does not belong to this material, or physical world, no. This is just finishing, and everything is leaving and every living one must be taken away. One day it is going to be nothing! When we are going to be nothing, when heavenly power that is supporting our lives here is taken back, that means we are going to be dust. Only what is necessary for Mankind (remains), because the Lord of Heavens is never creating anything for nothing, or to be nothing! Everyone has been (2 von 5)04.07.2013