Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (339/777)
gehören. Shah Mardan lehrt, gibt Anweisungen. Ay Yaran Shah Mardans, mögen jene, die dein Gesicht sehen, zu den Menschen des Paradieses gehören. "Ma sha' Allah kan wa ma lam Yasha' lam Yakun." Felsbrocken werden auf die Länder herabfallen. Fluten werden Städte hinwegfegen. Das ist noch nie vorgekommen. Wie konnte es jetzt geschehen? Es muß bedeuten, daß es einen Befehl von oben gibt. Es regnet nur auf Befehl. Ohne Erlaubnis Allahs fällt nicht ein Tropfen auf die Erde. Es wird schlagen. Die Soldaten der Rache werden von den Himmeln herabkommen. O unser Herr, laß uns nicht in den Händen unseres Egos! Tragen wir das Banner Haqqs! Tut das, es sei euer Stolz! Unser Stolz. Mensch-Sein ist nicht im Töten von Menschen oder Alles-Niederbrennen. Lernt euer Mensch-Sein. Sonst kommt der, der euch eine Lektion erteilen wird. Marhaba, ya Ahli Diwan. Marhaba, Ay Shah Mardan. Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah, al-Qadiru l-Muqtadir ist Allah Subhana wa Ta`ala. Reißt euch zusammen. Dies ist guter Rat. Dies ist guter Rat. Ihr wurdet nicht erschaffen, um Menschen zu töten. Ihr wurdet nicht gesandt, um Häuser zu verbrennen und zu zerstören. Allah der Allmächtige sagte: Rührt nicht einmal Meine Ameisen an! Ich habe auch die Ameise geschaffen. Zertretet sie auch nicht, Ich habe sie erschaffen. Wie könnt ihr dann Menschen töten? Wie könnt ihr ihre Häuser zerstören und sie töten? Ihr hört nicht! Der, der euch lehren wird, ist im Anmarsch. Shah Mardan. Wa Salamun `ala l-Mursalin Khususan `ala Sayyida l-Mursalin. Dieser Monat ist Sha`ban Muazzam. Er trägt die Glorie und Ehre des Propheten. Wer in diesem Monat unterdrückt, wird es bereuen. Niemand kann sich gegen diesen Monat stellen. (15 von 17)04.07.2013 23:22:20
4768 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsThereMore
Das Fatwa ist gegeben worden von oben. Reißt euch zusammen, o Gelehrte. Euer Fatwa ist nicht wichtig. Das Fatwa war schon von oben gegeben worden. Unterdrücker können nicht die Rechte von Unterdrückten wahren. Sie werden erledigt. Vergib uns unser Herr.. Ay Shah Mardan. Gewähre uns deine Wohltaten. Wir wollen unter deinem Banner gehen. Dies ist die syrische Flagge, dies ist die Hijazi Flagge, dies ist die türkische Flagge, dies ist die syrische Flagge - werft diese Flaggen beiseite! Erhebt das Banner des Islam, das von den Himmeln kommt. Wer immer unter diesem Banner geht, wird keinen Schaden erleiden in Dunya oder Akhirah. Rabbu l-Bayt, Allah der Allmächtige. Zid Baytaka Hatha Ta`ziman wa Tashrifan Takriman Mahabbatan wa Rif'atan wa Birra. Wegen eines Gebäudes können die Engel alles auf den Kopf stellen - der Ka`ba Muazzama. Der Prophet Ibrahim baute die Ka`ba Muazzama. Aber die Menschheit ist die Schöpfung Allahs. Schämt euch und habt Furcht! Gebt ein Fatwa, daß sie Kafir sind, und für jene, die Kafir werden nach dem Islam, für jene, die sich dem Kufur zuwenden, ist die Strafe die Schwerter der Engel, die von den Himmeln kommen. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Mach weiter, o Shah Mardan. Sahibu l-Maydan, deine Yaran bewundern dich. Möge Stärke gegeben werden. Mögen die Diener kommen, die uns die Wege der Reue lehren. Um Deines Habibs willen wird der nächste Sha`ban nicht wie dieser. Der nächste Sha`ban ist für nächstes Jahr. Diese Lage wird nicht andauern bis zu der Zeit. Die Dinge werden in Ordnung gebracht werden. Aman ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Sagen wir: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Geht unter dem Banner des Islam und seid in Sicherheit in Dunya und Akhirah. Subhansin Rabbim. Subhan Sensin, Sultan Sensin. Wir sind Deine schwachen Diener. Sende uns ya Rabbi, sende uns ya Rabbi, Deine aufrichtigen Diener. Mögen die Armeen der Himmel kommen. Allahu Allahu Allahu Rabbi Rabbi ma li Siwahu Allahu Allah, ma li Siwahu. Allahu Allah, Allahu Allah, Allahu Rabbi. Ni`ma l-Mawla wa Ni`ma l- Wakil. Subhansin ya Rabbi. Sagen wir: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, und sind in Sicherheit. Amin wa Salamun `ala l-Mursalin, Khususan `ala Sayyida l-Mursalin. Es heißt, niemand ist frei von Konsequenzen. Egal, was sie tun, sie sollen nicht glauben, sie kämen damit davon. Nein. Nein. Sie werden ihre Bestrafung finden. Was immer ihr tut, wenn es gut ist, werdet ihr Gutes finden. Wenn sie Böses tun, wird das Schwert des Bösen sie schlagen. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Mach weiter, o Shah Mardan. Ay Yaran Shah Mardans. Wie schön dein Name ist. Wie (16 von 17)04.07.2013 23:22:20
4769 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsThereMore
gut das Sohbat ist mit dir. Wir werden belebt und finden Kraft. Vernichten wir Shaytan und seine
Anhänger. Das sei unsere Absicht und unser Fatwa. Alle Gelehrten des Islam sollten das Fatwa
geben, Kufur zu vernichten. Fatiha. Lefke, 15.06.2013
WebSaltanatorg (17 von 17)04.07.2013 23:22:20
4770 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsThereMorePerfectionThanFullMoon
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : IsThereMorePerfectionThanFullMoon
On the Day of Promises we promised to renew our faith as much as possible and this we need to do. Your faith is like your vessel. You don't know how long your journey will be, so it is important that your vessel is as strong as possible. For every act which we did against the Law of the Lord we say, 'astafirullah', we ask for forgiveness. If the Prophet, peace be upon him, said this 70 times a day, then what about us? Even if we ask 70 million times, it is very little. But nowadays if you ask Muslims to renew their faith 3 times a day and to say, 'astafirullah' 70 times, they will ask surprised whether you are people of tariqat. Of course we are people of tariqat, people of the way. We are people of the way of Muhammad, we are following his way. We do not want to change that. We keep every habit that he used to have. Oh, our Lord, we are asking for protection against evil and devils. Don't say that you have a title and that you are important, may you be a sheik, a holy-one or even a sultan. No! You are not powerful, nothing of all that can protect you from satan. 99.9% of people work for satan. Without looking at what they are doing, people work for him. They don't even know it. There are two kinds of satans, human ones and the ones of the jinn. You must be careful of both of them. If you are not careful, you will fall into their hands. Muhammad, may peace be with him, told us to beware of satan. You should put up a sign everywhere, in your homes, your businesses... to remind people that satan is the biggest enemy for us. (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:22:21
