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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (329/777)
im Grab, und ihnen wird befohlen, Kadaver zu essen. Hütet euch, o persische Brüder, die Glauben haben. Seid keine Schiiten! "Innama l-Mu'minuna Ikhwatun" (49:10) - Muslime sind Brüder und Schwestern, nicht Feinde. Ihr seid feindlich zu Muslimen. Ihr habt keine Zukunft. Das Schwert des 10. Imams wird euch treffen. Hütet euch! Sonst werdet ihr Kadaver im Grab finden. Iß diesen Kadaver! Ich kann nicht! Schlag! Du bist sonst hinter ihm hergelaufen. Sie werden die Form eines Hundes haben in ihren Gräbern. Die Situation im Grab ist anders. Besteigt nicht euere weltlichen Throne und sagt: Ich bin dies, ich bin das. Seid nicht ignorant und sagt: Ich habe Waffen, Flugzeuge. O Arhuntlar, Gelehrte Persiens, steht auf, sagt die Wahrheit, verbietet Unterdrückung oder ihr werdet in Schwierigkeiten sein. Viele Köpfe werden auf den Schwertern der Soldaten Mahdis (as) sein! Mahdi (as) ist der, der in Damaskus einzieht. Ihr könnt nicht hinein! Jene, die in die Irre gehen, können nicht nach Damaskus hinein. Jene, die sagen, Wir sind Schiiten, können nicht hinein oder sie regieren. Sham ist Kinanatullah - Allah heilig. Die Awliyyaullah dort scheinen zu schweigen, aber sie sind sehr zornig, die 40 Heiligen und Awliyyaullah von Damaskus. Der Befehl der Himmel ist: Wartet, laßt sie. Wenn ihre Unterdrückung die Grenzen überschreitet, kommen die Armeen der Himmel nach Damaskus herab, das Kinanatullah, Allahs sicherer, heiliger Ort, ist. Jene, die nahe kommen, werden erledigt. Wenn die Engel im ersten Himmel rufen: Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, nicht nötig, das Schwert zu ziehen. Sie werden umfallen. Der Islam ist kein Spiel. Das Urteil des Islam ist genau. O Arhuntlar, laßt uns euere Stimmen hören, sprecht! Sagt die Befehle Allahs (jj)! Befiehlt Allah euch, Muslime zu töten? Hasha! Hasha, thumma kalla! Ihr unterdrückt die schwachen und hilflosen (13 von 17)04.07.2013 23:21:57

