Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (345/777)
nen?' Weil wir am Anfang sagten, daß Shaytan ihre Herzen verschlossen hat, sie kämpfen vor ihren Propheten, sie diskutieren mit Sayyidina Musa (as): 'Wir glauben nicht, bis wir sehen, wer zu dir spricht. Vielleicht übst du Magie mit uns.' Sie bekämpften ihren Propheten Sayyidina Musa (as). Wie sollten sie auch nicht kämpfen? Nach Sayyidina Musa (as) kamen so viele Propheten, und sie eilten und griffen Sayyidina Isa (as) an, um ihn zu töten. Was sagte er? Was sagte Sayyidina Isa (as)? Sagte Sayyidina Isa (as) zu den Menschen: 'Ihr Leute, laßt den Gehorsam und die Anbetung des Herrn der Himmel, betet mich an.' Wer hat das gesagt? Ein weltweiter, mächtiger Gesandter, dessen Erschaffung wundersam war, wie kann er das sagen? 'Ihr Leute, laßt Diesen Einen und erweist mir Gehorsam und betet mich an.' Warum? Subhan Allahi l-Aliyyi l-Azim. Und jetzt "Fi Ikhtilaf", die Spaltung, die zwischen den Christen und Juden und zwischen den Christen und Muslimen und zwischen Muslimen und Juden ist. Sie kämpfen. Und Shaytan bewirkt das und sitzt da und sagt: 'Oho, ho, ho, ho.' Ich bin so glücklich, daß es mir gelungen ist, alle Nationen gegeneinander kämpfen zu lassen. Manche bestreiten die Wege der anderen, manche andere bestreiten die Propheten der anderen. Was ist das? Jetzt hat Shaytan das Schlimmste für die Menschheit bewirkt. Und jetzt wissen die Menschen nie, wer sie sind. Deshalb, wer auch immer sie sind und wozu sie da sind - zu Ende! Möge Allah (swt) uns vergeben. Verschlossen, ich frage die Salafi Ulama, Sagt mir den Schlüssel, vergeßt das 'Wer hat sie verschlossen'. Verschlossen. Aber habt ihr einen Schlüssel, um diese verschlossenen Herzen zu öffnen? Wißt ihr einen? Wenn ihr keinen wißt, bedeutet das, daß ihr nichts wißt. Wenn ihr es wißt und nicht sagt, bewahrt ihr nicht "Amanatullah". Ihr kommt jetzt zu den Feuern. Ihr müßt euere Position klären, ihr dürft euer falsches Wissen nicht gegen die Muslime einsetzen. Nein. Wenn ihr die Autorität habt, Shaytan zu bekämpfen, bekämpft Shaytan, bekämpft nicht die Muslime. Möge Allah uns vergeben. Fatiha. (11 von 12)04.07.2013 23:22:34
4846 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JewishNationLockedHearts
Dies ist eine Heilige Nacht, die Juma Nacht, und es kommt eine schwere Bombardierung. Allah der Allmächtige befahl, daß die Falschheit weggenommen werde, das Falsche von Ost, von West, von Nord, von Süd, von überall her der Heilige Quran kommt und der Schwächste der Diener des Herrn kann das 10x mehr machen. Deshalb sagte das Siegel der Propheten (saws): den Jihad al Akbar müssen wir führen, einen Heiligen Kampf gegen unser Ego. Sonst führen die Wege der Menschen in die Hölle. Marhaban, beunruhigt euch nicht, seid nicht verärgert, aber sagt: Die Wahrheit kam und die Falschheit hat ihr Ende gefunden. Wenn wir etwas Falsches sagen, Batil, bringt ihr Haqq herunter. Fatiha. Mein Arabisch oder Englisch nicht so gut, Englisch, die Leute denken, er hat das in Hochschulen und Akademien gelernt, nein. Ich bin ein gewöhnlicher Mensch, aber sie bringen mich zum Sprechen. Bombardierung der "Tabiyas" von Shaytan. Tabiya, wißt ihr? Was sind Tabiyas? Festungen Shaytans, wir werden sie bombardieren, wir werden weiterhin die Türme Shaytans bombardieren mit Allahs (swt) Erlaubnis. Lefke, 25.03.2012
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryJudaism (12 von 12)04.07.2013 23:22:34
4847 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JoinThatHeavenlySupportGroup
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : JoinThatHeavenlySupportGroup
O people - join that heavenly supported group!
As-salamu alaikum! Ya Rabbi afwak wa ridaak! O our Lord, forgive us and give Your blessings to our weak servants! Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim- o our Lord, keep Your weak servants from Shaitan and its traps, not to fall in it. Who is falling (in) Shaitans traps, it is so difficult to get out. So difficult! Therefore you must be careful not to fall, not to be caught by a trap of Shaitan. Keep yourself, because Shaitan it has hundreds and hundreds traps, putting there... Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim- that is our sword. Always carry that sword, because if a person (is) going to (the) fighting field without (a) sword, (he) may be killed. If (he is) carrying (a) sword, people (are) thinking for him. Therefore we must be careful and waking, awake up, not to be sleepers, (or) quickly (they are) taking you as a prisoner or injuring you or killing (you). Therefore we are saying: Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Allah protects us! Follow His Holy Orders, you should be in safety here and Hereafter. Don’t say that: “I know, I know, I know...” you don’t know, you know nothing! You can be mistaken. (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:35
4848 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JoinThatHeavenlySupportGroup
Therefore we are saying: “Audhu bi-llah mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim” (and) we are coming through a protected area. If you are going (through an) unprotected area, must touch you something that you are not going to be happy (with). (The) Prophet (was) saying sws, (the) most praised and most glorified one in divine Presences, Prophet Muhammad sws, he was saying: “Ittaku bi wadia-l tuham” (?), you must keep yourselves not to fall in a trap.” May be so many advertising, not (only) so many, perhaps whole advertisings (are) calling people to be caught through one trap. Advertising- that is the meaning (of it). They are advertising man, advertising every kind, for everything... even they are advertising for cats meals... (A) cat (is) asking (for) advertising? Without that advertising (it is) jumping on (the) table, eating as it likes. It needs advertising? But (they are) so clever one, man, they are making for everything advertising and through every advertising there is one or more traps. When you entered that field, you must be caught by anyone of (these) hundreds of traps. (The) first (one to) fall in Shaitans trap, who was (he)? Adam a.s.! First. What about for ourselves? Every time, daily, daily hundred times (we are falling)! If Adam- alayhi salat wa salam- just fall in a trap, what about for you? And he was saying: “O my sons and grandsons and my generation up to (the) Last Day, I am warning you and saying: ‘Beware of Shaitan’!” Eh, we are writing: Beware (of the) dog! Yes? We are writing and people, (if they) are looking (this) if (they are) coming nearer, quickly (they are) coming to be far away, (because)perhaps that dog may bite him. (They are) taking a care. Which of ourselves (is) taking care for Shaitan? Every day hundreds of traps (are) catching our legs, hands, heads- beginning from first ones. Shaitan, don’t think that it is a idiot creature! Uhhh! You are idiot, but Shaitan never (is an) idiot! Therefore he is always looking, looking... Not looking (to the) flock, no! Shaitan (is) saying: “(I have) nothing to do with (the) sheep, with (the) flock- where is (the) shepherd? Shepherd!” “I am here!” “What are you doing?” “(I am) sleeping...” “Yes, you must sleep much more, because it is a safe valley, you take your rest... “ This (is his) ‘nasihat’, (his) advising to shepherds... (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:35
