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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (373/777)
territories, My endless dominions. I am bringing new ones to be on Earth, My deputies." Then Allah Almighty created Man. That endless grant from our Creator, Allah Almighty (swt), (Mawlana Shaykh stands) is forever! It is not only here for here (in this world), but it is for all Eternity! Yaa Allah! We like Eternity only to glorify You, so we ask that for Eternity. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) We are not running only after our bodies, to eat, drink, and enjoy; that is for our physical being, that it is going to be changed in Paradise, to enjoy. But our real enjoyment and real honor is to be in the Divine Presence forever, up to Eternity! We are asking for Eternity! Eternity, to be with Allah Almighty and for His glorification! Now people do not understand such things, and they only bring some understanding that belongs to our physical beings, that belongs to our donkeys. But is not important to a horseman. One who is riding on a horse has been honored to be a king, to be a sultan! You approach the palace of a majestic king on your horse, (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:23:43

5221 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: LeaveYourDonkey

but when you reach the glorious entrance you do not enter; first you must dismount to enter. Therefore, when Sayyidina Abayazid, may Allah bless him, reached the highest level of obedience and the last point of servanthood, when he reached the Divine Presence, the most honored, most glorified entrance of the super palace of the Lord of Heavens, he asked to come in, saying, "O my Lord! Allow me to enter! How can I enter from the heavenly announcement that represents the holy invitation of the Lord of Heavens?" (Allah Almighty) said to him, "O Abayazid! Leave your donkey and come in. I am not accepting you to enter with your donkey. O angels! Take his donkey from him and let him come." When our donkeys are taken away, at that time we receive an honor to be with our Lord Almighty's invitation! Then you can enter. But all of us are looking and seeing, trying to give our horses everything they like. Here, we are only trying to give it our rights to eat, drink, and dress for adornment! Those people do this solely for their physical beings, or for their “rights”, or for their donkeys, or for their horses! No one can enter the Divine Presence on his horse or donkey. But now all people are living solely to eat, drink, and for their sexuality, nothing else. Those who only seek to enjoy material aspects of this life will be sent to that area, to that territory. Until you leave your donkeys, you will not be taken to the Divine Presence; it can't be! The material aspect of life is not a real aspect for our being on Earth, but we have been sent here to learn our rights, to know who we are and for what purpose we exist, and finally, to return to where we were created! But all of us now are running after material aspects and enjoyment. The summary of our taalib, our last limit that we understand from this life, is to make our beings enjoyful here, and that is a wrong understanding, because it only makes people run after material aspects and fight and kill each other! People now do not strive to and ask for the divine aspects of real life, what was created in the Divine Presence of the Lord of Heavens. O People! Come listen, learn, and understand about all the prophets and divine prophecy. Prophets never called people to what was temporary, but they only came to teach the ways of Eternity. O People! Come and use your mentality and your whole energy to seek and understand and do something for eternal life, for Eternity! I am sorry to say that people are drunk and not understanding any of these aspects, (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:23:43

5222 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: LeaveYourDonkey

and they are following shaytanic ways. May Allah forgive us! O People! Say “astaghfirullah” at least 70 times a day. We are asking, O our Lord, that we are not from those people who understand only this temporary life here in this world, what they are trying to make for everyone. They are on wrong ways and thus cannot reach happiness or real enjoyment or perfection, or what Allah Almighty has prepared for us. O People! Listen and obey and try to do something for your eternal life, and you will be happy forever, in this life and the next. May Allah forgive us! Allahuma salli `ala Sayyidina Muhammad... (Du`a) (Mawlana Shaykh Hisham makes du`a.) Subhaana rabbika rabbi ‘l inna ama yasifoon wa salaamun `ala ‘l-mursaleen wa ’lhamdulillahi rabbi ‘l- `alameen. Suratu ‘l-Fatihah. (Baya`) Fatihah. Lefke, 27.05.2011

WebSufiLive, CategoryEgo, CategoryJumaSohbat, CategoryCreation (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:23:43

