Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (406/777)
denly appeared through space. If anyone saying that suddenly our world just appeared through space must be something wrong that person. No one can accept this. That means our world it wasn't in existence but now it is in existence and you are on it and countless creatures on it, east and west on it, north and south on it, countless directions on it. And some very strange happening that it is turning around itself. And no one can say a something by itself can turn around itself, by itself! So many things that we are in need to ask and to find an answer but up today common people no one can say anything for such a questions or such a understanding. People saying "oh, everyday sun rising morning time and setting evening time". Yes, everyone knowing and looking and seeing but do you think that it is by itself rising and setting? If you are saying this, you must be, you must be something wrong through your mentality. It is impossible. And we are in need to believe because you can't bring any answer such a questions without a belief. Without believing you can't bring any explanation or no one can bring an understanding for mankind about sun rising and sun setting. But it is easy for ignorant ones to say it is only unseen power making this and if you are asking what is that invisible, unseen power that making this globe to be in existence? It is easy to say no God, astaghfirullah! (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:06
5659 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaterialSupportIsNothing
That means you are denying, denying the Creator but you can't bring instead that belief another thing that may give a satisfaction to you through your mind or mentality or through your knowledge. Or never bringing a satisfaction to our heart that to say no God. Never bringing but they are insisting because their teacher Shaytan insisting to make people to say "no God". If no God, from where this existence coming? Make a satisfaction for me or for you or for anyone else. To make a satisfaction what he was saying no God how happened all these existence or galaxies and space? Say! Make me to be satisfied through your knowledge. You never, never may bring but even we are living in 21st century that people they are saying it is positive knowledge period, and bring a proof. What you are saying? Or you must bring Heavenly knowledge that reaching to people from beginning up today because we are in need to reach for a satisfaction, yes. How happening? How happening such an events, such a creation, how they are happening? Ask, for example, for an ant. Ant it has a existence but do you think that its existence from itself? How you can say? That existence must be granted to that one by Someone but people just reached to a second period of ignorance and whole, whole troubles that coming on people, every badness coming on people it has a reason because man through 21st century they are not in satisfaction through their hearts or through their minds or you can't bring any answer suitable for their mentalities. Even now we are looking and seeing people, they are refusing to believe but if they are not coming to believe, they never be able to save themselves from troubles and miseries and suffering that giving every trouble for our physical being and destroying our mentality. We must put our knowledge on a strong base. If no base, no value. No value. That is ant, now there is bacteria. Bacteria perhaps 1 million bacteria. Bacteria may reach the size of ant. Who making that small ones in existence? And now there is another creature that coming in, not psychology but through new mentality, new studies, researching bringing some another creature that it can't be touched or seen. We are saying what is its name? Virus. They are knowing its existence but never going to be able to look and to know about it secret. Yes a virus, Subhanallah, glory to Allah Almighty. There are countless kinds, not anyone kind, countless virus. Qadir Allah. Absolute Power Oceans for the Lord of Heavens, He can create such a way countless kinds of virus and you never knowing for what. Only sometimes they are saying it is hens flu, birds flu or they are saying now pig flu. There is another kind virus that people trembling. I am saying what is its signs? How you are fearing from something that you can't see that even through your (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:06
5660 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaterialSupportIsNothing
microscope? How you are trembling? Do you think that it has a mouth? Do you think that virus it has teeth biting you? Do you think that it has a stomach and producing a kind of poison and for keeping some secret power that it has a poison and poisoning? Who is putting in its mouth that poison, O doctors? Say, say! And some of their doctors I was saying we are oo.. this virus, it is a perfect creature. Because the Lord Almighty never creating imperfect. In its kind it has a perfection. I am asking someone of doctors, why you are fearing that virus, if it, do you think it has a mouth? And he is saying, perhaps. Do you think it has through its mouth something from poison? Very well, very well...ehhh you know how you can defend mankind? And he was saying we are trying to find a way to take away, it is so easy masha ...that talking like this....insect, flies. I am saying to you catch that Shaytan virus from its neck and take its jimbus..... Our people no mind people not knowing what is jimbus. It is so easy, you may take one of that virus bring another doctor to catch its feet, doctor, one person. Another specialist must catch its head, another specialist must open its mouth because one bringing a poison and putting through its mouth making like this, throw away, finish!!! No way to save yourself, only this way. If you can do you can be saved, if not that small one going to eat you! That is the best muamele, treatment. Treatment! I shall write to newspapers that Shaykh just found a new way for defeating pig flu, so easy. May Allah forgive us! Allah Allah. Ya Rabbi! Tauba ya Rabbi, tauba ya Rabbi Because of our sins Allah sending such a defendless, defendless creatures and so proud man to be down. No more going to be proud ones. O people! Come and believe in your Lord Almighty Allah! He can save everyone or you can't be saved. Perhaps that small ones going to eat you from beginning up to end and making you dust through your graveyard. O people! We reached, Subhanallah, 15 days from Holy Ramadan, Subhanallah. So quickly running and it its Prophet's Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam news from Last Days that time measure coming smaller and quicker! Year going to pass like months, months so quickly as a week and week running also so quickly as a day and day running as quickly one hour passing. And our one hour is also passing such a quick. That is sign of Last (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:06