4771 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsThereMorePerfectionThanFullMoon
Instead we are so friendly with him. We treat him like a best friend. It is the reason that this life is turning more and more into a hell for people. People do not treat him as an enemy, like Allah is ordering us. You should write everywhere for people to beware of him. But then, people do not even write, 'La illaha illahla, Muhammadun Rasul'Allah' even though it is written on the Divine Throne. Nowadays this is not written in new mosques because the Wahabis say it is prohibited! People are so heedless and ignorant and they are losing their ways. In all the newly built mosques it is never written anywhere. Satan is working so secretly. Even the Iman here was not mentioning Sayidina Abu Bakr, Sayidina Omar or Sayidina Ali. I don't know who ordered to him not to mention any of the Caliphs or even any of the sahabas, the followers of Muhammad, may peace be upon him. Until the beginning of this century it was a normal custom for the whole Islamic world which no-one ever even thought of to change. But now the satanic forces are working. Don't accept the excuse that people are in a hurry and do not have the time for these blessings. For people like that, Israfil, the angel of death, will hurry even more. Be careful! This is only a spot of the ocean. I am only mentioning a few points for you. It is enough to awaken you against satan and satanic activities. Their activities are even more secret than the steps of ants. Those at least you can hear. They cheat everybody and they try to change everything and speak constantly of reforms. Islam does not need any reforms. If we would, Allah would send us another prophet. But there is none. We have been told that there is no more prophet after Muhammad. So why are they doing this? Islam is forever new, it is everlasting. Allah has sent the best rules, best beliefs and the best activities that were most suitable for mankind and their characteristics. "I put your religion on the best level." says Allah Almighty. Do you think that there is more perfection than a full moon? Islam is that full moon! From whichever side you take it will become less. You must make yourself suitable for Islam. But the people of the 20th century want to make Islam suitable for their desires. They are not trying to follow the real meaning of Islam. That is why they do not want Sheiks anymore. Everybody wants to be their own imam. They think that if they read the Quran and the Hadith it will be enough for them to find their way. It is as if someone leaves the motor-way to find a quicker way to London. They are so foolish! The motor-way is there, ready to be used, but they want to find new ways! They want to do it according to their own understandings because they are such proud people. They should know, that if (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:22:21
4772 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsThereMorePerfectionThanFullMoon
anyone has even a little bit of pride they cannot enter paradise. But these people say, 'Oh, we are doctors of religion. We have studied in Cambridge or at the Sorbonne. We know.' What kind of doctors are they? Who has given them the degree? Jewish professors! Is this what makes them proud? Oh, people beware of satan and of his followers. They are like chameleons. These are difficult and dangerous days in which we are living. Beware! That is if you are really interested to keep your faith. If not, you may go anyway. The Prophet, may peace be with him, showed a straight way on the sand with his stick and said that this is the straight path. This same way has so many possible deviations which satan will try to use to get off it. But there is only one way to paradise. Beware and keep your right direction. May Allah forgive us... Woking, UK - 01.04.1993
BookKeysToParadise, CategoryIslam, CategoryWahabism, CategoryMosque (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:22:21
4773 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IstikharaAskingForGuidance
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : IstikharaAskingForGuidance
Istikhara - Asking for guidance
If you are in doubt about something, whether it is the right thing to do or not, if it is according to Allah’s will or not, you can ask about it in the following way anytime you need to: Take a shower, with hot or cold water. You must be in a silent place. Give your greetings to Allah, to your Lord. Then sit and say: "Oh my Lord, I am intending something, and I am asking for my will to follow Your will. Give me the right sign for this purpose." You will be given a green or a red light... You must take this seriously. Then it is impossible to do this and not to get an answer. This is a form of Istikhara. Anybody may do it. There is free permission to ask for everybody, who is interested to know, if they are acting according to their Lord’s will. But you must not ask about something that is already clear, and the direction has already been shown. In that case you must accept whatever it is, and there is no need to ask about it. It is best is to do this exercise before going to bed. Pray two Rakaats, ask, and then go to bed without talking to anyone. 01.04.1999
BookOnthebridgetoEternity, CategoryPrayer 23:22:22
4774 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsYourChairmanYourEgo
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : IsYourChairmanYourEgo
Is Your Chairman Your Ego or Your True Self?
