Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (401/777)
erem Kopf, o Herr. O glorreicher Prophet (saws), deine Ordnung ist über unserem Kopf. Möge Er uns diejenigen senden, die uns den rechten Weg weisen, damit wir uns selbst finden, weil wir uns verloren haben. O Stammkunden der Kaffeehäuser, sie nennen es "Trabaza", der Tisch, diejenigen, die ständig in den Kaffeehäusern sitzen und auf den Tisch schlagen (mit Karten oder Steinen), das ist nicht das, was getan werden soll. Bewahrt euere Menschlichkeit. Werft den Sattel ab! Sagt: Wir sind keine Esel! Warum satteln sie uns? Ihr seid in der Lage, das zu sagen. Bravo, wenn ihr das tut. O ihr, die uns zuhören, nehmt ein wenig für euch von diesen Ratschlägen, damit es deutlich ist, daß ihr Effendi, Meister, seid, damit sie uns von der Stufe der Tiere nehmen. Unser Herr, sende uns einen Sultan. Und sende uns die Diener, die uns lehren, wie wir zum Sultan im Gehorsam gehen. O unser Herr. Wir sind zufrieden mit so viel heute. Möge Allah (swt) uns mit der Gruppe von Leuten auf dem rechten Weg versammeln, die keine Sättel haben, die es sich nicht erlauben, gesattelt zu werden. Was kann Gutes kommen von denen, die es erlauben, gesattelt zu werden? Jetzt ist die ganze Welt gesattelt. As-Salamu Alaykum, Diener Allahs. Ich werde euch wieder Rat geben. Ihr nehmt diesen Rat an und seid Effendi. Laßt euch nicht satteln. Werft den Sattel weg. Was ist der Sattel? Da sind die Wahlen. 'Wenn wir die Wahlen gewinnen, können wir satteln, wen wir wollen, und herrschen. Möge Allah (swt) uns nicht in die Hände dieser Tyrannen fallen lassen. Herr, zu Ehren Deines glorreichen Propheten, der uns unsere Menschlichkeit lehrt. Möge er kommen, der, der uns so macht, daß die Leute uns 'glorreiche Nation' nennen. Amin, Amin, wa Salamun ala l-Mursalin wa l-Hamdulillahi Rabbi l-Alamin. Fatiha. Lefke, 13.08.2012 (9 von 10)04.07.2013 23:24:57
5594 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ManTheGlorious
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryGlory, CategoryMankind (10 von 10)04.07.2013 23:24:57
5595 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ManUnknownCreature
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ManUnknownCreature
Man - unknown creature! Or: Every day we are changing - materially and spiritually! Ayyuhal ghafilun, ayyuhal dhalimun, O ignorant ones, o oppressors! People are swimming in the oceans of ignorance… Welcome to you, welcome to you! Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-.llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Adhim! As-salamu alaikum! As-salamu alaikum! As-salamu alaikum! Salamun qaulan mir Rabbi-r-Rahim! O people, it is our humble meeting here, humble meeting… but the Lord of Heavens- Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah- He is looking, what we are doing. Don’t think that Allah Almighty’s Territory can be…(is) going to be in limits! But people they are thinking that Allah Almighty only He is occupying Himself for this world- ha sha- never! Al Mulku li-llah! Whole creation for Allah! Mulk, territory, His Dominions- (you know Dominions? You know to eat and drink, nothing else we are knowing… la haula wa la quwatta… What happened? Going to Paradise?... Territory, Mulk- no any English person here? His Territory, Dominions-) What is Dominions? Dominions, that is a sign from His endless Territories; each Dominion, we may say, (is) like our universe that (it is) concluding perhaps countless galaxies. Countless galaxies that they are saying- through their knowledge that reaching- they are saying: “Ten (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:58
5596 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ManUnknownCreature
billion galaxies. This, that we can see a sign of it, through a biggest telescope, (is) ten billion galaxies.” This universe, that is only, you may say, one Dominion and under His endless Power Oceans it is only a spot, small spot. This huge universe (is) only one spot and that is His Territory, but people (are) thinking that Allah Almighty (is) occupying Himself through this planet only! What is that ignorance? What is that! And they are thinking that He (is) only for this planet and (that) everyone or everything that He created on it, He is only looking after them and nothing (else)! O people, try to know something about His Existence! I am not saying: “Try to learn about His Greatness”, no, I may say only: “Try to look (to) this Dominion that (is) surrounding you.” And through this Dominion it is only an unseen spot, (our) solar system, and in it our earth (is) going to be (like) nothing and everything on it (is) going to be nothing. He is Allah, He is Creator, He may create only to say: “Be!” and coming in existence what He is asking to come! Don’t tire (yourself) by thinking of our Lord’s Attributes that it is heavenly Attributes, and then divinely Attributes, that no one can enter in it! For heavenly Attributes, (from) that you may take something. What is something? You can try to know something on this earth, as (what) a needle (is) going to take- a spot- from an ocean. You can take such a knowledge, so small! As a needle (that) you may put in an ocean and take it out; what (is) remaining at the edge of that needle, (like that) you may perhaps take something, such a thing, about our Lord’s heavenly Attributes, heavenly Knowledge, that through that Knowledge you can understand something. And beyond that (there are) everending Horizons for knowledge only for this planet! It is impossible for anyone to reach a heavenly Knowledge about that (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:58
5597 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ManUnknownCreature
planet, about its oceans. Who can reach to oceans, deeply or widely, who can do it? Everything they are knowing is only as nothing, nothing, nothing! As long as you are entering, that is such knowledge that every time (that) you are reaching much more from knowledge, your existence (is) going to disappear, disappear, disappear, to come down, to come down and to finish… Don’t think that your knowledge (is) making you to approach His heavenly Existence, because His Almighty’s heavenly Existence is something impossible. Leave that- we may say, (someone may say: “O Sheikh, we are making such a thing that our mentalities can’t carry for the knowledge about this world”, and I am saying: "Yes, even less.") I may say to you: ‘Who are you? How you are in existence? Who (is) designing you? Who (is) giving your form? Who (is) giving your sex (as) man or women, male and female? You know about yourself? Why (you are) coming and to complain and objecting what we are saying? (The) most nearest show in existence to you (is) you! Your material being (is the) most closer thing around yourself, on this planet and over and under- why you are saying: ‘How we are not knowing (the) heavenly Personality of our Lord?’ Leave that and you look to yourself! “If you can say (something) about your (own) personality”, I am saying, “(then) you may find a way to know (about the) heavenly Existence and Personality of our Creator.” (It is) impossible, but you must believe, you must believe in it! You must try to know something about yourself, because the Lord of Heavens (is) opening a Knowledge Ocean for you and (He is) saying: “Dig (dive??) in it and look! First learn (about) that ocean, then you may come back to you(rself), because your existence (is) much more important, much more wider from (the) Atlantic Ocean or (the) Pacific Ocean! You are bigger than (the) Pacific Ocean! Pacific Ocean, its (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:58