4633 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsItNotTimeYet

Diener Allahs (jj), indem ihr Feuer auf sie herabregnen laßt. Möge der Feuerregen auf euch sein! Glaubt nicht, daß euere Schritte fest sind. Vulkane können von unter der Erde kommen, um zu verbrennen, wohin ihr tretet. Das Feuer, das zu entzünden Nimrod befahl, verbrannte ihn selbst. Ihr verbrennt im Feuer, das von der Göttlichen Mächtigkeit kommt. Hütet euch und meidet das Feuer! Mach weiter, Shah Mardan, dein Rat ist willkommen. O Heiliger, Shah Mardan, wie schön sind die Ratschläge, die du gibst! Wenn jemand widerspricht und sagt, diese Ratschläge sind falsch, möge er Rajab oder Ramadan nicht erreichen! Möge er das `Id nicht feiern. Unser Meister, Hz Ali, ist jetzt mit schwerer Majestät und Zorn bekleidet, und er ist mit Gerechtigkeit bekleidet. Er zog sein Schwert gegen die Unterdrücker, um die Unterdrückten zu schützen. Euer Weg ist falsch. Jene, die Alawiten und Schiiten genannt werden, sind auf dem falschen Weg. Sie haben den Weg Shah Mardans verlassen, und es wird ihnen nicht gefallen, was ihnen begegnen wird. Rajab kommt! Rajab, Rajabun Ajaibun. Sie werden von einer Seite angegriffen, die sie nicht erwarten. Unser Prophet (saws) sagte, daß Allah jene Diener, denen der Islam nicht bestimmt ist, den Islam stärken läßt. Allah Jalla wa `Ala: Yudafiu an illadhina Amanu biman la Khalaqa lahum fi d-Din. Allah läßt Menschen, die nicht Muslim sind, kommen und die Muslime unterstützen. Der Islam ist eine Religion, die fortbesteht. Der Islam ist die Religion Allahs (jj). Es gibt keine Unterdrückung in der Religion Allahs. Allahu Dhu l-Jalal: "Harramtu dh-Dhulma `ala Nafsi fala Tadhalamu". Wo seid ihr, Arhuntlar? Was ist da los? Ist es Unterdrückung oder nicht? Ist der, der Bashar heißt, gerecht? Er soll an sein Ende denken! Er wird im Grab sein und sein Kadaver vor ihm, sein eigener Kadaver - nicht von einem anderen Tier, sondern sein eigener Kadaver. Sie werden sagen: Iß! Du wirst ins Grab eingehen. Kommt zur Besinnung! Wenn ihr nicht vor dem Rajab aufhört, werdet ihr elend sein, weil die Hilfe der Himmel bereit ist, jetzt zu kommen. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar `ala man Takabbara wa Tajabbar, Ana l-Jabbar Ana l-Qahhar, sagt Janab Allah. O Muslime, öffnet die Arme gegen den Himmel und betet zum Herrn: O unser Herr, nimm Rache an diesen Unterdrückern! Es ist egal, ob jung oder alt, sie haben uns getötet unter ihrer Unterdrückung. Sie haben uns vernichtet. Mögest Du sie vernichten. Ihre Tage sind gezählt. Der glorreiche Rajab kommt. O Shah Mardan, Meister dieses Bereiches, Shah Mardan sagte mir: O Shaykh, ich habe mein Schwert halb gezogen! Er sagte: O Shaykh! - O Sultan, sagten wir, wer sind wir, ein Shaykh zu sein! Wir wünschen, der Staub unter deinen (14 von 17)04.07.2013 23:21:57

4634 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsItNotTimeYet

Füßen zu sein. O Shah Mardan, erweise uns Gnade! Das ist, was wir erbitten. Du bist der Eigner des Schwertes und du kannst ihre Unterdrückung überwinden. Mögest du etwas tun, wir sind schwach. O unser Herr, o unser Subhan! Allahu Basirun bi l-`Ibad. Allah sieht, was Seine Diener tun. Er sagt: Ich werde sie später für ihre Taten bezahlen lassen. Hütet euch! Der Islam ist klar. Sein Glaube ist klar. Er ist klar. Seine Angelegenheiten sind rein. Ihr habt ein reines Ende mit dem Islam! Seid Mensch, sonst werdet ihr gezwungen, Monster zu essen dort, wo ihr ruht. Gezwungen, den Kadaver vor euch werdet ihr essen müssen! Das ist, worin ihre Strafe besteht. Hütet euch oder nicht! Shah Mardan sagte: Ich habe sie informiert, Perser, Araber, Türken und Bulgaren. Ich lehrte sie und warnte sie, indem ich das sagte. Shah Mardan, wenn sie hören und gehorchen, gut. Sonst werden sie bestraft hier und im Jenseits. Im Grab werden sie gezwungen, Kadaver zu essen. Allahu Allah, Allahu Rabbi, Allahu Allah, Allahu Hasbi, Allahu Allah, Allahu Rabbi, Allahu Allah, Allahu Hasbi, Allahu Allah, Allahu Rabbi, Hasbinallah wa Ni`ma l-Wakil. O Muslime, möget ihr alle sagen: Hasbinullah wa Ni`ma l-Wakil. Rezitiert das und fürchtet euch nicht. Nichts kann euch schaden. Bleibt, wo ihr seid. Geht nirgendwohin. Um des kommenden Rajab willen, kommen die heiligen Engel auf die Erde herab. Sie werden die in ihren Häusern nicht anrühren. Qalatu n-Namla Ya Ayuha n-Namlu Adkhulu Masakinakum - Geht in euere Häuser, geht nicht hinaus. Euere Häuser sind sicher. Besondere Engel kommen herab, um sie zu schützen. Geht nirgendwohin. Geht nicht herum. Bleibt in eueren Häusern. Schließt die Türen und rezitiert die Basmala. Betet drinnen, macht Namaz. Niemand kann sich euerer Tür nähern. Wenn sie sich nähern, wird ein unsichtbares Messer sie ins Herz stechen. Dies ist der Befehl der Himmel jetzt. Es gibt die, die ein Messer in die Unterdrücker stechen, wenn sie in Häuser einbrechen - diese sind von den Djinn. Erfahrung ist frei. Nachrichten kommen zu uns, daß es viele Soldaten gibt, die erstochen werden, während sie einbrechen. Wird Allah (jj) seine Diener ungeschützt lassen? Rache kommt. O Bashar! O Führer Persiens! Kommt zur Vernunft. Miß deine Größe! Bashar ist fast 2 Meter groß! Er hat keinen Verstand! Eines Tages, wenn er schläft, wird vielleicht ein Messer in seine Flanke gesteckt. Er wird tot umfallen. Er soll sich hüten! Damaskus ist das Heim von Awliyya Allah. Er machte große Unterdrückung dort. Er wird erstochen werden. Er soll sich hüten! Seht mich nicht an, seht den an, der mich sprechen läßt. Dies sind Shah Mardans Worte. Friede sei auf (15 von 17)04.07.2013 23:21:57