Dastoor, madad. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Laa ilaaha illa-Llah, laa ilaaha illa-Llah, laa ilaaha illa-Llah, Muhammadur Rasoolullah `alayhi salaatullah wa salaamuh wa `ala jami` al-anbiya wa 'l- awliyaa wa rahmatullah `alayhim wa `alayna, yaa Rabbi 'l-`Alameen. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) O People! It is a humble meeting, or association. We must try to give our most high glorifying to our Lord, Allah Almighty (Mawlana Shaykh stands), and to give our most high glorifying in this life and the next life to the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! We are trying to make the holy flag of the Holy Prophet (s) up and Shaytan’s flag to be under my feet! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) As-salaamu `alaykum to all holy ones who are fed with heavenly feedings. Look at such people who are mustathna, exceptional, that Allah Almighty granted them from heavenly glory, feeding them, because they are trying to give according to their capacities. All holy people are asking the Lord of the Heavens to grant more and more glory to the Seal of Prophets (s), as His most glorious one. May Allah forgive us. O People! As-salaamu 'alaykum, our attenders from Muslims, from Salafi `ulamas, from Christians, from Majoos (Zoroastrian) people, from Jewish, Hindu and Buddhist people, and people from everywhere. This is a heavenly addressing to them. The one who is being addressed must feel something in his material being (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:22:23
4775 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsYourChairmanYourEgo
and he will also feel peace in his spiritual being. Yes, sometimes one word may change a person, perhaps one sentence may change a nation, or perhaps one holy verse may change the whole world, and it may be a holy book, Qur’an `azheem ash-shaan, the holiest one, is going to be enough for all the coming nations from pre- Eternal up to Eternal! You must try to understand the power of the Holy Qur'an, and try to understand. Who is not trying to understand, theirs is the level of donkeys or under the level of animals, to the levels of shaytanic groups. Try to understand. O People! We are saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Run away from a bad situation to the best situation. Don't stay in a bad situation, but try to get up from adnaa ila al-`alaa, from the deepest level up to the highest level; that is our aim. We have not been created for only eating, drinking, and sexual pleasures; that is for animals. You are from human nature, so there must be a difference between you and animals. Yes, we are like other animals with our physical bodies, but something makes human nature to be different from the animal world. That is what all the prophets from beginning up to end were asking to teach people. But very few understand and the majority of people are running after animal pleasures and desires to reach pleasure. That is simply impossible, but no one is trying to understand. From beginning up to end, our egos are trying to make a holy center for Mankind in themselves, and to be in that holy center is a chair, and a chair must have someone sitting on it; it is such a high position, everyone is running to be a chairman. And for everyone there is a chair, a chair for their physical being, and there is another being in Mankind and we may say, (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Ar-Rahman `ala al-`Arsh istawa, The Most Merciful was established on the Throne. (20:5) (Mawlana Shaykh sits) What is that ayatu 'l-kareema saying, ar-Rahman `ala al-`Arsh istawa? Yes, for Mankind's animal being there is a chairman, but for their heavenly being their can't be a chairman, there must be ‘arsh, throne. For everyone that throne is such a special grant from Allah Almighty to Mankind, making them on the highest level in the Divine Presence! Ar-Rahman. `Alam al-Qur'an, (God) Most Gracious! It is He Who has taught the Qur'an. (55:1-2) (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:22:23
4776 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsYourChairmanYourEgo
But generally, Mankind is only taking care for their chair, not asking for that holy throne. Their whole interest and highest desire is to reach their chair, to find a chairman. Chairs are for our physical being, but our real being has a throne that no one knows. As Allah Almighty is saying: (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Ma wasi`anee ardee wa laa samaa'ee wa laakin wasi`anee qalbee `abdee al-mu'min, My Earth did not contain Me, nor My Heavens, but the heart of My believing servant contained Me. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) People mostly are running to have a chairman for their chairs; the physical being is Man's chair. And people, beginning from the day they are born, grow, grow, grow, always eager to reach that chair. What is that chair? It is a chair, everyone may understand, and there is always going to be a fight between the "chairman" and the heavenly throne that belongs to Heavens. And people are quickly or easily running to find a chairman for their chairs, their physical being. Shaytan is saying, "O Man! O Human Nature! I will teach you who is the best chairman for your chair, because your physical being is a chair and it needs a chairman, so I will show it to you. Listen to me. The best chairman for you is your ego, nafsak." That is in the hadeeth nabawi ash-shareef. O Salafi `ulamas, where are you? Are you not hearing that hadeeth ash-shareef? You are claiming that you know too much; that is a question coming now. You never heared such a hadeeth ash-shareef? I never heard any of the Salafi `ulamas warning Mankind according to that hadeeth ash-shareef. No one can say it is not true or fabricated! They are always saying, "It is not a real hadeeth; it is fabricated!" Why? That hadeeth ash- shareef is famous! The Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), said: (Mawlana Shaykh stands) : - A`ad `adoowik nafsak allatee bayna jambayk, The most terrible enemy to you is the ego between your two sides. If you are asking who is your most dangerous and terrible enemy, I am saying it is nafsak. Is that hadeeth ash- shareef not written, or not reaching you? Say, Salafi `ulamas! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) I never heard any one of the Salafi `ulamas or from doctors of Shari`ah, or I never heard from Azhar ash-Shareef `ulamas, about that hadeeth ash-shareef. Why? Is it not true? How can you say that, "We never heard such a hadith? Leave (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:22:23
4777 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsYourChairmanYourEgo
hadith, look at what Allah Almighty is saying: (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Asta`eedhu billah. Inna an-nafsu la-amaaratan bis-soow illa man rahima Rabbee, Verily the nafs (ego) is ordering to evil except for whom My Lord has granted His mercy. (12:53) Is that ayatul-kareemah or I am saying from myself?! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Why are you not accepting? Asta`eedhu billah. nna an-nafsu la-amaaratan bis-soow illa man rahima Rabbee. Why are you not warning, and you are saying, "We are a group who prevents people from wrong ways," and it may true. You are claiming you are `amar bi 'l-ma`roof, wa 'n-nahi `ani 'l-munkar, (Call(ers) to do what is good and leave the forbidden.) So why are you not warning, "O People! The Seal of Prophets (s) is saying, A`ad `adoowik nafsak allatee bayna jambayk. O Man! Beware of your ego, nafs!" Why are you not saying? That is the most important point in Islam, to warn people who is with them and who is not with them! Allah Almighty created the nafs, saying, “Come,” and it was going back. He said, “Go back,” and it came forward. Nafs is doing everything the opposite of what its Creator orders! For what? Why are you not reminding people? Wa dhakkir (and remind them)! That is ayatu 'l-kareemah. O Learned People! Doctors, or Salaaf as-Saalih, or Wahabis, why are you not warning, "O People! Don't run after your material aspects, because your ego is always calling you for material pleasures. Your chairman is your ego, your nafs!" How can you say for your chairman, “We are not following you,” and you are ‘abid, slave for your egos. How can this ummah stand up? And all people don't know who is for them and who is not with them. How can they reach heavenly support, which only comes to those who take care and never let their egos to do as they like. mu'min kaamil, the perfect believer, is he who never gives a chance to his ego to do anything, and saying as Allah Almighty is saying: (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Ma wasi`anee ardee wa laa samaa'ee wa laakin wasi`anee qalbee `abdee al-mu'min, My Earth did not contain Me, nor My Heavens, but the heart of My believing servant contained Me. Qalb al-mu'min `Arshullah, “The heart of the believer is the Throne of Allah.” (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Qalb al- (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:22:23
4778 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsYourChairmanYourEgo
mu'min `arshullah. Arabee? Tarifoon, but you are not trying to understand. If you are understanding, you must believe. If you are not believing, you cannot understand! Therefore, holy ones are always attacking on those who say, “We are the best ones,” when really they are the worst ones! There are one-billion to two- billion Muslims, and Allah Almighty is ordering: Koonu ma’as saadiqeen, Be with those who are true (in word and deed). (9:119) Where are those elected, special, chosen ones, who really keep Allah Almighty's Right Way? And the Right Way is not to obey your ego! If your ego is going to be a chairman, your ego is going to be with Shaytan and shaytanic groups. Those who are keeping their hearts as the throne of their Creator will be taken to the Divine Presence here and Hereafter! May Allah forgive us. What shall we say? This is a difficult time and people are thinking they know something, but they know nothing! Man must know under Whose command he is acting, moving, doing and living. Salafi `ulamas, I am asking your opinion about the Islamic world: do they think their lives are suitable and under heavenly commands? Are they walking on it, or are they using their chairman's way? That chairman is their ego and if they are following their egos, that ego is the donkey of Shaytan. Whoever is following their egoistic desires is under the hegemony of Shaytan or shaytanic groups. O People! Say, Laa ilaaha illa-Llah Sayyidina Muhammadun Rasoolullah (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands) That is the real way for you to be takhlees, saved, if you are saying and following this. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) But the whole Islamic world is changed; they are making their chairmen their egos, the donkey of Shaytan. Both are making are the Islamic world in such a way. Do you think the current status of the Islamic world is suitable according to the principles of Islam or the holy commands of Allah Almighty? Which country, which government, which `alim is following heavenly rules? But they are making their egos chairmen on themselves, never believing in the Holy Qur'an or holy books, and not following the Seal of Prophets (s)! They are following their egos because their egos are their chairman! That is the main problem of the Muslim world. It is not a good vision for the Muslim world to follow the commands of their egos, no. They are saying, “I don't like to eat this, I like to drink that. I don't like to dress that way, I like to dress this way.” For what? (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:22:23
4779 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsYourChairmanYourEgo
Particularly, chairmen for men are their egos, and another one is making women as men's chairman now. How can this be? And Allah Almighty saying: (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Ar-rijaal qawaamoon `ala an-nisaa, Men are protectors and maintainers of women. (4:34) Haqq! Why are they not doing this? (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Ar-rijaal qawaamoon `ala an-nisa`. Where are you, our Salafi `ulamas? What is your position on this issue? How many points are the heavenly ones making to remind you? Perhaps it is going to be one-thousand such special warnings coming, coming, coming, but I am not hearing you accept that truth and then going on true ways, as Prophet (s) is saying, “O my nation! The true way is only one way, but the way which goes on the left hand are wrong ways.” Prophet (s) is on the true way, and wa man tabi`nee, "And those who follow me." Those who run to follow Sahaabi 'l-kiram are on the true way and others are finished on the wrong way, and their ways must be changed! If Muslims are asking to be granted heavenly honor, they must come on the true way. If they are going left and right, finished, no more honor, no more goodness in their lives, no more pleasure and no more honor for them. May Allah forgive us. O our Attenders! As-salaamu 'alaykum. You are running to make your egos, your chairman, happy. You are saying, "O Shaykh, how are you saying that? Our chairman is our ego? How are we fighting against our chairman?" Beware, I am putting your chairman under my feet to save you! An-nafsu 'l-ammaaratan bi 's- soow. We are beginning now some heavenly centers to save Ummat al-Habeeb from the hegemony of nafs, hawaa, Shaytan and dunya. May Allah forgive us! O People! Don't be angry, for if you are going to be angry, don't send me money, food, rice, or sheep (for barakah) because it doesn't matter, Allah (swt) will send to me; I am not looking to you for anything. But I must say the holy command, wa dhakkir, “And remind!” I am reminding people, so who is accepting accepts this reminder. I am not asking any ajar, reward, payment or salary. Yes, I am a free one, trying to make my ego under my command, to make my real being to be on that chair as the real chairman, under the holy command of spiritual power! Spirituality is going to take people up, and egoistic desires are taking people down in dark levels and dark places of Earth. May Allah forgive us for the honor of Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s). (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:22:23
