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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (411/777)
en würde? Sie haben uns damit entehrt. Warum sagt ihr das nicht? Hier ist das Land unserer Vorfahren. Es ist das Land der Osmanen. Es ist außerhalb des Misak-i Milli, des Nationalen Paktes. Sie schließen uns aus Sultan Selim hat dieses Land (8 von 10)04.07.2013 23:25:13

5718 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MawlidKhudba

erobert. Sultan Hamid, möge das Paradies sein Aufenthalt sein, verpachtete es. Die Türkische Republik gab es weg, ein Opfer an die Engländer in Lausanne. Masha Allah! Ihr zypriotischen Türken! Wenn du sie fragst, werden sie sagen: "Eine Person kam zu uns, ein Glatzkopf. Er ging in meinem Laden herum und sagte: 'Mein Bruder!' 'Ja, mein Herr.' 'Sie sagen, daß Zypern berühmt für seine Esel ist.' 'Ja, mein Herr. Es war einmal so, aber sie sind verdorben worden von denen, die von außerhalb kommen.' Als er das hörte, verließ der Mann den Laden." Wir sind keine Esel! Der Pasha, der von uns kam, Mehmet Kamil Pasha, der Zypriot, der 30 Jahre als Großwesir für Sultan Hamid diente. Er ist der Mann, der das Reich 30 Jahre regierte. Sie blicken auf uns herab. Das geht nicht! Unsere schlauen, intelligenten Leute können die anderen Nationen auch abschätzen. Die Briten regierten hier 70 Jahre lang. Ihr Berater war ein Zypriot, von der Insel Zypern. Die Inselbewohner sind intelligent. Eine Person von dieser Insel kann die ganze Welt regieren. Es gibt jetzt so eine Person. Marhaban, wie geht es euch, Freunde? Wenn ich etwas Falsches sagte, kommt und sagt es mir. Ich werfe euch in den Abwasserkanal. Und ihr werdet euer Gesicht sehen, wenn ihr wieder herauskommt. Willkommen! Dies ist wie eine Eid-Khutba geworden, gesprochen für die Mawlid Nacht. Sie sollen zuhören! Jeder soll zuhören! Jeder, der Türkisch versteht, soll zuhören. Wer es nicht versteht, wenn sie neugierig sind, lasse ich es ins Englische, Griechische und Französische übersetzen. Wir haben jedem von ihnen eine Lektion zu erteilen. Die intelligenteste Person der Erde mag kommen und hier sitzen, um mir entgegenzutreten. Ich bin der Schwächste. Ich kann ihn mit der Erlaubnis Allahs besiegen. Weil meine Sache mit Allah ist und ihre Sache mit Shaytan. "Wa Allahu Ghalibun `Ala 'Amrihi" (12:21) - Allah ist der Unbedingt Sieghafte. Und wen Er unterstützt, ist auch sieghaft. Es gibt keine Macht, die ihn besiegen kann. Seid stolz! Aber sie haben alles, was du studierst und lernst, falsch gemacht. Sie sind sich jetzt nicht gewahr. Würden wir dies langsam sagen, wieviele Bände von Büchern wären es? Was wir gesagt haben, reicht für heute. Aber es gibt einen Ozean, der eine Bibliothek füllen kann oder sogar mehr. Aber in unserer Lage sprechen wir darüber langsam. Eine Person kann nicht alles in einer Bäckerei auf einmal essen. Aber er kann langsam essen, Stück für Stück. Möge Allah uns vergeben. Wir hoffen, daß zu Ehren dieser heiligen Nacht eine Ära zum Ende kommt in Zypern wie auch an anderen Orten, Ägypten, Sham, Irak, Iran, Lybien, verschiedene Länder in Afrika.. Es wird sich etwas verändern. Es wird sich ändern, weil die Unterdrücker an der Regierung der Menschheit nicht dienen konnten. Sie warfen sie nieder, töteten sie grausam, vernichteten sie, verbrannten sie.. Sie können so nicht weitermachen. Der (9 von 10)04.07.2013 23:25:13

