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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (431/777)
servants, because all commands consist either of respect to God Almighty or charities to His servants, which are at the same time most high respects to your Lord. Therefore, Islam is perfect because it brought people the highest respect to give to their Lord and, at the same time, it brought the children of Adam every kind of charity, good actions, and at the same time as you are doing or giving your charities, you are giving your highest respect to your Lord Almighty. If you look at Islam from this direction, you will find it perfect because it covers every charitable work and includes every respect, the highest respect, to your Lord. Yes, You can find in Islam every charity that you can think of and every kind of highest respect for your Lord can be found in Islam, as well. Then there are also 800 prohibitions, prohibited actions, so from that direction, also, Islam is perfect because you can't find any evil, any wrongdoing or anything that harms people, without its being prohibited in Islam. Any harmful thing, no matter how simple or unknown or unthought of, Islam brings before people to see that this evil, even such a thing that you can't imagine but which harms you, either in your faith or in your health or in your thoughts, because our ego always allies with Satan when it comes to following prohibitions. The (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:26:01

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ego, the "I" likes the taste of bad things. Therefore, it generally conceals them and tries to show you that they are excellent. "What is wrong if you go to the pub? What is wrong with drinking wine and whiskey and spirits? Why are they prohibited when they give you so much enjoyment?" That is the animal soul's defense, wanting to make things seem good, to present them as good to your ego. The Prophet (saws) said that when the Last Days approach, people will drink wine, but will give different names. They do not say "Wine," they say "whiskey," "champagne." They say, "This is vodka, this brandy," doing so much advertising, making so many beautiful looking bottles, saying, "This is Johnny Walker. You must be like this when you drink," doing so many things to cheat, to deceive people. Therefore, your ego always comes with Satan and conceals prohibited things, saying, "This may be good. Particularly in our community, in our time, you must use it. You must also put a bar in your house. It must be there, and every kind of bottle." I see some houses which are like a hotel. Yes, up to here with bottles of wine and whiskey. One thousand Satans are in them, sitting - sitting quietly, but when drinking, all of them appear. Thus 800 things which are harmful physically or spiritually have all been prevented in Islam, so that no one can object concerning any of them that it gave benefit and was useful to people, but Islam prevented that. Therefore, Islam is perfect through its commands, and it is perfect through keeping people from harmful things. God Almighty honors us with each of the commands He gives. We said that there are 500 respects, highest respects, to God Almighty and also charity. Each one that you do, that you keep, gives you more honor. That is honor (karamah) and the prohibited things are for safety (himayah) - for the safety of humanity physically and spiritually. That is perfection. For this reason God Almighty said, "Oh My Prophet, beloved Muhammad, I have just completed your faith, your religion, your Islam, and I am pleased with whomever comes to Me with Islam" (see 5:4). It is complete now. No one can imagine a religion more perfect than Islam even for the 20th century. Islam is perfect even up until the 121st century and beyond, Islam is perfect since God Almighty created the human being as a human being, not creating people as monkeys or apes. No. He created the human being as the human being from the beginning. Apes were created as apes. Monkeys were created as monkeys, but the human being was created as the human being. He gave the human being His form. Even if one hundred centuries more may pass, no one can think of a more perfect form either for men or for women. (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:26:01

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Therefore, when God Almighty says that it is now complete, perfect, it is perfect. What is after the full moon? Islam has become the full moon. If you ask for something else after the full moon, you are going to find it waning. Therefore, people now are running. They are not looking at the full moon of Islam and they are running to find something, particularly old religions. Christianity or Judaism are trying to make themselves like the full moon, but it is impossible because they were before Islam and Islam came as a full moon. If anyone wants something after the full moon, he will find only deficiency. For this reason, God Almighty says, 'Who is the one who can bring something more perfect than what I brought to you, Oh Muhammad? Tell them that anyone who can do that may do it, may try. But no one can." And we are saying, as our Lord commands, "Then proclaim" (93: II) (fa-haddith), issuing a challenge. Yes, come - Christians, come. Jews, come. Islam is the full moon. From any direction you may look, you can find it perfect. Don't look at its followers. No. Look at the full moon itself. Why are you accusing Islam because of the actions of its followers? Islam is perfect, but its followers are not perfect. Now we shall come to the important point, humility. In summary, what is the main goal of all these commands and prohibitions? Why does God Almighty order all these commands and prohibitions? To make people humble servants, nothing else, because they are under His command. God Almighty created Gabriel (as) the angel of prophethood, the messenger, as the most beautiful angel. Among angels you can't find anyone more beautiful than angel Gabriel (ordinarily you can't look at any of the angels; from their beauty you may fall down dead). He created Gabriel and Gabriel looked into the mirror of his Lord's Power (qudrah), looking at himself. Because of his beauty he has been called "peacock of the angels," (tawus al-malaikah), after the most beautiful and ornamented bird. When Gabriel (as) saw that God Almighty had created him with such beauty and ornaments, he made two cycles of thanks to his Lord. Each cycle lasted 20,000 years, two cycles or 40,000 years, praising his Lord. When he had finished, God Almighty said, "Oh My angel Gabriel, this is good praise from you to Me, yet its value is not as much as the value of two cycles from My beloved Muhammad's nation. Even if they pray two cycles very quickly, those two cycles from those servants are more valuable in My Divine Presence than the two cycles that you prayed during 40,000 years. Why? Because you prayed without My ordering you to do so. Without My command (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:26:01

