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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (388/777)
after tomorrow, forty-two. No, that is impossible. But every day you must put more love with your actions and send it to your Lord's Divine Presence, and He looks and sees that today My servant is sending Me more love than yesterday. That is the meaning, so that we must increase in love for our Lord every day. Therefore, one of the Grand Shaykhs said, "A little bit of love is more important, more lovely to Me than praying for seventy years without love" (muhabbah) (dharra min al-muhabbah ahabbu ilaiya min 'ibadati saba'in sanah bila muhabbah). Try to acquire more love of God Almighty because love covers, love includes, everything. Oh believers, Satan and his workers are putting enmity among you and also making coldness (burudat) between yourselves and your (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:24:23

5419 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: LoveOfAllahAlmighty

Lord. Therefore, beware. Don't come near the works of satans because that extinguishes the love of God in our heart. We are asking forgiveness for every action that makes that coldness between ourselves and our Lord, and saying, "I seek forgiveness from God" (istighfar Allah). "And we are thankful that God Almighty gave us from His Divine love and increases it; we are thankful. Praise belongs to God. Praise belongs to God and thanks be to God" (al-hamd Allah, al-hamd Allah wa shukr Allah ). 05.06.1985

BookTheDivineKingdomVolume1, CategoryLove, CategorySahaba (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:24:23

5420 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: LoveYourEnemy

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : LoveYourEnemy



Those who treat other people well are given real honour. It is not easy to be honoured in Divine Presence. The most honoured one is Muhammad sws. and he was saying, that every Prophet was facing many, many difficulties by their own people. They were the best people who were living on earth at that time. They had mercy for everyone and when they were leaving this life and wherever their bodies were buried, mercy was raining continuously on that spot. So wherever a Prophet or a Saint has been buried, there is a place close to their tomb to which pure hearts are attracted. Wahabi hearts are not... They are closed and they cannot go. Even if they go in front of the Prophet sws. they cannot greet him... So what about the companions of the Prophet, Sayidina Ali, Sayidina Abu Bakr, Sayidina Omar and Sayidina Osman when they were passing infront of the tomb of the Prophet sws. were they not greeting him? The Sharia is saying to us that when you are visiting a graveyard you must say, "Asalamualeikum ya daral kaum il muhminin, asalamualeikum." And then these people are telling us not to say so to the Prophet sws. They tell us that it is shirk. From which book are they learning this? Is it a satanic teaching? Holy people are springs of mercy from Allah Almighty and people like to come close to them. When they come they feel contentment in themselves. They feel relaxed and in peace. Their worries leave them. That is why it is famous and important to visit the tombs of the saints. (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:24:23

5421 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: LoveYourEnemy

The Prophets had mercy on their nations, but the nations faced them with every dirty addressing. That was the fate of every Prophet. They tried to do their best for their people. Every Prophet suffered with their people. The Seal of Prophets, Muhammad sws. was saying, "No Prophet suffered as I suffered from my people.". But he did his best for those people. The day of the conquest of Mekka, he said, "I forgive you.". And they were the ones who had done their worst to him. He did his best, and they did their worst. Because if he had given back his worst to the people who treated him badly, then what would be the difference between him and them? That is real Islam. Where is that Islam today? Where are our Muslims today? Where are we? Big shame on Muslims today that we are being advertised as terrorists, as bad people. Non-muslims are announcing that Muslims are the worst people, people doing worst deeds. That is how the people of the West see Muslims; as bad people, uncivilised people, untrustworthy people... Every dirty title is given to the Muslims by the non- muslims and the Muslims themselves are to be blamed for this. Because our dealings are not only bad but worst. We do not treat other people well. How was the Prophet sws. dealing with other people? Allah praised him and rewarded him because he carried every bad dealing that came from his people and he was patient. That is why Allah Almighty gave him more honour than anybody else. Real honour is given to those who deal with other people in the best way. Even if they harm you, you should still give them goodness. Then you will get real honour. Don't ask to get the honour from the people. Whatever the people can give you of honour is only a temporary honour. But what Allah Almighty gives you of his Divine Honour will be forever. Try to get that honour. Don't think that the honour which comes from governments is good for you and will stay with you forever. Don't think that the honour which is given to you through your richness will be with you forever. Don't think that the honour you get through power that you have been given to you here will be forever. Every honour that has been given to a person in this world will be nothing. It doesn't belong to you. It will be taken away from you quickly. Ask to have permanent nobleness and honour. This only Allah Almighty can give to you. His payment for your good dealings with his servants will be permanent honour. Even if they harm you, treat them well. You are doing it for the sake of Allah. Don't be worried or sorry about what they are doing against you and not (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:24:23