4849 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JoinThatHeavenlySupportGroup
And (it is) coming (the) same thing to (the) shepherds of nations and (he is) saying: “Do this, don’t do that!” “What is I am doing?” “You are doing best.” “For me or for my nation?” “No, no, Sir! Nation, they are flock, you must consider always your ego, yourself! Make them to sleep and you do as you like!” Haaa... Shaitan... Abdul J. look to me!... Shaitan (is) not going to ‘feet’, no need, (but he is) coming to top ones, and (he is) saying: “Do this, do that, to be dressed , because something may be against yourself!”(He is) coming (to) the top ones, coming to Kings or Sultans or Emperors or Presidents or Prime- Ministers or their ministers... Shaitan (is) very clever- shaitanic cleverness (is) with him. From beginning up today (he is) camouflaging himself and no one (is) asking: “Who is that one?” Camouflaging... so that people (are) thinking: “(That one) that (is) our best friend and best advisor. We must ask our advisor how we can do!” S.Adam (was) just cheated by Shaitan. Up today hundreds of Kings, Sultans (and) thousands (of) powerful ones Shaitan (is) making them to fall (into) a valley that they can’t be able to get out. Now every country (is) in flames. Muslim territories more than Western countries. Look- everywhere that there is Muslims, there is a fire. (Shaitan is) making Muslims to kill each other. For what? For Allah? Allah Almighty should ask Kenyan Muslims, may ask Afghan people, may ask Iranian, may ask Turkish one, may ask Irakian ones: “Why you were carrying that weapons? What was your target? Why you are killing? Why you are making trouble? Why you are running through streets? It is not blame for you to run in streets, o Muslims, and (you are) shouting for democracy, not saying: ‘O we are asking Shariatullah, holy Commands of Allah.’ Why you are not going (through) streets, you are calling shaitanic words. Why not coming to Mosque, Muslim, that they are not knowing that Allah Almighty (is) looking (to) those people whom they are in mosque? And: As-sharru biqa fil ard miswak... Arabs... say your people not to look mosque, to look outside or my stick ready! After stick my sword- we have sword also! Don’t look mosques, look what happening through aswak, streets, what they are thinking, why they are shouting, to whom shouting! Shouting to Allah or shouting to Shaitan? Did you see or did you never see those people that they are making demonstration, carrying Holy Quran through their hands and saying: “We (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:35
4850 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JoinThatHeavenlySupportGroup
asking heavenly Rules”? Anywhere you heard or you see? Hah? How they are Muslims! How Allah Almighty (is) supporting them? They should be taken away! Yaumu... ard... it is not the surface of world changing, but people that they are on ‘hukm’, on power, Allah should change it! Time is over! First whip on Muslims and their heads coming! Keep amanatullah that He sent us His Oath, heavenly Oath from Heavens! Keep it and Rasulullah was saying: “12.000 of believers, whom they are supported by their Lord, (there is) no any power on earth to take them away or to win (over them)! Finished!” But we are never finding (even) 12 people... what is that? Time is over and (a) heavenly Punishment (is) approaching, approaching, approaching... as (a) heavenly Punishment (was) approaching to that nation that Allah Almighty punished them through that day, Yaumu-l Dhulla... Up is open, open... unbelievers they are asking to make something if that one (is) throwing something, not fall on them- (a) protection. But they are not asking... if Allah (is) sending a punishment, no one can prevent nothing! O people, come and join that group whom they are supported through heavenly Powers! Don’t trust on Kufr, don’t trust to unbelievers! Trust (those), whom they are believing. They are, all of them they are supported! Now no one can be winner- from East or from West countries- if Allah Almighty (is not) protecting and giving His heavenly Support! No one can be victorious or winner winning! This must be well-known. Subhanallah, Allah Almighty (is) leaving people to make such an instruments that we are sitting in an unknown place on earth, but our declaration (is) reaching through East and West, so that no one (is) going to say: “Never (there was) reaching any warning, heavenly Warning to ourselves, o our Lord!” Reaching this, Subhanallah! They are proud with such an instruments, yes, and they are saying: “We are much more powerful from Muslims, because Muslims, their people, some people (they are) retarded...” Whole unbelievers, they are saying: “We are so strong, powerful, with such an instruments, but Muslims, they can’t do!” Yes, Muslims they are not in need such a things, to make their sound to reach (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:35
4851 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JoinThatHeavenlySupportGroup
anywhere! S.Omar on Mimbar he was saying: “Ya Sariat, al Jabal, al Jabal!” Using this... but no more faith through Muslims! They are official Muslims, not real Muslims. They are by name Muslims, not real Muslims! They are saying: “Europeans (are) making such a...” S.Omar on Mimbar for Cuma praying, Khutba, he was calling that head of, Commander in Chief of Muslim armies, saying: “Ya Sariat, al Jabal, al Jabal!” Among Medina Munawwara and that (it is) 3 months walking. I think it was on Caucasian direction! We have power? We have power, we are not using yet! Let them to be proud with their, such a instruments. Real power Allah azza wa jal ‘ata li-l Muslimien, ‘ata li-l Islam! Unexpected powers (Allah Almighty) just granted to Muslims. That time it was enough that- now we have a power! We can stop whole weapon factories or flying towers from steel! We have power! We are not fearing from them, but we are so smooth one and very soft ones now... But what Allah was saying: “Ash-shidaru ‘ala-l kufaru”... Ash-shidar- that Muslims they are like lions! When they have been ordered, they are like lions! Lions may carry whole deers and zebra or ox or so many animals... Lions may take them in front of them and they are escaping. Muslims, we are Muslim- if (Kafir are) looking to himself, armies (are) going to fall down! They are thinking that Islam is something easy, easy... as they may do for Muslims as they like, and ‘ghafil ‘,heedless ones they are fearing from (the) weapons that Europeans and (the) Non-Muslim world they are inventing and making. No! Your heart must be with your Lord! Allah Almighty (is) saying: “I am sending (the) Holy Quran and I am that One who (is) taking on his responsibility to protect it!” Who can take away (the) Holy Quran? No one, no one, no one! O people, o whole world people, beware (of) Shaitan, not to be cheated by Shaitan- Shaitan (is) asking people to fall into fire here and Hereafter! And we are asking forgiveness from Allah Almighty, for protection here and Hereafter! For the honour of the most honoured one S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha. Lefke, 22.05.2008 (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:35