5661 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaterialSupportIsNothing
Days. Sign of coming near Last Day and the Day of Resurrection. O people! Believe and you should save yourselves. If not believing you are falling down, no one can take you from that dark place up to lightening worlds. O ya Rabbi! We are asking forgiveness, we are asking understanding, we are asking such a himmah, energy, or himmat - to try to be as much as possible a good believer and a good mannered person, good making person! That is in Divinely Presence just maqbool, accepted, not only accept but granted as a grant. Allah granting them such a grant that no one can grant and follow the holy way of seal of prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s). Allahumma salli wa sallim `ala Nabiyyina Muhammad `alayhi 's-salaam Salaatan tadoomu wahtudah ilayh Ma marra al-layaali wa tool ad-dawwaam Fatiha (Maulana making Du`a) Fatiha O people! O people! It is enough for you to think on it and Allah grants you from endless Mercy Oceans. Allahu Akbar, Fatiha Lefke, 04.09.2009
WebSufiLive, CategoryAnimal, CategoryHealth, CategoryArmageddon (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:06
5662 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaterielleDingeSchmelzenDahin
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MaterielleDingeSchmelzenDahin
Materielle Dinge schmelzen dahin
(English at DontLoseYourOnlyChance) As-salaam alaykum. Ashadu an la ilaha ill-Llah wa ashadu anna Muhammadan `abduhu wa rasuluh... Im Namen Allahs, des Wohltätigen, des Großzügigsten. Wir sagen zu unseren Zuhörern: "as-salaam alaykum wa rahmatullahi barakutuh." Diese Versammlung ist einfach, aber es ist nicht von mir selber, nein. Es kommt von den Himmlen. Ich verlange auch danach zu hören und zu horchen. Es ist nicht etwas, das wir selber vorbereitet haben zum Sprechen, aber es ist eine himmlische Zusammenkunft von denjenigen, deren Kraft auch den schwächsten Diener erreicht. Ich sage zwar zu mir selbst: "Diener", aber ich bin kein wahrer Diener, ich schäme mich, zu mir selbst Diener zu sagen, ich leiste unserem Herrn keine wahre Dienerschaft. Weil wir haben unseren Schwur abgelegt, dass wir seine Diener sind, aber wenn wir hierher kommen auf diesen Planeten, ist meine Dienerschaft ist so schwach. Ich schaue von Ost nach West, von Nord nach Süd: Die Leute vergessen ihren Schwur, den Sie am Tag des Schwurs in der Göttlichen Gegenwart abgelegt haben: Oh mein Herr, wir haben in deiner göttlichen Gegenwart geschworen, dass wir deine Diener sind und dass wir nur Dir allein Dienerschaft zeigen wollen. Dass haben unsere Seelen in der Göttlichen Gegenwart bezeugt, aber nun sind (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:07
5663 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaterielleDingeSchmelzenDahin
wir hier auf der Erde und halten diesen Schwur nicht ein. Wir geben uns mit materiellen Dingen ab. Aber materielle Dinge sind nichts in den Augen von wahrhaften Wesen, in der Göttlichen Gegenwart. Aber (trotzdem) leben und arbeiten wir nur für unser materielles Sein. Dieses wird aber weniger Tag für Tag, es schmilzt dahin. Einmal war ich auf einem Schiff für Touristen, denen so viele Plätze gezeigt wurden. Beim Morgengebet sah ich in der Haupthalle dieses Schiffs eine Statue, eine wunderschöne Gestalt. Ich schaute und ging daran vorbei. als ich des Abends dann wieder an diese Stelle vorbeikam und danach fragte, wo diese Statue denn sei und wen es darstellen würde, sagte ein Passagier: Oh Sheikh, das war nichts aus Stein oder Metall, das war aus Eis! Ich habe es nur von weitem gesehen und es war nur ein Stück Eis, das über Tag geschmolzen war. Langsam ging es dahin und abends war es ganz geschmolzen - es wurde zu Wasser. Großsheikh, a.s., sagte einmal: "Nazim Effendi, alles, auf das wir schauen, wird eines Tages dahinschmelzen und am Ende wird alles verschwinden! Du schaust auf eine Figur, auf eine Gestalt, aber es ist nicht stabil! Alles auf diesem Planeten wird dahinschmelzen, wird vergehen! Das gilt besonders für die Menschen, deren Gestalten sind wie Eis: Sie werden schmelzen und vergehen, Tag für Tag, Tag für Tag werden sie weniger, werden zu Wasser, und haben keine Gestalt mehr, können nicht mehr sehen, nicht mehr hören, nicht mehr sprechen." Das war eine Gestalt, die von Menschen hergestellt wurde, aber wir sind (ja) auch von unserem Herrn hergestellt. Und wir werden genauso enden - Tag für Tag, Tag für Tag - schmelzen wir und gehen dahin. Einige Instrumente arbeiten nur durch Pillen, Batterien oder Butter? Hollywood, Butter und auf dieser ist Honig, so köstlich. Aber es ist nicht wie diese - keine buttery, aber battery. Tag für Tag, Tag für Tag werden wir weniger, verschwinden wir immer mehr, enden wir. Einst wanderte ein Beduine von einem Platz zum anderen. Es war Nacht, und er machte Rast an einem Brunnen. Am frühen Morgen stand er auf und wollte seine Reise fortsetzen, aber sein Kamel bewegte sich nicht mehr. Er öffnete die Augen des Kamels und hob seinen Kopf, aber die Augenlider schlossen sich wieder und der Kopf fiel einfach wieder herunter. "Oh, was geschah mit meinem Kamel? Ich bin auf ihm geritten, es rannte wie der Wind durch die Wüste, aber was passierte ihm nur? Was geschah ihm, was fehlt ihm? Es ist doch alles noch dran?" Er weinte und rannte verzweifelt hin und her. Da kam ein anderer Reisender des (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:07
5664 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaterielleDingeSchmelzenDahin
Weges und fragte ihn: "Bist du nie dem Tod begegnet?" "Was ist das?" "Gestern lebte dein Kamel noch, und heute ist es nur noch ein toter Körper." "Oh ja, aber mein Bruder, sieh: Ich habe genau hingeschaut und es fehlt ihm nicht das geringste!" Da sagte der andere: "Haaa, es ist etwas, das nicht von dieser materiellen Welt ist. Diese Sache, die es rennen und leben ließ, kam vom Himmel!" Jetzt verstehe ich, dass es nicht unsere Körper sind, um die wir immer so besorgt sind, nicht unser physisches Sein, das wir so behüten, sondern dass die Verbindung zu den Himmeln aufhörte und es einfach starb. Und die Menschheit ist heutzutage in genau derselben Position. Die leute machen sich so viele Sorgen um sich selber, sie wollen wie Autos sein - jedes Jahr eine neue Mode, ein neues Auto! Und das alte Auto kommt einfach auf den Autofriedhof, Ende, Aus! Aber wenn dein Körper zu Ende ist, kannst du dir keinen neuen besorgen. Aber (sobald du das bemerkst, z.B. wenn Teile deines Körpers nicht mehr stehen können, sondern nur noch schlafen) dann gehst du zum Arzt und verlangst einen Check-up. Check-up heißt, dass nachgeschaut wird, ob alle Organe noch arbeiten, insbesondere natürlich dieses eine. aber dieses eine ist tot - Ende, Aus. Jetzt denkt ihr, müssen wir einen Check-up machen, damit unser körperliches Sein genauso wird wie zuvor, aber das geht nicht - Es ist Schluß! Geht nicht zum Check-up - das Einzige was die Ärzte für euch tun können, ist ein quick namar, ein schneller Transport auf den Friedhof. Deswegen gucken alle Leute heute so scharf hin und sagen: "Oh mein Bruder, wo ist Ikhtiyaar - ein Älterer, wie Abdur Rauf. Abdur Rauf sagt dann: "Oh Sheikh, Ich gehe zum Check-up." "Wofür, Abdur Rauf?" "Weil sie sagen, dass es einen neuen Virus gibt." Aber das Virus weiß gar nicht, ob es ein junger oder ein alter Mensch ist. Ich muß auch gehen und einen Check-up machen, falls die Schweinegrippe zu mir kommt. Wenn es zu mir kommt, frage ich nach einer Leibgarde. Ich brauche einen Leibwächter gegen die Schweinegrippe. Der zweite sagt: "Yahu, du bist aber ein wahrer Narr, ein Idiot!" "Was sagst du da?" "????" "Und ich sage, die Schweingegrippe ist gar nicht so gefährlich, aber ihr müßt auf die Hundegrippe achten! Wenn du die Hundegrippe kriegst, bist du erledigt. 