5598 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ManUnknownCreature
material and its inner reality may be more easier to you for an understanding, more than your existence. Your existence (is) sooo, sooo deeply existence and you, by yourself, it is impossible to know anything about yourself! That is a respect and honouring (of) our Lord’s deeds and dealings through existence… And today is something else from yesterday and also today is just different (to) one day in front of you; tomorrow your being (is) going to be… (in) another form (it is) going to appear. Don’t think that you are every day (the) same one! Every day we are changing, materially and spiritually- Allahu akbar! Und your secret of your being as Khalifatullah, the successor of (the) Lord of Heavens, that is another Ocean… Yet you can’t be able to reach in it, yet no! Allah Almighty (was) giving to S.Daud some specialities: When he was singing with Psalms, mountains were coming with him and singing, heavenly Singing, and everything on earth nearby to S.Daud a.s. they were so happy and they were glorifying Allah Almighty with S.Daud. Man (is an) unknown creature! Only his Creator (is) knowing, what He created, you, you are not knowing. But (He is) opening an entrance (for you): “If you like to know about yourself, I am sending to you teacher; I am sending to you a guide!” (A) guide (is) guiding people, for this castle, for that mosque, for that building, that is only… And Allah Almighty (is) sending from His servants someones to teach, to make guide to people. As we are signing: “That is (the) Star of Pole, that is (the) Seven Sisters Star, that is Jupiter, that is Saturn, that is Mars, that is Venus, this is Earth”… All is signing, but it is impossible to reach and to understand. (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:58
5599 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ManUnknownCreature
O people, Allahu akbar! We must be always keeping (the) highest respect with your Lord and (highest) glorifying. Glorifying that is Muntaha-l Bahru-l Haira, glorifying, (that) means, unlimited for Allah Almighty respect, unlimited respect. To glorify Allah Almighty, from creatures that is unlimited respecting and you can’t reach the top point or (a) last point, no! That is our happiness, that is our hopeful and most beloved position for ourselves that we have such a Creator! If you are bringing that to your imagination, imagination is nothing! You can’t reach any imagination for Allah Almighty’s Existence and Dominions and heavenly Personality, that (it is the) divine Personality. That is, ohhh, everending, everending honour for ourselves! (The) everening Lord of Existence just granted us such everending honour, everending hope, everending refreshment, everending Beauty Oceans, ohhh, everending! If (it was) ending, if it is going to be in limits, that was for ourselves, that was taking ourselves away. We may disappear quickly, but this that means eternity, eternity! Whole we are saying now about eternity (is) for the Lord of Creation. For creatures, you (are) only a spot and spot means: no ardi tul, no any limits for (a) spot. Spot, we may say spot, but we can’t bring a description what is (a) spot! No length and no dimensions, only we may say that is spot, no any dimension, no! We are always in it and His Existence only (is the) real Existence. His Existence, yours no, but that (it is) granted (to) ourselves to be in that spot and that spot you may use your imagination, that we are speaking on it only as a spot also, nothing else, always, and you have been granted to be in eternity, eternal life. Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar! O people, this Dunya… therefore, as we are saying, leave them, (it is) nothing, nothing, and real Reality… How many dimensions you know? 3? Do (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:58
5600 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ManUnknownCreature
you think that it is in limits, dimensions? May be 5o, may be 1oo, may be 1ooo, may be millions, may be billions- anyone (is) saying: “You can’t do this”? “…wa Huwa ‘ala kulli shayin Qadir!...” He may do everything, but we are living only in (a) 3 dimension existence. But no one can prevent Who created 3 dimensions, to be (there) 3oo (dimensions), 3ooo, 3 million, 3 billion, 3 quadrillion, 3 pentillion… no one can say: “He can’t do”- He can do! Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar! Subhanallah! Therefore He is saying: “Abada… you are coming to Me. Through your life you are learning something, then your souls (are) jumping (into) My endless, endless Knowledge Oceans, endless Beauty Oceans, endless Blessing Oceans, endless, endless, endless Oceans!” Therefore who is getting in(to) Paradise, no one (is) saying that: “Just I am fed up”! What is fed up? No one can say: “(Canim sikiliyor.) I am fed up!” May Allah grant us to turn our faces to His Almighty’s divinely Face, to be with His divinely Oceans forever, Amin! O people, try to be clean, because that, all of what we are saying, it is for clean people. That Dunya is dirty. Everyone (who is) asking only dirty, they are also dirty ones. But ask to be clean and to be with clean ones, because He Almighty (is) only accepting clean ones, not dirty ones! Look after your actions, look after your intentions, if it is clean or not! If it belongs to Allah, it is clean, if it belongs to your ego, to Dunya, it is dirty. Don’t carry dirty things, but ask clean ones. Ya Rabbi, ya Allah! May Allah forgive us; forgive me, forgive you and bless you, forever, Fatiha. For the honour of the most honoured one in His divinely Presence. (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:58
5601 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ManUnknownCreature
Lefke, 25.2.2007 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel
BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryAstronomy, CategoryKnowledge, CategorySelfknowledge, CategoryProphet (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:58
5602 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaqamAlMahmud
