Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (333/777)
nicht meine Worte, sondern die Worte Allahs (awj). O Herr, vergib mir auch. Ya Rabb. Waghfu anni Waghfirli Warhamni wa Tub `alayk wa `ala Kullu Ghafilin ya Rabbi. Mögest Du uns den Imam senden, den Sultan, der uns aufweckt. Diese Worte werden mit der Barakah von Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim gesagt. Bedenkt das. Sonst werdet ihr den Ramadan nicht erreichen. Fatiha. (14 von 15)04.07.2013 23:22:07
4687 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamicConstitution
Lefke, 02.03.2013
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryIslam, CategoryLaw (15 von 15)04.07.2013 23:22:07
4688 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamicFlagHasNoSword
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : IslamicFlagHasNoSword
The Islamic Flag has no Sword
Why have the Saudis put a sword on their flag? The Islamic flag should have "La illaha il'la'Llah, Muhammad rasul Allah" written on it, not a sword! They only do this to make people fear Islam. Why? We do not accept it! Put a crescent in the four corners, the moon and a star. But not a sword! They want others to say that we want to force them with the sword, that Islam is spread by the sword. That is what they claim, and say that Christianity has no sword. Even though Christians are using every kind of weapon. At the same time they blame us for using a sword. Yes, in the beginning the followers of Jesus Christ* did not use swords, but then they started to use anything to kill people. This is important to know. 01.01.1997
BookPureHearts, CategoryChristianity, CategorySaudiArabia, CategoryWeapon 23:22:08
4689 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamicGovernment
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : IslamicGovernment
Without a Sultan there is no such thing as an Islamic government. There is no democracy in Islam. There must be a Sultan for every Islamic country and a Calipha for all Islamic countries. Without having a Sultan, a country cannot call itself Islamic. When the children of Israel came to Allah and asked Him for permission to fight against Shaitan, Allah told them that first they must have a King. Not a President, a King! Power must be in one hand. Not like in a democracy where everybody thinks that they must have power. Even educated people within Islam, who are now claiming that we should have Islamic states, do not know the first condition: that we must have a Sultan. They are running after parliaments, and these parliaments are Jewish tricks to put Islam down. There is no such thing as parliaments in Islam. A Sultan has a Grandwezir and 7 Wezirs appointed for his consultation. The Sultan chooses his own people for this. It is not the people from the market who send their people to advise him. No! This has never happened in Islam, right from the beginning there were never people sent from the market to advise the Sultan. That is the difference between Islam and unbelief. The system of the unbelievers are bringing people from the market, from the feet, to advise. But Islam brings the people from the head. Do you think that (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:22:09
4690 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamicGovernment
Sayidina Abu Bakr let other people choose the ones who were to advise him? No! He chose. Sayidina Omar too, he chose. Muhammad sws. chose his advisors from the top. Don't choose your people from the bottom, choose them from the top! The people from the market know how to sell potatoes, tomatoes, noodles, shoes and clothes. That is what they know how to do and what they should do. They are all wrong. Iran is wrong. Afghanistan is wrong. Turkey is wrong. Wherever there is no King, the country is wrong. The Sultan is the one who should keep the power in his hands and who should give the order. Muhammad sws. said that after the Kings and Sultans there would be only tyrants and dictators. Now look everywhere. Beginning with Turkey. Wherever the Kings left, a dictator came and started giving trouble to the Muslims with his parliament. Why should we have parliaments? The parliaments in Europe were created to make rules and laws. We already have rules. Allah Almighty sent them. So why are you bringing these people to parliament? To make new rules? For what? We have the Sharia.The Sharia is ready. Why should we have parliaments? Non-muslims are having parliaments so that they can create new rules. But we have rules! All of this is to be able to cheat people better. The system of parliament, democracy, is a business system, so that people will get even more materialistic desires. When one party is in power they will fill their pockets as quickly as possible. Then they are kicked out and the next one gets a chance.Then they get kicked out and yet another one comes. Therefore everyone is very anxious to get to power. For what? For their egos. The first reason is to reach to fame, the next to fill their pockets. I've now heard that Muslims have even established a party here in England. They want the same... They want a share. A share of what? A share in the company of parliaments? Or in the parliament of companies? This Jewish trick started in 1789 and it is going on until today. Everything which has been ordered by Allah Almighty is being put down, by Christians as well as by Muslims. It began with the French Revolution and then step by step it reached every monarchy and put it down. That is what Muhammad sws. meant when he said that the feet would replace the heads. The honoured people have been put down and the low people have been put on top. May Allah forgive us and send us someone to change all of this back to the right way. Why are people cheated (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:22:09
4691 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamicGovernment
so easily into thinking that the democratical system is good? Why don't they realise that Allah Almighty has given them a theocratical system? Why do they think that the laws they make are better than the ones that Allah has sent to them? The Muslim world is sleeping. We need someone to come and tell us to wake up. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!" London - 08.05.1992
BookPowerOceansofLove, CategoryDemocracy, CategoryKing (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:22:09
4692 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamIsAliveAndComingWithPower
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : IslamIsAliveAndComingWithPower
Islam is alive and coming with power!
