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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (306/777)
eschichte, lest in den alten Büchern, statt Romane zu lesen und müßig durch die Straßen zu 5 wandern, o Scham-lose! Es gibt keine Schule! Sie ziehen Tiere heran, keine Menschen! Die Schulen des 21. Jahrhunderts produzieren Schmarotzer. Sie ziehen Schmarotzer auf! Sie ziehen Schlecht-Erzogene, Schamlose auf. "Fajliduhum." Schlagt sie auf die Fußsohlen! "Aw Yunfaw mina l-Ardi" - oder daß sie aus dem Land vertrieben werden (5:33). Schlagt sie auf die Fußsohlen. Wenn sie immer noch nicht vernünftig sind, verbannt sie. Bringt sie in die Berge und laßt sie dort. Werden sie zur Besinnung kommen oder nicht? Sie sammeln sie und sperren sie ins Gefängnis jetzt. Warum tut ihr sie ins Gefängnis? Ladet sie auf Lastwagen und bringt sie in die Berge. Die Bären werden sie fressen. Schakale, Hyänen mögen sie fressen. Der Mensch hat Ehre. Sie können diese Ehre nicht lehren. Sie sind alle Schmarotzer. "Wa an laysa li l-Insani illa ma Sa`a" - und daß dem Menschen nichts anderes zuteil wird, als wonach er strebt. (53:39) Rabbu l-Izzat sagt: Der Mensch hat nichts anderes, als was er erarbeitet und verdient. Er sollte arbeiten und essen. Es gibt kein Schmarotzertum im Islam. Demokratie, Dreck-okratie. Mögen sie in ihrem Dreck kochen. Sie erfanden die Demokratie. Das heißt, sie brachten die Gruppe der Schmarotzer hervor. Sie veranlaßten, daß der ehrenwerte Mensch sein Mensch-Sein verlor. "Wa an laysa li l-Insani illa ma Sa`a." Der Gewinn des Menschen ist nur das, was er arbeitet und verdient. Er bekommt den Ertrag seiner Arbeit. Deshalb ist keiner von denen, die auf die Straße gehen, Muslim. "Wa an laysa li l-Insani illa ma Sa`a." Wenn sie immer noch nicht lernen: "Fajliduhum". Schlagt sie auf die Fußsohlen, diszipliniert sie! Diszipliniert sie. Der Prophet Adam kam aus den Himmeln mit einem Stock. Als er gefragt wurde: Wofür ist das, o Prophet Adam? sagte er: Dies ist die Macht, die die Schlecht-Erzogenen diszipliniert, diejenigen, die in die Irre gehen. "Fajliduhum Thamanina Jaldatan." Befestigt sie in der Falaqa und schlagt sie auf die Fußsohlen. Oder "Aw Yunfaw mina l-Ardi". Verbannt sie in den Bergen. Verbannt die, die ihr erwischt, in den Bergen. Aber sie bringen überallhin Verderbtheit. Ja! Diese, die die Ehre der Menschheit nicht kennen. Lehrt sie! O unser Herr, vergib uns. O Shah Mardan, der Befehl und das Urteil gehört Shah Mardan. Sende uns so einen Sultan. Wir haben alles. Was machst du? Ich habe keine Arbeit. Aber du mußt ausscheiden, du Schlecht-Erzogener! Kann es einen Menschen ohne Arbeit geben in der Dunya? Selbst ein Esel hat eine Arbeit. (14 von 16)04.07.2013 23:20:51