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MaqamAlMahmud
Al Maqam Al Mahmud
Ya Latif, Ya Latif - The Subtle, the Gentle Ya Latif, Ya Latif. All of them are tyrant nations, there is no Muslim nation. Ya Latif, Ya Latif. Everyday 100 times Ya Latif. Ya Latif, Ya Latif, Ya Latif, Ya Latif. 1000 times, Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad wa ala Ali Muhammad wa Sallim. 100 times Astaghfirullah Al Azim, Astaghfirullah Al Azim.. It is coming terrifying, with majesty- this Rabi-ul Awwal, our Prophet's (sas) month. The chance given to shaytan has come to its end now. First He will wipe out shaytan & those who are with shaytan. Then He will clean and raise the flag of Islam. I have the flag hung here. Any flag that has Holy Verses written on it belongs to Islam. Verses from "The Mirajiyah of Sulaiman Chalabi, the poet of the Mawlid" "Calinip tabl-i besaret- The drums of good tidings beaten. "basti ars uzre kadem- He (sas) set foot on the Arsh. "Gulgule doldu cihana- He entered with chants of joy. "geldi sah-i Enbiya- came the Sultan of Prophets" Allah Allah. The glory & honour of our Prophet (sas). How can we know it, how can we know? How can one know, how can you know it? "Calinip tabl-i besaret- The drums of good tidings beaten. "geldi sah-i Enbiya- came the Sultan of Prophets" "Gulgule doldu cihana- He came with the chants of joy. (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:59
5603 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaqamAlMahmud
"basti ars uzre kadem- He (sas) set foot on the Arsh. Before the Arsh-Divine Throne, he(sas) wanted to take off his shoes(Miraj night) but "step with your shoes on" the address came. He (jwa) said to Prophet Moses: "Fakhla` Na`layka - So take off your shoes" (20:12) when he was on earth (in the sacred valley, Tuwa). For our Prophet (sas), he himself wanted to take off his shoes but He (jwa) said: "Leave them on, let My Arsh be honoured, step on it". Allahu Akbar! "basti ars uzre kadem- He (sas) set foot on the Arsh". O you gypsy herds, who consider the respect for the prophet(sas) over done. Leave that! Allah Almighty said, in His Presence "Step with your shoes on, that My Arsh may find honour with your step". And these ones make a fight in front of the Holy Maqam of the Prophet (sas) (when one wants to say salawat): "O you gypsy herds, o jackals, o you howling dogs! What can you say about His (jwa) Glorious Prophet (sas)? Allah Almighty has sent him (sas) to Maqam Mahmud (Station of Praise). What is Maqam Mahmud? Say! Who will be in the Maqam Mahmud? "`Asa 'An Yab`athaka Rabbuka Maqaman Mahmudan - It may be that your Lord will raise you to a Maqam Mahmud" (17:79). For whom is "Maqam Mahmud"? To whom was this honour given? You want to lower this Prophet's (sas) honour here? May they boil in hell- Wahhabi, Salafi & Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood-group), all of them! They can't see the face of our Prophet (sas) unless they repent. Can they see the face of Allah Almighty if they can't see the Prophet's? Aman ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Show respect for him (sas). Praise him (sas) as much as you can. Have no fear. Because your praise..."'Inna Al-Laha Wa Mala'ikatahu Yusalluna `Ala An-Nabiyi- Allah sends His Salat on the Prophet (sas) and also His angels too" (33:56). Who are you? That they always attack the Prophet (sas)- Wahhabis, o wolves, jackals, foxes! Jackals & foxes will eat you. Those who have ill feelings for the Prophet (sas) & who consider the respect shown for the Prophet (sas) excessive, jackals will eat them. They will see! Aman ya Rabbi, may You not let us be misguided. How can you ask not to praise who Allah Almighty praised & glorified? You say "shirk" (Association a Partner with Allah)! What is shirk? What is shirk? "O My Beloved, I have created everything for your honour" says Allah Almighty. "All creation, creatures I created for your honour. And I am not in need of what I created, I granted you all of them. It is all yours!" Allahu Akbarul Akbar! His Beloved Prophet, ya Sayyidi ya Rasul Allah (sas). If He gave us a small power, even like an atom, it can destroy everything! It can make all upside down! (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:59
5604 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaqamAlMahmud
Pull yourselves together, O Wahhabis, O Salafis, O secular people, O unbelievers, O liar Christians & Jews! Come to your senses, pull yourselves together! Think about the glory & greatness of our Prophet (sas), think about how he was. fakkaru waheed yateem- An orphan in unknown deserts, an orphan who lost both his mother & father. How he was living? How has he been known out of deserts, out of deserts? Hundreds of millions, billions of people lived. They had children. They died & were forgotten. What kind of a person was he (sas)? Neither Christians, nor Jews have any mind left to think! Say this! How did it happen? How did an orphan, who lost both his mother & father, an orphan boy that he didn't go to any school. He didn't know how to read or write. He was illiterate. How come did it happen, that for 23 years he said: "I am the Prophet of Allah & reading the Holy Quran He has sent you"? Even if a person wrote a poem by himself & if you ask him to read it, he can't read correctly! is it so? The number of Holy Verses in Holy Quran? S.M. It was about 6000. M. 6666 Holy Verses How can this be? If it was not a Holy Book, how can an illiterate one read & say it to people? He reads & says it from the beginning to end by heart. He reads it correctly with all it's punctuations & letters. It means, these people who cannot think of this are below the level of animals. Look at his glory & majesty! What does the Prophet (sas) say? "O my companions, one day will come when my name will be known throughout the whole world" This is Hadith-Tradition of the Prophet. "My name will be mentioned everywhere". This is a miracle of our Prophet (sas). He says this from out of the Arabian deserts: "When the last days come my name will be mentioned everywhere". Yes! Sayyidal Awwalin Wal Akhirin (sas). Ya Sayyidi ya Rasul Allah. We ask for your affection & intercession. We ask for power. Even an ant can crush them, destroy them. What kind of a thing is this? Look now, everywhere our Prophet's name is mentioned, as he said. It is said in the first place! In the first place! Jews because of their lack of faith and Christians also, because of their lack of faith & their jealousy they don't accept our Prophet (sas). Let them not accept! They are not so many in number. As you say, he (sas) has a nation- there are 2-3 billions of people- Ummah, who say "La ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah". Can you make that many people say? Let them try if they can do it! You have put Sayyidina Isa in the place of a farce, comedy & you are making theatre with him. They put crosses, cross themselves. What are these? Did Prophet Jesus come & tell you: "Take this cross & carry it, it is (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:59