4635 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsItNotTimeYet

denen, die zuhören, Flüche auf denen, die nicht zuhören. O unser Herr, vergib uns. Wir nehmen Zuflucht bei Dir vor dem Bösen unseres Ego. Ich schäme mich, unseren Propheten zu bitten, aber Sahib Dawran, Shah Mardan, er kann ihn (saws) bitten. O geliebter Freund Shah Mardan! Du bist der Burhan, Beweis, Du bist der Sultan. Ridwan ist dein. O Muslime, schließt die Türen, bleibt drinnen, und niemand wird einbrechen. Ein Djinn wird in seinem Rücken sein, um ihn zu erstechen. Fürchtet euch nicht. Wa min Allahi t-Tawfiq. O unser Herr, wir nehmen Zuflucht bei Dir vor dem Bösen unseres Ego. Jene, die mit Shaytan sind, mögen sie verschwinden oder verloren gehen. Die Heiligen von Damaskus, Ama Ama l-Waqt. O Heilige, ist es nicht die richtige Zeit? Um des geliebten Habib Akram willen, Heilige von Damaskus, habt ihr nicht die Macht, jene, die ihre Grenzen überschritten haben, zu erledigen? Sie sind auf dem Weg Nimrods. Sie werden enden wie Nimrod! Aman ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Sagen wir Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim. Lauft nicht hierhin und dorthin! Sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Wenn ihr sagt, Wir nehmen Zuflucht bei Dir, unser Herr, dann wird euch kein Feuer verbrennen. Allahu Allah, Allahu Rabbi, Allahu Allah, Allahu Hasbi, Shah Mardan sagt, "Hasbinallah wa Ni`ma l-Wakil" zu rezitieren. O unser Herr, du weißt, wir sind schwache Diener! Überlaß uns nicht unserem schlechten Ego. Shaytan ist glücklich mit diesen Dingen, ar-Rahman ist es nicht. Wir wurden zu Geschöpfen ohne Menschlichkeit. Wir machen Shaytan glücklich. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Hört sofort auf mit euerer Unterdrückung. Hört auf vor Rajab. Sonst kommt etwas im Rajab. "Inna Batsha Rabbuka la Shadid". Es kommt, hütet euch, etwas kommt. Diese Schiiten, diese Alawiten, Schiiten sind auf dem Weg Nimrods und seiner Soldaten. Allah Dhu l-Jalal vernichtete sie mit Mücken. Waffen und Kanonen waren nicht nötig. Sagt "Allah". Allahu Allah, Allahu Hasbi, Allahu Allah, Allahu Hasbi. Sagt: Hasbun Allah wa Ni`ma l-Wakil. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Athilna fi Rahmatika Ya Rabbi ma`a Ibadik as-Salihin. Na`udhu Bika Ya Rabbi mina sh-shaytan - Wir nehmen Zuflucht vor den Übeln Shaytans und den Übeln seiner Anhänger. Allah den Allmächtigen zu bitten, euch gegen den wertlosen Shaytan zu schützen, ist nicht angemessen. Auch ein kleines Geschöpf, das mit dem bloßen Auge nicht gesehen werden kann, kann versorgt werden. Wie in der Stadt Basra, als das Böse und der Ungehorsam überhand nahm, sich eine Krankheit dort ausbreitete, Shaykh Mehmet Effendi. Am ersten Tag starben 70.000 Leute. Keine Kanonen, keine Waffen. Am zweiten Tag starben 75.000 Menschen. (16 von 17)04.07.2013 23:21:57