2/3 aller Europäer werden daran sterben, weil sie Hunde so gerne haben. Wenn die Doktoren oder ein Superschlauer sagt, dass du deinen Hund töten muß, dann sagen die Europäer: "Wenn mein Hund getötet wird, ist es besser, wenn ich mit ihm bin, im gleichen Grab wie er!" Das ist nun die neue Mode der Zivilisation des 21. Jahrhunderts: Menschen verlangen nicht mehr danach, mit Menschen zusammenzuleben, sondern mit Tieren. Es tut mir leid, das sagen zu müssen, aber die westliche der Zivilisation hat jetzt diesen (Tief)Punkt erreicht. Sie fürchten sich so davor zu sterben, wie sie (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:07
5665 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaterielleDingeSchmelzenDahin
sterben, sie müssen dafür Sorge tragen. Aber soviel sie aufpassen, soviel werden ihre Körper dahinschmelzen und vergehen - Schluß, aus! Oh Leute, wir sind alle vom Tod umgeben - überall und immer. In jeder Umgebung, zu jeder Voraussetzung erreicht uns der Tod. Du musst dafür Sorge tragen nach einem Leben ohne Ende zu verlangen, einem Leben, dass nicht zu Ende geht, nach einem Leben in Ewigkeit. In Ewigkeit. Versucht, das zu erreichen. Das ist das Versprechen unseres Herrn wegen unseres Schwurs am Tag des Schwurs, dass wir seine Diener seien. Er versprach seinen Dienern endloses Licht, ewiges Licht, aber die Menschen haben es verloren, sie vergessen es und haben es niemals verstanden, woher sie kommen und wohin sie gehen, und nun gibt es 7 Billionen Menschen aber nur 7000 - wenn überhaupt - die die ewigkeit erlangen wollen - ernsthaft erlangen wollen. Oh unser Herr, wir wollen deine Diener sein. Versucht, Seine Diener zu sein und nicht die von Dunya oder Shaitan! Wir sind wie die Propheten nur Warner (mundhir), darin liegt kein Zwang: Du bist frei, nutze deinen guten Verstand und denke darüber nach, die wirklichen Richtungen auf den Herrn zu einschlagen. E lädt dich dazu ein. Aber Shaitan ruft nach dir, vom frühen Morgen bis in die späte Nacht ruft er nach ihnen und sagt, tu dies und tu das. Aber diese Chance, unserem Herr zu folgen, ist einmalig, wir werden keine weitere Chance bekommen. Religion bedeutet, Gutes für die Menschen zu verlangen und sie davor zu bewahren ins Feuer zu fallen, im dies- und im jeneits. Möge Allah uns geben zu hören und zu lernen und zu versuchen, Diener unseres Herrn zu sein! Möge Allah uns vergeben um unseres geehrten Propheten Muhammad, s.a.s. Fatiha. Seid glücklich, dass ihr Zuhörer seid. Fatiha. Bayat. Lefke, 04.12.2009, transcribed by BlogSufi
CategoryJumaSohbat (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:07
5666 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaterielleDingeSchmelzenDahin (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:07
5667 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MathhabOfShaytan
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MathhabOfShaytan
The Mathhab Of Shaytan
Madad Madad, Madad Madad Madad Madad Ya Sahib al-Imdad. Assalamu Alaykum o attending ones, o ones who are present and are Yaran Shah Mardan. O Shah Mardan, whose one call can make the world tremble. One strike of his sword can divide the world in 2 like a watermelon. Shah Mardan Alayhi Ridwan min ar-Rahmanir Rahim. Ay Hadirun! Oh our ones who are present! Madad o Owner of the Arenas, Ay Shah Mardan How nice. This assembly... Let it be the assembly of Yaran Shah Mardan; those who walk with the Lion. A fox cannot sit in the assembly of the lion. A mouse cannot sit in the assembly of a cat. A donkey cannot sit in the assembly of humans. Those with bad manners cannot sit in the assembly of those with good manners. Learn "Utlub al-ilm" this is the banner of Islam, "Utlub al-ilm" - "search for ilm (knowledge)." Why do you search for ilm? Because it is teaching you servanthood. So why are we asking for ilm - to become a shoemaker, a carpenter, a farmer; to become a shepherd? Why? It is said, ask for ilm and learn. Ay Shah Mardan Marhaba Marhaba . Ay Yaran Shah Mardan. Shah Mardan, the Lion of the arenas, Ali (ra) ibn Abi Talib O Holy one, O Lion! The Lion of lions is Shah Mardan. O Alawi liars, O Shia liars, which good characteristic of Hz. Ali (ra) did you take? The things you do, are they the things Shah Mardan did? Shah Mardan pulled out Dhul Fiqqar (sword)... to destroy satan and his followers. You are with satan. You are oppressors. You kill people, burn and destroy places. Shame one you, but your graves... will be a hole from hell. Beware dunya (world) will end, but akhirah (hereafter) is eternal. In dunya, you are keeping score, however... the angel of death, Azrail (as)... will hit you with his claw and shake you - "give me my trust." Those claiming to be Alawi, Shia... you will be held accountable for what you did. Fear Allah (1 von 8)04.07.2013 23:25:07
5668 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MathhabOfShaytan
(swt). Fear Allah (swt). What is Allah (swt) ordering His servants? Ay Shah Mardan, tell us, we are listening. Allah Allah. Allah Allah. Let's say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim - What a sword, this sword. Allah (swt)... made everything clear and informed us "Talabul 'ilm faridatun 'ala kulli muslim wa muslima." to seek ilm (knowledge) is obligatory for every man and woman. Ay Shah Mardan! Ay Shah Mardan! Go ahead...the field is yours. Learn, learn. What is the Holy Quran saying? It is informing... did we say, Bismillahi r-Rahmanir Rahim. Say it, o foolish one! If you don't say it, you are a foolish one. Don't talk nonsense. When your soul is being taken, angels will hold you violently and shake you. For now, you are claiming that in this world you are this and that and without being ashamed, you wear a tie. Alawis wear ties too. What is this? Did Hz. Ali (ra) wear a tie? If you're Alawi, why wear a tie? Why go around without anything on your head? If you are Alawi, how can you... run to do oppression and follow the way of oppressors? How can this be? You are Alawi, you are Shia. How can you lift the sword and strike the necks of oppressed ones? Hz. Ali (ra) is Shah Mardan. Did he... strike anyone with his sword? He only stood against those coming with swords. Let's say, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim so doors will open for us. O believers! You have become confused. You're not