4852 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JoinThatHeavenlySupportGroup
CategoryShaitan (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:35
4853 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JumaKhutbah
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : JumaKhutbah
The Juma Khutbah
Our assembly is the assembly of worship. It is obligatory to glorify Rabbul Izzah. To exalt, to glorify, to praise, to sanctify - it's our duty to do these. Let's mention... our Lord's Name. Let's stand up. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa Ajal. Assalamu Alaykum. Ayyuhal Hadirun / O attendees. Those coming to our modest association, Yaran, Sahibul Maydan, Shah Mardan, those present at his assembly, welcome. May our day be pleasant, may our work be pleasant. May our faces be white (with light) and our hearts pure and without complaints. We hope to not be kept far away from the association... of those servants who are accepted in the presence of Allah (swt). Let's say: Assalamu Alaykum Ay Yaran Shah Mardan. What nice power we are receiving! Whatever we will receive, whatever we wish for... Allah Dhul Jalal will give it. Look at your assembly, how is it? What is your assembly for? Sahibul Ata, Shah Mardan, now.. Today is Friday. The happy ones and the believers, this is the day that they are happy about and celebrating, a holy day and the most favorable day in this world. Yawmul Jumaa - Friday. Even in the hereafter... the most honorable day for believers is the day of Friday. Every prophet has a day. In the hereafter, our Prophet (sws) is giving an invitation. It's on Thursday. Thursday. The rest of the prophets, start from the end. Starting from prophet Adam (as), the greatest prophets. According to their honor on earth, they have an arrangement in hereafter and every day... one prophet, Allah's (swt) eminent servants... The same way that they have a day on earth, in the hereafter also... according to their day they have an invitation. Friday... Friday is reserved for Allah Dhul Jalal wal Jamal, it is His day for invitation. The rank of Haziratul Quds, is given to Allah's (swt) servants deserving paradise. Those in paradise... that is Allah's (swt) day for inviting. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa (1 von 18)04.07.2013 23:22:36
4854 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JumaKhutbah
lillahil hamd. Ay Shah Mardan, Sahib Maydan, Sahib Ridwan al-Haqq. O Shah Mardan, the field is yours. The special characteristics given to you, power, majesty, knowledge, no one else has these virtues. That is why...his association...Yaran Sahibul Maydan, Sahibul Ridwan, Shah Mardan. Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu. May the salam and blessings of Allah (jj) be upon you. Ya Rabbi, you don't deprive us. Today is the great and majestic day of Friday. The day believers are joyful, the day they become honorable. The day they wear the dress of paradise. Whoever wears new clothes on Friday... it will be a dress of happiness, dress of honor. That person will be honorable. Please come, Ay Shah Mardan, the field is yours. And he is coming. Ay Yaran, O our beloved ones. Hz. Ali (ra) Ibn Abi Talib. What did he start with? Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. He said, Allahu Akbar. It was requested that kings, princes, presidents, recite Gulbanki Muhammad every morning; to go on their balconies to make a salamlik ceremony; to go to a high place and say with the congregation - Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar la ilaha illallah Sayyidina Muhammedur Rasulullah. This dress is being dressed on us everyday. We have no minds. This ceremony must be done every day. That is why I was wishing, after praying morning prayer here, to go to an open field and say Gulbanki Muhammedi, and say the takbir, Allahu Akbar. The dress of honor and greatness will be dressed on them. And Allah will dress us too. This service is required from kings/princes. Well, the king comes and sits... they bring a piece of paper in front of him... Why do they bring it? They bring things related to rubbish dunya. They bring useless things... and the king looks like this... either he signs it or refuses it. Before that ceremony, there is another ceremony. Kings should know. Princes should know, those claiming to be heads, presidents, they should know too, because every morning, Ottoman... Sultans would sit to Gulbanki Muhammadi... on their throne in front of the palace, and listen to Gulbanki Muhammad. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar May our armies be always victorious! La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah (sws) As a glorification... let's say Takbir. Dunya work is rubbish. The One who... sat you on the throne, what does He want from you? Because He put you on the throne, so you will get up every morning, and perform this ceremony, called Gulbanki Muhammadi. And say: Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa lillahi l Hamd. Allahu Akbar Kabira Wal Hamdu Lillahi Kathira Wa Subhan Allahi Bukratan wa Asila. So the dress of mightiness will be dressed on you in the morning. (2 von 18)04.07.2013 23:22:36
4855 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JumaKhutbah
Is there any prince, king, president, who goes out in the open and says: la ilaha illallah Sayyidina Muhammadur Rasulullah. O our Lord, You granted us Your Habib, whose glory is supreme. We are sending Salat and Salam to him, O our Lord. We are prostrating and bowing in Your presence. Quickly prostrate. They should quickly go down from the throne, prostrate to Allah & not fear. Does this come to their minds? They make ceremonies. What value does your ceremony have if you forgot Allah or if you forget to glorify Allah's Beloved one (sws). What value do you have? Then you should make Takbir from the 7 minarets of the Kaaba. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa lillahil hamd wa Sayyidina Muhammad (sws) Zidhu Ya Rabb, Zidhu Ya Rabb, Zidhu Ya Rabb. Izzan wa sharafa, nuran wa surura wa ridwanan wa sultana. Draw your sword - all kings have swords in their hands. Draw your sword so it will flash like lightening. O Sultan of Saudi Arabia, King and princes, this is a ceremony, this is what is befitting of you. Don't dress up and come out mid-morning. No! This is the ceremony after Morning Prayer. Each ceremony you will be paid. It's not without payment. When you stand in glorification to your Lord, He will order for you to be dressed in the dress of Mightiness and Majesty. You won't need a guard or an army. Dress My servant with Mightiness, so whoever looks at him will tremble. O Shah Mardan, go ahead, speak. I am speaking, he says. Shah Mardan, because: "Bal 'Ahya'un Inda Rabbihim Yurzaqun" (3:169) "Wa La Taqulu Liman Yuqtalu Fi Sabili Allahi Amwatun" (2:154) Yes, this is Allah's order for whoever draws his sword in the way of Allah. Draw your sword, o Muslim king, o kings of Muslims, draw it and say: Our sword is here. We'll cut whoever comes against us. We'll destroy them. We're not in need of made-up weapons... of those who aren't from us. Our sword is enough for us. Stand up...and walk around a little like this, early in the morning. Don't say: my head will get dizzy, my stomach is hurting. Enter the field! That is what Ottomans said. What did they say? Kiymaz isen base cane Geri dur girme meydane. It says: if you don't submit your entire being to Allah (swt), then stand back. You are considered rubbish, you have no value. Then what is it saying? If you can't stand to see death, don't enter the field. There will be so many beheaded in this field, you can't imagine. Stand up for Allah (jj). Scare the disbelievers. Scare those worshiping satan. Islam has a sword. Next to the sword of Islam, your weapons are worthless. Mightiness is (3 von 18)04.07.2013 23:22:36