4636 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IsItNotTimeYet

Am dritten Tag war die Stadt zu. Niemand lebte mehr. Dies ist Geschichte, bekannt. Basra zu. Keine Menschen, um die Häuser zu betreten, keine Menschen, um aus den Häusern herauszukommen. Möget ihr alle Allah (jj) fürchten! O Shah Mardan, zieh dein Schwert Dhu l-Fiqar! Shah Mardan, möge Allah seine Stufe erhöhen und jene bestrafen, die es verdienen. Marhaba! O geliebter Shah Mardan, möge Allah uns jemanden senden, der unsere Missetaten zurechtrückt. Fatiha. Lefke, 23.04.2013

WebSaltanatOrg (17 von 17)04.07.2013 23:21:57

4637 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamAndChildren

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : IslamAndChildren



As for children you must teach them to worship when they are seven years old - teach them to pray with you. When they get to nine years old you must order them to pray - also when nine years old, boys and girls must have seperate rooms and do not allow them to sleep in their parents room. That is also important for children. What girls need to know, the mother must teach and what boys need to know the father must teach. Then leave them to the Lord Almighty Allah saying "Oh our Lord, we have kept these children till now. After the age of maturity you keep them. Protect them."

BookLadyChadijasQuestions, CategoryChildren, CategoryEducation 23:21:58

4638 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamAndLaw

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : IslamAndLaw



Punishment must be in front of people who watch his punishment and others must take warning from that punishment. I heard that in America they recently brought in a law for caning. Once again for drug traders. Islam is ordering caning - such bad people should be caned in front of people. Islam says that we must obey laws, we must not be against laws. Therefore, anywhere a Muslim lives he should be obedient. If he doesn't want to be obedient, he may leave that country. It is forbidden - wherever you are you must be obedient, not be against the law. In our days so many people are going against the law. It is not real Islam. A Muslim must be obedient. It is impossible for there to be a Muslim rebellion. In Islam court cases are not too long, but should be held after one month, after two months. It is not good in Islam to make cold cases. When it is hot, when it is cooked, serve it for eating, don't delay it. Therefore, if anything happens, any criminal case, that person must be punished quickly. Judgement must be given quickly. Secondly, everyone must defend himself. If he needs someone, the jury must help him. There must be thousands and thousands of laws to let people escape. No, a criminal must be brought quickly before the judge and what he did must be punished. (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:21:59

4639 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamAndLaw

BookLadyChadijasQuestions, CategoryLaw (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:21:59

