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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (322/777)
zeigen. Wer sagt, daß er aufsteigt, muß zu mir kommen. Ich teste ihn. Wenn ein katholischer Papst, Pater, Bischof, irgendeiner, der glaubt, sich selbst vertrauen zu können, sagt, daß er hinaufsteigen will, mag er zu mir kommen: Ich mache es, daß er vom Eifelturm entweder hochfliegt oder runterkommt. Ja, ich bin hier! Sheikh Nazim. Sag es ihnen! Frager 1: Aber, Muslime können das auch tun. Sheikh Nazim: Wahre Muslime auch. Wahre Muslime! Autorisierte. Selbst in der islamischen Welt gibt es so viele Tariqats, aber wenn sie nicht autorisiert sind, können sie es nicht tun. Sie können es nicht, haben nur einen Titel, ein Titel reicht nicht. Frager 2: Ist die Rolle der Russen eine große oder eine gute oder eine schlechte oder eine kleine? Sheikh Nazim: Die Japaner werden die Sowjets bald aufessen. Frager 2: Japaner? Sheikh Nazim: Japaner und Deutsche. Frager 2: Japaner mit Deutschen? Sheikh Nazim: Japaner vom Osten, Deutsche vom Westen, sie werden die Sowjets aufessen. Frager 2: Können wir sie aufessen? Sheikh Nazim: Ja, ihr habt einen genügend großen Magen. Frager 1: Ich möchte die letzte Frage stellen. Die letzte ... nein, zwei Fragen: Die erste Frage ... (alles lacht) ich möchte fragen, was die Bedingung ist, um ein Naqshibandi zu werden. (11 von 12)04.07.2013 23:21:38

4538 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: InterviewByJapaneseReporter

Sheikh Nazim: Die Bedingungen sind so einfach: Interessiert zu sein an seinen eigenen himmlischen Positionen. Frager 1: Wir sind alle interessiert daran... Sheikh Nazim: Ja, das ist alles. Das ist alles. Einen Kapitän zu finden, der dich auf diesem Weg mitnimmt. Wenn dein Herz bereit ist, mit mir zu gehen, ist es in Ordnung. In Verbindung. Ich lasse niemanden alleine, der hierherkommt und das akzeptiert, was ich sage. Ich setze meinen Haken in sein Herz, dann ist niemand fähig, meinen Haken aus seinem Herzen zu entfernen. Ich bin auch ein Autorisierter. Frager 1: Haben sie irgendeinen allgemeinen Rat für Japaner? Ich möchte eine Botschaft für die Japaner. Sheikh Nazim: Die Japaner sind unter den Nationen ein Volk, das für ein großes und wichtiges Ideal oder Ziel auserwählt wurde, deshalb sollte ihre Kraft für himmlische Zwecke benutzt werden. Göttliche Macht beschützt sie, und sie sollen sie für die göttlichen Zwecke benützen. Frager 1: Sehr vielen Dank, sehr vielen Dank. Sheikh Nazim: Vielen Dank auch für ihren Besuch. Und gute Neuigkeiten für die Japaner: Sie bewahren oder versuchen, ihre traditionellen Werte zu bewahren, und ich bin glücklich, daß sie bis in die heutige Zeit ihren Herrscher Mikado geachtet und respektiert haben. 'Seine Majestät Mikado', sagt ihr, ja?. Und wer mit ihm ist, und wer ihn respektiert, und wer ihn unterstützt, sollte zur Zeit von Mahdi (Fmi) dabeisein, sollte mit Mahdi (Fmi) sein. Lefke, 08.1991

BookGenerelleAntwortAufAlleFragen, CategoryInterview, CategoryArmageddon (12 von 12)04.07.2013 23:21:38

4539 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: InterviewByThePress

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : InterviewByThePress



Q: Why is there so much terrorism in Islam? For example in Algeria? Algeria? The people of Algeria want Islam and the Europeans are not happy with that. They have a democratical system and they have voted for Islam but the army took away the newly elected government. This action of the army forced the people to start acting against the army. About 75% of the Algerian people are Muslims and they want to decide for themselves which form of government they should have. Why are people afraid of that? Q: Most people do not understand that the fundamentalists are not really Muslims. That is because they have no choice. The people who are leading them have already made the choice for them. I do not think that any believer wants to be killed or wants to kill. Real believers are very unhappy to see what is going on. I have come here to criticise all the violence that is going on in humanity. Italy - 01.03.1994