5719 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MawlidKhudba

Prophet (saws) sagte: Die Unterdrückung kann nicht von Dauer sein! Sie wird schließlich zerstört. Reißt euch zusammen. Was ist das unveränderliche Prinzip im Islam? "Ati kulli dhi haqqin haqqa" - Gib jedem das ihm zustehende Recht. Ihr werdet jedermans Rechte erkennen und ihnen zugestehen. Das ist das Maß der Gerechtigkeit im Islam. Sie lehren das nicht. Sie machten sogar einen Witz: "Unser Herr, ob das halal oder haram ist, ist egal, gib es uns, und wir essen es." "Es ist egal, ob es halal oder haram ist. Deine Diener machen keinen Unterschied. Gib uns, Herr," sagen sie. Sie haben uns zu dem gemacht. Es gibt kein Gesetz, keinen Eigner von Rechten oder Gerechtigkeit mehr. Shaytan regiert die ganze Welt. Die ganze Welt leidet, aber "Wa Layubaddilannahum Min Ba`di Khawfihim 'Amnan", sagt Allah der Allmächtige. "Und Er wird ihnen nach ihrer Angst ganz gewiß Sicherheit gewähren." (24:55) Der Befehl wird kommen. Diese Dunya wird den gerechten und vernünftigen Gläubigen gegeben. Alle, die jetzt herrschen, werden erledigt und ins.. geworfen.. Das ist genug. Was können wir tun? Was können wir tun? Möge Allah mir und euch vergeben. Ich behaupte nicht, daß ich völlig rein und frei von Sünden bin. Aber sie haben mich dazu gebracht zu sprechen, und so habe ich gesprochen. Möge Allah mir und euch vergeben, ihr Leute! Wir werden Wahrhaftige sein. Wir werden die Wahrheit anerkennen. Was wir sagen, ist die Wahrheit. Ich muß das anerkennen, genauso wie ihr. Ich behaupte nicht, besser zu sein als ihr. Fatiha. Es ist genug. Marhaban, Zyprioten. Wie geht es euch? Wie geht es, Karpazis? Wie geht es, Zyprioten? Seid Muslime, haltet euch an den Islam und ihr erlangt Ehre. Wenn ihr ihn verlaßt, werdet ihr nicht respektiert. Sie wischen euch weg. Sie treten auf euch herum und gehen weiter. Aman ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Sagt es auch, ihr Zyprioten, sagt es: Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba, Astaghfirullah. La ilaha illa Allah, Sayyidina Muhammad Rasul Allah (saws). Mögest Du uns einen Meister senden zu Ehren Deines Geliebten. Das ist genug. Sagt zuerst, daß Allah euch vergebe. Lefke, 22.01.2012

WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryAstronomy, CategoryTechnology, CategoryCyprus, CategoryEducation, CategoryMedicine (10 von 10)04.07.2013 23:25:13

5720 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MayAllahGiveUsAGoodEnd

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MayAllahGiveUsAGoodEnd


May Allah give us a good end

The ferah-tejalli, the tajalli of happiness, is coming...According to the Ayat:... fa inna ma'a-l 'usri yussra, inna ma'al 'usri yussra... Friday, 30th The new Dhikr, recited daily after Isha prayer and after the Dhikr with the big wooden beeds (1ooo x La ilaha ill-Allah, 1oo x Salawat): - Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim... ca. 2o x - Allah, ya Jalil...and after ca. Half of Ramadan it chaged to: Allah, dhul 1oo x - Hasbun Allah, Rabbun 1o x - Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha ill'Allah, wa Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa li-llahi-l hamd... - (EID-Dua:) Allahu akbar kabiera, wa-l hamduli-llahi kathiera, wa Subhanallahi bukratan wa asila, la ilaha ill-Allah wa Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa li-llahi-l hamd... La ilaha ill-Allah wahda, sadaqa wa'da, wa nassara 'abda, wa a'asa jundahu wa asaba azaba wahda (?), La ilaha ill-Allah wa Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa li-llahi-l hamd - Salawat (3x): Allahumma salli wa sallim 'ala / nabiyina Muhammad 'alayhi salam / salatan tadumu wa tughda ilayh / mamarra layali wa tuula dawam. (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:25:14