5605 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaqamAlMahmud
my sign". If it was his sign, he would have it written on his forehead & walked out like this. They have no mind. Jealousy is the attribute of shaytan. Shaytan got jealous of Prophet Adam & he has become shaytan. Whoever is jealous of our Prophet (sas), they are also shaytans. "Calınıp tabl-i besaret- The drums of good tidings beaten. "kondu ol sahib alem- The Master of the Creation has entered upon the universe" "Gulgule doldu cihana- He came with chants of joy. "came the Sultan of Prophets." We ask for your intercession, ya Rasul Allah. Our language is enough only for this. This is enough. Fatiha. Al Makam al Mahmud
Ya Latif, Ya Latif - Der Feinstoffliche, Sanfte. Ya Latif, Ya Latif. Sie sind alle Tyrannen-Nationen, es gibt keine Muslimnationen. Ya Latif, Ya Latif. Jeden Tag 100x Ya Latif. Ya Latif, Ya Latif, Ya Latif, Ya Latif. 1000x Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad wa Sallim. 100x Astaghfirullahu l-Azim, Astaghfirullahu l-Azim. Er kommt erschreckend, mit Majestät, dieser Rabiul-Awwal, der Monat unseres Propheten (saws). Die Chance, die Shaytan gegeben wurde, kommt jetzt zu einem Ende. Zuerst wird er Shaytan auslöschen und jene, die mit Shaytan sind. Dann wird er die Welt reinigen und die Fahne des Islam erheben. Ich habe die Fahne hier hängen. Jede Fahne, auf der Heilige Verse geschrieben sind, gehört dem Islam an. (Verse von "Die Mirajiyah" von Sulaiman Chalabi, dem Dichter des Mawlid) "Calinip tabl-i besaret" - Die Trommeln der guten Nachrichten geschlagen. "Basti ars uzre kadem" - Er (saws) setzte den Fuß auf den 'Arsh. "Gulgule doldu cihana" - Er ging hinein mit Freudengesängen. "Geldi sah-i Enbiya" - der Sultan der Propheten kam. Allah Allah. Der Ruhm und die Ehre unseres Propheten (saws). Wie können wir es wissen, wie können wir es wissen? Wie kann man es wissen, wie kann man es wissen? "Calinip tabl-i besaret" - Die Trommeln der guten Nachrichten geschlagen. "Geldi sah-i Enbiya" - der Sultan der Propheten kam. "Gulgule doldu cihana" - Er kam mit Freudengesängen. "Basti ars uzre kadem" - Er (saws) setzte den Fuß auf den `Arsh. Vor dem `Arsh, dem Göttlichen Thron, wollte er (saws) die Schuhe ausziehen (Miraj), aber "tritt darauf mit deinen Schuhen", kam die Ansprache. Er (jwa) sagte zum Propheten Moses: "Fakhla` Na`layka" - Also zieh deine Schuhe aus (20:12), als er auf der Erde war (im heiligen Tal Tuwa). Unser Prophet (saws) wollte selbst (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:59
5606 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaqamAlMahmud
die Schuhe ausziehen, aber Er (jwa) sagte: "Laß sie an, laß Meinen `Arsh geehrt werden, tritt auf ihn." Allahu Akbar! "Basti ars uzre kadem" - Er (saws) setzte den Fuß auf den `Arsh. Ihr Zigeunerbanden, die den Respekt für den Propheten (saws) als übertrieben ansehen, laßt das! Allah der Allmächtige sagte, in Seiner Gegenwart: "Tritt mit Schuhen darauf, damit Mein `Arsh durch deinen Tritt Ehre finde. Und diese machen einen Aufstand vor dem heiligen Maqam des Propheten (saws) (wenn man Salawat sagen will): Ihr Zigeunerbanden, Schakale, ihr heulenden Hunde! Wie könnt ihr über Seinen (jwa) ruhmreichen Propheten (saws) sprechen? Allah der Allmächtige hat ihn (saws) zum Maqam Mahmud (Stufe des Lobpreises) gesandt. Was ist Maqam Mahmud? Sagt! Wer wird am Maqam Mahmud sein? "`Asa 'An Yab`athaka Rabbuka Maqamaan Mahmudaan." - Es mag sein, daß dein Herr dich zu einem Maqam Mahmud erhebt. (17:19) Für wen ist "Maqam Mahmud"? Wem wurde diese Ehre zuteil? Ihr wollt die Ehre des Propheten (saws) herunterbringen? Mögen sie in der Hölle schmoren, die Wahhabis, Salafi und Ikhwan, sie alle! Sie können das Gesicht unseres Propheten (saws) nicht schauen, wenn sie nicht bereuen. Können sie das Angesicht Allahs des Allmächtigen schauen, wenn sie das des Propheten nicht schauen können? Aman ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Zeigt ihm (saws) Respekt. Preist ihn (saws), soviel ihr könnt. Habt keine Angst. Weil euer Lobpreis..."Inna Al-Laha Wa Mala'ikatahu Yusalluna `Ala n-Nabiyi" - Allah sendet Sein Salat auf den Propheten (saws) und auch Seine Engel. (33:56) Wer seid ihr, daß ihr den Propheten (saws) immer angreift? Wahhabis, Wölfe, Schakale, Füchse! Schakale und Füchse werden euch fressen. Diejenigen, die dem Propheten (saws) übelgesinnt sind und den Respekt, der ihm gezollt wird, übermäßig finden, Schakale werden sie fressen. Sie werden sehen! Aman ya Rabbi, laß uns nicht fehlgeleitet sein. Wie kann man den, der von Allah gepriesen und gerühmt wurde, nicht preisen wollen? Ihr sagt "shirk". Was ist shirk? Was ist shirk? "O Mein Geliebter, Ich habe alles dir zu Ehren geschaffen," sagt Allah der Allmächtige. "Alle Schöpfung, alle Geschöpfe schuf Ich dir zu Ehren. Und Ich brauche nicht, was ich erschuf, Ich habe dir alles davon gegeben. Es gehört alles dir!" Allahu Akbaru l-Akbar! Seinem Geliebten Propheten, ya Sayyidi, ya Rasul Allah (saws). Gäbe er uns etwas Macht, auch nur wie ein Atom, kann es alles zerstören! Es kann alles durcheinanderbringen! Reißt euch zusammen, ihr Wahhabis. Ihr Salafis, Säkulare Leute, Ihr Ungläubigen, verlogene Christen und Juden! Nehmt Vernunft an! Reißt euch zusammen! Denkt an den Ruhm und die Größe unseres Propheten (saws), denkt daran, wie er Fakkaru wahid yatim - Ein Waise in unbekannten Wüsten, ein Waise, der beide, Vater und Mutter, verloren hatte. Wie lebte er? Wie wurde er bekannt aus der Wüste heraus, aus der Wüste heraus? Hunderte Millionen, Billionen von Leuten lebten. Sie hatten Kinder. Sie starben und wurden vergessen. Was für eine Art Mensch war er (saws)? Weder die Christen, noch die (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:59
5607 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaqamAlMahmud
Juden haben noch Verstand, um nachzudenken! Sagt! Wie ist es geschehen? Wie kam es, daß ein Waise, der Vater und Mutter verloren hatte, ein Waisenjunge, der keine Schule besuchte, der nicht lesen und schreiben konnte, der Analphabet war, wie kam es, daß er 23 Jahre lang sagte: "Ich bin der Prophet Allahs. Und ich lese euch den Quran, der mir gesandt wurde"? Selbst wenn eine Person allein ein Gedicht schrieb, und du ihn bittest, es zu lesen, kann er es nicht richtig lesen! Ist das so? Die Anzahl der heiligen Verse im Heiligen Quran? S. M: Es sind etwa 6000. M: 6666 Heilige Verse. Wie kann das sein? Wenn es kein Heiliges Buch ist, wie kann ein Analphabet es lesen und den Leuten erzählen? Er liest und sagt es von Anfang bis Ende auswendig auf. Er liest es richtig mit der ganzen Zeichensetzung und den Buchstaben. Das heißt, diese Leute, die nicht daran denken können, sind unter