BookPowerOceansofLight, CategoryTerrorism, CategoryViolence, CategoryAlgeria, (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:21:39

4540 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: InterviewByThePress

CategoryInterview (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:21:39

4541 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: InterviewGermanTV

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : InterviewGermanTV


German TV Interview

(Interview with German TV crew translated from Turkish) Interviewer: We have a few questions. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Come sit here. Are you all German? Interviewer: I'm Turkish, but I work for the German TV. The others are Australian and Israeli. They also work for the German TV. So, we've basically formed an international crew. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Where are you stationed? Interviewer: South of Germany, in Munich. In a few days, the pope will visit Southern Cyprus, and we wanted to ask you a few questions regarding this issue. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Really? Why aren't you asking the pope, but asking me? (laughter) Interviewer: We'll ask him later. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: You can't ask him. OK. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. Now, what's your name? (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:21:40

4542 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: InterviewGermanTV

Interviewer: Jamaal. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Jamaal Efendi. Are you from Bosnia or Anatolia? Interviewer: Anatolia. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: OK, you could start asking your questions and we'll say what we will, inshaa'Allah. A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Interviewer: Our shaykh, internationally you are very well known. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: (Jokingly.) If we were well known, they would all send us money! (laughter) Interviewer: For many years, there has been an ongoing discussion between the Christian world and the Muslim world, especially during the coarse of the current pope. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Where did the discussion start from? Interviewer: From the speech that the pope delivered in Regensburg, attributing Islam with violence. Upon this, arguments began. Did these arguments finally come to an end? Is Christianity and Islam close to each other now? Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: OK. But now, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem, we also have a question to ask. His Holiness the Pope gave a speech in Germany, right? Was this speech made through knowledge? Was it addressing the sects, or was it made through a different purpose? If it was a discussion made through 'ilm, knowledge, then this cannot be done in public, it can only be done in a closed venue, like in a hall, to do ijtimaa, in which an arbiter from the Christian faith would be brought, and perhaps three, five, or seven people would be already there. Now, if the person they are addressing is one person, then we are not in need to bring people from our side. Mureed: Yes. You understand, right? This is a very important answer. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Now, regarding the question this gentlemen asked us, was it the pope who made (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:21:40

4543 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: InterviewGermanTV

this claim? Interviewer: Yes. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: What did he say? Interviewer: I cannot say exactly, but during that period he had started a discussion in which he said that Islam and violence are inseparable. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: What is being implied by "violence"? Interviewer: Maybe the pope is talking about jihaad. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: What? Mureed: He is saying that maybe the pope was implying jihaad, but we don't know his heart. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: No, not that. Let him answer my question. What did His Excellency the Pope say? Interviewer: The one sentence he did say was that as long as the Muslim world does not withdraw from violence, we cannot be close with them. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: OK, then say "mashaa-Allah" to the pope! Every kind of violence came from the Christian world. For what reason is he saying this to us? Interviewer: As you know, five years ago a big argument arose from this issue before he came to Turkey. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: It's nonsense, because the Christian world is creating the greatest violence. As a description, I may ask His Excellency the Pope, what is the teaching of `Isa (a)? What did Sayyidina `Isa (a) ordain to his people? That if someone slaps you on the cheek, then to turn the other side. All throughout history, what did the Christians do to each other? Interviewer: Slay each other. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: For what? Did they (really) follow the path of Christianity? Are they walking on the (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:21:40