listening to Shah Mardan. Listen! He is the Lion of the arena of soldiers, he is Shah Mardan. Alayhi Min Allahu Ridwan. Alayhi Ridwan Allah. O Lion, Shah Mardan, teach us. What will happen to those not learning? Those not learning from Shah Mardan become donkeys; they become wolves, dogs... mice, jackals, bears... wolf, fox. People, learn the honor of mankind from Shah Mardan. How was he? Did he oppress the weak ones or did he give the ones who stood against Islam what they deserve? Ay Shah Mardan, may Allah (swt) be pleased with you. Salam to you. Salam to you from Rabbul Izzah. Hz. Ali (ra), Shah Mardan, when he strikes his sword with force, he strikes for Haqq (truth)... the castle of Khaybar, the Jews of Khaybar... he wanted to take them over. They thought they were something (arrogant) - "We are so strong. We are so fierce. No one can come against us." Shah Mardan asked for a soldier to come out to the field whoever is man enough. Let me see, one soldier came out. He struck him once... with Dhul Fiqqar, in one blow, he struck him, his Dhul Fiqqar... From heavens... his sword is given support and strength. Dhul Fiqqar is a sword from heavens. Whose neck did it strike? The necks of oppressors. With one blow... it took off his head and he was finished from its force. The tip of Dhul Fiqqar reached the ground and water came (2 von 8)04.07.2013 23:25:07
5669 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MathhabOfShaytan
out. I am thanking Allah (swt) that Shah Mardan is our ancestor. Shukr to Allah (swt), I visited that place at Khaybar castle, by the road,Allah(swt) allowed me to walk on the roads Shah Mardan walked. This weak servant. And I went through Khaybar. I saw the water - it's still flowing.The tip of the sword hit and water came out. What is the meaning of that, o foolish ones? It means, his sword gives life, it gives life. Use a sword like his sword, use the sword in the right place. Killing innocent youngsters, burning and destroying... it is the madhhab (school) of satan. Your party is the party of satan. It is not the party of Shah Mardan. It is not his way, his manners. Shah Mardan Marhaba. Ay Yaran, the ones who love him "Wa Lasawfa Yu'tika Rabbuka Fatarda" (93:5) Allah (swt) will give everyone... what they deserve. To oppressors, the punishment for their oppression. To believers, the reward for their faith. Everyone will be given their reward according to their job. Men, be men! Men, those who kill women... those who disrespect women... and women, who are their mothers... or their wives, or their daughters, or their relatives... Men should not disrespect them. Those who lift their hand (to hit) women, are from satan's profession. They are using guns... using knives using guns, then saying, "We are Alawi, we are Shia" - yet you lift your hand. Why do you lift your hand? "Wa Lasawfa Yu'tika Rabbuka Fatarda" (93:5) That addressing wasn't only for Prophet, "Wa Lasawfa Yu`tika Rabbuka Fatarda". O my oppressed servant, they oppressed you, but I will defend you. I will punish the oppressors with what they deserve. Be careful! Don't say, I am Shia. A true Shia would not kill an ant! And you, with your army and weapons made by kafir (disbelievers)... go without looking in front of you and destroy what is around. On top of that, you claim to be Alawi or Shia; it is lies and fraud. Allah (swt) will send Shah Mardan on you. How will he send Shah Mardan? Sahibuz Zaman will come from his pure lineage, Hz. Mahdi will come, he will take the rights of the oppressed ones. He won't leave liars, he'll destroy them. He'll bring them down, "Az zulmu la yadum". Oppression doesn't continue. "In dama dammar." if it does continue, it will collapse on their heads. Whoever lifts the sword of oppression, will have his neck struck... either in dunya, or when leaving dunya, or in the grave. Those oppressors striking with swords... and shooting innocent people... with guns. Until Judgment Day, that gun... will shoot him as punishment. (3 von 8)04.07.2013 23:25:07
5670 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MathhabOfShaytan
Oh Shah Mardan, go ahead. Either these people will act like good people, or Shah Mardan's... sword will strike them on the neck Beware. How do we protect ourselves, o our Lord? Allah (swt) is saying: "Fafirru 'ila Llahi." O my oppressed servants, run/escape to Allah (swt). Run/escape to Allah, say Aman Ya Rabbi. Those running from oppressors to Allah (swt) are not arrogant ones. Those who oppress them will all be struck by Shah Mardan. Ay Yaran Shah Mardan - what a nice addressing -O people who... are connected to Shah Mardan by love, who sacrifice themselves... for his way, who accept death for his way... in order to open up that beautiful way, the way of Islam is beautiful there is no oppression in Islam, Allah (swt) is saying: "La zulm al yawm" - there is no oppression in this day. Everyone will find their rights and what they deserve. Go ahead O Shah Mardan. MashaAllah. there is little (time) left. O people who claim to be Shia or Alawi, fake Shia, fake, fake people, those who consider themselves to be Shia or Alawi... you will all be held for judgment and whichever way you murdered people, you will also be murdered, killed. Beware - the words of Shah Mardan are not for nothing. He speaks the words of Haqq (truth) and Shah Mardan, Owner of the arenas... never used his sword if it wasn't for Haqq (justice). He never touched anyone who put their sword down, Hz. Ali (ra) Shah Mardan. Sahib Alam Sahib Alam Li Habibillah, he walked with the banner of Habibullah in his hand. Look at Hz. Ali (ra), and look at the terrible things you are doing. Ay Shah Mardan, I am calling you - punishing the oppressors belongs to you. You are not happy with oppression -those happy with oppression are oppressors. I will punish the oppressors, Shah Mardan is saying. Ay Yaran, o beloved ones, how nice you are, the ones who keep the way of Hz. Ali (ra). How nice, you are accepted on earth and in heavens your glory is mentioned. The people of this time have become satan's slaves. Whatever satan orders, they do. Whatever Allah orders, they don't do. Whatever the Master of the Universe (sws) orders, they don't do. Whatever Shah Mardan said, they don't listen...but... one day they will stand in line. "Come here, let's see"... "Come here. In dunya you were so arrogant like a cock. Come let's see." "Az zulmu la yadum", oppression does not continue, its punishment is ready. What did we say? Shah Mardan... Alayhi Ridwanullah Alayhi Ridwanu r-Rahman. What is he saying? "Wa Attabi Sabila Man Anaba Ilayya" (31:15) Who turns to Me(in repentance & obedience) follow those servants who follow (4 von 8)04.07.2013 23:25:07
5671 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MathhabOfShaytan
Me. Come to Me, I will overcome them. What is Allah (swt) ordering? Listen to Shah Mardan. O Muslim people walk. How will you walk? When He says, "walk", which way can you go to Allah (swt)? The way to Allah (swt), the footsteps that will walk to Allah... Allah (swt) is saying: "Qadama S