4780 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsYourChairmanYourEgo
Fatihah. (Mawlana Shaykh prays two rakaat Salat ash-Shukr) Fatihah. (45 minutes) If they are not coming to listen, I am making their chairmen under my feet, with my ego also! (Mawlana Shaykh laughs) People are running to change chairmen in governments. Why are they not making that? Fighting in the east to west. Why are you not making that true one to be your chairman? Lefke, 14.07.2010
WebSufiLive, CategoryGuidance, CategoryHadith, CategoryMuslimNation, CategoryEgo (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:22:23
4781 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IWasAHiddenTreasure
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : IWasAHiddenTreasure
"I Was a Hidden Treasure"
(Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Madad, yaa RijaalAllah. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar la ilaaha illa-Llah, la ilaaha illa-Llah, la ilaaha illa-Llah! Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahi ‘l- hamd! Nahnu `abeeduka, Rabbuna. All praising and all honor on the most honored one, Sayyidina Muhammad (s). O our Lord, give him more and more from Your Glory Oceans. You are only One. You are our Creator. Grant to Your representative, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), all glory and honor that You are granting to Your creatures. Dastoor yaa Sayyidee, yaa Sultan ‘l-Awliya, madad, madad. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) O People! No car or plane or any other moving instrument is working without petrol. Therefore, now we must
gehören. Shah Mardan lehrt, gibt Anweisungen. Ay Yaran Shah Mardans, mögen jene, die dein Gesicht sehen, zu den Menschen des Paradieses gehören. "Ma sha' Allah kan wa ma lam Yasha' lam Yakun." Felsbrocken werden auf die Länder herabfallen. Fluten werden Städte hinwegfegen. Das ist noch nie vorgekommen. Wie konnte es jetzt geschehen? Es muß bedeuten, daß es einen Befehl von oben gibt. Es regnet nur auf Befehl. Ohne Erlaubnis Allahs fällt nicht ein Tropfen auf die Erde. Es wird schlagen. Die Soldaten der Rache werden von den Himmeln herabkommen. O unser Herr, laß uns nicht in den Händen unseres Egos! Tragen wir das Banner Haqqs! Tut das, es sei euer Stolz! Unser Stolz. Mensch-Sein ist nicht im Töten von Menschen oder Alles-Niederbrennen. Lernt euer Mensch-Sein. Sonst kommt der, der euch eine Lektion erteilen wird. Marhaba, ya Ahli Diwan. Marhaba, Ay Shah Mardan. Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah, al-Qadiru l-Muqtadir ist Allah Subhana wa Ta`ala. Reißt euch zusammen. Dies ist guter Rat. Dies ist guter Rat. Ihr wurdet nicht erschaffen, um Menschen zu töten. Ihr wurdet nicht gesandt, um Häuser zu verbrennen und zu zerstören. Allah der Allmächtige sagte: Rührt nicht einmal Meine Ameisen an! Ich habe auch die Ameise geschaffen. Zertretet sie auch nicht, Ich habe sie erschaffen. Wie könnt ihr dann Menschen töten? Wie könnt ihr ihre Häuser zerstören und sie töten? Ihr hört nicht! Der, der euch lehren wird, ist im Anmarsch. Shah Mardan. Wa Salamun `ala l-Mursalin Khususan `ala Sayyida l-Mursalin. Dieser Monat ist Sha`ban Muazzam. Er trägt die Glorie und Ehre des Propheten. Wer in diesem Monat unterdrückt, wird es bereuen. Niemand kann sich gegen diesen Monat stellen. (15 von 17)04.07.2013 23:22:20
4768 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsThereMore
Das Fatwa ist gegeben worden von oben. Reißt euch zusammen, o Gelehrte. Euer Fatwa ist nicht wichtig. Das Fatwa war schon von oben gegeben worden. Unterdrücker können nicht die Rechte von Unterdrückten wahren. Sie werden erledigt. Vergib uns unser Herr.. Ay Shah Mardan. Gewähre uns deine Wohltaten. Wir wollen unter deinem Banner gehen. Dies ist die syrische Flagge, dies ist die Hijazi Flagge, dies ist die türkische Flagge, dies ist die syrische Flagge - werft diese Flaggen beiseite! Erhebt das Banner des Islam, das von den Himmeln kommt. Wer immer unter diesem Banner geht, wird keinen Schaden erleiden in Dunya oder Akhirah. Rabbu l-Bayt, Allah der Allmächtige. Zid Baytaka Hatha Ta`ziman wa Tashrifan Takriman Mahabbatan wa Rif'atan wa Birra. Wegen eines Gebäudes können die Engel alles auf den Kopf stellen - der Ka`ba Muazzama. Der Prophet Ibrahim baute die Ka`ba Muazzama. Aber die Menschheit ist die Schöpfung Allahs. Schämt euch und habt Furcht! Gebt ein Fatwa, daß sie Kafir sind, und für jene, die Kafir werden nach dem Islam, für jene, die sich dem Kufur zuwenden, ist die Strafe die Schwerter der Engel, die von den Himmeln kommen. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Mach weiter, o Shah Mardan. Sahibu l-Maydan, deine Yaran bewundern dich. Möge Stärke gegeben werden. Mögen die Diener kommen, die uns die Wege der Reue lehren. Um Deines Habibs willen wird der nächste Sha`ban nicht wie dieser. Der nächste Sha`ban ist für nächstes Jahr. Diese Lage wird nicht andauern bis zu der Zeit. Die Dinge werden in Ordnung gebracht werden. Aman ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Sagen wir: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Geht unter dem Banner des Islam und seid in Sicherheit in Dunya und Akhirah. Subhansin Rabbim. Subhan Sensin, Sultan Sensin. Wir sind Deine schwachen Diener. Sende uns ya Rabbi, sende uns ya Rabbi, Deine aufrichtigen Diener. Mögen die Armeen der Himmel kommen. Allahu Allahu Allahu Rabbi Rabbi ma li Siwahu Allahu Allah, ma li Siwahu. Allahu Allah, Allahu Allah, Allahu Rabbi. Ni`ma l-Mawla wa Ni`ma l- Wakil. Subhansin ya Rabbi. Sagen wir: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, und sind in Sicherheit. Amin wa Salamun `ala l-Mursalin, Khususan `ala Sayyida l-Mursalin. Es heißt, niemand ist frei von Konsequenzen. Egal, was sie tun, sie sollen nicht glauben, sie kämen damit davon. Nein. Nein. Sie werden ihre Bestrafung finden. Was immer ihr tut, wenn es gut ist, werdet ihr Gutes finden. Wenn sie Böses tun, wird das Schwert des Bösen sie schlagen. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Mach weiter, o Shah Mardan. Ay Yaran Shah Mardans. Wie schön dein Name ist. Wie (16 von 17)04.07.2013 23:22:20
4769 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsThereMore
gut das Sohbat ist mit dir. Wir werden belebt und finden Kraft. Vernichten wir Shaytan und seine
Anhänger. Das sei unsere Absicht und unser Fatwa. Alle Gelehrten des Islam sollten das Fatwa
geben, Kufur zu vernichten. Fatiha. Lefke, 15.06.2013
WebSaltanatorg (17 von 17)04.07.2013 23:22:20
4770 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsThereMorePerfectionThanFullMoon
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : IsThereMorePerfectionThanFullMoon