4544 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: InterviewGermanTV

path of Prophet `Isa (a)? All of the things they have invented were weapons, nuclear bombs, atomic bombs, missiles and so on! We didn't invent them. Interviewer: With your permission, we would like to ask you another question. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Whatever comes to our heart, we are saying. In our faith, in Islam and in other faiths, there is a certain judgment with which even `Isa (a) agrees, that the Prophet (s) said, "All persons who give harm, whomever they may be, will undergo ruin." This means they will be slain because they give harm. The snake is slain because it harms. The scorpion is slain because it harms. Poisonous insects are slain for that reason as well. Those that harm within microbes, are slain for the same reason. Also, amongst Mankind, those who are harmful to humanity will be slain because this is needed for the order of this world. If you are not allowed to slay anything, and a snake, a centipede, or a scorpion enters your home, then you cannot touch it. How are you not going to touch it? Since it is going to harm you, then you will have to touch it. You are going to kill it and throw it away. Say a person came and trespassed into your home, he harmed you and tried to kill you. Are you going to submit to him as the lamb submits to the butcher? It is not a reasonable thing. I don't know if His Excellency the Pope lets murderers to freely wander about without punishing them. If His Excellency the Pope allows them to kill whomever they like, then that is a different matter. In `Isa's Shari`ah, religious ruling, there is no such thing as this. When looking at history, we see the history of Christianity could fill up a whole library. Due to the dispute between the sects within Christianity, millions of people have lost their lives. And upon their popes' rulings, billions of people, without considering the young, the old, and the innocent, were all massacred. Did the Muslims commit this violence? Why don't they look at the matters involving themselves instead of attacking us, claiming that we are the one with violence? No! We are not with violence; we are a people who hold a weapon (only) against those who are harmful to humanity. It is only for this reason. We never slay a person from out of the blue (for no reason). Whatever their sect is, whatever their disposition is, we will never harm them. And if someone has harmed them, then he/she has done wrong! No such thing exists in Islamic Shari`ah. Therefore, it is not right for His Excellency the Pope to accuse Muslims of being equal to violence. It is unacceptable. After so many wars, in 1914, WWI began. During WWI, those who fought against each other were Christians or Muslims? (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:21:40

4545 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: InterviewGermanTV

Interviewer: Christians. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: So that means, Christians can also be held together with violence, whereas in Christianity there is no violence! Prophet `Isa (a) said, "If you slap me on the cheek, then I turn the other side." Is this ruling a lie? Is it wrong? Where is the practice of it? What did we do? If someone attacks us, for example, if a bear, a wolf, a beast attacks your home, would you open all your doors and let it to freely wander about, to eat and kill those inside the house? Are you going to just stare and say, "It is prohibited." No! There is only prohibition for slaying innocent people. All holy books gave permission to slay the mudhee, harmful ones, in the Old and in the New Testament. In both the Taurat and the Gospel there is a ruling that says to slay the mudhee, harmful one. If His Excellency the Pope does not know where it says it, I can show it to him. There is no need to show it in the book, because you can already see it through their actions. Why are they inventing all these weapons? To abolish the Islamic world? It may be, but at the same time they are using these weapons amongst themselves. America is using it for Russia, Russia is using it for Germany. So this means that the Christian nations are also using this violence against one another. For what reason are they accusing us? Why are they blaming us? (Mawlana Shaykh speaks English.) Any answer? If they have answers, let them say! We are not children. I am not a small one and I am not making my beard through mills coming on my beard flour and becoming white, no. His Holiness is like my son. I know what he knows, but he is not knowing what I know. And whole religions have spirituality. How many from saints, or popes, are giving a fatwa and killed? Even if they were living in forests and on mountains, they are catching them and killing them! Why? Now in our days only the Christian world is standing up and they are asking to kill everyone on Earth and to reach to every territory in the east and west, from north to south, for a group of people only. And His Holiness must know; if he is not knowing he must learn, and must know that the Lord of Heavens ordered our dealings with each other to be with peacefulness, and not to fight. But when a bear, a wolf, or a snake is coming to you, you are saying, "We can't touch them." Why? They are coming to give poison to you, to kill you or to eat you. How are you sitting like this? What kind of heavenly order just granted to Jesus Christ (a)? It is a question. They are saying Jesus Christ (a) was on the cross, yes? They are saying their beliefs are on that way. We do not believe this, but they believe (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:21:40