5422 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: LoveYourEnemy

respecting you. Leave them! But you should deal with everyone with good dealings for the sake of Allah and Allah Almighty will be dressing you with Divine Honour. This has been given to the Prophets and to the holy-ones and it is never taken back, it is forever. Don't run after temporary titles and honours of this life. They are finished so quickly and then you will die without having any real honour. You will ask yourself, "Who was I that I am now nothing?". On the tombstones the title is also written; General, Duke, King, Marshall, Governor... all of it is written, but only on stone. What is the value of that? Try to get real honour. From early morning until late at night we are running. For what? To get some more of this life. Even if you are the richest one. For what? Why aren't you running in the same way after Divine Honour. Run after it! It is there, because Allah Almighty said that, "If my servant is asking for anything, it is there for him. He can ask for anything, and it is there. Because if he asks for something, he knows that I have it.". Ask for the most valuable thing. Ask, and he will give! But no! You are asking for rubbish. Oh, people! Ask Allah Almighty to dress you in Divine Honour and when you are dressed in that way you will be honoured in the whole universe. When Allah Almighty honours someone, it will be in the whole universe and it will be for all times. May Allah forgive us and grant us such dressings. But you must pay to get it. It is not just given to you. If you want to be dressed in Divine Honour, then you must pay. And the payment is to carry other people. To have patience with his servants and to give them your goodness and to try to give everyone your best. It is difficult, but honour is expensive. London - 26.05.1992

BookPowerOceansofLove, CategoryWahabism, CategorySahaba, CategoryAdab (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:24:23

5423 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MachtDenEingangZumHimmelWeit

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MachtDenEingangZumHimmelWeit


Macht den Eingang zum Himmel weit

Es ist nicht einfach in unseren Tagen, den Wegen der Gefährten des Propheten Muhammad, möge der Friede auf ihm sein, zu folgen. Der Prophet, auf ihm sei Friede, sagte: „Wenn ihr einem von hundert Befehlen nicht gehorcht, lauft ihr Gefahr, daß euer Glaube schwächer wird. Es könnte sogar bedeuten, daß ihr euren Glauben verliert. Ihr müßt alle Befehle befolgen. Das ist eure Lage. Aber es wird eine Zeit kommen, da, wenn einer meiner Leute nur einem einzigen Befehl von hundert folgt, dies für sich bedeutet, daß dieser Mensch viel Glauben besitzt.“ In dieser Zeit befinden wir uns jetzt. Den Menschen unserer Zeit ist viel Wissen gegeben worden. Viele Menschen haben Wissen. Es gibt viele Gelehrte, die Wissen haben, aber sie haben keine Weisheit. Eine Folge davon ist, daß sie Leute dazu bringen, vor dem Islam wegzulaufen. Sie akzeptieren nicht einen Menschen, der einfach kommt und sagt: „La ilaha illa llah Muhammadu r-rasulullah.“ Das aber ist genug für den Anfang. Wir wissen, daß diese Worte die Schlüssel zum Paradies sind. Wenn wir sie bis zum Ende beibehalten, ist das ausreichend. Wir erzählen den Leuten doch nicht, daß wir einhundert Befehle hätten und daß sie sie alle erfüllen müßten und wenn nicht, sie keine Muslime sein könnten. Was wäre das für eine Verrücktheit! Die neue Art von Gelehrten, die dies tun, haben keine Urteilskraft. Sie sind wie Cassettenbänder. Aus diesem Grund verlieren sie. Die nichtmuslimische Welt schaut mit Haß auf den Islam genau wegen dieser Leute, die versuchen, den Islam ohne Weisheit und ohne Liebe zu verbreiten. Muhammad, möge der Friede auf ihm sein, wurde von Allah als erstes aufgetragen, die Menschen zu lehren, (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:24:24