On the Day of Promises we promised to renew our faith as much as possible and this we need to do. Your faith is like your vessel. You don't know how long your journey will be, so it is important that your vessel is as strong as possible. For every act which we did against the Law of the Lord we say, 'astafirullah', we ask for forgiveness. If the Prophet, peace be upon him, said this 70 times a day, then what about us? Even if we ask 70 million times, it is very little. But nowadays if you ask Muslims to renew their faith 3 times a day and to say, 'astafirullah' 70 times, they will ask surprised whether you are people of tariqat. Of course we are people of tariqat, people of the way. We are people of the way of Muhammad, we are following his way. We do not want to change that. We keep every habit that he used to have. Oh, our Lord, we are asking for protection against evil and devils. Don't say that you have a title and that you are important, may you be a sheik, a holy-one or even a sultan. No! You are not powerful, nothing of all that can protect you from satan. 99.9% of people work for satan. Without looking at what they are doing, people work for him. They don't even know it. There are two kinds of satans, human ones and the ones of the jinn. You must be careful of both of them. If you are not careful, you will fall into their hands. Muhammad, may peace be with him, told us to beware of satan. You should put up a sign everywhere, in your homes, your businesses... to remind people that satan is the biggest enemy for us. (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:22:21
4771 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsThereMorePerfectionThanFullMoon
Instead we are so friendly with him. We treat him like a best friend. It is the reason that this life is turning more and more into a hell for people. People do not treat him as an enemy, like Allah is ordering us. You should write everywhere for people to beware of him. But then, people do not even write, 'La illaha illahla, Muhammadun Rasul'Allah' even though it is written on the Divine Throne. Nowadays this is not written in new mosques because the Wahabis say it is prohibited! People are so heedless and ignorant and they are losing their ways. In all the newly built mosques it is never written anywhere. Satan is working so secretly. Even the Iman here was not mentioning Sayidina Abu Bakr, Sayidina Omar or Sayidina Ali. I don't know who ordered to him not to mention any of the Caliphs or even any of the sahabas, the followers of Muhammad, may peace be upon him. Until the beginning of this century it was a normal custom for the whole Islamic world which no-one ever even thought of to change. But now the satanic forces are working. Don't accept the excuse that people are in a hurry and do not have the time for these blessings. For people like that, Israfil, the angel of death, will hurry even more. Be careful! This is only a spot of the ocean. I am only mentioning a few points for you. It is enough to awaken you against satan and satanic activities. Their activities are even more secret than the steps of ants. Those at least you can hear. They cheat everybody and they try to change everything and speak constantly of reforms. Islam does not need any reforms. If we would, Allah would send us another prophet. But there is none. We have been told that there is no more prophet after Muhammad. So why are they doing this? Islam is forever new, it is everlasting. Allah has sent the best rules, best beliefs and the best activities that were most suitable for mankind and their characteristics. "I put your religion on the best level." says Allah Almighty. Do you think that there is more perfection than a full moon? Islam is that full moon! From whichever side you take it will become less. You must make yourself suitable for Islam. But the people of the 20th century want to make Islam suitable for their desires. They are not trying to follow the real meaning of Islam. That is why they do not want Sheiks anymore. Everybody wants to be their own imam. They think that if they read the Quran and the Hadith it will be enough for them to find their way. It is as if someone leaves the motor-way to find a quicker way to London. They are so foolish! The motor-way is there, ready to be used, but they want to find new ways! They want to do it according to their own understandings because they are such proud people. They should know, that if (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:22:21
4772 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsThereMorePerfectionThanFullMoon
anyone has even a little bit of pride they cannot enter paradise. But these people say, 'Oh, we are doctors of religion. We have studied in Cambridge or at the Sorbonne. We know.' What kind of doctors are they? Who has given them the degree? Jewish professors! Is this what makes them proud? Oh, people beware of satan and of his followers. They are like chameleons. These are difficult and dangerous days in which we are living. Beware! That is if you are really interested to keep your faith. If not, you may go anyway. The Prophet, may peace be with him, showed a straight way on the sand with his stick and said that this is the straight path. This same way has so many possible deviations which satan will try to use to get off it. But there is only one way to paradise. Beware and keep your right direction. May Allah forgive us... Woking, UK - 01.04.1993
BookKeysToParadise, CategoryIslam, CategoryWahabism, CategoryMosque (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:22:21
4773 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IstikharaAskingForGuidance
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : IstikharaAskingForGuidance
Istikhara - Asking for guidance
If you are in doubt about something, whether it is the right thing to do or not, if it is according to Allah’s will or not, you can ask about it in the following way anytime you need to: Take a shower, with hot or cold water. You must be in a silent place. Give your greetings to Allah, to your Lord. Then sit and say: "Oh my Lord, I am intending something, and I am asking for my will to follow Your will. Give me the right sign for this purpose." You will be given a green or a red light... You must take this seriously. Then it is impossible to do this and not to get an answer. This is a form of Istikhara. Anybody may do it. There is free permission to ask for everybody, who is interested to know, if they are acting according to their Lord’s will. But you must not ask about something that is already clear, and the direction has already been shown. In that case you must accept whatever it is, and there is no need to ask about it. It is best is to do this exercise before going to bed. Pray two Rakaats, ask, and then go to bed without talking to anyone. 01.04.1999
BookOnthebridgetoEternity, CategoryPrayer 23:22:22
4774 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsYourChairmanYourEgo
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : IsYourChairmanYourEgo
Is Your Chairman Your Ego or Your True Self?