As-salamu alaikum! Eid Mubarak! Ashadu an la ilaha ill-Allah wa ashadu ana S.Muhammadun ‘abduhu wa Habibuhu wa Rasulullah. O people, we are saying: Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyi-l ‘Adhim. I was not thinking that I may be able to come for Eid praying. I was feeling that I am weak, but for the honour of this holy Day that Allah Almighty (is) giving His Forgiveness and Blessings to (the) Ummatu Muhammad, particularly on those) whom they are on Arafat and (whom they are) running through Muzdalifa up to Mina. (He is) giving to me also, from Allah Almighty Blessings (is) coming (and) I am feeling better. Therefore- I am only making a remembrance for something that it is granted to me tonight to say to you.O people through East and West, from North to South! Alive religion, living religion, (is) only Islam! I was looking last night and (I was) seeing people, how they are running from Arafat to Muzdalifa, saying: “Labbaik Allahumma labbaik! Labbaika, la sharika laka, labbaik! Inna-l hamda wa ni’mata, laka-l wa-l Mulk, la skarika lak!” They are running like rivers! They are (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:22:10
4693 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamIsAliveAndComingWithPower
saying that they are 3 million people running and coming. Then I was thinking (about) these 3 millions that they are able to come and visit. And then I was informed that if there was a chance for 30 million, what about? 3o million also was running! What about if can be granted, to be given a chance for 300 million Muslims to come to that holy place? What do you think? They should run also, full with respect and love, running 3oo million Muslims! What about, if it was going to be 3 billion people, Muslims, granted a chance to come to Arafat and Arafat (was) so big and (the) way so big? What do you think? 3 billion people, they are running to go there and to run! What about for you? Anyone given a chance and (he was) staying her? No! Subhanallah! Therefore, when I was looking last night – Subhanallahi ‘Aliyi-l ‘Adhim - it was an ocean of man, running rivers. These running rivers never tiring, never going to give... They are saying: “Labbaik Allahumma labbaik...” These words... O people, those mankind must think on it! What (they) must think on? Which Angel ‘tuharrik’, may (move them), or which one may be able to make millions of people to move from East to West, from West to East, from North to South, from South to North? Which they are coming, people, someone (is) paying them to come and visit that place and to run though deserts? Ya Hu, people, 21st century people, they lost their minds! They lost to think on it! They are drunken people! Think on it; you should find that Islam, that is (a) living religion, supported from Heavens! Heavenly Power (is) making whole people to run! (But these people are) never thinking! That Pope, why (is he) not thinking? That Patriarch, why (he is) not hinking? That Hakam Bashi, Rabbi, why (is he) not thinking? Where is their power? Christians, where is their power? O Jewish people, where is your power? O millions (of) Hindus-Mindus, where is your powers? We are here! ...? ... Where is your power, show! “Islam (is) coming! We are fearing that Islam (is) coming to Europe!” ‘Ghaman ala anfun’, against their will, Islam (is) coming! (It is) coming and covering from East to West, from North to South, over oceans, on continents! Even they are not happy, but (Islam is) coming! Alhamdulillah! That is (the) biggest reward, (the) biggest honour, (the) biggest glory for (a) Muslim, who can say: “I am Muslim! I like to be Muslim!” (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:22:10
4694 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamIsAliveAndComingWithPower
O people, hear, listen and come and obey the Holy Command of Heaven! May Allah bless us through this holy month, (through this) holy day! Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha illallah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahi-l hamd... Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha illallah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahi-l hamd... Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha illallah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahi-l hamd... We hope that (there) should be a new changing, a grant (?). (There is) coming power, more power for (the) Muslim world, for Muslims, and (the) satanic Sultanate (is) going to be under my feet! Fatiha! Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha illallah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahi-l hamd... Lefke, 8.12.2008 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel
BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryHajj (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:22:10
4695 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamIsComing2
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : IslamIsComing2
Islam Is Coming
H.F. Marhaban. M. You are reciting Yasin al-Sharif? AlHamdulillah wa Shukru Lillah, wa al-Karamu wa al- Afuww min Rabbina Jalla wa Ala. O our Lord! You Are Subhan, You are Sultan Ya Rabbana. You are our Lord. Even if we stood to glorify till the Day of Judgement, still it is nothing, O our Beautiful Allah. Today is the day that celebrations for our Great Prophet's (sas) holy birth take place. The Earths & Heavens are decorated. Subhan Allah Sultan Allah. Ahlan wa Sahlan. Welcome to you, you came with goodness. We may say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. "Whosoever remembers the Name of Allah in the first place, Allah Dhul Jalal makes everything easy for him. Whosoever remembers the Name of Allah in the first place, Allah makes everything easy for him". Jalla Jalaluhu, Jalla Jalaluhu Jallat 'Azamatuhu. Shukur Allah that He (swt) made us wake up from our sleep. Sleep is half death. The soul is taken and held. Then when you open your eyes, the soul comes back to the body. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. Subhan Allah Sultan Allah. O our Lord. We are nothing in front of Your Glory & Greatness. Welcome to you, O listeners. Welcome to you, O who want to hear the word of Allah, O who want to learn the way of Allah, welcome to you. Ahlan wa Sahlan. How beautiful. Our Lord Almighty sends the angels who will wake us up from sleep. Angels wake us up. He(swt) doesn't give sarmadi (eternal) sleep & doesn't give eternal wakefulness. Man sleeps, rests & also wakes up, makes service. How beautiful is the arrangement of our Lord Almighty, the lifestyle that He (swt) teaches us. It is beyond imagination. It is very precise. You are Subhan O Lord! (1 von 16)04.07.2013 23:22:12
4696 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamIsComing2