5223 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: LeavingTimeAndSpace

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : LeavingTimeAndSpace


Leaving Time and Space

Today is one situation, yesterday was another one. What you find today you will not have tomorrow. A beloved servant of Allah is one who agrees to every change in his own life and in others. It is a high rank of a believer to be happy and glad with every change without objection. Worshipping is easy. So many people pray. But to be happy with the Will of Allah the Almighty is not something everyone can do. Everyone knows this, but they do not practise it. When it would be necessary for them to do it, they are unable. Allah is pleased with you when you are pleased with Him. If everything would be like the servant wants it to be, the servant would be happy. But on the contrary, if something happens which he is not prepared for, he will not be happy with His Lord. He will force himself to worship, and Allah doesn't like that. He wants us to worship with love and respect. I am not expecting you do to this at once, but step by step you can practise. You need endurance for every expensive target you want to reach. We know our target and must try to reach it step by step. Even when we are in a plane we are informed of how we are getting higher and higher. We do not shoot up straight from the runway to the highest position. It is difficult to be patient, but we must, especially in our days. Patience is the main means for an opening to Heavens, to be taken out of time and space. Before you leave (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:23:44

5224 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: LeavingTimeAndSpace

time and space you must carry a heavy burden. Like a rocket before it reaches its orbit it needs huge powers. When it has reached its orbit it doesn't need anything. There gravity is finished. When we control our physical desires we can use our powers to take us out of the gravity of our egos and we will reach our orbits in Heaven. 01.01.1997

BookPureHearts, CategoryPatience, CategoryWillpower (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:23:44

5225 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: LebensquellWasser

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : LebensquellWasser


Lebensquell Wasser

Wir wünschen allen Menschen ein friedvolles Leben und denen, die nach dem Glück suchen und darum bitten, Zufriedenheit, Freude, Vergnügen und Erweiterung zu erlangen im Diesseits und im Jenseits. Solch ein Mensch muß schauen und auf zwei Dinge achten: das erste ist, immer dhakir zu sein, das bedeutet, mit Allah zu sein und zu sagen: la ilaha illa llah oder Allah, Allah, Allah, die Heiligen Namen Allahs. Wer dies sagt, ist dhakir, er macht dhikr. Ihr seid erschaffen worden, um Seinen Heiligen Namen zu preisen und anzustimmen: Allah, Allah, Allah, la ilaha illa llah, la ilaha illa llah, la ilaha illa llah, ya Allah, ya jalil, ya jalil, ya jalil, ya jalil, ya Allah, ya karim, ya Allah, ya rahim, ya rahman, ya Allah, ya sattar, ya Allah, ya ghaffar, ya Allah, ya fattah. Ya Allah, ya shakur! ... Wasser ist so etwas Wertvolles. Wasser ist so wertvoll, daß ihr immer sagen müßt: „O unser Herr, Du bist es, der Du uns Wasser zu trinken gibst, gäbe es nicht das Wasser, mit dem Du uns versorgst, nichts würde unseren Durst löschen. Nichts wird euren Durst löschen außer Wasser. Wenn der Allmächtige alle Wasser salzig machen würde, was würden wir tun? Deshalb: Seid dankbar! Heutzutage sind die Menschen so dumm und unachtsam! Wenn sie nichts von diesem Papier – dem Papiergeld – bei sich haben, sind sie nicht dankbar. Aber könnt ihr es essen? Sie billigen dem keinen Wert zu, was unendlich wertvoller ist als diese Scheine; kommt ein Mensch zu einigem Papiergeld, dann macht es ihn so glücklich, aber solange er nicht solch eine Brieftasche in seiner Tasche trägt, wird er nicht dankbar sein. Wasser aber ist sehr viel wertvoller, es gibt euch Leben! Wenn ihr in einer Wüste seid und Durst leidet und (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:23:45

5226 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: LebensquellWasser

habt einen Sack voller Gold, wird es euch kein Leben geben. Wenn du durch die Wüste reitest und die Satteltaschen deines Reittieres bis obenhin mit Gold gefüllt sind, so wird dir das immer noch nicht Leben geben. Dies reine Wasser aber gibt dir Leben – also sei dankbar! Sei Allah dankbar und sage: shukr lillah – daß du frei atmen kannst auf Erden. Ihr müßt dankbar sein; es gibt so viele Leute, die unter der Erde arbeiten, manchmal geschieht es, daß sie von der Luft abgeschlossen sind und in den Tiefen ersticken. Ihr seid auf der Oberfläche der Erde und könnt frei atmen. Es gibt viele Gründe, warum Leute nicht frei atmen können, es gibt Krankheiten, solche des Brustkorbs, wie Asthma, die es den Menschen nicht erlauben, frei zu atmen. Sie haben große Schwierigkeiten, einfach nur zu atmen, und bitten darum, nur allein wie ein normaler Mensch atmen zu können, aber sie können es nicht. Sie müssen so viele Tabletten einnehmen oder ein Atemgerät benutzen, einen Inhalator. O Leute, die Awliya’ sagen, daß wir Allah für jeden Atemzug dankbar sein müssen. Seid dankbar, daß Er es euch vergönnt, frei einzuatmen und dann schnell den verbrauchten Atem wieder auszuatmen ohne Zuhilfenahme einer Vorrichung. O Leute, jederzeit solltet ihr an die vielen Dinge denken, für die ihr euch bei dem Allmächtigen bedanken und Ihn preisen müßtet. So viele Leute leiden unter Zahnschmerzen, so viele haben Kopfschmerzen, Tausende haben Rückenschmerzen, so viele Leute haben Schmerzen im Magen oder in den Beinen – o Leute, besinnt euch und seid dankbar vor Allah! Beklagt euch nicht, denn ihr habt kein Recht, euch zu beklagen! lefke - 01.03.2001 (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:23:45

