Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (429/777)
archy is supported by Heavens. 01.01.1997
BookDefendingTruth, CategoryKingdom 23:25:54
5952 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Monarchy
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : Monarchy
In Belgium there is a King. In Denmark there is a King. In Norway there is a Queen. In Morocco there is a King. In the Gulf there is a King. In the Oman there is a King. In Saudi there is a King. In Spain there is a King. Maybe there are only 20 countries which have Kings now and at the beginning of the century there was an Ottoman Empire, a Russian Empire, a French Empire, a German Empire, an Austrian Empire, a Bulgarian Kingdom, a Rumanian Kingdom, a Greek Kingdom, an Italian Kingdom, an Egyptian Kingdom, a Persian Kingdom, a Libyan Kingdom, a Sudanese Kingdom, an Afghan Kingdom, an Iraqi Kingdom, a Jemenite Kingdom, an Abyssinian Kingdom, an Eritrean and Somali Kingdom. All African States were Kingdoms. China was a Kingdom, Indonesia was a Kingdom, Madagascar was a Kingdom, India was a Kingdom. Sansibar was a Kingdom. In this century 40 Kingdoms have been destroyed and the people who came after were not good. Always when Kings go, bad people come up. Kings weigh them down like a heavy cover. They are like heavy stones on them. When Kings are thrown away, everything which is under that rock gets out. This is the case now, and we are surrounded by bad people. In Islam there is perfection. There is a rule in the Holy Quran in which Allah says that, "There is no doubt the Allah Almighty orders you to give responsibilities about people, about the public and it should be in the (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:25:55
5953 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Monarchy
hands of perfect people." Don't give the doctor the responsibility of an engineer, and don't give the engineer the responsibility of the doctor. Don't give the responsibility of men to women. Don't give the responsibility of women to men. Don't give the responsibility of the doctor to an advocate and don't give the responsibility of the advocate to a pharmacist. Don't give the responsibility of farmers to citizens. Don't give the responsibility of shepherds to farmers. So in the case of responsibilities you have to look who is the best one. If you bring a tape-recorder to me and it isn't working, I will not understand, even if you ask me to arrange it. So what would I do? I would make it worse than it was before, because it is not my job, it is not my responsibility. Islam says that you must give everything to those who understand about the subject. But democracy says no to this. It tells you that you can take 10 000 votes or 100 000 votes and you can be a MP, a Member of Parliament, and the Prime Minister comes to you, who has been appointed by the President, and says to you to come to a new cabinet. So you can be the Minister of Justice, or you can be the Minister of the Interior, because you are so powerful, and people can listen to you. So in that way everything has been given to you. But at the same time it is possible that you are unable to have authority in your own home with your wife or your children. You can have so many advisers who prepare everything and bring the papers to you and you just sit and sign, often without even knowing what it is that you are signing. That is democracy! If anyone tries to meet a minister, he will be told that there is a meeting and that he is not there. In Islam that is impossible, because it tell us that we must understand what we are doing. Everything must be given to those who understand. That is why we have perfection in Islam. In Christianity it is not allowed to look after the works of the Emperor, the works of the government. Jesus Christ said to leave to the Emperor that which belongs to the Emperor. But Islam says "No!" to this, because the Emperor must listen to what Allah orders to him. In democracy people choose ministers and they do not understand. In monarchy the Sultan chooses. He looks to see who is the most suitable to be a minister. That minister will then be responsible only to the Sultan and he will be afraid to do anything wrong and to be thrown away from his office. So he will take much more care. But in the Parliament the ministers are never afraid of the people, never! They just want to put more and more in their pockets. So even if they are not chosen for a second period it doesn't matter, because he has made enough money. (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:25:55
5954 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Monarchy
That is why Allah Almighty orders people to have one Sultan and that Sultan will abide to the Sharia and bring the people to also do that. In that way no enmity or quarreling or laziness or envy will be there and everyone knows what he is doing. Everyone also knows that he is responsible in the presence of the Sultan. Until the beginnng of the 20th century our countries were governed by sultans and it was an excellent style for governing people. But Shaitan tells people not to leave a king or a sultan to govern all, but instead there should be elections and in that way everyone can be a sultan! Everyone can have the chance to be a president! But in monarchy only one has a chance to be the sultan or the king. Because of that people run after democracy hoping that one day they will be president or prime minister or at least a minister. I asked the municipal cleaner if he thinks that he can be a president, and he said to me, "Why not? Is his body any different to mine? I can sign too, maybe he signs a bit quicker, but I can sign just like him!" Everyone has a chance to be the president. This is the time in which everything is given to those who do not understand what they are doing. Our friend here is a surgeon. If he is absent and there is an urgent case and the porter just decides to do the operation instead of him, what will happen? In this way, it is impossible to give tasks to those who do not understand what they are doing. The surgeon will make you to live and the porter will kill you. Because the surgeon knows what he is doing and he has responsiblity, the porter doesn't. Nowadays there is democracy everywhere and people will be in so many parties fighting with each other. That is left, that is right, that is liberal, that is labour, that is socialist... Nations are divided into several different parties. Each party is the enemy of the other, but we need to be together. I am going to meet the King of Afghanistan, he lives in Rome since 15 years. You know about Afghanistan, 15 years ago there was a change in which the Sultan was not allowed to come back. There was a coup d'Etat and then you know what happened in Afghanistan: the Russians came, he communists came, and they fought against the communists so many years. Allah Almighty supported them and they defeated the communists from all countries. But after that they chose a wrong way. Instead of bringing back their Sultan, to put the Sultan up and to serve their nation under the order of the Sultan, they instead wanted to be president themselves. So everyone wanted to be the president, all thinking they are better and more suitable than the other. So now they are still fighting, because no-one can be sultan. They can be ministers, wezirs, or even chief-wezirs, but not sultans! They are still fighting... (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:25:55