4640 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamAndNature

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : IslamAndNature



Man is a part of nature. When we say nature, we mean to say everything living in existence belongs to nature. Rocks, water, plants, zoology and men - all of them occupying nature, a part of nature. Man's relationship to nature is forever, as long as they are living, they are in relationship with nature and each part of nature. In Islam man must try to keep their relationship to nature, not to cut it. We have been ordered by Islam to be in relationship with nature. Islam urges people to be always more close to nature and by being closer to nature they are taking more power or more support from nature. So long as a person is more in relationship with nature, you will find him in more pleasure, you will find him more pleased, you will find him more satisfied, you will find him more healthy, you will find him perhaps more handsome. The reason when man going away from nature beginning suffering, beginning troubles, beginning problems in himself, in physical body and also in spiritual beings, will be difficult. Therefore, Islam does not accept humans to build buildings more than two flats, not to rise to third floor. It means to be closer to earth, to nature. And when people lost this, they lost the teachings of prophets and built as Nimrod built, a tall tower, very high tower, and now there are so many Nimrod towers, and people going away, far away from nature. They do not see earth, they do not breath the smell of earth, they are only in concrete buildings and concrete ways. That is the reason that day by day health of people is declining and so many kinds of illnesses coming (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:22:00

4641 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamAndNature

out, appearing. Therefore, Islam prevents it and says don't build above second floor, be simple and even, Islam says build on two floors by earth, not by concrete. Our nature is not from cement, but from earth and earth to earth never harming, but cement, concrete buildings always harming. But governments and social workers, they never thinking about it. Therefore, I don't like to live in concrete buildings. I like to live closer to nature, to earth, to water, to plants, to grass and to be around animals, so many animals. And that is Islam's principle, to live naturally closer to nature, not to escape. And nature is the best antibiotic for everything, for every illness. One important point that I must declare - Muslims are the most protectors of nature. It is forbidden in Islam to harm nature, to destroy nature, to cut trees, even grass, without a benefit. If you cut grass, you may but (it if you) put in its place a plant. If you take a wild tree, you must put a useful tree. Or you must make a graft and leave it to grow and give benefit. Without benefit you can't touch nature, you must keep nature. That is the most important pillar of Islam - to keep nature as it is, not to destroy. Islam fights against destroyers of jungles and trees and shooting animals. Islam gives permission to hunt, but for those whose lives depend on it, not for sport. Hunting in Islam is only for those people whose lives depend on hunting in deserts, in jungles where people are living by hunting it is all right; but not as a sport to hunt birds and kill birds, kill deer and animals, no. You may only try to send away those animals giving harm. Man must not enter the area of animals to disturb them, it is prohibited. Therefore, there are national parks, where animals may be free and protected. You must look after them in their territories. I am sorry that mostly Europeans were shooting and hunting in India, in Africa, in Australia, in the countries on the equator - elephants, leopards, lions, tigers. But Islam never saying this. Islam protects nature and protects animals. If no harm is coming from that animal you must not hunt or kill, because Islam allows everything to live. Islam came to make every kind of species, every type of animal to live as the Lord created - you must not destroy. Allah Almighty orders, don't destroy. Holy Qur'an says, don't destroy. Muhammad says, don't destroy. Even mosquitos Allah created, ants created by Allah, you can't fight against them and destroy them so that they become extinct. If they are harmful, you may destroy them where you live but in other places, they are free. Big animals and small ones - if they harm mankind, we may move them away from our areas. The principle of Islam is to be clean and prevent harmful insects from growing up so that by themselves they leave our areas. But dirtiness brings every bad bacteria and bad and harmful insects to ourselves. Therefore, (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:22:00