5721 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MayAllahGiveUsAGoodEnd

- Ila sharfin-nabiy sws... - Fatiha Audhu bi-llahi mina-shaitani-rajim, Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim...Allahumma ahsin aqibatna fi umurana kulliha...May Allah give us a good end. It would be a pity and misfortune to find a bad end after a good life. People live in enjoyment and then there comes the bad awakening- then what remains from their amusements? O Allah, may You make all our affairs and our end good, so that we can leave this world in happiness. We have to pray for that. We get inspirations from the Holy Quran. Allah Almighty says in there: '...qalilan ma tashkurun...'- few are those who are thankful. And Allah gave us everything- vision and hearing, a soul and a heart to understand, and He didn't give this to other creatures. So big favours, gifts, but man is complaining and doesn't give thanks, doesn't say: ,Shukr, ya Rabbi!' ,O My servants', Allah says, ,you are not thankful to Me, except for a few of you. Most of you are making Kufr and are not thankful, but greedy. What would you do if I created you to be an insect or a donkey? Or a rat in the canalisation? Are you not happy that you have been created as a man? What more do you want? Say, and I shall give to you.' What would you do if you had been created blind? For the sense of vision we owe Him thanks, Shukr, day and night. Allah says: ,I gave you a soul, a heart, and everything is in it- what else do you want?' And they bring so many children to me that have a hole in the heart and it needs to be sawn... How you are not grateful? But people are only human from outlooking, inside they are like wild beasts. Therefore all this Bela is coming on them. People deny Allah, they don't want to know about Him, they disrespect His orders and play with His favours. And they think there is no one to register all what they are doing. Wait for Bayram, the Eid celebration, wait for Christmas and New Year of the Christians! Next year all misfortune will come on people. For what they are (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:25:14

5722 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MayAllahGiveUsAGoodEnd

fighting? ,Have I not given you everything, what is missing?', Allah is asking. So you will educate each other, one will fight the other. What is happening in Afghanistan is only a small thing- after billions of people will die in the storm that is coming...That is the Divine Anger. And Allah will send hunger on people and thirst. There were nations before that were searching on the cemetery for flesh to eat... Rahmet is sent down from Heavens on people, but they send only bad behaviour back up. They try to turn people to the way of Kufr, not to the way of Shukr... May Allah send us the Sahibu Zaman... Lefke - 01.12.2001

CategoryCreation, CategoryThankfulness (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:25:14

5723 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MayAllahKeepUsFarFromShaitanicActions

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MayAllahKeepUsFarFromShaitanicActions


May Allah keep us far from shaitanic actions

May Allah keep us far from shaitanic actions and make us to be from Allah's servants - that is honour! The way to goodness is to serve Allah. It is a shame for mankind that they lost the sense of shame. The holy Prophet (sws) used to say: 'If you are not ashamed, then do as you please.' Shame is the sign of faith. Someone who has no shame, is doing everything. Shame is a spiritual power, that makes man under control. It is a favour of Allah. If you remove this power that may keep man under control, then faith disappears and sinks down to zero. When the angel Gibrail a.s. came to the Prophet for the last time before he passed away, he said to him: 'The message is complete - Allah is not going to send me anymore. I will not come on earth anymore except for four times before Qiyamat (Final Judgement). The first time I will come to take justice from the world.' And it is an order of Allah starting from the people on the top to the lowest level people that they should be just. It is for all people, it is an obligation. (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:15

5724 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MayAllahKeepUsFarFromShaitanicActions