denly appeared through space. If anyone saying that suddenly our world just appeared through space must be something wrong that person. No one can accept this. That means our world it wasn't in existence but now it is in existence and you are on it and countless creatures on it, east and west on it, north and south on it, countless directions on it. And some very strange happening that it is turning around itself. And no one can say a something by itself can turn around itself, by itself! So many things that we are in need to ask and to find an answer but up today common people no one can say anything for such a questions or such a understanding. People saying "oh, everyday sun rising morning time and setting evening time". Yes, everyone knowing and looking and seeing but do you think that it is by itself rising and setting? If you are saying this, you must be, you must be something wrong through your mentality. It is impossible. And we are in need to believe because you can't bring any answer such a questions without a belief. Without believing you can't bring any explanation or no one can bring an understanding for mankind about sun rising and sun setting. But it is easy for ignorant ones to say it is only unseen power making this and if you are asking what is that invisible, unseen power that making this globe to be in existence? It is easy to say no God, astaghfirullah! (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:06
5659 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaterialSupportIsNothing
That means you are denying, denying the Creator but you can't bring instead that belief another thing that may give a satisfaction to you through your mind or mentality or through your knowledge. Or never bringing a satisfaction to our heart that to say no God. Never bringing but they are insisting because their teacher Shaytan insisting to make people to say "no God". If no God, from where this existence coming? Make a satisfaction for me or for you or for anyone else. To make a satisfaction what he was saying no God how happened all these existence or galaxies and space? Say! Make me to be satisfied through your knowledge. You never, never may bring but even we are living in 21st century that people they are saying it is positive knowledge period, and bring a proof. What you are saying? Or you must bring Heavenly knowledge that reaching to people from beginning up today because we are in need to reach for a satisfaction, yes. How happening? How happening such an events, such a creation, how they are happening? Ask, for example, for an ant. Ant it has a existence but do you think that its existence from itself? How you can say? That existence must be granted to that one by Someone but people just reached to a second period of ignorance and whole, whole troubles that coming on people, every badness coming on people it has a reason because man through 21st century they are not in satisfaction through their hearts or through their minds or you can't bring any answer suitable for their mentalities. Even now we are looking and seeing people, they are refusing to believe but if they are not coming to believe, they never be able to save themselves from troubles and miseries and suffering that giving every trouble for our physical being and destroying our mentality. We must put our knowledge on a strong base. If no base, no value. No value. That is ant, now there is bacteria. Bacteria perhaps 1 million bacteria. Bacteria may reach the size of ant. Who making that small ones in existence? And now there is another creature that coming in, not psychology but through new mentality, new studies, researching bringing some another creature that it can't be touched or seen. We are saying what is its name? Virus. They are knowing its existence but never going to be able to look and to know about it secret. Yes a virus, Subhanallah, glory to Allah Almighty. There are countless kinds, not anyone kind, countless virus. Qadir Allah. Absolute Power Oceans for the Lord of Heavens, He can create such a way countless kinds of virus and you never knowing for what. Only sometimes they are saying it is hens flu, birds flu or they are saying now pig flu. There is another kind virus that people trembling. I am saying what is its signs? How you are fearing from something that you can't see that even through your (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:06
5660 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaterialSupportIsNothing
microscope? How you are trembling? Do you think that it has a mouth? Do you think that virus it has teeth biting you? Do you think that it has a stomach and producing a kind of poison and for keeping some secret power that it has a poison and poisoning? Who is putting in its mouth that poison, O doctors? Say, say! And some of their doctors I was saying we are oo.. this virus, it is a perfect creature. Because the Lord Almighty never creating imperfect. In its kind it has a perfection. I am asking someone of doctors, why you are fearing that virus, if it, do you think it has a mouth? And he is saying, perhaps. Do you think it has through its mouth something from poison? Very well, very well...ehhh you know how you can defend mankind? And he was saying we are trying to find a way to take away, it is so easy masha ...that talking like this....insect, flies. I am saying to you catch that Shaytan virus from its neck and take its jimbus..... Our people no mind people not knowing what is jimbus. It is so easy, you may take one of that virus bring another doctor to catch its feet, doctor, one person. Another specialist must catch its head, another specialist must open its mouth because one bringing a poison and putting through its mouth making like this, throw away, finish!!! No way to save yourself, only this way. If you can do you can be saved, if not that small one going to eat you! That is the best muamele, treatment. Treatment! I shall write to newspapers that Shaykh just found a new way for defeating pig flu, so easy. May Allah forgive us! Allah Allah. Ya Rabbi! Tauba ya Rabbi, tauba ya Rabbi Because of our sins Allah sending such a defendless, defendless creatures and so proud man to be down. No more going to be proud ones. O people! Come and believe in your Lord Almighty Allah! He can save everyone or you can't be saved. Perhaps that small ones going to eat you from beginning up to end and making you dust through your graveyard. O people! We reached, Subhanallah, 15 days from Holy Ramadan, Subhanallah. So quickly running and it its Prophet's Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam news from Last Days that time measure coming smaller and quicker! Year going to pass like months, months so quickly as a week and week running also so quickly as a day and day running as quickly one hour passing. And our one hour is also passing such a quick. That is sign of Last (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:06
5661 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaterialSupportIsNothing
Days. Sign of coming near Last Day and the Day of Resurrection. O people! Believe and you should save yourselves. If not believing you are falling down, no one can take you from that dark place up to lightening worlds. O ya Rabbi! We are asking forgiveness, we are asking understanding, we are asking such a himmah, energy, or himmat - to try to be as much as possible a good believer and a good mannered person, good making person! That is in Divinely Presence just maqbool, accepted, not only accept but granted as a grant. Allah granting them such a grant that no one can grant and follow the holy way of seal of prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s). Allahumma salli wa sallim `ala Nabiyyina Muhammad `alayhi 's-salaam Salaatan tadoomu wahtudah ilayh Ma marra al-layaali wa tool ad-dawwaam Fatiha (Maulana making Du`a) Fatiha O people! O people! It is enough for you to think on it and Allah grants you from endless Mercy Oceans. Allahu Akbar, Fatiha Lefke, 04.09.2009
WebSufiLive, CategoryAnimal, CategoryHealth, CategoryArmageddon (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:06
5662 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaterielleDingeSchmelzenDahin
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MaterielleDingeSchmelzenDahin
Materielle Dinge schmelzen dahin
(English at DontLoseYourOnlyChance) As-salaam alaykum. Ashadu an la ilaha ill-Llah wa ashadu anna Muhammadan `abduhu wa rasuluh... Im Namen Allahs, des Wohltätigen, des Großzügigsten. Wir sagen zu unseren Zuhörern: "as-salaam alaykum wa rahmatullahi barakutuh." Diese Versammlung ist einfach, aber es ist nicht von mir selber, nein. Es kommt von den Himmlen. Ich verlange auch danach zu hören und zu horchen. Es ist nicht etwas, das wir selber vorbereitet haben zum Sprechen, aber es ist eine himmlische Zusammenkunft von denjenigen, deren Kraft auch den schwächsten Diener erreicht. Ich sage zwar zu mir selbst: "Diener", aber ich bin kein wahrer Diener, ich schäme mich, zu mir selbst Diener zu sagen, ich leiste unserem Herrn keine wahre Dienerschaft. Weil wir haben unseren Schwur abgelegt, dass wir seine Diener sind, aber wenn wir hierher kommen auf diesen Planeten, ist meine Dienerschaft ist so schwach. Ich schaue von Ost nach West, von Nord nach Süd: Die Leute vergessen ihren Schwur, den Sie am Tag des Schwurs in der Göttlichen Gegenwart abgelegt haben: Oh mein Herr, wir haben in deiner göttlichen Gegenwart geschworen, dass wir deine Diener sind und dass wir nur Dir allein Dienerschaft zeigen wollen. Dass haben unsere Seelen in der Göttlichen Gegenwart bezeugt, aber nun sind (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:07
5663 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaterielleDingeSchmelzenDahin
wir hier auf der Erde und halten diesen Schwur nicht ein. Wir geben uns mit materiellen Dingen ab. Aber materielle Dinge sind nichts in den Augen von wahrhaften Wesen, in der Göttlichen Gegenwart. Aber (trotzdem) leben und arbeiten wir nur für unser materielles Sein. Dieses wird aber weniger Tag für Tag, es schmilzt dahin. Einmal war ich auf einem Schiff für Touristen, denen so viele Plätze gezeigt wurden. Beim Morgengebet sah ich in der Haupthalle dieses Schiffs eine Statue, eine wunderschöne Gestalt. Ich schaute und ging daran vorbei. als ich des Abends dann wieder an diese Stelle vorbeikam und danach fragte, wo diese Statue denn sei und wen es darstellen würde, sagte ein Passagier: Oh Sheikh, das war nichts aus Stein oder Metall, das war aus Eis! Ich habe es nur von weitem gesehen und es war nur ein Stück Eis, das über Tag geschmolzen war. Langsam ging es dahin und abends war es ganz geschmolzen - es wurde zu Wasser. Großsheikh, a.s., sagte einmal: "Nazim Effendi, alles, auf das wir schauen, wird eines Tages dahinschmelzen und am Ende wird alles verschwinden! Du schaust auf eine Figur, auf eine Gestalt, aber es ist nicht stabil! Alles auf diesem Planeten wird dahinschmelzen, wird vergehen! Das gilt besonders für die Menschen, deren Gestalten sind wie Eis: Sie werden schmelzen und vergehen, Tag für Tag, Tag für Tag werden sie weniger, werden zu Wasser, und haben keine Gestalt mehr, können nicht mehr sehen, nicht mehr hören, nicht mehr sprechen." Das war eine Gestalt, die von Menschen hergestellt wurde, aber wir sind (ja) auch von unserem Herrn hergestellt. Und wir werden genauso enden - Tag für Tag, Tag für Tag - schmelzen wir und gehen dahin. Einige Instrumente arbeiten nur durch Pillen, Batterien oder Butter? Hollywood, Butter und auf dieser ist Honig, so köstlich. Aber es ist nicht wie diese - keine buttery, aber battery. Tag für Tag, Tag für Tag werden wir weniger, verschwinden wir immer mehr, enden wir. Einst wanderte ein Beduine von einem Platz zum anderen. Es war Nacht, und er machte Rast an einem Brunnen. Am frühen Morgen stand er auf und wollte seine Reise fortsetzen, aber sein Kamel bewegte sich nicht mehr. Er öffnete die Augen des Kamels und hob seinen Kopf, aber die Augenlider schlossen sich wieder und der Kopf fiel einfach wieder herunter. "Oh, was geschah mit meinem Kamel? Ich bin auf ihm geritten, es rannte wie der Wind durch die Wüste, aber was passierte ihm nur? Was geschah ihm, was fehlt ihm? Es ist doch alles noch dran?" Er weinte und rannte verzweifelt hin und her. Da kam ein anderer Reisender des (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:07
5664 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaterielleDingeSchmelzenDahin
Weges und fragte ihn: "Bist du nie dem Tod begegnet?" "Was ist das?" "Gestern lebte dein Kamel noch, und heute ist es nur noch ein toter Körper." "Oh ja, aber mein Bruder, sieh: Ich habe genau hingeschaut und es fehlt ihm nicht das geringste!" Da sagte der andere: "Haaa, es ist etwas, das nicht von dieser materiellen Welt ist. Diese Sache, die es rennen und leben ließ, kam vom Himmel!" Jetzt verstehe ich, dass es nicht unsere Körper sind, um die wir immer so besorgt sind, nicht unser physisches Sein, das wir so behüten, sondern dass die Verbindung zu den Himmeln aufhörte und es einfach starb. Und die Menschheit ist heutzutage in genau derselben Position. Die leute machen sich so viele Sorgen um sich selber, sie wollen wie Autos sein - jedes Jahr eine neue Mode, ein neues Auto! Und das alte Auto kommt einfach auf den Autofriedhof, Ende, Aus! Aber wenn dein Körper zu Ende ist, kannst du dir keinen neuen besorgen. Aber (sobald du das bemerkst, z.B. wenn Teile deines Körpers nicht mehr stehen können, sondern nur noch schlafen) dann gehst du zum Arzt und verlangst einen Check-up. Check-up heißt, dass nachgeschaut wird, ob alle Organe noch arbeiten, insbesondere natürlich dieses eine. aber dieses eine ist tot - Ende, Aus. Jetzt denkt ihr, müssen wir einen Check-up machen, damit unser körperliches Sein genauso wird wie zuvor, aber das geht nicht - Es ist Schluß! Geht nicht zum Check-up - das Einzige was die Ärzte für euch tun können, ist ein quick namar, ein schneller Transport auf den Friedhof. Deswegen gucken alle Leute heute so scharf hin und sagen: "Oh mein Bruder, wo ist Ikhtiyaar - ein Älterer, wie Abdur Rauf. Abdur Rauf sagt dann: "Oh Sheikh, Ich gehe zum Check-up." "Wofür, Abdur Rauf?" "Weil sie sagen, dass es einen neuen Virus gibt." Aber das Virus weiß gar nicht, ob es ein junger oder ein alter Mensch ist. Ich muß auch gehen und einen Check-up machen, falls die Schweinegrippe zu mir kommt. Wenn es zu mir kommt, frage ich nach einer Leibgarde. Ich brauche einen Leibwächter gegen die Schweinegrippe. Der zweite sagt: "Yahu, du bist aber ein wahrer Narr, ein Idiot!" "Was sagst du da?" "????" "Und ich sage, die Schweingegrippe ist gar nicht so gefährlich, aber ihr müßt auf die Hundegrippe achten! Wenn du die Hundegrippe kriegst, bist du erledigt. 