5424 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MachtDenEingangZumHimmelWeit

diese Worte zu sagen: la ilaha illallah. Das war der erste Befehl. „Heiße sie, diese Worte zu sagen und für immer Meine Einheit und Meine Existenz zu bezeugen. Das ist genug. Selbst wenn sie nicht erklären: Muhammadu r-rasulullah, werde Ich ein Urteil für sie fällen!“ Der Grund ist: Als Muhammad (s.a.s.) darum bat, daß es ihm erlaubt sei, Fürsprache für die Menschen einzulegen, gabe Allah ihm die Erlaubnis, sich für diejenigen einzusetzen, die erklären würden: La ilaha illa llah Muhammadu r-rasulullah. Jene, die nur sagen würden: la ilaha illa llah, über die würde Allah Selbst urteilen. Macht den Eingang zum Paradies so weit wie möglich. Macht ihn nicht eng, denn er ist nicht eng. Macht ihn so weit wie die Entfernung zwischen Osten und Westen und laßt die Menschen eintreten. Sagt niemals zu irgend jemandem, der sich dem Paradies zuwendet, daß er nicht eintreten könnte! Wenn jemand sein Gesicht dem Herrn zugewandt hat, dann wendet ihn nicht ab. Es ist ein Zeichen, daß es im alten Mekka vor der Erneuerung üblicherweise vierzig Zugänge zur Kaaba gab. Es gab dort keine Türen, die hätten abgeschlossen werden können. Jeder, der es wollte, konnte jederzeit eintreten. Die Leute, die behaupten, daß sie dort durch ihre Renovierungen den Platz erweitern, haben gewaltige Türen installiert und es verschlossen. Allah der Allmächtige ließ dann einige andere Leute hineingehen, die Türen schließen und Feuer auf sie anzünden. Zu Beginn des 15. islamischen Jahrhunderts taten einige Leute genau das. Das war die Strafe für sie. Aber niemand versteht. Die Kaaba sollte keine Türen haben, nur Eingänge. Leute sollten in der Lage sein, zu jeder Zeit zu kommen und zu gehen. Jeder, der in seinem Herzen nach Gott verlangt, und sei es in seinem letzten Augenblick, wird akzeptiert sein. Selbst wenn so viele Teufel, wie es Sandkörner gibt, zu diesem Menschen geschickt werden, können sie doch nichts ausrichten. Hat sich das Herz eines Dieners dem Herrn erst einmal zugewandt, ist es für jene zu spät. Während ihres Lebens kann Satan die Menschen beeinträchtigen, aber in den letzten Augenblicken ihres Lebens schaut Allah der Allmächtige nach den Herzen Seiner Diener. Macht es einfach! Andere Religionen wiegen schwer und sind zu schwierig. Der Allmächtige Gott hat die höchste Dienerschaft am einfachsten gestaltet. Die Scharia, das göttliche Gesetz, des Islam ist das toleranteste. „Es wird eine Zeit kommen, da, wenn du eine einzige Regel beherzigst, gerettet sein wirst!“ Laßt die Menschen nur sagen: La ilaha illa llah Muhammadu rrasulullah, und dann laßt sie in Ruhe. Das bedeutet höchsten Respekt und kann nicht ohne Niederwerfung sein. Sri Lanka May 2001, p. 17-19il al Haqqani: Rubies of Resplendence, - 01.01.1986 (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:24:24

5425 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MachtReichtumGlücklich

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MachtReichtumGlücklich


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5426 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MadadAlHaqq