4642 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamAndNature

if you are keeping the command of Islam to be clean, there will be no mosquitos, no flies, no other bacteria coming to live with us. Cleanliness is the best defence of mankind against dirty being, harmful beings. Cleanliness cuts that away. Therefore, Islam is fighting against those who change nature or try to change nature. Nature must be kept as it is and it is the best. Therefore, Islam is conservationist, giving its word to conservation. No-one will be able to find better than Islam, you can't find it. Islam is fighting against every bad thing and asks to keep every good thing - that is Islam. If you accept, you are welcome, if not, you may fight by yourselves. Islam is against pollution being put in the seas, which harms everything, kills everything in the seas. If Islam were in power, it would prevent pollution being (but) on continents or in oceans, every dirtiness and pollution. Islam comes to prevent all bad things that are now done in the name of technology. Our planet is going to die, going to be destroyed. If Islam were in power, Islam would prevent such foolish technology and save oceans and continents and save everything living there. If Islam is coming, peace on earth is coming with it and safety and protection for every creature. Now technology is harming everything on continents, threatening every living thing on continents and in oceans. Islam is against such a thing. Greenpeace must be protected, it must be and Islam is with Greenpeace. With power - that is very important for Islam. Islam is with Greenpeace and against such foolish technology. Long ago hunting sports were necessary for practising defence - riding horses and running. Some animals are harmful, wild animals, like wild pigs - which come and destroy fields. You may hunt them - (not small birds, small animals or killing without a reason, to enjoy oneself - that is prohibited). But if you need food, Islam gives permission concerning the life of all people. If you do not need, you may look at other activities. But in so many steppes, so many deserts, so many people living in deserts - need to hunt either for their provisions or for their defence. What we say is against hunting small birds, small animals, harmless animals, hunting them is prohibited. Now in Australia - kangaroos would quickly fill the whole land and the government is makes a law about hunting some of them, every year a certain number. They are do not even give complete permission to hunters. Islam is more perfect - if there is no reason, they can't hunt for individual pleasure. If their lives are going to depend on that hunting, they may hunt in the name of Allah, not to harm animals or to destroy those kinds of creatures, game animals, making them extinct - that is prohibited. When they have small babies, it is prohibited. Islam is concerned with everything and particularly with keeping animals, it (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:22:00

4643 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamAndNature

never gives permission to kill if they have small babies. Finally, by hunting you are face to face with your conscience. If your conscience is telling you to hunt, you may hunt; if it is saying no, it is no good for you, you must leave it. This is a very fine rule in Islam which preserves everything, because every creature has a right to live in nature. Allah Almighty puts in such a perfect balance - in jungles, where every kind of animal and wild animal lives, so that up to today lions, tigers, wolves - jungles are full of such dangerous animals - and also animals that are not dangerous, thousands, ten thousand, hundred thousand of them or millions living together, but they are not enemies. Wild animals are keeping a rule in glory of Allah Almighty. Even a lioness in a pride, is running after zebras while the others remain quiet. The mother lioness is the hunter and the others come to eat from her catch. Not all of them go to hunt one animal for each of them. They keep a rule from their Lord. Even if everyone of them is able to hunt, they do not - only the mother, the lioness, and the lions are very lazy (like our people now). Even in the jungle wild animals keeping a rule from their Lord, to hunt - because they are in need. When they are full, they are not touching, they are not even hunting or killing without a reason. But man is not thinking about those animals, that they also have rights - to live, to enjoy themselves. They are running after them to kill them and to eat them. Allah has granted us so much meat to eat. Why are you harming nature and nature is keeping animals? Islam is the best guardian for animals and Islam is the best guardian for nature, not to remove and keeping everything in its position. It is a foolishness of mankind that, if you allow them, then those animals may increase and cover everywhere. It is not so, because the Creator knows the balance for every creature. But because we are weak believers, we think they will be getting too many and covering everywhere. That is not true. Allah makes a balance for every creature. Therefore, Islam orders nature to be kept and everything in it, because every creature has a position for the general balance of nature, for the general balance of creation on this planet. If you remove one of them, then the balance is going to be changed. Allah Almighty put a balance on this planet and that is why troubles grow up day by day - because the balance is being changed and harmed. Even in seas and oceans mankind is doing their worst to animals living in oceans - making them die. That is prohibited. Therefore, every harmful factory and harmful productions are prohibited most strongly in Islam. You can't harm nature and those living in nature in Islam - even ants. Man now claims to be civilised and yet they are hurting, harming, damaging the residents of oceans, the residents of seas. They have no rights but they are ask for (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:22:00