erem Kopf, o Herr. O glorreicher Prophet (saws), deine Ordnung ist über unserem Kopf. Möge Er uns diejenigen senden, die uns den rechten Weg weisen, damit wir uns selbst finden, weil wir uns verloren haben. O Stammkunden der Kaffeehäuser, sie nennen es "Trabaza", der Tisch, diejenigen, die ständig in den Kaffeehäusern sitzen und auf den Tisch schlagen (mit Karten oder Steinen), das ist nicht das, was getan werden soll. Bewahrt euere Menschlichkeit. Werft den Sattel ab! Sagt: Wir sind keine Esel! Warum satteln sie uns? Ihr seid in der Lage, das zu sagen. Bravo, wenn ihr das tut. O ihr, die uns zuhören, nehmt ein wenig für euch von diesen Ratschlägen, damit es deutlich ist, daß ihr Effendi, Meister, seid, damit sie uns von der Stufe der Tiere nehmen. Unser Herr, sende uns einen Sultan. Und sende uns die Diener, die uns lehren, wie wir zum Sultan im Gehorsam gehen. O unser Herr. Wir sind zufrieden mit so viel heute. Möge Allah (swt) uns mit der Gruppe von Leuten auf dem rechten Weg versammeln, die keine Sättel haben, die es sich nicht erlauben, gesattelt zu werden. Was kann Gutes kommen von denen, die es erlauben, gesattelt zu werden? Jetzt ist die ganze Welt gesattelt. As-Salamu Alaykum, Diener Allahs. Ich werde euch wieder Rat geben. Ihr nehmt diesen Rat an und seid Effendi. Laßt euch nicht satteln. Werft den Sattel weg. Was ist der Sattel? Da sind die Wahlen. 'Wenn wir die Wahlen gewinnen, können wir satteln, wen wir wollen, und herrschen. Möge Allah (swt) uns nicht in die Hände dieser Tyrannen fallen lassen. Herr, zu Ehren Deines glorreichen Propheten, der uns unsere Menschlichkeit lehrt. Möge er kommen, der, der uns so macht, daß die Leute uns 'glorreiche Nation' nennen. Amin, Amin, wa Salamun ala l-Mursalin wa l-Hamdulillahi Rabbi l-Alamin. Fatiha. Lefke, 13.08.2012 (9 von 10)04.07.2013 23:24:57
5594 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ManTheGlorious
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryGlory, CategoryMankind (10 von 10)04.07.2013 23:24:57
5595 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ManUnknownCreature
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ManUnknownCreature
Man - unknown creature! Or: Every day we are changing - materially and spiritually! Ayyuhal ghafilun, ayyuhal dhalimun, O ignorant ones, o oppressors! People are swimming in the oceans of ignorance… Welcome to you, welcome to you! Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-.llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Adhim! As-salamu alaikum! As-salamu alaikum! As-salamu alaikum! Salamun qaulan mir Rabbi-r-Rahim! O people, it is our humble meeting here, humble meeting… but the Lord of Heavens- Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah- He is looking, what we are doing. Don’t think that Allah Almighty’s Territory can be…(is) going to be in limits! But people they are thinking that Allah Almighty only He is occupying Himself for this world- ha sha- never! Al Mulku li-llah! Whole creation for Allah! Mulk, territory, His Dominions- (you know Dominions? You know to eat and drink, nothing else we are knowing… la haula wa la quwatta… What happened? Going to Paradise?... Territory, Mulk- no any English person here? His Territory, Dominions-) What is Dominions? Dominions, that is a sign from His endless Territories; each Dominion, we may say, (is) like our universe that (it is) concluding perhaps countless galaxies. Countless galaxies that they are saying- through their knowledge that reaching- they are saying: “Ten (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:58
5596 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ManUnknownCreature
billion galaxies. This, that we can see a sign of it, through a biggest telescope, (is) ten billion galaxies.” This universe, that is only, you may say, one Dominion and under His endless Power Oceans it is only a spot, small spot. This huge universe (is) only one spot and that is His Territory, but people (are) thinking that Allah Almighty (is) occupying Himself through this planet only! What is that ignorance? What is that! And they are thinking that He (is) only for this planet and (that) everyone or everything that He created on it, He is only looking after them and nothing (else)! O people, try to know something about His Existence! I am not saying: “Try to learn about His Greatness”, no, I may say only: “Try to look (to) this Dominion that (is) surrounding you.” And through this Dominion it is only an unseen spot, (our) solar system, and in it our earth (is) going to be (like) nothing and everything on it (is) going to be nothing. He is Allah, He is Creator, He may create only to say: “Be!” and coming in existence what He is asking to come! Don’t tire (yourself) by thinking of our Lord’s Attributes that it is heavenly Attributes, and then divinely Attributes, that no one can enter in it! For heavenly Attributes, (from) that you may take something. What is something? You can try to know something on this earth, as (what) a needle (is) going to take- a spot- from an ocean. You can take such a knowledge, so small! As a needle (that) you may put in an ocean and take it out; what (is) remaining at the edge of that needle, (like that) you may perhaps take something, such a thing, about our Lord’s heavenly Attributes, heavenly Knowledge, that through that Knowledge you can understand something. And beyond that (there are) everending Horizons for knowledge only for this planet! It is impossible for anyone to reach a heavenly Knowledge about that (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:58
5597 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ManUnknownCreature
planet, about its oceans. Who can reach to oceans, deeply or widely, who can do it? Everything they are knowing is only as nothing, nothing, nothing! As long as you are entering, that is such knowledge that every time (that) you are reaching much more from knowledge, your existence (is) going to disappear, disappear, disappear, to come down, to come down and to finish… Don’t think that your knowledge (is) making you to approach His heavenly Existence, because His Almighty’s heavenly Existence is something impossible. Leave that- we may say, (someone may say: “O Sheikh, we are making such a thing that our mentalities can’t carry for the knowledge about this world”, and I am saying: "Yes, even less.") I may say to you: ‘Who are you? How you are in existence? Who (is) designing you? Who (is) giving your form? Who (is) giving your sex (as) man or women, male and female? You know about yourself? Why (you are) coming and to complain and objecting what we are saying? (The) most nearest show in existence to you (is) you! Your material being (is the) most closer thing around yourself, on this planet and over and under- why you are saying: ‘How we are not knowing (the) heavenly Personality of our Lord?’ Leave that and you look to yourself! “If you can say (something) about your (own) personality”, I am saying, “(then) you may find a way to know (about the) heavenly Existence and Personality of our Creator.” (It is) impossible, but you must believe, you must believe in it! You must try to know something about yourself, because the Lord of Heavens (is) opening a Knowledge Ocean for you and (He is) saying: “Dig (dive??) in it and look! First learn (about) that ocean, then you may come back to you(rself), because your existence (is) much more important, much more wider from (the) Atlantic Ocean or (the) Pacific Ocean! You are bigger than (the) Pacific Ocean! Pacific Ocean, its (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:58