4316 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IdlersWay

Und doch sagt ihr: Ich habe keine Arbeit. O all ihr Leute! Dies ist der Befehl, der zu den Propheten kommt von oben: Gebt dem, der arbeitet. Es gibt kein Schmarotzen im Islam. Wenn sie nicht lernen - "Fajliduhum". Schlagt sie auf die Fußsohlen, schlagt sie in der Falaqa. Die türkische Regierung ist glücklich, weil sie die Falaqa abgeschafft hat. Das habt ihr davon! Sie schafften die Falaqa ab in der Türkischen Republik, und jetzt können sie der Menschen nicht Herr werden. Wie könnten sie? "Bal hum Adallu". Die Menschen sind jetzt niedriger als Tiere. "Aw Yunfaw mina l-Ardi" (5:33). Es heißt, verbannt sie! Wohin? In die Berge, in die Wildnis. Seht, ob sie vernünftig sein werden oder nicht. Seht,ob sie wieder sagen: Ich habe keine Arbeit. Aber was kann man tun? Die Menschen des 21. Jahrhunderts sagen: Shaytan ist unser Sultan. Sie halten sich an das, was er sagt, aber sie halten sich nicht an die Befehle Rabbu l-`Izzats. Sie werden nichts anderes tun, als gegeneinander zu kämpfen. Allahu Allah, Allahu Rabbi. Allahu Allah, Allahu Hasbi. O unser Herr, laß uns nicht in Händen unseres schmutzigen Egos. Sende 6 uns den Mächtigen Shah Mardan, daß er unser schlechtes Benehmen diszipliniert. Was machst du? Ich habe keine Arbeit. Ist das so? Selbst Esel haben eine Arbeit. Wie kannst du keine haben? Aber sie sind so weit gekommen, sich daran zu gewöhnen, an's Schmarotzen. Sie lernen nicht. Dann, "Fajliduhum Thamanina Jaldatan". Schlagt sie auf die Fußsohlen. Kann er danach je sagen: Ich habe keine Arbeit? Sie werden alle zur Vernunft kommen. Unser Herr, Du bist al- Qadiru l-Muqtadir. Wenn Du einem Deiner schwachen Diener befiehlst, kann er all diese Leute disziplinieren. Niemand kann dann sagen: Ich habe keine Arbeit. Wenn er keine Arbeit hat, legt ihn hierhin. Tut seine Füße auf die Falaqa und schlagt! Kann er in einer anderen Nacht auf die Straße hinausgehen? Ihre Frauen gingen auf die Straße. Wenn ihr sie erwischt, ist die Strafe, sie auf den Friedhof zu bringen und dort zu lassen. Bringt sie auf den Friedhof, werft sie dorthin und seht, ob in der nächsten Nacht eine Frau draußen sein wird. Alles ist in unserer Shariat. Die Menschheit ist ungehorsam. Sie wird freund mit Shaytan. Sie werden zur Besinnung kommen. Der Sahibu l-Waqt kommt. O Shah Mardan, dieses Feld gehört dir. Mögest du die heiligen Diener senden, die uns disziplinieren. Möge unser Tag gut sein. Möge er geehrt sein. Möge unsere Arbeit Dienerschaft für unseren Herrn sein. O unser Herr, mögest Du uns vergeben. Mögest Du uns einen Sultan senden. Du bist der Qadir und Muqtadir. Mach weiter, o Shah Mardan. Komm (15 von 16)04.07.2013 23:20:51

4317 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IdlersWay

uns zu Hilfe zu Ehren des Geliebten (saws). Fatiha. Werft die Frauen nicht ins Gefängnis. Bringt, wen ihr auf der Straße erwischt, auf den Friedhof und seht, wieviele von ihnen bis zum Morgen bleiben werden. Allahu Allah, Allahu Rabbi. Allahu Allah, Allahu Hasbi. Überlaß uns nicht unserem schmutzigen Ego, ya Rabbi. Mögest Du den Sultan senden, der unser schmutziges Ego diszipliniert, ya Rabbi. Fatiha. Warum solltet ihr sie schlagen? Weil sie "Ula'ika Ka l-An`ami bal hum Adallu" sind. Selbst ein Tier arbeitet und frißt, aber diese wollen essen, ohne zu arbeiten. Die Schmarotzer des 21. Jahrhunderts sind niedriger als die Tiere. Möge Allah uns nicht zu einem der ihren machen. Fatiha. Lefke, 06.06.2013

WebSaltanatOrg (16 von 16)04.07.2013 23:20:51

4318 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IfAllahKnowsWhatWellDo

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : IfAllahKnowsWhatWellDo


If Allah (swt) Knows What We Will Do, Why Were We Created?