4644 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamAndNature

human rights. They do not keep the rights of the residents of nature - why are they asking for rights for themselves? Islam protects nature and its residents. This word must be written in golden letters and put everywhere for Islam to be well understood. Islam defends and brings to mankind worldwide rules concerning everything, nothing may be outside the sight of Islam. Islam must reach to everything on this planet, in this universe, in mankind, in all creatures - with their best conditions. I am against all dams. They are no good. Leave everything as it was. Dams are damaging nature and the Lord knows what he is giving and keeping. If the Lord is not giving, you can't give. If the Lord is giving, no-one can prevent the Almighty's grant. But if He does not give, then dams can not give, they won't be able. Dams make more damage for the earth, erosion - bringing water from everywhere and putting behind dams. Aswan is killing Egypt and the fields, because every year the Nile was coming and flooding, covering all the fields, bringing fertiliser, naturally covering - there was no need for anything. But now it is coming and leaving everything behind Aswan and pure water is coming. And the mafia of fertilisers - big, gigantic factories - they are now selling Egypt millions and millions of tons of fertiliser. That person who built Aswan killed Egypt and just brought poverty to Egypt. Egypt is finished. Everything that the Nile brought to the fields every year is now behind Aswan, because water is coming and not going - a huge lake is forming behind the dam and the rich waters which feed the fields, sitting down from the water. And the water going away is poor water. Therefore, Egyptian fields were very rich for everything. Now they have lost it and they are in need of fertilisers. And some factories, some multi-millionaires are taking benefit - they made this trap for the Egyptians. That person who built that dam without thinking killed Egypt. We are claiming that we are taking electrical energy, but electrical energy is not feeding people. First, we should feed people. You may take electrical energy from anything, even you may arrange water power from one side.

BookLadyChadijasQuestions, CategoryNature, CategoryAnimal, CategoryWesternNation, CategoryPurification, CategoryTechnology, CategoryEgypt (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:22:00

4645 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamCameToTeachPeopleGoodCharacter

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : IslamCameToTeachPeopleGoodCharacter


Islam came to teach people good character – about anger

Islam came to teach people good character. It fights against bad characters, and the worst character is to be angry! Whoever is angry has all bad character. He who cannot stop his anger cannot keep his Iman, nor his good works. Anger destroys all good things; nothing can stay when anger is present. Therefore, our Prophet (peace be upon him) ordered his nation to keep away from anger when he said, “'The most powerful wrestler is he who can stop his anger!” Whoever is conquered by his anger, he is a useless person and cannot be a servant of Allah Almighty. This is because when he is angry, he will leave all things for his anger. It means that his ego is ordering him. He is under the command of his ego, and he cannot obey his Lord. We must always practice leaving anger. Once, we were sitting with our Grandshaykh and his servant, who was an old man. While we were sitting, a fly came up and bit the servant. Quickly he became angry and killed the fly. Our Grandshaykh looked at him and told me, “Tell him, Nazim Effendi, that he must get up and renew his wudu. His wudu is no good – it went away with his anger." To kill a flea in anger is a criminal action, a sin! Anger is the worst character. All governments are fighting for anger, and all people also. Anger grows: it is like an ocean for all bad characters. If you can dry up that ocean, (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:22:01

4646 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IslamCameToTeachPeopleGoodCharacter

no more bad characters can live in it – finished. This is a very, very good manner. You must use this, for it is the order of Allah, His Prophet (peace be upon him), and all Awliya. Our Grandshaykh is a great doctor for the illnesses of the ego. Here is his prescription for us when we are angry: If you are angry, go and make wudu. This is because anger is fire, and fire goes away with water. Therefore, do wudu. Anger is permitted only for our egos. If you must be angry, be angry at your nafs, leading you away from your Lord! I shall tell you a story, also from our Grandshaykh, on that point: A 'majdhub' is a man who is crazy, but not in the usual sense of the word. He is a man who is 'crazy' for Allah.