4546 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: InterviewGermanTV

this. I am asking, what did they do to those who crucified Jesus Christ (a)? What was their position about that big event that they are looking and seeing that Jesus Christ (a) was carrying his cross and the Romans put him on that cross? Why? How are they defending? No one can do this.You must use, sometimes, for the security of whole people, why are we using police forces? His Holiness the Pope is not using guardians for his holy place? Everyone may get in? No. Even they are using a gate for passing under it to look who is coming with bad intentions and preventing. Why are we not saying, "Man is innocent, we may leave them to go anywhere to do this and that." They must be true ones and they must say true events. They must defend Truth! If they are not defending, we are not going to make a discussion for them, no. May Allah (swt) forgive us. Anything else? Interviewer: Second question. I wanted to ask you a question regarding Northern Cyprus, as well. In 2009, last year, during these months, a discussion arose. It was said that there is no religious freedom in Northern Cyprus. People took to the streets and protested. I believe, Qur'an classes were shut down. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: They were shut down! Interviewer: Regarding this subject, I wanted to get your opinion. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: It is wrong. It is wrong! No one can mudaakhala, interfere for beliefs of people. It is not our government's authority, no. Everyone may believe as he likes. Governments can't do this. Beliefs are only coming from heavens! We are not following political people and such governments that are saying, "We are a secular system." You may do a secular system, but we are Muslims, and we are not believing in your system! Whole responsibility is on you, not on us, and we are Muslims and we are asking to teach our children as Muslim children, to learn and to grow up (in Islam)! We are not political people, we are religious people! We may be obedient to any order, except we are not happy with what is going to be against our beliefs. We are fighting, fighting with our speech, and fighting with our powers also. That is our right! Therefore, in Cyprus, the Turkish sect of Cyprus up to today is preventing youngsters to learn their religion. Why? Who is giving to them that authority? If they are not Muslims, they must write and record, "We are not Muslims," and then we are not looking after them. But if they are saying they are Muslims, they must respect our beliefs. If not, we are unhappy with them and Allah (swt) is with us, not with them! Allah is with us, and (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:21:40

4547 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: InterviewGermanTV

Shaytan is with those who are preventing our beliefs. Therefore, they are coming like this (down), never standing up, finished. May Allah forgive us! Anything else? Enough? Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar. Allahu akbar aj'al      Wa fawqa kulli dhi 'l-`ilmin `aleem, "Above every knower is a (higher) knower." (12:76) There is no limit for knowledge. What you know, I may not know. What I know, you may not know. Let them to rest, our people also. Fatihah. Lefke, 01.06.2010

WebSufiLive, CategoryInterview, CategoryChristianity, CategoryViolence, CategoryGermany, CategoryAnimal, CategoryIsa, CategoryEducation (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:21:40

4548 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: InterviewIslamInTheEastAndWest

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : InterviewIslamInTheEastAndWest



Q: What is the difference between the Muslims of the East and the Muslims of the West? If you want to protect Islam in the West you must keep it like a plant in a glass-house. You must take much more care not to loose it. In our countries you don't need to be so careful. Q: Why should that be? Islam is a system and should take care of us, not we of it. Yes, but in the West there is no Islamic System, it is a system based on unbelief so you must take care of it yourself. Q:How do you rate the Muslims living in the West? If they have to live there then they must take much care. If a person lives in a city where there are illnesses, he must use some protection to shelter his health. They must look after their belief more than our people, because there is so much unbelief which is attacking Islam. Q: So what is the better situation? For people living in the East or in the West? The West. According to their difficult situation, because if their situation is more difficult, the payment will (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:21:40