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you prayed those two cycles, but those servants from the nation of My beloved Muhammad (saws) are praying from My command. They are keeping My order and praying, making themselves humble servants. That humility of theirs, their keeping My command, makes them humble servants to Me. They say, 'Our Lord is commanding us. We are His humble servants. We are praying the prescribed prayers.' That humbleness gives their prayer value. Their two cycles, because they are doing it out of humbleness, are more valuable in My Divine Presence." Therefore, you can understand the reason why we have been given commands. Every command of God Almighty, that we keep, is to make us humble servants to Him. And for every prohibition, also, we say, "Our Lord has prohibited this. We must obey, we must be obedient servants to our Lord, keeping His order." This gives value to the children of Adam and all the Divine Laws, all Books, and all prophets, including the Seal of the Prophets, peace be upon them all, just came to teach people to be humble servants. That is all. Any time your ego calls you to be rebellious to your Lord, that is disbelief, denial, ingratitude (kufr). It is a dishonor for you if you know that action makes you proud in the Divine Presence. The one who is proud in the Divine Presence, the one who is proud must be cast out of the Divine Presence just as Satan was cast out. Therefore, the most acceptable and lovely characteristic of humanity is to be humble. All the prophets, peace be upon them all, just came to teach us how we can be humble servants. We are asking forgiveness for everything in which we are following our egos and leaving the Holy commands of our Lord, saying "I seek forgiveness" (istighfar Allah). We are pleased with our Lord's endless favors. We continuously say, "Praise belongs to God. Praise belongs to God and thanks" (al-hamd Allah; al-hamd Allah wa shukr Allah ). 04.06.1985

BookTheDivineKingdomVolume1, CategoryHaram, CategoryHalal, CategoryAlcohol, CategoryIslam, CategoryGabriel, CategoryHumbleness (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:26:01

5983 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MostBeautifulColor

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MostBeautifulColor


The Most Beautiful Color

Takbir! Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar la ilaha illa Allahu wa-Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa Lillah al Hamd. If he reads this to a plane, it crashes. If he reads to a cannon, it explodes. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar la ilaha illa Allahu wa-Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa Lillah al Hamd. If he points to a plane, it crashes. There is power now. There is power. It has opened now, it is opening. Red color it is no good. If you wear green, angels protect you. Crocodiles won't attack the who wears green. Snakes won't attack the who wears green either. It destroys them! This is the order of Shah-e-Mardan, to them. The big cities don't have any chance anymore. They will disappear. Therefore they should build houses for themselves in the country, in far, distant places. And there should be at least 3 houses in one place. They should not use the color red. It is fire! They should use green color. Angels protect them. Fire is the sign of unbelief! Naudhu billah. I entrust you to Allah. Go safely & come back safely. Fatiha. Take a few things with you from what I wear. Wear them. It becomes like an armor for you with the permission of Allah. They also make dresses in that style. They should wear cap. Fez is also Ok. Fez is good. May Allah protect you. Fatiha. May they be from those who open Your Way. Protect them from evils O Lord. Fatiha. If possible he should not mix with women. Ladies should sit in a different place. Don't let them (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:26:02

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sit together. If possible he should not let women work outside. He should make them stay in their homes. Ok, go on. Fatiha. Aman ya Rabbi. Aman ya Rabbi. The most beautiful color now is green. It protects from above. The worst one is red. And red is the new fashion trend now. It is no good. Ok son, I entrust you to Allah. La ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah. Die schönste Farbe