4856 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JumaKhutbah
coming. Shah Mardan is full of mightiness today, Friday. Do this, then do ihsan (goodness/ charity). Do goodness. They have piles of gold and silver. Their load is gold and silver. Before going inside your palace, O kings, order that this gold and silver should be distributed to those who deserve it. Hay hay. This is the honor of Islam. Why do you lock it away? Why put it in banks and hide it away? So they can pour it over your head when you are in grave? No. If you don't give, they'll pour something else on your head & you won't like it. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Today is Friday. The king should go up himself and give the Friday sermon & give advice. "Inna Allaha Yamuru Bil Adli Wal Ihsani Wa Itai Dhi l-Qurba Wa Yanha"(16:90) They all read this holy verse. "Inna Allaha Ya'murukum An Tu'uaddu l-Amanati Ila Ahliha" (4:58) There is this holy verse too. All the kings know it. It says: give, don't hide it away inside. People are running in the streets because of your stinginess. What do they call a miser? Stingy. A miser is like this: closed-fisted. Kings are like this, holding it in their hand, licking it from here & there. Don't be like that! Your hand should be like this (open). And your sword at your side and your gold in your hand. Distribute the gold, don't be afraid. It won't decrease. People nowadays are wandering the streets hungry. Why are you hiding it away. This is the morning ceremony. Hay hay. These are Shah Mardan's advice and instructions. Don't fear. Give so sadaqa (charity) will keep troubles/ afflictions away. Or else an airplane will burn & crash or cars will hit each other and you'll die. The ship will sink and you'll die without being able to do anything. Listen, this is a Friday sermon. O kings, perform this ceremony, the Morning ceremony. Stand up, say Takbir to Allah (swt). Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa Ajal Wa Azamu Ajal wa Akbar Our Lord. Why are you afraid? Every harm and trouble will be far from you. Let's say to these Muslim kings, to the kings & princes of Muslims. Those outside the sultanate, they are beggars. They have salaries. They get salary to be able to do their job. They have no value. Those with value hold gold in their hands. Those holding paper are nothing. They themselves are like paper. Paper, you cannot have money out of paper. This is a tasteless thing made-up by the Jewish and Christian world. Take gold from their hands and give them paper. What paper?! Why doesn't the Pope tell the people of Europe? Prophet Jesus, did he use gold? Ala Nabiyyina wa Alayhi salatu wa Salam. Wherever he stepped, if he wanted he could have had a camel's load of gold. Jesus and all other Prophets (4 von 18)04.07.2013 23:22:36
4857 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JumaKhutbah
too. The Sultan of Prophets... our Master (sws), because he didn't eat for 2-3 days, he tied a stone over his holy stomach. Once he was visiting mount Uhud. Behind him he heard something flowing, and he looked -Mt Uhud had become gold and was flowing after him like a river. He looked at it (gold)with hatred. O blessed one, I am not in need of you. Stay where you are. And that is why below that mountain is gold. Those collecting gold, let them go and collect from the bottom of the mountain. Prophet Jesus neither held gold nor silver in his hand. O Christian world, he gave and didn't take. He gave. From where did he give? He gave from Allah's (swt) treasures. And those foolish ones, they said to the Great Prophet Jesus: "will He send down a dinner table?" O you who are slaves to your stomach, whose only worry is your stomach, foolish people, what do you think about a dinner table brought down from heavens? A table from heavens, fish, pickles, bread... Is this what you want? What do you want? You already have everything on earth. The disciples didn't know what to request from heavens. Leave them & come to Me, it was said. They don't understand anything else. In their hearts is gold. They are useless for you. Come to Me and leave them. He left them and the world of Christianity became mixed up & confused. And they are still in that confusion because satan has taken them under his own control. It's been 100 years, satan said: keep the gold, and give the people paper so their system will be destroyed. In world history from beginning up to today, leaders/ rulers... made gold coins with their names on them. That means the older ones are smarter than these mindless people of today. Change it - get rid of paper and bring gold. Economic crisis? No economic crisis will remain. Everything depends on gold. Gold is valuable. No one wants to waste gold. They don't want to waste it. But paper... they say: press the button and get your money. Is this money? By pressing a button you get money? There are satans who have made humanity disgraceful. They made humanity disgraceful. After the first world war, after the second world war, from the beginning of the 20th century until now. That was satan's plan. Take the gold from the people. Put it in a safe, give them a piece of paper - this paper is equal to gold. Satan is the one teaching this because satan knows that... people won't spend gold. Since paper has no value, they can spend as they like. And this is the economic crisis of today. This is the invention of the children of Israel and... the rule that foolish Christians are implementing. However, the Ottomans... may they rest in heaven, Sultan Abdul Hamid, the (5 von 18)04.07.2013 23:22:36
4858 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JumaKhutbah
castle of Islam, during his time there was Hamidi gold and after him Sultan Rashad... Rashad gold was being made. After that they got rid of it. They stole it, got rid of it, whatever (...) they did, and they gave the people paper. What is written on it? 5 Lira, 10, 100, 200. But they couldn't write 1,000. Well, why don't you write 1,000 also? Because Europe doesn't have that. Americans are more smart. They didn't make anything higher than 100 dollars. They said, 100 dollars is enough. Anything more will make us bankrupt. Look at satan