2/3 aller Europäer werden daran sterben, weil sie Hunde so gerne haben. Wenn die Doktoren oder ein Superschlauer sagt, dass du deinen Hund töten muß, dann sagen die Europäer: "Wenn mein Hund getötet wird, ist es besser, wenn ich mit ihm bin, im gleichen Grab wie er!" Das ist nun die neue Mode der Zivilisation des 21. Jahrhunderts: Menschen verlangen nicht mehr danach, mit Menschen zusammenzuleben, sondern mit Tieren. Es tut mir leid, das sagen zu müssen, aber die westliche der Zivilisation hat jetzt diesen (Tief)Punkt erreicht. Sie fürchten sich so davor zu sterben, wie sie (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:07
5665 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaterielleDingeSchmelzenDahin
sterben, sie müssen dafür Sorge tragen. Aber soviel sie aufpassen, soviel werden ihre Körper dahinschmelzen und vergehen - Schluß, aus! Oh Leute, wir sind alle vom Tod umgeben - überall und immer. In jeder Umgebung, zu jeder Voraussetzung erreicht uns der Tod. Du musst dafür Sorge tragen nach einem Leben ohne Ende zu verlangen, einem Leben, dass nicht zu Ende geht, nach einem Leben in Ewigkeit. In Ewigkeit. Versucht, das zu erreichen. Das ist das Versprechen unseres Herrn wegen unseres Schwurs am Tag des Schwurs, dass wir seine Diener seien. Er versprach seinen Dienern endloses Licht, ewiges Licht, aber die Menschen haben es verloren, sie vergessen es und haben es niemals verstanden, woher sie kommen und wohin sie gehen, und nun gibt es 7 Billionen Menschen aber nur 7000 - wenn überhaupt - die die ewigkeit erlangen wollen - ernsthaft erlangen wollen. Oh unser Herr, wir wollen deine Diener sein. Versucht, Seine Diener zu sein und nicht die von Dunya oder Shaitan! Wir sind wie die Propheten nur Warner (mundhir), darin liegt kein Zwang: Du bist frei, nutze deinen guten Verstand und denke darüber nach, die wirklichen Richtungen auf den Herrn zu einschlagen. E lädt dich dazu ein. Aber Shaitan ruft nach dir, vom frühen Morgen bis in die späte Nacht ruft er nach ihnen und sagt, tu dies und tu das. Aber diese Chance, unserem Herr zu folgen, ist einmalig, wir werden keine weitere Chance bekommen. Religion bedeutet, Gutes für die Menschen zu verlangen und sie davor zu bewahren ins Feuer zu fallen, im dies- und im jeneits. Möge Allah uns geben zu hören und zu lernen und zu versuchen, Diener unseres Herrn zu sein! Möge Allah uns vergeben um unseres geehrten Propheten Muhammad, s.a.s. Fatiha. Seid glücklich, dass ihr Zuhörer seid. Fatiha. Bayat. Lefke, 04.12.2009, transcribed by BlogSufi
CategoryJumaSohbat (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:07
5666 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaterielleDingeSchmelzenDahin (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:25:07
5667 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MathhabOfShaytan
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MathhabOfShaytan
The Mathhab Of Shaytan
Madad Madad, Madad Madad Madad Madad Ya Sahib al-Imdad. Assalamu Alaykum o attending ones, o ones who are present and are Yaran Shah Mardan. O Shah Mardan, whose one call can make the world tremble. One strike of his sword can divide the world in 2 like a watermelon. Shah Mardan Alayhi Ridwan min ar-Rahmanir Rahim. Ay Hadirun! Oh our ones who are present! Madad o Owner of the Arenas, Ay Shah Mardan How nice. This assembly... Let it be the assembly of Yaran Shah Mardan; those who walk with the Lion. A fox cannot sit in the assembly of the lion. A mouse cannot sit in the assembly of a cat. A donkey cannot sit in the assembly of humans. Those with bad manners cannot sit in the assembly of those with good manners. Learn "Utlub al-ilm" this is the banner of Islam, "Utlub al-ilm" - "search for ilm (knowledge)." Why do you search for ilm? Because it is teaching you servanthood. So why are we asking for ilm - to become a shoemaker, a carpenter, a farmer; to become a shepherd? Why? It is said, ask for ilm and learn. Ay Shah Mardan Marhaba Marhaba . Ay Yaran Shah Mardan. Shah Mardan, the Lion of the arenas, Ali (ra) ibn Abi Talib O Holy one, O Lion! The Lion of lions is Shah Mardan. O Alawi liars, O Shia liars, which good characteristic of Hz. Ali (ra) did you take? The things you do, are they the things Shah Mardan did? Shah Mardan pulled out Dhul Fiqqar (sword)... to destroy satan and his followers. You are with satan. You are oppressors. You kill people, burn and destroy places. Shame one you, but your graves... will be a hole from hell. Beware dunya (world) will end, but akhirah (hereafter) is eternal. In dunya, you are keeping score, however... the angel of death, Azrail (as)... will hit you with his claw and shake you - "give me my trust." Those claiming to be Alawi, Shia... you will be held accountable for what you did. Fear Allah (1 von 8)04.07.2013 23:25:07
5668 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MathhabOfShaytan
(swt). Fear Allah (swt). What is Allah (swt) ordering His servants? Ay Shah Mardan, tell us, we are listening. Allah Allah. Allah Allah. Let's say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim - What a sword, this sword. Allah (swt)... made everything clear and informed us "Talabul 'ilm faridatun 'ala kulli muslim wa muslima." to seek ilm (knowledge) is obligatory for every man and woman. Ay Shah Mardan! Ay Shah Mardan! Go ahead...the field is yours. Learn, learn. What is the Holy Quran saying? It is informing... did we say, Bismillahi r-Rahmanir Rahim. Say it, o foolish one! If you don't say it, you are a foolish one. Don't talk nonsense. When your soul is being taken, angels will hold you violently and shake you. For now, you are claiming that in this world you are this and that and without being ashamed, you wear a tie. Alawis wear ties too. What is this? Did Hz. Ali (ra) wear a tie? If you're Alawi, why wear a tie? Why go around without anything on your head? If you are Alawi, how can you... run to do oppression and follow the way of oppressors? How can this be? You are Alawi, you are Shia. How can you lift the sword and strike the necks of oppressed ones? Hz. Ali (ra) is Shah Mardan. Did he... strike anyone with his sword? He only stood against those coming with swords. Let's say, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim so doors will open for us. O believers! You have become confused. You're not listening to Shah Mardan. Listen! He