Abu Yazid Bistami was praying one day. Prayers keep one away from doing bad things. Who doesn't pray, is ready to do all kind of bad things. The more you pray, the stronger the protection. When he finished his prayer, he heard a voice telling him: 'O dhalim, o cruel one, no one can come to My Presence who is unjust.' Abu Yazid was very surprised, and he asked: 'What is my fault?' The voice said: 'During prayer one of your legs got tired, and you put the burden that this legs normally carries, on the other leg, so it was carrying more than it is supposed to. Because I arranged it in such a way that the wheight of the body should be carried by two legs, not only one. That is the cruelty, you have committed.' If Allah would judge us - who could save himself?! Nobody of the people nowadays. And His justice is Haqq, based on truth. He is not joking. He gave us two legs to carry the burden of the body. If you put the whole wheight on one leg only, it is dhulm (injustice). Also, when you are eating and drinking, don't take more, than you need and what is good for you. Maybe you take someone else's share, it is his right. To take more than what is necessary is greed, and dhulm for the body - for the heart, the stomach, so many organs are affected. This extra burden is the reason of illnesses. Keep the balance of Allah's truth. Allah has given a measure for everything. Who goes beyond it, is dhalim. (same as dhulm) So Gibrail a.s. had said: 'I will come on earth to take away justice.' And it is like this now - there is no more justice in the governments. But what about yourself? Are you just, that you could expect justice from others? Can a just person be the head of unjust people, of dhalims? It is impossible. All creation is suffering from the injustice of people, animals and nature. There is the story of a holy man who was travelling by ship. As he was watching the fish, he was shocked to see them eat one another. 'This is (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:15

5725 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MayAllahKeepUsFarFromShaitanicActions

strange - how can these fish eat one another, and also they are from the same kind?', he asked himself. Then he heard a voice: 'This is because once a cruel person, who is not respecting Allah and who doesn't pray, was spitting into the sea. Since then the fish eat one another...' If you look to dogs, some of them you will find soft, others like wild beasts - they reflect the nature of their owner. Trees may die because of the dhulm of the owner of the garden... Everyone wants justice for his own ego, that is why dhulm has spread over the whole world. The people in the 21st century are all dhalims, including the heedless Muslims. Daily you can see this on TV. The hearts of unbelievers are like a stone, without mercy. And when mercy leaves the heart of a believer, he looses his faith. The angel Gibrail a.s. was saying: 'I will come another time to take away mercy from the hearts of people.' The whole world is witness. 'Then I will come for the third time and take away the shame from women and men.' People now are asking to be like animals - they show their body without being ashamed and they are enjoying it, too. Once some poor people brought their baby to the Prophet sws, and it was uncovered, because they had nothing to cover it with. Then he asked: 'Don't you have anything to cover this baby, some cloth?' He said this, because the private parts of a baby are just like those of grown ups. Now parents dress their children very free, and they say: 'But they are only children.' Do you have no shame? Without shame there is no belief, no justice, no mercy. 'I will come a fourth time and take away 'ilm, knowledge.' This is the knowledge that brings people on the path to Allah and makes them to advance to His Divine Presence. Alims are dying, and they take their knowledge with them into the grave. Like this no knowledge remains. Who can still (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:15

5726 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MayAllahKeepUsFarFromShaitanicActions

understand the books they wrote? And these books are not like newspapers. But even newspapers you don't understand anymore... The knowledge must come to you from someone's heart, it will not come to you through books. If it is not coming from the heart of someone and entering your heart, it is not knowledge. You must take 'ilm from Alims. That is why the Sahabas could not take directly from the Quran, but they took from the heart of the Prophet sws. They didn't read, but took from his heart... I was speaking about the condition we are in nowadays... Evil and shaitanic actions have reached to the top point. There was one king once upon a time, who burnt all the books in the country. Why? Because he said that peole are only learning meanness from them. People don't know about history... So I am not recommending to read, only about history, because it will open your eyes. Evil comes from reading books that do not contain beneficial knowledge. May Allah protect us from that kind of knowledge. Knowledge is of two kinds: there is beneficial and harmful knowledge. Nowadays they only teach harmful knowledge. The first knowledge that must be taught is about Allah - to teach people His Name. Without the knowledge about Allah every knowledge is harmful. Therefore now people are bad in the 21st century. They are dhalims, they cannot do anythng good. Look and see- a cruel person cannot do something good. What you can expect from scorpions and snakes? A fox was making friendship with a snake. They came to a river and wanted to cross it. The snake said: 'I cannot cross this river.' 'But I can', said the fox,'I will not leave you behind, I will carry you (in my belly) to the other side.' When they had crossed the river, he said: 'Now you can leave me.' But the snake said: 'No, I will not leave you anymore. I will kill you and eat you.' 'Is this your reward for the goodness I did to you?' 'Didn't you know that you (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:15