nen?' Weil wir am Anfang sagten, daß Shaytan ihre Herzen verschlossen hat, sie kämpfen vor ihren Propheten, sie diskutieren mit Sayyidina Musa (as): 'Wir glauben nicht, bis wir sehen, wer zu dir spricht. Vielleicht übst du Magie mit uns.' Sie bekämpften ihren Propheten Sayyidina Musa (as). Wie sollten sie auch nicht kämpfen? Nach Sayyidina Musa (as) kamen so viele Propheten, und sie eilten und griffen Sayyidina Isa (as) an, um ihn zu töten. Was sagte er? Was sagte Sayyidina Isa (as)? Sagte Sayyidina Isa (as) zu den Menschen: 'Ihr Leute, laßt den Gehorsam und die Anbetung des Herrn der Himmel, betet mich an.' Wer hat das gesagt? Ein weltweiter, mächtiger Gesandter, dessen Erschaffung wundersam war, wie kann er das sagen? 'Ihr Leute, laßt Diesen Einen und erweist mir Gehorsam und betet mich an.' Warum? Subhan Allahi l-Aliyyi l-Azim. Und jetzt "Fi Ikhtilaf", die Spaltung, die zwischen den Christen und Juden und zwischen den Christen und Muslimen und zwischen Muslimen und Juden ist. Sie kämpfen. Und Shaytan bewirkt das und sitzt da und sagt: 'Oho, ho, ho, ho.' Ich bin so glücklich, daß es mir gelungen ist, alle Nationen gegeneinander kämpfen zu lassen. Manche bestreiten die Wege der anderen, manche andere bestreiten die Propheten der anderen. Was ist das? Jetzt hat Shaytan das Schlimmste für die Menschheit bewirkt. Und jetzt wissen die Menschen nie, wer sie sind. Deshalb, wer auch immer sie sind und wozu sie da sind - zu Ende! Möge Allah (swt) uns vergeben. Verschlossen, ich frage die Salafi Ulama, Sagt mir den Schlüssel, vergeßt das 'Wer hat sie verschlossen'. Verschlossen. Aber habt ihr einen Schlüssel, um diese verschlossenen Herzen zu öffnen? Wißt ihr einen? Wenn ihr keinen wißt, bedeutet das, daß ihr nichts wißt. Wenn ihr es wißt und nicht sagt, bewahrt ihr nicht "Amanatullah". Ihr kommt jetzt zu den Feuern. Ihr müßt euere Position klären, ihr dürft euer falsches Wissen nicht gegen die Muslime einsetzen. Nein. Wenn ihr die Autorität habt, Shaytan zu bekämpfen, bekämpft Shaytan, bekämpft nicht die Muslime. Möge Allah uns vergeben. Fatiha. (11 von 12)04.07.2013 23:22:34
4846 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JewishNationLockedHearts
Dies ist eine Heilige Nacht, die Juma Nacht, und es kommt eine schwere Bombardierung. Allah der Allmächtige befahl, daß die Falschheit weggenommen werde, das Falsche von Ost, von West, von Nord, von Süd, von überall her der Heilige Quran kommt und der Schwächste der Diener des Herrn kann das 10x mehr machen. Deshalb sagte das Siegel der Propheten (saws): den Jihad al Akbar müssen wir führen, einen Heiligen Kampf gegen unser Ego. Sonst führen die Wege der Menschen in die Hölle. Marhaban, beunruhigt euch nicht, seid nicht verärgert, aber sagt: Die Wahrheit kam und die Falschheit hat ihr Ende gefunden. Wenn wir etwas Falsches sagen, Batil, bringt ihr Haqq herunter. Fatiha. Mein Arabisch oder Englisch nicht so gut, Englisch, die Leute denken, er hat das in Hochschulen und Akademien gelernt, nein. Ich bin ein gewöhnlicher Mensch, aber sie bringen mich zum Sprechen. Bombardierung der "Tabiyas" von Shaytan. Tabiya, wißt ihr? Was sind Tabiyas? Festungen Shaytans, wir werden sie bombardieren, wir werden weiterhin die Türme Shaytans bombardieren mit Allahs (swt) Erlaubnis. Lefke, 25.03.2012
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryJudaism (12 von 12)04.07.2013 23:22:34
4847 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JoinThatHeavenlySupportGroup
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : JoinThatHeavenlySupportGroup
O people - join that heavenly supported group!
As-salamu alaikum! Ya Rabbi afwak wa ridaak! O our Lord, forgive us and give Your blessings to our weak servants! Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim- o our Lord, keep Your weak servants from Shaitan and its traps, not to fall in it. Who is falling (in) Shaitans traps, it is so difficult to get out. So difficult! Therefore you must be careful not to fall, not to be caught by a trap of Shaitan. Keep yourself, because Shaitan it has hundreds and hundreds traps, putting there... Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim- that is our sword. Always carry that sword, because if a person (is) going to (the) fighting field without (a) sword, (he) may be killed. If (he is) carrying (a) sword, people (are) thinking for him. Therefore we must be careful and waking, awake up, not to be sleepers, (or) quickly (they are) taking you as a prisoner or injuring you or killing (you). Therefore we are saying: Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Allah protects us! Follow His Holy Orders, you should be in safety here and Hereafter. Don’t say that: “I know, I know, I know...” you don’t know, you know nothing! You can be mistaken. (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:35
4848 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JoinThatHeavenlySupportGroup
Therefore we are saying: “Audhu bi-llah mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim” (and) we are coming through a protected area. If you are going (through an) unprotected area, must touch you something that you are not going to be happy (with). (The) Prophet (was) saying sws, (the) most praised and most glorified one in divine Presences, Prophet Muhammad sws, he was saying: “Ittaku bi wadia-l tuham” (?), you must keep yourselves not to fall in a trap.” May be so many advertising, not (only) so many, perhaps whole advertisings (are) calling people to be caught through one trap. Advertising- that is the meaning (of it). They are advertising man, advertising every kind, for everything... even they are advertising for cats meals... (A) cat (is) asking (for) advertising? Without that advertising (it is) jumping on (the) table, eating as it likes. It needs advertising? But (they are) so clever one, man, they are making for everything advertising and through every advertising there is one or more traps. When you entered that field, you must be caught by anyone of (these) hundreds of traps. (The) first (one to) fall in Shaitans trap, who was (he)? Adam a.s.! First. What about for ourselves? Every time, daily, daily hundred times (we are falling)! If Adam- alayhi salat wa salam- just fall in a trap, what about for you? And he was saying: “O my sons and grandsons and my generation up to (the) Last Day, I am warning you and saying: ‘Beware of Shaitan’!” Eh, we are writing: Beware (of the) dog! Yes? We are writing and people, (if they) are looking (this) if (they are) coming nearer, quickly (they are) coming to be far away, (because)perhaps that dog may bite him. (They are) taking a care. Which of ourselves (is) taking care for Shaitan? Every day hundreds of traps (are) catching our legs, hands, heads- beginning from first ones. Shaitan, don’t think that it is a idiot creature! Uhhh! You are idiot, but Shaitan never (is an) idiot! Therefore he is always looking, looking... Not looking (to the) flock, no! Shaitan (is) saying: “(I have) nothing to do with (the) sheep, with (the) flock- where is (the) shepherd? Shepherd!” “I am here!” “What are you doing?” “(I am) sleeping...” “Yes, you must sleep much more, because it is a safe valley, you take your rest... “ This (is his) ‘nasihat’, (his) advising to shepherds... (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:35