Dastoor, madad. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Laa ilaaha illa-Llah, laa ilaaha illa-Llah, laa ilaaha illa-Llah, Muhammadur Rasoolullah `alayhi salaatullah wa salaamuh wa `ala jami` al-anbiya wa 'l- awliyaa wa rahmatullah `alayhim wa `alayna, yaa Rabbi 'l-`Alameen. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) O People! It is a humble meeting, or association. We must try to give our most high glorifying to our Lord, Allah Almighty (Mawlana Shaykh stands), and to give our most high glorifying in this life and the next life to the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! We are trying to make the holy flag of the Holy Prophet (s) up and Shaytan’s flag to be under my feet! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) As-salaamu `alaykum to all holy ones who are fed with heavenly feedings. Look at such people who are mustathna, exceptional, that Allah Almighty granted them from heavenly glory, feeding them, because they are trying to give according to their capacities. All holy people are asking the Lord of the Heavens to grant more and more glory to the Seal of Prophets (s), as His most glorious one. May Allah forgive us. O People! As-salaamu 'alaykum, our attenders from Muslims, from Salafi `ulamas, from Christians, from Majoos (Zoroastrian) people, from Jewish, Hindu and Buddhist people, and people from everywhere. This is a heavenly addressing to them. The one who is being addressed must feel something in his material being (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:22:23
4775 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsYourChairmanYourEgo
and he will also feel peace in his spiritual being. Yes, sometimes one word may change a person, perhaps one sentence may change a nation, or perhaps one holy verse may change the whole world, and it may be a holy book, Qur’an `azheem ash-shaan, the holiest one, is going to be enough for all the coming nations from pre- Eternal up to Eternal! You must try to understand the power of the Holy Qur'an, and try to understand. Who is not trying to understand, theirs is the level of donkeys or under the level of animals, to the levels of shaytanic groups. Try to understand. O People! We are saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Run away from a bad situation to the best situation. Don't stay in a bad situation, but try to get up from adnaa ila al-`alaa, from the deepest level up to the highest level; that is our aim. We have not been created for only eating, drinking, and sexual pleasures; that is for animals. You are from human nature, so there must be a difference between you and animals. Yes, we are like other animals with our physical bodies, but something makes human nature to be different from the animal world. That is what all the prophets from beginning up to end were asking to teach people. But very few understand and the majority of people are running after animal pleasures and desires to reach pleasure. That is simply impossible, but no one is trying to understand. From beginning up to end, our egos are trying to make a holy center for Mankind in themselves, and to be in that holy center is a chair, and a chair must have someone sitting on it; it is such a high position, everyone is running to be a chairman. And for everyone there is a chair, a chair for their physical being, and there is another being in Mankind and we may say, (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Ar-Rahman `ala al-`Arsh istawa, The Most Merciful was established on the Throne. (20:5) (Mawlana Shaykh sits) What is that ayatu 'l-kareema saying, ar-Rahman `ala al-`Arsh istawa? Yes, for Mankind's animal being there is a chairman, but for their heavenly being their can't be a chairman, there must be ‘arsh, throne. For everyone that throne is such a special grant from Allah Almighty to Mankind, making them on the highest level in the Divine Presence! Ar-Rahman. `Alam al-Qur'an, (God) Most Gracious! It is He Who has taught the Qur'an. (55:1-2) (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:22:23
4776 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsYourChairmanYourEgo
But generally, Mankind is only taking care for their chair, not asking for that holy throne. Their whole interest and highest desire is to reach their chair, to find a chairman. Chairs are for our physical being, but our real being has a throne that no one knows. As Allah Almighty is saying: (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Ma wasi`anee ardee wa laa samaa'ee wa laakin wasi`anee qalbee `abdee al-mu'min, My Earth did not contain Me, nor My Heavens, but the heart of My believing servant contained Me. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) People mostly are running to have a chairman for their chairs; the physical being is Man's chair. And people, beginning from the day they are born, grow, grow, grow, always eager to reach that chair. What is that chair? It is a chair, everyone may understand, and there is always going to be a fight between the "chairman" and the heavenly throne that belongs to Heavens. And people are quickly or easily running to find a chairman for their chairs, their physical being. Shaytan is saying, "O Man! O Human Nature! I will teach you who is the best chairman for your chair, because your physical being is a chair and it needs a chairman, so I will show it to you. Listen to me. The best chairman for you is your ego, nafsak." That is in the hadeeth nabawi ash-shareef. O Salafi `ulamas, where are you? Are you not hearing that hadeeth ash-shareef? You are claiming that you know too much; that is a question coming now. You never heared such a hadeeth ash-shareef? I never heard any of the Salafi `ulamas warning Mankind according to that hadeeth ash-shareef. No one can say it is not true or fabricated! They are always saying, "It is not a real hadeeth; it is fabricated!" Why? That hadeeth ash- shareef is famous! The Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), said: (Mawlana Shaykh stands) : - A`ad `adoowik nafsak allatee bayna jambayk, The most terrible enemy to you is the ego between your two sides. If you are asking who is your most dangerous and terrible enemy, I am saying it is nafsak. Is that hadeeth ash- shareef not written, or not reaching you? Say, Salafi `ulamas! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) I never heard any one of the Salafi `ulamas or from doctors of Shari`ah, or I never heard from Azhar ash-Shareef `ulamas, about that hadeeth ash-shareef. Why? Is it not true? How can you say that, "We never heard such a hadith? Leave (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:22:23
4777 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsYourChairmanYourEgo
hadith, look at what Allah Almighty is saying: (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Asta`eedhu billah. Inna an-nafsu la-amaaratan bis-soow illa man rahima Rabbee, Verily the nafs (ego) is ordering to evil except for whom My Lord has granted His mercy. (12:53) Is that ayatul-kareemah or I am saying from myself?! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Why are you not accepting? Asta`eedhu billah. nna an-nafsu la-amaaratan bis-soow illa man rahima Rabbee. Why are you not warning, and you are saying, "We are a group who prevents people from wrong ways," and it may true. You are claiming you are `amar bi 'l-ma`roof, wa 'n-nahi `ani 'l-munkar, (Call(ers) to do what is good and leave the forbidden.) So why are you not warning, "O People! The Seal of Prophets (s) is saying, A`ad `adoowik nafsak allatee bayna jambayk. O Man! Beware of your ego, nafs!" Why are you not saying? That is the most important point in Islam, to warn people who is with them and who is not with them! Allah Almighty created the nafs, saying, “Come,” and it was going back. He said, “Go back,” and it came forward. Nafs is doing everything the opposite of what its Creator orders! For what? Why are you not reminding people? Wa dhakkir (and remind them)! That is ayatu 'l-kareemah. O Learned People! Doctors, or Salaaf as-Saalih, or Wahabis, why are you not warning, "O People! Don't run after your material aspects, because your ego is always calling you for material pleasures. Your chairman is your ego, your nafs!" How can you say for your chairman, “We are not following you,” and you are ‘abid, slave for your egos. How can this ummah stand up? And all people don't know who is for them and who is not with them. How can they reach heavenly support, which only comes to those who take care and never let their egos to do as they like. mu'min kaamil, the perfect believer, is he who never gives a chance to his ego to do anything, and saying as Allah Almighty is saying: (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Ma wasi`anee ardee wa laa samaa'ee wa laakin wasi`anee qalbee `abdee al-mu'min, My Earth did not contain Me, nor My Heavens, but the heart of My believing servant contained Me. Qalb al-mu'min `Arshullah, “The heart of the believer is the Throne of Allah.” (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Qalb al- (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:22:23