Therefore, when you open your eyes say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. O our Lord, labbayk! Here I am, at Your service O our Lord. You woke us up, here we are O Lord. We show high respect for Your order. We put Your order in the highest place, O our Lord. You are Subhan, You are Sultan. We believe in You, You are Who created us. May our day, our lives be beautiful. May we live for You. We are not 4-legged animals. We are the ashraf al-mahluq, the most honoured one among the creation of Allah. Even more honoured than the angels, because He (swt) ordered the angels "Prostrate before Adam!" But what can we say? What is the attribute of today's man? He doesn't know to say the Bismillah. May we remember the Name of Allah first. The seal of every action is the Bismillah. Seal your life when you wake up. Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. But we fell into such a time that.. The old ones would say like this- "The time has become the end of times. Ignorance has covered the whole world. If you ask them, they don't even know the meaning of faith". Man is putting himself into the category of animals. But we are the honoured creation. Allah Almighty granted honour that He (swt) didn't grant the angels for the children of Adam- the Divine Honouring. Shukur Allah, Allah... Know this! Don't play! What do the people of this time know? Ignorance has covered the world. If asked they won't know the meaning of faith. Cats know what they should do: They catch mice. Dogs, bark & scare. Donkeys know that they will be ridden. Mules know that they will be loaded. Horses know that honourable men will ride them. Therefore "O Shah of the courageous men! (Shah al-Mardan) Step into the stirrup of the horse like a man!" When the Sultan came to the mounting stone the soldiers that are present there glorify the Sultan who is going for war. "O Shah al-Mardan! Step into the stirrup of the horse firmly". Step into the stirrup like a man!" And Sultan would jump on it like this & draw his sword. This honour was for us! Now shaytan corrupted & dishonoured the people, whole mankind. "O Shah al-Mardan, o our Sultan who is the greatest of the brave men. Step into the stirrup of the horse firmly, like a man!" When they said like this, he would jump on it like a lion. The ones now sit in such seats..So high seats that if they were to fall on their heads it could kill them. They sit in big seats. "Chairs are (2 von 16)04.07.2013 23:22:12
4697 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamIsComing2
not enough for them?" "How can it be?" Chairs would not be enough? May it fall on their heads! "How can it be chair for men like us? We need seats". "But your seat is too big". "Of course, it has to be a seat according to my title, can't be a chair". Your rank is not with the seat you sit on! It can't be with your seat. The value of who considers himself great with his seat is like what comes out from his bottom. He has no value. Be aware of your honour. "We granted the children of Adam such an honour that We did not grant it to any other creation". He (swt) says "I give mankind such a rank that no angel, no any other creation received such a rank". You are Subhan O Lord. You are Sultan. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. It is Your Sultanate O Lord. With what thing does one receive the Sultanate You granted in dunya? The Sultanate is granted to who says Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim. "Step into the stirrup of the horse like a man!" And he would jump on it saying Bismillah. When he drew his sword, all the soldiers would applaud. He would ride as if flying. The unbelievers would ask "Who is the commander of the soldiers coming?" "This Pasha, that Pasha.." "Ok, no harm then. We may go to war. We can fight". "Who is coming with the soldiers? Is the Sultan with them?" When they are told that the Sultan is with them their strength & power would be gone. Allah Dhul Jalal granted the Sultan such a majesty. "Step into the stirrup of the horse like a man, like the brave ones! March!" The Sultan would ride in the front like the wind. When it is said "There is the Sultan" the unbelievers would already be so overwhelmed with fear. For the armies that don't have a Sultan but only Pashas, they would say "Ok, no harm. We may go to war". When they heard that the Sultan is with them they would say "it is very difficult for us". He (swt) dressed majesty on the Sultan. President, prime minister, head minister, bottom minister.. All invented titles. These have no value. "As-Sultan Dhillullahi filard" When they said "Sultan" Allah Almighty dressed on him such a majesty the whole world would tremble. What can we do? This time "Ignorance has covered the world. If you ask they won't know the meaning of faith". They say "What is faith?" Donkeys like you who say this can't know what faith is. You became a donkey, animal to shaytan & ask on top of it "what is iman"? Go & ask who made you a donkey. (3 von 16)04.07.2013 23:22:12
4698 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamIsComing2
All of them are imitated titles. The real title, the real title is the title of Sultan- Sultan. Sultan- Allah Almighty granted him from His Holy Name. Allah Almighty did not say for Himself "The President" but said Sultan- the Absolute Sultan. Allah Almighty grants Sultanate as well as dominions for whoever He likes. "Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Our army is always victorious. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim". When he drew his sword & marched the seven unbelieving nations of Europe would tremble. "The Ottomans are coming!" They ask "Is the Sultan with them?" When they heard that Sultan is with them they would fear & say "it will be very difficult". "No, the Sadrazam or another Pasha comes on behalf of the Sultan" they would then say "we can meet them". But when it is said that "The Sultan is coming with his soldiers". they would fear. Look at the majesty of the Sultanate, yet we were ignorant & kicked our Sultan, our Sultan who ruled the whole world, out of their own state which they conquered with their own swords. What authority did we have? We fell into this situation. We fell into this situation. May Allah send us a Sultan. He (swt) says "I will send. For the honour of my Beloved, I will". O Beloved of Allah. Shukur that your name is remembered, whole Islamic World takes pride in your Mawlid al-Sharif. And in the whole world also, who knows him is proud. What a Sultanate is this, that an orphan child carries 3 billion men in the world behind him. Then think on this! But there is no one who thinks. Who thinks is man & who doesn't think is animal. O Glorious Prophet, forgive us. We couldn't keep the respect & glory for you as we should. We couldn't show the necessary love & respect, What we showed is not even a speck. Your glory is remembered in the 7 Heavens, your name is remembered as Habibu Rabbil Alamin! The Beloved of the Lord of the Worlds. of whom He(swt) says "If it wasn't for you, I would not create this universe". The Prophet (sas) came with such a glory. He didn't sit in a seat. He didn't sit in a seat & say "I am this, I am that". Who made the wild mankind tamed & disciplined, who taught adab for the ones that are beyond adab, who collected & ordered those that ran away from servanthood & prefer to be animals to shaytan & make them prostrate in the Presence of Al-Bari is the Great Prophet (sas). May it be mubarak! O Glorious Prophet! Make us to be forgiven. Send us a Sultan. (4 von 16)04.07.2013 23:22:12