(Mawlana Shaykh speaks with a guest.) Pray at least two raka`ats. (I will.) When you come home, take a shower and pray two raka`ats immediately. (Mawlana, I need to ask you something.... Allah knows everything, the past and the future as well. He [swt] knows if I will kill a man one minute later or not, He knows if I will steal or not, or if I will go to Heaven or Hell. He knows everything. If Allah [swt] knows everything, then why did He create us?) They said dunya is a testing place. Do you not test your students? Do you not know about their situation, their level? Why do you test them? (To see if they studied or not.) Allah tests us in the same way, to see if we are servants or not. Our souls existed before our physical beings, and our souls promised, “You are our Lord and we are Your servants.” He tests us to see if we keep this promise or not. It is all about this. (But Allah knows if we will keep it or not.) He knows, but it is different. He tests you so that you won’t say, “I did not know.” Allah (swt) does not need to test you, but it is for Him to show you, “Your life has passed like this.” (Okay, I understand this.) Now, there are two centers or poles in this world: first is Allah Almighty’s good pole; the other is Shaytan’s (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:20:51

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evil pole. You are in between.       Faman sha’a falyu’min wa man sha’a falyakfur. Then whosoever wills let him believe, and whosoever wills let him disbelieve. (18:29) (Allah is saying) “I will judge them in the end.” Do you not know goodness? (Yes.) Why do you do bad things? (I follow my bad ego.) Why should you? Does a man follow his donkey when he rides on it, or does the donkey follow its rider? What kind of talk is this, oh professor? (Of course, the donkey follows the rider.) But people let the donkey loose, allowing it to go wherever it wants. They say, “You ass!” to the donkey. Tawbah, astaghfirullah. (laughter) Does the man who rides on a donkey leave the control to the donkey? When you ride on a donkey do you say, “Go wherever you want,” or do you have a stick and direct him to where you want? The donkey goes where its rider wants. Whoever follows his donkey is worse than his donkey! This is very simple. You have a good understanding of what we say. We don’t want to go into deep subjects, because if I did we could speak until morning, but this is like a shortcut. If you follow the true ones you are on the right path and if you follow the wrong ones you are misguided. This is a simple thing! Do you know how many true ones are there in Nicosia? (Only a handful of them.) And the rest are deviant. Why should you follow deviant ones? Since He gave you the control-wheel, why do you drive to the cliff? Don’t! If you do, it is your fault. My body can be weak, but the saints who command my mind-reason don’t leave me helpless. Whatsoever people ask, we may speak. Fatihah. Lefke, 09.10.2011

WebSufiLive, CategoryDestiny, CategoryBiography (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:20:51

4320 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IfAPersonIsIllNoMoreTasteThroughIsMouth

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : IfAPersonIsIllNoMoreTasteThroughIsMouth


If a person is ill, no more taste through is mouth

Audhubilahi minesh shaitana rajim.Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim. La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l Aliyu-l Aziem...By the Name of Allah Almighty, most Merciful most Beneficent and most Magnificent.May Allah grant to me and to you good understanding... Grandsheikh, Allah bless him, always was saying: If a person is ill, no more taste through is mouth. First loosing taste; everything you are giving to him- to eat or to drink, everything saying: Tasteless. If you are giving sweet also, he is saying: Tasteless. Sour- saying: Tasteless. Salty giving- saying: Tasteless. Or very good prepared foods and meals giving- saying: Bitter. Do you think that meal is bitter or he lost taste from his tongue, from his mouth? Because he is ill and illness taking away to taste or to differentiate between salty or sweet or commonly loosing and nothing tasting. Therefore now people lost that feeling that about good things. Therefore if you say a good ting, he is saying: It is not good. If you are (1 von 8)04.07.2013 23:20:52