5598 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ManUnknownCreature
material and its inner reality may be more easier to you for an understanding, more than your existence. Your existence (is) sooo, sooo deeply existence and you, by yourself, it is impossible to know anything about yourself! That is a respect and honouring (of) our Lord’s deeds and dealings through existence… And today is something else from yesterday and also today is just different (to) one day in front of you; tomorrow your being (is) going to be… (in) another form (it is) going to appear. Don’t think that you are every day (the) same one! Every day we are changing, materially and spiritually- Allahu akbar! Und your secret of your being as Khalifatullah, the successor of (the) Lord of Heavens, that is another Ocean… Yet you can’t be able to reach in it, yet no! Allah Almighty (was) giving to S.Daud some specialities: When he was singing with Psalms, mountains were coming with him and singing, heavenly Singing, and everything on earth nearby to S.Daud a.s. they were so happy and they were glorifying Allah Almighty with S.Daud. Man (is an) unknown creature! Only his Creator (is) knowing, what He created, you, you are not knowing. But (He is) opening an entrance (for you): “If you like to know about yourself, I am sending to you teacher; I am sending to you a guide!” (A) guide (is) guiding people, for this castle, for that mosque, for that building, that is only… And Allah Almighty (is) sending from His servants someones to teach, to make guide to people. As we are signing: “That is (the) Star of Pole, that is (the) Seven Sisters Star, that is Jupiter, that is Saturn, that is Mars, that is Venus, this is Earth”… All is signing, but it is impossible to reach and to understand. (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:58
5599 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ManUnknownCreature
O people, Allahu akbar! We must be always keeping (the) highest respect with your Lord and (highest) glorifying. Glorifying that is Muntaha-l Bahru-l Haira, glorifying, (that) means, unlimited for Allah Almighty respect, unlimited respect. To glorify Allah Almighty, from creatures that is unlimited respecting and you can’t reach the top point or (a) last point, no! That is our happiness, that is our hopeful and most beloved position for ourselves that we have such a Creator! If you are bringing that to your imagination, imagination is nothing! You can’t reach any imagination for Allah Almighty’s Existence and Dominions and heavenly Personality, that (it is the) divine Personality. That is, ohhh, everending, everending honour for ourselves! (The) everening Lord of Existence just granted us such everending honour, everending hope, everending refreshment, everending Beauty Oceans, ohhh, everending! If (it was) ending, if it is going to be in limits, that was for ourselves, that was taking ourselves away. We may disappear quickly, but this that means eternity, eternity! Whole we are saying now about eternity (is) for the Lord of Creation. For creatures, you (are) only a spot and spot means: no ardi tul, no any limits for (a) spot. Spot, we may say spot, but we can’t bring a description what is (a) spot! No length and no dimensions, only we may say that is spot, no any dimension, no! We are always in it and His Existence only (is the) real Existence. His Existence, yours no, but that (it is) granted (to) ourselves to be in that spot and that spot you may use your imagination, that we are speaking on it only as a spot also, nothing else, always, and you have been granted to be in eternity, eternal life. Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar! O people, this Dunya… therefore, as we are saying, leave them, (it is) nothing, nothing, and real Reality… How many dimensions you know? 3? Do (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:58
5600 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ManUnknownCreature
you think that it is in limits, dimensions? May be 5o, may be 1oo, may be 1ooo, may be millions, may be billions- anyone (is) saying: “You can’t do this”? “…wa Huwa ‘ala kulli shayin Qadir!...” He may do everything, but we are living only in (a) 3 dimension existence. But no one can prevent Who created 3 dimensions, to be (there) 3oo (dimensions), 3ooo, 3 million, 3 billion, 3 quadrillion, 3 pentillion… no one can say: “He can’t do”- He can do! Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar! Subhanallah! Therefore He is saying: “Abada… you are coming to Me. Through your life you are learning something, then your souls (are) jumping (into) My endless, endless Knowledge Oceans, endless Beauty Oceans, endless Blessing Oceans, endless, endless, endless Oceans!” Therefore who is getting in(to) Paradise, no one (is) saying that: “Just I am fed up”! What is fed up? No one can say: “(Canim sikiliyor.) I am fed up!” May Allah grant us to turn our faces to His Almighty’s divinely Face, to be with His divinely Oceans forever, Amin! O people, try to be clean, because that, all of what we are saying, it is for clean people. That Dunya is dirty. Everyone (who is) asking only dirty, they are also dirty ones. But ask to be clean and to be with clean ones, because He Almighty (is) only accepting clean ones, not dirty ones! Look after your actions, look after your intentions, if it is clean or not! If it belongs to Allah, it is clean, if it belongs to your ego, to Dunya, it is dirty. Don’t carry dirty things, but ask clean ones. Ya Rabbi, ya Allah! May Allah forgive us; forgive me, forgive you and bless you, forever, Fatiha. For the honour of the most honoured one in His divinely Presence. (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:58
5601 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ManUnknownCreature
Lefke, 25.2.2007 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel
BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryAstronomy, CategoryKnowledge, CategorySelfknowledge, CategoryProphet (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:58
5602 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaqamAlMahmud
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MaqamAlMahmud
Al Maqam Al Mahmud
Ya Latif, Ya Latif - The Subtle, the Gentle Ya Latif, Ya Latif. All of them are tyrant nations, there is no Muslim nation. Ya Latif, Ya Latif. Everyday 100 times Ya Latif. Ya Latif, Ya Latif, Ya Latif, Ya Latif. 1000 times, Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad wa ala Ali Muhammad wa Sallim. 100 times Astaghfirullah Al Azim, Astaghfirullah Al Azim.. It is coming terrifying, with majesty- this Rabi-ul Awwal, our Prophet's (sas) month. The chance given to shaytan has come to its end now. First He will wipe out shaytan & those who are with shaytan. Then He will clean and raise the flag of Islam. I have the flag hung here. Any flag that has Holy Verses written on it belongs to Islam. Verses from "The Mirajiyah of Sulaiman Chalabi, the poet of the Mawlid" "Calinip tabl-i besaret- The drums of good tidings beaten. "basti ars uzre kadem- He (sas) set foot on the Arsh. "Gulgule doldu cihana- He entered with chants of joy. "geldi sah-i Enbiya- came the Sultan of Prophets" Allah Allah. The glory & honour of our Prophet (sas). How can we know it, how can we know? How can one know, how can you know it? "Calinip tabl-i besaret- The drums of good tidings beaten. "geldi sah-i Enbiya- came the Sultan of Prophets" "Gulgule doldu cihana- He came with the chants of joy. (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:59
5603 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaqamAlMahmud
"basti ars uzre kadem- He (sas) set foot on the Arsh. Before the Arsh-Divine Throne, he(sas) wanted to take off his shoes(Miraj night) but "step with your shoes on" the address came. He (jwa) said to Prophet Moses: "Fakhla` Na`layka - So take off your shoes" (20:12) when he was on earth (in the sacred valley, Tuwa). For our Prophet (sas), he himself wanted to take off his shoes but He (jwa) said: "Leave them on, let My Arsh be honoured, step on it". Allahu Akbar! "basti ars uzre kadem- He (sas) set foot on the Arsh". O you gypsy herds, who consider the respect for the prophet(sas) over done. Leave that! Allah Almighty said, in His Presence "Step with your shoes on, that My Arsh may find honour with your step". And these ones make a fight in front of the Holy Maqam of the Prophet (sas) (when one wants to say salawat): "O you gypsy herds, o jackals, o you howling dogs! What can you say about His (jwa) Glorious Prophet (sas)? Allah Almighty has sent him (sas) to Maqam Mahmud (Station of Praise). What is Maqam Mahmud? Say! Who will be in the Maqam Mahmud? "`Asa 'An Yab`athaka Rabbuka Maqaman Mahmudan - It may be that your Lord will raise you to a Maqam Mahmud" (17:79). For whom is "Maqam Mahmud"? To whom was this honour given? You want to lower this Prophet's (sas) honour here? May they boil in hell- Wahhabi, Salafi & Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood-group), all of them! They can't see the face of our Prophet (sas) unless they repent. Can they see the face of Allah Almighty if they can't see the Prophet's? Aman ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Show respect for him (sas). Praise him (sas) as much as you can. Have no fear. Because your praise..."'Inna Al-Laha Wa Mala'ikatahu Yusalluna `Ala An-Nabiyi- Allah sends His Salat on the Prophet (sas) and also His angels too" (33:56). Who are you? That they always attack the Prophet (sas)- Wahhabis, o wolves, jackals, foxes! Jackals & foxes will eat you. Those who have ill feelings for the Prophet (sas) & who consider the respect shown for the Prophet (sas) excessive, jackals will eat them. They will see! Aman ya Rabbi, may You not let us be misguided. How can you ask not to praise who Allah Almighty praised & glorified? You say "shirk" (Association a Partner with Allah)! What is shirk? What is shirk? "O My Beloved, I have created everything for your honour" says Allah Almighty. "All creation, creatures I created for your honour. And I am not in need of what I created, I granted you all of them. It is all yours!" Allahu Akbarul Akbar! His Beloved Prophet, ya Sayyidi ya Rasul Allah (sas). If He gave us a small power, even like an atom, it can destroy everything! It can make all upside down! (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:59
5604 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaqamAlMahmud
Pull yourselves together, O Wahhabis, O Salafis, O secular people, O unbelievers, O liar Christians & Jews! Come to your senses, pull yourselves together! Think about the glory & greatness of our Prophet (sas), think about how he was. fakkaru waheed yateem- An orphan in unknown deserts, an orphan who lost both his mother & father. How he was living? How has he been known out of deserts, out of deserts? Hundreds of millions, billions of people lived. They had children. They died & were forgotten. What kind of a person was he (sas)? Neither Christians, nor Jews have any mind left to think! Say this! How did it happen? How did an orphan, who lost both his mother & father, an orphan boy that he didn't go to any school. He didn't know how to read or write. He was illiterate. How come did it happen, that for 23 years he said: "I am the Prophet of Allah & reading the Holy Quran He has sent you"? Even if a person wrote a poem by himself & if you ask him to read it, he can't read correctly! is it so? The number of Holy Verses in Holy Quran? S.M. It was about 6000. M. 6666 Holy Verses How can this be? If it was not a Holy Book, how can an illiterate one read & say it to people? He reads & says it from the beginning to end by heart. He reads it correctly with all it's punctuations & letters. It means, these people who cannot think of this are below the level of animals. Look at his glory & majesty! What does the Prophet (sas) say? "O my companions, one day will come when my name will be known throughout the whole world" This is Hadith-Tradition of the Prophet. "My name will be mentioned everywhere". This is a miracle of our Prophet (sas). He says this from out of the Arabian deserts: "When the last days come my name will be mentioned everywhere". Yes! Sayyidal Awwalin Wal Akhirin (sas). Ya Sayyidi ya Rasul Allah. We ask for your affection & intercession. We ask for power. Even an ant can crush them, destroy them. What kind of a thing is this? Look now, everywhere our Prophet's name is mentioned, as he said. It is said in the first place! In the first place! Jews because of their lack of faith and Christians also, because of their lack of faith & their jealousy they don't accept our Prophet (sas). Let them not accept! They are not so many in number. As you say, he (sas) has a nation- there are 2-3 billions of people- Ummah, who say "La ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah". Can you make that many people say? Let them try if they can do it! You have put Sayyidina Isa in the place of a farce, comedy & you are making theatre with him. They put crosses, cross themselves. What are these? Did Prophet Jesus come & tell you: "Take this cross & carry it, it is (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:59