4699 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamIsComing2
We are left without a Sultan & we are left without faith. We are left without a Sultan & we are left without any strength & turned into empty sheathes. There are no full sheathes now, all straw. All straw, it has no grain. Straw is for animals, grain is for men. They leave the grain & run after straw. They call it the 21st century. Allah Almighty knows which century it is. Their fight is this "You vs me". "Get off & I will get on". "You get off & I get on". Shaytan ridiculed mankind with this "you vs me" fight. We threw off the Sultanate rank He(swt) dressed on us. And for that dirty, cheap dress-not even a showy dress- that shaytan dresses the whole world rushes to take it & put it on. This is the claim of Russia, of the US, of the Turks, of the Arabs, of the Americans, of the British.. They have no other thing to worry about. "We should wear this lousy dress on us". And once they wear, they get itchy- they always want to itch. And on top of this, the flies rush on them. They have no brush to repel them. But they have tails, they do like this with their tail.. Shaytan dishonoured, humiliated mankind like this. Allah Almighty (jwa) glorified us- The rank of glorify. The Great Angels said "Why did You not grant this to us instead, O our Lord? You created Adam & granted him the Caliphate". "I am Your Lord Who does as He likes, as He wishes. Don't ask Me this but ask Adam.." There is no one who teaches or make the people believe in these things; neither our hojas nor our hajjis know this. Shame on us. Our schools are not maktabs anymore but they are mental houses that train donkeys, meaning this high education. We studied, then? The people become crazy ones in the mental houses. What is it that we call the crazy ones in mental the house? "I will be number one, I will be on the top.." He can't be anything. A person who doesn't know his Lord cannot be anything, cannot have any value. Therefore they will be thrown into fire: You didn't know Your Lord. You ate from His provisions then you disrespected the blessing. You didn't say once "Bismillahir-Rahmani r-Rahim. O our Lord Who created us, We are Your servants. We are at Your door. May You have Mercy on us. You are Who grants our provision & You are the One Who orders. May we be as You want. O Lord, may You send us Your servants who will train us". And He (swt) sent. Not only this world but even if it is 70 worlds like this, the Beloved (sas) can (5 von 16)04.07.2013 23:22:12
4700 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamIsComing2
train them. They say "His birth is celebrated"- the Owner of the Mawlid Al-Sharif is our Prophet (sas). He has the power, the majesty, the greatness to train not only this world but 70 worlds. He has honour in the sight of Allah. Who follow him are honoured. There is no honour for who doesn't follow him, they will fight each other. They don't say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. They say 'nature', they say all different imitated words. May they be destroyed with their 'nature'! They can't say "Allah created". They say "Nature created us". Therefore they don't find any goodness. What will save us from this ignorance..? O Lord, Your Divine Grants are for Your Beloved. May You send us an atom from the adab, knowledge & hilm/softness oceans of Your Beloved that we may appreciate him. We should appreciate the one who informs us about You, we can't know You without knowing him. Then let us say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. The Bismillah is a sword. If it strikes, they can have no missile or museum. O our Lord, shukur to You. May You forgive us O Allah. We are weak O Lord. Qawwi dha'fana fi ridaq. May You make our weakness go away with this O Lord. Send us a Sultan that he may teach us. We are left in the hands of shaytans. We have no Sultan. Send us a Sultan O Malik al-Muluk. Our Lord Who is the Absolute Master of the Earths, Heavens, Mulk & Malakut- send us a Sultan. And we defeat the shaytan, save those who follow him. You dressed the dress of honour & glory on the children of Adam. May we keep that honour of the servanthood Ya Rabbana, You know. We are helpless O Lord. We are helpless O Lord. We are helpless O Lord... Mankind trembles in fear because of an unseen virus but does not take care for Allah Dhul Jalal. Ignorance covered the universe. The whole world is ignorant. They don't know Who created them & don't want to know either. If you ask them, they won't know the meaning of faith. They say "What faith?" "Astonishing, have you not heard of faith before?" "No, I haven't". Your shaytan bridled you all right & got on your neck. Your shaytan made you reject your humanity. May Allah make us far away from following our ego. O Glorious Prophet! May you send us a Sultan from our Lord. That our sword..Your sword, O Sayyid al Awwalin wal Akhirin, O Beloved, your sword can reach from East to West. Your (6 von 16)04.07.2013 23:22:12
4701 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamIsComing2
honour is not with making fireworks show in the sky. We are not Christians. They show their religion with the fireworks in sky. It has no value, they disappear immediately. We want the stable stars, suns. We want the universe. We want to make our service in the Dominions of our Lord. O our Lord, tubna wa raja'na ilayk. Mubarak the Mawlid al-Sharif of the Great Prophet (sas). Insha Allah starting from today, men who will give strength for Islam will appear. Starting from today, the manifestation will change. Starting from today, peoples' hearts will turn to Islam, will turn to the servanthood of Allah. Shaytan will be defeated! Shaytan & his supporters can't be victorious. Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Draw the sword of Haqq & have no fear. Think! A 7 year old respectable one, a child in the middle of the deserts, who is an oprhan-who lost both his mother & father, appeared & is now ruling on earth. But who runs away without accepting his rule will fall into troubles. This world will see it, they will return to the way of Allah's Beloved to whom He granted His Sultanate. They will leave shaytan's doings. Who won't leave will be wiped out. Dunya will be cleaned. Watch out, starting from today everything will turn to the way of that Prophet of the End of times. It will be enforced. Otherwise they will be whipped. Tawba Ya Rabbi, Tawba Ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Shukur Ya Rabbi, shukur Ya Rabbi, shukur Alhamdulillah. I am old but I want from our Lord to keep the way of His Beloved, drawing the sword! I want to be with those who gird them- selves with swords from the Heavens. I want to move away from