5727 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MayAllahKeepUsFarFromShaitanicActions

cannot expect goodness from a snake? Who is expecting goodness from a snake, must be stupid.' The fox started to cry and he said: 'O my dear friend, let me for the last time look into your beautiful eyes.' As the snake was stupid, too, it was coming in front of the fox and the fox bit off its head. The he made it straight on the ground and he adressed it: 'You see, friendship must be like this - straight.' People are like that snake nowadays- you cannot expect goodness from them. It is said that out of seven people one will remain in the big war. Don't think all are human. They are like dragons, they are sadist and they have to go. There are special servants of Allah that have them as their aim... Dhulm will be removed from the world... O Allah, send the Sahib-u-Zaman and protect the believers. When the lion comes, Sayiddina Mehdi alehi salam, he will make Tekbir and shake the world. Lefke - 19.12.2001

CategoryShame, CategoryAdab, CategoryFaith, CategoryGabriel, CategoryHealth, CategoryJustice, CategoryResurrection, CategoryArmageddon, CategoryMehdi (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:15

5728 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MayAllahMakeUsToBeWithHisGoodServants

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MayAllahMakeUsToBeWithHisGoodServants


May Allah make us to be with His good servants in Dunya and in Akhira

It is a blessings to have good neighbours. In Dunya the neighbours may change- either you move or they may move. But in the cemetery you don't change. In old times people were careful about their neighbours for Akhirat. For example they choose to be neighbours of Abu Eyyub Ansari, a big Sahaba of the Holy Prophet sws, because on his tomb always mercy is raining down. And on the day of Judgment they will be gathered under his flag. With their love to the Prophet the Saints will ask for forgiveness and intercede, make shafaat, for their neighbours, and it is not difficult for them. And there are so many Sahabas in Istanbul. It is also a blessing to live near a mosque, because the rains of mercy that come on it all the time, also come on those who live around it. There is a prayer to ask for good neighbours: ,Subhana Rabbiyi-l 'Aliyu-l 'Ala-l Wahhab...Allahumma-ahschurna fi zumrati salihien'. But the Hocas and Imams nowadays don't know anymore how to pray and what to ask for. At the end of the Prophet's life the angel Gibrail a.s. came to him and he (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:25:16

5729 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MayAllahMakeUsToBeWithHisGoodServants

said: ,Now I will only come once more to you. It is to take your soul.' And the Prophet asked if after that he would come again to the world. The angel said: ,Yes, I will come four times. But instead of bringing something, each time I will take something away from the world. First I will come to take the justice. Then I will take the mercy from the hearts of people. Then I will take the shame and finally ilm, knowledge, so that there will be no mor ' Alims and the people will be left ignorant.' Nowadays everyone is talking and making Khutba, but they cannot give anything from their heart to the hearts of people, and their speech gives no benefit. In old times they were acting without much talking, but today they talk and destroy what they built, because they are ignorant. They don't teach children about their Creator, they don't teach them to say His Name, Allah. So all learning has no benefit. And they don't know how to pray and make Dua. ,Wa kunu ma'a sadiqien...' -Allah told us to ask for being with good ones, because that is safety for us. Bad servants attract Bela and then the curse from heavens and earth comes on them and on all who follow them and who are around them. No government nowadays follows salihien anymore... Mercy and blessings come on mosques, but people don't enter anymore. They are so burdened with cursings, that they don't enter... The computer of Allah is working. People are marked. If your relationship to Allah is alright, you don't have to fear... I am fearing for this island, Cyprus, because the people are not grateful and they are complaining, not saying Shukr, that they have been living in peace since 27 years. And they don't pray or fast, don't respect Allah, His Prophet and the holy days... Lefke - 27.11.2001 (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:25:16