5605 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaqamAlMahmud
my sign". If it was his sign, he would have it written on his forehead & walked out like this. They have no mind. Jealousy is the attribute of shaytan. Shaytan got jealous of Prophet Adam & he has become shaytan. Whoever is jealous of our Prophet (sas), they are also shaytans. "Calınıp tabl-i besaret- The drums of good tidings beaten. "kondu ol sahib alem- The Master of the Creation has entered upon the universe" "Gulgule doldu cihana- He came with chants of joy. "came the Sultan of Prophets." We ask for your intercession, ya Rasul Allah. Our language is enough only for this. This is enough. Fatiha. Al Makam al Mahmud
Ya Latif, Ya Latif - Der Feinstoffliche, Sanfte. Ya Latif, Ya Latif. Sie sind alle Tyrannen-Nationen, es gibt keine Muslimnationen. Ya Latif, Ya Latif. Jeden Tag 100x Ya Latif. Ya Latif, Ya Latif, Ya Latif, Ya Latif. 1000x Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad wa Sallim. 100x Astaghfirullahu l-Azim, Astaghfirullahu l-Azim. Er kommt erschreckend, mit Majestät, dieser Rabiul-Awwal, der Monat unseres Propheten (saws). Die Chance, die Shaytan gegeben wurde, kommt jetzt zu einem Ende. Zuerst wird er Shaytan auslöschen und jene, die mit Shaytan sind. Dann wird er die Welt reinigen und die Fahne des Islam erheben. Ich habe die Fahne hier hängen. Jede Fahne, auf der Heilige Verse geschrieben sind, gehört dem Islam an. (Verse von "Die Mirajiyah" von Sulaiman Chalabi, dem Dichter des Mawlid) "Calinip tabl-i besaret" - Die Trommeln der guten Nachrichten geschlagen. "Basti ars uzre kadem" - Er (saws) setzte den Fuß auf den 'Arsh. "Gulgule doldu cihana" - Er ging hinein mit Freudengesängen. "Geldi sah-i Enbiya" - der Sultan der Propheten kam. Allah Allah. Der Ruhm und die Ehre unseres Propheten (saws). Wie können wir es wissen, wie können wir es wissen? Wie kann man es wissen, wie kann man es wissen? "Calinip tabl-i besaret" - Die Trommeln der guten Nachrichten geschlagen. "Geldi sah-i Enbiya" - der Sultan der Propheten kam. "Gulgule doldu cihana" - Er kam mit Freudengesängen. "Basti ars uzre kadem" - Er (saws) setzte den Fuß auf den `Arsh. Vor dem `Arsh, dem Göttlichen Thron, wollte er (saws) die Schuhe ausziehen (Miraj), aber "tritt darauf mit deinen Schuhen", kam die Ansprache. Er (jwa) sagte zum Propheten Moses: "Fakhla` Na`layka" - Also zieh deine Schuhe aus (20:12), als er auf der Erde war (im heiligen Tal Tuwa). Unser Prophet (saws) wollte selbst (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:59
5606 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaqamAlMahmud
die Schuhe ausziehen, aber Er (jwa) sagte: "Laß sie an, laß Meinen `Arsh geehrt werden, tritt auf ihn." Allahu Akbar! "Basti ars uzre kadem" - Er (saws) setzte den Fuß auf den `Arsh. Ihr Zigeunerbanden, die den Respekt für den Propheten (saws) als übertrieben ansehen, laßt das! Allah der Allmächtige sagte, in Seiner Gegenwart: "Tritt mit Schuhen darauf, damit Mein `Arsh durch deinen Tritt Ehre finde. Und diese machen einen Aufstand vor dem heiligen Maqam des Propheten (saws) (wenn man Salawat sagen will): Ihr Zigeunerbanden, Schakale, ihr heulenden Hunde! Wie könnt ihr über Seinen (jwa) ruhmreichen Propheten (saws) sprechen? Allah der Allmächtige hat ihn (saws) zum Maqam Mahmud (Stufe des Lobpreises) gesandt. Was ist Maqam Mahmud? Sagt! Wer wird am Maqam Mahmud sein? "`Asa 'An Yab`athaka Rabbuka Maqamaan Mahmudaan." - Es mag sein, daß dein Herr dich zu einem Maqam Mahmud erhebt. (17:19) Für wen ist "Maqam Mahmud"? Wem wurde diese Ehre zuteil? Ihr wollt die Ehre des Propheten (saws) herunterbringen? Mögen sie in der Hölle schmoren, die Wahhabis, Salafi und Ikhwan, sie alle! Sie können das Gesicht unseres Propheten (saws) nicht schauen, wenn sie nicht bereuen. Können sie das Angesicht Allahs des Allmächtigen schauen, wenn sie das des Propheten nicht schauen können? Aman ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Zeigt ihm (saws) Respekt. Preist ihn (saws), soviel ihr könnt. Habt keine Angst. Weil euer Lobpreis..."Inna Al-Laha Wa Mala'ikatahu Yusalluna `Ala n-Nabiyi" - Allah sendet Sein Salat auf den Propheten (saws) und auch Seine Engel. (33:56) Wer seid ihr, daß ihr den Propheten (saws) immer angreift? Wahhabis, Wölfe, Schakale, Füchse! Schakale und Füchse werden euch fressen. Diejenigen, die dem Propheten (saws) übelgesinnt sind und den Respekt, der ihm gezollt wird, übermäßig finden, Schakale werden sie fressen. Sie werden sehen! Aman ya Rabbi, laß uns nicht fehlgeleitet sein. Wie kann man den, der von Allah gepriesen und gerühmt wurde, nicht preisen wollen? Ihr sagt "shirk". Was ist shirk? Was ist shirk? "O Mein Geliebter, Ich habe alles dir zu Ehren geschaffen," sagt Allah der Allmächtige. "Alle Schöpfung, alle Geschöpfe schuf Ich dir zu Ehren. Und Ich brauche nicht, was ich erschuf, Ich habe dir alles davon gegeben. Es gehört alles dir!" Allahu Akbaru l-Akbar! Seinem Geliebten Propheten, ya Sayyidi, ya Rasul Allah (saws). Gäbe er uns etwas Macht, auch nur wie ein Atom, kann es alles zerstören! Es kann alles durcheinanderbringen! Reißt euch zusammen, ihr Wahhabis. Ihr Salafis, Säkulare Leute, Ihr Ungläubigen, verlogene Christen und Juden! Nehmt Vernunft an! Reißt euch zusammen! Denkt an den Ruhm und die Größe unseres Propheten (saws), denkt daran, wie er Fakkaru wahid yatim - Ein Waise in unbekannten Wüsten, ein Waise, der beide, Vater und Mutter, verloren hatte. Wie lebte er? Wie wurde er bekannt aus der Wüste heraus, aus der Wüste heraus? Hunderte Millionen, Billionen von Leuten lebten. Sie hatten Kinder. Sie starben und wurden vergessen. Was für eine Art Mensch war er (saws)? Weder die Christen, noch die (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:24:59
5607 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaqamAlMahmud
Juden haben noch Verstand, um nachzudenken! Sagt! Wie ist es geschehen? Wie kam es, daß ein Waise, der Vater und Mutter verloren hatte, ein Waisenjunge, der keine Schule besuchte, der nicht lesen und schreiben konnte, der Analphabet war, wie kam es, daß er 23 Jahre lang sagte: "Ich bin der Prophet Allahs. Und ich lese euch den Quran, der mir gesandt wurde"? Selbst wenn eine Person allein ein Gedicht schrieb, und du ihn bittest, es zu lesen, kann er es nicht richtig lesen! Ist das so? Die Anzahl der heiligen Verse im Heiligen Quran? S. M: Es sind etwa 6000. M: 6666 Heilige Verse. Wie kann das sein? Wenn es kein Heiliges Buch ist, wie kann ein Analphabet es lesen und den Leuten erzählen? Er liest und sagt es von Anfang bis Ende auswendig auf. Er liest es richtig mit der ganzen Zeichensetzung und den Buchstaben. Das heißt, diese Leute, die nicht daran denken können, sind unter