nicht meine Worte, sondern die Worte Allahs (awj). O Herr, vergib mir auch. Ya Rabb. Waghfu anni Waghfirli Warhamni wa Tub `alayk wa `ala Kullu Ghafilin ya Rabbi. Mögest Du uns den Imam senden, den Sultan, der uns aufweckt. Diese Worte werden mit der Barakah von Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim gesagt. Bedenkt das. Sonst werdet ihr den Ramadan nicht erreichen. Fatiha. (14 von 15)04.07.2013 23:22:07
4687 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamicConstitution
Lefke, 02.03.2013
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryIslam, CategoryLaw (15 von 15)04.07.2013 23:22:07
4688 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamicFlagHasNoSword
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : IslamicFlagHasNoSword
The Islamic Flag has no Sword
Why have the Saudis put a sword on their flag? The Islamic flag should have "La illaha il'la'Llah, Muhammad rasul Allah" written on it, not a sword! They only do this to make people fear Islam. Why? We do not accept it! Put a crescent in the four corners, the moon and a star. But not a sword! They want others to say that we want to force them with the sword, that Islam is spread by the sword. That is what they claim, and say that Christianity has no sword. Even though Christians are using every kind of weapon. At the same time they blame us for using a sword. Yes, in the beginning the followers of Jesus Christ* did not use swords, but then they started to use anything to kill people. This is important to know. 01.01.1997
BookPureHearts, CategoryChristianity, CategorySaudiArabia, CategoryWeapon 23:22:08
4689 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamicGovernment
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : IslamicGovernment
Without a Sultan there is no such thing as an Islamic government. There is no democracy in Islam. There must be a Sultan for every Islamic country and a Calipha for all Islamic countries. Without having a Sultan, a country cannot call itself Islamic. When the children of Israel came to Allah and asked Him for permission to fight against Shaitan, Allah told them that first they must have a King. Not a President, a King! Power must be in one hand. Not like in a democracy where everybody thinks that they must have power. Even educated people within Islam, who are now claiming that we should have Islamic states, do not know the first condition: that we must have a Sultan. They are running after parliaments, and these parliaments are Jewish tricks to put Islam down. There is no such thing as parliaments in Islam. A Sultan has a Grandwezir and 7 Wezirs appointed for his consultation. The Sultan chooses his own people for this. It is not the people from the market who send their people to advise him. No! This has never happened in Islam, right from the beginning there were never people sent from the market to advise the Sultan. That is the difference between Islam and unbelief. The system of the unbelievers are bringing people from the market, from the feet, to advise. But Islam brings the people from the head. Do you think that (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:22:09
4690 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamicGovernment
Sayidina Abu Bakr let other people choose the ones who were to advise him? No! He chose. Sayidina Omar too, he chose. Muhammad sws. chose his advisors from the top. Don't choose your people from the bottom, choose them from the top! The people from the market know how to sell potatoes, tomatoes, noodles, shoes and clothes. That is what they know how to do and what they should do. They are all wrong. Iran is wrong. Afghanistan is wrong. Turkey is wrong. Wherever there is no King, the country is wrong. The Sultan is the one who should keep the power in his hands and who should give the order. Muhammad sws. said that after the Kings and Sultans there would be only tyrants and dictators. Now look everywhere. Beginning with Turkey. Wherever the Kings left, a dictator came and started giving trouble to the Muslims with his parliament. Why should we have parliaments? The parliaments in Europe were created to make rules and laws. We already have rules. Allah Almighty sent them. So why are you bringing these people to parliament? To make new rules? For what? We have the Sharia.The Sharia is ready. Why should we have parliaments? Non-muslims are having parliaments so that they can create new rules. But we have rules! All of this is to be able to cheat people better. The system of parliament, democracy, is a business system, so that people will get even more materialistic desires. When one party is in power they will fill their pockets as quickly as possible. Then they are kicked out and the next one gets a chance.Then they get kicked out and yet another one comes. Therefore everyone is very anxious to get to power. For what? For their egos. The first reason is to reach to fame, the next to fill their pockets. I've now heard that Muslims have even established a party here in England. They want the same... They want a share. A share of what? A share in the company of parliaments? Or in the parliament of companies? This Jewish trick started in 1789 and it is going on until today. Everything which has been ordered by Allah Almighty is being put down, by Christians as well as by Muslims. It began with the French Revolution and then step by step it reached every monarchy and put it down. That is what Muhammad sws. meant when he said that the feet would replace the heads. The honoured people have been put down and the low people have been put on top. May Allah forgive us and send us someone to change all of this back to the right way. Why are people cheated (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:22:09
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so easily into thinking that the democratical system is good? Why don't they realise that Allah Almighty has given them a theocratical system? Why do they think that the laws they make are better than the ones that Allah has sent to them? The Muslim world is sleeping. We need someone to come and tell us to wake up. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!" London - 08.05.1992
BookPowerOceansofLove, CategoryDemocracy, CategoryKing (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:22:09
4692 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamIsAliveAndComingWithPower
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : IslamIsAliveAndComingWithPower
Islam is alive and coming with power!