4321 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IfAPersonIsIllNoMoreTasteThroughIsMouth

saying truth, he should say: You are lying person. If you are speaking, he is saying for false: That is true, for truth saying false, for lies saying truth, for truth saying lie. Because they lost balance trough their mind, therefore no more difference. Therefore it is so difficult to address people, because you are speaking on truth and he is coming and saying: It is not true. Therefore mostly true ones and trustworthy people are escaping to come through communities, saying: No more. Fishes asking pure water, clean water to live in it, but mosquitoes like dirty waters, dirty place. True ones asking an average clean average that they may be able to find a good understanding or they should find a welcoming from attenders. If not they are saying? Why we are coming through these misunderstanding people? Their understanding is misunderstanding. For what we are coming to waste our previous times with them. No. And leaving and escaping. Therefore now through East and West you may find so many people claiming they are religious ones, or they are mystic people, or they are belonging to some Sufi schools, or Sufi ways- but they are claiming that they are in heavens, but really they are underground, not even surface of people, that first level of people are much more better than before because first level people not cheating. But they are claiming something they never reached. They are cheating people. Cheating people their levels under ordinary level or first level of people. They are coming down, That is big or biggest problem for people and real ones whom they are speaking wisdoms they are escaping form those people, because they don't like to cheat people, that people just accustomed to accept cheating to accept lies, therefore when they are looking reality, they are escaping. If someone coming from true ones, and they say: That cheating us and escaping form him. Therefore it is a dirty world now, you can't speak to people, you cant address them through East and West so difficult to find a real group of people, whom they are sincere people, really asking from truth, and there you can find only handful (2 von 8)04.07.2013 23:20:52

4322 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IfAPersonIsIllNoMoreTasteThroughIsMouth

people. Wa min Allah at-taufiq. Only Allah. Who asking from truth, He may send His guidance, and they may find true ones and may save their souls. Important is to save our souls, it is not important to save our physical being. Our physical being if you are saving it, saving it, if trying to protect it, 7o years, 8o years, 9o years. 1oo years. No more you are saving your physical being fnished. It is not important and it is impossible to save our physical being forever. Therefore impoortant is to save our souls, and people just cheated. So many crooks, cheating people, and from darkness coming through the hearts of people bad thinking. They may find someone that may speak truth, but through their hearts coming a bad thinking, saying: Maybe that person trying to cheat us. Finished, just closed down this way for them and they are imprisoned through their material being, no way to reach to their souls. Just they are covered and even a very small hole you cant find to reach to them. And this is making people to fall in troubles and cutting their ways for saving their souls, because bad thinking making a hindrance for their salvation. They can't reach to the hand of that person who saying: That person cheating me. May Allah grant us good understanding to understand from truth, and we have been offered to look after truth and to try to reach to truth, then to try to be with truth, then to be true ones, because divinely people or heavenly peoples group they must be very clean ones, very true ones. As a king has some chosen people around himself, his staff are his chosen people. A Sultan or a king can't bring to be in his royal presence to be from common people, but he is asking to bring in his royal presence chosen people. And kings never like a person imitated ones, no. Real royal people, must be in front of his royal presence, and Allah Almighty He is looking for His divinely (3 von 8)04.07.2013 23:20:52

4323 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IfAPersonIsIllNoMoreTasteThroughIsMouth

Presence most chosen people. One king was saying to one person to be in his royal presence and that one saying an excuse, saying: 'How you are inviting me to be with you, to be your servant, and you are servant of my two servants? You are not servant, but you are slave of my two slaves. How you are calling me to be with you? Your station is station. or your level is level of slaves.' And Sultan was so angry: 'How you are saying this? I am Sultan and you are accusing me to be slave for your slaves also?' And that person saying: 'Yes, I am that one who saying to you that you are slave for my two slaves.' 'Do you know me?' 'I know you.' 'You are fearing from me or not? If you are knowing me that I am that Sultan, that I am that Emperor whose Empire is spreading from East to West and you say this, and you say you are not fearing from me?' 'Yes, I am saying to you. I am not fearing from you, because you are a creature, and I am creature also. I am fearing from Creator. Or: you are a creature like me, therefore I am not fearing from creature, no.' (One person was in woods, working, and suddenly a person riding on a lion running towards him, and he was very fearful, trembling. And on lion there was a person with long beard, and he was keeping in his hand a snake like whip. And he was dressed a royal greatness from Allah Almighty. And that person going to tremble from lion and its looking. Asking that one: 'You are fearing (from that tiger), and I am riding on it? Don't fear, he is also creature like you. Don't fear.') That king was saying: 'How it can be I am going to be slave for your two slaves? I am never accepting this!' 'Yes o king.' 'I am a magnificent king, how you are saying this, you are not fearing me?' 'No, because you are slave for my two slaves', repeating. 'To me you are saying this? I never accept.' Saying: 'Yes, I am insisting to say this, I am not changing it. You are slave of my two slaves. One of two slaves is anger and the second one (4 von 8)04.07.2013 23:20:52