4849 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JoinThatHeavenlySupportGroup
And (it is) coming (the) same thing to (the) shepherds of nations and (he is) saying: “Do this, don’t do that!” “What is I am doing?” “You are doing best.” “For me or for my nation?” “No, no, Sir! Nation, they are flock, you must consider always your ego, yourself! Make them to sleep and you do as you like!” Haaa... Shaitan... Abdul J. look to me!... Shaitan (is) not going to ‘feet’, no need, (but he is) coming to top ones, and (he is) saying: “Do this, do that, to be dressed , because something may be against yourself!”(He is) coming (to) the top ones, coming to Kings or Sultans or Emperors or Presidents or Prime- Ministers or their ministers... Shaitan (is) very clever- shaitanic cleverness (is) with him. From beginning up today (he is) camouflaging himself and no one (is) asking: “Who is that one?” Camouflaging... so that people (are) thinking: “(That one) that (is) our best friend and best advisor. We must ask our advisor how we can do!” S.Adam (was) just cheated by Shaitan. Up today hundreds of Kings, Sultans (and) thousands (of) powerful ones Shaitan (is) making them to fall (into) a valley that they can’t be able to get out. Now every country (is) in flames. Muslim territories more than Western countries. Look- everywhere that there is Muslims, there is a fire. (Shaitan is) making Muslims to kill each other. For what? For Allah? Allah Almighty should ask Kenyan Muslims, may ask Afghan people, may ask Iranian, may ask Turkish one, may ask Irakian ones: “Why you were carrying that weapons? What was your target? Why you are killing? Why you are making trouble? Why you are running through streets? It is not blame for you to run in streets, o Muslims, and (you are) shouting for democracy, not saying: ‘O we are asking Shariatullah, holy Commands of Allah.’ Why you are not going (through) streets, you are calling shaitanic words. Why not coming to Mosque, Muslim, that they are not knowing that Allah Almighty (is) looking (to) those people whom they are in mosque? And: As-sharru biqa fil ard miswak... Arabs... say your people not to look mosque, to look outside or my stick ready! After stick my sword- we have sword also! Don’t look mosques, look what happening through aswak, streets, what they are thinking, why they are shouting, to whom shouting! Shouting to Allah or shouting to Shaitan? Did you see or did you never see those people that they are making demonstration, carrying Holy Quran through their hands and saying: “We (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:35
4850 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JoinThatHeavenlySupportGroup
asking heavenly Rules”? Anywhere you heard or you see? Hah? How they are Muslims! How Allah Almighty (is) supporting them? They should be taken away! Yaumu... ard... it is not the surface of world changing, but people that they are on ‘hukm’, on power, Allah should change it! Time is over! First whip on Muslims and their heads coming! Keep amanatullah that He sent us His Oath, heavenly Oath from Heavens! Keep it and Rasulullah was saying: “12.000 of believers, whom they are supported by their Lord, (there is) no any power on earth to take them away or to win (over them)! Finished!” But we are never finding (even) 12 people... what is that? Time is over and (a) heavenly Punishment (is) approaching, approaching, approaching... as (a) heavenly Punishment (was) approaching to that nation that Allah Almighty punished them through that day, Yaumu-l Dhulla... Up is open, open... unbelievers they are asking to make something if that one (is) throwing something, not fall on them- (a) protection. But they are not asking... if Allah (is) sending a punishment, no one can prevent nothing! O people, come and join that group whom they are supported through heavenly Powers! Don’t trust on Kufr, don’t trust to unbelievers! Trust (those), whom they are believing. They are, all of them they are supported! Now no one can be winner- from East or from West countries- if Allah Almighty (is not) protecting and giving His heavenly Support! No one can be victorious or winner winning! This must be well-known. Subhanallah, Allah Almighty (is) leaving people to make such an instruments that we are sitting in an unknown place on earth, but our declaration (is) reaching through East and West, so that no one (is) going to say: “Never (there was) reaching any warning, heavenly Warning to ourselves, o our Lord!” Reaching this, Subhanallah! They are proud with such an instruments, yes, and they are saying: “We are much more powerful from Muslims, because Muslims, their people, some people (they are) retarded...” Whole unbelievers, they are saying: “We are so strong, powerful, with such an instruments, but Muslims, they can’t do!” Yes, Muslims they are not in need such a things, to make their sound to reach (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:35
4851 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JoinThatHeavenlySupportGroup
anywhere! S.Omar on Mimbar he was saying: “Ya Sariat, al Jabal, al Jabal!” Using this... but no more faith through Muslims! They are official Muslims, not real Muslims. They are by name Muslims, not real Muslims! They are saying: “Europeans (are) making such a...” S.Omar on Mimbar for Cuma praying, Khutba, he was calling that head of, Commander in Chief of Muslim armies, saying: “Ya Sariat, al Jabal, al Jabal!” Among Medina Munawwara and that (it is) 3 months walking. I think it was on Caucasian direction! We have power? We have power, we are not using yet! Let them to be proud with their, such a instruments. Real power Allah azza wa jal ‘ata li-l Muslimien, ‘ata li-l Islam! Unexpected powers (Allah Almighty) just granted to Muslims. That time it was enough that- now we have a power! We can stop whole weapon factories or flying towers from steel! We have power! We are not fearing from them, but we are so smooth one and very soft ones now... But what Allah was saying: “Ash-shidaru ‘ala-l kufaru”... Ash-shidar- that Muslims they are like lions! When they have been ordered, they are like lions! Lions may carry whole deers and zebra or ox or so many animals... Lions may take them in front of them and they are escaping. Muslims, we are Muslim- if (Kafir are) looking to himself, armies (are) going to fall down! They are thinking that Islam is something easy, easy... as they may do for Muslims as they like, and ‘ghafil ‘,heedless ones they are fearing from (the) weapons that Europeans and (the) Non-Muslim world they are inventing and making. No! Your heart must be with your Lord! Allah Almighty (is) saying: “I am sending (the) Holy Quran and I am that One who (is) taking on his responsibility to protect it!” Who can take away (the) Holy Quran? No one, no one, no one! O people, o whole world people, beware (of) Shaitan, not to be cheated by Shaitan- Shaitan (is) asking people to fall into fire here and Hereafter! And we are asking forgiveness from Allah Almighty, for protection here and Hereafter! For the honour of the most honoured one S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha. Lefke, 22.05.2008 (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:35