4778 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsYourChairmanYourEgo
mu'min `arshullah. Arabee? Tarifoon, but you are not trying to understand. If you are understanding, you must believe. If you are not believing, you cannot understand! Therefore, holy ones are always attacking on those who say, “We are the best ones,” when really they are the worst ones! There are one-billion to two- billion Muslims, and Allah Almighty is ordering: Koonu ma’as saadiqeen, Be with those who are true (in word and deed). (9:119) Where are those elected, special, chosen ones, who really keep Allah Almighty's Right Way? And the Right Way is not to obey your ego! If your ego is going to be a chairman, your ego is going to be with Shaytan and shaytanic groups. Those who are keeping their hearts as the throne of their Creator will be taken to the Divine Presence here and Hereafter! May Allah forgive us. What shall we say? This is a difficult time and people are thinking they know something, but they know nothing! Man must know under Whose command he is acting, moving, doing and living. Salafi `ulamas, I am asking your opinion about the Islamic world: do they think their lives are suitable and under heavenly commands? Are they walking on it, or are they using their chairman's way? That chairman is their ego and if they are following their egos, that ego is the donkey of Shaytan. Whoever is following their egoistic desires is under the hegemony of Shaytan or shaytanic groups. O People! Say, Laa ilaaha illa-Llah Sayyidina Muhammadun Rasoolullah (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands) That is the real way for you to be takhlees, saved, if you are saying and following this. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) But the whole Islamic world is changed; they are making their chairmen their egos, the donkey of Shaytan. Both are making are the Islamic world in such a way. Do you think the current status of the Islamic world is suitable according to the principles of Islam or the holy commands of Allah Almighty? Which country, which government, which `alim is following heavenly rules? But they are making their egos chairmen on themselves, never believing in the Holy Qur'an or holy books, and not following the Seal of Prophets (s)! They are following their egos because their egos are their chairman! That is the main problem of the Muslim world. It is not a good vision for the Muslim world to follow the commands of their egos, no. They are saying, “I don't like to eat this, I like to drink that. I don't like to dress that way, I like to dress this way.” For what? (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:22:23
4779 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsYourChairmanYourEgo
Particularly, chairmen for men are their egos, and another one is making women as men's chairman now. How can this be? And Allah Almighty saying: (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Ar-rijaal qawaamoon `ala an-nisaa, Men are protectors and maintainers of women. (4:34) Haqq! Why are they not doing this? (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Ar-rijaal qawaamoon `ala an-nisa`. Where are you, our Salafi `ulamas? What is your position on this issue? How many points are the heavenly ones making to remind you? Perhaps it is going to be one-thousand such special warnings coming, coming, coming, but I am not hearing you accept that truth and then going on true ways, as Prophet (s) is saying, “O my nation! The true way is only one way, but the way which goes on the left hand are wrong ways.” Prophet (s) is on the true way, and wa man tabi`nee, "And those who follow me." Those who run to follow Sahaabi 'l-kiram are on the true way and others are finished on the wrong way, and their ways must be changed! If Muslims are asking to be granted heavenly honor, they must come on the true way. If they are going left and right, finished, no more honor, no more goodness in their lives, no more pleasure and no more honor for them. May Allah forgive us. O our Attenders! As-salaamu 'alaykum. You are running to make your egos, your chairman, happy. You are saying, "O Shaykh, how are you saying that? Our chairman is our ego? How are we fighting against our chairman?" Beware, I am putting your chairman under my feet to save you! An-nafsu 'l-ammaaratan bi 's- soow. We are beginning now some heavenly centers to save Ummat al-Habeeb from the hegemony of nafs, hawaa, Shaytan and dunya. May Allah forgive us! O People! Don't be angry, for if you are going to be angry, don't send me money, food, rice, or sheep (for barakah) because it doesn't matter, Allah (swt) will send to me; I am not looking to you for anything. But I must say the holy command, wa dhakkir, “And remind!” I am reminding people, so who is accepting accepts this reminder. I am not asking any ajar, reward, payment or salary. Yes, I am a free one, trying to make my ego under my command, to make my real being to be on that chair as the real chairman, under the holy command of spiritual power! Spirituality is going to take people up, and egoistic desires are taking people down in dark levels and dark places of Earth. May Allah forgive us for the honor of Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s). (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:22:23
4780 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsYourChairmanYourEgo
Fatihah. (Mawlana Shaykh prays two rakaat Salat ash-Shukr) Fatihah. (45 minutes) If they are not coming to listen, I am making their chairmen under my feet, with my ego also! (Mawlana Shaykh laughs) People are running to change chairmen in governments. Why are they not making that? Fighting in the east to west. Why are you not making that true one to be your chairman? Lefke, 14.07.2010
WebSufiLive, CategoryGuidance, CategoryHadith, CategoryMuslimNation, CategoryEgo (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:22:23
4781 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IWasAHiddenTreasure
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : IWasAHiddenTreasure
"I Was a Hidden Treasure"
(Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Madad, yaa RijaalAllah. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar la ilaaha illa-Llah, la ilaaha illa-Llah, la ilaaha illa-Llah! Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahi ‘l- hamd! Nahnu `abeeduka, Rabbuna. All praising and all honor on the most honored one, Sayyidina Muhammad (s). O our Lord, give him more and more from Your Glory Oceans. You are only One. You are our Creator. Grant to Your representative, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), all glory and honor that You are granting to Your creatures. Dastoor yaa Sayyidee, yaa Sultan ‘l-Awliya, madad, madad. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) O People! No car or plane or any other moving instrument is working without petrol. Therefore, now we must