5955 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Monarchy
Allah Almighty says, "Keep your sultan!" If you do not keep your sultan everything will happen against you. I am watching the elections in Europe. Just 10 days ago there were elections in Germany. People are now losing their balance. They are not going to decide which one is best. The conservatives were up and the socialists were up. People now are in chaos. They have lost their hopes concerning parties and people cannot give their full votes to the rightists and the leftists are also afraid of giving all their votes to the left, because they tried both sides, but they are not happy with anyone. That is why they are hesitating. They have reached the level where they have to ask for their Emperor, and they will want to put one powerful person on top to govern the nation without elections. In France, in England, in Greece, in so many countries there have been elections without any clear majority. So now they want to make a coalition, but coalitions never work. After that they will decide once more to bring their Emperors and Kings and Sultans back. According to Holy Books there will be no more democratical systems in the year 2000. If they are unable to get a clear majority within the democratical system, it means that it is finished. The alternative for democracy is monarchy. This is important knowledge which you should remember: by the year 2000 everything in this world will be changed. It will turn from the worst to the best, insha'Allah. May Allah forgive us and grant you a good life and bless you! Q: But what if the sultans will not be good people? The sultans will have the same quality as their people. Italy - 01.11.1994
BookPowerOceansofLight, CategoryKingdom, CategoryDemocracy (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:25:55
5956 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MondfinsternisSalatUlKusuf
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MondfinsternisSalatUlKusuf
Die Besonderheit des Salat ul Kusuf
Astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah Dhikr ; Dua. Es entspricht der Sunnah, das Salatul Kusuf zu beten. Dieses Gebet wird eigentlich vom Beginn der Finsternis bis zu ihrem Ende gebetet. Es ist ein langes Gebet. Aber wir sitzen, unserem Zustand entsprechend. Die jüngeren machen es wie gewohnt. Wir vollziehen das Gebet gemäß der Sunnah. Rasulallah saw hat bei diesem Gebet seinen geehrten Sahaba vorgebetet und es ist zur Sunnah geworden. (Arabisch) Am Ende der Zeit wird die Ummah verdorben sein. Sie werden herumsitzen und jeder wird nach eigenem Gutdünken handeln. Die Verderbtheit wird zunehmen und demjenigen, der sich an die Sunnah hält, gibt Allah swt die Belohnung von 100 Märtyrern. Dieses besondere Gebet kann man nicht immer beten. Möge Allah uns Gesundheit gewähren, Segen. Am 15. Rejeb beten wir dieses Kusuf Gebet und wir beten entsprechend unserer Kraft 4 RakatSalatul Kusuf. Waren es nicht 4 Rekat? Man kann 2 Rakat beten, man kann auch 4 Rakat beten. Beten wir 2 Rakatund machen jede Rakatlang. Denn im Salatul (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:56
5957 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MondfinsternisSalatUlKusuf
Kusuf - vom Beginn bis zum Ende - eine lange Zeit zu verweilen ist vortrefflich. Im Hinblick auf unsere Kraftlosigkeit beten wir 2 Rekat. Möge Allah uns vergeben. Möge Allah uns vergeben. Wer kann betet im Stehen, wer es nicht kann sitzt beim Gebet, denn es werden lange Suren rezitiert, ziemlich lange. Vielleicht dauert es eine halbe Stunde, vielleicht wird es ein Gebet von einer Stunde. Aber wir, entsprechend unserem Zustand, machen ein symbolisches Gebet, weil es die Sunnah ist. Ich bestimme jetzt meinen Enkelsohn, Hajji Mehmet Efendi, dazu unser Imam zu sein. Er ist rein und durch seinen Segen möge uns vergeben werden. In dieser Nacht ist viel Kraft durch Kusuf; es soll uns eine Lehre sein und uns Kraft spenden. Wenn es sich verdunkelt wird hinweggenommen und wenn es sich erhellt wird gegeben. Wenn Allah die Kraft verleiht, dann gibt Er mehr Kraft als vorher. Wer dieses Gebet betet, wer den Lauf des Mondes verfolgt, sein Licht, bekommt dadurch auch Licht. Sowohl äußerlich als auch innerlich werden uns Kraft und Ehre gegeben. Und wir bekommen Geschmack. ( Es nimmt das …,) nimmt das Unbehagen von den Gläubigen, erneuert. Wenn neues Licht kommt, dann kommt auch auf uns neues Licht und Krankheiten verschwinden. Probleme verschwinden. Allah bekleidet uns mit Würde. Deshalb ist dieser Monat ein gesegneter Monat, der besondere Rejeb. Viel Besonderes wird zu sehen sein. Er ist der erste der heiligen drei Monate. (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:56
5958 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MondfinsternisSalatUlKusuf
Wir hoffen, entsprechend unserem Zustand und zu Ehren unseres Propheten und bitten Allah um Vergebung. Und möge Er uns in dieser Nacht von Seinem Licht über Licht kleiden. Möge Er uns Geschmack geben, Segen, einen starken Glauben. Mögen wir nicht bettlägerig werden. Mögen wir, solange wir leben auf unseren Füßen stehen können. Wenn die Zeit reif ist, mögen wir uns in drei Tagen versammeln und gehen. Mögen wir gesund und kräftig leben. Mögen wir nicht mit Schwierigkeiten unseres Körpers leben müssen. Darum, oh ihr Menschen, oh ihr Gläubigen, oh ihr Mumin, habt acht. Um uns die Schwere zu nehmen hat Allah solche Gelegenheiten erschaffen. Und zu solchen Gelegenheiten, sollt ihr eure Möglichkeiten wie einen Schatz kennen. Lasst uns 2 Rakat beten und wir hoffen, dass Allah aus den Himmeln das Ende dieser Zeit bringen wird. Die Dunkelheit breitet sich aus. Eigentlich ist da Licht, aber die Dunkelheit ist gekommen. Der Islam kam mit Licht und um das Licht des Islams auszulöschen kam Tyrannei, kamen Diktatoren, Gewalttätige. Ihre Dunkelheit wurde verschlossen. Aber es sollte nicht in der Dunkelheit bleiben. Es kam ein Zeichen. Tyrannei wird kommen, wird zu Ende gehen und danach wird Licht kommen. Imam Mehdi as wird mit Licht kommen. Darum gehen wir sorgfältig mit diesen Zeichen um. Soviel ist genug für euch. Wenn wir mehr öffnen würden, dann würde es unseren Verstand übersteigen. Es wäre (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:56