4852 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JoinThatHeavenlySupportGroup
CategoryShaitan (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:35
4853 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JumaKhutbah
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : JumaKhutbah
The Juma Khutbah
Our assembly is the assembly of worship. It is obligatory to glorify Rabbul Izzah. To exalt, to glorify, to praise, to sanctify - it's our duty to do these. Let's mention... our Lord's Name. Let's stand up. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa Ajal. Assalamu Alaykum. Ayyuhal Hadirun / O attendees. Those coming to our modest association, Yaran, Sahibul Maydan, Shah Mardan, those present at his assembly, welcome. May our day be pleasant, may our work be pleasant. May our faces be white (with light) and our hearts pure and without complaints. We hope to not be kept far away from the association... of those servants who are accepted in the presence of Allah (swt). Let's say: Assalamu Alaykum Ay Yaran Shah Mardan. What nice power we are receiving! Whatever we will receive, whatever we wish for... Allah Dhul Jalal will give it. Look at your assembly, how is it? What is your assembly for? Sahibul Ata, Shah Mardan, now.. Today is Friday. The happy ones and the believers, this is the day that they are happy about and celebrating, a holy day and the most favorable day in this world. Yawmul Jumaa - Friday. Even in the hereafter... the most honorable day for believers is the day of Friday. Every prophet has a day. In the hereafter, our Prophet (sws) is giving an invitation. It's on Thursday. Thursday. The rest of the prophets, start from the end. Starting from prophet Adam (as), the greatest prophets. According to their honor on earth, they have an arrangement in hereafter and every day... one prophet, Allah's (swt) eminent servants... The same way that they have a day on earth, in the hereafter also... according to their day they have an invitation. Friday... Friday is reserved for Allah Dhul Jalal wal Jamal, it is His day for invitation. The rank of Haziratul Quds, is given to Allah's (swt) servants deserving paradise. Those in paradise... that is Allah's (swt) day for inviting. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa (1 von 18)04.07.2013 23:22:36
4854 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JumaKhutbah
lillahil hamd. Ay Shah Mardan, Sahib Maydan, Sahib Ridwan al-Haqq. O Shah Mardan, the field is yours. The special characteristics given to you, power, majesty, knowledge, no one else has these virtues. That is why...his association...Yaran Sahibul Maydan, Sahibul Ridwan, Shah Mardan. Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu. May the salam and blessings of Allah (jj) be upon you. Ya Rabbi, you don't deprive us. Today is the great and majestic day of Friday. The day believers are joyful, the day they become honorable. The day they wear the dress of paradise. Whoever wears new clothes on Friday... it will be a dress of happiness, dress of honor. That person will be honorable. Please come, Ay Shah Mardan, the field is yours. And he is coming. Ay Yaran, O our beloved ones. Hz. Ali (ra) Ibn Abi Talib. What did he start with? Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. He said, Allahu Akbar. It was requested that kings, princes, presidents, recite Gulbanki Muhammad every morning; to go on their balconies to make a salamlik ceremony; to go to a high place and say with the congregation - Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar la ilaha illallah Sayyidina Muhammedur Rasulullah. This dress is being dressed on us everyday. We have no minds. This ceremony must be done every day. That is why I was wishing, after praying morning prayer here, to go to an open field and say Gulbanki Muhammedi, and say the takbir, Allahu Akbar. The dress of honor and greatness will be dressed on them. And Allah will dress us too. This service is required from kings/princes. Well, the king comes and sits... they bring a piece of paper in front of him... Why do they bring it? They bring things related to rubbish dunya. They bring useless things... and the king looks like this... either he signs it or refuses it. Before that ceremony, there is another ceremony. Kings should know. Princes should know, those claiming to be heads, presidents, they should know too, because every morning, Ottoman... Sultans would sit to Gulbanki Muhammadi... on their throne in front of the palace, and listen to Gulbanki Muhammad. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar May our armies be always victorious! La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah (sws) As a glorification... let's say Takbir. Dunya work is rubbish. The One who... sat you on the throne, what does He want from you? Because He put you on the throne, so you will get up every morning, and perform this ceremony, called Gulbanki Muhammadi. And say: Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa lillahi l Hamd. Allahu Akbar Kabira Wal Hamdu Lillahi Kathira Wa Subhan Allahi Bukratan wa Asila. So the dress of mightiness will be dressed on you in the morning. (2 von 18)04.07.2013 23:22:36
4855 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JumaKhutbah
Is there any prince, king, president, who goes out in the open and says: la ilaha illallah Sayyidina Muhammadur Rasulullah. O our Lord, You granted us Your Habib, whose glory is supreme. We are sending Salat and Salam to him, O our Lord. We are prostrating and bowing in Your presence. Quickly prostrate. They should quickly go down from the throne, prostrate to Allah & not fear. Does this come to their minds? They make ceremonies. What value does your ceremony have if you forgot Allah or if you forget to glorify Allah's Beloved one (sws). What value do you have? Then you should make Takbir from the 7 minarets of the Kaaba. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa lillahil hamd wa Sayyidina Muhammad (sws) Zidhu Ya Rabb, Zidhu Ya Rabb, Zidhu Ya Rabb. Izzan wa sharafa, nuran wa surura wa ridwanan wa sultana. Draw your sword - all kings have swords in their hands. Draw your sword so it will flash like lightening. O Sultan of Saudi Arabia, King and princes, this is a ceremony, this is what is befitting of you. Don't dress up and come out mid-morning. No! This is the ceremony after Morning Prayer. Each ceremony you will be paid. It's not without payment. When you stand in glorification to your Lord, He will order for you to be dressed in the dress of Mightiness and Majesty. You won't need a guard or an army. Dress My servant with Mightiness, so whoever looks at him will tremble. O Shah Mardan, go ahead, speak. I am speaking, he says. Shah Mardan, because: "Bal 'Ahya'un Inda Rabbihim Yurzaqun" (3:169) "Wa La Taqulu Liman Yuqtalu Fi Sabili Allahi Amwatun" (2:154) Yes, this is Allah's order for whoever draws his sword in the way of Allah. Draw your sword, o Muslim king, o kings of Muslims, draw it and say: Our sword is here. We'll cut whoever comes against us. We'll destroy them. We're not in need of made-up weapons... of those who aren't from us. Our sword is enough for us. Stand up...and walk around a little like this, early in the morning. Don't say: my head will get dizzy, my stomach is hurting. Enter the field! That is what Ottomans said. What did they say? Kiymaz isen base cane Geri dur girme meydane. It says: if you don't submit your entire being to Allah (swt), then stand back. You are considered rubbish, you have no value. Then what is it saying? If you can't stand to see death, don't enter the field. There will be so many beheaded in this field, you can't imagine. Stand up for Allah (jj). Scare the disbelievers. Scare those worshiping satan. Islam has a sword. Next to the sword of Islam, your weapons are worthless. Mightiness is (3 von 18)04.07.2013 23:22:36