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desire. You are slave. Anger it is my slave. I never leave my ego to be angry, but you can't do. Now you are proving that you are slave, because what I am keeping, my anger, you are not keeping it. Because you are under your anger now- asking to kill me, to send me away, and that is the proof that you are slave for your anger. And also- you are king, you never send away your ego if your ego asking something, you are never able to stop your desires, physical desires. What your ego, or what your physical being is asking, you are saying: 'Yes, ready'. You are ordering on behalf of your ego to people: 'Bring this to me, bring that to me, I like this, I hate that, I am sending that, I am killing this'- all things that your ego and its desires ordering to you, you are doing. But I never follow my physical desires, no! You are slave for your physical desires. If I am finding something to eat, my ego never saying: 'It is a dry bread'. No, he is happy. But if someone putting on your royal table dry bread, you are going to kill him, because your ego saying: 'I am not that one to eat dry bread, you must bring to me moist delicious food to enjoy myself'. Are you living to enjoy yourself, or are you living for your Lord's servanthood?' -and he was dressing greatness, power from Allah Almighty's heavenly Greatness, and Sultan beginning to tremble- 'So that don't say to me: Come and be with me, come and be through my staff. No, I am not accepting.' Therefore- people now live for their physical desires. As much as possible they are asking to satisfy what their egos are asking, as they are thinking that they are created only to fulfil their earthly beings' desires. They are thinking that they have been created only for fulfilling their physical desires. That is main purpose, main target that people asking to reach on it through 21st century. No on asking: For what we have been created, and: What asking our Creator from ourselves? No one asking. Therefore people now are like that king- slaves for their angers. If they are angry, may kill each (5 von 8)04.07.2013 23:20:52

4325 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IfAPersonIsIllNoMoreTasteThroughIsMouth

other. If nations angry to each other, asking to destroy that nation, and everyone asking to be Nr 1 for eating and drinking an dressing and enjoying himself. Therefore- people just finished, they are going to kill each other. Such things are teachings of shaitan, satanic teachings, and people just lost the ways of Heavens, and they fell down. They are on earth and coming under earth. Therefore- don't think that problems or troubles going to finish! As more as troublemakers with ourselves, don't think that peace coming. Grandsheikh always was saying a tale from Sayidina Suleiman- peace be upon him and the Seal of Prophets and peace forever: King Solomon was moving with his armies and he looked that sun just covered. And he was thinking that cloud coming. Then looking that it was a crowd of Hudhud, this blessed bird that was carrying the holy letter of King Solomon to Queen of Shiba, that Allah Almighty making a crown on its head among every bird. A big number of that birds moving, just reached over Sayidina Solomon. And he was saying, he was calling their chief, and that coming and saying: 'As-salat wa salamu alaika, ya Nabu Suleiman.' 'Wa alaikum salaam, where are you moving?' It said: 'O King Solomon, we are moving from our first place to another, a second place. We are changing our first place for a new home, a new place.' Sayidinna Suleiman saying: 'Why you are leaving first one? What is the matter?' He said: 'Now it is going to be dirty, and dirty air, no good air now in our place, bad smelling and so much dirt in our place. Therefore we can't carry this any more, and we are moving'. And Sayidinna Suleiman was asking: 'That thing that making dirty your place, it is with you or you left it there?' He said: 'No, it is with us.' 'Even though if you are changing 1oo places, if that one that making first one dirty is with you, you make 1oo places dirty. Therefore go back your first place, don't make dirty second and third place!' Sending them away. Troublemakers with (6 von 8)04.07.2013 23:20:52