Takbir! Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La Ilaha illa Allahu wa Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar wa Lillahi l-Hamd. Wenn er das zu einem Flugzeug liest, stürzt es ab. Wenn er es zu einer Kanone liest, explodiert sie. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illa Allah wa Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar wa Lillahi l-Hamd. Wenn er auf ein Flugzeug deutet, stürzt es ab. Es gibt jetzt Macht. Es gibt Macht. Es hat sich jetzt geöffnet. Es öffnet sich. Die rote Farbe ist nicht gut. Wenn ihr Grün tragt, schützen euch die Engel. Krokodile greifen den nicht an, der Grün trägt. Auch Schlangen greifen den nicht an, der Grün trägt. Es zerstört sie. Dies ist der Befehl des Shah-e-Mardan, an sie. Die großen Städte haben keine Chance mehr. Sie werden verschwinden. Deshalb sollten sie sich Häuser auf dem Land bauen an weit entfernten Orten. Und es sollten wenigstens drei Häuser an einem Ort sein. Sie sollten die Farbe Rot nicht benutzen. Es ist Feuer! Sei sollten die Farbe Grün benutzen. Die Engel beschützen sie. Feuer ist ein Zeichen des Unglaubens. Naudhu Billah. Ich vertraue euch Allah (swt) an. Geht sicher und kommt sicher zurück. Fatiha. Nehmt ein paar Dinge mit von dem, was ich trage. Tragt sie. Es wird wie eine Rüstung für euch, mit der Erlaubnis Allahs (swt). Sie machen auch Kleidung in dem Stil. Sie sollten eine Mütze tragen. Fez ist auch okay. Fez ist gut. Möge Allah euch schützen. Fatiha. Mögen sie zu denen gehören, die Deinen Weg öffnen. Schütze sie vor Übel, o Herr. Fatiha. Wenn möglich, sollte er nicht mit Frauen zusammenkommen. Die Frauen sollten an einem anderen Ort sitzen. Sie sollen nicht zusammensitzen. Wenn möglich, sollte er Frauen nicht draußen arbeiten lassen. Er sollte darauf hinwirken, daß sie zu Hause bleiben. Okay, weiter. Fatiha. Aman ya Rabbi. Aman ya Rabbi. Die schönste Farbe jetzt ist Grün. Es schützt von oben. Die schlimmste ist Rot. Und Rot ist jetzt der (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:26:02

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neue Modetrend. Es ist nicht gut. Okay, Sohn, ich vertraue dich Allah (swt) an. La ilaha illa

Allah, Muhammad Rasulullah. Lefke, 29.09.2012

WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryDressing, CategoryWoman (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:26:02

5986 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MostEnviousOne

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MostEnviousOne


The Most Envious One Cheated Mankind

We are living in the most difficult of times, when such dirty and terrible events have never occurred before. Now the whole world is under big danger. From the population of five billion in this world, four billion must go. Through this difficult situation, Shaytan has brought Mankind into the most dangerous of circumstances, saying, “I am leading you to the best and sweet life, full of pleasure!” Shaytan is 100% a liar and the dirtiest one from all Creation. He has such hasad, envy, that he makes people kill each other! People have left every heavenly order and are running after Shaytan. Therefore, in these times we must leave what Shaytan says and must not follow anything that he brings to people, as no one is a greater liar than him! Now people do not listen to their prophets, but rather they listen to Shaytan for the sake of their egoistic pleasures. They do not know about haraam or halaal, and therefore curses are coming upon them daily. O Allah! Protect us! Tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah, astaghfirullah! Amaan yaa Rabbee, aman yaa Rabee, send us a sultan, yaa Rabbee, to carry away Shaytan, his armies and his followers, so that the dunya can be in peace! If such a sultan will not come, then this dunya is going to fall down. Today is worse than yesterday and tomorrow will be worse than today! O Allah! We are only looking for inaayatullah, heavenly support, to reach us; that will be Mahdi (a). When he comes, he will do his best for Mankind, whereas Shaytan is doing his worst for Mankind. He is the most envious one and the biggest enemy of Mankind, all of whom are cheated by him, as he said to Sayyidina Adam and Sayyidina Hawa (a), ana mina an-nasiheen, “I am advising you,” yet he was the cause of Adam and Eve being thrown out of paradise. People are drunk! Allah, yaa Rabbee ahfazna, protect us! O our Lord! Keep us away from Shaytan and his (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:26:03

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tricks, and do not let us fall into his traps, for the honor of your most beloved and most honored one,