5959 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MondfinsternisSalatUlKusuf
über unser Verständnis hinaus. Soviel ist genug für uns. In der ersten Rekat, Hajji Mehmet, die Sure Fatiha und wenn du nicht müde wirst die Sure Yasin – eigentlich bis die Finsternis vorüber ist -vielleicht ein Juz, vielleicht zwei Juz, kann der Mensch lesen. Aber wir machen es unserem Zustand entsprechend. Wir müssen diese Sunnah ausführen. Unsere Kraft reicht soweit. Betet eine Yasin in der ersten Rekat, in der Verbeugung anstatt dreimal, sollt ihr neunmal das Tasbih machen. Zwölfmal geht auch, fünfzehnmal auch. Dreisigmal geht auch. Vierzigmal geht auch. Auch die Verbeugung ist lang. Sami Allahu liman hamidah, Rabbana wa laka al hamd, dann bleibt man da stehen, Rabbana wa laka al hamd, Rabbana wa laka al hamd und man ist in Kiyam und dann sagt man Allahu akbar und geht in die Niederwerfung. In der Niederwerfung sagt man dreimal, oder sechsmal oder neunmal oder zwölfmal oder fünfzehnmal das Tesbih. Zwischen den beiden Niederwerfungen sagt man zehnmal, zwölfmal oder fünfzehnmal oder häufiger das Tesbih. Und das, was wir Tesbih nennen – subhana Rabbi al aziym, subhana Rabbi al ala, sami Allahu liman hamidah, Rabbana wa lakal hamd, Ya Rabbana lakal hamd, Ya Rabbana lakal hamd, Ya Rabbana lakal hamd, so laut, dass jeder sich selbst hören kann. Zwischen zwei Niederwerfungen macht er das Tesbih. In der ersten Rekat, wenn er Kiyam macht, fängt (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:56
5960 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MondfinsternisSalatUlKusuf
er mit dem Tesbih an und dann die Fatiha, hinterher eine Sure Tabaraka Sharif. In der Verbeugung, dreimal oder neunmal oder zwölfmal oder fünfzehnmal das Tesbih. Dann kommt man aus der Verbeugung hoch, Kiyam, so beten wir zwei Rekat. Das dauert vielleicht zehn Minuten, vielleicht zwanzig, vielleicht eine halbe Stunde. Wer nicht stehen kann, möge sitzen. In unserem Zustand fällt es mir schwer in Kiyam zu stehen. Deshalb werde ich inshallah sitzen. Wer diese Sunnah wieder belebt, der bekommt keine Schwierigkeiten und kein Ungemach. Sollte er in der Klemme sein, kommt kein Unbehagen über ihn. Darum soll man diese Gunst erkennen. Alle Leute die in Schwierigkeiten sind sollen das Gebet sprechen und ihre Schwierigkeiten werden sich auflösen. Den Kranken gibt es wieder Geschmack. Denjenigen ohne Verstand gibt es Verstand. Wer wenig Wissen hat, dessen Wissen wird vermehrt. Wer einen schwachen Glauben hat, dessen Glaube wird verstärkt. Wer körperlich geschwächt ist, wird gestärkt. Es wird erneut eine frische Stärke gegeben. Würde ich die Segnungen aufzählen, wäre ich morgen früh nicht fertig. Lefke, 15.06.2011 (aus dem Türkischen übersetzt von Hediya nach einem Video auf WebSaltanatOrg)
WebOsmanischeHerberge, CategoryNature, CategoryPrayer (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:56
5961 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MoneyAndLendingOfMoney
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MoneyAndLendingOfMoney
Now, banks are business companies. We do not say they are paying interest. No. Interest is when I give to a poor person ninety pounds and write down £100 and ask him to bring one year later £100. That £10 which I am taking from him is RIBA (interest) and prohibited, haram. But banks are saying - this is your right, it is for you from your money; we have earned, doing business, making money and we give you some of it. Therefore, we can't say that this is interest in the same way as charging poor people, or that it is riba in the same way as - I am giving you one hundred pounds of wheat and asking you to give me next year one hundred and ten - that ten is riba and prohibited. Yet if I give you one hundred pounds of wheat and say next year you should give me two hundred pounds of barley - this is not riba, because they are of equal value. In this way, what we are doing with banks is only business. This business is not the riba mentioned in the Holy Qur'an. Riba harms poor people, relationships and everything, therefore it is prohibited, as it makes enmity and bad feeling between people. Nowadays all people deal with banks, because it is obligatory in their societies. Without banks they are unable to deal. Nowadays, everyone deals with banks. Because money is bank notes, it belongs to the banks. Turkish pounds, English pounds, French francs, German marks, Japanese yen, American dollars - all are the notes of banks, so that everyone directly or indirectly, is involved with banks. Therefore, we are not saying (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:25:57
5962 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MoneyAndLendingOfMoney
RIBA is for banks, because everyone is responsible. You can't say that. When Islamic dealing is done with money, we may say to our bank, we will be partners with you and really we are partners in the same company - customers. We may make a condition - if you gain we will be partners with you and if you lose we are also partners. Islam says about companies - if we are in business, we must share equally in profit or loss. So, when we say to the bank that we are partners - really, if the bank loses, we will lose our money too. So, no fear - this money I am giving to you for investment; when we make a profit, give me and I accept; if we lose I will ask nothing and this is all right. Question - What about Islamic Banking? Answer - Now, new-fashioned banks - named Islamic banks are built but as long as they are banks, they are the same as the others. Islamic banks do something a little bit different but only the name is Islamic. They deal with other banks also, they do not cut their relationship with other banks. No. They deal with world banks and on the same lines. What is halal for them must be halal for other banks, what is haram for them must be haram for other banks. As