As-salamu alaikum! Eid Mubarak! Ashadu an la ilaha ill-Allah wa ashadu ana S.Muhammadun ‘abduhu wa Habibuhu wa Rasulullah. O people, we are saying: Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyi-l ‘Adhim. I was not thinking that I may be able to come for Eid praying. I was feeling that I am weak, but for the honour of this holy Day that Allah Almighty (is) giving His Forgiveness and Blessings to (the) Ummatu Muhammad, particularly on those) whom they are on Arafat and (whom they are) running through Muzdalifa up to Mina. (He is) giving to me also, from Allah Almighty Blessings (is) coming (and) I am feeling better. Therefore- I am only making a remembrance for something that it is granted to me tonight to say to you.O people through East and West, from North to South! Alive religion, living religion, (is) only Islam! I was looking last night and (I was) seeing people, how they are running from Arafat to Muzdalifa, saying: “Labbaik Allahumma labbaik! Labbaika, la sharika laka, labbaik! Inna-l hamda wa ni’mata, laka-l wa-l Mulk, la skarika lak!” They are running like rivers! They are (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:22:10
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saying that they are 3 million people running and coming. Then I was thinking (about) these 3 millions that they are able to come and visit. And then I was informed that if there was a chance for 30 million, what about? 3o million also was running! What about if can be granted, to be given a chance for 300 million Muslims to come to that holy place? What do you think? They should run also, full with respect and love, running 3oo million Muslims! What about, if it was going to be 3 billion people, Muslims, granted a chance to come to Arafat and Arafat (was) so big and (the) way so big? What do you think? 3 billion people, they are running to go there and to run! What about for you? Anyone given a chance and (he was) staying her? No! Subhanallah! Therefore, when I was looking last night – Subhanallahi ‘Aliyi-l ‘Adhim - it was an ocean of man, running rivers. These running rivers never tiring, never going to give... They are saying: “Labbaik Allahumma labbaik...” These words... O people, those mankind must think on it! What (they) must think on? Which Angel ‘tuharrik’, may (move them), or which one may be able to make millions of people to move from East to West, from West to East, from North to South, from South to North? Which they are coming, people, someone (is) paying them to come and visit that place and to run though deserts? Ya Hu, people, 21st century people, they lost their minds! They lost to think on it! They are drunken people! Think on it; you should find that Islam, that is (a) living religion, supported from Heavens! Heavenly Power (is) making whole people to run! (But these people are) never thinking! That Pope, why (is he) not thinking? That Patriarch, why (he is) not hinking? That Hakam Bashi, Rabbi, why (is he) not thinking? Where is their power? Christians, where is their power? O Jewish people, where is your power? O millions (of) Hindus-Mindus, where is your powers? We are here! ...? ... Where is your power, show! “Islam (is) coming! We are fearing that Islam (is) coming to Europe!” ‘Ghaman ala anfun’, against their will, Islam (is) coming! (It is) coming and covering from East to West, from North to South, over oceans, on continents! Even they are not happy, but (Islam is) coming! Alhamdulillah! That is (the) biggest reward, (the) biggest honour, (the) biggest glory for (a) Muslim, who can say: “I am Muslim! I like to be Muslim!” (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:22:10
4694 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamIsAliveAndComingWithPower
O people, hear, listen and come and obey the Holy Command of Heaven! May Allah bless us through this holy month, (through this) holy day! Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha illallah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahi-l hamd... Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha illallah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahi-l hamd... Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha illallah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahi-l hamd... We hope that (there) should be a new changing, a grant (?). (There is) coming power, more power for (the) Muslim world, for Muslims, and (the) satanic Sultanate (is) going to be under my feet! Fatiha! Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha illallah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahi-l hamd... Lefke, 8.12.2008 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel
BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryHajj (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:22:10
4695 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamIsComing2
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : IslamIsComing2
Islam Is Coming
H.F. Marhaban. M. You are reciting Yasin al-Sharif? AlHamdulillah wa Shukru Lillah, wa al-Karamu wa al- Afuww min Rabbina Jalla wa Ala. O our Lord! You Are Subhan, You are Sultan Ya Rabbana. You are our Lord. Even if we stood to glorify till the Day of Judgement, still it is nothing, O our Beautiful Allah. Today is the day that celebrations for our Great Prophet's (sas) holy birth take place. The Earths & Heavens are decorated. Subhan Allah Sultan Allah. Ahlan wa Sahlan. Welcome to you, you came with goodness. We may say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. "Whosoever remembers the Name of Allah in the first place, Allah Dhul Jalal makes everything easy for him. Whosoever remembers the Name of Allah in the first place, Allah makes everything easy for him". Jalla Jalaluhu, Jalla Jalaluhu Jallat 'Azamatuhu. Shukur Allah that He (swt) made us wake up from our sleep. Sleep is half death. The soul is taken and held. Then when you open your eyes, the soul comes back to the body. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. Subhan Allah Sultan Allah. O our Lord. We are nothing in front of Your Glory & Greatness. Welcome to you, O listeners. Welcome to you, O who want to hear the word of Allah, O who want to learn the way of Allah, welcome to you. Ahlan wa Sahlan. How beautiful. Our Lord Almighty sends the angels who will wake us up from sleep. Angels wake us up. He(swt) doesn't give sarmadi (eternal) sleep & doesn't give eternal wakefulness. Man sleeps, rests & also wakes up, makes service. How beautiful is the arrangement of our Lord Almighty, the lifestyle that He (swt) teaches us. It is beyond imagination. It is very precise. You are Subhan O Lord! (1 von 16)04.07.2013 23:22:12