5227 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: LessonForDisobedientPeople

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : LessonForDisobedientPeople


Allah (swt) Will Teach Disobedient Ones a Lesson

Nothing will harm the kind ones; the good ones will be saved, but the bad ones will be punished.                 Al-khabeethaatu li ‘l-khabeetheena wa ‘l-khabeethoona lil-khabeethaati wa ‘t-tayyibaatu li ‘t-tayyibeena wa ‘t- tayyiboona li ‘t-tayyibaati olayka mubarraoona mimmaa yaqooloona lahum maghfiratun warizqun kareem. Women impure are for men impure and men impure for women impure, and women of purity are for men of purity and men of purity are for women of purity. These are not affected by what people say (as) for them there is forgiveness and an honorable provision. (Surat an-Noor, 24:26) May Allah (swt) protect you and may He send us a king. SubhaanAllah! The Holy Qur’an makes everything clear. “Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. The good men are for the good women and the bad men are for the bad women.” But we are not Arabs (`ajami), we don't understand (Arabic), but the Arabs understand and they read, “The good women for the good men, the bad women for the bad men.” Divine protection, both here and Hereafter, must reach who is clean. To the opposite, something must come on his or her head that never came on anyone before! (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:23:46

5228 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: LessonForDisobedientPeople

The biggest responsibility is on the Arabs and we are non-Arabs... On Judgment Day, in order for us to pass over the Sirat, they will ask, “What do you know?” We will reply, “We know ‘laa ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadun Rasoolullah.’” They will say, “Pass.” Then they will ask (the Arabs), “Who are you?” “We are Arab.” “Ohh! There is a big responsibility on the Arab Muslims!” O Allah Almighty! Send us a saint to make everything clear! Previously, when a nation was in a difficult situation, they asked for an opening, and in the Holy Qur’an it says, astaizhu billah, “And a group of the Children of Israel said to their prophet, ‘Appoint for us a king so we may fight in Allah's Way.’” (2:246) This means there is no democracy, no republic; it is all fit for the toilet. There is no democracy in Islam, a system belongs to Shaytan! Democracy, the republican system, the parliament system, all of them are rubbish. There is no secularism in Islam. Islam is Islam. It came, from the beginning until the end, to arrange the situations for the servants of Allah (swt), and to establish absolute justice among the servants of Allah (swt), and to prevent injustice and oppression among one another. People in Egypt are asking, “What shall we do?” What is Allah saying? Astaizhu billah. They are searching for a constitution. What is this constitution? Have they no faith? Allah (swt) said: Wa man lam yahkum bima anzala Allah fa'ula'ika hum al-kafiroon. And if any fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah revealed, they are (no better than) the unbelievers. (al-Ma’ida, 5:44) … they are (no better than) azh-Zaalimeen, the oppressors. (5:45) … they are (no better than) al-faasiqoon, the rebellious. (5:47) (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:23:46

5229 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: LessonForDisobedientPeople