long as they give something to people as benefit from their money - one gives, the other gives; this one gives money to merchants, that one gives money to merchants and companies and industry. Both of them (Islamic and non-Islamic) invest the money. They don't keep it in boxes in the bank. As long as they are making money in business They are the same as other banks. What is the difference? Islamic banks, are they bringing profits from the moon or from the sun or from Mars? From where are they bringing profits? Will they tell me? No! The same as other banks - they do the same. It is all right if that is a way to invest people's money. Other banks will give me a loan and take 15% or 20%. No bank will allow you a loan without taking a share. We know that all banks are big business establishments owning factories, companies and taking from £100 of ours and making more money than this. So many times they change that £100 in one year, taking perhaps £1,000 and giving you 7% - 8% and we say it is haram!! No-one in these gigantic banks gives people loans. They are all huge companies. You can't imagine what they are involved in, how they do it. (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:25:57
5963 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MoneyAndLendingOfMoney
Our Islamic banks - what are they doing? Giving loans to people by taking money from us and giving it directly to them? No. They use money in the same way as other banks use it. Question - Should Muslims borrow money from banks to use in their business? Answer - Another thing, Islamic banks give people loans, with a condition. They say - we are giving this loan not as a loan, but to become partners in your business; I am giving you £1,000 - you do the work and the profits will be shared between us. A real Islamic banking loan system should not be to take profit from that person. It should be, I am giving you a loan and you are free to invest the money and are only responsible to return the same amount. What profit you make is yours alone, not to have a partner in the bank. It should be a company established between you and me - labour is yours and I will put up the capital. What is profit will be halved between us, so that you are not carrying the responsibility of the money. I will carry it. You give me your work and I will put up the money. Like a field - I give seed and you plough and plant. When you plant a field, I give the seed and you give your work. When the wheat comes, there will be half for you and half for me. If nothing grows, then nothing for you and nothing for me. But now, the Islamic bank is giving you money and asking what is the profit and then taking half. Perhaps that is more than an ordinary bank is asking for a loan. Ordinary banks may only ask fifteen, twenty, twenty- five percent, but by giving half of your total profit to an Islamic bank they may end up with more than fifty percent on the loan. Therefore, there is more than one way to look at Islamic banking. We could speak on this a lot more.
BookLadyChadijasQuestions, CategoryEconomy (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:25:57
5964 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MonthOfMawlidStarting
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MonthOfMawlidStarting
The Month of The Mawlid is Starting
When Allah Almighty wants to punish a nation, He will first take away their reason. Then they will act mindlessly & fall into the punishment, just like this. Turks are like this, Iranians, Arabs, Russians.. All of them are mindless. There is no one listening. Those who are to die will die, those to be destroyed will be destroyed. When the order comes from Heavens, he will say Takbir: "Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar". The earth will shake like in an earthquake, all technology will die. Our Grandshaykh would tell me: "Nazim Effendi, neither their ship will go, nor will their planes fly, when the Sahibul Waqt says the takbir. None of their cars, tanks, cannons.. none of them will operate". Technology dies. Mankind can not find comfort until it dies. We seek refuge in Allah. O our Lord, send us a Master. The signs... Astaizu billah, "Faqad Ja'a 'Ashratuha - But some of its signs have already come" (47:18) Says the Holy Verse. "Qad" is to make certain. Is it not so, Shaykh Mehmed? "Faqad Ja'a 'Ashratuha - What are you waiting for? Pull yourselves together. Be servants to, worship Me. Instead, people have become more shaytanic. I will wipe out all of them!" says Allah Almighty. Aman ya Rabbi. May Allah not separate us from iman-faith & Islam. Astaghfirullah. Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah. (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:25:58
5965 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MonthOfMawlidStarting
But starting from this month, he will open now. He will start disciplining. Mawlid an-Nabawi Shariff starts from tonight. It has in it what other months don't have, there is a movement. People are on the alert - it is called "tayaqquz". They are waiting wakefully: "What is there? From where the movement will come?". It will come from an unexpected direction. Astaghfirullah, may Allah forgive us. O our Lord, Make this month blessed, reaching us with security and faith, with safety and Islam. Ya Rabbi Ya Allah! Let it be a crescent (month) of bounty and guidance. To glorify our Prophet (sas), say not less than 1000x salawat daily. Who says 1000x Salawat daily is under protection. We may look O our Lord, Fatiha.. For the honour of tonight, all awliyas are standing like this now, they keep trembling that what is to come is not easy at all! Allah Allah... They are like this now. But when the order comes for them to act they will have attributes dressed on them. They won't fear anymore. They are fearing, trembling now, with their curent attributes. But then, He will dress on them & send for their mission. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. La ilaha illa anta Subhanaka, inni kuntu minaz-zalimin. (dua for food) Fatiha. Allah Allah. Aman ya Rabbi. Inform, tell people that Mawlid starts from tonight. You may say or not, as you like. But if they start from tonight, it will be as if they welcome it. If it starts from exactly tonight, we will be able to welcome it fully & can receive the rewards for it. 1000x Salawat,100x Astaghfirullah. At least 100x Tawheed, (La Ilaha illa Allah Muhammadun Rasulullah) can go up to 1000 times. "Ya Munqidha al halka - O Saviour of the crushed/mortals Ya Munqidha al halka,Ya Munqidha al halka 40 times