5730 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MayAllahMakeUsToBeWithHisGoodServants

CategoryGabriel, CategoryResurrection, CategoryCommunity (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:25:16

5731 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MayAllahProtectUsFromTricksAndTrapsOfShaitan

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MayAllahProtectUsFromTricksAndTrapsOfShaitan


May Allah protect us from the tricks and traps of Shaitan

They say that in the first Rakaat you should say: 'Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim', but Ibn Arabi was saying: 'At the beginning of each Rakaat you should say it, for Shaitan not to be able to interfere in your prayer. He approaches in each Rakaat. ,Audhu...' is our shield against him, without it we have no protection. No one can protect himself against Shaitan, only Allah can protect us. Adab is the soul of the Tariqat and of Islam, of the way towards Allah. Without Adab, no Tariqat, and without Tariqat man cannot save himself from Shaitan. Who doesn't follow a Tariqat, cannot find Allah, just like you cannot reach the city without following the way leading to it. Without Tariqat you don't find Allah, because Tariqat is a way to follow, until you reach Allah. What are we asking to reach? What are we looking for? If it is not Allah's Presence, it is Batil. Everything outside Allah is Batil, everything without Him is useless, has no success. Who is ruling the world but without Allah, (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:17

5732 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MayAllahProtectUsFromTricksAndTrapsOfShaitan

has nothing in his hands. Who is looking for something else but Allah finds- nothing. That is Dunya- if it was to explode into space, it would vanish and nothing would remain. Without Allah's power, that is keeping each atom from six directions, the atoms have no existence, they will vanish. Man is a creature of 1½ to 2 meters height, walking on two legs. The other creatures walk on four legs. Without clothes man looks like an ape. And we put clothes and decorate ourselves with them, and we think with our clothes be become someone else and we had a value. Nasruddin Hoca once went to a wedding and he had his worst clothes on, so at the door they refused him. He went back and put his best clothes. They welcomed him as Sheikh-ul-Islam and seated him on the seat of honour. Then he took off his coat and dipped it in the soup, that had been served to him. The people were shocked and asked why he was doing this. He said: 'Since you pay respect to my coat, let it eat the food, also. I am not going to eat.' People need training for their egos, because its nature is to be wild and more harmful than the wildest beasts. The prophets were showing the way, but people were not accepting them, their egos didn't want to follow, but live as they like. They wanted to be free, without the limits of Haram and Halal. They said to the prophets: 'You want to make rules for us, you don't let us to be, as we like, you want to cut our freedom and tell us, what to do. We don't want that. We want to be like it is our nature- free.' And nowadays it is the same- the young people want to live 'their own life' without their parents, they want to choose for themselves. They leave the house and rent an apartment. They don't want any control on them, nobody should tell them anything. This is the life-principle of the youth today. They are not interested in anything, they are unconscious, like blind and know about nothing. (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:17

5733 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MayAllahProtectUsFromTricksAndTrapsOfShaitan

Religion is hated in the 21st century, and Islam is not even recognized as a religion officially. And everything except Islam is out of date, has no effect and no spirituality to give to people anymore. They are playing in Christianity- there is no discipline, no Haram and Halal. And they show Judaism as something harmless, but they are not accepting except their own people. Everyone is against Islam because of its discipline, but if not for that, the world was finished long time ago. They don't like us and our clothes. They are like rats in the canalisation. Someone was asking why dogs lift their leg when they make pipi. They said to him in order not to make himself dirty. But, the other one was saying, he is standing in his own dirt... They are pointing to us, blaming us, ma