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Therefore, when you open your eyes say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. O our Lord, labbayk! Here I am, at Your service O our Lord. You woke us up, here we are O Lord. We show high respect for Your order. We put Your order in the highest place, O our Lord. You are Subhan, You are Sultan. We believe in You, You are Who created us. May our day, our lives be beautiful. May we live for You. We are not 4-legged animals. We are the ashraf al-mahluq, the most honoured one among the creation of Allah. Even more honoured than the angels, because He (swt) ordered the angels "Prostrate before Adam!" But what can we say? What is the attribute of today's man? He doesn't know to say the Bismillah. May we remember the Name of Allah first. The seal of every action is the Bismillah. Seal your life when you wake up. Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. But we fell into such a time that.. The old ones would say like this- "The time has become the end of times. Ignorance has covered the whole world. If you ask them, they don't even know the meaning of faith". Man is putting himself into the category of animals. But we are the honoured creation. Allah Almighty granted honour that He (swt) didn't grant the angels for the children of Adam- the Divine Honouring. Shukur Allah, Allah... Know this! Don't play! What do the people of this time know? Ignorance has covered the world. If asked they won't know the meaning of faith. Cats know what they should do: They catch mice. Dogs, bark & scare. Donkeys know that they will be ridden. Mules know that they will be loaded. Horses know that honourable men will ride them. Therefore "O Shah of the courageous men! (Shah al-Mardan) Step into the stirrup of the horse like a man!" When the Sultan came to the mounting stone the soldiers that are present there glorify the Sultan who is going for war. "O Shah al-Mardan! Step into the stirrup of the horse firmly". Step into the stirrup like a man!" And Sultan would jump on it like this & draw his sword. This honour was for us! Now shaytan corrupted & dishonoured the people, whole mankind. "O Shah al-Mardan, o our Sultan who is the greatest of the brave men. Step into the stirrup of the horse firmly, like a man!" When they said like this, he would jump on it like a lion. The ones now sit in such seats..So high seats that if they were to fall on their heads it could kill them. They sit in big seats. "Chairs are (2 von 16)04.07.2013 23:22:12
4697 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamIsComing2
not enough for them?" "How can it be?" Chairs would not be enough? May it fall on their heads! "How can it be chair for men like us? We need seats". "But your seat is too big". "Of course, it has to be a seat according to my title, can't be a chair". Your rank is not with the seat you sit on! It can't be with your seat. The value of who considers himself great with his seat is like what comes out from his bottom. He has no value. Be aware of your honour. "We granted the children of Adam such an honour that We did not grant it to any other creation". He (swt) says "I give mankind such a rank that no angel, no any other creation received such a rank". You are Subhan O Lord. You are Sultan. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. It is Your Sultanate O Lord. With what thing does one receive the Sultanate You granted in dunya? The Sultanate is granted to who says Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim. "Step into the stirrup of the horse like a man!" And he would jump on it saying Bismillah. When he drew his sword, all the soldiers would applaud. He would ride as if flying. The unbelievers would ask "Who is the commander of the soldiers coming?" "This Pasha, that Pasha.." "Ok, no harm then. We may go to war. We can fight". "Who is coming with the soldiers? Is the Sultan with them?" When they are told that the Sultan is with them their strength & power would be gone. Allah Dhul Jalal granted the Sultan such a majesty. "Step into the stirrup of the horse like a man, like the brave ones! March!" The Sultan would ride in the front like the wind. When it is said "There is the Sultan" the unbelievers would already be so overwhelmed with fear. For the armies that don't have a Sultan but only Pashas, they would say "Ok, no harm. We may go to war". When they heard that the Sultan is with them they would say "it is very difficult for us". He (swt) dressed majesty on the Sultan. President, prime minister, head minister, bottom minister.. All invented titles. These have no value. "As-Sultan Dhillullahi filard" When they said "Sultan" Allah Almighty dressed on him such a majesty the whole world would tremble. What can we do? This time "Ignorance has covered the world. If you ask they won't know the meaning of faith". They say "What is faith?" Donkeys like you who say this can't know what faith is. You became a donkey, animal to shaytan & ask on top of it "what is iman"? Go & ask who made you a donkey. (3 von 16)04.07.2013 23:22:12
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All of them are imitated titles. The real title, the real title is the title of Sultan- Sultan. Sultan- Allah Almighty granted him from His Holy Name. Allah Almighty did not say for Himself "The President" but said Sultan- the Absolute Sultan. Allah Almighty grants Sultanate as well as dominions for whoever He likes. "Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Our army is always victorious. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim". When he drew his sword & marched the seven unbelieving nations of Europe would tremble. "The Ottomans are coming!" They ask "Is the Sultan with them?" When they heard that Sultan is with them they would fear & say "it will be very difficult". "No, the Sadrazam or another Pasha comes on behalf of the Sultan" they would then say "we can meet them". But when it is said that "The Sultan is coming with his soldiers". they would fear. Look at the majesty of the Sultanate, yet we were ignorant & kicked our Sultan, our Sultan who ruled the whole world, out of their own state which they conquered with their own swords. What authority did we have? We fell into this situation. We fell into this situation. May Allah send us a Sultan. He (swt) says "I will send. For the honour of my Beloved, I will". O Beloved of Allah. Shukur that your name is remembered, whole Islamic World takes pride in your Mawlid al-Sharif. And in the whole world also, who knows him is proud. What a Sultanate is this, that an orphan child carries 3 billion men in the world behind him. Then think on this! But there is no one who thinks. Who thinks is man & who doesn't think is animal. O Glorious Prophet, forgive us. We couldn't keep the respect & glory for you as we should. We couldn't show the necessary love & respect, What we showed is not even a speck. Your glory is remembered in the 7 Heavens, your name is remembered as Habibu Rabbil Alamin! The Beloved of the Lord of the Worlds. of whom He(swt) says "If it wasn't for you, I would not create this universe". The Prophet (sas) came with such a glory. He didn't sit in a seat. He didn't sit in a seat & say "I am this, I am that". Who made the wild mankind tamed & disciplined, who taught adab for the ones that are beyond adab, who collected & ordered those that ran away from servanthood & prefer to be animals to shaytan & make them prostrate in the Presence of Al-Bari is the Great Prophet (sas). May it be mubarak! O Glorious Prophet! Make us to be forgiven. Send us a Sultan. (4 von 16)04.07.2013 23:22:12