archy is supported by Heavens. 01.01.1997
BookDefendingTruth, CategoryKingdom 23:25:54
5952 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Monarchy
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : Monarchy
In Belgium there is a King. In Denmark there is a King. In Norway there is a Queen. In Morocco there is a King. In the Gulf there is a King. In the Oman there is a King. In Saudi there is a King. In Spain there is a King. Maybe there are only 20 countries which have Kings now and at the beginning of the century there was an Ottoman Empire, a Russian Empire, a French Empire, a German Empire, an Austrian Empire, a Bulgarian Kingdom, a Rumanian Kingdom, a Greek Kingdom, an Italian Kingdom, an Egyptian Kingdom, a Persian Kingdom, a Libyan Kingdom, a Sudanese Kingdom, an Afghan Kingdom, an Iraqi Kingdom, a Jemenite Kingdom, an Abyssinian Kingdom, an Eritrean and Somali Kingdom. All African States were Kingdoms. China was a Kingdom, Indonesia was a Kingdom, Madagascar was a Kingdom, India was a Kingdom. Sansibar was a Kingdom. In this century 40 Kingdoms have been destroyed and the people who came after were not good. Always when Kings go, bad people come up. Kings weigh them down like a heavy cover. They are like heavy stones on them. When Kings are thrown away, everything which is under that rock gets out. This is the case now, and we are surrounded by bad people. In Islam there is perfection. There is a rule in the Holy Quran in which Allah says that, "There is no doubt the Allah Almighty orders you to give responsibilities about people, about the public and it should be in the (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:25:55
5953 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Monarchy
hands of perfect people." Don't give the doctor the responsibility of an engineer, and don't give the engineer the responsibility of the doctor. Don't give the responsibility of men to women. Don't give the responsibility of women to men. Don't give the responsibility of the doctor to an advocate and don't give the responsibility of the advocate to a pharmacist. Don't give the responsibility of farmers to citizens. Don't give the responsibility of shepherds to farmers. So in the case of responsibilities you have to look who is the best one. If you bring a tape-recorder to me and it isn't working, I will not understand, even if you ask me to arrange it. So what would I do? I would make it worse than it was before, because it is not my job, it is not my responsibility. Islam says that you must give everything to those who understand about the subject. But democracy says no to this. It tells you that you can take 10 000 votes or 100 000 votes and you can be a MP, a Member of Parliament, and the Prime Minister comes to you, who has been appointed by the President, and says to you to come to a new cabinet. So you can be the Minister of Justice, or you can be the Minister of the Interior, because you are so powerful, and people can listen to you. So in that way everything has been given to you. But at the same time it is possible that you are unable to have authority in your own home with your wife or your children. You can have so many advisers who prepare everything and bring the papers to you and you just sit and sign, often without even knowing what it is that you are signing. That is democracy! If anyone tries to meet a minister, he will be told that there is a meeting and that he is not there. In Islam that is impossible, because it tell us that we must understand what we are doing. Everything must be given to those who understand. That is why we have perfection in Islam. In Christianity it is not allowed to look after the works of the Emperor, the works of the government. Jesus Christ said to leave to the Emperor that which belongs to the Emperor. But Islam says "No!" to this, because the Emperor must listen to what Allah orders to him. In democracy people choose ministers and they do not understand. In monarchy the Sultan chooses. He looks to see who is the most suitable to be a minister. That minister will then be responsible only to the Sultan and he will be afraid to do anything wrong and to be thrown away from his office. So he will take much more care. But in the Parliament the ministers are never afraid of the people, never! They just want to put more and more in their pockets. So even if they are not chosen for a second period it doesn't matter, because he has made enough money. (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:25:55
5954 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Monarchy
That is why Allah Almighty orders people to have one Sultan and that Sultan will abide to the Sharia and bring the people to also do that. In that way no enmity or quarreling or laziness or envy will be there and everyone knows what he is doing. Everyone also knows that he is responsible in the presence of the Sultan. Until the beginnng of the 20th century our countries were governed by sultans and it was an excellent style for governing people. But Shaitan tells people not to leave a king or a sultan to govern all, but instead there should be elections and in that way everyone can be a sultan! Everyone can have the chance to be a president! But in monarchy only one has a chance to be the sultan or the king. Because of that people run after democracy hoping that one day they will be president or prime minister or at least a minister. I asked the municipal cleaner if he thinks that he can be a president, and he said to me, "Why not? Is his body any different to mine? I can sign too, maybe he signs a bit quicker, but I can sign just like him!" Everyone has a chance to be the president. This is the time in which everything is given to those who do not understand what they are doing. Our friend here is a surgeon. If he is absent and there is an urgent case and the porter just decides to do the operation instead of him, what will happen? In this way, it is impossible to give tasks to those who do not understand what they are doing. The surgeon will make you to live and the porter will kill you. Because the surgeon knows what he is doing and he has responsiblity, the porter doesn't. Nowadays there is democracy everywhere and people will be in so many parties fighting with each other. That is left, that is right, that is liberal, that is labour, that is socialist... Nations are divided into several different parties. Each party is the enemy of the other, but we need to be together. I am going to meet the King of Afghanistan, he lives in Rome since 15 years. You know about Afghanistan, 15 years ago there was a change in which the Sultan was not allowed to come back. There was a coup d'Etat and then you know what happened in Afghanistan: the Russians came, he communists came, and they fought against the communists so many years. Allah Almighty supported them and they defeated the communists from all countries. But after that they chose a wrong way. Instead of bringing back their Sultan, to put the Sultan up and to serve their nation under the order of the Sultan, they instead wanted to be president themselves. So everyone wanted to be the president, all thinking they are better and more suitable than the other. So now they are still fighting, because no-one can be sultan. They can be ministers, wezirs, or even chief-wezirs, but not sultans! They are still fighting... (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:25:55