4856 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JumaKhutbah
coming. Shah Mardan is full of mightiness today, Friday. Do this, then do ihsan (goodness/ charity). Do goodness. They have piles of gold and silver. Their load is gold and silver. Before going inside your palace, O kings, order that this gold and silver should be distributed to those who deserve it. Hay hay. This is the honor of Islam. Why do you lock it away? Why put it in banks and hide it away? So they can pour it over your head when you are in grave? No. If you don't give, they'll pour something else on your head & you won't like it. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Today is Friday. The king should go up himself and give the Friday sermon & give advice. "Inna Allaha Yamuru Bil Adli Wal Ihsani Wa Itai Dhi l-Qurba Wa Yanha"(16:90) They all read this holy verse. "Inna Allaha Ya'murukum An Tu'uaddu l-Amanati Ila Ahliha" (4:58) There is this holy verse too. All the kings know it. It says: give, don't hide it away inside. People are running in the streets because of your stinginess. What do they call a miser? Stingy. A miser is like this: closed-fisted. Kings are like this, holding it in their hand, licking it from here & there. Don't be like that! Your hand should be like this (open). And your sword at your side and your gold in your hand. Distribute the gold, don't be afraid. It won't decrease. People nowadays are wandering the streets hungry. Why are you hiding it away. This is the morning ceremony. Hay hay. These are Shah Mardan's advice and instructions. Don't fear. Give so sadaqa (charity) will keep troubles/ afflictions away. Or else an airplane will burn & crash or cars will hit each other and you'll die. The ship will sink and you'll die without being able to do anything. Listen, this is a Friday sermon. O kings, perform this ceremony, the Morning ceremony. Stand up, say Takbir to Allah (swt). Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa Ajal Wa Azamu Ajal wa Akbar Our Lord. Why are you afraid? Every harm and trouble will be far from you. Let's say to these Muslim kings, to the kings & princes of Muslims. Those outside the sultanate, they are beggars. They have salaries. They get salary to be able to do their job. They have no value. Those with value hold gold in their hands. Those holding paper are nothing. They themselves are like paper. Paper, you cannot have money out of paper. This is a tasteless thing made-up by the Jewish and Christian world. Take gold from their hands and give them paper. What paper?! Why doesn't the Pope tell the people of Europe? Prophet Jesus, did he use gold? Ala Nabiyyina wa Alayhi salatu wa Salam. Wherever he stepped, if he wanted he could have had a camel's load of gold. Jesus and all other Prophets (4 von 18)04.07.2013 23:22:36
4857 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JumaKhutbah
too. The Sultan of Prophets... our Master (sws), because he didn't eat for 2-3 days, he tied a stone over his holy stomach. Once he was visiting mount Uhud. Behind him he heard something flowing, and he looked -Mt Uhud had become gold and was flowing after him like a river. He looked at it (gold)with hatred. O blessed one, I am not in need of you. Stay where you are. And that is why below that mountain is gold. Those collecting gold, let them go and collect from the bottom of the mountain. Prophet Jesus neither held gold nor silver in his hand. O Christian world, he gave and didn't take. He gave. From where did he give? He gave from Allah's (swt) treasures. And those foolish ones, they said to the Great Prophet Jesus: "will He send down a dinner table?" O you who are slaves to your stomach, whose only worry is your stomach, foolish people, what do you think about a dinner table brought down from heavens? A table from heavens, fish, pickles, bread... Is this what you want? What do you want? You already have everything on earth. The disciples didn't know what to request from heavens. Leave them & come to Me, it was said. They don't understand anything else. In their hearts is gold. They are useless for you. Come to Me and leave them. He left them and the world of Christianity became mixed up & confused. And they are still in that confusion because satan has taken them under his own control. It's been 100 years, satan said: keep the gold, and give the people paper so their system will be destroyed. In world history from beginning up to today, leaders/ rulers... made gold coins with their names on them. That means the older ones are smarter than these mindless people of today. Change it - get rid of paper and bring gold. Economic crisis? No economic crisis will remain. Everything depends on gold. Gold is valuable. No one wants to waste gold. They don't want to waste it. But paper... they say: press the button and get your money. Is this money? By pressing a button you get money? There are satans who have made humanity disgraceful. They made humanity disgraceful. After the first world war, after the second world war, from the beginning of the 20th century until now. That was satan's plan. Take the gold from the people. Put it in a safe, give them a piece of paper - this paper is equal to gold. Satan is the one teaching this because satan knows that... people won't spend gold. Since paper has no value, they can spend as they like. And this is the economic crisis of today. This is the invention of the children of Israel and... the rule that foolish Christians are implementing. However, the Ottomans... may they rest in heaven, Sultan Abdul Hamid, the (5 von 18)04.07.2013 23:22:36
4858 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: JumaKhutbah
castle of Islam, during his time there was Hamidi gold and after him Sultan Rashad... Rashad gold was being made. After that they got rid of it. They stole it, got rid of it, whatever (...) they did, and they gave the people paper. What is written on it? 5 Lira, 10, 100, 200. But they couldn't write 1,000. Well, why don't you write 1,000 also? Because Europe doesn't have that. Americans are more smart. They didn't make anything higher than 100 dollars. They said, 100 dollars is enough. Anything more will make us bankrupt. Look at satan