is the Lion of the arena of soldiers, he is Shah Mardan. Alayhi Min Allahu Ridwan. Alayhi Ridwan Allah. O Lion, Shah Mardan, teach us. What will happen to those not learning? Those not learning from Shah Mardan become donkeys; they become wolves, dogs... mice, jackals, bears... wolf, fox. People, learn the honor of mankind from Shah Mardan. How was he? Did he oppress the weak ones or did he give the ones who stood against Islam what they deserve? Ay Shah Mardan, may Allah (swt) be pleased with you. Salam to you. Salam to you from Rabbul Izzah. Hz. Ali (ra), Shah Mardan, when he strikes his sword with force, he strikes for Haqq (truth)... the castle of Khaybar, the Jews of Khaybar... he wanted to take them over. They thought they were something (arrogant) - "We are so strong. We are so fierce. No one can come against us." Shah Mardan asked for a soldier to come out to the field whoever is man enough. Let me see, one soldier came out. He struck him once... with Dhul Fiqqar, in one blow, he struck him, his Dhul Fiqqar... From heavens... his sword is given support and strength. Dhul Fiqqar is a sword from heavens. Whose neck did it strike? The necks of oppressors. With one blow... it took off his head and he was finished from its force. The tip of Dhul Fiqqar reached the ground and water came (2 von 8)04.07.2013 23:25:07
5669 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MathhabOfShaytan
out. I am thanking Allah (swt) that Shah Mardan is our ancestor. Shukr to Allah (swt), I visited that place at Khaybar castle, by the road,Allah(swt) allowed me to walk on the roads Shah Mardan walked. This weak servant. And I went through Khaybar. I saw the water - it's still flowing.The tip of the sword hit and water came out. What is the meaning of that, o foolish ones? It means, his sword gives life, it gives life. Use a sword like his sword, use the sword in the right place. Killing innocent youngsters, burning and destroying... it is the madhhab (school) of satan. Your party is the party of satan. It is not the party of Shah Mardan. It is not his way, his manners. Shah Mardan Marhaba. Ay Yaran, the ones who love him "Wa Lasawfa Yu'tika Rabbuka Fatarda" (93:5) Allah (swt) will give everyone... what they deserve. To oppressors, the punishment for their oppression. To believers, the reward for their faith. Everyone will be given their reward according to their job. Men, be men! Men, those who kill women... those who disrespect women... and women, who are their mothers... or their wives, or their daughters, or their relatives... Men should not disrespect them. Those who lift their hand (to hit) women, are from satan's profession. They are using guns... using knives using guns, then saying, "We are Alawi, we are Shia" - yet you lift your hand. Why do you lift your hand? "Wa Lasawfa Yu'tika Rabbuka Fatarda" (93:5) That addressing wasn't only for Prophet, "Wa Lasawfa Yu`tika Rabbuka Fatarda". O my oppressed servant, they oppressed you, but I will defend you. I will punish the oppressors with what they deserve. Be careful! Don't say, I am Shia. A true Shia would not kill an ant! And you, with your army and weapons made by kafir (disbelievers)... go without looking in front of you and destroy what is around. On top of that, you claim to be Alawi or Shia; it is lies and fraud. Allah (swt) will send Shah Mardan on you. How will he send Shah Mardan? Sahibuz Zaman will come from his pure lineage, Hz. Mahdi will come, he will take the rights of the oppressed ones. He won't leave liars, he'll destroy them. He'll bring them down, "Az zulmu la yadum". Oppression doesn't continue. "In dama dammar." if it does continue, it will collapse on their heads. Whoever lifts the sword of oppression, will have his neck struck... either in dunya, or when leaving dunya, or in the grave. Those oppressors striking with swords... and shooting innocent people... with guns. Until Judgment Day, that gun... will shoot him as punishment. (3 von 8)04.07.2013 23:25:07
5670 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MathhabOfShaytan
Oh Shah Mardan, go ahead. Either these people will act like good people, or Shah Mardan's... sword will strike them on the neck Beware. How do we protect ourselves, o our Lord? Allah (swt) is saying: "Fafirru 'ila Llahi." O my oppressed servants, run/escape to Allah (swt). Run/escape to Allah, say Aman Ya Rabbi. Those running from oppressors to Allah (swt) are not arrogant ones. Those who oppress them will all be struck by Shah Mardan. Ay Yaran Shah Mardan - what a nice addressing -O people who... are connected to Shah Mardan by love, who sacrifice themselves... for his way, who accept death for his way... in order to open up that beautiful way, the way of Islam is beautiful there is no oppression in Islam, Allah (swt) is saying: "La zulm al yawm" - there is no oppression in this day. Everyone will find their rights and what they deserve. Go ahead O Shah Mardan. MashaAllah. there is little (time) left. O people who claim to be Shia or Alawi, fake Shia, fake, fake people, those who consider themselves to be Shia or Alawi... you will all be held for judgment and whichever way you murdered people, you will also be murdered, killed. Beware - the words of Shah Mardan are not for nothing. He speaks the words of Haqq (truth) and Shah Mardan, Owner of the arenas... never used his sword if it wasn't for Haqq (justice). He never touched anyone who put their sword down, Hz. Ali (ra) Shah Mardan. Sahib Alam Sahib Alam Li Habibillah, he walked with the banner of Habibullah in his hand. Look at Hz. Ali (ra), and look at the terrible things you are doing. Ay Shah Mardan, I am calling you - punishing the oppressors belongs to you. You are not happy with oppression -those happy with oppression are oppressors. I will punish the oppressors, Shah Mardan is saying. Ay Yaran, o beloved ones, how nice you are, the ones who keep the way of Hz. Ali (ra). How nice, you are accepted on earth and in heavens your glory is mentioned. The people of this time have become satan's slaves. Whatever satan orders, they do. Whatever Allah orders, they don't do. Whatever the Master of the Universe (sws) orders, they don't do. Whatever Shah Mardan said, they don't listen...but... one day they will stand in line. "Come here, let's see"... "Come here. In dunya you were so arrogant like a cock. Come let's see." "Az zulmu la yadum", oppression does not continue, its punishment is ready. What did we say? Shah Mardan... Alayhi Ridwanullah Alayhi Ridwanu r-Rahman. What is he saying? "Wa Attabi Sabila Man Anaba Ilayya" (31:15) Who turns to Me(in repentance & obedience) follow those servants who follow (4 von 8)04.07.2013 23:25:07
5671 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MathhabOfShaytan
Me. Come to Me, I will overcome them. What is Allah (swt) ordering? Listen to Shah Mardan. O Muslim people walk. How will you walk? When He says, "walk", which way can you go to Allah (swt)? The way to Allah (swt), the footsteps that will walk to Allah... Allah (swt) is saying: "Qadama S