5955 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Monarchy
Allah Almighty says, "Keep your sultan!" If you do not keep your sultan everything will happen against you. I am watching the elections in Europe. Just 10 days ago there were elections in Germany. People are now losing their balance. They are not going to decide which one is best. The conservatives were up and the socialists were up. People now are in chaos. They have lost their hopes concerning parties and people cannot give their full votes to the rightists and the leftists are also afraid of giving all their votes to the left, because they tried both sides, but they are not happy with anyone. That is why they are hesitating. They have reached the level where they have to ask for their Emperor, and they will want to put one powerful person on top to govern the nation without elections. In France, in England, in Greece, in so many countries there have been elections without any clear majority. So now they want to make a coalition, but coalitions never work. After that they will decide once more to bring their Emperors and Kings and Sultans back. According to Holy Books there will be no more democratical systems in the year 2000. If they are unable to get a clear majority within the democratical system, it means that it is finished. The alternative for democracy is monarchy. This is important knowledge which you should remember: by the year 2000 everything in this world will be changed. It will turn from the worst to the best, insha'Allah. May Allah forgive us and grant you a good life and bless you! Q: But what if the sultans will not be good people? The sultans will have the same quality as their people. Italy - 01.11.1994
BookPowerOceansofLight, CategoryKingdom, CategoryDemocracy (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:25:55
5956 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MondfinsternisSalatUlKusuf
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MondfinsternisSalatUlKusuf
Die Besonderheit des Salat ul Kusuf
Astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah Dhikr ; Dua. Es entspricht der Sunnah, das Salatul Kusuf zu beten. Dieses Gebet wird eigentlich vom Beginn der Finsternis bis zu ihrem Ende gebetet. Es ist ein langes Gebet. Aber wir sitzen, unserem Zustand entsprechend. Die jüngeren machen es wie gewohnt. Wir vollziehen das Gebet gemäß der Sunnah. Rasulallah saw hat bei diesem Gebet seinen geehrten Sahaba vorgebetet und es ist zur Sunnah geworden. (Arabisch) Am Ende der Zeit wird die Ummah verdorben sein. Sie werden herumsitzen und jeder wird nach eigenem Gutdünken handeln. Die Verderbtheit wird zunehmen und demjenigen, der sich an die Sunnah hält, gibt Allah swt die Belohnung von 100 Märtyrern. Dieses besondere Gebet kann man nicht immer beten. Möge Allah uns Gesundheit gewähren, Segen. Am 15. Rejeb beten wir dieses Kusuf Gebet und wir beten entsprechend unserer Kraft 4 RakatSalatul Kusuf. Waren es nicht 4 Rekat? Man kann 2 Rakat beten, man kann auch 4 Rakat beten. Beten wir 2 Rakatund machen jede Rakatlang. Denn im Salatul (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:56
5957 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MondfinsternisSalatUlKusuf
Kusuf - vom Beginn bis zum Ende - eine lange Zeit zu verweilen ist vortrefflich. Im Hinblick auf unsere Kraftlosigkeit beten wir 2 Rekat. Möge Allah uns vergeben. Möge Allah uns vergeben. Wer kann betet im Stehen, wer es nicht kann sitzt beim Gebet, denn es werden lange Suren rezitiert, ziemlich lange. Vielleicht dauert es eine halbe Stunde, vielleicht wird es ein Gebet von einer Stunde. Aber wir, entsprechend unserem Zustand, machen ein symbolisches Gebet, weil es die Sunnah ist. Ich bestimme jetzt meinen Enkelsohn, Hajji Mehmet Efendi, dazu unser Imam zu sein. Er ist rein und durch seinen Segen möge uns vergeben werden. In dieser Nacht ist viel Kraft durch Kusuf; es soll uns eine Lehre sein und uns Kraft spenden. Wenn es sich verdunkelt wird hinweggenommen und wenn es sich erhellt wird gegeben. Wenn Allah die Kraft verleiht, dann gibt Er mehr Kraft als vorher. Wer dieses Gebet betet, wer den Lauf des Mondes verfolgt, sein Licht, bekommt dadurch auch Licht. Sowohl äußerlich als auch innerlich werden uns Kraft und Ehre gegeben. Und wir bekommen Geschmack. ( Es nimmt das …,) nimmt das Unbehagen von den Gläubigen, erneuert. Wenn neues Licht kommt, dann kommt auch auf uns neues Licht und Krankheiten verschwinden. Probleme verschwinden. Allah bekleidet uns mit Würde. Deshalb ist dieser Monat ein gesegneter Monat, der besondere Rejeb. Viel Besonderes wird zu sehen sein. Er ist der erste der heiligen drei Monate. (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:56
5958 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MondfinsternisSalatUlKusuf
Wir hoffen, entsprechend unserem Zustand und zu Ehren unseres Propheten und bitten Allah um Vergebung. Und möge Er uns in dieser Nacht von Seinem Licht über Licht kleiden. Möge Er uns Geschmack geben, Segen, einen starken Glauben. Mögen wir nicht bettlägerig werden. Mögen wir, solange wir leben auf unseren Füßen stehen können. Wenn die Zeit reif ist, mögen wir uns in drei Tagen versammeln und gehen. Mögen wir gesund und kräftig leben. Mögen wir nicht mit Schwierigkeiten unseres Körpers leben müssen. Darum, oh ihr Menschen, oh ihr Gläubigen, oh ihr Mumin, habt acht. Um uns die Schwere zu nehmen hat Allah solche Gelegenheiten erschaffen. Und zu solchen Gelegenheiten, sollt ihr eure Möglichkeiten wie einen Schatz kennen. Lasst uns 2 Rakat beten und wir hoffen, dass Allah aus den Himmeln das Ende dieser Zeit bringen wird. Die Dunkelheit breitet sich aus. Eigentlich ist da Licht, aber die Dunkelheit ist gekommen. Der Islam kam mit Licht und um das Licht des Islams auszulöschen kam Tyrannei, kamen Diktatoren, Gewalttätige. Ihre Dunkelheit wurde verschlossen. Aber es sollte nicht in der Dunkelheit bleiben. Es kam ein Zeichen. Tyrannei wird kommen, wird zu Ende gehen und danach wird Licht kommen. Imam Mehdi as wird mit Licht kommen. Darum gehen wir sorgfältig mit diesen Zeichen um. Soviel ist genug für euch. Wenn wir mehr öffnen würden, dann würde es unseren Verstand übersteigen. Es wäre (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:56