Sayyidina Muhammad (s). Fatihah. Lefke, 14.05.2011

WebSufiLive, CategoryShaitan (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:26:03

5988 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MostIdolsInTurkey

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MostIdolsInTurkey


The Most Idols Are Found in Turkey

(Translated from Turkish) A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajim. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. Welcome, O servants of Allah! What is our huviyet, identity? They don't know what “huviyet” is. They throw away the old and replace it with rubbish. For example, if someone were to throw away palace furniture claiming it is old, and afterwards replaced it with modern cubical elements, would there be any value in that? You see, these people have become such foolish ones now, following the fabrications of who came after the period of sultanate rule. They say, "Throw away the old and bring in the new!" Yaa Hu! Could the old and new ever be equal in value? Never! But there is nothing left of "logic;” they have gone too far ahead with their irrationalities! But to whom should we say this? (We talk) in the sense of, "You speak and you listen." (Mawlana Shaykh addresses his guest.) May Allah be pleased with you for bringing these youngsters to me. What can we do? Our Prophet (s) said, "To draw even one youth toward Allah is more valuable than earning the wealth of this whole world.” Sultan al-Anbiya, Habeeb ar-Rahman. (Mawlana Shaykh Nazim stands, sits.) The value of Man is determined by the value of whom he is associated with. Who is attached to a monk has (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:26:05

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the value of a monk; who is attached to a Jewish (rabbi) and that faith has a value according to it; who is attached to dunya has the value of dunya; and, who is attached to Akhirah has the value of Akhirah. We are attached to the one who, when his honorable name is mentioned we stand up: our Master, Hazrati Muhammad Mustafa (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Whoever connects to him will take from his value. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) We must pay attention to this. A person affiliated with a coffee shop employee takes from the value of that employee and a person who goes to a goldsmith takes from the value of that goldsmith. Can these two be compared, are they equal in value? Can the value of one who lives for this world and one who lives for the Hereafter ever be the same? Look, the world is vanishing! Now there are those who, when they get off a plane at an airports... tayyare, “airplane,” is a living word, not a made up one. Now they use the word "ucak" for airplane; was the word "tayyare" insufficient so you’ve invented the word "ucak"? Don't you have anything else to do? For ninety years you’ve fabricated things. Why did you replace the word mektep, “school,” with the word okul? Why do you disrupt the language of the people? That is a mere fabrication, which is why we’ve become what we are today with a broken down foundation! Our ancestors did sound work and not fabrication! Our ancestors have carried this empire, the flag of the Ottomans, the flag of Islam, for 700 years! What are you carrying? But if you say this to those so-called “beys,” fine gentlemen, they reply, "Don't say ‘bey,’ O Shaykh Effendi! Instead, say ‘bay,’ male/gentleman.” And now they are not happy with "bay," so they changed it back to "bey." Effendim, Bayanlar baylar, “O ladies and gentlemen!” (Mawlana Shaykh impersonates them.) Bayilsinlar, may they faint! (Wordplay on the word bayanlar and baylar.) (Mawlana Shaykh laughs.) Were the terms “bey” (gentleman) and “hanim” (gentlewoman) insufficient? Why have you changed these? Why did you attack the language and belief of Turkish people? Why did you work to eliminate their religious beliefs by replacing them with fabricated beliefs? Why would you erect a statue in front of people who know and believe in their Lord? What is a statue? It doesn’t speak or do anything, it just keeps standing there. Egypt, Rome and Greece are full of them, but are they able to speak? If so, what can they say? So this is complete absurdity! Alhamdulillah that we are a people who are watch over our way. How can we stand in front of an idol which cannot see, hear, or speak to us? (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:26:05