In spite of this they are still searching for a constitution, bringing one from here and there according to their egoistic desires. Who gave them the authority to do that? Did Allah (swt) give authority to the servants to arrange their own situations according to their desires? To make a constitution is Shaytan's advice, and Allah Almighty clearly said in Holy Qur’an (with such emphasis that) on one page it is mentioned three times, “Who does not rule with what Allah has sent, are unbelievers, oppressors, rebellious!” Three times with three descriptions, each one worse than the other, and the Egyptians don't understand; they still want a constitution! May Allah fight them and destroy whoever has ideas like this. Something will come on them from Heavens. May Allah (swt) protect us from what will come on them! (How about the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis?) They are at zero level and they can also be described as tyrants. Their work will never succeed. (Then who will rule us, Shaykh Effendi?) The rule belongs to the one who was thrown out by that tyrant, Abdul Nassir, who had no right to do so! (How will they bring [kings] back?) In Baghdad, who removed their king? In Syria, in Turkey, who removed the sultan? In Libya, who removed their king? Allah (swt) is looking and will teach them a lesson. What did Hajjaj al-Zalim say when he was appointed governor of Basra (Iraq). “O child, stand up and read!” Hajjaj al-Zalim ordered a young child to stand up and read the message from the king. He stood up and first said, “The Calipha is giving salaams to the people of Basra.” Not even one from the attenders replied, “Wa `alaykum as-salaam.” At that time Hajjaj al-Zalim was wearing a veil, he stood up and said, “O People of Basra! You have no manners: the Calipha of Islam is saluting you and not one of you replies! I will teach you a lesson that was never seen before!” And then he removed the veil, “Read again the message from the Calipha of the Muslims.” And not even one fly that was in the mosque did not reply to the greetings. (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:23:46

5230 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: LessonForDisobedientPeople

“I will teach you a lesson...” Something will come on the Salafi brotherhood, then they will know what is Islam's judgment for those shaytans that left the way of truth, Islam, and went to the way of falsehood. Something will come on them, not just on one group and not only one Hajjaj will come to teach them a lesson, not only one in this world, but Allah can send hundreds to teach those who lack good manners in Shari`at al-Islam! There is a hadeeth of the Prophet (s), “My nation will be divided into seventy-three sects; only one will be saved and the seventy-two others will go astray.” So they asked him, “Who is that one group?” He replied, “The ones following my way and my Companions’ way.” Allah (swt) will teach them a lesson; Saahib al-Waqt, who is present now, will teach them a lesson that never happened before! O People of Egypt! come, come... keep, and hold tight to the saved group, as the Prophet (s) said: Follow the way of the largest group of Muslims, for he who deviates from this group will be thrown into Hell! [Ibn Majah] The ones who went astray are a handful of people, Salafis, Wahabis, or Muslim Brotherhood, and they want to rule over two million Muslims? They call themselves the “Muslim Brotherhood,” so then what are we, the brothers of Shaytan? What are these bad manners and arrogance? They never fear Allah (swt)! Have they no shame before the Prophet (s)? Allah will teach them a lesson. Astaghfirullah, tawbah yaa Rabbee. O my Lord! Keep us firm on the truth and with the group that is saved, that keeps the way of the blessed Companions (r). Fatihah. Allah (swt) said in Holy Qur’an:          yaa ayyuhalladheena aamanoo ittaqoollah wa koonoo ma` as-saadiqeen. O you who believe! Fear Allah and (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:23:46

5231 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: LessonForDisobedientPeople

be with those who are pious (in word and deed). (Surat at-Tawbah, 9:119) Let them search for the saadiqeen. The others are liars, hypocrites and oppressors and you are following them! Allah (swt) said be with saadiqeen, truthful ones. The Egyptian people, don't they have any mind? Let them search for the saadiqeen. The world is never empty of the saadiqeen. They fear the Salafis and other groups, but not Allah and His Prophet (s); therefore, Allah (swt) will teach them a lesson. ( cut...) Allah (swt) sent verses in the Holy Qur’an about Judgment Day:     Iqtarabat as-Sa`aa wa anshaqqa ‘l-qamar. The Hour (of Judgment) is near and the moon is split. (Surat al- Qamar, 54:1) Faqad jaa ashraatuhaa. But some of its Signs (of the Last Hour) have already come. (Muhammad, 47:18) Fifteen centuries ago, Allah (swt) told us about the signs of Judgment Day and now we are in it. A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Therefore, good news is for the ones who keep themselves and their faith, their children, and who pay attention to their family, that they don't eat except what is halaal. But people now became thieves. Their stomach is never satisfied by what is haraam as haraam money or food will never satisfy you, even if you eat the whole world of forbidden things! To be content with what you have is a treasure that never ends, but very few are content with their situation. Send my salaams to the brothers in Aleppo. (Won’t you visit us in Aleppo?) I will. Sometimes at night I am circling that castle in Aleppo, but no one sees me. In the difficult times of the End Times... May Allah protect you. Lefke, 08.10.2011 (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:23:46