5959 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MondfinsternisSalatUlKusuf
über unser Verständnis hinaus. Soviel ist genug für uns. In der ersten Rekat, Hajji Mehmet, die Sure Fatiha und wenn du nicht müde wirst die Sure Yasin – eigentlich bis die Finsternis vorüber ist -vielleicht ein Juz, vielleicht zwei Juz, kann der Mensch lesen. Aber wir machen es unserem Zustand entsprechend. Wir müssen diese Sunnah ausführen. Unsere Kraft reicht soweit. Betet eine Yasin in der ersten Rekat, in der Verbeugung anstatt dreimal, sollt ihr neunmal das Tasbih machen. Zwölfmal geht auch, fünfzehnmal auch. Dreisigmal geht auch. Vierzigmal geht auch. Auch die Verbeugung ist lang. Sami Allahu liman hamidah, Rabbana wa laka al hamd, dann bleibt man da stehen, Rabbana wa laka al hamd, Rabbana wa laka al hamd und man ist in Kiyam und dann sagt man Allahu akbar und geht in die Niederwerfung. In der Niederwerfung sagt man dreimal, oder sechsmal oder neunmal oder zwölfmal oder fünfzehnmal das Tesbih. Zwischen den beiden Niederwerfungen sagt man zehnmal, zwölfmal oder fünfzehnmal oder häufiger das Tesbih. Und das, was wir Tesbih nennen – subhana Rabbi al aziym, subhana Rabbi al ala, sami Allahu liman hamidah, Rabbana wa lakal hamd, Ya Rabbana lakal hamd, Ya Rabbana lakal hamd, Ya Rabbana lakal hamd, so laut, dass jeder sich selbst hören kann. Zwischen zwei Niederwerfungen macht er das Tesbih. In der ersten Rekat, wenn er Kiyam macht, fängt (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:56
5960 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MondfinsternisSalatUlKusuf
er mit dem Tesbih an und dann die Fatiha, hinterher eine Sure Tabaraka Sharif. In der Verbeugung, dreimal oder neunmal oder zwölfmal oder fünfzehnmal das Tesbih. Dann kommt man aus der Verbeugung hoch, Kiyam, so beten wir zwei Rekat. Das dauert vielleicht zehn Minuten, vielleicht zwanzig, vielleicht eine halbe Stunde. Wer nicht stehen kann, möge sitzen. In unserem Zustand fällt es mir schwer in Kiyam zu stehen. Deshalb werde ich inshallah sitzen. Wer diese Sunnah wieder belebt, der bekommt keine Schwierigkeiten und kein Ungemach. Sollte er in der Klemme sein, kommt kein Unbehagen über ihn. Darum soll man diese Gunst erkennen. Alle Leute die in Schwierigkeiten sind sollen das Gebet sprechen und ihre Schwierigkeiten werden sich auflösen. Den Kranken gibt es wieder Geschmack. Denjenigen ohne Verstand gibt es Verstand. Wer wenig Wissen hat, dessen Wissen wird vermehrt. Wer einen schwachen Glauben hat, dessen Glaube wird verstärkt. Wer körperlich geschwächt ist, wird gestärkt. Es wird erneut eine frische Stärke gegeben. Würde ich die Segnungen aufzählen, wäre ich morgen früh nicht fertig. Lefke, 15.06.2011 (aus dem Türkischen übersetzt von Hediya nach einem Video auf WebSaltanatOrg)
WebOsmanischeHerberge, CategoryNature, CategoryPrayer (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:56
5961 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MoneyAndLendingOfMoney
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MoneyAndLendingOfMoney
Now, banks are business companies. We do not say they are paying interest. No. Interest is when I give to a poor person ninety pounds and write down £100 and ask him to bring one year later £100. That £10 which I am taking from him is RIBA (interest) and prohibited, haram. But banks are saying - this is your right, it is for you from your money; we have earned, doing business, making money and we give you some of it. Therefore, we can't say that this is interest in the same way as charging poor people, or that it is riba in the same way as - I am giving you one hundred pounds of wheat and asking you to give me next year one hundred and ten - that ten is riba and prohibited. Yet if I give you one hundred pounds of wheat and say next year you should give me two hundred pounds of barley - this is not riba, because they are of equal value. In this way, what we are doing with banks is only business. This business is not the riba mentioned in the Holy Qur'an. Riba harms poor people, relationships and everything, therefore it is prohibited, as it makes enmity and bad feeling between people. Nowadays all people deal with banks, because it is obligatory in their societies. Without banks they are unable to deal. Nowadays, everyone deals with banks. Because money is bank notes, it belongs to the banks. Turkish pounds, English pounds, French francs, German marks, Japanese yen, American dollars - all are the notes of banks, so that everyone directly or indirectly, is involved with banks. Therefore, we are not saying (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:25:57
5962 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MoneyAndLendingOfMoney
RIBA is for banks, because everyone is responsible. You can't say that. When Islamic dealing is done with money, we may say to our bank, we will be partners with you and really we are partners in the same company - customers. We may make a condition - if you gain we will be partners with you and if you lose we are also partners. Islam says about companies - if we are in business, we must share equally in profit or loss. So, when we say to the bank that we are partners - really, if the bank loses, we will lose our money too. So, no fear - this money I am giving to you for investment; when we make a profit, give me and I accept; if we lose I will ask nothing and this is all right. Question - What about Islamic Banking? Answer - Now, new-fashioned banks - named Islamic banks are built but as long as they are banks, they are the same as the others. Islamic banks do something a little bit different but only the name is Islamic. They deal with other banks also, they do not cut their relationship with other banks. No. They deal with world banks and on the same lines. What is halal for them must be halal for other banks, what is haram for them must be haram for other banks. As long as they give something to