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MadadAlHaqq


Sheikh Hisham is Madad al-Haqq

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Salaamu `alaykum! Shaykh Hisham Effendi: Wa `alaykum as-salaam! Masha'Allah Sayyidee, today 1018 (people are watching your live broadcast)! Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: 1018 Allahu Akbar! Shaykh Hisham Effendi: Allahu Akbar Sayyidee, Allahu Akbar! Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Alhamdulillah! Shaykh Hisham Effendi: Alhamdulillah Sayyidee! They increased, and they increase everyday. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Allahu Akbar! May Allah increase and bless (us even more), until Allah subdues Shaytan, finishes him! Shaykh Hisham Effendi: (quotes Holy Qur'an)   (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:24:26

5427 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MadadAlHaqq

`ala awliyaullahi la khawfan `alayhim wa lahum yahzanoon. Behold! Verily on the friends of God there is no fear, nor shall they grieve. (10:62) Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: No doubt and...we hear and we testify it is true, you are from that group! O Shaykh! Your blessings, we converse with to Allah, alhamdulillah, yaa Allah shukr! O Allah, thanks! O Allah, thanks! O Allah! Save us from the evils of our egos, the sins of our actions, our shortcomings. O Allah! Pardon us! Shaykh Hisham Effendi: Ameen. Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah who created His friends and He lifted for them the veil of His beauty! Then He gave them success and guided them to the command of His might and He purified them and the dawn of His lights shone forth for them and He made the sun of His secrets rise for them in their hearts, O my master! Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: O Mashaa'Allah, mashaa'Allah, may Allah increase you (in goodness) O Shaykh. Mashaa'Allah. Tawbah yaa Rabbee, I repent O my Lord! Shaykh Hisham Effendi: That is from you, O my master, yaa Sayyidee, from you to you! Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: I ask Allah's forgiveness, Tawbah yaa Rabbee, Tawbah yaa Rabbee. Shaykh Hisham Effendi: May Allah increase your power and might and beauty and love, O my master, and disbelief is under your feet inshaa'Allah! Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Yaa Rabbee, O my Lord, O Allah, O my Lord! With the blessings of your prayers (may that be true), O Shaykh! Shaykh Hisham Effendi: Ameen Sayyidee, my master! may Allah prolong your life, and every year may you be in wellness, now that Ramadan passed and the `Eid passed and here we are, sitting and waiting. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: O Allah, Mashaa'Allah, waiting for "Madad al Haqq"! My divine master will support us with Madad al-Haqq in what is between the Easts and Wests for every human being, O Lord. (Madad al- Haqq means "Support of the Truth," title given to Shaykh Hisham Effendi by Mawlana Shaykh Nazim.) Shaykh Hisham Effendi: Inshaa'Allah my master! (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:24:26

5428 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MadadAlHaqq

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Inshaa'Allah. Salaams to all. Shaykh Hisham Effendi: ...not to prolong (the phone call) for you inshaa'Allah, in Allah's care, inshaa'Allah, I entrust you to Allah's care, and we will see you inshaa'Allah soon. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Salaams to all (and) salaams to you! Shaykh Hisham Effendi: May Allah give you safety, O my master! Salaamu `alaykum. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Wa `alaykum as-Salaam, ... Mashaa'Allah, Mashaa'Allah. Lefke, 13.09.2010

WebSufiLive, CategoryInterview, CategorySheikhHisham (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:24:26

5429 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MainPurposeForTrainingTheNation

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MainPurposeForTrainingTheNation


Main purpose for training the nation

Destur ya Sayyidi, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah…Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Azim…Subhanaka! La ‘ilma lana illa ma ‘alamtana, Innaka ‘Alimu Hakim… It is an association, as the pillar of the most distinguished Naqshbandi Order, Shah-u-Naqshband, was saying that our Tariqat, our way, its speciality is to make association. With whom? With Prophet sws, (but) you can’t reach to (the) Prophet, (and) to (the) Companions of the Prophet sws. The Companions of the Prophet were ignorant people and they were in need to be trained. And for what purpose they should be trained? The main purpose for training the nation is to prepare them for the divinely Presence. That is the main purpose for sending Prophets. Every Prophet is or was a trainer. Or a teacher, but training, because man, through their creation (they) are like wild trees or wild fruit trees, growing on a hill, growing on mountains, growing through jungles- all of them are in need for a graft, to be suitable to come to the presence of mankind, (for mankind) to take from that fruit benefit, eating and looking to it, enjoying, eating and enjoying and taking power to be a good servant (of Allah Almighty). And all Prophets were training their nations for to be good servants. The real purpose is a perfect (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:24:27