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that birds. 'If it is with you, no need to change place, everywhere you are going making dirty. You are never leaving clean place.' Sending them away. Therefore people now that make trouble, now troublemaker, if it is with mankind now, it is impossible to come peace. No way to reach peace people till they follow the heavenly rules. Everywhere they make it dirty, dirty, dirty. As yesterday we said: Shaitan urinating and saying: 'Clean brains, washing', but making much more dirty. If people are not leaving satanic teachings- satanic teachings are the main source of troubles- as long as people are following, they should be suffered; they should fight to each other. Every nation going to take away another nation, every part of this world- East asking to remove West and not to leave anyone, and Western part of world asking to take over Eastern people, not to be there, North part of world asking to take off South part of world, and South part of world asking to take away North part of world. And as long as people are not following heavenly teachings, but follow steps of shaitan and his teaching, they should fall. and more and more troubles, more and more crises, more and more miseries, more and more cursing should come on them. And they are never going to be saved. May Allah bless us and send us someones with their spiritual power to correct our leaders and to correct everything through our communities, to take away dangerous microbes and such a dirty and harmful cells from people, then they should reach a peace. If that ones not coming, going to be tomorrow more terrible, horrible, and dangerous from today and tomorrow should be much more troubles, after tomorrow much more troubles. May Allah forgive us. Bi hurmati-l Habib. Fatiha. Lefke - 22.05.2002 (7 von 8)04.07.2013 23:20:52

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CategoryFood, CategorySuleiman, CategoryAnimal (8 von 8)04.07.2013 23:20:52

4328 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: IfPhysicalPowerWouldGiveHonor

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : IfPhysicalPowerWouldGiveHonor


If Physical Power Gives Honor, Donkeys Would be More Honored than Man Stand up for the glory of the Lord of creation. If we can be able to stand up from eternaly to eternal it is nothing for the glory and the majesty of the Lord of Heavens, Allah Almighty. Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar! Ya Maalika ’l-mulk! Ya Dhal-Jalaali wa ’l- ikraam! Whole creation bowing in front of Your Greatness. O our Lord! Forgive us in this holy month for the honor of the most honored one in Your Divinely Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. Zidhu ya Rabb, give him more glory, more honor, more majesty, in spite of those Shaytaans and those whom following Shaytaan’s way also, from the sons of Adam Alayhissalam. Ya Sayyid al-awwaleen wa ’l-akhireen. Ya sayyidi! Alfu’s-salaat! Alfu’s-salaam `alayka wa `ala aalika wa ashaabika wa `ala man ittab`aka .. ...Ya Sayyidee, Ya rasulullah. We are asking intercession in spite of Wahabi people, Salafi people and in spite of whole.. wrong-ways people. In spite of all of them we are giving our highest honor to you because Allah Almighty just dressed you from endless honor oceans. Dressed you and and He likes you to be dressed always with honor by His servants also. You are the one who is representing the Lord of creation. O, Ya Rasulullah! Give us your intercession and ask for ourselves through this holy month `afuw - forgiveness from your Lord. And we are so so bad servants. We are not good servants. We are bad serevants and it is not an honor for mankind to be bad servants. It is good or best for the Children of Adam to be best servants; not only good (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:20:53

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servants (but) best servants of our Lord through this holy month. For the honor of the most glorified one, most blessed one, Sayyidina Muhammad (s) forgive us and give us much more power to be on your right path to walk on it with strong steps. destur Ya rijaal Allah Destur glorified servants honored servants! Look after ourselves. Meded asking from your Divinely authorities something to make us to stand up for the Lord of heavens. And we are saying A`udhu billahi min as Shaytani 'r-Rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. We are taking the sword of power (the) sword that granted to the deputies of the Lord Almighty. Because a deputy means that going to be sultan on earth on behalf of the Sultan of creation, must have sword and heavenly sword. Not it is from steel sword. No, something else that you can’t know it. We are asking that for defeating badness and Shaytaanic tricks; to defend mankind. As-salaamu `alaykum Ya `ibaadullah as-salaamu