4699 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamIsComing2
We are left without a Sultan & we are left without faith. We are left without a Sultan & we are left without any strength & turned into empty sheathes. There are no full sheathes now, all straw. All straw, it has no grain. Straw is for animals, grain is for men. They leave the grain & run after straw. They call it the 21st century. Allah Almighty knows which century it is. Their fight is this "You vs me". "Get off & I will get on". "You get off & I get on". Shaytan ridiculed mankind with this "you vs me" fight. We threw off the Sultanate rank He(swt) dressed on us. And for that dirty, cheap dress-not even a showy dress- that shaytan dresses the whole world rushes to take it & put it on. This is the claim of Russia, of the US, of the Turks, of the Arabs, of the Americans, of the British.. They have no other thing to worry about. "We should wear this lousy dress on us". And once they wear, they get itchy- they always want to itch. And on top of this, the flies rush on them. They have no brush to repel them. But they have tails, they do like this with their tail.. Shaytan dishonoured, humiliated mankind like this. Allah Almighty (jwa) glorified us- The rank of glorify. The Great Angels said "Why did You not grant this to us instead, O our Lord? You created Adam & granted him the Caliphate". "I am Your Lord Who does as He likes, as He wishes. Don't ask Me this but ask Adam.." There is no one who teaches or make the people believe in these things; neither our hojas nor our hajjis know this. Shame on us. Our schools are not maktabs anymore but they are mental houses that train donkeys, meaning this high education. We studied, then? The people become crazy ones in the mental houses. What is it that we call the crazy ones in mental the house? "I will be number one, I will be on the top.." He can't be anything. A person who doesn't know his Lord cannot be anything, cannot have any value. Therefore they will be thrown into fire: You didn't know Your Lord. You ate from His provisions then you disrespected the blessing. You didn't say once "Bismillahir-Rahmani r-Rahim. O our Lord Who created us, We are Your servants. We are at Your door. May You have Mercy on us. You are Who grants our provision & You are the One Who orders. May we be as You want. O Lord, may You send us Your servants who will train us". And He (swt) sent. Not only this world but even if it is 70 worlds like this, the Beloved (sas) can (5 von 16)04.07.2013 23:22:12
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train them. They say "His birth is celebrated"- the Owner of the Mawlid Al-Sharif is our Prophet (sas). He has the power, the majesty, the greatness to train not only this world but 70 worlds. He has honour in the sight of Allah. Who follow him are honoured. There is no honour for who doesn't follow him, they will fight each other. They don't say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. They say 'nature', they say all different imitated words. May they be destroyed with their 'nature'! They can't say "Allah created". They say "Nature created us". Therefore they don't find any goodness. What will save us from this ignorance..? O Lord, Your Divine Grants are for Your Beloved. May You send us an atom from the adab, knowledge & hilm/softness oceans of Your Beloved that we may appreciate him. We should appreciate the one who informs us about You, we can't know You without knowing him. Then let us say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. The Bismillah is a sword. If it strikes, they can have no missile or museum. O our Lord, shukur to You. May You forgive us O Allah. We are weak O Lord. Qawwi dha'fana fi ridaq. May You make our weakness go away with this O Lord. Send us a Sultan that he may teach us. We are left in the hands of shaytans. We have no Sultan. Send us a Sultan O Malik al-Muluk. Our Lord Who is the Absolute Master of the Earths, Heavens, Mulk & Malakut- send us a Sultan. And we defeat the shaytan, save those who follow him. You dressed the dress of honour & glory on the children of Adam. May we keep that honour of the servanthood Ya Rabbana, You know. We are helpless O Lord. We are helpless O Lord. We are helpless O Lord... Mankind trembles in fear because of an unseen virus but does not take care for Allah Dhul Jalal. Ignorance covered the universe. The whole world is ignorant. They don't know Who created them & don't want to know either. If you ask them, they won't know the meaning of faith. They say "What faith?" "Astonishing, have you not heard of faith before?" "No, I haven't". Your shaytan bridled you all right & got on your neck. Your shaytan made you reject your humanity. May Allah make us far away from following our ego. O Glorious Prophet! May you send us a Sultan from our Lord. That our sword..Your sword, O Sayyid al Awwalin wal Akhirin, O Beloved, your sword can reach from East to West. Your (6 von 16)04.07.2013 23:22:12
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honour is not with making fireworks show in the sky. We are not Christians. They show their religion with the fireworks in sky. It has no value, they disappear immediately. We want the stable stars, suns. We want the universe. We want to make our service in the Dominions of our Lord. O our Lord, tubna wa raja'na ilayk. Mubarak the Mawlid al-Sharif of the Great Prophet (sas). Insha Allah starting from today, men who will give strength for Islam will appear. Starting from today, the manifestation will change. Starting from today, peoples' hearts will turn to Islam, will turn to the servanthood of Allah. Shaytan will be defeated! Shaytan & his supporters can't be victorious. Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Draw the sword of Haqq & have no fear. Think! A 7 year old respectable one, a child in the middle of the deserts, who is an oprhan-who lost both his mother & father, appeared & is now ruling on earth. But who runs away without accepting his rule will fall into troubles. This world will see it, they will return to the way of Allah's Beloved to whom He granted His Sultanate. They will leave shaytan's doings. Who won't leave will be wiped out. Dunya will be cleaned. Watch out, starting from today everything will turn to the way of that Prophet of the End of times. It will be enforced. Otherwise they will be whipped. Tawba Ya Rabbi, Tawba Ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Shukur Ya Rabbi, shukur Ya Rabbi, shukur Alhamdulillah. I am old but I want from our Lord to keep the way of His Beloved, drawing the sword! I want to be with those who gird them- selves with swords from the Heavens. I want to move away from