5430 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MainPurposeForTrainingTheNation

servanthood, but to reach to that point is so difficult! Not everyone (is) reaching top positions from a nation, honoured positions, no! There are common people, but from (these) common people some are getting up and (they are) reaching top position or perfect honourable position among their nations. And Prophets were coming and training people. (Even) if they are not reaching 1oo % perfect positions, they may (still) reach (something) according to their intentions, according to their Himmet, (spiritual aspiration), according to their inner desires. (Prophets) reached (to people) to make them to move from earthly positions, to make them- even they are on earth- at least to look up, to bring a difference between (the) animal world and mankind. You can’t see any animal looking up like this…(to the sky). You met some cows or camels in Egypt looking up? But man they are looking up! Animals (are) looking on earth; they are asking (to find) the things they need on earth. They are running on it, because the wisdom for their existence, for being in existence, is something else beyond mankind’s desires. Those animals (are) created for man, to be their provision, Rizq. Therefore they are looking to complete their creation’s reason: to look for themselves, (and) to prepare themselves for mankind. They have been created for mankind, to use them or to eat them; therefore they are not interesting in anything else from eating and drinking and looking after themselves. That is the level of animals. Therefore they are not taking any care to look up- for what (should they look up)? They are not going to the divinely Presence, no. But mankind, even (they) may be unbelievers- everyone (is) looking up, and through everyone’s heart is hidden that secret desire to reach up. They like it; (they are) interesting (in it). Therefore sometimes that Shaitan’s box (TV) is showing something about (the) universe, about space, about stars, about galaxies- (and) no one is changing that screen to another channel, no! Everyone (is) taking very keenly care to look what (is) happening, what is this, because their souls (are) asking to reach to their real stations (in the divinely Presence). And man (is) knowing that it is impossible to reach out of this planet with their material being; (our) physical being can’t carry this, no, it is impossible. But (our) souls are knowing that they may reach, and for witnessing that: Anyone (who is) looking nighttimes to any galaxy or may be so many galaxies, but they are only just seen as a spot and he is making like this….(looking up) and reaching there… Our looking (is) reaching in less than a second that place. (It) may be as far as you can imagine- (but) if you can see anything from its lights- even (it may be) billions and billions of light-years (away)-, if it can be seen through naked eyes, you are there, you are going to be there! And this belongs to our physical being and our (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:24:27

5431 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MainPurposeForTrainingTheNation

looking. Man can reach to that point with their eyes only, with nothing else, no! That is (a) witness from our material being that we have such power through our eyes to reach to that point. That is a small proof that mankind’s creation is something else- (it is) just different- and (it) proofs also that through our physical being the light of our eyes (is) reaching through that huge distance; its distance may be billions of light-years, far away, but we can reach easily; when we are looking up… seeing… And that power is only a proof (for) what we have from extraordinary powers and distinguished creation. And if we are using this power- that our eyes (are) reaching (to the furthest point in space)- we are going to be like a person riding on a donkey in comparison to our soul’s power. This, that our eyes are so quickly running there, it is going to be like (the speed) of a man walking on (his) donkey, when we use our spiritual power! Therefore man is ‘Hazreti Insan’, (Honourable Man), Man, the Man! That is (the) honour, (that we have been granted), not looking to our physical being, no, no! This power (is) granted to us through our souls, so that we are going to be (the) deputies of Allah Almighty. (And) that power of our souls may reach not only from one direction, (but) from countless directions it may reach to everything, as (the) sun (is) reaching to everywhere with its rays. If our soul’s power (is) going to appear, (it is) reaching to depthless places through this creation and (you are) looking and taking power. Then our souls (are) going to find (the) way to Marifatullah, (the knowledge of Allah Almighty), to be for His divinely Services servants that time. Our souls (are) taking all creation, looking in it and then ‘tawajju’, orientating (themselves) to the endless Dominions of the Lord of Heavens, to be in His divinely Presence, reaching the Oceans of Allah Almighty’s Dominions’ Power Oceans or Wahdaniyatu, His Unity Dominions’ endless Power Oceans, ‘Alamu Ghujub (unseen worlds), ‘Alamu Ghuyub, ‘Alamu Ghuyub … What do you think! What is our position here! No way to know about the Lord of Heavens, if you are not reaching: “wa ma qadarullahi haqqa qadiri”. Man also can’t be able to reach first to himself! Yet we are not, never reaching to ourselves, never reaching to our real being- how we can reach to Marifatullah, to know about your Lord Allah Almighty? Ohhh, ‘Alamu Ghujub... Ohhh… Oh our Lord! Forgive Us! We are in need (of) Your Blessings to come to our real position, because we have (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:24:27