5232 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: LessonForDisobedientPeople

WebSufiLive, CategoryEgypt, CategoryDemocracy, CategoryBiography, CategoryOppression, CategoryKhalifa, CategorySahaba (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:23:46

5233 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: LetTheRocketInYourBodyFly

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : LetTheRocketInYourBodyFly


Let the Rocket in Your Body Fly

A religion cannot exist without mysticism, which is what we call sufism. What is the mission of sufism? Religions work within your soul. It moulds your personality to a degree of perfection which allows you to enter Divine Perfection in the hereafter. Every religion and every line of prophecy has sufism within. All religions which were sent down to mankind also contained the methods of sufism. After thousands of years methods were outdated. Some people tend to think that the change into modern age came with the Renaissance, but the real opening was the revelation of the Last Testament, the Holy Quran. It was only one book which came, but now you can find tens of thousands of books based on that one book. The meanings which can be derived from it are endless. Muhiddin Ibn Arabi wrote more than 500 books, but one lifetime is not enough to understand even one of them, a whole institute would have to study it for years and years. These books are full of solid knowledge. After the Renaissance the Lord granted western people an opening to such Oriental culture. The Old Testament and the New Testament contain methods for people living 2000 years ago, or even further back. Those methods are of no use today. They are like factories with old-fashioned machines, not enough. Within this difficult period of stepping from one century to the next, we need stronger methods. (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:23:47

5234 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: LetTheRocketInYourBodyFly

Anyone who is interested to find out anything about their Heavenly Station in Divine Presence can use whichever way they want. But you cannot surpass the gravity of the earth and reach the outer atmosphere with an helicopter. You will need the kind of rockets which Naqshbandis have. There are Seven Heavens, one on top of each other. They are all enlightened and brilliant. In Islam there are 40 tariqats. All of them reach the level of Archangel Gabriel, representing the Level of the Mind. After that station our minds cannot function. Whoever wants to develop spiritually must find someone who is authorised to teach them. Everyone has been granted spiritual powers from their Lord, but most people are not interested in how to use them and die without their jets even having left the runway. If anyone is interested in the spiritual path, they can find out more. The more they learn, the more they can practise. The more they practise, the more their spiritual awareness will open. Allah grants an opening to everyone who wants to reach Heavenly Stations. It is our duty to ask for such methods. People find out so much about this life. If they are interested in mystic ways they are welcome. You cannot fool me. I recognise whoever is an authorised teacher in this matter. We are reaching the 21st century. The last days of the century are not the same as the first. The first years showed an increasing materialism and atheism. This is now disappearing and the sun of spiritualism and mysticism is rising. People are fed-up with the philosophy of materialism and atheism. They are vomiting with disgust. They are asking for something which will give them enjoyment and peace within themselves. They see that technology is taking over the activities of mankind to enable them to rest and enjoy themselves, but they are unable to do so. They cannot be in peace. Instead of finding peace they are quarrelling, fighting and destroying each other even more. Why? This huge technology takes away so many heavy burdens from mankind. You can just press a button and cause a gigantic plane to rise. You can press another button and an enormous vessel will start moving through the ocean. You can take a small box in your hand, say "Hello! Are you Elizabeth? Where are you now?" "I am in Los Angeles." "What are you doing?" "I was just sleeping." This box is incredible! How can it function without a wire connected to it! The jinn carry the messages from (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:23:47

5235 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: LetTheRocketInYourBodyFly

one place to another. But in spite of all this advanced development sufferings and problems are increasing. In this university you are selected, chosen people, which gives you a lot of responsibility. Make a balance between your physical desires and your souls. Don't imprison your souls by only following your physical desires. 01.01.1997

BookDefendingTruth, CategorySufism, CategoryTechnology (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:23:47

5236 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: LetUsSeeWhichPageWillBeOpened

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : LetUsSeeWhichPageWillBeOpened


As-salamu alaikum! A new page, let us see, which page will be opened

As-salamu alaikum! A new page, let us see, which page will be opened… Tariqatuna as-sohba wa khairun fi jamiat…It is an association, association with Sheikh… Meded ya Sultan-ul Awliya…Association with Sheikh, who has been authorized for association. His authority must come from Heavens; if not, it is an imitation, not real. All prophets are in connection with Heavens; if not, they are going to be like ourselves, ordinary persons. No, prophets can't be as an ordinary person, no. Always, from beginning up today, square-head people- and their square is less than a mm square- always objecting for prophet