5990 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MostIdolsInTurkey

One time I visited Singapore; Allah Almighty has made us to travel the whole world from east to west, all the way to Singapore. When I first arrived, we went to a religious meeting. We stayed for a few days. But first let us describe this place called, "Singapore" so they will feel ashamed. Singapore is maybe one-tenth the size of Cyprus or even less; however, it is the most industrial country in the world. How strange. And we can say that it is twice as large as Nicosia, with buildings, bazaars, and businesses. Everyone there is hard at work, and what effort and zeal they have! And then we say, “Why can't we do as they?” If twenty Singapores were put side by side, it would be just as big as the Turkish side of Cyprus. If you saw the sea, you would think it was a forest from all the ships coming and going, transporting cargo. When you arrive at the airport, you see planes taking off and landing without pause; three planes land every minute, and not like planes we have here; they have the latest system. Also, when you pass through the checkpoint, they never stop you to ask how much money you’ve brought with you, what you are bringing, or what you’ll be taking back. They only ask, "Is there anything in this luggage?" They don't check or search anything. Also, they offer free seaport and airport transit; visitors come and go very easily. It's not like here, where you go through torture upon torture: "Write this!" "Sign that!" "Go to this place!" "Deposit this and give that!" Is this civilization? So among the people in Singapore, you find Muslims, Christians, and also Buddhists (who worship Buddha. Haasha, astaghfirullah!) They worship it; that is what they do. Our tour guide said, "Shaykh Effendi, people here are crazy about Buddha's statue and they worship him. There is no formal ruling pressuring them to visit; anyone who likes may go and anyone who doesn't is not required. No one takes them there by force; they go if they like to. Singapore has a temple containing the world's largest Buddha statue and if you want, we can take you there." I said, "We are currently available, so we can go and take a look." Our tour guide took us there and we said, "It is a strange structure." Similar to those Chinese structures, the structure there is quite odd. We entered and saw a building with an enormous hall, like a huge movie theater. I entered and saw something forty meters high, sitting like this in the “lotus position.” Never once has he opened his eyes! Whichever of his statues you look at, he's always sitting with his eyes closed. That which they worship never opens its eyes to look at the people! (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:26:05

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The keeper of the temple quickly came running to us and said, "Welcome, sir!" "Thank you," I said. She told us, "It is our custom to light a candle or offer incense. If you would like to do this based on our custom, we shall present these for you." I said, "We don't believe in what you worship, so we will not light a candle or offer incense. We came here only because it was suggested that we see that one whom you call ‘Buddha,’ the cause for the largest temple on the face of the Earth.” She was offended, but I continued. "What do you see Buddha as?" "According to our belief, Buddha is our lord whom we worship." I said, "Haasha thumma kallaa!" and stomped my foot. “If this is what you worship, can it see us?" “No.” “If we speak, can it hear us?” “No.” “If we spit, can it raise its hand?” “No.” “If we break it, can it say, ‘O no, I’m broken!’” “No.” “How many years has it existed?” “Over 2,000 years.” “So for 2,000 years this thing you worship never opened its eyes? It always stays like that? Doesn’t it ever get tired of sitting?” (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:26:05

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She said, “This is our belief.” “But doesn’t it ever lay down?” She told me, “You are the shaykh of the Muslims. I will prove to you that what we worship can also sleep,” and she took me somewhere in the back. I looked and saw something very tall laying down. She said, “Here he sleeps and there he sits.” “How many Buddha’s are there?” I asked her. “There are countless Buddha’s here.” “And for all of them, you...” “And for all of them we give reverence. This is our faith, which directs us to the supreme way and empowers our spirituality.” “What kind of spirituality do you have? Show it!" “Our spirituality guides us.” I said, “I’m going to show you something with my hand, look carefully!” At that moment, my whole being was dressed with power. I said to their idol, “Go this way and that way!” And with a thundering sound, immediately it moved this way and that way. (Allahu Akbar!) Then I said, “Bow down!” and it bowed down. In a split second that servant lady dropped to the floor, unconscious. I said, “Come on, now that we’ve put their idol down, let’s leave!” That one over there is a representation of the new idol worshippers, but up to morning none of them will be standing! Their time is coming; surely, their time is coming. May Allah forgive us. The country with the most statues in the world is Singapore; second is Turkey. We’ve filled the country with statues, too! Everywhere is full. It is said that when the quantity of something increases, it’s value decreases and the price goes down. For sure, it becomes very cheap. In the old days, when an archbishop passed away (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:26:05

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they dressed him, placed a crown on his head, and had him sit on his throne after which they carried him. Then they stopped somewhere and one person lifted his hand for the people to kiss, while another one held his head to keep it from falling. With such “mascara” they took him to the graveyard, not to lie in his grave, but rather they buried him sitting on a chair! Now it has become a new fashion for our people within Anatolia, the country that carries the most statues after Buddhist countries is the Republic of Turkey! If they like they may count for themselves, but the number is too great to count! To give an example, we can say that a statue represents a plastic fruit. You offer your guest painted plastic as fruits and say, “Please, help yourself.” The guest takes one banana, sees that it is plastic and puts it back. He takes a bunch of grapes or apples or oranges, but they are all plastic. Finally they will exclaim, “There is no way to eat these! Why have you put this in front of us?”