4549 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: InterviewIslamInTheEastAndWest

be more. They will be paid much more, because they are living in difficult situations. Q: In Pakistan there is a demand to implement the Sharia. When it will be necessary they must use it. Anything that brings the benefit of Islamic Rules, must be used. We have a saying, "Wisdoms are our lost materials!". Anywhere we can find it, we should take it. We are not fanatic people. Wisdoms are for all of mankind and Islam is full of wisdoms. Europeans have taken so many rules and laws from Islam. If you need Sharia, then use it. Allah Almighty sent the Sharia so that it may be used. There is no discussions about it for Muslims, even for Europeans or for the whole of mankind. Q:Is it not better if the whole world follows Islam and follows the Sharia as their constitution instead of only using it when they need it? Everything exists because it is needed. That is what Islam teaches us. People should use it like they use supermarkets. If you need something, you go there, find it and take it. But you cannot take the whole supermarket to your house. That is how Islam is for all nations and for all times. If you need something, then go and take it and use it. No discussion. We are not saying, "Don't take it, don't use it!" No, use it! Q: Do you have a message for the people of Pakistan? May Allah bless the people of Pakistan as well as the whole Muslim World as well as all of mankind. This is my wish, because the people of Pakistan are our brothers and sisters in Islam, and Turkey is a nation that is very close to Pakistan. So my wish for my brother-nation is for them to have a happy and peaceful life. My message for the people of Pakistan is as its name says, "Pak"= clean, for them to be clean-hearted people and to try to make this country and everyone living in it happy and in peace. They must also try to make it their own targets to have a clean and peaceful country. That is what my heart is asking for. I have a feeling now that there is trouble at the moment for the people of Pakistan. Troubles and sufferings and miseries... And I wish for everyone to try to take these troubles away and to find treatments for the sufferings and miseries from every direction. That is my message for them. As long as they are truly supporting Pakistan respectfully, with love and they are asking for justice and mercy, then Allah Almighty will give them more honour and they will be improving from year to year much more than in the past years. (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:21:40

4550 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: InterviewIslamInTheEastAndWest

I hope this message will reach the people of Pakistan as much as possible. I wish for them a peaceful life, a happy life here and hereafter. Thank you. Pakistan - 12.11.1991

BookPowerOceansofLove, CategoryWesternNation, CategoryDiaspora, CategoryPakistan, CategoryInterview (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:21:40

4551 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: InterviewRadioMidland

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : InterviewRadioMidland


Interview: Radio Midland - My Mission: to Collect Defenders of Truth

Q: Sheik Nazim, how did you begin? This is what new people want to know. They want to know who is speaking. I am a Turkish Cypriot and I lived under British Government as a colony from 1922 until 1940. In the first year of the second war I moved from Cyprus to study chemical engineering at the University of Istanbul. I stayed there for 4 years. I then went to Syria, Aleppo, Damascus and Lebanon and learned Sharia. Then I met my Grandsheik, Sheik Abdullah Daghistani of the Naqshbandiyya in Damascus. I was under his training until he passed away in 1973. He then ordered me to be his successor for the most distinguished Naqshbandi Order. Until today I am trying to keep his order as much as possible. I hope it will be a pleasure for me to reach out to people and save as many of them as possible from going in wrong directions and to call them to the right direction. Q: Basically you are a chemical engineer. What made you change? We believe that everyone has a private destination, but it does not always take a straight line to get there. Sometimes it goes around corners, sometimes it stops, turns... Sometimes there are even U-turns in the life of man. There are reasons, and when Allah wants his servant to reach his destination He will even create a U- turn like He did for me after all those years in Istanbul. Everyone will reach their destiny. Until 1943 my (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:21:41

4552 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: InterviewRadioMidland

direction was towards dunya, but after that I was asked to turn my face towards the Divine Face. They created some reasons, and I turned my face from dunya to maula. Q: What did you feel when you took bayat with your Sheik? My destination had already been prepared in Istanbul during my years there. I was expecting to meet some of the Friends of Allah, saints. We believe that even if the whole world is empty of saints, there have to be saints in Damascus. That is why I was sent from a saint who was living in Istanbul to continue my training with one living in Damascus. I met my Grand master Sheik Abdullah Daghistani in Damascus. He told me that he had been expecting me to come at that time. My heart told me the same, I too expected to meet him within my spiritual adventure. I knew that all this had been planned for me. It was no surprise. Q: Islam is a great religion and people follow it all over the world. What would you say to the whole world in which way we could have the maximum benefit from this religion? You know that since the beginning until today all people who are li