5432 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MainPurposeForTrainingTheNation

been moved from our real positions! Shaitan (is) carrying people from their real positions on wrong positions. All people (are) on wrong positions. They left their real positions in Existence; leaving and running away, running, asking something else… Everything you have been granted through your (real) position! No need (to run and look somewhere else)! Therefore association (must be) with Prophets, because Prophets’ Himmet, aspiration, their spiritual power, (is) reaching to (the) whole Ummah and (they are) asking to carry them (up), to save them and to turn their faces to (the) real Being of the Creator! “Fa aynama tawallu, fa thamma wajhullah!” He is with you, but you are not with Him! He is with you, but you are not With Him… No, you can’t understand… He is with us, but we are not with Him. (There is) no room for creatures in His divinely Presence, no room; no anyone else (is) in existence, (there is) only His Existence! Therefore He is with us- but we are not with Him! May Allah forgive us and grant to you to be a good understanding, little-by-little, for reaching to His divinely Presence, that you are going to finish through that Oceans. Unity Oceans (are) never accepting to be another one there, no room. No room, but He is only in Existence. (There) can’t be for anyone (or) anything a room through His Existence- no, but He is with everyone. Everyone belongs to Him, but you can’t take a room from His Existence, no! For the honour of the most honoured one in His divinely Presence, Allah forgives us! Alhamdulillah wa kafa, rahimallahi man daa...This is a grant from Allah Almighty, because time is over now for a new opening! May Allah give much more power to our Grandsheikh and give him much more honour that (he is) sending us such jewels for a new opening through our understanding…Fatiha. Lefke, 25.06.2004, transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel

BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryTraining, CategoryGuidance, CategoryMuhammad (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:24:27

5433 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaintainYourServanthood

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MaintainYourServanthood


Maintain Your Servanthood in the Highest Position

As-salaamu `alaykum. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l- `Azheem. Allah Allah. Allah, Subhaan Allah, Subhaan Allah, Subhaan Allah, Subhaan Allah, Subhaan Allah. (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) O our Attenders! `Eid Mubarak! "Mubarak" is to those who are trying to keep the holy orders of Allah Almighty! As much as possible, we were trying to make in Ramadan something that may make Allah Almighty pleased with us. We are all servants of our Creator and we made an oath with Allah Almighty that we are promising that we are His servants, and we shall try to do our servanthood in the best way! But, Shaytan is making Mankind not to keep their promises. When people are not keeping their promises, cursing is coming on them. Now we are living in the last part of this world's life. We just reached the last part of life on this planet. It is going to finish soon, not because I am saying so, as I know nothing, but it is an order from Heavens that reached to prophets in their time. Allah Almighty sent 124,000 prophets to help people keep their promises, their oaths to their Lord, Allah Almighty, Huuuu, to keep their servanthood. We have been created only to keep servanthood; that is our most important responsibility! We have been ordered only to be His servants (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:24:28

5434 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MaintainYourServanthood

and to keep Allah Almighty's servanthood in a most perfect position. You must try to make everything that belongs to Allah in th