people as benefit from their money - one gives, the other gives; this one gives money to merchants, that one gives money to merchants and companies and industry. Both of them (Islamic and non-Islamic) invest the money. They don't keep it in boxes in the bank. As long as they are making money in business They are the same as other banks. What is the difference? Islamic banks, are they bringing profits from the moon or from the sun or from Mars? From where are they bringing profits? Will they tell me? No! The same as other banks - they do the same. It is all right if that is a way to invest people's money. Other banks will give me a loan and take 15% or 20%. No bank will allow you a loan without taking a share. We know that all banks are big business establishments owning factories, companies and taking from £100 of ours and making more money than this. So many times they change that £100 in one year, taking perhaps £1,000 and giving you 7% - 8% and we say it is haram!! No-one in these gigantic banks gives people loans. They are all huge companies. You can't imagine what they are involved in, how they do it. (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:25:57
5963 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MoneyAndLendingOfMoney
Our Islamic banks - what are they doing? Giving loans to people by taking money from us and giving it directly to them? No. They use money in the same way as other banks use it. Question - Should Muslims borrow money from banks to use in their business? Answer - Another thing, Islamic banks give people loans, with a condition. They say - we are giving this loan not as a loan, but to become partners in your business; I am giving you £1,000 - you do the work and the profits will be shared between us. A real Islamic banking loan system should not be to take profit from that person. It should be, I am giving you a loan and you are free to invest the money and are only responsible to return the same amount. What profit you make is yours alone, not to have a partner in the bank. It should be a company established between you and me - labour is yours and I will put up the capital. What is profit will be halved between us, so that you are not carrying the responsibility of the money. I will carry it. You give me your work and I will put up the money. Like a field - I give seed and you plough and plant. When you plant a field, I give the seed and you give your work. When the wheat comes, there will be half for you and half for me. If nothing grows, then nothing for you and nothing for me. But now, the Islamic bank is giving you money and asking what is the profit and then taking half. Perhaps that is more than an ordinary bank is asking for a loan. Ordinary banks may only ask fifteen, twenty, twenty- five percent, but by giving half of your total profit to an Islamic bank they may end up with more than fifty percent on the loan. Therefore, there is more than one way to look at Islamic banking. We could speak on this a lot more.
BookLadyChadijasQuestions, CategoryEconomy (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:25:57
5964 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MonthOfMawlidStarting
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MonthOfMawlidStarting
The Month of The Mawlid is Starting
When Allah Almighty wants to punish a nation, He will first take away their reason. Then they will act mindlessly & fall into the punishment, just like this. Turks are like this, Iranians, Arabs, Russians.. All of them are mindless. There is no one listening. Those who are to die will die, those to be destroyed will be destroyed. When the order comes from Heavens, he will say Takbir: "Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar". The earth will shake like in an earthquake, all technology will die. Our Grandshaykh would tell me: "Nazim Effendi, neither their ship will go, nor will their planes fly, when the Sahibul Waqt says the takbir. None of their cars, tanks, cannons.. none of them will operate". Technology dies. Mankind can not find comfort until it dies. We seek refuge in Allah. O our Lord, send us a Master. The signs... Astaizu billah, "Faqad Ja'a 'Ashratuha - But some of its signs have already come" (47:18) Says the Holy Verse. "Qad" is to make certain. Is it not so, Shaykh Mehmed? "Faqad Ja'a 'Ashratuha - What are you waiting for? Pull yourselves together. Be servants to, worship Me. Instead, people have become more shaytanic. I will wipe out all of them!" says Allah Almighty. Aman ya Rabbi. May Allah not separate us from iman-faith & Islam. Astaghfirullah. Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah. (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:25:58
5965 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MonthOfMawlidStarting
But starting from this month, he will open now. He will start disciplining. Mawlid an-Nabawi Shariff starts from tonight. It has in it what other months don't have, there is a movement. People are on the alert - it is called "tayaqquz". They are waiting wakefully: "What is there? From where the movement will come?". It will come from an unexpected direction. Astaghfirullah, may Allah forgive us. O our Lord, Make this month blessed, reaching us with security and faith, with safety and Islam. Ya Rabbi Ya Allah! Let it be a crescent (month) of bounty and guidance. To glorify our Prophet (sas), say not less than 1000x salawat daily. Who says 1000x Salawat daily is under protection. We may look O our Lord, Fatiha.. For the honour of tonight, all awliyas are standing like this now, they keep trembling that what is to come is not easy at all! Allah Allah... They are like this now. But when the order comes for them to act they will have attributes dressed on them. They won't fear anymore. They are fearing, trembling now, with their curent attributes. But then, He will dress on them & send for their mission. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. La ilaha illa anta Subhanaka, inni kuntu minaz-zalimin. (dua for food) Fatiha. Allah Allah. Aman ya Rabbi. Inform, tell people that Mawlid starts from tonight. You may say or not, as you like. But if they start from tonight, it will be as if they welcome it. If it starts from exactly tonight, we will be able to welcome it fully & can receive the rewards for it. 1000x Salawat,100x Astaghfirullah. At least 100x Tawheed, (La Ilaha illa Allah Muhammadun Rasulullah) can go up to 1000 times. "Ya Munqidha al halka - O Saviour of the crushed/mortals Ya Munqidha al halka,Ya Munqidha al halka 40 times